Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, July 29, 1854, Image 4

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All virtues aro in peril when filial p'e'y
ive way.
The Buffalo papers report sixteen deaths
om Cholera dining last woek prino pally
reigners and strangers.
Fiank Smith was hung at New Oilcans on
10 7th, for the murder of his wife, whom he
rutally beat to death with an axe.
A Buffalo editor acknowledges his oblign
ons for Cincinnati papers drliveied to him
. 3 o'clock of tho day of their publication.
A country girl writing to her friends, says
f the polka, that the dancing does not
mount to much, but the hugging is heavenly
The Louisiana rope factory at New Or
sans, destroyed by fire on Hie 8th inst., oc
npied on entire square, and was valued at
Tils Greatest Gkneiui. of the Wai.
iccording to a statement vl.:ch tippers in
n Austrian paper, (lie Russians lost in the
lobrudscha no less than eighteen thousand
len from typhoid fever.
Firt)micTivE Farming. Col. Ili'iliert, in
he vicinity of Forfolk, Va., lias cleared this
easnn 81982 on potatoes raised on only 10
cres of land ; and his nclt proceeds from a
atch of 28 acres will bo S3, 000.
A Piscatorial Simile. A German nlma
ac remaik slhat a young girl is a fishing
od ; the eyes are the hook, the sweet smiles
s the bait, tho lover is tho gudgeon, and
narriago is tho butter in which he is fiied.
Tickles says, tho reason why tho ladies
vear such small bonnets, is a just idea they
iavo of making tiaturo and art correspond
laving nothing inside their heads, they put
is near to nothing as possible on the outside,
Tho brute!
Many Ports nut few Custom Houses.
t the present time we have in the United
States one hundred and twenty-nine ports of
'ntry and delivery, and only twenty-five fin.
ished custom houses, with eleven more tin
ier construction.
Tho fapal Government has been sorely
vlllicled by tho deseition cn tnnsse of forty
Swiss soldiers from the garrison at Maccrata.
This spirit of disaffection in tho battalions
I he government most relied on has caused
the aforesaid affliction.
California Lyrics. We clip the follow.
ing stanza from a patriotic contribution to the
Nevada Democrat :
Keep your eye ever fixed on the American Kiigle,
Whom we na the proud hint of our destiny liml
For that wire fowl you never eaii inveigle
By depositing nit on hit venerable tail !
n urrene rim. me uoston Tost IS
guilty of the following atrocity: Some ne
groes escaped from jail at Mariposa by boring
holes with an auger. Oilier prisoners were
placed in the samo room before it was prop
erly repaired, and likewise escaped by the
nigger auger route.
value or A I'ENSfr. An English paper
says the interest of one penny for i860
yr ars, at tho rale of five per cent, per annum,
compound interest, would amount to 6,606
813,355, with the addition of twenty-seven
ciphers, or upwards of six million, million
million, million, million, million, of sover
igns, or pounds stciling. We shall invest
one immediately for our posterity.
Kmbargoon Bibles-Trouble for Naught
Recently the British Foreign Biblo Society
went to considerable trouble and expense to
have the llible translated and printed in the
language of the Mongol Tartars, but the Czar
of Russia, who is the master of the Mongols)
having, in advance, forbidden its circulation,
the whole addition remans useless on tho To
ciciy s snuives in L.onuon. i tie czar evi
dently does not want Christian civilization
umong his Tartar subjects. Religious lij-lit
is no part of his system.
Narrow Escape. Old Mr. Fuddle fell
down in a puddle, just as a rrii-away horse
-i ii. ' . . .
ami suay came uasning ana splashing, anil
tearing the way; in helpless plight he roared
with fright the horse came quick, all gallop
Biid kick, when the old man raised his great
oak stick ; the horse then shied a little aside
for sticks wore no friends to his well fed
'hide. Within a foot of Fuddle's toes, wilhin
nil inch of his ruby nose, the whoel comes
whizzing, and on it goes. Up liscs Fuddle
from out of the puddle, and stands on the
load with a staggering stride, then wheeling
way from the scene of the fray, he flour
ishad his stick with hero's juide.
Mouk.t Assurance. "A good-looking
young fellow slopped all last week at Ma jo'
bull's Hotel, Cahuwba, (Ala ,) and ordurrd
his baggage dowry to the boat and went down
himself, without paying his bill." Said tho
"Sir, yon must not leave without paying
your bill. I can't a fluid to hire luivaiiis, und
pay for pioviiutis, and tiujid j.ei'idii ui
nothing !"
'You can't ?"
"Wrll, why in thunder, then, don't you ull
fill to tonK&oty I lull (mi .'"
Our informant is anxious to ilulk thai
man's hat, both ways, as sli.'hl tnbute of
lutprcl for hi liiuj.illict'iil iiui'U. lento.
A lnufti i. An i i in t-1 d ut puMflici
Ifcenily iiaynlad ainuiij Urn ninth. jIuiii
couu'.ies in tins Plain. Ha wis inoui.tid un
an animal Iium sppaiiii'o IciiA.-nid veiy
bad kerning, the meie daiix-Moik tif hai
)4 I mice bucu Loim. .tiding up ,
iluo of a counliy inn, lis iii.miit-.l id lit.
UndluiJ the to the nml loan. . Tim
lal, fuming out, .a fuicibly sliut. Uli
lb appliance t.1 ihs nin,al
ths mi, tUt U .!ks. ..i,n him
!. Uluie siting ibu uiimud ii.luiit.4i,.m
ll ltl l.',IMd .
"Wba Mli.t.1 )gtf t, if it Utf.if
lion I '
' I am MUi id the .UiJ l ,u
'r'-U.i.u iU l aii, U t ' J,i,,l4 ii,
fcl tWil1 I ii Isll tl il la, uid l
Ix'i (Mi".; its Ltaa) 4u lUis's bu
lit. t'S 441.1a, ll )VM lbi vlUti kit I Us iwl,
yvufl ustii tkUlt L.M4 AiiU iua i...' '
Galvanized Iron Tubing,
trtHIS Tubing, mado of Oalvoniied Iron by
J. patent machinery, possesses great, strength,
eombincd with simplicity and neatness, and is
warranted not to corrode, is now offered for sale
(Tt the warehouse of the
No. 14 Korth Tenth Street,
A full assortment of our American Galvanized
Sheet and Koolinjr Iron always on hnnd. '
All orders promptly nttcnilcd to hy
Phiia., May 87, 18il. 3m.
Spring anil Summer Goods.
J. F. Sc. I.r7 KLINE,
RESPECTFULLY annonnco to their frirmls
ami "ti c public in poneral, that they have
received at their Old Stninl. in Upper Auction
township, Northtnnhcrliind eonnjy, Pa., tlirir
Spring an J Summer Goods, and opened to the
public a full assortment of
Consisting in part of Cloths. Mack and fancy
Cassimcrs, Sattinctts, Checks, and nil kinds of
Also a splendid assortment of
Ladies Dies3 Goods,
Calicoes, Ginghams, Muslin tie 1. nines, I'laid
('aslimcres, l)c bcijcs, l.awns. iSie.
Also a fresh supply of all kinds, of
A fresh supply of Hardware and Queens-
ware, Drugs and Medicines.
Wooden Ware.
Also a larpc assortment of Boots nud
tsliocK, suitable for Men, Women and
Children. Hats and Caps, such
as Silk, Panama, and other
Hats, Salt, Cheese, i&c.
Call and Sec.
Cheaper than the. Cheapest,
All of vihich will be sold for rash, or in ex
change for country produce, at the highest market
tipper Augusta, May 0, 18.I.
This Way! This Way!!
Spring and Summer (lootls.
IJKSPEC'ITUMiY inform their customers
and the public, that (hey havo just receiv
ed alidopclicd the licstanil cheapest slock of
Spring and Summer Goods,
at their store in Market sipinre, Sunbiiry.
Their stock consists of every variety of
Dry (Hoods, viz :
Clulhs, Ciisfimercs, Sullincla, Vcslingf, ;
Flannels, ll'otlens, ifc.,
And all kinds of Spring & Summer Wear.
Also a splendid variety of
Calicoes, Ginghams, Chintzes, De Laints,
And every variety of goods suitable for La
dies wear.
Also a targe assortment of
Fish, Salt and Plaster.
Also an extensive assortment of
Hats and Cavs foii Men and Hoys.
Also a largo assortment of CiKOCtltl I-S,
Sugar, Teas, CofTee, Molasses, Sjiices
of all kinds.
Also a fresh supply of
Besides the largest nnd most general assort
ment of all kinds of goods to be hud in this
tV Country produce of all kinds taken in ex
change at the highest market price.
Sunl.ury, May 13, 1851.
New Goods for the People !
BKN.I A M 1 N 11 15 FKN K II
RKSPECTFl'LLY informs the public in gen
eral that he bus just received nud opened a
splendid block of
Sjiringiind Summer (loods
at his New Store, in Lower Augusta township.
His stock consists in part of
Cloths, Cassimers, Cassinets.
of all kinds, of linen, cotton and worsted.
Calicoes), Giughamx, I.awns,
MoiiNNfllae ltd l.alues
nud nil kinds of Ladies Dress Hoods.
Also an assortment of Hardware. Sron
and Steel, Naih, &c.
Also nil excellent assortment of
QUEENSWARE, of various styles and
pallet us.
Also an assortment of HOOTS Si. SHOTS.
HATS &. CAPS, a good selection.
Salt, Fish, tV.
And a great variety of other articles such as nre
suitable to the I rude, all of which will I sold at
the lowest prices.
IT' Country produce taken in exchaiigs a
the highest prices.
Lower Augusta, Muv Ii, 1 1. -
Fo v Sal e o v ll cut.
11 U tudweriber nllrrs for aln or rent bin
AN.MOKV, Kituuted in llie lloiirishiug town
of iVhaiiiokiu, N'orlhuuilH'rluiid ( 'mini v. The
tannery in well located and mipplicd with u foun
tain ol running water. The building in ..I IVamo
ii'l by '.'11 feel, on a stone biiseuieul. I'iie. yard
contains S5 vuU, nil in exeeileul old. r. HaiL
and hides are abundant.
Pnc.iiiii will be given iimurdi llely.
It' tho properly i not Hold, tho tuhscrilicr
would nol ol'jeel lo taking a god partner, one
who ruuld conic well recouiineiiilrd, m lie would
give .li' i nipl.n incut lo a gmid hand ul kimhI
win, it uppliculioii be iiuide noon. A tjieis it
no oilier tuunerv in M1..1111 kin. llm uti.iw albuds
ii op'ioituuiiy logo into ibe Iiimih, mIJoiii
Mi4inokin, June 10, II.
t ( lot u ami DuUlt
Miitlit , J iuof f tUt tJ the Hal i.i iil Il 4ttj
Suiibuiy, Fa.
KAIMoNl 1 KlillKM; Aril
W'utitu. J iliy( A , wk hi4 1 l mil m 11 tl
litlfUU lit i
d"iti l I li' tl.tjiu! U"ti.
fcui.l.uiy, My t, i U,
J AM til U:UU3, Jr.
11. TT'TTI IfT WTT) "
IW .' im4
Si i 4 tO ;,ik f'l..l K.'.t.l,
41m.,. 4i.Ii,
1 r 1 iuii, fe.iu, ii..., u.4.4. u. it-
I 4u.( l,i.... m.i.a A. . lu tif
lul, , wij IU.iI. mUi.iiU I
I'ImU, klf O. l..--iut.
1 .SI - u
1 I". l. I s . .1
I'M.Wl.l I
1. U l.lJ J 14 I m,
.1,4 aI kl I. l.ii
J. II U HI io.j U.
For the Metropolitan Clothing Store of
Market Street, oppositilhe Post Office.
"IXfR have just received and on hand now the
' moiit beautiful, largest and best assorted
stock of ready-mndc Clothing adapted to Spring
and Summer wear ever before brought into
Sunbury or any place in this section of the coun
try. Our Clothing made by the best hands and
under our own supervision, we know will give
entire satisfaction to buyers. Still adhering to
our old motto "Ckrnpfo'r Caxi," we'll dispose of
our goods reasonable and rapidly. All wo say
is: come, examine and price our goods and we
feel sure you'll buy.
We ofter you at the very lowest prices every
imaginable variety of Coats, Vests and pants, cut
in the last fashion and warranted to fit. (Moths,
cassimeres. s.Utinctts, linens, drillings, jenns,
silks, satins, and all other kind made into Clo
thing. Also a large assortment of Roots and Shoes;
among these a si lendid variety of ladies shovs,
ladies and gents gaiters, &c.
Panama, Palmleaf, Pearl and all other Hats and
Caps wc have a great variety of. Also a great
lot of trunks, valises and carpet bags for sale cheap
We have a splendid lot of watches, and nil
kind of Jewelry suitable tor Indies unci gentlemen.
All kinds of Revolvers, double nnd single
barrel Pistols, Aeeordeons, Shirts, Collars nnd
all oilier goods generally kept in our line can be
loiinil nt our store, all ol which we ni'ci ii to sell
til the very lowest price. Don't forget the place,
(i. KI.SUUKO fc Co.
Market Square, opposite the Post Oliice.
Snnbury, May (, IS.'i-l.
lli'HiIv lntcrcslinif Mows !
IJlli inf.irmatioii brought to us by the steam
ship Asia of the sodden decline of Plour,
Indian coin, fcc. in Kuropc, is no doubt interest
ing to some, nnd therefore it must be also iuler
esting to a great many others to know that while
there is so much lluctimlion in the price of
HrcadsttilVs at home and abroad, there is nothing
to died the low price of tho
large and Excellent Stock of
junt received by S. Schnurmaii & Co., nnd on
hand nt there storo
On the corner of Market and Fawn Streets,
directly opposite .lohn Young's store, where tlicy
wilt be pleased to wait upon all those who wish
to buy good uml cheap clothing. Also a fresh
supply of
W atches, Clocks, Jewelry, &c,
which lin y have purchased at n very low price
at Philadelphia and theret'oie call atl'ord to sell to
their customers at the most reasonable prices.
They still, (after some experience in 1 nsiness)
cling to the good motto, "cokac foii cash, ('all
nud see for yourselves.
Snnbury, May fi, ISol.
rmi.sovs patf.vt
Ventilating Furnace.
MIIK Pit). set iher would ';dl llie ;i1 1 nt i-u f tilt p-ulir
1 rfitiiriHir n dturnWi- KI HN An.. ... 'llllo'S
( Kl.i:illtATi;i WAll.MI.Mi AM) VKNTIl.A TlNli
The rqmt;tln'n ff tin rnriiiir is mnv well kii"vii,
liiivuif? I'cen hitridu('d, ilui tiur llie purl five ytvirn. into
nli'nt 1.jH( piiMic Ittiiltiiiitxtf, mill ni'Tc llirm t-niHi pi ivulc j
(Iwellim:?; thiK, iutii'T Willi uu uiiiDt'iise iu'Tch!' t
biI'-p every ye;ir, in tli lest eviiU nco lint tun It :nlttiieiil
of its niiptMiDihy over nil other I'uiiiiices.
J ty the tiPL ni' V'inI m's l-'uiiiuii', you secure the fcllow
iuir iKlvftiitii'jei' :
Khgk Vkxtii.atiox,
I'crf Air I lie lieiitittp Burfjiccs licing :it a temperature
Unit will not ilitKtr:itt the iiir.
Ohkat lii-KAUiMTV iH-tiijj iinwle eiit itfly of CiiM Irnn,
nol li.-ihle to niM. will require norepaiis ihn ing n lu'eliiiie ;
it i rriPily iiimiit'i'-I, imtf will iml expose thn liiilliii:r in
which it is plaretl to Hunger I'roin tire like the. other limiu
crs. We have the tectinitMiials of huiulrnls t f the moiit sci
rntilir men. to nllePt to the truth ol' the iiImVh Klati inent,
nil of hiin proiioiince it to he Uen!''llv Hie heft l-'nrnare
yet jmertted. ir pr iiicin-i a pure ami h.-altiiy titni
pliere. Wc hercwitli nnuex th trinieM of n f.-w well
ktionai nit'l eniiiieni ProiVMrs, wh" havo iifeil iliem, mill
kiinllv fnniiFlied iih their nainen i: refer eiircn :
l'rof. John S. Hurt. Trci. Paikert lrof. -irl ni.
I'iih. Wm. II. Allen, l'rof. Vain- n, l'rof. Paiia.
Vrnf. II. MtliiiKiii, I'mf. Kipl.'V,
nisi: .vz ;.?.
XV c hive lutr ni'lee 1. thi tronvm, hve nv nies; tt t
thai all p:irliej tiny a vail tht iiicelvt s of i,:s u'H-nt imprni'e
llieilt III tl Very liiotleralt v-ht. We llie uov pirjiitieil o
Itii'Mifh an iippitraijjs, to v:inu u kiiIl loom, i the lar
gest pul lie Itttil-luij; in ill- e( tnitry.
.N'. I.
Wt.ihle. L'otnplelo.
fr llriekwttrk,
llxlni It.-KiiaLur. (inclmliu'i li irf mm Trt-iieli
j IIH5J - ,il
k u a tt .. .. .-(
ii 5 it u 't ti . n7
It (J, l( it 4 ti . .
'I'd i X'. 't i k I in? I uce t ini ! p"vemil ruiu tt e
made in tlitM-.iutilry. imkI -nlintin)ly u.l.ip!cvt li I lnneli
v uml nllnT Inrc: eiisi luiiltlins.
W'c eittiinin to h II t lie a;t'iraiiiK :it llie r:iii;e ptieo :m
w lan tirt luLrotlnectl, In c yearn t'jro Alili ujIi llie pi e
teul Iii-:Ii price i.) iron lia. inereatil m ii c"l ,' pel eetn.
nwinj! t'i thfir 'ivat wei-lit ntlll wc are rnal.Vil, ,y llie
giiMt inereaw 'l kiIi-h, to lirnuh 1'ie afliele nt the l-w rnl
IiriH.-tllili price, i 'in' I'litiiulry nl ne, .Mcmih. WacmeU .V
.etlirau'll, liave e nil rueleil In turniMli im vnli ihiij i'i
1'urii nf ni-aii, a tlutt we ate imw prepairtl to
fiimiJill Iliem wll'lrilo ft rel ill. We Hi;verinl.-ttil lite
ereef ion ol till I-'unuictn, wiuu iepiircil, i n I w iriunl Iliem
in all eahe.
We liavn ai-t Uu huvmI enmleli ("onkin? Hancr tlml
li il yet biwn inlriHtucetl, tk wlncli we euil (lie nlti'i.tnai ol
all wlin may wii t weenie llie in &t pt-fleet an J tit.; iral!e
e vilillii: pp;traIllH ever iiiienliil.
Wc are llie only .ir ii n iii letivlvaiiri 'r l!n- in.iiiut";ie
tme ami tuili ol linn enlit ttoi . w !nc,i m iielviinwieitc 1 1
he (lie only pctlee. t t;lil itur ever in " a' e r t ee lie;
lift rait;l m klii"V elitimileK, ainl f.-r Veiilihil in liuM-
j int. 4 all kiuil. n tin I' art u .umI fmny ititilal i ic - i
tins valn:iltle itrlie!.- n w U i -t .r k.i'c. .irti-i ; ill l'
cart Ittl to rxniioiie Ifi'jt it l.:if It.e I jin rs u ! rljr riM:ic,nl
e liai lli Itiru"'"! aiult:i st i'tiiplete us altnt nt (
Hot Air Hi i-th ri in I . Kliliil..i to U IomimI hi Um- I Do
!;ite. I'.il n h v Iio u i.-li I pno ji.i,-, nt, . r i.i pu
v.lle ii,,-,.r vii..-iU. Will lint llyn.ii; t . lin a j.l. ul
lage to i , iiiiuii our Mli eV.
si, vn: ano tiu m nti.i:s.
live ut-iH in duel ua rxiiinnt? iim .iiirnot ..
Hi.-..-1... i.e, 1.. 1 M
Sllltilli , l,,(l,v.i ,
1' . IU emet liin!:ili ll o( . j-t t,ni,
'iiiri. tout oilier rare 114.11 lit.
U'i; (.K A I IS
An.liiiieitt' Mil l Itiiuiiitaoitt i' -it. A'mi, imriilKc
1 n-iv I
li rn iri lw tl- - 11 to. ne, iikfU- It - 10 Ll,.- l..i --
I1.I1 I'.iili r as. i-itil -nt 11 t
Nil, . VI. KYI'S l -l I
In W IM tloji i-ouiit 1 .
!'.' ioli Hue in.i le 'o -riec
I ill', I1.1rul.1lk I mimiii.'v l. uifl lufia r-.-l.i IIiiiu
to, -mi, .11, It H. I utr-t. 11 V . A -
I'l'ist ;il..ul l-iiii li.itf. l ii'.l l IV.-M to ex iiiiuii. , ,ii,
I- l l.,. -1 -ll,-ls,.ll- , l !l,if V l.ll'.l-, a I e-'l-illthlllltlH
ll'-l, ll, i .titriH, w Ii' IM'.I ul i.ui ,-li-itivi
Hfl l'WSIl. MImI Wlli l.- Vl' .ll-'UUI ! lt.,'iV I'l lllllll-1,
in.v ml -iu tiK.ii n -,.4. 1 ,,i u, iy ! .-in ii.. ,U lu tl in.,) M
I..IIU.I, A I. -it t .t 1111,1., ut..l VYiii. liiiiii , i .
Ifct'l jJtlU.I" H..i) Ml I 11 l.l, I. Ii I M-tt, .jl , u t .
t V II All II IMi IN,
VV ttiiiiKi; Ht, I V i.lil-.i i,iij .11. ,. iu-..-,
Il-i il.u.t i I- l-.-.v ismit.
11.4 ' uklt.,.t.t
Ma) ll, - ..-llm
Tlw Eyo PofuttoJ.
uu.- r
. i.t
ukl.H I
...... I, ..I
in I. I, lll.l, I
-l -t.t
Fi tut lttuc,l in .Site '.'ti ttm.l.
l ity I'-int iii-iv'i' l!''liiliiiii ui
D. 0. COLLI. NS is. CO.
i MM ti ItiH ('.. -H.M.rVta
AU.i, 4,,it .Vn,, Sn, in.- (i,, .!,, uh I
, illicit I'.i,tlin4 u nd I'lit, ill lite
lti.,1. ! .Ulv l. i-' in, it.'lte In 11 lliii .lul.
M) I I.I. u I in .'I tl' I
l, . Ui.M l4tl)l t Mlll ll till III
ilvu-tk Iii i U 4 t .ilu I.
I'l..i4 . M.) '!, I'M U
A I'll.l a ti uJ. Bi 1.1,4 4I.J Kiti turn
l.aaU, III.. k au4 l.i.. i di,M ,la,
I I 'IM, Ill 1.414M4. t-b-Ur, lllt'al.aiM. 4U4 I -
4lM n.l lil, . nut. I at. I l"l a.lai
'I I . t .1.14 U
u.iii'. 4it ii, Il-i
carnt i rrlvnl or
INFORMS his friends and customers that he
just received an elegant assortment of
At his Store in MarSet Street, Snnbury, which
he offers to the public at tho lowest prices.
His stock consists of a general assortment o
Dry (loods, viz :
Cloths, Cassimers, Ccvistncts, Jeans, Drillings,
Muslins, Linens, Calicoes, Muslin de
Lams, Lawns, Ginphams, Beragrs.
Also a large assortment of CLOT HI NO.
A large assortment of Boots and Shoes, for
Men, Women and Children.
Silk Hats.
Tanalna, 1'alin leaf and oilier Summer Hats.
CUOCKIIIKS of every variety,
fugar, Tea, Coffee, Molasses, Cheese, Spice
Fish, Salt, Ac.
Via : Iron and Steel, Nails, Files, Saws, &c.
Tea Sells, I'latcs, Dishes, Cups, Saucers, tfc
Wine. Brnutly, Gin, Rum, Whiskey, 4c
tV Country produce of all kinds taken in ex
change at the highest market prices.
April 8, 1S5 I. y. .
Collegiate Institute.
R. HILL, A. B., Principal.
Rev.C,. J. EI I REM ART, A. M.
'Feather ff Mainland Mental Science, Kri
denrrs of Christianity, ijc.
Tiadur nf Primary Department,
rTlllV. lirst session of 1 1 iih Institution, located at
bliaiiiokin, Northumberland eounly, I'a.,
will connneiice on Wniir.siiir, the 10th day of
Mat, I Ml.
The year will be divided into three sessions of
fourteen works each, thus allowing u vacation of
four weeks in spring and autumn, and one of
two weeks during the holidays.
'J'lie Institution will comprise three departments,
A I'kimaiiv, Aciiii Mie nnd Coi.t.ixiATK.
The course nf instruction in these will be full
and thorough, embracing all the branches usually
taught in these respective departments.
liATi.s or Tl tiov :
Primary Department, per session, !j4,00
Acadeiiiie " ' r.0
Collegiate " " 8,0l)
A large anil spacious room has been secured
I to unci the wauls ol the Institution, until the
neee.-wary huiMiuus are completed.
lioardiui; can lie obtained in private families
at rcasonaMo rates.
The ISnaid of Trustees will spare no pains or
labor, lo make Shamokin Co'legiate Institute,
worthy llie patronage and confidence of the ohn-
m uiiilv.
For further particulars, address Kinibcr ('lea
ver, Ks'., of Shaui'ikin, President of Hoard of
Trustees, or l!ev. C.J. llhreharl of 1'axinos,
Norlhunil eiland county. Pa.
Miamnkili, March 1, 1831.
S USU V K 1 1 A X X A
VAIl.I. in ike regular trips for carriage of Pas-
" senders between Sunbury nnd Northum
berland every day, except Sunday, on ami ul'ler
Monday, Apiil ' till.
The boat will leave the wharf lit Sunbury, at
R o'clock. A. M., 11 o'clock and :t0 iiii..uti'S A.
M., and ." o'clock lilt minutes, P. M. ,
IlYturninu:, will leave the outlet lock at North
umberland, ut N o'clock and 1 5 minutes, A. M..
1 1 o'clock ami 45 n.iiiutes, A. M., nnd 5 o'clock
and -to minutes, P. M.
l'are, 1 11 cent. Excursion tickets, good for
one day, IS cents.
c-uuluiry, April 'i'.l, llsol If.
(I KoltC K W. COJ1L K,
IU r.sPKt'Tl'I'I.I.V iinnounccs to the ciliens
- ot'Snnhuiy and vieinily, th-il he has a.iin
opened a Dauerreaii liuom, irtnl is picparcil lo
take lil.enesses. lie warrants his pictures to be
sali.-t'.iclory to nil wis'iiui; true repesentatioiis of
tbenist-Kes and Ciirtids. Special attention is paid
lo -1 1 1 1 1 -1 1 . ( ojin s taken with accuracy. In
structions niien on reasnnalde terms. His room
is at the old place, ill the (irand Jury liooin,
(county builihnizs.) opciatin hours from A.
M. lllilll ,r) P. M., wilhoul repaid to llie stale of
the weather. Copies should be sent in on cloudy
Snnbury, April 2 'J, 1S5 1. if.
W SKil KMIX. TlhiMO n'.M H L.
c UN Kit A I.
vConimissicm iUcvcljantr.
n k v r. i: i: n c h s.
Thou. I!ii b.irdsoii Cu. l'biladi-ljihia.
A. ('. Calli !l V Co. '
Puller i Patles.iu,
Charh-K Pllis & Co. "
lliir'jin A Suns, "
Phiia., April f, I - ty.
v vti::'T
s v 1 1, i: s ,
Sold at their
o. ; l M.iihit .ii'it,
It Il.iy, Cii.,1, un,l I'.ilnli'is' M' Al.l'S,
set in liny put ot Ibe i.iunlry, hy tvjein nci-d
woikmcn, itnd ut short imlii e,
l lula., Apnl K, IS.M. - ton.
linscialulc 1 1 tli'tinlie Cement.
.lu rurllctt ttttttte fin' Limn- Ctsfnus.
Imuni il. 1. 1 I ilnii.t,
VND for Li-. piui; iUuipui--Mi
i-iitte,l wjll.t. For .ile I-
fioiu wit and
tui.e.l w I or .ile l-v
i it vtii.iis Mii:i'Ai;i)sMll ii,
Cormr ol Fioul mnl Willow Ms. Katlitad.
I'li.j,le l.u, A i til - In.'il. ly.
I i:i i:t l i t l i. v ini.iiio. iim iitiiu
ll.e llinoiili ul' hiiuhuit slid v l . l 1 1 1 v , llml
lui liu 4 ini4linu!lv In .lid Iiiiiim ll III
liiiionti ; and ollt-i. Ins pioti-..ioiil M-iiu-t-s 1,1
lliow ului liny wiidi Iii ntiili,y bun. Km lite
j.n m iiI he i in l louiitl at WiaMi. lloli l.
Kiinl'iit), It, IS.M.- tl.
I x. u.M.n a, ut ,
M'MU UV, I'A.,
t' iu. I !-., in-1 a I'le.H xiiiidv nl in w
I" Hi It. i. si.. 'I'll, ii In. and the t,u .
In- . le-i-ii llolti I, .pit .led l.i ull and lu- , tl
lln iii. Tin uill attl l i In (i. tmi k .alt
4it.l .null I'lt.lil'' I. .Itll Itutir tuottii.
Miuii'uii, I' i , A put i'i, M.
AIM Ml l'l' .. ln.,1,.1 ..
1 1. lilt nsi Iv IilW. V m l and J ul UsU,
.Uj I L.iIi, I mi, II.;, ,b, .Naiy aud MiliUia
t aj . L4 ak low Iiji
ii. i:i nt:iiii j, hi.
VKlUl .lll.l, U ..t4l4 III I'uai OHlC,.
Ai.iitlittii , 1 1, 1. S, I at J. ...
11 I'I hi l.i.!. I day ai.l ! l.ui ,..N a.t.l
WujJ.ti . J, I'i. aii .Nyla,
I yl Uai.114, liuj I'lylMa. u. ll.d and lui
i i .
M A k.WUU.
Ilt,lt.t4, l.) , l( l
flj ft I Ml k4 M Jmiij l-tl I4M t l4 l
I W i l "' ' - .).
vtr .r..i.-.r;"'. -a a w
Far the Care f
coughs, c01.d3,
hoahsemess, bron
chitis, CROUP, AS TR
TO ci'ltK A COI.ti, with nuADAcua ajio oi!i!
itt the Issly, take llie i iierut Pn-ToaAi. on nonig lo twit,
aail wnp up warm, to wtt iluring tlir nii;lit.
Kor a (ioi.i, aiii Col-oil, tnkc it moriiiiig, iimnnml eve-
llimr. if.r,irfliiw lit iriH-liitii. n,t tltf It title, anil tho itimt'lll-
!) will simhi lie rcinoviil. None will l-ng nlleT from llui
Irnulile whi-a they tinil it call lo rianllly eliml. l'erai with a mulctl rimxli, which lireak tliem of their
rest nt iiisht, will Bail, by taking the Cherry l'eetnrnl on
going l Im-iI, Ihey mnv lie sare ol iuiiu, iniiii".eii tin-.-e,
itttil riiiisi'iinsiillv r.-rrt-ithiiitr rest. Great rellfffrnlll stiller.
mil, nail na tilliii'mte care, is nfloiitnl t-i lliiiasaaits who nre
Ihuft nlllietetl, hv this invnhlnMe reinetly.
Frtiin Un nert-Milile effect! in Ihesc eaies, many find
thenist-levs unwiUnig to forego lit use when llie liet-t-Mily
for it litis eensi-tl
l-'rom two einiaciil Pltvieinttt hi
Faukttevim.k, Tenn , April to, IMt.
Pir : We li.ivc gircii v'lir Olierty e ti,rnt on eslensivc
Irial in our pineliee, nail fiiul It t" ilrt.i"s every nthet re
nieily we have for cm ii'S iiirerti,.n nf lite resptramry tr-
giiiai. lilts. HA.Mnu.n.
I 11 SIA It I. lis A.N U l"l 111. 1 1. M-r,.oo,li tint,
in itivalaalilf. its hv Us netioinni the llir .nut limes, when
titkeii in inoll it:in1il iest, ll reinovesnll hoaiwnewill n Irw
h"iira, uml wniiili riiilly increases the Hiwcruml llcxilnliiy
oi ititt viiee. ,
AS THM A is vfin-ralK- nineli rele'vea, antl eitra wnoiiy
eilrttt Ity Cherry IVi ti,nil. Hut llierr are s-une eiiK-sso tlt-
sliti:ili' us to yit-1,1 tralirely t-t nit metarule. Cherry l mo
ral will curt- llifia, ii iln-y e;tn lie enreil.
IIIIti.M 111 TIM, or irrilititn in nie iiimiu ntin nptvi
put I inn til' I lie lint"'. Illtiv ls ettfetl t,v Ink ilt)T Cherry I'e tiv
nil iii smnll ami Ireipirnl il.tsis. The unciinloitutile o-pri-si'iit
is S'fin ri-lh-vetl.
Ilev. ll,K'l. I.A.NM.Mi.oi nr,t,-Kiyn. m-v ii-f,,",
"I havo st-t-ii the Cherrv rti-inml erne sneh enses of
Asllinta unit llroiieliilis as liiule nic to t elit ve it ran rarely
fail In r-tlfe lli -. tlismptrs.1
Kdlt rttrirp. CWc an rmelieur nnlimnny. 10 no
full iwt-tl hv l ir-'t- mnt :'r.--pienl il M of Ihc Cherry 1'ts-tn-lal,
mini i-Piilslnei Ihe disease, ll taken in season, it will fnil In curt.
WIKMil'IMi Cdl'CIt may lie tiroken lip ami noon ca
rett hv Ihe use nf I henv I'ctMral.
Till". IM'l.t l .N' isspeetllly remnveil by llus reine
ttv. Ntiiiieroim inslaie-is Inve h'-i a li'ilii-i-t wln-re wlmle
families wore protwliil from "cy p-riom enapetiueiices,
wlulf tht-jr n.-i-j-It!,-.rst. wiUmul Ihe Cherry I'ccl-irul, WHO
ulli-rii'v- Ir.nii llie ile-easf.
r. J. C. Aver: S.i.vM.OIiio. lllli Jane. tc."tl.
I wtiie I-1 t"til',,rm v.n t Hut treiv renrirkalil.. elleets ol'
vmir CHIlltKV I'l'.CI'iHt At. in I'.iis place, anil ill my
iiu-ii t'anelv. One nf mv tl:t n-hi ,-rs wits e-implt'tt'ly eart-tl
iiilhrre tb'ys el a tlre-nliiil WiitMiriNu I'ocr.ii. .y Inkina it.
Dr. .Means. ,.ne t,t nnr vt-iv l,e.-t plostei ins llcely plates
lhal hn eniislilers il llie heal r. iietly we have pulmonary
tlleaPCP. nml llial he has enrt-tl III 're eases of I'HocP with
il than anv oilier nn-ili, iue he ever wlmmiPtcri it.
dm elerirvmen nl lite llaplist Chun h aavpthat ilorins
the run of n i knza here this e;is-'n. he has peetl cures
from your metla -me lieeoultl n-areely liavi; believed x illi-
''"YoMr"' respeetlatlv. J. D SINCLAIR,
llepi.ty I'oslinasler.
From the ilistinsnislird Prnfesmr of Chemis
try rnd Mi lerin Midxrr., llm -ioi'ii ('allege.
I have foioiil Ihe CllKllltv I'EfToiiAi., as ils iimretlieiils
show, a powerltil remt-tly for d'ltls, ami eiilijltip, unit pul
monary diseases.
Taskhk Cuevkuxp, .M D.
l!l:iN,WM K, Me., l-'elt. l-l".
lilt. VAI. I-'ATIM-: Mti'I'T.
The widrh, rdt hralcd I'rojrssor nl Surgery in
the Mcdienl Cnllcec, S-ir Ynrk City, says:
'It Sives tilf pleasure lo c.-itify Ihe value ninl ellirney
ttf -aCkb's Ciikiikv Pl.t iokai.,' whieli I eonsiiler peenli
lil Iv ailaptetl lot-lire dlseasi-s of lite Throat ami I. lines."
Cure.! ol Pi-VFlf iliPe:Res upon llie l.nnes have lieen ef
feeletl hv CnciMiV 1-p.c-roBAl. ill Pueh exlr. uu- eaves as
warnuil the heliel I hat a reuie,ll has at length Is en louml
lhal can lie ilepi-nilt tl mi lot-are the C ui-ihs. C-iitls niul
Consumption whieh curry fioiu our iiiiiIn-I I lious-inils every
vear. It is lii'leeil a tn.iiu-ine lo whieh the lilhieletl can
lo ik With cnfi lenre lor relief, antl Ihey should not fail to
avail llir.mel t-s of It.
Prepared ai,d sld hy J A MVS C. AYLR,
Practical Chemist. Lowell. Mass,
Sold in Sunhury by II MASSP.U, nnd by
Driiiuists'y throughout the .''late.
Julv tit), 1 ".VI. ci-ow 1'-. Nov. 13. '52.
Spring and Snminer style
19 South Third Street, oclow Chestnut,
11 AVE unusual satisfaction in calling attcn-
"linii to their larse and varied stock of Mole
skin.'Prab, Heaver, Dili r, Panama, and a variety
of Straw and Sept Hats.
Centleinen's suinmer Caps of all descriptions.
Children's Fancy Kinhri-idcivd and Plain Caps
Mraw Hats and Caps, Misses' Plats, etc.
I'if ' Parlit-ular iillriitioii is called lo a While
and Nankeen I'li-n.-Ii Pill Hat, of our own im
portation. Phiia.. April lSol r.m.
One third eU'uper than irliite lead, and jrec
from (ill p i sow n'S truuiitcs.
The .'v Jisc3 Zluc ( unspany
A VN(i ;ri-:it V islr.r.'fl lli'ir v mp, nml ttit;r. vl
tho jii:i;ii v t tin ir piiluclh, art- iicjt.ucti li txccntc
tinlt'ii i t linir
Pry, mi! !':tiil in i il, m -rtcit :ick:ii;cs i if hum 23
I try, it i ten it i f 'J'"' p ''ii M'ls ri'li.
'I'ti- ir wiuif me. wlin ii i .1 -III mv trt'"iini in nil, is i.iii'i tl I'm .. ami iiumii i;i jii'il lm I titiil miiluriu
v Itili u
A iHi-lli-i) of rv;vtr:itii.n W.i:- rfc-'utly Ifotl tlisrnvriiil,
hIi-Ii 1-11:4! -t. tLo I' ittp:iti)' (i v:irr.iitl tin ir umit In
lrii.ii mm s -it in k LU I'i-i miy n-iis iu:i!i- tint'. Inthn
rsj-ct ihcir .uut ill I'C mip'-i i-r l' miy ntlu-r in llie
in irki't
'l''n ir t-r 'vii mm pniiit, vlii Ii i ", ai n nv price.
Mini ivin i 1,1; In- in-it Ii ln'iM tin un" irt fnnii cv J'i'-m-v.
if ivw 1 !l kn - wit l'r H pr -ti-t tive tpi tiltn lu ll
jp;'itil t'i ir -it r il!n-r iiic;iln' Miruii'm
TIh-k bh'i'i 't:tr uut p.'H.'wr.i nil Ilu; pfipcrlu-i nl'tl't
Ill-'W 11, mnl if i'i .111 c i r I'.T iliillit
I '!. 'I. 'nt I. in. Ii'ii:". ISitt' : . A f.
I KK.Ni 11 A KU IlAliliS,
Wli'-fi'scilf I lr:''tT! 'iml mipi'i h-l .
V. r r. ul Htili , Mnrkc-tSta., IMl.l.i.U-lpli.;!
1'iiil i.Vij l.i i, A,. 1 .! I- -I - lii-i.
Hill subscriber, mle a-.'i nl for Ihe sale of
PcrtiM-in Ctt.intt in Pnti.tilciphia, is imw'.iiUnj tl.i- f.dlitu iif' 1-.s1-1s, iliteet from the
Chini-h.i N!'in U :
Ship ISirinvo, ... l.'tllO tnlls.
Iii;. Itiirlitiloii. . - - ', ".II I, nis.
Slop I lorn. I, ... .'.III! t.'iis.
Miip 'I'.'i'.t, ... -.'HO us.
wln hiwil be sulil in lots In nil 1 un li.t-i n, al
Ihe ItiiM-si i.ih piit'i a.
s.j. ciii:isn,
('..,,',-. (;..' t- IV,ii,r..)
No. H North Ii. tuts, and Ut Nuilh Water
Sin. I, l'lnlj,li l lll.l.
April 'i'i, I s j I :tui.
Cr I Fa CI XXtl
111' .tibsi-i ilu r l' ti axe rcjieclfullv Iii iu-
l.trnt Ins lit, 11, 1, und llie piijilie i;eiii-ialty
that ho ill iuiiliuui- the t.ii.ineaa ui a
Cubinet Mitktu' rimliui; Store,
in all lis itioui Inanilii ul llie nl,l .l.itnl. No.
Pit S.tlllll Seiollil .1., al. I'lllUtlil
pbii, nu t . -pi-i lliilly ..tilt hU a I'liiiiitiuaiu'i' nl
llie lerv p iliiiliue bealoutd up.ui lll late
firm nt T. .V I.. 'I'boiiipMiti, u.urnii; hi. Invuil.
ill i, I'i 11 V CM III, til dl l e llll'lo by Iiiiiim ll and
lb, iv in In. i-uiplnv lo infill 4 louliiiiuiim ul
it" ir uiui h 1 It 1 un d I n, ,1..
'I HUM s ' IIuMI'miN.
I'I.,! 1 , Mm li I, H.I. . 1,, .
CIHl ll I'PSM kiiIi and with, nil raara,
ln u-tll,) ttltlU, i. r.t-rlli-.l,
A l-.i 1 I111.I1 aiip ply "I W hIiim I t'll, I, lor mIs
II. II. !YM.
unl'U', !'. Si, I vl
Vjl l;il'n I'.-tf PM'K i'f J M Mt C.
It Hit, 4 u ') J .! mm,. I, In
4i ) u. ti. i .i.i:it,
hiii.i.ui , J411, III, 1 1't'J.
KMH Iih Kit I Ml III III .nl
an I U-1 il
j ll l,.. -!, I.11 al l
II. U. M V"t:W.
in.! ulv, Ji III, Is.i -
ft v 1 1: r
111(11 I IM V
I Ull lt-mU4 M Ml lJf
uitkwr. AjmiI. i. iil
.! al Una y.itt.,- tab.tM4 Ulk Ifk,
.ilia l..l ,u. .1 . 1 l-, I wl L.-.MS
Iiim., I, i al
Look to your Interests 1
We will try to please 1 1
TP ESPECTFUM.Y Informs his frienda nnd
JlIJ, tl'o public generally thnt he ha just re
ceived at hia atore, in Market street, Sunhury,
below Weaver'e Hotel' an extensive Block of
consistingjn part of
Dry Goods, viz :
Cloths,Cassimcres, Cassinets, Jeans, Drillings,
Muslins, Vtstings, Linens, Ifc.
Calicoe-, Muslin de Lnins, Lawns,
Ginehams, Pierages, Poles,
Woolent, Flannels, Ifc.
Sugar, Tens, CofTec, TCicc, Molasses, Cheese,
Spices, Salt, Ac, etc., &.C.
Nnils, Screws, Files, Saws, Knives & Forks, &c.
Queens and Glassware)
of various styles and patterns.
A large assortment of Hoots and Shoes, for
men, women nnd children.
H its Caps, fVe of various nnd styles.
Upsides a lnrge nnd general assortment of
fashionable goods. Cull nnd examine for your
selves. t'i? Country produce ol all kinds taken in
exchange nt the highest market prices.
Sunhury, 11 mo. SG 1853. 4 in. 30, '53.
Dealers in
iV. K. Corner Fourth and Cherry Streets,
f I.V VINO enlarged nnd improved their Store,
nnd having tho largest assortment of Lamps
in Philadelphia city, they are now prepared to
furnish PINK Oil, CAM rilt.K,
ETHF.IIEAI. OIL, Phnsphenc Oas nnd La'd
Oil, Lamps, Lanterns of nil paterns. Fancy Hotel
nnd Hall Lamps, Chandeliers, (lirandules and
Cnndeleabrns. nud ltrittanniti Lamps, nt the
Manufacturers' lowest prices. Class Lamps by
the packase, at a small ndvancp over Auction
prices, lleing lariif MANTFA CTl'KERS of
Pine Oil, Uurning Fluid, Oil, Aleolml,
and (Ihe only true') Phosaenc tias, thev can fur
lush these articles at sucli prices that .Mercliaius
I w ill find il to their advantage to buy. t .'all lieforc
coing elsewl(re, if you want bargains. Also,
tha Safety FI id Lamp for sale.
Phila.,Scpt. 21, 1S.V1. ly.
"Poiio rNIoiiunio,,
rjlli: ntienlioii of the Trade, and others, in
JL want f Porte Monnaies, Pocket liooks.
Hankers' Cases, Dressing Cases, Portable Wri
ting Desks, liackainnioii nnd Chess Hoards,
Chessmen, Pearl, .Shell, nnd Silver Cord Cases,
Work llo-:cs, Cabas, Needle Hooks, Money
Uelts, Cigar Cases, Portfolio?:, Ka.ors nud Uazor
Strops, Travelling Flasks, nnd tine Cutlery, to
grlher with a la rue variety of Fnct Coons
which will be sold at the lowest rales.
Porte Monnaie anil Pocket Hook Manufacturer,
205 Arch St. Iielnw Sixth, Philadelphia.
Sept. 17, 18.13 tf.
i Alili, UU-aMli At Co.,
Tlour, Gram and Lumber
Coiitiuision Icprluints,
23 nmZ 25 Spear's Wharf,
John Clark, Hsi .President ('iliens' liank, Dull.
A. P. t. lies, I'.M., ( asliier lirankliii Hank,
John II.Tt7.ler' Jr., I'.sq., Philadelphia,
lioiters, Siniiii'ksou it Co., "
J. 'Pome, lOstj., President Cecil Ib.iuk, Port l)e-
J. W'nlloiver it Son Harrishurs;.
t-ol. 11. ('. Pver. Selinsgrove.
.1. If. Appit Co.,
Nale, Winu-nteA Co.. Milton.
W. V. Cooke, Ksq Muney.
trillion Schuvler, I. sip, "
lieorire Itoiliue, 1 1 imhsville,
W. Weaver it Co., Montoursville.
lien. W illiam V. Packer, lilinnisporl
'P. V. I.lovd. P.s,)., Cashier,
James H. Hiding,
Lewis (i. Hultn, "
M'Henry eV Itubb, Jersey Shore.
J. P. llul'iii", I'sq., I. nek Haven.
tl? Curr, tiiese &. Co. havo the largest wharf-
room of any comiuision house in lialliiuore, nl
ways giving c,uick dispatch to bouts In discharg-
ni'4 Ihcir cuririK-R.
February II, 18.11. flm.
Valuable Property for Sale
In the Borough of Sunbury !
Fl'II I. subscriber oilers for sale the folliiwitig
X property 111 Ihe Uoroiiirh ol Suuliury, Mi:
A tnl two i'oiitii;itiiis J . ts if ( I roiin.l,
on the smith west corner of Market Square, now
ociupicdhy the Mul-scriU-r us u sloie and tlivel-
!nm. Also:
on lite riser bank, to'.-elher ss ilh one and a half
acres of ground. AUn: a double Isso ftnry
l)Si llili llull-c nml I.-it nf t irullllil,
in Pliler'.icrry street. Also: sis acre of
14 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 al the Point. aili.iuiiu the Siifpit haiiiia,
oiisslinh are it.-, ltd Issoliuuit. Ii.tu-ia wuoii
house, itc. Also :
A lkiii' aii'l I.nt of (iioiiti'l
in Cr.iul-i'i ry hlrcl, near ihe user, on which lot
lie aUo iTi t litl three bine kilns. AUo;
A J litu.i' anil luilf Lt of (iiuiiii'l,
on llie nurlli ia.1 c truer of 1,'iser und llessleriy
.In-i-l, ot t-iipied by A u.',u-tus Cli uieiit. Also:
Twiiit y-Tluvt- N ncaiit Lot!
uu FldciU-riy aliei-t.
iua t. t i.i:u:. r.
Suuliur), Jau- I, IVM II.
a st a it. lii.-i.,.v. u. I it l a s v, lu J. a. I li.kl.ii
lltilliulow, TiiVunv t Co.
iMt'i'ti 1 1. it- ash tit: vt .i i: i
rort'iuu and IDuiurklic
mi Ai.i.kit ih Tin. mi; or
.V'l, '.'liH t .i'llil,,,,- Sl,,.t,
If nni t i.H-d. nti ..V4Uiiii4li-.Ut si.' lift i In 4p
a tin I can l-e lttuklil lu any ell., l !ii4iki! I (try
in. iv ti- ii-lniiiid l.nllissilti ai out s4Um.
Ualiiiiiu., Nj. ;i., till. I).
lul 1lt t I ifmf. k,luui I Uh, lli.l lk
rillLADVLrill A.
Pit. I. , Jan. I a 'I. I)
4 li' U I. Ill I." J. ", l.i.
H a.., lit..-, Si.U, Ai . i,.- I 4J b
l, ll . SI.U I II.
an l.tllv, J,ttl , I I -
n lH 4.. I ('(a,, i..i.l, r H,J
iau.k. I'-.... ,.. I l4-J a i I In,.
I--4 Ml
,.. 1
14 .-.I t- ,. I Il-iwi J f all ..,..
it.,.. I t.t Iti Mi. I
, a, .. V V K V Li ll
To Yottr Own Mechanics.
Of the most Fashionable Style.
rPHE subscriber respectfully calls the attention
ot the public to lus largo and splendid assort
mcnt of every ijunlily and price of
which ennnot fail to recommend itself toevery on
who will examine it, on account of its durable
workmanship and splendid finish, made up of the
best stock to be hnd in the eity. No effort Is
spared in the manufacture of his ware, and the
subseritier is determined to keep up with the
mnny improvements which are constantly being
made. His stock consists of Mnhoeony
Sofas, Oivnii nud Lounge,
Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards,
and also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to Phila
delphia manufacture.
BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and price,
In short, every article in this line of his business.
He also manufactures alt kinds and qualities of
including varieties never before to be hnd in
Sunhury, such as Mitoc.AT, Black Waljii'T
ami Ci-Hi.iin Matlk fJnr.ct a ; An Wixnsnn
CHAIKS, ami riser Piaio .Stools, which ars
of the latest styles, and warranted to be excelled
by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere.
The subseritier is determined that there sbnl!
he no excuse for persons to purchase furniture Mi
llie eilies, as every confidence can be entertained
about Ihe quality and finish of his ware and
f 'hairs.
His articles will be disposed of on as trood
terms as they can be purchased elsewhere. Coun
try Produce taken in payment for work.
t"t I "N DEKTA K I N (. Havine; provided
himself wilh n handsome Hkabsk, he is now
prepared for Lmlertakinc;, and attending funer
als, in this vicinity, or at any convenient dis
tance from this place.
Ixf" Tho Ware Room is in Mnrket Street,
below Thompson's Store and Weaver's Tavern.
Sunhury, Jan. 10, 16.r2 tf.
Jinpoptiiiit tt Conl J)ciilcrs.
rIIE subscribers hereby inform the public, that
attlieV ll,lVl ..lil..ri,.l tt.l iinvtiiitrclitii tii.l.iP lit.
firm of Kase, Peed e5c (!i for the purpeose of
niiniiiii, shipping and sellin? eoal, ilcbvcrd at
Sunlnirv, or at any other point alone the Su-
1 hey will be ready to deliver coal, wrl' prepa
red, on em tract or otherwise, ut all times, on the
shortest iiotii e. ami on the most reasonable terms.
Orders receised at Shaiiiokin hv
KASK, lifclil) & CO.
funhnry, June 4, 1S5:J. ly.
And Tliiec Acres of (.round
JMirc subscriber oilers ot private sale, hiaslousn
- and three acres of ground, on the river Hank
within Ihe limits of the llorounh of Sunbury,
now in the occupancy of John Shissler and orig
inally owned by Clias. tiussler while engaged in
boat lniililtn?. The iinprovenicnts aie a
With a Vcll of good lYatcr,
and a cood frame stable. There arc a numlier ol
evcellent fruit trees on the premises. The prop,
erty is handsomely located and will be sold at n
reasonable price and possession given in April
next. Apply to (eo- C. elker, Lsq., of Sim-
burv, or to the subscriber at SeIinsrove.
July 2.1, IS. if.
Clie;ij AN'ntelies 5 alewcliy,
lmrncl.lSAI.K nud Petail, nl the "
phia Watch and Jewelry Store,'
' No. iltf
North 1
ciouil Street, corner of Ijnarry,
ft, .1,1 l.ever VV:iti li'-s. lull jt-sv-tt-il. H etinit etises. f-Js.rm
li 'I'I l.t iiun l-k. f-Jl.lioU-'ine Sllct-v S..liti-li-i. I. VI
Mls-rr l.i-t. lull )t-s,!l.-.l. S' tlioltl lie !,ls. ;i tut
Siln r l.rsi t, lull Jt-ss l'tl l-J l! a,lie' Ottltl I'riieila, !.(
Siil'i-i i,tr 1 (ii-trtit is, 7. iSmIvit Tea sji"tns, .at, 5.0(1
lii'I'l Steel:t.-l.-s. 7,INt
li'.lil Pens, svilli Pete-it anil Silver II,'l,l,-r. l.rttl
Cebl I'inser Kinss, :)75 cents to .-;HII ; VVatcli
Classes, plain, 12J cents; Patent, )K ; I, unci,
2 ); other articles in proportion. All poods war
ranted to be what thev nre sold fur.
S'J'Al l'I P.i: .t IIAKI.KV,
Successors lo (). Conr.ul.
Cn band, some Cold and Silver Levers and
Itcpines, still losvor than Ihe above prices.
Sept. 10, 1 s':). ly.
.1 A M K S . VI I) L KM,
.V.i. 12 Smith Second Sli ce',
tioltl l.ever alches full jewelled
Silver l.eser ilo
Silser l.epino tl,i
luarlirr do
Culd pi ns ami pencil ami silser hablers
Silser Tea anil Table Spoons
llrai'i-lt'ls, Ijii-usI pins Par lins ttc.-.
All warranted ami sold at prices as losv as aey
in llie i it v .
Noseinl er 27. Is:,;. if.
I V. suits, hereby iufornia llie ciluens of
Sunlnirv, ami lite public tienernlly, that be
intends In carry on the
ltla KmiiKIiIiip; I.n.liirsM
on his ins u account, ntnl he li t rein, in . I
Ins .In, p limn near ('1111111,1'. .l.i,,., 1,, u ni sv
shop on llie of Mail, Si ophaui, in Fawn
.In-. I, where be will be happy It aicouiiiid.ili.
ull his ciiKloiurra,
11 i:liV PAIiToN.
Sunlnirv, M.uih.'i, s'tl. tf.
WM. M'CARTY, BaokseUer.
l'.s't:C TFI I.I.V ml. ,iin. Ihe iiihaltii.inu
li.ssti a
s ti and coiiiiliv.
llui he hat ret,-1
a I tr -e aililuntii lo hn
e.l lii'i'i 1'lnl 1I1
iIih Ii ol I'ttitt,., in i-ti-rv 1r.ii,. ti
111 a nre it uml) of llni.liu;.
at-ii theui.
Suiibuiy, t'epl. 17, IS.VI.
f l.ilei.iluie, and
Mux tall and
I) II. II. IIUillFP.'.S remedy f,
'ml l, and a. 1. 1 ,us tlii a.t-..
llpl'IS ol
Mil. Valu.iltle until, ine lit-l u.ti,, and l.-r a.le
ll. li. M si:ii
suiii,un, J ll.l l , l.l I.
Ml VIS PI MI'S.. V .,,,411 nuittlsi.l ll.,
' tin lb nt pun, p. ,.it l.,,i 1, ,11. 1, 1 411.I 1
oltilid l ,i ail,- ,y
11 11. M i:it.
huiibuisi, Inns I,
I t:v uttv Pi
- i.nv a.niiii ul ol liul.l and
lla 41. I Pi ta. It aalir 1 til 4it l-V
ti, I Ul.l.l .VIII.
M41L1 lttil, i. p4l lb. I'oatllll iS
Bol.l'il'. 11.1 , I s.l I.
V M llllx m .'ly
I tit, I, I mi nest llaf
i.ii-i,t.ll sis- iiUl al ll.u i'Um.'i
Ul.i.k.. t a t alii.l. ii a.w4 -"pi-...l
1. 1. 1.1'. II. ! 'J
II V I K H III H r I, a.tul la 1. .a
4t tll'il aUbia, I - ..l .1 .. I. a
II U M (uf.
rtis iy
UttiiU') ,
V(u II, l)
, IHtM
4U. )4. 4 Iff
.. ! t- t U
Owltuvkii f I ... I I 4.