Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, July 29, 1854, Image 3

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Lure fnr Sores,, anil Biinm. Vol
louiay't Ointment Thin wonuVrlul Ointment
will cure the most tlaneerous burns. tenl(f.
nil other .orp ; it completely identifies itself
with the ayatem, minglina with the blood, it
lull the pain, soul ties the irritation, nd
speedily heals the pans affected. Thousands
ol persons in the Union have been faved
from nn untimely end, through this extraor
dinary salve ihpref,,,,, all families are re
commended to keep a supply of it constant
ly by them.
WARM VFATHER. The warm weather
of the past few weeks has been insuffera
ble. Many of the inhabitants of the cities have
Bone into the country. This is all riuht. But.
before going, each one should provide himself
with a suit of summer clothes from RocKimt
& Wilson's cheap and fashionable clothing
store, No. 1 1 1 Chestnut street, corner of Franklin
Place, Philadelphia.
Phila., Jan. S3, 1854. cw.
On the 4th hut. by ih Rs. C. J. Ehre'
hard, Mr. William Prudhor, enrjineer, of
Shamokin, nnd Miss Mary A. Ross, of Dan
ville. On the 4th inst., at the house of Joseph
Rhodes. Milion, Pn., by the Rev. A. G.D iIh,
Hugh Fulton of Montour county, to Mary
Rhodes, of Milton.
At Cherryvillp, Lehigh ro bv Rev. W.Rath,
Mr Joseph Eisenhart, to Mary M. Shin
dkl, the eldest daughter of Jeremiah Shindel.
On the 6ih the Rev. C.J Ehre
ban, Mr. Josrph Zuern, meichani, lo Mary
Ann Sopkr. all of Shtunnkin.
I)C ittavkct
Philadelphia Market.
Julj 27, 1S54.
Flour af.d Meal. There is very little
export demtitnl (or Flour. The best offer is
$8 a 8 25 per bbl. for standard brands, nnd
SSJa 49 lor extra. Last sales Rye Flour al
S3 50, am! Pennsylvania Corn Meal at S3
50 per bbl.
Grain Whe-at is scarce-, and finds ready
sale at, I 75 for new red, nnd SI 80al 85
for new white. Rye continues scarce.
LaM sales of Pennsylvania at 05c.
Corn is in cood demand ; sales at 794 a 80e,
afloat, for yellow. Oats are scarce Sales at
57 cts.
Vhikev. The demand continues limited.
Small sales at 27a27Jc., and prison bbls. at
Baltimore Market.
Jul) 25, 1854.
GRAIN The market for Wheat wasdull,
nnd prices exhibit u lurlher decline. Fair to
very prime new red sold at 165a 175 cts., and
a cargo of 2,100 bushels very prime old led
eold al 75 cts Whites sold al 1 7 5 1 S) I cts.
t nr fair ti prime lots, ami some small parcels
if veiy superior while suitable for larnily
flour sold at 185alSS cts There were vety
few parcels sold at the hisihest quotations,
ami a good many lots of infeiior qality sold
us lust' as 1 30 i 150 cts. Tlio news by the Pa
cifiewhich was received before the close of
early 'Change) was of an unfavoiable charac
ter lor bieu Isluirs, and the maiket closed
ilull, and with a downwind ipndeney in pii--e
Corn. White hoKI at 76.tS cts., nnd
Tellow at 77 els. A parcel of 20(1 bushels
prime white sold at 80 ds Oily a small
pirl of I lie Corn off-red lo-d.iy rhatiiied
tii.i'nla A ea'UO of 4 000 bu-liels pi tine old
rfD.ils from Chieaao was on the maiket this
iimmiug They were of very superior qual
iily and 2 000 bushels were sold al C8 cts,
-Hinl 2 000 bushels nl 66 e's. About 5 000
hushed new Marhiuil ami Vitamin Oats sold
il 55 .62 els. for common lo prime parcels.
.fiUNRUIlY I'll .(,'15 CUIIRBNT
M'hkat. - 200
iRir.. - - 100
Conx. - - -80
Oats. - - 56
potatoks, - 50
Df.i.swax - -12
Hukikii Flax. - 25
Dl'TTKK. - - . " ?1
Eoos. ... 10
I'onK. ... 12
Flaxskkii. .... 125
Tallow. -10
New Advertisements.
lcrl.iniery, tSe.
"Sl'Khave just received Hie largest and best sclectiu
f use rrlinei.t of PeiMlinery ever ..fter! uitiiis section
ol' country, c.'iisisiing in purl ol'
French Pomade, Cichius,
Shaving Crmiii. Tixilh Brushes, a Inrge asst.
lauel's )leihuiie, Hair Brushes, " "
'lnncs I'owtler, Mail llruslics. " "
Karma Col iie, I'evei's l-'.itracts,
Orange flower water, Portm niiiis.
riiurc ol I'uste, Casiile S -ap,
Hue I'owder, While "
Infant " Transparent "
II or Die, llniHiick "
Meell Fun, for tlie skin, Washington "
Kliracl Vanilla, llcpul'licaii '
' Orange, Cniiiie '
" I.eiiKiii, . Almond "
' Pineapple,'a "
Siniwberrv, Nymph
Fiilv While, Uiuniliua "
Snilicts, . ". "
Co.ili-sof ever)- descriiti.n.l- rusive "
ttegrir Oases, Musk "
Tules, Taniphor
Bufljlo Cnilis oil kiwis, Uliel! '
Wl dmr '
and other articles too ni.nieri.iis In mrnl i.Hl .
All the nil"'" ariielea art from the houses 01" Jules
lilauel and W. U (ileuil.
WKtSi:lt & DltlM-.R
Pickles, Sauces iSjo.
3ani reeeivett
h"W ehow,
Miiad Pickles,
John llnll tiues.
TWircste M
I'.saeiiee o Atu-Uuives,
Chilli Vmrg ir,
'I'he alsive are all fiom
Cr-iSM . ttlaekwsll, lllil.4l,
Polled Tongue,
' Haiti.
Kns lierry Jsra,
Curiaitt '
I'luio "
Hn rilin.
m Tomato I'utsuj', k e , A e
iues tV Liijiior.-.
Msrlsll Brandy,
t-'ieisrll " 11 "
It ye V kiskay.
MeHiauca Vknky
t'oauU"! '
Janulis Xl'inls,
Hoi and Inn,
('haiiipaifiM Wins,
Miisiiy "
I'lurrl "
I'uie 'ift
H.m "
MsdoTia '
IVura Hams
Pus Iksla by
ustsaiy, July M, leit-
iVorlhumbeilanJ I'uunty,
fflHK sutHxrilsr lespn'ifully infoims tha pub
I he tbsl U has W.J lb boeM euilMiy,
aud la H pirpaisnl lo dlil at tMiii'Ury, ut
euy fMliil a lun Ibe Kutuarhauue. all si of
t'OAL. iipaj by biakara, IU siipsMoi
assuissi. I'siaona wwlimt cuiatt kx tl
will fits aJdisse the auuwiiba' utbur).
JOHN Jit'lH.klMi.
KuaUiy. July .
tKlKI'bl.K rUIIK fiVvltk-u
itasait llisioil s"J Ki"wnIJ' ('!! fw
1. ) l.siJ at Iba lu aim -I
1 W 1 1-1.4 UKLNKH.
i IL I.K IMXiH. - I .!.
II Ui. baial I sua tte twusi l"J VsoJiiS
Hisiwis. tm t-isJ Iwh lUe tt
'iul I sJasI Uesis. lui ! by
VWlfttM A MHI Xt
, ,1. lil ' . 1 I
Amendments to the Constitution of the
SacTlos 1. Resolved by th Senate and 1 tonne
of Representatives of the Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania, in General Assembly m t, That
th.- following smrndments lie and the an me are herehv
pr iHised lo the Coiisliluliniinf lha Commimweallh, umler
ami in nccimlunce with the proviaiona of the tenth aiticla
thereof, to wit :
Psctios 1. The apgrrgata amount of dehtt herrnfter
eoiurnfted liy the Cnmmonwealih shall never exceed the
sum of five hundred thousand dollars, except in ense uf war
to repel Invasion, suppuss insiirreetion, or to redeem the
public debt of the Coinm niweati h, and the money so rnitrd
shall l,e applied to the purpose for which the delrt may be
contracteil, or pny such debts, and to no oihei purpose.
frctioR 2 To nay the public debt of the Comnvn
wealth. and debts winch may nerealterlie coniiniled in
ense of wnr t repel invasion, suppress in-urreeli 'li and to
redeem the public debt, the t.eiialnture shall at their next
session ollcl the ad tptlon of this section lutotlie Conslitii
lion, provide by law for the creation of a sinking fund,
which ahull nnt be nholished till ihe sniil public flelils be
wholly paid, to consist ol nil tha net atinunl income from
the public works anil stocks owned by the Commonwealth,
r any other funds arising under any revenue law now ex
isting or thai mnv lie hereafter enneted, so fur as Ihe same
mny be required to nnv Ihe inteieat of anid debts semi-nn-liunlly,
and nnnunlly ti teduee the principnl thereof by a
sum not less than five hundred th-iisnnd dollars, increased
yearly by compounding st a rate of n-ii less Ihnn fiv per
centum per annum ; Hie a-iid sinking fund slnll be Invettcd
in the I nna of the Commonwealth, which almll tie cnneel.
led from time In time in a manner In be provided by law :
no portion of the slnkinc fund shall ever lie applied lo Ihe
to the pnvment of the debt of five hnudied thousand d- I
lars mentioned in ihe first section of this article, b it the anid
sinking fund shall lie applied only to Ihe purposes herein
Puerto 3 The credit of the Commonwealth sbnll nnt
in nnv wnv be given or loaned to or in aid of any Individ
ual, companv, corpomtinn cr association, nor sbnll Ihe
Commonwealth herenfler liecome s joint owner or stock
h ilder in anv companv, BB-icintinn or corpnrnlinn in this
Commonw-ntth nr elsewhere, formed for any purposes
PrcTto t. The Conimonwerdih shall never assume the
debts nf nny cnuntrv. citv, bornngh nr township, nr of any
C'lrnnnrtion' nr nssociHlion, unless such debts shall hnve
been contracted to repel invasion, suppress insurrection,
or lo defend Ibc Plnle ill wnr.
rnorosiTios ?. in rr mitici.e xi.
Proltifa'tins? Municipal Stilseriytions
The Legislature shall never nnllinrixe nny county, city,
borough nr township, by vote of its citizens or otherwise,
to become o st-K-kliolilcr in any joint st'ick c mwinv. ass i.
ciiili-'ii or C'trpornti in, or to rnise money for nr loan its
credit to. or in aid of any such c annanv or nss-cintion.
tv B. CM ASK,
Pnenk' ( liic House of fleprescninl'vcs.
Ppc:iker of the Senate.
In Senate, April 59. 1H4.
Pesitvcl. Ttiil this res ilution pass. Yens 2'2, nnys 0.
Kxlrnct from the Jouriia!.
T. A. MAGL'IRR, Clerk.
In House of Trcprcsrntntivcs. April til, tPrM.
Ttcsolvcd, That this resolution pays. Yeas 71, nays 20
rxtrnct from the journal.
XV SI. JACK, Clerk.
SErRnTsay's OrrrcF,
Filed April iX 1-.1 J
C A. Ttl.ACK.
Secretary of the Commonwealth.
Pfcrktiiy' Orncg. I
Ilnnisburg, July 1. IS.1l, )
An certify that Ihe above Hint forecoing is a
Ssral. tit)
tine and correct copy of the original "Kesolu-
llon relative lonu nmeiKlment ot uie constitu
tion." as the same remains on file in this office.
lit teslim-'liy whereof 1 have hercuntn set my
hr.nd and caust-d to be MlTiked the seal of the
Secretnrv'a oifice the day und vear ab tvc wiit
ten. ' C A 1JI.ACK.
Secretary of the Coinmoim'ealth.
Journal of the Pennte
oResohition Nn. Ml. entitled -Resolution proposing
nuiendinents to the Constitution of ihe Comin llveallh.,
was rend a thiid time tin tile queslion, will ihe Senate
agree to the firs! pr "position, the yeas nnd nays were ta
ken, agreeably to the Constitution, and were'as fell iws,
viz :
Ykas Messrs. Itucksilcw. Darlington. Darsic. Ferguson,
Foulkrod, Prick. Frv. O i Hlvvin, Haldemin, Hamilt on, M.
1). Hamlin. K W. Hnnilin, lleletcr. tlogc, Jtiniisoll Me-ClintiH-k,
McFarlanil, Piutt, iuiegle, e)agcr, Sln'cr, and
.McCaslin, Speaker lit.
Nay Messrs. Crabb, Creuswell, Hendricks, Kinzcr,
Kuukle and Skinner 0.
S i the question was ih-ti rmincd in th- affirmative.
On the question, will the Senate agree to the second
prop sitiou, tue yens nnd nnvs were taken ogrceublylo tho
Coiistilnti n, nnd were us 0 l I ws. viz :
Ykas Mt-ssrs. Hiicliiilew. P irsic, Fergus in. Foulkrod,
Fry. Io.idwili, llnkleinnii, H 1). Il in.liu, K. W. Hamlin,
Hendricks, leister, II cc. J-nnis -n. Kinz-r, McC!int"ck,
McFnrliin.1, Piatt, Prirc, Quiggle, Sliler, Wherry, MeCas
tin. Spe;iker 2'J.
N rs Mess;i. CiaMi. Cresswetl, DaiMigton, Ilamiltnn,
Knnkle ami S'ilnliiT 0.
S the quexti in w is tli-termined in the uffinriative.
J lurnal of the II niss of Reprcseulatives.
The quest to t recurring upon the final passage of the
Res iluti ins, Ihe fiist proposition was agreed tu as follows,
viz :
Ycas Messrs. Attrahnm. Adams. Atlierlnn. Brill. Dnrton.
Beyer, Biglinni, H yd. Hush. Ilyeilv. Cnldwell. Calvin, I
Carlisle, rtiamberliiin. Cook Clime, Cummins, llnnchrily, j
Davis, Do Fraiu-e. Dunning, Kckert. Kdiugcr, Kl-lreil, j
Kvaus, Foster, Fry. liaUenliiie, (iiblioiiev. Gilmore. 'iay, !
lioioui. Gwin, Hamilton. Hart. Ilerr. Iliestand, Hillicr, j
Hippie. Horn, Humiiiet, Hunsieker, Huiitet, If urtt Jack- !
m-iii. Kilgore. Knight, Iinrv, ( Lelnuh.) I.inn, Mngee, i
Mnguire, Mauderfielil. M'Conuell, M'Kee, Miller, Mono-
glnln, Montgomery. M-iore. Mosfl. Muse, Palii'er, Parke, 1
Piirmlee, P;isin ile. Patters mi. Porter, Putney. Rawlins, !
R.-berls, Howe, Siltailc. Scott. Sidle, Simnuloil, Sniilli, :
(Berks.) Smith, (Crawford.) Stewart. Slnckdale, Strong, ;
Strulhcrs, Wheeler, Wickleiu, Wright, Ziegler, L'base, !
speaker ".i.
NaVs None.
So the question was determined in the affirmative.
On Ihe qut'Stion will Ihe House agiee to the second pro.
position, the yeas nud nnys were take, agreeably to the
provisions of the tilth nrticle of the constitution, nud are
us follows :
Yka Messrs Atiridtam. Athertou. Hall, B-nton. Beck,
Bever, lligham, H yd, CnMwetl, Carlisle. Chamlieitain,
Cti-.k. Crane. Cummins, lltiucherlv, Dnvis, Decgan. De
France. Dunning. Kdi-igi-r. Fl Ired, Kvans, Fry, ftallenliue,
tiiblvuiev. liilin .re. tJniv. Otoom. (.win, Htunilton' Hies
tnnd, llil'ier. Hipilc. Ilniiei'kei, Hunter, llnttt. Jtickmnti,
Ki'gore, Knight, l-aiirv. (I,ebigh, l.owerv. (Tioga.) Linn,
Mncee. Maffuire. M;in'lerfit-lil. M'Connell, M'Kee, Mono,
ghau. Montg aiierv, Moore, Mosi-r, Muse Pnlmcr. Parke,
rurmlee. l'asmt)le, rallirson, roller, llawllns. ItolM-rls,
Rowe. S.-iltnde. Sc. it. Siiuoiit n. Smith. (Berks.) Siuiih,
Cr:iwf id.) Stodidale, Wheeler, Wll klelu. Wnglil,
Chuse, Spenkcr l.
ay MeKsrs. Ailnms, Ita'dwin, Beans, Bush, Bvertv,
1-Vkert. Fll.s. Hurt. II. rr. Iloin. Hummel, M '('.inl.t,
Miller, Poll's in, Putney, Sitllc, Slen'nit, Strong, Strutheri,
Zeiclel SO.
so the question was di-telinmeil in thcaffirinnttve.
Skcrrtast's Opvier, 1
IIakrishlbu, July
I, 1WI
I dieerlify tlral the aliove and foreeoinc. is
a tine anil corni t coy of the 'vk' and 'nays'
taken on the "Kesolution relative lo an amend.
ineiiloi'llie Const it ution of lire Common wen It )''
lis the same appears on the Journals of Ihe Iwo
Houses nf the fieneral of tins C III
llioml ealtk f.4 Ihe Session of W,
WiIiich nn- hand nnd the Seal of said offu-e
this first d v of July, one thousand eight hun
dred unl fan-four.
r.. iit.vru,
Sceietary of the lininoim'ef Uh
r0l 'Jin.
To the Voters of Northumberland County.
Encouraged bv inv liuineroos friends, I oiler
myself as a candidal.'' for Ihe ollice of
.. : ...
ami pr unise, tl elected, to discharge Hie dunes
of the oliii-e luiibfully and puiiclually, winch
in v ciiH'iicntc mil enable me 1 1 do.
Mi Eucnsville, July 15, Not.
'pilE lleliirH-ialic Eli'iinrs of Northuislrerland
county are le.i.ii-lfullv ie.iueed tu inert at
the srvriul place, ol bt'ldiu the si lierjl and low 11 j
ship i lii ii.-n 111 Hie dilli rent btiiuugha and town. ;
ship oil Malill.lay, 111 ."ltl of All. U.I iet, . :
twe.-ii the hours of our and tit o'clock in tha af
ternoon, tu vole or one peisou fur footless, ana
- -rii, iwr .ISM-Iiiiiiy, one
prison lor Mhrnlf, on ptrsuu lor PiothuiiuUry,
one prison for t'urunar, una ersii for I'oniiius.
sioiirr, auJ oils parsou lor A uJiloi t uj the Judges
uf lb Iriliuiia iu tha dllteienl borouifh snj
luwiisbips sr rrqiimlril tu mvl at llirt 'uuil
I Ilium-, ill Sunbul), oil Mulidsy, the 7lh of Au
gust, al II o'clock, A, M., to count tha tuUs cast
of lb dilteirl.l raudidalra lor llir sImj iisiucd
ulloes and lo drclaia tha camiiJstrs luMag tha
blghr.l iibinlsrr of lultt lb nolo. Hers lo b sup.
polled by lliv pail)' al llir lint rlrctioii, sod si tha
Min tun si'bet a ilr!nU to .lis lies I I otiith ul
Msirh Coiiiru'iou 1 appumi a Hiidiii I'uui.
inilirr to ( Il una )', snJ lo Ibira Cui.
kiers tuirpirscnl this euuiily la) Ibe CunlrisHv
luba UU nh ak-buylklll luuuljJ i uuiiiukI a
IstiuutisUe (uitdtdaie M I'kI.m lit this
WM. U. KIPP, CUius.,
Jtlll.N IH1II.
1 1. P. I Al I.
J. tl. KKU K.
1 t WW. H KM AN',
MM IHE I- IKl'.'iX.
Jkk). kll tMS.
aubuiy, JJy 14,
MUI I ENHtltuLH I'lll-sj.. i mi I sin
,uii t4 ra -s si -s
lisi 4 kkl sm
TV OTICE Is hereby given to all Leisters,
1 Creditors and other persons interested In the
Estates of the following named persons, that the
Executors, Administrators, and Guardians of
said Estates have filed their aecounti with the
Register of Northumberland County, and that
the sania will be presented to the Orphans' Court
of said County, on Tuesday, the 8th day of
August, A. D., 1854, in the forenoon, for confir
mation and allowance.
Michael Ferster, dee'd., settled by his Ex'tor
Peter Ferster. ,
Peter Oberdorf, dceM., settled by his Ex'tors,
Peter and George Oberdorf.
Sanil Caldwell, dee'd., settled by his Adm'rs,
A. Gutty and Thos. J. Galbraith.
Jacob ftpatz, dee'd., settled by his Adm'tors,
Philip and Jacob Spatz.
Marks J. K. Krlcbrier, dee'd., settled by his
Adin'r, I'cter Kclchncr.
Michael Dcibl, dee'd., settled by his Ex'tors,
Michael and John Deilil.
Joseph llnrtmnn, dee'd., settled by his Adm'rix,
Elizabeth Hartman.
Isanc Miniiicr, dee'd., settled by his Adni'lor.
VVm. V. Silverwood.
Conrad Bachman, dee'd settled by his Ex'tor,
Michael Uhr.
George Kong, dcc'J., settled by his Adm'tor,
Gcorpc Boyer.
Daniel Herb, dee'd.. Final Arct. settled by his
Adtn'rs, Daniel aud Adam Herb.
John Lose, dct'd., settled by his Ex'tor, John
K. Denthr.
Frederick Adams, dee'd.. settled by his Adm'rs,
Daniel Kaseman and Sarah Adams.
Michael Heilz, dee'd., settled by his Executor,
Michael lieitz.
Gilbert Voris, dee'd.. Final Arct. settled by bis
Adm'r, William T. Forsyth.
Joseph Folk, ile.'d., settled by his Executor,
Peter Conrad.
Howcl Goodrich, dee'd., Final Acct. settled by
his Adi'i'r, KoImtI Davidson.
Henry Funk, dee'd., settled bv his Executor,
IJeiVj. F. Funk nnd V'm. llenicn.
Henry' Long, dee'd., settled by his Guardian,
Jacob AVagner.
Annie C. Kay, dee'd., settled by her Guardiuti,
(; V. fccates.
Snsnn Gcarliart. settled by her Guardian, Jas.
George Mcltler, settled by his Guardian, Lu
ther li asset.
Lot 6'liiiman,scltled by his Guardian, R. N.
Nathan Hcjb, settled by his Guardian, Wm.
William & Levina Miller and Marrjaret Riley,
settled bv their Guardian. M. Chamberlain.
The Final' Acct. of John 6'. Folluier, Ex'rof
Henry Fullmer, dee'd., who wos Guardian
of Henry F., Clarinda Sc Peter I). Kelchncr.
Miirk lutight, dee'd., sittled by his Adm'tor,
Philip llile.
Josrph H.. Mnry and Hannah Price,
settled by their Gunrdinn, Sain'l Furman.
Joseph Straub, dee'd., settled by his Adm'tors,
Reuben 'I'. Follmcr and Jacob Straub.
Cathiirinc lioss, dee'd., settled by her Ex'tor,
James TnRgart.
Catharine Ross, dec'J., Distribution acct. set
tled by her Ex'tor, James Tazgart.
JOHN 1. PL RSEL, Register.
Register's Ollice, )
Sunbury, July 8, 1854. i
V OTICE is hereby given that Win. C. Law-
' son, aud John Miller, Esqrs., have filed their 1
...J...J C II!..;, A, . ...! !,( 1
lltlUUIlia P a.aiii,.. v.. iibii iivvi, i.u ...u.
the same will be presented to the Court for con
firmation at next August Term.
JAME BEARD, Piuth'y.
Prothonotarv's Ollice,
Sunbury, Ju'y's, 1S53.
Sunbury and Erie Eailroad Company.
"jOTICK is hereby given, that a Sixth Instal
meiit ol" Ten Ooltnrs per share on the old
uientof Ten Uoltnis per share on the old j
subscription, and a Second Instalment of Ten
Do ars per share 011 the new suhscri ilion to the
1, , 1 1
capital stock of Una Company, will be due and
r ,, . ., nn- -v no o .1 -in 1
payab e at their Oihce, io. 50 South 1 h rd
Street, on il lfliAT. AuguM 1. 1S.)J.
I3v order of Ihe Hoard of Managers.
1'HIUr M. PUICIi, Treasurer.
Phila., July 8, 4w.
Colored Window (llnss.
Six., would respectfully imile the attention
of Merchants, Builders and others to the beauti
ful variety of work produced at their establish
ment, consisting of
suitable fur Hotels, .Suloons, public and private
buildings ;
Churched Ornamental Stained Glass,
Transoms and Side Lights for Vestibules,
Balcony, I'iaza and Staircase Windows. Also,
l.cad iSji-h and Muitml (ilass for Churches,
Scriptural Figures and liar pieces, accurately
worked tip to order, and furnished in any part of
I Ihe United Slates.
! Flocked enameled and mulled decorative
Church Window Glass executed in Gothic and
other architectural t lea, nud competent work-
men sent to any part nfthe Union. Orders from I
a distance promptly answered. j
I N 11 An A cent wanted for this place. I
Phila., July 22, le'ol. 3m.
To the Voters of Northumberland County.
I Fs.Li.uvr L'ltiiui. I hereby announce my
self as a candidate for
S II E 11 I F F .
' at tin" 1.0 x t election, and solicit your support, and
' ifelccU'd I shall not fail lo perform the duties of
the ollice to the l ift of my ahililirs.
I ,.owcr ,uJXi M?'
' - -- - . ,
1 rHE Comer Stone of Hn mimis Cuuuiiti
i x
1 1 sTiTt t k, will be laid 011 W'nui.inr,
the 2d of A in; nt. with appropriate ceremonies,
j !i-v. S. S. FH'huiui kcr. I). !., Hun. William
I!i(!er, and Hon. Janu s Pollock are cxei'li d lo
be pirx-nl to addirss thu.-e who may bv assem
bled on that oi-ia.inll.
j The friends uf education and the public gen
rrally are iiiMlrd lolw present.
I EnriiM' will coniinciu'F ul leu o'clock.
; 11 v order of Trukti-es,
j WM. A TWA TEH. Secretary.
Miaiuokiii, Julv 'ii, IK.M. Vt.
iiiicioit 101
OR 1 KVt'RV tlXK Ilia OWM I'llVMl'IAN.
'xv. eipiiehi eji-
JJ iiun. w lib I In 11 ululi J
Eligratings, shutting lh
ran and M illunualiuiis ol
tha Human htiu in iy
ltM and form. To vibuh
la added a Tiali uu the
l)ias-s uf D'vinslrs, bvius
ul lb Ingtuist uuollMiia tu
uisri ud iroplu, 01 tho)
ruiiUini) lallug aiama:.
Hi lr tiu. Iuhui-
l.rl uu flbr Iks eliiuil to piwsnil a rup) vf
the ,tl'l I. A pit at U hi rlnlJ. It ay Me
Iiiim l'"i) an ily it. 1 l H yuuw maa r
w urns a 11 ll lulu lit tmttr ubliaalluij uf
iwd III aillbuul laadini loa I'tH'ktiT .l'8t'L'
L.VPll- . ua una sulWi ins; duus hkuip
Cough, PiH in Ibe an.l, i4lM rnhi. iwu
iMlinga, auJ the tshuU I'aiu ul UytixpiM mum
twua, aud ! up by lhu physi.iH, U uuihi
tutsuiut anikuul uuultiu lb .!t 1 1. A PI I ).
Il Uuj Mtaniwl, im Ittuw) euut U be iimiJ
! IuismIiimshI, iil Ibia iJbly usslul wa,
U Is Uw lb twcu ul mhh tbuusaiul u !
klluHl luiM Uum lb ) (- Ji
tr Any )ium sudn. 1 v. r.M v rivi;
I'tM'. Ullus4 I) UlUJI Villi !!
cupy ut tbt bwu, lt lssil. us upw will
t (us w 4-aUi. AJJ's. t' W. t Hi
. iu mi I ( I lilt Mil IHU "
pu4 yt
Jul) isi
Weighing less than 21 ounces.
For the Cure of Hernia or Rupture.
.4 CKNO WLEDGED by tha highest medical
authorities of Philadelphia, incomparably
superior to any other in use. rJurVeicrs will be
gratified to learn that tha occasion now offers to
procure not only the lightest and most easy, but
as dnrablt a Truss as any other, in lieu of tha
enmbrmis aud uncomfortable article usually sold
There is no difficulty attending the fitting, and
when the pad is located, it will letuin its position
without change.
Persons at a distance unable to call en the
subscriber, ran have the Truss sent to any ad
dress, by romilting Five Dollars for the single
Truss, or Ten for Ihe double with measure
round tho hips, and stating side affected. It will
be exchanged to suit if not fitting, by returning
it at once unsoiled.
For sale only by the Importer,
Cor. Twelfth & Race streets, Philadelphia.
CiP" Laihxs, requiring the benefit of Mechan
ical Supports, owing to derangement of the In
ternal Organs, inducing Falling of the Womb,
Vocal, Pulmonary. Dyspeptic, Nervous and
Spinal Weakness, are informed that a competent
and experienced I, apt will be in attendance at
tho Rooms, (set apart for their exclusive 1186,)
No. 114, Twelfth St., 1st door below Race.
July 1, 1854. ly.
i or Tasteless Salts,
Prrpared bv
This prcpatation is recommended as an ex
cellent laxative and purgative, it operates inildlv.
is entirely free from any unpleasant taste, re
sembling lemoiwde in flavor. This medicine is
highly bentficiul for diseases peculiar to summer
aud hot weather.
Sunl.t.rv, July l.l?.r.4.- I
. . j
List of Jurors,
F NorlhumheilMtiil Counlv. for Atiaus
im, A u.. l.lul
j rati (I .furor.
j Poi'ii Jacob Gi ilii k
Lnifcr Augusta (ie otjjr Li'tij. John Winn.
; Daoiol Hiiuniibaoh, John Diinkelbcrcr.
j Delaware Win BVaul.
I Shamokin Setmnliiiii Uuuyner, Samuel
. Iluti) niel, Samuel Eol.
i KorlhunbcrtaudJurnvt Tiijurt. John L.
! Jordan EliasSwanz
1 t'oa' Win Keifur, Win Clu-iingloii, Sam-
lll'l Yost.
I Lewis Gi'o A Wiltoff
I MiUon -Lj man Wilson, Daniel Sirino
; John Nous, Lewis Swank,
i Chillsqiiuqne J.iitips Slniw britlrt.
! Rusi-Goilfrey Rockoleller, William H.
' Sunbury Peter Lnzarii".
j Sunbury Bent Krohn, S N Thomrjnii
jAn.lrew Hoover, lin T Clement, Philip
j Clink, .l.icob Painter, D.iniel ll.nia.
I low-- uaniei ueir, j.icon fliowry, Samuel
,rnnk, John Uml, Daniel kreeuer.
Lower Muhanoy Aliraham Blnsser
Delaware lleiuy Ueuder. Jacob T Hill,
Jacob Wu k.
Turbut D L Ireland. Daniel Fullmer, Da
vid iieltiml, Jollll li.1.10
ChillisQitaoue Hiii-h Alartin. Jim B Heller.
... . . . ... . ' 1
wm Ne.-Ult. U111 tt.iust'l. Jo 111 & I 10 r . I
I'aul Loir.
Lctris Jacob Huntziuger, Milion Trofel,
Samuel Beiver.
Jordan Jacob Martin
Snamokin Solomon Evert. Alien Moody.
P..l..r M .llur
v An'us!a- 11,-,,. v Fi.ll: I.. I,,, r M..,.
c i . - j
ir.,. i.t..,.. v m n
Uvper Mahanoy V Jl Bastian.
sti,.. 1 , tv,. 1 1 11 1 r 1
JiltltOH Jacob ho am . II i Ei.'li'rl.
v,,i, 1, 1,1 tV 7 T
Northumberland Wm H Waples, D M
Briiiilioiun, Samuel F.llinl
I Jacksun John Ueppen, Wm Zartmati
j Hush tieo
j Lower Augusta (jeoige Weaver, Chailes
1 Smith, Mailm liainlle.
j Lower Mahanoy Chrislian Yarjer.
' Pel it .furors.
Jorda 11 -Henry Bmier, sr , Uninh Schwartz
Milton John Fuller, Samuel Blair, li M
Ft ick, Thomas Mervine.
Sunbury James Bachelor, Geo W Kiehl,
Thomas Snvder, E (J Maiklay.
Point Isaac BeiJIeibach, John Gulick,
John S 11 viler. '
Loirf )' Mgtisfa- Peter Malick, sr., Gilbert
Beriu-u, John CoMrain.
Le wis Isanc Turner.
1 AAowioiw Alvm Alexander, A. lam (nlger,
John Bnusuer. John Moore, Samuel John.
Upper Augusta Den tiis Wulveilon, John
Z Haas.
Hush Jacob Berger
Cntrifroi! Siilomon R Buyer
Delaware Isaac Vincent, Jr , William
Turbut Peter Koch, Ianiel I.U'i i", Rob
ett Mack.
Coal Ji'sse Yarnal
Chilifqnaijiie William Aung!,
Gee, John M Gnlley.
Lower Mahanoy Jacob Spat?.
John Mc
KY Virtue of cert tin wiiU of l'i . Kxy. to me
directed will 1 sold by public Vendue, or
outcry, at Ibe court house in tho borough uf
Sunbury, at 1 o'clock, P. M., on Monday. Ibe
7th day of August next, the follow ine described
property, lo wit !
A Certain Inland
or llat iu Ihe river Kunpiehauna in the towiuhip !
of A uiiUfla, containing uhoul sixtv acre more or
less, commonly called the Hound (.land, and flats 1
adjacent thereto, Ix-nitf the pri-mines which Tho.
Siherwood and wile hy deed, dated beplemocr
?'i, I s t -1. conveyed to the Defendant in he. j
AI.SO: a certain other Hand situate i:i be
Sii.ipjrhaiiua river, opposiiii the Isle of Ljne in i
Lower Auitu.ta township, Northumberland 1
county, and known by the iiime of Claik's 1.- ,
laud, containing Twelilv-.ix acies inu.e or leas, 1
AL: a rrilaiii other I .land situule in Ibe!
am river, in th township and county aforesaid, '
uud iieai ly cou'icioiis to Ihe abov inciitioiM-d,
known by th nam uf Timothy l.lmid, contain- j
ing three trie moi or U-sj. .1 .'t ; a lerl iin :
uihrr siluaie in the said river, iu lb '
luwiislnp and roonlv aforesaid, anil nearly eon- 1
lljtoua lo th abota ineutl.iixd. known by th '
nam uf lleu.leiniali's I .Uud. ronlaiiiiug twenty j
nabl acre iiiui ur lei a, all of whieli si cleared.
eird, lakru ill vrcunon, and to b sl. a
th pioprrty uf John tlsilnian, jr.
A fi (Win L11I or irc of l-aml,
siiuat In Mi r.enstll, in uri!iunlrlnil
counlv , bounded noilh by lot ul II. J. Keaihsi,
at by I'iuiiI slil, suuih by lul uf J. P. II "-
ubi, aud jI by lb una, fuliUnitu( wis
luuith uf an i muia ui lis, ahersun si
siviWJ alluiy inn lwllu. 1 1 hum,
Pitni nul'l. and uiImi uut buiWiiin.
imJ, UkM ut (tcruituu aud to U auU a
lb itfuLsrity uf Jalisi II. (iiksr,
WM. U. KIPP, fhanrt
Mhalill's OlIU. I
uatuiy. July , lM. l
IhAUtvikU f ft
fl'IIK tubsfilbei Ists lease Wlafcuea hie IilaaJa
I and Ike public (SMMnalit, thai ha has Istiu
ikatUwi taslt kuwttH aUuJ, i4 Hl W Isappy
U a'4is all ka susy tise kim a tall.
ISiKSastisaii's i.Uhiw4, a4 t'as)
sits lak lus U, ssls u4 uud by
iVswU ,1 II II M st
To the Voters of Northumberland County
Fklmiw CiTicr.srs. Encouraged by many
of my friends, I herewith offer myself (o your
consideration, as a candidate for the office of
a' the ensuing election. Should I be elected, 1
promise to fulfil the duties thereof with fidelity
ami impartiality,
Sunbury, Mar S7, 1854
To the Voters of Northumberland County,
Fsitow CiTisixst Encouraged by many
friends, I announce myself as candidate for the
office of
at the approaching election. Should I be elected
I pledge myself to discharge the duties thereo
with punctuality and impmlinlitv.
Sunbury, April 8, 18!)4.
To the Voters of Northumberland County.
Fellow Citit.ks ! Encouraged by many
of my friends throughout the eountv, I herewith
offer myself lo your consideration for the ollice
at the ensring election. Should I be elected. 1
promise to discharge, the duties thereof faithfully
and with impnrlinlitv.
I'pper Augusta, June 17, 1854,
To the Voters of Northumberland County.
Encouraged by the support heretofore received,
and at the solicitation nf my friends, I again offer
myself ns a candidate for the ollice of .
I at the ensuing election, and promise, if elected,
,0 '""cargo me dunes 01 me ollice latlhlully and
, ,. , MARTIN G ASS.
tsbamokin tp., June 24, 1854.
To the Voters of Noithumberland County.
Fkllow Citizkxs. Encouraged by my nu
merous fiicmls I clier myself lo your considera
tion for the office of
and promise, if elected. In discharge the duties of
the ollice faithfnllv and to th best of inv ability
Toint, June S4, 1S54.
To the Voters of Northumberland County.
Fi.llow Cinzi vs. At the solicitation "f a
number of toy friends, I again offer myself as a
candidate for the oflicc of
and promise, if elected, to discharge the duties
o t c office with coirectucss, and to tho best of
my ability.
Sunbury, June 17, 1851.
To the Voters ofNorthumberland County.
Fki.low Citizkms.- I hereby announce to
you that I will be a candidate at the October
election for the office of
for which I solicit your votes. And in doing so
I tender my sincere thanks to those w ho kindly
hupported me when a candidute heretofore, a
kindness which I shall ever hold in grateful re
membrance. Should a majority of you see
proper lo gi ant me the favor I now ak, and I be
elected Sheriff of the counlv, I shall make every
c"ort to perform the duties of tiic nfiice to the
e. r.i l.t:
suusiucuun 01 im- uuunc,
L'pper Augusta, June 17, 1854.
V OTICE is Hereby rjiien '''"t the wveral
Courts of Cotnmon Picas, General Quarter
Sessions of the Ha i', and Oprlinns' t 'onrt. Court
of Oyer and Terminer aud General Jail Delivery,
in and for tho county of Northumberland, to
commence at the Court Hi use, in the borough ol
Sunbury, at 10 o'clock, A. M. on Monday, the
7th dav of August, next, and will continue
The coroner, Justices of the Peace and cousta
I blcs in aud lor the county of Northumberland, are
I requested to be then and there in their proper per
: sons, with their rolls, records, inquisitions, aud
j other remembrances, to do those thine, to their
' several ollu-cs apbertaining to be done. And all
witnesses prosecuting in behalf of the Coinmon-
1 wealth against any prisoner arc also requested nnd
I commanded to be then and there attending in their
I proper persona lo prosecute ogainst him, as ohall
j be just and not to depart without leave at their
j peril. Jurora-uro requested to be punctual in their
1 attendance, at the time appointed agreeable to
their notices.
vnvcn unner my nana at suiiDtiry, 111c tst uay 01
July, in the year of our Lord one thousand
eight hundred and fifty-four aud the In
dependence of the United States of America
the 77th.
God save the Commonwealth.
4 PPLICATION ili be made to ihe lrgUla
turn of Pennsylvania, at tho session of
.sri.i, lor the incorporation of a Savings Institute
with discounting privileges, and with authority
1 to receive monies or dcpoaitca, in any sums from
! a dime upwsids, with a capital of Kifty thousand
j dollars, to be located ut Sunbury, Nnrthumbcr
j laud county. Pa , snd to be called the Is mt 11 lit
July 1, I SSI Cm.
OTICE i hereby given that application will
be made to the next l.eijilaluie of Peunsvl-
vania, for the creation of a corporate body with
1 Li..,. ...a .l;.n.. .;.;iu..A. 1.. iMa,a.i
at Nh mokiii Pa. and lo l called Ihe Bank of
81iamokin, with a Capitol stock of Two HurdteJ
thousand ilnllars,
SliHiuokiu. July B, I SS I. Pin.
Miiivi's' and Mnrliiitorv Oil.,
Consisting of Sperm, I. aril. Solar Elephant
and rackrd Whale liU.
h'or Sale Lv
A 1. 1. EN v NEEDLE.
2J .S'oul ll'iiii i'( J iinif 35 S.mlh H ater Sheet,
July I. I '.-- am.
- -
Table oil iov.
A lll'E TlNli, El i r oil 1 bob
V -r. I arm I chain, aud Door mat, iu.l rrrsi
trd and fir s.ih- lv
Api.ll!'.', I M.
i. w. tf.m:ka in.
II V lilldlis. t'lotb., t'ss.iiueis. hulliiirll.
esiiujs, Tuetd, Suiiiii.rr iloih, tvlvrl
eord, Tntiniis. ChccV Miuims. At., jo-l rciel
1 f .i and bv I. W. TKNHK A CO.
Kimhinv. Apiil 41. IM
nVUU W AHU su.l in aical a
in Hi t and ut all dr iii'lioiis. Just ir. ensd
...I U S4le by V" M A. kS sUH.
.ur Autiusls, May l4l
IAIlltH' liies II.mhI. Hpiing and huiiuns'
J hhsals, UU.asilk, si.k p.'1'lins, lie l ame
i l.i..kl.aius, IW bfc. Lawns iiJ '! . Jn la
i wi.sJ sad I i sal. t V M. A. K.N AUU.
Lai si Augusta, Ms 0, aJi. .
Y tiOOliM, I'Uh. Csasiiasia, kisllmslts,
I W Vasiiuga, TwmJs, ussnu'l slolh. slf I
stiii. Ttskittga, rbss. Muslins, As-, lust 'd
taltwMl. b WM. A. KNAUU.
Luasi AugiMU, May I, at -
1,11)11 KCN T Tbs l..i umi ul ibe hud hug
lai M.iksl s4ii, Uiely usiupiaj aslbevilue
wl the Hutibuiy Atuwu-su. Aply U
l(. U. MAwtU,
huahitiy, July I, UU -
V U ul b s-ii. I uioitl.aa, ssipsl
MtS, sitSS S S tun IM1 S-f U4
aiits, pM ila4 J sab t
vaH.t 11411
I CI tu, l is Mss I. let -
Market Street, opposite the Red Lion Hotel,
Sunbury, Pa.
fpME subscriber is hsppy lo announce lo the
citizens of Sunlmry and vicinity, that he
has just opened a largo stock of
such as Coats of every fashion, Pants and Vests,
Shirts of all kinds, figured aud plain, under
shirts and drawera, both woolen and cotton,
red flannel shirts, twilled, plated bosoms,
overhauls, stockings and gloves, of all
kinds, suspenders, silk bantlkrrchicls,
ties and stocks, pocket handker
chiefs, cctton and silk ( splendid
collars, suspenders of all sizes
and prices.
It has ofien been said ol a pocket in &
shirt, but come and see the pocket, vest
and shirt in oiip.
Alsot a fine assortment of Cloths, Castimcrs and
Bnttinetts, Summer goods, black sat'tn for
Vests, at every price, and any f"anlity of
fancy vest patterns, which will be made
tip to order to sort customers ; my maxim
is: no fit no take. And ns for cheap
selling, I don't intend to be beat by
Europe or America. Also on
hand, a largo assortment of
Umbrellas at any price, to suit
great anil small, togetlrer
with some travelling
bags to carry Yank e
notions in, large and small.
Come Farmers, Mechanics, LaWers al .
Call in anil see the Clot lung at Tower Hull,
Ami if rou want to Ik suited to a T,
Call at the store of John II. 1).
Sunbury May SO, 1854. 3in
jot. ;jin. j
Wholesale and Retail Druggists,
Market St., next door to E. 1'. Briaht's Store,
fcFFER to the public the largest and bett
selected stock ever opened in this section of
country, consisting of
Medicines, Chemicals, Ground Spices, Pniuts,
Oils, Varnishes, Dye-stuffs, Window Glass,
Patent Medicines, together with a complete as
sortment of Paint, Clothes, Hair, Tooth, Nail
and Shaving Brushes, Dressing, Side, Neck and
Pocket Combs, Foncy Soaps, Shaving Cresms,
Tobacco, Segars, Port Monies, Stationary, Con
For Medicinal use, English, French and Allien
can Perfumery, Fancy Goods of every descrip
tion, in short every article kept by Druggists
OCT" Prescriptions Carefully Compounded.
Sunbury, Moy 13. 1854
scccesson To
Watches, Jewelry & Silver Ware,
No. 175 Chestnut st , opposite the State House,
Phila., May 27, 1854. ly.
93 SotifA M'Aartfs om 3ft SohiA tt'ute r Strut,
OFFER for sale on the most reasonable terms,
OILS Sperm, Whale, Solar and Miners' i
G.U- i
GUANO Peruvian Guano, Government No. 1.
STARCH Agents for the Oswego Pure
Starch, Prepared Corn and Coin Starch.
Phosphate of Lime,
1000 barrel'! of improved Super Phosphate ul
Tliila., May 27, lfiS4.--3m.
RESPECTFULLY informs his friends nnd
customers that he has just received from the
city a new and complete assortment of
.Vfis Wearing ?ppnrel,
which he will mike tip to order, ur sell, as cheap
as any other establishment 111 the place, as lie is
determined to permit no one to undersell him.
His goods are choice, and carefully selected from
the beat in tho Philadelphia market, and they
will be made up in the best and latest style and
warranted. His stock consists in part of hand
some Marsciles and Silk, Puck and
other Linens for Coats, Ac. Also, a variety of
Cloths, Cussimcrs, Cravats, Neck Ties, and a
variety o'. other articles tor Mens wear.
Sui.bury, June 10, 1854 if.
List of Causes,
TOR trial in the Court of Common Pleas
. of Northuinlierland County, at August 'P.,
A. D 1654.
John Hunter va John Haas
Reuben Faqclv j- Ko vs John Kosser 4 co
Morris I. Ilallowcll vs James Kced
Scull & Thompson vs Same
Ruri.ett Saxton 4 eo vs Same
Richard 1) Dritten A. co vs Same
Same vs
Wm L Cook vs
Commonwealth vs
John C Melov vs
bauiuel Jul.l.ccn
George Lckert adin'r
Johu WedJrcomb
I f'n J-'l''.""
t. 1. Tlpcr I
'I'lionim M'YVillium vs Wilson Hutchinson I
Jucob Miucl vs Uiivid Uould
Daniel Scbrout vs JJ 11 Dreishach e! al j
Lewi Dcwstl's vxt va Ui V Fagely ;
David D.tvis vs Sweeny Ir Caldwell Garnishee
Win Wuinrisht va K e Trctfo to
lUvid ile.h.t va Li W Knew
; Chailes llaupt vs Frick St 51ifr
I lav l.l llolileu c wile vs tiro ) oiikius sililil t al
Win Tracy vs Kobit.s vV W illielni
Win t M nr vs J.i'.ni ll.nlr
Pmi.l Waii.iii ss sun
i White A Mcrvine vs llnnira lsuh 4 ro
I W in II Kriinii John Miller.
, U,.j4mi ilaruharl s J 1'Miulls
K Jordan cV c a Uenj l.nll. v
A In in Uiusioua admr Jacli hnl
lsvi.l Walter vs lid Wuli'mn
Itaibaia Uuwel'a gusriiiin s ( lus A K'lli
J inns W s
James Csiiicr.iri vs
tii-4'hol't fur Itenn s
llsuirl lllii.seiiilllel vs
James II huillll vs
i oh i Tallinn's rw vs
I've Weaver
I his .1 Kin
A I.hi Hams el al
Jacob brashulti
Jaiiiet t'a.ini'.ti
Ji'.r I vice's L'cs
sain a
Jatuu W hrelait.l tl 19 II J V tiianiier al al
It l ('utnnniiiis vs lliii' u!r rt al
llal.llali Z-lui.b-ff A. rs a Jailles !l,
l.uai.l. I .....a tlat lrW.. !
. , .. m I
I svi M sha s t .V (i.stiim
m Y .Nsls s same
Use f Camp vs John I aiii.
Jsstuh Looa vs Oso C Mi kre
lluulisauu tut Ka4 M-iun l s i P rlh iln
i P l amp s ksisil ul.lntksi si ',
J .baKiiousa s t hai Its Hubms st si
Paiiay Cton.l iu Ueaik.H
VswMaitin is t tail Una
JMC Uwkl, Piash'y.
PluthutH ti) vjlut, i
umbwiiv. J aty , J4... ,
mfH Kl"CUl tiW ( 4M)V. .la suei.
y Uu.4 iuJy Is. 4Uri, wUa. fi U
I Ct wfua,
I'mswUi I. III..
at tine utfc.. kut-svbai tisk Ink.
Cuia Mlui al It ii t uis tmsit U
iti. k is4
Hollo way's Ointment
CUizent of tht Union :
Yoo have Sunn m the 8tWUf, ss with r
voies, from on entl of the Union to the. utlitr, to stai
the character of my Ouitini nl with Tour uppruuetion.
Is scarcely two years since I merle it known smow '
and uheiiily. It has obtained mora celebrity lliun any otl
Medicine 111 so short a period.
38, Corner of Ann suit Nassau Streets, New York
Com a Ict'ee from Mr. V. J. Lnrgley.
Jittntsvtlle, Yudktn County, Oorlh Vuiolm
V. H., dated November 1st, 1S53.
To IV ifessia' IIollowa-v.
Sir. Ic is not my wish to heeome notnf :"lis, neit
is this letter written for ihe Sucre sake of writing, toil
sriy. your Ointment cured me of one of Ihe ni'
ilrcmtlitl enrtaneom diseases tint flesh is heir to, 11
which wus considered hy nit who knew ine, to he entin
beyond ihe rertch rf medicine. Knr nine years I w
atllictetl Willi tine nfthe most painful and trnulilesol
sore legs that evei fell tu lire lot of man ; nnd afiei try i
every metlieine I Ian! ever heard of, I resigned 111 diffi
a II hope c.f liemg cured : hrit a friend hnaigtit ine s cnu
nf lar,ie p its ol your Ointineiit, wlncli enus4.1l the s.ncs
my h-ps to heal, nnrl I entirely regniticd my hnillli to l
nitreeulile surprise and ilslilit, and to the aMonifchmt
of my frieiltts
C'trii'-I) tV. j. I.XXftl.P.V.
Copy of a letter from Mr. ft. ffitrant, A'r
Orleans, November DfA ISa'J.
To Pioi'essor Hollowav. nn, Comer f Ann anil Xas
Streets, .N Y.
l)e:ir Sir It is with hear'tfeii jtrotltridc I bnvc
llllorni y,. llmt by the use ol yum Oiininent ffn4 Pills, t
lii 01 my wife Ins Keen saved, l-'or seven veins s
liuit a bud tu oust, w iih ten ninuiiig wounds, (not 'uf a ea
eeroiis imtnie ) I was told that ncthing emilcl save lie
I sue whs men inilueeil la use your tlmtineiil snii I'll
I when in the stiort ,-iaee ol t,ree nvsistis, lliey ertected
I pein-M cure, to the nst niisliirent of all wno knew tts.
' We ol.tnimd your .Meiticines from Messrs. '.VrightA O
nfClwrtrea street. New Or'-acs. I send this from Hut
nes i-rinces," runs. iiuii,iueii, m,l written it nt Ne
Orleans, befmc rre tmrrlly left, ut tteit t,',nc, in,t kiK'Wii
your ndrlress nt New Yik.
(fijitc!) K.Dl'JtAXT.
Tlx rills sliutil.1 he iisnl eniii..iiitl with the Otiitmi
In m-st of the fi.ll'.ivvinp cusi-3 :
Bid Ijrgt, Cliittt i-1' Fistulas,
B-id Iiruul', Clilll'lniiis, Ouut.
Barns, t-'happc t hri:-.d, limniliilnr 8'veliin
Hiliiinis. Civns 183ft) l,nngo
llile nl Mur.rtie- CstiCerS filet
tots SaeJ-Flies, Dimlriicteil nnd lilieiimatism
rrveo-hay. - StiiT Joints, SenHs.
Klepliruitiasis, Sire Nipples. Sore-thronis, , SeU,v, fi.iro-l:ernls,
Tumnms, L'leeni, VN'onnrtf,
Si.ld ut lin- r..!;il.i;imc.,t . ( TVi'tsir ITut.Ir.WAT. ?.
Hlrsiid, (near Temple lliir, l.r.nUi.n.) ami nlsu nt Ins II. -u
ui Jfje Vnrlt. Orders fur Mi-ilicnie- in tiie Suite, sltitre
B"it ''. ll.ill.nvny New Vork,' will n-eeive f!itr nttriith
S'llJ als 1 hy all respeettihle Diugijists mill Dealers in Mc.
leiiu-s throughout tlie Uniteil Suites, in lloxrs nt XTI cent
ST cents, nnd 61. So cents each Tot hid Wholesnlc 1
the priiieiml llmir Houses is the fneni.
'Fhcre is a eonsideiabie savins by tski.ig the Isrgi
V 1'- rireetlnivs 0r the iciiittnner of pniients in evei
u ; -i.'et nre nlixcil to eneh box.
June -Jl. I-.-51. t'.in.
(At the Old Stand, established in 1700.)
Our Points are nil tipped with olid Plntius snd stamped
with our tiAuie. Printed directions &eeoinpsn.T ench Loint.
Prices, $1 00, It 26, $1 60, 2 00, fs GO, CO, per point,
according to too quantity of Plstlria.
v;By limittinre Six Conti In Pottage
i-'S. stamps, in addition to any of th above
prices, a Point can bo safely seat by mail t
any part of the United States.
Phila.. May C, 1SS4. Sm.
Spring and Summer Goods !
Peter V7. Gray
1 . FU.'iMS his liiends that he has just receiveii
a good assortinent of Spring and Suminei
Gooiisat his .Stoic iu Whortleberry rtivet. Hit
stock consists of
Cloths. Cassiincrs, ."ottinettn, Jrahs, Diillings,
ilaracs, Harare Oe Laines, (jinghaius,
l.nivns, Liueni, Munliux, Flannels,
Mantilla .Silks, Summer Shawls,
Dress Trimming and all items
in the Pry floods line. Also, a
ui 41- s.-sortmet of Shoeft for Men Wuai. ii and
Children. Hummer Hats,
Groceries of every vaiiety, ColTee, ,Supnr, Molusncs, J-' pices, Piilt,
Fish, &c.
A general assortment of Cedar Wore Tubs
Buckets, Wash Boards, Brooms, Brushes, &c.
QiTr.Nswnn a general assortment.
Country produce taken at the highest raarke'
Sunbury, June 3, 1S5L tf.
To Tieai-asaers on the Telegraph Line.
VOTICE ib hereby given, that all persons'
found trespassing upon, or injuring the line
of the Philadelphia and Sunbury Telegraph will
be vie jh with according to the act of Assembly in
such ruses made ai.d provided.
H. B. MASSE R, Prc'l
Phils, and Sunbury Telegraph Co.
Sunbury. June 3, 165-1. If.
Billiard Saloon,
Market Square, Suubury.
tHE subscriber re spcc'ful'y infoims the public
-- that iiu has erectej for tiieir amusement and
exercise, an elegant rosewood billiard table, with
iudia rubber cushions, in the building lately
occupied as the otfU-e of the Sunbury American,
up stairs.
Sui.biiry, Jur.c 17, 151. Ct.
"000 Tons No. I Government Perutwrt
fj..1 tiuauo.
lOOU Toi-s Suiser-phisphate of Lime.
LtUO l oui Mineiui Ousiio,
J.l Vji.f,! Il'iiiit i n.-ii 'il Sum!, It'uler V. ur
ii'.f ioor u'lci'i. (lie. it uut St
J.n. V I, l:i.;in,.
Estate of ALBIN NEWBERRY. Jco'd.
! laVOIK H
I 1 miui.ifi
j .lt-l!l.. U.
JOIH His her, by Kivu Hut b tiers of .l. lists Iwea ii.iuled t.i il,.. i. ii.
on Ihe t.tlls m Alhin N.wl., nv.
Utt ul i'oii.l luivnslaj,, ,NuithiiiiiWili.,l eouiiti.
Jic'd. Alt (ioiis Unlet. i,. nr ie.ji j.,1, ,1 .
111 ike ii.iu.i-iluir 4Viiit'nl, iiul ah r"ui. .'aims
ur demands annual suid r.lale uie .li.iinl t.
Iiu. ti s.iii.s lwi.. is lo the vuh. l.l .'i. ..h..i.l
d. I.v.
OtUH NF.Wtll'.KKV. i . .
l.nuL U i;ttc i!Hi,j "
Tumi tp . Juna 'il, '. ilt. tl.
an-. si(.aes I n Man. Uni.r
t htlil'ai,. I.l.bea' l.,..r !..,.. I s. lies'
Id us 4 0:nJ ti all. i a . iu.l snJ til
w'j bv U v. ., U0.
l.easi u;u.i4. M.v U. ItM
V 11(1" LHU:' .!., lull... M'laaa
IM ,, tl.U. Uiii.I .l.i.i. Wl. ''
T. Ilti.n.j s .J a'l. Iu.l is-ii '''
a) vt VI . UI Vi,;.i.t. Vlav a !-
kU'-A.I kill, al e', J '
pais b I n I by , , ,
(. tlM'"1"' ms.t -ii a.t i T"1 '
.ii .., ui. b, .1.1 .
Ul tMt' !-
uu..s trfti;?;"
A- . fu ..U i HUM ' i
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