SUNBUKY AMERICAN ANP SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. A STRING OF ITEMS The condition of the sUMrivltig wounded by I he Susquehanna Rmlrond accident, is comforloWo as can be epecien. The $7,000,000 draft for the Mexicun Treaty hM been presented lt the I. ... Treasurer, here, and the money Is now gomp into the vaults of the banks. Obeying Oiidem- 1 wish yon would pay a littlo nttentior, exclaimed a carpenter to careless apprentice. "Well, air, lam paying as little at t can," was the calm re ply. During the firing of the National snliito nt Lykenstown, Dauphin county, Fa , on the 4!h, a man named Henry Martin was killed, and another named John Orndorf had his arm blown of). Fond or Mi'TTo.- A very large eale was shot last week, on tho farm of Joseph T. Mason, near Petersburg, Vu. This bird had played sad havoc wild Mr. Mason' lambs having killed seventeen of them. .The Hon. John M. Clayton estimates the foreign emigration during the present year will amount to seven hundred and fitly thou sand, and that out of them there will be two bundled and fifly thousand voters. A man in Michigan, not long since, enm milted suicide by drowning. As tlm body could not bo found, the Coioncr held an in nicft on his hat and jacket, found on the bank ol tho lake. Verdict -"found empty." Eccentric Rebuke. Tho late Rowland Hilt once said, on observing sonio persons enter his chapel to nvoid the rain that was falling. "Many persons are to be blamed for making their religion a cloak; but I do not think thoso are much belter who mako it an umbrella !" The Gold Harvest Since tho first dig' covcry'of gold in California, tha yield has averaged about $60,000,000 a year, or $5,- 000.000 a month, S 1,250,000 a week, $178, 521 a day, or $7,4-10 an hour, or ono hundred and twenty-four dollars a minute ! Who talks about hard times 1 Great Trout FrsiiiNO. Four citizens of F.aston made a trout-fishing excursion on the 2!)lh ult., to the Tubyhanna creek, and re turned on the 3d inst., with 3,100 of the most beautiful speckled trout that ever tempt cd an epicure's palato. The largest measur ed IG inches in length. Languages and Religions. The number nf languages spoken in the world amounts to 8074; 587 in Europe, 896 in Asia, 276 in Africa, and 1S74 in America. The inhabi tants of the globe profess more than one thousand different religions. The number of men is about equal to tho number of women- "Julius, sposo dcre is six chickens in a coop, and de man sells tree, how many is dere lef!" "What time of day was it V "Why, what has dat to do wid it ?" "A good deal honey. If it was arler'dark deie would be none left: dat is if you hap pened to come along dat way." Removed Br a Higher Power. Letters Loin Havana, announce the death of Roca) the liitendctite, who committed tho outrage on the Black Warrior. He died of black vomit on tho niht of the 27th ult. Thus, while Mr. Soule's demand for his removaj was pending, a power far higher and greater than that of any Government, has removed him. Prayer to the Point. Rev. Mr. Balm, of Chicago,, (Illinois,) inserts a prayer of his own in tho Olive Uiauch of that city, w hich runt thus: "O, Lord! have mercy on our 'special revivalist preachers;' mercy and goodness, we humbly beseech thee, keep them from taking ladies who become con verts on their I iica, and folding them in their arms and kissing them." Vkrt Singular The New Bedford Stan dard states that a lady in that city, wifu of Henry R. Wilcox, Esq., about fourteen year since, accidentally stuck a piece of glass, ubout ono quarter of an inch in length, iulo one of her lingers. A few day ago, it volun tarily ejected itself, much to her iclicf, as it has been the cause of much trouble dining tho whole lime il has been lodged there. A Wurd Fitly Si-okes. Gen. Ca. saiJ recently in the Senate of tha United SuiUs : Independently of its connection wiih .u. man destiny hereafter, I believe Ilia fate of the republican government U indio!ubly bound up with the f.uo of I he Christian relt Kion, and that a people who reject i huly fuilh, will fiuj themselves the iluvcs of Iheir own evil passions nnd of aili'iary powers." Alcohol Kor a Remedy.- Purm-ll Jav ks,, cf Woicenter couuly, Mai) land, on ilt) , ult., was bitten on the sud of In linnet l,y a copper-head stinku, fioiu tho tllccts ol luch liu died I ho next day. Intuit. Iiuitly uft,., being bit hu diunk a lui-ju iiuautiiy ,, win,. key, Untiling it iiuld cuunleiju tha nice; ol the puiMiu, bill, uiifuituuutci), il tlu such elleel. So it null appear, uii-i ti i, hot u tuttfiiin it'intijy (jf Iho ", (. Mi id a si.ake. 'I nr. I', v'i i. eit of Fiance, ;.i, i I . .v i . , I. uui. I'uii.pp.., Uicly pu.i , iuut,-ti IM-i .il uu ln- r linn In F.i jjUnil, vi he hu p. n tin t'.iuiuinunt uf Funve, ll.n.lii . In .l.i .i act ii iniuaiitl euuili'ty, nitu',1 ii liu i.uih i tit . of Uiu.uil that II Hon I I iiul in.iLo 1.1 I Lit ll. aubpivl ul ai.y i t!aln4l il , !., iti'iidJ lb eihd IJumii rnmlu vvial d.i). in I ha cuuniiy. llii "Uor vuv I i n.'Jl lu tu.tmi Iiul d. pi.Um tine ful ('Uiamui.l, lUilfiuLt Uu M -To ("lliU ( i..n.,:., aithHiun4 in MMililuimy u tou gn.ij lu Im lul ' As Ju lyu V w. k',i, lit alll, U.4I liulliul IM.t 1 1 will til liUtW, sl I Ul.sLkin. b-M I 'I lt.1 ltnii, p4.ttf. llolU I'tMuluU, SUB. Ill J L,, fU:f , Jl, ikk" HwjVl.;. .wiu..l iulust lu In I i ha l.ii v B 1k uJ, gisiKly t.uunii. ".'vp, WJ n, sivy, I siu JaM lt" The Mi, it.s) bi Us, t,w.i'l ! ( ' J, ' i k'KMi M.f, !', U'f !4 l' k4IM It i-a4J.ll, 4 l .i rw'i)l.i' I lbii.ii,' tl.t Uil ilia PATENT ; Galrnnizcd Iron Tubing, TOR CHAIN PUMPS. rpHIS Tubing, md of Gslvsnized Iron by X patent machinery, pocfes great strength, comWecd with simplicitv and noatness, nnd is wnrranted not to corrode, is how offered for le at tlio warehouse of tha AMERICAN GALVANIZED IRON WORKS, AV 1 4 Forth Tenth Strtet, rHlL.ATJEI.nilA. A full asiortnicnt of our American Galvanized Shcrt and Rooting Iron always on hand. All mders promptly attended to by McCOI.LOLUH & CO. rhila., May 87, IS54 3in. ' UTEST ARRIVAL OF Spring and 81111111101" Gootls. J. F. & X.rT XLLINE, UEsPr.CTFt:LLV announce to their fiiend and lie public, in general, that tlicy bars received nt their Old Stand, in I'ier Aunusla loiishii, Nortliunilierlnnd conigy, Tn., their Sirins nn 1 Summer tioods, nnd opened to the public a lull assortment of MERCHANDIZE, &c, ('onsistitig in pntt f Cloths, bl.irk nnd fanry C'usHiniers, S.ltlilirtls, ('liciks nnd all kinds of SriUNU k SUMMEIl WEAU. Also a splendid assortment if Ladies Dress Gods, Calicoes, (linghnm. Muslin i!o Lnines, Tlaid Cashineres, Dc beie, I.nwns.'ciie. Also a fresh supply of all kinds, of A fresh supply "of Hardware and Querns ware, Drugs and Medicines. Wooden Ware. Also a large assortment of Boots nnd .shoes, suitable for Men, Women ami Children. Hats nnd Taps, sui'h as fSil k, Panama, and other Hutu, Salt, Cheese, &c. Call and ee. Cheaper than the Cheapest, All of which will be sold for cash, or in ex change fur country produce, at the liijhestmarket price. I'ppcr Augusta, May 0", 1 S5i. This Way! This Way!! Spring ami Summer (loods. FRILINC3- & GRANT. WJESPECTKULLY ftiform tlieir customers nnd the public, that lliey have jut receiv ed and opened the lcst and cheapest stock of Spring and Summer Goods, nt their store in Market square, Sunbury. Their slock consists of every variety of Dry Gooil, viz : Cloths, Cassimeres, Rattincts, Vesting', Flannels, ll'ollcns, 4'c, And all kinds of Spring & Summer Wear. Also a splendid variety of LADIES DRESS & FANCY GOODS, Calicoes, Ginghams, Chintzes, De Laines, craes, And every variety pf goods snitable for La dies wear. Also a largo assortment of HARDWARE and QTTEENSWARE, Fish, Salt and Plaster. Also an extensive assortment of Hats and Caps for Mkn and Roys. Also a large assortment of GROCCIHES, SUCH AS Sugar, Teas, Coffee, Molasses, Spices of all kinds. Also a fresh supply of prtl US AND MKD1CINKB. Besides the largest and most general assort ment of all kinds of goods to bo had in tfiis place. CSP" Country produce of all kinds taken in ex change at the highest market price. Sunbury, May 13, 1834. New Goods for the People ! BENJAMIN 11 V:V FN VAl UE&PECTFULLY informs the public in gen eral that he has just received and opened a splendid stock of Spring and Summer (loods at his New Store, in Lower Augusta township. His stock consists in part of Cloths. Cassimers, Cassinets. of all kinds, of linen, cotton and worsted. ALSO : Calicoes, Gingham, I.awns, Moutfsiellue Io L.alnc and all kinds of Ladiea Dress Goods. Grocer lei), Also an assortment of Hardware. Iron and Steel, JJails, &c. Also an excellent assortment of QUEENSWARE, of various styles and patterns. Also an assortment of HOOTS A. SsIOKS. II ATS Ji: t'APf. a sod Suit, Fish, ftc. And a crent variety of other articles such as are suitable to the trade, all of which will be sold at the prices. Ii?' Country produce taken in rxcuangt a the highest prices. Lower Augusta, Mav f, 1S51. TANNERY Ki) r S a I e o r Kent. FI1HE iiibscril er oilers fur sale or rent his 1 TAN N EK V, situated in the ll.iurishiu'j town of M.uim.Un, .Nuilliiuiitieibiiid (Vtinlv. 'i'bu tuiiiicry u wi ll I.k uU J and tip!ii-d null a fouu l iin ol riiiiniii',' water. Tbe building is of liumu A7 .y Vlii I,., !, (,, a .tmie bai im nl. 't'iia yard rontaiiis SS iits, ull in t'nilli lit nr. Ice UaiL rfii't lu !i-s uu. ubninbiul. I'. .,i,,ii i,il Icmcu iuiiiii'di itely. Il ll.e nn4ily i ii.,t I':, aiil ,crn n "nil inn iitjrrli,, likui' a It'l-Hl iiIim-i, on U.I IMlilllo.uD W.U, uf litf WOUld iB .1. riii..i ii i, i t K.,1K U 8J it 4i.i, all,, i, n. !,, ,. . As Hum I. !'. ollirl tai,, ,y , ,s(, ,m, kiUi 11,,,, iioi'...lui'lly tug,, , ,!, bu.mi.j, ,t.lum I. ir I. v) , , ItWIKI. I'.VEUT. Lu, Juii. 1,1, l-M . u, Sudbury, fa. i:.imm i i.ui:i:.Ni'.ci ; :; i.i.v kI .1, kI, iU I lu . Lrmi ( t UU. W4i.l. ...4 jt J MIS 4l I,S ..u.t,. II. III... "HI ".'ll UIJ, 4 XI, . . (f. JAMES B?CGi, jrt -h.ik h r'j?.iT:r'j?s NV ui'vi'tmiitt, .v., Il i s,k ,-H s,,,,, 4k.. 4.a, ' ru '.4IH.l,rMI4. I biW.. W, 4, , t,, I . I.. U . t4.l41),,JL1 4 i.l.u ki ATTENTION ! For the Metropolitan Clothing Store of O. ELSSERQ &'C0., Mat tel Street, opposite the Post OJftet. IVE have just received and on hand now the ' most beautiful, larrreat and lt assorted stock of rcaily-mada Clothing adapted to Hprinj and Summer wear ever brfora broiishl into Sunbnry or any place in this section of the coun try. Our Clotliinn made by the best hands and under our own supervision, we know will give entire satisfaction to buyers. Ptill adhering to our old motto "C7ien; for C'a ," we'll dispose of our goods reasonable and rapidly. All we say is: come, examine and pike our goods nnd we feel sure you'll buy. We offer you at the very lowest prices every imaginable variety of Coats, Vests and pants, eut in the last fashion and warranted to fit. Cloths, cassiincrcs, aattinelts, linens, drillings, jeans, silks, satins, and all other kind made into Clo thing. Abo a large assortment of Boots nnd Shoes; among these a splendid variety of ladies shoes, ladies and gents gaiters, cVc. SILK HATS, Panama, Pahnleaf, Pearl and all other Hats and Caps we have a grent variety uf. Also a great lot of trunks, valises and carpet burjs fur sale cheap JEWELUV. W'c Inive a splendid lot of watches, nnd nil kind of Jewelry suitable for ladies and gentlemen. PISTOLS. All kinds of Revolvers, double and silicic barrel Pistols, Accordeons, Shirts, Collars and all other goods generally kept in our line can be found nt our store, all of which we inlei'd to sell at the very lowest price. Don't forset the place, IS. ELSHEKCi .V Co. Market Sipiare, opposite the Post Oliice. Sunbury, May 0, 18.VI. Highly InU'i'c-slin; News ! MMIIE information brought to us by the steam--- ship Asia of the sudden ilucliuo of Flour, Indian corn, Ac. in Europe, is no doubt interest iiig to some, nnd therefore it mut he nso inter esting to a great many others to know that while there i so much lluctuntion in the price of Hrenilstiills at home ami abroad, there is nothing to ellcct the low price of the Large and Excellent Stock of . SmiXtJ & SUMMER CLUT1IIFG, just received by S. Schnurmun & Co., and on hand at there storo On the corner of Market and Faicn Streets, directly opposite John Young's store, where they will be pleased to wail upon nil these who wiii to buy good and cheap clothing. Also a fresh supply of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, &e., which they have purchased at a very low price at Philadelphia and therefoic can ufl'irdto sell to their customers at the most reasonable prices. They still, (after some experience in business) cling to the good motto, "ciika p run cash. Call nnd sec for yourselves. S.SCHXI UMAX & CO. Sunbury, May 6, 1851. A CARD. CIUL-SON'S PATEXT Ventilating Furnace. 'I'llti stilincrihur wouM call the iillmliou (if nil partit-s 1 re.iitrinfr n ilrstr;thle FI'KNAi'K. In CUII.SON'S i:.:i.Ki:it.vri;u wakminu and ventilating AW'AKATI s. The reputulitm of thin Furmire is now will known, having hecn itilrHlutHtlt timing the pnt hve nirs. inlti nlxitit lUl puhtic hniMiitgit, uiul itiurt- than &1H.H) private tlwrtliiitis ; this, hiit thrr with lite iimneiiatt incri-niMnrf Rilt-8 every yeoi, it thf l ive tluii inn U; attiincnl of its tiirwiitnitv over nil other Inrtuicea. Uy lite uwof t'hibiii's i'uutai't, yuu securu llie fotlmv iiifl flvantuiff : Free Vktilatix. FcRit Air l he hentutir iirfurcK being nt a tcuiieraturc that will mil (lixveciile the air. KCOXOMICAL I SB OF Ft'KL Grkat Our Ik'Hijj irmilu riitirrly of Cnst lnn, nut liuliie to rut, will require noreruiirs thinn n liiVtmit; it is enFity inniincd, nml will not exvik the huitttin in which it Ib pbccil to danger l'rim hrc like th i-ther furna cr. We have the te?thuonia!a of hnixtrt-tls i'f the most wi rutific nien, to nttes: to the truth f hc nh ve st:itrmcnt, all of wh m pnniouiicc it to lie deriilfttly the het Fnrnnce yet invented, for prtHhiciii? n pure nwl Innlthy ittin i there. We herewith Himex the nnine of a tew well known and eminent rrofexst rs, who have limit them, and kimllv fnniisht d nt their nnmcs references : Trof. John S. Hart. Prof. Parker, Prof. Norton. Pre. Win. II. Allen, Prof. Pnr&nm, Prof. Dawn. PrU U. .Iliimin, Prof. Kiplev, SINE sizns. tVfl havi llltr'Ht'lrul, tliis sms.ill, five new t'rzr; so Hut jl jk.rties t.rty tiv.itl theiiiyelv.'. ol' lliin f.'ietit improve ment :it h very mxVntlr cost. ' nrr iiiav piej.reil to mi :i iir:iitis to wririi. a si.iglu i.n.).i, ui tl.u ko cctt ptiljlic tHiililnif. mi the roiuitry. N. I. IVrtitMu. Complete. .... as 43 4 60 in KI " f"f Brickwork, .... Kxln R;u!i;ttir. (inetii'tiiig R-irs nun Trrtich l' to? Tln o. (I ii tlie lament and inoit powerful Fnruitce nmle in ttiueiyuntry, uii.l is ntttniiubly iHiaitet tor I hurch ts hi it I oihrr litrj-e I'lam UniMmira. We riHiliime to aelt the :iiiini!ni at the in me prieeru wfieti firm mlriMluetxt, five yenrivo Alth M fli tlie pre lent luuh pneeoi mm h:i iiierettned then e-t ' per eent. owmc to tlieir iirent weight. Mill we are emiWel, by the grent nicre of Kites. U furuivh Die Bitiele ut the hwnt ril.le priee. One KtHiiulry nr"iie, Mrri, Wnrni'-k A silrruudi, have e'nlriu titt In lurnifch us with lv r'uriires litis iteuwui, s that we uie iutv prepared o fi.tiiinii tlit in wh li-STila or ri Ve iHferiiileit1 the erwti'Hi ol ell Furnaces, when retjuiri.-!, uiul wurrtit them in all eass. METRUPOLITAX COUKISU RASGE. Wr have also the mmt e Triplet CMkinc Ranne thai h it vH Itteu intrratiient, ! winch we t-ull the Mention ol ull w ho may wi.h to serine the in l jnihct aitJ ileirnl!e ejikini Hp-iralns ever invfiitft. E ME RSOS'S P. I PES T VES 77 . A TO IIS We are tlie onty Aenls 111 lnn Ivntn i for the in:unilir tin e mil s-iM ti this Vrnitl.tlm , tiu Ii u u'nowleltr to 1 the only ;rtlt-i't'H ever ui.mIb I'-ir eoriri'tnu tti- ttrtuff'it in kiu K, Mtl fa vr iiiiliitinff buiui ntrfot'iitl kitiiU. As Ihrir.iri i;itNtt uttny iiiiiliiti its l tin vahiaM. : ar:i!e ii 'w tTntil hr Kile, wtnitS wnl le iMfinl t-i ettniiii' tins il Imi llie Fnit'fii lU-Utt' alijulteil PATK.NT'.KS AMI UNTll.A I'Ultr. We iiv ill t'imeit HiiJ in M riUt!t)le ussortineiil rt II t Air Hi ;ittets uiul rnltiat rs to he Imtitit in Ute 1 ui t. it Si tii-,4. 1'jMtis who uoh to i'iti li.iv, ruin r tr j it V il iij 1 f M ! lr-t W, Wl.t Uii-i It gHMll) to tlieil utlvdii t tau to tx limit inr tt eV KI.A'I'K AM) illt M -Wi'Lltst. Wn h iv-! uUv.iVsi ciib liul uh ettiiisiv in ilinentol' thritu U-.iiiiit'il MdiII'-s, ui Ail I litolali' l-tt) fttttn. '.iiiinij It.iivi .1 y , -iti.i, aut 4ltrr rui ti iu Ht!t- til'liN iU ATI.H K r n hi n il'1 un-t h'ltt:ii . t' ul. A'.sn, an rntire tow I'lMr-ut i the UW ti tiralt. uuuli lr iu tliu lltl Vl ti Ins, Mml riilllt IV 10 W 111 UiW I'o-tliirt S'l, . V 1 I' l"i iu- r!M.'ii I jf iiifctc Fl'f'in" T"", ittftiW rW t'liinii.'v T -i. aiuJ t 'ia Out..- UH-iill, U. It IS l4( h 11 Vu , A 1 V.s) ui n'n-iit tm.kl.nrf, w ol d ' Wt il I 1 1 in ne 4iitf kt In. t' -I v pi 1 1 1 I 'n,' ' w hi iv V iviloi, h h 'ii. 1 j.ui - t 1 t.i 4t 1 1 4 i'f II l Hi H e i!i V W' '"li-l 41 r.T,t'(,f Uf I't-ltfMii !!' ' hIV I lUMll ll .lu. ml tlt..ltt". l-s.niiil tail ( ! 'il V"- 1 1 it lui Ik. zi. ii .t A It- -o 1 ti ti 1 4 aitJ at,: ihinf 1 i,i !..- 1, 1 1 r ,i .t ui .ai s' -ii , n'.it. 1 p 144 ll ) , t Uy .t- 11 im;i?mi. Wtii.t... -ui' I V iii.Uiiif 4r I il 410 it . "Mi., v.. . , , I- -- Tht yt riftctoa. SILVER ilEDALS, h ui 14 i,M.i4 Umtt, itti..iil'it. irtta IVK MUM I'iik.Mll'MH t'tum ' il I'uui im .Nil t'ml.iid. City I'am rr'.tv.i l!l4l.ilin;ciil D. C. COiLIKi 4 CO. j liKJ tkl (Ltfitul St,,. I, PhiluUtfk' .IUj. .U.uw !htil, ii finJI, IA.U hh.I ll ..S.iJ, ,lil 'l;4. '.llll.4 uJ Tslhul) f III 4, ill I U '"dUil ul I. u, i m S'l lh )t i.ul4iliuM'i.u. Ml 'I iWu swj tit li Ihs s44MitiiMwi. UimIwis Uksti t t"ll) U t iLtot in l'U.I tlW lll.l .llrf. U.U.. U tl, U4U. I A IUKsj U IU1 smJ I.HW.I A h.aU. Ill, ,4 U, .., r tU, t I UM, u.haW, tO .Ii. '"" 'M, iWl I. .....4 .uj .... , . , Vk UMI lu. f.rrnt rrlvnl of SPRING GOODS! TliA T. CLEMENT INFORMS bis friends and customers that ha Jusl receirsd an elegant assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS At his Store In Mattel Street, Sunbury, which he oders to the public at the lowest prices. . His stink consists of general assortment o Dry Goods, viz : Cloths, Cassimers, Cassinets, Jeans, Drillings, Jilnslins, Linens, Lalicoes, flluslm rte Lams, Lawns, Ginghams, Pcrages. Also a lurge assortment of CLOTHING. A large assortment of Boots and Shoes, for Men, Women and Children. Silk Hats. ranatnsi, Palm leaf and oilier Summer Huts. Master. CUOCF.UIES of every variety. Sugar, Tea, Codec. Molasses, Cheese, Spices, 1'ish, Salt, Ac. HARDWARE, Vis: Iron and Steel, Nails, Files, Saws, &.C. QUEENSWARE, . Tea Setts, l'lalcs, Dishes, Cvps, Saucers, fyc LIQUORS, Winr. Eriiihly, Gin, Ram, Whiskey, ic- 11 Country produce of all kinds taken in cx chan&c at the highest market prices. April 8, 1851. ly. SHAMOKIN Collegiate Institute. E. HILL, A. B., Principal. Rev. C. J. EHREIIART, A. M. Teacher of Moral and Mental Science, Evi dences of Christianity, Ifc. Teacher of Primary Department. fjlIK first session of this Institution, located nt - Shnmokin, IMorthumbcrlund county, I'a., will commence on WiiixKsmr, the lUlli day of Mat, 18.r)4. The year will he divided into three, sessions of fourteen weeks eneh, thus allowing a vacation of four weeks in spring nnd autumn, and ono of two weeks during the holidays. Tin Institution will comprise three departments,' A 1'lilMjHt, Aciii:jii and CoLLiLiii.vTE. The course if instruction in theso will ho full nnd thorough, eiiil,rnciii!r nil the hranches usually taught in these respective, departments. 1!at::s ok 'IYtio.n : rrimnry Department, per session, $1,00 Academic. " " Sfifi.tlO Colleciato " " ijiH.UO A la i no and spacious room has hecn secured to ni'ot the wants of tho Institution, until tho necessary huildinss ore completed. l)oardiii'4 can he ohtained in private families nt reusnnahlo rates. The lloard of Trustees will spare no pains or labor, to make ishamokin Collegiate Institute, worthy the patronage and confidence of the com munity. For further particulars, address Kimhcr Clea ver, Esq., of Shamokin, President of Hoard of Trustees, or I!ev. C. J. Ehrehart of Fuxiuos, Northiiuilieiluiid county, l'n. Shnmokin, Mutch 4, 1851. Til K STEAMBOAT" S USUUE1IANNA ni.L make regular triis for carriapo of Pas- scuireis Is twcen Sunhury and Northuin herland every day, except Sunday, on and lifter Monday, April With. The hoatwill leave the yvhnrf at Sunbury, at 8 o'clock, A. M., II o'clock and .10 minutes A. M., and S o'clock 30 minutes, 1. M. lictttriiing, will leave the outlet lock at North ipiihcrland, at 8 o'clock and 15 minutes, A. M., 1 1 o'clock and lr minutes, A. M., and S o'clock and 45 minutes, P. M. Fare, 10 cents. Excursion tickets, good for one dav, 15 cents. Sunbury, April 29, 1851 tf. Daguerreotypes! GEORGE W. COBLE, OESPECTFl'LLY nnnounecs to the citizens I of Snnhtitv and vicinity, that ho hug at;aiu opi'iic.l a Daiiucrrcan Koum, uud is prepared to take likenesses. He warrants his pictures to be ! satisfactory to all wishing true representations of j themselves and friends. Special attention is paid I to children. Copies taken with accuracy. In structions u'iven on reasonable terms. His room is ut the old place, in tho Grand Jury ltoom, (county huildinrs,) operating hours from 8 A. M. until 5 P. M., without repaid to tho state of the weather. Copies should be sent ii: on cloudy days. Sunbury, April 82, 1851. tf. W. S. STOCKMAN. THOMAS O'ASILL. STOCKMAN & O'NEILL, GENKHAL vCommisijioix iilcrcljants 351 IIOHTH WHARVES, Philadelphia, REFERENCES. Tims. Richardson & Co. Philadelphia. A. i. Cuttill A. Co. " Kutter A I'atteson, Charles Ellis oi Co. " Durum .V ons, ' 1'hila., April 8, IS5I. ly. PATKN'T S V A I. K S , Sold t their WAKEHOUSE, No. 2 10 Market $trit, FIZILADELnilA. Kaihoad. ll.iy, I'oal, and Parmers' W'M.IlS, i t in ui. y purl of the country, ly rtperiencrd m.mLiiicii, uiul at khort notice. I'tuU., April S, H.'il. din. Kosnulali' lIuIrauiicCiMiii-nt. .I.t rici ll. nt articte for Lining (Ysfiiin, I anils, Spriiiit-huuset and i'ellnis, 4 Ml for keeping iliiiipnru fioiu wet and m.iIU. J',,r i,at iy II Ul.t:s MIKPAIillNMITH, Coinri .4 so. I llluw Ms. lUllluud. I' lclpt.u. April J J. i.M. ly. DOCTOR JOSEl'K W. CAMtllON. li:l'l. I I I I I. V ii.loMns , rilii.-n. ,.( tlin U"i M ;l uf Munhury and tu iuily, l l. Ins l.i.4ii,iiilly I.H-sli'd lnmcU ui uid ll .loll.'ll , Slid ulli'la I.U I'lultHluu.l hiihhIu lh,.... mIi.i may .K l.t ui.oy ,i,u. 'oi ll, pirMi.l I. a i hi Iw louud l V salvia llLl fui,l...i, M4I.H II, ll. I V TI.M.Il al t o , ' SlNblUY.I'A., HWV. )u4 (iv.l ll. upply uf turn f..iii4 Ii'hkIa. Thau liurn.U and ilia pwl. lie i.i. Uullv iu4.4 a caII shJ iuwi IIismi. 1 iiry Kill U t..lj hsp. "tituk ! ii. I small iolila" W till llwu wUlu, P., A pid 14, Ii4. AT AU I' 1 1. I. .i.l.u.ia U v4 1 J (J U.hull Uum suJ I mi IUu, , .im rt4h, l, ll.Ulutlt, . tt4 ait'iiaijr I 4P4 ! AaU Ull l i u. ti ui;uii co. Ikl .! alia!, upiHMiWi lUa fw4 Oiiua. C in h - Kiski Ut ft li4i si.4 J UmJ. U4J, I l4 Ntt4, itiwuj 1 i, KMiAa uj fiwAM. im4 Mmsa.mI a4 M 'ui. It UM A I Mil U I I M; , Ism IlLANKS. CHERRY PECTORAL: Par the Cur f COUGHS, GOLDS. HOARSENESS, BRON CHITIS, CROUP, ASTH MA, WHOOPING-COUGH AND CONSUMPTION. TOCtTRE A COLD, with sutucii jlxb ioiiiui of the body, ftike the Cmkkrt PrctoSaL oh going to lied, am! wrap up wsr.n, to sweat daring thr night. Koa a Gold amd Cocch, take it morning, noon and eve ninir, nccoiding to diicctions on the bottle, and the difficul ty will soon be removed. None will long lulfrr from this trouble when they find it enn Isiso readily cured. Persons ntnicted with a seated cough, which ts-enks them of Uieir rest at night, will find, by taking tho Chcny Pectoral on going tl bed, they nmy be sure of sound, ui.bloken sleep, and consequently refreshing rest. Great relief from suffer ing, and an ultiinnte cure, is afforded Ut thoutsnds M'ho ara thus ntllicted, by this invaluable remedy. Prom lis ogrceithle effects iu tlicsu enscs many find themselves unwilling lu forego its use when the nwcMily for tt Intscensrd From two eminent Physicians in Katkttevii.lx, Tenn , April IB, 1SSI. Sir : We have given your Cherry Perioral nn extensive trial in our pmctire, nnd find it to snrpnss every other re nieily we have for curing nflVrti"tis of the respimlnry or gans. l)lt!. UIKMKH HAMPTON. TO SINGFRS AND PIJHI.IC SPKAKKItM thisremeily is inviiluable, hs by its nrtion on the thptnt and lungs, when t'lkcii in small ,unntltics, Itremovt'still houiseness in n few h.tnrs, nnd wonderfully increnses the jsiwcr and tle&ibilily of the voice. ASTHMA is generally much relieved, nnd often wholly cored by Cherry lfctnnl. Hut there nrc stme eases so ol stinate as to yield entirely to no .medicine. Cherry Pecto ral will cure Ihem, if they enn be cured. HltON'CIirriS, or irriiiilit.ii of the thnsil and upper poition of llie hums, maybe cured by tnkingClierry Petto ral In small nnd lrcui-nt doses. The uncumforuible op pression is soon relieved. Itev. Duel. I.ANSINO. nfnriK1(tyn,Xcw York, ststes : ' I have seen the Cherry Pectoral cum such eases nf Aftlhma and Bronchitis us leatls uie to believe il can rarely fail to cure tic isc di!!..'!!cs.,, KOIt Cltlll'P. (live nn emufle nf nutiuiony, to Imj i'.'II .wcl by bir-rc and fre pienl dose:l of Mir Cherry Pecto. ml, until i' subdues the disease. If kikcn in season, it will not fnil to cure. VII lOI'l NO COUGH may be broken up and Hn cu red lv the life of rherrv l'ect..r:il. 'I'll K IN P I.U KN Y. is speedily removiil by this remc. dy. Numerous instances have been noticed where whole families weie protected from nay consequences, while their neighbors, witluiut the Clierry Pectoral, were surTeriiur frm the iKkciisc'. Dr. J. C. Aver: Palcm, Ohio. 11th June, 1SS1. 1 write to inform von 't the tinly reniarkauJe cffeels of your CIIKItKY PKCTORAI. in this place, and in my own fmnilv. One of uiv d.iHl.lers wnw completely cured iu three days of n dreaitiiil Wiioopi-sr. Cnunn, by taking it. Dr. Means, one of our very liest physicians l iecly slates that he considers it the best remedy we huvu pulmonary di.flt&cs, anil that he has cured ui"ie c.'.ses of Croup with it than nny other medicine he ever administered. Out clergymen ol the Ilnptist Church kivs that daring ll.e run of Infi. cknza hero this unin'.n. be luis seen cures from your medicine he could scarcely have believed With out seeiuit. Yours respectfully, J. P. SIXCT.Ain, DepLty P. t master. From the distinguished Professor of Chemis try and Mcleria Medtcc, Boialoin College. I have found the Cherhy Pectoral, ns its ingredients slinw, a powerful remedy for colds, and ciiughs, and pul monary discuses. Parker Cleveland, M. D. Brcnjwick, Me., Feb. S. I"I7. Ult. VAI.KXTINKMOTT. The tcidehi celehrated Professor of Surgery in the Medical College, New York City, says : '-It gives inr pleasure to certify the value und efficacy of 'Avkb's Chshry Pectoral,' which 1 consider peculi arly ndapteil to cure diseuses of the Throat and l.ungs." Cures of seveic diseases upon the Lungs have been ef fected by CiiKnnv Pectoral in such extreme cases ns warrant the belief that n remedy has at length been found that can Ite dc,ended on to care tho Coughs, Colds and Consumption which carrv from our midA thousands every year. It is indeed a medicine to which the nfllicted can look with ennhdeuce for relief, and they should not fail to avail themselves of it. Prepared and sold by JAMES C. AYER, Practical Chemist, Loteell, Mass. Sold in SunHury hy II MASSER, and hy Drticnist.') penerally throughout the State. July 30, 18.V1. ccow lv Nov. 13. '52. Spring and Summer style G 15 N TLEMEN'S HATS. FOSTER & GEBHARD, 49 South Third Street, below Chestnut; PHILADELPHIA, f AYR unusual satisfaction in culling at'.cn--" lion to their large nnd varied stock of Mole skin.'Drah, lieaver, (liter, I'utiuina, and a variety of Stmw and Sotit Hats. (ientleinen's suininer Caps of nil descriptions. Children's Fancy Emhmidcrcd nnd 1'lain Caps iSlruw Huts and Caps, Misses' Flats, ite. I3f 1'aiticular attention is called lo a Whilo und Nankeen French 1' tit, of our own im portation. 1'hilu., April 2i, I8.V1. 3m. ZINC PAINTS. One third cheaper than u hite had, and free from all poisonous qualities. Tlie IVeiv Jersey Zinc Company HAVING great y enlargml iheir works, a. id improved the qa.-tl.ty ut their pr.luels, are prepuieil to erectile oidcfs for their SUPERIOR PAINTS. Or), mill frrtHiiul hi nil, ui ut:st rtjd jmckugfa of from 35 to 5K) piniiitlM ; ut lry, in barrel, t'l liHMt rvimti nu-h. Tiicir whitB ziiu, whit h u wild ory gr aroutn. in oil. ia wtirrunti'd luie uud unntirpiieicJ (or tHly bih! ui ill or in Wllltfllt8l A metlMMl of pretMratitJii h: recently tcvu itintvciftl, u liiL-h tfiinlili i lh C'tiipuiiy to w:irr;nit llit-ir rwihtts tnki'rp ireah mui toil in the kft ior nny rtiiiimltt lime. Inthii rfpwt their piiiiit will ba mpLiiorto any uthvr in tli iimrket Their brown xinc paint, wtiicli ituM nt l'w prift, nml enn only li iiluU t'rum iUtt ',mf orei friHit New Jtr swy, ia n w wrll kiwiwu fr ita prottN-uvv quulitita w lifii applieti t irou or otior nu-Uihc auiliit-ta. Tlit ir l"ti o -litr, imt iMiNwiNi a h!I iIiv pr(ixartioa of the Ttriiwn, nui ia it 101 Htrvtlt f fr fr iiintiiif! C'tiUnt'tn, Iti'.M'ta, Out UiiUiiiig, liii'lt;-. r KKI'.N II III CI I AIM):, Wh ca.tl4' Tuint Ikr.ilora mui unp'irtt-ia, N V. v r nf H'lli Mitikct ! , IMiiliuU-liitiia PiiiliuMpliiii, April K.l.Unu GUANO! GUANO! flHH tful.'riter, oIv n -i-nt for tlie H.ile of Jl 1 vruuttii (imiiui in I'ttiluilt lphi.i. u now 1n.toa.lm4 the lolloping viiH'ta( iliiiTt fiom tlui Cliinc!ia UIjm U hliiji horoioo, 1300 tons. Mnp iurlin.;toul ... ; uu, hlup ll.irm i, ... .tm Miiii To.., ... y,u 1011a. til.H It will aol.t in lota to auit pUfilu r, ut tlit) luwrat I'Uah I'Ui'ra. w.J. rilKIsUAN, ('. ., i;jttittf t'hinttttu.) ,o. H NorlU N harvia, uoj U7 .ortlt Water Mu'il, I'tutiuli-lfliiu. ' CI?CJTJL.?.. rilllll siiIsh ill..! bcu Uuis rcprctfully to in. I loiiu his fiu'ii.U and tlm pulill.i tjciicmlly that h will roiiliuu ilia tii.iui ol a Cabluet Makers' Fiitdlu; Slue, in ull its Hsiious hraiii'lirs al tha ol,l .land. No. IUI houili cue, .ii, I !.. Ulow Wwk si. IM11I1J.I. plus, an I i,. Iluliy flhiK 1 ro.tiuiuau, uf Ilia rty I.Ui4l pvliou.igc U duiasd upon lit laU' tiriii ut ''. 0i I.. 'I'huiupMii, aMUilny his 1I14I viiv visilioii will t b IiIiiimiII slid lliuwt 111 l.u la u.siU a vuuliiiuaiua ol thi-ir iiimh a.l. ruled t4.ii. Till 1 VI AM II 11 VI I'm i.V. I'l.iU . VI4..I1 I, lVI aut. f1lU.ll fl.H mill au.l .itUutil rase, mf t H SUUdl.14, Ju4 MI4. AU supply u VV tiling fluid, (ut mIs X II. U. M ita!. tuiUiy, Iw, T, Ul. VMinr tM K nr j nu A iiix. ' la kill, auljv jim4 KkscttMl, aus) u. a. u tastK. 4S4U4U4MH, Jati, I tt, VHMil li WlilUMi IU ..U AJt.. sm4 sU.44, Iw wis lt ll. U M ut:il. 4tttkhtl(. J It, SJ - 1sii:M' aMirri.M'rumN Wa4 aw4lb Im .! if MM Ait, 11 IsM ,V'sl Ml. 4 U.M .14..., II,, w, 4 .Hi. MU.. 4)4 .. r Iw. A Ujl. I. 1 liU ". Look to your Interests ! We will try to please 1 1 . . S. N. THOMPSON rrp E8PECTFULLY informs his friend, and Qj the publio generally tliat hs has just re- ceiTcd at his store, In Market street, Sunbury, oeiow w eaver's Hotel' an extenstvs stock or -SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, eonsisting'in part of Dr Goods, viz : Cloths, Cassimeres, Cassinets, Jeans, Drillings, Muslins, Vestings, Linens, Ifc. LADIES DRESS AND FANCY GOODS, Calicoes, Muslin de Lnins, Lawns, Ginghams, Berages. Robes, Woolens, Flannels, tfc. GROCERIES, Sugar, Teas, Coflco,-Itinc, Molasses, Cheese, Spices, Salt, eVc., 5tc, &,c. Hard ware, Nuils, Screws, Files, Saws, Knives & Forks, &c. Queens and Glassware, of various styles rind patterns. BOOTS AND SHOES. A largo assortment of Boots and Shoes, for men, women and children. H ats Cats, Sic, of various and styles. Besides a Inrgo and general assortment of fashionable goods. Call and examine for your selves. UT Country nroduce ol all kinds taken in exchange at the highest market prices. sunliury, 11 mo. 20 1853 4 m. 30, '53. DAVIS & CULIN, " Dealers in LAMPS, LAKTKRKS It CHANDELIERS, 3V. E. Corner Fourth and Cherry Streets, PHILADELPHIA. TA VINO enlarged and improved their Store. and having tho largest assortment of Lamps in Philadelphia city, thcv.aro now prepared to furnish PINE Oil. CAMTHENE, BURNING FLUID, F.THEREAI, OIL, Thosphcne Gns and Lard Oil, Lnmps, Lanterns of nil patcrns. Fancy Hotel nnd Hull Lamps, Chandeliers, Girandoles nml ('nndelenbras, and Urittannia Lamps, at the Manufacturers' lowest prices. Glass Lamps hy tho packnRC, at a small advnnco over Auction prices. Being luriie MANUFACTURERS of IMnc Oil, Burning Fluid, Ethereal Oil, Alcohol, and (the only true) PhosRcne Gas, thev can fur nish theso articles at such prices that Merchants will find it to their advantage to buy. t 'all before going elsewhere, if you want -bargains. Also, tha Safety FK id Lamp for sale. Phila.,Sept. 21, 1853.-Jy. Porte Mommies, POCKET BOOKS, AND FANCY GOODS. riIIE attention of the Trade, and others, in JL wunt cf Porto Mommies, Pocket Books, Bunkers' Cases, Dressing Cases, Portable Wri ting Desks, Backgammon and Chess Boards, Chessmen, Pearl, Shell, nnd Silver Cord Cases, Work Boxes, Cabas, Needle Books, Money Belts, Cigar Cases, Portfolios, Razors and Razor Strops, Travelling Flasks, and fmo Cjillcry, to gether with a lurge variety of Fistr Goons which will he sold at the lowest rates. F. H. SMITH, Porte Monnaie and Pocket Book Manufacturer, 205 Arch St. below Sixth, Philadelphia. Sept. 17, 1853 tf. CAicee, .iii, x. Co , Flour, Grain and Lumber Cominision 3Ierclmnts, 23 and 25 Spear's W harf, Baltimore. KKFKHKNCKS. John Clark, Esq , President Citizens' Batik, Bait. A. P.Giles, Esq., Cashier Branklin Bank, " John llertzler' Jr., Esq., Philadelphia. Rogers, Sinnicksnn A Co., " J. Tome, Esq., President Cecil Bunk, Tort Do posite. J. Wallowcr &. Son Ilarrisburg. Col. II. C. Ever, Sclinsgrove. J. II. App & Co., Nugle, U'ingaU' tf Co., Milton. V. V. ('ooke, Esq.. Muncy. Simon Schuyler, Esq., " George Bodine, Huglisville, W. Weaver cV Co., Montoursville. (ien. William F. Packer, Willininr port. T. W. Lloyd, Esq., Cashier, James II. Muting, " Lewis G. Hilling, " M'llcury & Bubb, Jersey Shore. J. P. Hilling, Esq., Lock Haven. n?" Carr. Gicse & Co. havo the largest whurf room of any cominision house in Baltimore, al ways giving quick dispatch to boats In discharg ing their cargoes. February II, 1851. Cm. Valuable Property for Sale In the Borough of Sunbury ! rj'HF. subscriber oilers for sale the following 1 property in the Borough of Muuhury, 'u: THE HOUSE Ami two contigiou.4 Iiiit.s-of Ciruiiml, on the south west corner of Market iSquare, now oi tiipicd by the subscriber us a store uud dwel ling. Also: THE STEAM SAW MILL uu the river bunk, tuL'ctlicr with one and a half ucrea of ground. Also: a double two story frame Dwelling Ilotiso nml Lot of CSrouml, in Lldrrlwrry street. Al.o: sit acres of gnuiiid ut tho 1'i.ii.l, uilj.iiiiiiin tho Susqui hiiuim, 011 hich are i rc. tc.l two frame houx-s Siiii Iium', ilc. A I. a : A llotwo Ulnl Lot of lil'iillliil in Ci allien v strc-t, ticir the nvrr, 011 .a ujc si. j vriiU J tlirre liuie kilns. AI.j ; A UoilhU Uiul ll tll'l.i't of (irolllhl, ii lb no. 1I1 rat comer uf h'icr auJ DvuU'iiy street, ik cupitd by Au,;ulus I'liiiicnl. AUu: Twitily-Tlirio Vaiiint L0I.1 oil KMnUiiy stiet't. II! T. CLEMENT. Kuiibiirv, J 411 1 1, l.M. -tf. a at .l.. iv u. nr4, .. 1 i JLuilit.lmv, Tilliinv Co. ivil-.'M ami imi i im i rorcittii nml luuirllc DXIY GOODS, 4t aiKaTS to TMKiuiE or AMERICAN M AN UfACTUnES. . St, Jtt tliiilimit Stn,lt Bttlttmore. If uui (iuulsuatriauiiuatiuu, (i. u4 as tluau a. tin . tan be U.u,bt ih au istlwi uis.k.t lh. , ui4V U i.tunwj lot ili it U a uui hum. Usliiuiuis, .Ns, tit, , IMI'OKTKK AND UK A 1.1. a IN XnON BTEEL, 41 .Mu 4l .,i, tsluw Ita, i,4iU, IIII.ADa1I.VUIA. ft"! , i.ak I Sal. l. (1Htt YMilm ai. !. T.e. UJ.. U SJ, Sl4. sV . i.44 4 l4 hi '' I W, It MM 4 m. '. ft, lsi mm 1 ... it... 44. r-r.j ., I'.ttaina, 1 4 v U4M. to. .J ' I l..y tHasmu. I .1, tlM.i y 4.1 "AID AND COMFORT," 1 o Your Own lUechanlcg. GEOKGE RENN. manufacturer of ' FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of the most Fashionable Style f ihe Publ': 'o " large and splendid assort ment of every quality and price of CAHI1TJ3T-WAR E. which cannot fail to reiommcnd itself toevery on who will examine It, on account of its durable workmanship and splendid finish, made up ef the best stock to be had in tho city. No effort is spared in the mani.rnct,,n nf I.:. - -' " v mir. IUU 1 subscriber l...l .A i . , cji up wun ine many improvements which are constautly beina nw. wiio.Bi. u. jrianogany C. 4. K "'. juivans and Lounge. Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards, SOFJ, BREAKFAST AND DIMM) TlRt.vs. and also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to Thila" ueipnta manutacture. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and price, cui-BUAKUS, WORK AND CANDLE STANDS TOILF.T TABLES AND EXTF.VSlnV T Hf TS! In short, every article in this line of his business. ..- iisu iiiuiiwaciures ail Kinds and qualities ef including varieties never before to he had in Sunbury, such as Mahooawi, Black Walkut Map"g:'a; mu WiKnson i ' A"n TAcr P,' Stools, which are or the latest styles, and warranted to be excelled by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere. The subscnlwr is determined that there ehnll Ijc no excuse for persons to purchase furniture in the cities, as every confidence can bo entertained about tho quality and finish of his ware and V'lllll IB. His articles will I crms as they can 1 purchased elsewhere. Coun- 'r-s. , ' ..;..,nKon m pnymcnt for work. 1 LERTAKIN(8. Having provided himself with a handsome Hiuiisf., he is now M-....u .or unucrtauing, and attending funer als, in this vicinitv : . j , .,, ul,w cuiivcinuui ins tance from this place. IT" The "arc Room is in Market Street. below Thompson's Store and Weaver's Tavern. , GEOKGJi RENN. bunbtiry, Jan. 10, 185ii tf. Importnnt to Coal Dealers. rTWE subscriber, hereby inform the public, that lliey have entered into partnership under tho firm of Kasc, Reed & Co., for the purpcosa of ItWIllIIIT. sbtlminir ...1 ..11:... , . . . , , ..-b i.....K 1u.11, ueiivcril at funbury, or at any other point along the Sus quehanna. They will he ready to deliver coal, well prepa red, on cm tract or otherwise, at all times, on tho shortest notice, and on the most reasonable terms. Orders received at Shamokin hy KASK, REED & CO. Sunbury, June 4, 1853. ly. A VALUABLE HOUSE And Three Acres of (.round TOR SALS. rrilin subscrilwr offers at private sale, his bouse -y and three acres of ground, on the river Bank within the limits of the Borough of Sunbury, now in tho occupancy of John Shissler and orig. inally owned by Chas. Gusslcr while engaged iu bout building. The improvements ate a TWO STORY FRAME HOUSE, With a Well of good Water, and a good frame stable. There arc a number of excellent fruit trees on the premises. The prop, crty is handsomely located and will bo sold at a reasonable priee and possession given in April next. Apply to Geo- C. Wclker, Esq., of Sun bury, or to the subscriber at Sctinsrrrove. PETER KERLIN. July 23, 1853 tf. Cheap Watches Jewelry, "1 yilOLESALE and Retail, at the ' IMiiUlel plua Watch and Jewelry Store," IVo. 9U North Second Street, corner of Quarry, PBH.An-TT.VTTT SI I O..M Lev -Watch.-., full jeweled, It. oirst'ensM, st-.iB.M l- me Nicer Spectacles, i .',0 fiolil llmcrlcls. 3 00 ! mlics' Guld I'ciicils, 1.00 Silver Tea Shhih, ict, 5,00 Silver 14-p. full Jrwlkil, n. Silver l-vcr, lull jewl'd 1'4 Si.c.i..r (imrtiei., 7, I I..I.I S.tH...l.t. ,..l Oohl rem, willi rciicil .ml Silver Holder, 1 00 Cold Finger Rings, 37 J cents to 80 ; Watch Glasses, plain, 12J cents; Patent, 16 ; Lunet, 55 ; other articles in proportion. All goods war ranted to he what thev arc sold for. STALK PER & HARLEV, Successors to O. Conrad. On hand, some (.old and Silver Levers and Lepines, still lower than the above prices Sept. 10, 1853. ly. WATCHES, JEWELRY, &c JAMKS Ii. FIDLKK, JN'o. 12 South Second Stree', PHILADELPHIA, -Cold Lever Watche. full jewelled Silver Lever do Silier Lepine dn " (jnartier 1I0 Cold pen. and pencil ami silver halders Mlver J ea and Table Mpooue Urn cele ts, llreasl pin. Kur riB, c All warranted and sold at price, as low as arv in lb. rnv. ' NoveinUr 87. 1852. if. lllatksniithin. Ti'K ,"l,!u"",il"'r '" 'y il"rm. the ciii.. u( Sutibury, and the publ.c generully, ,1U he inteiiJ to carry 1.11 t,e ItlaiKMiiKi.liiK liuhna, 0.1 his own account, un.l tl,;,t he has reni'ived I..4.1,,.,. ,om .t.i.e, tuunrw . Imp on tho pr. t ......f. Murk Ncuphu.u, i r4B11 .tr.'.'l.v.bcu.hf will l,..,al,,,y ... accoiiniiod.. ull Ins I'uat.iiuers. . , . "E"V I'ARTtiN. uiilmry, ManliS, s.M. i(, WM. M'CARTY, Bookteller, JJEM'ECTKI I.I.Y,, i,,M.i,all0, loW,,.droU),,(y UHHUhi .10. k .11 l,.,k.. ,., ttl l i,lllU uf ,llrl4lull. , m . .ral w.uty ..I ll,,,,!,,. Vlcil j 4-4I 1 1 1.' lit . Kunbuiy, trpl. IT, Ii53. II. IIIi;ui:k'n ,,.), fu, tU4, iuJ.I., aud f ulmou.i, diM44c.. A ' ! M JUUI. ju. llUi.uJ .ud I. I . ... l . , ll. u. Mti;,;. "Ullbyiv, Uumi , j4 JIUIN PI Ml'.. .n bult,, t ulrw ... puu.,, !,.. u4 i..i.J i u , . II. umt i PwoUin, Juii (. ij,. I l;V Y- KV lifa asMMlw.til ! liU auJ ' kiU.i 't 14. il. si.J rK. luiMiathr.u ! II, 1:1 HU.ttU A I 11. M.ik.l Uiavl, upMts 14m im4 t'fl kwnkuiy, !. , I.JI ntMi l . lMllll.4 M M III .... ul.j .1 Uti. vlU.4, u klsbts, vl .i k.hUa mi auisriiaf t4. Mfcttttt, lu. It. I.jI SI I UK Utll III K 4-1.1 1. I!l.U. aui.44 U .l. k.. . .1 .... L Wl4 t.. HUN IU S)4t. t,'t It, H'l Tji mm 4f I u4, 1 ua, afa 4 J . i-Jti 4. . 1., 4 I'Majil, ' M.M 4. I'.. 4 1, ll il Mtnl " s) M tUll It L I Mt 1 -4 ' 4hii.)i U 14 f 1.44 l.4.4 4,4 v M , I si., , 1, ,4 .. Ut) I .Mill 'll "I " . I, I J-