Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, July 22, 1854, Image 2

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    WnbuWXmerican and shamokin journal.
Sox t gn -N ixo s.
Arrival of the FraniMin
Important anA' Interfiling news from the Seat
of War.
The U. S. Mail Seimer Franklin from
Havre vis Southampton, bound for New York,
went ashore during; a dense fog early in the
Morning of the 13:h inat. She had a cargo
of eight hundred tout of valuable merchan
dize, and about one hundred and sixty passenger,-
the latter were all landed snfely.
The news by the Franklin represents a
more immenent end interesting crises in the
pending war that has yet occurred The te
lative position of Austria and Russia is deci.
iledly hostile, and we should not be surprised
if Austria, which has so persistently hold
aloof from a warlike Attitude, should, after
all, prove the most efficient ally of Turkey.
The reply of the Emperor Nicholas, to the
Austrian summons to evacuate the Principali
ties, has been received. It is a peremptory
Russia is determined to resist to the last
man and the last rouble.
Russia seems to be confining her occupa
tion of the Principalities to Moldavia, and
the seat of war is likely to be changed from
the valley of the Danube to the valley of the
Sereth. There is really nothing to be done
on the Danube, and the Anglo-French force
will have arrived thero to find only a legion
in the peaceful, undisturbed possession of the
From the Baltic there is a rumor, in which
we are afraid to place reliance, that the Anglo-French
fleet is at last prepared to attack
the fortifications of Cionsladt. The taidi
ness of this attack is an evidence that it will
be a fierce one, and as the posession of the
place is of vital consequence to the Russians,
their resistance will be desperate. A repulse
would be mollifying to the English and
French, while a successful assault will throw
a spirit in the war that it has not hitherto
Tha news from Spain is of a new insurrec
tion, though not by any means of a novel in
cident. Insurrection seems to be the natural
element of that degraded kingdom under its
corrupt court and profligate queen. The pop
ular virtue, however, seems at last to have
risen above the low level of morality in the
sovereign and her ministers, and it is possi
ble that some great events may be wrought
out of the present disturbances.
The accounts are conflicting. Madrid was j
covered with barricades.
The garrison was fraternizing with the in
surgents. Gen. O'Donnell was threatening to attack
the Palace.
The abdication of the Queen was pro
On the other hand, the Patrie declares that
the news received by telegraph from Spain
continues favorable to the government that
the insurgents, after having been defeated)
marched upon Toledo.
It is stated that the Prussian government
has received from Colonel Mantueffel, who
was sent to St. Petersburg with a despatch
lo support Austria in her summons informa
tton indicating maiked coldness on the part
of Russia.
On the 18th of Jane the Turkish troops at
tacked the Molleuio volunteers, commanded
bv Hadji Petros. After a conflict of three
hours, the Greeks were completely beaten
A considerable number were killed and
wounded Their guns and baggage were
captured. The Greeks took flight towards
Agrapha and Olympus.
- On the 29th of June eight Uussiena t.earn.
era came out of Sebastapol, and ac"d
three of the allied ships at the batteries.
The allied ships engaged were the Furious,
Teirible and Descarties, and the former was
much damaded. The affair seems to have
running fight. The main body of Ihe at
lied fleet is at Beadjnk
, D. MASSED,, Edlter and Proprietor.
To AovssTisMi.-The circ-altl.ii of th Sm.bury
,,.,; ..none the different lowin on Hi Sutn,urlimia
is ml weeded .(-equalled liyai.y W- ru',,"l":d '" Nor,h
cm Pcuusvlvainii.
Democratic Statu Nominations.
Of Clearfirld County.
Of Somerset County.
Of Tike County.
E7The reports of the Philadelphia,!
New York and Baltimore markets show
very decided Tall in the prices of breadstuffs
and beef, and that the tendency is si ill
downward. It is complained, however,
that the bakers and butchers do not appear
to have made the discovery. It is import
ant to consumers, in these parts' at least,
that by some means those upon whom we
depend for our supplies should be made
acquainted with the tact, that flour and
beef have fallen in price. We are usually
affected soon enough by an advance in
prices, but not so speedily or correspond
ingly by a decline.
U" Cholera. In Boston last week the
deaths by cholera were 31. The whole
number thus far in Boston has been 85
deaths, nearly all foreign paupers. In
Philadelphia, last week, the total number
of deaths was 413, of which 69 wore by
cholera asphyxia, 31 being at the alms
house, 83 by cholera infantum, 6 by chol
era morbus, 2 by cholera coma, 18 oy
diarrhoea, and 25 by dysentery. In New
York last wepk the whole number of deaths
was 817, of which 147 were by cholera.
Among the deaths in New York last week
of dysentery was Leon Javelli, the famous
tight rope dancer and pantomimist of the
Ravel troupe, with which he has been con
nected fourteen years. His illness wa'
quite a short one.
The Washington Star denies the preva-
rnce of cholera there, and says that there
is no alarm felt on the subject, either by
members of Congress or others.
Itntinrss Notion.
CP" Land Warrants. Persons having
Land Warrants for sale, can dispose ot
hem for cash, by applying at this oflice.
OCF" The Supreme Court commenced its'
session on Monday and closed on Wednes
day afternoon, alter disposing of the list of
24 cases, some of which were continued
over. The Judges were all present.
The country is suffering greatly for
want of rain. The corn fields which look
ed promising are aiready beginning to
droop. We had a smart shower on Mon
day, but it was ot short duration.
0j?" Gross Negligence. The naviga
tion at the out-let lock at Northumberland,
is in a miserable condition so that boats
stick fast every day. The steamer Susque
hanna on a number of occasions has helped
them off, and on Thursday wotked an Uour,
but in vain to move a heavily loaded boat
fast on the extension wall of the old lock.
All this could be remedied by a trifling expenditure.
ID?" The thermometer on thursday stood
at 100 rpg. in the shade in this place.
On Friday morning at half past eight it
stood at 00.
Congressional. Judge Welker
requests us to say that he does not intend
to be a candidate for Congress, but returns
his thanks to those who have mentioned his
name in that connexion.
E7"The laying of the corner stone of
the Shamokin Collegiate Institute will take
place on Wednesday, the 2d of August, as
will be seen by a notice in our advertising
E7" Tux Old Lutheran Church in this
place, erected in 1 792, is to be taken down
and replaced by an elegant new brick
edifice, 42 feet front and 70 feet in depth.
The hit termor, that will be preached
within the walls of the old building, will
be delivered on Sunday next, at 5 o'clock,
Correspondents of the PnUle Ledtrer.)
Washington, July 16, 1854.
Tha Japanese Treaty passed Ihe Senate
yesterday, without a division. It will be
followed by a treaty of commerce in a very
short time. The Reciprocity .Tieaty waa
also up, but discussed only in conversa
tional manner. .Mr. Mason, Chairman of the
Committe on Foreign Affairs, however, gave
notice that ha should press the treaty to a
vote in the course of this week. Though
the treaty has been attacked by the press,
and though some of tho Senators are opposed
lo it on Constitutional grounds, believing that
any proposition . to alter the tariff of import
duties, ought, as a revenue measure, to ori
ginate in the House, yet nil these objections
are by the majority deemed of so little con
sequence, and so easily refuted by argument,
that thero is but very little doubt of the rati
fication of the treaty by a constitutional majority.
The Homestead has rather got into a tight
place in the Senate ; quite a number of Sen
ators from the South being in favor of Mr,
Hunter's substitute. This substitute, how
ever, cannot carry unless the original friends
of Mr. Dawson's bill agreed to it. This I
am inclinert-to believe, they will not do, and
thus the bill is must likely to be postponed
till the next session, when it will be taken
in chargu early. The main point will be
to postpone the consideration of the bill to
an early day of the next session.
A last effort will bs made early this week
to get up the Military and Navy Reform bills.
They will come up very well in conjunction
to tho Army anil Navy appropriation billsi
and help, in a mensure, to explain those bill?
It is absurd to continue the low pay of otir
soldiers and s.tilois, when every other lion
ernble pursuit is yielding far greater remu
neration. The low pay of soldiers on our
frontier po.ns and in California, is only a p
mium for desertion. Where there is no pro
motion in the a'my, except as high as an or
derly sergeant, then the soldiers ought at
least to be paid in proportion to other remu
nerative labor. As to the sailors, it is pre
posterous to expect them lo enlist on board
of out men of war, when they can earn
I nearly twice a-i murh in merchant service.
There are now but fifteen working days
left of tha session ; but it is believed that
i Congress, with diligence, will be able lo get
j through with all important bills, besides the
j tegular appropiiaiion bills, and the last hope
I of prolonging the session beyond the 10th ot
August, has now completely disappeared.
The sending of Commissioners to Spain,
on close examination, is found to be sur
rounded with more difficulties than at first
anticipated, and the subject is undergoinc
a careful re-examination in cabinet council.
It will not do to send commissioners and fail
in the enterprise, and there is, besides, the
question as to the proper time for sending
the commission.
Among thu lucrative appointments that
are to be made before the adjournment of
Cogrea, are itvme of Consul to London, and
Consul to Houoluld the present incumbatiis
having both been rejected by the Senate.
The Consulate to Honolulu, is probably the
most lucrative appointment in the gift of the
PiesiJeut. There are. of course, a few bp-
A letter has been received from Mr. H. J.
Domville, the surgeon of the Tiger, dated
May IS, in the quarantine ground at Odessa,
in which he states that he ha been wonder
fully preserved, and able to benefit hia more
unfortunate shipmate. He says:
n. k : f .I. in.u - o i 1 I
VII HID 1IIUIIIIIIU U UltJ 1111, HI v a. it.,
he was awoke by the crash of the ship going
on shore, and. when tho dense fog cleared a
little, they found themselves about five miles
S. E. of Odessa. Gnus were fired to attract
the attention of the other steamers, but with,
out avail. About 9 o'clock the guns from
the shore commenced firing. In less than 10
minutes the Tiger was on fire in two places
the captain and other frightfully woun
They could only use one'eun, the others
having been overboard, or removed
to lighten the ship. He performed four am
putations before they left tho ship, which he
did almost the last, in care of the wounded,
Poor Captain Gifloid lost his lelt leg, and has
a severe wound in his right. His sufferings
were most intense for three hours under
hot sun. Ttie surgeon's knowledge of French
proved a great blessing, for some of the Rus
sian officers understooil it, anil ho was able
to send into tho town for medicine, &o.,
which greatly relieved the captain.
The midshipman, who lost both legs, and
who was a relative and nnmesake of the
captain's died on the beach, and one man on
the road. The suigeon says the kindness of
their captors is beyond words to tell. Every.
thing they want is procured at once, and he
says he has only to ask and to have. Leave
was given them to save what they could, and
the surgeon had a few clothes with him..--His
last words ure, "The captain is doing as
well ns can be expected. The amputation
progressing favoiably."
Anathtr Fraudulent Stock Iiu.
Boston, Joly IS.
Edward Crane, President of the Vermont
Central Railroad, resigned today. Previou,
w ma resignation, it was discovered that he
had over issued 8000 share of Vermont Cen.
tral Railroad Slock. Thi discovery caused
considerable excitement in the money mar.
ket, a it i the second like offence commit'
ted by him within a month. In the first case
complaint wa made lo the grand jury but
they took no action in the matter. Crane
used the over issues to raise money by
pledging them as collateral to P. Latimer,
who, supposing them bona fide, sold them in
the matket.
New York, July 16.
1 he total number of deaths reported for
the past week, is 817, including 147 deaths
from cholera. Tho weather to-day has been
damp, sultry and foggy.
The shipment from the Schuylkill region
continue to increase weekly. The "Mintrt
.luurmu- aavi inai last weeV'a .. it,.
heaviest shipment ever sent from that te-
Shamokin Coal Trade.
The Quantity of coal sunt for ik. u
i; - ... -J , " neeii
ciiuiiiB n veunesuay evening last, is
The ill-fated screw steamship, with its 4S0
soul on board, is nt length given up. As
may be remetiibered, she suiled from Liver
pool on tho 1st March, with 111 cabin and
saloon passengers, and about 292 steerage)
her crew numboriug 76. including the com
mander, Capt. Morrison ; and from the period
of her clearing the Mersey up to the piesent
moment not the least tilings have been
heard of her. The breaking up of the im
mense fields of ice to the lo the northward
of the bank, which were boruo down the At-
For the Sunbury American
Mr. Editor :
1 believe it is now pretty generally
understood that Gideon M. Voiks, will be
supported as the Democratio candidate for
Assembly by all who are not controlled by
cliques and interested politicians, who ate
determined to force the nomination and
election of David B. Montgomery. There
are many reasons why Mr. Yotks should be
supported in preference to Montgomery
This sido of the liver is entitled to the mem
bcr, and Mr. Montgomery, himself only
asked to bo elected one year in addition to
the one he served formerly. The other side
has had tho last three nominations. Twice
fur Fullmer and once for Montgomery.
Now if Mr. Montgomery was a man of any
talent, thero might be somo excuse in nomi
nating him contrary to the established usages
ol the party. But as he never exhibited any
smartness, except in voting on both sides of
some questions, and dodging others, he
cannot expect the votes of honest straight
forward men. Voting on both sides, for and
against a bill, may be very convenient. Ho
may then carry the Journal and show the
friends of the prohibitory liquor law, that he
voted in favor of the prohibitory liquor law.
bill. Meeting another man opposed to the
bill, he can turn over another leaf, and show
that ho voted against it. But the game will
only gull the ignorant, and must in the end
2200 19
Total for year 1854, tons, 20,155 00
chnylklll County Coal Trade.
Quantity sent from Sehuvtkitl ,.
by Railroad and Canal for last week, is
ions, 78,608 19
Total for year 1854, Ions,
To same peried last year,
1,462,451 13
1,148,613 14
Increase in 1854, so far, 313,837 19
Lehigh Coal Trade.
SenJ from the Lehigh region for last week,
ions, 42,685 17
Total for year 1854,
To same period last year,
418,489 0
428,338 19-
Decrease litis year, so far, tons, 9)849 10
Cnmberluud t'onl Trade.
Quantity sifnt last week from the Cumber
land region is, tons, 20,144 00
Total for year 1854, tons, 262,459 00
To same period last year, 217,361 00
Increase this year, so far, Ions, 45,098 00
New Advertisements.
npiIE Democratic Electors of Northumberland
county are respectfully requested to mcrt at
the several places of holding the general and town
ship election in the different boroughs bud town
ships on Saturday, the 5tli of August next, be
tween the hours of one and five o'clock in the af
ternoon, to vote for one person for Assembly, one
person for Sheriff, one person for Protlionotary,
one person for Coroner, one person for Commis
sioner, on J one person for Auditor ; and the Judges
of the elections in the different borouehs and
townships arc requested lo meet at tlx Court
House, in sunbury, on Monday, the 7tli of Au
gust, at 1 1 o'clock, A, M., to count the rotes cast
for the different candidates for the above named
offices and to declare the candidates having the
highest number of votes the nominees to be sup
ported by the party at the next election, and at the
same time select a delegalo to ihe next fourth of
March Convention; appoint a Standing Com
mittee to serve for one year, and also three Con
ferees to represent this county in the Conference
to be held with Schuylkill county to nominate a
Democratic candidate for C'oneress in this
Mr. Crane, President of the Vermont
Central Railroad, has, it is said, recently
been detected in a fraudulent issue of 8000
shares of stock in that road. It will be
remembered that, before subscribing the
Two mitl:ons ot dollars to the Sun bury and
Erie Railroad the Philadelphia city coun
cils insisted upon satisfactory guarantees
that the individual subscriptions would be
carried out in good faith. Offers deemed
satisfactory were not rapidly forthcoming,
when, to the surprise of many, this Mr.
Crane came forward and subscribed nearly
a million ol dollars on his own account ; ;.r!icant for both
Councils were suspicious, and were careful j "
. , . . , r .L if Tub Lnquircr, at Cincinnati, in its issue
to nave eacn instalment o: ine minion , of ,nM .nl, jlht-) f,trlljehes the following :
payable by the city upon this subscription i Cominu Event cast their Shadows Be-
lantio in masses, it is said, of soma 200 or
300 miles in length, no doubt overwhelmed i be detected.
the vessel in an attempt tu force a passage i JACKSON,
and caused her almost immediate destrnc j lVheVunhuTy Aineriean.
lion, not a soul encaping. The City of Glas- .
gow and her cargo were insured for 50,000. , Bej iw,tesseA wilh the iaiporIanco 0r
The new screw stcam.h.p City of Philadel-.th9dootrjno ,ha, ,ha ,e thouJ m1m1
phia, 2,400 tons, for the Liverpool and Phila- hejr own reprt.gen,aiives and not have them
delphia line, was launched on the Clyde on : ,orceJ un01. lhlm bv . .. . ,.,,
hunbury, July
WM. V. KII'P, Chairman..
J. O. FRIC.'K,
oiuiiding Committee.
Perfumery, fye.
yini hnve just received the luTgest snd bt pHet-te4
s irttnctit of Perfumery ever oiTeicd in this section
Ol country, consisting in part ot
Tuesday, 23d.
of Mr. Crane's, dependant upon the prior
payment of instalmentsof Mr. Crane. Only
the first instalment of 90,000 has been paid
P. M., by Rev. Mr. Born. Thus will pass ! by Mr- Cra," ,he 1ut-stion. then for, deeply
Halifax, July 16.
The Royal Mail Steamer Niagara arrived
here this afternoon at 5 o'clock, bringing
Liverpool dates to Saturday, the 8th. She
ailed at 8 A. M.
The plan of the campaign and the move
ments of the allied army are kept profoundly
secret. The cavalry -are supposed to be ad
vancing by land to the Balkan.
The Austiians have entered Wallachia.
Respecting Ihe Austiian occupation of Wal
lachia, all that is yet known is, that on the
2d inst., seventeen steamers with Austrian
troops on board, dropped down the Danube,
From the Danube accounts have been re
ceived of an important battle fought on Ihe
21st and 22d of June. The Turkish Com
mander of Silistria fell on the rear guard of
the Russian army, 25,000 strong, near Silis
trta, oil Ihe 21st, nheu a desperate battle
ensued, lasting two days. The Rusians lost
2500 men, but made good their retreat.
Col. Manteuflel arrived at Berlin on the
6th of July, from St. Petersburg, with the
Czar's reply lo Prussia. The reply is cau
tious, and states that the Czar consents to
ration the exclusive protectorate over the
Greek Christiana, if the Turks accede to thu
joint protectorate of the Five rowers. He
also says he will evaluate the Principalities
nhen the Western Powers evacuate Tur
key i bol will tetain Ihe strong military po
sitions ia Moldavia as a provisional security.
The insurrection in Spain appears lo be of
the most (orrnidtble charterer, and the gov
ernment is severely pressed.
The insurrection is a yet entirely among
the mil'i')' D0 demand the immediate
dismissal ef ihe ministry and the Queen's
Uvontet The Q'"eea has ihron herself
upon ihe piotection of the Hoops ttill faith-
away under the influence of this age of
progress and improvement, a building more
intimately associated with the early history
of the place than any other. The contrac
tors are Messrs. Fetter &, Martz. The
work ot demolition on the old building
will be commenced on Monday next.
Bread Stvffs. It is now feared
that, notwithstanding the early promise of
the crops, and the fact that this year a
greatly increased territory has been sown
with wheat, the yield will not be exces
sive. Many causes, such as a severe win.
ter, the fly, -rust; &c, have co-operated to
injure the crops, so that the aggregate will
probably not exceed an average. In Eng
land and France unfavorable weather and
unsound seed, it is said, have counteracted
the fleets of more extensive towing. In
the south of Europe, however, an abttn-
. i v.,,i . . t ,;., i ... ' the instalments, yet to become due on Ihe
(lam e la iuukcu lui All iiuiiiuni ui uui i -
u .,'t k. mbscnpt
interesting at this time. is. how will this
fraud of Mr. Crane's effect his ability to
meet his instalments,
!C The following letter from Hon.
James Cooper, Fresident of the Sunbury
and Erie road would seem to furnih satis
factory answers to the anxious queries
auggested above :
Bunaurv and trie Railroad
A. Ci'mminos, Editor Bulletin.
D--ar Sir Under the head of '-The Money
Market," in this mornings Public Ledger,
my attention has been called to a notice of
an alleged over-issue of Stock by Edward
Crane, Esq, President of ihe Vermont Cen
tral Railroad Company, and which suggests
a doubt of the ability of Mr. Crane lo comply
with the terms of his subscription lo the
Stock of the Su.ibury and Eiie Company
As to the emit of innocence of Mr. Crane
u the 'ransaution teferred lo, of course,
can know nothing; but of the payment of
the fly, and rust, whilo in other tectioni
the yield will probably he unusually abun
dant, to that, while very low pticet may
not probably be looked for, (taking all
these lacts into consideration, together with
the exhausted state of the stocks ,) ttill, on
the other hand, the reasonable belief it, that
a full averagea yield will leave no necessity
lor very high prices.
Q7" Baroum's menagerie waa at Slins
grove on Wednesday. The exhibition had
attracted quite crowd from the surround
inj nrijhbcrhood. There was an immense
display of old canvau wilh numerous rentt
and air ho!i, to that many of those inside
were more thoroughly tutked, during the
storm, thin tho outtidf. The exhibition
ol animals wat most meagre one. It waa
like in immense table spread out with
ion made by Messrs Crane, Dillon
ti Co, to the Stork of the Sunbury and Erie
Road, there can be no reasonable doubt
The payment of these instalments it not
dependent on Mr. Crane alone, but on
number of gentlemen ol undoubtol weahh
deeply inteietted iu the completion of jhe
Venango Road.
At to the tacuiity of the city in the matter,
I have only lo tay, thai the Company never
design to ask the payment of any instalmeu1
on ihe million subscribed by H, on the faith
of the subscription by Crane, Diltun L Co
until ihe instalment due ou that subscription
had been Arst pld.
Yours fespoeifulty,
Fkiladilpkia, nfy II, 189.
fore " A little gill, about ten years old,
daughter of Mr. Oberland, a resident of the
Eighth Ward, as the clock was trikiug twelve
on Sunday noon, exclaimed mournfully to
her mother, "to-morrow at this hour 1 shall
be in Heaven." There was something so
sad and plaintive in tha tono in which she
uttered this, that in spite of the parent not
boiug f a superstitions nature, it made an
impression upon her mind, which she found
impression upon her mind, which she
found it impossible to throw ofli At dinner
tho told her husband of the circumstance
and he endeavored to rally the child,' but
with a sweet and sad smile, in which, how
ever, no fear was manifested at the coming
prospect, she repeated her conviction of her
speedy dissolution. It was now the fathei't
turn to fi el a depression of spirits, which
overshadowed him the whole day, to much
so, that in the evening, meeting officer Young
watchman of that Ward, he told him of the
hild's singular prognostication.
I p to this time, the little gill had enjoyed
Axceediugly good health, but durina Ihe
night the parents were aroused by her com
plaining batterly of pains in her back and
head. AtVarly as possible a physician wat
ailed in, who pronounced her in a high
state of bilinna fever. Notwithstanding all
thai human aid uoulj effeot, she expired at
noon. Her fatal prophecy was fulfilled.
StKcvisa Sudden Dkath We learn, says
U.ica, (N. Y ) Daily Gazett, that Mr. King,
tif the town of Schuyler, died suddenly on
Sunday Us', caused by the following singular
circumttanre : He had been walking in a
lield, and, ii.adverlenly, while chewing tome
hoibs, gni blade of grass in hit throat. Ev
ery effort wat nude to relieve bit sufferings,
but he died in a short lime by sirs julttion.
Drndlord County
Tub Ckcv. -The Bradford Jnnr. 'e deem it a duty to thu parly
in .,; ,.h l,t.,.. .. v, ,,; .;.,!....
tersays: Our farmeie are now busily etiga- ". " T 6 , ' " 1 ,v-
cd in haying and haivesltnj;, but we regret , . . . ..
to learn, with less pror-pocl of returns for ' , ""'"""' -. """
their labors than in former years. I a"'? f . k"0W" '"'V:"'? and V"
nr. political standing. v 4 nave many sue h men
Rye is unusually fine: pra.'s an average , , ,,
. . , , , ,r . i i i , in our midst, and among them ail. no one
leld, and unlets alleclrd by diouth, corn . .. , ' .. ..
buckwheat and polatoce will turn out well. 1 D p
If the preset Irish prices continue, though ' Letti" ,0n6hl """st-lfa practical farmer
their crops, may be eome hat .noil, farmers, i Bnd uc,,ve utl"e" familiar w ilh
will have no reason lo complain. an ui imorusis ui me peopu- unu enureiy
FlRts in Towanda. -On Tuesday last at .competent in act auvicilly upon all qna.tion
aboul one o'clock, A. M., a two story frnined aflerling them. United lo no faction, but
Great en.iety it fell at to the rail ttitt duly cover a few platvt and but little to
Cerele Nevaisi and ?eiene will hit tt j)ul Ilfrmr knowt the value ot adver-
tiling, and mkt up drdtlrncii's iu puffin f.
The company were baid looking set, and
made muieuuite intiJ, selling black fin
lrtrrei and Wmoutde twietenrd ttilh
nioltsMs, than the aiiiniala. The waa
figure were eatcreble ctrictlurt. Prince
Albert louuke Jettl he had h4 heavy
sltp (ill lite- brad nl bit Udy jtmrutd
dawn In bttf lit I'li'l! dtmeriatiiUt, and
Wfllio.toa oti I'kf 4 old JtW
lUihe . H
.g !.( e" all hendt thai the
It fuiinidble, an4 It dptJe upon accidei.l
whether ihe iutuiMie or ihe loyalist are
The ieiel get'ca ' UJ' 0rt ,b
titicf Jauetbe Ta.,t .. a eeve.e
...U .a .t.eM.puH "
Ui.eee .' e4 Kme.s Te ttu-u...
UM. the M Ju" V!
Anil they J.e'J "'7
I W :0w.4 ailed Ueleikt eU
we lake the liberty of saj ing to our demo
cratio fellow citizens of this cnn.essional
building being erected by fieo. II. Hunting
was destroyed by fire. i
On Thursday at two o'clock, A. M., ano:her
alarm of firo was given proceeding from the
burning of a slianly. Th occupants narrow-
escaped with their lives through the win
The deaths for last week reached the num
ber of 413, being forty-five more than the
week previous, ahd just doublo the number
of tho corresponding week last year, when
the deaths were 206. It appears from the
heal h report that 69 persons died of cholera
asphyxia, and 83 children of cholera infan
tum. The excessive heat of the first pail of
the week, lollovred by the sudden change to
cold and wot, hat no doubt caused this acces
sion to the number of deaths. More than
one half of the deaths, 223, were of cnildren
under five years of age. Thirty-one of the
deaths from cholera occurred in the Alms
house. Deducting these and the number of
deaths from cholera, leaves a traction over
rive a day.
In New York there appears to be a gieater
increase nf mortality than in this city. The
number of deaths for the week it 817, or
fifty-six more than Ihe week previous. The
deaths from cholera in that city, as the report
shows, number 147, or more than twice the
number in this city. There are bes-idea 157
deaths from cholera infantum. Some alarm
appeaia to be manifested there respecting
chnleia. Fear it the very best meant for
promoting thtt disease. Prudence and mod
eralion in eating and drinking are the best
preventative! of it. Phila. ledger.
standing lor'.h as an old fashioned democrat
of the Jefferson and Jackson stripe there U
no member of the party in thin district bul
could rally under his banner and feel proud
of such a man as the standard bearer. Upon
him all could unite and a democratic Con
gressman would be elected, but should we
be so blind as to nominate any leader of a
faction, defeat is ceilaiuly in stoie for us.
French PoniBilr.
Shuviitg Creum, Tooth Hruiticn. a large ttt.
unuei i wiepfiaue,
Chines Powder,
Farina Cl gne,
Orunpe fi nvtr WiUes
Uliaruoal t'utue,
Hice Powder,
Ilnir Dve,
Meen Fun, tor tlieeVin,
F.xtrjit Vanilla,
O range,
u Lemon,
Fine apple,
Silly White,
S u hetB,'iusif cvenrleicripti'iii.Fruiv
3 ;Rar Ciii-'s, Musk 11
Tu!ei Ciirplii.r
Bulht'J Comba, nil kiiite, Hhrll
Wi dor '
mid t tlj-r articles I'M ii"mcroui to mention.
Ail the nl ve iirticle art) frpi thu h 'uica 'M Juli
Hnucl and W. D. Glenn.
Tickles, Sauces Sjc.
Tooth Hruh-tica.
Hair llruahes,
uil UruNiien,
I'cver'i F.Mmctft,
Com ilc So&p,
Whitu " '
Trmiapureut "
H ti neck "
Comic '
I.ubin'a '
N yiuph '
Omnibus '
JtlfM TKTlVtfd
rii'v chow,
Mixed Fickles,
hn Bull Suire,
Worcester ll
K Good Exchauc A Lomtnti ppr
(tat ihl Uity wat rcntly travelling in
n ftftmihu t.ongaiJfj a fashionably dra.
4 man, who had on hia Angr a fplanJiJ
ring ; on raiurning homa aha mia1 bar furaa,
ooniaining aboul , bul in lha lining of bar
draaa aha founJ lha ring aha bad aaen on tha
parann who mi biJa bar in lha omnibua
A jawallar valuaj il at to.
Cavomt ai Iait Dr. Writ. H AriUnn.
iha aunnoaJ aanJar of lha infamal machina
lo Mr. Atliaou, lha atawaij of Ciniiiunaiii aJ wbtth iiMa4 him anj hia wifa.
ha aft aauhi in lua H'i.
Wa ttJ in our !, on lha authority of
j Captain Smith, of tha achoonar M ' a, thai
cho!r baJ nntfa ita appaaranca at Paiba
coaa, an4 thai lha daaiha had amoiintad la
coward of 100 par tlay by thai dtaaaaav
Sutca than wo bavo taoaivad filaa ot 8l
Thu mat papara to lha IU, aud pabadaaa lo
iha Uulniuo, loo fully aouAtming lha mat
anahuly udmga bioughi by Captain tmth,
and proving lunbar lhal ibo aaoiiaHiy bad
baau an lha iooiaaaa. till ibo auto bar ol daatba
t)y lhal d. in lha aa (Cay) bural
giouod of li. ttfaiawn, amoaolod In ono day
La lha fine tatful auoibai of 141 hutwaa baiua1
ike letel auwtei kf d.aikt Ut ike any keJ , 1 k '"'' ut ,
..s.h.J, ike I iik, i l.toi le lae r "Fl .e hiss imss
lini" ui Atnis kei ksl l 1 ksluie l'kei Mt l-Jet'4 Ceie't te
Isaaint sa Jvtiiia. Art' eiebtnge
M)tel ikeaa ewiibiet, "Binuw ia g'eai
4uMKlaufuueMecbale. Julliea it
Kiias mI le ems,"
t .! k''M fc.l lut'lKl St 't "ll"
Mokcmcmt to "Ot Per." Three thou
tanj three humtie.l dollars have just been
appropriate.) by the Cti;neiiout LejislatU'e
to tij in lha eractiion at rcokline of a
mnnurnenl lo General Israel Puintm, provi
ded an equal turn be laisej by aubtoription.
Paiii'ciD Vita.Tbe water n( Let
Mivhiftii, el MiUaukie, Wisoontin, was
recently so clear and transparent, lhal il it
said a pin eoul.l be teen ai ike bottom in
fifteen feel depth, and several lot! articles of
merchendite wee (but discovered and fished
DtstatKiat ra k rata Ami A vuni in
the Ne Vork Jaurnal of Cummeice tayt
cut af eignl iHoutend tolJiert in Ihe Arm),
il m bvlievsd ll thiee Iheutend detened
last year. Wkal it ikerauee ef men gr4 trig
to Juusied tsitk the aeivie 1 It it ibe ni
tneul ibey leeeive, r ae peiaena eoltaied
be are nut til e be eirpleyed oaaay pub lie
A iwweuee Kail'uaJ l(iul leiekeeieek
sj el Htintburg
Ike fcisi kaisl tkel etei eiblitii
.1 'fc.. I ll.'M 4 it IU I I l
For the Amoncsn
Sunbury Council, No. 30, O. U. A. M.
was organise ! on Thursday evening:, the
I3lh inst., when the following olEccrs
were elected and duly installed :
C. Abraham Ilileman,
V. C. Win. A. Brttner,
K. S. P. M. Shindel,
A. R. S. Geo. Ilileman,
F. S. Win. K. Martz,
T. M. L. Shindel,
I. Weiser Zeigler,
E. Geo. W. Smith,
I. P. Geo. Harrison,
O. P. F. Merrill.
I do not know that I am fully ac
quainted with the objects and principle! of
this order ; but understand it to be kindred
to Odd Fellowship ia this, that it is an
association (or mutual sympathy and mutual
relief, embracing tho beneficial principle,
that is the payment to the sick and inhrni
member ot a certain weekly amount as his
rwht, and not as a charity. It diovrs in
Odd Fellowship in this, that ita member
ship embraces none but native born Ameri
can cititoni the tout of Ihe soil who
are to be preferred tu, and employed and
supported lo the titter exclusion of foreign
labor, in every department of mechanics,
end general industry wherever practicable
There are those who object to this tic In
sive doctrine as anti-republican, and anti
demociatir. The developments of Ihe last
few years, however, have strengthened this
feeling greatly : it seems indeed to pervade
almost every tec I ion of the country, and
those who adopt and govern Ihemtelvet by
ii, may be numbered by thousands. Ibey
may not be ttrictly tight but they art cer
tainly (alous.
1 understand that Ihe organisation it
entirely independtnl of know-nothingitm ;
holds nothing in common wilh lhal associa
tion eacept e American principles, and
at society nlJeiiy (epudiatvt all associa
tion with fuiitict.
Marlfll Uruwly,
Krt-m-h '
Conim mi u
Rye Whiskey.
lIi)i'iicu)iL-la Whisktfv,
Conim .it "
Jamuk-8 Spirits,
Holland Oln,
runbuiy, July Z), ISU
'mimic, i.f Anchoiv-L-s.
Chilli Vtnegnr,
'i'he srr sll trorn
Crosse A lllarkwell, Lcnitnu.
Tollr-d Tonciie.
" Hum,
Itiisf Itrrry Jam,
Currnnt 44
Hlnin "
Tonuto Catsup, 4cn Sec
Wines Liquors.
('lininpaigne Wins,
Sherry "
lur Port "
I'ort "
Msderis u
Wine Bitters
For Suie by
The itesnanj cuulinuet tad Ike dieull
iu ebieiiint beeie eauiiueva alee, le pieveel
a eu f pl lbeie e M uew Ueiei. l' l
Ibe ume ef $4 fee e kave eel ie.
i.t4 the asxuwul ol Iw ike week
fim ll. Mt'ee, eel., e i4'el le Uee, i
ifce t-tkosMsf 'ea , ikie,
iseH,, Isil estks tw-Hta1
To the Voters of Northumberland County.
i i.llow i lium I hereby announce my
self as a eanduUtc fur
S 11 E It I F V .
si the next elsetion, anil solicit your support, and
ii eiecicu I sliall not tail to pei lorm ttie duties of
the ollice lo the l-e.t of inv aliilities.
Lower Augusta, July 52, It'll.
rllE Cornerstone of 8husik C'ntLir.nrs
IxsTiTi-Tt, will be laid on Wtiiu.mi,
the '-J of August, with apprnpiute ceremonies.
Huv. 8. 8. ei'liuiucker, U. U., lion. William
Biglev, and lion. James t'ollix-k are eiperteJ to
be piesent to adJrens those who ui iv be assem
bled ou that occasion.
The friends if education snd the public gen
erslly are invited lob prevnl.
Exercises will commence at ten o'clock.
Uv order ol Trustees,
WM, A'l'W A'I'Elt, Kccreur,
f hamokin, ii, bi St.
Colo, eil Window (llass.
kiOLTII Wesleernai TEXTII 4 Hl .NTfcP
bit , would respectfully intile Ihe atlentioa
of Msri bants, UutKlvis and others Id ill beauti
ful variety of work produced si then establish
maul, rousialing of
suitable foi Hotola, bsloona, public snJ pf" '
kuildingt i
Churched Ornament&l Stkined Olata.
Tiansoins seJ hle l.i.hia Uh Vaatibukas.
Utleony, riaM aaJ kiairraM WutJ.- ". tad Mamed O'asa l'hurhM.
awnplqrsl Kigur.s and Altar I'wcea,'sul
weiaad up tu eKlai, tnst furmsfce.l lit suv M
the t'niisd Mlatoa.
KUkad snsraslsJ snd eiattad Jeorsti
fkur.k W iJoa tilsss tiatuiad lu lios'MC tn
wlliei aicKHMlufal Mvlet, aad eeiapaiwl
aisa sent U say fail ol lha t'nioii. IV Jsis !
t Jislaiwe pioaspiljf aeswareJ.
X b - Ae A (.! wsmuJ fit this place.
Chile.. Juts . Ie44. -.
lit.KU.Ms!,-U.-!.. '';
Wi, Duial Taut tie eJ aii)t
Mroee. wsei -Had hose she .ev Jeat
Calal tad letut Uawka. M sale Wv .1V.
M :i!tst 4 i
Mukkarv. JJv
Slilrkrintal) ftLltJ-A erui
aV C lt tj 4 kkl SIM