A STRING1 OF; ITEMS- Farmers in lha vicinity of Baltimore re culling wheal. Th crop ia fine. The prospect in Ireland, ll i a'Ji ' ,ht poiaioea will yield better than they have ror fifteen years. .,( - - ' " The Virginia and Tennessee Railroad is completed to the Newbern depot, 100 miles from Lynchburg. A despatch from Independence reportage death of Judge Brown, the agent for the Pot tawattamie Indians. The value of the diamond, which has been found lately in Manchester, Virginia, is said to be three or four thousand dollars. At Wheeling, the workmen on the snspen. sion bridpe have commenced the difficult lank of stretching the first new cable. , The Bmperor of China died in November, aged 83. His son was immediately declar ed his successor, but at the last dales was not crowned. Reuben Liclilenwalner, of Upper Ma cungy township, Lehigh county, bled to tlealh from a cut in his log with a scythe, while mowing. A Lighthouse is to be erected on Cape Mesurado, coast of Liberia, by the govern ment of that republio to pr pare for which the old light has been removed. ' A severe freshet at Slaunton, Va., on the 24th nit., inundated part of that town, and did considerable damage in the niljacent country by carrying away Tences, and wash, ing down corn, what, &c. . Important to the Crystal Pa lax c Com" mittee. A tnischievious fellow advertises in the Times for a house within a stone,s throw of the Crystal Palace." It is pretty clear what he intends to be tip lo j , Oregon will probably be admitted as a state of the Union before the close of the present session of Congress. The vote of the people of the Territory has been taken on the qestion and the result will soon be given WhoWouj.dI We lip lha following on the subject of kissing from the Paris Beacon We have seen in some of the papers the abounding declaration that no two ladies can be found who kiss alike.' We won't believe il until we've tried it- Sontag's Funeral, in the city of..Mexico, was a remarkable one. The highest honors were pnid to her, short of State ceremonies, end an immense foot procession followed her to the grave, accompanied by an equally long line of coaches. . President Pioico reviewed the United States troops at Old Point, on Monday, and after wards visited the frigate Columbia and 6loop of war Preble, lying in Hampton Roads. Ho was received with the usual honors and a sa lute from each vessel. Shameful. The rigging of the' United States ship Pennsylvania having been on her some seventeen years, is said to be so rotten that it is no nnusual occurence for large pie ces of it to fall from aloft, to the danger of those on board.. Her spars are In the same condition. The Wisconsin decision of the unconstitu tionality of the Fugitive S ave Law is to be ar gue I in the United Slates Supreme Court, the Attorney General at Washington hav'ng taken Bteps to insure the arrest and trial of Booth in the United States Court for resisting the officers engaged in the execution of the law. I'he Effect. The Nebraska bill bat split the Democratic party of Indiana right in two. The Nebraska portion of the party are holding meetings and passing strong resoluious, and they are to meot in State Convention at In dianapolis on lhe13th of July, for the adop tion of meas-ires as they shall then deem n ac cessary to the accomplishment of their pur poses. The first Railroad in Brazil was thrown open to the public on the 30ili of last April, the inauguration ceremonies taking place in the presence of the Emperoi and Empress uud an immense concourse of the leading personages of the Empire. The director re ceived on the occasion the tiile of Bar&o de Jlnia, and the chief engineer the Imperial order of the Rose. Pnwe LiTF.nATi'RE im Liberia A gold medal hns been t fie led by Martin F. Tuppr, the English poet, lor lha encouragement of literature and science in the republic of Li beria. Il is annually lobe avraided to the umhor of the best literary production in prose oi verse. A late number of the Liberia Her ald ta)t that this medal is ready, and com petition it invited. Post il cm oc i Requests. The late Benja milt lUlhbun, of Springfield, Onego county, N. V., has left posthumous legacies amount i ig to $11,000, of which the American Bible Society and American Board of Cuinmissinn ' era of Korwiisn Missions) lerttiv tuoli 85000, the Home Missionary society ftooo, ami the American Education rioeiuty and Ante, ricaii Tract Society each tioo. Soik una ugrt tliut the evpres.lon, Jiililaii it a hard load lu "liaveil," j a uUiiem (twin eu tf N I' Willi' Sviijuuiu I'uemt, and iiloe the (ul liming passaga) Ihervlrom to piore il 'King lljwj l l.mta tse WM . ItsWI'eJ l-'i'tn ui JuitMMivia ti.4 ui lt m !, W Mk ku luiui pfejyW, ion a unit seal I v lb ae-aweul v.4ua ,' Mat. rmtiroM iti tut no The M- " i"4 I 'kiii lli Spiingliil4 Kj..,Lmn tliuuKI Ixi auiiou lu tli. livittt I'aiii'.gtM.i lU I ma il) UuK'ts. Hull Mil. l'atl4. bit 0(liS Slid ll'guuisls; 'U.4I I" tUiiiiJ Mi.. CtbUo, tt ! itiu4 fiwid caiih Lai Bui.J,y.- "IK.4I Ml.! tl.it t g ft U,UW,, VUm I was a ,iil, vigi.t ii, ,t. Ut Uu0f. A luie-IHHUtl MM lit lulu Idy ,,,,,, a4 littl uui.ky UU tUo i.ui M, l4 ay44vi .U.tii w hilal lUaS Jsaiv't Ubt Mp u.lluiul, ou, tituui 1 iti u mw 'Un . kj llllwi tvluvaiMt, bsj ),l, t( I ill eJw, j Ua, 'J t-UltMe) IU S-IUl tt a Uw4 t Ui J41 Ik wi'iU('i4laii 4 . F o i S a 1 c o r It e n t , ,; :,-.1 fflHE tuhscril-er Ollert lor soie or rem JL TANNERY, situated in the flourithing town offihamokin, Nortliumberlsnd conuiy. 1 tsnntry ! Well located and supplied with a foun tain of running water. The building Uof frame rt htr sn fiH.t. on a stone banement. 1 he ysrd contains vsts, all In excellent order. Berk nd hides are ahunilant. ' ' ' Possvstlon win be given linmedlateiy. If the nronertv it not sold, the subscriber would not object to inking a good partner, One wnn rmi lit roine well rccoinmended, or he would give steady employment to a good hand at good wnges, il'pplieation be mail toon. As there it no other tnnnefy in fhainokin, the above sflbrdt in opportunity to go into the businets, iclilom oll'ercd. . ' , . s ' , ' ' ' ' ' T DANIEL EVIiin', , .Shamokin, June 10, 1854. tf. ' ,' , The Eye Perfected. SILVER MEDALS, "itjin Uic Prankliu tiivtilute, Pliilndelpliia, from tlie A men to 11 Institute, New 1 irk ami FIVE FIRST PREMIUMS From Different Fairs in New England. City Daguerreotype Establishment D. C. COLLINS & CO. No. 100 fV 166 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia Also, Main at reel, pnngyic(d, Mass. and West field, Mass. ' Portrait Paintina and Talbolypinri, in' the highest state of perfection, dono in all the above LstnliliMinients. - iSky-I.iglits used in all the establishments. Miniatures taken equally as well by them in rloutly as in clear wenlhcr. Plnla., May 2i, 1854- tf. ' JAMES BDGGS, Jr., CHAIPw tt, FTJR1TITTJM AV'tipcrooms, No, 82 ! 95 Norlh Front Street, . Above Arcli, PHILADELPniA. , , t CF" Chairs, Scltecs, Bureaus, Bedsteads, Ta bles, Looking-Glasscs, Stands, &c, in every va riety, sold at the lowest prices for Uasli. lMnla., May S7, 1834. 4m. - ' '. " Sew Clock and Watcli ; ESTABLISHMENT, Market st., 3 doors east of the lied Lion Jlvttl, Sunbury, Pa. RAIMOND FE1TREXBAC1I T ESPECTFULT.Y invites the attention of J-- the public to his Clocks, Gold and Silver Watches, Jewelry, &c, which he will sell at moderate prices. Repairing of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry done at the shortest notice. Sunbury, May S7, 1854. tf. LATEST ARRIVAL OF . ,,, Spring and Summer, Goods. , J. F. & l.P. KIiINE, OESPECTFULLY announce to their friends and ti c public in general, that they have rccoived at their Old Stand, in Upper Augusta township, Northumberland county, Pa., their Spring on 1 Summer Goods, and opened to the public a full assortment of MERCHANDIZE, &c, Consisting in part of Cloths, black and fancy Cassiiners, Sattinctts, Checks, and all kinds of SPRING & SUMMER WEAK.- Also a splendid assortment of Ladies Dress Goods, Culicocs, Ginghams, Muslin de I.aines, Plaid Cushmcres, Do beges, Lawns, &c. Also a fresh supply of all kinds, of Groceries. A fresh supply of Hardware and Queens- ware, Drugs and Medicines. Wooden Ware. ' Also a large assortment - of Boots and Shoes, suitable for Men,' Women and . ; Children. Hats and Caps, such . . as Silk, Punama, and other Hata, ' Salt, Cheese, &c . Call and Sec. 1 Cheaper than the Cheapest, ' All of which will bo sold for cash, or in ex change for country produce, at the highest market price. . , . ., ,. t ,, Upper Augusta, May 0, ,1854, . This Way ! This Way I ! - . Spring and Summer Goods. FRILING- & GRANT. OESPECTFULLY "inform their customers and the public, that they have just receiv ed and opened U10 best and cheapest stock of Spring and Summer Goods, . , at their store in Market square, Sunbury. Their stock consists of every variety of Dry Goods, viz : ' Cloths, Cnssimeres, Sattinets, Vesting!, Flannels, If'uttens, fyc, . , , And all kinds of Spring &. Summer Wear. AIo a splundid variety of LADIES DRESS & FANCY GOODS, Calicoes, Ginghams, Chintzes, De Laines, Berages, And every variety of gooiU suitable for La dict wear. Also large assortment ef ' - - HARDWARE and QT7EENSWARE, Tish, Salt and Plaster. Also uu exlcnsive anoiimciil of Ihrs n Cahs jok hltti iku Hots. Alsil a lurga assortiuent of CKOt Eli li:, UlTll Ai Sugar, Teas, Codi'e, Molasses, Spices ol all kinds. Also a Jreth supply of . , liHl i.H AND MKDIOINRH. ' ' Hi'sidet the luigost and lnot generul assort, ment of all kinds oi oods lv bit bud iu this plac. i IV" t: nun try proibifS of all kinds Uken In as. change al the Ui(lwol mark! prh t. - Fiunliury, May 13, Isii. Now Goods for the People I UKNJAMIX IIKM'M'.U j llXt:'H'l I.LV iufuriut Hit (hiIiIm us gea. 4l 1U.1 ht um ju.i ik uU uiud a 4ciuIm atua u) ' Sju iui imkI Kuimucr (iootU .1 hl. New Jta U A Ilia al.H k i-ulKI.U i, 1,,, l uf ' Cloths, CasiUers, Casslaeta, r all iiuilt, uf linen, roll.. nj wJ. ' Al.Mlt , Cnllrura, Clugliuuia, I.iu. as . .i(M l lt a, AU" a-uiluwut luiStttlt, ri k "J Sul. MaiU, . AU in rtW,t iMMttlMOi ul ktllHllit. . 11 1 tt I !, toui, , ( I'iall, tv. kui "' l ut.M tm,Us.lt It tt w '- tU ut U t-U tt SUNBURY AMERICAN AND' SHAMOKIN JOURNAL; .'. (,, ATTENTION , I ) For the metropolitan Clothing Store of ' O. ELSBERO & CO.; ' ' --' ' ! Market Street, oppotiu tht Post Office. VVE hire juit received and on hand now the ' v , rV,Mt benutiful, larirett and best attorted stock of ready-made Clothing adapted to Spring and Bummer -wear ever before Drought into Sunbury or Any place In this section of the conn-' try. 1 Our Clothing made by the best hands and under our own supervision,- wo know will give entire Satisfaction to buyers. Still adhering to our old motto "Cheap for Canh," we'll dispose of our goods, reasonable and rapidly. All we say is : come, examine and price our goods and we feel sure you'll buy. We once you at the very lowest prices every imaginable variety of Coats, Vests and pants cut in the last fashion and warranted tie fit. Cloths, cansimerc. sattinctts, linens, drillings, jeant, silks, satins, and all other kind made into Clo thing. Also a Inrtfe assortment of Boots and Shoes! among these a splendid variety of ladies shoes, luuics and gents gaiters, etc. SILK HATS, Panama, Pahnleaf, Pear) and all other Hats and Caps we havo a great variety of. ... Also a great lot oftrunks, valises and carpet bags for sale cheap . . JEWELRY. . We have a splendid lot of watrhei, and all kind of Jewelry suitable for ladies and gentlemen. " ' PISTOLS. "All kinds of Revolvers, double and single barrel Pistols, Aeeordeons, Shirts, Collars and nil ether goods generally kept in our Jine can be found at our store, all of which we intet.il to sell at the very lowest prirc. Don't forget the place, G. EI.SUERfJ & Co. ' Market 8qunre, opposite the Post Office. Sunbury, May 6, 1854. Highly Interesting News ! rTWR information brought to us by the steam . ship Asia of the sudden decline of Flour, '' I i Indian corn, &c. in Lurope, is no doubt interest ing to some, and therefore il must be also inter csting to a great many others to know that while there i so much fluctuation in the price of J Urcadstuui at home anil abroad, there Is nothing to cllect tho low price of the . :v . . i Large and Excellent Stock of " SriJING & SUMMER CLOTIIIFG, just received . by P. Schnurman & Co., and on hand at there store On the corner of Market and Faien Streets, directly opposite John Young's store, where they will be pleased to wait upon all tlioso who wish to buy good and cheap clolbing. Also a fresh supply of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, &c., '''' which they have purchased at a very low price at Philadelphia and therefoie Can a II or d to sell to their customers at the most reaxonabln prices.. They still, (after some experience in business') cling to the good motto, "cni.jr run cash. Call and sec Tor yourselves. . S. SCHNURMAN & CO. Sunbury, May C, 1854. ' fCAiiD'7-;" T" CUII.SO.VS PATENT. Ventilating Furnace. riHK subsciiUrr would call the attention of nil prtrtirts I requtriitft -n drsirHl.I FL'UNAi'K. to CHIUSON'S CKl.KHKATKU WAKAIING AND VKNT1LATING AIM'AKATUS. J - v 1 . The rvHitiuion of Hub Furuaceia now well known, hnviiie brni itilrtxiiicrd, limine the nan live vcora. iitlo nh.inl IjOU public buildings, nnd more thnn POUO pritit' (hvcllinea; lhi,.tOfttlier with (he immense increase of riles every year, i the. beat evutunce that can be aiklueed of its superioiity over nil other furntices iiy itie intuot tUilsim'i b unmet, you secure lue follow iiipr ntlvniitutree ! - --..-.. '..-,., I'HKB VllNTILAThlX. - f . I'tjitK Air the heutinp ntrfuyet being ut a tempemture tli'U will nut dicffcute the mr. t KcortnMirAKs U o 1wbl j ' i: ' liKAT UuBABiLiTT lx!in mado enlitelv of Cnit Iron. iitt liiiliU to rust, will refinire nort-pnirB iluihifr a lifHiine; it is easily mniutfrnl, min will not ex pone tho bntldinjr in wo 1 eh it is pinced to (lunger trom tire like the other turim cen. V have the tetliainninl of hintdrertu of the most trU entifir men, to fittest to the truth of the nhove sbilrinciit, nil of whom pmiiounee it to be deeidetlly lite rwnt Fnrnnce yet inventul. for producing n pure find henllhy utinns- iiiere. vm nerewnn nnuex the nnmea ol a tew well kiu.wn find eminent lrnfctH)rs, wlio hnve used them, and kimlly rnmiiihrfl m their ntimrit nn rt-ft-rcnceii : rrof. John 8. Hnrt. I'rof. Pinker, Prof. Nort.m. Pres. Win. II. Allen, Prof. I'urwim, Prof. Dana. . Prof. D. Silliinaii, Prof. Ripley, A7iV SIZES.. We hare introduced, this sensnn, five new sixes ; so that nil ;irtit may uvail tlieniselvea of ihia grent iniprove. ineut til 11 very moderate cost. We 'nre ii'.w prepared to furnish an apparatus lo warm a aiugla- loom, or Ute, lur-gi-nl puhlie liuildins in ihe cuuulry. , . No. J. P.irlulile. Complule. . - - . S'W - 9. 3. 4. S. a. , 4... 4ft " . I n Drickwork, - , , ( . , . ' . ' . Fxlra Radiator,' (iticUuling Hom unn Trem-h 1 i . t Plalea.) - ( 4S 60 70 m 107 5. 0. This No, 0 it Uic brsrst nnd inoet pnwarful Furnace roiule in the country, nutl u udmirubly ndiptcU tut Church ea nnd nltip'r large elm imiWuipa. W'o c.iiitinoe to at-II the nniKirnhii nt the aame price a wIm ii tin) jiitfiHlnrcd, tiv yvara 9$n AllhUfrh Ihu pr- reul Uifh (irico ut iron ho inereaaeil then ctl io per cent, owinff to (l.rir great weipht, atill we are eiinblni, by the p;reattnrreftMe of Kilra, tn funnxh the aitieleat this towest poasiblo prtca.-' Uta I'tHimlry ai m,- Meattra. ariiick St Letbrandt, hnve aoulm'tetl to luriim.) ua with 600 Kmis ut Kurnacoa tbia aoniMiu , a that we aie now prepared to furniah them wh-4tMiltf or retail. V anperinletiri the errt leu o all Furiweca, when required, end werratit Lbem intiUcuaea. ... METROPOLITAN COOKINGs RANGE. We hnvo lo the moM complete CinAinj? nuiiffe that h.ia yrt been inlrorhieet, to which we call the attention of a,U who may wiah to aecure the timet jh rivut eiui tkairabte C'inkuiix Mpaialua ter iiivctitt'd. , EMEHHON S PA TEXT VENTILA TORS. Wa ara the indy Antin Penavlvnuia for the nunufue tills and sthtol this Vculilaloi, which M uckuowietledlo be Ihe only pei fect Yeniilulor ever made f.r eonrcitinv the dratielti in smoky eliiinuiee, and f..r ventiluling haiUI. wigs m nil kimls As ihuieare a (reul ninny imiuiliona of this valuable article now ollVicd for aale, pnrllra will be careful lo eitiuiine lli-.l it hostile Kmerii llu-lpe iituiclifd. PATKNT ItKUISTI'.ltS AND VBS'TII.ATOItX. We have the hirsest and most complete assortment of I H Air lt('lstera aud Ventilutnrs to be found lu lha Uni ted SuiUv. i'uiuea whu wudi lo purehiisa, culwr for pn vale use or whoh-s.de, will find mtejllj o then advuu lags lo examine fir stock. HI.ATK AD IRON M ANTLES. We have always en hand aa extensive assorlmanl Ihesa UMMtulttl ManiM, la) S HuMalMMi ia Kgyptian, HnanisJi) lituw)', bicitoa, suiU uibtft sars suuhiaa WKS UUA'('t For Au.liraeite ami tiiiuiuouMis Cual. Also, stiemif new Pdiu-in the low ilowu lirnle, uwle foa the r'ug llsh Paiierus. and entireir new ia this rnuutry. . MIL, .AilK.NTst f.f ik tjml.sk tj-oasauatw Plooring Tile, liurukirk I'loililiey Tot, siul 'I'elis tXi'.la Ulna, uteiiia. s..cli aa liurdrn osf-a, Ac. Persons ahmit building. w"ulit do wall to examine our al.is.-al hMHr sairenaaliiK ataa-waaia. Vuisiaa, la UrlsMir pur Hsut oi u-4, aia nlu4liy wrlc.mird at our vA.teu.iva tVaref e'lus. uiwl wIhum w should Imi Ii4pp to luiul.li any IniiaiaatiftM res..,g any of oar evfc.U thai nsav m de.iiir.1. A tout t'U W aiuoiui aiul VriaiaUiug taso be kkMl (.aiwll'uely 1 our si Jt, siihar persouaii) , vi by Im. ''. A.MARKimiN, tV'annotff and Veiitiliuiof Nfauk, .. J 1 WatlMil IN.. MW Mutt). '"'' ' - - - rkii-utrlpana, rkJ., Maj , IM-tsa. j .. Dagiierreotypesl (J Koi0K W, i'.o JIM',' Utl'C('TI'l I.I.Y SBiiumiraa la llis ctliMiis vi MuBt'iiry smJ sietMlly, tUal lis ItM SKalii upvuej lJ4iMlls tiuusu, silti Is) j-irpali j la Uke liksuesM. Us) OallSuU kit klur.-e lu bv all.Uil.uy la all stlalilu tiua) fei ! stluiM uf UiesMsrltra and fiU'liils. I"jihU silciilluM la ekl ta) tkiMiaiis. t'ojxes Wkea) llsl srfuracy, lit Uuetiusw ! Ht Kaa'StMs tiKtus. Ilu Iwuit Is st It.a usJ ulaaw, IN llui tiiaual Jiary lUtvm, (nuonts liuil.liua.) salalM tutm lra A. M. Isutli r. M.. Ithi.ul sats) lu Iks aM mt Hi aMMtheW. l'iIM slutttU las SVstl U KU 4u4bJ Us. ' I Al'if.at III as ll J - lwlll. SUj ssuatlUtef fl A lSsa, Dl. Sl.1 U. ! SNIk, Ua) I alk. t.l. ll..Ma. ssul t ak. ut i,i4i, w4 raar4 aJ tW I M. UMUIU. usit, Kt II, ItM. 0 kil l -Jt.a s4 t.'M4.Wa m ' Stol a..4ssi Ij A.iaMtl wssawal fir"' M A tiw. laH. j tireat Arrlvftl'brL ! SFXIINa GOODJS! '1 ! IRA T. CLEMENT INFORMS his friends and customers that ht just received an elegant assortment of i SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS At his Btore in Market Street, Sunbury, which he offers to the publie at the lowest prices. . , His stock consists of a general assortment o ! Dry Goods, viz : Cloths, Cassimers, Cassmett, Jeans. Drillings, ) Muslins, Linens, Calicoes, Muslin de . 1 Lains, Lawns, Ginghams, Berages. . . j ' Also a large assortment of CLOTHING. . A large assortment of Boots and Shoes, for ' Men, Women and Children, Sit.K Hats. Panama, Palm leaf and other Summer Hats. riasfct. GROCERIES of every variety. . Sugar, Tea, GorW, Molasses, Cheese, 8pice, Fih, Soil, Ac HARDWARE, Viz : Iron and Steel, Nails, Files, Saws, cVc. QUEENS WARE, : Tea Setts, Plates, Dishes,' Cups, Saucers, Ifc LIQUORS, ' . Wine, Brandy, Gin, Rnm, Whiskey, ic . liT Country produce of all kinds taken in ex change at the highest market prices. . . ' April 8, 1654 ly. 5 - ...... ... SHAMOKIN , Collegiate Institute. R. HILL, A. B., Principal Rev. C. J. EHREH ART. A. M. Teacher of Moral and Mental Science, Evi dences oj Lhrtttanity, qc. Teacher of Primary Department. rJ,HE first session of this Institution, located at Shamokin, Northumberland county, Pa., win Lwii, uiiilu uii v, Au.,.aut I, iuiii uajr Ul Mat, 1854. .. The year will be divided into three sessions of fourteen weeks each, thus allowing a vacation of four weeks in spring end uutumn, and ona of two weeks during the holidays. The Institution will comprise three departments, A raiMAin, Acaiii'.mic and Collkgiate. The course of instruction in these will be full and thorough, embracing all the branches usually taught in these rcsjieetive departments. U.itKs or Ti'Tiox : Primary Department, per session, . $4,00 -.- Academic " . " . $0,00 ' Collegiate " . " . $8,00 , A large and spacious room has been secured to meet the wnms of the Institution, until the necessary buildings are completed. Boarding can be obtained in private families at reasonable rules. " . . . The lloiird of Trustees will spare no pains or labor, to lynkc Shamokin .Collegiate Institute, worthy the patronage and confidence of the com munity. ; if ; ' 1 ,," I' or further particulars, address Kimber Clea ver, Esipi of Shamokin, President of Board of Trustees, or IJcv. - G. J." Ehrchart of Paxinos, Nortliumbmliind county. Pa. Shamokin, March 4, 1854. ' Tl IK STEAMBOAT SUSQUE1IANNA lilTIl.I. muke regular trips for carriage of Pas ' scngers between Sunbury and Northum berland every day, except Sunday, on and after Monday, April 24th. v The boat will leave the wharf at Sunbury, at 8 o'clock, A. M., 1 1 o'clock and !I0 mi,.utcs A. M., and S o'clock oO minutes, P. M, licturuing, will leave the outlet lock at North umberland, -at 8 o'clock and15 minutes, A. M., 1 1 o'clock anil 45 minutes, A. M., and 5 o'clock uud 45 minutes, I'. M. v- ' Kure, 10 i-eiiis. Excursion tickets, good for one dav, 15 cents. '. , Sunbury, April 29, 1851 tf. , -, ; GTJANO ! GUANO ! HE subscriber, tole agent fur tlie sale of Peruvian Guano in I'liiludeluliia. i now tinlo.nlinK tlie following vessels, ilircct from tlie Chinclta Islands t .... , ,; , . Ship .Sorooco, ... 1500 tons. . Ship Durlinglon, ., ? ! V50 tons, ; Ship Hornet, . - ' 500 tons. Ship Topax, . " - , . 200 tons, which will be sold in lots to suit purchasers, nt the lowest cash prices, t ; '.' V f.S. J. CHRISTIAN, . . (Ftrmtrly Cf lading ic Ckrinian.) ,' No. 48 North Wharves, uud 97 Norlh Water Mrrft, Philadelphia. ' . April 82, 1854 3m. W. S. STOCKMA. - V A TltOs7A7ontt(ilL. STOCKMAN & O'NEILL, " - GENERAL'- - Commission illcnljants . 35i IIOKTH WHABVES, ' - Philadelphia. ; 'references.'' . Thos. Richardson & Co. Philadelphia. A . G. Csttcll Si Co. . " Kutter & Pntteson, ' ' ' ' ' Charles Ellis &, Co. ' " llurgin lt Sons, , Pliila., April 8, 1854. ly. H ' ' lilRBJUYKS TATKNT SCALES, , Sold at their WAREHOUSE, ' No. 240 Market Street, PHILADELPHIA. Railroad, lUy, Cuul, anil Partners' BCAI.IIS, sot iu auy part of Ihe country, by eipinenccd workiiiiu, and al short notice. . Pliilu, April 8, U34. Cm. l.uscuduIclIvdi'au'.icCcniciit. .11 trcltent article for Lining Cisteins, Vaults, Spring-homes and Cellars, I AND for keeping dampness from wvl and ' spoaeil walls. P Of sal by CHARLES S1IP.PAKU SMITH, Comer of Proul and Willow Hta. itsilroad. Philadelphia, April li, 144. ly. , " DOCTOR JOSEPH W. CAMEROnT llEMPIXTn 1-1. V informs Ilia i iliu ns uf c - tho Uofouuli of Honbuiy and vuiinly, that K kas prrmaiiaiilly locataHl kimaetf in aij IInrouKh aJ aft'era his profraaiuiial aax vices lu Ihuaai who may wish la employ him. Pof l,a )iaiil he ran be found al Weavers Hotel. Hunbmy, March II, If. i v. Ti:i:it v o , SUNBURY, PA., 1 1 AVE luat racsivsd firs supply of new H prliis (iuwls. Their fiirnds and lha Nil lie ts irst h Ifullv rrue.lsd td rail and inapnl llmu. 1'kry Will rut s-ld rhrap. "tuUk sales and small profile laaliil tlteir uiotlo. .uubuiy, '., A.lll. 11. Iff ATM AMI CAI'H - splskdU U vl B (.bi4all Milk, Wo4 and rue Mais eUd i'ioili, Par, OikWih, Nsy sad MthUry t apt sal war by a ruurucj 4 c . Uaikel atiswt, appueOai tbaj 'wt llfla, stunkuiy, Ik L , lU glUH kst.pi.kt Jay aaj sHI kat lsa sJ "4 MawJesi tiai.4, t'laaist A ttla, tiiMssad nula, HaMsM, $m4 i'lUavB, ua4 ssw4J afcd fc kkk A. H .AU1. a-swef Avfff, Msf I, !. II M i U 1 .h. k.ia. Ua4, pus asxl ts-MM. U,mU aui t Lai. m Mtsxi aiM sat) a. lja Hm w alt mi ia. jttrf a4 Im sbas) ' Ma, , Is. I - U M. A kJsAiel iJ .-.1 '1 CHERRY PECTORAL: I Fair the Cure f COUGHS, OOI.DS, .-,,.rT HOARSENESS, BROM ; OHZTXS, CROUP, AS Til. IWA, WHOOPING-COUGH . AND OONSUIV1PTION-. TO Ct'RK A COI.D, WITH HSADACHS ASO SOI of the hiHty, take the Chibbt Pkctobai. on noing to hed, and wrap up warm, to sweat during the night. Fob a Gold add Cocoh, take it morning, noonnnd eve ning, according to dilectlnu im the buttle, uud the difficul ty wilt boom be removed. Nmie will long sutfi-r from this trouhle when they ami II ran Imo reuilily cured. Persona slllicted with a seated onugh, whieli lireuks tliem of their rest st mglit, will find, bv Inking the Cherry Pectoral on going ti bed, they niny be sure ortouud, untuoken ileep, aud consequently refreshing reat. Grent relief from Gutter ing, and an ultimata cure, is afioided to tliuuaands who ars thiia nfilicicd, by this invalunble remeity. From its ngn-enble effrcls in thee nse, many Unit themselves unwilling to forego its uso when the necessity for it has ceased " From two eminent Physicians in Faykitkvili.s, Tenn , April 18, 1851. Sir : We have given your Cherry Pec-tural an extensive trial in our ptaeliue, ond and it Ui surpass every olhci re mcdy w have for curing nfTectiinis of llie respiratory or gans. . jjltrl DlKMKR HAMPTON. TO SINGERS AND PUBLIC PI'KAKEKS this remedy is invaluable, as by its action on the thf' mt nnd lungs, when taken in small quantities, itremovesnll honiseness in a few li mrs, ami wonderfully increases the power ainl flexibility of the voice. ASTHMA is generally mnrli relieved, anil often wholly uured by Cherry Pectoral. But there are some casesso ob stinate as to yield entirely to no medicine. Cherry Pecto ral will cure Ihwn, if they can be cured. BRONCHITIS, or irritation of the thrust and upper portion of the lung., maybe cured bv taking Clierry Pe;to rnl in smnll nnd frcqnent doses. The uncomfortable op pression is soou rellevd. - Hev. UiK-t. UANSINU, of Brooklyn.New York, stotes : "1 havo seen the Cherry Pectoral cure slioh enses of Asthma and Bronchitis as leads me to believe II can rarely full to cure Ihose diseases.1 1 I-'Oll CltOUP. Hive nn emelie of antimony, tube followed by larftn aud fniqiiuiit dosc.l of the Cherry Pecto- al, until i' sulxtues the disease. Il taken in season, it will not fnil to cure. WHOOPING COUGH inny be broken up nnd soon cu red bv the ne of Cherry Pectoral. THK 1NFI.UKN..V is speedily removed by Ihis reme dy. Numerous instances have been noticed where whole fiimilies weie protected from any serious consequences, while their neighliors, without the Clierry Pectoral, were suffering from the disease. ' Dr. J. C. Aycr: Salm, Ohio, 11th June, 1831. 1 write to inform you of the truly remnrknlJe effects of your ( HKRltY PKCTORAl. in this place, and in my own family. One of mv daughters was completely cured in three days of n dreadful Wiioonso Cnoou, by taking it. Dr. Means, one of our very best physicians freely slntea that he considers it the best remedy we have pulmonary diseases, and tliut he has curat more cases uf Cbovp with it than liny olher medicine he ever administered. Out clergymen of the Bnptist Church envsthnt daring the run of I nft.crnsa here this scastni. he has seen cures from your inetliciiHi he could scarcely have believed silh out set-ins. Yours respectfully, . , , y J. I). SINCLAIR, Deputy Postmaster. From the distinavished Professor of Chemis try and Meteria Mcdxec, lioiedoin College. I have found the Chkrkt Pkctokhi., as its ingredients show, n powerful remedy fiw ct.Uls, nnd canghs, and pul monary diseases. - '! pAessa CLrvn.ASD, M.D. BSUSJWICK, Me., Feb. 5, lf-17. DK. VAI.KNTINKMOTT. The vidchj eclehrated Professor of Surgery m the Medical Collece. New York Cilv, satis: "It gives me pleasure to certify the value and effiency of 'AYKtl'j I IIERKt l ECTOnAl.. WSICB 1 COIlIIoer pec-ill' n.l.- n.l....t.l t.vflnr Hiaeji.. ,tl' Mm Throill and I.UnGrS., Cures of scvete ilisi-nscs noon the I.tings have been ef fected bv Cbkrv PscroitAi. in such cxtremo cases as warrant the belief that a remedy hns at length been lounij that can bo depended on to cure the Coughs, Colds and Consumption which carry from our midst thousands every vMr. It is indeed a medicine to which Ihe afflicted can look with confidence for relief, and they should not full to avail themselves ol it. , , Prepared and sold hi JJMES C. AYJ:R, . r . I yt . T II ' T rracncai vncmiyi, wwcu juoss. SoKl in Suntiury by H MASSER, ana by Drugsists ppnerally luroughoiit the Stntc. July 30, 1853. ccow Jv. Nov. 13. '52. S. M BABTIIOLOW. O. TIFFAXV, JH. I. B. CHABBO! llai-tholow, -Tiirany fiy Co. IMPORTERS AND DF.Al:F.nS IN Foreign nttd E9omcstic DRT GOODS, AND Ar.ENTS FOR TUB SALE 0T AMERICAN UAN UF ACTURES, No, 2GS Baltimore Street, I : . Baltimore. - If our Ciiiods on esnminution, are not as cheap as they can bo houiiht lii any other market they may be returned forthwith at our expense. Haltitiiorc, Nov, 20, 1S33. ly. Spring antj Summer style G E X T L 1? M EN'S II A T S . FOSTER & GEBHARD, 49 South Third, Street, below Chestnut, -' PIllLAl)Kl.riltA, ' nAYK unusual satisfnetion in rnlling atten tion to their large and varied stock of Mole skin.'Drsh, beaver, Otter, Panama, and a variety ofSlraw and Sopt Hats. . Gentlemen's sumuior Caps of all descriptions. Children's Fancy Embroidered and Plain Caps Straw Huta and Caps, Misses' Flats, &.C. 1 Particular attention is called lo a White and Nankeen French Pelt Hat, of our own im portation. . .; : . "i Phila., April 58, 1854. 3in. . ZINC PAINTS. One third cheaper than whit lead, and free from idl poisonous qualities. The Wcw Jersey Zluc Company HA VINIi great y cnlaigrfl llicir works, and Improved tlia quality ol tlietr pruouola, are prMuail lo execute onlcis lor their SUPERIOR PAINTS. ' Dry, and irruuutl in iit, in ausftcd packugtM of from 15 to 5iO pound ; nt Ury, iu tMiTdt, ft V0 pnutwlii rrh. Their wliiie 4,1, uiiitii t fcid ary or grout vd in oil, wurtiiiili tl Jurc miti Viurnj-tjt.l (of butly mid uiiUorm A iiinli il of preiMmiHiii hu ico-wiity Umii liimriH, whifti eiwliki ihr Cntpati)- h MurnuU ilttir jwuuUlrtkvrp imli dml -fl in the k ; tr un muMiialilr lime. In tht reps?, l their ktiHti wiU ! ujcrhir to any utlier In Ui IUiirkrl 'i'hrir troAHi xiiM puutt, whii-ti it okl at low prirr, imI chh fMily rn nmitfl irn hc Ziitr urtrv fm New Jcr ey, m H'w well known f'r tUr(u q aula lea whrit "plitMl to 1 Iaii in ttihar mrtaJit; auriat-va Ttiair aU'iia dIr Kiii.t ii'taartwa all (ha propanirs of iba Mfswn, aiiU ia ol an ai?ritk c r fur piiiitlmg CutWgea, WiMKa. imi imnuiiiK. itriiitisa, aiiv Hit.Cll A HK IlARDfl, WUnarffilt Paml lelra mwi napstncra, N W. rf. ol lilh rV MurkLlHia., iMuLulelhia riiiUds-llua, AHll8, A.a-4iii. flHK sulnciiliei begs leave reapeelfully to in form his fiiends sud lha public generally thai he will continual the boMitaaa of a Cabinet Makers' Finding Store, in all its various bram l.aa at ths old stand, No. 134. Month haioiul al., below Dk al. Pliiladtl. phis, and rrapactfully s-ili. lis riiliuusiic4 uf Ilia terv lilieral palronat;e bealowsd Ukii lha laU Rim of T. A I.. Thompson, aasurinf bis fiiruds llul sriy r isilioi, will ha msJa by liiinsrlf and Ihuaa in his eioplov Ut marit conliiiuaiira uf thru iiiui h ssUsutsd lavoia, THOMAS THOMI'WIN. Phila., March I, InAI.- (!U. sr1i.U I'K.NM nli anil wiihoul eaaaa, IR Vi auiriur aualllv, lust reraSvaci. Alaa ficah u)4; V riiiuf l lui.1, fae aal f U. U. MAULI, Hut.l.ui,, W. T. t e ft I . SMI I H a KsiKM K ttlf JAMAICA MS. I. II, In. I. aupl )t.at sawMiwl, aaj Iw sal H U. U.MaMbl, liUi . lau. Hi. I . VKMH.D WIUI INti ri I II s.ul AJb at a4 lJ etiUiwaa Iy II. H. a n.aj. IskUii, J 14. ISM aisMM' liuiri mm, 'muprKM tw D Ul UttlM M a is sf 11, MiMiia smU,, At4. I. I svl La. t .iu M4a4 at 1 1 sAa, i'w ti uiu,i, ttba - Look to your Interests ! .: t W ipUUry to please tt 1 i 6 TkT nr1UO!rTVCfaVaT Ul SkVls AAWATAS OWtl ITp ESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the public generally that ho has just re ceived ht his store, in Market street, Sunbury, below Weaver's Hotel' an extensive stock of . ; SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, ' consisting part of ' ; i Dry Goods, viz : Cloths, Cassimeres, Cassinels, Jeans, Drillings, Muslins,' Vestings, Linens, (fc. LADIES DRESS AND FANCY GOODS, , Calicoes, Muslin de Lains, Lawns, i I Ginglmms, Berages, Robes, Woolens, Flannels, tfc. . .. ' GROCERIES, ' Sugar, Teas, Codec, Rice, Molasses, Cheese, Spices, Salt, Arc, &c, dec . BBnrdwnre, Nails, Screws, Files, Saws, Knives & porks, dec. : Queens and Glassware, of various styles snd patterns. ' BOOTS AND SHOES. A large assortment of Boots and Shoes, for mefi, Women nnd children. Hats Cam, drc, of various siies ond styles. Besides a largo and general assortment of fashionable goods. Call and examine lor your selves. Country produce ol all kinds taken in exchange at the highest market prices. ' ' a Sunbury, 11 mo. 86 1853. t m. 30, '63. DAVIS & CUXiXN, Dealers in LAMPS, LANTERNS fc CHANDELIERS, N. E. Corner Fourth and Cherry Streets, PHILADELPHIA. HA VINO enlarged and improved their Store, and havins the Isrirest assortment of Lamps in Philadelphia city, thev are now prepared to furnish PINE OIL CAMPHENE, BURNING FLUID, ETHEREAL OIL, Phosphene Gos nnd Lard Oil, Lamps, Lanterns of all paterns, Funcy Hotel and Hull Lamps, Chandeliers, Girandoles and Candcleabras, and Brittannia Lamps, at the Manufacturers' lowest prices. Glass Lamps by the package, at a small advance over Auction prices. Being large MANUFACTURERS of Pine Oil, Burning Fluid, Ethereal Oil, Alcohol, and (the only true) Phosgene Gas, thev can fur nish these articles at such prices mat mcrenanis will find it to their advantage to buy. Call before going elsewhere, if yon want bargains. Also, tha Safety Fl id Lamp for sale. Phila.,Sept. 24, 1853. ly. Porte Moiinaies, POCKET BOOKS, AND FANCY GOODS. MMIE attention of the Trade, and others, in JL want.ff Porte Monnaics, Pocket Books, Bankers' Case., Dressing Cases, Portable Wri ting Desks, Backgammon and Chess Boards, Chessmen, Pearl, Shell, and Silver Cord Cases, Work Boxes, Cabas, Needle Books, Money Belts, Cigar Cases, Portfolios, Razors and Razor Strops, Travelling Finks, and fine Cutlery, to gether with a large variety of Fasci Goods which will be sold at the lowest rates. . F. H. SMITH, Porto Monnaie and Pocket Book Manufacturer, 20S Arch St. below Sixth, Philadelphia. ' Sept. 17, 1853 tf. - c vitic, aV Co., Flour, Grain and Lumber Comniision Mcpcliants, 23 and 25 Spear's Wharf, Baltimore. heferkncks. John Clark, Esq., President Citizens' Bank, Bait- A. P. Giles, Esq., Cashier Branklin Bank, " John Hertzler' Jr., Esq., Philadelphia. Koirers, Sinnicksnn & Co., " J. Tome, Esq., President Cecil Bank, Port De- posite. J. Wsllower & Son Harrisburg. Col. H. C. Ever, Selinsgrove. J. II. App& Co., . t Nsgle, Wingate A Co., Milton. W. W. Cooke, Esq.. Muncy. Simon Schuyler, Esq., - George Bo Jine, Hughsville, W. Weaver & Co., Montoursville. Gen. William F. Packer, Willinmsport. T. W. Lloyd, Esq., Cashier, ' ' James H. Huling, " Lewis G. Huliug, " ' M'Hcnry et Uubb, Jersey Shore. J. P. Huling, Esq., Lock Haven. ' t Carr, Giesc & Co. havo the largest wharf room of any comniision house in Baltimore, al ways giving quick dispatch to boats In discharg ing their cargoes. February 11,1851 6m. ', ValuableProperty for Sale , In the Borough of Sunbury ! f' HE subscriber oilers for sale tha following H' property in the Borough of Sunbury, viz: THE HOUSE Ami two contigious Lots of Ground, on the south west corner of Market Square, now occupied by the subscriber as a store and dwel ling. Also: THE STEAM SAW MILL ou the river bank, together with one and a half acrea of ground. Also:, a double two story frame) Dwelling House ami Lot of Giouml, in Elderberry street. ' Also: six teres of ground at the Point, adjoining tha Susquehanna, on which are erected two frame houses wagon house, oVc. Also : A House and Lot of Ground in Cranberry street, near Ihe river, on which lot ara also erected three lime kilns. A lea . A House and half Lot of Ground, on tha north east corner of River and Dewberry street, occupied by A ugustus Clement. Alaoi Twenty-Three Vacant Lots on Elderberry street. IKA T. CLEMENT. Huubury, Jsn 14, 1 Sot. if, lllucksmithing. .TV IE subscriber hereby Informs lha eilUensof Muuliury, and lbs public generally, lhal ha liiit ittis lu tarry on Ilia lUuckkuillltlntf UunlutM an his own account, and that he baa) rsinovej his akop (rum war C'lcsaaml's store, to new shop on lha premises ol Msrk Ncui4atu, is) Pen atisast, wlMtia) lit will be happy Ir cMaBauMleui all bis custom!. HK.MtY PAMTO.V Heiibury, Mar.hS. lSt.-if. IMPORTKH AND DKALKR IN IRON A. STEEL, itl Jarl.f afrrrr, Mow ink, north suit, riiiLAsox-ruiaV. I'lilli, Ja ,, Ul.-If. not'KIUi:J- -s, I'lAfts. Tea. MJa IB asa, lt, !!. 4s, iui MkWssJ ) sW ZCit 1 W.TKMt 1 a im,.ui, AfU it, U4I - Mtsv i.bri;n putMira. b If U l sa.Uk. ts.4 all SI4.K. M s4. ,I.s.labr - li. V.M lMbli. smai,i, Jmami 4, IMaV-a lls.NKS, I kM aa H HI ilb"! atUsea. s At AassiAtaas Dt "AID AND COMFORT," - ' 1 I To Your Own ITleclinnici. ! GEbRGE iienn; ; I MANUFACTURER OF FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of the most Fashionable Style T"r3,u"Wi1r.rc,sreft,'ully lls th. tte'ntion ,of 'he Publ'e 'o Ins large and splendid assort ment of every quality Bd price of CAIHET-WAUE. which cannot fail to recommend Kselftoevery on who will examine it, on account of iu durabl workmanship and splendid finish, made up of th best stock to be had in tho city. No ffort pared in the manufacture of his ware, and tht subscriber is determined to keep up with tha many Improvements which are constantly beini made Hie stock consists of Mahogany Sofrtu, Dlvana and Lounges, Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards, ' SOFA, BREAKFAST AND DISIXO TABLES, and also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to Phila ' dclphia manufacture. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and price, CUPBOARDS, WORK AND CANDLE STANDS. TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, In short, every articlo in this line of his business. He also manufactures all kinds and qualities of CIIAIIIS, including varieties never before to be had ir, Sunbury, BUch as Mahooast, Black Waibct .ViiVn"l1!n MA"KG:ciA!r; axo Wiicnsn. CHAIRS, isi saucy Piaxo Stools, which ara of the latest styles, and warranted to be excelled -by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere. ' " he subscriber is determined that there shall be no excuse for persons to purchase furniture in ... . B,cry commence can be entertaineil about, the quality and finish of his ware and His articles will 1 .K.n..i r 4 terms as they can be purchased elsewhere. Coun- J ' '""" "nen in payment tor work. CF" UNDKRT A Wlx-n tt..: nimscir with a handsome Heahss, he is now prepared for Undertaking, and attending funer als, m this vicinity, or at any convenient dis tancc from this place. . IJ6" 1 lie Wore Koom is in Market Street, , below Thompson's Store and Weaver's Tavern. Sunbury, Jan. 10, 1852. If. Impoptant to Coal Dealers. XMIE subscribers hereby inform the public, that they have entered into partnership under tha . nrni 01 rvaf e, Kccd ct Lo., for the purpcose of mining, shipping and selling coal, dchverd at Sunbury. or at any other point along, the Sus quehanna. They will be ready to deliver coal, well prepa red, on cm lr.ict or otherwise, at all times, on the shortest notice, and on tho most reasonable terms. Orders received at Shnmokin by KASK, REED & CO. Sunbury, June 4, 1S53. ly. A VALULfJUSlS Ami Three Acres of Ground FOR SALE. npiIE subscriber offers at private sale, his house -- and three acres of ground, on the river Bank within tho limits of the Borough of Sunbury, now in the occupnncy of John Shissler and orig inally owned by Clias. GiiBslcr while engaged in. ooiu Dunning. 111c improvements aie a TWO STORY FEAME HOUSE, With a Well of good Water, and a good frame stable. There are a number of excellent fruit trees ou the premises. The prop erty is handsomely located and will be Sold at a reasonable ptice and possession given in April next. Apply to Geo- C. Welkcr, Esn.. of Sun bury, or to the subscriber at Selinsgrove. PETER KERLIN. July 23, 1853 tf. Cheap Watches 6j Jewelry, ViniOLESALE and Retail, at tlse "Philadel- " phia Watch and Jewelry Store," No. 96 North Second Street, corner of Quarry, PHILADELPHIA. Gold lvcr Watches, full jeweled, 1H curat cases, S3?,M Gold I nine IS. -.'4.00! r me silver Spectacles. I. SO Silver lp. full jewllnl, tl. Silver lver, lull jewl'd W iSiineiior Uuiirlieia, 7 Gold nmcelet. 3.00 I.OO 6,00 I adiea1 Gold Pencils. .Silver Tea ajiouiiA, set, GnUt Hncctui to, 7.tll Ookl rena, with fencil and Silver Holder, 1,M Gold Pinecr Kings, 37 cents to $80 : Watch Glasses, plain, 12 J cents; Putcnt, ISj j Lunet, 25; olher articles in proportion. All goods war ranted to be what they are sold for. STAUFFER & HARLEY, . Successors to O. Conrad. On hand, some Gold and Silver Levers and Lcpines, still lower than tho above prices. Sept. 10, 1853 ly. WATCHES, JEWELRY, &o. JAMES B. FIDLKR, No. 12 South Second Stree', PUILADELrillA. , Gold Lever Watches full jewelled Silver Lever do Silver Lepine do " (juartier do Gold pena and pencil and silver halderi Silver Tea and Table Spoons Bracelets, Breast pins Ear rings oVc. All warranted and sold at nri,-. a. I ... in the ciiy. , , Nuvriuber 57. 1852 tf. New Wall Paper Warehouse. BURTON Si LANING, MANLF.VCTl lll.US IMl'OllTEHS, 1 No. 121 Arch Strtet, second door above Sixth. Philadelphia, w THERE mny he found Ihe largest and hand ' aomesl aaaortmeut in Ihe ritv. Purchaaera from the country will find il to their advantage to rail at our store, where they will be suited with superior article al lha lowest prices. BI KTON & LANIXU, .No. m Arch Street, sbovs Huth, Philadelphia. Phila., Pen. 15. 1854. 3m. WM. M CARTY, BookseUer. ESPKCTPl'LI.Y informs Ihe inhabitant, el town and country, lhal be baa lately larat ved from Philadelphis, a larga aJdilion to but atork of baolis, in every branch of Literature, tad in a imI variety uf Uiiidiug. Pleats call and sea Iheiu, huiibury, Dept. IT, ISJJ.- DR. II. H. HIIiDEK'M reni.Jy fo roughs, col. Is, anJ pulmonsry diseases. A supply f Ihia valuable uiediilii lust rereited and f sab) hf H. U. MAHMEK. riunhurv, Juasl . li.M (MIAI.V PlMI'si.. i small ituwbM f UW J sitalUal fHisups bats Ursa iswMvael ena) iJciasl lut sal by II. B. MAeR. bubui. Juue 4. I- .1 EWPLHV.A fcua ilmwlaf (UJ saal Htltssf Psatils tuj I'cus, ki sale cheap b( I), tI.MJi:i(ii4 I O., klsikel stieat, vppuait Use Pwa4 10W) eWkeuiy. Ik4, a, Si4 n lNU Hil l svMily fiA.ia4 urn M lyps) Mwup4ly eta. uud al this Asm) biabka, ut alt iu.Ua sal auiaNtasI nm, fcW-SMH, Pttb II. ISi. ml. CH WAli HM 4 mm stut-al MS tu.U.k mti aba sas tl ,xr Wal sM by U MVOblla r muJ, AH If. !! 't alsbiaisal tub. 4 Saa ( aisa -.a M aale. b4 aola fi sil bf SMea).tl I. II K M l .-,