SU NFu ltYTAMEluC AN AND SHAM0K1N JOUKNAL. CALIFORNIA NEWS. Hew Advertisement!. Arrival of the George Law. LATER FROM CALIFORNIA. ' $1,150,000 III GOLD. Striont Disturbance at San Francisco Smtat ttr Riots Gratifying Accounts of Gold Discoveries, The steamer George Law, with San Finn oitco dates la the 15th of June, and f 1,150,. O00 in gold, arrived at New York on Monday morning. She brings 400 passengers, among whom ia Capt. Adam, bearer of despatches from Commodore Perry. He brings the Treaty with Japan, securing to the United States privileges of residence and trade at two ports for its citizens. The Treaty with Japan opens the two ports, Cliockadado, in the Straits of Sangar, nd Schmadi, at the entrance of Jeddo Bayt The latter is to be the chief port for the American trade, and also a depot for coul ; and the former the chief resort for whaling vessels. Commodore Perry surveyed the channel to within two miles of Jeddo, and found plenty of water. American consuls and citizens are allowed to reside and transact business in either of the above ports, aud to visit ten miles in the interior and along the coast. I Lieut. Adsms came to Honolulu in the sloop-of-war Saratoga in 15 days, from Japan. The Treaty was formally signed on the 31st of March. The steamer Golden Age arrived at San Francisco on the 19th ultimo, with Sidney -dates to the Uth of May. Serious disturbances have taken place at San Franoirco, growing out of the recent de cisions adverse to squatter rights. The markets at San Francisco were dull, but without material change. The dates from the Sandwich Islands are 10 the 23d of May, and from Oregon to the lOih of June. The election in Oregon had resulted adversely to the Whigs and to the ;State Government. The wheat crop of California this season will be very large and go far towards supply ing the breadstuff for consumption during the tfomintc year. In Oregon there is a large amount of last year's crop still on hand, and we notice that the forthcoming crop in that Territory is looking fine, and there is every reason to anticipate a large yield from that source. With all these prospects in viewf rthe people of Calif crnia may hope for a speedy deliverance from the tender mercies of foreign capitalists and greedy monopolists, who have heretofore controlled the flonr market of our Slate. New and rich diggings have been discov ered on Kern River, 350 miles south of Stock ton, San Francisco, which is rapidly improv- inR- . Wnlker, the filibuster, pleaded not guilty to the indictment, and gave $10,000 bail. Dr Clements, a highly respectable citizen ol San Luis, Obispo, was killed by a grizzly bear a few weeks ago. He leaves a widow and two children. The accounts of the recent gold discover ies tead like romance. At Iowa Hill we are told that upwards of three hundred tunnels have been commenced, and that some o them will involve an outlay of thousands of dollars. Remuneration is to be obtained when thev itel into the hill. Some of these 'tunnels have iron doors, and aie locked and barred lest some rogue should steal the 'dust in the dirt. One claim is reported to yield an average of 300 ounces per day. Potatoes of tub Chop or 1853. In the last number of the California Farmer, the editor, describing a recent trip to San Jose valley, says : "We venture to assert that the potatoes that will lay upon the ground mul rot in San Jose valley the present year, will count in bushels by millions. We saw one pile that was the length of eight rails of fence, ninety-six feet, about thirty feet wide. and some two ieet above the fence, seem innlv enough to supply the State. These, with vast quantities all over the county, and other counties also, will be lost unless some plan is devised for using them. The Washington Monument Fund, as we learn from Col. James Wentworth, Secretary of the State Society of the Cincinunatti of Pennsylvania, amounts to the sum of $33, D74 35, invested in the loans of the State of Pennsylvania, in the names of Horace Bin ney, Alexander W. Johnston, John Steele John T Latimet and Thomas Robinson, tros. Sunbnry and ri Etulrond Company. IttTOTICE ii hereby given, that a 8ixth Instal. ment of Ten Ltoltars pel share en the old subscription, and a Second Instalment of Ten Dollars per share on the new subscription to the capital stock of this Compsny, will be due and payable at their Office, No. SO Sonth Third 8trect, on Tuisdav. August 1, 1854. ' Bv order of the Board of Managers. THILIP M. PRICE, Treasurer. ! Phils., July i, 1864 4w. LARGE LUMBER TRACT OF Land for Sale ! THE Subscribers, ftiecutore of the ettste of Peter Buck, late of Shrewsbury township Lycoming county, deceased, will expose to public sale at the house of Noble Parker, at 10 o'clock, A. M., in the borough of Muncy, on Thursday, the I Or A Day of August Next, the property of ssid dee'd, situate in said town ship snd county, containing about 1200ACH.ES of Land, 160 of which are cleared, and upon which are erected a MANSION HOUSE FRAME BARK, WASH UOtSE, snd other convenient out-buildin.e, Blnrkrmith Shop, Three Tenant Houses, Sntc-MUl and Turning Mill. There are also gtg APPLE AND PEACH ORCHARDS SW? on the premises. The Saw Mill and mAm, Tnuring Mill are situated on Spring Run, affording water power about eight months in the year. The qusntitv of pino timber upon this trsct of land is variously estimated at from 6 to 8 million feet, and there is a large quantity of Hemlock and Oak. The property is located about 13 miles from the Muncy Basin, with a good, level road leading to it, and altogether is a desirable property. Any person wishing to examine the premises, or who may desire a more particular description, may call on or correspond with the undersigned at Muncy. Terms made known on the day of sale. THOS. M'CONNELL, P..,. H. ROBB, J 1,1 ton' Muncy, July 8, 1854. 3L NOTICE. V OTICE is hereby given that Mfm. C. Law 1 ' son, and John Millef, Esqrs., hats filed their accounts as assignees of Blair dt Reed, and that the same will be presented to the Court for con firmation at next August Term. JAMES BEARD, Prsth'y. Prothonotary's Office, Sunburv, July 8, 1663. ) NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given that application will be made to (he next Legislature ef Pennsyl vania, far the creation of a corporate body with banking and discounting privileges, to be located at Rhimokin Pa. and to be called the Bank of 8hamokin, with a capitol stock of Two Huedred thousand dollars. Shamokin, July 8, 1854. 6m, L. L. BE VAN, SZAMOEIIT HOTEL, Shamokin Pa. THE subscriber begs leave to inform his Irisnds Snd the public generally, that he hss taken the above well known stand, and will bs happy to accommodate all who may give him a call. Shamokin, luly 8, 184. Cist of Ccttcra REMAIftttQ in THE POST OFFICE AT BVSntRY, June SI, 1844. -Geo Haopt SHERIFFS SALES. BY Virtue of certun write of Ven. Exp. to me directed will be sold by public Vendue, or outcry, at the court house in the borough of Snnbury, at 1 o'clock, P. M., on Monday, the 7th day of August next, the following described property, to wit : A Certain Island or flat in the river Susquehanna in the township of Augusta, containing about sixtv acres more or less, commonly called the Round Island, and data adiacent thereto, being the premises which 1 hos. Silvcrwood and wife by deed, dated 8cptemoer 22. 484 4, conveyed to the Defendant in fee. ALSO: a certain other Island situute in 'he Susauchsnna river, opposite the Isle of Que in .ower Augusta townsbip, nortnumnertsna countv. and known bv the nime of Clark s is land, containing 1 wcntysix acres more or icso. ALSO : a certain other Island situate in the same river, in the township andconnty aforesaid, and nearly contigious to the above mentioned, known by the name of 1 imothy Island, contain ing three acres more or less. ALSO : a certain order Island situate in the said river, in tne township snd county aforesaid, and nearly con tiguous to the above mentioned, known by the name of Hensterman s island, containing twenty eight acres more or lcis, all of which are cleared. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of John Hartman, jr. ALSO: A Certain Lot or piece of Land, situate in McEwensulle, in Northumberland county, bounded north by lot of H. J. Reader, east by Front street, south by lot of J. P. Hog enberg, and west by the same, containing one fourth of an acre more or lessa, whereon are erected a two story Irtme Dwelling House, Frame Stable, and other out buildings. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold ss the property of John H. Grier, wm. b. Kirr, enemi. Sheriff s Office, Sunbury, July 8, 1853. 5t Micheal Burk O. W. Brewer Priscilla Brown Renj Beckley Christian Bower G. W. Bower Hiram Bloom C Wesley Clark D Adam Daniel Peier Deit Josiah Diehl Moses Furmnn Jno H. Fisher G Wm Cause Miss Anna E. Grier Ceo Ueix H Jacob Hartz Hilur & Shay Hannah llower X Peter Kern Micheal Kniss L Jacob Lanker Ezekial C. Leonard M Chas Meyer N Geo Neidiff S Matilda Snyder Rachel Shafer Jno Sweeny Mary Umel W Geo Weaver Reuben wynn Geo Yount Gjo Voxtheimer Z Jno Zimmerman R B. PACKER. P. M. List of Causes, VOR trial in the Court of Common Pleas H' of Northumberland Comity, at August T, A7D., 1864. 1 . PLAINTIFFS. DEFENDANTS. John Hunter ' vs John Hssg Reuben Fagelv 4 Ke vs John Rosser 4 co Morris L H allowel! Ss Jsmcs Reed Scull A Thompson ' ts Same Buriiett Sax ton to vs Same ' Richard B Britten fc eo vs Same Same vs Same Wm L Cook Vs Samuel Johnson Commonwealth ts George Eckert sdm'r John C Meloy vs John Weddecomb Stephen Ellis adm'f vs E L Piper Thomas M'Williams vs Wilson Hutchinson Jacob Stitxel Vs David Could Daniel Schroat vs D H Dreisbach et at Lewis Dewart's exr vs R 4 W Fagely David Davis vs Sweeny if Caldwell If Garnishee Wm Wainright vs E 8 Trego i co David Herbst vs O W Freese Charles Haupt vs Frick cV 5lifer David Holden tt wife vs Geo Tonkins admr et al Wm Tracy vs Robins & Williefm Wm P Marr vs John Baily David Walton vs same White cV Mervine vs . Bowers Gosh to WmHFrymire vs ' John Miller. Benjamin Barnhart vs J P Shults F Jordsn dr, co vs Benj Griffey Abrm Brosious admr vs Jacob Kaliel David Walter vs David Waldron Barbara Bower's guardian va Chas A Kutx Eve Weaver Chas A Kutx Ahm Sarviset al Jacob Seasliolts James Cameron Jacob Dealer's Exrs same J F Granger et al Henry Wolsey et al List of Letters REMAINING IN THE POST OFFICE at Northumberland, March 31, 1854. Mi E Anderson. B Hugh Beaton C C Boatman Erastus Barton C David Cosley Wm Claubaugh ' Solomon Cooper Adam Conrad Hooper Chase Margaret M Caliill Thomas Dulan John De Down James Dorsey Moses Ellenbercer John Evans Solomon Fry O Jacob Good Robt A Griffin Dr Gleason Ezta F Glezen H Phebe Hile John Hasset Susan Huff Robert Hojlinshead 2 Edgar Hyer Charlea Hassert L A S Lawrence 1)C i.tarkcte. FULuielpbJa Market Jul) 13, 1854. Tloi-r sn Mcsl. There is very little export demand for Fleur. The best offer is about SS per bbl. fer standard brand, and l!9l for extra. Last sales Rye Flour at S3 37, and Pennsylvania Corn Meal at S3. Si mi bbl. Gsum Wheal is searee. and is nearly nominal, at'tl 7511 St for ted, and St 00 per bushel lur white. Iiye continues scarce. I.ast sales of Pennsylvania at SI 0sl 0o. turn is less active : sales at 1 els, afloat, for fellow. (Xtts are searee Seles al fi0 els. Wmss sr. The demand ceminiies limited 5msJ sales el 7sJJie , and prison bWs. at Baltimore Market. Jul) IS, IW4. WesiT We aote sales ef rommua 4a tirime white Wheal al ISOalTt cm, and of corn rao t piiine ted de. al l0sT) els There a re yellow t'eia) el aierkei this anoioing. There were kateves, eUxU toot) sMMhSUef waits Here.!, all of abiea tsas euld at 14 eta. Ttete was a belief demand fuf Cm lUa ikeie hss lew u sevetel da vs. The eeiws i Oal teres bout I00 bushels, mmoI ef sold al I HI, to Ohie, aa via , It sw Msi)UimJ, 4 Sis l els, Ih Peeaettvania. TWsie weie M eeaspWe ef K)e an sale al tael'ea KssesMge iHUNM'UY MUCK C'UHHUNT Weesv. s lag Mia. s t 4 I'eas. s aa Wis. s M paxssese, ae Susses t Kssesse fsl. It SUMS. I sUss. l rose. IS rissa. ill r,ttw- i i EEGISTEBS NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given to all Legatees, Creditors and other persons interested in the Estates of the following named persons, that ths Executors, Administrators, and Gusrdisns of said Estates have filed their accounts with ths Register of Northumberland County, snd that the same will be presented to the Orphans' Court of said County, on Tuesday, the 8th day of August, A. D., 1854, in ths forenoon, lor confir mation and allowance. Michael Ferster, dec d., settled by his Ex tor Peter Ferster. i Peter Oberdorf, dee'd., settled by his Ex' tors, Peter snd George Oberdorf. Saml Caldwell, dee'd., settled by his Adm'rs, A. GuHY snd Thos. J. Gslbrailh. Jacob Spats, dee.'d., aettled by his Adm'tors, Philip and Jacob 8patx. Marks J. K. Krlchner, dee'd., settled by his Adm'r, Peter Kelchner. Michael Deihl, dee'd., settled by his Ex'tors, Michael and John Deihl. Joseph Hartman, dee'd., settled by his Adm'rix, Elixalwlh nartman. Isaac Minnier, dee'd., settled by his Adm'lor, Wm. V. Silverwood. Conrad Bacbman, dee'd aettled by his Ex 'lor, Michael l.ahr. George Long, dee'd., settled by his Adm'lor, Georse Hover. Daniel Herb, dee'd., Final Arct, settled by bis Adm'rs, Daniel sud Adam Herb. John I.oo. dee'd., aettled by bis Ex'tor, John K. Dentlvr. Frederick Adams, dee'd., settled by his Adm'rs, Daiiirl Kaseman and Sarah Adsms, Michael Keits. dee'd., settled by bis Executor, Michsel Ksils. Gilbert Yor is, dee'd., Final Aeet settled by bis Adm'r, William T. Forsyth. Joseph Pulk, dee'd., settled by bis E (senior, Peter Conrad. Howel Geodrirk, dee'd., Final Aed. settled by his AdWr. Robert Da.nUon. Henry Funk, dee'd., settled bv his Executors, Benj. r. Ik end Wax. Hainan. Ileery Lang, eoe'd., settled by his Guaidisa, Jacob Wagner. Annie C. Ksy, dee'd., settled by ber Guardian, J W. Jieales. 0uaa Usarhart. settled by her Guardian, J as. btaus. George Metller, aetllsd by bis Guardian, Lu- thef n loss!. Lol a'aiuaaa. aettled bf his Gusrdise, R. N MsU illMBta. NsiWo Msjb, asitUd by bis Gusidun, Was. KsilMsse. Wuiusa ex Lsvine Miller sud Msrssrl Riley suJoJ bv llteis UusjJwii. M. Cbsjubedaia. The rl foilMser, Ks'l ef Mom rolUusf. d a-, was tsas uesiaiM W Hoff F, tUiuUs 4 Pews . bskhoor, Mwa aUeski. sWd., solUod by bis Adss les, Sklllu lido. Jue4H.. Mary Jsne, Sod Hsh Price, Seuled bf IbsU Uvsidieu. ateeti r"- )-rk kUiwU. aW'd-, seuled by bis Adui lora, HtUa T. fwliiMef sad Js auaub. i-oihsruM Hose, oe'd, seiilod by be! KtW im9 I ssssiL ( asiMS Kuse, dee'd., Dtsiributiea Sm4 at Cad by bf Ks'kai, JsoMsTsfssiS. htHH r. ft steiL, sUgiebH. MlSM' DOWO, I, MlJ. I .V bll 1 aVJostM 4 CaastsbUs fse iU bMMawl yikuiti eased rr si !, List of Jurors, OF Northumberland County, for Term, A. D., 1854. M Thomas Meivins D M Mantganey J B Morehead Wm McCoy Bernard Mussay Moses Mat here N Phebe Nell 0 Lewis Oakley P John Painter R Plankinton B Louvina Rahbue Robert Richie Hurry Rushton S Mary Ann Smith Zacheus Serman Samuel Shafier Timothy Stephens Riley Sickler Eckman Suigher Edward K Smith John Shultz T John Tar. Cyrus Thatcher Lemuel Tei'.swortb V William Valler W ' John Wise Y N S 1 ounft JACOB ULP. P.M. Jonas Weaver vs James Cameron vs Beasholix for Renn va Daniel Druckemillrr vs James B Smith vs John Tollmer's exrs vs same Jacob Whecland & co va R D'Cummiggs vs Hannah Zchnder fc co vs James Bryson Joseph Long vs Geo M Levi Malin vs E W Graham Wm F Nagle vs same Geo P Camp vs John Christophel Joseph Long vs Geo C McKre Hutcheson for Kutx tt Bound vs J P Bhults Geo P Camp vs 8aml 8tahlnccker et al John Knouse vs CharlcS Robins et al Farley Fisher vs Wm D Gcarhart Win Martin vs Charles Beck JAMES BEARD, Protb'y. Prothont tary's OlHce. ) Sunburv. July 1, 1854. t To the Voters ofNorthnmberland County. FsLtenr Crvixxus.- I herelry announce to yoa that I will be a csmdsJate at the October election for the office of ' SHERIFF, for which t solicit your Votes. And ht doing 1 tender my sincere thenks to those who kindly supported me when a candidate heretofore, a kindness which I shsll ever hold in grateful re membrance. Should majority AT you see proper le grant me the favor I now ask, and I be elected Sheriff of the county, I shall make every effort to perform the duties of the office to the sstisfaction ef the public. HENRY WEISE. Upper Augusts, June IT, 1864. To the Voters of Northumberland County. FsLtow Citixxks. At ths solicitation f a number of my friends, I again offer myself as e candidate for the office of TROTIIONOTARY, and promise, if elected, to discbarge the duties o' t .e office with correctness, and to the best of my ability. JAMES BEARD. Sunbury, 17, 1 854. To the Voterg of Northumberland County. Fallow Citiixss. Encouraged by my nu merous fiicnils I offer myself to your considera lion for the office of PROTIIONOTARY, and promise, if elected, to discharge the duties of ths office faithfully and to th best of my ability IdAAC BEIDEL8PACH, Point, June S4, 1854. TOWER HAIL i A CUBS FOE ALL 1 1 ! CLOTHING STORE, Ilollowny't Ointments Too hare 'm me the Sononr, Se with voles, lmt ns M of tte Union to lh other, tn otsmr the eltarseter of mj Ointment with your apprrlntKin. It la amrcelv two years linee I mule it known anions T"f snd alieaiiy. H rm'nMainsd omre eelfbrKjr than any other Medicine in so short a eerkS. t nviilAP nunnM.rt , 38, Comer of Ann emt Nsnsu Streets, New York. ASTONISHING Cm OK SOftK I.K08, AFTKR hixh v;akb rrsNiPMii. Copy of a letter from Mr. W. J. Langlcy, of Jltintsvme, I ad km corrwy, uorin Carolina, U. 3.. dated November 1st, 1867 fTTREAD HI8 OWN WORDS. To Professor Uollowav, ' Sir, It Is not my wwn to Deeome notorions, mnm la this letter written for the mere snhe of Wrhhis, but ut lint voor Ointment eared me of one or the nvrt NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given that application will be made to the next legislature of Pennsyl vania for the creation of a corporate body with banking and discounting priviliges, to be called "Ths Mixxbs Bask or Ken near, to be located at Sunbury, with a capital stock of Two Hun dred Thousand dollars, with the privivilege of increasing the same to Three Hundred Thou sand, if necessary. July I, 1854. Cm. To the Voters of Northumberland County. Encouraged by the support heretofore received, and at the solicitation of my friends, I again offer myself as a candidate for the otlice of COUNTY COMMISSIONER at the ensuing election, and promise, if elected, to discharge the duties ol the office faithfully and Impartially. MARTIN OASS. Shamokin tp., June 24, 1654. To the Voter of Northumberland County. Fxnow CiTixsfts I Encouraged by many of my friends throughout the countv, I herewith offer myself to your consideration for the office COUNTY COMMISSIONER at the enst'ing election. Should I be elected. I promise tn discharge the duties thereof faithfully snd with impartiality. FREDERICK HAAS, tipper Augusta, June 17, 1854. Market Street, opposite iht Bed-lion Hotel, . ; ejMnv.ww I) l D Mil u 11 J f m in THE subscriber Is heppy to ermermce to the eitixens of Sunbury snd vicinity, thst he bss just opened a large slock of CLOTHING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, such as Coats of every fashion, Pants snd Tests, Shirts of sll kinds, figured snd plsin, unner shirta and drawers, both woolen and cotton, red flannel sliirls, twilled, plnted bosoms, overhauls, stockings and gloves, of all kinds, suspenders, silk handkerchiefs, ties snd stocks, poaket handker chiefs, cotton and silk splendid collars, suspenders of sll sixes and prices. It has often been said of a pocket in a shirt, but come and see the pocket, vest and shirt in one. Also: a fine assortment of Cloths, Cssslmers and Ssttinetts, 8ummer goods, blsck satin for Vests, at every price, and any quantity of fancy vest patterns, which will be nisds up to order to suit customers my msxim is t no fit no take. And as for cheap selling, I don't intend Id be beat by Eiarope or America. Also on bend, a large assortment of Umbrellas at any price, to suit great and email, t or ether with some travelling bags to entry Yankre notions in, large snd small. Come Farmers, Mechanics, laborers at , Call la and see the Clothing at Tower Hell, And if yoa want tn he suited to s T, Call at the store of iohn It. D. JOHN H. DANFIELD, Agent. Sunbury Msy SO, 1654. 3m. NOTICE. APPLICATION will be made to the legisla turn nf Pennsylvania, at the session of ,55, for the incorporation of a Savings Institute with discounting privileges, and with authority to receive monies or depositee, in any sums from s dime upwards, with a capital of Fifty thousand dollars, to be located at Sunbury, Northumber land county. Pa., and to be called the Is ucsTai ii SiVIKGS IsSTITl'TI. July 1, 1854 6m. , FOR RENT The lower story of the building in Market street, lately occupied as the office of the Sunbury American. Sunbury, July 1, 1854. Apply to H. B. MASSER. To the Voters of Northumberland County. Fxnow Citixixs: Encouraged by msny friends, I snnounce myself ss a candidate for the office of COUNTY COMMISSIONER at the approaching olertion. Should I be elected I pledge myself to discharge the duties thereo with punctuality and impartiality. GEORGE BRIGHT. Sunbury, April 8, 1854. To the Voters of Northumberland County Fkluiw Citixkss. Encouraged by many of my friends, I herewith offer myself to your consideration, as a candidate for the office of COUNTY COMMISSIONER a' the ensuing election. Should I be elected, I promite to fulfil the duties thereof with fidelity and impartiality. EI.IA8 BROCIOU8 Sunbury. May 87, 1854. CITRATE OF MAGNESIA, or Tasteless Salts, Prepared by WElSEIt & BRUNER. This prepaiation is recommended as an ex cellent laxative and purgative, it operates mildly, is entirely free from any unpleasant taste, re sembling lemonade in flavor. This medicine is highly beneficial for diseases peculiar to summer and hot weather. Sunbury, July 1. 1S54. NEW DRTJG STORE! WEISER & BRUNER, Wholesale and Retail Druggists, Market St., next door to E. Y. Bright' Store, SUNBURY, FA . rtFFER to the public the largest and best selected stock ever opened in this section of country, consisting of FRESH AND PURE DRUGS, Medicines, Chemicals, Ground Spices, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Dye-stuffs, Window Glass, fatent Medicines, together with a complete as sortment of Paint, Clothes, Hair, Tooth. Nail and Shaving Brushes, Dressing, Side, Neck and Pocket Combs, Fancy Soaps, Shaving Creams, Tobacco, Segars, Port Monias, Stationary, Con fectioneries, PURE WINES AND BRANDIES For Medicinal use. English, French and Ameri can Perfumery, Fancy Goods of every descrip tion, in short every article kept by Druggists generally. 1C7 J'rrscripions Carefully Compounded. GEO. B. WEISER, WM. A. BRUNER. Sunbury, May 13, 1854. SAMUEL W. PEPPER, scccsssoa vo HENRY J. FEPrER & SON, Watches, Jewelry & Silver Ware. No. 175 Cliestnut st , opposite te State House, VHXlVA.XX.rHXA. Philu., May 27, 1854-ly. MV itroKiiiM eurtaneous amuses trai nn is neir v; m which oms cninileret by all who knew me, In ne entirely bevoiKl the reach of mehiiie. For nine years I wn nffiklcil whtr one of tint tismt rmlnful end irrnihlesome ss legs Hint ever fell hi Ihs M n rrns l and st'ter trying every medicine I hnd eret henrri of, I resisned in despair sll hope of being cured : but a friend brimsht me a eiHile of Innre pots of your Ointment, which caused Die put es nt my I' d' to hint, and I eiMh-ely resnined ray health to my agreeable surprise and otlifht, and to Ilia astoiiHhnieiit ol my menus. (fiieiml) tV. J. I.ANOI.KY. AX Y:xTKAOrtDIIAItY r-VKT.OV A BAD itftmSit, WI1K.N NEARLY AT TUB POINT Or DKATII. Copy of a letter front Mr. R. Durant, Neuf Orleans, November 9(fc, IS33. To Pmfensor IIollowat, 39, Corner i'f A AO and TCaman1 rorceis, t. . lterir Sir, tt is with heartfelt grntitnile I tin? to inform yoa tbm bv the line of your Ointment and rilft, the mem my wile iraa heen aired, rov vew years sne hnd a bid brenst. with ten mniiiiis wounds, (not of a ean- eerotra nature ) I was told thut nothing couk! save her; she was then induced to nse your Ointment and niia. when in the sh'irt spues of three nvwhs, ther effected a perfect cure, to the srtonisliment of - all woo anew ns.- We oMntnfd your Medietnes from Meffsrs. '.Vriglit A Co., of Chnrtresstreet. New Orleans. I fend this fnnn (IIotel dr rrinceit," Tans, sllhouph, I hnd writlen it at New Orleans, before we flnnllv left, al ihiil time, not knowing your nddren at New Yoik. (Signed) R. DI RAIST. Tbe Pills sWeiltd be ed eon lointt 1vih the Ointment n iiwn oi ui loiiowing miei Hnd lgs, ChiT!0.fiK)t, iau Hreasta, Chilblnius, wimp, i. napped nnmli, Duniona, Corna (Soft) Hits of Mosehe- Cancers Uxis tuud-Flies, Contractnt and Cuco-bay, atiff Jnintt Klepliantiaiia, tStnm Nipples. S1tindlsnMs, rV-wry, lumouis, Lleers, l aws Bold St the f.ltMJIaliment nf Tf..W- (.. I... Blratid, (near Temple Unr. lAndon.) ami l. ki. in New York. Orders for Mnlieinei in the Smtes, addraM a tA " w-o icceive uue attention riMut,".!, Oout, Obndirhr Swelling, I.iimUige Files Ithenmntlim rVre-throftta, fVtre-hends, Youisis, 944 9ld slm by all reineetnWe Diurgiatt and Denier, in Med icine inronenont the United Ftaie. in lloxes nl 374 cent, S7 cents, and l .So cents each T.i tie Imd Wholesale of Augus Grand Juror. Point Jacob Grilick Lover Augusta Gemee Lonff. John Winn. Daniel Hannabnoh, John Dunkelbcrjer. utiavare tvm Beard. Shamokin Sebastian Bouener. Samuel Hummel, Samuel Ent. AorlAunotrfand James Tacgart, John L. Colt. Jordan Elias Swartz. Coal Win Keifer, Wm Cherinelon, Sam uel Yost. Levis Geo A Wikoff Milton Lyman Wilson, Daniel Strine John Noris, Lewis Swank. t Aiijouaqus James atrawbriue. RusA Godfrey Rockefeller, William H. Kase. Sunbury Peter Lazarus. TRAVERSE JURORS. Sunbury Bent Krobn, S N Thompson. Andrew Hoover, lia T Clement, Pbilip Clark, Jaco'b pai nter, Daniel Haas. Cool Daniel Derr, Jacob Mowrr. Samuel Smiuk, Jobn ttiul, Daniel Kreeger. Lover Makanoy Abraham Blosser Delaware Heiuv Header. Jacob T Hill. Jacob Wick. 7'urbni-s-D L Ireland. Daniel Fullmer. Da vid Ireland, John Haag. CAiMuouuous Hufrh Martin. Jno B Heller, Wm Nesbn, Wm ilousel, Jobn 8 Trofel, n..l t - : raui tiir. Lewis Jacob Huntzinuer. Milton Trofel. Samuel Ueiver. Jordan Jseob Martin. SlumoiU Solomoa Eveit. Allen Mood v. Peler Miller. I'f per Jug usta Henry Folk, John C Mor gan. upper JUuAowuy w l Hsslian. iiiJtoa-Jacob Wheland, H J E.bsrl. AVtwmlrW-vV.n H Waolea. D M Brauiiaain, Samuel Elliot. JaiUon John Deppen, Wm Zsilman. HutkCiKt Gearliarl. Loiesr Jucusla Georss Weaver. Charles Smith, Martin Ksndlas. loissr ilahanoy Christian Ysger. Trill Juror. Jordan-Henry Boner, or , Isaiah Scb warts. Aiion-Johu Fidler, Samuel Blair, R M Kiick, Thomas kt si vine. ouasary-jamos Bachelor, Gss W Kishl, Thoouas Snydsr, E U Maiklay. Imso Meidlfsbach, Jobs) Ouliek, Juhs) K btivder. tswsr Autiuta Peier Malick, M Oilbail Berlleu, John ColdialSj. Itsisleaas) Tumor. iai4ia Alvia Alesaader, AdamGilger, Jubn bovgusr, Juha Muoia, Kemusl John. Csftr Augnttt Denais Wulvsiloa, Juha X lleeS. Husk Jssoh Reigsr. Camtion KuWosou I Botsr. Pviotvavs Ism Vwoeol. Ji . Wlllisss KvMiar. Juisal-Pelsi Koch, Paaisl Udwlf, ftsfe. til Mas. Ctel- Josos) Yeiset- t tJuaa-VViiiiaaS Asagel. Jeba M Coo, JH M Oofley isissr XnJUooy -Jseob fff.14. Miners' and Machinery Oils, Consisting of Sperm, Lard,' Solar Elephsnt and racked Whale Oils. For Sale by ALLEN i NEEDLES. 23 South Wharves and 35 South Water Street, fkiladelpHia July 1, 1851. 3ra. FRENCH TRUSSES. H'eigAtng less than 2i ounces. For the Cure of Hernia or Rupture. ACKNOWLEDGED by tha hiehest medical authorities of Philadelphia, incomparably superior to any other in use. SulTeiers will be (ratified to learn that the occasion now offers to nrocure not oulv the ticktut and most to$y, but aa durable a Truss as anv other, in lieu of the tumlront and uncomfortable article usually sold There is no difficulty attending the fitting, and when the pad is located, it will retail! its position without ehsniie. Persons at a distance unable tn call on the suWriber. csn have the Truss sent to sny ad dreas, by remitting Fir Dollars for the single Truss, or Tin lot the uonuio wnn measure round the hips, and stating side affected. It will bo exchanged to suit if not fitting, by returuing it at once uiiaotlcd. Pot sale only by the Importer. CALEB 11. NEEDLES, Cor. Twelfth & Race slrseU, Philadelphia. 17 La Rise, requiring the benefit of Mechan ical Supports, owing to derangement of the In ternal Organs, Inducing railing 01 I tie wouiri, Vocal. Pulmonary. Dysiwptie, nervous and Spinal Weakness, are informed that a competent and experienced I.snv will be tn attendance al tha Rooms, (sot apart for Iheir eiclusiva use,) No. 1 14, Twelfth St., 1st door below Race. July I, lilt. ly. TJLANK Parchment Paper Deeds and blank a- Mortgages, Uonds, Elocutions, Summon 4c-. for sale by H. B. MA8SEK. Sunbury ,Aprt M. llnle ILEV5 COVOlt CASVY. An eiceU lout remedy tor coughs, colds, res sale at this office. DoeemWr I. I Ht. T170RCESTER. John Bull and Beef Steak v HauoM at WEISER da BRL'NER't. Sunbury, June Si, loo. SUPREME COURT, N. DIST. PA. NOTICE TS hereby c'icn that the Supreme Court for ths Northern District of Pennsylvania will commence its annual session upon the thisd Monday of July next, at the Court House in Sunburv. CHARLES PLEASANTS, ProtVy. Proth'ys office, June 28, 1854. LIST OF CAUSES FOR ARGUMENT AT JULY TERM, A. D , 1854. 1. Caldwell vs Burnett Stiff dec. Lycoming S. McCsrty vs llonman do. 3. Sorrey vs Allison Northumberland 4. Clement vs We'uner do. 5. Robinson vs Rupert Columbia 6. Humnirl vs Masts Union 7. Sower & Barron vs Clement Northumberland 8. Cummings vs Eyer Union 9. Donnel it Dcwart vs Bellas Northumberland 10. Grr. Rrf. congregation Luth. congregation in St. Peters church in St. Peters cb. Union II. Fisher vs Isrley do. IS. Knsbb vs Drake Si Co Columbia 13. Ritter va Beaver Union 14. Trsutmons appeal Lycoming 15. Youngman vs Murray do. 16. Addis vs Bsltxer do. IT. Kama va 8ame do. 18. Kiiipet al vs Smith o Vsg50nscller North'd IV. Huttinan va vastine Lycoming SO.. Richler vs Smith dt Wagsonseller Onion SI. Thomas et al vs H W Snyder do. J2. Denllers appeal Northumberland S3. Cutnminga appeal Lycoming PHILADELPHIA. ALLEN & NEEDLES, 23 South Wharves and 35 South Water Street, OFFER for aale on the most reasonable terms, OILS 8rerrn, Whale, Solar and Miners' Oils- GUANO Peruvian Guano, Government No, 1. STARCH Agents for Iho Oswego Pure Starch, Prepared Corn and Corn Starch. Phosphate of Lime, 1000 barrels of improved Super Phosphate of I.ime. Phila., May S7, 1854. 3m. PROCLAMATION. JOHN V. MARTIN, MERCHANT TAILOR, STjntTBTJRY, PA RESPECTFULLY informs bis friends snd customers that he has just received from the city a new and complete assortment of Mens Wearing JJpparel, which he will make up to ordor, or sell, as cheap as any other establishment in the place, as bb is determined to permit no one to undersell blrit. His goods are choice, and carefully selected from the beat in the Philadelphia market, and they will be made up in the best and latest style and warranted. His stork consists in part of hand- some Mareeiles snd Silk, Duck and other Linens for Costs, &c. Also, s variety of Cloths, Cassimers, LtrlVata, Neck Ties, and a variety of other articles for Mens wesr. Sunbury, June 10, 1854. tt. Notice to Taxpayers. IOTICE is hereby given to Taxpayers, that fall TV! OTICE is hereby given that tha several 1 v Courts of Common Pleao, General Quarter Sessions of the peace, and Oprhfcna' t'onrt. Court of Oyer and Terminer snd l.eneral Jail Delivery in and for the county of Northumberland, to commence at the Court House, in the borough of Sunbury, at 10 o clock, A. M. on Monday, the 7th dav August, next, and will continue TWO WEEKS. The coroner. Justices of Ibe Peace and eonsta bles in sud for ths county of Northumberland, are requested to be then and there in their proper per sons, with their rolls, records, Inquisitions, snd other remembrances, to do those things to their several ollicee aphertaining to be done. And sll witnesses prosecuting in behalf of the Common. wealth against any prisoner are also requested and commanded to bs tlien and there attending in their proper persons to prosecute against linn, as shall be just aud not to depart without leave at their peril. Jurors are requested to bs punctual in their attendance, al the lime appointed agreeable to their notices. Given under my hand at Sunbury, ths 1st dsy ef July, in Um year of our !ord one Uiousaml eight hundred and fifty -four and Ihs !n dependence of tha United Steles of America Iho 171k. WILLIAM B. K1PP, BHerttt God sava ths Commonwealth. those paying Iheir State Tax fifteen days prior to ths first day of August next, will be sl lowed nve per cent. CHAS. WEAVER. JOS. NICE LY, Com'ssrs. SIMON SNYDER, ) Com'sfs Office, Sunbury, June 10, 1854. J NOTICE To Trespassers on the Telegraph Line. NOTICE is hereby given, thai sll persons found trespassing upon, or injuring Ihs line of tbe Philadelphia and Sunbury Telegraph will be dealt with according lo the act of Assembly in such cases msds snd provided. II. U. MAS5t.K, I res I Phila. and Sunbury Telegraph Co. Sunbury, Juno 3, 1854. tf. the principal Drue in Ike I'liHin. 1 iners at a vmsuleraule saving Iiy taking tha larger N. it.- Pireetinns for tlie gniilaiiee of pati.nt. In every d aider are affixed to each Ux. June 34, Ibil. Cm. PLATINA POINTS v ron LIGHTNING RODS, MANUFACTURED AND SOLD BY MCALLISTER & BROTHER, OPTICIANS, 48 CHE8HUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. (At tbo Old Stand, established 1700.) Our Points ore all tipped with solid PtsUna and itamnnl with our name. lrintM dlreetinn seeompanT eaeh I'rioM, $1 O0, SI U, $1 60, $'i no, J3 00, $4 uo, per point, according to tbe iiuautltj of Flalsia. wjp, By somitting Sis Cents in Portage ajE2 Stamps, itt addition to any of ths above prices, a Point can bs safely sent by mail t any part of the United States. rhila., May C, 1854. Gm. In the Court of Common Fleas of Iforth umberland County. Breve de Fartitione Facienda No. 13 Ai-ccot T. 1854. JA.VES Curothers and Mutiida his wife, Mary E. Agnew by her gunrdian JamM Carol her, Adam Torrence and Elizabeth bis wire, Ueorge Haymaker and I racilla his wile, Martha Graham, Elizabeth U rah am, Kvelint) K. Graham and Mnrcarett.-i M. Graham, by their Guatdiau Robert Millegnn, TS; tiugh Bellas, Peter Ealdy, Wfn. Shannon and Rachel his wife, George A. Ftick, CIhi euce H. Frick, Augustus Frick. Alexander Frick, Robert F. Clark and Martha his wife. Silas Carey, Ann Carey, Mary E. Carey, Sa' ran tarey, 1 nomas n. colt, wm. C. Cult U f'.-l. k k.. I? 1:.. ul . -i iau un. vy iici uuuiunn Tvm. a reiriKinf Snyder Jenks, W. Wallace Jenks, George A. Jenks, P. rreuenok Jenks, Joseph 5. Else good and Elizabeth his wile, Dr. Samuel Jackson, Jesse Heston, anil John W. Moore. Vol tea is hereby Riven that In tmrsiiance of the order in this writ contained, (he re quest to make partition of a piece or parcel of land situate in Coal township Northumber land County, on or near thewaters nf Stinnio fcm creek, containing 1874 acres, more or less, bonnded on the north by lands of the Miners Bank and others, on the south by ths top or near the top of Mahanoy mountain, on the west by lands of John N. I.ane and others and on ib east by lands of Jacob Hoffman anil others, which said body of lands consists of tracts or parts of tracts, surveyed on war rants dated 15th df March 1793, granted 10 Edmund Huff, Thomas Gill, James Greer, Wm. Morrison, Thomas Camplatn ilobeit Cnmplain, will be held on the said lands on Monday the 24th day ol July, when and where all the parties, Plaintiff and dc- lendaut, are warned to be prewnl. WILLIAM D. KIPP, Sheriff, Sheriff's Office i 8tiuturv. June 10, 1854.- Cl, A RAMOLH of ah sorts. L'mbrollaa, carpel . 1 1 1 , . . 1 , Mis, wuiow oasasis anu couar wiis aw kinds, just roeoivsd and fur sal by aa a at a, ax aa- a as am VVB1, ft. Jin AUD. Lower Augusta, May I, 1154- VVC1ETAB1.VS CATTLE POWUKR. to duseat Dreinig and frotisnsld's C'slUs fo' dor, just recoisod al Iho New lu Hloro of wr.twtit 4 BKl.NrH. uMbury, Msy IT. Hl AWE' D'sos UuoJo. ipetin aud Huasssor i HhawU. Ulor k silk, silk pot-lius, l Unas, TkJ ' ClHKluiata. Us halo, U ad sal . b-l ss- l mTTlT?i. soisod snd fos sab by WM. A. KM ABU. rT" l.jwet Auusia, May . Isit. .By ntlrtlW. CUhs. t'aosioaMs, aUUiawila, GUANO, OUANO. OOO Tons flo. I Oosernmenl fsrutu as itwanw. , IOOO Tens Super-phosphate of OOtt Tons Mineral Uuaao, FOR SALE BY Al.l.BN It NEEDLES, tl oWfc B'orws 4 U Water ttreel, test moor awstow t r rnaAoaLruiAs Jum 14, UTICK ss feonioy gisoa wot wvm m s base aoea isni4 M UM lbs ssUio of Allsoi New sons, Uto of fatal svwasliip, MoHbusshorUiMl satualy, doo'd. All psssosui UteaMod sro ronsaSsd to woks tsaaoodioUi pay bsoni, ssmS an Sanaa; sisiass aw b I 1 Vsouess. Twosda. atuaaaaos shMh, I or sWassaJs Sauss( Said soUos ore oWod U i IVktass Cheeks, Muslios, As.. H sos'd asahs Us sssm kisoS). U ihs subasiiUfS OMaoisI and fus asks by " as. mt a.aiis. Lmos AuaoaU. Mat . I.- fOlKifl0tLATIB. fes JslWoa, As. IjHi.., VSKLKBABBIMIB. iusas ss. os- I Wri 'BoTtuMOI B- oUa, tf ,ako;. Ju tl, ls4' oWos uiavus ng.Ttvi.mni, I.HMEMB4 EV'BKMN Y roW4 lav, Jum It, Uki-tV. nARUwABB sad Qoosaswaif sa rl syMsss sad 4 si dooMiMto. Im4 losoitai o4 M sslo by WM A. loorti ows, Msy l4k. BMABI. PATENT CalvHiiizetl Iron Tuliing, FOB CHAIN PUMPS. rOllIS Tubinf, mada of Ualvsniscd Iron by J. patent marhinory, possesses great strength, coaaluaod with aimpliciiv sua nearness, and Is warranted not to corrode, ia now ottured Uie aale al Ihs warehouoa of ths AMERICAN GALVANIZED IRON WOltKS, is oorro j ewro orrssri PIIILAUEIJ'IIIA A full sssorlmsnl of our A met Ira rl CaNanixed Sbosl and Roolinf troa always on hsnd. All orders promptly etien.led u Ky McCDI.LOLUH 4 CO. PhUaH May 17, IS51. 3r. Billiard 011,""'"" Market Square, Buaburr, rpiIB Mibacribot tooprcifUly UiuvMs lbs pablis B. ittal ho has sroclod (u iboir saiussnxai and sssretse, sn sUgsnl lootwood Wlliard laUo, wuk laulM rubbo susMoisk, hi Ihs tKilldiog lately orcopMHi aa las wlkt of lbs funbary Aaisiis-sa. p wauo. , J O. BIT1EB. Baubary, Juos It. l(otH. IABPETIKU, 1 sWib. Tsklo T7. sro, I arpat rksus, sad Duur sssw, lust tocoo sd aud IU aslo by Apid tt, LI4L t W. TEMEB 4 VO. BT U(M)l.S).( U,U, LaoMaw.a, Sailiaolt l Tsoliags, 1 ws4. RuMiasi sUk, ,, . TUkiog. (lo,,, Mosllo. 4s.. pst sosoa 100 sss im ssm ay I.W.U.UIklO, aoktas.Apidtt.Ukl IAkrBt4BV. Pluas aad vrsM t.s J Bw "ll'll 4 BBlMtBsv wabwty, Jisa Ii, ISt Spring ami Summer Csootls 1 Peter W. Gray INF011M8 his friends that he hos jost rereited 1 a good assnrtment of Sprtlia oi Summer floods st Ills ,?lore in Whortleberry street. His stock consists nf DRY GOODS. V'Z: Cloths, Cassimers, 5altinclts, Jesus, Drilllnge, usragos, uarage Ue l.ainea, rJrnltoiMO, Lawns. Uiiens, Muslins, Klantuls, Mantilla Silks. Summer Shawls, Dress Trimming and all items In the Ury floods line. AUo, a argo aosortiiftt of Klane-a for M.i, ....I Children, Summer Halo. Groceries ofevery variety. Teas, ColUs, Sugar, Molasses, ttpwes, Hall, Fish, Ae. Ilardwnrfs A general assurtmsnl of f'e.Nr Wars Tut,.. lluekels, Wash Boards, Uruoms. Uruahes, Ae. i4vssswsaa a general aoourlaienl. Couuuy l-fodure lake st lbs biahssl maiksl prues. Suflbury, Juno 3, 31.lf. M and SkuM Uti Mitt. Wuuisn ao.1 hen. Ladies' Moraceo h,i. I.sdies' bljrk and tulured trailers, jusl reeel.r.1 snd tut saU by WM. R.N 180. Lowes Augusts, Mas . t54.- I'ultro, !) S ii. Wins, Ma.isv. si, llemef and SslL lust and sk sale by It M A. HXABB. Loots Asla, Msy , aM tOlltH:s)..AU kmds of Bou Sbuos sod slip - pels M sols bs tl. ELnlitHtl . Msiksl sitsel. eefslia lbs Pusl Olluo. Buiibait, rvt, I. IS.U- I v Tt f 6 cTa r r I Vt rit 4 BBI NH aabary, Jaas IT, Istl -. awt. Um I'. 't HtMUa Cpl Kltl tUltH Nrgsis. JB Kpaoa, tlda. BraoJv.U