Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, July 15, 1854, Image 2

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JTor cfg.t 'Ntw'a
The Principalities Evacuated by Russia Th
Sick and Wounded left behind Gen Scol
ders Dead A Austrian army marching to
Bucharest Important frin China.
Tha U. S. Mail ilotmer Baltic arriYad a"
New York, on Saturday morning, bringing
four dayt later newa than was brought by tha
America. Thit trip is the fattest on record,
the whole time from Lirerpool to New York
being only nine daya and twelve hours.
The Baltic eailed from Lirerpool oo
Wednesday June 89th.
, The LiTerpool cotton market continued ac
tire, and prioea were still advancing. The
sales of three days, (Saturday, Monday and
Tuesday,) were 85,00 bales.
Breadstuff's continued depressed and de
clining. Flour is quoted at Ad. lower and
Wheat 3d. lower. Indian Corn was also
The political news by this arrival is very
important, and indicates that the Russians
are very seriously alarmed at the late disas
ters at Silistria.
The reported evacuation of the Damibian
Principalities by the Russian army is confir
Letters from the Danube mention that the
Russians, in their retreat from that vicinity
were leaving their sick behind them in the
The most stringent orders have been given
by the Turkish authorities to respect them,
and also to deliver free passports to the Rus
sian surgeons who may be left in attendance.
General Schilders, of the Russian army,
who lost a leg in the terrible sortie of June
13th, is dead.
, Generals GortschakotT and Luders, who
were severely wounded in the same affair,
were at Bucharest at the last account.
Estimates carefully made show that the
Russians have lost, by battle and disease,
since they set foot in the Principalities, about
fifty thousand men.
Tbe London papers state that the entty of
the Austrians into the Principalities ha been
decided on, and Connt Coronini, with the
first division to be closely followed bv a
On the 16th Gen. Rrtdiger, now command
er In Poland, received a letier iron.
lert in Wallachia, in which he waa informed
that durirg a reconnoisanoe made on the Btn,
Prinee Pasikewitch, had received a vlolen
contusion "in his side," from spent cannon
ball A piece of new which nau nmvou
from Cronstodt, see.tis to confirm the current
renort of the evacuation of Great VValli.chia.
The Russian detachments stationed at Les
neta near the Tomesch pass into Transylva
nia, have received order to Tall into the line
of retreat.
The Presse of this evening, ha a letter of
the 9th from Burgas, by which we learn
that a French army of .50,000 men I about
to be formed there. On the 7th a detachment
of 120 men belonging to the French corps of
engineers surveyed some ground, on which
a fortified camp is to be constructed. Mar
shal St Arnand will also have his headquar
ters at Burgas.
Illness of Kosscth.
The Gateshead Observer states that M.
Kossuth is ee unwell as to be unable to leave
home, consequently his intended visit to
Newcastle is of necessity postponed
We are frequently asked why the work
on this important enterprise is not pushed
at this end of the line, and particularly
why the bridge at Northumberland, it not
commenced, to that it may be ready at
toon as the road it completed to Milton.
These ire question more entity asked than
answered. Before the city subscription of
2,000,000 was made, we could readily
understand why thi end was not attended
to. It was New York capital and New
York enterprise that was making the road
from Milton to Williamsport, and it wi
not their interest to favor a connection
at Sunbury. The Cattawissa road wa
exclusively a New York project, and it was
no policy on tbe part of the friends of that
road, to assist in making a road that might
divert trade from that city. But surely
- - a
since the Philadelphia subscription of Two
millions has been made, there can be no
excuse lor not pushing forward vigorously,
what i acknowledged to be the most im
portant link of the Sunbury and Erie road
It is but 12 miles in length, strait as a line
and as level as a floor, and connect the
Lakes, at once, with the greatest coal re
gion in the state. As the company is no
longer under bonds to New York, it own
interests, and that ol Philadelphia and the
state, should no longer be neglected.
before they could be extricated. Several
were almost roasted alive. Mr. Robiason
wa literally torn into fragment.
After the catastrophe, an aged gentleman
wa observed Handing near tha body of Mr.
Robinson In a most distressed tela of mind,
indulging in unavailing accusation against
himself for having persuaded her to accom
pany the excursion. But the shriek of the
Women and children over tba bodies of hus
bands and fathers, and the wounded general
ly, were the most appalling, and could not
but move the stoutest heart. Several of those
who were crushed on the platforms had their
wives with them, whose appeals fortheir res
cue was incessant. The wife of Martin Boyd
was compelled to stand and see her husband
die from heat and exhaut ion, and his body
subsequently lie for and hour on the rear of
the fire-box of the locomotive. Another wife
was wailing over the mutilated body of her
husband, and censuring herself for having
persuaded him, against his better judgement
to be present.
A gentleman from Washington, who sat
alongside of Mr. Cochran of the same city,
who was killed, made a very narrow escape
Observing the rushing advance of the broken
timber of the car towards himself, he quick
ly threw his body to one side, when the very
same timbers struck Mr. C. in the face
throwing back his head, severing the jugular
vein and windpipe, and, of -course, killing
Whilst the bodies were lying in the ware
bouse, which was promptly and generously
tendered for that purpose, one of those heart
rendering scenes took place, which seem to
characterize the dreadful occurrence through
out. All the bodies had been recognized by
fACIFlC RAILROAD. . I F.ITrmiv- r--.. . ,. ,
,.,. "I mteiyb t-oRNritLD. The Collumbos
Tha following table show the Jentfth of (Ohio! Stale Jonm.i m.. t ...
.. . - .. ... . ' .. on.s 1.VJ DCBUUIUI
the three proposed route for Pacifio Rail- farm belonging to Wm. S. Sullivant Esq.
eontaining 1200 acres. aHininlno it.. m.n of
From N Yrt to Dubuque I. t.tso mil... Franklinton, has been rented to Mettrt Dix-
From Dot,,, to Pug.. Sound Is .bet 1,700 miles. Mrj ....." '! . Me,; '
... . - 1 I . ' -, oi mis ony, ana irom
From flew York lothepacille. ,80 miles. I the minnm I.. i.:.u i. i... ....
r. n . . . I -Hiuu 11 nan man wnriin
r rem rugei wrann to out Francisco 77u miles. 1 ,1,;. .... .,
From New Tor to San Fruw-eo, vn Da- T """u,,i ,n"y may well lay claim to be
Miqot, Central Route 1.10 mike) I -" monn me model farmers of tha Har
From New York to Bui Franelsco.'via . 1 Notwithstanding the continued wet weather
- 3,xi bum. I arwint .: , . .
From N V.fc . a c : :. r" 8 !. SUOCeeuea in DUl'
Memphis 9,roi mil ,n Hundred acres of corn, and by
The Tribune, in an article on the subjeot, co,,1't care and attention, they can show
ys: inoiaiiest corn in the neighborhood. Fif.
"The fae: in favor of the Northern route ,een Shovel ploughs and three cultivators.
s ...
are, that it is already built throuch to the wotked by eighteen men and twentv-five
Mississippi, and will soon be carried further ; I nor,eB. are kept in constant requisition j and
that it passe throuch a fine, well-wooded I lh9 re,u" is that scarcely a weed can be
and well-watered country, all of which, on I oen ,na well-ploughed furrows. Twenty
both sides of the mountain, is excellently "T" rman girls follow the ploughs, and
adapted for cultivation ; that it will be toon- uo noing, for which they receive 62
er willed up to the mountains than the land oen Per "ay. Tue men receive 20 per
further couth, and better able to contribute to month. The view from the mound npon
the sunnort of the road bv wnv business : that wmcn ,ne 1o C8Dln" nd is exceedingly
ih rlimota i. mma annal an.l tha annw tea beautiful. Far a the eye can reach, as yon
. ,u rt..i . I00! down towards the "sunny banks" of the
obstructive than on the Ceritral route 2 anal . ' .
Anopleotio Symptoms. Thousand of per
son have derived incalculable benefit and
relief, and the symptom entirely by using
Holloway' Pills. This fine Medicine so
leanse the blood, and strengthen the sys
tem ,that the whole of tha gross humour
inerein are gently carried off ; tha blood be
comes thoroughly changed, and assumes a
eaitny action. 1 hey are also tnlallible in.
II diseases of the liver, stomach, and bow
ls, and for bilious complaints, their effect is
equally certain. . i
On the 4th Intl., at Snydeitown, by thq
Rev. A.J. Collins. Mr. Jo hah Sua re., to
bum clizabrti! Bough NKR, all of Northum
berland county.
On the 1 1th Inst., by the Rev. Wm. B.
Sandor, Mr. Gianni IV'tt t.i nf Kntih'.l i
Miiis Jamb Huntkr of Pery ccunty.
- 1!
New Advertisement.
that the passes through the mountains are
Scioto, the Summer breezes stir the waving
u r i.i-. I M : :. .v. I corn
twenty-lour hours, railway speed, nearer tne Baptist Minister Expklled. -Rev. F.
Pacifio, and after you are there, fifteen hun- Haveood. was recently put on trial, found
drei miles nearer to japan and China. guii,y of heresy, and expelled from the Bap-
lhese are lacts, we think, which cannot be I ,;.t Church in Marietta. Ga., because he
To the Votera of Northumberland County,
Encouraged by my numerous friends, I offer
njraci. aa a canuiuate lor tba office of
and promise, if elected, to discharge the dutits
oi mo oiiice laiiniullr and punctually, which
my experience wilt enable me to do.
McEwentrille, July 15, 1854.
judiciously overlooked.
SATURDAY, JULY 15, 1894.
H. B. MASSER, Editor and Proprietor.
BCTm: CnorsThough the fields of
grain look well, we regret to say that many
fields ol wheat will not average hall a
crop in consequence of the weevil or small i relations and friends, but one, and for some
vellow worms that are found in the heads. me the inanimate corpse wa
would neither assert'nor deny that God fore
knew all things. The Rev. gentleman said in
his defence that he could find no passage in
the Scripture which taught the doctrine, and
he bad no opinion therefore on the subject
In the neighborhood of Shamokin one
gentleman has ten acre which are not
worth cutting-. The earlr wheat, we un-
To AVMTi-.Tha circulation of tha Sunbury . ,. . . ... ......J Tf
American among the different town, on the Saiqoehanna ' f J 6 J I
ia not exceeded ifequnlled lirany paper published in North I IS only the late Wheal that has severely
em Pennsylvania. suffered. The Mediterranean wheat has
also escaped. The crops of corn, oats, and
grass are all very promising.
Democratic State Nominations.
Of Clearfield County.
eecond, -is ready to descend the Danube to FOR JUDGE OF THE SUPREME COURT.
Giurgevo, whence they will march to Bu
chaiest. .
M. De Bruck, the Austrian Minister at
Constantinople, is to communicate with the
Poite aa to the steps necessary to be taken
with a view to the occupation of the Princi
palities. ' To avoid danger of a collision, the Russians
will retire before the Austrians advance.
Tbe Overland Mail has arrived with later
advices from India and China.
The Russian squadron in that part of the
Pacifio, on hearing of the declaration of war,
is thought to have taken refuge on the coast
of Kaffischatka. -
One of tbe vossels of the squadron was
seen about thirty days ago, from Woosong.
A letter from Canton says that tho contin
ued unfavorable advices from the interior
seriously affect the import trade.
Of Somerset County.
Of Pike County.
Business. Notices.
Flora Ltrdsat , on Passages is as Evekt-ri-L
Lin. By Mrs. Moodie. By a special
arrangement with Mrs. Moodie, De Witt &.
Davenport, New York, havo brought out herlast
work, Flora Lyndsay ; or Passages in an Event
ful Life, at the same time that it is published in
m" Another. Coai, Wharf. Messrs.
Kase, Reed &Co., have just completed and
put into operation, their new coal wharf at
this place. The wharf is welt and substan
tially built, and so constructed as to add
greatly to their facilities for loading boats,
Our operators at either of the wharves can
now load boats in thirty minutes, and in
fifteen minutes more, the steamer Susqne
hanna can tow them into the lock, at Nor
thumberland, or across the river into the
canal, in one third the time.
tO" The mechanic and workmen in the
employment of the Virginia and Tennessee
Railroad company, presented on the 17th
ult., their late superintendent, Thomas
Under the guisa of a novel, Mrs. Moodie lis a PHAKP l' w,ln a hne gold Pencil, an
in fact writtor. an auto-biography of her eventful elegant Gold headed Cane, aftd a splendid
life, prior to her emigration to America. It is pair ol Gold Spectacles with a Gold case,
written in a beautiful, simple stylo, truthful and as a oken of their M,e(rr) and r t at
hfe-Uke. wh that peculiar fascinating manner Shaf waj ome gjnce
Blin llrV a"llllt hlimnr fit eharalnn.M ll.ia 1
The province are overrun with banditti, Iulhor hi . ... ,.,,, ... .,,,: the superintendant of the road between this
.,- : ..-. . i.. :.i.: :..' " - - -b 8
..... ... .CD...,8 ...a. ... ,v..iB u- u ln the Hush" so popular. 8he irives a most Place Bl,u ouamumn.
-II L - or - I ! .1 . I I w I
tea win o aneoie j in inoso places, causing ,,.:. ,ccount ofwhat orcllrrn(1 , ,,..,, hrr
short eopplies. hu8ban1 . fh . sct(in B . - wc . rn oesteral sews
RETREAT OF THE RUSSIAN ARMY FROM world: also, a vivid iii.irriniinn nf rAn. A great fire occurred at Louisville on
AH. I UliMiH TKHKlTORICrS. tbincs and events that trammired in a lour? and the 7th hst loss 8125.000. Great fires
The following important despatch announ- perilous voyage across the Atlantic, Price 50 and. rail road accidents annear to be on the
.v- : . i r I I it -
CinS snu comp.e.e re.reat oi cenls. increase of late vears. and we mirht add
ih. p : f .1 C..I.--1- j : I ------ , -- -D
itio xiuaaiaue tiuui mo ouiiuuo uun.lil.uus was I I.I-. .rj t .em
Gikasos's PicToniAt has commencod a new that great frauds and failure are not far
Yt1 nil ahslii An rVIinlav aaamnff I I
volliniB. Tliia nnl,lilinn .....!. hohinH. Tho f,,l, f Rkorl I, to,.
Paris. Mondav. Jun 2B. IRSi Th " " " "w --
' ' I " I miliar anrl ia aaA.1iaikl tA - f M . ir I r . n-i. . .
Mouiteur Publishes intellipenco from B,,eh. ' " 01 " ""i one
test of the 23d, received by telegraph via
Belgrade. It says "Tbe siege of Silistria,
and seemingly uncared for A young wo.
man, however, appeared and manifesting
the deepest interest for the occasion, anx
iouslyinqnired permission of the officers to
be shown the body. Upon approaching near,
she discovered it to be the last remains of
George 1)u (field, who was an Englishman!
but more recently from Virginia, and who
was to have been married to her in a few
days. It is impossible to depict the suffer
ing which she exhibited ; it was more than
human nature could stand and she swooned
and full to the ground. Mr. James B. Kauf-
felt was standing near at the time, and suc
ceeded in restoring har by a prompt applica
tion of stimulant.
Thr Recent Frauds. The astounding
frauds which have been developed within
the past few days, in connection with the
New York and New Haven, the Harlem and
the Nangatnck Railroad, will fall wilh heavy
effect upon innocent parties. The stock of
New Haven Railroad in particular, the Jour
nal of Commerce says, is distributed largely
among persons who sought in it a safe reli.
ance for the support of their families, and it 33,000
great depreciation in consequence 01 inese
fraud will be to them a serious calamity. Death
The losses discovered in these transaction Carghill,
exceed two millions and a half of dollars quehanno, Pa., by thedischaige of a cannon.
and are the most extensive fraud whictU on the 4ib instant.
Another Status. Clark Mill has re
ceived an order for an equestrian statue of
General Jackson, to be placed in Jackson
Square New Orleans. Mr. Mills is to re
cieve for the statue the magnificent sum of
or a Clergyman. -The Rev. Mr
M. E. Minister, was killed at Sus'
Northumberland County,
nnHE subscritcr respectfully informs the pnB
lie that he has leased the above new collic.y.
and is now prepared to deliver at Sunbury, or
any point along the Susquehanna, all sizes of
COAL, prepared by breakers, in a superior
manner. Persons wishing to contract for coal
will please address the subscriber at Sunbury.
Sunbury, July IS, 1854
Washington, July 8.
The Senate, was not in session to-day,
having adjourned over till Monday.
have ever occurred in this country. Direc
tors of Railroad Companies must be grossly
negligent of their duties when such transac
tions can occur without their knowledge.
Cholera in Northampton County. Tho
Cholera broke out last week among the work
men of the Glendon Iron Works, near Eas
ton. Five deaths had occurred, and several
cases happened since. The appearance of
this dread disease occasioned great alarm
among the workrflen, and caused many of
them to leave, so that it was very difficult t
procure attendance for the sick. Nearly all
the hands on the Lehigh Valley Railroad, in
Death from Camphene. In Bangor(
(Maine,) on Friday morning, Miss Elizabeth
Rand was burned to death by the explosion
of camphene, while filling a lamp.
Hon. Joseph Casey has been nominated by
the Whigs of Union county, to represent that
district in Congress.
U...m Tk. It .U. kill
. that haafl mill IrArk and .Alt. 1 In
ni 1
" O . , I O I I " I 1
I aiiiriiav aiiu ouniiav. wh learn, n v n iBnnrnrs
suspended on the 13th, has now been raised 'k come regularly to hand. The July num
by superior order. The Russians have evac- eon""11 4 engravings.
uated Giurgevo, and the whole Muscovite
army is about retiring beyond the Prulh." CF The Democratic township election
Paris, Tuesday Morning, June 27. The lor candidates will be held at the usual
Mdniieur announces that a despatch received place of holding the treneral election, on
from Vienna, dated Monday, stales that the Saturday, the 5th day ol August next, by
eiegeof Silistria wa. raised, and that the order 0f the Standing Commiltec.
.tuaoiaua w-iw latiimg era ntujoii A lie I r Its
treat wai being effected from all part of
Wallachia, in the direction of Fokshara and
KArlal. Thfl pnlrtf lif thm Anitriana in In fVia
Principalities is decided on, and Count Core OPP08'"0" to Maj' Dewarl'. nomination
tiini, wilh tha 1st division, to be followed oT Congress. We have not read it, but
Ta PsoriVs Jocrvai, published monthly brokers, lor several millions, and who issued
at $1 per annum, by Alfred E. Beach New an immense amount of fraudulent New
Haven Railroad stock, bas completely un-
C7 Some copies of a pamphlet appeared
in this place, a few day since, got up in
settled all rail road securities, in the mar
ket. Jn New York the cholera death
amount to about 100 per week. In St.
Louis about the came. In Cincinnati the
epidemic is increasing.
The new from the seat of war indicate
that Russia ha backed out of tbe princi
palities- ln Europe the crops are favora
ble, and in the western state they are also
promising and abundant.'
fX7"The Innkeeper of Danville have
taken in high dudgeon tbe late act in rela-
closely by tho second, is ready to descend understand that it contains some stricture
uie uanuoe to oiurgevo, wuence be will on tne late aon. wwis uewart, tne major' tion to ine ! 0f mU0r 0n Sunday, and
uarcu io oucnaresi. .a.uer, cuargmg inn. who warn oi enier- ha pubished the following card :
-. j.m H.U.JK..II.,! i prise auu reuecung on uis cnar-I -rrt tup ditdi ir
The Russians am Wallachia in irreal ..... " fUBLIt,
haste. Thev take wilh iham the horses , . . , rTMIE undersigned, Inn keeper of the Bor-
IT i ney take wtin them the horses, Tbe mMj,( ftn(J demeriu o( cadidatei A ough of Danville, Penna! have resolved,
wbich.they can lay their hiinds, leaving noth- ' with what appears to be tbe public sentiment
ing behind but their wretched paper money. but w think it in exceeding bad taste to and tbe la vis of thi State, hereafter iheir
THE WOUNDED RUSSIAN GENERALS, rake up the ashet of the dead. The late
rizing the Commissioner of Patents to gra
an extension of the patent to Samuel Colt for
seven years, from the 25th of February next,
for his improvement in fire-arms.
Mr. Clingman said bofore the voto was
taken on the bill, there should be a call of
the House. From the extraordinary means
resorted to, he had no doubt very large sums
had been offered to gentlemen to induce
them either to vote for the bill or absent
themselves. He had no reason to suppose
any gentleman would be influenced by such
Mr. Pratt said he should like to know
w-hat reason the gentleman had for making
that statement.
Mr. Clingman had no objections to the
question. If the House should think proper
to raise a Commitle to investigate the case,
he should be ready to give an answer. No
sum had been offered to him, and he did
not know whether money had been offered
lo members themselves, but, from informa
tion wholly reliable, he had no doubt money
had been offered to very near friends of
members. It is well known Congress ha
suffered allegations of this sort, and therefore,
he thought it would do very well lo have a
call of the lloune before taking the vote.
There was no reason, color or pretext for the
passage of the bill.
Mr. Seward The gentleman should give
he names and fact. If money has been of
fered to member they should not be (up-
Mr. Clingman I stated distinctly that
money might have been offered to particular
friends nf members. If the gentleman wants
the facts let him raise a committee of inves
tigation. I have seen the charge in the
newspapers, and two member have stated
to me that large sums have been offered for
particular purposes.
on that road died from cholera, at Freeman
Hotels and Stables will be closed on tho-Sab-
L-.L .1 . .1. ... r
t,. , ,.x. . . . i. n i:i u "'y. " " aocommouaiion lor
... -....,Dw , .a woumis received py ir. ..., ..y "t""""'i tha publiu can be afloided therein, on that
aid noi inina proper to invest uis money uay,
tvH. ricxiiic, jun.s i Ja .
Trine Paskiewitch, (who wasalao much en
feebled by fever,) and Prince GortsclikkofT,
General Danenburg ha been appoiuiej lo
the chief command of the Russian forces
The complete defeat of tba Russians on the
16lh is eonfirm.d, a portion of the besieging
rmy having been forced to recro. the
i.iuw in an baste. The Tu.k. .ook
in public or private enterprises, but he wa
unquestionably an upright and honorable
man, and always sustained a bigh character
in all hi business transactions.
07" The water is to low at the out-let
I rrT K I.' I il'uu
July 4, '5431.
We art fearful our friend have entirely
misapprehended tha law is well a public
sentiment. Tba court will probably tell
l,u"d,d,,"J entity of b-t-gage. ock Northumberland, that boat. 'l lhem that Ibey are bound lo accommodate
voUua.aoG.neiaU .ilb kiU). loaded rub and aometime stick, going over. I . .d
woiuiuad in Ibis afti. .u... ...... Tk. .. ..... . - i "
of Gen.r.1 w . Lao " !! Z .T'0?'. '.t . eful might reult in lb. moc.,k
.... .iiuuiuiinuHl lias orrn aj.igru tw ua
uirigui n. .... i . .11... ...j
perainem. (Ua U since P.;n..i.. w wring auia io lanu, w
avhakotT wound is mvi. Unral LuJal r,"8rr' incoovmienc) of lb
who is alas woanded, but is said B d0,g
people of bulb placet, lloal, however
well. Maisbal PakUwitKk suftei. ,OB,ia. t"d regularly u before. Wa bona
rally from bl aootusuM,. Cum o.M rf accommadation. will be trcUd
Jan , hngar. wunoul hope of ,MOv.ry. ' bafore Ion.
Vitaas, Jan. I J -Tk.,, u aoihi... . ua boat , rr.umrd hr
aaeptUi thai lh Buum,, , M n4rri ,4 wij w,k-
fioin tba Alula la iba A'aiaa. A ton kaa.
baeu Ud la lfcl wewLi piov l
east, tba Uuu) wsia aevai U y-taaaama
a( Iba (oil ( Tuitukai, U abut iv
K'iglwa cut ! fiem iba (mi bf iba aasaa
uwij Sal m Iba Itik of Iba snuotli,
arrmgvmsuti U cominjtibew
ICrTUe MiHug ri4,,tuu
lllallaa.l at.. I ' I I
U.ivu, ,pr,f M ,,,, H,tUitf k
'mm. mi, ial. I.i... .. ..
" ! 1-MpUf lUIti,
......... " ...1
... f-Bof at.ii.ii- Kcuuiti af , Tn-WKt
NarB-g, tha vW.tu.,J .1 ,Ua .e.p. ,um. U too4 w , w.
lUa flU I J4lJ ,jlU, . .
of their licrmei.
CO" The Rtllimora paper contain tba
particular of the lia terrihla collision on
tbe York and Baltimore Railroad, from
which wa ritract tha fallowing :
C. C. Fulton, editor of iba Bultiman Amir
uaa, was on I he Vwk train, but ascapad uu
injured, aud wiib n.sny otbfis bad lo walk
an sullr to Baliimoia.
The dead m eta biowghl la lha ail; Ibis
Among lh veunJeJ ia Job St oil, Co
duaior, ska kt both hie leg kioksa
Twenty aeveaj f Iba iujuiad ka ana a
b"ta ( ihs.r Ugs b'oksa.
Tba la liain aama lttbi in luraiog
toaaa of ika WUma wi kU faal by iba
wiawk for ij af aa boat Mii tbey
wtl4 ba lli4. May diaJ (law ike kl
IU hwHwiat) attd l.aas tbiil lt.ju.ia
and friendly reception given us at our visit
Cholkba o the Lakes. On Tuesday m their place, participating in celebrating
morning, the brig Virginia was towed into aMO her Anniversary of American Indepen
he port of Cleveland, Ohio. The brig left ,t.nce aruj freely pattaking of their bospi-
Toledo on Saturday night, withaerew con- talilies.
sistingof captain, mate and five seamen. Resolved, That the thanks also be extend-
Shortly after leaving, the captain and three ed to Mr. James Vandyke, propiietor of the
of the men died with tbe cholera, and the Washington House, our host, for the conrte-
others deserted the vessel. They took the ous manner in which he wailed upon us. and
yawl boat and rowed ashore, and repoited I the plenteousness of his table.
the facts to the proper auihorities, when the
steam-tug waa despatched as above. iiTrtrtI liTvniV
1 -mv
Barnum, has left the Crystal Palace. A
" 1
man of straw has been chosen to fill his JffS-gg iffi fji
piaoe, oui .no uunes 01 ine new 1 resident,
it is clear, will be confined only to sunerin- Tbe quantity sent to market this week in
tendiiifr lha .lead remaina. Arranrmon.. tons, 2200 19. The same causes which have
are making for a Coroner's Inquest, id ist, to
sell out the whole concern on the 1st of
November next. ''Sic fransif," ete.
Capture of the Bark Grey Eagle, after L?nd
tig 600 Muii French and English War
I essels at Havana.
New OaLCAKS, July 5.
Tba steamship Cahawba, from New York
and Havana, ai rived at Mobile yesterday;
with laler dales from Havana.
The American bark Grey Eagle i reported
to have landed 800 slave near IUvmiis, on
lh 3Sib ult. She was subsequently captur
ed a a slaver by an English brig of war, but
was dually banded over lo a Spanish vesatil
of war. Only a small number of lha slaves
were rescued.
Among lha recent arrival at Havana
weie lha U.nisb war sieamtr Madea and
schooner Scorpion, iba Franob steamer Ache
ron and tha frigate Pooelopa.
Tha weather throughout Cuba baa been
very dry.
New Cvaa roa Bus as. Mr. Bronson, af
Moadville, Pa , aays, from fifteen yaara' aa
perieuce, be And that Indian meal poultiea
euveied ovr with )ong b)ou lea, softened
wilh hot water, and laid aval burn or (rosso
flush, a hoi at aan be borne, will relieve tba
paiu iu five minulss. If blister have not ii.
on bafuie ibey will sol after it it put on, ami
lit I ana pouliio ia ganeially aufliuiaul tt(
fevl a cuie.'-aM'iAv .law. waa.
Uauauu vissa CAiiroaau. Jt tppatrt
ibal lalifoiuU ieno! Iba only Siaia in tba
I'iiioa ia ttbich big awgjatt af praatotja taa
lal a fouuj A law dty ajo, a Rtaaa o(
gull weighing 1,411 penny weigkia, au.1
aith 11,4 ! wtt ukaa (. a aama U
reluwbia eouiuy, Gs!. Il att titracttJ
aetily fiom tba taifata a( Iba tank, fiviR a
ia el gital dvpib aud iMbuat.
At a meeting of the Faimers' and Me
chanics' Artillery, of Sunbury, held at their
Armory, the evening of the 4th July, the
following resolutions were unanimously
adopted :
Resolved That this company, through the
press, return their thanks to Cadwallader
Infantry, of Northumberland, for their kind
Ity Telegraph.
The Trial of Priest Kroeger Money Matters.
Cincinoati, Julay II.
Father Kroeger, the Roman Calholio Priest, tensive operators in the Schuylkill region
hitherto prevented larger shipments still ex
ist, and are much to be regretted, still how
ever we keep a "good heart of hope" that
rail road communication will be soon com
pleted. There it no new feature in the
trade requiring notice. The demand is ao
tive, and supply thort by reason of the diffi
culty in reaching the market. Every day
coal dealers are with our operators, anxious
to have their orders filled, and so active is
the demand in the Market, that several ex
charged wilh an assault on a German girl l""'8 been ,r'inS during the past week to
with an intent ,0 commit a rape, was tried'
ui.Bc uu. j 1,0 icaiiuiu- neavy orders crowding uiwrn inem, out wun
ny was about the same as given before the the best quality of coal in inexhaustable
Police Court. The Jury remained out until abundance ana every laonny lor rapiu ana
, .. . . u . . , , cheap mining, the market is still corn para
noon to-day, when being unable to agree ,irei;coted to thi. region, sale, could not
they were discharged. They stood tix for be made lo Ihem.
oonviction, for an auault wilh intent to com- shamokla Coal Trad.
mil a rape; and aix for an assault and bat. The quantity of coal tent for tha week
lery. there wai a large crowd around the ending on Wednesday evening last, is
Court HuAite. during tha trial. Ion
Money matters are comparatively quiet
here at present.
2200 19
Tola! for year 1854, tons, 20,155 00
BeUarllUll Carnal jr Cam! Trad.
The Afiners' Journal tayt the demand it
still active, and lha shipments heavy. Pnees
remain hrm without any change irom last
Mortality in New York. .
New Voax, July 9
The whole number of deaths duiinn the I month
week ending yesterday has been 760, incln- . rreignle lo notion continue nicn 10 rro-
d; aa r.. k... 1 viaence oey m imc uo
ing 98 fioin cholera being an increase in ,hiprneril. (,om Richmond exceed tboae to
tbit disease alone of 20. Of tha whola mor- aarne neriod last year bv 141.713 Ions, being
taliiy, about half were children at tan year mora than half the increased supply since
0f ge 1 tha opening 01 river navigation tbit spring
More Suspension. allgoet off at (att at il arrive in tha
New Yoaa, July 10. market.
Richard Scbell, a large negoiiaior of loan. Th""iU WiH Company ha. decla-
. . J! t . . red a dividend of 4 par cent, ou Iba Utt an
and discounts for lha Mesar. Sohuylert, bat roonih't butineta.
suspended. His name appears at an endorser (XT Quantity tent from Schuylkill county
on Schuyler' acceptances, to lha amount of by Railroad and Canal for latt week, ia
A Double Suicide.
Boctom, July 1 1.
'Mr. Marsh, af Pembroke, and Mica Samp
son, of Siougbton, committed tuiciJe yttei.
dty by lathing themtelvee logetber, and
jumping into lha mill pond al Abingdon,
Taa SiuftMAnnnfl Rmlroii Disaster.
BAiTiMoaa, July 10.
Mr. Wincbetler, iba Superintendent af lha
Suttiuvbtana Railroad, wtt arretted baro to
day, aa a charge of manslaughter, flowing
uul vl lb latent lailiaad diaatlei,
Jftil for aOiisMgn RejtcteJ,
Uvitruia, Jtaly .
Tha tit touneil hava iafuaa4 t pay B.
J. Waid't bill (01 datf oe U kit heutt) duitag
lha laia 1W1, a Ikaeacaaaioa nf 114 aHiiul
af hie tun.
Total for year IS54, tons,
1,313,841 II
Urftsf tUelatUf si liu4t:
Uvuvui., July II.
Tha pasMitaert a UmU aighl'a Main lepoit,
thai, I JO fiats skultra Um flat tl
t bivt at, huiJsjr.
tneraata In 1834, aa far, 194,310 0
Lalilh Coal TruU.
Bant from tba Lthigh region for Utt weak,
lona, 43.M3 17
Total foi year 1854,
To Mint peiioti last yr,
Amendments to the Constitution of the
Skctiox 1. Resolved the Stnate and Havre
of Heprrseiitatives of the Commoitiefalth of
Pennsylvania in Geueral Assembly wit, Thnt
the folkiwintr amttvlmcnts lie ond the amte are herein
proposed to the Constitution of the Comtiionweallli. uniter
aoH in acmrrinnca wits the provisions of the tenth m title
thereof, ui wit :
Faoros trios I, to 11 article xi.
PscTior. 1. The npffrei-nte nmonnt of ileMs herenftrr
eontnirtH hy the Commnnwenlih ihnll never ejtreri! tha
sum of five hundred thtmsnnd dollars, except in rn.e of war
to repel invnuion. suppress insurrection, or to redeem the
public debt of the Coinmoiiwcnlth. and the monev so misrtl
sltnll be applied to the purpose for whirh the debt may ba
contracted, or pay such del.ts, and to no othei purpoe.
t?KCTio!f "I T. pay the public debt of the Commoa
wealth, and debla which may herealtcr lie t-ontmeted in
case of wnr to repel invasion, suppren intnirreetion and ti,
redeem the putilie HeU, the Irf-eislature shall nt their next
session after thesUoption of this section into the Constitu
tion, provide bv law for the creation of a s:nkint- fund,
which shell not be aliolithcd till the unid public debts ba
wholly pni.l, to consult of nil the net annunl income from
the public worksnnd stocks owned by the Commonwealth,
r any other funds arising muter anyreveuue low now ex
isting or tliat may be hereafter enacted, so fur as the snme
mny he required to pay Ihe interest of sni.t debts semian
nnnlly, nnl annonlly to (educe the principnt thereiif hy a
sum not less lima Ave hundred th-inastrd dollars, increased
yearlv by componndina nt a rate of not less than fiv per
eentum per annum; the said sink ins; fund slmll he invetrit
In the ItNtus of the Cmnmonwenlth, which slmll lie cancel
led from lime to time iu a innnner tn lie provided hy law i
no portion of the slnkinff fund shall ever be npplied' to the
to the pavment of the debt of five hniHlted thonsnnd do.
lars mentioned in the first section of this article, hut the rahf
sinking fund shall be applied only to the purposes herein
9bctio 3 The credit of the Commonwealth shatt not
In any way be given or loaned to or in aid of any itirfivid
nal, eompanv. corporation or nsocintitii. nor shvll the
Commonwealth herenflcr become a joint owi:er or stork,
holder In any company, association or corporation in this
Commonwealth or elsewhere, formed for nny purposes.
5rcTloa 4. The Commonwealth shnll never assume the
debls of any country, city, bnronrh or township, or of snv
corponrtion or asaocintion. unless such debts shnll havo
lieen contracted to repel invasion, suppress insurrection,
or to defend the Plat ia war.
raoposiTinx 3, to tji isTirt.s xr.
Prohibiting Municipal Subscriptions.
Tlte Lsffislatura shnll never authorize any countr, city,
tmront-h or township, hy vote of its citizens or otherwise,
to become a stockholder in any joint stock conipunv. asso
ciation or corporation, or to mise moaey for. or toon its
credit to, or in aid of any such company or aicintion.
Speaker of the House of Renreaentn lives.
Speaker of the Senate.
In reiiate, April 98, 1CSA.
Reaolvt. Thnt this resolutioa pass. Yeas 33, nnysO.
F'xtract from the Juarual.
T. A. MAGUIRE, Clerk.
In H' of representatives. April 81, IS54.
Ttesolved. Thnt this resolutioa pass. Yeas 71, nays 20.
Extract from the journal.
WM. JACK, Clerk.
8kctt's Orrtca,
Filed April 30, 1KM J
Secretary of the Commonwealth.
Sickstxt' Omc. t
Harrisburg, July I, iHX. J
I do certify that the above and foregoinc is
lie and correct eouy nf the original "Reaoln-
lon relattve loan amendment of the Const itu-
tioa." as Ihe snme remains on file la this office.
I n leetimouy whereof I have hereunto set my
hand and caused Iu ba affixed the seal of tha
Secretary's office tha day and year above wi it
ten. C A. BLACK.
Secretary of the Commonwealth.
Journal of the Senate
"Resolution No. XI, entitled 'Keaolution proposing
amendments to tha Constitution of the Commonvreahh,'
was read a thiid tunc Oe tba question, will Ihe Senate
agree to tha firat proposition, tha yeas and nays were ta
ken, agreeably lo the ConHituiion, and were aa full ws,
Tut-.Messrs. Buckalew, Darlington, Darsie. Fergusne,
Ponlkrnd, Prick, Fry, Goodwin, llukleman, Hamilton. H.
1). ilainliu, P. W. lUmlin, lleistcf, lloee, Jamisi.n. Me
Clintock, McParland. Piatt, Quiccle, Sager, Sllfer, and
McOslin, Speaker 3.
ints .Messrs. era on, vresswtu, uentlncka, ainxti,
Kuukle aad Hk.nncr a.
So the question was determined In lit amrmatire.
On the question, will the Senate agree to tha second
procjoail ion, tha yeaa and aavs were taken agreeably la tha
Conetitulften, and were as follows, vis :
Yiui. Messrs. Huckalsw. tousie, Fergnmn. Foutkrod,
Fr-, Uoodwiu, Haldnman, B. U. Ilsmlui, t W. llaiulm,
Hendrieks, Heister, Huge. Jamison, Klnser, MeOhntoek,
McParsind, Piatt, Prite, Ijuiggle, Siller, Wherry, McCaa
l.n. Speaketw 33.
N.ts MeasiaCitlib, Crass well, Darlihflon, llsmiltun,
Kunkle and Skinner a.
8o the queatma waa dataminad in the aaVmslive.
J' wnnl of Um Uouas of Rsprcaaatalivas.
"The qewstKnt racarriiif anon lha dial pasaaira of the
Reauliitiuna, tba arai prupusilKHi waa agrasd lu as loikisrt,
via t
Yasa Msssra Ahraham, Aaania, Athertea, BnU, Sartoa,
Bayer, Bigham, H-tl, Bnah,, Caldwell, I'alvta,
t'ailule, iiumliarlalu, Ct I'lsne, ( smmins, paushrlly,
Isaria, ! Prance, iSuaaing, Kckert, Minger, Cktrsd,
kvana, PiaMar, Fry, ...llsamia, tliloner, Inliaofs, Cisy,
Ol.axu, liwiu, llsiniltoo. Hrt. Msrr. Iliratand. Hitwr,
Hippie, Horn, Hummel, llunstckse, Huiilaf , Horn, Jack
Maw, kilgwa KnifM, Uarv,'1".) I.'"", jMea,
Maguire, MaialwaaM. M'Ooftinefl, SI'Ksa, Milaar, M.aav
aan, M.lgosnery, M.wa, Miawi, Muss. Psktser. Parks,
Parmiee, lasara. Pattsrsml. P"ls. Pu.aay. Bew'-'A
KoUits, Rowa, Salsnla, c4l. dla, Sdrmofcai, Swilk,
(UXSs.) Smith, (frawf). St.war). Hl.kasl., S..g,
Strniaara, Waealer, WsrSkMn, WisjM, -, Ckaas,
SHyn.ii or
NX ..oa
SSSAL. till
. .Silo
38,4t 13
3l0,lJi 08
Daertata this ytar, to far, lont, 1,134 87
faaaherlasMl faal Traaa.
Quantity tan! latt wak flow lha
la.ttl lagiun it, lont, t0,4 09
Talal fur tf 1834, tan, 841,418 00
Ta mmo psmWJ Utt aar. 804,188 oo
lutitast) I bit aar, far, (una, 38,118 88
01 I'm HKWKU-TUUt MHlia
I " '" " will tat (. la MisaMi wImi caa
ptaJtsra, aaaaa a iWn, a (UAutf tasf siusa,
kase) laslast, tlaasinst aaal asaae) tailMsaaltal gst
istaaiia saa IUuJ, than) ikm su4 at Kasaaiti
aV H itaaa't slsaap tMsl sssln.satUa tSwuUmt
sstfts), .N a. 1 1 1 CsmmssUsI ssMasI, tatfisM o figMtUa
has, fk.lavlslpixa. I U s.a atll ta (,
as hiis, st ) tV
Uila.isa. , It.l - ,.
no the auMtwa was daiamuaasl ia lha alternative
( taa naea will ftka II mm agios W taa aseusl aea.
suertket, Um W and aara ware USaa, '' '"
peoviaten of Ike Iwk aaa ui Ua s.aU.u.."a,
"'w-'Mm Ahraham. Aieeiloa. Ball, sVtB-k., Mm-. v.uw-u. ta.'- T;
,. i ftaua. I'aaaeaiaa. Us', Ika. we
Vest". - r khl, PI--.
UiabiMV. ItiMwaa, , Isftuaa. liana, Ms' ri"-
a,., kau, ir it- j .).; LT;r Jl2
VTmiZ pi-.. p... r a
alaae. atoas. saa,sw" ,
11 ssassta.
Rusk. Wt-t.
Basin si. '"
. V L k . HUB.
i'u.&.i.l la ft, as a ii. '
I mm, ft, ' h ' .
4sjsm, RaUaMl.n
''" . .-
a, taa m -rmmm, .-..a. I
MaaaMaaaa), Ji I, M
- . - - km
.4 (s una a- -ntmim, teas m ars
S m.m - aa ei.e. j" - - T.
17Z. aa e -Vjr
a.saa.a a wa S-m -Hn .
w-aa- ka-ls-t mmmmiU
tkm t'sft i"S. m as." M
asrataaalaWr as.
f A l Alt
I. ! ! -
M.eiM -t Imt I