SUNBUHYl AMERICAN; AND SHAMOK1& J QURNALy, fOF" ITEMS- ,nl more lhan iigr. ,t important elemenl of success is ,-orny. 'Whenever in doubt, if an action ia good " iad, abstain from it. , ' Flattery ia a aort of baJ money, to which our anily gi currency. THemost valuable pail of ovety mn'a education, hat which ho receive. himaelf. Macaulay once ob-er-ad that prize aher-p were only fit for candle and priM """J 10 light them. Amalgamation in Cuba it seems is mere bugbear, got up by the Havana corrwpon. dent of ceiiain annexation prints. . A Kash and somewhat doluded young man has threatened to apply the Maine law to his sweetheart, abe intoxicates him to. There is a Town in Maino called Random A resident of the place being asked where he lived, at Ramlom. He was taken up as a vagrant. A Person pointed out a man who had a perfusion of rinps on hia fingers, to a cooper "Ah," said the arlizan, "It's a sure sign of weakness when so many hoops are used Oriental Anamtomv. Everybody knew that a Turk was a Mussulman, but few ap pear to Uave been aware ol his nervo. Ladies who have a disposition to punish 'heir husbands, should bear in mind that a little sunshine will melt an iciclo much quick er than a regular northeaster. "Pa, ain't I growing (all ?" Why, what's jour height sonncyl" "Seven feel lacking a yard," Pa fainted. Hi'ooiNo the Shore. The lust cause of jealousy is that of a lady who discarded her lover, a sea captain, because in speaking of one of his voyages, he said he hugged the ih0re. AwruL Responsibility. --Miss Susan Kipper says that the Russians have an awful responsibility resting upon them for killing the Turks for every Turk who is killed leaves a dozen widows. At a Social Party one evening, the question was put up, "What ia religion 1" "Religion," replied one of the party, ''religion is an insu. ranee against fire in the next world, for which honesty is the best p olicy." "Samm v, my son, how many weeks belong to the year V "Forty-six, sir. "Why, Sam my, how do you make that out "The other six are Lent." "Mother, put that boy to bed. He's getting too for'ard." Paddy's description of a fiddle can't be beat. "It was big as a . Turkey, and as muckle as a goose he turned it over on its back, and took a crooked stick and drawed across its belly, and 0, St. Patrick, how it did squale. A brutal teacher whipped a little boy for pressing the hand of a little girl who sat next to him at school: after which he asked the child "why he squeezed the gill's hand 1" "Because," said the little fellow, "it looked eo protty I couldn't help it." That boy'a future career will be worth inquiring into. A Philosophical Answer. "Uncle Jo," said an observing little boy, "our folks al ways put up the window when the room is filled with smoke, and the wind blows in so as to prevent the smoke from going out that Way ; now, where does the smoke go ?" "It goes into the people's eyes," was uncle Jo's philosophic answer. Sheridan wrote, "women govern us, let us try lo render them, perfeot. The more they are enlightened, so much the more we shall be. On the cultivation of the minds of women depends the wisdom of men." Na poleon said, "the future destiny of the child it always the work of the mother." I The Panama Railway was, at our lasM Advices, progressing as well as could be ex pected during the present unfavorable seasqn. Large numbers of the workmen were leaving on the expiration of their contracts, by every opportunity, but their places were rapidly upplied by new comers from various quar ters. Heavy rains had retarded operatic, and washed away embankments. Modest Merit. In Benton's "Thirty Years View," is an anecdote of Lafayette, that on approaching the harbor of New York, he made the unsophisticated inquiry wheth er his servant would be able to liiul a hack at the pier to convey hia party to the hutel; o little did he anticipate the national page nl which anxiously awaited his landing. Improved REvoLVER.-Our Boston eotempo. raries are eulog'uing n improved revolver, called "The Robbins and Lawrence Pistol " The improvement couit of a revolving hammer, in lieu of a revolving eylimlor, by which a prematura (accidental) discharge is rendered Impossible. The nw pistol i sim ple in construction, can be loa.lud and discharged wilb greater facility Uiiii any other similar weapon, and is managed with case and safety. " The perils of celibacy, panic ulaily ia cold weather, cannot Wet it geralej. A fow nights sine. 4 bjl.h-, Wr ia U.,ii.w, Ohw, bu.( aillioitJ iit a severe eold, undeiiooli to lake a baili in a luo ol wane water b,u gojl,3 , bli, Ti, ope.alMitt p.oduotsj so ...mfo.ui:. , ,ul- U l....Uth.a.Opp.Juil m J -M-ae ta, he ,,.,,,; ia ,iu4 h.,,7 t.- mi light tt , Lli;ki l4 MuJldl u Biauiwoiiy. Is iiu MAaiil, my, whi tMinir Us) l II mi Ilia slL- I'l y i nj'po MVV,ll, uum,' MuiliiuaJ th f.rj,l,,,, UMh.r, U i, U. ti, tu, ,,, Hut ki tU kM, wi," lebli.J h. u,,i Ilk W fcf litl.wpll Hi t4,,g lU9 l4 twit. Highly lntcre'stiiig'l.Ncw8 ! fpHE information brought to us by t. . stenm-i- ship Asia or thosuddor. decline f Indian corn, Ac In Europe, is ao doubt interest inft to some and therefore it anu.t be also inter esting lo a groat man, other, lo know that while there i, so much fluctuation in the price ot Breadstuff at home and abroad, there Is nothing to effect tlie low rr,r0 of "10 ' large and Excellent Stock of ' sriUNG & SUMMER CL0T1IIFG, just received by P. Schnurmnn & Co., and on liuncl at mere store On the corner of Market and Fatcn Streets, directly onnosita John Young's store, whero they will be pleased to wait upon all those who wish lo buy good and cheap clothing. Also a fresh BUppW "f Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, &c, which tlicv have purchased at a very low price at Philadelphia and thcrcfoie can afford to sell to their customers at tbo most rcasonatue price. They still, .(after sonio experience in business) cling lo the good motto, "chkap roa cash. Call and see for yourselves. - ' . 8. .s(Jtl:LliMAj. a i,u. Sunbnry, May 6, 1851. . . ATTENTION ! , , For the Metropolitan Clothing; Store of G. ELSBERG & CO., Market Street, opposite the Post Office. WE have just received and on hand now the most beautiful, Inrcst and best assorted stock of rcaJy-mailo Clothing adapted to Spring ami Summer wear ever before brought into Sunbury or any place in this section of the coun- rv. Our Clothing made by the best hands and under our own supervision, we know will give entire satisfaction to buyers. Still adhering to our old motto "Chrapfor C.A," we'll dispose of our poods reasonable and rapidly. All we sny come, examino and price our gooda and we feel sure you'll buy. We offer you at the very lowest prices every imaginable vnripty of Coats, Vests and pants, cut in the last fashion and warranted to fit. Cloths, cassimercs. sattinctts, linens, drillings, jeans, silks, satins, and all other kind made into Clo thing. Also a large assortment of Boots and Shoes; among these a splendid variety of ladies shoes, ladies and gents gaiters, cVc. SILK HATS, Panama, Palmleaf, Pcsrl and all other Hats and Caps we have a great variety of. Also a great lot of trunks, vnliscs and carpet bags lor sale cneap JEWKLRV. We have a splendid lot of watches, and all kind of Jewelry suitable for ladies and gentlemen. PISTOLS. All kinds of Revolvers, double and single barrel Pistols, Accordeons, Shirts, Collars and all other goods generally kept in our line can be found at our store, all of which we intend lo sell at the very lowest price. Don't forget the place, (J. EI.SBERtt & Co. Market Square, opposite the Post Office. Sunbury, May fi, 1851. LATEST ARRIVAL OF Spring and Summer Goods. J. F. & I. F. KLINE, 1JESPECTFUI.LY announce to their friends and tbe public in general, thut they have rccuived at their Old Stand, in Upper Augusta township, Northumberland couniy. Pa., their Spring an 1 Summer (Joods, and opened to the public a full assortment of MERCHANDIZE, &c, Consisting in part of Cloths, black and fiincv Cassimcrs, Sattinctts, Checks, and all kinds of SPRING & SUMMER WEAR. Also a splendid assortment of Ladies Sress Goods, Calicoes, Ginghams, Muslin do I.aines, Plaid Cashmeres, De beqes, Lawns, Ac. Also a fresh supply of all kinds, of Ororciien. A fresh supply of Hardware and Queens ware, Drugs and Medicines. Woodon Ware. Also a large assortment of Boots and Shoes, suitable for Men, Women and Children. Hats and Caps, such as Silk, Panama, and other Hats, Salt, Cheese, Ac. Call and See. Cheaper than the Cheapest, All of which will be sold for cash, or in ex change for country produce, at the highest market price. Upper Augusta, May B, 1854. This Way! This Way!! Spring and Summer (soods. PRILING & GRANT. rjESPEOTKULI.Y inform their eustomirs and the public, that they have jusl receiv ed and opened the best and cheapest stock of Spring and Summer Goods, at their store in Market square, Sunbury. Their stock consists of every varic'.y of Dry Goods, viz : Cloths, Cassimeres, Satlinets, Vestings, Flannels, H'vllens, ifc, And all kinda of Spring & Summer Wear. Also a splendid variety of LADIES DRESS & FANCY GOODS, Ctitkocs, Ginghams, Chint:es, De Lames, Berates, And every variety of goods suitable) for La die wear. Also a large assortment of HARDWARE and QUEEHSWARE, Fish, Salt and Piaster. Also ait extensive assortment of Hat and Cap for Men and Buys. Also a largo assortment of iillOL'ElllXS, Hl'CIt As Sugar, Ttas, Coffee, Molasses, Spices of all kind. Also a treh supply of DIll-US AND M1.11ICIXW. lleiides Ihe luruesl and most general assort ment of all kind of good lo bo had in Ihi place. IV" Country produr of all kinda taken ill ex change at the higtiMl nisrket price, ttunliury, May 13, IMS!. New Goods for the People ! DUN J AM IN IlKW'NHll jEl't:CT'-l I.I.V inform. lh public in gen. eral Ilul tisha jUU lorird aitd ww;nsd a splt.did sloik ut Siriit;nnd Hummer i.omU at hi Nw htuie, in I.o.i Aubu.u luwiuhiu. Hi iPnl roli.i.U m Lull of a Cloths, Cantuters, Casbinets. 4 si' kinds, ol limit, roll. hi and Mui.Wtl. AI.NM ( nlltora, (iluiilmitiii, i.hmum, .Mouant-lliie lit) Lulucs) ii J all kmd of l.a.lie (lira tioods. lroi li-a. Ali a assuttuttol ol llardti ii. Inoi nd Bleel, Nails, Lo. Aim aH rioiWt.1 u( QVSEflSWAUE, taiious i)l and Ivilvii-s. Also as iMutlmtuI ut linn rs a. aaa... u II . . . . "" sss-. M A r k I A .ooj Huh, 1 Uh, tn tuJ'iUi' U - a.. iwi " r' A CAliD. ' - J CniIBONe PATENT Ventilating Furnace. rnllK sulAerllier whnM coll tha intention of sll pnrtirs 1 requiring s rtiriill FHItNACK, lo CIIIJi!S' CKI.KUHATKU VAHMlNli .AND VENTILATING APPARATUS. - Ttie repnlstmn cf this Funnies Is now well known, having; Inreil intnidncert, ilul th ps nv vrars. Into shout I.'tOU publie huiklings, anil nmrf thnn Seen private dwellings; thi, loppther with Ihe Immense increase of Sak s every year, Is the lst evnlnncs that can be sildueed of its superior ily over sll oilier fnriMtces ii- ihe useol Ihilson's r urines, yon secure me ioiiow- tuff ndvantnffrs : In HSR VsaTII.ATIOK. Tors Air Ihe hentins; surfaces bciiil at temperature that will not flimrente Ihe air. KroouirAf. lra nl Ftraf. OaaT Udrasilitt lieuiff made entirely of Cart Iron, not liahle to rust, will require no repairs dm ins n IllVtitne u im enny mnnnfftfi, niai win noi rxjvivc uie m "h hi wlileli it is placed to dnujer from fire like the other funis- V have the testimnnials of hnmtrcds of the most sci entific men, to attest lo Ihe truth of the nluve stntemeiit, all if whom pronounce It to lie decidedly Ihe Itert Knrnare yet invented, for pnlucing a puns and healthy atmna. phere. We herewith annex the nnnv-a of a few well known aiwl eminent Professors, who Imva used them, and kindly furnisheil us their nnmes ns rrfercnecs : Prof. John !. Hurt, Prof. Pnrker, Prof. Norton. Pres. Wm. H. Allen, - Prof. Parsons, prof. Dana. Prof. D. Sillimau, Prof. Itiplev, . NINE SIZES. We have InlnKhieed, this season, ive uew sises t so Hint all pnrlirsiutiy avail themselves of this gient imiH-ove-ment at a very moderate cost. We are in w prepared to fnrnish an apiismtus to warms single loom, or the lur jest pulilic liuilriiiijt in the country. No. i. l'ortuble. Complete. .... $13 "2- " . "... - - ' 3!i ' 3. " 43 " 4. ' for Brickwork, ... . '4 " . ' " IM " 3. Extra Radiator, (including Dnts ann Trench iri:in-s.i oi " 4. " " ' t-l) " S. " " " 107 " 8. ' " ii . )33 This No. 0 is the Inrpest and most powerful Furnsee made in thee uiiitry, soil is mlmirakly ndajUed for Church es and other large clous buildings. We continue to Sf-ll the npiwirolus at the same price ns when 6rst introdneed. five yenrs spo Althouch the pre sent high price ol iron has ihcienwd liieii ci'"t S3 per cent, owing to their great weight, slid we are enabled, by the great increase of sales, to furuiBh Ihe article nt the lowest rosiihle price. One Foundry nl-uie. Messrs. Wnrnick A; leibruiiflt, have contracted to furnifh ut with 5110 tons trf Furnaces this Benson, si Hint we are now prcpnred lo furnish them wholefnl or retail. We superintend the ereeti'n of all Furnaces, when required, and warrant them in all enncs. METROPOLITAN COOKING RANGE. We have otsn the mnl pomnlrte rHViiiir nnimf tlint Ins yet been in trod need, to which we mil the ntU'titioii of alt who muy winli to lectirc the m'lti perfect Qad desi ruble cooking appnrotiiB ever invented. EMERSON'S PA TENT VEN TIL A TO RS. We ore Ihe only Airenfi in Pentvlrnuin for the inennfnc ture and sale of tlii Ventilntnr, which i nrknowlcdged lo be Ihe only net feK Ventilntor ever mide fir ennsctm the draugltt in tmnky rhimniit, and Cr ventihttin? luiiltl infr of nil kinds. As there are a srent many itnitntiotts of Una valuable nriiole imw r'flV itnl for mle, pnrties will be carefnl to examine thnt it has the lmers n Undue ntiuched. PATF.NT RKG1STKKS AM) YENTILATOItt. We have tbe Inrirest and mort complete asaortment of Hot Air Iltyisfers iind Ventilators tt be found in the Unt ied States. Parties who wih to pnrehnso, either for pri vutuiiseor wlio.esnle, will find it gieutly to their advan tage to examine our Block. 8LATK AND IRON MANTLES. We have always on hand an extensive aiwrtmeiit of these beautiful iMantleaT in exnrt imitation of Egyptian, Spanish, Gulvvuy, Sienna, and olber rare marbles. OPKN GRATES For An.hniritc and Ilituinin'ma Con I. Also, on entire new Pnliern ol the low down Jrate, mHile from the Eng lish Patterns, imd entirety new in this country. SOI. AGENT; for Ihe Enplish Encaustic Flooring Tile, Garnkirk Chimney Tops, and Tuna CoUa (.rna ments, surli ns Garden Vuses, An. Persons nliout building, would ito well to examine our stiK-k trel'ore purchnsiui: elsewhere. Vipituts, whether pur chasing or not, ore cordially weleomed at onr extensive Warerooms, and where we should bo happy In furnish any information reepecLuig any of our gowls that muy be desiried. A IxHik on War mini; and Ventilating can be had gratuitously at our store, either personally, ot by Let ter, 8. A. HARRISON, Wanning and Ventilating Wnrchauxc, 140 Wulnut St.. I How Sixth, Philadelphia, 'una., Ainy u, in. orn. Daguerreotypes! GEORGE W. COBLE, RESPECTFULLY announces to tlie citizens of Slllilmrv nntl virioitv. that bn hna Airnin opened a Uaguerrcan Room, and is prepared to t.ike likenesses. Ho warrants Ii is pictures to bo satisfactory to all wishing true, rcpresi-ntutions of thenisclve and friends, f-'pccinl attention is paid to cliildrcn. Copies taken with accuracy. In structions given on reasonable terms. His room is at the old placu, iu ihe Grand Jury Room, (county buildings,) operating hours from 8 A. M. until 5 1'. M., without regaid to the state of the weather. Copies should he sent iu oil cloudy days. "Sunbury, April 22, 1854. tf. Great Arrival of SPRING GOODS! TUA T. CLEMENT N FORMS his friends and customers that lie just received an elegant assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS At his Store in MarXet Street, Sunhury, which he oilers to the public at the lowest prices. His stock consists of a general assortment o Dry Goods, viz : Cloths, Cassimers, Cassinets, Jeans, Drillings, Muslins, Linens, Calicoes, Muslin de Luins, Lawns, Ginghams, Bcragrs. Also a largo assortment of CLOTH I.N O. A large assortment of Boots and Shoes, for Men, Women and Children. Silk Hats. Tanama, Talm leaf and other Summer Hats. Master. , GROCERIES of 'every variety. Sugar, Tea, Coffee, Molasses, Cheese, Spices, Fish, Salt, Ac. HARDWARE, Viz : Iron and Steel, Nails, Files, Saws, Ac. QUEENS WARE, Tea Setts, Plates, Dishes, Cups, Saucers, $c LIQUORS, . Winr. Brandy, Glu, Bum, Whiskry, it. 1SV" Country produce of all kinds taken ia ex change at Ihe highest market prices. April 8. ISM ly. rlWNToTS AT PRXT.T2C 0.L2C. IKiHT of Ih most desirable Iota, iu the town of Shamokin, Northuintwrlaud county, I's. can be had of the subscriber on rrasunsble terms. IVrsoua who have money lo invest in Ihi kind of projieriy, will never havo better opportunity to make a purchase lhan is now offered litem. Sbatiiokin bus, in it immediate vicinity, im pls resource Iu build up a first cU'S HHcrior towu. Tha iiiiniog opera lions under way, and in contemplation, ar of character lo warrant th largest ipectalion, for th rapid growth of lb place iu busiiiva aud in population, ll lia alieady taken sUrl, anil each succrrding sea oa will it dill mora prusjH'roui. A con sequent', (round td build upon will very )ear Icoiim luoi valuald. I. els wlii. lt may lie bad now, al rompaiatively low rate, r nol likely lo be in Ih market at all few yeaia bsiue. Now is lh lime. Ibrrvliire, lo uuke purchase. For information, coiueiiiing Ilia eigbl lot f..r sjlc, st'i Itr lltruugb kvltor, lo I'll A 8. M. II ALL, Ituitbury, I'. Huul ury, May 13, l5. - - fAIMI'.H )rra (i.Hkls. fipring sud riuiuiiier g bls, 1114 k ami Uucy ilirM bilk, ilk puplm, lie ,n.r, MiMy, limgliaui auj Call row gissl I erit'ly, Jul ietid and Ut Ml by I. W, I t.NfcKA t O. Hunbury, April U, (ll.iH'KMKiabi Jy auj Jo hour L -u and J WimmUsI IiswcJ, l'li NuU, (iiuunj .Nut, KatMit, ud I'l ultra, )u.l lesld iJ Mlskr WM. A kNAUU. Iwer AugusU, Ms , ll n ilw sh4 ('(, ktilk. lrf, Fur suJ SWii, I'ww4, jrU-UM, IliatJ aud t'bip lur twaj 4 buf . .IM UuuusU U all KjWs, i 4 u k, .-. WM .1- IkS till. , ZINO FAINTS. t One third theapcr than vhite lead, and free ' from alt poisonous qualities. The Hew Jersey Zinc Company nAVINO srsal y enUirffeil their works, and improved the quality ol Hi. ir products, sfe prepsied to execnts ordeis for llMir SUPERIOR PAINTS. Dry, (i?m1 ground hi oil, In nrted packages of from 96 wiu pirn i in ; ni Iry, in tnrrt in. of S(0 poiintli enrh. I heir white ship, which in anM or wuTrnntrd i'ure and unfmrrmnMcl fur bmly aitd uniform wnuvnrflu, winch pnalil'-s flip Company to warrant their paints to kcp fresh ami si.n in the seas for sny reasonable lime. In this respect their paints will be superior to any other in the mnrket Their lirown ihic paint, which is inkl at a low pries, sial can only he made from the .ttie ores from New Jer sey, is now well known for its protective qualities when applied to iron or other inotiilic nurfnces. Tlieir strne enktr paint ponaewiea all the properties of tlie Drown, and is of an asreenlile eol-it for painting Cottages, Depot", Out buildings, llriditrs, he. FRENCH i niCIIAnDS, AVhosesnle I'aint Tlcalers snd importers, N. W. r.r. of loth Market Sts., I'hilndelphis. ritilndclphlii, April s, 1854. Om. W. STOCSMAS. THOMAS O'SKIU. SIOCKMAlf & O'NEILL, GENERAL tEommiseion illcnljants 351 NORTH WHARVES, Philadelphia. nEFERENCES. Thos. Ricltard.-inn & Co. Philadelphia. A. O. Cattcll Ac Co. " Rutter ft Pnttesnn, ' " Charles Ellis & Co. 1) orpin ot Sons, ' l'hila., April 8, 185i. ly. SHAMOKIN Collegiate Institute. R. HILL,' A. B-, Principal. Rev. C. J. EHREHART, A. M. Teacher of Moral and Mental Science, Evi dences of Chriftianity, (fc. Teacher of Primary Department. TVWEi first session of this Institution, located at -- Shaniokin, Northumberland county. Pa.. will commence on Wkd.vksuat, the 10th day of Mir, 1854. The year will lie divided into three session of fourteen weeks eitch, thu allowing a vacation of four week in spring and autumn, and one of two weeks during tlie holidays. The Institution will comprise three departments, A PltlMAHT, ACAIIKMIC and COLLKOI ATS. Tbo course of instruction in theso will be full and thorough, rmhracing,ill the branches usually taught in these respective departments. Ratks or Tptiox : Primary Dcpnrtment, per session, $1,00 Academic " - ' 51(3,00 Collegiate " " 8,tl0 A large ami spacious room has been secured lo meet the wauls of tho Institution, until the necessary buildings are completed. Hoarding con be obtained in private families at reasonable rates. The Hoard of Trustees will spare no pains or labor, to malic Shatnokin Collegiate Institute, worthy the patronage and confidence of the com munity. For further particulars, address Kimber Clea ver, Ksq., of Miamokin, President of Hoard of Trustees, or Rev. C. J. Khrehart of I'asinos, Northumbeilaiul county. Pa. Shaniokin, Match 4," 1854. ' ' FAIRBJIA'IOS - PATKNT SCALES, Sold at tlieir WAREHOUSE, M. 240 Mar ktt Street, rillLADELPHIA. Railroad, Hay, Coul, aud Farmer' SCALES, set in any part of (he country, by experienced workmen, and nt short nolico. l'hila., April 8, 1854 Cm. THE subscrila-r la'g leave respectfully to in form his friends and tho public generally that he will continue tho business 'of a Cabinet Makers' Finding storo, in all its various branches at the old stand, No. 131 South Second St., below Dock st. Philadel phia, and respectfully solicits a continuance of tho very liberal pntronago bestowed unon the late firm of T. & L. Thompson, assuring his friends that every exertion will lie tnudo by himself and those in his employ to merit a continuance of their much cteemcd favorx. THOMAS THOMPSON. Phila., March 4, 1854 6m. GUANO! GUANO! rjnilE suWjiler, solo agent Tor tho salo of El IVrnvian (iuano in riiilatlrlphia, is now ui, loading the following vessel, direct from thn Cltiiiclta Island: Ship Sororro, . . - 1500 tons. , Ship Uurlington, ... 750 tons. Ship Hornet, ... SOO ton. Ship Topaz, SOO tons, whit h will be old in lots to suit purchasers, at Ihe lowest cush prices. H.J. CHRISTIAN, (Formerly Glutting & Vkri titan.) No. 48 North Wharves, and 97 North Water Street, rhiludelphia. April 28, 1S54 3m. ATS AND CA1S. splendid lot of fashionable Silk, Word and Fur Hnts. also Cluth, Fur, Oilcloth, Navy and Military Cops for salo low by O. ELSBERG , CO. Market street, opposite the I'ost Office. Sunbury, Oct. 8, 1853. 1. v. ti:.i:k a, co., SUNBURY, PA., YAVE just received a fresi supply of new Spring liooils. Their friends and the pul lie are respectfully requested to call and inspect them. They will b sold cheap, "ljuick sulea and small profit" is still their motto. Sunbury, l'a., April 22, 1654. TH KSTKAM BOAT SUStiUKUANNA lni.L' make regular trip for rarrUge of Pa. T " senders belwecn Sunhury and Northum bcrbnd every day, except Suuday, on and alter Monday. April Villi. The I'oal will leave Ihe wharf at Sunbury, at ft o'clock, A. M., 1 1 o'clock and 80 uii..ulra A. M., and 3 o'clock 30 minute, I. M. Returning, will leuva tha outlol luck al North, utiilvilauil, al H o'clock and IS aiinulr, A. M., 1 1 o'clock and 4) minute, A. M., and i o'clock and 43 uiinulra, 1', M. Fare, 10 ceui. Kicur.ion tickeU, good lor one Uv, IS rruls. Suubuty, April t9, 1834 If. Kusientlule Hydraulic Cement. An txctlttnl article for Lining Cisterns, Vaults, Spnug kuiistt and l'rfun, 4 M for keeping dmpiie from wet ami rtuowj wall. Fur sale l, I'lUKI.KM Mil Ff AKl) HMITII, Curiter of Front and V illow mi. Kallroad., A put -it, last. y, lJOCTOtt JOSEPH W. CAM EBON, IF.M'KITFI I.I.V inform, lh. i,MluJ uf the UurougU ut Huubutjf and vuiuily, Ib.l he witususinly locet.d kliusrif 144 nul Uoroonh 1 anJ ullsi hi iubuioul kkuw Ut Uium li4 iuy oi.k lo aioy him. Fur u rMiil h (u U luuuj ! VVmm lluUl. duubuiy, M...t II, - tf. L FK Ull.l M.-Jiwuu a4 t'ttttaWe" Fs Bills I4u4wuwl iiiuil4 uajtaiJ uui al liiMvUltA It" 1 al Xkf vltfee, mfmu SU Uk, t aut aJ,u l ll u, ft Lmms W litilgM, I I SM IS CHERRY PECTORAL: Fr Ike Cure f COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, BR OH CHITIS, CROUP, 2VIA, WHQOPINO-OOUOH ' AVD CONSUMPTION. TO Cl'RK A COLD, with hbadacwii akd cmTK of the body, take Hie Chrrrt I'm to a L on going lo hed, iicl wmp up wunn, to twnit iluntig ihr night. r or a G(i,u Ann Cor?!!, fn'.e il inorning, nonnand eve nmtr, aerorriiiig Ui difnctnxii mi tlie ItoUle, und the dilTiou.- ly will kh Is renin vti. t,ue will lng iufTcT from ttiia Ir-mble when thr-y find it am lie mi renriily eurnl. pemniR micted with a snitcd cough, wliM-h huwVn Uiem of Ihcir rest at ni-lit, will find, hy mMiiff tlie Cherry Perioral on going t iwd, they mnv I lure of touml, uiihfnken sleep, and conn.'(iifiitly rtfrtishing rest. Great relii fromsulTcr 111;, ami an utiminte rurp, ia nff'.idcd to tUouaaudm who are thiiBnlllictnl, by thin invulnnlile remedy. Vrom its flgretfilile efinoti in tiieae maen, many find thpiiiaflvcl nuwillinir to foreiro ita umi when tha neueuiLV for haa crated From two eminent Phvaiciant in ' 1 Fatrttkviu , Tenn , Apri! 18, 1651. Sir We Imve given your Cherry Je"tiral an exteuaiva trinl in onr pinrttnt, and find it to tiirpnm rvrry other re medy wi kive f.n curing n(ferti ii of the reapiratorv or-g"- UKS. 1)1 KM KM ft HAMPTON. TO SiNnrRS AN D Pli ill AC SPKAKJiKS this remedy is invuluablc, ut by us action on thelliroutniid lunga, when taken in aninll (u;iiirilira, ilrtMnovtuall houraeness in a few hours, and wuJcriuifJ uicrenci tlie ouwer and flexibility ot the voire. , , , 1 ASTHMA is genemlly mnrh rclifvr!, and often wholly etirrtl by Cherry Pt-tomt. But there nre tme ciisesw ot tlinnte ns to yi-ld entirrly-to no medicine. Cherry Pecto rl will rurf thtm. If triprpmi le cured. 1 BUO.CHrj'IS, nr irriUiticii of the throat and upper portion of the lung, mnybe cur by Inking Cherry Pe to ral iu amsll and ireqiieni dovca. Th tincomforiubla op pression is soon rnheved. Rev. DtH-t. LANSI.VO, of nnoklyn,ew York, states: 4I have aeeti the Cherry Pciorril cure tnch pnses of Asthma and Bronchitis ns leudt me to believe it can rarely fail In cure ltio- diseases.' FOR CHOL'P, oive on emetic of antimony, to be followed by large and frequent doner) of the Cherry Peeto ml, until r anltduus Hit disease, ll taken iiiaeuaon, it will not fnil to enre. WHOOP1NM5 COlTOn mnv be broken up and aoon cu red by thf on of rhmy Pectoral. TJIK INfr'lA KNZA is speedily removed by this reme dy. Numerous iuslnuffs have liccn noticed where whole fnmiliea were protected fr nn any serious consequences, while their n"Kjl.Urs, without the Cherry Pectoral, wrre sutTuring l in the disease. Jr. J. u. Ayer: "alem. ubio, Itth June, 1851. 1 write t inform rn of the tmiv rcmnrknltle rftVcta of your CHi:itHV PKOTURAl in this place, and in my iiwii inmiiy. (.lue ii inv a Miiriuers w is completely cured in three d:ivs nf o drcmHul Whooping Coohh, by biking it. I)r. Means, one of our very Iwnt physicinna fieely stntea that he considers it the lest remedy we have pulmoitnry dienses, and thnt he hns cured more cases of Cbuup with it thmi nuy other nieiticine he ever n lmiuisrered. Oni clergymen ol the Btiptist Church Rivsthat during the run of lFLtmZA hero this sims-n, ha w teen eurt s from yinir meilicineheoould scarcely hiire believed H'itli- Yours respectfully, J. P. SINCLAIR, ' IcpLly Postmaster. From the rfhtinetiithfA Professor of Chemis try and Mftcria Malice, liowloin Cnllepe. I have found the Cherry pRCTon!., ns its ingreditnits show, a powerful remedy for cldn, and cnughs, and pul monary dixcusi-s. Pa hue ii Cleveland, M. D. BarN'WicK, Me.. Feb. 5, lt-17. DR. VALFNTINKMOTT. The iriihl if celebrated I'rofrssnr of Surgery in the Medical Crec, New York tit tf, says: H fjivea me pleasure to certify the value n ml efnency of Atit,a Chkkuy PKCTonAi..' which 1 con (tit (er peculi arly adapted to cure discitscs t f thu Thnsil and l.ungs." Cures of seveie diseawa npuii the I.unvrs have been ef feet ed by Ciirkkv PBcrowi. in such extreme cases as warrant the Iwlief thnl. a renutlv ban nl Imglli been fount) thnt cnu Imj depended on to cure the Conzh. Colds and Consumption which enrrt from our midst thoumuds every yenr. It is indeed a medicine to which the nfllicied can look with confidence for relief, and tliey should not fail to avnil themselves of it. Prepared and sold by JAMES C. AYER, Practical Chemist, Lowell, Mass. Sold in Sunluiry I.t H MAPfEK. nnd liv DniRtrists conrrally llirnnhottt the Ptntc. July 30, 1853. crow lv.Nov. 13. '53. K. M. SAtttHOLOw; O. TIFSANY, JR. J. B. CIliSRON Uartl'.olow, TilVany j Co. IMPORTHIIS AND DK.U.KItS IS Foreign and Doiiiemtic DRT GOODS, snd aoi:nts von the salp. op AMERICAN MANUFACTURES, No, 26S llaltimnre Street, Baltimore. If our Goods on examination, arc not as cheap as they citn be bought in any other market they mny he returned foilliwillt al our expense. Baltimore, Nov. 2U, Is.") J. ly. Valuable Property for Sale In the Borough of Sunbury ! fl'IIE suhscrilier oll'era for sale tha following JL property in the Borouch nf Suubury, viz : THE HOUSE Ami two coiitigious Lot3 of Ground, oil the south west comer of Market Square, now occupied by tho subscriber as a store and dwel ling. Also : THE STEAM SAv7 MILL on the river hank, together with one and a half acres of ground. Also: a double two story framu Dwelling House and Lot of Ground, in Elderberry street. Also: six acres - of ground at tho Point, adjoining the Susquehanna, on which are erected two frame house wagon house, &e. Also: A House and Lot of Ground in Cranberry street, near lhe river, on which lot are also erected three lime kilns. Also ; A House and half Lot of Ground, on tha north east comer of Kivcr snd l)ewltrry street, occupied by Augustus Clement. Also: Twenty-Three Vacant Lot9 on Elderberry street. IRA T. CLEMENT. Sunbury, Jnn- I I, 1R3I tf. Spring and Summer style G ENTLEMEN'S HATS. a FOSTER & GEBHARD, 49Son(A Third Street, below Chestnut, IMIIl.ADI.I.IMMA, 1 jf AVE unusual sali. faction in railing atten- lion lo their large and vuried stock of Mole skin, Drab, Beaver, (liter, Tauaina, and a variety of Mraw and Nopl Hat. Cemleinen's summer Caps of all descriptions. lluiureii s fancy biulirotiluied ami t'latii Cap Straw Mats and Caps, Miura' Flats, Ac. IV Particular attention is called lo a White aud Nankeen Trench Tell Hat, of our own im. portatiou. I'hUa.. Aril 23. 1S51. 3in. W1.2FCTT3, IMPOKTKK AND DEALER IN IRON & STEEL, 481 Market street, Moi PiA, north side, ritn.AOBz.riiz a. l'hila., Jan. 4, 4,1.- ly. KOCErtlES-HuAr. Coffee, Tea. Molfc sis, Kief, Hall, Ac..ul recriied and foi "'' y I. W. TE.VKK t. Kunmiry, April t), IUI "i liii'a r.r. s i tor "t m a ivx'ii V. lil.M, fx-vk supply )ut r-.ird. and (or U. W. MA sit) KK. Huiibury, Jsu. Ill, HM. AHMiLUsl WMIIIM, ri.Uli .ua'AJl Ai4 legal suUi, fW al l II. U. MAkkklK. ktitliir, J 10, Isl,. J IT.M' lilHITAMV Ullllim We II. B MAHKS. HuLui. Afitt, II. ItSI lir.ANKS. I Bl.A K M ultttty 4Miii4i.4i rj W k4 IB ! ,' at it wtts nl ii Au.AiM. DAVIS & CULXN. , A. E. Corner Fourth and Cherry Street, PHILADELPHIA IIA.n1:b?.enJa.liB,, 't", lmP""''rt'oir Store. , , , T "S lhe ln"?ct" in Philadelphia eity, the are now prepare? to furnish TINE OIL CAMl'HENE, BURNING FLUID, ETHEREAL OIL. Thosnh PFIA dam ar..1 T - 1 Oil, Lamps, Lanterns of all paterns. Fancy Hotel and Hall Lamps, Chandeliers, Girandoles and v...i.:,CooiB, mt urittannia Lamps, at the Manufacturers' lowest prices. Glass Lamps by the package, at a small advance over AnrtlJ, prices. Being large MANUFACTURERS of rine un, uurnmg fluid, Ethereal Oil, Alcohol, and (the only true) Phosgene Gas. thev ear. f.,r. hish these articles at such prices that Merchants will find it to their advantage to buvi Call before going elsewhere, if you want bargains. Also, tha Safety FLid Lamp for sale. . Phila., Sept. 24, 1853. ly. Look to your Interests ! We will Iry to phase ! ! S. N. THOMPSON JH) ESPECTFULLY informs his friends and 0 the public generally thot he has just re. ceived at his store, in Market street, Sunbury, below Weaver' Hotel an extensive Block of "SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, consistingjn part of Dry Goods, viz : Cloths, Cassimeres, Cassinets, Jeans, Drilling, Muslins, Vestings, Linens, c)'c. LADIES DRESS AND FANCY GOODS, , Calicoes, Muslin de Lnins, Lawns, Ginghams, Rrragcs, Robts, U'oolens, Flannels, ift. CROCERIKS, Sugar, Teas, Coffee, Rice, Molasses, Cheese, '" Spices, Salt, &e., &e., &c. Hardware, Nuils, Screws, Files, Saws; Knives fc Forks, &c; Queen and Glassware, of various styles and patlerns. BOOTS AND SHOES. A large assortment of Boots nnd Shoes, fur men, women nnd children. : Hats Cats, &r., of various sizes and styles. Besides a largo and general assortment of fashionable goods. Call and examine for your selves. lW Country produce ol all kinds taken in exchange at tha highest market prices. Sunbury, 1 1 mo. 28 1853. 4 rn. 30, '53. aTwIETVvixbolv" SHADES. wstTl'ss'. G.Xi.mXLLER&CO. MANUFACTURERS iR- AND WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS 111 Window Shades, South-west corner of Second and Arch Streets, PHILADELPHIA. rOH a Gotho'a Landscapes, Boidcrs, Vases, Scrolc, Boquets, GOLD BORDERS, &c. Of the most beautiful designs and perfection of finish in this country, and at such LOW PRICES, As to challenge uTt cipotitioii. BulTand White Hollands, Cambrics, Tassels, Cards, Brasses, I arc., 111 every variety, ror v,ny or t. otiniry 1 nine. Wp invite nn examination of our stock, at th Depot, Soitnpwjs: comer of Second and Arch streets, Philadelphia. January 28, 1854. 5m. WATCHES, JEWELRY, &c. JA3IES K. Fl DLKIi, No. 12 South Second Slrec', PUILADELPIIIA. (Jold I.ever Watches full jewelled Silwr I.ever do Silver Icpine do " tiuartier do (Sold pens and pencil and silver hulders Hiker 'l'ca and 'J'uhlc iSpoons Bracelets, Dn ust phis Ear rings cVc. All warranted and sold at prices as low as any in the city. Nuvcnihcr 87. 18S2 tf. l'ortc Mommies,' POCKET BOOKS, AND FANCY GOODS. riMIE attention of the Trade, and others, in JL want tf Porte Mommies, Pocket books, Hankers' Cases, Dressing Cases, Portable Wri ting Desks, Iiackgammon and Chess Boards, Chessmen, Pearl, .Shell, and Silver Cord Cases, Work Doxcs, Cabas, Ncedlo Books, Money Uclts, Cigar Cases, Portfolios, Razors and Kazor Strops, Travelling Flisks, and fine Cutlery, to gether with a large variety of Fauct Goods which will be sold at the lowest rates. ' F. H. SMITH, Porte Monnaio and Pocket book Manufacturer, 205 Arch St. below Sixth, Philadelphia. Sept. 17, 1853 tf. cahe:, ;iii: & Co., Flour, Grain and Lumber Commision Merchants, 23 and 25 Spear's Wharf, Baltimore. RKFKKKXCKS. John Clark, Esq , President Citizens' Bank, Bait. A. P. tiiles, Esq., Cashier Brauklin Bank, " John Hertzler' Jr., Esq., Philadelphia. Rogers, feinnickson cV Co., ' J. Tome, Esq., President Cecil Bank, Port De. posite. J. Wallower & Son Harrisburg. Col. 11. C. Eyer, Selinsgrove. J. H. App dt Co., " Nagle, Wingate Co., Milton. W. W. Cooke, Esq.. Muney. Simon Schuyler, Esq.,, (eorge Bodine, llughaville, W. Weaver 6c Co., Montoursville. tien. William P. Parker, Willismsport. T. W. l.loyd, Eq., Cashier, J a me H. Muling, Lewis (1. Huling, M'llenry & Buhh, Jersey Shore. J. P. Huling, Eq., Lock Haven. tt" t'arr. (iie 6c Co. bavo the largest wharf. room of any rounuiaioii house in Ualtiinwre, l waya giving quick dispatch to boat In dtscharg. iug tlieir cargoea. February II, IMS.(lm. liliu'kmithiii. - 'IIIE subs rilr hereby informs th citizen of Hunbury, and lh public generally, that h uiiruu iu carry un Ilia lUutUkiiilililux llualiieaa oil III own sccuutil, and that h ba rvuiotsd hi hop from near t U iiieni's lrv, lo a uw shop oil Um prrmtar of Mark Ek uplutu, U4 l'stl slrol, wlwi U will b bsi'l'V W accouiiuudle II b CUllullWH, 1IE.MIV I'AKTtiN. huiibury, Wib 0, I si. ll. C'l Ol.ll rV.SH milk rid without msm, t H try up'ir quslUv, jiwt rocvovJ. AUo firatt uppi wl W rilio- Muul. (t ! by II. Ii. MlssCII. litutbury, W. 17, 11. IliriKR PHI:"!:, If B lu.4. luk, auj all -w4.t. u4 rid, Vjfcy lb li.ll.MA.tfcKK. SUUlUIJf, Jul I, Hi I I4.NU IHI La ksaily ptuimi M tvj IB Muwitlr nM Um Vllt, Am klaoks. fi Sll koJ WM ...W IIW. "AID AND COMFORT," To Your Own .Mechanics. GEOUGE IlEKNr ' ' MANUFACTURER OT " ; ' ' ' FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of the most Fashionable Style. . . IIE suhscril)cr respectfully calls the attention of the public to Ins large and splendid assort' ment of every qunlity and price of CAIII NET-WARE. "Jiich cannot fail to recommend iteelftocvery on who will examine It, On account of ita durable workmanship and splendid finish, made tin of the "est stock to l had in the city. No effort is srored m the manufacture of hi ware, and th iihscnber is determined to keep up with th -. j ""rrov'n"'nui which are constantly being! made H,, .tuck consist, of Mahogany osa, uitam and Iimgev Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards, -80F4, BREAKFAST AND DINING TABLES, and also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to Phil.-. Tit-TLt, . "c,Pllia rnanufacture. BEDSTEADS, f every pattern and price, xArDSx W"KK AND CANDLE. AN t0I, ET TABLES AND ' Extension tables, In short every article in this line of hia business II a also manufacturea all kind. d qualitica of . ,,. CHAIRS, Including varieties never before to be had ir. Sunbury, ,Uch as M,oA, Black Walhct M?4TSS"I,M'"G",c, "n Wm.o r .1 t' T"CT Pu Sto-i-s, which are of the latest styles, and warranted to be excelled by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere. i 1 lie subscriber is determined that there ahall be no excuse for persons to purchase furniture in the cities, as every confidence con be entertained about th quality and finish of hi ware and Ihoirs. His articles will be disposed of on as good tornis as they can he purchased elsewhere. Coun-,ryJ-l cc ,nl"'n in Iymcnt for work. tV UNDERTAKING. Having provided himself with a handsome Hkabsk, he is now prepared for Undertaking, and attending funer als, in this vicinity, or at any convenient dis tance from this place. CF" The Ware Room is in Market 8trctt. below Thompson's Store and Weaver's Tavern. GEORGE RENN. Sunhury, Jan. 10, 1855. tf. Important to Coal Dealers. rpHE subscribers hereby inform the public, that they have entered into partnership under tho firm of Kase, Reed & Co., for the purpeose of mining, shipping and selling coal, dehverd at Sunhury, or at any other point along the Sus quehanna. They will be ready to deliver coal, well prepa red, on coi lract or otherwise, at all limes, on Ihe shortest notice, and on the mot reasonable terms. Orders received at Shamokin by , KA8K, REED & CO. unbury, June 4, 1S53 ly. A VALUABLE HOUSE And Three Acres of Ground FOR SALE. rpHE subscriber offers at private sale, his notion and three acres of ground, on the river Bank within the limits of the Borough of Sunbury, now in the occupancy of John Sbiler and orig. tnally owned by Coas. Cisslcr while engnged in boot building. The improvements aie a TWO STORY FRAME HOUSE, With a Well of good Water, and a good frame stable. There nre a numler ol excellent fruit trees on the premires. The prop, crty is handsomely located and will be sold at n reasonablo p:ice nnd possession given in April next. lo (ieo- C. Welker, Es.., of SSim bury, or to the subscriber nt Seliitgrove. TETEK KEKI.IN. July 2.1, ISM tf. Lumber Yard. rpiIE suhscrilier would respectfully inform the citizens of Sunbury, and Northuml erland and adjoining counties, that he tins opened a faiitilier Yard in the lot fronting on Cranberry St., a short dis tance East of the Steam Saw Mill, where he has now a large amount of SrasontH Taimrl 1'lanl aho Pamirl Boards, and all other Boards and Bi'iiniNfi Matkiual, such as will be wanted for building pnrposca. Also a largo amount of Mhinglcson hand, which will be aold from 16 up to f 8, according to quality and size. Please give us a call and examine our prices and quality. N. B. Farmers who are in want of Shingles 1'iv aw vuti aB vc Wilt sell 10 VOU IOW. J. E. LEI It. Sun. Sunbury, May 88, 1853 ly. Cheap Watches $ Jewelry, YtTHOI.ESAI.E and Retail, at the "I'hilndcl plua Watch and Jewelry Store," No. 96 North Second Street, corner of Quarry, PHILADELPHIA. Gold lver Watches, full jewrlwt. IN camt ra.r. m iioiu jpiua ihK. l.isi! Silver l-p. full jrv!liy, 80 Fine flilvet SfKcticle Oliver lver, lull Ji wl'd 19 worn tfrDceli'lfi, 3.IS tsilira' Silver Te M Pencils. I.Oi spoons, Kt, S O (jiUI SnecUii'leii. f...l.l li-.. n :i j . .. . . , 1 ciicii ana Oliver Holder, j.o Gold Finger Ring., 37J cent, to S0 ; W.tcl (.Insses, plum, 12J cenU; Patent, lsj; Lunei 25 j other articles in proportion. All goods wjt ranted to ho what they are sold for. 8T.WFKEK& HAKI.EV, Successors to O. Conrad. On hand, some Gold and Silver Levers sn Lr pi ties, stiii lower thau the above Trices. Sept. 10, 1853. ly. New Wall Paper Warehouse. BURTON & LANING, No. 121 Arch Street, second door above Siit, Philadelphia, VVJIERE may be found Ihe largest and han ' somest SMortinenl in the ctiy. Purchasers from the country will Iind it to iht adantage lo call at our store, where Ihey will auited w ith a superior srlicl al lh lowral priei Bl KTON & LAM. Mi, No. 134 Arch Street, bove tiM PbiUdelphia. Phila., Feb. tS. 1854. 3m. WM. M'CARTY, Bookieller. EeiPECTFl'l.LV informs th inhabitants town and rounlry, thai lis bs Islely rer vrd from Philsdelphi, a large additiou lo ; stock of books, in ciary branch of Literature, a in great variety of Binding. Pleat rail see llieni. Sunliury, tVpl. IT, 1850. OR. II. II. 11 1 HIKE'S remedy eolila. mi.l ..ili...!,.,. iliuM.. for roug A uil Ihi Tsluabl median just rvceikrd snd l'r s by II. U. M ii;il Kunbutv. Juusl . IS.jl. (JHIN PrMI'H.. ..osll Huiulvr of ih cllriil iuiiiM hs Isxtl rrtJ ni alb ri d (or sal by II. U. M SV.H Muithutv, June 4, ISM I KW LLl(V-A nu asMutiusul i (iolJ bdr P :n ils and I'm. U sal i lirap b) j, i:iwtiaj i n. Ms'Lrl trl, ippuMl IU W Ollx isunbuiy, (kt. a, s.M- IN liotiNrMi's Mltxll Uik, uj slaa I t'r uk Im !. wbotJMl uj null b "siUi . UMI. II M aiiOtl'l SlL.tst WA'it lli:si.-A Urn Wik F.uli-V h.l.. . VI .1. I... 1 U .1 .... . luLrs bs U lM . II. t. Mot tuimi, ru it, I-. HHtlJ, Aj'.d 11,