-.; l- , . ,' For ths Banbury American. roVRTH OF JULY CELEBRATION , , , AT SHAMOKIN. ., . . The great birthday of American Ficodom was ushered in by a clear sky and a scorch ins aim.', At an early hour oor mountain girt town was in basiling activity, preparing to commemorate the most remarkable epoch in our nation's , history. i The stores and a hops were closed, the mines and works wore deserted all being anxious to partake of the joy fend festivities of that day. ' ' . In the afternoon, pursuant to previous no. tire, the citizen of the place, furmed iti procession at the National Hotel, and escor ted by the Shamokin Greys proceeded to a beautiful grove, adjoining the town. Here a large number ladies had gathered to greet and welcome them with their happy smiles The mooting was organized by calling on J. P. Holfenstein, Esq., to preside; assisted by by Kimber Cleaver and Win, Fagely Esq., as Vice Presidents, and J J. John as Secretary. The President on assuming the duties of the chair, returned his thanks in a few pertinent and appropriate remarks. A petition to the throne of Divine Grace was then offered by the Iter. Mr. Ehihart, after which the Declaration of Independence was read by the Secretary. On motion Spencer M. Kase, Esq , then addressed the audience in a lengthy speech abounding in the most eloquent remarks. His address was confined to the day we cel ebrate, the struggles of our forefathers, their sufferings and privations, and the bright prospects of our future. The toasts were then read, and responded to by R. C. Hel fanstein, Esq., Dr. Win. Atwaler and others in a very able manner. The meeting then adjourned, and preceeded by the Shamokin Greys returned to town amid the soul stirring musio of fife and drum. Now in conclusion one word for the Sha mokin Greys and their efficient officer, Capt. Lake. TUeir nolle bearing and manly de portment, have won for them universal re spect, ami the manner in which they tcqnit. taJ tiamselves in drill, speaks volumes in the Ci plain's favor as an officer. N. B. It is peedless to add that the re freshments were duly appreciated. REGULAR TOASTS. 1. The Day we celcbra'e. May our childrens children perpetuate its observance. 2 The signers of the Declaration of Indt. penjenet. " - ! j , 'His writers mturru nf thrlr noma, i. The wood's are pe ip'ed with their fume, T!i meanest rill t! e ml,j'itiest river, , Roll mingling Willi their fi mo forever. 3. Independence Jhll.' The oradio of lib r y. It atands seono while the thrones and monarchies of the old world are Iremb ling to their centres. 4. G-orge Washington. First in war, fust in peace and first in the hearts of his jounlrymen. 5. William Fnn. His defamcrs have ajded lustre to his fame. His decendeuts love and revere his memory, anrllhe world will ever acknowledge that he was an honest man. 6. The American Eagle. May she find a nestling plnce under every Despots throne on J hatch mischief to its occupants. 7 The Union. Palsied be the arm that would dismember one limb of the body pol i.ic. 8. ' reiiiuyfi'anju. The Keystone of the arch. Let her sister Stales beware how they loose her fastening". . 9. The intelligent, patriotic and virtuous citizen of the U. S. oj Amenec. No matter whether rich or poor in this worlds gooila, he of ail other men on earth, has the most va. lid claim to the title of sovereign. 10. Benjamin Franklin, "whose wand dmw tho lightnings from Heaven and smote the sceptre fiom tyrants." It. Jainet Otis The brilliant intellectual genius, the firt apostle and martyr of Ame rican liberty. 12. The true American Statesman and the political demagogue tho first a blessing and last a curse to his species. 13. Woman VVith our bunted freedom we acknowledge hii sway, Mi haa always a will, (he hns olio her way. VOLUNTEER TOASTS. Adam and Jefferson. Ameiicao at heart, and Americans by biith and principle, their names will ever be identified with the day we celebrate, and as year treads upon year In tho great ciicle of time their principles will spread as the rays of the sun, while the patriot and historian will clotho their names in a bright halo of impeiiehable glory. J. J. John. Chrufiunify. The only enduiing basis of national prosperity and greatness. W. At water. Religious liberties abroad, one of the great niiuriples of the age. To its advocates we iy. God speed. " ' J. P. Hclfon.tein. Shamohn CJltglate Intitule What the Dank would be to the progress of business, may it be ! the onward march of intellect F. A. Clark. lion. James Pofiort. Triad and Hut. a nuel lUriiiKin. The Bank of Shamokin. Its necessity is lull its uaofuluest is laiuiu may the capi tal t forthcoming and )iU tea per ceut. to lh sitiokboUtfis , , Wm. rsgsly The Shautuii 67s Tbeir manly bear- in oil this ocoaaion is a sure gtiarantsa that if the hour of llirif eounliy'a paid ania, iti.a will luth to Ilia ihuksalol lha Rub tjontf than Ibejf. lUlsil C lUlfsnsivin fiof,, ar44 The roblel that ...,,ha lu the ta iks u( our i.tmies aud noJ4 shoes " f'oJ sirfk of y't- Tka til I siste fcauaa ! ' CklladwIpkU SUSMSI.V teait iMifo'S) " l.b'a 14 laisavl lelieia, 'pianoia. bibMl all ik raaj Mia alt ike ppl were to take place, and what is still mom re. marksble, that very bell was the first one tang on the adoption of the Declaration of Independence, and not very long after that event it become fractured and useless, It had finished its mission. With this preface I offer the following sentiment. . The old bell of '70 whose one vocsl chamber is how housed and still that the voice of firemen may ''proclaim liberty throughout all tlio land unto all tho people thereof." . . i , . Kimber Cleaver. 1 ' ' ' ! .' i for tht BoiAnrr American. the rorrtTii of jilt at miaSioki , This birth day of our independence was celebrated at Shamokin in a manner truly worthy the day and the glorious event com- memmated. The voice of' rejoicing was heard at early dawn--gladness filled many hearts during the day, -and sweet repose was granted to the slumberer at night. Early in the morning,, the tolling of the bell, called together the children end teach ers of Shamokin Sunday School at their ac customed place of meeting. After appro priate exercises they were formed into a pro, cession and escorted by the ''Shamokin Greys" to a neighboring grove attended by many clt'zens. It was an interesting sight to see above two hundred children, accom panied by their teachers, escorted by theii brothers in turns, and followed by many parents and friends, remember this national Sabbulh jn so becoming a manner. After reaching the erove and all were seated, the Rev. R. Hill of Shamokin Collegiate Institute, addressed the nmlicnco. He was followed by the Rev. Mr. Mi Kehan of Sunbury. Both these addresses were appropriate mid listen ed to with much interest by those present. As is customary on such occasions, refresh, mcnts were then distributed among the members of the school. , So liberally had they been piovided that not only tho wants of the h drmi wero satisfied, but the "(jood things" wero freely . shared out to others pierient. After singing the national air, "Mf Country 'tie of thee, Sweet land of liberty, Ortliee I ling, Ac." the procession was reformed and the child ren were again escorted to town, to the Presbyterian church where they were dis missed, highly gratified with the evercises of the mornina. SI1AMO. For the Sunbary Ameriran. lam pleased to hear the name of Benja min Patton, Eq., ofTreverton mentioned as a candidate for tho Legislature. He is emi nently qualified for the station, and if elrcted) will make a highly uselul and honorable rep resentative. He presided as President Judge of the Court of Common Picas of Alleghany county, for 10 years, and was highly esteem ed for his legal abili ies tiltl integrity, and impartiality. He is n gentleman of liberal and enlightened views, and will cheerfully aid in the adoption of such legislative acts' as will be for the public goofl. Norlhumber. land county, has now an orpirtunlly of being lepresenied in the Legislature, by a gentle man, compe'.ent in every respect. TREVERTON. For the Sunbury American. Sei.inm.rove, June 29, 1854. Ma Masses : Permi; me to calf atten tion to what can ha dona by industry nnd care, for nniiroveinj land and inoreasins iheir value, by reference to my own experi ence, lhis summer 1 am offered 540 for the crop of hay off of a single acre of ground ist out-side of town. Three years ago the same land was not deemed worth the taxes, and, in fact was regarded as a nuisance. Yours truly William GAur.i.ca News from other Counties. Alleghany County FlTTrBl'HO AND STCl'SEK VII.LK IlAlLROAD VVs learn, from the Journal, that section A., extending from Wood's rolling mill lo Lor enz'a elate house, was assigned to Mesrs, Moorhead k Murray, and Section B., running from the latter point to the end of the Mon. ongabela bridge, to Messrs. Calohan, Duncan. Blanchard & Geary. Columbia County The Grain Crops. We are sorry to learn lhat (he Wheat in this vicinity is almost en tirely destroyed by the White Weevil. Far mers have discovered from 18 to 24 of I hose insects in a single prain. We are glad lo know that lhis is not the case with all the country, we see it slated in sonio parts lhat the prospect is favorable to a full yield. Col Democrat. Berks Couoljr The Reading Railioad Company have civ en orders to the engineers, conductor!, agents( ana otner persons 111 their employ, in all ca ses where lhe observe a drunken man on or near Ihe Railroad track, to take him in charge, ami place him, if possible, in Ihs custody of the police or constable of the die lnct in which he may be found. This is a very ronsidttiate regulation, anil may. aave 1.. 1: -r : wi many poor creatures woo aie foolish enough to dunk lo esce, and fool hardy enough lo wander or lia down upon 1 railroad track when in that helpless condi tion. 3tcmo of 2?ct)5 cmi) vCljoicc. A Child only lea )vsrsof age baa been soul lo jail iu liluca, N. Y., for stealing sliasi berries. Tut Village of Si, Anthony, Minnesota, i glowing very rapidly this seaaoit ; islllers and capital pouring in uupieesHlealodly. Omar I'aeha bs til aides-de-camp. Tbey sie all lluiigtiiaos, and isauarkable fur the ps4 nb hiili 1 its) goavei Ihe giound I hay speak fisnck aud Teikwa) tery wall LissastiK. k (ssb)ieiUa Cbuieh al bai lit euMiiuuiiwauis, at Vttksbuig. Miss givealium ll.oooie i0,ooo aouuslly U (MitevuMiil ov)la. Ta Ma' Iaiaii Tke ifiia-a usMisiUink lbs I alghl lboiaaa4 dellais, a salary Im i Msim af laa ly, U sUul lb ugai tweont i eosoia ability la tba ilfii sal lespecitbiUiy la ia sftise i.Wgss. SUWBURYAMEltlCAN AND S1IAM0K1N J OURNAL. A Bio Lba. on a Rio Stort. -A leaf of the Victoria Pie Plant, io garden at Adrian, Michigan, is said to measure twenty-throa feet, seven inebei in circumference. Grasshoppers, in innumerable swarm, infest the fields in many parts of E..'eni Punnsylvsnin, carrying devastation to all tin vegetation of thd fields. Srr.KRiNO, Balloohs. Sumo person in Pari,, Fiance, is said 10 have , tfifcovttie.l a method of directing I ho course of a bt)l": but- the modus operandi has not - been made publio, nor baa the inVnulion, as yet, been tested. ... i , Personal. Major L1117, of Caibon county Pa., who seived with disliuction in the Mexican war, is now in Washington, D. C, on his way to Kansas, where he is about to local permnnently. American steel, said lo be of a remarkably fine quality, has been made from the ore of an iron mine in Sussex county, N. J , and as the process is an easy and cheap one, iin poitant results are anticipated from the es tablishment of this branch of manufacturing industry. I)c ittavkct0. Baltimore Kaikct. Julj 5, 1851. CHAIN. The Grain market continues dull, the offerings of all descriptions aa limi'cd, nnd the demand by no means bri?k. The samples of the new crop Hint have beeneen erally of inferior quality. New red sold this morning at 170d lfiO cts., nnd new white nt 180a 195 cts. for common to good parcels Corn was very dull. Of the parcels at mar ket only S00 liihhels were while Corn, the balance brine yellow. There Hrn sales of a sample or two of whitp at "SjKO els., but no sales nf yellow look place. We quoto it nominally at 8u80 cts. Wo note sales of 600 bushels prime Virginia at 61. Pennsjl vania Outs were hold at 62 cts , but no sales were made this morning. Theie were par cels of Ryo at market. Pennsylvania is siili quoted at 105 cts , ami Maryland ami Virginia at 90a95 cts. SUNBURY WllSAT. Rts. Curit. Oats. PoTlTOM, Bkkswax Hkcklku Flax. BcTTi.a. Egos. Pone. Fl.AXftl.ED. Tailow. i'lUCE CUUUKiNT 200 ion 50 12 5 n to 11 ICS 10 New Advertisements. NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given that application will be made to the next legislature of Pennsyl vania for the creation of a corporate boily with bunking and discounting priviligea, to bo called ' I'm: Mixxns Bank or Susn ui, to be located at Sunbury, with a capital stock of Two Hun dred Thousand dolluri, with the priviipga of increasing the same to Tints Hundred Thou sand, if necessary. July 1. 1854. Cm. NOTICE. A PPMCATION will bo made to the legislo turo of Pennsylvania, at the session of SS5( Tor tho iiicorporation of a Savings Institute with discounting privileges, and with authority to receive mc-iies or depositee, in nny sums from a dime upwards, with a capital of Filly thousand dollars, to be located at Sunbury, Northumber land county, Pa., and lobe culled the Ixuustbial 8avi!cs Institute. July 1. 1854. 6m. Notice to Collectors. ritHE Collectors of the difTcient townships of 1 JL Northumberland county will pay in their ! atate tax on the following days, in order to save the abatement 1 Upper M aha liny, Jordan, Jack son, Lower Mauanoy, .erlie, Cameron and Lit tle Muhanoy will pay in on the 12th of July ; Shamokin, Hush, Coal, Lower Auguslu, Upper Augusta and bunoury will pay in on the 13th or July ; Northumbclaiid, Point, (.'hilisquaque, Milton, 1 urbut, Lewis and Delaware will pay in on the 14iu of July, 1 854. CH8. WEAVER, ) JOSEPH NICELY, Com asrs. SIMON S.N YD EH, ) Comm'urs Office, ) Sunbury, July I. lSM.- i OR RENT. The lower story of the buildiug JL in Market street, lately occupied as the office of the Sunbury American. Apply to IL B. MASSER. Sunbury, July I, 1854. CITRATE OF MAGNESIA, or Tasteless Salts, Prepared by WEISF.R & BRUNER. This prepaiation is recommended as an ei- rellent laxative and purgative, it operates mildly, is entirely free from any unpleasant taste, re sembling lemonade in flavor. This medirina ia highly beneficial for diseases peculiar lo summer anil urn weather. Sunbury, July 1, 1854. Miners' und Machinery Oils, Consisting of Sperm, Lsrd, Solar Elephant sud racks J Whale (tils. For Sale bv ALLEN & NEEDLES. 23 South Wharves and 35 South Water Street, I aituurifiAia July I, l5J.-3in. 'riimciim'ussiis. h iihtHji leu than 31 ouuees. For ths Cure of Hernia or Bupturo. A CK.NOWLKDGKD by lha hihesl medical aulhoriliaa of Philadalwhts, niroinnaruU v superior tu any oibar iu use fcuUoicis will ba iratilwj la lia thai Ihs oaraaiaii row oilers lu prucura nn only ths tigli$t u4 ml but as idmrmUt a Tiuas as any uttwr. iu beu, of ihs mmktmmt awaf MiseMsrlaWa aulxa aaualla ulj. Thsrs la Mo diltiru'ly atvrudiiig lbs BlUng, and whaa Ihs pod is lucalad, it will lUlu iu poealiuu williout !uiijf, Psiauns al a diaunra unable U call ihs suuacriUr, ran bas lha 1'iusaaenl It mj ad Jims, by rsinillinj t'u illn Ul Ihs aiuala Truss, ut Ttn f.4 Ihs duubla with susaauis round lha hips, snd slain aids alleiUj. t , b sirhauaad lu suit if Out Atllitg, by Isluiumj U al oucs uuuiiled. t it4 mIs) asily If lha luMilr, CAI.EU II NttUl.taJ, Cos. TwelllU Hl slrssla. PltlUdolphia. ty Ltaiss, auuiug las Uitstt ul Mvhsi. Ual tfupawu, aiaitia U aWaaaaMul af Iks lu. Umal Oissas, Hu-'uslua ralllu ! lua M awh, VmI, PuluHHta'y. l ffiu, Nsnou aJ aual WNksM, ara twlua4 laalt aaHuusasul aud siwuiH'a4 . villi M aUssMiauss si 1S ItdUMta, (wi api lus ismhs sola. is,) No. 114. I lilt) Ut, 1st sVeuf Kaaa. July I, USt-ly. Ul AM fsMkaasurfspas lWJ aasl Wisb Maslasas, lluakds, (.sseuhwaM. i.si 4, her salsWy H H4U. uasi Avi I. ! - List of Causes, If jOR ttiol in the Court of Common Tlcas IV of Northumberland County, at August T.. A. D., 1854. . . rLAtNTirrs. mrr.imT8.'. ' lolin Hunt, r va j.tlm li.n.j K''u'i'n l''.iucN & Ko vn Jc'n lvosfir 4 ' M.htis l llatinweil va Jsnie U-:u "-l-lill I II .111, 11 IllB iu.'i.i'it r:atiii co a ruii.o K.i'liKiu li bri.tca & ro vs tune ' .Na:ne va Km me , W in I. 00k vs riarmrcl Johnson U 'liiuioriwrnlth vs George L'ckrrt adni'r John C Meloy vs John Wedilecomb aicplien Klhs ailm'r vs K I. Viyct Tliomns M' Williams vs Wilson Hut kinson .IrcoI) ftitznl n ' David (Jotild Unniel Kcliront va 1) II Dieishucli et aj Lewis Dewsrt's rxr vs K 4 W Fnpelv lHvi.l Davis va Sweeny o CaldweMj Garnishes Wui W'a'tnriglit vs K S 'i'rrgo 0 co David HerliU vs G W Krrere Charles Hsupt vs Krlck & ."ifcr David Ilotuco tc wife vs Geo Yoiikins ajnir t 1 Win Trnry vs Koliiua it Willicfm Win P Marr ' vs John Daily Davi.l Walton vs s-.una While 0 Mervina vs Bowers (Josh 4- to t m H Fryinire vs ; John Miller. Bcnj imin Barnhsrt vs J V Chillis F Jordan & co vs Banj Uriffny A turn lirosious ajmr v Jacob Kuhrl DaviJ Walter vs l-aviil Waidron Darharn Bowot's Ruttnlian vs Clias A Kuti J on an Weaver l-.vo weaver Chns A Kutx Abm Karia cX 11 1 Jacob Seaaholtx Jiiinui Cameron ' Jacob Dt'tter's Esr James (Jsmerol vs Seasl'.olitfor Kcnn vs Dsniel lMtckemilter vs Janica B Smitti vs John Fotlmer'a exrs vs snme name r Jncok Vv'heelnnd & eo v J F Granirsr et al It V Cununiggs vs Htnrr AVelsey tt al Ilannab Zchnilcr & co va James Errson Joseph Lon vs Vv.t M cKce Levi Malin va E .V Graham Wm F Nslo va t.amo GcoPCiiirp vs John f'liristophcl Joseph 1 .00 a vs Gao C McKre -H otclieon for Kills efc Bound va J PHhulli Geo P Camp va Sand .Stjlilixckrr et al J"hn Knnuse vs ( .Varies Robins et ul Farley Fisher vs Win D Georhart Wm Martin vs Gharlcs !:'cck JAMES BEA MO, Trotly. Prolhonr lary'aOlIice. Hiinlinrv. July 1, 1854. I ritOCLAMATIONT" JV OTICE is hereby given thnt thn aeriual i-" Courts of Coiumon J'icas, Gencrrl Qn.irtcr Sessions of the pi a -e, anil Oprbana' Cuiirt. Court X'o commence at the Court House, in the borough ol 1 Sunbury, at 10 oV-looK, A. M. on Monday, tho 7th day of August, next, and will continuo TWO weeks. I i lie coroner. J us'.iccs 01 me n-aeo ami conta- bits in snd for tho county of North nmberlitnd, are requested to be then and there in their proper per sona, with their rolls, records, imjuisiiions, and ; other remembrance, to do thoso things to their several oliiccs apbortniiiing lo lie done. And ail -witnesses prosecuting in liehalf of the Common wealth against any prisoner ara alsn requested and commanded to be then and there attending in their proper persons to proseculo uu.-.ln't him, as shall be just and not to depart without leave Rt tiieir , peril. Jurors ore roquestcil to be punctual in their attcnuuiicc, at ll.e time unpointed sgix;cablo to their notices. Given under my hand at I ui.uury, Hie ut ocy or ( July, in the yetir of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and Gfly-fjiir and thu In dependence of tlio United Stales of America the 77th. WILLIAM B. KIPP. SheruX God save the Commonwealth. SUPREME COURT, TS. DIST. PA. NOTICE WS hereby given that the Supreme Court fur j Ihe Northern District of Peiinvylvania will - :.. .1 ..,:.. .1.. - ci'llllIM-iiLi? Hi. ailllilOl R.ei'lll (Ijr'TIl ,,,1.1 tlllHU . Monday of Julv neit, at tho Court Houfe in ' Sunburv. ' uelertiiiiipii to ieimii 110 one to undersell uni. - CHARLES l'LEASAN'J'ti, Prolli'y. i i''" Kdi arc choice, and caiel'ully selected from Proth'ys office, Juno 28, 1 834. " ' the best in the Philadelphia market, and they LIST OF CAUSES FOR ARGUMENT AT ' wi" he '"f"' 1"p in,l'v iaesu '? "J in v i'. iu n itri 1 warrant, u. 11. s stocit consists tn part of hand JUI.I Ibl.Sl, A. U, IbJl. Marscilca and 8ilk Vcslir.gs, Duck anJ ai si T . . a w . . 0 " Caldwell vs Uurnett .:t Ac. Lycoming McCarty va lloliman ilo. vs Allison Northumberland vs Weimer do. 3- Kerrey Cleinci :nt Robinson vs nuperc i.oiuniuia vs Malo Union liuminel Sower &. Barron vs Clement Northumberland dimming vs Eyer Union Donnel ct Dewart vs ltellss Northumberland 10. Oer. lief, congirgntton I.utli. conL'rra-ation in St. retera church in St. Pelera cb vs . . . Union 11. Fisher va Farley do. 12. 13. 14. IS. 16. 17. IS. 19. U0. 81. S2. 23. Knnbli vs Drake et Co Columbia Kilter vs Dealer Union Trautmans appeal Lycoming Youngn.an va Murray do. Addia va Hallrtr do. 8ama va 8anio do. I Kitine.t al va Smith A- Vsi?.?otis.:llcr NortliM Huffman va Va-tino I.j coming Ri.-htr.r vs Smith .t Wari?r.nfrller Union Thomas et al vs H W Snyder do. Dentlers sniH-al Northumberland Cninmings apeal L cma iu i; 7o le Honorable the Judges of the Court af Quarter sessions for the county of Sorthum inland. . The unlersi)rneil pnliiujirr n rprcli'ull)' H.tia lis Ibe lbai. I Vl'Ufl ., a,n" m . row ... k.i .III, i'l ,ll,Cll, ,U I tkM I.IU.II .a M.Mittl Pmim-I. jo m. rrfit R. R lbs aiHtersiftneit eiliseiis v( ..unt t'mini-t, be. iux aenuuuitcd wiO, the Peiiti-mrr, di rcrni'y iImI lie is id gum! lepute fur h.nicsty sih! lrin;.(.ruti k, u at lltul lia is Well pruviileil with aisiie ristn bimI iStwr v .avsiaai-a the aeetuinu slnliisi nt slraiiftt-rs ami tmv-eis. ant tlist en lint m invent there is iiervstuy Ini liu akiioiuiuiiUalusi ui almiifieisaiHl Iravelria Francis B I'iMta, David J. Iwie, Jena Yarnsll, J II Ystnall, tiwise A. Krrler. Palrrlt lfc.iv. Wm It Clicr initial, J H tnsoii, J, lliiiusisi Jauirs, Fsiibuak llintioii A. Ayrns, Win H. Iirh Ml. Caiiocl, June SI, IhM 31. GUANO, GUANO. kJOOO Tuns No. I (joverniiiciit Teruisn Cuano. IOOO Tons Super-phosphate nf Lluie. DOtlTous Mineral tiuano, i'OIt SALE UY ALLEN A NF.E0LL3, 23 South H'aan-rj mid S3 "iattlh II u.r Shut, fnt door lur; t'krtluut , riULAOSL.'UIA. J mis tl, I.i4. Hut. EsUtTof ALBIN NEWDERUY. itc'l laj OTICE is hvuiiy ivva ilut Mtrs uf Ad ij MiniisliaUoa baa larsit frauirj la tha uu. uwsignrj Uiun lha sauts ot Alblii NswbarrT, lta ul I'miil luwuship, .Nurtlmiulie'ilai.il rounly, uVe'J, All Isriautia Hid. bled ara rvjoeslej la ntsks liuuieJula lusyiusul, and all hasinf elatiua W dtmau.de s(aiii aaul lala ai (Wailed lu inaks Ids sams kimwn la Ihs subaertlwis wl.hool lUlsy. HH A?ll. fit. UMUI Y. 1 AJ1.-, I.IIHK.M .MIVVMEKICV. I f iinl ip, Jims v, Isvi.-ei. (" 1i lt)' r K CJKi.ATIK. I'M Jellws. Jfi ! W i.ltLH Unl Nt-t-uuluiy. Juua 1. Uit"- UAhPlitmt , luia shJ iailiaa Jsaa Ut l-LM UKlNtk-- IiKlTKU TO.NU' r-a Jlt"s ain.'s,l ' Vtls:als.HtM.M. VakUrs, Joa l. !. 'tl.trAllIst t AtltB t'O VW.liM.-1.1 aWaaa liismia sd t'i.l1U t'sllia ft. ' VsLI-iHt-, Vast St a.alif, Mt IC ' - To the Volf iz ofNorthtuntcrlond Comity. Fellow Cituex.. I hereby announce to you that I will I a csndidaUJ at Ilia October elcttii ii for tho oliirS of - SHERIFF, ' . C;r w'i'-h I solicit your votes. And in doinpt so I ei.iir my sincere thsnks to thoso who kindly iiiortad ma when a candidate heretofore, a kinilnrss which I shall ever hold in grateful re membrance. Ehould a majority of you. ncs projier to srsnt me tlio favor I now ask, and I bs elected Mieri.Tof ihs county, I shall make every effort to perform tho duties of the oClcO ta tho satiafsi'tiiii f i!it public. HENRY WF.ISE. tTjiper AiiOnst. June 17, 18C4. To the Voters of Avortuitia'cerlaail County. Fat. low CiTixr.ss. At the solicitation f a nur.ilior of my frienrls, I aijain nlHsr mynlf as a candidate for tho office cf l'ROTHONOTARY, end prmnisa. if elected, lo discharge the duties o' t c I'flk-c with correctness, ond to Ihe iiest of iny ability. JAMES BEARD. -Runlmry. Jure 17, 1851. lo tJae Voters of Koit'uumbetland County. Fellow Citixsxs. Enrourngcd by my nu merous fiends I cfiir myself to your constJora linn for llic oiTice of TROTIIOXOTARY, and promise, if elected, to discharge the duties of tho oirico faiihridly snil to ihn tet of mv ability. MA C Bi:il)KLSr'ACH, Point. June C4, lfc:S1. To tlio Voters of Wcrltuiiibuiiand County. Kneuurngcd b .' thoai!'jiorl heretofore roceived, and at the aolirit jtinti of l.iy fnrl:iis, I agsin oficr myaslf a a cumi.iiute fur l!ie elliie of COUNTY COMMISSIONER at the cnsuiiiR cli tlion, ami iromi.-e, if rlccted. to iliscWire tiio duliua ul the vlhVc fail'.fuily anil impartially. . MARTIjV GASS. Khainiii.in to., June 'i i. To tho Voters of Kci tLu'jilorlctr.d Courty. Fellow Citixi-.nh: Encouraccd by nisny of my friends tbrongliout tiie eountv, I br.-, tiih iitwr nnlt :- y jur considcr&tiot: f t Hi: office of COUNTY COMMISSIONER st the ciiM'inir election. Should I bo rlected. I promise to dischurn tho Julirs thereof fait'ifully snd willi impartiality. FKEDEKICK HAA8. Tapper Anpiifta. Juno 17. 1P5!. Tothe Voters of NoalandCcy. "'-' "w Cmrrxi : hneournpvd by loony Wend. I anuoiiiico myself as a candidate fort::e Glilcc"' nmniiTrrtTn COL Ml COMMISSIONER nt the apiiroochitia: election. Should I be fleeted I pledge inyM'lf to dischnrgo tbo ilutk'S ihc.-eo with punctuality and iu.p;nti u'itv. GEOKGE BKItiHT. Sunbury, Apiil 8, 1S.")4. To the Voters of KorthivmLcrlsnd County Fellow Cit'Ikns. Encouraged by ninny of my friends, 1 herewith ofi r myself to jour consijeretion, as camliilate for the otiiceof COUNTY COMMISSIONER 9' thc-ensu'ms elortion. SI ould I bo elected, I promise to f'lllil the duties thereof with fidelity anil imparliatitv. ELIASBHOCTOCa 17. 1S51. Sunburv, M JOHN V. HAETIN, MERCHANT TAl LOI?, t.vstvrmit, pa., RESPECTFULLY informs his fiieuiU and customers Unit he h is just received from tho city a new and complete ass iitmeiit of JtH IVearinx .2:urJ, nlilcii he will uiSne tin to order, or sell, as chcao . . 1 any other estiihliiUicnt in the place, as he is ot,er Lineua for Coats, Ac. Also, a variety of , (joliS t'ussiiners. Cravats, Neck 'i'ios, and a i variety of oilier articles for Meiis' wear, J tSuubury, June 10. 1834. if. I Nolico to Taxpayers. "v OTICE is hereby given tn Taxpayers, that all those paying thrtr State Tax fifteen daya nrior to the first dnv of AutruU next, will bo al it ... 1 . lowed lite per cent. C1IAS. WEAVER, :iIAS. WEAVER, ) OS. NICELY, SCW. LMO.N f.NYDSR.) JO:- SIMON Vl.'ll VI Willi, , , n."r... Mun'iurv, June 10, tool. NOT i CIS To Trespassers on tha Telcgrapli Line. 7 OTIC B ia hereby given, lhat all persona ' J-' hHind trespassing upon, or injuring the line 1 tu0 Philadelphia and Sunbury Trlegrapb will i ,,r wil!l ' cording to the act of Assembly in such casus made ar.d provided. II. U. MASSER. rres'l, Phila. snd funbury Tele,jra;)h Co. tiiinlmiy, Juno 3, ISS4. If. PATENT Gulvanizeil Iron Tubing, TOE CHAIN PUMPS. n 11 Ani li Tenth Stittt. ruiLAUKU'itlA a ...tl ..urim.ni nf nui A mriran Oah aniiej ?hert snd Itoonng Iron always on liaml All erdera iiruuiiillv allended u bv McCOI.I.Ol Oil &. CO. I'hila., May 7, Hat 3m. Billiard Saloon, .ilHrUrt (tquurc, Kunbui j . SBSIIIS Tnliinff. ruatlfl of Gatvanivd Iron hv : I 1 puiu,,l,nachi,.,rv,pc.v.jre;,i.lrt..Kth. iC-r,.h.-r, A.Um luiraoc. ai..i tuworiii Oil . MOies, jewc.ry, fte., which he .v.ll ei Bl combh ed wilu aimplicitv and nea.neas, and ii If, e. iVrt!! llaymtiUcr fc rvj I' i a t" 1 1 1 hiswite, i mo ralo puces. warranted M lo corr.Kle. u row olli-ied far .ale W'l Graham Klialm h (.lahaffl , L.elino U.-pair,nK nf ( UL Watches and Je,! y ' . u.b..,.v of tha (Jralism and Marrjanlta ?.L l.iaham, l done at the shiniest notice. JiIE aubarnUr rsaiweifully iiifoims ihe putlic , J.ICksii, Jews llvston, and J.hn W. Motne. J Va. 100 t'.ej 'lf,M ?., ii i i-a- thnt ba has ercctrJ fur their sniii e ncnl sn.l , v,,,,,.- h.irt- i-ieii lhat ill i-iirumico .,. U ... v.. . ' . '. : nsren. ao elrsant rosswoud billiard labia, ill) imlia rubbar tualiinna, in ths builitiiiaj lately ucrupitd as ths ortiiS ol ihs Munbury Anisruan, t,;i alalia. J. a. KtrlfcK. Huubury, Juns IT, IsJt at. ...J for 1. b, S M. A. . UI. L-ss ,Usia. Mi, Uil- lJU KV t'Ol'OW CtNUV. (n i-rl. Icul risnu w uus, c-Miu. r ur au.s l i'.m a.iuv. . ... u . IH'.viuiisr a. i"-i. l.uoar .tufusl. May , lav UVMsl. lK4 U..f.' Matkawi. ludiisis t'ltawtai, ItaUNas, t is, Laisasis 4 Oiausa vt i4.d sad hs sU AHUJiU L W.TCr A ( O. 1H Ii 1 1 a. rAlfkTiuiT'luV'Xl'ukTlJ, SaUtf Vk f UKM A lm A tM suSais, laa II, till - aul.u, Juua ti, !... and l.-ra all IU- ra,ii. a, I'U.r ,,. 4j. ' ".!. jusl ,e..,., M. , r . . ! laudsui, ai aiiiMd lo t pia. tf,,i. ' IV'I t. KVIM 5i sU't. ai eL e-iis. t laiMallas, v,l , Vv 11.11 M U. Itii r, Misntf. '"' ua.U, M4 h , , l-sss, u.ii kuis aw! taste saa ul : fclieurt's t'Ous iliiii I i"t " "" - - kUMla, just isseiss ami sal tS ul u. Juaa u, t, I ST.. , "" ut "t K-i. H M. . . , MM. A. KNtbB. . . - -' 4.s . ,- T0WKR HAIL CLOTHING STORE, Market Street, opposite the tod Lion JlMl, Suiabury. Pa. THE sulscrilr Is hspi? o ann-.ifcs t the citizens of Sunbury oti'l vicinity, tbst lie has just opened a large stoeis nf v - C10THIITO OP EVERY DZZCmilW, such as Coats of every fashion, Pools ar?d Vests, Hhirts of nil kinds, figured and plain. u.'H.er shirts and drawers, loth woolen snd cotton,; ted flannel shirts, twilled, plated bosoms, overhauls, atocl:iiifls slid gioves, of sll kinds, suspendars, silk hsn-lkerchhfs, ties snd stocks, pookct hsndknr ' chiefs, celton and hilk t splendid ' collars, suspenders of all sisos snd prices. U has oflen been saiJ of a pocket in a shir!, but come and see Ihe pocket, vcf! and shirt in one. A!ot a fine assortment of Cloths, CnFsimr.rssnd Bftttinetts, SOrftrrtrr goods, hlaclw satin lor ' Vests, at every price, and any qnnntity of fancy vest patterns, which will bn msilo up to oriler to soft customers ; my me: im is: no fit no take. And at for cheup selling, I don't intend to ho heat by Europe or America. Also oit band, a large assortment of Umbrellas at any price, loanit (treat and Rinall, togclher With some tiavcllinur bugs to carry YonkiO notions in, largs nnd snmll. C :no Formera, STeehaui-i, T.-tb-Tcrr e. ; CoH lit anil sec tlie Cl-lhi"!? at Tur-cr And if yoa wont to Ik- r.iltnl to a T, Tn!t at tc stTe of J ,hn II D. JOHN" II. DANFIELP, Agent. Sunbury. May 2ff, lSI. Sin. VSSSER I2rTJj2K, Yf holcsale and Retail Druggist3, 7farf St., next dr,or to E. Y. Bl ight's Store, surc-Etrnr, pa . aTaFFCn lo the rnihlie U.o lunrett rn.l Iw-ui I O ....,., , . ' " . . . ,. , v.i.... .ivl. v.,-. ,u Bviituu ui country, consisting of FRESH AND PURS DRUGS, Medicine,, Chemicals, Ground Spice,, Paint.. , "p ' "u -uvr, Ayc-siuus, i inuow macs, i J atent Medicines, together witli a complete as soitmcnt of l'idiit, Clotlies, Hair. Tooih, Nail ond Khavino; Iii ushcs, Dressing, bide, Neck nnd Pocket Combs, Fancy fs.o:ips, shaving Creams, Tobacco, Sejnr.r Port Moni.is, Iblulionary, Con fectioimiics, TURK WINES AND BRANDIES For Medicinal use. English, French and A meri chii Perfumery. 1'ancv Gooits of ever ilescrin. lion, in short every article kept by Druggists 1 it peneruuv. C7 Prefcriptions Carefully Compounded. GEO. U. WELSEK, WM. A. BKLNEK. Sunbury, Mny 13, 19.r4.-- si'ccEssua r HENRY J. PEPPER & SON, Watches, Jewelry & Mirer Warn, iYo. 175 Chestnut st , opposite the Siate Home, rEITjADEl.PiiTiV. Phiia., Msy 27, IKol ly. PIIILiVUELPHIA. ALLEN & NEEDLES, 23 South Wharves and 3D South Water Street, OFFER for sale on the most reasonable terms, OILS Sperm, Whale, Solar and Miners' Oils- GUANO Peruvian Guano, Government No. 1. STAKCII Apiculs lor the Oswego Turo Starch, Prepared Corn and Corn Starch. Phosphate of Lime, 1000 barrels of iu. prove J r?i'pcr Phoj-!.ato id l.une. . Phila., May S7, 1S54. 3.n. Spring nml Sununer tioous ! ' Peter W. Gray TNFOIiMS his friends that he has just received a good assnaniciit of tiprin and Summer Gootlsat his Storo iu Whortltbe,ry rtrcct. His stock coiivUts of DKY GOODS, V!Z : Ciolhs, Cawimcrs, nttinelts, Jeans, Drillingv, Karaes, liarage Do l.ainci, Giii!;!iinr, Lawns, Linens, Muslins, Flunncla, Miuliiia 6'ilks, Summer Shawls, l?rcs Tiiinmin ami all items i.l Ibe Dty Gooda line. Also, a arga aasorlmet ofMloosj for Men Women and ChilJrcn. fcummer Hats, Cai-ovprlcii of every variety. Teas, CoiTee, Suar. Molases, Spices, Salt, t ub, &c Hardware. A general essortmenkof Cedar Ware T'iha, Duckets, Wash Hoards, Urooma, Crushes, 4c. Qt-tixswss a general assortment. Country produce taken st the higl.est market prices. Funbury, June 8, I.'i4 tf. In tha Court of Common Picas cf orb tttaberland County. Breve de l'urtuione J'arienta No. 12 Arorsr T. 1S5L WAMESCarothois and MuliMa lis wife, aiaiy t,. Agnew ty uui 'i.uuiau jjinn Ilnch Hellas, 1'ilir Bablv. Wm. Minnuon : and littchel his wile, (Jeiiren A. Kn-A, t'l ir leucell KiicU, Antfna'us Kink, Ahuainli r . . ... ....,.,. k ... L. . I ... I'.. rricki, Uooeil r. iai "' .vi.iini ma vtni, hilas Carey, Ann t.y, Maiy ts. Laiy, Sa. j rah Caiev, Thnniaa It Coll. Win. C Colt N,- j i:th Coll, ly her Ciisnliau Wm. A. I'aslrila in, j huydur jeliks, W. Wallaou Jeuks, (Jeol.i A Jenks, 1. riedeilck J.'nll, JuaepU . Me cm. I ai d Lliuvitl his v.iV, 1i. S.iinin 1 ... ' ' r - . r I f .l u,Agt in lhis wril eoii'aineii, !ia I rjn,l (,, iul:nu of a pic ur pi'Crl j u llini IUtt: lu t'oal lo nsliip m I huu. br. .,.l CihuiIV. on or near in waleis u' Mi aw j km creek, eoiilaiiui'i; lJt acrea, mora) .r I i, liciUiulod VN lh Stunts bv U.'ds ef lb.- JI.ui'is tints aim uiucie, on uu .i,.i.i n, m,. . .k... Sll l i. . ..J.bJ ..I.I(. I , ( ,,v ,.,n U , .M,!l0 ,.i ..',;, 1 ot n , ..j, 1U ul traiils in puis u l.atis, it-M'1 " I . i iai ii-.i i -iit oi atait a I ' ', crsntu i . r. Iinuinl Hull, 1 1 Has ln.i, Jjiih s l... i. 1 I,' SI 'II . . 1'... .. .. (. i ii m . ji i iw i Hi'in.i -in. ,i. a,ii liu jaiil a? SstlK IIVll ST... I.; ...... , . ... . .,,, , B 1(. .... I araai sha, ,u4 liw fctMk Jlirt j, id and aU k J?f"jL3l Tr M H A CO. M V UtNTaM.1 I.IU. t Wsuaa'a '..-.I " ... .a. . , a4 (M 4 asa, S LW.UHl UtkiTC I tsaukuss. Af iilt l S m a r THE AMERICAN'S UR1BV. HOLLO VAY'3 riiiL- To the Citixtn of thn United Slater r I most haniMy end ' ' '' imraeas Mtronofrs which yn br' wtl lilia. I teks this oK. Tiunity ot s. Mug Ihil r-y .n. were all American Cinwi r, n) iioi Ir-l-ram tlial c laccriis Amerli a ar t th Aiecri-ev. l" 1 "' ' sympklliiea, so mucli nth-it I "tisiiiill' c-h.p.i'n" 1 PI!U eipreasly to swil rt etlertla, haWis, .' aiii manner of livuig, ioiaadiss s-.a'.!ir!i i''t ' s voo, waiiital hsvs mw d:ie, by lusiMf .iok tini m I' T:tOt Aft tj." l.f.&V. a V. 9i, Corner cl Ann ai:d Ktwmi etn-., New V 1 1 I'UIlIFiCATIOFOF TiiL1 CLCCD, SUSf ' . ' i mvkh AXDKUoua ca".;r;..'.rj Tlio OUiji'in nf the t.'ufnn eulf.r tWi.-'Y- ti"ls ths i.ivel CWl fcU"ii:"r'h, Sf arci-t;' flny nre fio fr influe ii5i of II. Ma ilustnirilre mhU.Ijji, Itv.- i- I ; .'. : faai. 11 fitr S liujia t!ie m -l knfe. t.:i . 1 V.i:l. up to a en. 'i p-rnrt VI.n. itnt-efSSf f mi'iry tins tl:eli IneU" ful r1"1. wlnln i : it ' t hovifevnl'l.Te. ai:ch M '! iniv t r " cli;'t I.v e niimmllv keen!iif Iti M 3 it"'", n:i I fvty i. J bi'-mut h lit n J.ciiUt aril-., . wllfll litW i! i and ro.'jiaMe phuua in a o iiCft:itl c1 ittt". .v..-.- .r. . er: S!tri'ir a io'jirs to reim A tl ra iM tr'- r.i i : rf-,'r. ..I f the hifintii frhiiit, 1 it.t t!ie rtnin'l n of life, 11111. Ii mny !h r(fti".'. ;ii'l 1 s.iy loi'ltrl!. ll"T hcrlj; l-i'e i-'-il I pr ..Imijr. -it f ir pismv ft iri b-.cml iliei' idiii"y li'i .!. i' II l s;. ' IMis li e leif-n tn p it: y t'iel.1-..' i r.'ir t the nii Isiililowc lor bsalth es-!atutit In Ue tiirt; .(,"iia whirll nce.Hiijiniiy ea-'li a r.K of VK.K.-r.iM AyntivtHAIV tor tfm VK.V11S ETANIM.VO, I'VV.V.n UY I1'1jIjv,VAA" . PILLS, Copu of a Letter from Cip!r.!: Jv!i Jo'wr.-i, A.'t Jfotise) h'tur- Fort, tided Juvucry T"" rri-fcT!, Woi.i.ii.v.'.r, C'.irai o Aim Vti Jv..s.-f.i , S.ree s, .S. V. : r; Ii m v.-''i tlii' ni'-.: h -irtf-li ccfiure 1 i,:ir '. irr.-.-r-n y u t'm I have Iwn resiorfl 10 l.-.uli .-.jut ;re:.?i . I yt..rit. y nir r:!li l 'r L1 Ini yi. .ia. j 11;'"-'' I fi'jru n r!:.i'-",:!-.rie:'. ;.f rVe l'-.-cr m:: it:.lm:fht vi vn ' re.lmrct m iiic !, thi extre'i I'f tln-t I jemi 1 i'p rtiy .ii ,., j tl V r "- rr'!,.'- i.) ill It, t-f-rt MiV liK'IM, Pa I h.Kt trirj CVI . V 1 Kr'-.eily l --r i-.s rcntn-Ti' irilrti In nc, ln.t rll tii'i;iir J I1' y ; Ulri !: ul r!v!i inysr'.r up - i!':. j.::ir. vhr-n ! jt r-.-; i:t ic'ui'xi lo U'i ynu Fii:.- .Ai'trr oiiy; iJuti I f'r itiiC" -1,';ti;is , tlie I fi !:.; flm :sw iilb-llir liV:i iti.ui I l.i ve lit:?a n.i c!-vv i. ywus ne.t. tt:i4 T.iri! n wr'.l n t,-.;r I '.I 'lp ri civ Inc. m "r.-i,,.ilo ?t I.: to r.i .i:.) l(j - IriKiwn (V the h. ,tf,l cC ot I. r:r,in, ;r. y.jyi j r.'r;---l r- ilc. (S.SUe.1,) j '. ii'.i JOiiNiON These ctlclra!, :.l Fills ntt M'0)deifr'hj cjjxa tl:: fcUotrii' amjihuntf. , cans in A?"e tir inini-nnt.'ja Jnum'ite Iiii'n-.. i:.,mpi'iint? Mrysiis-'ss I.iv-r rum. , ill's T.im:lvieu ' t'il'JC SVA'lttM l.cleit'i'iii of fi-.is rVfjrlnVi. c , Iin:,: i.vit I i.i.M-iir im ie f iwii incb-u . . I.rilifs (; ni?teii,: Fevers of II., W! C ill i -ni'.'if l;i it's rVisii:Mi of l iis ctS ul'l iL,,,, jju.av,! I u li . nl iuruJ.v T...ii-,,i IJIc-rs VereretilASl-elKma Waai4"kU Vnifls' UVu'i.-ics., fr m vli .Icv. r an-:,- ,c , c. iM nt llie !t.lii-!r!i( t:C rrof.-fi. KoT.tmr-sT. 91 f S:r:'ni!, (:ic-.r 1 in; ! linr, I, mitua.) .-.ml u'mi st hm U-m-o in -ip Y"rK O'.I.ts f..r M-di nii-iii. Ihe T nrt.lrrs B. :l "T. If.'!;..ivny Nev Yi'll.. wiil receive cu:l nltnlior S -I'l ni-" In- (.II fn, r- live O. 'jcritts iiiul Dtul'-'i-i" in ii.c il-i'-im i hr.'m. h.'in i In; United Sitaea, in H r r nl 37k etr.u, M erics, r.ml r- ..',0 s euoh T" lie had Wh-ilejalo i'f tile prinrjf.ol Trng Jl(nii-s;ii the t'tii.-ii. . Tlicre is a e-insi.lil.la suvi.:g liy tnltin- tlie lsrgcr r-Kectli-ls fi-r the jra!itu'ice of patients in every i sre sTrxp't t e.irra ixia-. J.mo Si. 101 On. PLATINA -POINTS LIGHTNING BODS. KANTtrAOTlTIlSD AITD BOLD BY M"ALLJSTER & RF.&THER. OITIC1AKS, 43 CESSHUT STEEET, f 11 1 1, A D E I. P U I A (At tho Old Ktnnd, established in 170C.) Onrrntntsaresti tfppeii nl'tis- lia nutir.asnit r.ioird l!h i.ur tixuw. I'llnj-1 iltnl'iiu auuir.itnv each iii.t. fri.oi, .I on, l as, j.1 w, U oo, 3 00,$; ui), ir point. txxTliut to tuu nuumily ut l'l&usia. V-3Ey t:aittinr; Eix Cents ia Tostago Stamps, Li addition to aay of tho abovs price:, a Point can bs eafoly set by nail to asy pirt o? tts Tfnitjd Suites, Thila.. May 6, 1851. Sin. o r Sale o V 11 c ! . '. cr i'iT.-i j!-3 t r io nt bii j. i L.i, i , situated in mo u.iun-iuiij ...w i, of .Nl.aruo'.-iii, Nonlimulieiland C'oiiuly. 'J'l: tiitine.-y is well lointtd und pttppliwd willi af.nin tain et ru:n.i:.! water. Tim buildiiv; is of i.-anio Li by j Iti'., o:i a stono l afeinvnl. Vhe yui I coniiuns S5 vats, e!l lit exicilvnt ortlvr. l,a. a:.d iiiilcs are a'.iunii.ait. J'osscolon wiil le given iiniiiolrilely. It the properly is not said, t'-o si I sii'.-'i r would noi oliji'cl to taking a good partner, oh vho could couie well recnmuieiideil, or hu wotli.l ic steady employ incut to a t'd hand et gacd w-jges, it' application lie niiulo s h-ii. As ll cr i rio other tannery in iShainokin. the above ;Tir ,i an op-mrlu;:it to go into the hasiucss, sehlom ' i.iincd. DAMHL -ItT. Si.iinokin, June 10, 1S.H. .tf. JAKES' S.GCS7jr" CZ.A.IPa & FTTP.lTrr'TPsE- Wni'Q rooms, So. $2 !f 95 Korth FroyS Street, Above Arrli, 1 PSIILADELflliA. LV Chairs, Setleea, Ilureuns, lledtfead's,' Ta lloa, Lookin-Glasses, Muj-idi, 5cc., in cvory rictv, acid ul the lowest price for Cash. Phila., May 57, 1854. tr. I.' civ tlfuck sYTaics'" ECTABIiISHa2X3NT.- .uu.itt st., 3 dtoi east of the Ued Lion Jloi.l Snnbury, Pa. RAlMOZsD FEHREXUACfi 15 ESPECTl'lLLY ii.vitea n,e ttcrrtio., of i:ie puouc io ins I lacks, l,0!j an Tho T.ya FerfceteO. ktaas v aiu AiAXyiiXlOi I . .M. ...A r.MHlll... 1. . . i - .-.n, vhiiiviph fr'oei taa ... . '..ew Vmtra t,m Liferent tnJx Ktv Lntfand City Jsucr.-eo"ipo Esublinhmeat S. C. CnTT TWH t, i klilfCi'. iirrut, A..f SI . Wo'AelJ, Jiy,,,,. ' ' "f. i ' ki has'1 '"J Tal1i,.l,. , h'it .UK jrissrhsllua, duns i i III , .1, rU'lHl' lIsllKlfAl. ll' HI . J ':'. d in all I!,, est iMi.I. ... , Mjmatjie, l.k.n ,fl.,fc.v ,' i .a,, Mj l ai, I ill--if. I .KITH ...I c . "I'naa .i sin,,. Miisl.a. a v st a Ink and culled liaileia. i, . . ..... rt i:r n.t r,i '"''.'. l u .Vi.n-orn.