SUNliUltY 'AM Kit 1 C A M f i N D 'SHAMOKIN JOttllNAL tOJIRl'RV.AMKBICAA ? , COUNTI II O VSK A I. M A N.A C j A ST1UNG OF ITEMS- A lniublo slatuo of Santa Anna betiis! oi JcreJ by llio governor of Tubasco. Tho Artunian Well in Charleston is 1150 feet deep, and they glill are boring deeper. Know Nothings. ll is believed that there two over ten thousand voters in New Orleans who are connucted with this mysterious orga nization. An exchange paper asks very innocently, if it is any harm for yomig ladies to tit in tho lapse of oges. A Dottier replies that it nil du pe ml a on the kind of ages selected. Thoso from eighteen to twenty-five it puts down as extra hazardous. "Once on a lime," and Irishman and a ne gro were fighting, and whilo grasping with each other, tho Irishman exclaimed, You black divil you, cry 'onough!' I'll fight till I die !" "So'll I !" eung out the negro, "I al ways does." At an editorial dinner, lately given by P. T. Barnum, at his residence, Bridgeport, Ct., the following line concluded the bill of fare, "For Wines and Liquors, see next page." Those who looked on the next page found it nblank, and, of course, considered themselves "sold." Down East. Tho Editor of The Maine Fanner, June 8, talks as though ho hud got out from under, that six foot of snow, and ac tually talks about crops looking well about Augusta. "The apple trees have blossom ed very full." That proves that spring has come. . . . Rapid Voyage Akound the World. Tho clipper ship Fearless, Capt.. Hanson, lelt Hus ton with a full cargo, August 30, for San Francisco, proceeded thence for Manilla and libino, and arrived off Boston Light on Satur day last, having completed tho round voyage in uino months and ten days. Last week seven hundred Germans pas sed through Cinciunatti for Oregon, and seven hundred and thirty for Nebraska. Minnesota is filling up with unparalleled rapidity. The roads leading to it through Iowa and Wiscon sin, it is said, are literally crowded with teams and stock belonging to immigrants. Startmno Fact. The lalo census shows that a number of Iiishmcn in the United States is less than one million ; and our Fed eral, Slato and Municipal "Blue- Looks," show that a majority of the public offices and places in the United States are filled by Irishmen. Is it stiango that Americanism is waking up 1 I'jmeto. In Tabasco, Mexico, orders have been issued to fiuo all persons who shall continue to "top" the pirueto trees to prevent them from growing high. . The size of the pimeto is in proportion to tho size of the tree producing it, aud unliko some other crops, if the tree is clipped and kept dowu the fruit s small too. Matt. F. Ward. This notorious individ ual, finding the rest of the world too hot for him, has gone to the Hot Springs of Aikantas to cool himself. The only steamer he could find to cairy him down the river, was the 'R. J. Ward," called after and in part owned by his father. His health is said to bo very bad, and' wo do not wonder at it. Cure ron Pali-itation. A lady, about 40 years old, says the Journal of Health, who has suffered severely from periodical attacks of palpitation of the heart, from tho ago of 12 years has found immedmtu and permanent relief from tho use of soda water. It appear from experiment, sinco made, that caibouio acid gas is the active curative agent. 'I am rich enough," says Popo to S.vift, "and can afford to give uway a humlied pound a year. I would not crawl upon the earth without doing a little guml. 1 will enjoy tho pleasure of what I give by giving it alive, and seeing another enjoy ii. When I die," he added, "1 should be ui-tiam id to leave enough for a monument, if thcio was a wanting fiionJ above ground. A Pkbtty Little Ckowd Mr. FieJerick Kembell, from the neighborhood of Rtimuey, Harrison county, Ohio, ariived in Steuben ville, last Wednesday, by railway, with hi wiftf and nineteen children twenty-one in all. It u said thai be owns munch land in that Slate to give each of his family one hun dred aud sixty acres, and retain a "-lieu" for tlilUtttlf. Watch DaiNkimj I'ioI. Sillinian, in a rocmil Biiiiiusoiiian let'lure at Wohiiijtuii, givu the fulluwitig sousibiii advice lu )nuug Uluii, which, nil tliuuhl H'jJ, and imurmUi, ttud adopt : ' If iliumfuio you mUU fur a vicar mlitJ, liei.( HIIim:!, and ijOlut IH'l, lld Jung Itl and jtr piolonyed into old penult iiiij lu ), ahhouU I am uut (jivn.g a loin uiice Uiluiif, mi III dunk bul Mir aiid mild iiilusiiMit ol ll4l flui I ; tiuu tuLm and W'iuui, au4 ) thing Im ih( ditwbi llio nuiuul i4te ut 1U4 )tviui v'y up1"! liUllllWUS fuul Sil l lltll.l dllutfLl dlll.kt, t( h!wh ll U thil b4ii, . J )w4 Will l d L"tUig biyuul tbe t U t t; lot au I due iiijmI vl i oui p)m( lu gi4 )m4 ill li I , bi-f-y ! u..fwl, kuJ 4 Mlvl.4 ui l Itl4 vlvw.1' a IrU I elitei a sIsi?k J I a; a 4 ai 6 7j Jui.Tr J J J , - , L p pio II HnH , ' l,1,a ,1,1 1.1 n in 17 ii-' m an a i f tOilii-' ' 0 (1 7 I" II A-J.1. I ' 3 .1 ,3 I -J 111 H IS Iff IM fl' 7 J, L I J Sin'o a-A-I Sl ii-. " I3;I4 I'. IB I; a 6 i n Ml II SKPT. J ?,! Ar'- a Si Jll1 Jhr:' M ,1 .S'iSliI1 ii'i II 19 I I It I.MI . f "' "" ,s!'f feWtw-Jil ! j , , J .10.11 19 !! UllC' I J - 1 n 4 t fl' 7 u in;, 3 4 f. 7 m nj II l-J win IS 10 17 II) II 14 III 14 IS 111 IF l!ipU,4l -n 84 1 l l!i:.H l,-9: rtHK irirornnvion' lirouphl l ' hy 1,10 "'7n' A, suip. Amu of tin" suddMi Airline of Houf, Imtiun corn, Ac. in Europe, Is no doubt inlcrest ing to mime, and therefore il niut tie lo intrr fling to a prmt ninny ollirrs to knmv thai White there U so inncl) iiin-iununn in uir (mhv. HrcndKtiilla nt homo oml, there is iiulliing lo t flVtt the low prieo of the -.' ' ' 5 ' ' ' j largo and Excellent Stock of srniNU & sujiMEii cLOTiiira, junt received hy H, Scbiiunnuo & Co., and on hit oil at there rsUwe - - '; (Jit the tnriifr of Market and Fawn Streets, direclly ojifiosilc John Young's Hiiro, where lliity will he plenseil to Wail upon nil thuso who vih lo liny good and cheap clothing. Also n fresh supply of Wntchcs, Clocks, Jewelry, &c which they hare purrlinwil nt a very low price at riiilailclpliia noil iliercfoie ran ullmdlo sell to their rUHtwiiicrn nt tho inost reasonable prices - They still, (afler tmino vxperieuro in husincHs') cliiij to the good inullo, "cui:ai' lou cash. (Jail and ce for yourselves. ( imbtii v, May G, 1831. ' - . , . "ATTENTION'! Tor tho Metropolitan Clotlung Store of G. ELSEERG & CO., Market Street, opposite the Post Office. T' have just received nod on hand now the most licantil'ul, largest and hest aswrteil Blocix ol leaoy-iiiailc i;iutlun uilajiteil lo sjMiiijt and iSuiniiicr wear ever lieforn hroimlit into Suuhury or any place in this hocIioii of the conn try. Our ClothiiiR inailo hy the bent hanila anil under our own supervision, we. know will give enliro satisfaction to- bnyera. Still ndhering to our old motto "Virnji for t,"'we'll dispose of our goods reasonable and rapidly. All wo snv is i come,' exnmino and prico our good and wo Icel sure von 11 buy; Ve oiler you ul the. very lowest prices every imaginable variety of Coats, Vests and panK cut in the last fashion and warranted to til. Cloths, eapsiineres, saltmctts, linens, drilliucs, jeans silks, satins, and all other kind made into Clo thlnpt. Also n large assortment of Boots nnd Shoes among these a splendid variety of ladies shorn. lames and gouts gaiters, ceo. SILK HATS, Panama, ralmleaf, I'carl and all other Hats and Cups wo have a great variety of. Also a great lot of trunks, vulises and carpet bugs for sale cheap JEWELRY. We havo n splendid lot of watches, ond nil kind of Jewelry suitnble for ladies tuid gentlemen PISTOLS. All kinds of Kevohers, double and single barrel Pistols, Accotdeons, Shirts, Collars aud all other goods generally kept in our Hue can lie found at our store, all ot which we intri'd lo sell ul Ihc very lowest price. Uon t forget the place, Market Sipjarc, opposite tho l'ust Ollice. Sunbury, May 0, Itibl. LATEST ARRIVAL OF Spring and Summer Goods. J. F. & I. P. KLINE, Ii:SrECTKi:l,T,Y announce to their friends and tbo pulilio in general, that they havo received at their Old bland, in lipin r August township, Aorthumlcrlaii,d , county, l a., their Ppriii? an 1 Huuuner Ooodi, and opened to the public a lull assortment ol MERCHANDIZE, &c, Consisting in part of Cloths, black and fancy Cassiiners, Saltinctts, Checks, and all kinds of SrilING k SUMMER WEAR. Also a splendid assortment of - Ladies Dress Goods, Calicoes, Ginghams, Muslin do l.aines, Plaid Cashmeres, l)c beges, l.awns, c. Also a fresh supply of ull kinds, of (jroccrtes. A fresh supply of Hardware and Queens- ware, Drills and Medicines. Wooden Ware. Also a larrje assortment of Hoots nnd fthocs, suitable for Men, Women and " Children. Hats and Caps, such as tsilk, Panama, and other IIuls, Salt, Cheese, & c. Call ond fcoe. Cheaper Ihan tho 'Cheapest, . All of which will bo sold for cash, or in c. change for country produce, at llio highest market price. l.'j)r Augusta, May (5, 1851. This Way! Tlih Way!! ; Spring and Sunimcr (oods. rniLSNa & grant. I"lisrECTFUM.Y inform their custom. ond tho public, that they have just recciv cd aud opened tho best and i ueape.t vtock of Spring' and Summer Goods, at their store in Market square, Sunluny. Their stock cousisUt of avery variety of Dry (loads, viz : Cloths, Cassimeres, Saltincls, I'csiiiigs, i'hmiuls, li'ocij, c, And all kinds cf Spring & Summer Wear. Also a splendid variety of LADIES DUKSS &. FANCY GOODS, Calicoes, Ginghams, Chintzes, )e Laiucs, Verities, And every variety of goods suitable for La dies wear. Also a large assortment of HARDWARE and QUEENSWARE, I'iah, Salt and Planter. AUu an fxtensivo assortment of ll.iis anu Cats ton MtN asm liuvs. Also a large auiortmuiit of GltOC Ullll', H'CII AS Sugar, Teas, Coll'ce, Mo!aac., Slices of all kinds. Also a ticoh supply of iHltt.S A Nil MKDIl'IM-S. Hesitlua the lurpest aud must uuuurul ussoil- ineiit of ull kinds of goods to bu hud in this jilaco. IV Country proiluee of ull kiud.4uken ill c.v change ut the highest market pru. Hunliury, Muy 1:1, 1651. Kew Cooiij fur iLe PtojiloT"" UI.XJAMIX IIKKKNKU IlK.srKCTFri.I.Yiiifotma lliepulliu in gui rul that he hi. ju.t received aud oiwnial a spu-i.uia ttotii ol Spring and 81111111101 (iootl.s . 1.: . K- mi :.. I .... Ul III. .lew fiuit, rtUgU.U lill.lnp. Ill .I'm a ruiiw(. ii wi Clo tin, Cd.aiuiets, Cas.luita. uf all LuiJ., ul'huiu, culUui and Wui.uU. Al.M t alU uea, ;iuKtiuni, Litttut, Aluuaat'llne lc l.tOuta 4ltJ all kind of .adic Die.. ISo.hU. AU au a ilouiit U lati)MUI, 1 1 Ull and Steal. NtiU, &o. AUu an'i.' Ol uf QUEliN8WAUl. "l ii. aJ 4tlaiua. AUau aMuiiiun,! ut 1100 14 4 MIOI4. II M'o a. a '-J wUliwib Hall, FMi, i-tc ' Aul HI H ly IHblrt lab MiUUi lu lU til uf Uh will U m44 t llatf I.MIW ( II I - '.' -i CIIIMOIV'S PATKMT '' ; ' ( Ventilating Furnace. UK Buliscrihcr would rH the nttrnliun of nil pMrlfrs requlrm h fU-nlrnhM F1TRNATK. in rlHI.SON'f l.i;i(AH;iJ WAKMlNli AND VKNTILATINU AITAKAiiS. ' Die ropntfitmn rf this Fiinuirfi n now well known. Mvlnir Iwrn iolrnrlucrd, rtiifitty tlm pnt live ytir. into li'inl I "if 11 iMiliho l)HiMint. null muri' iIihm W)f nrivnt' itwHlinus i this, togvHier Willi iimneHMC iiini'.-ino (f unirn rvery ynr, in mc i-pm rvitinim una can w aumtceu us mtpetifHity nit oiiit-r lurim'-f-n JJv Uiq uscui I'hik'on' I'unmcf. vuu icuru tlis fullow- itr nttviHii.-im j 1' MHK VKM11,TMN, ' 1 Vuim AlH-A-the liaatiitc ntftirctf lipinir ut a tomncrattitc Unit will imidifaicntr Ifm air. ; J'.f ONOMICAr. l OK l-'VKU f"IIK.T DlJHAlJtl.lTV iKUMtr livult! ClllifCiV lf CbkI ftt. iiol linliltt lii runt , will fdftiirf' nnpnirji ibulnj n lilitnc ; ii m easily tiinniiirtMl. nitu will not uxpiw Uiu iiuiitliim in Inch it in plauci) l-i dtim-.tir from Tut like tin otluT lunia- We have Uip iPKlinmniuls of hnttflntls of the moKt M cntilir nun, t'i mUvxI to the truth tf the nh-we t1:itcniMil, till ol whiiii pr'nuinnce it to he ilethh'dly tin. I",fl Furnncn yet Mivcntt ilj tor prixhieiu n piirn nun licailtiv iilin--phere. V hfmwr'h mines the r.:nfi' tl n few well kiki-x n nun I'Miment f roiiTSH'irs, who lm-e titl thcin, tun I kimlly I'lirninhi-il im Uicir trnm i uh rtft'tcu' t : r.i. John r. Hint. . I'rof. VnrKer, riof. A"iloli. Wirt It. Allen. rmf. Pint .mn. I'mf. Uanu. 'rof. U. illtmau, Vfiti'. Ripky, NINE SIXES. We have mhmhiretl. (his ftrnm. five new sizrn ! that ull parlies may nvml Ihenwdv-" ol thin Rieut improve- tufiu ai a very tntKluntle eft. are n w pfep-tn n 10 I'urniF'h an npp.'tialns to warm a Pinglu lot in, tr the lar- bi pui. mi- inuring in lite rnnntry. a. 1. rorinhle. dinipleto. - - 3. 4. 5. U. for Brirkwork, lixtra Radiator (including Uars mm Trench iniw.; - , 1, (i 11 a u Hi (j. t ii fi i . KIT 0. " u 11 i - - l: tl Tin.- fi la Ihe br-nt and nioft powerl'til Vnnvtee made in the country, ami i ndmitably adaptett lor Chin di es aad tiLlii'r htrgo rlns huildins. we roniiimc hi sell the apparatus ol the Hrnnc jTieens when first introduced, five veain pl' Ailhonh the nte- Rent IiihIi price ol iron han inereawed then cit rer cent, owinir to tlirir preat weight, oil II we are PtnUeo, hy the gre:it increase ol stiles, to furnish tho article lit Ihc lowest. (owiiilc price. One l omalry nlne, Miwh. :nnick v icihrmaft, have emilraeted in fnrnivh ns with 6(11 tons uf I'urnnrr this neaKiHi. n t that wo me now nreiuiutl lo furiiiHlt thorn wh ilennle or retail. We Kitpi'rialend the erection nf all l-'uriiaces, when rxijuirud, uiul warrant them in mi cases . METROPOLITAN COOKING RANGE. We havo also Ihe most complete CooKinu; laime tlmt hafi'yet been introduced, to which w: call the Attention of all who amy wish to seenro the in -M peifect ond dcai ruble cookiim aptxiratim ever inventod. . EMERSOS'S PATENT VENTILATORS. We nrolhe only Affontalii Pennvlvaniu for the manufac ture and B'lle of thin Veiitilnlor, which is ncknowledil to Ihj the only pcifucl Ventilator ever made for vorteclnT the dnmL'ht in sm ky ehimnies, aad fur ventilating haiid- Ina ofall kmiis. ah itiefeare n cieai many imnaiinns m this valuable article now oU'en-d for rude, parlies will Iw caret ii! to cxmnine that it hat; the I'.mers 'ii IIu'Jj;c attached. PATKNT JiKtilTlUlS AM) VUNTIIVTUR. We have the largest and inht complete nsftorhnent of lltt Air JteMslerNimu V ealtlal'irtt to lu urn an m the Uiu ted States. LailifH who wieli to purchase, either fur pri vate use or wholesale:, will fill! It greatly to their ad van tuge to cxamino our stock. HI ATM AD WON MANTI.K3. AVe have a!vavii on hand mi extrusive nssorhncnt of thejc heaillif'il .MaatlrB, in rjiiiet imitation of Kgyptian, j?punitiii( uaiway, riienuu, ami oilier rare uiuiiJit-s. oim:n gkatks I or AnJiraeite me J!itummua Coal. Also, an entire new I'alicra uf t lie l'v down (irate, made from llie Mn- hsti Pntterns. ano entirclv new m lais cimntrv. SI ),-. AH KNTS 4'or the Kngliah Kneanslie Ir'looririf Tile, (iarnkirk i:hiinney Tojih. and Term Coll a Urna meii!8, mich ns tiurtfen Vasts, Ar. Persons about Imildinp, would do well to examine nnr toek More purchttbiug ciscwla re. Viitoia, whether pur ehasitnr or ii"t, me conhally weiecmed at our extensive Warernunis, mttl where we should be liappv to f'nniMi any mloriniiltoii resneetmir unv t our iio hih ttint mav ih: thtsiried. A ltok uu Waiinitut uiul Veulilatnig can be had jjraluilously ut our store, cither personally, or hy l,et- Urr, P. A. T?AT?niSO, Wanninir nnd Ventilntiinr Wnrehmnw, 110 alnut fct., below Sixth, rhil.ilelpliia, 1'hiln., May 0, I ei I . Am. Daguerreotypes! . "; GEOllGE W; COBLE, R12SPECTKUI.I.Y nnnounecs to the citizen."! ol'Sunhury and vicinity, tlmt he hus nniii opened a Dtigucrreiiu Iiooni, nnd is prepared lo tiike ltkcnesscK. Ho wnrrunU Ilia piuturoH to he satiffuclory to all wiHhing truo representations of theinu'lves nnd friends. Special uttentiou is puid to children. Copies taken with accuracy. In- struetionn civen on reasonahle term". His room U ut tho old place, in llio drain! Jury Iiooni (county liuililinirs,) operating hours from 8 A. M. until 5 1'. M., without repaid to the state of Ihc weather. Copies should he scut in on cloudy days. Sunhuiy, April 22, 185-1. If. Great Arrival af SPRING GOODS ! 1 1LV T. CLHMKNT NV'DK.MS hi:t friends and customers that ho just received tin cleeant nssortmnit of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS', At his Store, in Mar:;et Street, Sunbury, which lie oilers lo tho public, at the lowest prices. His slock consists of a general ussortinonl o Dry Goods, a iz : Cloths, Cnssimrrs, Cassincts, Jeans, Drillings, Al'isltns, .iiiti.i, (.nicois, Jiliisliii ile Luiiis, LaivnS) O'liigwims, iterates. Also a Ur-o. asuortmcut of CI.OTll I.MS. A large assortment of Doots and Shoes, fur Men, Women and Children. . . Sii.k Hats. Panama, 1'uliu lout uiul oilier Summer Hats. riu!ei'. CUOCKRIES of every variety. ugar, Tea, Colli e, Mol.asc, Cheese, Spices, I'Wi, Salt, Ac. HARDWARE, Yu: Iron and Steel, Nails, Tiles, Suws, OvC. (iUEEN SWARE, i'cu SettspPlutcs, Dishes, Caps, Saucers, r)'t LKiUORS, Winr. Drainly, Uiu, Cum, WLiskt y, it- IV Country produco of all kinds U ken ill ti th.ili'je at the highest muikct prices. April H, 1S51 ly. TOWN LOTS .T PP.IT.TE DALE. J.' Hi I I T of the iin'.t ilc.ii ublt) loU, in thu town - of ribuuiukin, Northumberland couiilv, Pa can bo bad of the subscriber on reasonable, terms. Pir.oiis vtlui liue money lo iuvint in this kind uf properly, will never have feller opportunity to in.iku a purt bane than U now oil', red thfiu. Miauiokin lias, in lu liuinedi.ilo v it in it v, nni- pla ri'sonrm to build up a first clu-s interior town. The mining operntimis under way, and in raiitvtnpbiliou, ate uf a character to warrant the Urife.t ciHTlat!on, lor tile mfl'l growtll n Ibe tiUc lu bunncs ami in populaliou. II ll a bendy luken a t ul, and cui-h suecrrdiiiK km. on will sua it .till more pro.peroix. . a con. iwipjeuce, gruuinl to build upon will every ) Iweoioe mortf lulu.Mc. l.ola uhiiU may Iw bad now, at a roiupuiiilni'iy low rale, uru imt likely In t In Uiu inurlkrl at all a lew Veal, lu'iu'c. ,..w is lha lime, ihiii l.uu. lo mat, piiri huMS. Fur iuforitmlioii, rumri iiinj lha tiyltl Iota for tali', apj ly luiouHli b iter, la Cll.VS. M. HAL!.. feunbuiy, I'a. rlunbiiry, May 1:1, H.M, I. AIULM ii. Ii W. fcptii'i aud fuiniai'i A M.U, UUck aud lain Jivm Milk. Kilk .i riiia, IW l.anuM, Mially, aiul Call, torn glial l.iurlj, ju.1 irri..l aitU U Mia 'y i. w.' in. Nutibury, Apt. I , aj. .lCk l.tbl dy auJJu kuM Jiunild J VV iMmIvII )Ut.J, Cl.aut .Nul., Iiuui.. uU, UauiUH awj l'iuu.4, Jui iitJ a,.4 lu "Ut, WM A. K.N A UU. I.uo.i, M.y II, H I ITS) .1.1 C4L, .!. U..., Fui u. ", l'itu. I'.sttiitH. li'.id aoJ I lint I Mm.uauJ V-.i. I .Ju. Umiu.1 W all .ijW, ju4 i...i.-l (u i.U l il., a, .,. IUL.UMUU One third cheaprr than white lend, and fret from ull prisonous qualities. i Tim Kew ,lcrcj' Zinc Company ; HA VINO pri nt y entarpcil Iheir works, unit iinnrnvml tlm innlitv ol Uieir ntacts, are prt-parcil to execute otilcia I'ur their SUPERIOR PAINTS. Dry, nnd gumml in oil, hi assorted packages of from 95 to .jt)0 ptiuii'ls ; iiIho , lry, in liarreli. t-f tf'tfi pounds nnHi. Their white zinc, viin h in Hold nry or fr round lit oil, in wairnulud I'ttruanU iutt;urpuifctl fur butty mid unilurin whileiir-'T. ' A tru'lh'tl f pfepnratioii mn reeeiilly hern difoovcH-d which fsnahlrs (he Company to warrant their paim to keep I'renh nnd "(t in iha kwn t r any reusoiuihle tiniR. In this irHpvrl Micir p.Mntt) will he pupeiior to any other in Ihc nnikt ... '1'ln'ir hrowit 7-iuc lnt, whleh is told nt low price, and em i citly he urv.U: Itom the Zinc ores from Nw Jer sey, is now'wrll known fr iift pr'teetivc qualitiua when upplied to iton or other tu-tnlic mirfnfn. I heir m.Miic eitr pa ml vuies'?ea all ihc propprticsoi 1 no IUmwu, ami is of an !tiree:tlk color for painting Collages, iJttn'ts. Uut liuililihe.i. iJriil'j'-f!, JVe. : ' riiKN:U & niCIIAHDS, ( , , Wh' ws.ilp Taint Drillers nnd importers, N. V. eor. t.f Killi .V MarkulS.s., riiiiadclplua. rhilmh'lplita, April IBiil. lliu. . ST Of httN. H1UMAS O'ltKILL. STOCXMAN & O'KEIIl, (JKNF.UAI. . -. . Commission iHcvtljants 05J ITORTII WHAHVS, Pluladelphia. K 13 K F. II K N C E 8 . Thos. ltichardson cV Co. Philadelphia. A. (f. t -nttell & Co. " Uutler .V Patleson, " Clmrles Kllis oc Co. " Hurciii fi Sons. " Philu., April 8, ISM. ly. 7 . SHAMOKIN " Collegiate Institute. H. HILL, A. B., Principal. Rov.C. J. EI1REIIART, A.M. Tcutlter of Moral and Mental Science, Evi- uenccs ; L-nristmnily, cfc, 'J'iacli-.r of Primarti Department rjMIK first session of this Institution, located at Still mi!: in. nplli iiintir i-tii ml rniiulv. I';... will comiiieiicc on WcuxusuAt, tho lllth dny of JVI it. IS.jI. The year will he divided into threo sessions of fourteen weeks each, thus allowing a vacation of four weeks in sprinr; mid autumn, and one of two weeks during the. holidays. The Institution will comprise three departments, A Phim inr. Academic nnd Collkui ate. ' The course of instruction in these will bo full nnd thorough, rtrihraciup! all the brunches usually taught in thoso respective departments. li.t'l'KS ok Tutiox : Primary Department, per session, $4,00 Academic " ' $fi,00 Collegiate " " 8,00 A larijo and spacious room hns been secured lo meet the wants uf th.! Institution, until the neeessarn buildings arc completed. Hoarding can bo obtained in private families at rensnmiblr falefl. The Hoard of Trustees will spare no pains or labor, lo mal.e Shamokin Collegiate Institute, worthy the patronage ullj coulideucc of tho com munity. For further particulars, address Kiinher Clea ver, Ksip, of Shamokin, President of Hoard of Trustees, or Pev. C. J. Ehrchart of Paxilioi, Norlhumbeiland county. Pa. Shamokin, March 1, lSol. F.IUW.WK'S l'ATI-NT SCALES, Suld at their WAREHOUSE, A'o. 240 Market Street, IISILADELPHIA.- . linilroad. Hay, (!oal, and Farmers' SUAI.KS, sol in nny part of Ihc country, by experienced workmen, and at short notice, l'hila., April 8, 1851. (tin. CIPaOTLARl " TIHK subscriber begs leave respectfully to in X form his friends nnd tho public generally that ho w ill continue the business of a Cabinet Milkers' Finding Store, in nil its various branches nt tho old stand, No. 1.1 1 houlli Second si., Ik-Iow Duck st. Philadel phia, nnd respectfully solicits a continuance, of llio very liberal patronage bestowed upon the late firm of T. it I.. Thompson, nssurina his friends that every exertion will he niado hy himself ami Ihose in his employ to merit a continuance of llieir much esteemed favors. THOMAS THOMPSON. Phila., March '1, ISol. (im. QUANO ! GUAK0! rjJllE ub.-crilier, sole agent for tho sale of Peruvian (,uano m l'lnlaiiiiphla, is now unloading tho following; vessels,, direct from tho Cbincha l.dands: ' Ship Sorocco, . - . 1500 tons. Ship l.urlinnton, - - - 750 tons. Ship Hornet, - 500 tons. Ship Topax, ... 2tio Ions, which will bo sold in loU to suit purchasers, ut the low cl cash prices. .".J. CJUiiSHAN, FnrMrrty (iiutiui' A: CAiiilinu.) No. 4H Norlh Wharves, and U7 North Water Street, Philadelphia. April ys, lSSl.-ttin. ; . A I H A .M) CAPS A splendid lot of fashiiiiiablo Silk, Wool and Fur Hats. also Cloth, Fur, Oilcloth, Navy und Military Cups fur sulo low by O. KI.SUHKC ,V (O. Market street, opposite, the Post Ollice. funbury, Oct N, 185;l i. v.ti;.b:is vo., SUM3URV, PA., SI-Vl; jusl rci-cied afresh supply of new Kpriipr (ioods. Their friends und Ihe pub lic arc respei lfullv rcijue.tcd to call mid inspect them. They will be sold cheap. "0,uick sales and small pml'.'s" is still their luolto. Sunbury, Pa., April US, 1S51. THKSTKAMBOAT S U S (I V K 1 1 A N N A 1TII.I. male ri'mdar trips for uf Pus- keuijers belwecil Suiiburv and Nuithuin- berland every day, except Sunday, oil and al'le Moiulay, Apiil '.'1th. The boat will Uae the wharf ut Sunbury, at H o'clock, A. M., u'clock and 110 mit.ulcs A. M., and 5 u'clock 'JO minutes, P. M. lu tiiiuin ;, will leave ihe uullel bnk ut Nuilh uiubeilaud, at H o'cl.iik and IS minutes, A. M., 1 1 o'clock and 4 minutes, A. M., and 5 wVlotk and l.'j minules, P. M, Fare, 10 cents, Ihi-ur.ieii tickets, otxl for one dnv, 1 3 cents. Sunbury, Apiil it", 183 1. tf. UtiM-utlttlc lhilitudicCciMciit. .lit tntlhnt iiiut for Lining 1'iiiriiiSj V.U fuf kvepiui d4iupuesa fiolll Wet and eAiiosvd walls. Fot sole '' CHAKI.liri HIIKPAUDHMITII. ('inure ul Flout and Willow Ms. ItalliuaX . I'luULIi bia, Apiil ii, ly. DOCTOH JOSEPH W. CAHKEON. IT IX'llf 11 I 1.1. Y ll. fur m. Ih ul ill lluiaull uf Huubuiy and MiliillV. ll.. I lia Itaa fM-linainiilly I w.lid t. mr I f in Mil HluUUi llj vill i bl4 Ulult S.ilt4l .(. Ii IbuM l.a ua.y la u l.y bint, l af ita 'H iil Us t au Ui f"Uii4 .aa. Ilalal. bai.l u.y, il.i.ti . IJI - U. tr.K 1)11 I.H..-JIV44.M uJ f.a B' Hill. 4iiJMut.l uiu.uJ wa) caul bt (o ..U a Utuultua, j I,'" al lkl wlft., 'iu.iua( !)!.. Ut, I " I atilo M..lhii, at ta .u, 'w L'm.s vl ,tu,.i. iiattt.4 Jr-fT : Tl ; i ... l,W CHERRY PECTORAL: the Care of COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, BROW. cniTis, ciioup, astai- MA, VIIOOPINO.OOUOH AND CONSTJBIPTIOU. TO CHRP. A roi.T). with iiK.nAc.ifi and onse' of (he bmly, take ihn Ciikury TifctoKAL on iing to lcd Uiul wrap up wajiu. U iwcut iluriug tlit-iiiu;lit. - I' uk a ( ami L(H-;n, tulc it iiMming, ivcai nun eve ninir. iiLvrmJiHii t.i duccLi-tnk mi flic 1 1 it Liu. iutd lliu lifnMi(- ly will mi ln roitiovctl. Wmio will fc'iifc nuir-T l'r-m (Jii tiMiihle when ihcv liad il ran bcfo rwalilv fiirwl. Pernonn nltlictcil wiih n Bcatcil tuiih, which breaks liictn nf their rc.Hlnt niuhl, will lind, ly iaktnr tho Clictiy 1'urWral on euhi t J iicil, thpy may ho rdio of wnial, tinlanken shrrp, anil cnistiiiiciilly rtfn-liing rest. Great relief from snilcf- intf, ami an iiltinctlc cure, t allnlcn u uioub.inus wiioure tliumililiclctl, hv Ihm invnluahlu remedy. K ft m (t imrcfahlo rtfri'tn hi tlioe nifcn, many find Ihcni3tjlve unwilling lo lurcgo itn uut when the iiecvujiy lor it has ccasi-d From two cintnrnt Vhvfici.ini in . rAVRTiKviM.F, Trim , April 10, fir :-Wo have gtvni ytinr Chcny lrt mil an extenrnve rrmi in our piaciice, nnti nnd u m mirpaw every in-i id mcdy wcli ive for enriim allWti.'iiB of the rcupirnrory or niiin. IHK.MKIt A IIAMPTOX. TOSIXtfKHSANI) prHlsMJSPKAKKKU" is invfilaalilc. mh ly ilk mMinn on the thrmit nnl liinir, when tikuii in Binall (inanliticn, it rt-inovcnall hunrMuicn in n fr-w nonrn, nan w.mdtTtitiiy increases lae power uim ucaiuuhj iifllii! vn'wt. ASTH.MA in tri'iifrallv innch ri-ticvcd. nnd oflen wholly enred hy Chcrrv IVt tnrnt. Hut there arc mii casedso oh- slinnle an to yield entirely to no medicine. Cherry recto r:tl will cure lli.-in. il' lliev 11111 Im cared. ilRONCItrriS, or iriilation of the throat nnd upper portion of the minr, may lw ciirtd !y taking Cherry Pe t ral in small and trconcat doses. The uncomfortable op- predion msotin rr!if'ei. liv-v. J)ocl. isANSJNU, nf nnmklyii.Ncw York, states: '1 have H'l-ii the Cherry 1'iviotal rare Pitch cases of Asthma and Itroar-hitisaK It-Jita mc lu Ittltcve it can rarely fall to cure th'iwr diuwi.-MiK." i TOR Clt M P. tiivu an cuietic of nulimony, to Im? I'nlltiwed hy larire oifl frmiuenl dost H of tlic Cherry Peeto tal, until i fuMiies the disease If taken inseas m, it will not fail to cure. WlloopLVi Cf'I'ClI may he broken up and soon cu red hv the use, of ("hern- Pectoral. T1IK IN KM'KNA is speedily removed hy this rcmr dv. N'uncnaiB instances have been noticed where whole , famdii-s weie. er"tcted frnii nny serums cuiisemiLMiccs, while their n-!hhtrv, wi'rmt the Cherry Peettual, were an tiering frni the disciniu. Dr. J. C. Aver: 1 mi .nine, isoi. I wiite to ttil'orin ym f( the truly remukaUe ctfucta of your CIIKKUV PI'.CTOJt A in this place, mid in my own family. nc of my ! inhlerw was cmnpletcly cured in three days of a dreaih ul Wnoonvn Cot'nn, hy takin? it Dr. Means, dim: of our very hl physicians ficely stoles that Im considers it (he best remedy we have pulmonary disrates, and that he h.itt cared m ae canes of CliouT with it than any other medicine ho ever ai!miuitered. Oui cler.rymcii o( ihe Jlapttst Church saystltat dnrin-j the run of Im-i.trx?! here this veason. he lias seen cares l iom your medicine ho could 3caiely have believed h'ith- oiit seeinir. Yours respectfully, J. U. 8ICT,AIR, LicpLty Post manter. From the dhtinui.hctl Professor of Ckcmis try ami Metcria MctUzc. Poivthin College. I have found the Cukrhy Pixtoum., as its ingredients show, n powerful remedy for cold;, and cauglis, und pul monary diseases. Pa n it EH Cleveland, M. D. UkussWKK, Mc. Pcb. fi, lr I r. jit. vau:tini:mott. The iriilriif celebrated Professor of Surgery M (lie Alalicul Cofcyc, Actr 1 ork tn 'm. says: "ll (lives me pJensere to certify tlm value und eflieacy of 'Avku'm CiiBiitiv Pi:cToi:fM.,' which 1 consider peculi arlv adapted to cure diseases of tint 'i'hroal aud Lungs.1 'tires of S'-voic di!se;isi-s iijvin (he I,uns have heeii cT fiscteil by CitmiRV PscroitAi. in auch extreme cafes as warrant'lhe helief Ihata n uu-ilv has at tcimth been found that can be depended on to cure the Coughs, Colds nail Consumption whieh enrrv from our suit tart. IIiouh:iiii!s every year, II. is indeed a nnslieine to which thu nlliieled can lnok wuh c.tnadeiiefi for relief, uml they should not fail to avail themselves of it. Prepared aad sold btj JAMES C. AYER Practical Che mist Lowell, 7ls5. ' Sold iii iSunbiiry by If MASSEH, and liy Prueririts prncrally ibronlnnit the f-'tnto. July WO. 1833. coow lv. Nov. 13. '52. K. M. HVtlTlloLOW. O, TIVFANV, Jit. . n. CHARKON PartboIov, TilVaay Co. l.MPUIlTIlliS AMI lKAI.l-:ttSlN Fort'iK'H atitl Doiiicslic GOODS, AND AliKNTS Full THKSAI.K OK AMERICAN MANUFACTURES, Au,"2t!S Hal limine Street, Baltimore. If our ticmdii oil i x :i m i n :i tioi : , arc not 113 cheap ns they can Im knight in nny ntlicr niiuktt tlicy may bo ri'turn.'il foitlixs ilh nf out cxpi'iise. Uuliiuiorc, Aov. W, lf!.")o. ly. Valuable Property for Sale Li tho Borough of Sunbury ! fllllj BnWiitier I1V-i-h fur tlic fnllowing JL pryjicrly in llio Uimm;li of Sunliury, viz: Tllli UOl.' Aiul two c !ili;iou.-i Lut. of Grotmil, 011 tlm S'liilli wosl imiirr uf "ilarlii't tS.iniiri-, now (M'CiiiicJ liy thu rilicr uk a Hloio ami tlncl- Ung. .Ui: THE STEA51 SAW HILL on llio rivrr Imiik, lni tlirr .willi nnc ami n lialf luri-H of ground. Also: a double twu fctory I'ranii! .Dwolliiv' Hoiiboainl Lot of Grouml, in KliK'iIicrf utri'Pt. Alrto: nix (( of ground at lliu l'uiul, uiljoiiiinu thu Mumiui'liaimii, on wliiili aro ititIi J two l'ruuio Uousi'4 wagoii houtiOi Also : 'A House and Lot of Ground in Cranberry slr.-ct, mvir llm river, 011 which lot aro iilso creeled llirro lime kiln. Also ; A House uml half Lot of Ground, uu llio north i'ihI corner of liivcr and Dewberry atruct, ihciiiuI by Auiirlus (.'lenient. Al.o: Twriily-Tliive Vacant LoU uu lllderbutiy llect. ii:a t. cu;ment. Sunbury, Jan- II, ISS1. tf. Spring and Summer style li KIN T L KM K.N 'S If ATS. r FOSTER & GEBHARD, L A' South Third Strert, below Chestnut, i'iiii..iiKi.rin., n.AV E uuusuul itixliuiiou in railing atten tion to their large and valird stuck uf Mole kU in ." 1 i u l, lleavcr, Uller, I'aliauu, und a variety of Straw und Sopi 1( it. lieiitleilieu's suoimer Caps of all description. Children's I'.im y Kiubruidt rrd aud Plain Cups Miaw Hat. mid Cups, Mi..h'.' 1'laU, o.c. I'xF Purlieubir atleniioii is called to a While uiul . Nankeen I'reuch IVIt II at, of our own im portation. Phila., April '.', HSI -3m. IMt'ORTKU AND D E A I. K ll IN IRONSTEKL, 401 .V.t.i.t strait, UImio Mh, ninth mil, VHIZ.AUCZ.rUXA. Phila.., Jail. Vl, lil. ly. CI liiH'i:!ili:.Shu4ar. Culli. T,a, Mul.fc H Mm, Rttv, (tall, .Vt'., JU levikcd and luf al-l'V I. W.TE.NtK A. CO. Huubuiy, Apiil Hi, laM 4MITirn 1!.KK.CH orY)i UV til.V ' liKK, a lii.U supply jiM ic.n,J, ,( u, U. U. M.VtK. Hui.Uuy, Jan, 9, 1a33. TkNol.ri ' vnirVl."l ID and AJUa- mv aud U.l url..- for talv t y 11. U. iUaKU. kuMbaiy, Jan Ii). laia. IimT:t "liitirrv.Mv Viuri-iu, w, Iwl IwtlUa ui mU if II. tt MAaaHIC Baj.Uuy, Au.,1, U, IIIiAlNKS. s ki .,! j,,,j.4M4 Mt ttt if 'H .ti. mm DAVIS 8c CULIN, . Dealer, lu LAMPS, 1.ANTI.KMS c UIANUKLIERS, N E. Corner Fourth and Cherry Streets, PHILADELPHIA. T T A VINU enlarged and improved their Store. and having tho largest assortment of I.ampa in Philadelphia city, their nro now lircparcd to fnrniali VI W. fill. (lAMPHPVH BURNING FLUID, KTIIEREAT. OIL, riio-phcno Can and T.ard Oil, Lamps, Lanterns of ull pnlurns, Fancy Hotel mid 1 ful I Lamps, Chandelier., fiirnndolca and CnmlclcahraA, and Urittannin Lamps, at the Manufacturers' lowcat prices. Ulnss Lamp by the package, nt a small advance, over Auction pricos. Being larno MArvLFACTUUKKS of l'inc Oil, Hurninft l'luid, Ethereal Oil, Alcohol, and (the only true) Phosgene (ion, they can fur nish these articles nt .uch prices thut Merchnntu will find it to their advantage to buy. Cull before r?oiii(f elsewhere, if you want bargain.. Also, tlm Safety FI iid Lamp for sale. , Phila., Sept. Si, 1853. ly. Look to 'your Interests ! We will try lo phase ! ! S. N. THOMPSON ESPKCTFLLLV informs lii. friend, and the public generally Hint lie has just re. coiveil at liix Blore, in Market street, Sunbury, below Weaver'. Hotel' an extensive stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, consislingjn part of Dry Goods, viz : Cloths, Cnssimcres, Cassinets, Jeans, Drillings, Muslins, Vesting, Linens, (fc. LADIKS DHESS AND FANCY GOODS, Culitoes, Muslin ile Lnins, Latms, Ginichatns, Perages, Robes, Woolens, Flannels, tyc. GROCERIES, Sugar, Teas, Coffee, Kicc, Molasses, Cheese, Spices, Salt, Ac, &.C., &.C. IS.irdivarc, Nails, Screws, Files, Saws, Knives & Forks, &.C. Queens and Glassware, of various styles and patterns. BOOTS AND SHOES. A largo assortment of Boots and Shoes, for men, women and children. Hats Cats, &t., of various sizes and styles. Besides a largo nnd general assortment of fashionable 6nds. Cull and examine for your selves. 1"?? Country produce of nil kinila taken in exchange at th highest ninrkct prices. Sunbury, 1 1 mo. 20 1853 4 m. :, '53. new 7ocit" v 1 n do w's 1 Fa d ks. stvl,. G.X..MIX.Z.ER&CO. 1834. MANUFACTURERS lss- AND WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS J 11 indow Shades, South-west corner of Second and Arch Streets, rHIIiADELPHXA.. SUCH us Oolhe's Landscapes, Boiders, Vases, Seroles, Bonnets, GOLD EORDEBS, &e., Of the most beautiful designs and perfection of finish in this country, nnd nt such LOW PRICES, As to clinlleng all competition. Buff and White Hollands, Cambrics, Tassels, Cards, Brasses, .See., in every variety, for Cily or Country Trade. Wc invito an examination of our stock, at tho Depot, Soulh-west corner of Second and Arch streets, Philadelphia. January 'it, leS54. 5in. WATCHES, JEWELEY, &c. J J3. F I D LKtt, No. 12 South Second Strcc', rniLASELPXIIA. (iold Lever Watches full jewelled Silver Lever do (Silver Lcpino do " tiuartier do (iold jiciis and pencil and silver lialders silver Tea and Table Spoons Bracelets, pins Ear rings oVe.. All warranted und sold at prices us low as any in llio city. November 37. 1S52 tf. I'orlc lMoiiiiities, POCKET ROOKS, AND FANaCY GOODS. rilllE attention of tho Trade, and others, in 1 want if Porto Monnnies, Pocket Hooks, Bankers' Cases, Dressing Cases, Portable Wri ting Desks, Baekgammoii anil Chess Boards, Chessmen, Pearl, ."-'hell, and silver Cord ('uses, Work Boxes, Cabas, Nccdlo Books, Money Belts, Cigar Cases, Portfolios, Razors and Itaor Strops, Travelling Flisks, und line Cutlery, to gether with a large variety of Kancx Guom wliicU will be sold ul the lowest rates. F. H. SMITH, Porto Monuaio and Pocket Book Manufacturer, .HIS Arch St. below Sixth, Philadelphia. Sept. 17, IS.")3 tf. ( A it is, ,ii:m: .v Co., Flour, Grain and Lumber Comiuision IMercliiiiils, S3 and 25 Spear's Wharf, Baltimore. John Clark, Esq , President (Citizens' Bank, Bull. A. P. (iilcs, i:q., Cashier Bruiikliu Bank, " John llerlitler' Jr., 10sq., Pliibidelphia. Roiters, Siniiicksoii &. Co., " J. Tome, Esq., President Cecil Bank, Port De posit e. , J. Wallowcr A Son llurriidnirg. Col. 11. C. Eyer, tjeliusgrovo. J.H.AppACo., Nagle, Wingute Co., Millnn. W. V, Cooke, Esq., .Muney. million Schuyler, Esq., " (ieorge Botlino, llughsvillo, W. W'cuver A Co., Montouinville. (Sen. William F. Pucker, W'illiitiii-poit. T. W. Lloyd, Esq., Cahier, James 11. Iluling, " Lewis (i, lluliu, " M'lleuty A llulili, Jersey Shore. J. P. Holing, Esq., Lock Haven. I T Carr, tSiesa A Co. Iiavo Ihe large.l wlmif room of any commumu housa in Baliimare, ul ways gi.iug quick dipalth to boat, lu tWhartf iiu It. cir cargo. . Ki-lnuury II, NSI ni. Uluckmithiii. 'IIIE (ubscriber hereby inforui the riliaru of 1 ruiubury, aud lit public generally, thai ho iiili iid lu rairy uu lha HliuU-mlUiliu llunlueM uu his own actouut, ami that he ha itinovetl hi. .Imp fioui near tUiuriil's sloie, to anew shop uu Ihe prruiiM- of Mark ekuphaiu, ill Fawn U.i, white he will be happy H accomiuodaUi all hi I'u.louii i. II EXUY l'.VUToN. Hunlury, March S, lJI. If, C1IU.D I'E.NK Killt and wiihuul riaa, uf H v.iy .ii .not quality, )u. i,n,4. A 1.4 fir.U .upply u( niimi l b. i.l, fur .al y II. U. M tu. (Mul'Kiy, Ji., S?, UU. fe Yei I l.TIFK I'lMIhXK.K. nl il lu autj all tuiupUU', iu.l i. tJ, ul ( Mle by U U MVliU. wiUHuy, June 4, 1111.- 1 1 0 bil l i i.iu.uj an .. ai.jtlt it., ul. I al Uu. flit. Ate t. ul all k.i.l Ml .WIWt ! 'ull ), tb. I, 1jJ. "AID. AND COMFORT," To Yor Own Mechanics. GEOllGE HENN. MANUFACTURER OF FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of the most Fashionable Stvl. 'THE aubscribcr respectfully calls the attention of the public to his large and splendid assort ment of every quality and price of C A It I i ET-1V A II 12 . which cannot fuilto remmmend iUelf to every on who will examine it, on account of its durabla workmnnship nnd splendid finish, mada up of the best stock to be had In the city. No effort is spared in the manufacture of his warn, and tlia subscriber is determined to keep up with the inniiy improvements which are constantly being made. His stock consists of Mahoguny Sofas, I)lvnn and Lounges, Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards, SOFA, BREAKFAST AND 1)1X1X0 TABLES, and also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to Phila delphia manufacture. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and price, CUPROARDS, WORK AND CANDLE STANDS, TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, In short, every article in this line of his business. He also manufactures all kinds and qualities of 'CHAIRS, including varieties never before to be had ir. Sunbury, such as Maiiooaiit, Black Waljiut AKn Ct'iir.Kn Maplk (irkcian ; 1XD WlXIISMIl CHAIRH, An faxct Pjaxo Stools, whieh nr of the latest styles, and warranted to lie excelled by none manufactured in tho Ciliesor elsewhere. The subscriber is determined that there shall bn no excuse for persons to purchase furniture in the cities, ns every confidence can bo entertained about the quality and of his ware and Chairs. His articles will bo disposed of on ns good terms as they can be purchased elsew here. Coun try Produce taken in pnyment for work. IST UNDERTAKING. Having provided himself with a handsome Hkaiisi:, ho is now prepared for Undertaking, and attending funer als, in this vicinity, or at any convenient dis tance from this place. (.?" The Ware Room is in Market Street, below Thompson's Store and Weaver's Tavern. CEOIiUE REN'N, Sunbury, Jan. 10, 1852. tf. Important to Coal Dealers. rTWIE subscribers hereby inform the public, that they have entered into partnership under the firm of Kase, flccd & Co., for the purpeose of mining, shipping and selling coal, deliverd at Sunbury, or ut nny other point along the 8us quchniinu. They will be ready to deliver coal, well prepa red, on coi 'tract or otherwise, at ull times, on the shortest notice, nnd on the most reasonable terms. Orders received at Khumokin hv KASK, REED & CO. Sunbury, June 4, 1853. ly. A vaiuablYhouse And Three Acres of Ground FOR SALES. rjHE subscriber oners at private sale, liishousn and three acres of ground, on the river Bank within the limits of the Borough of Sunbury, now in tho occupancy of John tshiralcr ond orig inally owned by Ciias. (iussler while engaged in boat building. The improvements nio a TWO STOEY FE.AME HOUSE, With a Well of good Water, and a good frame stnble. There are n number of excellent fruit trees on tho premises. The prop, cily is handsomely located und will bo sold ut n reasonable price and possession given in April next. Apply to t.'eo- C. AVclUer, Esq., of Sun- nury, or to llio sunscnuer nt telinsgrove. PETER KERLIX. July SII, 1S53 tf. Linnher Yard. 'TlIE subscriber would respectfully inform llio -- citizens of Sunbury, and Northuml ertond and uiljoiuing counties, that he has opened a laiinslicr Yard in tho lot fronting on Cranberry St., a short dis tance East of the Steam Saw Mill, where lie has now a large amount of Seaxounl 1'uniiel l'laul, also l'ltiwel jloantt, and nil other Boards and Bi i i.niNii Matkki al, such us will lie wanted for building purpose. Also a large amount of Shingles uu liaml, which will be sold Iroin fl! up to 8, according to quality and size. Please giro us a cull and examine our prices und quality. !.n. farmers who nro in want ot Shingle will pleuso call as we will sell to vou low. J. E. LEI II, Sup.' Sunbury, May 28, 1S5X ly. Cheap "Watches Jewelry, A yilOLEsALE "'"1 Retail, nt tho "Pliibi.lel- ' phia Watch and Jewelry Store," No. Ut North Second Street, corner of luarry, FHIIiASrUBIA. (i.ilil lam Wiilrliis, lull jewrled, 1ft cnnit rnr, AO liol'l l.'ihuo i-. is-.'i.iki1 Mlver la'p. full ji wlleil, l Sllvor la;v.'r, uill iewru ltf. Fine Silver Snoctiielp.. l .'ai ,iliilil Hnii't'lel., ;i.oo I mlie.1 OoUl IVis'iln, l.on Silver Tea sjuhuis, set, i,uu Stipi' Uiiuriicni, 7. li.'lll Si.H!ulf. 1. Ml Ookl reus, wilh rencil anil .lvur IloUlcr, 1,00 liold Finger Rings, 37 rents to S0 ; Watch Classes, plain, 13J cents; Patent, 1k4' ; Lunel, 2.') ; oilier article in proportion. All goods war ranted to bo v. hut tliev are sold for. tiTALFFER A HARLEV. Successors to O. Conrad. On hand, roine (Sold and Silver Lever and I.epiues, still lower than the ubove price. Sept 10, 1853. ly. New Wall Paper Warehouse. BURTON & LANING, M.tM FACI'l U:S j. I.Ml'dlillilts, 7 . No. lil Anh Street, second duor above Suth. Philadelphia, , . 1 INHERE may be found the largest and hand oniest assorlment in the cily. Purchaser fi oin the country ill 'find it to Ineir udunlJgt to cull ut ou .torn, where they w III be suited with a upi rior article ut llio low, ,1 price. Bl UTilN A LAMMS, No. 131 Arch Slreet, ahute Sivth, Philailtlpliia. Phila., Feb. S.'i. lij.'.l am. WM, K'CARTY. Bookieller , EsPECTFl'LLY inforui lbs ii.lulii.nil. ot town ami rounlry, llial hv lis Ian l rect-i ej from Philadelphia, a lurgv s.l.liliuu to In. lock o IhkjLs, hi every biain h of l.ll. laluir, and ill a (real vainly of Utmliuj. Pleani call and we tliein. Suiilntry, tepl. 17, IH.SJ. K. II. II. llltiUEE'M ruidy for ioouI,.. "colds, nuil eulinonary diM-a-s. A supply el I In valuable liuJu lu juel r.-. ri.i J and k'( ml by ii. u. . SuubuiY, June I , lij 1 MIVIN PI MI'pi. A .mall uuntltrol ft.illnil puuii have Ueu n.n'J uJ ulli'i.4 fur ul by 11. U. M a.i:ii. huubuiv. June i, li.L JKWEI HV. -..iini.i.l f i bl and ltl' P. ll. and IVi.. fcr rltt.p by Ii. i:lUl.Uit ta I I' . Maik.l, tipvatii the i'u-t I'lii.e Huubuiy, 11,1. , 1 I. I Ml - II.HiK.u'. i.l. biaW4 ink. J ! oh 1 ll. Ink t-'l mUi. Mltaj. taJ .J I. Ull l' ItMeittUi . I 'il. U M taM II U.V1.I1 l llt si. a-eile "" i:.t. It tl Ml-ll W .UU. ., I t " I., II U M IWtl. bai.l-u.;, 4.d I.'.