A STRING OK; ITEMS. During tholwelra day Ending' hl3I inst., ther were seven cholera deaths at Memphis, Teun- ;.rvi?V JA ' JVJ Comliand Chsrles Johnson is to be hi.mg at Harriburg, 06 Friday", XAUgl SSth.Jfor, the murder of Nathaniel P. Coiypf.'' ; f pant. 'Henderson Ciaxso'n died of .cholera, on tha iinmer J. 0. Clint", neat Louisville, on Saturday last. '';' r' " " At Nashville, lh cholera does not. npppnr to be. very fatal,, tha deatha not averaging over three daily. . - : " ;:'' -r . Two young daughters of Colonel Fos, of Charlestown, Mass., died of cholera, uiiTue day the 13th inM. "' - An English journal dates, with great serf ousncss, that an emigrant with a wooden leg is not allowed to land in any port of ilia Uni ted States. ; , . Art unthracite Hast furnace is to bo'rect- ed at Norristown, by a company possessing a capital of $60,000. . , i ' . - It will be good news to honsekeepera to learn that the price of beef, which has late ly commanded such extortionate figures, is on the decline. ! . The late riot among boatmen at Ottawa, III., in which seven Irishmen were reported killed, was much exaggerated: Nobody was killed, though several were badly huit. ; '. Mr. Samuel Branan (a gentleman said to have an income of $150,000 per month,) will present at the next May festival at San Fran cisco fifty prizes' of 820 each and if the "notion takes him," multiply by ten. THE POOR MAN TO HIS SON. . Work, work, my boy, be not alraid, Look labor boldly in the face, Take op the hammef or the spade, 1 -. And blush not for your bumble placo. ' Hold tip your brow in honest pride, 1 ? . Too' rough and swart your hands may be; Such hands are sap-vein that provide The life-blood tf the nation free. There's honor in the toiling part, That finds us in the furrowed fields; It stamps a crest upon the heart , Worth more than all the quartered shields Forty negroes oat of fifty, employed by one of the contractors on the Clarksville RiJgeway Railroad, the Southside Democrat is informed, ran off on Sunday last, near Lyncsvillc, N. C, and have not since been heard of. Beavtifui. Marblb Quarry. A compa ny has commenced quarrying and sawing the "verd antique" marble, or serpentine, found in ledges at Roxbury, Vt.. The prom, inent colors of the stone are pnrple, green and white. Rather Cold. The greatest cold ever known in England occjirred on the 3d of January, 1854, and so severe was the frost of that night, that evergreen oaks, which had remained uninjured through fifty winters, were killed. The range of temperature in January was nearly sixty degrees. Tomatoes should always be bushed, just as much as peas, and who but a sloven would think of raising the latter without any, sup port! Taniatoe plants should be trimmed also, and not permitted to bear all the fruit that sets upon the bushes. ' " Gathering of thjc Nations. The Chris tian Indians of the ancient confederacy known as the ' Six Nations," are holding a religious gathering at the Mission Church, on the Onondaga Reservation, N. Y., com mencing on the 61b inst. A Hard Case. A servant gill havin brought Parks, the muiderer, in Akron, Ohio his supper, oue evening, he took exception to some poriion of it, and told her if sho did uot bring him better food the next time, she suouiu not have a fiee ticket to see him hanged. AhvPuftT in a Sromt. In - Ballymeua 1 1 1 ... . . 1 . 11:11011, uuimg a very heavy sliowcr 111 that neighborhood, and whilst people were eon iueuiy running hither and thither for shelter, wron look rerugo. 111 a young gentleman's moustache, evidently mistaking his mouth lor the aporture into its own nest ! Goou FuL'it wnuouT Gravting. Un ev ery psifoclly ripe apple," it is observed in &1 ll'llnt:.,!. .l..lf . . ... ..bn uuuiieanon about twenty years 8", "Ihere will be found, one or twoperferl ly round seeds, the olhors having one or more natlened siJes. The round Once will pro .,..lm,Tcu irmi and Da tut one will produce the trafc." PlOSONOt I'S tiCRRici Tha Wahinilo,i o.r repu.i, iiat , j,B Bines tin which Lieut OirHlll'a narlu ... ... . . . party were acivcmutuus eAplurstiun of the l.ih.,,u. of DariBM CBIlllliluj m ro 8cj( men ha. destroyed the enamel of their eib, nud ts-UI result iu their eomplrle loss. A Vu,m. Cow.-The W,. Che.te, . I 1 M"' Mr n-M,wl MiK of Kast Ma.lboionsh, V tereoun.y, Ua. . cow 7 ear. old, or 4, ewl., which, fiom a week'. king, produce,! I. lbs. of ma.ke.ablu butter. He, yiBUo( nillk u 4S j f aL.UJ. Thseowi. .,. Wa vuniaii, ' AiiAs0Hlt ,Un(yU.aiJ B; ckef To this the VVheuln lli AlVus wy nmn Us . ,,,1 lw t0(. J rrtiiul. , lo.s Ihe A.Uu mean la iniua, ,b.l wsrnt roiiiiiiv'i .1.. that the - ' usins ,( 4 1 tUt WlS,1-W(( !... A It 1 uk Bur wiiu Dkti,ti Ta. W(Mth A SW.A Ma. las t . ... It j . ' 7 wa row stsa l.,i, L II st .s ... m " , T '! v lb vktM a b(, '' l- " i d'a !. Hluvb ' "M ,," ' Wtk, Ih,,, !, , ,.1 Iksl 1,11! gu New Goods for the People I ' BENJAMIN HIKFFNER r ESPECTFULLY informs the public in r It eral tlmt he hat- just received slid opened a nlrr.did itonk of " '' ' Un.n'nni mill Kn ill tv at CI nnil a j OIMIII tIHl kUlllllllVI w w st his New Store, in Lower Augusta township. His stork consists in part of '-' -1 ' !" Cloths, Cassimfcrs, CassinctsV ; " Afall kinds, of linen, cotton and worsted. J Cnllcoen, Olnglmm-., Lawn,' j MIouNHclInc Ic L,alne$ t nJ all kinds of Ladies Ureas Goods. -. : I 1 tirorctic. ' ' Alo an assortment of Hardware, Iron ' and Steel. Nails, &o. j " "' : Also ait excellent tissortinttnt of ' O.UEENSWARE, of various styles and i patterns. . .. Also an assortment of UOOTS K SIIOI.S. ; , 1 HATS & CAPS, a good scloetion. ! : Salt, Fish, c.:;.:; And a great variety of othw articles such as are suibibte to the trade, all of -which will be sold at the lowest prices. 1 I,,, .;;i ; i 1 ..,.j:-ki tiT CJountrt nrodure token In excitants a the hiiihcst prices. ) . . I 1 .!! Lower Augusta, Msv u, 18o4. t i Great Arrival of SPRING- GOODS! ULV T. CLEMENT NFORMS his friends and customers that ho just received an elegant assortment or SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS A t him ftfnrfl in MarSot Street. Sunbury, which he offers to the public at the lowest prices. h; .t.ik a,iumIi of a ccneral assortment v )rv Goods, VizV ' Cloths, Ca$simers, Cassmtts, Jean; Drillings, ' Mtislwt, .iiicirs, iniicorsj i. Z.nms, Xaiens, Ginghams, licrages. ' Also a large assortment of CLOTHING. ' A largo assortment of Boots and Shoes, for Men, Women and Children. - Sir.K Hats. ' Panama, Talin leaf and oilier Summer Hats. IMaslcr. ; 1 1 GROCERIES of every variety. 5ugar, Tea, Coffee, Molasses, Cheese, Spices, FUh, Salt, Ac. . . HARDWARE, !' Vis 1 Iron and Steel, Nails, Files, Saws, ic. QUEENS WARE, Tea Sells, I'latcs, Dishes, Cups, Saucers, ijt LIQUORS, - irinn lnAit Pin ! tfViiiiVair .....u D.u.iu,, u.n, iuui, t.uuai,, l. CP Country produce of all kinds laVcn in ex- euange bi uie mgucst niaraci prices. April 8, 18S4. ly. , LATEST ARRIVAL OF Spring and Summer Goods. TJESPECTFULLY annduDce to their frienils and the public in ccneral, that they have received at their Old Stand, in Upper Augusta township, Northumberland county. Pa., their Spring an J Sutntner Goods, and opened to the public a full assortment of ' MERCHANDIZE, &c Consistinor in nart of Cloths, lilark and fnnrv Cassimers, Kattinctts, Checks, and all kinds of SPUING & SUMMER AVE A 11, Also a splendid assortment of ' ' ' ' Ladies Dress Goods, " Calicoes, Gingham. Muslin de Laincs, Plaid . Cashmeres, Do bcgcn, Lawns, Ac Akoi fresh supply of all kinds, of . Groceries. A fresh supply o Hardware and Queens ' ware, Drugs and Medicines. Woodon Wore." . ' ' , A Io, a . largo assortment of Boots and oihwh, suuanio mr men, women ana - i Children. Hats and Cups, euch as Silk, Panama, and other IIuU, Suit, Cheese, &c Call and Sec. Cheaper than the Cheapct, All of which will be sold fur cash, or in ex change for country produce, at Uiv highest market price. Upper Atigusla, May fi, 1854..' This Way! This Way!! Spring and Sumuicr Goods. riULING & GRANT. RKSPhCTr IjLLY . inform Uieir culomers and thiv public, that they have jut receiv ed and opened the best and cheapest stock or Spring and Summer Qoods, at thvir store in Market sipiace, Sunbury. Their stock Consists of every Variety of , Dry Goods, via : Cloths, Ctissimeres, Satlinets, Vesting ' Flannels, Wotlens, ljc.t And all kinds of niius & Summer Wear. Also a splundid variety of LADIES DRESS it FANCY GOODS, Calicoes, Cinglunns, Chintzes, lit Laines, k. beiages, , . And every vaiiety of goods MtiluMe for La Uius wenr. '. . AIo l.irno asvorliuent of . HARDWARE and QTEENSWARE, ' Fish, Salt and Plaster. Aha an exteni-ive n8orintriil of HATS AND CAI'S roR MtK AMI KllYK. AUo a large assortment of lillOl'IOlt Hl'f ll A Stijar, Teas, Cofler, Molasses, Sjiices ol all kind. ALa a ith supply of UlltUtt AND MKWCINfc!. Kusidea Ilia laijosl and limt uuneral ioil iiioiil ol all kinds of ,;ika1 to Lti had 111 this place). I tT I'oiiutry pro. luce 01 all siuu. takesj in ei fluinge at I lie lulii.t inarkrl puce. Sunbury, May I. I Hit. TOWN LOTS .T PRIT.TE S.LZ. IIGHT of the ui't dt-sirsble lots, in 111. towu - f Shamukin, NwlhuiulwiUiid county. Pa. ran Im had of the sutwiilwr u rcaaoiisble term. r.inis vtbo have uiimry lit iuvr in ibis kind of pmiwily, will never bate Uller owxidunily In make a pun live tbsu M uua, olTijJ ih-m. hhsiuukiii Itas, iu iu iiimi4bl it'intly, am ple rew.iiti rs Ui build up Rf.t class te,nr town. The uiinii.l uitilhius under wav. n,l 111 roiiiriiipUii,.n, .re aihai.iUr la stanaiil Ihe Ui.'.l ett'lun, for tha ispid (towlh ol ths plue In buiiH,K. .ud ill populalloM. ll has slisidy ukaa a tltii, and .U aurcaw.liii .. mm will sra il still hi.h i,wruus. As . ton. iuriti, 11W411J la build uhii will every )eaf bn-uiue w.4 vslu.l.U. I.uts whi. a sway Im bad sl . ruH.psisli.nly Um .ie awl likely U to iaj Uu, w.kr M .11 . law ),, N.w ia il biua, llwisluie, lu mVt fi 1 1 m. Fu lifMuisli.., e.tiu'eHii lit. ei.kl Wis tut mW, sppl) lUiuwub ksll(. U HUH. M. H !.L, wtbttiy, Pa. HvuUiy, May 13, lM. I A I'llf.a) U JM.I4. sipfiti. .4 iuMUMt A h ).. Hl.k auj l.n.1 iiM ilk. ftilk r-i .im, ik 1 .ium, kk.li), liutfk.a.s h4 I Ut ul I. UI, hsI ... .1 h4 lus I. tv.'ltttN Ml. iwboii, A,.d H, l. Daguerreotypes!" GEORGE W COBLE, RESPECTFULLY announces to the citizens of Sunbury and vicinity, that be lias agnin Opened Dngticrrran Room, and i prepared te take likrnessrs.' He warranU his pictures to be satisfactory ta all wishing true representations of themselvea snd friends. rtpocial attention is paid to children. Copies taken with aecurnrr. In tructions given en reasonable terms. His roohi is at the old pi are, in the Grand Jury Koom, (couhty buildings,) operating honr from 9 A M. until 5 r. M., without rcgaid to tlia .tote tl the weather.- Copies should be sent in on cloudy days. ' Nunliury, April 8?, I834.-f. , i ; :i ) PATr.NT SCALES, Sold Rt their J;--,- ' I'UIU 111. Illlll " Him , WAREHOUSE, . iv- 1 y Ko. 210 Market Street'' .ui 1 vrifT.Anei.pniA. ' Railroad, Hay, Cool, and Pormers' SCALES set in any part of Ihe country, by eiperienced workmen) and nt snort notice. ' i I'hilsv April 8, 1854. 6m. .' . ., . . . , Itosendale Hydraulic Cement An eittllent article for Lining Cisterns, Vaults, Spring-houses and Cellars, AND for keeping dampness from wet am i- excuses' walls. For sate by : ' 1 : Corner of Front and Willow 8U. Railroad. IMiiladelphia, April 2S, 1851. ly. " GEORGE EAllP, JR, " ' ( " GENERAL ' ' 'Cominission Merchant, TjV)R the sale of English and American pig ieau, ncoirii and American pig Iron. Block tin, Sheet lead, Lead and Iron Water and G'us pipes. I.i'-eral advances made on eonoignments Pig, Ulooin, Uillelt ot Shorce Iron. No. SO North Whancs, Philadelphia. April 28, 1854.- 2m. SUN BURY, PA., ', y TAK jont received afresh supply of new Spring (jowls. Their friends and the pub lic arc respectfully requested to call and inspect them. Thev will he aold cheap. ' "Uuick salea and small profits" is still their motto. . bunbury, Pa., April 22, 1854. THE STEAMBOAT SUSQUEHANNA WILL make regular trips for carriage of " scnners between Snnbnnr xwl Nnrtt Pas- thum- berland every day, except Sunday, on and after muiioa), rtjirii - The boat will leave the wharf at Sunburv. at 8 o'clock, A. M., 11 o'clock and HO miuutea A. M., and 5 oclocK 30 minutes, P. M. Returning, will leave the outlet lock at North umberland, at H o'clock and 15 minutes, A. M., 11 o'clock and 45 minutes, A. M., and 5 o'clock and 45 minutes, P. M. . Fnre, 10 cents. Ejcurnien tickets, good for ono ilav, 15 cents. . Sunbury, April 29, 1854. tf. DOCTOR JOSEPH W. CAMERON, "RESPECTFULLY informs the citizens o a" tho Borough of Sunbury and vicinity, tha' j no nas permanently located bunscir in said Uorough ; and olfers Ins professional services to those who may wish In employ him. For the present he can bo found at Weavers Hotel. ' ' Sunbury, March 11, 1854. If. ' - tltll.SO.VS PATII.VT . Ventilating Furnace. rpilK'sntaerlner woaM eiill ll ntt.-ntl.Hi of nil pnrties 1 reiniriiijj n ih'sirnlile Kl'KNAt'K. tit CHIIfON'S CI-.l.l'.IIHA I'I'.t) WAK.Ml.NU AMI VlNTII.ATI.NO AITAH.Vl'Ut. ." 'I he rcpiitutioii of this Funwre is now well known,' hnvinp iiitriKlnrnl, (liliinj; the put live ymil. into sIkhU I.'jOO pntsie linililinps, snrt nuirr thin. t0IXI private dwrellnurs; tins, l.i.-thrr with Ilia immense inem.se nf s iirs awry ycsi, is the Im eviJ. jice tluit cum be siklueed nf its utmiitily nvrr ull other furnuccs By Hie imeorchilsmrs Funiace, you secure the follow inc lvinii:rcs : . I Kkkk Vil.miltiik. . l'i'KK A 1 r. 1 hf tiestine surfaces beine at a teintieratiirp thlil will not iliwiecillet lie Hit. I rilMiMH'AI. I " or Ft'SL OsT Ddradilitt bcun m:iitn piuirelr of ("nut Iron. lint Indite to riwt, will ruire imrunnirsiluiina lifetime; it i" euaily iiuiin)fiil, mill will mil exivHr the Ixiil'linR iu whieli it in pluced 10 danger inmi lire like Ihe other turns ee.. e litivd Ihe loHtimonials nf hiilMtrrils nf Ihe most Sri- riitihe men, Ui stum to the truth of the nbiva statement, all nl whom pniniiunee it tn be dceiiledly the liest Furnaee yet inv.'iiieil, for prKturiitff a pure ami heulthv atiiH- phere. We herewith nnnex the nnms of a few well kin. ten ami emitieiit Hrnfcssiira. wlm have useil them, aitd kiiwllv furuiitlieil us their nanus as reference : . I'mf. Jha . Hart, ; . 'r.f. I'.rker, , ; l't4. N.vtnn. Pres. Win It. Allen. Pr if. Parsons. I'mf. Ilioui W. B. Silhinaii. Prof. Ripley, 7, ' , NINE SIX fc'.S, , . , (i W'k have iitfrodijred, this scasfin, five nuw sizes; a. Unit all pmlieanmy avail themselves of this amit imprnve ueia at a very .miKleratePcst. We a.e ihiw prennreil to luriii.h an sppiiraiiia b wurin a singla iouui, oiUielar- Krm iunn.' Hiiiiin- m me ro.iu.ry. o. . 'nrull. Cisuplele. : M A3 4 " for Brickwork, " " I'.ilcn Railiainr, (incluiui- AO ' 70 M Itars aim Treiwk Flutes.) . 107 in Tins N 0 is the ktrKest and ui wl poHeiul F1111u.ee inaile 111 Itiee miilrv. uml is ailtnimlilv MflmUud Ist t'hurrh- V4 tutd other hose cIhm biiikliiit'S. We eniiliune l. sell Ihe apiiaruliis st the same priee as when lira! iiilrisluoert. nvc vssirs sun AlUiou -h Ihe ran- sent bifjh price nl iron lias iiH-reaiuil iheii ct ai. per cent. owui( ki Ilicir great wricht, still we are enabled, by Ike pie.il ineieuM of snlrs, to furnish I lie srliclr at the kwesl iMMVHle nriee. flm. Fnnrslry alone, Messrs. Waruiek A I a-iIh-swh, have ttmlractcU to furulsk as w.lk aeu yau. of Fiirn-ices tins sensntt. so Ikat we are uuw nrenaieil la ,uriiiu .iieni wa-ieane H retail. e siiM rmlenil Ihe eel 1 1 a, nf all Furnaces, when required, aisl wiirruut them a nu METROPOLITAN COOKING RANGE. Ve Hitve nl tit n't ronplsl Crkiin Raitirr llutt h yrl lintfii iiilrkiitrfMt, f whit-h w vhH th mtvHttt of II who tuny wish Ut wurm lh tmml prilert tti dcciraUe EMERSON S PATENT VENTILATORY ' are Ihe iiiilv Aaanls w PttuavlvanM. fi the sasaufaf. luis aiut sale iu' tkis eulboua, watek u a.-ltiKnvtrrlgea u. Im Ike taily (MHl'eet Veuiitdtisr ever inane for eiwim-inwt Iks dnaaM m mm y rkiuaiust, ana f venlianioe kaihl. nu nf sS kiwla As UWi. aa a .leal aasay .NHU.ii.art of Una vulitilJ arllele te.w fSr,el ! Slle, iiollurs will la? careiui tocftu.iiiiMMiiut it nasiiM rjnera ftadue atlaelted I A TKM T UF.HInrFKH AU VFNTII.A TdllK W e ksvs Ike mrueet and amaS eianplets basorliaent .a' l.a AM tireiMetsaaa VMililaliwa In be Inunal la tha L an le I K iln, I '4111a. WSo sua lit UHiebasr, .IUmmt (, all. tslaiueiwr wkaVule, UlU hat II liulli In ue adtau. kif In e&aiuiiM tail Uia'i. HI.ATF. AM) IR MANTl.t'JI. tVe kava aluavs na ktad aa ii.iv aMeaiiarf i4 tkaae latililtil .UnUas, HI eset lualialaai ts llsniiAaM, wf nun, uww.j , navaan, aau uein rare assnaaa. ilfllN OH ATM F. Aa hie. .le .let UuaMMMiaM C'l Aasv aa ratlis new I'.iiaia .4 lae sw stowa i.iata. aaate liuaa ske snrj kh Pall.lii., .irl enliltly new la lln. etaiutiy Wi .aiilAM H Ihe k.ah.k Kisrtaaia. fkairual TnV. la.ni.uli I'kimiiey T" snd T.n i'Hu llfaa aMnhs, aa.-. as tiafuaa Vases, As. I'.iaiaa) aaia.l kniklin.. w al V-i wH hi rsaanaa oar aha. Wliaa aw.rkaaiiui .taawae.s Vlau. WartlMrf uaj. rkaauf us a. 4. a,a aiadMSy w.k-'aw.l .1 ,au estaiuii.s " atM-aaM, wkMs wa ataatal la, aanur ka luianjl sat lai.eaaalua, laatiiiuj aa, ul .an a.. .1, aat aky l 4aniwl. A Uaa. ., t iutaa an4 I'.nUUIwa Male kal aieluUloMel) at IMI akae, aHkw aaikawUt. as k . A NAHMimiM, Walajual sa.1 VawUalMaj - - rij. 14. S sumU Sa . k.k.at a..!, fkikj , Mt , IMI.ea.. rm.wn 'yam, CI.tX kSV-Kl.kl 0a akai JW k4a Umm .Mai V " ItaaueaJ. l'sis ula, tiiuuwd NuAs, ataMHa, Saul I' I VIM 4. Ius4 !. e4 asu kaj ! . VrM. A. ai NAUU. ! A(us, Me , I.AI. IIT ) ' IWea. mm m a) kWk, faiasbaa, jrabMa, U.aal .na) I kip fra- tnM4 wJH I a4a Uawawie WsUnttea, ptat reJ m4 lu aal. kr Ms., last- MM A. ft. Hit. ''k 2tIT0 PAINTS. ""t" ' Ont third cheaper than units lead, and free . 1 from all poisonous qualttut. The New Jersey Zinc Company HAVING jrest j enlarge,! Iheit works, and improved the quality ol their oruducts, are prepaied to execute rileisfuc their , 1 . SUPERIOR PAINTS. t)ry, sik! rnmud in oil, in assorted pecknfea of from S3 luovo pnaiHMnil . Drv, In Imrrels, orsoo ponmls earn. , Their white vine, whh h is sold dry or rnnimt in oil, hi iimuitrd 1'ure and imrurpaMed for body alia aiuiorm whitrnens. A method of imrmmlhin has reeenltv been diseovered, Which cinltlrs tlir L'umpninr to wsrrnnt thftr pniiilstokrrp trpsh and sft In I lift k.ys Itir nnr rensnmhle time. In this mpei-t ilicir paints will be suptiriur to other in the mnrkft Tlwir Uriiwii sine pnml. whieh Ismkl at a lw nriee, and win o,ily Im; nml I'nnn the Ziik rea from New Jer sey, ts now well knfwn ntr its noilcctlre qnniitlea wnen nnitlied til irmi i,r iiflnr metnlie anrflirel. Their skuk euhr pnint KmBnei all the prupertlesofthe iinnvn, niHi is ol mi nitrerjihle enior lor puiiHing uxingci, lieiviUi, (lilt bntkliiis, ltriili;efl, Ae. FRENCH k RICHARDS, . ' . ' ' Whntmle Paint Dealers mid Importers, . N. W. enr. of MKh ft MurkotSts., Philadelphia, rhilmttlphln, April S, 1?.M dm. w. a. svocsasK. . . ,M , Tunail o'sbls. : ! STOCKMAN & O'NEILL, 1 ' GENERAL cnmnt5sion iHcrcIjants 851 WORTH WHARVES, " . Philadelphia. RBF EEC NCES. , ' ""Flios. Richardson & Co. Philadelphia. . ' .,, , A.G. CattellA Co. . . . ' Ruttrr cV PaUeson, ' ' Charles Ellis & Co. ' . , " Burgin & Sons, m 1 ' ' Phila., April 8, 1B54.-Ly.: ; " " , Wall Papers ! Wall. Papers ! rip HE suhscriliers have now in store their con 1 i plcte spring stock of Paper Hangings, Curtains, &e., " ' i which they offer nt very low prices, 1 ' WHOLESALE AND RETAIL.' " Our assortment is very complete, comprising an me qualities, uotn , ' ' French nntl American. . . We manufacture a largo proportion of our goods and can sell at the lowest rates. VJT Paper Hanging dono in tha country at citv prices. , , . ,,- . t t 1 .,.. . . PARRISH & HOUOH, ) 1 No. 4 North FIFTH street, Philadelphia. Phila., March 25, 1854 3m MEXICAN GUANO. THE suhscriliers offer for sale Mexican Guano of the best quality, well adapted to the soils of Pennsylvania and New Jersey ; analsys of which, bv a well known chemist, is in our posses sion. This article is sold t a much lower price than the Peruvian, and will be found fully equal in fertilizing qualities. ; 1 . ' ' . B. 8. BURLING A CO. ' 101 North Front Street, Philadelphia. Phila., Fcl). 25, 1854 3m. C. P. KNIGHT & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, aiid Dealers in Fish, Cheese Provisions ' ' ' : ' ' Generally, . ' Nos. 29 If 30 S. Wharves, Philadelphia. . 1 A VE constantly on hand supply of Mackf erel, Cotlltsh, 8had, Salmon, Herrings, Blue Fish, White Fish, Haddock, Hams, 8 tiles, Shoul ders, Lard, Ueef, Pork, Cheese, Beans, Dried Apples, Dried Peaches, Cranberries, &c Phila., March 15, 1854. 3m. Spring and Summer style GENTLE MEN'S 'HATS. fj FOSTER & GEBHARD, 49 South Third Street, below Chestnut, " I ' riltLADKLFHIA, I a A 1'. unusual satislaction in callinjr atten--''lion lo their larfre and varied stock of Mole skin, Drab, Denver, Utter, Panama, and variety of fUraw and Sopt Hula. . lienlleineu's summer Caps of all descriptions. i niiitrrti s fancy tnilironlercd ainl Plain Cape tstraw Hats and Caps, Misses' Flats, &c 11T Particular attention ia called to . White and Nankeen French Felt Hat, of our own im portation. . Phila., April 22, 1S54. 3m. SHAMOKIN 'Collegiate Institute. R. HILL, A. B., Principal. Rev. C. J. EHREHAKT, A. M. Teuther of Moral and Mental Science, Evi dences of Christianity, (fc, ' Tcuchrr of Primary Department. ITHE first session of this Institution, located at Shnmokiu, Northumberland county, Pa., will commence ua, Wtoxxsutr, the 10th day of Mir, 1854. ; - The year will I divided into three sessions of fourteen weeks each, thus allowing a vacation of four weeks in spring and autumn, and one of two weeks during Ihe holidays. - I The Institution will comprise three departments, A Pbisiibi, Acaormic and Collxbiatx. ; The course of instruction in these wilt be full and thorough, emhraeing all the branches usually taught in Iheso respective departments. KiTaa or Tutios Primary Department,-per session, $4,00 Academic ' - , ( , $6,00' Cullegiale " " $8,00 A large and spacious room has been secured to meet tho wants of the Institution, until the necessary buildings are completed. Boarding ran be obtained in private families at reasonable rates. . ' The Board of Trustees will spar, no pains r labor, lo make Shamokin Collegiate Institute, worthy the patronage and confidence of the com munity. ' For further particulars, addrraa Kimher Clea ver, Kq., of hhamokin, President of Hoard of Trii.tees, or liev. C. J. Khrehart of P.xiiioa, Northumberland county. P.. KhaiiKikiit, March 4, 1854. atllE subscriber begs leave reapeetfully lo in form his fiienda and tha public generally that he will continue tha business of a Cabinet Uaken' Finding1 Store, in all iu vaiious brandies .1 the old .land. No. 134 Suutli HccoihI at., below Duck aU PhiUdel phia, aitd rMNKlfully aoliciU a coiittnuauc of Ihe very liberal paUoiiag. baslowed upon lb. late lirui of 1'. eV Im TbouipsoN, assuring bis friends that evury .sertiun will ba mad. by btuie.il' and thoaa in his eiopluv lo aueiil coiitiuuanc uf thru much e.tesuia.1 favor a. THOMAS THOMPHON. Phil... March 4. 1834. 6m. 0UAN0! GUAH01 fflllU aubscriuer, ! agei.t for the aaJ. M rriuviaa (uan. in biUulrlphia, ia .r unloading tha following vessels, tlutct bam Us. L'hiiH'h. Islands i Pthipti.ar.wca, . . . iOO bans. Hhip luhngloN, . . 7 0 Ions. Mil. Hurivsi, ... (ua kXa. hbip Tirpaa, ... 100 loos. win. h will be sold la lots k suit pur. baanrs. .1 lb luwaal ca lirM. N.J. ( Il etui IAN. (Pmiamrlf tltJtug sk AM4.a) ) Ne. 4 Nosib W ka ves, mJ 7 ftmik HIimI, PhilvWIphuj, April It. 1.4. 3am. IX' AT 'ANVVAr.-rMdljU mi faabbanalO. ktlk. Waul .mJ rmi ll.u. I ltk, r.i. OikUk. Ni.i mmJ. Uibi.,a t ape H sale t hf ' a KLaiBEiifu c a Maiksi esnMrt, piaiie) Us. faa4 trSAWa, KuajbtMy, tWt, l.ii. kMII H . Kmkmi'N or JAMAICA III.. ' I'bM liaak) estfr-'l aw SssaMseal, (was) (a. M. . MAk.iR. , ttmukmf, l.m. It, !. III. aakXafcaaaaaasiaaaaaaaaaajBI out m 1 ' CHERRY PECTORAL: rMT Ihe Caire) ., , OOUOHS, OOX.DS, HOAR8BN-SS3, BROIT- ' OHXTX3, GROUP, HA. WBOOPXXrO-OOUOR A SID CONSUMPTION. TOCt'RK A COt.Ii wit it aiiDAcaa as. anasaaas of the body, tnke the Chkksv PscToasL on going to bed, and wrnp up wiinn, to sweat during Ihe night. ' Foa A Ool and Covr.ii, take il morning, noon and eve ning, neemdiug to diieetinus on the bottle, and the difBeiil y will ui be reirsiTMl. Nie wMI kmg suffer from tkis trouble when they flint it enu Ik so readily enrad. Persons afflicted wrih a snsles) emijli, which breaks them of tbeir rest at night, will 6nd, by taking the Cheny Pectoral oa going It bed, they may lw sure of souisl, uulHoken sleep, Slid consequently refreshing rest, tireat relief fmmsuffer mg, and an altmsite curs, is ndnded to Uioasnods who are thus alilicted, by this invnlnnUe reiiwly. From Its agreeable elfeets in these eases, many flinl themsslres anwiiling lo fin-ego its use when the neuessitjr lor at has censed From two eminent Phyticlsns In ' 1 Far kttkvii.i.k. Tenn . Anril 10. 1851. Plr : We have given yoor Cherry Pectoral an extensive .run in our ptneuce, and nisi it ut surpass every nine, re medy mr have for enring nffecthme of the respiratory or. (aim. . lilr. D1E.MF.II A HAMPTON. TOS1NGF.R9 AND PI IH.1C SPKAKKH8 this remedy is ravnlnahks, as by us actam on the throat and lungs, when taken in small quantities, itreiBovesall homseness in a few kraira, and wonderfully luerenses the power and flexibility oftheToiee. ASTHMA la generally much relieved, nnd often wholly cured by Cherry Pectoral, llut there are some cases so ob stinsle as to yield entirely to no medicine. Cherry Pecto ral will cure them, if they rim lie cured. nitUNCHITIM, in- irritation of the throat and npper portion of the luuga, may be cured by taking Cherry Pa : tv i" I" .iimu anil ireqiient wwes. II nreasion is soon relieved. Rev. Doct. I.AN81NC. of Hnaiklrn.New York, states: 11l have seen the Cherry Pectoral cure such eases nf Asthms and Bronchitis ss leads uie to believs il con rnrety fall tn cure those disenses." FOR CHOb'P. Give an emetic of antimony, lobe followed by large and frequent rioee.1 of the Cherry Pecto al, until i sulaluos the discuss. If taken in season, it will not fnil to cure. WHOOPING COUGH msv he broken up and soon ca red by the uae of Cherry Pectoral. THK INFLUKNZA is speeilily removed by this reme dy. Numerous ittsuincus have been noticed wliee whohi fumlhes were protected from any semais consequences, while their neifrhlmrs, without the Cherry Pectoral, were snrTerlug from the disease. Ur.J. C. Ayeri sjALXM.Ohhk, I lib June, 1831. I write to inform vni nl Ihe trulv remarkable elfeets of yoer CIIKRRV PKCTOlt Al. in this Dluce. and in mr own family, tine nf my daughters was completely cured in three days of a dreadful WimoriNO Cotton, by taking It. Dr. Means, one of our veiy best physiciaiHi finely slates that he considers it the best remedy we have pulmonary unease., nun mat ne nns cured more enses ol caoer Wltn it Ihnn any other medicine he ever administered. Oui clergymen Ihs Hapiist Church says that daring the run of Ixflcbxca here tins seasta,. he has seen cures from your medicine he could attareely have believed aitb out seeing. Yours respectfully, J. D. WNCt.AIR,' ' ' v Lieptty t'lanmasier. distinguished Profcs'or of Chemis. t Meteria Mediec, Bowdoin CoUepe. ilepcty t'lanmaster, rrom me try and I have fonnd the Cnaaar ParmasL, as iu ingredients show, a powerful remedy fur cutds, and cauglis, and pul monary diseasea. ransKB Clivela.vd, M. D. Dbcsmvicx, Me., Feb. S. IW7. DR. VAI.KNTINKMOTT. The widcJ. celebrated Professor of Surgery tn the Medical Colleee, New York Cily, says : Vtt gives me pleasure tn certify the vnlne mid efficacy or -aybb's uiisbby i KCToRAL,' which i consider peeuio arly adnpteil ueure disenses nt' the Thnaat nnd things." Cures of seveie disenses upon Ihe Lungs have been ef fected by Ciiebbv PxcroBAL in such extreme cases aa warrant the laihef that a remedy has nt length been pallid that eau be depended mi In cure the Coughs, Cnkls snd Consumptitat which carry from our midat thousands every year. Itisiisleeda medicine to which the slliicicd can look with confidence for relief, and they should not fail to avail tneinseires oi it. Prepared and sold by JAMES C. AYER, Practical Chemist, Lowell, Mass. Sold in Sunhnry by H MASSER, and by HruRgista generally throughout the 8tate. July 30, 1853. ceow lv Nov. 13. 52. Blncksinithin. 'I'UE subscrilier hereby informs the citizens of Hunbury, and the public generully, that he intends to carry on the . nl.ickKniit!ilng Itusliicss on his own account, and that he lias removed his shop from near Clement's store, to a new shop on the premises of Mark Scupham, in Fawn street, whero he will lie happy If accommodate all hia customers. HENRY PARTON. Sunbury, March 5, 1851. tf. B. XI. BABTIIOUItV. O. TIVfAST, JB. J. B. CHABBOS ''UsirtliOsW, Tillany Co. IMPCUITKKS AND WKAI MR IS rorrin and louicsfic DRY GOODS, SNll AGENTS mil THE SALE OP AMERICAN MANUFACTURES, No, 2GS Baltimore Street, Baltimore. If our Goods on examination, are not aa cheap aa they can las bought in any other lupirket they may he returned forthwith al our eipensc. lialliinore, Nov. 26, 1853 ly.. ValuableProperty for Sale In the Borough of Sunbury J rg'HE subscriber oilers for sole the following 1 property in Ihe Borough of Sunbury, vis: THE HOUSE Awl two contigious Lots of Ground, on the south west corner of Market Square, now occupied by the subscriber as a store and dwel ling. Also: THE STEAM SAW MILL on the river bank, together with one and a half acres uf ground. Also: a double two atory frame Dwelling House ami Lot of Ground, in F.lderla-rry street. Also: sit seres -of ground al Ihe Point, adjoining Ihe Susquehanna, on which are erected two fr.tn. housesi wagou house, Ac. Also: A House and Lot of Ground in Cranberry street, near Ihe river, on which lot ar. also erected three lime kilns. Also j A Houso ami lialf Lot of Ground, on Ihe north east comer of River and Dewlaarry street, occupied by Augustus Clement. Also: TwciUjr-Three Vacant Lota on Elderberry street. IRA T. CLEMENT. Huubury, Jau- 14, 1154-tf. IMTOUTKIt AND DKALKU IN - IRON & STEEL. 4.1 Market street, Mow 13A, norlk. sidr, rHXX.ABBZ.rUXA. fbil.., Jan. St, MM ly. ("1 KOCKKIEat HugM, Vutlmm, Ts. Mules. H" mm, Uuw, Hall, Ac juat racvivsal a ad fur Mb by I. W. TK.M.U 4 CO. Huubury, AprU , 1464. )VTK.Vr UWTTANIA UTOPflCM t mi put i is lor ss as ay II. M AStEE. uabury, April. It, llil 4 KMtl.lfsl WRITIM1 fl.l ID aud AdU- . and legal e.s kiia, fut sals by li. H. MAUiKK. HuldauiT. JaJB It. I41. HIsANKS. 1 mt dewrrivWusi st &IA.K4 ttmy aWriWusi eaa W kd by W-ba ml Ums.bTu aj tk. AaaSiMaaaV HANU UlLlJI sanity pri.te HasMMla ...ii.laal 4 Ismv Aba. bleiaka, ml .M iisuk mm sufaxlaf (a. fax w MM IMH, ra It, Tfl "'i.rrrKst i-sii: I" U baaaaiS.Iak, ai 1 Smmi4 S. Iu4 Nwltri ,4XmU,, W. U. It A.tH. . aakVa,., iaa 4, lii.- i DAVIS & CULXN. I ' i" Dealers In ' - t . LAMPS, LANTERNS fc CHANDEtlERS, j ff E. Corner Fourth and Cherry Stttttt, rBIZ.ASEZ.PHZA. UA VINO enlarged and Improved their Store, and having the largest assortment of Lamps In Philadelphia city, Ihev are now prepared to furnish PINE OIL CAMPHENE, ' ! ' 1 1 BURNINO PITID, ' ETHEREAL OIL', Phmriihene Gas and Lard Oil, Lamps, Lanterns of all patents, Fancy Hotel and Hall Lamps, Chandeliers, Girsndoles and Candclaabraa, and Brittanni. Lamps, at the Manufacturers' lowest prices. Glass Lamps by the package, at t small advance over Auction prices. Being large MANUFACTURERS of Pin. Oil, Burning Fluid, Ethereal Oil, Alcohol, snd (tha only true) Phosgene Gas, they can fur nish these articles at such prices that Merchants Will End it to their advantage to buy. Call before going elsewhere, if you want bargains. Also, tb. Safety Fl id Lamp for aale. Phila., 8epL 24, 1853. ly. Hew Wall Paper Warehouse. BURTON & LANZNG-, MA.NUPACTL RKKS ft IMPOKTKH9, No. 124 Arch Street, second door above Sixth, Philadelphia, WHERE may be found the largest and hand' somest assortment in the city. Purchasers from the country will find it to their advantage to call at our store, where they will be suited with a superior article nt the lowest prices. BURTON & LA NINO, No. 124 Arch Street, above Sixth, Philadelphia. Phila., Feb. 25. 1854. 3m. . Look to your Interests ! We will try lo please ! ! S. N. THOMPSON RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the public generally that ha has just re. ceived at his store, in Market street, Sunburv, a aavw. an c.WIINTf miCK Dl SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, consiatingMn part of Dry Goods, viz : Cloths, Cassimeres, Cassinets, Jeans, Drillings, Muslins, Vestings, Linens, tfc. LADIES DRESS AND FANCY GOODS, Calicoes, Muslin de Lnins, Lawns, Ginghams, Berages, Rubes, Woolens, Flannels, tc. GROCERIES, Sugar, Teaa, ColTec, Iliec, Molasses, Cheese, Spices, 8alt, Arc, &c, etc. Hardware, Nails, Screws, Files, Saws, Knives & Forks, &.c Queens and Glassware, of various styles and patterns. BOOTS AND SHOES. A large assortment of Boots and Shoes, for men, women and children. Hats Cats, etc., of various sizes and styles. Besides a targe end general assortment of fnshionalilo goods. Call and examine for your selves. CV Country produce of all kinds taken in exchange at Ihs highest market prices. Sunbury, 1 1 mo. 20 1853. 4 in. 30, 'S3. saw stock. WINDOW SUA DES. saw STILES G. Ii. BIILLER & CO. 1891. MANUFACTURERS "M. AN. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS Iu Window Shades, South-west corner of Second and Arch Streets, PHXX.ASBX.PHtA. yl'OH as Oolite's Landscapes, Holders, Vases, Scroirs, Boquets, GOLD BORDERS, &c, Of the most beautiful designs and perfpetion of limsli in tins country, anil at sucli LOW PRICES. As to challenge sll competition. Rutland White Hollands, Cambrics, Tassels, Cards, Brasses, Ac, in every variety, fir Cily or Country Trade. We invite an examination of our stock, al the Depot, south-west corner of Second and Arch streets, Philadelphia. January 38, 1854. 5m. - WATCHES, JEWELRY, &o. JAMES R F1DLER, - No. 12 South Second St reel, PHILADELPHIA. Gold Lever Watches full jewelled Silver Lever do Silver Lcpine do " (juartier do Gold pena and pencil and silver halders Silver Tea and Table Spoona Bracelets, Breast pins Ear rings Ac All warranted and sold at prices as low as sitv in Ihs city. N.vember 27. 1852 tf. Porte Mommies, POCKET BOOKS, AND FANCY GOODS f",HE. attention of th. Trade, and othera, in J. want tf Port. Moiinaiea, Pocket Books. Bankers' Cases, Dressing: Cases. Portahlo Wri ting Desks, Backgammon and Chess Boards, Chessmen, Pearl, .Shell, and Silver Cord Cases, Work Boies, Cabas, Nccdlo Books, Money Belts, Cigar Cases, Portfolios, Raxora and Razor Strops, 1 ravelling Fliaks, and fine Cutlery, to gether with a largo variety or riser Goods which will be sold at the lowest rates. F. H. SMITH, Porte Monnaie and Pocket Book Manufacturer, 805 Arch St. below Suth, Philadelphia. Sept 17, IS53 tf. . c A it it, - ii:m; sV Co., Floor, Grain and Lumber CommiVion Merchants, 23 and 15 Spror's Wharf, Baltimore. hkfi:kk.ncs. ' John Clark, Esq , President Citizens' Bsnk, Ball. A. r. Kile, r.s., cashier llraoaliu Bank, M Johu lleruler' Jr., Esq., Philadelphia. Kosjera, Sinuickson 4c Co., J. Tom., Esq., President Cecil Bank, Port Da poniu. J. Wallow.r & 8oa Harrisburg. Col. II. C. Ey.r,ci.liNafruvsj. J.H. App Coa. N.(U, Winiai. 4 C, Milltm. W. W. IWk., Kai., Muury. Wnaoai fcarbuyler, Eso,., Gsuwg. UchJiim, ll.gk.tUU, W. Wmw Cat, MtmlouravitU. iimm. Wdluia) f. 1'a.kar, WUIumaport. T. W, Lloyd, Est) , CmUim, - Jssm. It. Iluling, Luj U. Iluling, M M Usury 4 Uulab, J.rasr Mbaia. J. P. Ilultug. Ksa., Iark lla.ss). If C'.rs.Uisaj. 4 C b... lb. lsig4 wkaif- Iuum ml Ml aiuswtawst buuas) IN UstliuuM., .1' tk.y. IU fUkk daplh U baaaU U tllaclaMI lUg Ihsll CS'tfuSaV rlH..ry II, lJI.-4w. SILVER WATt II:b.-A few doubl. s.m Kuslub tU.e Wkla. uf aaU al nmtt b asava. 9f mmummij. M M MkMITK. Afd l. MM 1OM miB mi Haat atwe, mfmtmm Pl.k Uk, t'.ul. Ms4miss sl !. ut t ml (iak.at, t tsart Jt' tV K I M I... a J faMlUUM Ft Mill llliliinii ! ktllsaUJ itilftl aV4Vl tm4 "AID AKD C0MF0BT," 1 o Your Own Klcchanict. GEORGE RENN. MANUFACTURER fj 1 CHAIRS: Tw we most, jfasmonable Style. HE subscriber respectfully calls tha ... Republic to hlT tnent of every quality and pries) of lAlH.ET-WAitr: ; which cannot fail to rcommend Itself loeverr one Who will examine it, on account of its durnbll workmanship and splendid finish, made up of th. best stock lobe had in the city. Noeffori U spared in the manufacture of his ware, and tb. ' "' J 'dcU,r.min keP P with Z -. , ....,..,..;.. wmcn are constantly beinv : madeHia stock consist, of Mahogsny Sofa, Dlvang and lOonngcu. Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards. SOFA, BREAKFAST AND DIN1.NQ liBLES, and also VENETIAN BLINDS, equj to Phil.. uelphia manufacture. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and prior, CUPBOARDS, WORK AND CANDLE STAN PS, TOI LET TABLES AND : EXTENSION TABLES, In short, every article in this line of his business. He also manufactures all kinds and qualities ef CHAIRS, including varieties never before to be had ir. Sunbury, ittch m MiHo.aH1, finca Waur0T .VS""M'L"i,,cu,, A" Wi-nsoa CHAIRS, inn vasct Pu Stoois, which sr. of the latest styles, and warranted to be excelled by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere. 1 he subscrilier is determined that there shall le no excuse for persons to purchase furniture in the cities, as every confidence can be entertained about the quality and finish of his ware and C hairs. , His articles will be disposed of on ss good terms as they can be purchased elsewhere. Coun Iry Produce taken in payment for work, u- UNDERTAKING. Having provided himself with a handsome Hssasu, he is now prepared for Undertaking, and attending funer als, in this vicinity, or at any convenient dis tance from this place. ' , FJP War Koom " in Maret 8treet, below Thompson's 8tor. and Weaver'. Tavern. , GEORGE RENN. 8unbury, Jan. 10, 1858. tf. Important to Coal Dealers. vJIHE subscribers hereby inform the public, that they have entered into partnership under tha firm of Kase, Reed & Co., for tho purpose of mining, shipping and selling cool, delivered at ouo.iury. or .t any other point along the Sus quehanna. I bey will be ready to deliver coal, well prena red. on contract or otherwise, at all time., on tha nonesi notice, and on the mini n.i.u.n.. Orders received at Shnmokin by , , KASK, REED Sc CO. Sunbury, June 4, 1853. ly. A Farm for Sale. rTWE subscrilier olTers for sale his farm. CONTAINING 284 ACRES and allowances. It is situated nl.m.t ibra from Sunbury along the Shamokin creek, and is in a good state of cultivation. The Philadelphia and Sunbury Railroad passes through said farm. It will be olTerod in parts or entire to suit pur chasers. It ran las divided III ttl ll L IhfflSt atmnll fttrmg- The buildings are a FARM HOUSE, a good Bank Barn, and two tenant houses. JOHN FA HNS WORT. Lpper Augusta, Sept. 10, 1353. tf. A VALUABLE HOUSE And Three Acres of Ground TOR SALE. rjlHL subscrilier otTets at private sale, his house and three acres of ground, on the river Bank wilhm the limits of the Borough of Sunburv. Iimu .n f . . ..7. . J ... .... Wiuiaocy oi jonn Blnssler snd orig- inally owned by Clias. Gusslcr while engaged in boat building. The improvements aie a TWO STORY FRAME HOUSE. With a Well of good Water. and a good frame stable. There ar a nnn.l.. l excellent fruit trees ou the premises. The prop, erty is handsomely located and will be aold at a reasonaiuc prir. and possession given in April next Apply to Geo- C. Welker, Esq., of Sun bury, or to the subscriber at Selinsgrove. 1JSTER KEKLIN. July 23, 1853. tf. Lumber Yard. rHE subscriber would respectfully inform the citizens of Sunbury, and N'orthuml erland and adjoining counties, that he has opened a i.unibcr Yard in the lot fronting on Cranberry St., a short dis. lance East of the Steam Saw Mill, where hs has now a large amount otSeaiotmi P ami el PUl- also J'ajiHfl Boards, and all other Boards and nt'iLin.xu JVIatesil, such as will be wanted for building purpose. Also a large amount af Shingle, on hand, which will b. sold from f 6 up to f 8, according to quality and size. Please oit us .can and examine our rnces and oualitv. N. B. Farmers who are in want of Shinvlra will please call a. w. will sell to vou low. J. E. LEI II, Sup, Sunbury, May J8, 1853 ly. Cheap Watches 5j Jewelry, liniOLESALE and Retail, at th. "Philadel- , phia Watch and Jewelry Store," No. B North Second Street, comer of Quarry, 7HX1VASEX.YHXA. Gold Ivr Walcaea, lull Kwrlnt, IM carat mars. Ml li . Id In. rS. t lsiiKiiailiilvarSuaclaclos. I, SO Hilvar laap. full lewlkrd. Bv. (Jiarl llmwlris, a, no Hilvar Lrver, lull a-w I'll w ll adits' UaVI Pewils. I oft Iurm lor t,uurtisis, 7. dive Tea snaaat, sal, i OU (Jiial iiarua-l, . T.ttJ T-.ii Utaal I'eia, wilb Paairil aial Silver lloktar, ,nt Gold ringer R intra, 87 cents to $00 Watch Glaaaea, plain, It) cenU) Patent, Hj Lunet, 15 ; other artickss in proportion. All good. war. ranted to be what they ar. sold fur. STAL FFER 4 HARI.EV, Successors to O. Conrad. On hand. sum. Gold and Silver Lever, sad laepines, .till lower than Hut abuv. prices. Sept. 10, 1853. ly. WM. M'CARTT. Bookteller. 1 EsrECTrt'LLY informs th. i.ih.hii.ni. .1 town and eounlry, that h. bss lately rscsai; sd from Philadelphia, a larg. aJditiou U bis stork of books, in .very branch of Literature, sad in a greet variety of Oiuding. rUass call aud so. Uisia. Huubury, fl.pt IT, 1151. )K.H. II. Hlt.BKE'rT r7Tyfu cu(U, 'eulda, and pulinoaery dlasnaa. supply ml this t aluabls nisdittue just ssvwivtd and aaks by II. U. MAtEM. Hu.b.rv. J.m4 , laoS. jMH UN iTMlHs.. A small ua.bM ml tk eir.lWal puwa bsa isid snd ar. Sfiarau u( aaM ny II. B. MAEH. tiuaburv. Juaat 4. losl IK WKIbVA .a. kiuwul sfVsU su4 HiJ.es I'siMlis sod PMa. (ai sal. thsa. by u, tamtkii cu. Marks! slrawt, KHaaaatl. tb. Tmm l)Wa buitbuiy, u.1 a, issa .NU Uouimu's r.tKraUad ink, aswi also ton. I swk as Mks. but Mais mmi mtmm b ItHMMbs. . IM II II MAMKaL riOlU rKSm oak sad winVMsl Mass, mi a , Mf aa.) si Mar aavsiuv, )aas) Sanaa. il. a ksaat an4, mi vv ruuaj l ass ash) 14 ki a4Mt. la.lK), Ps. It, ll.l.