Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, June 17, 1854, Image 4
A STRING OF ITEMS. To Prevent Boii.s Take a tablespoon full of yeast, in a jj'.nss of water, Iwica a day , !oo Catcheu's Motto "1 coma to bury (Jxsar, hot to praiso him." i To Remove -An ounce of alum and an ounce of lemon juice, in a pint of rmewaler. . A Tai'B SaYiko Somebody soys, "Ilo is a brave man who is not afraid to wear old clothe, until he is able to pay for new." A Novel Thace. Somebody advertise to sit up with the tick at $1,50 per night; "duliiium tremens," double price. Died at Sea. Mr. Beecher, wife of a Baptist Missionary to Bermuda, recently died at sea, while returning to the United Sinte. Splnkv. A few days ngo a woman in Cincinnati whipped her husbnnd soundly, and then tried to drown herself in tlio canal, but wa rescued. Preserving Flowers and FnuiT Dip lhnm in a solution of gum arnbic and water two or three limes, waiting a sufficient time between the immersion to let them dry, A New Patent. Wm. Real, of Lowell, Mass., has got a patent for an improvment id corn crushers. They can be used to ex cellent advantage in omnibusscs. Death Sentence. Coutland C. Johnson was on Friday sentenced to death by Judge Pearson, at Harrisbnrg, Pa , for the murder of his wife and Nathaniel Collyor. Beab Meat. A black bear, weighing' about 300 pounds, was killed last week nea Biookville, Jefferson co , Pa-, and the meat was sold in that town, for ten cents a pound The Good Time Comino ! A telegraphic despatch to a member of Congress, anounccs the gratifying fact that a woman ha been elected constable in Perry county, Illinois, Drowsed While Batuino. Mr. David O. Morehouse, a teacher in Mr. Bland' Sherwood School at York, Pa., was drowned while bathing on Saturday last. Chinese Ideas of Paradise. There is shop for the sale of samshoo, or rice-whiskey in Hong-Kong, which bears over its door tho following inscription : "Tho joys of Paradise are nothing compared to a perpetual drunk! " An Irtisll Notice. Whereas Patrick O'Connor lately left his lodgings, this is to give notice, that if he does not return imme. diatcly, and pay for the same, ho will be ad vertised. . A Man of Metal. With four metalio qualifications, a man may be pretty sure of (succcss. These are gold in his pockets, sil ver in his tongue, brass in his face, and iron in his heart. Hard Raiting. Miss Melinda M. Ball, a (cachet in one of the public schools in Troy, N. Y., has been discharged by the Board of Education, on the ground that she was a be. licver in tho "spiritual rappings" and alien, ded the "circles." ' Mrs. Robinson, thb Murderess.-A corres pondent of thu Troy Whig, an Englishman, well posted in what relates to titles and blood, asserts that Mrs. Robinson is related to Queen Victoria, her father (Wood of Quebec,) beinj a son of Ilia Duke of York. Comfort to Smokers. "There is now liv ing in this city," says a Liverpool (Kngland) paper, "a woman, one hundied and three yeuraOJl!, named Elizabeth turne, who is per- iortly Mont auJ hoahhy, and haS smoked her jtipo regularly, since sha was eighteen years cl nye. A Srr.ADY Diet. Au old lady down East having kept a hirod man on liver nearly a inonih, Mini to Inm nno day, "Why John, I don't think you like liver." "Oh yes," said John, "I like it very well for fifty or sixty meals, but I dun'l think I'd like ilas a steady dirt." Tho old lady cooked sumulliiug else for iht) next meal. Hard to Swaliow. The Cubourgh (Can ada) Slar. says that "a brick measuring 6i by 7 inches in circumference, and weighing over a quarter of a pound, was found in the stomach of a horse, which lately died Ihore." We are rather inclined lo thiuktlmt IlieoWtt was in the repoi lei's tml, Sacacioim Fun. Thu Weal Point oorres rondcui of the Evening 1W says: "The line sunny daj make the bass and slur-eon U'i'le ambitions; Ihey jmp out of the walei " b" " 11 Has been tfmarkod Ihal Iho sturgeons do it lo sou how fur thov ie from Alhnov na tl.A r..u. . , , ... , lulkl p ,,,era are t0 latnous Ol making 'beef of them." c . ng a nci est.-For the bom-fit of Mt.t o! our .cade., us aie fond of seeing how . Auvei.Mr, we copy flom a New idinpsture paper or a rev.ilu.ioua ty dale vcr " luiwMfii.g aiUeili,c,,t. The l-.ry w.n be found worthy of comtneudu I inn : Whereas I. Daniul CI..,, n i. .. , III! "" won. ii, an .. hi- ..... t,r,j1 fc4 ,ilu like cl.H'k wutk. fes ou 1-lv .c.ain.c-: IA u t" B"UI l,. ,,,, ,m . N.-ar wl.a1illrvj4.uiu ' Ta 'U w.k u.. ou i.v, tJ, .. Tmk I'allriftou Inttltmm,,, ..i i.Imi.I i.f ll... t .... .. . MIM.U. " """isr siou., : ..A ,1(t. uiil Uraa mi u ...... ... . was a yuun mspU t.. Ali, 4 t!iui lieu Mas liiui.J ...I... I .... i. . - - u i flj,MV ., . . ' ' i in ,a iiwi uiu iiiai iiKiance oi iitv, kimt It Is snmutai .ituuiiieiiM." ut fnn 1 ssmi. A una 0 tb jllM.llfli,rs II, llosl.iu. ,evoid i'k i i was 4i..faiiy .liaili t l:l Ihui-aUM u.i i iiuu soi r ul I.) Iup4tl.l, tsbwH siep. , mduie.1 tu post my wife Aos. 29 if 30 S. II niiri'M, f tifuififpsni. KlM'Ja, nt Hxuie, Miscellany ol Match Ust I I A V E cuioJanily on hand a supijv sf Ma. k- now bog leave lo infoim tl0 ,unia ,i , ' CuillUh, Shad, Kiliuon, llemnxs, llbie lie taken her a-uiu i u.i r 1 f'i.h, bti H4i, lladd.Mli, llama, tub a, Wimil- alllietdoinr.iu,? ' "" " 'kr-. lieai... U.J lf lis, which ixrut .vl I. id Miouth, Jiu.w4 .. .. ... .1... ... ! I urn u"n iw kiHi. tM gviilHiliiait .Ul.,;t I t4 l4lM MMMOlt ul III 4uJwi,l.g A CAIJD. ! CIIILftON'S PATENT , Ventilating Furnace. ubscriltr wotiM cull tl nltiilion of nit parties rcqnirliif n rtrsiraliln lTltN At R, to lllt,SON'H KI.K.HH A I'K.lJ WA1IMIMG AN Vl'.NTII.ATIa Al'I'AKATl S. The reputation nf tliis Pitrnnce is nnw welt known, nnritiir Imm-ii lnfrNlurrd. .Infill, tli. IL'.. viwra. Intn nhom l.iOO pnlilie ImiMlngs, nuri more thnn HHH1 private uwmnifi, mis, infptrMT wilh ine Immrnmi mrrmmor snl.-s every year, in Hie t,ist cvi.Iciic. that ooii be adduced lf it! supeliolity nvrr all other furnaces. Rv the nso of Philmm's Piilii!ir-r.. rna fhf. fullrtw. iitff ailvnutntri's : . . r HKK VBSTn.HTtilt. ' ' 1UBR Ala tl.c lipi.tiutr Biiripra Iwinff nl n trmnrratlir that will nut dissreale Ihr nir. 'coMOMicsr. Im or Yvm. ' OBRAt DukARtLiTr lieini tiwito entiielr of Cost Iron. not li;il!t to rut, will require no repairs dining a lift'lime; it in ensile mnnairml, sist will not expose tho tmililiiip in which it is placed to ihuigcr from lire like llio other furna ce. We hnve tlte lertiinoninls of tinudrrd of the moat sci entific tni'il. to fittest to the truth of the. nlnve stiiteinent. nil of wlifun pronounce it to he dceidi'illy the licst liimnee ci invented, tor pr,xiucinp a pare niMl jtoniLiiy ninitw- iieic. e nerewnti iinnt-x the nunies 01 n tew wcm nnivii nntl eiiinieiit Professors, who linvo naff! them, sml kimllv furnishcri us their tinines ns references t l'rof. Jnlni f. Hurt. Prof. Pinker, Prof. Norton. rn. win. if. Allen, 1'rof. Pnrsoii, rrut.lMiia. Prof. U. Killiinau, Prof. Ripley, NINE SIZES. We lime Hit nwlurpil. tliii r.inm. fi ire fiPW IU7fin: f Umt nil partifR niHy nvm! ttirtimrh'.-s of Ihif grrnt .iiiprm"- niem nt a very nm. We re iimv ptim, 111 niriiinii nn nppnrntim t wunn a single loom, ur 111c wr CCfft liuhlif m the ciMiiilrv. N. I. 1'iirliihle. Cuinpleto. 2, 4 . s . . 35 3. , 4 4. for llrirkwOTk. - AS ' 5, (i liU , 1 3. r.tra ItudMitor, (incluOing U;rnnn Trench j l:itfB.) - 7T) 4, it (( i . HI I 5', l M 'I II H7 1 0. ' " 11 i;u Tliii Nn. 0 in tin? InfM-st ntid inort iiitwcrfiil Fiinmce nrule in llieonntry, nn1 in ritliiiiniWy niluptcd tor Churcli ui nml oilier liiree clitnf btiiriliiijrB. Wo continue to n 11 Utr optimum nt tnc tnme pnrr nm w hen Ant hitrix1ntnl. flw venrt vtm Alllr'ai-'i the pro. innt hiph prie nf inm hun incrciinwl Ihvti coul per rent. mvuiir t( their ftrcnt wctpht, fttll we nr f mimei!, y uio gre:U incretine iM mtltn, to furiuxh the article nt the l"Wt poR. ilil price. Oin KmiiHlry nlonr, Mtinr. Wnrnirk (V 1 eiliriiiiilt h'tVft C"iitrm-tfd to furnish us with WiO tons of Karn:icri this scnn , lliat wtt oro now prcponrd to furnish them vh-lilc ir reltnl. Ve mp'Tiultiitl Ihe rrtfii-'ii of nil Furnncee, when reuirvd, and warrunt them in ull cusca. . METROPOLITAN COOKING RANGE. W'm have nlso the itiost cnmnlete Cook in R autre that hn yet been introdnecd, to wliich wc cull the attention of nil who iiriy wiHi to necure the nvml perlect onu tlcairuuie cooking upimnitns ever invented. EMERSON'S PATENT VENTILATORS. We sre the only Ascnts in Pcim-lrniiin fiw the inrtiiufae ttire and rile of tliist Veiitil;itof. which is ncknowleitjrcilto be the only pet feet Ventilutof ever innilo f"T conwtinrr the ilniuplit 111 sni'tky ehimniea. unr) ventilating liuikl lus of ull kiiels. As there arc n sreitt many imitnti'ms of Ihis vnlunhle arlicle now otferei! for sate, parties will he carelul to examine Hint it has the I-.inerson Ifci'lfrc nltnelieil. PATK.N'T RKniSTKr.S AND VENTILATOIlf. Wc hav? Ilie lurgeat and moat complete assortment of Hot Air Kejoaters anil V enlilaturs to ne toitnil III the I. til ted States. Jiiites who wifh to purchase, either for pri vate use or wholesale, will iiuu it greatly lo Uietr uuvan. luge to examine our stick. SI.ATK ANU inON MANTLF.S. Wc have always on hand nn extensive assortment of llieae hcnutllm .Mantles, inexact inillatlnn ol I'.gyplmi! 7'punlsli, uulwuy, Sienna, and ulher rare lnuililes. OPKN GllATKS For Au.lirneitc nod llituininona Cool. Also, an entire new Pattern of the low tlowu Grnte, mnile fntm the 1-iug- liati I'titterns, nnfl entirely new in this country. SOI, AfiKVI'r fr the Kncliah lnenusiic FliHtrini; Tile, (tnrukirk Chimney Tops, and Terra CoUn Uruu tneuts. such ns Garden Vases, Ac. PersiHis ulioitt huilditif-, w uitd do well to examine our stock before purchasing: elsewhere. Vtaitors, whether pur chaaius: or n,it, are cordially welcomed at our extensive Witrcroonta, and whero wc should lie happy to furnish any inforiuatifin respecting any of our frals that niny le desiricd. A lstok on Wuruiiiur and VeiitilalniK cnu Ira had gratuitously ut our store, either personally, ol by let ter, . S. A. IIAKIUWIN, WarminfT nd Ventilating Warehnnae, 116 Wulnut St., Mow Sixth, Phil'idelphia, rhiln., May n, tWI. Cm. ZINC PAINTS. One third cheaper than while lead, and free from all poisonous qualities. TlielVew Jersey Zinc Company TT A VIXO irrent. V enlarged their works, and improved 1 .1 Ihe 'Virility of their products, are prcpnied to execute omnia tor Uieir SUPERIOR PAINTS. Dry, nnrl ffrniutcl hi oil. in assorted nacknrcsof from 25 to rK) pou utis ; nl-.i iitv. in iHirrrift. of iriMi ihhiiicia cat-it, Their white as hit, which it. nd dry or cronnH in oil. is wiirrantt'il Tiire und unsuTjtuficd for bmly mid uniform win tenets. A method f prrpnrntion Ins forrntly niBrovMcd, which eualili ihe Company to warrunt tbrir imintatokren l'rrh nml l't in the kru lor nny ream tiiul tie time, in ihie respect their pniiils will be superior to any other fu the market Their brnwii 7.ine pninl', wlik-ti U inlil nt a knv p.'iee, And vnn only he iimdc fnm the Zinc re fmiii New Jer sey, it now well Known !'r ns prueruve quaiiuea wnen applied to inm or other metalic iiirfnert. Drown, and in of an nrreiiblc nlor for painting Cultagtw. "rp18' "ut mmm' "'fhkncii RiciiAm, Vhoses,-i!o Paint l-lcnlers nnd importers. N. W. or. of lllth A Mnrkctls.. Philadelphia. riiiladcl,ihhi, April f, iesl.-liu. . STOCKMAN. THOMAS n'KKIU.. STOCKMAN & O'NEILL, GENERAL omnuDsicm iUcrcljants 35 NORTH WHABVIS, Philadelphia, r. f. r k n e n c r. s . Thos. Richardson & Co. Philadelphia. A. (!. Caltell & Co. " - Kutter & Hatteson, " Charles Ellis & Co. " II urgin ct Sons, " 1'hUa, April 8, 1854. ly. Wall l'apers ! Papers ! CJj 'HIi subscribers have now iu store their com J. jilcle sjiring stock of Fapcr Hangings, Curtains, &c, which they od'er at very low prices, WHOLESALE AND RKTA1L. . Our aKsi.itoieiit is verv romnlete. coimriin2 ull the qualities, butli E'rcucli ami Amrrlrnii. We inanufacture a large proportion of our uooiU and ran sell at the low est rnlvs. f I'uper Hanging done lis Ilia country at i-ilV jirucs. -.MklilMII CL lllll-UII, No. 4 North I I r'Tll Ucct, 1'liilad. Ipbia. I'hila., March Sft, l54 3m C. P. KNIGHT & CO., COMMISSI O N M E RC II A N TS, no t Dialers i Fish, Cheese l'lovisions Aiud. li i .'.i.."i-. ...i....... .... I'hila., Maitli 15. lijl.-3n Spring aud Summer btylo i KNTl.KMHN'S II ATS. ?f 10STER & GEailAUD, Itf.MoWal Ikui SI,,, I, MuuVk, IHII.Mitl.llllA, I I AVK unusual s.i,.r.-i,H, in esllu.f sllrii. of Hiiis and Ko,,l IUi.. ' It u,... .. . tn iii ..... ri..i.. Ata n, ia-,,... 4m 11 B Utf.sVa,ikl mu4 I I "J t- IU l'UKi:.w .it . "-"I' 14 l.r..J ttas SUNBUItY AMERICAN AND SHAMUK1JN JUUJUajl. BHAMOKIN Collegiate Institute. ' R. HILL, A. B., Principal. ' . , , Rev. C. J. EIIREI1ART, A. M. Tcachct of Moral and Mental Science,' Evi dence of Christianity, (ft. Ttachef of Primary Department. FTMIK first session of tins Institution, locale J nt Wiamokin, Korthumbrrlamt eounty, !'., will coinmeiiee on Wkuxksimt, Ihe 10th (lay or Mav, 1854. , The year will lie divided into tlirr session of fourteen weeks rat h, thus nllowing Vnrntion of four weeks in spring and tiutunm, and on of two weeks during tho holidays. The Institution will comprise three departments, A l'mwint, Arjttirnic mid (' Tho course of instruction in these will bo full and thorough, cmhrnring all the branches usually taught in theso respective dnpartnienla Katks or 'l u riox t Trimnry IVptirtinent, per session, $1,00 Academic " " ' S,00 ' ColleRiote " S,00 A Itirtro and spacious mom tins bocn serured to meet the wants of the. Institulion, until the necessary building ore completed. Hoarding run be obtained in private families at reasonable rales. , The Hoard of Trustees will spare no pnins or labor, to make Shamokin Collcgiute Institute, worthy tho patronnjje and confidence of the com munity. for further particulars, address Kimber Clca ver, Esq., of Khamokin, 1'resiiliint of Hoard of T , n . i T-i i . r n rnstces, or Iter. u. J. Ehrchart of raxinoa, Northuiulieiland county. Pa. ehnmokin, March 4, 1854.- CIP.CTJLAPw. THK subscriber begs leave respectfully to in form his friends and tho public generally Hint Ho will continue me business ol a Cabinet Makers' Finding Store, in nil its various branches at the old stand, No. 134 South Second st., below Dock st Philadel phia, nnd respectfully solicits a continuance of tho very liberal patronngo Iicstoweil upon the late firm of T. & it. Thompson, assuring his friends I that every exertion will be mado by himself and those in his employ to mrrit a commuimce Ol their much Cttcemoil fnvorH. I THOMAS THOMPSON. rhiln., March 4, 1854.- Cm. GUANO ! frlTATIO ! ' " 1 HE aubscrilier, lolc npent for the snlo of Peruvian Guano in Philadelphia, is now uiiloniliiip; the following vessels, direct from the Lhiucha Islands : Ship Soroeco, ... 1500 tons. Ship Burlington, - - 730 tons. Ship Hornet, ... fiOO tons. Ship Topaz, 200 tons, wliich will bo sold in lots to suit purchasers, nt tho lowest cash prices. S..1. CHRISTIAN, (Formrrtu Glinting iV Cftri.lian!) No. 4S North Wharves, and K7 North Water Street, Philadelphia. April S3, 1S54. 3m. ValuableProperty for Sale In the Borough of Sunbury ! rjl'HE subscriber oilers for'sale tho followins Jl property in the Liorontrlt of Sunbury, viz: THE HOUSE And two contigious Lots of Ground, on the south west corner of Market Square, now occupied by the subscriber as a store and dwel ling. Also: rTTTTJ" CTT A TUT C TIT TTTT T w,.. o.,, on the river bank, together with one and a half ncrcs oi grouuu. also: a uouuio two Ktory friune Dwelling House and Lot of Ground, in Elderberry street. Also: six acres of ground at the Point, adjoining tho Susquehanna, on which aro erected two fraino houses wagon house, &.C. Also : , A House und Lot of Ground in Cranlicrry street, near the river, on which lot arc also erected three iune kilns. Also; A House and half Lot of Ground, on the north east corner of River and llewlierry street, occupied by Augustus Clement, . Also: Twenty-Three Vacant Lots on Elderberry street. IRA T. CLEMENT. Sunbury, Jair 11,1851. if. MEXICAN GUANO. rjHE subscribera oiler for sale Mexican (iiiann B ..c .i. i. .. .11,...i ... i :i 111 II1U UCBL uutiliiv, mvii ilUlllli;u IU UIO BUlin . , .' , V. , r , t of Pennsylvania and New Jersey; ana sys of ,, , u'lticli l,v ivoll known clie.tinst. IK in nnr tioMrfcs. siou. This article U sold il a much lower prico than the I'eruvian, and will be found fully equal in fertilizing qualities. U. S. til Hl.l.Mi & CO. 101 ATorA Front Street, Philadelphia. Phila., Feb. S.'j, 1854. 3ni. WM. P. POTTS, IMPORTER AND DEALER IN IRON & STEEL, 4C1 Marlet street, hdotp 13fc, north tide, Phila., Jan. 28, 1831. ly. IJliicksniilliin. '1HE subscriber hereby informs the citizens of A Hnnbiirv, and the public generally, Unit he intends to eary on the niucUtinltlilnff liiiBlucni on his own account, and that he has removed his shop from near Clement s store, to a new shop on the premises of Mark Si upbaiu, in Fawn street, where lie will lie happy If accommodate all his customers. HENRY PAKTON. Sunbury, March 5, 151. If. t m ruMii'iLoir. e. TirrsxT.ra. i. s. ciiacuom Hart holu w, Tiflany 15 Co. IMI'l'tlTKIlS A.N'D UF.AI.KUS IN Fort-iiiii ami Iluiurlic DRY GOODS, Nil II.CKTI IIH TUKSALR or AMERICAN MANUFACTURES, A'n, 2ti8 liullimore Slrett, Baltimore. I. our (i.Hl o,ie J.minalio... sre not .. cheap llirv can be boiiBht Ul any oilier market they i. 1 .....i..., 1. ,.. ....... ........ 11. y or iriuuiri. iui.iii.iin " . , i . . Ualtuuore, ov. Uii, HoJ, y. ATS A VD CAPS splendid lot li.liMMiuble Silk, Wool and Fur Hals, uU I 'Ulli, Fur, Oilcloth, Navy and .Military Caps M sale low by ii. r.i. Miu. iv. v ". Maikrl street, pMMit Ihe Poal Ollite. .S'liubiiry. IH . IN.MI. f ATI: VI' URITTAMA ftTOPPEKS for I SI point s l HH UT ii. ii M.mEii. ftuubuiy, A pnl. 13, Nil VUSOLD H VRI lili li t II) siid Adhs si ami Irgl riitcl.iiw, f.w sale by II. U. MA hi til. Kunl.urv, J411 10, IM.'i'i. IHiAMCS. of mry da x ill U su r si lb ullu e uf lie A ll.ANK.I of r.try'iu call U I14J y I 9 l'l h"'t si lb ullue ul lie Aats.usn. I I AM) IIII.M luslly jhiiiUmI h Hirsi l) piu4.,ptl, siMuiaul i t.ll, AU vUmss, u sl suul us) suimuhjs Mt. UHiui, KU. II. IS34. S'T" r JlWMl'AOIV ''. l.rssj supply 10U rtaaltr.1, sitj fw Pmiuf, js. I CHERRY PECTORAL: For ike Csira mt COUGHS, OOX.D3. HOARSENESS, BRON CHITIS, CROUP, AST MA, WHOOPIMO.COUOH ASTD CONSUlVIPTION. TO emu A COLD, with nsADAcas sd soriasEas of the laaly, take the Ciiirst PscToaaL on giflng to neu, ami wrap up wsrin, to sweat rinriug the night. Koh a tiin.u anu Conait. tnke it iiMirniiui. noonnnd eve. Iliinr. nccoidiiiir to iliieellous on the bottle, uud the dltfleul- ty will S'N.n m removed. None will haig suffer from this trouble when lliey null It cull lie so rcnillly cureo. reraoua olllieti'U Willi n seated cough, which breaks them of their rest nt night, will Had, by Inking the Cherry Peel,, nil on going i j licit, they may be sure ol sound, uiiiitokcu sinvp, mid conaeouentlv refreshing rest. Great relief f roin attlTer. tug, ntid on ultimate cure, is afforded to ihousuuds who are thus alllieted, hy this invaluable remedy. Krnln Its ngrrenhle etfecls In these enses, mnnr And theiusrlvcs unwilling to forego us usu when tlis necessity lor it has cuused From two eminent Phvsicinns in 1tet"tvim., Tenn , April IB, 1851. Pir : We have given yoor therry Pectoral an extensive triul in our imelien, nud find it to suris every othei re- liieuy we nave lor CIIIIIIS nneeiirina m u!bicp""""o nana. I.Ht. DIKMKR i HAMI'TON. Ti) SINOKItS AN D rUBl.lC tU'EAKlvllS this rrnmly Is invaluable, as by uanctiouon the thront and lilnga, when '" ;n-illnn,ititi.-s. it removes all lionrscnesa in s i few hours, nnd woin eriu ly increnscs the power and Hexiuliiy nf the voice. . ASTH.M A is cenerallv much relieved, nixt often wholly cureil by t:lierry Pii-tornl. But there are some cases so oli- stiiiale us to yiehl entirely to no inedieme. Cherry I'ccio nil will cure Iheui. if Lhev can lie cured. i i r, or irritation ol ine inroni nou upper portion of Ihe lunjia, mny lie cured by taking Cherry 1 e to- rai in small nml tretpieni closes. The nnoonnoriauie op- preaaiou is aiaiu rellevcfl. Kev. Doet. I.ANSINtj, of rtnioklyn,New York, states: 4l have Si'en the Cherry ieciorul cure sneh cases of Asthma ami llroui hitis as lends ine to believe it can rarely full to cure those diseases." FOR CltOCP. (iivo nn emetic of antimony, to lie followed hy lurge und frefiient dose3 of the Cherry Peeto- lal, until i' suMues the disciso. If taken in season, it will ll'it fail to cure. YVIIOOri.Vi COUGH may be broken up and soon en red by the nan of cheny Pectond. J'SKEKS ttS fn mi lien weie protected from any ncrimm ctrnM-cmeitct, while llieir nriehlvtr, without the Cltcrry lcctttrul, wt ro 7 ,...v..w,i. I write to inform von ol the truly remarkable elfeets of your ( lll'.lili Y I'l'CTOHAI. in this place, and in my ownfnuiily. One of inv dnnghlers was completely curiit in three dat a of ilrindful Wlioopnia CoCr.ll. bv tnkillc It. Dr. Menus, one of our very beat physicians fiecly slates that he considers it the licst reinlv we have pulmonary rliseiisef. anil Inst lie lins cnreil mire raises of L'nour Willi it limn any oilier ineilicine he ever mliniiiistered. . Km clercyinen ol tire llnptlst cnurcn sins nun norma the nm ol' lNri.uKNJt. here this wns-.m, ho has seen cures from yinir imilit ine lie coulj scarcely linve believed ont seeing. Yours resncotfully, J. D. SINCLAIR, Deputy Postinnster. From the dixliiitiishcd Professor of Chcmis rv and Mctcria Mcdxcc, Jiowdoin Ccdlcpe. I hnve fonml the CimiiKV Pectoral, ns its liiorcillents show, a powcrtnl reineily for colds, auu ciingtis, unit pui nlonnry discuses. Pabkeb Clevelaxd, M. D. r.RC!tW!CK. Me.. Teh. 5, IKI7. Ult. VAI.ENTINKMOTT. The iridcltj celebrated Professor of Surgery til the Medical Colleec, New York City, says : 'It Rives me pleasure to certify the value ami elucney Ot 'AVKK'S V 11K11RY 1 ErTOHAI.) WHICH I Olisiuei jic.'iii arlv afl;n,tHl to cure discuses of the Thrust nnd l.nnirs." Cures of seveiedisenses opon the LnnffB have lieen ef fected by CilKtiRV Pectoral in such extreme cafes ns warrant the belief lliat a reineily luis nt lenpth lieen fnund llint can lie depended ini to cure the Cnwilis, Colds nml roimiiiiintiiiti which enrrv from our inidft thousatHls every year. It is indeed a incdiriiio to which the afflicted run look Willi confidence for relief, nud they should not fail to avnil themselves ol It. Prepared and sold by JAMbS C. AlbK, Practical Chemist, Lowell, Mass. Sold in Sunbury by H MASSE U, and by Drupsists Rcnerally throughout tho Stute. Juy 30, 18.V). ceow 1. Nov. 13. '52. DAVIS & CULIN, Dealers in LATH'S, LANTERNS ti t il ANDEL1 h.R, N. E. Corner Fourth and Cherry Streets, PHILADELPHIA. n. VINO enlarged and improved their Store, and li ivinir thu Inmost assortment nf I. ninns in Philadelphia city, tlief are nov prepared to furnWi PI.NE OIL CAM I'll EN E, BURNING FLUID, ETHEREAL OIL, rhonphene Has and Lard Oil, I. mni'. Lanterns of all patcrns. Fancy Hotel and Hall Lamps, Chandeliers, Girandoles aud ('audelvabras, and Urillaunia Lamps, at the Manufacturers lowest prices. Class Lamps by the pnckfixe, at a small ndvnnce over Auction prices. Hciiix larj;e MAISl'FACTVKEKS of Pine t)il, Ifurning Fluid, Ethereal Oil, Alcohol, and (tho only true) rhosijeiio (.as, lhev ean fur nish these articles at such prices Unit Merchants I i. .... ., l . . I Wi find itto I heir advantage to buy. , , . , i .. coiner c sewhere, if you want bail I N H . ..T J - c Lull belorc gams. Also, tha Safety I'M id Lamp for sale Phila., (Sept. 21, 18515. ly. Just Published and for Sale by WM. McCAUTV, Bookseller. Sunbury The American TLEADEUS' ASSISTANT Uniug a collection of approved declarations, writs, returns and proceedings in the several actions now 111 use 111 the I nited slates. Bv Tolmnson Rem, Esq., Ipsae legis vtva vox With notes and additions, together with a i-hor svslem ol conveyancing, lly A. Jordan, res ident Judge of Ihe Eighth judicial district of Pa., and Win. M. Rockefeller and M. L. Shiiulel, of Ihe bar of Northumlierland county. Since the publication of the book, the following; letter has been received from Judge Pearson of Harrishurg i HinaisBi'B", June 30, 1853. Gr.NTt.K(.3 t After a careful examination of your "Amer ican pleaders assistant," I take pleasure in ex pressing my entire approval of the selection and composition of the precedents thus olU red to the public. TI1Y1 h'Kul profession in Pennsylvania stands in need nf a correct svslem of pleading, adapted to our habits of busineai, and Ihe practice of the I'ouiU. Your forms of declarations hcinK, to a ureal extent, founded on the acts of assembly, will be a auvmu of htlior to tho pleader, and con duce In aaiftv aud brevity in our pleadings. ft should be in the hands of every practising lawyer in our stale. Your, with great respect, JNO. J. PEARSON. Hon. A. Jnr.Un, Win. M. Rockefeller and M .j y s....l...r J..I. u m.M I J ' ' New Wall Paper Warehouse. BURTON & LANING, MAM I At I t KkUH , l.IIM. 11.11 H, of I S l.'l Anh St if, mcum( Joor ufcoss Sulk. riuladoljjhia, U'HKliE Niay lw found the lari'al slid hand s.uiivi sssoliueul iu the rily. Puit haai'is I'r.Hii lbs country will tiud il lo lUii silkanlaue lo rail si uur sltue, where llicy will U suited with t supiiiof am. Uj al Ihe luwl pi wvs. Ul l(li. cv I-A.M IK, No. I'4l Arch Uwl, stats Hulh ritludi'lphl rii.U , rrb. t I8M3UI. 1 1; tl.UY. A mus sMuitmi'iil el liubl and ' hill I'siulls sud I'eus, luf sale rht aii ly 11, r.i.Mibitu & in.. Maikel alKH l, p'w1 lbs 'el OlIU xuubuiy, iki. a, isaa. k.'ll.Flt W If II Hal A tw douMs r Eoub-h UI W aUlua, f-sl sab al low II. U. M hEK. siuubuiy. A4 11. 1H 4 lil.U I i: Va sils and viiliwil taws, t4 supeiwl ulil. )u intltKl. U ll U i'pl 4 M 'U 1'tut.l. ( sab Look to your Interests ! We will try io plum ! t S. N. THOMPSON Q'J) ESPECTFULLV informa liia fiicnda and UQ, the pttblio generally that habaijust re ceived nt hit itore, In Market alreet, fiunhury, lielow Weaver'a Hotel' an extensive stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, eonsisling'in part of Dry Goods, viz : Cloths, Cafnimeres, Carsineti, Jeans, Drilling, Mualins, Vesting!, Linens, Ifc. LADIES DRESS AND FANCY GOODS, Calicoes,' Mttslin de Lnins, Lawns, 6'inffinms, Beragcs, Robes, Woolens, Flannels, t)'c. t;itot F.HIt,S, Sugar, Teas, Coffee, Rice, Molasses, Cheese, Spices, Suit, Ac, &.C., &c II.irclwarc, Nails', Screws, Files, Saws, Knives Sc Folks, &.C. ' Queens and Glassware, of various styles and patterns. BOOTS AIID SHOES. A largo assortment of Boots and Shoes, lbr men, women and children. Hats Cps, &c., of various sizes and styles. Besides a InrRO and general assortment of fashionable goods. Call and examine for your selves. try Country produce ol nil kinds taken in cxchnnqe at the highest market prices. Sunbnry, 11 ma. 20 1851. 4 m. 30, '53. WATCHES, JEWELRY, &c. JA31 KS 15. FID LIS II, No: 12 SovthSecond Stree', PHILADELPHIA. Gold I.evcr Watches full jewelled Silver Lever do Silver I, opine do " (unrlier do Hold pens nnd pencil and silver haldcre Silver Tea and Table Spoons Bracelets, Breast pins Ear riiipjs &c.. All warruuled and sold at prices as low as any in tho city. Novrnilicr 27. 1S.'i2. tf. A Farm for Sale. THE subscriber offers for sale hit farm, CONTAINING 2S4 ACRES nnd allowances. It is situated about three milea from Sunbury along the Shamokin creek, and ia in a good state of cultivation. The Philadelphia and Sunbury p isses through said farm. It will bo ollorcd in p,irts or entire to suit pur chasers. It ran be divided to make three small firms. The buildings aro a FA KM HOUSE, a good Bank Barn, and two tenant houses. JOHN EAIINSWORT. Upper Augusta, .Sept. 10, 1853 tf. CAUK, ti:E. A; Co., Flour, Grain and Lumber Coiiiinision Mercliauts, 23 ami 25 Sp'ar's Wharf, Baltimore. nilFKKKXCKS. John (Mark, Esq , President Citizens' Bank, Bait. A. P. Oiles, Esq., Cashier llranklin Dank, " John Ilerl.U r' Jr., Esq., Philadelphia. Holers, Siuniekson ifc Co., " J. Tome, Esq., President Cecil Bank, Port De- posite. J. Wallower & Son Hurrisburg. Col. H. C. Ever, Selinsgrovc. J. IL' App & Co., ' Nni;!e, Wiugate If Co., Milton. W. W. Coole, Esq.. Mutuy. Simon Schuyler, Esq., " Ocorire Undine, Hushsville, W. Weaver & Co., Montoursville. (en. William F. Packer, WillinniKport. T. W. Llovd, Esj., Cashier, " Jamca II. Ilulin, " Lewis (i. lluliu?, " M'Hcnry & Bubb, Jersey Shore. J. P. 1 1 ul in T . Esq., Lock Haven. fV" Carr.l.'icsc ct Cj. have the largest wharf- room of any comiuisiou V.ouse in Ualliuiore, al ways giving quick ilisp . ten to boats In discharg ing their cargoes. February II, 1351. Cm. Porle jHoimuics, POCKET BOOKS, AND FANCY GOODS. rilHE attention of tho Trado, and others, in L want f Porte Monnaies, Pocket Hooks, Hunkers' Caws, Dressing Cases, Portablo Wri ting Desks, Uackgaminon and Chess Boards, Chessmen, Pearl, 'hcll, aud Silver Cord Cases, Work Boxes, Cabas, Necdlo Uooks, Money Uelts, Cigar Cases, Portfolios, Razors and Razor Strops, Travelling Flasks, ami fine Cutlery, to gether with a large variety of Fixci Cioous which will be sold at the lowest rates. F. H. SMITH, Porte Monnaio and Pocket Bonk Manufacturer, 205 Arch St. below Sixth, PhilaitMphia. Sept. 17, 1H33 tf. 1 in porta nt to Coal j)calers. TIIIE subscribers hereby inform the public, that they have entered into partnership under the firm ol' K isn, liced & Co., for the purpose of mining, shipping and wiling coal, delivered at Sunliury, or at any other point along the Sus quehanna. , J hey will be rejilv to deliver coal, well inep.v red. on cm 'tract or otherw ise, at all times, on the shortest notice, and on the most reasonable terms. Orders received at Shamokin by KASK, REED & CO. Sunbnry, June 4, I S5:l. ly. Druirs, Paints, Oil, Window (llass, fjc. S Tois French zinc while. -r in 1,.,.. P.,.., vi,.i. 1 .,..1 C'.ta ii 1 ft ... um'w uoirs vt llloi.w ,..ass,ail SIM'S. SuiH'rior Potash,! !opal, ( 'ouch , Lentil vr .V lion varnish, white Deiuar varnish for China tiloss, wilh a gi in ral assortment of fresh and pure DUUGS AND MEDICINES. Also sll Uie Patent Mcdicinaa in general use, warranted genuine. Colored slid Lnoinled I. lass, &.C., ic, for Sale very low at ALFRED Hll.'l 1. 1, ULL KM DniT and Paint Stole, No. 6U N. Slid Street rillLADELPHIA. 'hvsicisus and Slorekeeiiers supplied (ioods sent lo any ul' the Hotels or DcpoU tree of charge. I'tula., May 'iH, ISoJ ly. saw...... WINDOW SIIAUKXs.w mm C.L. IVIILLCR&CO. MAM'KACTt'RKUS WIIOI.EM VI.K AND RETAIL DEALER III NN iuilow Sliailen, Suulk-Wit turner of StconJ and .Ink Studs rHItADILrHIA, SI 'I'll as liolbr's Lauds, apts, Uoidrla, Vases, rWrulis, Uoqucls, COLD BORDERS, 4c, Of llut niol Uautilul designs and belt, Iiuu of nul'U III Ibis touiiiiv, sii.l al u.ti LOW ruii tsj, As lut liallt'Uiia all 'uiiiM'tlllou. HuOTsuJ Wlnuj Hollands, I'aiubiHS, I'ssmIs, I'alds, 11.4. sr., in . ts.u.i, lu I'tty ui I'ouul.y Tis.l VVelutiia ait eiemiitalioii uf uur s4uk, al lbs Ihpui, Ituuia m4 ) uf swuviwl Mul An sli.uU, rb.ta4slpl.ut. Jsuuaiy e, lsM.Aw. 1,1 IU .b l lltM uflue,, Hla. luk, i'altls M.Ouims sl ii) sW, Puis L-us ui ... v V CJELEBUATED Family. McdicineBs IN oflertnf to th piiblio the almva mvttnnblA pTftpnrn tionR, the lu.Mcritter wonhl Mute tltat in rrmmiltatin with hit fi if nili ami mm of the mvmt ronpeclnhle of the Modicnl leculty, it Wni deemed ftdviwble tu offer to th public, few prcpnrntiom nf known rplebrlly, heiiiff pre pared with the prrmtert rare, mid oil the nrntt Pfipiitifie firmriple, H nihttttiitet for the nntnerotm worthloM ar iclei that are flooding the country in the form of panaceas knd cure alii, prriwued by the moat ignorant and mercena ry pereoiu, iiiteniled to core all diennce and food for none Rend and Reflect. That the Mrdicine, Mnnufactnred liy W. M. Dkckliy, Inelndiiiff hi Koae Pectoral for Cougha. Cream of Camphor, fur IiheomotiBra. Vorm H-rup fur Worma. Tooth Wanh. for decayed teeth, diwwed (pima. o il.. mil. n Kluvrl b.irilVnr hnv hswll Hinri MtenRIVe ly nird, and Kve (tiren more antiBfnrti'n, than any other Medicmea lcfore the puMi, being prepared with repard to their uaerulneaa are TuUy woimy m iriai oi iua iiiiici- ul r.i.,a tl.m s irinl A few pmreiful reaaone why the altove Medicinee are ... nf sinivssrawtl nMtionfltTf. (In the first place. they are prepared by a regular rhyticinn, whowndrrslunda the application of Medicines, to disenaca, and conequeiitly are norfeelly anfe to take. (Secondly.) they hnve been ...iii, nniiHinsi miu.m. niiH hnve niveii more antittuc tion thnn any other Medicinea offered before the puhlic. (Thirdly ) thry are the only medicinea that hnve gained . . ssi sI.ass hairs lis on tiail ine filiironnife m -nvirimm, wiicib mt; t ..wi;c.u.tii.ii tiv nm nut no hi In filer nilllllt lllfi for the Nime price, than any other Medicmea offered to the punite oi ine anme aum. jtm mt mirw-.Mnis ,.. V certificoU i in hii porscusion of the higheat authority, where thev have heen uard with the mow iininrnny ru anltf!. He" will publifh a few of them, feelutp ritified that nttinlwill insure their recommendation. Try them mid antiify yourself of tlieir iiiperiority over all othera. Head ana oe Lonvincca. V thm nuAormitnmi linvin? heen made acqrmlnted wilh the ingredirnta entering into the Compnunde known nil Hickley'a Family MeUiruiea also Having prerncu nnu known them to lie iwcd, with mat antisfnHory reeiilu; tiike pleannre in mving that we Iwlievn they fully meet the deaign fir whirl. Ihry are reeommeTuled. C. II. FRICK. M. U. AVM. Mr MAHON, M P. WRSIaEY H GKAKHKAUT, M.D. WM. H. MAOII.h, M. D. B R. GKARHKA11T, M. D. Cart of pain in ihe h and cough from protested lAvr Comnlaiitt Mra. UidKirt Adams, InlKiring umlcr Chronic I.iver Com pbiint, aceonipnnU'd with a thwt dry trough pain in the lide nnd hreant, trcneriil debility' logs of appetite, after try ing all the iifinal remedies reo an mended for cnnplis nnd diBensf s of the chert, who with no benefit, she was recom mended to try the Hose Fcctoral, from which, she not only derived immediate but permanent relief. John Adams, ami of Mrs. Robert A.lnmp. was afflicted with i very severe congh, pain iu Ihe side, nnd soreness produced by incessant eouKhmg; he was induced to try the Rose Tectorul. To use his own iHiignnge, the first dose eiiiihled him to enjoy a gtd night's Test. In the morning he expeetoruted nlont half pint of matter. He continued to improve until his cough entirety left him, it also had the efloet of atrenijhenhig his breast, which ws naturally wenk . He also says that he tins teeommended it to a innnberof hisfiienila for simitar complaints, and in every case it has given satisfaction. Theattove persons residents of the town of Pnnvdle, fswlititr tlmi Ihov have derived srent Itcnefits from the use of the Hose Veetoral ; anthoriw the aliove stntement, for the benefit of those whomnv be iifllicted in a similar man lier. CpKAt CURK. Loss of 'Voice restored irith one bottfr of Rose JV o tornt. MissSnsrm Whitlock,of Rush township, Norlhnmler lnnd ci., for a numlcr of years an ii valid, in the lull of 150, m the use of her voice from a si veie cold she con Inipipcl: nfti-r trvins a numher of renicdii'S. with no hfne- Iit, she was entirely reatorcl nv tnkin one n-mie oi i.ora Pectoral, alter wliieh, she lost her voice nirain, tnm a fri'sli colli si m einitriicteil. nml was ntrani rcstorea ny mo use of another bottle ; she then took four bottles more to slrcwrthcn her brensl, from which sho derived the mist decided benelit, aud has heen iu the enjoyment of excellent health unm that tune to the present. Thenlrue stiteincnt is obltiinetl from Pr. rnrseM. the rhvstrian who attended her; nlsi her m'ther who thinks that she wmdd not be living at this time if il had not heeti for the Rose Pectoral. Uanville, Jim, 25. Infill. Stifl another Marled Cure Effected. Mrs Sammd Sechler, Iwing ofnnatund weak and deli cate constitution, very susceptible to colds, was aHMetce' with a veiy severe etmgli. pain nnd soreness of the brmst, hss of appetite ; after using a number of the usual reme dies from which, she derived no cnefit, she was enst-d hy tnkiinr one bottle of Hose Pectoral ami is in the enjoyment of hetter health tlinn for years previous. Himville. Dee. 1 1M0. )r. BiritT.KY: Permit me to inform yon that my wife, who isn dt:lleata nnd weakly woman, Lib riug under a very severe Cough wilh pmti and soreness of breast, was more quickly and effectually relieved with one bottle of your Rose Pectoral thnn any other medicine she had ever . i. . 1 11V I'D XI;IIL' IMKrU. vi.-w-ii. .ii imii'i.. Jan. 1P.V2. Snnmel R. WikmIs' Furnace, Red P.itd. Strong evidence ix Favor or the Rose PkctoBal and Family i'ilw. John FulnerHak'-n lietwecn Chrisimaa nnd New Year with a very Ind cold, which ended iu a dry hard iticc&suut Conch, causing u great deal of prim whenever lie coughed, was relieved very much ; bv the lime he hud taken one third of a botlle, aud by the time it was finished, was en tirely enred. Henlso save that he has taken several ilost-s of the Health Restorative or Family pills, and that they are the mildest and most effectual pmcntives he hnsever t:iu. Pnnville, Jan 1. ISV2 Dr. Uicklet : During a visit tonnv brother, in Pmi ville, I took a veiy severe Cold, which ended inn tight hard Cough, with soreness and pain of the brensl, for which I used your Rose Pectoral, nud Family Pills, nud tnke pleasure in recommending them, ns the mildest nnd most effectual remedy 1 haveusod. Yours. rerertfnllv. JAMKS .MORGAN, Jan. ttd. 1o3. White Haven. Luzerne eo. Dear Sir : As a recommendation for your Rose Pecto ral, permit me to say. tliat I was effectually cured of a very severe couch with pain iu the breast, with less thnn hall' a little, in id that 1 consider it invaluable. You are at liberty to make this public if yon please. JOHN lPKK Rl.Vi. fiocer,) Danville, Pa. Mv son William laboring under a severe cough nnd riiu in his side, from an injurv received uy n lull, was eitirely heved bv a Ik title of Hose Pectoral JV Cream of Cam- hor. I have also used your Fnmilv Pills, nnd altogether cunstdcr them the best medecines l linve ever used. JUAN OV I'.KDOK r , Jan. 1?53. Rush Tp., North'd co. Dr. Hii-klcy : Sir: As my wife who was troubled i rv drv. hard Couirh, slsi sour Stomiich, deneudent upon lebility, similar to Dispepsiii. wus entirely relieved by isiinr two luttllt s of your Hose Pectoral, permit me to say tluit 1 consider it an exec lent remedy. Yuuia, respectfully, Hev Mr. W1!,I,AKD. Piistor Luthernn Church. Danville. Pa. Having ltccn eurctl of a pain in my nrm (siinilar to Rheu matism) wliich deprived me of the free use of it for attout lour months, ity uniiig uncuoiiieoi cream oi vumpnor I w'u!d st-itti that I e insider it the lest remedy of the kind I have over used in my family, nnd I would freely recommend it to others with similar affections. Yours, respcctiullv, JONAS WOI.F. Rush tp., North'd co. Mv wife ueiuir etTlicted with a verv seveie pain iu her arm and shoulder (the effects of cold) which disabled her irom using it. whs cured witn runmng tream i wiim phor. Mrs. I'.rflin, my sister-in-law, was also cured of a severe piuu in Ihe head mid face by using the Cream of CauiptH r TIIOM A h.lslJ, uauvuie, jail, vn, Mv wife havmir Rheumatism of the arm for o number of years, which prevented her from using it induing her woik ; uiier naving s)ieui ginuiuuu wi ui'mcy in iimiik tterent leiiiedies Willi no ixjueiit, was entirely cureu uy using only one itile ot vnr t rea:n ol t'ompnor. WIM.IA.M KVKNS, Mmr, foi K. R. Wood, II. P.nnt. Dr. Hieklev : Hit vim reeeiveil a very severe injury in my sule by falling off a iiwd of liny, (Vian which 1 was una hie to follow my work, w:ts recommended to try a Isittle of Cream of Camphor, which afforded immediate relief. tiKlt rlTli CAKK. Itusft ip., iortn a co. Mv wife, suffering from most eicruciatiiig pnin, thronchnut hrt eeuernl svstem. which nrevcnletl her I'rtHii siee(iMg (iMting (iBioi)ou by a laig aim proir&cien speu ol sieknewa;) for which she used u number of remedies without benefit, was entirely relieved by the use of Cream l lampnor. nw. n. nnw. 8tireen leiitist, Danville, Pa, Child cured of Hwel Compattiii, sih) Ague (W two years standing,) by worm iy nip, Mv child beiaa alBietcd fi Ihe last two years, with Rtwel Complaint ami Ague until it utu retluced t a mere skeleton, I tncd a iiumtser irf r.-mches with no permanent benefit, until I gave it m botUe oft' your Worm Syrup, since which lime U la Imm u well, and g.t quite p.hy. I also have irnunineinled it t a uuintver ol my t net inn, and iu every cusc it hasgiveu sntisiaeiioti. I, AI lUIB IsHllUS' Jrtlfn IHIIIl. 1WIVIIS0. I ktivA iiss d vtHir Worm S.ruo iu inv laiuilv, and con sider it not only effectual Imii Ihe nvl plmwmt articW 1 m..i x-Mimiiilrdl Wild. J AHMI liAMl I'.lA UHllVllle. liming used your onu syrup iu my inian), neips my chiklieii more thwu any piepuratiou ot uie simi, and more pleusutii to take. DAN. MolUiAN . iifiit'Mii n'Wi siiiiiw, luiva hn.l oeeashHi to ns rur Wfin srun m sny famiry, and prerr u o any vernuiute i nave hsm. I' Itl-.lJ. Ill 11. r itwiy siiirv, iiiMi'ti( oi, Dr. Hieklev : lluviiiif used vMir whiii Hiup, sod CriMiui ti Cumphor and Fyooly Pills in iny fuiudy, they Euve K'HHl SilUBlaciUMi, ami l amniwi incm i iihmi ri reeiu.iT, ai.d pkuMint rMotttiea, wi have h id iu our family J ill il l u n. ninii.ii. innvnif. Dear fir ; We Ihe undersigned being in the employ of Messrs. Ilmrcs A Vulv, al wfcnss ym have sn Agt-oey M Uw suleut y.Hr Family MvdM'iues, auue Uutt wtf luieruHl sn tp4Hrtuiilly tf suowing llt t iiiiitti u iiuiuritius indivHlnits who nave usi4l thetu, and thai ihey iwti itoorul BstiifeistvtMin. Wm Rave sokl a at tail Miaiiv ! vH4i PiU, wlik-i aie auibetasUly hktd, Isemg vrtv mikt ui iMuMiki. v ai nr. - .t.I, lUvme Keurvv 4 V SMouih tnv had, t was iiku-rd In ti y a Uflile pui Tth ash, whiehaciisiUaeaeaMiia, aiiaK4iuig ui gauM. aiMi rH.Ml I1 tls)sM. i lii'Mr.iH ssnviissj Di ll kUy II iviitM lti we raili ub aritUt sure, in il a, i whit ti, I irird a rninnW 4 rttltt-s wile shi lr-ttt IU i I tksta al run euitl by kstim ai siU t4 mmr ill wusii. My wn ssfci uuiina uw itmuisxissTsti, wm hiMl-ud Wila fa UifMSts, uiiis swiv Utg elirtt.l Itnuinl, tsf wiiu a the a! ta t ihws i4 I aianassr, whs a anrtif' Ihiau, Uwftjt.y iuvrHig her Umis Immn tstlrwiiuf Kmml laUlstsriaaU t'k UM. DtuiliiUsi, Pa. i Hm kle D-avn.a mn n em your A tti sWriMioe Tu a (m iu vty aviie an- w u si u u( lUs it ms. I il m Urni tmt ly V , itwtsfMUuUy, lil.U U flie Msnttv.tM sue In smU Wlvi-sula and Ue- tiUlbyW U UHkU..,U il , piMMva, laH4ii sud iwMi. I nUg 4 I'l-ti'i, sUisWt i W A k4.u. kugumm , W riiiw, Msi4ms'vm . ImsiI. r svusmm KslOt, PtlHe , I Ws)44 4 BHKMUsV, PwAilfss, tsk Vssn4, rtu; ilaa Pt a K 4 I f s-sss4u Ml I kVWA, psilHiUs) SO W illllr SSlSSJa S1U . I sH.'ij 4 BsltMS. k WSMttsd 4- jsSSltrHalPt, 4r.ft'sH(tf , Jfasls 4twU. ilSi tMSfs , i'.M4 UsjMta. " 'i4W4slWusi . ij I I SS Sk. Ussvsflt.., , 4'msH IslsW 4 , i"4Mt f !. ta Ksass i fsihsm staa W 4 sjJ i 4tu ii s) . its. Wi muii g a Vni'i-o ssj tsi ii tMtaMsxs iiv SNMi4Msfi l; We "AID. AND C0MF0ET),f f To Your Own Alcclianics. GEORGE KENN. MANUPACTDRER OT ' FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of the most Fashionable Style. 'THE respectfully calls the attention of the public to his large and splendid assort ment of every quality and price of CAniNKT-WAfllS. which cannot fail to reiommcnd itsclftoevery one who will examine It, on account of its durslils workmanship and splendid finish, made up of the hest stock to be had in the city. N0 efTort is spared in the manufacture of his ware, and ths subscriber is determined to keep np with tha many improvements which aro constantly being made. His stock consists of Mahogany Sofas, IMvaiiM and Lounges, Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards, SOFA, BREAKFAST ASD D1XIMJ TABLES, and also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to Thila. delphia manufacture. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and price, CUPBOARDS, WORK AND CANDLE STANDS, TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, In short, every article in this line of his business. He also manufactures all kinds and qualities of CHAIRS, including varieties never before to he had in Sunbury, such as Mahogakt, Buck Wilkct Aftn Cl'RLKD Mini ClRECIAK J A!D WlSJIISMH CHAIRS, A!n rAxet Piaxo Stoois, which sre of the latest styles, and warranted to be excelled by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere. The subscriber is determined that there shall be no excuso for persons to purchase furniture in the cities, as every conlitlence can be entertained about tho quality and finish of his ware and Chairs. His articles will he disposed of on ss good terms as they can be purchased elsewhere. Coun try Produce tnken in pnvmcnt for work. ry UNDERTAKING. Having provided himself with a hamlKomo Heaiisk, he is now prepared for Undertaking, and attending funer als, in this vicinity, or at any convenient dis tance from this place. EF The Ware Room is in Market Street, below Thompson's Store and Weaver's Tavern. OEORCiE KENN. Sunbury, Jan. 10, 1852. tf. not ion YomsicM'i THE POCKET AESCULAPIUS : OR, EVERT ONE HIS OWN rilVSlCIAtf. C?, nnnE EORTIETH PJn, lion, with Ona Hundred Engravings, showing Din cases and Malformations of i the Human System in every 'V tfi m n,"l "rtn. To which contemplating marriage szr' sy ir m. ounce Let no father be ashamed to present a copy sf the ..SCLI.AriL'Slo his child. It may save him from an early crave. Let no young man or woman enter into the secret obligations of mar ried life w ithout reading the POCKET -ESC1I-LAI'II.'S. Let no one suiVering from hackniep Cough, Pain in the Side, restless nights, nervous feelings, and the whole train of Dysiieptic sensa tions, and given up by their physician, be another moment without consulting the .i.feC. L I. A PI t; S. Have the married, or those about to be married any impediment, read this truly useful bonk, as it has been the means of Raving thousands of un fortunate creatures from the very jaws of death. UT Any lierson sending I WhNTl -FIV K CENTS, enclosed in a letter will receive one copy of this honk, by mail, or five copies will be sent for one dollar. Address, Da. W. VOI'XII, No. 133 SPRUCE Street, PHILADELPHIA. Poht paid. June 18, $W ly. A VALUABLE HOUSE And Three Acres of Ground FOR SALS. f I'M IE subscriber oflVrs at private sale, his house and three acres nf ground, on the river Bank within tho limits of the Borough of Sunbury, now in the occupancy of John Shissler and orig inally owned by Caas. Ci ussier while engaged in boat butliling. I ho improvements aie a TWO STORY FRAME HOUSE, With a Well of good Wuter, nil a good frame stable. There ore a number of excellent fruit trees on the premises. The prop. rty is handsomely located and will lie sold at a reasonable pi ice and possession given in April next. Apply ttff.'co' C. Welker, Esq., of Sun bury, or to the subscriber at Selinsgrnve. PETER KEKLIN. July S3, 1853 tf. Lumber Yard. r I ill E sulwcrilicr would respectfully inform ths citizens of Sunbury, and Norlhuml erlanii and adjoining counties, that he has opened a Lumber Yard in the lot fronting on Cranlicrry St., a short dis tance East of the Steam Saw Mill, where he has now a largo amount of SeaioMtU funnel Plant. also Van ii el hoards, and all other Boards and Ut'iLuixo Material, such as will be wanted for tuiUling purposes. Also a largo amount of Khinglca on hand, which will be sold from $6 up to f$, according to quality and sire. Please give us a call and examine our prices and quality. N. B. Farmers who are in want of Shingles will please call as we will sell to you low. J. E. LEI1). Sup. Sunbury, May 28, 1853. ly. Cheap Watches f$ Jewelry, "lyilOLESAI.E and Retail, at the "PhilaJel " " phi Watch and Jewelry Slore." No. 86 North Second Street, corner of Quarry, PnitADELFHIA. O.ilil lvcr Walclirs, lull jewrlul, IS cuiut cases, tiokl Ilino lik. ts.!Kiuo!ilvrr twlacles. I.ju Silver lp. lull irw!M, (in U.iad Hraevkus. S.i Hilvrr l-v.-r, lull Kwl'd li I s.tir.' r.kl IVurils, I IS) (iilK-.uir ((ui.itiris, 7 ISilvct T s.ius, Sft, 4 WI ti.iUI Mi'U'lrs, t.lSlI Oukl 1', Wllb Pruril and !ilvrf llulilrr, " !,( Cold Finger Rings, 87) cents to $80 ; Watch (lasses, plain, 1') cents; Patent, IMj l.unet, So; other articles ui proportion. All goods war ranted to be what they are sold for. UTAl-f t Ell A 1I AR1.EV, huci'Maors lo O. l'onra.1. On baud, an ins (.old and Silver liters suJ 1-piuiMi, still lower than the shove prirrs. (Hpk 10, 1(153. ly. WM. M CARTY, BookwUer. Ltl'i:CTH l.l.Y uiforms lbs Inhal ilanla t low li and rnunlry, that hs lias lately lH vJ from Philadelphia, a large a.lililton lo his stuck of books, in every hram h of Literature, snd in a iihI sarirty of Uuidiii. I'lsass rait snd era llu-iu. bunt uty, ttepi. IT. 133. lt. II. II. IIUiUEK'M ii' f.rt ruil.s. "ruida, and puhawiMiy tlurmars. A supply ( this yaluabls lucdwius iu. rr.-vicJ snd ' by II. U. MAM EH. Kui.barv. Junsl , U4J- CMIAIN M MI,H..' aT.i..II auiaWrol lbf ' sitrlleul ( lists U4 lfliJ suJ SJ alUi.J ui Ml by II. U. MAAkLK. im I. liVI. Jjia.-Uueu,sf.UlwaWj u4. aJ si- l'" 1 ..-llsal-W IsaNJ yr.r. mi ij.- j is s4 rai"1 rr HilU k...U.ul uiusl as) isss Iff' m .TU el . Is1 lliussl, Si 1.1.1 l il, 4s4 ir. t ka.ssif, lw. tl, leal.