1 ,- jootmn-l Ha uouti i lm an a3U Hi set WIS It. 1 l l Jnt. 10 41 6 talari IS 13 11 aspilu; l 17 18 ID H8 4, 9330, Fn. 3 9 10 If) 17 Wi AMI 13 H SO 1 6,7 13 It 18 1 7. I 27I2S ill mm. Mi s 30 31 7 in SfT. a: 7 in H ts!l7 3 1 6 10 11 12 It 15l" 21 S2 S3 i 20,30 0 7 19 in! 14 13 ShlSI 17 18 1 80 Art. v - li: i-'.ui.... 1 97 3 4 8 j 11.1311: Oct.1 ' 1 1 2 9 10 II B 9 Mil til 17 If 19.40 SI 15 10 l 1: is S8.27 28 K3 B4 SS 20,87,88,29 I K9.30 t Mst. t Si 9 Mil .11 rl,Nov. in; 11 IS 13, II) so J 14,13 15 1(1 17.1 82 83 24 28 87 SO 81 as ?3 30,30 35 99 00 31 87,89, Jim 8 3'! Die. iU Ill2 1 0 7 9 Ui 3 r 17 : ti - (31 II IS Mill IS 1(1 xr in i0i4l 21:222:1 28930 '20 S as m 1 A STRING. OF ITEMS. . The colored Free Masons of ilarricburg, ate building a hall in that town. ' , : , Diving Belles the ladies' at Cape Slay the coming summer. ; . . The Nebraska Indians, now in Washington, have just concluded treaties with our Guv- eminent. . . Rev. ' Miss Drown declines a call to a church at Cazcnovia, N. Y. : . - .- ... How to make a town" prosper fill it with enterprising people. - ' Alarrtung sickness of the Empeior Nico las SbipFever. ' ' ;';''" i Two. cases of cholera, " havo appeared in Providence. -i . .- -i :. i : '-.'.-I i - .,;,.... A "riot took place in Baltimore,.on Sunday, Hum ! " ; : - ---J- ; ' " This Dutch Reformed 1 Church , has 340 churches and 40,000 members. - : " i r'Thb Snsqnehanna fishermen have hung op their seines, after quite a succassfull season. The Managers of the New York State Poul try Fair have decided to hold the next fuir at Utica, in November. - s A West Cambridge farmer, ou Saturday, sold a single load of rhubarb, in Boston, for $90 cash down. . A .Backslider. Married, on Thursday, the 23d , by the Rev. Clay Boulder, Mr. An. drew Horn to Miss Julia Parker, president of the young ladies's temperance society. ,'. "' j ,t-, Fnir Jali Und Umiert maiil, ' .i ' Frosrhod tempenwec ditlic night an4 mots ; But still her wicked neighbor! mid . . . , , She broke her pledge aud took A. Hoax. . r Louis Napoleon ad the Sultan of Turkey, are both, ilia said, descendants of French Creoles from one of the West Indies. Ma. Cutting, M. C, from New York, it is said, comtemplates resigning bis seat in the House. r f . ' Gek.' Stuabt, of New York, is about to erect a magnificent hotel just below the Sus pension bridge on the American side, at Ni agara Falls. ' ,;-'; ' ' '' - f A very independent Order of "Owe Notbings" has been organized out West, and the editors of that region are earnestly recom mending it to public favor. . . . OUT OF SEASON. r- When the frnit-lree is in blossom, . . And the April grass is green ; . . , , ' When along the earth's soft bosom, Sprouting leaf and bud are seen ; When the birds, their love-mates uhosea, r Build their nests upon the spray, ' - M '" And the brook, no longer frozen, ", , Wimpling winds its dimpled way , We beliove, and with jjooil reason, Steel and snow are out of season ! " , ' When there have been j ears of kindness. And remembrance is the same; . ' When there has been equal blindness, . ' : Sweet forbearences from blame ; ' .', When old friends, long tried aud trusted, Acts of mutual love have wrought, , And as chords alike adjusted. , . . . Thought, responsive, answers thought Thon be sure, will) better reason, . , ngi'v words are out of season ! A Tauc Rbmask. Mr. Benlon, with trntb, remarked in his great speech against the No Lraska bill, that '-The troubles of the country come from nncasy politicians its safuly from the tranquil masses." " ' ' Holiow Axlis -The Reading Steam Forge is now making hollow axles for railroad cars, the first ever turned out on this continent. They have been scientifically tested, and are not liable to fraolure, can sustain more weigh' and last longer than the solid axles. ' Chloroform Coumtcsacted. This valua ble disoovery bas been just announced by Dr. Kobt. de Lau belle, a distinguished physician of Paris, lie states that a thuck of electricity given to a patient dying from the eflects of chloroform wilt immediately countoiact its influence, and return the sulfvier to life. Ah Ingenious Riddlk. It was dona Uen it was begun, it was done when it was half done, and yal it wasn't doua whea it was fininhed. Now what was it 1 Of course you , can't guess. Will this do 1 Timothy Johnson courted Susannah Dunn. It was Puun when it was begun, and it wa lunn when it was ouly half done, and yet il wasn't Dunn when ii was half (tone, ar.d wasn't Dunn tsheu it was dune for Jubnsooj. it was r,u mm a jAii.ua. a coupio ol pris oners in the Johnstown, (lows) iil last week perpaUaleJ good joke upon Ui j4iUr. They cut ft hula) tkrousH the ceilinir, iIihii through Ibe ruuf, and M ni'jlil made llieii esuspst. In the inainiiti the ssilo, sntei.d iu (jive Ikssj breakfast, when be found but one ol bis pels uu. band; the oih.r u9 k.j -., Uhttd, The jailor skad hisn why be aan'i yone totir lie said tie was guilty k. k t lenee aJ wimiUh'I slope. ' The Me ( the srtuir was that e Tueuls v iaoti.Mi lleeter, sue ! Ike Mlaaiwe, lelemtd u his quarlwfs, si) intf be bad simply gouaj i.ut hiuie lorbaiija bis sliui, beating mas. s lim the eihr eb'P ihiit h im. tsuul i 4 ti awl, Pj0 mt"t 'It be d.J faiiiir) he it ii In ' ul tb ,iK '' , "AID "to COMFORT," I To yoMr 'Own Mechanic ; ' 1 MAitprACtcnEn or."' ' FUJINITU.RE AND CHAIRS Of the most Fashionable Stylo, ' 'VHE subscrilior respectfully calls the attention -A of the puWic to his IsTgo arid splendid assort ment of every quality and pries of . Mitch MtihM foil trt fevommend itsrtf tovry one who will examine it, on account of its duraMe workmsiiKliip and dpHidid fiuUh, mads up of the best ftivk to he 'hud in the -city- No effort is spared iu Uie manufaCturo of bis ware, and the subscrilicr is determined to keep up with the many Improvements, which are constantly being made, Ilia stock consists of Mahogany : .. . Sofas, DIvnns nnd Lounges, Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards, SOFA, BREAKFAST AND D1SISC TABLES, and also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to Phila- uelpliia mamilucturc. BEDSTEADS, of every psttern and price, CUPBOARDS," WORK AND CANDIE-.f ' STANDS, TOILF.T TABLES AND ' ' EXTENSION TABLES, ; "!..': In short, every article in this lino of his husiness, tie also manufactures all kinds snd qualities of chairs, u; including variotics ne-er before to be had ir Sunluiry, such as Mahooakt, Ulack Whjbt ami Ci-RLsn Maplk Oiim-iAir : asii Wisnsoa CHAIRS, ash VAitcr I'li-Mo t'iooLS, which are of tht latest styles, and warranted to be excelled by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere. , 1 he subscriber Js determined that there shall he no excuso for persons to purchoKO furniture in the cities, as every confidence can lie entertained about the. quality and finish, of .his ware and Chairs. - ,.. ,. . . His articles will lio disposed of on as pood terms as they can be purchased elsewhere. Uoun try Produce taken In payment for work. , , .. , UNDERTAKIN O. Having provided himself with a handsomo Utilise, he is now prepared for Undertaking, aiid attending funer als, ii this vicinity,- or trt any convenient dis tance from this place. "' .' - IW- The Were Room ts I In Market' Street, below Thompson's Store and Weavers Tavern. '. ' - ' GEORGE RENN, Su'nhury, Jan.10, iS52 tf. ... . DOCTOR TOUnSELFI tttt1 nnnvtrT avr r ttt. PTTTS ' AMaJ A V V'SA A AAAJW w v memmm a w w OR, EVEat ONE HIS OWN rilVSlOlAN. npHE EORTIETII Edi- -- Uon.wiUi Unaiiumlred Enpravines, showing Dis eases and Malformations of the Human System in every shape and form. To which is added a Treatise on the Diseases of Females, being of iha highest importance to married people, or those contemplating marriage. Iy Or Win. Young Let no father be ashamed to present a Copy of the IJSCULAriL'S to his child. It may save him from an early grave. Let no young man or woman enter into the secret olilieations of mar ried life without reading the POCKET ESCU- LAPIUS. Let no one sullcrmg from backuiep Cough, Tain in the Side, restless nights, nervous feelings, and the whole train of Dyspeptic sensa tions, and given up by their physician, bs another moment without consulting the .T.Sly U 1 j A 11 L S. Have the married, or those about to be married any impediment, read this truly useful book, as it has bceu the means of saving thousands of un fortunate creatures from the very jaws of death. Any person sending TWENTY-r'IVE CENTS, enclosed in a letter-will receive one copy of this book,, by mail, or five copies 'will -be sent for ona dollar. .Address, Da. W. YOUNG, No, 152 SPRUCE Street, i'HILADELPHIA." Post paid. . ; ,. m - .. i . . - ) , June 18, 1853. ly- ... , w. . A VALUABLE HOUSE . r , . And Three Acres of Ground rOR SALE. ; , raiHE subscrilicr offers at private sale, his house -- and three acres of ground, on the river Dank within the limits of the Uorough of Sunbury, now in the occupancy of John Hnsslcfrsnu orig inally owned by Qlias. Gustier while engaged in boat building. I he improvements aie a . TWO ST0EY FRAME HOUSE, - ' ' With a Well of good Water, and a good frame stable.' "Thrre are a number of excellent fruit trees on the" premises. " The prop, erty is handsomely located anil will be sold at a reasonable piiee and possession given ill April next. Apply to Geo- C. Vclkcr, Esq., of Sun bury, or to the subscriber at Sclinsgrove. , t ' " ' - - - PETER 4CERLINV" July 23,1853. tf. . . ,., T LumLei Yard. TIIE subscritier would respectfully inform ths citizens of Sunbury, and Northunil erland and adjoining counties, that he has oicned a Lumber Yard "' in the lot fronting on Cranberry St.j a short dis tance East of tho Steam Saw Mill, where he has now a large amount of Sretwud 1'anutt l'lttnl, alto Funnel JJoants, and all othor Boards and UriLUisu Matkbul, such as will he wanted for building purposes. Also a Urge amount .of Shingles on hulid, which v. ill ho sold from ft up lo frt, according to quality and sire. Please ua a rail and examine our prices and quality, I. 11. farmers wlio are in want ol shingles ill plcsao t'sU as we will sell to you luw. J. li. LCI It, Sup. Sunbury, May 28, 1S53. ly. , . '.. Stone Cutlers and Laborers WANTED! CTOXE rnttera and laborers can have steady employ and a winters job, (and not work in the water,) at the Union and Susquehanna Bridge at Chapman, 1,'uiou county. Pa, midway be tween Liverpool and NortiiumlH'rLiiid. To la. borer $1,55 per day v. ill I riven. . .. i l.ClhEIVCI.NG FISHER. Chapman, K,.pt. 17, 185a.tf. theaji Wat dies iS Jewelry, 1 7 HOLESALE and Retail, at the "Pbilad. . ' ' lllla Walck aaul J. North eaoand sjuwt, rurner of Quarry ,' : i i. "xA",mA. l..(J U.v-rN.uU.a,h.,i,.w.iue, lsnMnM, ,. ,( "U 1.1'iaua lefc. m mil s." . .i . " v" r .-ii..t .(.mruwa, 7 a V ... ,.,1.1 Hih.-i.m U-s, V.Ui -r " i.ll,j4,wui,ra,ida,4lilalt,ilar. 'l im (1..IJ Fiiiffrr lliinjs. 37 J cents lo 110 , Walib f.liaw.. plum. It) rrnta: I'.Wiit. ,u.(i , .. .... ,., ,.,ul,.,ruoo. All goods war ranted Iu be what they ar sold HI Al FFEIt A IIAUI.Kr, Hucreaaoi. u, O. (Wad. .'uaiiu. swrta liulij anil Milw... I ...... . .. .,, , . .'ia isa r'i " lower llian IUu abuts uiicrs. .pL lt, aA:t. ., KBst ' 1 MsUmiIm k.k.kiuett .1 tesmbitry, a4. IT, lsS. 1 e a ii ii ii - U. islui, a.. J " " . ri'Hl , t..ar a.i m sU ' , II. Il ilil'i..V. I .1. I , l J , Mia.r.r taj Lam i-I.i. iii . L !. ' " -.'''y v . "S a.l.lniuai ta kU IN oncring to tlie rulilic the above invnlanllo prepare tliws, the S'itpcriter wrnitd state that in erniinttntiou with his rtlemls and softie of themoet mpertnlileoi the' Medical ferallf , it was (leetned advisable to oiler to the puMIe, frw tirrrwrMiimi if kidAva crlehrlty, beina; pre pared with the greatest care,, and on the inuat eriuntifio principles, as milnlittmn fnrtlie nnmr-rons wnrthlcm ar tioles tlHkt are fi.wHnf the enantry in the form of panaceas and eare alts, aronared by the moat ignorant and meroena- ryueraons, inlendeU to care all diseases and good tor none. : Jtead and Rtjltcl. V Thai ihs Wcdleine,' Manufaetarad by W. M. Dkciu.it,' . Including his lime I'erlorul for Coughs- Cream ot Caaiiior, fur Kheunnitism. . ,'4 Worm Pwnp f"r Worms. - . ' .-. Toiith Wash, fur decayed teeth, diiwancd gums. I rainuy run. r itionu i-iuiivcr. nax-e licen mt; exrnisivo ly uSHlf and hnVe-givan mure natiafHclHin, Dion any talax Mcdicinea bufure tlte laiblic. beintt iKpiir,Ml With rt-ourT to uicir ust,faliiers are fully woilliy llio trial ot tue ainici l 131.-. . ..1.-1 . fi ... . A fcw uoweiful renmns whv the above Medicines are deserving of universal pnltonA (In the flraf pau-e, iney are prpparril nv a regular rnveiciuiif who niiuriBiuim. the application of Alnlicinea, t" diwaxje, and eonrUenll7 are mirfi-etrjr safe Co take. (recoiidly,) they hnve bcrn used w li universal Kiiu-eu. ami nave Qiven imne viuriMc- linn tlinn any oilier MrdicincS offered lier.ire ilie public. ( i ninny ) iiiev are ine miy men.rnirs inai imvc jmimi the imtinnasr of I'livaii-inna, where tin y huve Iwen aned ; and Knmtlilv.) Itii-v are tint nn in fnrircr fliianlilics for the Jhiivi prico, than any oilier Mwliciiies otTeiwl to the nnlilie ol the saiue k Mill. As the sulieeriher lia n nnitilicr of ccrlilirates In ins ponsc-ssiim of Mie lutlioiit anilmrity ult..r II....- kiicn I,-a.t ia,..l .villi 111., tmiat MfltinflirtorV T& sails. He will'publisti a few of them, fWltng soHfacd that atiinlwitl inmire their Teeominendati.ai. Try llietn aud satisfy .yourself of tln.-ir Superiority over all others. ' i Rmtl ami la Convinced.'-! i . Wa tin niKiersiinwd having liocn made ncqwnlnted with the ingrnliruta criteiiug into the Compounds hnoWn in Biekley's KuiAlly Mfilicinrv aim havlne prescribes' wl kniiwn theinloba nsiil. wild moat etifa-torV esilia; lake plsnre in saying Hint we believe they fully meet ttie. oesigntor wines iney are rePi'muienowi.- , - ": f; O. H. HtlCK, M V. . , -: j v; u ,ii, niriiiAiui.i, ;ll. i. '-''"WKSI.KY H r,K Alt HE A TIT, M. D. i.rn.li-". .-: WM. H. MAiilld.. M.l). " .! , j, JJ. K.GKAltiiKAKT, AID. , .. . j. Cnr4 ;" ain . 4Aa 4l i cngh front proleuJ irm n,,!., A.i .,., t .1.,1-inir intiW rhroiiie l.iver Com pkiiiilnccanpniiied with a fhin-t dry congh nn m the side and l.reaxt, gi-nenrt dctiility, loss of appetite, afler try ing all the iimial raiueilies recommeiHli'd f,n,.ughs aim diseases ff the eliejt, who tvith no bcueht. she wns "" m.aideil t-i try the Hia Pectoral, fran which, she rnnoniy derived hnmedmle hilt feramnem reiiei.' - - l.j... i.i,.m.. ,.J-nr.. Hubert Adnms, was afflicted with a verv severe oongh, pain in Ilie side, niid pnlnel bv incessant coughing; he was Imlneeil to iry theKoae Peetornl. To nae his own. lansaaige, the tirrt dota ennlsnt him l snjoy ',"'hi !' J. ,r-m-riiing he cxpeclornled nlmt half pint of toiitinned to improve until bis cough entirely left b'Si, it also hml the efteul of sirengheiiiiw hm liiunst, which was naturally weak. He alio says th.it lie Ins lemmmeiided .. :.,,.i.,j- i,ia r, iemla fir similar cuunlaints, and in eveiy ease it has given sniisrai ti ai. ' . ' . . Th.il..... .rr, re. dents of the town of Thlnville, reeling lhat they hava derived grwil benefiu from Uie use of the Hose Pectoral! authorize the elmye sUdeiaent, for the beilctlt Ol lliose Wliomnv iu- iniiii'ii.-u ill n wimiui ner. - ' GIIRAT CUK K. '-'-"' I .. Lota of Voite restored with one Lottie of Hose Pee- toral. ' . : '. . :.:'..i- y MissSuain Whillock. of Kusli townshin. Northumbcr land co.,f.ir a lillinbrr of years an i; valid, iu the fall of IMO, !! trie nsa of hex Voice frira n scveie cild she oai tracted : after In-liia u nnmher m remedies, with no bene fit, she was entirely restored by taking one bottle of Hose Pectoral, after hich, sh lost her volcS nsuin. In.m a fresh cold she eiailmeleil, and was again restored by Uie usenf another bottle ; she thea toykY.nir bottles mora to strengthen bet breast, from which she derived the moat decided beuelit, and lias been ill the enjoyment of excellent health rrom that time lo the present. The abme statement is obtained from Pr. Piuselt. the Phvsiiian who ntteiuled her; also her inolJier who thinks that she wiaild not le living at this tiino if it had not teeu lor ine it'ise t ecrorai. uiitivun, j;iu. , i. Still annther Marled Cure Hfftrtfil. Mrs Satrmnl Beehler. behw of n nutnml wenk and deli oate constitution, very susceptible to olds, was alllicUid ii-ilh n verv severe couuh. naill and soreness of the breast. loas of appetite ; after using n number of the usual reme dies from which, alia derived ao laniulit. slie wua enreit by taking Ana IxaUs of Hese Pectoral and ia in the enjoyment of Uettcr ricaltli thaa lor years previous, nimvilln. li. 1 lSofl. He. IliCKt.KT : Panait m to inform j-on that my wife, who iaa delicate and weakly wauan, laUing under a very severe Cough wild uiin und surt-uess of breast, whs more nuicklv ami eflToctuully relieved with ona bottle of your Rism Pectoral lhau any other mnlieine she had ever taken. . A11N1--.R M'HIUlli:: Jan. 18.V2. Samuel lt Wonds' Furnace, Hod Pnint. StSDNO EVIDINCX IN VaVOR OF Till liOUK l'ECToBt AND FiMILT Pitta. t . : K . John Fuhier taken between Cbrisluvts ami New Year with a very luul cold, which ended in a dry hard incessant Conph. canting a great deal of pain whenever he einigtunl, waa relieved vervtuuch; by the time be had taken one thiol of a bottle, and bv the time it was finiehed, was en tirely cared. Ileulao aaj-s that he lias taken several doses of Ilia Henlth Keitnnihve or Family Fiils, and that they are the mitdeat and luost effectnal pnigativos hs Ims ever taken. , ,. llanviile, Jan 1, l5. Da Bickliv : TJnring a visit to oiy brolher, iu Dan ville, I took a veiy severe Cold, which ended ins tight nnrd Coueh, with rrcnea and pain of the breast, for which I nsed your Itose Fectonll, end Family Pills, and take pleasure in recommending tliem, as the uiit'leit and most effectual rmacdy 1 luivs used. Yours, respectfully. JAMF.S.MOUUAN, ' Jait 2(1, tHJa. ' While Haven. I.nzerne in. ; Dear Sir : As a recommendation for your Ke Pecto ral, pennit me to say, ttuit I was effectually, cured of a verv- severe cougti won pain in ine nrensr, wan less man halt a uottia, ami tiint 1 consider it uivniuauis. You are at liberty tn make tliin nulilio if vuu nknte. JOH PIIRU1NC, (GniFcrOBnnville, Ta. My ton Willimn fcihormji' nntiyr n icvfrc rourrh nwl pnin hi his title, fiotn hh mjurv rer'ivrtl hr n fntl. was eitiiely relieved hy a boMIe Of Re Pectuml Ac C renin of Cam nhn. I Imva uli used vonr Vmntlv mill ultoffeOier 1 cuwuikr Uiein Ui best uiodecmen 1 have wr nur - . JOAN OVKHUOHK, f Jnn. IV ' KuH Tr., Nnrth'd d. lr. liirklrr ? 8irt As nfv wifa wbo wai troubled with dry. hurt, Coouli, qLko a nir Stmuach, dr pen: lei it unuii dclulitA-, timibir U Dispepsin. was rutircly relieved by utmf two bottle of y!ir Um Pee, penntt me tosuy Uat I ciii ( it an exf.e lent remedy. . uura,reiijitxu.lu!ly, . Hkv Mr. M II.iARD. " ' PiiHtor l.ulliernn Chureh, DnnviHe. I'a. Havinctwrnmred nt'a min in mynnn (ftimikir tii i4 ben-. mutism) wtiieii Uejirived mo of the trne use '( it fr ubout tour iruniiiis, jiy uaiug one tuatlc ra urenui ui uinj-tmr I would state that I e-'iifider it the let remedy of the kind 1 hnve ever need in. my family, and I wouid freoly recommend it to others with similar aflVrtitme. Voura, rctpecUuUy, -t JONAS MrOi.F. Rush tp., Nt-rtU'd e.i. Mv wife lclnr efltletetl with a rerv sovme iain In hrr arm mid sliwukirr (the viIVela ul' eoltl) whicti tlisulilfd- lief in mii upiii it, wus cured wun ruhuui 01 truim ii tain phor.' Mrs. Kfllin, my ister-iii-lnw. was lw en red of it severe pain in the huul and fnos hy usiiifr lha Craim of Cumpaor 'i'HO.M AJj C. I'.LUS, Danville. Jan. 'fri. My wife Iriving lMiemnalisin of the unii for a numWr of years, whieh prevented hfr frrm niii? it in dnug ht-'r work ; after bavins: tent a ffjent deal ol money iii ifyiuft d liferent remedies Willi no Inuieiit, was enliruly curwi by uiiiio: oniy one hi yonr creJi:n 01 t niMpnur. WILLIAM KVKN5, Minor, for B. It.Wtmrf, K PiInt. Dr. Uicklev i Uiiviiiir received a 7 my severe iiutiry in my side hy fulling nji'u luini uf hay, fnuu vvhn U J W.ui mm hlo to fitlViw mv wkIv. w;is reeoimneiuled tn try n lftlie of Cream of :imtih t, whii-h rJ-d iiiiinhiitt! relief. Oitll FITUCAiai. Hash tf., Nurth'di"). . My wife. sinTcriiiii from innmt exerueiuliuz nuin. throughout her 'enernl syiiiem, whieh prevriittt) her fmin slctif)iir (beiiiK t ewisJ ued by a "ud protrficttqd spell ol BH-kiitYs;) i'r whit-h she 4iiei a nandiur 4 riAnnliea illiout lieiient. was eiitir-l. reheveil lv Ihe mte ot talcum U Ciiuiphor. m. VJ h k. tiliu. U. iillOWN., : Ptiienl,entlit, iJunyills, ). Chilfl cured m Ifowrt rfnn.tninr. nnd Affue (tf twoyrart ; , , wimmiie. uy ivuruioyrup. Mv rhilil Ikmiht uilluUil l'tt lha l:it.t two Years, with It 'WI CiHnDhiiut ami A sue tuttd it was redumiiJ to a tiit-ra skeleton, i tiixl a iiatultr iviuulics with ihi pcruisiti-ut lnelit, uitil I rare it n bttle of your Worm Hvrun. sine which tilt a has ren well, nnd iptt quita rlewhy i a io mive reeonim iiitei it to a nunitier in my iririnia. and in evury case it huscrrn sntitinniin. I.. l.KVI. . - f ' At let hum iMimm (Mcrehnitt.) VauvUIe. f hnve uscil yiur Worm rvrnn in inv family, ikI con antw it Mntotdr Hlectunl, lut the iihast pleMunt article am a.iiMioit-d with. J ACOB LSIIKI J. lvanvilla. - iia'incsei yiwr miHPyrup ih luy tamiiv, rt helps my ehiklieu inre limn any ntciKtrttttoH of the kind, tit id is m ait 'in U'nr, LMuiviiat. 1 Hare Itntf 4miln in ne Yif Worm Svrun m mv Caiaii AM prnvr it t) any V si am a .-I amonrwd. i t ui.ii, lit ii. r rrnay alky. M- nMir to. Pr. JlirUI. v : iliTtnff nsrd vitf w rm tturv ami CrtMim if l'uiiiih r an l rmudv 1'nls in uiv fitiwUv. lln-v nv Roixt .iIiiihiioii, rim) I e-iin(rr them trm fit ! ei lctno.il, ad pimriut r m'it, v I te h;id in mtr fniifily. P"af Hiri Wa iliti aiii tef ntt luuir in the im-ay of .-viimts. v-aa fj -aisj', ai wiirt st-w, yavuit AueiH-v for the ili of vxir l-'rtmity Mnln-mra. smie that vej luwt en -rtunu ia awuiir vm oiaiiujt.a m uuttMitus iMaUvitluaai w hive umI Mciut tiuJ trtst Vu y ctva eriu-r,il antiktu-tiit Wa lve al a ivnt niiiiiv of llii ir O'"oli.i. w.lfclRI.Mi, ll.ii, il M. AIM-st. VV SI M.l'l.1.11. Il.vi,, Si-nrrv i t an' hs-iiIU VirvlJ, t ws iij.-el k If y a Italia J yiair'r.aMS Wmssi, wlia-ausMlukaacliam,, h-udnuua wy auius. ai ii aa an u-r. . JllA lll.V. IV HlrIKU Paiivdla TV, DiiAIrn II ! '-'l W"s r.,nl va araim aa, aaiuta, l. Witt, k, I Siull wU ,J Sswsatu wok a lM : I waa at S.a rui4 lr aaius aua bust M fan T-sa r.U. My wus aisoauiu.a lrr a-ii.ltM.'owMi, vaa Unlm.l will. lllra.l, lillil aavni n."T mihw Ii4 W1ML-S ak us4 ll ,Mia .il rual4-tf, Wkall aU U-mm, ibWI'y (iiavvMllua ' artaana iraHrwaaiHaj. - Nn,r I ulk" " rn-S lixxilhi. a m likiv -II..U.S a, M,aiiMuir 4 y-ui Si. Vi fl -f 4a Uasaj M i ar ai Sa. us .au Wa Stto. I ausW a !" "." te aV.va awli-iu.a aia 1.4 kk VU.rala ai I Ua. kulkfVV SI IMLkl.HY.M P.iws.x.lkuniaa ta. a..Miv fioiua? 4 tiiW, iov.'t' 1 1 W A- fc--lA - V fawnr. SutOuaxsa 1 r'lMa-M iLtft.. ruwsi k..0tf aS"aa, l"' I H .i M . a,..: Srs iS 'l.. VS V mm 4m, , raaal k1 .-"a A Um-Afv. " ...- I Af "" Um I,, a I I .mlmt ,b - . S - l J u-w -.-., I Ikw, la-s i 1H 1 t a ! Is. :s .-.. I'.;. MM ,.... wl.il t.'- S'l 4.B.k mi ma ,ii'i ft ta4 k-4 m wmm U-M..a HWa-IHMM ia mi.. . Look lo;yqui Interests l tj" 9 vnll try to ptem ? T"X SS, T PSIVV AHtM AViV ai. l ilUlUJraun : a t JTJ) E8PECTFULLY Informs his frrends snd J ' the publia gnorally that he has just re-' caived at his store, frt Market street, feunlmry,' ueiow weaver's Hotel' an extensive stock of SPRINC. ANff SUMMER GOODS,' 5 'cbnslsting'lrt part.or rt-"i'--l)fyiGoods,' viz s!'-x:) ' Cloths, Cnjsim.!rcs, Cnsst'iirfs, Jean, Drilling, Mitslina, f fj.'inffj, Linens,, qc. LADIES DRESS, AND FANCY GOQOS, ; r Cuiicoc,' Miiflin 'de Lnins, Lawns, . '. ' tiiiiehdms, fit-rages, Holies, v " oolong flannels, tec. s.t ,..1 Ww-fcRoCBIlts;' Sugar, Teas, CofTce, Rice, Molasses, Cheese, - Spices, Salt, &c, ic. cVc,, Tr , ., ( Hard ware, ; ..; -j Nails, Scrvws, Files, eta wa. Knives St Foiks, ccc, '! ftncens and Glasswaxo, .5 1 . vlofvarionsstylnsanj patterns. -'-BOOTS AND SHOB3. A iarg assortment of BooU snd Shoes, fcr men, women slid children. IltTs Caps. &c of various sizes and styles. lnstilea n lnrira an it uc.oeral ssurttncnt of fashionable goods. ' Calj and examine, for your selves. , , . n 1. C7" Cohtilry ' produce of all kinds taken in exchange at tlio luglicst market pneea.. ' Sunbury', U mo. 58 19-r3. -4 m. 30. '53. ' . WATCHES, JEWELRY, &o. ': JAJI.ES I5..FI)LElt, o.'l2 Soitlhflccdnd Slree', , . ZZC.A rlilLADELPHIA. , ..' . V ,,,'Oold Lever YV'atches full jewelled 'i ' r(ii , Silver Lever do ,,. K -: ,. C a Silver I.epine i. do - .:i t , . , I -. -';-' Qilsrtier . t do , , ., , ;(i'old pens and pencil and silver hnldors ,. . . ISilvor Tea and Table Spoons , , . . . . bracelets, litiast pins Ear rings &e.., .... - All warranted and suld at prices as low as any iu mo vny. ; ... '; , . . ; rr- .: i a November 57. 185S tf.'r ..... . ..... ... i ...A Farm lor Ssile. - - THE subscriber offers' for sale his farm, . CONTAINING 581 ACRES end aliowuiices. It is shunted about three milci from Sunbury along the Shamokin crock, and is in a good state of cultivation. The Philadelphia and Sunbury Jiailroad passes through sum farm It will be ottered ill parts or enure to suit, pur chasers. It can be divided to mako three small farms. ..The buildings are a FARM HOUSE, a good Uank Darn, and two tenant houses. JOHN FARX3WORT. , Upper Augusta, Sept. 10, 1853. tf. 2,5u0 : Acres Timber Land ".."..'FCsR. sale;; -'..; CETERA!. VALUABLE. ..TRACTS OF TIMBER LAND, comprising about 2,5(10 acres, part of which is situated on Tohyhunna Creek, and part oh Muddy Creek, within three miles of Lehigh River, iu Penn forest township, Carbon County, one of the great Coal Counties of 1 cnnsylvui.ia, can lie had at a bargain, if ap lilicntion be mndc soon. - 'J'hese lnnds are thickly covered with the best timber of that rrfion. ' Whilo it is believed that 75,000 feet of luinlior to the aero, can be cut from a large portion of lha bind, tho balance will aver ago not much less than this nuurc. 'J'lie kinds of timlicr found on the hind are Hemlock, Spruco or While Ccdnr, White Oak, '"While I'ino and Chestnut -bt principally made up of ' White l ine anil licmlocK Tho Toby linn nn and Muddy Creeks are large and rnnid -streams, yielding avast amount of wtitcr power, und are capable of driving a lirrgo number of saw uiilU. They cinjity into the Lfhigb, which stream, Villi the Lehigh Canul afToids an outlet tn the inost desirable lumber markets. Thrre is, ton, '.under contemilation, a railway lending to the cities of New York and Philadcljihin which rnns within on mile tuillhree quarter) of the land. ' Through these avenues lumber can be delivered in cither of the cities named, for about rcr tnounnnd lect thus enabling persons en- rrni,'cl in the trade to derive gTeitcr profits than attend investments generally. 11 Jn audition to the timber, convertiblcginto eve ry shnpc of lumber, there is much that will an swer for spars of vessels a sort of, timber that snip-builders nave been obliged to purfhaso In Maine, or at other distant points. unlike most of the lands on the Lehigh there has, as yet, been ho culling of the timber on this property.' It stands undisturbed by the wood man s oe. It is, therefore, the more valuable. Tho lumber trade of the Lehigh has been carried on to such an extent for years past, thata scarcity of good timber is beginning to be felt... Every season necessarily increases this difficulty. Tho conscrjnenre must be an enchancement of the value ot timber lands. Those un-cullrd tracts with the nilvuntin-e of avenuea to market,' such as the lands ottered for rule, possess, cannot fail to lie the sources of supply borvaftor. liut the land is iu4 alone valuablo Tor the tim ber it contains. It is of good quality for farming, nearly every acre being susceptible of a high state ol cultivation. Capitalists desiring to miike investments, would do well to tunMlioir attention to these lands. For furthsr information apply to . . - CIIAS. M. HALL. OlTu'e in "Mining RrgUtcr" building, Pott August 0, 1 85.1tf..' ! .: : - . l'orfe Mommies, '. , POCKET BOOKS, AND FANCY GOODS flMlE attention of ths .Trade, and others, in JL want if Porte Afuuuaiea, Putket Hooks, I) ankers' Cases, Dressing Cases, Portable Wri ting Desks, Backgammon and Chess Boards, ChesaiiHHi, J'surl, tShell, and tsiiver (,'nrd Cases, Work Boxes, Calms, Needle Bouks, Money Belts, Cigar Cases, Portfolios, 'Razors and Razor Strojis, Travelling FUska, and fine Cutlery, ti gether with a large variuiy of rise I Goods which will lie sold st the lowest raU-s. ' F.'H. SMITH, , Porte Mona.iie and Porkvl Book Manufacturer, 05 Arch St. belou $uth, Philadelphia. fcrpl. 17, I85J. 1. I111 oi tttnt to Coal Dealers. subscrilirrs hereby inform tha publis, lhat they liuvs entered bilo parlnu.liiii uuJrr the (inn uf K iso. IJi rd ot Co., for the purjioae pf mining, shipping and selling coal, dilivrred at Muuhury, or at suy other puiut sJoii hs tua iiirliaiina. Thity will be ready lo deliver coal, wIJ prepa red. 011 s.nSrat;l or otlacrwisu, al all liuiea, syi Uie aliur tt-bt iiulu a, aud ou the uioat rvasmuiUa Uriua, Ordvia received at Miainokiit by . , v . . a, KAHK. KEED St CO, 5uutury, June 4, 164.-1 y. fTlJ At1 Au TAPrIZ- spi..i4 lu( of B 1 twhiuuable Hi,k, Wool sud Far II aia, alio f)tti, Far, (likluth. Navy aud liUlay Cps b al uw by . 0. EIX0CRO CO. , Msikal sliest, ijHsile the Fual OUice. ui,Uufy, IKC 4. isaj . . ("Itrl.D I'KN'H with and without raaas, ef M wry sunruv ijualiiv, jual rrwived. Alas) (ish suiipty ol Wniinn Fluid, fn sale by Jl. 1). M.USKU. HuMtury, f 17, IISl. . - - , Pwrsr hhtVni7 roppKiifrf bar hotiUs (ut Ui '1 II. B MASTER. 4.bury, Ap.it, It. Ill) . , KMH raj untt f I I ft' a.vl A-tU. N' J lttl Arlo-. for aala by II U. Mi.tK. ei,.J yi., iaa id, U it. CAKIC, G1ES13 Ac Co., - Floor, Grain and Lumber ';Commision Merchants,' ' ' 23 anil 25 Spear's Wharf, rM; A.ll l h a ,!..( RKFEBKNCE8. , -. c ,'l . . ' John Clark, Esq. President Citrsen' Bank, Bait A, P; Giles, Esrj., Casliier Branklln Tank, ' John Herrxler' JnrEsq.v Philadelphia. ' Kotrers, sjinnicksoft a. Co '" '' . Tome, Esq.; President Cecil Bank, Port De- posite. --i- i t.-t ii . -j J. VV a Mower & Son Harrisburg. in. . Col. II. U.'Fiver,8eltnarrove. ' 'b J. H. AppA Co., - ( i Ksgls, yVingaterV Co., Milton. ,: '', W, W. Cooke, Esq., Miincy. f (i ( . - u Simon Sfhuylcr, Esq., " ' , . ' ' , , Georire Bodine, Hughsville, "'' ' r W -Weaver & Co., Montonrsville.- ... : i Ooh. 'William F. Packer, WillismsporL ,,-!. Ti W. Lloyd, Esq. Cashier, .-.... Jaines H. Huling, ii:r, . r -.. " . ,- ... Lewis, U. Huling, -f.,,-, i -,j M'Henry ec Bubb, Jotscy Shore. , .; : J. P. HuliiHT, Ksq.( Lock Haven.: CT" Carr, Ciiese.dt. Co. havo the largest wharf room of any commision houso in Biiltimore, al ways giving quick dispatch to boats In discharg ing their cargoes. : . . ,-i February II, 1854. 6in. J)engs, Paints, Oil, Window ' Glass, fjc. ; ' 6 Tons French zinc white. 10 tons Puro White Lead. 5000 Ilexes Window Cilass.all sizes. Superior l'otosh.Copnl.L'oach, Leath er if Iron varnish, white Uemar varnish for China lilosa, with a general assortment of fresh and pure 'DliUGS AND MEDICINES. Also all flic Patent Mcdiclnos in general use, warranted genuine. Colored and Enamled Class, dec, &.C., forsulo very low at ' , ALFRED WILTHERGER'S Dni and Pnint Stove, No 169. N, 2nd Street, PHILADELPHIA. . ' " i rhysii-iiins and Storekeepers supplied Goods sent to any of the Hotels ur Depots free of charge. Phila., Mav H, 165-J. ly. - - - i snv.ioet. WINDOW SHADES. imiii. ltss..'. M A N U FACTU It ERS " S5. - t. f l - ;r '1 AMI i ; ' 1 J - ' WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS . Ill M'indqw Shades,; Soulh-ttxst corner of Second and Arch Streets, FKIX.jtVDCX.PHXA. SUCH as (iot lie's Landscapes, Holders, Vases, Scrult-B, Iioijiietx, ' ; . , GOLD BOEDERS, &o., Of the most beautiful designs and perfection of finish in this country, and at such , j LOW PRICES, ' i As to challenge all competition. BulTand White Hollands, Cambrics, Tnssels,' Onrds, Drasses, Ac, in every variety, for City or Country Trade. We invite nn examination of our stock, at the Depot, Soulh-yest corner of Second aud Arch streets, Philadelphia. '. . , January 28, 1884. 5m.' DAVIS Sc CUI.IN, ., . i Dealers in . I. Mr. LANTERKS Jc CHANDELIERS), iV. E. Corner Fmtrih and Cherry Streets, 1 '" riXXI.AZ)SXiPHXA. HAVIXH enlarged and improved their Store, mid having the largest assortment of Lamps in Philadelphia city, thev are now prepared to furnish TINE OIL CAMI HEINE, . . . BURNING FLUID, ETHEREAL OIL, Phosphene Gas nnd Lard Oil, Lumps, Lanterns of all ipaterns. Fancy Hotel and Hall Lamps, Chandeliers, Girandoles and Carulclenbraa, and UrittaRnia Lamps, at the Manufacturers' lowest prices. . Glass Lamps by the pncknje, at a small advance over Auction prices. Ueing larse MAIN li r A U1L li r. lio ol Pine Oil, Burning Fluid, Ethereal Oil, Alcohol, and (the only true) Phosgene Gas, thev can fur nish these articles at such prices that Merchants will find it to their advantage to buy. Call before going elsewhere, if you Want bargains. Also, tha (Safety FI id Lamp for sale. . Phila., Sept. 24, 1853. ly. Ji' Just Published nnd for Sale by " " WM. McCARTV, Bookseller, I , fcunbury, I'a. .... .... fhs American . TLEADEKS' ASSISTANT : Ucing s collect i oo of approved declarations, writs, returns and proceedings in the several actions now in use in the United States. : r I...-- t . : ! Br CnLUN'soN Rei.d, Esq., , , lpsat legis viva vox . . With notes and additions, together with a shor system ol conveyancing. By A. Jordan, Pies ident Judge of the Eighth Judicial district of Pa., and Win. M. Rockefeller and MY L. Shindel, of the bar of Nortliumlierlaiid county. Since the publication of the book, tho following letter has been received from Judge Pearson of Harruburg : , -. . Hsaaisni-no, June 30, 1853. Gkktlemex: After a careful examination of your "Amer ican pleuders assistant," I take pleasure in ex pressing my entire approval of the selection and composition of the precedents thus oltercd to the puhli. Ths legal profession in Pennsylvania stands iu need of a correct a v stein of pleading, adapted to our hub its of buainass, and the practice of the courts. Your forma of declarations lieing, to a grrat extent, founded on tho acts of atienililv, will be a saving of labor to the pleader, and con duce to sufi-tv and brevity in our pleadings. It should le In the hands of every practising lawyer iu our state. Yours, with great reaiect, -. . JNO.J. PEARSON, nun. A. Jordan, Win. M. Rockefeller aud M. L. S'liiulel, Esquires. Sunbury, July 'J 1833. New Wall Paper Warehouse. BURTON Sl IiANING, No: 124 Arch Street, second door abvv Sixth, - . Philadelphia, , . niFRE may U louo.i lha largest sad hand v V auiuval asaAirlaiaol iu lha eily. Purchasers from the eouutry will iind it Ut Iheir aJvaiilasa 10 call at our alure, where ttiey will be suited with superior srlirUal the ktwavt prices. Ill U l UN cV LAM.NG, Nav. U l Arch HlrK above lilli, Pbilsdelphia. Phila., Fell. S3 UJI. 3m. EWF.LItY. A nice ssaortinaul ef Gold end ' kilvei l'a-U ai.d Puna, for aala sheau hy U. BLUEiU X CO., Maikel street, uppail4 Uie Pual Dilute Sunbury, UcU k, l64 (l!.Vi:R WATCH KH.A few double rase Kiigluh btlf WsU haa, r, aula al very uw II. II. M AHtti, Huuhury, Ai-rtI II, Ki 1 ."OH Sals st this wfTue. Huperiuf 111 ail luk CMUe MaJu iiia si I) sis, l"ts Caaatue uf Uiaaef, Xa itu lllsANKK, l.AK.t uf stury Jrat,l4lua raa U ksj W a-!..( iha urtiea al ii.s Au...U-.i I1A.NU IJil.lJS stanlly 1.111,1. ,441 14, p4 fH--U etsMstml si UM aalao. AU-s 'laua., u aM aitaia bh mimi sw fat, siu.lmr, fta. , la... ValuableProperty for Sale ;' In the Borough of Sunbury! ' ;, 4 " , IHE subscriler olTcrs for sale the following . property il) the Borritigh of Suhbury, viz i ' THE HOUSE ' " " And two c0ntigi6u Lots of Ground, on the south wost corner of Market Square, now occupied iy the subscriber as a store nd dwel ling. Also: ,.n .'THE STEAM SAW Mitt: on the river hank,- togethor. with .one and a half acres of ground. ,. Also i double 4 wo story frame ' ' m ' ' J ' ' "' '- ' ' ' ' Dwellinn Honsc and Lot of Ground,' In Eiderberrf street. ' Also t six acres of ground at the Point, adjoining the Susquchanha, on which are erected two trame Jiouses wagon house, Ac. Also;' - 1 - ni - A Hotiso and Lot of Ground . - in Cranberry street, near tho river, on which lot are also erected three lime kilns, ; Also ; ' A' HoitsfJ and half Lot of Ground,' ' on the north east corner of River snd Dcwlierry street, occupied by Augustus Clement. Also: ., . Iwenty-Thrce vacant Lota . - on Elderberry street. - , : ,- IRA T. CLEMENT. Sunbury, Jen 14, 1854. tf. , . MEXICAN GUANO. . FTHE subscribers offer fur sale Mexican tiuano -- ef the tiesl quality, well adapted to the soils of Pennsylvania and Now Jersey ; analsys of which, ny a well known chemist, is in our posses sion. J his articlo is sold at a much lower price thnn.tlie Peruvian, and will be found fully equal in leruuzir.g qualities. . . . - - - . ,. U. S. BURLlXG & CO. . 01 Kortk Front Street, Philadelphia. Phila., Feb. SS, 1854. 3m. f , . . . .. . WlrC.P.POTTS,,'; IMPOllTF.R AND DEALBR IN IRON & STEEL, 461 Market slrect, below 13t, noi-fi side, pkxz.assx.7hxa: Phila., Jan. 28, 1854. ly. ; - f' ' ' . ; ' ,,131acksniitlung.' .. rTHIIE subscriber hereby informs the citizens of Hunburv, and the public generally, that he intends to carry on the iitnrUMiiltlilnpr Ituslnrss . on his own account, and that he has removed his shop from near Clement's store, to a new shop on the premises of jMark Scupliam, in Fawn street, where he will he happy to accommodate all his customers. . " HENRY PARTON. Sunbury, March 5, IS54. tf. , k. h. ba a nrotow. O. TlWATtYjJB. ' X. . C1IABBO Ijiirlliolow, Tiflany 05 Co. IMPOrtTKIW AND DKAI.EHS IN Foreign a nil' Domestic GOODS, AND AGENTS TOR THE 8AIB OF AMERICAN MANUFACTURES, : ATo, 268 Baltimore Street, . ' Ealtiniore. ,: ; If our Goods on examination, arc not as cheap as they can be bought in any other market they may be returned forthwith at our expense. ' ' Baltimore, Nov. 26, 1853. ly. CHERRY PECTORAL: rr Ike Cure COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, BRON CHITIS, CROUP, ASTafcf IirIA9 WHOOPING-COUGH AND CONSUIVIPTION. TO CI' UK A COLD, with hkadacb and soubvus rf the b.Kiy, tuke tlte Cubukv I'kctoBal uu guing to IhtU, 'unit wrup ui w.iriu, to iweat during the night. - Fur a Gulu and Cough, take h inorntug, ivtoitaml rv niitif. iiecuiuiiui to uiiKCtittisi tm tue iiuitie. uitti ine uuucui t will .m be reinnveil. None wilt 1 ng uflcr (r nn thu trouble, when they fiotl It win leso rendily cured. lVmnw tHietcd witli a icatetl eough, wluch breiiks tiiein of their rennt uight, will fitiif, hy inking the Cheny Pectorul on gtuog t ie.if iney iiuty ua mure U mhiihi. uiinioKCH mcvp. biiU coiiseiiueutlv rcfreihint? rent. Grmit leliet fnMiisnjflr mv, and an ultiuuite cure, is otT ntled to tkoukanda who ar tluit ullticteil. Iv thii invnlunble rviiiedv. From its Kruenbie eflecti in these eaaei, innny find thenisdvcf uuwiiliitg to forego ill um when th uevvMity 101 i ratal otvwju f . - - . i From two cmtnent Phnirhna W ' - ' Fatet'tsvillk. Tenn . April Ifl, 1651 Pir ;We hnve given your Cherry Peetornl nn extennivt i nut ui our ptariier, anu ddu n i surftu every innei re medy we have for curing nflVctioim of the renpimwry or imtM. nil rt DIKMKK HARIFTON. TUl.lti;KS 7iU FLHUC i'tiAIlvK5 HiwrenieHy is invaluable, ii by iti action on the throat und lunge, when tuketi ut email qunntiiiem, itreinoveaall houraeneee iu a lew houre, and woudcrrully increase Uie power and ilexiUlily of the voir?. ASTHMA ia unncrnllv much relieved, Vnd oftan wholly curod by Cherry I Veto ml. But there are atnne caaeaat oi etiu-ite ue to yield entirely t' no medicine. Cherry Pecto- rui win rure ineni, it uie enn oe curetn BKUiHins, or Kniatiou ih ine inn mi anu tipper porti 'n of the luttg, niay be cured by taking Cherry re. to rn! iu einll u.d frequent doaee. The ancomlortable op- prea) ia anon relieved. Hv. i -in. rA 1X51 .u, oi ifprOKiyn, ew t nr, 'I hnve aeuii the Cherry Fcciorul cum aneh caaee o Aithrna nnd Hnmehltit ae leatl uie to believe it can rurely full to eure tlhiBe dievnei-a FOll UltOI F, Hive nn emetic of antimony, to be ll owed bv btrue anil freuueut d,we3 of the Cherry Pcrto- ial, until i aubducatlia diacusc. Il luket inaeuaoii, it will il"t bill to cure. . M UOojMNtl COUGH mny be bfokea up nnd aooa cu ril bv tif unts rf I'tw-rrv I'lvliriil. Till. INFLFKNA iaapeeilily removed by thie reme dy. NiimertHie uiatHiirea hnve lieen noticed where wlviie l.tmiltri weie DrotecLed from auv aerioue ciHieeuuencea. while their ueighbttre, without the Cherry Pectoral, were Boilering Ift.ni laedueueo, Llr. J. C. A yen fAtKM,Ohio, llth June, Ifl 1 wrili. M iiil''Min you o the truly remarkable effects voar III.KR V 1'KOIMIIAI. iu Una alaea, au4 til 1 own family. Una ol' my daughters wus completely cured in three uavs or a dreiiui iu Huut-uxa ixicsh, ty rasing t)r. Mitnur, isieol'ttur very seat pliyaiewina liaely suites that ha eouaulera II Ilie best remeoy we luive pulmotwr diseases, :mm1 lluil he tins eurad mora eaaaa is! caovr w It limn any lauef iitudieAiie lie aver administered. Out eU-ruuKii of the llupttst Cliureh anyathat durins the mil iM ln.t'XS4 here tins s.aa.Hi. ha has eeeti eurea lioin y.air luediciue haoouM avarealy have balimed sitb- uul ai'eiua. Vours resiwetfuDy, ' J. T SINrf.AlB, ' liea,ly Posiituialer. From Ihe distinciuirhed Profcsntr of Chemis try ami Meteria Mcdtec, llowdoin College. I have fiaiad lha CnseaT l"a tosai., aa ila iiurredicnts sla.w, a pnwefi'al raumiy fur eolus, aial oausjba, aud pal- iiuuiury disauaca. Pass Ba Ci.svsxajd, M D. llarattt-trs, Me., Veh g. h7. lH. VALKXTINK MOTT. ' The wi'its; ttltbrattd Professor of Surgery in the Medical Cutletie, A'sto York Ct. it, saus .v- -lllv.-a aa pleasure tu earllfy Iaa valua'aial eSV-ax y of 'Alas'. 1 mil I'k. r.iaAL,' wliH-h I aiaiahier hkuJi. ally atlaulnl locals disw-s of tha Tlu.sil aud Lunsja." I'unuul aevala disravra Bhw lua liiiaa have aw ef. fe.-l.lly I'li.ssT Pss roSAl. la auek ailrana. rasra aa ntcnuu iaa WIm iW a raiaadv has at bo! kasn f.mud llul van ha a,i-tnl hu t.i uie liu, Omiha, Cla and Camiiuiaua, which aarry foaa air Mudat lluHlsaiats every year, li ia iiulec.1 a iiK-liema l wl.ice. Ilia as!tirtr4 eaa "tk with aiadalrara kar rajaf , aud Ur auuld au (ail w a' t it taWeuteel k ee ul It Prepared and sold by JAMES C. AYER, Practical Chemist, Lowell, iAtas. tMd in Huiibtiry. by II MAOMKU, and by Drtmui.U Raueially ihroutihiHil the kUain. July UU, USA ruw tNv. IJ. '. iOMITM H rtMHC.M'K OY JAMAICA (UN. 41 l.H. a (rrsh soonlv lua( taraive.1. anal for - .... sale by II. II. MAMMEK. HunUwy, Jan. 10, ItiX 4HMN ft Mr-sl.. A small uuml-r a irwae eicallriil buitiM have liswa rvad a4 Sis surratl ur aala by II. B. MA f KB. lanl'lll, Juite 4 l3.-s IN K- HiHieaau's ratsiMalaal Ink. auj slae i'os iaa ink btf aala, Uujala and iruil by ir..m IS.1S.1S). II H M.fl.H. I l.t: UH.IJI JmMms eaul t'sstsasjjMs fa ' llilla U.h Uuiv -tti.t4ej asssasa) fAm4 M a.la al Ibia 4m. , Treasurers' Sale. A ' LIST or Ihe unseated lands aHvari;.. for sate by Francis Bucher, Tressurer of Norlhnmberland Count, sgreeable lo sfi set of Ihe General Aesetnbly of tho Common, wealth pf Pennsylvania, passed tha 13th of March 1845, and the supplement thereto entitled, an act directing flie mode of selling unseated Lands for taxes and other purposes will be exposed to public sale at the Court House, in the Borough; of Sunburr, -on the 12th day of June, 1854, at 10 o'clock. A. M., the following described tracts of land for arrearages of Taxes due and the costs accrued On each tract respectively, "postponed from day lo day, unless previously discharged, to wit: . ; No. acres. Warrantees names. Arat ia. ' "'i " " Coal Toienship. ' " - JtnhstTsnry '-'" 1 ' - - : ' ' . Adams Thomas ,, ;. N , ., ... . - .. Foster Thomas M74 Jenkins James . Amis Frederick . Adnms Robert IIiirT atilarard , , Greer Jninea Oreer Thnmaa ! 1770 Csmplain Rnlrt Cnmplain TS.imna Mtl ntM t Morrison William: ..... .. i.f . J Jenkins , P Antia . ivfl t ,H Adams Thomas Foster ( ' 1704 It inliorit Salman . , r. ... Kirhnrd Mauninf 1 " K.dwsrH Huff . - James Greer . t ,. . , 'J Thomas Oraer ' ' ' ' . j Rolicrt Cnmptnin Tlioinns Cnmplaia William Morrison ' " -'' 90S Jnmes Stephcnaon . . , - .. . Mary lnvilatm , a' Jamas Cnvraeil t t , . ' - ', ! . Isnae Neff 454 10 , .acttea 1.W 447 m 81 4J wn in sit -, 348 lOUk 44 844 14 V 0 3118 ' 1.W l " 80 Ttnity John N ' Hoyd John 1 , ' I V ,i . ' i Ttrrisious Peter Brndy JimSb (one-half) i - ' f Hillinston Tranima lleHaa'ITnirh -liower Clirislian , , r . Hnlton Pomuel ' ' ' ' UradyJohn ... ' C ... , Bimly John Hmdy Wm P ' ' '. ' '- ! Cleaver Kitnlier Clenver Khnber Clenvei Kimber . . r. '-j Cowden Jotm I -.Hi; 4 William.' -Kvans Jesse Kvnua tfinith Fasrery Renben '- - - ? Fiiirely Witlmin and Solotnoa Orny Kohrrt (one-hah) (.traen William ., Grunt Tliinns ' ' Gunlner ArrhilsiUI ': .v Ganliifir Art-hiUild Gnntner Architmkt ller.h Philip lli-pliuul Jamrs Hnnler Aleialaler ' Ilnblry llarnnrd Ilimmelrieh Henry ' jlctitiuni Jamea Jorilan Kobelt . Irwin RutM-rt 39 ST 1117 04 -IS St n 90 M . 12 U7 Ml ' 17 W ' 18 rw ; H2 tfl . 81 :w '. MI52 ' , e 28 ' 8S1 8 02 72 05 S741 83 HI 4 VI a: S40 M(W ' M 2", . S40 8 Ml 11 711 ' ' ' I 30 eel 77 7S ff3t 22 IM 7 4 - 6V1 U 2 !IM s; 07 m ih , 3.1.11 ' 131 st . 4 44 42H S4 S341 93A aass - . 7 21 9 88 ' 3 61 2 60 , , . 35 79 20 til ) 31 ' . 38 71. 24 74 12 13 4 mi 30 4 01 9 7-4 83n KM 35 4117 3eH 17SS , 30. VI an tn 33 Ml 7 l 6A7 8 IH 2 4 - 7 OS 6S92 3 OS fi IS 7 00 60 22 Ml SI 80113 II .ID wss S3 16 2171 ssaj ou llrO 31X1 inn an1! WI7. 101 414 siei. 7) 217 417 3-4 Kminedy Uaviil nnai Mirhnei . avl Idiinlieit Willinrn &I3 Lnkins Aliipill T " I.ukens Smilh 2H3-4 ljike Hiehanl . J Miller Isaac 311 Morani, Snmnet i:& Mmiry Prter . 2;'( Martin JO lim.t-t Mvers Mnry " I4H Miller John - '- Mo)-er beorira , Paul Jeremiah - Prinra Oeirga Rees Sarah Hees Oaiiiul ReesTliotnusir 1H4 3-4 KeesThomiai ' ' 1271 It usual Tlionuia S1I3-4 Huston Mury Bill RotikMs John Ru'stnn Charlutta . 2 CI tiers Unmet 4d t HI!) 10 OS 1SB 3:1:1 i Bull on, riliet-is Genrga Umith Peter fllair INIeriek Phved Willinrn &isanman Peter Stianian ithHisi Sharlle Jaih 8hartle William Bluir-le Williaul . 71. 2:153-4 Smith Mury i j 171 tlcott Aliraham 421 3I1J til flj tty :-ft wn 1 2IH 318 fll, llllj 3UtlJ SoiSt tleatar - 1 Tunis RtrhunJ Tilswnrth John 1 Tyaon Joseph . . Ti Inud John , White John ' ' - Wilson William Waller Irfwis Toxtheimer Henry 'ipler lanne Ziminernian Mntttiins ' Crtnicron township TViyte I .like ltation Hiaiucl llarr Join) Did John Dan Mory ' l)urr Peier .... Dnrr I.uka Fill Luke Gin-dan Joseph . Graili Thoinna .... Grant Tliouuis DHrrison William llunu-r Alcxanikr SO 34 "4 3M m 2.V) 511 t-0 170 at? 432) 8.M) 1 96 13 .11 1.1 en 10 2H 9 70 1 OS 3 12 3 SO 10 92 SSIl 15 HO 97B : 1 96 30 1 96 1 &.1 12 40 7 A 888 86 no 33 IS 860 878 42 , I 51 . 10 80 180 51 ' S80 20 6 80 5 90 18 70 52 20 8 20 89 ISI 4S 10 II 7 BO 111 14 l 7 SO 3 12 15 811 7l 40 50 Da 73 p Mover Henry so SleoilllS Jonu 14 Heel Tlsanaa Muilh I. ins Smith Ahiiinil , temith brans ' Shamohn. 107 100 Brady John 425 liettererton Benjainia - llril lluuler Alexander 207f ljika Richard, 103 I-ewis Jumea 171 S.Kl Ahiahnoi 303 TiUworthJoha . . - Poiitt. 4 . 100 . Bertram Alexander 1(10 llnrrcn John ir SO Boyd John IIS K.pley Andrew 3011' Gardner A ruhllmkl 120 flanlner Wm 1' M lr-ia Roherl ' , 811 Kiiitzuifr Alaaham ,; , SOU ' Kio Kzckial 80O ljike Hit-hani 316 . Martin Peter 60 Meizuer John D . 811 Noddmot Jamea Upper Mahanoy, 110 10(1 I. SB l"l lis 40 300 lilt 3tsi Pl John ! llarr Mary Darr Peter Dnrr l-uke llaniai'n William Ilouaal John Irwin Roliert Mnllnif John fcnnlh John Little Atahaneiy, Pcwart Wiltians Dewart John liurdller ArchitelM l.ardiKa Wilhasi P lluiaer James II aU t'liarlea II . lla Ak aander I07J 8.-SI 1 i, Uisi Vlu S IS Sin 51 Tl 11 3 78 1 41 TM 15 US 7 aU (IH 7 H 37 IS) 12 52 l 7 t IH 908 7 - -H KaldJidus - 8"3-l Kald J.aa 300 ljike Hukard ISI I.voh Joai-ph IIS Pelerer Prtar 31.13-4 Haase Tlaanas 2.10 Kcea Tlaauua 8H Kaiih Joha Ikr 77 Sin.uk Joka Ur Hnulh Joha IX ' Hmak Issiuel Tnckk, CkailasO 147, Lower Augusta. ises t M aae s ) 4 "J 8 re 18 aw KM lll It U7 4 SI' M V 18 Pewail William Itarwall Jakai lluidac Aleaaadat llU i'haik a J.a Iaa Jamea) ha lb J' I" swank J-ka U aawitk lkiuiel mailk JiduulM JtUCsms. list VI Gardner WilliaaS f I . I UksKakalil J 18 W k rv a I W 8U TiwkaM L'karlaa O Ike CiWiKjuef. III! Niaus4 Jaaaea I ' rHWriBIU'HIII,Tlaasile TisasHtwa' OaVa, bUn aa, l"4. Cano Sent, rUIN AND FANCY ClUlltf. Ana Chalrt, . Kockiiif Clalra, CaM IttttsM, Dluinij k dtuaber Chsura, . IN all lbs vaiasikve WsmIoso sJ faJiWakas elylaa, al lite sawafsssl ISM, Vt IsiMIM Ksista, el a n. r. wiMity. tVimmsk Na. 111 Nytih Mb ' I.a4i I laakiiai fe-iwete, fliiU Jsdytis ala.aH t lil -S