urn- Tha following loiter from the celebrated Dr. James C. Aet gives the honest 'tide o' the Nostrum qbestlon Since the Public will use these remedied we Wish Tor the take of suffer ing humanity there Were more of them like hit Cherry Ptttoral and CathdtU ft'ils, whloh require no aeoreer ' to make them go down ' r'. '.' " 1 . ' ' . , . 1 '.:.! vr. i. LowelOeih April, I84r' , J Metsra . it Co., :.-; 'I 'r New' York City,';'1 - '. ' GcNTi.icMEH : Yours of the 23d inst.j ask' Ing me to join in a combination to put down the Ohio Nostrum Bill, oomea duly to band. 1 cannot nrrerta In ronr reanest for the lot. lowing reasons: , The law requiring that the composition shall be published, of erery medicine sold in the State, cannot work to the injury of any body who deserres protection. I have pub lished the recipes of my medicines for fifteen years, and believe this to be the honest way f making their virtues known to the commu nity. The Medical Profession publish their discoveries to the world at soon at made, for the benefit of all mankind. Why should we noli The Law which you fear will destroy your "business, can injure only those who falsely pretend to discoveries and eecrets which they have not. It will expose the emptiness of such pretensions, and the publio will turn aside from such preparations as are found to be worthless when their composition is known. If medicines have real worth, Ihey will be only the better appreciated and the better patronized by laying their compo sition open to the Publio, that all may judge fur themselves. If they have not real merit, it is due in common jticiice, to the suffering met, to (he public health and to the cause of humanity, that the people should know them to avoid them. Yours Respectfully, JAMES C. AVER. New Wheat in Georgia New wheal lias already been harvested on the farm of Seaborn Jones, near Augusta. It will corn- rare favorably with the best Genesee. This is very early. Hollowaifs Pills, a Certain and Effectual Remedy for Indigestion and disordered Liver. Mr. Bustock, Druggist, of Ashlonunder-Lyne, sta:es, that a person wiih whom he is well ac- ouaimed, has received a most astonishing cure by the use of Hnlloway's Pills. For months he was afflicted with severe pains in the slonv ach, chest, and liver, which entirely preven ted him following his business. He availed himself of the advice of most of the medical men in the neighbourhood, without deriving any benefit from their treatment. He then determined on giving Hnlloway's Pit's a trial, and this medicine had the effect of affording immediate relief, and finally restoring him to perlect Health. m a n it i k . On Thursday evening, the 25th tilt., by the Uev. Joshua Weaver, of New York, John Kxt Clement, Eq., to Miss Mart S. Zieg- i.er. all of this place. ' At Klysburc, on tho 23d ult., by the Rev. Mr. Ehihart, Dr. Gales S Robins, to Miss SSabina Fry. DIKD, In this place, on Monday last. Mrs. MARY SNYDER, aged about 54 years. El)C iHavkct Philadelphia Market May 31, 1854. Floor and Meal The market is quiet and flour is generally held at 88 75 a 8 87 Tier bbl., for standard brands, and S9 25 a S9 50 for extra. We quote Rye Flour at S5 a 5 37. and Pennsylvania Corn Meal at S3 56 per bairel. GeAlK. Wheat is little inquired after, and dull, mall sales of red at S2 05; white is held at 12 12 per bushel, ttye la scarce.-r- l.tght tales ot 1'nnn'a at si 15. Corn is scarce, and yellow is in demand at 80o nlloal. Oats are scarce and in demand, a 56 els. Whiskey is dull at 26a. in' barrels,- and bbds. aie held at the tame price. Baltimore Market. . May 30, 1854. Wueat. Fair to prime whites told at 200 a210 ctt. and a small parcel of good red at 200 cts. Corn The receipts of Corn were about 5000 bushels eai h of white and yellow. or 10,000 bushels in all. white Lorn was in brisk demand, and most of the parcels oiler ed were told at 71a73cts. - Yellow Corn wa dull. It was held at 73,i74 ctt.. but the only saie made was one nl 3ua bushels at' 73 cts Rte. Pensylvania Rye would bring 1 13a 1 15 ols. Uats. Maryland and Yiruinia Oat offered changed hands at 53a5S cts.' SUNBURY PRICE CURRENT Wbiat. 200 Rvt. . 100 Corn. 80 Oats. 66 Potatoes, 50 Beeswai IS Hscki.es Ful. 25 Butts. . 3 Esas. ... 10 Pos. . . . 11 FiAtaasa. . .125 Tallow. . 10 m. - I ... j New Advertisements. OD LIVF.lt OIL SO gallone pure pale and brown Cod Liver Oil fur sale at WElnF.R & BR I'N E R'S. Bunbury, Muy 27, 1854 . AKUINfti for sale rhsap by WEISEK dt BKLNER. Bunbury. May 27, IH54 (ll. O R A l.N I N;. Drop, )Uck, N. bar, Burnt Terra de Nieuua and V Kaw, I la- Brown, ataam praparsd from the Nsw Jersey Paint and t'ulor W'oika, fur aals by VVr.lSEJtfc BttUNEH. Bunbury. May 17, aM SODA Arfii foe .kl..( V Kin, so, fur sale bv UmEU at U k L M EH. uiaury, May 17, ISA. . A(C "ALtlOIJA foiwMl,,,,,, luemit 'uu WElHtK 4 UUL.NKM. uubury, stay S7. a4. KU KT A B L K CATV L at 'OwVkVI'm V dutaa HisiHif taj riuwalUU's faille fum, aWt,)S( tsaseit at Ike Sw Uu Mure J V tlKH ai ttKOClt. tM.Ury, May SI, IMt.-. M ami-kIl liUMV kuaa 0 t'eaUMsi WE la KM BMLNKN. . SuslHMf, Msy IMitU siKaTKI I'iUMCAIiMt. -Mi( k.Auk4 setesy V tlelB 4 tMl ItlL BANK OF NORTHTJMBEBLAND. THE stockholders are hereby nbtiflcd that a meeting will be held It the Banking House on Thursday, June 29, 1 144. at o'clock, P. M., to take into consideration lbs acceptance of the bill re-chsrterina' tha Bank. Daesed at the last session of the Legislature. 5. K. PRlESTLElf, Cashisr. May 27, i8SS. tra. To tha Voter of 1 orthum borland County. Pillow Citi s. Encouraged by many of my friends, I herewith offer myself to your consideration, as a candidate for the office or COUNTY COMMISSIONER aL-..t.t rV. nWrrJ. I a'- tne ensuing erection. o promise to fulfil the duties tboreor who "7 and impartiality.. tmofiiOBH..' Punburv. May 2?, 154. ' Office of the locust Coal and Iron Comp. PattAAstraia, May 19, 1854. 4 MEETING of the stockholders of this Corn's- panv, will be held at their Office, No. 88 south Fourth street, below Walnut, on Hmhi, the 19th day of Jens next, between the hours of 2 and 6 o'clock, P. M., for the purpose of electing Seven Directors to serve for one yesr, next en suing. 'WM. C. LUDWIU, Hcc'y. Phila., May 87, 185. 4t, New Clock and Watch ESTABLISHMENT, Market ft., 3 doors east of the Red Lion Hold, Sunbury, Pa. RAIMOND FEHRKNBACII TJESPECTFLLLY invites the attention of the public to his Clocks, Gold and Silver Watches, Jewelry, Ac, which he will sell at moderate prices. Repairing of blocks, Watches and Jewelry one at the shortest notice. - 8unbury, May 27, 1854. tf. GREAT BARGAINS IN MESTNCT STREET. MISS JANE FINNEY HAS just returned from the city willt a fresh supply of Fancy Goods, such as Parasols, Gaiters, LauieS Robe Dresses, - Needlework, Gloves, Hosery, Ginghams, Straw Bonnets and Flats, Uontlemens' Straw Hats, Boys do.. Rib bons, Lsces and every variety of seasonable goods. Plesse call at the corner of chettnut and second street - - Those of our frienda in the coun try' who may not know where to. find us, may enquire at "Tower Hall, opposite tne "lieu l.iop. Hunbury, May 27, 1854. 3t. . The Eye Perfected. SILVER MEDALS, From tha Franklin Institute, Philndelphia, from the Americuu-tiiatiiuts, new York, and . . FIVE FIRST PREMIUMS From Different Fairs in New England. City Daguerreotype Establishment D. C. COLLINS & CO. No. 100 If 168 CAcjfnut Street, Philadelphia Also, Main Street, Springfield, Mass. and Westficld, Mass. Portrait .Tainting and Talbolyping, in the highest state of perfection, done in all the above Establishments. . Skv-I.ik'lits used in all the establishments. Miniatuses taken equally as well by them in cloudy as in clear weather. . - Phila., May 27, 1854 tf. SAMUEL W. PEPPER, MUCC'KISUal JU . HENRY J. PEPPER & SON, Watches, Jewelry & Silver Ware, AV 175 Chestnut st., opposite the State House, - PHILADELPHIA. Phila., May 27, 1854 ly. . ' ' PHILADELPHIA. ALLEN & NEEDLES, 23 South Wharves and 35 South Water Street, tXTTZV. for sale on the most reasonable terms, " OILS Sperm, Whale, Holar and Miners Oils- GUANO Peruvian Guano, Government N 1 STARCH Agents for the Oswego Pure Starch, Prepared Corn and Corn Starch. Phosphate of Lime, 1000 barrels of improved Super Phosphate of Lime. Phila., May 27, 1854. 3m. North, Chase & North, Iron Pounders and Wholesale Sealers IN STOVES, HOLLOW WARE, S' AD IRONS and all description of Foundry castings; WAKE KOUM No. 145 North 2d Street, Philadelphia. Thirty-five dollars per ton will be allowed for old east iron Delivered at our Foundry, payable in eaitings. Phila., May 27. 1854 4t JAMES B.GGS, Jr.,. CHAIP. fe FTJPflTITTJP.E AVarcrooms, No. 82 i 95 North Front Street, Above Areh, PHILADELPHIA, fir Chairs, Settees, Uureaus, Bedsteads, Ta bles, Irfioking-Ulasses, Stunds, 6cc, iu every vi riety, sold at the lowest prices for Cash. Phils., May 27, 1854 4m. PATENT Galvanized Iron Tubin 6 FOR CHAIN PUMPS. ri'MIIS Tubing, made of Galvanised Iron by X patent niacbinerv, posaeases great strength, combined with simplicity and neatness, and is warranted not to corrode, is pow offered for aale at the warehouse of the AMERICAN GALVANIZED IRON WORKS, " No. 11 Korth Tenth Street, PIIILAUKUM1IA A full assortment of our American Galvanised Sheet and Routing Irou always on hand. f AU orders urumully alteuded to by McCOLI.OLUll it CO. Phila., May 27, 1854 3m. HA MM, Dried IW, Mackerel, CoJli.li Chssss, Raiaina, Figs, liuousdt Orangu, Bat received and for sale by April 2, 1854. L VV. TKNER & CO. CIAKPETIMJ, Floor ail cUb. Table oil eov. ' era, C srpvl chaia, aud Door mala, just racei. sd aud for sale by April IS, ISM. IW.lCUIISta DUY tilX)UH Cloths, t'saaiutefs, Hstliaslt, Vaaluiaa, Tweed, atusniusr eluth. Valval eurd, 1 1rklnia. tliiarku Mu.lnia, 4s , juat rwat. sd (or aud aal Wy . W. TfcMCK CO. Mitutwcv. Api4 SS. I4. HtHl'I'M and lWe M Mao, WeMaasi and CblUtaa, 1-aJW Mufusca) kbuaa, CaJiaa' Uat t atul eMlwc4 tlailets, )uat rtva4 sJ las aUWy WM. A k.NAUU. Laal Austwia, Ms a, I set. IHtirtUlr'.a Masats, CuHaa Maaaew ks. Htla. HiaitJy , UMt, Wlw, Maass. SllU'g anal Malt, lust Ia.ats4 aud fes sale Mr by WM. A. (VNAUI. Lssief AususU, May S, CUnta- AU luJea b4 bs uJ sli,- iwe M sie by U. KUtirRQ4 tO. Mk4 eMsei. efaantte M t Oa.e. Itaftaya,!!. S, !.- S5UNBURY AMEltlCAN AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. CLOTHING STOttE, Market Street, opposh JW -M Hotel, . Sunbury, Pa.;- ciUr.cn. of.-unbury and vicinity, that be has just opened a Isrge stock or CLOTHING OP EVERY DESCRIPTION, such as Coat, of every fsshlon, Pant, end Vesta, ghirte of sll kinds, figured and plain, under shirt and drawers, both woofcn and cotton, red flannel shirts, twilled, plnted bosoms, : ovarhsuls, stockings and gloves, of all - 1 . .' kinds, suspenders, silk handkerchiefs,, i .V ties and stocks, pocket handser--chiefs, ertton and silk t splendid collars, suapenders of all sizes .. and prices. , ' ' ' ' It hat often been said ol a pocltet In a shirt, but come and tee the pocket, test and thirt in one. ' . Also: a fine assortment of Cloths. Csssimers and Sattinetts, Summer goods, black satin for VesU, at every price, and any quantity of fancy vest patterns, which will be made up to order to suit customers t my msxira is t no fit no take. And as for chesp selling, I don't intend to be beat by ' Europe or America. Also on ' . hand, a large assortment of Unihrellns at any price, to suit great and small, together with some travelling bags to carry Yanke . : notions in, large and smalt ' ' Come Farmers, Mechanics, Laborers all, Cull in and toe the Clothing nt Tower Hall, Ami if roo wiint to be tniUrd to a T, ' Call at the nor ot John II. D. . JOHN H. DA NFIELD, Agent. Sunbury May 20, 1854. 3m. NEW DRUG STORE! WEISER & BRUNER, Wholesale and Retail Druggists, Market St., -next door to E. Y. BrightU Store, SUNBURY, PA , i"kFFER to the public the largest and best - selected stock ever opened in this section of country, consisting of FRESH AND PURE DRUGS, .; Medicines, Chemicals, Ground Spices, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Dye-stuns, ' Window ' Glass, Patent Medicines, together with a complete ss- sortment of Paint, Clothes, Hair. Tooth, Nail and (shaving Brashes, Dressing, Side, Neck and Pocket Combs, Fancy eoaps, (Shaving Creams, Tobacco, Segars, Port Monias, Stationary, Con fectioneries, PURE WINES AND BRANDIES For Medicinal use. English, French and A meri- can Perfumery, Fancy Goods of very descrip tion, in short every article kept by Druggists generally. ICT Prescriptions Uarejully Lompou fitted. GEO. 1). WEISER, WM. A. BRUNER. Sunbury, May 13, 1854. Brigade Orders. , MILITARY ELECTION. TOL'BLIC n"tice is hereby given to sll the 4. Uniformed Companies in lie 1st Brigade 8 ill Division P. U. M. that an election will be held in each Company by the members thereof, at their respective places of meeting, on Monday ' the 5th day of June next, for the purpose ol electing one person for Brigadier General, one person for Brigade Inspector, one person for Lieutenant Colonel. 1 De companies composing the first Battalion will at the same time elect one person for Major of said Battalion. The Cap tains or commanding officers of each company will superintend said elections, and take to his aid two members of his company, who shsll be severally sworn or affirmed to conduct ssid elec tions fairly snd impartially, and true duplicate returns make thereof, stating the number of votes given for esch candidate, one of which shall be filed wit i the papers of the company, and the other to be'dolivercd or cause to be de livered to the Brigade Inspector by the Superin tendent within ten days. . i. H. ZIMMERMAN, Brig. Ins. 1st Brig. 8th Div. P. U. M Brigade Inspectors Office, Northumberland, May 20, 1854. LATEST ARRIVAL OF Spring and Summer Goods. j. r. &. i."r Kline, rtESPECTFUl.I.Y announce to their friends ' snd the public in general, that they have received at their Old Stand, in Upper Augusts township, Northumberland county, Pa., their Spring an! Summer Goods, and opened to the public a full assortment of . MERCHANDIZE, &e., Consisting in part nf Cloths, black and fancy Cassimcrs, Sattinetts, Checks, and all kinds of SritING k SUMMER WEAR. Also a splendid assortment of Ladies Dress Goods, Calicoes. Ginchauis. Muslin de Laincs, fluid Cashmeres, De lieges. Lawns. &c. Also a fresh supply of all kinds, of Grotcrlc. A fresh supply of Hardware and Queens- ware, Drugs and Medicines. Wooden Ware. Also a large assortment of Boots and Shoes, suitable for Men, W'ooieu and CbiUlrei. Hats and Cops, such as Silk, Panama, aud other Hals,' Salt, Cheeae, &e. Call and See. Cheaper than the Cheapest, All of which will be sold for csah, or in ex change for country produce, at the highest market price. Upper Augusta, Ms; A, 1854 attention! For the Metropolitan Clothing; Store of 0. EL6BERQ & CO., Mm Let Street, oppositt Ik Post Office. WE have just received snd on hsnd now the most beautiful, largest and best assorted stock ot ready-made Clothing adapted to Spring and Summer wear ever before brought into Sunbury or any place in this section of the coun try. Our Clothing mads by the best hsu.ls and tiitder our own supervision, we know will give entire ssliafaclion to buyers. Still adhsring to our eld motto "Vluap for Vati," we'll diapoas of our auods reasonable and rapidly. All wa say is i come, es amine and prite our good and we lel sure vnu II bur. We olbr you at the very lowsat prices every iiusKinable variat mi Cents, Vsalraml pants, rut iu the last faahion aud warranted to III. Cloths, eeaaimsfas. sallineiu, liitsus. Urillliiga, Jeans, silks, aaliita, and all other kind made iuUi Clo Ihliia. Alae a large aasurtmaiil of Beuls snd rtboest among Ihsae a splrnilld varwly of I ad tea shoes, lailMa and fan Is gnitora, s- MI.K HATS, Psaama. PsUulaaf. PsaH and all Mhaf ate and Caps we have a sisal vaikrty mt. AU a aat k4 wf Uunka, valuaa aud raj pal bas tue aals sluMp. JKWKLKV. Yt have a splauJid M f walcbae. and all kind l Jewaliy suitable M Udtae and aattiisiaMN. flavrttl.9. All kuule nf Kevulveta, aWutne aud aingbi kaiial Cuiula. A irtdantts, kbaia, t'nilaie snd all ssbar (uJs ssuetally ksut in eur Itue saa be auuud nl mi aWia, sU el aLuli we It,la4 e asll ai tie et Uweat imi. I"n'l iwaa4 iue klsae. U. u antm. I n, M iikn nVaie, as earn le Iks Vi Ojftre. nnhui;, Ms a, lfs Tlis Way t This Way I ( Spring and Summer Goods. rniLINO & GRANT. REePECTFt't.LY Infbrrn their customers and the poblie,hat they have Jua receiv ed and opened the beat and cheapest stock of . Spring and Summer Goods, . . at their store la Market square, Sonhery. Their etook eonsiate of every variety af Dry Goods, viz : Cloths, Castimeres, Sattinets, Testings, Flannels, Wolltnt, (ft., ku all kinds of Spring & Summer Wear. Also a splendid variety of LADIES DRESS fc FANCY GOODS, Calicoes, Ginghams, Chintzes, Dt Laintt, Jleragcs, And every varmty of goods suitable for La dies wear. Also a large assortment of HARDWARE and Q.UEENSWARE, Fish, Salt - and Plaster. ' Also an extensive assortment of ' Hats add Caps tor Mkk and Bots. Also a large assortment of GltOCEKIGS, SUCH AS i' . Sugar, Teas, Cofl'ee, Molasses Spices of all kinds. Also a fresh supply of ' " ' ' Bntf 09 AND MEDICINES. Besides the largest and most general assort ment of all kinds of goods to be had in this place. tV Country produce of all kinds taken in ex change at the highest market price. Sunbury, May 13, 1854. TOWN LOTS AT PPhlTATE SALE. EIGHT of the most dcsirsble lots, in the town of Shsniokin, Northumberland county, Ta. can be had of the subscriber on reasonable terms. Persons who have money to invest'in this kind of property, wilk never hsve better opportunity to make a purchase than is now offered them. Slisinokin hss, In its immediste vicinity, am ple resources to build op a firat class interior town. The mining operations under way, and in contemplation, are of a character to warrant the largest expectations, for the rapid growth of the piece in business and In population. It has already taken a start, and each succeeding sea son will ace it still morn prosperous. As a con sequence, 'ground to build upon will every yesr become more valuable.' Lots which msy be hsd now, at a comparatively low rate, are not likely to be in the market at all a few years hence. Now is the time, therefore, to make purchases. For information, concerning the eight lota for sale, apply through letter, to UH AS. M. HALL, Sunbury, Pa. Sunbury, May 13, 1854. New Goods for the People t BENJAMIN HEFFNER RESPECTFULLY informs the public in gen eral that he his just received and opened a splendid stock of . Spring and Summer Goods at his New Store, in Lower Augusta township. His stock consists in part ot Cloths, Cassimeis, Cassinets. of all kinds, of linen, cotton and worsted. . ALSO: Calicoes, Glugtiams, Iawnj . Moussellno De koines and alt kinda of Ladies Dress Goods. Groceries, Also an assortment of Hardware. Iron and Steel, Nails, &c Also an excellent assortment of QTJEENSWABE, of various styles and patterns. Also -so assortment of ROOTS it SHOES. HATS & CAPS, a good selection. Salt, Fish, ftc. And a creat variety .of other articles such aa are suitable to the trade, all of which will be sold at the lowest prices. 5 Country produce taken in exchange a the highest prices. bower Augusta, May 8, 1834. Tf IIS. BUTTS' CELEBRATED 6UPPOR- L'-S-TEKS for LADIES, approved and recom mended by the Medical Profession throughout the United States, will be found to be the most vslusble, as they are the most neat and scientific Supporters that ever were introduced. The support and rase they altord by wearing them combine to give them a most extensive sale many thousand ladies are now wearing them with ease, comfort and advantage. ve send free of char. e bv mail, full directions enclo sed. Prices moderate Address JAMES UETT8, No. 3J1 Walnut Street, Philadelphia. Phila. April 29, 1854. lm. Highly Interesting.-News ! THE information brought to us by the steam ship Asia of the sudden decline of Flour, Indisn corn, Ac. in Europe, is no doubt interest ing to some, and therefore it must be also inter esting to a great many others to know thst while there it so much fluctuation in the price of Breadstufl's at home and abroad, there is nothing to effect the low price of the Large and Excellent Stock of SPRING k SUMMER CLOTIIIFG, just received by ?. Schnurman St Co., and on hand at there atore On the corner of Market and Fawn Streets, directly opposite John Young's store, where they will be plessed lo wait upon all those who wish to buy good and cheap clothing. Also a freah supply of , Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, &e., which they have purcbaaed at a very low price at Philadelphia and Iherefote can afford to sell lo their customers at the must rea'onahle prices. They still, (slier some experience in business) cling to the good mottot-aur run cask. Call aud see for yourselves. 8. SCHNURMAN A CO. Sunbury, May 6, 1854. DOCTOR J09EPJI V. CAMEE0N, TJESPECTFLLLY luloreu lha eilissiu of lite borough of Sunbury and vicinity, that he has aermsuaiilly located himself in said Borough and orTera bis uroteaeional services to those who may wish to employ him. For lite present he can he found at Wearers Hotel. Sunbury, Msrch II. U54i W A DIES I) rasa fljotls. Spring snd Summer WA Bhawle, Disci and fancy drres Silk, Bilk poplins, pe I. sines, Shally, (jinghaiua and C'sll. c in great variety, itial received aud tue aale by I. W.TEMEK CO. Sunbury, April Is, DM. c LOCKS Eight day aud 30 hour ro .td Nuts, Ksuniia, and fiyuss, lust tsisd aud fur salebl WM. A. KNAUil. Lawar Augusta, Msy t, lt. UT snJ Caps, "nils, Heevsw, fur aaj SlotMh, Paueuts, lburit, Miaid enj I'bip tar wet) snd buys. lidtM Ueuawle el ell stylea, Juat teceassd snd (or sale by Msy ,!. WM. A. KNAHB. U LANK fantuMMl far lWsd eaJ Uauk Meslgsasa tt'Ssiia, llssaeUawia, SeaantaaaS As., tu aoleby IL . MAeetM, Asxil.sl W at satis. I'ksasallM, eips4 bass, aUlwW beaisas 3lia4. ef Stakia, j,, aMasx tw sw tsle w as. . aNAII Least Aai,si, Msy , t.s Oreat Arrival af SPIUTJG GOODS L TRA T. CLEMENT INFORMS his friends and customers thst De juat received an elegant assertmeivt of SPRING, AND SUMMER GOODS At Ms Store (rt ttarkot Street, Sunbury, which he oners So the public at the lowest prices. -His stork constats of a general tasjortmirnt.a l)rv Goods viz: OofA. Cassimrt, Cassmttt, Jean), DriVingx, Ai'smis, Linens, Valicotsi ' jnnsitn as Loins, Lmr?i, Gingkami, Beragts. Also a large assortment of CLOTHING. A large assortment of Boots and Shoes, for Men, Women and Children. . Silk Hats. Faftama, Palm leaf and other 8umtner Hats. rinsier. . GROCERIES of every variety. Sugar, Tea, Coffee, Molasses, Cheese, Spices, Fiali, Bait, Ac. HARDWARE, Vix ! Iron and Steel, Nails, Files, Saws, 4c QUEENS WARE, Tea Setts, Plates, Dishes, Cups, Saucers, ifc LIQUORS, Vine Brandy, Gin, Bam, Whiskey, tc tV. Country produce of all ki;uls taken in ex change at the highest market prices. April 8, 1854 ly. Estate of CATHAHTNE OYSTER, deo'd. NOTICE is hereby given thst letters testa mentary upon the estato of Catharine Oys ter, late of the Borough of Sunbury, rvorthum berland county, dee'd. have been granted to the subscrilirr, residing in said borough. All persons havina claims or demands against the estate of said desendent are requested lo rrake known the aame to Ihe undersigned without dclsy and all persons indebted are desired to make immediate payment CATHARINE OYSTER, Ei'trii, of Catharine Oyster dee'd. Sunbury, April S9, 1854. Gt To the Voters of Northumberland County. Fallow Citisks s I Encouraged by many friends, I announce myself as a candidate for the office of COUNTY COMMISSIONER at the approaching election. Should I be elected 1 plcdgo myself to discharge the duties thereo with punctuality and impartiality. . liEUKUli llKIfitiT. Sunbury, April 8, 1854. Daguerreotypes! GEORGE W. COBLE, nESPECTFULLY announces lo the citizens of Sunbury and vicinity, that he has again opened a Daguerrean Room, and is prepared to lake likenesses. He warranta his pictures to be satisfactory to all wishing true representations of themselves anil friends. Special attention is paid to children. Copica taken with accuracy. In structions given on reasonable terms. His room is at the old place, in the Grand Jury Room, (county buildings.) operating hours from 8 A. M. unlil 5 P. M., without rcgaid to the ftate of the weather.. Copies should be sent i'i on cloudy days. ' Kunbury, April 22, 18341'. .. - HOUSEHOLD GLASSWARE From the Principal Factories and latt Auction Sales. COMPRISING a full and desirable assort ment St 25 rSH CKKT BKIOW I'SCll S1TKS. Dealers and others will do well to call before purchasing elsewhere. 1,000 Packagca now en hsnd EDWARD F. CORFIELD, 152 South Second Street, (above Spruce,) PHILADELPHIA. April 23, 1854. 3m. 1. W.TUIVUK tVCO , SUNBURY, PA., HAVE just received a fresh supply of new ftpring Goods. Their friends and the pub lic are respectfully requested lo call and inspect them. They will lie sold cheap. "Quick sales and small profits" is still their motto. Sunbury, Pa., April 22, 1854. NOTICE. "STiniEKEAS Letters of Administration v tie estate of Nathaniel Kelley, late of Rush township. Korthumuerland county, deceaaed, have been granted to the subscriber, by the Reg ister of Wills dec, of ssid county, all persons in debted to said estato, are requested lo make im mediate payment, and those having claims against the same, will without delay present them duly authenticated, for settlement -to WM. M. ROCKEFELLER, Adm'r. Sunbury. April 20, 1854 6t. DAGUERREAN GALLERY. fTlH E undersigned would respectfully Inform A the Isdics and gentlemen of Shamokin and vicinity that he has token, and fitted up a room above the atore of Am merman, Kosser etc IO where he will remain for a short time for the purpose of executing Daguerreotypes. All who ere desirous of hsving their likenesses taken in the latest style will find it to their interest to call soon. Delay then no longer, to-morrow it may be to late. ISo chargea for pictures unless satis. faction is given to the customer. D. CINTEH Shsniokin, Msy 8, 1854. 3U TLATINA TOINTS- eon LIGHTNING RODS. MANTjr AOTTJRED AMD 10 LD IT MCALLISTER ft pROTHER, OPTICIANS, 48 CHESNUT STREET, flllLADBLPIlIA (At tha Old Stand, established 1st iTOft.) Our Points an all Uppad with solid PUtlna aa4 staaspasl with our nam. Hrintvd direction arcumpaur aacai auint. Prion, 1 00, (t ti, 1 to, (1 ou, fa 00, fa ua, pat antnt, aaoitUiue lo Um uiuillty of Plataia. By famltUcg tlx Casts lm rsstage r& Bumps, U addltioa te any of the above prises, Folnl aa be safsly tut by small te aay part of the United tuts, r fails., May 6, 1854. 3m. THE ST KAM BOAT SUSQUKllANXA rII.L make regular trips for earriate of Pss. . v v aengera between Sunbury sud Northum. berland svarv ds. sxcsi.t Sunday, on end after MoaJav. A mil t llh. 'l bs boat will leave the wharf at Sunbury, at ft .Vl.k. A. M- II o'lbn-k and .10 mb.ule A. M., aud 6 e'rlork BU tuinules, I. M. Haturniiia.'will lesve the uulU lock el Keith ftutbeiUiMi. al m eVluch and It miHules, A. M, 1 1 eVIurk siul 45 sniuules, A. M., and 6 eclut l ....i 4 a P. M. Fare. IU raola. KsruteleN (kksU, good hi utis dsv, IS rVtils. Hunbury, AprU t, U. If. IAIilbst' IWsaaj tloWa. Spfiitg end Mumsiter A Shawls. Illat k silk, silk poplins, 1 Ulue, l.ii.tiliSBta, lie base, Ls-.s sud alw-, iual re. eettaj sad tut sale by WM.A. k.NAStf. Uwvs Aeiuata, Ms i, I U V tiHHx, I'luUsa, t seal ill ess, SMUUasua, Veasutes, Twsanla, sttMaHkaf SMNH, vsivei nm .. 1 A. a..-A u.'l emi. I'i Ia4 bat sale b WM. A. sV.MAUH. Laws Aegeste, Mss - HAkUWAkt s4 yueMawaje tm aal vs ItaatM east el sU aW il s, Jaal laattaJ s4kis.teb. WM. A. KMAKIs. om Aests. Msy ;- A CARD. ., ( 6itnHs'a pAI-saT v Ventilating Furnace. LrfWn antwerfbar wflaM nail tha attention of aH em a nqnirmg a Ocainrt, FUHNACK. in CHIIJHIN'n l ivi.imik ATKD WARMINO AND V EN Tl LATINO APPARATUS. . Tha reputation- of this Fumane la niW wall known. having brn introdoewl. deiing tha past Sra yeara, tnio ahimt Idflti hobtie buildinaa. and more than Mil A nrlnt. welllnea thia, ttwethn with lha lirimiwae Ineraaat of arery year, la the beat evklrnra that aaa he adUaeed in npaimity ovar all other lurhacea. Bjr thai naa of Ckilanu's Furnace, toa asenrs tfm rlkrw htt adraiitacaei till VattTrt.AVtnn - - ..'!" Aia the haatin sntrsfes beltff St a temasratars . n..i ainecnia ine air, Kro!OMtrAL Vn nw Fufa. Ossjv OvatBiLiwhrnic tm(k ehlirely rsf fsaf Iron, . w rum, win renaire norenaira auniif s iMrlime; which it in plaeatl lo daiif er from fire hke tha other fnriia Li ? "?mir"i sisl Will noteinnaetha bnikllnf in We have the lertimonbita of hutulreils of tfie moat sci entific him. M SIlMl in lliA ,i.lt. ,1.. mh.Mrm .at.m.... all of whorti prnnnniwn It tn be declitwllr the Kr"t Fnmace . "iitni, nn prroiarma n purs ana neniiny ntinna. phere. tVs htfawilti annex the flnmra of S few well uTn,,,d nM,n, Hrofmsim., who hnVe irsod them, snd S'wlly f'tmuhfd in their unrrwi na rnfareuccs : Prof. John f. Hnrt, Pn. Pnrkar, Prof. Norton. Pre.. jVm. It. Alieil, . PfS". IVmnia, Prof. Dana. Prof. B. Plllintun, prof, niplf? NINE SIZES. .1 V.." IHtr,"l"rort. thiisraaon, flvs new ie; r that Blljnrtm mar avail thenuttlvr of thia grant improve ment ai a vary inodernteeoat.. Wa are now prepared In lurni.li nn nppnralui to wnrm a single looin, or the air. j . .'timmi in tne coiiiiiry, . 1. Portnhla. Comnleta. ... 911 M tr, 00 70 Wl III? .1 . . " for Brickwork. ... tt . . . . Extra Radiator, (including Ban mm Trench Plntca.) - Thia No. la the Inffrcat and nvwt powerful marie in Ih omtiiry. ami it mlmtrtiMy Rrinpted fjt Charch w and other largeJ&M .milding. We cotrtintte tn Mil the npjwratui nt the wtme price at when flrat introduced. Are yenrt (t Althnuph the jwe ent high price tt( inm hn Incrnined thcii cot 95 per eettt. owingr lo their great weight, still we are eiieblwl, by the grwt uicrenae of nlre. to furninh the nrticlr nt the lowest poeihle price. One Foundry alune. Mcwtr. Wnrnirk It Iseihrandt, have contracted lo fu ninth ua with tMt toita of FurtMcea Una aeaanii, aothnt wa are now prnred to funiiib them wh'slcaale or retnil. Me tuperitttcttd the erertiin nf all Furnace, when required, and warrant them in all case. METROPOLITAN COOKING RANGE. Wm hava also tha moist onmnlrtfl Cook i tic Ranre tht hnu ret been iutrxliieel, to which we rail the attention of aH who may wiih to aeruve the moat perfect and deairabls cooKinif apparatus ever inveoitti. EMERSON'S PA TEN T VENTILA TORS, We are the only Asents in Pensrlraiiia for the trlnmifae. tma and sale nf this Ventilntnr, which is scknowleilcnl to be the only rieifect Ventilalor ever mails fit cortsctiiiff; the drnuirht in amokv ehimniiw. and for ventilntinff btfild. inns of all kiwis. 'Am there are a areal many imitalious of thia vnlnable article now orTeird for Bile, parties will ne caretul to examine that it haathe e.meraon tianae ntiacneo, PATENT REGISTERS AND VENTILATORS. - We hnve the Inrveat and moat complete aorlment of not Air ncrfiners nml Ventlhitora to lie totinn in tna lllli. tad States, rallies who winh to purchase, either for prl vata naa or wholesale, will find it giantly to their adran-' inga cu aanrnine our auies. 8LATE AND IRON MANTLES. Wahave alwnya on hsnd an extrnsivo assorlmrnt of inese orauuiiil Alnntlea, Inexact imitation of Egyptian, inuimii, vuiwuj) oii-miH, oiiu oiner rare murines. OPEN GRATES f or An.tirnpile and Uitnmmoua Ocil. Also, aoentire new i-aiicm ui ine mw iiown urnie, muue irom llie Cug' nsn miierna, nno enureir new in mis rountrv. SOU'. AGENTS for Ihe Enalish Eneniislie Flooring Tile, Garnkirk Chimney Tops, and Terra Cotta Orna- mmu, sncn as usrnen vnscs, frc. Persons about rHiildiiifr, would do Well to examine our stock before nurcliasine elsewhere. Visitors, Whether nur- chnsing or not, are cordially welcomed at our extensive Wnreronms, and where we should be hnppy to furnirii any infonnntion respeetitia any of onr ffooris that mny be desiried. A book on Warminc mid Ventihilms euu be bnd gratuitously at our storo, either personally, ot by Let. ter, . . 8. A. HARIUSONf Warmine and Veutilnting Wnrchnuse,- 140 Waluut St., below Sixth; - Pbihdelphia, Phila., May C, 1834. 0m. Spring and Summer style GENTLEMEN'S HATS. FOSTER & GEBHAED, 49 South Third Street, below Chestnut, PHILADELPHIA, TYAVE unusual satisfaction in calling at'.en -tion to their large and varied stock of Mole- skin,;Drsb, Beaver, Otter, Panama, and a variety of Straw and Mopt Hats. Oentlemen s summer lops of all descriptions. Children's Fancy Embroidered and Plain Cape Straw Hats and Caps, Misses' Flats, 4cc v Particular attention ib called to a White and Nankeen French Felt Hat, of our owrt irh portation. fkila April 22, 1854. 3m. FAIRBANKS PATENT SCALES, Sold at their WAREHOUSE, No. 240 Market Sheet, pmi.ADEi.paiA. Railroad. Hay, Coal, and Farmers' SCALES, set in any part of the country, by experienced workmen, and at short notice. Phils., April 8, 1854. 6m. ltosentjale Hydraulic Cement. An excellent article for Lining Cisterns, Vaults, Spring-houses anri Cellars, AND for keeping dampness from wot and exposed walls. For sale by CHARLES SHEPARD SMITH, ' . Corner of Front and Willow Sts. Railroad, Philadelphia, April 82, 1854. ly, Wall Tapers ! AVall Papers rjHE subscribere hsve now in store their com Jl plete spring stock of Paper flangnga, Curtains, &6 which they ofTet at very low prices. WHOLE8ALE AND RETAIL. Our assortment is very complete, comprising all the qualities, both French nnd American. We manufacture a large proportion of our goods and can sell at ihe lowest rales. VST Paper Hanging done In the eounlry at citv price a. PARRISH & HOLTSH, No. 4 North FIFTH strict, Philsdelj.bia. Phila., March 25, 1854 Sin C P. KNIGHT & CO., . COMMISSION MERCHANTS, and Dealers in Fish, Cheese fj Trovislons Cenerally, No. 19 SO S. Wharves, Philadelphia. HAVE constantly en band I supply of Mack rel, L'odliah, eihsd, Hulinon, Herrings, Blue FUli, Whits Fish, Hsddock, Ilsins, Hides, 8hou. ders. Laid, Uesf, Pork, Cheese, Ueana, Dried Apples, Dried Peaches, Cranberries, atei Phila, March 16. 1854 Sin. tJKOHGK KAlir, JK., UENEKAL Coniinisciion Merelinnt, 1.10R Ike aale of English and American pig lead, ekoti h and Auieiicau pig I lead, run, Olask tin, tibvel lead, Lead Sild Irott kr aud lias pipe. I.itwral advauoas msde en ronaJiuiienU mt Pig, tllout, Uilwil or bhorve Iron. .lo. .No ik Wbsivsa, Phllsdelpbia. AprU M, laHr-m1 f ' Ccatro Turnpike lloud. rMUB siackkuiiiMe are hwaby aoUrta4 'bat tal M. fclecllun (us IMifters te sie tor the ansu. tag y will be bald el tb kotua wf Williaat kbseles, is) Nostkuisibeileawt MO.NHAV, 'he tnk day ml JU.M5 Mil, bamsaaa the ki,s ef it) e'sUalt A. M. aud I e'.lmk P. M. NatOt'X A ptil in, islt -ti. Kt v i'o t u ii mi v r !";.; k"4 rtMatsdf M SsMiaka. tuLU. t u -.1. liaiiNU IHteeikef i, llsl. . THE RENO WISED REMEDY ( Ilollowaj't Ointment this sttranMlMhv tiwMrn It FbnSnnkMl Kt It. . U.I. aXJ!? ?'!?.' t" eB " aoewOirtMm with the When an othrn nwana fail. Cam of , nwT WTi "tT1 ?' 'mt Rl"nlii, Clrain bn;:x tf1 " f UlXEIliSA CASK CKHtlFIED BY TUB MATOft - Copy of a letter from J. NM,, Esq, Mt of Boston, Lincolnshire: .. a T ProfrSanr Maiwrwav. Jptjf Strj-lHrt. Swrah feftotl of tMr Straat W Inn, has llilinar dSpoacd fcfoa m thst f.n a a-maidarahla period aha was tcvarelr aaieted with Serafiikm brn an4 Lleart in herarma, fert leya, and ether nartaoThM hnd t and although the firat of inedionl advlea was obtamnl nt " " - n im.ni. wwm, m It. n,rMfv. IT km in i n a rarae sum ot money, am obtained no alnue ment of SfirMlmr;, ttrt arndtinlly aew Wntea. Hsiftg fecrmmeiiilsrl by a friend lo Ify rniff Oi.tment. she tfocnrrd a small pot, Snd s Hi of tha Pids, SM bafore that was all used, symptoms ol Sniendrflent appeared naraercrnie with lha mrdiciim f.rf a short lima in,ur. si rmnliiie lo the direclioits, Sird Strlftly sdherlnf to your mm amofliet, arc., sua was penally enran, Snd aw enjoys Ilia best of health. 1 rrrrorfljDrtir Sir, yourl Ifnh'i Dstut Aiirtlut )3th 1853. (Signed) J. aOHLfi. AN KXTRaordiH nv Amn rapio citre ntf EIIY8IPKI.A!! IN THfc I.I'M, APT EH MLUICAL All HAD PAII.KD. Com; of a letter from Mrs Elizabeth'Yeaie. of the Port Office, Aldwick Road, near Bognar, Sussex, dated Jan. 2lh 1863, To Professor IIohowat, , Hir. I snrTerod r.(r a eonaiiVrrltils peftolt from a Severs attack of Ki sipeUs, which at lerrlh acltlnl in my lea, nnd ra.isted al! medical trealtncnt.. My suflerinfrs were veiy srnet, and I qiia deisiiied of any permanent ameiKlmeti!, when I wns a.lvised to Iwrv reoniirsa to ymrr Ointmeirt snd Till. I did sj without detnv, and am hnppv to sav the result wns eminently iK-rcwu'ul, for they effect wt i) rudienl curs of mv leg and restored ma to Ihe enjoyment of aeniia. I Mini l ever nptuk with the almost eonlKlenee of your ineilii'iiics, and hioie nwiinmendcd them lo others in this neighborhood similarly alrllrted, who fleiivetl equal benefit. I nirt, Sir. your obliged rmrf fa HMnt M emit. (Signed) KLIZABIiTU VEATES. The Pills should be ruled coninitille with ll riiMlrnMit ..p... in,, ion. iwiiik mecs rbMlWs, OliieaiMont, Filcal tnnt, Ohmflitlar tSVellirlfi, lJImbaM . Plica Khenmatiam rValds, fMne-thronts, fcin'heauaj Wounds, mio KreastSj Cbillilains, Itnrtu, Chtipp-sl hnriiM, Bunlonf. c. (Pofij liite of M. no-lie. Cancera toes ttoud-Kliea, Contracted snd CorHLlmy, Pliff Joints, Klf plinuttn.idj pors NippleS kin-diteaseSj ttenrvy, TlUjtouiS fleers. l aws - . Sold at (lie rlslihlislirnenl nf rWcsarrf (IhiLnwiv, til raist, (nenr Temple riar, tmdiHi,) and alar at hit llnusi in New Tork. Orders lit MMtieinea in the Strifes, ailftrcs. aed 'T. ifollowny. New TorlI,, will tnreive dne attention 9old also by all rcspertnble l)i urrftists nnd Denlers in MtJ retries thrnuithout the Lnlteu flutes, in Hoses nt ;it cents, H7 cents, and SI 50 cents each To be bad Whoksala of the principal Drug, Houses iu the Virion lr There is a eunaiderabra anting by Udtliaj UiS Uref 2. a. .N. i; -nireclimii for tlie suidanC'k of WlienH in sverf d-aidcl are affixed to each box. Deeemlier , 1B53, ly. SHAMOilS Collegiate Institute. R HILL, A; B., Prinmpal) Rev. c. ehkeHart, A. M. Teacher of Moral end Mental Science, Evt' deuces of LArisfiamy, CfC Teacher nf Primary Department. THE first session of this Institution, located ai Sbattiokln, IS'm-tliumbe-rland county; Pa;, will commence on Wxti-ttsiuir, the 10th day of Mat, 1854. The year Will be Jiviile'd into three Sessions' of fourteen weeks ench, thus allowing a Vacation of four weeks in spring and autumn, and one of two weeks during the holidays. J lie Inatitution will comprise three departments : A PmxxnT, Acauehic and Ckllxoiats. Tho course of Instruction in these will be full and thorough, embracing all the branches usually taught in these respective departments. ItlTKS or Tutiok t Primary Department, per session; S4,00 Academic " " 6,00 ( Collegiate " . " $8,00 A largo and spacioua room has beeh secured to meet the wants of the Institution, until the necessary buildings are completed. Boarding cati be obtained in private families at reasonable rates. The Board of Trustees will spsre no paths of labor, to make Shamokin Collegiate Institute, worthy the patronage and confidence of Ihe com. munity. ' For further particulars, address Kimbcr Gle( icr, Csd., of Shamokift,' President of Board df Trustees, or Rev. C.J. Ehrthart of Pa linos, iSorthumbeilsnd county. Pa. Shsmokin, March 4, 1 854. - ZINC PAINTS One third cheaper than Vhitl lent, and fret from all poisonous qualities. The Nevr Jertey Zinc Coiuptiay nA VINQ great y enlarged their works, and iatpmveil tha quality ut their nruducta. are nrmsaled U ataeuta ordafs for luair SUPERIOR PAINTt. Drr, ant erouhrf in oil, Iu snorted packages of froth t lo sua pouivts ) kH i liry, in bnrreia, ot zno pooiHta each. Their white sine, which is aokj ary nr ground in oit, is wnrrauted Pure and unsnrpaaaed for body aud auiform whitouesa. A method nf nreparatkm baa recently been diaonveredf which enables the Company to warrant their pstula to keep fresh and soft in Hie ke lor auy reaaorUble (IniS. la this respect their paints will be Superior to airy other in the m.irket . . j Their brown sine paint, which ia sold at a low price, end ran only be made from the Zinc ores from New Jar' sey, is now well known for tta protective Qjoahtiea wheal applied to iron or other metalie aarfaers. Their stime eolar paint possesses all the pfopeftlCS of the flrowit. and is of an aareeubla color for oauituur Cottaaas, UriHits, Out buildinus, Drillers. A e. L FKKNCH at RICH A UBS, Wlioseaala Paint Ilea Ion and importers. . AV. cor. of HHh .V Market rjts., PhiknlcluhuK Philadelphia, April , !83-al. Q1RCTJLiL:R . . fTlIE suhscriher legs leave respectfully to in. L form his friends and the public generally that he will continue the business of a Cabinet Makers' Finding Store, in all its various brandies at tfie old stand, Noj 131 South Second sL, below Doc4 st. Philadel phia, and respectfully solicit a centluusnce of the very liberal patretmfe bestowed upon the late firm of T. & L. Thorrtpaoii, assuring his friends Ittut every exertion Wirt he made by himaelf and Ihoae In "his employ ta merit centtiMtenee ef their much esteemed favor. THOMAS TH0MP80N1. Phila., March 4, 1854 Sra. 0UAK0I OVANO! THE aubscrilwr, sete Igrnt for tlie taje of Peruvian tiuano in Philadelphia, la now unloading lha following vessels, direct front Ihe L'lilnrha Islands I Bhip KoriVco, a a . 8M toita! rtliip Uurlingtoat, . 750 ton a. rkip Homet, . . 00 tons. rhip Topas, . . toy ioila which will be sold In lots la suit purchasers, al the lowest cash prices. rt.j.cUnisJUAN, (Kirawry (UaJtmf ek ViriUtmm.) Nu. 48 North Wharves, and 7 North Water Mrl, Philbdelphia. April ft, 154 Sdl. w stutsaaa. tai.n.t u-aailH ITCCXMAN & O'NEILL, GENERAL tfommioolon iHcrtljanta ftl NORTH WHA1VU, Philadelphia, nruucu, Tkta. RnbaioauM l a. rhUadalphi. A. tl, faii.il A to. - utter A Pallattfti, t'harlre Kilts ak I s, Hmgitt A ktuna, M I bila.. April a, IHtt.-ly. ItflANNli l.rTTKH fUts.-ri. wm, 1 W i I 1..L . " eanj .u amni laM, uj smi. eta. luu dm sod Um sale bv II U. M .tH. wnouiy, June 4, -f1t:iH'FMii:ti fuasi, t te. Tse. Mo'a.. A as, Rtse, K.U, A. I" sale f L W.1 rftl A I .. exbuiy, p4 U, .tl