Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, May 27, 1854, Image 4

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.. ' . ii,. n.iili poet, ell"'
at SbeflieM on iha 30.U nil., 2J er
Mr. Watson, living "n Kentucky, oppoMie
Cairo, III., killed one handled .,d ihree deer,
daring last year.
"'An -in.lign.llon meeting at Elfibrthinn
Ky., has adopted resolution requesting Hi
Ward jurors to leare that county.
You cannot prer'ent the bird of sadne
from flying over your head, 1 but yoo ; may pre
vent them from stopping to build their nest
there. ; t . .' .',
Gas was introduced into Bio de Jnneiro, for
Ihe first time, on the I5.h of March last.
Water had previously been introduced
through iron tubes.
One Mr RumpI has breo arrested in Bo.
,on for fishing illegally. His product, con
listing of four thousand fish, was ssized and
sold. Unfortunate Russel.
When man stops his newspnper on ac
coonl of pecuniary forebodinps, wo consider
him about as gone a case as if ho should con
clude to stop his daily bread for fear he
ahould como to poverty.
The ptoperty of Washington city for this
year, has been assessed at ten million eicht
hundred and eighty thousand four hundred
and forty-five dollars..
. , Straight ii the line of duly,
Curved In tho line of beauty. ,
Walk by the first, ond thou halt tee '
The Other ever fellow thee.
A wealthy farmer of Allegheny county
Pa., had a verdict of fifteen hundred dollars
rendered against him for a breach of mar
riage contract. Ha was only seventy years of
.. Enemies. A man who has no enemies is
seldom good for anything. Ha is made of
that kind of material which is so easily
worked that every one tries a hand in it. A
sterling character one who speaks what he
thinks is always sure to have enemies.
la Charleston, S. C, the Courier repoits
Mr. Fillmore as saying: "1 believe in the ex
pansive growth of our Republic, and am thor
oughly persuaded that she is destined toco
er the whole American continent with her
tarry banner and her free institutions."
' Hope fok Consumptives. Dr. Simpson, of
Edinburgh, it ia said, is working wonders
with fionsumptive patients, by having them
well rubbed with warm olive oil. Some of
the patients have increased 13 pounds in
weight in seven or eight weeks.
Marriage between persons of Ihe same
ago is an institution of God. Marriage be
tween an old man and a young woman is an
institution of man. ' Marriage between an
old woman and a young man is an institution
of the devil.
"Does your nrm pain you much, sir 1"' ask
ed a young lady of a gentleman who had
seated himself near her in a mixed assembly
and thrown his arm across the back of her
chair and slightly touched her neck. "1 no
ticed it was considerably out of place, sir,"
replied she;" that's all." The aim was
removed. .
A marriage took place in the picture gal.
lery of the Crystal Palace on Thursday Ihe
1 Uh inst. The parties were two young
pie f'from the country." The clergyman
who "bound thair loving hearts together" is
the Rev. Mr. Marks, of the Methodist Church,
in Bedford street.
A Vermonter once expressed his opinion
of a person in the following style of classics:
"I could lake," said he, "the little end of
nothing, whittle it down to a point, punch
out the pith of a horse hair, and put in forty
thousand Buch souls of his, shake them up
and they'd rattle."
Prosperous Institution. Dickinson Col
lege, at Carlisle, Pa., is said to be now in a
most flourishing condition. The catalogue
for this year contains the names of 21 seniors,
26 juniors, 33 sophomores, and, 57 fiehinen
total of under graduates, 147. In the pre
paratory department there are 95, making
the whole number of students 242.
A True Remark. A witness in a recent
gambling case said, in reply to a question by
the court, ''I do not consider liquor as an arti
cle of value." There was a laugh, upon
which be addod "and for this reason,! nev
er knew any person become rich by consum
ing it." There was much for refit-oiitn in
the words.
Revolutionary Soldiers. There were
231,791 soldiers engaged in Ihe revolutionary
war. Of this number, (here are now less
than fourteen hundred living, whose ngra
must average nearly ninety years. Seventy.
Ihree have died during Ihe past year. A
few years more and llirse veneratl nrtnpe.
narians will only bo known iu the jiayn uf
The Calaveras (L'al.) Chronidt ridulr that
while a Mr. Houghton was out hum in?, re.
cently, on returning to his home, ha heard
ciies of murder pioceediug from hi cabin.
On "tuning to the dour, hu found hill wifu on
the floor, strungting with a villain known
"Ri-d Jack," when he tuisrd his yun and
hut ihe rulluu in iho head.
0 or THE lllkM. A n hool-boy, Lituly,
who lhon;hi hu pocket nnmvy t'liuu lather
ulduiu, thus addressed hit fmhui : I'
pjp4 I lull me if ll.a wu,d, I', umim,
are Mill uu our quailei d,Ui 1" Of Cou(M)
liny me, yuu lupid boy," m14 ru,M; , j,,,,
why do you k.kiUtr B.e.uw," t;. .1
)ouii0 llupufbt, "It it now turn U...; i,
me I bud one, Dial almwi luiy
l.if.auit.-U :.0,i,i, ..k ,.!,
. I'uUIIVtllWIII, Ulldlfl I h MOW..I 4, tu uiu,
I., UM.hit.u.,,1 ,,.... frm t.fl.dl,l,
.iiatt luitla and tnU Kli,!W, , di..,p,, ,v, (lM,,'tll(1
tIHiit ("UU 'I!H. Wbaft K4lU kikd , i
Ihmii, Ju'ubdnn.:il ki Iwr hu py(
ud lh daiuiJ dt.l bu mcn Iu h.,i. ,x'.
iitui, the alj.tud it luiibt.v. Tl
i ...i- ..i. .i ... i i ..
t.. w-. ... ,...!, U4 lit 'lti((
if linr I lunly Li..i..i.
Treasurers' Bale. '
4 LIST of the unsettled lands adveiliscd
forsnlB by Friincls Bm-her, Treasurer ol
Northumberland County, aureenbltt to an KCl
of Ihe Grneial Assembly d the Common
wealth ol Prniisjlvmiiti, pessed Ihe 13ih o)
March 1843, ami the supplement Inert-IB
entitled, an not dirrcling Ihe mode of sellini!
unsealed Lands for laxes Hitd other piiiposes
will be exposed to public sale at Iho Conn
House, in iIih Bornnuh of Sunbiiry, on the
12th day of June, 1854, at 10 o'clock, A M.,
the following desvribed Iracls of land lor
arrearages of Tatcsdnennd the costs accrued
on each trnol respectively, postponed iroin
day to day, unless previously discharged, to
wit :
No. acret. Warnintee rnmi. Am'l dut.
' Coal 2'uwnship.
Ailiiint 'I'Ihittiis
Puller Tlinmaa
1074 Jenkins Jmnrs 618 St
Antis l''ret-rirk
Ailnins ilobert
(5rcrr J:ini(4
Crrrr Th-'nmi
1770 Cnmilatii R"lrt
Cninpltitn Til 'inr.
M ris m William
J Jnikint
F A litis
K Atlntns
t?04 Frc-ltnnl nltmii
Hichiinl Mum iug
Ktlwnnl Ilfl
JnmLi) Hi tor
Thcm:ii Urerr
' "Rnliprt Cnmphin
Th in:ii Cftntiitniw
William Morriwn
Pet 4ftfneStithnkm
Mnry DnvitUim
J;itnp Otiwstit
lame NiHT
tu to
S'3'J S3
tit 5
0 John N
lliyil .l.lm
Hi-minus Peler
npuiy .Inlin (one-hull)
JtiliiiitrTui Tivinms
Hellas Ih'h
JJtiwef riiristimi
H.ittnn S:iinuu,
Hrmly John
Uimly John
Krmly Wm P
CU-nver Kiulhcr '
Cluavcr Kiinber
Clenvet KuuUer
CtHViletl Jnhn
Klliot U'illiitm
1'VHIiB .lei'Ht
r.vmm frtniih
Tiipely ltiulcn
Tuitflv WilhumanU R'lnmau
(my tltliVrt (one-half)
(iret'ti Witliain
Grnni Thina
(itirdner ArcliilmM
Oan titer AnhilaiJ
Ortritncr Archibald
Hrnh Philip
llcphuni Jamrt "
Iluuu-r Alcxnii'ler
)07 01
13 91
till 31
I-.' 117
1 PS
18 IH
53 43
44 S3
Oil .53
0 4-1
:i .'.j
7-J (lj
S7 4I
43 Ml
4 00
54 43
.1 4(1
M (i 5
H 4S
3 (HI
II Til
1 3i
0 61
77 7S
fl7 41
6 i Ul
4 M
57 07
nil IH
iui oi
4 41
63 41
St 5.5
7 41
3 CI
5 00
SO 91
.13 71
21 71
14 13
P. 10
4 ni
0 74
8 3.
in .i.-,
41 17
. n p
17 IS
.1(1 5
U3 09
, 7 (ifl
' 9(W
9 40
7 f
6(1 na
h ia
7 on
Oil '."i
i ) r.-i
so m
1 1 .--(
10 5M
Ilublf'V Barunru
Hnmndrich Henry
licpbitni Jninm
i J Ttlnil UntxTt
217 Irwiit lt-l rt
47 3-4 KnmcW Dnvid '
Kr.. Mirh itM
Ghi JjtuibtMt Willinm
;il I.nktiit AhtL'nil
rtj7 I.ukeits Siinlh
U3-4 l.t'kc Itichnrd
yiH) Miller
31 J M'Tff;m Samuel
lift Mntirv Peter
2i Martin J 'J
l'Ki-1-4 Mvt-TB Alary
1404 Miller .Mm
KKl Mnver Gcitrpo
Pnal iereminh
Prince Ge-Tgo
KeeB Snrnh
Kef8 T):uiitl
104 3-4 Iters Thumas
Unstcui Ti. miiiH
831 !
3-1 Hint n Mnry
ltevnttilff .lolni ,;
UllMt ni Chnrlutla
Keei rinniel
Slie::l t.te.ifTO -tSnlitli
oilier Mnrirk
di.-eil Williurn
Hifimniini IVler
fmniHin William
Startle .Il'-"h
Sbarlle Viliinm
SIvirMe WiCiiiin "
, srcii
V1M3-Imitli Mnrv
171 Sentt Alvr:ih.ll.l
4 l Sr iM ll-ter
mil Tnnil Itirlifl'it
810 Tilawnnh J illll
0-i7 Tvs 'it .1 rpn
T I m,l J tin
SOU WliheJ'lin
Sl Wilson William
3I AValicr I.ei
01 it Yoxtheinicr Ilonfv
Zi iul.T I sine
3UCJ Zimnierin:ni Mnttliias
C.'tncron (ownshw.
B 'yle lMk
liiiib'ii SjiiiucI
llsrr J 'hu
Dnl John ;
Dnn Mury '
llnrr leter
Dart 1-nWa '
Fill Luke
CiTilan J isepu
Ornnt Th'.nMa
Grunt Tii.'iima
1 PO
13 .' ,
1(1 s
V 70
i on
.1 'Ml
10 M
IS 81)
0 7(1
1 00
. 30
l no
1 R.1
1 10
. 700
20 00
33 10
4 00
8 74
5 44
1 fll
8 20
5 40
6 40
5 40
5 41)
14 :n
' an
5 4J
0 94
10 It
7 Ml
' 14 30
14 10
3 I
f 70
IInrri'tii AVillmni
llaiitlT Alexander
0a Id p Mnyer Henry
Mdlillff Jnlin
Ilees Tliiniai
Smith l.nka
Sniilli Abiiinil
Winilb bvuiia
Brarty J ilut
Helterert-'ii Denjaiuin
lluirter Alesnnder '
I. nllo ll ehanl
.evit Janit-a
penH Abraham
'i'ltawuilh John
Poihl. ..
Tlertrnm Alexnudcr
Itiurru J hn jr
U IVll J lhl
I'.pley AnHrew
Iviirtlimr Arclillld
liaiiliir Wm I'
Irwin KuliiMt ,
Ktiitruiir At-rnliam 1
Km? l-ixrkuil '
lake Itirliuril
Mnrtiii Peter
Melzner Jnlin D
Ntildiiiut Jiunea
Uvper Mii'ianoij.
llurr Miuy
iarr IVtcr
' liarr Luke
lluriia ii Wiliimn
II. umil Ji-lni
Irwin Itithert
Mt-dtii Ji.liil
hiullh Jitliii
. MahUiXOU.
4 1 'J
P.-wart WilUuio
Liciut Jt.Un
'irani-r Arr-liilnhl
(iailirl Williurn Y
lltiull Jjiitra
II lli Alrxairfler '
i 18
11 M
a 74
I 4t
I .'. M
7 M
I :l
'-3-4 KM J' lia
Hi l.y ii J. lt
114 I'. lrl r.l.'f
313.1-1 llw' T.nniaa
fnulh J .hn t'r
Mi.ii'i J' hit lir
(in. ih J 4m IU
Ht.nlil IliMiiei
'iu'k.a t li.u!r O
lrurail William
liwil J4in
ll.i ii. Alrk.iialaf
H ill t hail.
J-'f.l.iu J .nira
Hui lll J. hn I r
hmiih I- ! If
Hiliilll IIhui. -I
hiiiiltl J -li.teill
I (Ml
4 04
I 4
I (i
a 1- t'KfJnar IV llljKU P H
!-! . k. lit. t 14
i. It..-. I II Ilk' HI
g 'I'll. WUl I hulna O M
4111 N .lit,. 4 Jjim. I Id
ii i itrrui:ii, Tiwn
I 'HIM' S'llt,
l'l.IX AM) KAM V ( H AIIiS.
Aim Ctulti,
l oil II, i4 .-Ii... ai.4 la.ltiu.l.
).IIUiU,hi.u a
n r vuhiii'.,
Ml SmiU kilt m,,, , t
'ii-.i. 1 . .. 4 i.j, .t,, ft,1l.Jt,.i.
-. le 1 .,
hsrs ..j.i'.r... . ...
For Ih Lara mt
and oousumrTiou.
TOCI:kk A C(Mj, with nR.nmc aso hour..
of the b 'fly, t:ke the Ciikhby Pkctoral on jruiiig to bed,
and wrup up warm, lt iweut during nit; bt.
f-'nn a ami Co veil, tnke it iiiummg, iinonmirl cvr
nintr. iiccr.itliiit 1. 1 tlirrclKHis on tlie li ttie, und the ditfiMil
ly will "'ii he rem vrd IVnne will I 'iig ufft-t fr m lhi
U uMe wiim tln find it inn be so readily cured. Peniii
olflirted wild n m:itnt rough, whirh Im-nki tiiem of llifir
reiM at iuht, will find, by tnking the Chcriy I'cctornl m
giMi.5 X I'L-d, tliey iimv le nrc of t mud, unhiokni iltfp,
and c iiiciinent!y rtfivphinp nt. Grtit n!iel frntnutitfrr
in, nnd nn ultinmrr rurc, is nfffld.-d t thousands who ore
ill up rilllirU'd, Ly ilut- inv:i limbic rniH-dy.
. rruiii iis itKit-r-.iiile tfferts in thcra rns. innnr find
tlicms'-lvt'a.tinwiLuig to forrgu its uso wliru the lu-cctsity
for -i cn iBi (t
From iWij eminent Phvuicipuo in
I a TCi tkvim.e, Tonn , April If), 1831.
5ir -We hive given your Chrrry iVt-toral nti extensive
trial in our pi.irtice, nnd find it I snrjufs every othrr re
ineily we havts fr cuiimT n(lW tt n of ihe Trpirni"ry or
is iiiviilimbl, ns ,y ns action on tlit'tliront und inns", When
token in 8: nail fprinlitit'K, it remove tit i h-'iirBtrin -nn in n few
h -urs, nnd v iiHierlu!l iitcrenscil the power and flexibility
ul the voire.
ASTI1.MA isfreuernllv mueh relieved, nnd often wholly
etireil hy t herrj Pert' -nil. lint (here nre s nne ence so !
siinue. ur. t yi-ld entirely to ti medicine. Cheny Pccto
ml will cure ihein, if they can lie cured
P.ltuXrlims, or irritntion of the throat nnd npper
portion ot the hum, m.iy te cured hy tnking i:hcrry Pe to.
ml in smnll und tretpieut dotes. The uncoinfurtuMe op
presioii is soon relieved.
Xev. iior-t. i,.ii.M.t, ni iirontciyn, . ev 1 or, sinirs:
! Imve nm thn Cherry Pceton'il cure such ruses of
Aslhnin nnd Hmnehitis ns leads me to believe il can rarely
fml 1 1 cure those discuses."
VOW CllOPP. titve nn emetic nf antimony, to be
followed by Inrfi oud fretpieut dosefl of the Cherry Pecto
tnt, until i' stitlucs the disaiao. If taken iu leiisVn, it will
n t f:iil to cure,
WUOOPINO roi fill muy be broken up and soon cn
retl hy ihe ne of Cherry Peotorfll.
TI!H INl'LCKN'A is speedily removrd by this reme
dy. Numerous insinnrr hnve been notieetl where whid
fnmihes were protected from any serious consequences,
while th-Hr neiehh irs. without the Cherry Peetond, were
sulfifri" ir in the dieuse.
Dr. J. C. Ayer: 5AT.itM.Ohio. 11th June, 1651.
I wrile to iriform vmi of the tndv remtnkahJe efforts of
ynur ClII'ltHV PilCTOHAl in this plnee. nnd in my
own family. One of mv dsinc'iters vyns e utipletely cured
hi three rin'ys nf n dreadful Wnoopixo Corciii, hy takinti il
Dr. Means, one i. four very lest physieitms fieely states
that he considers it the best rcineily we have pulmonary
diseases, and that he tns eureil more css of CnocP with
it than anv other m'irine he ever administered.
Our clergymen of the Hiiptist Chtireli suys that liurintt
the run of Invi.cenza here this st us n. he has seen cores
from yonr iiiKdieJiie he could scarcely huvu believed sitii
out seeing.
Yours respeclfu.Iy. J. P PINCLAiH,
DepLty Pttstniaster.
From f? difitineirishfid Piofts or of Chemis
try ami M tirin Jl.'iirr, Bowtluiu Culltsc.
1 have found the Cukuhy Pectouai., ns its iiiuredituls
slmw. a powerful tetucJy for colils, and caught, and pul
monary disease.
Pirrn Ci.kveland, M. D.
FlniT!csnirK, Me., Feb. .'. I7.
DM. VA 11. N I I N i: M ( TT.
The ipuMii celebrated Profrsnor of Sit rent in
i the Medical Collrcc, New YorK Ci'y, sj5.'
It cives me pir-isnre to certify tlie value mm eiliency
of 'Avkh CiiKRitv Pkctoh ai,' which I consider peculi
arly aditpteil to enro ilisensts of tlie Titnutt and Knus."
Cuies of si'veie iliff- nses upon tlie lanurs have been ef
fected by Cukuhy PrcronAi in such cxtrt-tiia enstsns
warrant the belief that a mucdv has at 1 uptli been found
that eau he depended on to rare ilie Ci-iiu-hi. (Ulsnud
I C nunpii tn which rarrv from our mitU-t thous-tuds every
' vear. It is indeed a nutlieine to whieh the nlltieied rim
i hvtk woh cniftileuee frriief, and they should not fail to
ti viol tliemseU e ol it.
Prepnred nnd sold , JAMES C. AY EH,
Prrtdiat! Chemist, Lowell, .ftltiss.
Si.M ill Simlmry ly II MASSER, Btnl ly
Prunuistg (jpnornlly tlirotiglirmt tlie ?tntr.
July 3(1, 1R33. reciw lv Nov. If!. '52. ' .
cAEMi, uii: a: v Co.,
rioi'r, Grain and Lumber
Couiniision Slrrehants,
S3 ai:d i5 Spear's Wharf,
Jnlin ei;ir'K, n q , ProHilrn! CMiirens' liunk, Bait.
A. 1. Gl!r. Lmi.. Cab'iier lliaiiklin l!aiikf '
Joint Uitrlv.lur' Jr., q., I'iiii;tdrlillia. .' : ,
Unacr, Sinniiksoii &, Co., "
J. Tome,' Esq., PrcsiJoiit Cecil Bank, Tort Do
positf. '
J. Whlluwcr Sun llarrisliiirj.
Col. II. C l.ier. Hflinsrovc.
II.. A lip iit Co.,- "
Jiiilf, W iiigntR -Co., Millon. ;
. U . ('oii'.vci, Iu., Munry. . . . .. .
Pinion tvtaiiv ler. End., '
Cionrf I) i. lino. H imlnvillt, :,
W. WVavpr iSt Co., .MnntiuiravMlo.
Oi-ii. A Iiliam F. 1', Vi;h.iuisiJ0rt.
I'. . Iilovtl t.i.; Caslner,
Janu s H. 'Ilulinir,, ' " : " ' i
I.oB fti u. lliilintr, "
M'Honry & llulili, 3erte hlioro. i 1 ' "
i. 1'. Iliililli;. K., l.ork llavpn.
l-f Ciirr, (iipxc & Co. havo the larcost wtinrf-
ronm of any rnmniiMon hoiiM! in ISiilltmurp, al
ways givinir quick dispatch to honts In tliacharg.
intt their rarijiKa. '
i'lilirtinry II, 1S."1. Cm. 1 '
1 ' lllneksinilhin.
' JIIK tiiiliiicrtlicr liowliy iufornia tlio rilixrrnt of
-- niibiirs-, uiij tlio pulilic gciivrully, that ho
liltt'tiiU to curry uu liic
Ill;i4 U-mit lilts Itii!iirwM
on ltia ii" n account, ant) that lio liua rcmooil
'tia altou from near t'li-nmnt' torp, to n new
'Imp on tilt- prcmiaca of Mark Sruphain, in l'uvvii
trt-et, wlirro tin will uo Imjipy to accotnniouaU1
all Ilia i'ii.-t(iini.'r.
Punliury, aranli 5, tf.
m. (AKiiitiLiiw. o.Tirraav, jb. i. a. i uabih
liiirtholow, Till any S t'(.
IMi'OIlTtUtsl AU UKAI J.ltS l
inii a(ii:nts row Tn: bale or
.Vo, 50H H.tUimnre Stm t,
II our (hhhI o.iexaniiuulioii, am nut aa cheap
. .iM-jr run i hojujii, m any other inaiket lin y
a. m UMIIIWIIll l our V X l.l ll.O,
lliltiinoie, .Nov. 'in, HM. ly.
'11 IK iil.eiilirra iC?t aula Mrvi. un (iiian.l
- .f tin. qualilv, well mlupinl l,i lm
ol reiiiiylviinn uuil ra Jeiaey ; aiiaLiaut
whii'h, liv a well kminli ilir.niat, lain our 'ii.-..
inn. Tliia mtiele ia a.iil tt mueh luwi r prir
than llix I'fruvi in, an. I will . luuhil fully r.jual
III irriiiuu.j iualiuea.
ii. h. in in. IMi a en.
Ml Wnth frmtt Strrtt. fhi!udtli,hia.
Pliila.. 1'rh. VV Hftl.3m.
I M I' O Mi: II AND OK At. Kit 1
IKON &. Ti2I2L,
il Muihl tin! Kl v Mh, m .i.'A m!,,
I l.ila.. Jjn. a-. ,
MiMl'N i.Hj;.fi: nf JVMMi A liiv
iMi, t 'l'l'ly lii- I, , (u
U. I). M KfLK.
sii.i.l uit, IU. kV..
t Ml VIS l'l Ml'n. i ,..!! uu...l 0...,
' trlli.i.l pump kit U.4 lltJ (1.4 (l
11 u. M
PxuImim. Jut 4. KaV--
I lt .l. !
IWihuUm , ll.
. i ..J K lll t-v
li H Mi..,.
Dings, Paintu, Oil, AVindbw
6 Tnnn French line white. , r
i, , .1..-. A.'I.I. lj...t
i ... tvtna I aiv inw . " "...
r r. , . '- 1 f..,. I
OIIUll J1PXI ' T IIIUUVT UlBSBitt'l "i..
8 n nerior Potnah.C otral.C oaeh , 1 .fn tit
er a Iron -aniiali, white Demnt varnlnh for China
Gloaa, with general aaortment of freah and pure
AUo all the. Talent Medicinal in general use,
warranted genuine. 1
Colored and Euamled Cilass, &.C., &.C., for tale
cry lo at ' ' ' ' ' " ; " 1 v .
Dni itniirniiit Store,' Xo. 169 N. Snl Street, , I
PHU.AUBM'Hl.Avi-:---' -i..i ,1
l'hvaiciau and .Storekeeper aupplied Good
cut to anv of the lintels or Depots (rce of charge.
I'liilu., May 28, 18.r)3r ly.
sew tToc.' VVI N DO W SH A DES. w .ttle.
a. I, miller & co.
In Window Shades,
Suuth-icest corner of Second and Arch Streets,
JUCH aa Gotlie'a Landscapes, Uoidcrs, Vasea,
3 Scrtilcs, Hoqticts,
Of the most beuutiful designs nnd perfection of
fini-di in tliia country, nnd at anch
Aa toclinllenqe all competition. BtitTrind White
iollnmla, cunilirics, I assels, ( nrds, Iirns s,
&c, In every variety, for City or Country Trade.
We invite an examination of our stock, at the
Depot, fcoulli-west enmer of Second and Avdi
street, Philadelphia.
January 38, 1854. 5m.
. . . ', Dealers iu ; ",
N. E. Corner Fourth and Cherry Streets,
HAVING cnliirtred and improved their Store,
nnd having the larirpat assortment of Lamps
in Philadelphia citv, thev nre now prepared to
ETHEREAL OIL, rhnaphene Gas and Lord
Oil, Lamps, Laoterlis of nil palcrns. Fancy Hotel
anil Hall l..miy, Chainteliers, Girnudiilos and
Cumleleahras, and lliittauuia Lamp, ot the
Manufacturers' lowest prices. Glaus Lamps by
the package, al a small advance over Auction
prices. Jjcinc larcc MAM r -V I" I I li Kits ot
I'ir.c Oil. llurniiiK Fluid, Ethereal Oil. Aleohol.
and (the only true) Phosueiie Gas. thev can fur
nish t'ic--e articles nt Fin h prices that .Mcrclintits
will find il to tl eiradvanlaceto buy. Call la-fnrc
Cn'ur elKCivliere. if yon want bargains. Also,
lha S;,fctv F'l id Lump fur sale.
Phila.ept. ?1, 18.13. ly.
Just Puhlished and for Sale
by WM. McCARTV, Dtwkwller,
buubury, J'a.
. . . The American
Hi-ins a collection of upp.ovod declarations, writs,
returns ami proceedings in the several actions
now in use in the United States.
' ",'Bv Coli.ixson Rrf.d, Eq.,
tpstte fgis viva vox
With notes ntnl ndditious, together with a alior
ay stem ul conveyancing. Uy A. Jordan. Pres
ident Judje of the Eighth Judicial district of
Pa., nnd Wm. M. Kockct'eUer nod M. L.
Sltindi l, ul' tlie bar of Xoithiiinhcrlaiul county .
Siticr the publication of Ihe book, tlx1 following
letler bus been received from Judge Pearson ot
Harrisburg :
, ' Ii, June 30, 1S.'3.
Gkxtlum i:x :
Alter n c ireful examination of your "Amer
ican . leaner n mm stunt. I take pleasure in cn
prcsitis my ul il o approval f the selection and
coiuiiosition ol the precei!ents thus oMcicil to tlie
public. The Ice 1 1 prolessinu in Pcnnsytvaiiia
sliind-i iu need of a conect svstein of p'eadiu;,
adaled lo our habits of busiiics. and the practice
of the courts. Vour forms of declarations Ikuiij,
to n creut exleut, founded on the acts of assembly,
w ill be a Riiviiii! ol labor to the pleuder. and con
duce to safely nnd brevity in nur pleadings.
It in tlio hands of every practising
lawyer in our tlaln
i ours, with great respect,
Hon. A. Jordan, Wm. M. Rockefeller anil M.
L. hhindel, Ksipiiie. , ,' , t r '. .
Sunbury. July 1833.
hook to vour Interests !
He will try lo please ! !
ESPECTFULLY inforuis his friends and
the public generally that he lias just re
ceived nt his store, in Market street. Sunbury,
below Wraver's Hotel' an extensive stock of
consisting in part of
! Drv. Goods, viz :
Cloths. Cnssimeres. Cassinels, Jeans, Drillings,
Musitiis. I'vsHiizs, Linens, lee.
' Cohen's, fllnstin He Lnins, Laxens,
(jiinchams. Rrraprs, Rulies,
ll'oolens. Flannels, ire.
r.aot cun:s,
Kujar, Ttaa, Collee, Kice, Mulasaea, Cheese,
ISpices, ball, Ac, ic, ic.
Il:ir! tvai'e,
Nuils, Kerens, Files, S.iws, Knives A Forks, &c.
Queens and Olas&warc,
of vaiiou style am) puttcriia.
A large assortment of boot and Hhoes. fur
lien, women and children.
II its Cirs, ike., of various sizes ami sli les.
l!fiile a large and general assortment of
fialii.uuble (nod. Cull and examine fur your.
IV Couutiy produce ul all kinds litkcu in
evch inu ot Iho lnjlicl market p'i.r.
Mlli!'ur , 1 1 m i. 'iii lKi.l.4 111. 30, 'A3.
Ne w Wall Taper Warehouse.
MAM P U'TI'ltKltS fc IMI'Olt ri:it,
Vj I? I Anh N'rifff, st(oud dour ubiiri Sixth.
1TII PI'I may bel.iuinl Ilia lariir.l and hand
.iiiiii.i a.'oilinciil in the i lly.
Purchaser foul '., ruuuliy Mill liud il lo llirir
udvsl.lJur Iii call al ur st ir. wlirlhey will l
nullrj, il U a ufrinr arliclral lh l..c.l priera.
Ill KTO.N A L A M.N U,
No. I'tl Arch Kirerl, alain Kuili,
I'lii!., Feb. 'ii I KM.-3m.
1 t'.W EI.RV. liic aMoiimcnt of HM anil
citt Pr HilaanJ I'm, lot ulvrliMp by
u, Li.m.Ki i o.,
lUikvl u. I. vppwti iu rMl OllUe
HunUiy, ll.i, a. a...l.
SII.VI K W ll IIIh.-A k duidl
:.t. tiA Hilf V suU, 1 sale al t.i k,
Miie I f II. U M tanfU,
Miti.l..,,,. M, 11.
I.H.H ' l l' sum, Mui'kaf Ul lit
t'.l.i il..wUM ! Ill , fie
Itie.'. 1 1
1 1 1. AN KH.
lI.Ahj ...) OMsfiuN U W4
2,500 Acres Tinihcr Land
K- . '- FOPa SALE.
TIMBER I,AND,.coropriing nlaint a.WlO
acre, part of which ia iluatod on 'i'ohyhanna
Creek, and part on Muddy Creek, within three
mile of l.ehinli River, in l'enn foreat townnhip,
Carhon Comity, one of the Rreat Coal Countiea
of Penn)lvni.ia, can le had at a bargain, if ap
plication lie made anon. 1
Thne land are thickly covered with the Wat
titnhor of that region. While it ia believed that
75.000 foet of lumber to the acre, ran lie cut from
a large portion of the land, the hulunre will aver
age not much less than tliia fizure. The kimlaof
limber (bund on the land are Hemlock, Spruce or
White Cedar, While Oak, While Tine ami
Cheslnut but principally made up of While,
fine and Hemlock.
The Tobyhanna and Muddy Creeks arc large
and rapid streams, yielding a vast am 'lint of
water power, and are capable of driving a large
numlarrof saw milla. Thev empty into the Lehigh,
which stream, with the Lehigh Canal alTbids an
outlet to tlio most desirable lumber markets.
There is, ton, under contemplation, a railway
lending to the cities of Xew York and Philadelphia
which runs within one mile am three quarters of
the land. Through these avenues lumber can be
delivered in riliier of Iho cities named, for about
7 per thousand feet thus enabling persons en
gaged in the trade to derive jrreitcr profits tlmt
nueuu investments generally.
Iii addition to the timber, convertible into eve
ry shape of lumber, there in much that will an
swer for spars of vessels a sort of timber that
snip builders have been obliged to purchase in
Maine, or nt other distant points.
Unlike most of the lands on the Lehigh there
has, as yet, been no culling of the timber on this
property. It stands undisturbed by the wood
man's axe. It is, therefore, the more valuable.
The lumber trade nf the I.ehth has been carried
on to such nn extent for years past, that a scarcity
of good timber is beginning to be felt. Every
season necessarily increases this difficulty. The
consequence must be nn enchain cmenl of the
value of timber lands. Those un-culled tracts
with the ndviintage of avenues to T,Hikct, such
as the lands offered for sale, possess, cannot fail
to be the sources of supply hereafter.
lint the. land is not iiiine valuable for the tim
ber it contains. It is of good quality for farming,
nearly every acre being susceptible of a hih
state of cultivation.
Capitalists desiring to make investments, would
do well lo turn their alteution to these lands. For
furthir information apply to
Office in "Milling Rrgwlcr" building, Potts
ville. Pa.
August C. I So.-!. If.
Stone Cutlers ami Lahorers
(tyTOXn mlic-m nml laborrrn enn linve MeaiTy
employ nnd a winifi jul. (and not work in
tlio witter.) tit tin Knioii mid Hti-'ii'Hlinnnu Uriilcft
nt ('Inipmnn. I'ntnn rntinly, J'n., midway V
twecii l.ivrrjinol und .ortiimnlK rland. To la
borera $,5 per dav will l o uivtui.
Chapman, Sept. 17, 1833. if.
(lionp Watches fy Jewelry,
"lrilOT.KSALE and V.vUM nt the "IMiilndol-
piiia WaUli and Jmvclry Store No. 96
North Second IStroot, corner of (Quarry,
I5 II I X, A. H B Xj V H I A .
Gnld 1,rvr Wntrlies, full jeweled. Hermit vnrn, P'J.Ofl
(! M ItCp'iie It"". S'Jl.t'i'i li:ie Silver SpOitULMes. 1 .."iO
Slvrr l.ep- full ier!li-H, Pt-.ifii.M HTte-ir-ir, 3,00
Silver Lever, full irwVii Vi ! iidit-x' tVitd IVneila, l.dn
:tpiii r iinrli
SllVtl" 'r.'Il'8pH)llS, tft, fl,uo
l .III SiWUH-t, T.iml
(i.ilil I'eiiB. wiih r.-iifil nnit Silver Uu liter, . l,no
Gold Kinrjer Kinrjs. 37 J r.-uls to S0 ; Watch
Glasses, plain, I") cents; I'ati lit. 1S; I.uiiet,
2.'); other urlicle in proportion. All goods ar-
rauli'u to to wliat liiev an' -void
"uceesor to O. ('
On liainl. fotne fiutd liml Silver Levi ;s and
l.epines i'lii l.-.wer than tiie ubove pricrs.
Sept. 10. IH.13. ly.
JAMKS I. V 1 1) LKil,
J'o 12 South S eond Strec1,
fiobl Lever Watches full jewelled
hilvcr' Liner do
Silver Li-pine do
" tnartier do -
Gobi pens and pencil and silver balder
. filver Tea and Table Spoons
Brare!cU. It i east pins Ear ri:i(?s eVc.
All warranted and sold at prices a low a any
in the ciiv.
... November 27. 18.i2 if.
A Farm for Sale.
rIIE subscriber od'ers for sale his farm,
and allownnres.
It i situated about three miles
from Sunbi.rv along the iShamokin crce';, and is
j in a good state of cultivation. The Philadelphia
and Sunbury Railroad passe through said farm.
It will bo nlVcred in parts or entire to suit pur
chasers. It ran bo divided lo make three small
farms. The building are a I'ARM HOL'SE, a
good Uauk Darn, unil two tenant houses.
l.'pper Augusta, .Sept. 10, ldo3. tf.
i'optc Monnaies,
flHE attention of thn Trade, and others, in
JL want f Porto Mommies, Pocket Books.
Bunkers' (.'use., Dressing Cases, Portuule Wri
ting Desks, Ejckainniiui and Cheas Bourds,
Cbessini n, Pearl, .shell, nnd Silver Cord Cases,
Work Boxes, Cabas, Needle Books, Money
Belts, Cigar Cases, I'nrifulh.j, Razor and Ruior
Strop, Travelling Plasks, and fine Cul'.rry, l,i
gelher with a large variety of Fanci Goon
which will be sold at the lowest rate.
Porte Mimuaie and Pocket Book Manufacturer,
205 A: ch St biloic Suth, Philadelphia.
Sept. 17. in .VI tf.
Important tt l.'oal Dealers.
niH K subserila-r hereby inform the public, that
they have entered iulo partnership under Ihe
firm of K ir, Reed & Co., the purpose of
mining, shipping and selling roal, delivered al
Suuliury. or at any other p.iiut slung the Sum
They will bo ready tn deliver coal, well pre
red, on cm lracl or otiierwiso, al all limes, on the
holiest iiuin p. and oil II. most reonali!e lerins.
Order received at Shaon.kin bv
K sK. REED & CO.
5iililur, June 4, IS.VI. y,
AT" A.U CAI's. eiendnl lm of
li.lii.uial l Silk. Wool and r'ur list.
also Cl.-tli, r'ur, Oileloih, Nvy and Military
Cups .r uii l.m bv
(I. El.xltKKti 4- Co,
Mailel derl, uppiwile the 'u Ollice.
Mnnluin, 1 1, 1. M. I..l.
OLD PENS with and wnhoiil raw, ul a
very iiin iiualiiv , ios 1r.e1.rd.
AUo supply uf W riuii Unld, for mI
Suul ury, les W, lM.
f l.r li ililr ..f Mia l.y
H is m:h.
H..hIh., 4 (Mil. . 4 W
VUNiX kit VVKMtNU M ill' i.a AJU
41. U M mmi.U.
nl III. .. I4H(J tti IM Uf
..! ui,l4.t l'4
11 r: hil l .j4h4 iv.(4'4 f
H.kiW 1. 4.1 UnHiHf lt4liHi HW - Iwl
Family Medicines.
IN nffrnnn t tlie public tlie nlov invnliuitttn tiTep1'
ti'iiiw, tlw iij)rrilel wMld mute tlmt in ptnnih.Jitiit
With hi! fi ientlB nm itmn nt tli niimt ntftillis til Hit
tMndioal l.nuit) it wim deemed orlviwdile tooller tn tlit
I'liime, n lew prepfmiti'tis of krtown relfhrltv. lieiin pre
lred with the vrentest etirr, end mi the uvut eieiiittf
priiK-iprO. si iil.niuuiei fortlir nummtue w rtlihH pi
ticlri tlmt nre fl'MtrliiifC the omintry in the t Tin of pounce I
nnd enrr fills, prepnred hy the mt iftuornnt and niereem
ry persons, inteixlrd tu cure nil rintrnma ond '"d for nuiie
! Rend and Reflect,
Thnt the Medicine. MnmiOietnred hy W. M. Bkcklkt,
IneliHting htn Kime Pertfnil fr Cutighi.
rrenm f CtinmlnT. f..r liheufimtum f
W'trm fvrtip fur Vnrm.
To ith Vnh, for dec;ived teeth, dinentirtl giimi.
l-'omilv Piltn.' or hlott PuriiVer. hnve leen irnne ettenfftfp
ly used, and have mven m ire Mtiufnetion. Ihun nnv uthet
Medinium lfore liie pnltie, lieiug prepnred with repunl
i' iiieir upeimnemi nre lull) wot thy tlie trial oi ttienimei
rd. liive them atrial.
A few p'HVcilul reasoiii why the nhove Medicinee ore
detterviiiff of utiivrrsnl pntnmn;e. (In Ihe lirnt plure.
they nre prejwed hy a resnbir Phyitiriait. whuirdertniid
the nppliratiitn of ISiedit-iiiea, tn diwwes, ond coiiwquentl,
re DfrtVrtly Rife ly tuke. (Seromlly.) they have heen
usel with miiverKtl d'lrref!, nnd have given more Kilisiiie
ti'Tii tiinn nny other Medicines offered before the piiMir
(Thirdly )-they nre the only med-emea that hnve gained
the (tfitroiviire nf Plnsiciruis, where they hnve heen used ;
ond (Fourthly.) they ore put up in hirfrer prmtitu fnt
the 8.1. ne priee, than any other Mettieiiiet fflVreil t' the
public "f the muue kind " An the milmenlcr hnt a mnnlier
of eertifieiiteR in hitt powMifn nf the hiirhefft authority,
where they hnve N'en nn-d with the m tt itiftirtnry re
iti!t. lie" will puMisb a few nf them, feelinjr unified tlmt
a tiitil will injure tlieir rrc'innueiidntioii. Try them and
sntiftfy yoitrttelf of their tnperiority over nil othtrs.
Rend and be Convinced,
AVe tlie rtnder.i trued hnviiiff been made nrtpininterl with
the iuretliriitR cutciinv into the Compound known tip
Hickley'a Knmily Meilieiuen nlso hnvii f prt wiibil nd
known them to he lined, with monl mtiKf.-u tory resultB;
tnlre plenure in myinir that we lielieve they fully meet
tlie design for whieli thev nre renommeinlcd.
jas. KriiAvni.iuirM m.d.
c. ti. rnicK. m. i)
WM. If M ilU,. M. L.
Ii II. tiKAIHIl-jA R T, M. D.
Cur of pain inth suit and rough f rom protested
Liver Complaint.
Mm. Roh-rt Admns, Inb'.nnii under Chronic liver Com
pliiint. nf'eouijwiiiid wilhn hh dry foui'Ii pain in the
siile nml ltreu.l. peitemi deliility, loss nf nppuitr, ni'ei' try
tinr nil the ii nn a I ri-medieii reeununeiidnl foi putiiiha nml
din'utH of iho chest, who with iv ln-nelii. nhe v;i reeom
iiienHet! to try the Rope I'eetiirul, wlneh, ehe not only
deriveil itmnedtute hut permanent relief
John Ait init. in nf Mrs. Ittiberl ihtnn, wnn nfilieted
with n very nevete eouffh. pain in the fide, nnd a. -renew
prmbK'ed hy incesmut cmclnnc; he win iintueed to try
til.1 Row Pectnriil. To use his own lonpu;ig, the firft
dose en:ihUd him to enj iy a tz- d nilit'a ri-ft. In the
nvrni:ifr he exptvtornfed nh ut half pint nf inntter. He
continued to improve until hi couch entirely left him, :t
n! t liml the eift-et f trriialn niup hi lueani. whieh was
nitur.illy wenk . tie ni. aaya that In vn ermnmended
it In n nntnU-r of liia fi ifitilfi f ir similar couiplnuitt, and
in every euc it In it i veil atiM'netion.
Tlie tilt -ve per? -na resilient '-f tlie town of Dmivfle.
feelinff that thev have denvrd print Iwiiefil from the ue
of the Itmn IVct -ml I auihori. ihe Mvve statenient, for
the benefit f those who m iv be atili' ted in a tiiuilui man
ner. liRI'.AT cri.r.
hoxs of Voice restored with one battle of Jlose Pee MimPii.-n Vhitl ick. of Rusli township, X Mtlnunber
hinrl e ., f r a nuiiiinT of e ir i!-i ii valid, in t'.e fall nf
I IVt. I t theuenf tier viee fr tn a f-veie e ld rhe eon
! traeiti) ; nfo-r trviac n tr.ruber of remedies, with Irih
fit. tw was eutin ly rest rej by ta'.icj one h ':. nf I'oiiC I
Peet ral, after v.'iiieh. h' list her v 'iee n-itir, from a
fresh eold jtt-.o cuitr:'eled. ntnl wa n.iin reicrol hy tin
use ol iui .thfi lvt;;c ; sUu lln'ii lo k f, u r li -t I It s mi -ti- to
:riiic:l!cn her brt-.-si. fr mu whieh f':e tl-tivnl tin m t
il.vide'l lent ti. n:id 1ms be-n in tin en inyrtUMit of excellent
hen'th from thnt tiim to the present.
Tin: rib ire !atemeni ia ol-ti,iiit'd fnm Pr Putse!!. te
! PliVftiehni wh ' nt:ended her ; a!so h-r ui 'ih' r who th-n!;
that !ie wtir!d not he living at this tunc if ii had not been
for ihe Roge Peel oral. i) nn die, J ni !. ls'2
1 fit7 rrnntirr ULirlr.f Crne ICjlWrd
i Mrs S itmel Seehler. bcinj of n nutur'.l weak an-l deii-
cat eoiuliiution. very mitecptiblc to ool.i-, was an'u-te'
wen a vi-rv severe euiiea.iuin nun survm-sa in rue nn-wi, i
I s uf llpivtite : nit er lisin n Inlliilinr nf Ihe lip.llll rrmu-
liie, iruili u-liiell. ,!,e ilerive,! n . le -iii. ,lie wn ere,i l,v
taking em- li eile .a l'lvinnil nu.l is in the ciijeyiiicirt '
"'lI'liIvT't' ''"'.'."''"IJ-o ',rev'"""' j
lii"'!ic,;i.CT:'iCm,itri.eto,,,r..r,riynn t!n my wife.
wli.i is a ileiMviie an.t weniiiv w 'iii ui. lali rinir liniler ii i
very severe r.iiuli wi'h p-iitt Im.l s .r. nes. . f hrrast. was i
nnre ijini-Uv iimiI eiiVciunlly u l.i veil with ul. e li-tlii) "t
yunr llnse fcct':r:il than any ut'ter m-'ilieine sue lent ever i
tntieil. AHNKIt Ai'llHlDi;.
.1 111. tS.")-.. Sninel rt.Wenils' t-'mnaee. Ile'l Puint.
Prr.uN:, ev iov;nck in va hi; it tv. liosli I'ijcti.u.vl and
Family t'ir.i..
.T hu P' liner tal.-enlvlw n I 'liri.: u::is atvl New Year
Willi n very It v. I e .M. wltieh en-le l 111 a ilr li-nl iie'i rmt
l n.i!i.eii;hi!i n irreal ilt a! ( pain wlieia-ver l.e e..iii:e I,
I e::fi irltevi'il yety lau.-li ; liy Ilie time lie tent ta'seti une
t!i'.r.l "l' ti Ii .ttle, mill liy llie'time il was rini -l.-'il. vv i li
l".''y i n I. U.-als. s .vslll'.l 1'-' In t- ken s.- .: al it rrs
I'lV ll-.''li I! .n.l.ive u- faaeK V.iU. A ''.ni ..-
liri- le.. an! 'rj. :;.i ! 111 'si 1 :1'a.. a t - I'-rit'tv 'i ' e-.. r
ta'-.. 11. I!l:ivi!:. -I i l.l V-
tR Pi.'K'.;:v Dnr'.a" n v' -i' I 1 me !T I'l.-r. in Pan
' v;1-. I I "'k aveiv seven, C vu. e'i 1 ai.t ia a t.el.l
haul O 'litfll, ',-illi s ii-eii-n an l pain ul' Itie l ;---as'. f r
; v. iia-!i I ns.-l v ur lt..e P.-ei ra!. u:el I'aan'v l' !;. iiiel
tae '..aMire in ri e inimeiali'ij laiaa. n : tie' 'ViiM.- I !ln;l
1 III ifit uiiix'Iual relnuily 1 Imve ttse.l. Yueis, r.v iveti'
. jaii:smiii;(ian.
j ' .Ian '2l. IS.V'. White Haven. I.ereraeeu.
I Drar S11 : .s a rrenmmenilntiun f r vmir H.-se I'.-cns.
i rui. uiiiiul ine l say. 1 we cireetually ctiritl ..1' a
I vimv ftevem n.Hish with pnin in Ilie liuvt.t, wilti Ifs limn
j liali a Iviulu. sml lliat I runsi.lei it nivala ilile. uu tue
I nt lils'rty tu irake ties pnl.:ie 11" vu pie e.
! .tl)!l SI'i:ilttlU. MtV-eer.) IVmville. Ta.
1 My rMi Villiniii lalsiriiif; miller n severe e .iifih ninl faia !
I in his siile, fi"!il an liiiurv reeeiveil l.y n rll. w;.s e'liiu-ly .
reltevnl l.y a tviMIe uf It 'Se I'ei-t Tai V freain f Tain- '
! plea. I lmv tits- lis-l yeir Fnlil'ty Pills, sml nit "Selher
1 1 c insijer tiieill the licst llleileelM-s I have ,rt'er ns-at. I
Jll N liVf.ttDOliK,
Jan. 1..V3. Tp., Nunl.Me .. I
lr. llieklev : Sir: As mv w:fe wlia ni ir.ailleil
tiriiility. 'similar to"i) w is entirely reli. ve.l l.y
utiti? im of ynur Ituse iVeiinal, me to say
I tlut 1 eunsiilcl itiiti ex leal rein.ily.
Yours, resnmi'iiliv, l!.-v Mr. VI!.I..Vnl).
I'astur l.iithernn ("liureh. Pianville. I'a.
IlavinS been eiiriul 0111 ltain 111 my mill (similar lo ttlie.l-
;"""") whieh ;!epnyl me ui it, live .1 il f..r nhunt
iinir ii.-.tii as. nv 11111.1 nur 11 aiir .'i . -t.i ....)'
1 w "tiltl state that 1 c .nsnler it ttio best nl the
kilul t liavc ever us.;.l 111 my family, nail 1 w-'llUt Ireely
rec.nnnii-nil it In ntlu-rs with similar nfiecti.n.s.
Yuars.retpeetlullv, JONAS WDI.F.
I! mil t., Nurlh'it e-.
Mv wit" I.einiT elTliete.l with ft Vny sevete pain in her
nrin 'an.l sh-iniler (the efTeets uf e .1.1) wlneh ilisattleil ln-r
fr.tin usinir it. wasenreil with riilihin uf I'rwirn ul I'nia
phur Mrs. Kiitin, my sislcr-in-luw, wnsiilS'i cnr. il uf a
severe paia in the heiul ami face hv nsiu the dei.iii nf
Ci ih r THOMAS C. I'.I.I.IS, Danville. Jan. an, '.V.'.
My wife lifivnnr Itlieumntisin .11' Ihe arm fur n iiintilier
of years, winch prevented her fruin iisitin il niil-.iiii: lier
W .ill ; iifl.-r having spent 11 pie.-it .leal ! m-'liey in lrmir
illir-renl lemetlirs with 11 le-nelit, was entirel) enreii l.y
Usui- nnlv uue lttlln ( vmir rniai of I aeip!:-T.
Mil. 1,1 AM KVIiNS, M r. fu, t. It. Y.I, It. 1'niiii.
I Jr. Hie!.-v : llnvinir i.eeive.1 a vt-iy sever- injury 111
mv siile hv fallm!r ..IT I i.l uf hay, fruin wlneh I wan una-
Lie t.H'iilBw ; my work. re,-.iiiie.l..l ',""" '.' ' tt1'
ol l.rcaul uf r..l,h ir. win. h all nneie.,1 ale relel
I? IUI TITll r.Vltli. liiikh t . .. riii ii r..
My wile, mlVrine I'r.un in sf px-Ttirtmiiifr oiin,
iJmniulioiit hf inriirr:i. r.-ntfiti, wliioh prt-vt nh-il i.i-r lrin
Flrfpini! (In-i n.l hy a 1 -Mi un:l pr 'tiucU'ii i(K-ll
ol iiictif)t ; , i r whicfi tif'nclii iiiitnU-r nf rcimtin-i
Wilhntil ttfiufi:, wiib eiititr!) rrhrvr-1 hv the nne .( Oram
..( i ii:- imoU'V
J,'re )ii I i'ittir. iKinrill", P.
CluM cuiwl ol' lltmvl 'iiinil;niil. Amu- (! two ejr
nuiihiH:,) Uy S ''riu Hyi-ui.
.My r'.ul.l Unit; niUi-uil l 'l the 11 ! Jir. wiih
H -Wfl t "ih.Ijiiih ni.ti Al-uc until U .i rtlai-f.l in h iih iff
ksirlt l HI, I llll a lIHNlhrr rflll.ill WH II II ttVlii.meiil
b unit, unit! I :ive U h ilio i ynur Wurm vrup,
iiik-r wlat'll Utiit! U lt:i Utfii well, uii't f -t juil liOftiy
I n'.yu ..i u ft f ii:ti. H (t t o niiiliUr l my t iUMiil,
mitl iii vrfy wiaw il Immivrii fctim.Ht I.. K I.
At I- Ji UiUk ( .h t-ti.ini. Umvilaff.
I It tvi' V Uf 'rui tuii ii itiy l.uiiilv, mul
,i.-r il ii-i ilv .-nV-iua!. i"it I'u- m i i't--i.iin urm-le
nut ,' Hurt-! Willi J i'H I. I J. luuviilo.
It.iv hij iixl ytr V-4u. ( mi in ui iuiuil, 11 kclpc
ui t -ImMk-ii iii 'ft- Iii hi an. jHBna U -m el lUr linl. :tiul m
ni ne ilruiviiil lo LtkL-. ! lH;i .
M -in It w, lnuvil.
I tin UaJ vMiimu li iu.' mii Wortik in uy
I'm. uii , uu.i j.n-i r it l ' l ui.l'.u 1 I. n a l.
I'ltl't) lit H, t'r in V itt- v, M -nt iir fi.
fir. ltd l ivni! wii y ur w-iu .ni, imI
I'lwun iM t a.Ht'li r uiij i'jtii ly I'rU in in) Uunl , tin i
K lf u il .!'. it- ti"ii, ttii-l i- i il.f iu. in th iu. I f I -iVcllUi,
a, oi'tiviii' tr n .hc. '- - I .( III nur ttiltiiy
JollNil l'il V II MM) 1. 1, iMiivtliv
Iiir r . V in, uu I. laijil - I l HiJ M lUu i'lUfk)) iU
l--kil tfjjiA l' oil, u' vvli t -ft. 'u i.,w uu
Ai'fttov t r iho il nt v ur V iumIv l tin nn , mt-h
Mi lt ii-tiMl iui ittrfl tiniv .'I tvi wi n Hi n mt- im .
iMti i u lik in nt ..; u 9 am- 1 tin i,i, uu.l Um j
Kl ' 'Ml fttt . Il.itl Il il . l' it It it II Isi .in , .tl
V ir i't I. A tl slt U'it t Ifci'!. I'Wril. t-ii J 'V l.' ll.l l)t
Hi. ir .,- iuiumi. W II MtiNi.,
liti An- i, M HI l'l I It,
II i n .nn y i ( niv tu uui i i t.t.t u i. iu.ilt4't) I..
tit m i l l V Mil riif V 4ih. whit h liv u I'tuill.l,
tMltt.-IIIMJf Ul kfUtil, llU't It'lllOt III) ml i HUH.
Ilii-klvV : ll-wti.J H 11 MT iMil ui-i4.lrl !.
lllNjlit It ii h, Hit.! i ttf liii.r!.. m (Ul l-V
ls-iirni : I uimi laid uiifl in inin mi Itiitlv m y. ui
f t sib Il IV M n a t .lll(.K hfl UllaMMt'Ml, !.
llt'iiiii. wiltt ir tl.! ..ui,- fc.iv, ftf i.i4 iw.tMt,
.sf l 11 if M'l ill'li I i'.l "I i it u il f , I 111' U (!
ml U U llT' I-' .! II J tMl ' lt I Ol d .llwl Msg
1.1 ti niiiuv ,
U I 14 '. 1 k Ift-ii pMMk-'k-
l Ui- - U . V.I. 4 sVI M,. a 44
t.,U l--ti- ' 'i 4h V - I i't . I ' M'l .
W lI r V .lkV sn.. I r 1.4H.I. 1 tl mi ..' ill . 1 Ii.
j , .., m,. Uu ,, I. U M4lia
r.. ..-.- 1.. . .w Vt iw It
to' ti V. M lu Kit I, VI l . ' 1MM.1 4. iv'i.-w
4 " f N
. I ... . I
, . . i
- -
s 1 .
I--. .
11 , V
- ... u
V a,
lvaJ b t
I .. I .
. . ,..i 1... 1
1 ... ...
. ....... l-r
. IS. J-
4 (MM, V , - .M. I
,M sl.J., ..
to .Your Own ITlechanict. 1
' MANtirACTt'RF.R tit . ,' f ' '"
Of the most FashionaMe Style., . .
THE mil.,rrilK-r rcpfCtfuly call, the .Urntion
oftlie piililic to hi lurfre nJ )lendi(l tmort
mfiit of every qunlity atntl price of.;
which rnrinot fiiil to reiommcnd itnlftoevery one
vlio will examine it, on account of it durable
workininKtiip and plmdiil finish, made up of the
best Mork to be had in tlie city. No effort ia
pnrrdin tlip mnnufartiire of liia ware, and the
.iilwrrilier i determined to keep up with the
mnny iinprovementa which are constantly being
made. His atock consist of Mahogany
Snfitfl, EMvatiK mid Lounges,
Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards,
and also VENETIAN BLINDS, eiual to Phila
delphia manufacture.
BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and price,
In short, every article in tliia line of his business.
He also manufactures all kind and qualities of
including varieties never before to be had ir.
Sunbury, such as Mihogaxt, Buck Walsct
ikti (I im.fii Maim.e (Jnr.ciA ; hd Wiiisor
CHAIRS, ai fasct Pjio Stools, which are
of the latest slvles, and warranted to lie excelled
by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere.
The subscriber is determined thnt there shall
be no excuse fur persons to purrhaxe furniture in
the cilies, as every confidence can be entertained
about the quality and finish of his ware and
His articles will be disposed of on as (rood
terms ns they can be purchased elsewhere. Coun
try Produce taken in payment for work.
IT UNDERTAKING. Having provided
himself with a handsome Hkaiisk, he is now
prepared for Undertaking, and nltemlinp funer
als, in this vicinity, or nt any convenient dis
tance from this place.
t" The Ware Room is in Market Street,
below Thompson' Store and Weaver's Tavern.
Sunbury, Jan. 10, 1852 tf.
on, uvrrtv one his own physician.
npIIE EOimETH Edi-
-- tion.wilh due Hundred
Engnninirs, showing Dig.
f ami M ilfurmations n
the Human System in every
1 ..1 1 r i. . i .
!3fr " 1 KM" '"'in. io wiucn
1 HI ' nH'Icil a I realise on the
; .. i r uim .iscs ni r cniaies, ueing
'V' - "'"'he highest irnKrtnre to
wJS-I'vjitviV-' ,narricil prple, or thoss
coiitemplaiing marrioge.
V III- 11 m. Voiiiiir-
Let no fnllirr bo ashamed to present a cunv o
tlie .Q.fil. L I'A I I L M to his child. It maV ave
. . ,. , ,
'"' "'"'a ";u!y uravc. Let no young man or
wuinaii enU-r into the secret oblie;atintis of mar-
riri! li:' withnut nailing the POCKET .L'SCU-
LAPII'8. Let no one suffering from liackniep
Cough, Pain in the S'ule, restless nights, nervous
f,.,.iiics, anil the whole train of Dyspeptic sensa-
. . . , . . , 1 ,
h "r v " r".' ,..i...i.i
inuilicni v. I', nn ill consulting ine .T.ev.. I.I..1I Ito.
Have tlio married, or thoso about to be married
any i.i.i cilimenl, read this truly useful honk, aa
it has been the means if saving tlioasamls of tin-fi-rlunate
cicaturcs fruin the very jatvs of ilpath.
t V Any person sending T ENTY-KIVK
CENTS, enclosed in a letter will receive one
copy of this bcuk, hv mail, or fuc copies will l a
eut f t one l..:; ir. All !!,, Thi. W. Vdt'M?,
No. 1 .12 Sl'Kl.l E Street, PHILADELPHIA."
Post paid.
June Uf, 1S5;,. ly.
And Three Acres oi'Clround
THE snbsci ilier offers at private sale, his house
and ih'ce ocres nf ground, on the river Bank
within the limits nf the Borough of Sunbury,
now iu tlie occupancy nf John Shissler and orig
inally ounej ly Cjas. (iussler while engaged in
boat building. The improvements aie a
Wiih a WM of mod Water.
and a good frame stable. There are a number of
I excellent fruit tif es on the premises. The prop.
. i..,i.,. ..-! 1 .,,l .,.i ,;n k- .
! reii'na!'le p. ice and possession given in April
net. Apply to Ociv C. Welker, Esq., of Sun
1 burv, or ta the subscriber nt felinsgrnve.
I July S3, 1S53 tf.
I Lumber Yard.
j r"fMIE subscriber would rcsjieetfully inform the
I citizens of Sunbury, and Northuml crlund
and adjoining counties, that he has opened a
I lfiii9itScr Yard , -
! in the lot fronting on Cranberry St., a short dis
tance East of the Steam Saw Mill, where lis has
now a large amount of Fai toned Panurl 1'tant,
utsa P.iuuet Bouids, and all other Boards and
Bi'ii.niMi Matmiial, such as will be wauled for
! l.tiillii purpose. Also a large amount
. . " 1 . 1 , ... . , ' '
Sliinalr on bund, wliii-h T, ill be snld from 16 ud
tn S, uccnritinq tn qu.ilitv and site. Plrasn give
u a cull and rxuiiiuie our pricey and qunlur.
N. It. Fiirmcr wbu ara in want of t-lnngle
will please cull a wc will sell to vnu l..w.
J. E. Lf.lR, Sup.
Suubury, May 28, ls.r3. ly.
'Kuieka, Ktireka."
JOW ilie little one. Why will parent
' u.Ie hour and day in fruule. endeavor
Iu net pciteel picture of tlieir children and after
all i(v l ii.-iliiu but poor, ruistitabl caricatur !
We would say, r.uiie to our
and we will guarantee la make you a perfect
pi.-turo, by our Lli.i rso ('mshii l prot,
that woik iu from ) l. It ecnd.
We defy any Uiujiimb-oii in riiiladidpltia or
clscMliere, lo vuuiirle w ith ne, a an Ih
iiitriilms, and iho pr.Hes i ud only in nur dif
f. i. nl I'flul'li.liineiiU in New LnUiul aud Ilia
Middle Stall-. Kor pictuie of, the ailter
niiiiul wo hnve rcvcivrj ',in ltf A mrriean
Institute, New VmS and Kiaiiklin, I'hiU.k-lphia,
t".:.-.!nr wtl'i tlio 11, inter, ni prrmium Irmii
I I-...IS, 1, .11, 1. pi,U llry
Hie A. V.i t 'Ji,.. ..f
would cull pariit-iitar atlenlion la out
Tlbol- I4i)iii ru-otjsr lu Oil.
l. I'. Cuius. ,V l'n.. I no l lusluul Mierl
riiilu.l. I In. Main slirft, opposile i iiip.
.leu It .u-r, Hpnii-liebl and t'u.'liit' Uuildiuy,
l . .n'wl-i, IIsm.
,. 11. I'm eslaUishinriil i illusniualMl by
lb lullbaii. "I nur I'h lllle It UV, and by
t'luf.fv IU'.ftuU' .. I4if4 A.!
"( oui ami is.'
I'U..., ll.i -i Isl. ly.
WK. HI CARTY, Buul.iUr.
:ri:i IM I.LV Milixin Uie i.l.Uuisl. l
iuwii i,. i.tbbii), ll.l he k Uuly iei
e I I,., .i I'!. ',.1.1., a Uig ,l,tiituii lu ks
14.11 Iws,.. im ,.. Wsii. li ! I iiriIUf. a4
a ipul l.i.l W il.4u.114. l'l (all aJ
u.i ,
If. IJ
kk. 11 u. 11 .:'' w ,U,
I ',X ..J r- kWasss. 4 oMffiy mi
t. wlu.ltw 4i htil aud I. aia)
IV tl VI lifu. .
at.l... Jul . Il .
mm )
l rtt nili.e oi Uf A..iiin
-. II. I-