"" SUNBUllY AMERICAN AND SHAMOKlN JOUKNAL. FROM MEXICO. The New Orleans papers of the 12ih have news from Vera Citu to the 8th instant ! A thousand rumors were afloat in Mexico in regard to the operations of Gen. Alrarcz, who, it appears, has well-nigh suoceedeil in cutting off all communication, between Santa Ana and the capital. When last heard fromi the President had not entered Acopulso, be causa he did not dosire to expose his soldiers to the deadly fire of the enemy; but the wily chieftain was busily engaged in rigging a purchase to lake the place by stratagem, without the loss of man. The garrison at Acapulco is represented to be in a destitute conditon ; the provisions of the revolutionist were nearly exhausted. So close is the siege, both by land and sea, that it was supposed impossible for them to hold out much longer. The standard of rebellion had been raised in a small town in Queretaro by one Captain Vtoeala Vega, on the 17th ultimo, and sev eral hundred joined in the prenunciamento, but the rebels were met. detested, and forced to seek refuge in the mountains by a band of chosen soldiers under the command of Col. Ruiz. Raphea) de Barrio, brother of the Minister of Guatemala, died in Mexico on the 27th ult. The Tampice papers announce that a gold and silver mine had been discovered near the place by Don Salvador Darqui. A battle of six hours' duration was fought on the 13th ult., between the troops of the Government and the rebels under Alvarez, in which four soldiers and an oflicer of the regular army were killed. A demncratio conspiracy has been discov ered in Mexico, and the Diario officially publishes seven articles of the "plan," or basis of the government the conspirators pro pose to establish. Civil and religious liberty is the end sought, or rather a republic some thing on the pl;in of the British monarchy. So far as religion is concerned, they would make the Roman Catholic the established church, but allow all other denominations a fair chance. There have been some extensive opera, tions in the highway robbery line. The coach coming down was attacked near Pue Wa, so mo days since, and a regular free fight came o(T between the gentlemen of the road and the passengers, in which several of the former were fatally (two since ascertain ed to have been killed) wounded. Nono of the pussengers were hurt, but the coach was riddled with balls, and the driver severely wounded. The pugnacious and gallant tra vellers were Messrs. Il.tzen, of New Orleans i Marsh, of Maiyland, and the Reverend Fa Iher Palacia, a Roman priest of Montgomery, Alabama, who let himself in with a degree of earnestners worthy of Friar John comme morated by Rabelais. The day after, the coach was assaulted, ami tho hardest kind of a fight came off. The robbers were again defeated, with the loss of seveial wounded, but one passenger was killed nnd several badly hurt. The person killed was an Ital ian Count, of iinmence riches, travelling for fun'. He did most of'lhe fighting, and the Ladrones made a dead set at him The re port was that the tinfoitunate gentleman was Count Rossi, the husband of Soiling, but such is not the case. the religious to vktios. The Baptists have got through with their conventions and anniversaries. That of the Bible Union, held on Friday evening, was the last for this year. The chief feature of the occasion was an address from the Rev. J Lansing Burrows, in relation to the issue of a new version of the Bible, which move ment he favored, as tending to harmonize the Baptist Church. The Presbyterians of lbs New School and of the Reformed Church will continue to hold their sessions this week, and business of great interest to the public is expected to come before the Assembly of the former. We allude to a very important law-suit in regard to the pos. session of the property which belonged to the old Presbyterian Church, and to the re plies of Southern Presbyteries in regard to the subject of slavery. The report of the committee upon funds, legal powers, ele will be made at 12 o'clock to-morrow. The Assembly comprises many ministers nnd some lawyers ot high reputation for ability and eloquence. Thus far, the discussions have been conducted with excellent temper and moderation. But the questions whirl) are usually so exciting have not yet been mooted in this body. The hospitalities ex .11. L - II . - ... lenueu to irje iieiegaies io mese religious conventions, have been such that they must Do very mucrj gralitiei! with their visit. Our citizens seem to have reflected thnt the visit ot so many of the pious and eloquent of the land at one time was an honor to l'hila delphsa and they have made tho most of it. North American. Later from Central America Dreadful Earthjuake Six Hundred Families Buried in the Rains. Mocilc, May 21 The Picay une ha received later advices fiom (Vnlru) America. A dreadful earthquake has taken place at San Salvadore. The scene w as most distressing, about six hundred families beiii buried in the ruins. The loss of lifts is not staled. The Congress of Honduras has granted I, 000,000 acres of laud lo the I'uciflo and I'u. erto Cabello Kailroad. Important from MtxUo Movements oS'im. la Anna Earthquake. Cuaiukstun, May II. A private letter from Meaieo stale I ha I Santa Ann is within Ihras) mile of tho Cap ital, at hi summer tetidmice. It I reported that (.eneral Alvares ha beta defeated, nd communication with Ac pulo ppud. A lentils) (hock of an nhiusk s fo! in Ibe city of Mesico. The eitisen llud flora) tbeif tousrs in ousleriitttioa. IUm. M'HLTasj C. It., foriiisily Ji.'k f lbs) hjprvin Coufl, b beta pMiiile. Associate La Judy of I-aiuii l)tmi, by Migler bit acepiue it bol )t nuouiie i. Npwl, Vtil whi, M.ust Ml) thwil l-SWMw, 4 Uf flOINItlOl NIH III ksfl' OUl vl W...... 1 ' ollovay't Ointment end Pills for the Cure rvsipeTas and Had Legs. The wife of of Ery Mr. 1M ward Colo, of the Post-office, Salcombr near Kingsbridge, suffered for a number oi years with erysipelas. Some time since she had the misfortune to injurs a vein in her foot, which caused her leg to swell, and ulti mately broke out into four deep flesh wounds, Attended with violent inflammation. She had the best of medical advice, and tried va rious remedies without being able to effect a cure. At last she commenced using Hollo way's Ointment and Pills, which have effec tually healed the wound, and in every other respect restored her to sound and robust health. THE House of Representatives at Washington having got a holiday, it is sid that msny of the members are eoing to visit Philadelphia to get a littlo recreation and some' new summer clothes. All the gentlemen and patriots get theirs from Rockhill & Wilson's chenp and fashionable clothing store. No. Ill Chestnut street, corner of Franklin Tlaco, Philadelphia. Phila., Jan. 28, 1854. cw. At Mt. Carmel. on the 18th Inst., by John Hoff. E?n., Mr. Ciiari.es Ciap, to Miss Eli zabeth, daughter of Felix Lerch, Esq.,ofMt. Carmel. i 1 1:. i. In Muncy, on tho 22,1 iust., at the resi dence of his son-in-law, Joseph B Kramer, Mr. JOHN PAINTER, formerly of Chilisqna que, North'd co., aged 66 years In Lower Ancusta, on tho 25ih inst., of consumption, Mr. WILLIAM P. KUNTZ, aged about 25 years. EI)C iHavkcts. Philadelphia Market. May S4, 1854. Fi.oim and Mf.ai.. The market is quiet, nnd Flour is generally held at SS G2.i8 75 per bbl., for standard brands, nnd S8 87:iS9 lor extra. We quote Rye Floor at S55 37. Chain Wheal is littlo inquired after, and dull. Small sides of red at S2 05; white is held at S2 12 per bushel. Rye is scarce. Last sales of Peun'a at SI 12. Corn is dull ; sales at 75c, in store. Oats are scarce and in demand, at 55 cents. Whisk kv. Sales of hhds. at 2Gc., and bbl. at 26 a27 cents. Ealtimorc Harket. May 23, 1854. W H rat. Wheal was dull and prices show a considerable decline. The ofleiings nt the Corn Exchange, weie about G500 bushels, and prices ranged at from 185 to 196 for fair to piime leils, white at the same figures. Coiin. Com was also dull ; whito sold at 7 2a? 3 cts , yellow at 70u71, mixed at 68 cts. Kve. About lis bur-li. reuna uye was sold at tu cts. Oats. iWarylui.u & V nuinia U.ila sold at 5I;i58 els, and Putin a at 59a 60 cents. SUNBUKY 1'IUCE CURRENT W II SAT. Kte. CoRX. Oats. Potatoes, Brkswav HtrKi.r.n Flax. Hittkh. Eons. Piiiik. Flaxskkd. Tallow. 200 100 60 5G 50 12 25 ?.3 10 12 125 10 Now Advertisements. T0WLR HALL CLOTH LNCi STOKE, Market Street, opposite the lied Lion Hutel, Sunbury, Pa. r"inilE subscriber is huppv to nnnounco to the citizens of Sunbury aim vicinity, that he has just opened a large stock of CLOTHING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, such as Coats of every fashion, Pants and Vcst blurts of oil kinds, figured ami plum, under shirt and drawers, both woolen and cotton, red flannel shirts, twilled, plated bosoms, overhauls, stockings and gloves, of all kinds, suspenders, silk handkerchiefs, ties and slocks, pocket handker chiefs, cotton and bilk ; splendid collars, suspenders of all sizes and prices. It has often been said of a pocket in a shirt, but come and see the pocket, vest and shirt in one. Also: a fine assortment of Cloths, Cassimers and Satlinetta, Summer goods, black satin for A' cats, at every price, and any quantity of fancy vest patterns, which will bo iimdo up to order to suit customers ; my maxim is: no fit no take. And ns for cheap selling, I don't intend to be beat by Europe or America. Also on hand, a largo assortment of Umbrellas at any price, to suit great and small, together with some travelling Imps to curry Yankie notions in, large and small. C'line I-'umiers, Mtx-liauics, laborers all, Call in una Mi; the Cl'itlimg at Tower Hall, Ami if you want to be suited to a T, Call at Uie store ofjuhu II. 1). JOHN H. DAN FIELD, Agent. Sunbury May 20, IS51. 3iu. Urigsule Orders. MILITARY LECTION. ipriU.IC nlice JL Luiforiiu'd Co is hereby uiven to all ths ompanivs iu the 1st Uriitado Bth Division 1. V, M. that an election will ha held iu each Company by the members thereof, at their respective places of Hireling, on Monday tho Alh day of June next, for the purpose of electing uno person for Urigadicr Ccnerul, one iiersuu fur llrinmlo Inspector, one iwrsuu for i.it uli iiunt C'nlonrl. 'i'be companies comiHistiig lie first llullulion will at the same time elect on ieraoU for Major of said llattuholi. The Cup- luius or roinmaniliiis otlici rs of each company will superintend suiil elections, ami lake lo his ill two iiii'inbtrs ot his company, who shull ft st vvralty sworn or ullirmeil lo ronJuct s.uJ elec- tions fairly slid impartially, and true iluplicule returns miika thrivof, stilting lbs imoilx-r of voles given for tach ramliilate, on of whiik bull be till. J will the papers of RV couipauy, ud ill oilier lo b ilt'livrred or csus lo bw Inrreil to III l)ri(l Inspector by lh rluprriii' U'lldt'lll Wllllill U'll (lavs. j. II. 21 M MKHMAN, Uriii- Ins ist ling. Hih Div. f, I'. M. Ilrii;adti (iisprrli tHIuc, .iihi,uils-rlund, M.y KO, HU. sT ' AKI'HTIMi, r'lour oil rl.ilh, Table oil tu. rs, t sipt l thaiu, and IKmst uiats, just rctei. vrJ aiul lor ul I'J Ap..l, I. W. TEN KM it I'D. 1 4 It V litlllllS. rioths, Cssaimris, haltinoll, J.' ..tillS, TJ. tuuiiuf sloih, vl ruiJ, Tu k in , Cheik, Muslins. Ac, just le.cl vrd f. shJ wis by I. W. I t. ALU & IU, Stui.buiv. Apni ti. IM tlilTsl ud Mits l" M, YVuMvtt i blMivu. .lirs' )Uum kliue. l.aJu t.Utk si.J rulwitd lisilin. lu4 lr.iJ soj lui MU l.y M. A B.NAUU. I.owsf Awgus, klsv , 1-44. 1Ui)t'r:'iu wti. Cuius, M4-.' 1 H ru.u.s, Oils, Ui4il .l"'i. ". I I. Ilsiima i.4 e.H. lu.l iisj uj l4 uli ITollowa NEW DRUG STORE! WEISE1X &BRUNE1X, Wholesale and Ketail Druggists, Market St., next door to E. Y. Bright Store, STJNBTJET, PA., OFFER to the public the largest and beat selected stock ever opened in ibis section or country, consisting of FRESH AND PURE DRUGS, Medicines, Chemicals, Ground Spices, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Dye-stuffs, Window Wass, Patont Medicines, toeether with a complete as sortment of Paint, Clothes, Hair. Tooth, Ixail and Hhaviiig'Urushes, Dressing, Side, Keck and Pocket Combs, Fancy Soaps, Hhaving Creams, Tobacco, Segars, Port Monies, Stationary, Con foctionaries, ' PURE WINES AND BRANDIES For Medicinal use. English, French and A meri can Perfumery, Fancy Goods of every descrip tion, in short every articlo kept by Druggists generally. ? Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. 1 GEO. U. WEISER, VM. A. EKUNER. Sunbury, May 13, 1854. TOWN LOTS AT FP.XTATE SALE. TIGHT of tho most desirable lots, in the I of Shamokin, Northumberland county, town Pa. can bo had of tho subscriber on reasonable terms. Persons who have money to invest in this kind of properly, will never have better opportunity to make a purchase than is now offered them. Shatuokin has, in its immediate vicinity, am plo resources to build up a first class interior town. The mining operations -under way, and in contemplation, nro of a character to warrant tho largest expectations, for tho rapid growth of the place in business and in population. It has alrcudy taken a start, and each succeeding sea son w ill sco it still morn prosperous. As a con sequence, ground to build upon will every year become more valuable. Lots which may lis had now, at a compaiativcly low rate, are not likely to bo in the market rrt nil a few years hence. Now is the time, therefore, to make purchases. For information, concerning the eight lots for sule, apply through letter, to CJIAS. M. HALL, Sunbury, Pa. Sunbury, May 13, 1S54. This "Way ! This Way! ! Spring and Summer Goods. FAILING- & GRAXfT. RESPECTFULLY inform their customers ' and the public, that they, have just receiv ed and opened the best and cheapest stock of Spring and Summer Goods, nt their store in Market square, Sunbury. Their stock consists of every variety of Dry Goods, viz : Cloths, Casrimercs, Satlincts, Vesting, Flannels, ll'ullens, c., And all kinds of Spring So Summer Wear. Also a splendid variety of LADIES DRESS FANCY GOODS, Calicoes, Ginghams, Chintzes, De Laincs, He rages, " And every variety of goods suitable for La dies wear. Also a large cssortincnt of HARDWARE and QUEENSWARE, Fish, Salt and Piaster. Also an extensive assortment of Hats and Caps fou Men and Boys. Also a large assortment of GUOCXHIE.S, SUCH AS Sugar, Teas, Coflee, Molasses, Spices of all kinds. Also a trrsb supply or DRUGS AND MKDICINES. Besides the larpesl and moat general assort ment of all kinds of goods to be had in this place. CtT Country produce of all kinds taken in ex change at the highest market price. Sunbury, May 13, I Ho i. LATEST ARRIVAL OF Spring and Summer Goods. j. r. &. i. r. klins, RESrECTFLT.LY announce to their friends and the public in general, that they have recoived at their Obi Stand, in Upper Augusta township, Northumberland county, Pa., Iheir Spring an! Summer Goods, and opened lo the public a full assortment of MERCHANDIZE, &c, Consisting in part of Cloths, black and fancy Cassimers, Sattinotts, Checks, and all kinds of SmiNG k SUMMER WEAK. Also splendid assortment of ladies Press Goods, Calicoes, Ginghams. Muslin de I.aines, Plaid Cashmeres, De lieges, I.swns, &c Also a fresh supply of all kinds, of Groceries. A fresh supply of Hardware and Queens- ware, Drugs and Medicines. Wooden AVare. Also a Urge assortment of Boots and rShoes, suitable for Men, Women and Children. Hats and Caps, such as Silk, Panama, and other Hats, Salt, Cheese, Ac. Call and See. Cheaper than the Cheapest, All of which will be sold for cuMi, or in es- change for country produce, at the highest niuiket price. I pper Augusta, May 0, I so l. ATTENTION ! For tho Metropolitan Clothinjy Store of G. ELSBEHG & CO., Market Street, opposite Urn Post Ojjice. ATK have just rrccied and on hand now the ' " niost hv'iutilul, largest and let assorted stiM-k of reaJy-mado Clothing adapted to Spring nd Miuuuir wear ever before bronchi into Sunbury or any place in this seclimi of the coun try. Our Clothing made by the best hands and utiilcr our own supervuion, we Know will gi entire satisfaction lo buvcrs. Still ailheriuu to our 1J inotlj "Vknifi fur i'u.'k," we'll dispose of our giHiJs rcakouiiMe aiul rapidly. All we say is i come, eaiuiuc and priio our goods aud w iii'i sure ytu II vt'i. r ulU r von at Ibe very lowest prices every iiiiainal lo isru ly of Coats, r.ls slid pants, rut iu I In- lsl fssbioii and wuriuiilvd In lit. Chubs, rsssiliiriis, wtlintlU, linens, diilliugs, ja'ans, silks, satins, and u!l ot he r kind made into Clo thing. AIm large SMorlmrul of l)j.its slid Shoes suiuns; lhri pli udiil tsiurly ot ladle shoes. Uilie snd gouts gaiters, etc. MI.K HATS, I'taain, I'shuUisf, I'ssil and all iU SiiJ l's we bv gtenl 4iiely of. AUu '! Iu of Uuuss, vslirssml ri I bags fur sal ibssp. JhWr.lUY. We ha splendid U'l "f wait iu , il4 l kind of Jvwrliy soluble t.n la.ll.s and eutUiueu, I'hTOl.S. All kinds vt lidiiis, double and sinUi Uiil 1'uii.U, Auid.'tiia, Muiu, CulUi uj U wiliei gnud geuersllv krpt m eu Im n U ksund l uf Um. all l hub luteiul M as II I lL iy us4 im.. l..u'H i.vl Hie piste, k. i:i.iu:ku h klikl X.jusle, upll lb I'wal I'llu. Huubuiy, Ms; , l l. HWIsl, I1.1.4 '. M.kvnl. t'u4u.k, t !.., UsUllM. Il,. IIHSA lllWnSi PLATINA POINTS ron LIGHTNING HODS. MASTOr AOTUBED AND ftoLD BY MCALLISTER & BROTHER, OPTICIANS, 48 CEESSUI STREET, PHILADILPniA. (At tho Old Stand, established Im 1700.) Onr Points r nil HppM with solid rutin wl nUmpM with our nsntft. Printed directions accompany each Point. 1'rlccs. 1 00, SI SS, l 60, ft 00, M 00, $4 00, p., jxfe. wording to ti qusnUt of flats is. ' ww By (emitting Bis Cents la Pottagt Stamps, in addition to any of ths abors priose, a Point oan be safely lent by mall U any part of the United States. Dills., May !, 1854. 3m. Grent Arrival of SPRING GOODS! IRA T. CLEMENT SNFORMS his friends and customers that ho just received 'an elegant assortment of SPRING AN SUMMER GOODS At his Store in Mar:;cl Street, Sunburr, which he offers to the public at the lowest prices. His stock consists of a general assortment o Dry Goods, viz: Cloths, Cassimers, Cassinets, Jeans, Drillings, Muslins, Linens, Calicoes, Muslin de Lains, Laicns, Ginghams, Jlcragcs. Also a large assortment of t'LOTHIXG. A large assortment of lioots and Shoes, for Men, Women ami Children. Silk Hats. Tanama, Talm leaf and oilier Summer Hats. .Master. GHOCEniES of every variety. Sugar, Tea, Cofit'C, Molasses, Cheese, Spices, Fish, Suit, Ac. HARDWARE, Viz : Iron and Steel, Nails, Tiles, Saws, &.C. QUEENSWARE, Tea Setts, Plates, Dishes, Cups, Saucers, Ifc LIQUORS, Wine. Brandy, Chi, Rnm, Whiskey, &e. Cb Country produce of oil kinds taken in ex change at the highest market prices. April 8, 1S51 ly. New Goods for the People ! liKXJA mix iii;FFNi:n B"bESPECTFUI.LY informs the public in gen eral that he has just received and opened a splendid stock of Spring find Summer Goods at his New Store, in Lower Augusta township. II is stock consists in part of Cloths, Cassimers, Cassinets. of nil Vimls, of linen, cotton and worsted. ALSO : Calicoes, Ginghams, LauiM, IrlouNKOlliie Ie Laincs and all kinds of Ladies Dress Goods. Groceries Also an assortment of Hardware. Iron nnd Steel, Kails, &c. Also an excellent assortment of QTTEENSWAItE, of various styles and patterns. Also an assortment of ROOTS & SHOES. II ATS & CAPS, a good selection. Salt. Fish, iN'c. And a great variety of other articles such as are suitable to tho trade, all of which will b sold at the lowest prices. tW Country produce taken in exchaiif the highest prices. Lower Augusta, May fi, lf51. THE STKAMBOAT SUSQUEHANNA WILL make regular trips for carriace of Pas sengers between Sunbury and Northum berland every day, except Sunday, on and after Monday, April 2Jlh. The boat will leave ths wharf at Sunbury, at 8 o'clock, A. M., 1 1 o'clock and SO nii..utcs A. M., and 5 o'clock 30 minutes, P. M. Kcturning, will leave the outlet lock at North umberland, at R o'clock and 15 minutes, A. M, 1 1 o'clock and 43 minutes, A. M., and S o'clock and 45 minutes, P. Af. Fare, 10 cents. Excursion tickets, good for one day, 15 cents. Sunbury, April S9, 1834. tf. Mns. BUTTS' CELEBRATED SUPPOR TERS for LADIES, approved and recom mended by the Medical Profession throughout the United States, will lie found to lw the most valuable, as they are the most neat and scientific Supporters that ever were introduced. J lie support and rase they nltord by wearing them combine to givo them a most extensive salo : many thousand ladies arc now wearing them with ease, comfort and advantage. Wa send free of char c hv mail, full directions enclo sed. Prices moderate. Address JAMES BETTS, No. 321 Walnut Street, Philadelphia. Phila. April 'J, 1854. Ira. HMdv Interestin' Xeus ! THE information broupbt to us by Ihe steam ship Asia of tbe sudden decline- of Flour, Indian corn, Ac. in Lurope, is no doubt interest ing to some and thcrrtore it must bo also inter. csting to a ureal many others to know that while there it so much lliictuulioii in tho price of Urcadsliill's at home and abroad, there is nothing to cllect tho low price of the Large and Excellent Stock of SP1UNV. & SUMMEU CLOT1IIFG, just received by f. Schnurman & Co., sud on liauJ at there slore On the corner of Market end Faien Streets, directly opposite John Young's store, where they will be pleased to wait Ukjii all thine who wish lo buy good anJ chimp clothing. Also Ire supply of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, &c., which liny have puithasej at very low pries at riiiludc Iphis and Itif refine ran lfrd to sell to their customers at lliu must reii'unu'.de prices I uey slill, (alter nine rsprricnre in I usinrss) cliirj to ihe ginnl motto, "mr rou risu. Call Slid sco for yourselves. H.-sCHM UMAX A CO. fcunbury, May 0. IS4I. DOCTOR JOSEPH W. CAMERON. It KsI'lX'TFl'LI.V infoiuis lb ciliiens J '1 Iho Uorouv;h of Hunhury slid lieinily, thsl bs bus ixnnuusnlly IxaUd biuixll in mid Uorouvlli anJ olfer bis piolesslolial seivu.es le lliiuw who uisy wish U employ him. r'ur th (st-ul h M luuuj l rvi llol. . huiilniy, M.ieli II, I sit. It. TJ A 11 i'ti U' UsmmI. hpiiii slid Hummer H A Mis Is, UUiW sliil Uiii j Uirss Mlk. Milk IuiTiiis, U l.sllie. bbJI), tiuiijlisiii and fall- io ill ureal vsiuly, JU-4 leeen.d and (of 4l l-y I. . I I..M.N A III. Ruukuiy, Ajuil 1, Is.M. C1l.ll K Fubl day snd 30 hour Ii.m Slid J sshIvn (isihmI, t'l.sm Nuls, liiuund kl, Ksuiua, Slid flUKts. )usl rwiJ snd u( sal by WM. A. K.N AUU l ewcl Au(uU, Msy , I'M. n i sud i'sp sulk, U.s.., Fur uj Hlwiikh, I'sitsuts, l .sbuiu, Uisid Slid l'Uii Cut sH sud U) s. .dkv UoulwU at ll s) Is , tint i4 u4 Uit W by U. . I.W . WM. A. ki.VtUU. ni.tNk r.i.b.i ' Musi!, U usul s 'I sm4 tiui. UubU, ,! yifc-sis, uu.Muie 4 . ki s-W k, II U M IK A CARD. CIlILSO.va PATE JIT Ventilating Furnace. TUB mheribr woaM enll the ttfithn of all nnrtirt rrntriupt demrnlite FURNACE, to rflllsPON'S CKLKIIKATRU WARMINO AND VENTILATING APPARATUS. The ronntntion of thie Fnrimce H now well known, hnvinf twrn intrndurH, 1iifinf the pt fire yvera, Into lvnt irH0 pnMie Imiklings, end more then J00 prhrate rirelline:e; thie, tnf elher with the immewee incrnBM of hnh every renr, la the beat erhience that een be adduced if ita mipetioittr over all other rnrnarea. Br the ne or Chilaon'a Furnace, yu aeeirre the follow Itif wlrnntat-ea : FltBK VtRTtLATTliIt. ' - Pijaa Aim the heuting earrajcee being ai a temperature inai win niaiwaie me nir. fo(iMirAL Um or Ft XL Grrat DtJKA&iLiTT being mmle entirety of Cast Iron, not linhte to rn4, will rettnire norrpnira diiiig a lift-lime; it i eaailv mniaKl, aim will not expoae I lie liuilding in which it la placed to dnnger I rum tire like lliu other lurna- We hare the tcrtimoninlaof hmwIrtNUnf the moat erl etitinn men, to nttcrt to the truth of the itlt-'re Ptntement. all "f whom pn'imuiH'e it to he decidedly the heat Fnrimce yci invent rrt, lor pr blueing n ptjre nnd henlthr otm Che re. We herewith annex the namca of n few well iH'Wii aitd eminent Prifrm, who hnve naotl I hero, and kimllv fiirniKliH ua their immra na rcferenrea : Prof. John H. HriTt. Prof. Pnrker, Prof. Norton. I'rea. Wm. II. Allen, Prof. Puraona, Prof. Duna, rrof. D. Siliiuinii, pMf. rtiplcy, NISE SIZES. We hare tnlr.Hlilretl. thi amain. Hub new air.OR : ao tint nil pnrttea niny nvuilUiemadveaof Una or cat ininmre- mcnt at a very inmlerate Coal. We are mw prenrrd to luiiiisii mi niiraiua 10 warm a aingio itNtm, or uic geat puMir hiiililiug in the country. Ni. I. Purtiiblo. " Complete. .... 35 3. " " . 45 " 4. " f-f Hrirkwork. 4fl " 5. .... ou 11 3. Extra Uadiator, (tnclndinti Bnra ana Trench Plnti'Ji.) - ?0 4. ii . . j 5. - ti t u . 107 5. " 4i . . 133 This Ni. 6 ia the largest nnd mort powerful Ftitnace m:idc in tticc mntry, uiul is ndtniratily nvlnwl lor Church ca and oilier lriie clu hiiililinra. Wo cotiliinte to aelt the npirtiis at the an me price na when fir Hi introduced, five retire a?o Altli'tich the prc- aciu iiitfii price ni iron to-m nierrriM-U then coal per cent, uwnif to their great Weight, Mill we nre cnuhlctf, hy Ihe gruit incmise ol Rtlra. to hintHm the article at the l-'Wrat pnwtlile ince. One Foundry alone, Mcssra. Wntmck lseitirniidt, Imve ronlmctcd to niniuh ua with 500 tona of r iirimcea Una aenaon , a j that we nro now prepared to furnish thcin wlioteirilu or retail. We aupcrintend the errcti u of ult Furnace, when required, and wurnuil them in an casca. METROPOLITAN COOKIKG RASGE, We hnve nlao the m nit complete Coikiug Hnnge that naa yet imh mtriKtutHtl, t- whit h we cull the attention ot ell who iiuiy wihIi to eccuro the in j1 pet feet aitJ desiruhie xiivniK npwirnius ever invented. EMERSON'S PATENT VENTILATORS. We are the onlv Arcutfi in PeiHrvlvnnia for the manufac ture and ante of litia VentilaUif, which ia ackuowlelt:d to le the onlv neiiect Ventilntor ever inntle f r correcting e draught in tuiokv cliimuii-a, iwd for venlilaling buHtt- ffi ot an Kiihia. An there are a great many uniiationa 01 ia viiliuihle article now oilered for Rile, par lira will I careful to examine that it hnsllie Kineraoii Ifci'le at Inched. PATKNT KDOIS TDIirt AND VF.NTUATOKS. We have the lanrrst nnd moat turn pie te aas-rlmeut of t Air Hri'istcra and Veutilalora to lie hmnH in Ihe t.'m- ted Sutea. Parties who wifh to purchase, either for nri- iteunuor wholesale, will liud it gicatly I'J their atlvun ifjc to examine our st-rk. SIsATK AND IRON MANTLES. We nave nlwnys on hand nn extensive nwrtmcnt nf use lii-auliOil .Maiill.-s. in exact iutitati'-n of Kevotiaii. muiah, Ualway, fiennn, nnd other rare marbles. For An.liriU'ito nnii loturniimna C vil. Also, nn entire ' new riim-ni 01 inn .w down urate, made tmm llie i:ng lish Patterns, ami entirely new in this country. pui.'iAIiI.M for the KH''hh !.nc:tus:ie Flonnmr ile, Oamkirk C'hiinnev Tona nnd Terra Cottn Orna- ui'Mils. such ns Gurd'-n Vases, A c. I'era'ms nivuit huiMing, would do wll to examine onr Kk helore iiurclinsine etsewherc. Vifitoia. whether nnr- rhasiug or not, nre conlially welcomed nt our extensive Wnrciixans, nnd where we ..Vould he happy to furnirh any informatiou respecting an, jf onr goswla that may be desiriel. A lwok on Waimtug nnd Vcntilahna: can be ad grutuitously at our elore, either pervniully, or by l,et- ter. S. A.HARRIiOX. AVarniinsr nml Venlilitinir Wiirfliniis, 110 Vulnut St.. Ih-Iow Sixtli, riiil .dchihin, riiils., May 0, IS3I. flin. Estate of CATHAEIKE OYSTER, dee'd. NOTICE is liereby given that letters testa iiiriitury upon Ibe estate of Catharine Oys ter, late of the Uorounb of Sunbury, IS'orthum bfrbinJ county, ilcc'il. Iiavo been granted to the subscriber, residing in said borough'. All persons nvmir claims or demands against tbe estate of said doseadent arc requested lo u ako known the same to tho undersigned without delay and all persons indebted arc desired to make immediate payment. CAIllAKI.MJ 08TEK, En'trix, of Catharine Oyster dee'd. Sunbury, April 59, 1854 Ct To the Voters of Northumberland County. Fellow Gitiskss: Encouraged by many friends, I announce myself as a candidate for tho oflice of COUNTY COMMISSIONER at tho approaching election. Should I be electe d pledge myself to discharge the uutios there o with punctuality and impartiality. UEUliUB UKHiHT. Sunbury, Aril 8, 1854. Dagfiierreotypes! GEORGE W. COBLE, TESPECTFULI.V announce lo tho citizens - of runbury and vicinity, that ho has again opened Dagucrrean Kooni, and is prepared lo lako likenesses, lie warrants his pictures to be satisfactory to all wishing true representations of themselves and friemls. epecial attention is paid to children. Copies taken with accuracy. In structions given on reasonable terms. His room is at the old place, in the (jrand Jury Iiooin, (eouiitv buildings,) operating hours from 8 A. M. until S 1 . M., without rcgaid to the slat of tbe weather. Copies should be sent i i on cloudy days. Sunbury. April 52, 1851. tf. HOUSEHOLD GLASSWARE From the Principal Factories and I uie Auction Sulvs. 10.MPIiISlNG a full and desirable assort- limit at 25 rsu cut bi.uow utit hith Dealers and others will do well to call lielor purchasing elsewhere 1,1)00 Package npw u hand EDWARD F. CORKIEM), 132 South (Second Street, (above hpruce.) PHII.ADKl.PHIA. April SS, 1834. 3ui. fiv. Ti:.iTr67 SU.NBUKY, PA., HAVE jul received a fresS supply of new Mpring liond. Their Iricnds mid Ihe pub lic are respectfully rnpicxtcd lo rnll and inseft llieui. Tiny will b sold cheap. "Uuuk sales and sin.ill prolils is etill their motto Sunbury, l'a., April 2S, I Hit. N()TI(,: lllUir. Letter of Atlinilii.tratii.lt on ' lb estate of .Natbuiiicl kvlli y, lal of Ku.h township, Noilhitiiinerluud coui.lv, decvused lu breii eruiiled .i i:ie sulwunsr, !y in Kei later of W ills Ac, ul'sjid I'ounly, all l-ra ms in diUid lo said s.lJl. sr icuuealed lo uial iui mediate lu vim lit. and llios bs'lilil ilulm eaiiial Hi miii, will wlilmui Urlay ieaeiil llieui duly aulhriilu ali'd, lor . llli nirul Ui M. ,M. lit t M.I I.I. I. Ml, Ailm r, Huubury. Apul . 1M.--III. DAQUEMISAN GALLERY. r 1 1 K uiiduisijiisd Would lesuetlfully InfUrm lb ladbw sod cullinu ul bbsuuliu sud k'iiilly Ibsl Ii ks Ukvit, Slid lillid up ruuiuj U Hi aim wl AUiuiniuau, IIjwi V t o. lii b will ivmsm Im sboit uui Iht lb iiuiinm itl ti'Ullii lsuarr.M,pra, All tali I diiwtl "I bsnin llitll l.kaHiMM Ukvu I Uk lakvat al) W Will liud U Iu lUu MiUil4 Uiiall a Dalav Ilia) Im bui'l, tu-luuilow U ma) b Iu Ul. Sa iliaiai Im i luit uuU'a mii. UiUoa) glt bl tit f UaUiUlsl. UtilMtH. M-sm-Vui, May . US.- at. Al'lt.)' liuud. r(.iin and uutuu I A aba)l, Hi" a Mta, a-'k l-oi Imi, lh i .UI 1(4.4, I lu0.U4.us, l'a I., I us U4 I4. , JU-t itmit dl iuwti VS VI llV n 21110 INTS. Une third cheaper than vhife lead, and free from alt poisonous qualities. tVav, Je,er ZluoCompany 11 IH.mlKTi.e'-lh'fwL,h',,rt"i "' lnor"tl SUPERIOR PAINTS. ZlwZlZI? 0',,ln ""rted " o from tS whitS;.H"r,",Kl un"l f,i buSy .st ai.if.Tm fh .S t ? ' ,h7 "' " rfls.nkp Bin' kTt ' W"' be "ipetloi tu any iilhcr in the Z&"n.' h Pt.elive aaraies when i'i"ni iu i run or m r ..si: lis properties ofthe ilings, UrMem. r. P tvifttfintr f?MtlN.. FHKNCII k RICHAnDS, ATlinacsnle Pntnl Dmitri siut lmr"ers, PliltiSrlYi' V ? of Market BtS., Phibileliihia. nllaAelphhi, AptllS, Cm. . Itoscndalc Hydraulic Cement. An excellent article for Lining Cistnns, 1 aults, Spring-houses and Cellars, ND for keeping dampness from wet snd exposed walls. For sale by 'JHAKI.ES SIIEI'AKD SMITH, Corner of Front and Willow Pis. Railroad. laucipuia, April 22, 1854. ly. "NVall lapcrg AVall Tapers ! slHE subscribers have now in storo their eom U. plcte spring stock of Paper flanging?, Curtains, &c, which they ofler ot very low prices, WHOLESALE AND RKTAIL. Onr assortment is very complete, comprising all the qualities, both French ana American. Wo manufacture a large proportion of our goods nnd can sell nt the lowest rates. tW Paper Hanging done in th country at citv prices. PARRISII & HOCGH, No. 4 North FIFTH street, Philadelphia. Phila., March 25, 18.Y1 3m Spring and Summer style GENTLEMEN'S HATS. Hi FOSTER & GEBHARD, -s,4 49 South Third Street, below Chestnut, PHILADELPHIA, jfTTAVE unusnal satisfaction in calling nt'.cn--tion to their larire and varied stock of Mole skin,Drah, lieavcr, Otter, Panama, and a variety of Straw and Sopt Huts. flcntleincii's summer Caps of all descriptions. Children's Fancy Embroidered snd Plain Cnps Straw Hats and Cnps, Misses' Flats, &c. I XT' Particular attention is called to a White nnd Nankeen French Felt Hat, of our own im portation. Phila., April 22, 1S5I. 3m. PATENT SCALES, Sold at their WAREHOUSE, No. 240 Market Street, PHILADELPHIA. Kailroad, Hay, Coal, and Farmers' SCALES, set in any part of the country, by experienced workmen, and at short notiro. Phila., April 8, 1854 Gin. GUANO ! GUANO! THE subscriber, tolo ntcnt for tho salo of Peruvian Guano in Philadelphia, ia now unloading lh following vessels, direct from tho l. oinclia Islands : , Ship Sorocco, ... J500 tons. Ship Burlington, ... 750 tons. Ship Hornet, ... 800 tons. Ship Topaz, ... 200 Ions. which will be sold in lots to suit purchasers, at the lowest cash prices. S. J. CHRISTIAN, Formerly Glading ft L'irilian.) No. 48 North Wharves, and 97 North Water Street, Philadelphia. April 22, 183-1. 3m. CIRCULAR. THE subscriber beg leave respectfully to in form his friends and tho public generally mat He will continue tlie business of Cabinet Makers' Finding Store, in all its various branches at tho old stand, No. 31 South Second at., below Dock sL Philadel phia, and resiicclfully solicits a continuance of the very liberal patronage bestowed upon lh late firm of T. & I.. Thompson, assuring his friends that every exertion will be mads by hinisell and those in his employ to merit continuance of their much esteemed favors. THOMAS THOMPSON, rhila., March 4, 1851. 6m. C. P. KNIGHT & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, an J Dealers in Fish, Cheese 6j Provisions Generally, Nos. S9 If 30 S. What-vet, Philadelphia. T" A VE constantly on hnd supply of Mack erel.Codlish, Nhad, Salmon, Herrinca. blue Fish, White Fish, Haddock, Hams, Sides. Shoul ders, l.ard, IJcef, i'ork. Cheese, Deans, Dried Apples, Dried Peaches, CranlKrries, Ac. Phtla., March 15, 1851 3m. GEU11GE EAH1 Jit., GENKUAL Commission -Merchant, IJOIt the salo of Kni;lisli anJ American pi lead. Scotch and American nig Iron, lilock I'm, Mii'ct lead, Lead and Iron V.'ater and lias pipe. l.iieral advances maile on consignment of Pig, llliMim, Uillett or Hhnrce Iron. Io. 50 .01th Wharves, Philadelphia. April 22, 1831.- Sm. Centre Turnpike liouil. 'I'M 1 1: stiH-kholder aro hereby iiolilied 'hat sn -- Llection for OHi.-ers t i sera fur llm .il.ii. intl year will be held at the house of William Hlreuter. in NurthumtH'rbiiid 011 MONDAY, Ibe tilth dsy of Jl'.N 1' lievt, In-tMeeu Ihe bonis ol 10 o'clock A. M. sud 3 o'clock P. M. J. it. n;u:sTi.KV, iwi. North'd. April S'J, IsSI. tl. C'i KOCEKIF.H-riurtur, ColT., Tea. Molas ft ses, Itu-e, ball, tVc, ju.l ieeiil nd lor sale by I. . TUN KH I i'. uiitiury, A pril S3, 151 ' TILEV'5 t'liriiM C.4XDV. An lent remedy lor cough, old. 1 01 al at this ulli.a. D.v.mli 4. Ii. Sttti:c. All kinds of Hoot xhora and (lip. mis tor .' by 1 (I. CO lit ltd A CO, Us'krl sllirl, oppoaiU) lb I'ual Hill,-, Vuiibuiy, Oi l. , l-VI.- n VhDW Alltl sud Iju.viiaiaai iu il IM.IU sud vl all dtat iiplluiia, juat iv.n.vd aud lor al by t M . A . N U II. I.wwsi AujUslt, Msjr , lM.-. II tillilDH, I'bolia, l'Miiuis, sunn,. it,. vealiiili. I waada, kiuiuiml chilli, v lvl I old, l' kins', t ba.ta, Mu.lmt, V . Jual irv'd anJ (us wU U VS II . A. k N 4 U II. I.wiaal Auusl. Mas . Il.- I f 1 U I.B o al. UU. i Hlbl.tlM, (.1)1 la(., miluw kku ii..sdi . ui llrown i.7,f"?nr P""" e" " I mpum, Wat bull a., kiuda, U4 la..4 ! 1. t Mai k IUI, I -i..i u,...i, VU( a, )-!. THE FAR-FAMED MEDICINE! HOLLO WAY'S. TILLS. These nits lirinf eompoeit snlirrtr of nrwtirinsl herb r of a must harmless iMmre, whin lh cf tninllir vir tues they pofstsw have tetnlerwl thm niiiferStiMy puimuir In nsnrly every part of tli wttrltl. Th inwnstts sutesa they Nsv inrt s ith ihroualviot Ihe tttatee is moat cxlra orilinary, owing, it is presunsetf to their Wnmleifal ediniey ia lha core nf llilinns eximpstifMssail rftsordar of Ihe I ..vet ami ftmmie. Per us wko per arrets in using them in arorftsnc ith th tlirevtiuasr saMam fnil in heins; restated to health. WEAK.NKMSAND CEmLITT, RESTORATION TO I1F.AI.TI1 or A CKNT1 .F.MAN ACEDSS, WflEII "AT DKATH'9 BOOR. v -1 Copy of a Letter from the Rev. Chnrlet Smith, dated Norton, St. Philips, near Bath, Somtr fetshirt, tlth August, 18S3. To Profrsstr Iletf-WAtf ir. A Mr. Jineph 1'ust.w, formarly s resident of thi plnce. Iiittl been in s rlecliniiax Mala of health fur upwnr of thrca years, (rrailually wnstinf srsy to a haSn lif nirhtly prespirnti-Mis snd wnnt of ppe It. Srhieh eauHtl Se:itn netisiiiess to his ftieuds, as ha hHd eiMiaiilted tsrioas tnetth'Bl men in Uiilh without effect. Ha at lart used ymir Fills, ami mirier pniVKlritta, was rastored to heskh bt their menus. He l-itely emiirrnltd tn New Vink. aisl hns ju.t wtitieit in my, tliai he ml never better in health, and da sitcd me anpinint yon with the rircnmsisiice. 1 ouylif nlso to mention, thnt my w.fa had itorivad great hvnafts from the use nf yonr Piils. I remain, Sir. y'mrs resprelfiilfy, PAH lll.XJisseiilliiK AliinsTer. a pnti.M xi:nt cimv. op a tisksko utEit (IK MANY YKAIIS' UL'R ATION. Copy of a Letter from Mr. Gnmis, Cnemitf, l eovii, to r,-cijenor Iltilloway. Dear Kr. In tins itistrirt vnor Tills enmrannd mnr extun.ive ssle tlitm niiv olher prprirtiiry tneilicine hefnte llie pntilie. Asa pnmf nf iheir elTicary in Liver and Hiliooa "ini'louin 1 mny mention the follow mg ense. A laity ol tliiebiivn with whom I itn iers'nully neonnintrtl, fnrvearv was a severe sufferer from riisrnw of the Liver and diges tive or-.ins: Iter meilirnl ntteiulnnt amni-Mf her that h eoulrl do notliinj to relieve her suffennss, snd it waa not likely site could survive many months. This annnuiierment llntnnilly rnnaetl great nlnrm anamg her friends and rela tione, nnd they imliiecd her to niiike a trial of y nr Tills, w'iii ii impioreti uri venerai neann innt site was liMfneed to cotilinna them until the reeeived rt ietfeet cure. This Is twelve in tubs an, and she hss not espeneneed ativ symptoms of relapse, snd ol'i derhres thnt yonv Pill uava been uie menus nf snving her hie. 1 remain. Hear Sir, yours truly, July 53.1, 1S3X (fignetl) J.OAME1. These celebrated Pills are wonilei fully t"j et'ous in the following complaints. Ague Propsy Infiiimmation, Astlnnn Dvsetitnrv Jnundics llilioits C"mplainU Krvsipebis Liver Com- lltolelius on th Kemnla Irregtt- plaints tkln , larities I.umlrig ll iwel Complaints Fevers of alt Tiles Colic tiintls llhiumnti.nl Constipnlion nf Fhs Detention of the bowels fiimt Urins Coiistimpti,.u llend-nctie Scotfuln. nr Debility Iniligi slion Kuic's Kvil B iro Thmats P'one nnd Gravel Bremslnrr Tic Douloureux Tumours lymitnma t 'leers VetierenlAITtrtiims TTurmsof all kinds Weakness, from whaievcT enusu Ac, Ac. Sold nt Ihe r.slnlilishinent nf Professor nolXft-VAT, SIC ?tmnd, (near Temple Bsr, Iximlon.) ami also at ins Hour in New York. Orders for Medicines in Ihe Slnten. nddres si il 'T. II .ll.io.-ny New York, will tiveive due attention Sold s!s.i by all respectable Dt usrgists snd Dealers m Med ieines llir.omli nt llie L'uited 5tutes, in Holes nt 37j cents, 87 eeiit. and SI. 50 rents eneh. Tube had Wuolcsula nf the principal Drnglloiiscs ill the I'nion. (J r There is a considerable) saving by talking tiis larger N. It. PlriV.lion To m.;.ln..u -f Mi;.i. 1.. m..rm d idci are infixed tn eneh box. Ueceinlier S4, 153, ly. Valuable Property for Sale In the Eoroura of S anbury ! rjlHE subscriber oilers for sale the following JL property in tho llorough of Sunbury, viz: 1 HK HUUMS And two contigioua Lota of Ground, on the south west comer of Market Square, bow occupied by the subscriber as store and dwel ling. Also: THE STEAM SAW MILL on the river bank, together with one end half acres of ground. Also: a' double two story frame Dwelling House and Lot of Ground, in Elderberry street. Also: six acres of ground at the Point, adjoining the Susquehanna, on winch are erected two frame house wagon house, &e. Also 1 A IIouso nnd Lot of Ground in Cranberry street, near the river, on which lot are aUo erected three lime kilns. Also ; A House and half Lot of Ground, - on the north east corner of Kiver and Dewlwrry street, occupied by Augustus Clement. Also: lvent3'-lhree acant Lots on Elderberry street. ISA T. CLEMENT. Sunbury, Jaiv 14, 1854 tf. PRICES OF HOUSE AND CAttRIAGE HIRE. 4 Horse, Carriage and Driver, per day, If 8, 00 " 5,00 Buggy, 4,00 9,50 3,00 1,50 3,00 1,50 3,00 1,50 1,35 1,00 75 1,00 SO 50 25 Snlkey, Saddle, and Harness, Two Horse. Carriage, best, " " " second best, " One " Bucgy, best, " - second best, Sulkey, Doubl Harness, licst, " " ' second best, " Single best, " " second best, " Terms cash in advance. THOMPSON cV EISELV. JOHN DIK.MEK Sunburn. March 11, 1851. Ou IS SHAMOKlN Collegiate Institute. E. HILL, A. B., PrincipaL Rev. C. J. EUREHART, A. M. 7eucicr of Moral and Mental Science, Evi denets of Chriftwnitu, 4t. Teacher of Primary Department, rpilE first ea ;.n of this Institution, located at -- Shamokin, NorthumU-rland county. Pa., will commence on Wjijiimi, Ihe lOlh day of Mt. ISSI. ... . The ve:ir will be divided into three sessions of fourteen weeks each, thus allowinjf a vacation of four week in sprinj and autumn, and on of two week durius the holidays. The Institution will comprise three departments, Paiiar, Afim nic and t'onoiTS. Th conr of Instruction in these will be full and lhoriMte.li, eaibra. iini all lh briUH-hea uaumlly Iju.dil iu Ibe respeclii departiiidil. litres or Tt'Tiua I Primiry llepjilineiit, per seswion, $4,00 Acadeinie - .00 r-ll.0i.1K " " .00 A I ir and spacious room ha been aeeurrd lo inecl lb w.int ul' the Institution, until lb nccess.irv buildinu sm coinpleled. lo.ii.liii'4 cull Ims obtained in priv-jt fjmilica al rr.ioiuMo ruir. Cb It uiid of i ruaire will spi ua pain ar Ulior, lo uiuk rdialuokiu t'ollegLiI liasliluU), worthy lh palrouaj aud CuuUdviica ol th sum ti u in t v . I' 01 luither particulsr, address Kimbvr (' lea ver, r.., il Hisiiiaktii, ri.-al.u-m ol lloanl at 1'iii.le... or l(r. C. J. Uhliliarl uf I'jtinoa, .oilliiinils-ijiJ rouiily, l'a. Mwaiukin, M u.h 4, Mil. W lS 1Sill u'Sajlk 8T0CKMAN & 0 NULL. IlKM'.ltM, iTommlooidu iUcvdiautd Oil NORTH WKA1VBI, ritUdeljilii. mirciiKri. Tb'i. Kulisidaou A I s. I'bil his. A. tl. l'Hd K l o. Kullal Jk I'allau, M ( hath ribs a t o. tluikIH 4 Skiua, " ' J bo.. Apul . 151 - l. H . I I'M I 't .1 B W-i I , U.i l ' II-'' m, I. u . II M -XT', a. W 4 U tlk. l l Im a.l 1 1 ll"l I u i, W . IsNAbll. LSI Au,4a, Uif , lt S4 .!. J IhI lu lt Aj.,1 i, Is.i I . I t.NtU 4 t U Uul .la, M f, !'( I. l-i I