V & o v c i g n N cwf Arrival of t!io Huropn. later mom' EinoPE. Another Battler-Defeat of the Russians Bombardment of Odessa Tht Greek lnsur gents An American - Privateer Baltic Ports Blocaded Markets, ffc. New Yon, May 19. The steamer Europs, which ofl Liverpool on tho 6lh inst., BrrivcJ at her dock this morning, at t J o'clock. " ' Considerable excitement was occasioned in London by the ri.blication of thr follow, ing in the Herald, on the 5th : Now ban leached the Admiralty that an American clipper, the Grapeshot, had cnplnreJ a 'French merchant ship off the Ka.id it Knd; The Grapeshot cleared out of New Wk on tho 22Jof March for St. Thorns, with 1,000 packages on board, professedly of hardware, bnt really containing mulcts, supposed to be bound to Finland, and railing debarkation, then for tho Mediterrnnenn.--This will explain tho story of a Russian iii nn in in ilm Channel. The Russian prizes Gcfion Ahlstrnm hnve been relcasod, having been illegally cap lured. Two hundred persons arc supposed to have pciished in the recent collision in the chan nel between the Urcmenbark Favo.ili', for Baltimore, and tho American bark Hefner, from Charleston, S. C, for Antwerp. FROM THE SEAT OF WAlt. It is stated that Omar Pacha, on llw ISili or 19th of April, advanced with 70,000 men towards Dubrudscha, and a battle took place with Gen. Ludcr's corps, between Silcstria and Rassnua. The Vienna paper Prcssc contains tho fol lowing: A battlo near Camavoila, on the 23d tilt., which lasted six hours, ended as unfavorably to the Russians as those of Kos telli and Kostendje. Tho loss of the Russians is estimated at 500 killed, 250 taken prison ers, and 15 guns with thoir horses. The Turks who were far inferior in numbers to their enemies, also suffered a heavy loss The Russians retreated behind Camavoda during tho night, leaving the Tuiksin posses sion of the field of battlo. THE BALTIC FLEET. Ve have nothing new, of importance from this quartet. Tim fleet was keeping up a close blockade of all the Russian ports. No fighting jet. ' A loiter from Copenhagen, April 27th, states that Sir Charles Napier, with the line of-battle ships under the Admiral Coivy and Chads were keeping up a rigorous blockade ol the Gulf of Finland, which would render the escape of a single Russian ship impossi bio. Numerous prizes had been taken. Tho Danish government lingers on the side of Russia. The Swedes are decidedly in fa vor of the allies. One Swedish line-of-battle ship, aud four frigates were in commission at Conenhacen. and more were being mado ready. A most formidable force of row boais is being organized by the Russians to hirass the invading fleet, from the shallow waters, Eight hundred armed boats are already en rolled. All the boats of tho Neva i:cht Club are placed at tho seivico of the State A considerable number of them are assem bled at Sweaborg and Cronstadt. The bombardment of Odessa is fully con' Armed. Tho batteries were all destroyed ; 10 Russian vcssols were also destroyed, and 13 others, laden with ammunition, captured The town and neutral property were spared The combined fleets lefi for Sebastopol. THE GREEK INSURRECTION. Battle between the Turks and Greeks the lat ter routed with much loss. Athens, April 23 On the 25th Arta was taken by the Tuiks, and 3,000 insurgents under Karaiskaki were defeated by the Turks under Omar Pasha Many Greeks attempting to join the insur gents have been taken by the French ships, and have been delivered over to Faud Ef fendi. Attempted insurrection in Samos has failed. RUSSH. The gold that is usually stored in the cita del of St. Petersburg is being removed to Moscow. In St. Petersburg a war tax is lev. led of 300 silver rubles on merchants of the "first guild," 160 on merchants of the second guild, 100 en tho third, and 10 per cent, on all house rents. The Emperor is extremely active, and goes backward and forward be tween Cronstadt and M. 1 etersburg almost incessantly. Prince Paskiewitch hud granted permis aion to neutral ships, at present in tho differ ent mouths of the Danube, to depart ficcly Until the 20th Ma)-. PRUSSIA. The Czar has offerod to Prussia a treaty of commerce on tho most favorable lei ins. No commercial treaty has been mado between the two countries sincu 182(1, and it was uf fered to expire in 1836. FRANCE. It is again positively assorted that the French army of the East will bo augmented to 100,000 men. The formation ol a cumr of 60,000 at liuulognc, with a view to uu c neilition to tho Baltic, is alo six, ken of. A another proof of tho disposition f Ilm forniiient la cairy on tho war in a inai.m. lieliltiiig a great nation, it i in'.i io j.i.i pose lo the Chambers a demand fur nulluniiy to raise another loan of '.0,000,000 (uuos in case circumstances ifipiiio it. IMPORTANT FROM tl'N.STANTINoi'I.K Rupture kttween tlii Vtenth M,nittr tit Con lfil'M"'IC U'i'I tl.t luiLtsh f.urti'iiNiiitf I'akih, M.iy 4, rr some days iiati. uni Ic-asmt u nion lure ciiculuted hi lliu slate nl ii'luiiuiis t lalii g between the Klfi ' h Ami ..! l-u ut l'utiUiitiiioili and thd 'I'nikoli ('.lot it, i i luthor Ilm .Miuuloi fur Fuu-i'n AlUii. Th diMMiinniuii due in.i, I led, eve, ex Ion I lu I ho Fiout'll ( .' V 1 1 1 in rut, lull i coil, fined lu ibeir Itl'louliUIIVC, lliiiii'll I Ik l.er lby ai . f.-ci ly awara tf ilm fuel, and Lave bauu so fui aoiuu Inn. M'beu (j'tfii. (iiaiuy d ll.'iiii mI1i PulllJ It 111 l'ICM.1,1 It j ."" ') lkH a a io l!.4l Ilia ) !.. ) id t'141 c wliivii, as i; II il, 4 uf K ;'4 l, 1. 1. lun 1I) lrn tb.titf.1 1 bl w d-ki.nl and ! uilllM, kboul IJ k.UII. III JIJ V. l- Ki iluis. 1. 1 It cannot bo doubted that tho General's pa tience has been often tried severely since lie entered on his prose nt functions. In, faot, mailers have reached such a point that the Gnneral is aid to have menaced the Turkish Minister for .Foreign Affairs with a turpen. sion of hit relatwnt vilh him. I BiitAOsTtrrrs. Liverpool", May 8. There has beon a consumptive demand for wheat and flour during the week. The imports havei boeil V-qryi large. Indian y"fn u slowly. Flour has declined 6dal2J. coin is 2s lower. THE KTEAmKR PIKBSUKIK-IKAT 5BM Iltll OF L.IVKSI.OST. The St. Louis Repnbliean, of the 13lh lust.; says: ' " .." . . Tho packot Fashion arrived from' Louis ville last pvcning, bringing tho first intelli gence of tho loss of tho regular packet Pike, on her way from this port to Louisvillo. The Pike left our wharf nt P. M , tf Thursday, having on board ISO passengers, crow, fco. About 1 o'clock at niyht, when all the pas- senders were nslecp, and tho boat was tun- kinsf some fifteen miles nn hciir, sin; struck siug or rock, which tore her bottom out, and caused her to sii:k with great inpidily. Nut mnro than three minutes elapsed beforo tho water Was up in the ladies' cabin. Not knowing tho mindier nf femuh; pas sengers on board (says the wiiler) I can only give you a few prmnine.it ileins in repaid to the !nss of life. A very need gentleman and is wife, of Missouri, were going on a visit to their daughter, residing in tho neighbor- ond of Mailisan, some fifteen miles back ; they wore drowned. Two other persons who jumped oveiboard in front of tho wheel iiuse were lost. It i tho impression of lliu writer thai filleeti lives were lost liy this alamity. Thu officers and crew of the boat acted with great promptness and kindness to ail on board. From another gentleman, who. was also a ." .. ... . i-t;r passenger, wo learn mat llio loss oi uio whs much greater. In his opinion, from 40 to 60 persons were drowned. He attaches censure to tho officers, not for their general conduct, but for their want of manngein!jit in launch ing Ilm boat, ntul thus contributing to save life. Ho thinks that four of tho cabin pas sengers were drowned, and that the main los3 was from the deck, where K.ere were a argo number of passengers, of whom no account can bo given. The boat careened from the shoro and numbers went overboard at this moment. No list of passengers was made out after they reached tho shore and tho excitement was over, and it is not probable that the exact number of the lust will ever bo ascer tained. MOBEI.VDIAS OUTRAGES. Late from El Paso. We find thu account of further Indian outrages in an extia of the Silti Atilnnirl T..vn.i rtiililiuhf.il nil ilia .Q'K instant : By one of our citizens, John Crawford, who just arrived ii our city from Fort Elwell, we learn the following painful intelligence : Ont Tuesday last, May 2d, a Government train, consisting of fourteen wagons and one hundred mules, horses, Sec, left Fort Elwell (or El Paso, and they had proceeded nbout five or six miles from tho Fort, when they were altackeJ by about twenty Indians, who were well mounted, and armad with bows and arrows, knives, Hnces, and two rifles. At tho time of the attack, tho wagon-master, Mr. Mcintosh was a short distance fiom the train, in pursuit nf n horse unarmed, and there was only one weapon of defence among tho whole train, and that tas an old rifle, and unloaded. The Indians mado a charge upon them and killed the wagon-master and scalped him, and also killed five others. Some lew are still missing; they are supposed to, have been taken prisoners, and aro now with the Indians, no doubt to undergo the most horri ble tortures. All the mules and horses connected with the train were taken, and the wagons com pletely destroyed, with their ' contents, amounting in all to twenty or thirty thousand dollars. One of the wounded men, from whom our informant gathered the particulars of this horrible outrage, arrived in camp at II o clock, A. M., two hours after the mas sacre. The Lieutenant in command, not withstanding ho was sick in bed at the time' within one hour had four companies armed anil r(tiipped and in hot pursuit, and is to be hoped that they will overtake theso savages and hold an inquest over their dead bodies. TREMENDOUS STOUM AT WlirrMNtl. WiiEEUSfi, V a . May 13. Destruction cf the Great Suspension IiriJe. A most furious storm passed over 1 1 i i c- cily last evening, do Ing great da nago to properly. Tho magnificent wire suspension biidgn over tho Ohio liver wa destroyed, bein blown down nud turned completely over. litis uiiiigo was creeled only a lew years ugo, at a cost ol over irlOO OUO. Its span uieuMifi'.l i. h i ICuO feet, unil wusonu of the luugcM in the wuild. Its deduction is re garded ai u yieat calamity by I lie pcoplo of Wheeling. I. O. o- O. F. Tim Giaud Lo.l.i of I'm l:id pen.lei.l Older of Odd Fellow uf Peon. sUt.ini.i, helil uniiiinl c..ini in I'UiI.uIl-1-I'hiil la.-l wui 1. . Tho vutia f.n (mud Olliecis vti'ie i-uliiited, und Ilm loituttii'jf pciaous VttMU declared rUcu .l ; (JUis of Ciu.id Li-It -Giaud Master, Tliuiu.t Helm; Deputy Grand Mat-r, Caleb K. Wiiyfil ; Giaud Vi'.iidou, Dr Fiaueis lun. In-; Gi.md heuiotary, Win. I'linit; Giaud Titui'.iit F. K..i M.nluii ; Giaud l..''ii-i'i.l.ilie, Win A. I.jiiiU.-iIuii. 'I'l.o i-eiilei.1 I I Gian t Seciotaiy ;n uiy hu. Mr. Cuiti. lilt I .Ml, Mi. Iljituui 'n)'l- ni.ij"iiiy fur lmi, li'J. fit. u. in e pKi'1'kVi ii -A lliu la. I b al u sboul lu It avti th iil-fatcJ packe nji Wiiithrtler, I'u pi- M ii and Mr Kn , I In) il.iel ullut r fl tli.i itt amr Vat!iiitoii, in lal.i (I a hti l'k at il.u iui M, llmu,lil :.r) K'ii.ittf J turn lallil ol I.U ill Iti Ul) of a viii4ii, kill l.a-l bui r.iiiuJou b-ai I lh it'411.. i- M ltfViJ an I I WW ul 11,4 lUl I Utt'U I la'l I, lH a MJ'll Jill ..l.vl SUNBU11Y AMERJ .TEE AMSPICA1T. SUNBURY. SATL'RUAT, MAY BT, 1S31. If. n. MASER, Edltar and rraprlttar. To AnvERTi.iKBi.--The Pirculallnn of the Suiilniry Amcrk-nn ntnini(r the different townt on the srufqiiehniinn i 1 not cxccedcrt ircqnnlled by any paper pntiliiilred in North cm Pcnnivrvaiuti. . OKMocnATtc State Nominations. FOR GOVERNOR WILLIAM EIGLER, Uf Clearfield County. FOR JUDGE OF THE SUPREME COURT. JEREMIAH S. BLACK, Of Somerset County. FOR CANAL COMMISSIONER. HENRY S. M0TT, Of Pike County. KDITOR'SJ TABLE. Cnsinrsa Nolii'cn. M'c arc iinlclitcd to lleasrs. Uewitl & Daven port, publishers, New York, for a copy of a new work about to be issued by tbem, entitled "SrniJ ITl-AL M lNiri:STATlllNS EXAMIXED AMI F.X- i't..uxKis" by John L'ovco Dods, author of tho "Philosophy of Electrical rnychology," &c. This work U a coiuplcto refutation of the Spiritu. al Manifestations, as represented by table-turnings, rappinr-s, ic. It wns liino that some one capable for tho task had taken it upon himself to expose this humbug, which has been so fast fil ling the lunatic asylums of the larftl. Wo ad vise all who have tiny doubts upon the subject to purihasc a copy of this work. Price, handsome. ly bound in clolh, 75 cts. Address Dewilt & Davi-nport, 1G0 end 1G2 Nussua street, New York. Thk fiACar.11 CinriE. This is the title of a monthly pcriiulienl published at New York and edited by Juilgo Edmonds, Dr. Dexter and O. G. Warrrn. It is the oran of the spiritual rappers. and no doubt contains much that is interesting to those who have any faith in the miserable delu sion of spiritualism prorogated by these rnpjiors. Y'c have bnd no time to read the number icnl to us, bein;; tile May number. Goukt's I.auv's Book for June, is already received. The present number, liko its prede cessors, contains a laro amount of valuable and intercstini; matter. Go.lcy is always lookinrr ahe nd, and will never let his book lug behind its competitors. ' The Jui-rsai. or the Fhaxklih Imbtitcte for May, comes to us well stored with articles on scienlille and othor subjects Anions othor tilings aro articles on (Jivil Engineering;, Ameri can Patents, Patent Cases, Mechanics, Physics, &c. On litis ad Fi-nsiTCtiE. See tho advertise ment of James Dopes Jr., No 83 ij- 95 North Front St., Philadelphia, who keeps on hand an extrusive assortment of all articles in his line of business. North Chase and North of Philadelphia, Iron Founders, &c, ol!"er to purchase old cas-t iron at ho highest prices. Sec advertisement. Oils Gl-aso, Piiusi-iiate or Like. We call the attention to those in want of such articles, to the advertisement of Allen and Needles, 93 .South Wharves Philadelphia. They are large and ex tensive, dealers 111 their line of busiusss. We refer oor readers to the advertisement of M'CoMuugh & Co., Philadelphia, who keep for sale patent galvanized iron roofing, and tubing for chain pumps. Miss Finney has just received from .Philadel phia, a fine stork of Millenary and fancy goods, which she offers fur sale at low prices, fee her udverliscmout. D. C. Collins & Co., Pniladelpliia. -The card of thrs6 celebrated dagucrrean artists will bo found in another column. Samlel W. PtrrKii's Card of Philadelphia, will be found iu another column. HI LIGIOI M NOTICES. Service will be hoi. I, by Divine Permission in St. Matthew's Church, to morrow (Sun day) al 10 o'clock A. M., and in St Marks Church, Northumberland, at 3, P.M. Divin-e Servick. Tho Rev. Dr. Clark will preach to morrow eveiiiu, (Sunday) in thu Picsbytmiau church in this place. OCT" Land Wauhants. Persons having Land Warrants for rale, can dispose ol them lor cash, by applying at thid office. IT It will be seen by a communication in our columns this week, that the cam paign lor Congress has already openpd. The writer slrongly recommends Major William I.. Dewart of this place lor that idlice. The Major, it is well known, was u prominent candidate two years since, ttnnejy muiuuiciided in convention by thin county, and it was only uller a lon content, that Li j claims were yivlded tu Schuylkill county. Major Dewart would, umpicitionaLly, make an excellent repre sent -it ivc, popular und obliging, and will be ktroiily tupiitcj by his uuiiicruu fiicuJ iu this county, CV Thi Strjni Tow and DVrry Boat Si mm 1. ii. sna. i doinj line Luainr at lliit pUce, Tin impoitjiice tf uih t iat has now Lei olio so iiaiuli l, thai it wuulJ Uj diir,i.ull tu n i aluii wilhuul oii, Tli Su.ipu hniiii has bn kept liiiol Cuintaiilly ociupiej bnd has lern uf frt tervic tt Hi iiuinrrous bouts that Uuw t ii.il Ibis place, t vll as lit towing raft, crr) in i I v ncit lit 1 nd fiuiu NuithuiiM LrlUilJ. Sim U W.ll II.4I4U4 ttiilstLillul uJ lalvful bsiijs. 0 " lit ilip ut lbs Sua (umn 1. If LETTIftO OF TUB SIINBUHY AUD ERIK n AIL, ROAD. We are indebted to a correspondent (or the follow ing list of contractors to whom was allotted the work on the Sunbury and Erie Railroad, between this place and Milton, anil between Wiiliamnport and Lock Haven. From Milton to Williams porl the grading it nearly completed. Between Northumberland and Millon the work i very light. The rait road bridge that crosses to Northumberland is the only heavy work brtween this place and Milium. We have not heard that this bridge was allotted, but we were informed by Mr. Moorehead a short time since, in the cily, that it wouhl now be rapidly urged to completion. We expect, therefore, before very lon, to be in close nerghborship with our friends ol the different towns on the West Branch, when we shall be able to leave home after breakfast, salute our friends at Lewisburg station bid good morning to our friends at Milton inquire into the tieallh of the everlasting state of Williamsport lake a lunch at Lock Havep run into the wilds and catch a mess of trout in the mountain streams of Totter county, nud return home in time to have them cooked lor supper. Would not this be glorious amusement, and yet all this can and will be accomplished before two more years have vanished. , rCorresp'iiiliMice of the American. St.MllHY AM) ERIE RAILROAD. . W11.M amspout, May 22, 1854. II. R. Masskr, Ejj: At the lcilin-j at Williiunsport on the lSlhJnst., the following sections of thu Sunbury and Erie Railroad, between Sunbury and Lock Haven, were allotted as follows: Section No. 1, David Mnrr. no 11 1 3, Giier & GrilTy. 4, Graham & Caul. 5, John Shriner. 7, Joseph Nicely. 8, Mai-key & Marr. 9, " " 10, 11 11 (( The iibovo are between Millon and Sun - 1 bury; sunl the following between Williams port and I. nek Haven: Section No. 46, Lloyd & Davis. " " 47, John 13. Reck. 11 it 11 11 11 11 k 11 it 11 11 11 11 ii 11 11 11 11 48, Ralph Bdyle. 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 'i 1: 49, 50, 11 it 51, Guise L Allen. 52, Dull Chriswell & Dull. 51, Morehead & Kitten. 54, " " 55, J Chriswell & A. J Dull. 5f, Riddlo V Bluckwell. 57, Jones, Bridgcn, Quigglo $r Co. 58, 61), CO, 61, 62, 63, 64, fi.r, Burns & Ross. The whole Road', with the exception of a few sections in tho immediato vicinity of Wiltiamspnrt, to Lock llavnn is now under contract, aud will bo vigorously prosecuted lo 'completion Yours. &c., M. (jy Col. C. M. Straub. The Washing ton correspondent of the Pennnylcanian, thus notices the speech of Col. Straub our member of Congress, recently delivered on the Nebraska bill. The Colonel seems to be as popular among his fellow members at Washington, as he is at home. Tho debate on the Nebraska bill still goes on, and will continue to go on until tho close of lo-morrow's session. The friends of the bill are in hopes that it will be put on us final passage in the House on Wednesday next. Yesterday, Colonel Straub, of Scuyl kill, obtained the floor and spoke at great length in la vor of the bill. His remarks weie lis'eoed to wiih ttie most marked attention, and when !m concluded his hand was warmly shaken .by couaiatulatiug friends. Tho speech was worthy of the Colonel and wor thy ol tho ilistiiel winch he so ably anil faithfully represents. It was plain, practical and to tiio j oint ; while the positions which ho assumed were illustrated iu that strong, common sense way which usually carries conviction witb it. I may as well bero state, 111 a matter of proud lecord for the Colonel, that by the unaiiimoirs consent of Ihe House, he was allowed to o n'inue his speech be youd the hour allotted under iuw rule. This lavor wis never before granted lo a member of ihe Huse except in one case, that of Gov ernor McDowell, of Virginia. Ov" Maiuntanoo AtNjrr.prcr. -We stated last week that this acrpieducl had given away, and could nor be put in navi-ga,'-ile order for several weeks. We are pleased '.hat we are able to announce that Ihe acqueduct is so lar repaired, thut boats have been passing through for tome days past. Th acrpieduct is, however, raid to b a precarious structure, and will require wutibinj. PlIILADKU'lIU A 14 1) SuNM'ar IVl tl.SAI'll. On Ibu IJih iiikl. ihe stoekholdai of the Philadelphia and Sunbury Tuli-rupb Cum puiy u (janiA'od by I h eluvliou of ullivtrra a' Ilia Philadelphia, t'.tehanga. Pic.iJeni, It U. MASSKft, of.Suubury. Tmanurcr and SooroUry, ('kuhuk J. C'iia4. skriain, of I'liiladolphia. - Diieulura, l J Woods, X. J. Baldwin and John Uiok, or rhiUJulpbla j William II Mar.hall and K D. Cotkley, uf Khaiilukin and II. Doiniel, uf Buubury. bupuiiutxiidiiiit, Wiu. II. Marshall. Nsw Voas, May I. Auii .IA11 in Ihuuttu Tifn sstyt A kon 1 be ship MwnliMuiita, lium l.ivaipuul, bound lu N Void, Uatliuiawu Uuckawijr. It It lliuulii 1 bl she will uu b -(u oif. dha ha I Ui' ait I vtluablu taigu uf utaiekaa. Ju, and four buiiJisJ priiii an boaid, A Uin il.ia ta ashuif uu lii I laud. Nu plln jI.II tl4 )l Uu llelc.l, ORIEAT ttllTPMPStT isr WORCESTER. The Military Called Out Wo learn from the Worcester Spy, that that city was the scene of much excitement last avcnlrg, on account of the re-appearance in tho slreots of John S. Orr, the street preacher, and his prompt arrest nnd commitment to the watch house by Ihe police. Quite a large" crowd collected about the watch house, and began making boisterous demonstrations. A stone was also thrown through the police office window. Tho crowd removed to Ihe Com. mon, where ihey were addressed by Dexter F. Parker and some others, in favor of Orr. Subsequently Ihey returned to tho lock-np, and were ordered to disperse by the City Marshal, bul they refused to do so, and Ihe riot acl was read by Ihe Mayor. This had no effect, and several arrests were made. Whnl followed is thus relaled by tho Sjy. ,:Finding the crowd by no means disposed lo heed the authority of Ihe Chief Magis trate, and .1 portion of it evidently disposed to dispute the gronnd with the police, tho Mayor ordered out the City Guards, and at about half-past 9 o'clock that company ap peared upon the ground, armed nnd equip ped, and repoitcd themselves ready for ser vice. They were posted upon the sidewalk in front of tho police oflice, nnd having load ed their pieces with ball cartridges, in pre sence of the crowd, the Mayor again, in the name of Ihe Commonwealth, requested all good citizens to retire to their homes. "As Tittle disposition was shown to heed the commands of thu Major, two detach ments, of police officers, and citizens, headed by City Marshal Rakjr, and High Sheriff Kichanlson, commenced making nrresls Sheriff Richmond spoke civilly to a man named, Wm. Hemple, who was standing on tho sidewalk, asking him to go home, tho only response lo this intimation was a severe blow upon the head of the Sheriff with a stone, which Hemple held in his hand. The Sheriff seized tho offender, who made a des perate resistance, but he was speedily secu leit, ami locked up. hiyht or ten others were arresled, but by eleven o'clock order reineil, ami when we went home at mid night, all was quiet iu the streets, and the military wero quartered iu the City Hall. Boston Journal. DISGRACEFUL OUTIIAGE. Tho Council BlufI Eayln, ol tho 2d, gives the particulars of an outrageous murder of Indians by whiles, near that place, on the previous Sunday. Three Indians came to the camp of an omiurnting party, nnd being somewhat intoxicated from spiiils sold to them by tho whiles, got into a squabble, and ihe Indians were expelled. The emigrants soon started a story that the Indians at tempted to murder and rob thorn. Tho tic count continues : A company of forty or fifty mounted and well arhied men weie soon in pursuit of them. One of the Indians was riding a pony, whilst two of them were walking, one ol whom was shot down like a hunted wolf, the other leaped upon Ihe pony, and rode forward with every pussiblo speed, but were overtaken by the blood-hounds, who fired a, shower of lead at them. Two were killed dead on the spot, and stripped of their guns and other apparatus, which, together with Ihe pony, was secured ami carried off trium phantly lo camp by the assailants. The third wns carried over the river last night in a dying slate, nnd is donbtiess gone to tho "Hunting Giniiud" ere this. We have seldom heard of a more dastardly or cold-blooded murder. It has aroused the indignation not only of the Indians, but of all our citizens as far as we have heard an expression. The company was from Illinois, and crossed the river to-day. The same paper speaks of another murder of an Indian, who was found lying by the road-side between Council Bluffs and Carter ville. This is attributed to some reckless emigrant. And a report is given of a "skir. mish over Ihe river, in which eight or ten Indians were killed." Important to School Directors. The school law, which recently passed the Legis lature, makes it the duty of the school di rectors of the several counties of the Com monwealth lo meet in convention at the sent of justice of the proper county, on tho firs' Monday oj June next, and on ihe first Mon day in May of each third year, therefore and select lira rote by a majority of I lie whola number of directors present, ono per son of lilciary and scientilio acquirements and of skill and experience in the nit of teaching, as county superintendent for the three succeeding school years, and tho school directors, or a majority of ihfin in such con vention, shall determine tho amount of com pensation for tUe county superintendent which said compensation shall be paid by the superintendent of common scholls, by his warrant drawn upon Ihe Sluto treasurer in half yearly instalments if desired, und shall be deducted from thu amount uf tho Slate appropriation lo be paid lliu several school districts for said roun'y. nr. iru a in a to u. The terms of tho following named Sena, lors expire Ihi year, thu vacancies lo bo tilled al lliu next election: Win. A 1'iabb, I'liil-delphia cily. Sam'l ( Hamilton, Phila. county. Ilfiiry S. Evens, ('heater k Delaware. KJwa-d C Dailinglo;i, Lancaster. Ksaia Kiuzur, " John C. Kuiiklo, Dauphin. E W. Hamlin, V)iir, I'iktt, io. Maxwvll MoL'aslin, Wahiiilon k Greuu. II. H. Harm, Somere Si Und ford. Eli Siller, I'nioii, Juniata k Miillin. Juo. McKailaud, Wetlinorwlaiid li K)etu run or Wiik at in FaAMtK. Fiom the ollicial monthly rlum of ihe pi ice ol wlisai in lh dilToivul maiktfitof Pianer, il a p. pearl Itul Ilm Uietl pile a 3?lr 4''c. per boDiuiiiit ut lb nisi kets of Mult.buu and !llabui, and llitf lowest Nli. lo. in liu wf TvulfUM, daw, I )un and MaKwilUs Tbo ai4 lit ihtf tsuuteaf r'isnc u alc. Uii., baii.f fi. IKu, luwai ibau lb Ul i. luiu, U 117, al lb miu iwiwJ tf ib )ar, lb aisi imta u Hit, , iu4 JilUivixt lit am u at t "H. r. pl pet'lulili CALIFORNIA NEWS. Arrival of H1C United States I. - - AT. NEW ORLEANS. later from California. Theateamer Illinois ;i.l trnm A.nln- wall, on the same dnvnrih ..:n.. f ih. United Slates, for New York, with 400 paa. sengers and 4700,000 in treasure. Ihe steamer Sonora, from New York, ar rived at Panama on the 8th inst., running time being 47 days. Mr. Dillion, the French Consul at San Francisco, having beon arrested and bronchi into Court lo testify in the case of the Mexi can Consul, had struck his flag ond will not raise it again till metered by the Emperor. The Mexican Consul was found guilty of the charge of violating the neutrality laws in en listing men for Santa Ana's army, but had been recommended lo the mercy of the Court. Col. Fremont arrived at San Francisco on the 16th ult., with his party completely bro ken tip only 20 men remaining with bim, the greater part having deserted after cross- ina the Colorado. The ship Golden Fleece, in beating out of the harbor on the 22d nit., struck on some rocks and become a total wreck. The bark Walter Clayton capsized in the Bay of San Francisco, by which 13 lives wero lost. The steamer Gazelle exploded in Colum bi.i River, Oregon, killing 25 & wounding 30. The advices by ihe United Slates, report that on the 5th inst., Santa Ana appeared be fore Acnpulco nnd ordered the town to sur render, but the summons wns refused by Al varcz, who sailed out with his troops, made an attack on Santa Ana's forces and took 300 prisoners, when, as the report goes, Sanla Ana fled. The accounts from the mining districts are most flatter iujr. BLTiMoaK, May 19. ('rncral Coiiccnion of llailrotul Officers. A general Convention of tho officers of the Railroad Companies belwuen New Voik and Montgomery, Ala., was held at Guruum's Hotel in this cily to-day. Nineteen Railroad Companies, from all parts of tho country, wero represented. Resolutions were unani mously adopled that the companies repre sented would not submit, under any circum stances, to tho terms of compensation for carrying tho United Slate mails, indicated by the Tost Oilice Department in the bill now beforo Congress, and providing for the appointment of a committee to mcmoraliso Congress on tho subject. The Convention i lieu adjourned sine die. Steamer Endancfred by a I'assengr's Uauc.age As the steamer Ludy Elgin was proceeding up Lake Michigan, last week, with a large load of freight and passengers, among which was a oollection of animals for exhibit inn, tho helmsman suddenly found it impossible lo move the steering-wheel. The captain swore and the mate took hold of the wliec', but cotild not budgu it ; go at last, tho engine was slopped, aud all hands went below to ascertain tho cause of the difficulty, when they found that the elephant annoyed perhaps by the rattling of the wheel-chains had wound his trunk round them and was holding them, as if in a vice. On the keeper remonstrating with him, he let go and behaved qnile well for tho rest of the passage. Baby Snow in Canada. At By-town, Can ada, on the 2d inst , prizes of SfiO each were given for two babies of 16 and 17 months old, respectively. After sdme appropriate speeches by the judges, one of the lucky mo thers made the announcement that "she should have another baby to show at the same time and place next year, if there was a pre mium lo be given," which caused rounds of applause. On.MTiioLOuv. A French sea captain, lately returned to France from Madagascar, has brought homo with him two enormous eggs, ihe natives assure.! him that the bird which lay these eggs still exists in the interior of the island, and is Urge enough lo carry off a cow. Fashionable Intelligence. The neatest stylo nf fashionable pantaloons in New York, is described as "a li"lil gray ground, with tho castle of llei.lelburg in dark blue on one leg, and Mount Vesuvius vomiting foilb firu cn tho other." Communication. Fer Hie t-uiilmry Autciii-un. Mil. Editor : The political campaign has already com menced, so lar at least as lo bring belore the public the names of Ihe diilerenl candidates lor oilice. Theie will be, no doubt, intro duced lo Ihe public, many good and line men, who will be candidates for public favor, Among I hoso who aland piomenotil, in this respect, is cur esteemed fellow citizen Major Win. L- Dewart, who, I presume, is already in the minds eja of a luigo puitioti of Ihe volets uf this district, a Ihe demo. emtio candidate (or Congress. It is, peihaps, ueedlfM.io me to speak of llio menu or ipitt'.inVatioiis of Major IVwail fur this olliee. Ho it piobably better Luomii to the peeplu uf ibis county llisn any man of hi age, and ihe almost unanimous vole lie leceived iu the convention, which noininu'ed him for Congress two years since, is a sufl: cient evidence lliul lio was Ihen, as he cur lainly now i, Ilia choice uf lha po.i!o uf NoiibutiiboiUnd county for this importai. uflice. Il i wall known with what leluclsiica hi fiiouds yielded I be nomination, al thai time to K'huylktll county, but circgiiilauee( seamed lo demand il, bul helhxr the slrp was wit or tuuiwr i m l fui m uuw la d Irimiiid. It is sulliuivnt la say, Ihil aftor lha iioiiiinatioti ina.le, Major Doil and h fiiou Itvove the UuU lu kt siiuu aud cui li.l suiH. jt'ltkS KW AilvltUIUCUtl I I Ke- I f M I W.M5. H.-iol. M it 1,1., Wt.lfc 4 UUl LU. w. , i--t To the Voters of Northumberland County. FsLtow Citickhs. Enroiiraired br mint of my friends, I herewith offer myself to your consideration, as a candidate for the office of ; COUNTY COMMISSIONER a', the ensuing; election. Should I be elected, I promise to fulfil the duties thereof with fidelity and impartiality. ELIAS BKOCIOUS. Sunbury. May 87, 1R54. BANK OF NORTHUMBERLAND. THE stockholders are hereby notified that a meeting will be held at Ilia Bunking Houe on Thursday, June zv, l04, al z o clock, P. M., to take into consideration the acceptance of the bill re-chartering the Dank, passed at the last session of the Legislature. J. R. PRIESTLEY, Cashier. May 37, 1853. tin. Office of the Locust Coal and Iron Comp. Ai-hiladklpkia, May 19, 1854. MEETING of the stockholders of this Com pany, will 1 held at their Office, No. 88 south Fourth street, below Walnut, on Mobbat, the I'lth .ln I . ... 1 .,, nrxl) m-iween me noursot ond 0 o clock, P. M., for the purpose of electing Seven Directors to serve for one year, next en- ri -, WM C tUDWIO, Sec'y. riula., May 27, 1854. 4t New Clock a a Watch ESTABLISHMENT, Market st., 3 doors east of the Red Lion Hold Stuibnry, Pa. EAIMOND FE1IRENBACII T ESPEOTFULLY invites tl,0 .t,enlin of the public to his Clocks, Gold and Silver Watches, Jewelry, &c, which ho will Bcll at moderate prices. Repairing of Cloiks, Watches and Jewelry done ut the shortest notice. Sunbury, May 27, 1854. tf. GREAT BARGAINS IN Cll ESTNLT STREET." MISS JANE FINNEY JTA.S just returned from tho cily Willi a fresh XM- supplv of Fancy Goods, such as Parasols, Gaiters, Louies I'obe Dresses, Needlework, Gloves, Hosery, Ginghams, Straw Bonnets and Flats, Gentleuicns' Straw Hals, Hoys do., Rib bans. Laces mid every variety of seasonable goods. Please cull at the corner of clieitniit and second street. Those of our friends in ihe coun try who may not know where to find us, may enquire at "Tower Hull," opposite the "Ked Lion." .Sunbury, May 27, 1S54 3t. The Eye Perfected. SILVER MEDALS, 'iuiu tho Frutikliii Institute. ( rhilnilelhhia, finm ilm .....v iv. in upuiuic, now i urn., unu FIVE FIUST PIIEMIUMS From Different Fairs in Ncic England. City DagueiTcotyiio Establishment D. C. COLLINS & CO. No. 100 1G0 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia -riinu, outer, zpringjield, i)(Ls. and Wcstficld, Mass. rortrait lVuitinfr. ond Tulbotypinrr, in tho jl.cst state of perfection, done in all tbo ubavn Kstablisbments. Sky-l.ishu used in nil the estuhlishments. Miniatures taken eouallv as well bv tbem i cloudy as in elear vvrnlher. I'hibi., Mny 27, 1 85 1- tf. SArfZUEL w, PEPPER, LCC ESROR TO ' HENRY J. 1'EITER & SON, It attijcsi, JeiTClry Sl Kilt er M'nrc, No. 175 Chestnut st , opposite the Slate lluuse, PHILADEIPKIA. rhilu., May 27, 1S34 ly. ALLEN & NEEDLES, 23 Suulh Wharves and 25 South Water Street, iri'bli for sale on the moat reasonable terms, OILS Sperm, Whale, .Solar and Miner' Oils- GL'ANO TYruviun Guano, Government No. 1. blAKLJI Aireuts fur the Oswego Turo Starch, Prepared Corn and Corn Starch. Phosphate of Lime, 1000 barrels of improved Super Phosnhntn of Lime. ' ' Phila., May 27, 1S54. 3m. North, Chase & North, " Iron Founders and Wholesale Dealers liN SIOVES, HOLLOW WARE, SAD IRONS and nil description of Foundry cablings; WARE KOO.M Ao. 145 North 2d Street, Philadelphia. Thirty-five dollars per Ion will be allowed for old cast iron delivered at our Foundry, payable in castings. Phila., May 27. 1854. 4l JAMES B2GGS, Jr., CZAIP. &, FTOITITTIP.E Warerooms, No. 82 $ 95 North Front Street, Above Arcb, PHILADELPHIA. tv Chair. (Settees, Uureaus, Bedstrads, Ta bleo, l.ooking-tilaimcs, Ktanda, oVc, in every vu riety, sold at the lowest pric es for Cash. Phila., May 27, 1S5-1 4m. PATENT tlalvniiizcd Iron Tubing, t TOR CHAIN PUMPS. rilHIS Tubing, inado uf Galvanized Iron by X patent imieliiuery, poswet great atrviiglh. coiubiued villi nimplieity 0nJ uealuess, and i warruuted nut to corrode, is now oll'ered fir a!c at the aiehouse of tho AMEKICAN GALVANIZED IRON WOKKS, No. U l'orth Ttulh Street, . riiit.ADr.i.i-uiA A full assortment of our American ISalvauitrd Sheet an,) Hoolin; iron olwav on hand. A II orders promptly attended ui bv Mel'Ol.l.OLClI A. CD. Phila., May S7, IU5I. Jm. t 1OD 1.1 VKl! Oil.. MO bullous pure mI and brown t'od l.urr Oil l.ir jle il WL'MKK A BRI NER'S. (Suul.iiiy, May 27, !iil - SAItUi.VLSfor.aiaeb.apliy " ' vtit:u &. ukim:i:. Hui.bury. May 7, IN5I. Oil. (iK A I. MM. rt. l'lup. lllaik, H. I'm U)f, lluflil '1'uria da hiliu auj Vn.lk Uiuwii, ttvaiu (i4ivd liout Ike .Nw Jriat-y PjiiiI a id Culoi Wil, I.k ula by U tlsKM V UKL.VKIt. Mmbuiy. May 11, l.M SOU A Axil Uh iii.kma , aw wl bv wi:ii: & li iu .st: II. stuidury, Maf IT, U. -4 it "Al. OI fr (I.iii, mU lUlJ ky M.ii;it uia .m.u. Kuubui), My IT. tJI IMliKI'VUIP. l ATIlK I'OWl'Llt-W a. -h W'..i.m i.J 'ii'iU'si'iu IVa Jn. Jli lm4 t'" HiM " H lli:KA HHl.Nt'K Mui.bbit, May IT, I aJ s. i tklt:i l. WUw'l'V to-" i'm I t.i dsy, 1 r'ti ) 4 Uut I uUk I'. M f