JZZJlggSOg SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. - C. P. KKIGJIT & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, r I and Dialers in , , Fish,' Cheese ft Provisions . . Generally, ' : u , No. 19 4- 30 S. Wharves, Philadelphia. HAVE constant! on hand upply f M"fk' ercl. Codfish. Shall. Ralmoti. Hrrriiif". Blue Pialk. VV Kit Pink IL.MtA f4imv Fide. Shoul- der. I.iir.l. n. Prt I'lufM, Ueana, Dried Applet, Dried Peaches, Orantwrries, & f , Phila, It arch 15, 1854. 3m. , 'Tsprino mFlliheiiy goods. JOHN STO.'E & sax, : '. v Nc. 45 South Second St., , Philadelphia, HAVE now In Store, of tUrir own importation, a large and handsome assortment ot Ribbon, ; Silks, - Flowers, Crapra, . and every article suitable to the Millinery Trade, to which constant addition will be made ihrough otit the aeaaon. thereby enabling them to oiler the largest and most desirable .election of articles in their line to be found In the city. - Pliilada., March 18, 1831. Sin. "w. S. STOCKM7 ' ' THOMAS O.NE1I.L. STOCKMAN & O'NEILL, - , GENERAL ' ; tfommisotoii iUcwIjants 361 ITORTH WHARVES, Philadelphia. ltEFEB'ENCnS. Thoe. Richardson & Co. Philadelphia. A. G. Cattell & Co. Kuttcr & Patteson, " Charlea Ellia & Co. Btirgin Sc Sons, " rhiIa.,April 8, 1854. ly. PRICES Of HORSE AND CARRIAGE HIRE. 4 Horses, Carriage and Driver, j i . 3 " Buggy, per day, S8.00 5,eo ' 4,00 2,50 2,00 -1,!)0 3,00 ' 1.50 2,00 1,M 1,25 1,00 75 1,00 . 50 50 ' 25 Sulkcr, Saddle, and Harness, Two Horse Carriage, best, " " second best, " ' One " Bufrcy, best,. " , second best, " Sulkey. ' . Double Harness, best, " " " second best, " Single c ' " best, " " " second best, ; " ' Terms cash in advance. ' THOMPSON & EISELY. JOHN DIEMER Sunlmry, March 11, 1854. fit. 18 It AGS WANTED! TJEING extensively engaged in the inanufac ture of paper, we will pay to Country Merchants and others having Raps for sale, more than the present market priors Casts. JES3UP Sc MOORE, Paper Manufacturers. PntI.iriri.pniA Nos. 24 and 20 North St. 1st Street below Arch, between 5tli & 6th. Phila., March 18, 1854. 2m. Valuable Property for Sale la the Borough of Sunbury ! ri'HE subscriber ofi'ers for sale the following JL property in the Borough of Sunburv, viz: THE HOUSE And two contigious Lots of Ground, cn the south west corner of Market Square, now occupied by the subscriber as a store and dwel ling. Also: THE STEAM SAW MILL on the river bank, together with one and a half acres of ground. Also: a double two story frnme . ' Dwelling House and Lot of Ground, iu Elderberry street. Also: six acre of croond at tho Point, adjoining the Susquehanna, on xvliieli are erected two frame boused wagon house,' Ac. AUo : , : A IIouso and Lot of Ground in Cianberry street, near the river, on which lut tiro also erected three lime kilns. Also; ' , A House and half Lot of Ground, oh the north east comer of River and Dewberry street, occupied by Augustus Clement. , Also: ... Twenty-Three Vacant Lots on Elderberry street. ' IRA T. CLEMENT. Sunbury, Jan- 14, 1854tf. F11HE subscriber begs leave respectfully to in M. form his friends and tho public generally that he will continue the business of a Calinet Makers' Finding Store, in alt ita various branches at tbe old stand, No. 134 South Second at., below Dock at. Philadel phia,' and respectfully solicits a continuance of the very liberal patronage bestowed upon tho lute firm of T, & h. Thompson, assuring his friends that every exertion will be' made by hiinsclt and those in his employ to merit a continuance of their much esteemed favors. Thomas Thompson. Phila., March 4, 1854 6m. ' SHAM0KIN Collegiate Institute. R. HILL, A. B., Principal. Rev. C. J. EIIREHART, a. M. Teacher of Moral and Mental Science, Lvi. deuces of Christianity, tjc. Teacher of Primary Department. . rM(E first session of this Institution, located at ShamoUn, Northumberland county, Pa., will commence oil Wid.vi.sij 4 y, the loth day of Mai, 1054. The year will be divided into thief session of fourteen weeks euch, thus allowing a viirulion of tour weeks iu spring and autumn, anj one of two weeks during the holidays. The Institution will comprise three departments, A I'mjuai, Acaucwic and Colleoiatk. The ruuiae of instruction in these will br lull and thorough, euibraciu? all the branches uaiully Luyht in Uirse rsjeclivo department. Rati or Tenon : Primary Dcpaitiuei.t, irr ,e.,iou, $1,00 Academic. " jy uy l.'ollegidte " i'MiO A Urge and spuiinua room lias been secured In meet the .ii.i of the Institution, until the lierrunry buildliij are i-ompleled. Uuaidniir ran be ubtaiurj in prixat. families at rrAsonubla rate. Tb. Uxurd of Trusters will spurs no l aius or UlM.r. tw w.ae hh.iui.kiu CuCcguU) l...i.luU,. worthy Uie piirou.,,, .a cuuij.l, ,ue of the o,u. muiiity. rt fuilhei ..ilirUl a.t.lir. Ki.nU, fUi ".,. .,.,1.. r-.iiu,,.k,U .i.irlll u, j;ullJ nt Luicheu of f bUai.kiii, March 4, Ujl iff ann' LrrrKn" "Oil 1, l, lut u.vi, '"iV.... , lU-MAA-ata. fW.M, , 4, , ttaa-ls auj Ijaau4 S4.U'.M4. w'r'nina It tl u la.va wl 14a U Treasurers Sale. t V' LIST of th tinKeatPil . land dertiMd for aale by Francis Bucher, Treaaurer of Northumberland County, agreeablti to n act of tho Genetnl Afwmbly of tha Common wealth of Pennajlvanin, pawed the 18th ol March 1845, and the wipplemenl tht-reto entitled, an not .lireotii,B Vhe mode, of aclling undated Land for taxes rind othor,.irpoSt.a will be exposal to public fale at Alio Court House, in the Boronoh of Sunbory, on the 12th day of June, 1854, at 10 o'clock, A SI., tho fdllowina doscribeil Uact pf hind lor arrearag;e of Taxoa due and the cost aoorupd on each tract respectively, pnalponed iroin day to day, tinlcrs preriously diacharged, to No. acres. Warranters naniee. . Coal Township. Am'l due. Antti Hntry , ; 1 Atloms Tboiirn 'Fdftcr Thomni 1074 Jfiikino James Anlii Frwterirk ' A tin mi Robert ' HniT Edward Urrcr Jnmv Greet Th(mn t 1779 Oiimplrttn It'irl Cnmplain Thmm i, . Muirim AVillimn J JVhMm . F Aiitia It Arlnms Th inni F-Hfer lH H irlinrd Snlntaii Itichiuil Mmr. lug r.tlw.iTrl IIulT Jntm-i Uieerj i Truninis Gtur Itnlert C'tmplslill t Willi : Miii'ii to in'TWB Strphpntii 434 10 it WSJ t !.! 417J rV) 5M 4n si I 814 llWi I j M M 9 3dii . at ; (Hi a 1 7i a33 a 1(H) 30 UK) id 200 J 307 m 414 ItaAv. Nclf , Vnh' .t tlm N JHtlJt.l.n Iln fini IVtrr Hri'ly Jhn ("iir lulf) Rilli'mn Ti-na:is Jl m-n Cl.riiliBii H titon S.iimttl HntilyJdliii jJt.itlv John BniflWmP i'laivn Kimber , Clenvcr Kiintwr Cleaver Kimbur CowHwi Jhn Ki!it Willitun . , , I.vunt Jvv&vt , ' , F,vou Smith Fnctely Itruln Fug:lv William nnd Sflom GniyftoWfrt (one-half) Green William Grant Thnmt Ca dtier Archibald . Gn iint?r ArchilMid Gardner Archibald JHrah Fbiiip r ; Hepburn Jamefl Hunter Alexander Hub Icy Barnard Hnnmdrifh Henry Hepburn Jamra Jordnn Robit Irwin Robert 57 11.7 til i.i at nu f't ij ti i in i; w I Irt , W -J 1 SI ! OHM . . It 21 3 M 3 61 ?J M . 37 41 23 M ' 4 50 S2 S t 4rt ' M 61 : M Hi .. 3 4 J 3 SO ' 1170 1 31) OKI 77 7(4 5 84 S-2 (rt f7 9 6 1)1 il W 67 !17 5551 131 51 4 .1 4 2-) IU S3 4 1 0 .541 Wl 51 7 21 9 S .101 1 00 .. 35 71) 211 HI S3 Ml 36 71 St 74 I a il ' 4 0:1 p.i 4 01 0 72 S3h 104 3 j 41 17 39 17 as 30 5(1 30 01 33 U9 7 00 S07 SOS ata 7.'0 M W Jlki V It) 7() ouaa 10 t.i 20 (4 II 5-4 10 5-4 a iu 417 3-4 Kenncily David VJOj nron iicnnp 653 Iambert William &4 luknm Abipntl 3-J7 . l.ukcns Smuli U0n-4 lnke Kiehard Slr4 iMiller kmc Ul I Morsran Samuel lift Moury Peter 2:J Martin J ( 1 mi 3-4 Mvers Mary lt"4 .Miller John 1K) Mover Georjro SM1J Paul Jereuiiub . , llll Prince Gorge 101 Keta S-irah 800 ReetPanirl ReeaThomuajr 101 3-4 Hees Thomas 107 J Huston Thoman 2:113-4 IiuFlt.il Mary iIU ReynomsJt.ini ftj 2)1 4t!l Ittftl IB (in rati .'Ulllj Rii5ton Charlotta Iteea Daniel Sheets George Smith Peter Stair Mrriok . . Sliced William SuFwiinan Peter Hamilton William Shortle Jacob Slmrtle William SharMe Wjllnitn 7(i '353-4 Smith Mary 171 Scott Abraham 4'-M Scot l Hester Tmiii It it-bard TiUwuth f !in Tvann Joseph ToUtnd John White John Witwoti Wiliiam Walter Ivia Ytixtheinier Hemy Zcicler ltac Ziin:neni)aa MutJ:u C-imcron lotrnshtp, 11 ' e T-nk-e liJtton Samuel HarrJoha Did John Dan Mary inrr J'eter D:irr L.ukt Fill Luke Gordan .Inffph Grant Thoin.ia Omnt Tiiumaa Hanion William .1111 an t aibj .11!) 611 1 1"( 300 so 3IHJ 39a Je SoU Ml S-0 ;o as 4'WI ton 9M bn I u lif.4 15 01) 10 2.1 0 H 1 Oli 3 12 ' 3 Ml U Ml 5111 15 60 0 70 1 fW 3d l vn I S3 1.' to rm t8 HuuUT Alexander 9:i 78 p Moier Hrnry oo judinie Jolui . Jll Rers 'l'homns ii-i Hnulh l.uU 11)7 Cianh Abioul ttioiih Kvans . , Sliamokm. . I0o' Hni.ly J.,l,ii . 4'2," Ucltererton Bcivimiuii 100 Hunter Ak&uiuler ' 37j l.uko Richard 103 Lewis Jamts 1TI tc lt Alimhain 30J Tilsworth John : j Point. ton Hurt rum Alrjun.ttr 1IKI lltirrt'ji Jolui jr til Ilord J.ibn 115" Kplry Aiulrrw 300 Uunliier Arrhllld lJ tiaidnrr Win l Sr4 Irwin Robeit Hii Kiuennr AlYahain 00 Kim Klrkml iKI Mkr liirluinl . 316 Muiliu IVlrr 50 Mriznrr Jnhii t 'M 1J NutUliiiul Jauics ! Upper Mohanoii. m Did John tl Durr M iry . 1.10 llmr I'rti-r IU . Durr Uikn HKI liuriiKin Wilhaol 10 ' 1I..umIJm,ii 3iU Irwm Itolx-rt IMJ Mnlliim Jcihu 3uu r-iuuu Joliu 0 , Little ilulmnoy. lfiT Drwart Willuuu iM Drwad Jobii , '.I'") CluiSmr An-hilaM :h (.urdiin Wiilum f 4tj Huiiit-r Junics " JIJ llJi I'hulra w7 ftMla Alramidef 1 Jf?;1 Kl'UI J .tilt vs-3-1 Ki.ld J..I. 3iO I uka KiiliMfl Ml l.yoii Jiuri h 143 IViruv I'mm 3i;i:!-t Kt-n Tiu.uiaa Jrl lie.1 Ttt"nijt 'Jh Km.Ui J.iii Dr 77 r'ualu J bil lir I." SniUi J Ihi Di ll- K n a Ital.lrt 'J) I rii'fci I, iwiia O Litre r A'lnsta. ' l' A'uil i.tiain I Hi J, :.u Sl'7 I ll,iiil''f A'.r iiulvf Ul-J luiiciiulta ti J"i ltii Jfui.ra 77 Hu. ili J l.u Dr 44 hmiik J an In I 7 J h.uilli Dd.iirl i hi.i.Ui J a I r nil ') I'iMI lijf.l irr Wllha u P I'M) l...k I. -l.l I'l I It. . r i'li -luaa J Tiuk.i; i hu.io (Viili;ju3iia )I4 N .l4 la:.. I itAvn m niKit, ti"iivia' I'.n a. lait. i, t4 26 00 33 10 2 00 S 72 3 42 I 51 10 Ml tW a on 01 . A 24) ft 2U 5 20 12 :o 52 S20 S2U , It'll 00 6 4 1014 ' 7 Ml 12 30 14 l 760 3 12 I0 2II 70 0 10 6 IS 6 50 5 20 7f 113 s :t l 41 7 M Ji1 7 HI 9(M 7 IH HI 09 12 fH : :t f j 0J I0M 7 ft? toil S in 4 "J 2 7a I VI IMI i H I O I Ml I Ml 1 14 TiMtaaivr Cane Heat. I LAIN AN P FANCY 1'IUIk.s. Aim t'hbirt, llutkiitf Cltir, Wnf CUW Ch.ua"; CHERRY PECTORAL: fw ike Cnr . OOUOH3, COLDS, HOARSENESS, BROXX. OHITI3, GROUP, ASTH. ' ZVIA, WnOOPIMO-OOUOH AUD OOHXSU2VIPTIOIJ. TOCrnE A COM), WITH VtaUBACC AHO iHtfKH of the body, tuke M C'hkiirt Hkctukal on doing to lied, and wrap up wnrni, to tweal during the night. For a GtiLD asd Cocgh, tukit iiHmtng. n nnm1 eve ning, nc cuidtng t diiertions uti tbe bUl, Hint the ditli'-ul-y will oon m retnivH. None will ltig mflif fnm t tiim trouhii- when they htnl it nn Item nntlily ruied. perwuii fifiliotrd with a rHl conrh, wlurh brr.ik them M lhir rent it nitfht, will Aim,, by ink in; the Cherry Perioral on going t they rur be tiro tf fr t'tinl, unbtoken l.-p, Biid coiweqiipttty nfrefhinv re. Grisit rebel frmfiirTer itif, ivi an ittniHute fiuf, is nd -ltl-d to ihounndc who are thus ndlicicd. by thw uiv.-i!uble renndy. Frfim In tiLTtrf-ilile rtfrxMs in ihew rnat-P, inntty fiid tlieinsf-lvrs iiiiwilliug U forrjju ui use when the itwetsity for 4 hns eeuft J From two emmmt Phr-riciani in Fatkttbvim c, Tenn . April 18, 1351. Sir .we hre given vjir Chrry teetornt itn extensive trial in nnr pincliee, mrtl find it t a.irMirs every tdhet re inctty w hdvs fir curiim ntrr'-tins of the rtiinitory or gan'. IKS. 1MK.MKK n .MI"IHN. TO SINGERS AND I'UllMC Sr'KAKliKS thi remedy is im-u!uiille, n by na cti.iii'n the '.hront mid lunirs. vtIilmi token In Vtnnll minnritim. ilrrinnvrv.ill h inrariirmt in n lW h Njra, mid WiUHlertuUy incre'tsea tho pttwer and flexibility ! i he ''.ic. . ASTHMA it p-ncmlly much reli-'ve.!, irnd, often wholly eitrttl by Cherry Pt-t-rorul. But there nre Svme ca?r b tiiKite a to yitld entirely to no ineticin. Cherry Pecto ral wilt rnrc them, it tlra- enn lw cured. IJIIONTHITIS. or irritutioii tne thnwl nd upper pniti'tn of the lim, may ie cured b'-t ikinnCherrr Pe t--rnl in Binil) and trUiit dose. The uncmioriable oj -prcMott is anon r liveil. liev. 1 ct. LANSING, of nroklyn,New York, ntates: ' I have bcpii the Cherry lect"ril i-mf aiih ca.-a i f Aitlnna mid llronchitis no leadi me to believe It can rarely full t- cure itf we ditm!." KOIt CROUP, tiive an emetic of ttntlmonr. ti he lollwed by torpe ami frc pieiil d ?c3 of life Cherry Pectn lal, nuTil i' buIkIiici the dibcare. It UiUen iiisejejit, it will ii l fiil to cure. WllDOPINrt COUGH may h- br oken up ant mon cu red hv the n e ot' Cherrv Pectoral. TllV, INFI.L'fc.N'ZAisapecdily mnoxed by tins reme dy. Xiimeruns infttHncen have b':cn th'tkel whore wltole families wcie protected from any aeriotta eonaeqiiettcca, while their nci;rhbirr without the Cherry Puclorul, were mrt'crinir from the ditcaao. Dr. J. C. Ayer: Salkm. Ohio. 1 lih Jnn, U.il. I wri!r to inform you o the truly remnrkabie etVetig of vour CIIKKRV 1 TsCTtlUM, iu this plwvs. nd in my own fmnilv. One ( mv d.iuchters wh coHijiMcly cured iu three days of a rireudful Whihjmo Cocgh. by t:kiu?it. lr. MeatiB. one of our very bct haiciniia fieely atates thnt he consT:lera it the best remedy we have pulmonary discuses, mtd that he hns cured iii-tc etiscs nt" Cnorp with it tha'i any other medicine he ever administered. Out clergymen of the Uop'nt Church anva that durum the run ol Influenza here tins scan-'n. be his aeeii cures frm otir me Heine he ctnM acarcely huvr believed X-ith-oat aeeiti. Youra rtijiecu'u'ly. J. P. SINCLAIR, DepLty Pnet'imater. From the distiit;itishcd Professor of Chemis try and Materia Medicc. Iloicdoin College. I have found The CtikRRv Pkctoral, its iitjjrcdients ahow. n powerful remedy for colds, and citughs, nut pul monary diseaucB. rAVKER CLEVKLAXD, M. D. BRuXfW.cx.. Me., Vcb. S, 1S17. Jill. VALKNTINKMOTT. The iridrhf crltlnatid Prqfessor of Sursrtry in the Mdical CoHecc, Next York City, 50is:- 'It gives me pin-fire lo certify t he value n-id ellicacy 'f 'AvtiR'i, ClimBY PFCTonAL,' vlli'-!l 1 confiilev Uilli arry mlaptcl to cure tlisciist-i of tVe Tlmvtt and Lucira f Cu:t3 o(evie ilif-awa ,u(i the Lmit! hnve1,,-tu ef fected by Chphhv lVcroTi.u. in inch extreme enw? n nrrnnt the tn-lit-f thtt a renwiY has nt Inith Ijccii f -iii'id tint cn b dejM-udcd mi to cure ihi: C'nh?, 1'l.lnnitd CtiRumrtioii whi h carrv froin our itiM ihoiirt;:i every venr. li in inHwd a medicine L huh the ufiU-ied etrii look with e tnfulci.ee for relief, und tliey aiiouhl not f;iil to avfii! themeelvea of it. Prepared and foil by JAMES C. AYER, Practieiil Chrmtst.' Lowell, Mars. I ' Sol.l in Simlinry I'y IT MASSRR, nml by l)runcitn fri'iit-rallv tlirotic'imit t:r l-itp. ' July 30, lS.Vt. crow 1. Nov. 13. '32. r'"'w'-''-V ' CASSIS, i!i:.'? El A. Co., Flour, Grain f.nJ Lumber Cominisitni iich;ui(, 23 and 20 Sptur's Wharf, Baltiiaure. ia:ri:ia:.Na:s. Johu Clark, Es;j .President (;ii;,ens' Liauk A. P. Giles. LV.:.. Cashier Uranklin lluuk Rail. John Ht-rlxler Jr., Esq., Piiiladelphia. IIo ;irs, f-innie!:in Co , ' J. Tome, E:., rnsidont C;:l Dank, Toil Dc- posite. J. Wallow cr & 8on Harrisbui. Col. II. V, Ever, Seliuvgrove. J. H. App A Co., ' Nagle, ingato Co., Milton. W. V'.- Coolie, Esq., Mnney. . ,'. Simon Pehuylcr, Esq., " ' ' ' George Ilodine. llughsvillf, W. Weaver A. Co., Montoursijlle. Gen. William F. Packer, Willianisport. T. W. Lloyd. Jq , Ca.iiier, James H. Hjllnc, " I.euu G. Ilulinir, , M'llenry & Dubb, Jersey fehnre. , . , J. P. Holing, Esq., Lock Haven. IJ Curr, Gictc & Co. havo the lrp;et wharf rooni of any roinmision house in Ualtimore. al ways g ing quick dispatch to boats In discharg ing ineir cargoes. . February II, 1851 Cm. Ilhicksmilhin. rlKE subscriber hereby informs the ciluensof Sunbury, and tbe public generally, that he intends to carry 011 tbe WatUkiiiltlilng IlttxliH': on his own account, and that he has removed his shop from near Clemeut'a store, lo a new shop on the premises of .Murk Seupliam, in Fawn street, nhcie he will be happy to accommodate all his customers. IIEXRV PARTON. Sunbury, March 5, 1851. tf. u. ia?noLow. o.ntmt.ji. j. a. cmawo Uiu lholow, Tifluiiv 5 Co. IMfOR THUS AND PKAI.i:iiS IN rorriKii ami Doiueblic DRV GOODS, AND ACKNTS FOR THE A.K (.r ' AMKEICAN llANUFACTUlaES, iVj, 2CS Hullimnre Strut, Baltimore If our Gootla 00 examination, are not aa cliiiin as they ran be bought in any other m.iikel thev may It returned loill.x.illi at our vijvuae. Ualiimoie, .Nov. Vtt, 1851. ly. MEXICAN CUAN0. 'IM1E ku'iacriliera olfrr for sale Mexican Guano ol Ilia brat quality, will aJaiMrd to the toils 4f Hrniiavlvauiu and New Jerat-y : aitaUxs of which, by a well known rheiuial, i 111 our poaaea- i.Hi. I hi article is sold t a uiu. ti lower pine lb all lb I'rnivlail, and will b louud fully rqual ill lem.iiiiig q'l.iliu. 1. II. S. Ul KI.lMi A. CO. 101 Xorlh P1n.1t Start, PhiUJilpliiu. I'Ui!., t Vi, Ill.--Ju4. IMI'UUTKU AND DKALEIl IN IRON t STIIXlIi, 4il j.f thiet, Ul.w Uih, KuttS t:d, I'U.la., Jail, ,'t, lu il. tv, Wlini aj lr.M E vr JAMAICA l.Ts U. li. HI A so I. II. out'UlJ, J.it. 16, IS "it "V""' WINDOW SHADES. 5r .-.. 1894. MANUFACTL'nEItS ' 1J84. : WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS ' In VindoAr Shades, ! South-west corner of Second and Arch Streets, PnZI.ADSX.rHIA. as (tnthe's Landscapes, Holders, Vsacs, ' .Korolcs, Duqncts, . GOLD B0EDERS, I Of tlic most beautiful design and perfcetion of finLslv in this country, and at such j , LOiV PRICES, j As to ctillrnije all competition. Bufl'and White Hollands, t'ainlirira, Tassels, Cards, Brasses, &C, in every rarirly, fur City or Country Trade. We invite an examination of our stock, at tha Drpot, Snutti-west corner of Second and Arch atrrrts, 'liilni!e1ihil. January 24, 1S5I. 5m. Drills, Piiints, Oil, AVindow Class, eje 5 Toxs French line while. 10 tons l'ure White Lead. .1000 Doses Window Glass, all sizes. Superior Potash.Copal, Coach .Leath er iV Iron Tarnish, white Ucinar varmnh fur Chum (rloss, wilh a general aaiortmcnt of fresh and pure DRUGS AND MEDICINES. AUi nil the r.itent Meilicinos in general use, warranted genuine. . Colored and Enatuled Glass, cVc, Ac, for sale very luw at ALFRED WILTBEROER'S Dm tind Faint Stoic, So. 169 JS. 2nd Street, piiif,.ri;i,i'm. I'liysici ins and Slorekerpers supplied Goods sent to any of tho Hotels or DcpoU free of charge. Phila., Mnv 23, 1853 It. DAVIS &. CULIN, Dealers in LAMPS,' I.AMTRRKK .V CHANDELIER., A'. E. Ciiriirr I'ci'irth nnd Cherry Streets, 1?!ZX.JlD2IVIZZA. CAVING eubrijej and improved their Store, and li:ivin!T the largest assortment of I. anps in Philadelphia eitv, tliev lire now prepared to furnish PINE OIJ." CAMPHEKE, Eun:rn;a fluid, : ETHEREAL OIL, Phonpheuo Gaa and Lard Oil, Lamps, Lanterns of all patcrns. Fancy Hotel and Hail Lar.i., Chandeliers, Girandoles and CnndrlralnaK, and Driitamiia Lamps, at the Mauul'aeliireM' lowest r.ric"S. Glass Lamps by the paekaf. at a small advance over Auction i.ricf. , lYiii laru-e MAM FACTUF.EUS of I'ine Oil, Eiiiiiij: Fluid, Ethereal Oil, Alcohol, and (the only true) I'lioFsrnc Gas, thev can fur nit.li thenc aiticlrs nt such piiees tlint Merihants will tj tut it l t'.eir advaiiliige to buy. Call before iroiiur I'lspwherp, if you want bargain:;. Also, tha Siifeiv I'l id Lamp for sale. Phila., S.-pt. -M, ISoX ly. Just by l'nhlir-lu'd and fop Sale , VM. McCARTV, nooksellor, Kunbiiry, Pa. The Auierican TLEAmiRS' ASSISTANT : Reing a co'.leeli.iii of approved dcclarationa, writs, returns and priveedinga in the aevrral ai tions iio.v in use in ti e United states. II V Cni.i.iNs.iN Rrm, E-q , Ipsa: lris fti'fl vox With notes and additions, together with a shor nstim ol conveyancing. Uy A. Jordan. Prrs iuent Jinljc of the' Eighth judicial district of Ta.. and Win. M. U.'irkrfcler nnd M. L. Htiiudcl, ol't'iu bar of Northumbei land ponnly. 8inrc th pu'dii ition of the book, the followim i letter lias bei 11 romvrd from Jmli'e Pearfon 1.; j I'lirrisbor : , IliHiitsaraii, June 30, I8,"3. ! (i:.Ti.r..r: Afti r a currful examination of your "Anii-r-' iean .h a.'crs assistant," I tal.e pleasure in ex- prcssin' my entire approval of the selection ami j composition of tlie precedcnU thus ottered to lire 1 public. The Icital profession in Pennsylvania j stands. i:i m-e-l of a correct svMi'iii of pleading, j trlapvd to o'lr habits of husincw, and the pracli-e ; ol the 'Clnirts. 1 our forms of declarations brintr, : to a great extent, founded On tho acts of assembly ! "ill bo a saving 01 labor to the pleader, and con I dueo to sali'tv and brevity in our uleadiugs. It sh'iiild 1c in the hands of every practising I lawyer in our atate. 1 ! ; . ! Vours, with great respect, I ;. , . JNO.J. PEVUsiO.N. 1 Hon. A. Jordan, Wm. M. liockcfvllur and M ! Li Miindi'l, Esquire. 1 Sunbury, July U 1S3H. 1 - - - - - -1 1 Look lo voiii' Inf t'l-i'sis I Ve will try to please S. N. THOMPSON EXPECTFULLY informs his friends and 2, the public, generally that he baa just re reived ut his store, in Market street,. Sunbury, bviow xi .aver a noter an extensive Flek or FALL AND WINTER GOODS,, ' consisting in part of . Dry Good, viz : Cloths, Cnssimem. Cnssinets, Jeans, Drilling M islms, IVsJtngj, Linens, (ft.. LADIES DUKSS AND FANCY GOODS, Calicivs, Musti, de Lnins, l.aiens ('iih;.'iiiii3, llerugcs, Itnlcs, ll'uvlens, Ptannets, Av. ;jtoci:!r.s, Su; ir. Teas. Coilee, Rico, Molaasrs, Clieese, pices, Salt, &c, 4c, dec EE art! ware, Nails, Screws, Files, Saws, Knives A. Foil, &c. Uuecns and Glassware, of various styles and patterns. 3UOOT3 AND SHOES. A Ijrge assortineiit of Hoots and Nioes, for nu n, women and children. Hits Cava, ot xaiious size and slxba. liraiJrs u larije uud general aasurtmrnt of luhtitonai.lc ".Hnia. Lall and Ha mine lor your- l Couiitiy produce ol all knula taken in exi UtiiijOal tha bll,et market price. Kuubuiy, 1 1 11,0. KtJ ta.'i l 4 ui. 30, 'S3. New Wail Paper Warehouse. BURTON & LANING. .MAM KACTt I.Ml-tiHTKRti, 1 So l .' l AnS Street, second door abovt Sixth. FhUadeljihia, U' II Kill' may he found the largcal and baud aointi.l a.soiliiieul III tha city. Puuhaacia tioui the country Mill finJ il to Uirir aJ aiitdx to nil ut uur store, xaliara tin ) ill b auitid with aUK'rior arlicl ul lha I iwal price. Ill KTON xV 1. A.M. Mi, No. Ut Aiih tSu.rl, alii Fixih, Philadelphia. Ph.U , F.h. iS iJI.-9.u. JEW HI. It V A boa aa.-jiiii4c.ii uf GoUl aiiJ SuV l' nil tlld I'rn. (..( .air t hrap by G. tlut:nn A I II., Maikal aliatt, i lla II, 1'o.t l)ll4v uolo4l)r, t-l. V. I at.a.1. SI 1. VI I! W AI'CHKH.-A ft doull. raaa t'.i.'li.b lilxl aUlwa. lot u'a at tax L.ai (lliol t' auiil.niy, II. U M AhfctfU. And II. H I("tl aik at llu aaliaaat. upita lliua tuk t'alll MvJuuaf at ti , fan liaHV) a 2,5U0 Acre9 Timber Land FOP. SALE. SEVERAL VALUABLE TRACTS OP TIMBER LAND, compriing ahout S,!S00 acrVi, part of which i ituated on Tobyhanna Creek, and part on Muddy Creek, within three mile of Lehigh River, in Tenn forest township. Carbon County, one of tha great Coal Counties of Pennsylvania, ran be bad at t bargain, if ap plication be made soon. These lands are thickly covered with the best timber of that region. While it is believed that 75,000 feet of lumber to the acre, can be rut from a largo portion of tha land, the balance will aver age not much less than this figure. The kinds of timber found on the land are Hemlock, Spruce or White Cedar, White Oak, White Pine and Chestnut but principally made up of White Pine and Hemlock. The Tobyhanna and Muddy Creeks are large and rapid streams, yielding a vast nmrtunt of water power, and are capable of driving a large number of sawmills. They empty into the Lehigh, which stream, with tho Lehigh Canal aflbids an outlet to the most desirable lumber markets. There is, too, under contemplation, a railway leading tolhe cities of New York and Philadelphia which runs within one mile and three qnarter of the land. Through these avenues lumber can be delivered in cilher of the cities named, fof about 517 per thousand feet thus enabling persons en gaged in the trade to eVrivo gTeitcr profits than attend investments generally. In addition to the tiinlier, convertible intocve ry shape of lumber, there la much that will an swer firspnrs.of vessels a sort of timber that snip builders have-ticen ohliecd to purchase in Maine, or at other distant points. I'niil.e most of the lauds on tho I,elii;h there has, as yet, been no culling of the tinilier on this properly.' It stands undiiturlwd by the wood man's ae. It is, therefoie, the more valuable. The lumber trade of tile Lehigh lias been rarried on to such an extent for years past, that a scarcity of good timber is beginning to be felt. Every season necessorily increases this ditliculty. Tho conseqnence must be nn enchancement of the value of timber lauds. Tboo un-culled tracts with the ndvantme of avenues- to market, such as the lands nflcred for sale, possess, cannot fail lo be the sources of supply hereafter. ' But the land is not alone valuable for the tim ber it contains. It is of good quality for farming, nearly every aero being susceptible of a high state of cultivation. Capitalists desiring to make investments, would Jo va oil to turn their attimtioii to these lands. For further information apply to " CH AS. M.-HALL. Ofi'.i'i) in "Mining Rejislcr" building, Potts ville. Pa. August fi, 1 ss.t. tf. htono Cutters and Laborers WANTED! TONE cutlets and laborers can Iiavo steady emiiloy and a winter job. (and not work in the wnler.) at the Union and Susquehanna Bridgo at Chapman, Union coutityr Pa., midxx-ay be tween Liverpool and Northumberland. To la borers $ l,ij per day will lie given. leii:nui.ng & fisher. Chapman, Sept. 17, lS.W. tf. Cheap Watches 5 Jewelry, TV'HOLESALE and Retail, ot the "Philadcl- J'hia Watch and Jewelry Store," No. 06 North Second Struct, comer of Quarry, f "!t 1,.-vt Va'clirs. I ll: jrwFlnt. ! ciimt cases, Si,r)0 Ool.l la-jiine Ihlc. S-Jl.iHi' t'liie Silv.T S..laclos. MM Si'vrr I .-;. fu!l jexv it'll, :i lli.ilil llneeMa. 3.00 SiK'er l.t'1'ir, toti j.",v:M lal! a lies' Uolil Pencils, l.ll .oiit-i i-T 4(iiiirttt rs, T. Silver T1-.1 sp.-v.ns, aet, S.lsj li .1,1 S;)'i't.n'!'', 7 It ! U'ikl I'ei'i. xvith Tni "! nnd Silver II CJor, . l,ro Gold Fiuzcr liina, 81 cents lo !S80 ; Woteh til.isses, plain, 12 J cents; Patent, 1KJ j Lunct, other nrticics in propoliuii. All goods war ranted to be what tliev are sold for. .sJ'Ari-Tili: & HARI.EY, Kiiccesmt s to O. Conrad. On hand, s-iic.e Gold and iiver Lexers and Lt'pinci, s-'lll lower than tl.c ubuvc prices. H-'pU In, 1'j.jJ. ly. VrTLEY, C:s. vl I) li K 11 . It.? I .' . 4 .V'j - .SV".,.'j .'-r -lid Strcei G.ild Lexer U att l.es full ji-wHcl bilvLr Lexer do fcilvci Li'phie . c " Quarticr do Gold pens and pencil and silver halders Nlxcr Tea ami Tublc tJpuotis Ilrocclets, llrcast litns Ear rings &'c. All warranted and sold at prices as low as any in 11 ie city. November 87. 1853 tf. A Farm 1'or Sale. r"J!IE siiliserilier olTcrs for sale his farm, CONTAINING 3S4 ACRES and allowances. It is situated about three miles from S'unbi.ry alonir the Shaiiiokin creek, and is in a trood state of cultivation. The Philadelphia and sunbury Kailroid passes throuiih said farm. It xvill be ottered in parts or enure to suit pur. ciiaai'rs. It can be divided to make three small farms. The buildinqa are a FARM HOUSE, a good Uank 11am, and txvn tenant houses. JOHN FARNSWORT. Upper Augusta, Sept. 10, 1S53 tf. l'orle Monmtics, POCKET BOOKS, AND FANCY GOODS rill IE attention of tho Trade, and others, i want f Porta Moiiuaie, Pocket Uooks, iiaukers l aai-4. Dressing (Nses, Portable Wri ting Deidi. Ilukuaniiiion and Chesa U.iarda, Clicssint'ii, Pearl, Miell, and ISilver Cord Jases, Work IJoes, t.'nbas. Needle Hooks, Money Hells, 1 .4ur Cases, Portfolios, Razors and Rulor. Mropa, J ravelling I hsks, and line Cutlery, to gelhrr willi a lare variety of FNcr Goons whiih will be sold at the loxvrat rales. F. II. SMITH, Porte Munnaie and Pocket Hook Manufactuier, JD5 Arch St. below Sulh, Philadelphia. Sept. 17, 1S5;1 tf. Important to Coal Dealers. rlllE subscriber hereby inform th fTublic, that they luxe enter. d Into partnership under the lirm of Kaao, Iti ed & Co., for the purM of mining, shipping and aelluiK eon I, delivered at Munbury, or at any other point alont; the Sua ipiahaniia. 1 hey w ill lw ready to deliver roal. well prepa red, on coi'iract or otherwise, at all lime, on tha borleal notice, and on the moat reasonable term. Order received at Hiani.aVin by KdK, HEED cV CO. Sonbury, June 4, IS5J. ly. ATI AND CAP. . splendwl M of fiahionabla Milk, W ool and Fur Hat. ! CUth, 1'yr, Oilcloth, Navy auj Military l'ust r aule low by O. ELftREItdt CO. Msikel 4rcel, nppoaila tha Foal Ollic. 5iinb'irv, IM. ti. I N i l (11. 1) PENH with and wilhoul raaea, x J xnv alienor quality, juat rrrrixeU, Alau a liealt aul i.ly ol W ritina Fluid. t,i aala ' II. U. M ANri;u. hunt .ui), Ikf. XI, lM. fcUEVr li U IT A MA itl'OI'I'EUd lu, B MA8SEIL tail Bvltiaa lor a.l ,y II. 4ua)l.ur. Aplil, II, Ita I VliMH.Ka KIIU Fi t IU i.J AJis. aUk atUal I a. di MU t laUlMA. I. awla l.a. II. U M in win itl k blJ mi ihiM mLa. 4 La CELEBRATED ... , Family Medicine. IN offering tollie pablia the above invaloabla preeara. tiona, the ulerAeT would Male that ill c.miul(iOi"il XVilh his filemJ nnd some of the moat respeetnl.lc of tha Medical faculty, it was riermad advianl.le to mt-r 10 III putilic, a few preparations irf; known celr-hrlty. IstiiHC pre. pared with th treatcst enre, and on the moat arieiitihc principlea, aa aiihstitnle for the mtmfrou worthlcaa ar ticles ttutt are flooding the countr' in the form of panaceas aim cure ana, prr-finrrd lif the most iirtioraiit ann tnareeiai. ry persons, intended to care all diseases and good for none, Read and Reflect Thnt the Mrdu int-, Mannfactureri by W. M.Bkcxlkt. Inchidinff hit It (we I'ectoriil for Coughi. Cream uT Camphor, for Kheumatiim. Wnrrn Syrtip fttr Wornw. Tmitli WfiBh. for clemyed Ireth, disensfd fftim. Pimilf Pitlt, nrbtund Pnrlfycr, hovebpuh mnre uleniive ly uaetl, atid hne pivpn mora Mtitfiwtion. than any other MnJiruiea Ijcfure tlie puhlic, bctug preporud wilh rrprard to their ufpfnlnen are fully woitliy the trial of the ofilict- nl. Oire them a trial. A few powcil'iil rcjitona why the almVe Meilicinra are ftrtcrvinir of nnivprnl rmtiotinffr. fin the firt nliice, they are preparwl hv a regular Phyaiciuii, who nndrriiUiiHl trie npplicntion o Meclicmen to diacaHee, aim conw-qur nu, ore Derfectly atife to Hike. (Seconoly.) they have hetn ued wilh niiiverm1atcrei, and have Riven mora mtiafuc lion trmti nny other Meilicinea offered before the puhlic (Thirdly) Ihey are the only med.cmea lliat hnve gained the vntr'naire of 1'hvsiciftn, where they hove Ifeeii uaed ; and (Kmuthly,) they are put up hi larger quantities fi the same price, than any other Medivmee oircred t the public f the same kind. As the snhscriher ha a nnmher of certificates in his poasesaion of tlie hipheat authority, where they hnve been used with the mrwt satisfactory re aulla. He willpub.iah a few of them, feeling wtlcfied thnt atrial will insure their recommendation. Try them and atiafy yonrsnlf of their superiority over all others. Read and be Convinced, We the undersigned having been made ntqtinintrrl with the iiirr(flicnis enlcrfng info the Compomids known as bickley's Fninily Medifinca also Iwving prescribed and known thcmtolro used, with most s.itinf';u tory rcanlts; take pleasure in my ing thnt we believe they fully meet tlie design for which they are rwrnimended. JAS. STH AWIJitlDt-i:, M.D. C II. KRICK. M. D AV.U. Mi-MAHUN, M. T. WII.KY II fiKAltlfl'AriT, M. D. WM. II M X'tll.l,, M. 1). U It. UIU1UIKAUT, M. D. Cure of pcun in the side and cough from protested hirer Complaint. Mrs. Tl"bert Adams, hturintf under Chronic I.trer Cim pliimt, iti'compnnittl wilh a phirt ilrycou"h xiin in tlie wide and hreaJl, general debility, loss oi' appetite, after try ing all the nmial remit I tea rrpnmmendwl fii concha and discuses tf (he cheat, who with no beiierit. she was rcc m uitiKlf l to try the U.iw I'cctoiul, from which, the iitouly derived imoit tliiite but permanent relief. Mm Adiims, s n of Mrs. K"bert Adnuis, was ofllicted with 1 vpry severe cnugh. pnin in the side, and aorencss p rod nml hv incrGwint ooutihingj he woa induced to try the Itusu i'cctornl. To use his own Iniigunc?) the firat dse enabled him to enjoy a giwil night's rebt. In tbe inoriiiiig he expectorated alnint kill pint of iimticr. He ctnitiniifd to improve until his cnugh entirely left liim.it also had the effect f strenghetiing his hicnsl. which was nalncdly weak . He nlsn snys that he has i ifcommcuded it ton iinmherof hisfiiends for similar complain ts, and iu every ense it has given sntisiuf-tiim. The a I tve pcrs his residents of the town of Danville, feeling that they have derived great benefits from the use of the Ruse IVcMrnl ; authorize the ah--ve statement, ftir the benefit of th ise whom;v be nfrlicted iu u similar man ner. Gil K AT CL'itE. Loss of Voice restored with, one bottle of Rote iVc toraf. Miss Susan Whitfopk, nf Hush township, Northnmner Inml co., for n numlwr of yenraan ii valid, in the fall of .Nil, lost the ue 1 if hfi voice from a srveie cnld she con tracted ; after Irving a number of remedies, with no bene fit, sue was entirely rcsta-cd by taking one b tlle of Koa Pectoral, after which, she Inst her v die n;(.-iiii, from a fresh cold she contracted and was ncniti lesoued by the use of nu-'Uher bottle ; kIil-then tntk fonr b t'let rrin'rc to Btreimthcn her brenst, from which oho derived the mi st decided benefit, and hs been iu tlie enjoyment of excellent hcihli from that time to the present. The a bore statement nbtniued from Pr Pwse!!, the rhjviei-iu wlio attended her; a' her in 'th'-r win. thinks tint u!iu would tut be hvirg ot this time if it h-id 1101 lfii for the R.e lVctornl. I) niville, .1 m. i.. ItAJ. S7 another Marled Cure Jujfteted Mrs Runnel Seehlcr. bene; of a uuturd weak ir.i t dtli cnt(i c Mis'i: nt i n, very susceptible to v ldc, was ntfiictwl with a very severe rough, pain uud urcnews of tlie breant, I -as of apH-tite ; al'ter using n nnniber of the us uil reme dies fr.uu which, ehe derived no biieltt, she was cured by tnkir.e "ne boi:l. if Ruse Pectoral find is iu the ciljoyineiit if lvMter hcalili than for yearn previous. Danville, Dec. 1 1S.U. Dh. Uickley : Permit iv.c lo inform yon that my wife, who is a dclicife nnd weakly w man, l:.b Tin under a very severe (,'ouyh with pain and foiencM of bun!, was morts quickly and effectually relieved with on b tth: vf j'our Rose Pectoral than any other meilietne fc'ie hud ever tn'.eii. ABXKR M'MiMD!;. Jan. Inj'J. Samuel R . WihuIk1 Kninace. Ki-d IV int. STitoNr, EvirKNCR in favor op thk Kosb Pixtoual a?d I'MII.V Pll.I,i, Julia Puluer taken between Chi ibtnuis nnd New Year with a very Iki I e ld, wliieh endd in a dry hard incesi.iit C'Mi;h, causing n creat ileal of pnin when ver Ite coughed, was relieved Veiyinindi; by the time he had taken ou tlii.il of a b-t!le, and by the time it wan tinu heil, ns en-t'.r.-lv cyrc1. lie :il(( K.IV8 that he lui.i taken Kcvt-r.il doj.es 't the ll.vurli Rrrtiirative or Poaiilv I'il'j, nnd tint they if. e tii? mihl. t an I in ,it effect utd puiyaiivet. he bsuvtr tn-H. Ihiiiville, J in I. l-'.a j )r I.irsT.EV : Duririr a viil to mv bro.In r, in lm- j vtil", I to:(( a veiv s.'vcrc C id, wl.icli ended in a tiyl't . bait t, uh, with k relies and pain of the hre.isi, fi r vhieh I use.l y 'ur Hose l eei th!, and l-'nuiily Pill:, and ; ' tae plt-asure in rfc irii'n-d.iig U t in. ua tlie iitiVJct uud j m.i5t t-d'xX'tual remedy 1 have used. Vours, repcc'i'u'ly. , i JAVJ'.S MoKf.AN, ! .f-ui. I'fi, Is.jJ. "WJiite Haven. Luzerne eo. ; j lie.ir Sir : A a rceotrinendai'iui f r vour H re Prcto- j ; rid. pciinit me fi miv, that I uvs ei'cciuaHv car. ; ,.f n very gt.eie coiiijli wnh pma in the brcaM, Willi l..;ullian halt a b utle, and that I c aicidet it ir.valuable. Yen nre at hherty to make this pal iic if veil phase. .IHX tPKRR!NG, (Gtveer.) Dmnillc, Ta. My son Y7illinm laboring under u sevt-re cough and pain ; in hia side, fioiu an injnrv received by fall, wen euliitty reueveu ny u irrrie ot kobc red oral x. Lrcaiii o Cam phoi. I have lt lined your I'auiilv pills, mid ult'-ccther I CJiisider them the bctit medicines I have eer urcd. JOAN OVKRDOKK, Jan. 13. Rush Tp., North'd c.o. Ir. Itickley : fcir : As my wifo who was troubled With dry. hard Cough, nlso s ur Stomach, dependent upon debility, similar to Dt&iiepeiu. was entirely relieved by using two bottles of your Rose pectond, permit me to say that 1 C'iisidei it nn ex.ee lent reined v. Youi a, reaped i ally, H ev M r. W'l I .LA R D. Piist T Lutheran Church, Danville. Pa. Having leen cured of a pain in my arm (similar lo Rheu matism) which deprived me of the free us or il for ulmirt four months. Bv uniug one b t tie of Cretan of 4'ainnhor I would state that I consider it the best remedy of the j kiud I have ever used in my family, and 1 would freely i recommend it to others with similar ulVedioiis. j i ours, respectiully, JDXAs WOLF. Rush tp., North'd eo. My wife being eflltcted with a very severe pain iu her ana and sh udder (the effects of c -Id) which disabled her from usiug it, was cured with rubbing ol Creum of Cam phor. Mrs. Kffltn, my tisar-in-law, was also cured of a severe pain in the head nod face by using the Cream of Camphor THOM AS C. LI.LiS, DiUiville. Jan. '."J, My wife having Rheumatism of the arm for a numlHr of years, which prevented her from using it iu doing her woik; after haviag spent a giealdeal ol ircney in triug d i lb rent remedies with no beuetit, was euliieiy cured by urn iirr only one Iwitilt of ymir Cream of Camphor. WILLIAM KVKXS, Miu t, for S R. Wtunl, R. P inl Dr. Rick ley : Havtos; received a very sever injury iu my side by falling off h load of hay. In an which I was una ble lo fallow my work, was recouiiiieuded to try a U lie of Cream ot Camphor, which nfforded imiiiehatf relief. w GKirriTH CARR. Ruh tp , North d c. My wife, suiiemur from in t exerusfiuiintt ivuu. throti;hoal hn general ysu-iu, wwvh prevrniiil lit r in iu sleep 1 1 it iieiiig oceAM'Uied by n "ng nnd prniraeel Sj.ell ot stckuena;) for whic she ucd a number of rntiexli. B witliaul Israelii, was euliieiy relieved by the use oi Chjiu iti luiupuor. iti.ii. il. ii(u.. Sinrrnn Dent int. Il.mt iltr. I'm Child cured of Bowel Cnmplioiu. himI Ague (o I wo yours utining,j i.y i oriu ryrup. Mv child heiaa athieteo, for th List iwn venrs. wtY B wel Com pi a i ul und AtiUt until il was rtTluceil to a im re kelet4Hit I ti icaJ a iiuuiIht of reuiedius Willi uo periiuueui ueu. ui, a.. HI l tfuva It a liottle ol Vour IU Swun. since winch liuie it has Iteru well, uud g t quite rle-b I uln luive reeoinnieotled it 1 1 a miiinVf ul mv frienls. uud in every cuse it hasativeu satison'tioii. L LKVL At lms t . i ins' j,torehint. Dunvilie. I have used your Worm lSrin iu mv laitolv. mi id ntu. sider it iet only effoctuul. Imt i he m 1 ptrtuLiut tirlu lts 1 am actiii timed wnh )acH LtStlMt. Da.ivili. tlsuie uset y.Mir tuiu h rup mi my tamdv. it he ins i Miiuirii iun ni'su n pfrpurau it oi uie tvnui. and u tihue pleasuit lo take. DAN MORGAN. M Hit nn Kow, Duuville. I tviva Ivid 'ceuftioi let u vtmr Worm hviun iu utv laiBily, au4piei;r it loaiiy Vvtiiiuuge I at.e usd. r in i ru li, -1 -ty iu v. Mi i.t.-of e-. Dt. Bieklt v tlnvotif ustil vtir timiu Huun .i CrtHMi im 4 sutj.lHir tJ Ku.iitly pi.U in my ianii'V, Uiev csve iiiU4 (ma, and I ciuler iiko. tha iium ri. L'tuui, ad p lut hint friocxiia.'s, we be Im iu iur ittouiv JiHHTlUH RISIII L, Dm.v.lie IKvtr tir : W Ilia ui.tlerhiuitail Ian 4.1 1.. il. -..,..1.... ... i ...... ii . v ' ... . ui) , at w in mm m ne. tu ltai uu Agvmy bx ih a.i iM .,ur toiol) .M.mIi.-uc a, atl tltt Wo hrtV. hid no vp.4l.ti.Ui- of Kif.wii.4 lUa opiul-wta Mt'inrro4j m lmdu .ls who h i e u.d u.. sml th-t u, , glVtl g-.tial tMllftlH.-(U.U W (UVI 4. !..( Milv tA oui pin, Uu d mis uaivrsull) bWid. Uoig u( n.ul w ll.r.r oprfatix'u v .LIri:Ho ldie, Atl.M.W M KLPLLU. llHVU.g fV.HVV of NtV Hfsulk VCt V Uui, I WH opt.irail to try aiHk n Hir'r iii , wtiiclia-twiiiUarUiNi tWiJvit.. uy aii, io.J 1,11144,14 H tl- ' n u t, .JNVI'lliSM ItlMiKU luuvnu III Hi-:H..,., tml cillrtl u- .l. iiMMitu, li uUmU, I inula utiiiiUf t. i.w,oi.i w lUI : I M att at (U(, t,4.( la i Ml ,4 T alU tt aU AJy .i.duu.g Ut IHltMt-XHHl WOba-ar IL siMtt, lu..,,.. ajl,.!, ,Pl. ti Ikctixi, I Ik-I... a MHu4Vlj bf 9ttMtitM ' 4 IDtiiVV , I Ul! fc (lt , l u.A..Pj Di li- ki. --, tv 4 mm mt S t t I u I l '4. I MM Uf ! 4 . 11. tf J 'lt, Io.-hII,!,, 4, i il 'l tV . 1 aS iiixJn 1. r, 1, t WU-.U. ' tu4 It. A 4 1 tj .! l iIm .44..i.j t4,tttm I.. Vi.aWi lJ -.. .., 4,.n,m 4 Ut.U. mu.u.' ; W 4 h -.4. - 'V I fKN, ......l.,.u , I',.? .14. I M .1 I 4 i.4 I .U ! ) u.tf , . , w i s..a ..., a.) J Ut a.a.4vH aS.-, t..,U4 4 k- A- iS.SJ, H. aS.. - , i i s -a. 4 . ' !.. 1 ..i, it. ... It ,ii.r "AID AND XJOMJOET " 1 o Your Own ITIcchanlcs. GEORGE IlENN , . i MANUFACTURER OF FURNITURE AND CHAIRS ' Of tha most Fashionable Style. 'THE niWriber respectfully call, tha attention of the public to hi. Inrire and .plenJid awort meiit of every quality and price of ' caiiinkt-wahe; which cannot fail to recommend itelftoeery on who will examine it, on account or its durable workmanship and splendid finish, made up of the best stock to be had in the city. K0 effort is spared in tlie manufacture of his ware, and the atiliscrilier is determined to keep up with the many improvements which are constantly being made His stuck consist, of Mahogany Sofai, Divan; nntl Lounge, Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards, SOFA, BREAKFAST AND DIX1NQ TABLES, and also VENETIAN BLINDS, njual to Phila delphia manufacture. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and price CUPBOARDS, WORK AN D CANDLE STANDS, TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, In short, avcry article in this line of his business. He alto manufactures ail kinds and qualities uf CIIATJIS including varieties never lie fore to bo luul ir Sunbury, such as MiiirniAST, Black Whijut nn Ccnt.rn Miri.r. Giih iai ; and Wisna'iH CHAIRS, asp faxct Pijio Stools, wliicli are of tho latest styles, ninl warrnntcd to be excelled by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere. The subscriber ia determined that there shall be 110 excuse for persons to purchase furnituro in tlie cities, as every confidence can be entertained about tho quality and finish of his ware and Clmirn. His articles will be disponed of on as pood terms as they enn be purchased elsewhere. Coun try Produce tn'tcn in payment for work. Or UNDERTAKING. Having provided himself with a handsome Hr.xusi:, he is now prepared lor Undertaking, and attending funer als, iii this vicinity, or at any convenient dis tance from this place. t Tho Ware Room in in Market SlrcPt, below Thompson'. Store and Weaver". Tavern. GEORGE RENN. Sunbury, Jan. 10, 1852 tf. HWIOU 10lKSi:i.F! THE F0CKET AESCULAPI7S : OR, EVERY ONE HIS OWN rtlYSICIAN. milE EORTIETII Edi lion, with fine Ilundrcil EriffravinKi, ihoxxiiijr Dis eases and M-ilIorinatioiis o the iluinaii Sx stem in evi rv sliiipe nnd fortn. To xx liii li added a 1 realise 011 tl.e seises nf Eeinules, lieinir of the hiyliCNl impoi taucc t. married people, or tho-e contemplating mnrriure. c'r'"-' I'y Ir fl'ai, Youiir" I.rt no father lie afchmned to present a copy o the .ESCI'LAPILS to his child. Il may 'hixo him friini un early crave. Let 110 young man or uoTinn enter into the secret oMipatiors of mar ried lire without .reading tho POCKET .KSC'l' l.APiUS. Let no one eulU'iing from haeknieji I'lii'Sh, Pnin i.'i ti:e Side, rentiers nights, nervou lielinp'4, uud the xxholc train of Dyspeptic eens.i tions, and given up by their physician, be anoilu r monuiit without conmltiiifj the .Ct't'li'LA PIL'f. Haxc tbe married, or tlioao uliout to be inai rit d any impediment, read this truly useful bonk, in it lias been the mean olVavinir thousands of uu fortunate creatures from the very jnwa of drMii. IV Any' pTson sendina: 'l'W E.T V-FI V E CENTS, cuelosed in a litter will rcc civ. era copy of tliia hoi k, bv moil, or fixe copies xvill In scut for one dollar. Addir., Da. V.'. Y(r.(f. No. 153 bPUUCE (rtieet, PHILADELPHIA." Po-t pr.id. June lb', l?.'o. ly, A VALUABLE HCUtli And Three Acres of (.rouml ft sat..: : rjJ'MIE 8iibi,criber ofi'ers at j.rii.ile sale, hii Iioiimx I and three acres of ground, on the river Uank ! xvilhiu tho litriin of the lioroii'jh of Suiilntry, I no.v in tho occupancy of John Miitslcr mid 01 i;- inally oxxned hy Olias. Gussler xxhile eugacj in j lioat liuililint?. The improvements ate a I TWO STORY FRAME IIOTJSE', j IJ'iU a Well of good Wuter, I and a eood frame stable. There are a number of excellent Inut trees on the premises. The prop, ertv ia handsomely located and will be sold at a reasonable ptice and possession jrix-en in April next. Apply to Ceo- C. Welker, Esq., of Sun bury, or to the subscriber at Sclinserove. PETER KERLIN. Julv 23," 1853 tf. - Lumber Ynrtl. rlIIE subscriber would respectfully inform lha -- citizctiH of Sunbury, and Noitliumlerhind and niljoiuing counties, that he has opened a Lumber Yard in the lot fronting on Cranberry St., a short di. tanee East of the Mi ain Saw Si ill. where ha ha. now a large amount of Seasoned Panne Plant, also J'nuurl Honris, and all other Boards and LlrimiNu M atkiiial, such aa will be wanted for buildiinr purpose. Also a larpe amount of Miinatlca 011 hand, which will be sold from 6 up to S, accordint; to quality and sir.e. Please Kiv. us a call and examine our prices and quality. N. U. Farmers who are in wont of Shinu. xvill pleat call a we will sell to von low. J. E. LP.1H, Sup. Sunbury, May 23, 1S33 ly. 'liureka, ICureku.M WE HAVE FOUND IT AT LAST. T(JW for the little ones. Why will parents waste hour and day in fruille.. einlvavoi Iu (jet perfect picture, of" their children and after all ut i nothing hut poor, niiactable cancAtm. ' We would uy, coine to our KXC'ELSOIR UALLriiY and xve will aiuiruntre ) make you a perfect picluie, by our Elictso i'HimiiL iioceas. Ilia t xx nil, i ir,,,,, i y aeoiiu.. Wa defy any Daruerrrau in Philadelphia or elarxthere, I.i cluprl with us, a. w ar Ih. iuvenio.a, ami lha prwea i umxI only in uur dif ferent ralat'li.hiiteiiia in New England and th. .Mi.lil!. Male. Kor picture of adult, Ibe ilxcr iiii'dul we tux rrerixrd fioin III Aui.riean lli.lllula, New Voil and Krankliii, Plnlailelphia, l'i','e:!icr wub lha numriou pramiuin lioiu t'ounly Kaiia, ia ullu ieut proof thai lUry ara ' the A. I'l ut fliru ol oeifceiiui.. . would call .uiiuul..r aiteiition lo our Talti.itx iea - Djlcii'ult pe III Oil. 0. ('. Cuitia Ja t'w., IKU ( iiralnul piiimI 1'luU.lt l In., llaiil alit-al, 0ill ail llauip. dm i,., h,Mnyu.4 ami l ultin' liuild,n(, W U. kaa. N.U-t'ur .ul.!.'I..i.i.l iJiuMiiuiJ ly III l.nlii.4,. j ol our 1'ietutM y Day, ud ly "i'.oi a and I'l.iU , Va ti. lii- If. WM. M CAHTV, B4wkwUr, Ul al'tl'IM IL 14 l"o il. Inl.l iiaal t-l Lumm .ud ).4.niiii thai I laltly Mi.4" ItJ l.u.11 1'ltila.klpl.rf. lal.al a..Jl4w (4 III .lw. ul UK-ka. IM ' luaiul. nt I I44alu4, auj nt ia.l taik4. ui lliudio. I'll a a i.J a4 a 4... u4. tw; oil, t. II, liJ i Ml H I'l Mfa.. small uuiuUt ut )... y .'!!a..l .uat b Uh4 ia4aJ auj ais ltiJ tue mU by 11 1 , U. 0. UAJjt'lt HuitLur. Jwast 4. UU INK- ttaaii.au'a Hk t4.u4 UU, aiaj laa) l .. " U, 4I4M.U ana) lataul , N. f. WlKlU'al, aV lal W ... . . 1 . . 14.44. A 41.4 IILANKS.""" l?ltAkJt, ! UasJl'4W4 ) ) .J V U M I " x1- aatte 4 lla Ai4iMauv UU. II. II lliiilil.l. M liaJ k.1 auujl.. , - I44la4 M IlkU) ilM4 l at Irx tJU I . - ii I'uur auj a) 4.i J.. 4lH ' ll 44L .a . . J tfc-w. -sad fal iiu I aiv.al4 ax i u iA laiJ slJ I I a.t , II H 4 !. a'. .1 . Ja.4 1 , l.i.. mS f- 4 Vf 4 J 4J ak4 a. ' a 41