Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, May 20, 1854, Image 3
New Adrertitements. Highly Interesting News ! fTMlE information brought lo us by the stcam ship Axis of the sudden decline of Klour. Indian corn, die. in Europe, ia no doubt interest ing to aoine, and therefore it must I also inter eating to a great many others to know that while there h so much fluctuation in the price of DrcadstulVa at home and aliroad, there is nothing to cfl'cct the low price nf the Largo and Excellent Stock of SFR1NG & SUMMER CLOT1IIFG, juat received by P. Bchnurman A Co., and on baud at there store On the torner of Market and Faien Streets, directly opposite John Young's store, where they will he pleased to watt upon all those who wish to buy good and cheap clothing. Also a Ircsu supply of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, &c, which they have purchased at a very low price at Philadelphia and thcrefoie can afford to sell to' their customers at the most reasonable prices. They still, (after some exorience in tusiness) cling te the good motto, "cntir roa cash. Call and see for yourselves. 8. SCHNURMAN & CO. Sunbury, May 6. 1854. This Way ! This Way!! Spring and Summer Goods. FRILINO U GRANT. RESPECTFULLY inform their customers and the public, that they have just receiv ed and opened the best and cheapest stock of Spring and Summer Goods, at their store in Market square, Sunbury. Their stock consists of every varic'y of Dry Goods, viz : Cloths, Cassimrres, Sattincts, Ycstingsr Flannels, Wullcns, c, And all kinds of Spiing & Summer Wear. Also h splendid variety of LADIES DUESS S: FANCY GOODS, Calicoes, Ginghams, Chintzes, De Laincs, He rages, And every variety of goods suitable for La dies wear. Also a large assortment of HAEDWAE.E and aUEENSWAHE, Fish, Salt anl Plaster. Also an extensive assortment of Hats, and Caps for Mkn and Boys. Also a large assortment of CtiOt tUIIS, SUCH AS Sugar, Teas, Coffee, Molasses, Spices of all kinds. Also a tresh supply of DRUGS AND. MEDICINES. Besides the largest and most general assort ment of ull kinds of ooojs to bo hud in this place. VsT Country produce of all kinds taken in ex change nt tho highest market price. Sunbury, May 13, 1851. LATEST ARRIVAL OF Spring and Summer Goods. j. r. & z. r. klins, 11 ESPECTFULLY announce to their friendr and ti e public in general, that they have reraived at their Old Stand, in Upper Augusta township, Northumberland county. Pa., their Spring an 1 Hummer Goods, and opened to the public a full assortment of HEECHAKDIZ2, &c, Consisting in pait nf Cloth?, black and fancy Cassiiners, Salliuetl. Checks, and all kinds of SPRING & SUMMER WEAR. Also a splendid assortment of Ladies Dress Goods, Calicoes, Ginghams, Muslin de l.nines. Plaid Cashmeres. De hc;cs. Lawn. Ac. Also a fresh supply of nil kinds, of Gii;ciie. A fresh supply of Hardware and Queens- ware, Drn;s and Medicines. Wooden Ware. Also a lare nsortmcnt ef Boots and Shoes, suitable for Men, Women and Children. Hats and Caps, such as Silk, Panama, and other Huts. Salt, Cheese, &c Call and See. Cheaper than tho Cheapest, All of which will be sold for cash, or in ex change for country produce, at the highest market price. Upper Augusta, May 6, 1854. ATTENTION ! Tor the Metropolitan Clothing: Store of G. ELSEEEG & CO., . Market Street, opposite the Post Office. "VYTE have just received and on hand now the most beautiful, largest and liest assorted stock nf ready-made Clothing; aJapted to Spring; and Summer wear ever before brought into Kuiibury or any place in this section of the coun try. Our Clothing made by the best hands and under our own supervision, we know will give entire satisfaction to buyers." Still adhering to our old motto "Cheap for Cash" we'll dispose of our goods reasonable and rapidly. All we say is: come,-examine and prire our goods and we feel sure you'll buy. 't offer you at the very lowest prices every imaginable, variety of Coats, Vests and paut, rut in the last fushion and warranted to fit. Cloths, cassimere. sattinetls, linens, drillings, jeans, silks, satins, and all other kind made into Clo th in a. Also a large assortment of Boots and Shoes; among these a sulendid variety of ladies shoes, ladies and gents gaiters, & e. SILK HATS, Paaama, Palmleaf, Pearl and all other Hats and Caps we have a great variety of. A ho a great lot of trunks, valises and rariet bags for sale cheap. JKWtXUY. Ws have a splendid lot of watches, and all kind of Jewelry suitable for ladies and gentlemen. PISTOLS. All kinds of Revolvers, double and single barrel Pistols, Aeeotileons, Shirts, Collars and II other goods generally kenl in our line ran txa found at our slors, all uf which ws inlet d lo sell at the vsrv lowest price. Don't furiret the place, O. EI.SUEiUI A Co. Msrktt Square, opposite th Post Utlice. Sunbury. May . 154. DAGUEEREAN 0ALLERY. FTWR undersigned would respectfully inform -at th ladies and gentleman ol tiliaiuokiu and vicinity lhal ha has taken, and atted up a room above lit store of Aaiinerinsn, 'oe &. Co., where be will remain lor a short time for l'n purpose, of sisculing Uaeuerreotvpes. All who re desirous of having their liksuesae Uksu in the tales style will Und it to ihsir iutviesl loeaU aooa. Uelay Ihea He km., lu-uiorrow il mi be Va late. Me charges for ptvluies unli saUs fsitioa m gttea U) the custouisr. HUmokla, Slsy . aJ4.-3l. "jORJOSwlfw. CAMERON, UEetPKCrrtl LV inius Ihe viliaeaa e' lite Uuiouith el uubuiy suJ uuiii, lbl tut ess Miaaausutly beiJ bintll W id tfoiebglii and iws Uu H"1" ""'' asfvee ui Ihiwe ae ausy wtsh s pU. aim. Ihe wswul be sa be touud al V fs lloUl. uMbuiy, Msistt II. It U)i!"iKU"e U Kbue s4 siip k .luieeiebi u EUUtUll 4 , u alstket aneei. rr"' lu' uby,Ovi , l PL ATI N A POINTS rue LIGHTNING RODS. MANUrAOTUBED AND SOLD BI MCALLISTER & DROTKER, OPTICIANS, 48 CSESHUI STREET, - pm LADBtrni a (At the Old Stand, established let 1700.) Onr Points see 1! Upreii " "H T? vtthnnrestne. Thrted directions mm era Jn Prl. l 00. ft Si, 1 , ft OX $ 0. W, f I", aoaanliag Id Um quantity of I'lBlSi. By t emitting: Six CenU la Postage IJvX. stamps, la addition te any sf the aboye prices, a Point ean be safely teat by mail te any part of the United States. Phila., May 6, 1851. 5m. Grcnt Arrival or SPRING GOODS! Tit A T. CLEMENT K FORMS his friends and customers that he just received an elegant assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS At his Store in Marie! Street, sunnury, wmcn he offers to the public at the lowest prices. His stock consists ot a general assortment oi Dry Goods, viz : Cloths. Cassimers, Cassinels, Jeans, Drillings, Muslins, Lmcus. Cat iron, Muslin de Lains, Lawns, Ginc.hams, Berages. Also a large assortment of CLOTHING. A large assortment of Boots and Shoes, for Men, Women and Children. Sll.K Hat?. Panama, Palm leaf and other Summer Hats. IMaslcr. GROCERIES of every variety. Sugar, Tea, Co.Tce, Molasses, ChccsCj Spices, Fish, Salt, &c. HARDWARE, Via : Iin and Steel, Nails, Files, Sows, &.C. QUEENS WARE, Tea Setts, Plates, Dishes, Cups, Saucers, Jrc LIQUORS, Vinr. Brnntly, Gin, Bom, Whiskfy, it. ITT Country produce of all kinds taken in ex change at the highest market prices. April 8. 1S51. ly. Iew Uocds for the Fcople ! BEN J A MIX HEFFN ER RESPECTFULLY in forms llie puMicin gen eral that he hs-just received and OMcned a splcl.diJ stock of Spring ami Suinmcr Goods at his Xcw Store, in Lower Augusta tonrns'uip. His stock consists in putt of Clothe, Cassimers, Cassinets. of all kinds, of linen, cotton and worsted. ALSO: ItloiirisclSnc lc I.alacs and all kinds of Ladies Dress Goods. Groceries, Alio an assortment of IlrtllVlHC. Iron and Sleel, Xails, &c. Also an eicelient assortment of GUEEKSWAItE, r various styles atid patterns. Also on assortment of BOOTS &, SHOES. HATS & CAPS, a good selection. Salt. Fish, iN'c. And a preat varietv of other articles such as arc suitable to the trade, all of which will lc sold at the lowest price. Country produce token in exchange a the highest pri es. Luwer Augusta. Mav 6, IS5-I. To the lLumrohlc the Jtulges of t!it Court of Quarter wsievs for th' county of Sorthunx- lalaud. The im lem-lpi"! p"ti" """r respeetfully mtioits the ll m. C.'iirt t.i pruut liiiil n :icf n-- t kwii an Inn .r tavern at til k:i wil in llie ii.iuii'ji.ili Hotel," in the l. wil of bliamokitl. l.nwiS !.. BKVAN. AVE the U l'!ers;:nicil citizens of Shnmukin town, be a.qn;iiiit'it with Uie IVtin-Mier, d certify tluit he is ol j nut Mfjniti- lor h nn-sty aii lempemii"e, and ttlut lie is well irovirfetl with Ii 'iise rivnn and otlifr e niveniancrs for the nccnmni-vln:i'it of stra'tgi-r mid travelers, nutl that sn Inn oi tavern there in necessary lor the accuuimjdutii4i of Strsnsell and irnvclets Win. M. "Veaivr. E. C. Hums, Pamuel Itarrism, rhitii StmnbiiiK'h. William Fueelv, F. S. Huns, A. It. FriW, C. D. MelratW, S M. liase, Josenh Bud, liha M'Clou!.'liiiii. it M'OlnlUin. Shausikin, May 0, ltot 3t. THE STEAMBOAT SUSQUEHANNA ViriLL make reguhir trips for carriage of Pas- tencrrs between Sunbury and Northum berland every day, except Sunday, on atid alter Monday, April 21th. The boat will leave the wharf at Sunbury, at 8 o'clock, A. M., 1 1 o'clock and 30 mi-ulcs A. M., and 5 o'clock SO minutes, P. M. Returning, will leave the outlet lock at North umlicrland, at 8 o'clock an J 15 minutes, A. M., 11 o'clock and 45 minutes, A. M., sud 5 o'clock and 45 minutes, P. M. Fare, 10 cents. Excursion tickets, good for one dav, 15 cents. Sunbury, April 29, 1854. tr. TtiiisTimrrs' celebrated scppok- iv-eVj'KltS for LADIES, approved and reeom. mended by Ihe Medical Profession throughout Ihe United Slates, will be found to be the uuSt valuable, as they are the most neat and scientific Supporters Unit ever were introduced. The support and ease they aQord by wearing the in combine lo give litem a most extensive sale ; many thousand ladies are now wearing them with ease, comfort and advantage. We send free of char e bv mail, full directions enclo sed. Prices moderate. Address JAMES ISETTi", No. SSI Walnut Street, Philadelphia. Phil. April S'J, 1851 lm. AWES Dress Hoods. Spring and Summer A Shawls, lilaik and fancy dress Silk, Silk pophus, De 1. nines, Shalty, tiiughama and Cali co iu great variety, just received and for sale by I. W. TENER Sl CO. Sunhury, April S3, 1H54. CLOCKS Eight day and 30 hour Iron and Wooden fisnutl. Cream Nule. liround Nuts, liuisius, sud Pruues, just received and for sale by WM. A. K.NAUU. Lowi-r Augu.ts, May 0, 1854 I TATS ami Caps, Silk. Uraver, Kur and Slouch, Panama, Leghorn, braid aud-f Inp for turn and buys. Ladies llouiivls of all styles, just leienej and for sale by May 8, Mis WM. A. KNABU. "IIUH'EUIK.- Srijars. Colli. Muhtesee, H boii-.s, Dils, Uiaiul,(;in, Win. Mkr- i, llcding slid Salt,jual received and br sale by t M. A. K.VAUU. Lewsr Augusta, May a, 54. V l(.Sil.M ol at. sorts, 1 uilnvllaa, rarpet bags, willow bskla and esdal ware id ati kinds, jusl reoid sud Uu sal by WM. A. K.NAUU. Luwof August. May a, isil. H AKDWAMK and guMiiswsie iu imI iwlie sud ol all Jii iious, jul iM-siisd udliKsaleby WM. A. KM VUrl. Augusta, Ms a, Isal.- I ,M, Diwd 1W(,, Cudoh, It 11 bsese, K'Miits, l"'u. LsuuusJl ttraust. a imts4 sud bvl sale by A,-d 14. I W' KNKIijk MV til II !'. I l-ahs, ( asuiuvi. auitiiwlis. ssiius. Twssds, SuWUMI (loth, sslvsti S4. I ItSIUSS, s .u4lue!ebt W M. A. KM Aim. ..... .1 1..... VI.. Ad H.aS M J l.Wtl SU(UI4, -MS.? , STiNBUKY AMKBICAN AND SHAMQK1N JOUBNAL. A CARD. ClllbSOJPa PATBItT Ventilating: Furnace. cV.MTed A!rlIr.of this Fan-els sow welt known, j:lM . ,,,- together wits Ins immense mm nt . r M ii r mrer all othe?T fnniBCM "l?. St Jf ySea F.nace, r. -car. th. follow ins mlmnlng : Fssa Vsstii.tmmc. Puss Aia the hcaties; surfaces beuif at a lempsratar thx will disseeste Ihe "W. l-ktisowic!. l ,a or t em. ... . r:. !. nii iTr twin maoe entirely of Cntt Iron, not Imhle to ni, will require norepnitsduiing a hfrtime; it in eaailr nnnsent, and will not esnnee the bnikling in which it is ptaced to dsnfer from fire like the other funn- We hare the leetimnntill nf hnintrnts nf the most Sct- enlifir men, in etlrst In Ihe Irulh of the shnre Mxtement, all of whom pronounce il lo be decidedly the nest Furnace ret invented, for pr "dociint a pure sitd hesllhy stimw phere. Ws herewith mines the trtmes f a few well known and eminent Prtifetsof, who hsve need them, and Vimlly fnrnithed us their nnmes ns refrrenees : Prof. John f. Hnrt. Htof. Parker, . P.-nf. Norton. Pres. Wm H. Allen, Pr f. Pnnnnis, rrof.Dana. Prof. B. SiUiman, Prof. Ripley, MNE SIZES. We hare inlrodnred. this season. Bve new sises : so that sit parties mnr avsil themsejves of this areat impmve luent at a very muderate cost. Ws are n"W prepared lo furnish an anr-srntas to warm a single luolli, ur tne lar- sest public imihiiiig mi ine eouiury. No. I. Portuble. Complete. 625 33 48 60 t. " j. ii ii . . . . 4. " for Brickwork, - 5. ( it . 3. Eitra Rmtiator. (ineiudiiw Bars ana Trench 1 rintrs.) ( ,J II II II t ii 5, ' u ii a it ii ii ii . . 107 133 This No. A im th lanrrsi and mnft Powerful Furnace made in the c.nmtry, and is mlmiraoly otlapted tor Church fa nntl nlhar larse v's huildinf We ro aiitiie io at 11 ttte oppn rutin at llie same price when first mlr.-thictxt, five year eo Alth mph the pre riit Iti-h price tf iron hn intTril thcii ct 23 per cent, owing it their (Treat weight, still we are enabled, by the great incruuse m sulce. U firuish the article at the 1 west pof'iMe prire. One Fotmdry at 'lie, Messrs. War nick l.eibnitiilt, have c utractetl to furnish us wiih 0 mns ol Furnaces this srrh., a that we are now preporeil to furnish them wh slcsule or retail. We m;w rinicird the erect i n of ull Furnaces, wlieii required, and warruut thcio in all cuscs. METROPOLITAN COOKISG RASGE. Wrhavt nlA. the most rorrmlrte Ctyktntr Raiice thTlt h ts yet been intrmhiccd, to which we cnll the attention or all who miiy wih to secure the in l erfcct and desirable co 'kinff apparatus ever iureiittnl. EMERSOS'S PA TES T VEN TILATO RS. We are the only Astentu in PnTtvnia for the maimfiic- tuie and snle nf this VeatiluMt, which i ucknnwleitpeii lo he the only neilrct Ventilator ever made f eeirelinir llie draught in sin-iky ehiinnirs, mid f..r veiititnting build- ITS of alt kinds. As there are n areat many iiniiniioin m ttos vnlnaiile article now t-llLMeo lor rue, narinv wmw careful to examine that it has the Emers m Ita-lge nttaclied. PATEXTUEUltSTlinS AND VENTILATORS. We have the tiniest mid ro.vt eomiilete nsst-rtment of Hot Air Kcj'ifers and VentiUit r t lie louiul in Die Un ted States. Pjilties who wih to nurrliasc, eillicr for pri vate use or wli.ik'snle. will Und it gieatly U Uietr advan tage tu cxattiine uur si ck. SI.ATK AND IKON MANTLES. AVe have nl-;ivs on hand uu extensive asrvtinent of theso brniitiful M.pitKs. inexact iuiitati'ii of Egyptian, Spanish, Oalwny, Sienna, mid other rare marbles. OPEN GRATES For An.hnieite nnd Hitiimiii'ms Coal. Also, an entire new Puiteru ol the low down tirste, made from the Eng lish Patterns, and entirely new in litis country. SOI, . AUENTS for llie English Kucauslic Flooril'S Tile. Oamkirk Chimney To snd Tena Catta t)rnu ments. such as Ganlen Vases, Ve. 1'ers.His nbiHll bniHine, w ultd do well to examine nnr sMck before purckisine. elsewhere. Visiuns, whether pur ctvisir.e; or ll it, ore cordially wchMlned St our extensive Wareim ine, and where we slionkl lie hafpy lo furnish any information feiectiiK any of oar ttu-uls that mar be desiried. A book oil Warlnins Hist Wnlilatina enn be bad gratuitously nt our stole, either personally, oi by Let ter, ' S. A. HARRISON, Warmhis nnd Ventilatina Wurehause, 110 Walnut St.. In-low Sixth, Phil .delphia, rhila., May 6, tol. 0m. Estate of CATHARINE OYSTER, dee'd, TV'OTICE is hereby given that letters tcsta tnentury upon the citato of Catharine (Jys ti r, lato of the Unrmiiih of unliui v, Nortliinn- lierlainl county, ili'c'J. have lueti grunted to the Ktibscrilier, resnlnij m s.nd liorouli. All persons having chiims or demand n.tinst the estnte of said deseudent are requt stcd lo rrakc known the same to the unilvriiicil without ileluy and all persons indebted are desired to make immediate payment. . CATIIAKI.NE OYSTER, Ei'trix. of Catliaritie Oyster dee'd. Sunhury, April 29, IfiSI 6t To the Voters of Northumberland County. Fsi-low Citizxss : Encouraged by many friends, I announce myself as a candidate fur the ollice of COUNTY COMMISSIONER at the approaching election. Should I be elected I pledge myself to discharge the duties therco with punctuality and impartiality. liEORGE BRIGHT. Sunbury, April 8, 1854 Daguerreotypes! GEORGE AV. COBLE, RESPECTFULLY snnounces In the citiiens of Sunbury and vicinity, that he has again opened a Dagucrrcan Room, and is prepared to take likenesses. He warrants bis pictures to be satisfactory to all wishing true representations of themselves and fricnJs. Sievial attention is paid to children. Copies taken with accuracy. In structions given on reasonable terms. His room ia at the old place, iu the tirand Jury Room, (county buildings.) oierating hours from 8 A. M. until 5 P. M., without regaid to the state of the weather. Copies should be sent i i on cloudy days. Sunbury, April 22, 1S54 If. HOUSEHOLD GLASSWARE From the Principal Factories and latt .luction Sales. COMTRISINli a full and desirable assort ment at 25 ria ckmt below mi'iiiith. Dealers and others will do well lo call before purchasing elsewhere. 1,000 Packages now en hand EDWARD F. CORFIELD. 152 South Second Street, (alve Spruce,) PHILADELPHIA. Aptil 22, 1854 3tn. i. w. ' & c o , SUNBURY, PA., n. YE just received a fresa supply of new Spiing Hoods. Their ftieiids aud the pub lic are respectfully rru,uested lo call and imped them. They will be sold cheap, (uttlt sales snd small profits is still their inollo. Sunbury, I'a., April Xi, I Bo. 1T11EREAS Letters of Administration on ? llie ralate of Nathaniel Kelley, lale of Rush lownah,ip, Northumberland county, deceased, has lueu granted lo the subscriber, by Ihe Reg ister uf Wills Ac, uf ssid county, all persona in drbtej lo said rlala, are riuealed lo make im mediate psyuisiili and IhoM having claims sgsmsl Ihe same, will without delay prsseul Ihvni duly authenticated, furariilvmsul la W M. M. Hot KKr'tM.l.fcH, Adm'r. Huubury, April tti, l4. St. t v AHI'E'l'INO, Flour oil cloth, Table ail rev. 1 era, 1 arpel iliam, aud Dim mala, just teeei sd Slid (4 sale b Apida, 5t. L W. TENCH 4k CO. IAl'lt' Disss liooda. Bluing and Muutuier J feluwU, bhu.kllb, silk poi.lms, Da l.anw, luughaiua, De bag. Lawua sud taltso, Jim ft (isd aud (o asks b? V? M. A. k.NAUtt. U. AugiMU. Msv . lJ4 H liOUUM. Cloths, CaeMuuMa. MaUiuvtl, J V. sstiiia. TsissJ, kwuiutst ciusn. sil usd, 1 kkiua. t'kuMa, Miuliu. its., )im4 whi. 4 iu su4 sK b, . W, it.MHin, uuauiv. AmU . l4 aiMiln aud Mks Ih Msu. H t biUiett. I s-liss' Mian.! nltuM, i-adivs' Ui.k tad Sttloivd IisiUis, )u UitioJ and u .!. ?? M. K4UU. j AUDITORS' REPORT. Rcpomt or th a Auditors or Northumbbr LAND COVHTT FOR TBI YAR 1853. Jacob Young, Esq., Treasurer, in account with the tame. Dr. To amount of outstanding tax fur 1852, and previous year $8,883 97 " aggregate amount of tax as sessed for 1853, ' 10,735 ?5 " amount nf County, School and Road tax rec'J for 1852 aiid'previo'ja yean 13 461 " im'l of cash borrowed from Noithumberland Bank 985 00 " am'l cash frnm Christian Albert for old bridge mate rials sold, 36 00 am't rash reo'd ftom Lodya No. 22 for Room rent 19 00 " am'l cash reo'd liom Centra county Court expenses, 183 30 " am'l of er:or in John Wen- syls duplicate lor 1852, 79 " amount ovetpaid by David Wilson on bit duplicate for 1851, . 13 40 To Balance due Treasurer, 3,274 62 $24,120 30 Cr. By amount of outstanding taxes. fur 1853 & previoua ytars, 9,437 70 "am't of error in report for 1852 of outstanding taxes apniiist Martin Dnimheller, 9 06 " am'l of error in Geo KttuU's duplicate for 1850, 10 40 " am'l do in William Reed's for 1851, 11 90 " am'l county school nnd rond (axes assessed as seated hinds & with whieh the Treasurer eharged himself erroneously as unsealed lands in 1852, 183 93 " am'l exonerations allowed collectors for 1853 and pre vious, 181 " am't per rentage allowed collectors for '53 If previous, S97 " balance due county Treasu 89 294 rer as per last report ol Au ditors, ' 1,300 75 " cash paid out on Commis sioners onlors, 11,019 08 " rush paid Northumberland Bank, money borrowed to gether with interest, 1,020 87 i " am't cash paid Eastern Pen itentiary lor keeping con victs. 62 70 " am't of J. B. Masters notes and interest returned to Commissionets, 277 34 " Treasure's expensennd lolls going to Norlhuniberland til various limes, 4 80 " Treasurers commission on ... S12.102 66 at 2i per cent , 302 58 824,120 30 Jacob Young, Esq., Treasurer of 'Northum berland county, in account with tne same, respecting Slate lax on real St. personal, Dr. To am'l nf outstanding tar for 1852 and previous years, 50,313 874 " Bin I of ontstuuiliug tax on Dennis Ihitiys' duplicate omitted in report for '52, ,: uygiegate um'l nf said tax assessed for 1853, " am'l of error in Cunrad Keishners urc.t., " do. da. K.ias Eisetihttrts, " do. do. D S. DnimtK'Hers, 339 15 6G7 97 10 51 80 00 " error in lien. Kniilz's duji'i- calo for 1S.11, " cash overpaid by Solomon Mnrtz on tin plicate for '51, " cash oveipHid by Jns. V':in- knk on his duplicate fur 1851, " cash overpaid by Jacob R: Claik on his duplicate for 1S52, " cash overpaid by P. Pursel on his duplicate for 1S52, " cash overpaid by J. Wensyl on his duplicate for 1852, " am'l of stale lax reu'd on unsealed hinds, " balance due by County Treasurer as pur last re port of Auditors, To interest on slale lax, 1 G3 19 08 83 80 19 03 3,494 35 $26,041 eal Cr. By amount nf outstanding taxes for 1853 and previous, " errnr in Jacob Biusemau's duplicate for 1851, " do. in Wm. Reed's for '51, " do. iu Jnn Weus Is lor '52, " do. in J. H Kaufman's '53, " do. in E D Raker's. fur '53, " error Hi Statu tax assessed as seated lands, ai d with 5 829 54 10 00 9 94 2 75 7 10 00 39 w hich the Treasurer char, ged himself erroneously as tax on unseated lands, " abatement on Slate tax omitted to be credited in 1852, " State Treasurers receipt da ted January IS, 1853, do. do. July 26, 1853, " do. do. January 13 1854, " exonerations made In col lectors for '53 If previous, " commission allowed col lectors for '53 ki previous, Trensitreis rommisMnu on ' $14,650 81 al 1 per cent, ' balance due County by Tieasurer, 52 73 90 76 498 00 11.513 77 2,599 04 111 63 477 454 146 11 4,652 69 $26,041 8P4 Jucob Voting, Esq , Treasurer of Northumber land Ceuufv ' account with the same re specting Militia Fines. Dr. To aggregate amount of out- standing taxes lor and previous, $1,759 47 969 60 10 00 198 80 2,937 77 " aggtegate am'l of said lax assessed for 1853, " errui in John Leiwmrinij's aool notieportid iu 1852, balance due flora County Treasure! per lust tepoil, Cm. By amount ol outstanding laxe foi 1853 and previous, 81,948 77 " triur in 153 in ilisigmg D S. DiuinUller Hh 17,50 outstanding U whou il was lull y paid, 17 60 w enui in Win Heed's dupli rale (or is 44, 4 00 u cash paid Tiessurei uf Far lusts 11 Mechanics Ami- iy for l5t, 60 00 " de. Rush Greys lor '49 '50, VI 00 do fadaalader lufatiln 61, (I 00 do. tihamokiu tin ids ISSI, 60 00 do. Wsshiiigiunliuaids 'at, 60 00 x do. Nunti'Uud Tioop Ilia, 76 00 ilu. JaikfMl Kill Cuinp '60, 80 00 u do. il liusids l50, 60 DO cash paid J U Ziiumsiuiau Vilg. lusuaelUI el less, II 1) K saih uai. Tiss4iieiul Si. IhuiulMilani Tiuuu 4t, T Otf " fsh paid sasauis lor kiog lists wl dsiii'iiesnt l lilt 14 IUWU, t M M.sia'ioos slU(iJ tolls loi lol 'lnj .iiuu', HO iHi and Outstanding Taxes for 185S and previous years on the 3lst of December 1853 Names of Collectors Townships Samuel Awl Michael. Evert John Leisenriug John Leibig David Slshlneck'er i Thuinas D Barr- John Leihig David Slahlnecker John Leisenriug Jacob Heck Chides Fox Dennis Buoy John Leibijr Henry R Johnson Geome Kiinlt Conrad Kershuer Jacob Eekrnan John Ilium Solomon Marlg Jacob Kline D.ittiel Cares John Klapp Jannb Bingetnail Pelet Rnch Joseph Vankirk Henry R Johnson David Wilson Jacob Biniieman , Andrew Runynn Elms Eiseubarl John lime J.ieob Kline Jacob R Clark Daniel Cares Jacob Htiusicker James Buoy Peter Rneh Samuel Halt's Peter Pnrsrl Abraham Kissinger Joeph Vankirk Jacob H Kaufman Daniel D llolmnr M.itlin Bai'hinnn Elias Eiscnharl D P Can! John Buyer William R Irwin William Deppin J Himsieker Daniel P Conrad James Buoy C B Smith Joseph Vankiik Henry R Johnson Samuel Hales Peter Hileman Abraham Kissinger Michael Keefer Jeieminh t'entiypacker Enoch D Raker Augusta ci . Northumberland Coal Delaware Lewis ' Coat o Delaware Norlhumbeiland Sunbury Delaware Chilisquuque Coal Rush Turbut Sunbury Upper Augusta Cameron Coal Chilisqtinqtie Delaware Low is Lower Mahnnoy Norlhumbeiland Point Rush Lewis Lower Mahatioy Rush Coal Cameron Chilisqiiaqnn Lnwer August Delaware Lewis Milluii Northumberland Shamokin Sttnbury Turbul Point Upper Mahanoy Jordan Lower Mahatioy Coal Chilisquaque Ca meron Delnwaro Jackson Lewis Lower Augusta Milton NoiihnmberlunJ- Point Rush Shamokin Sunbury Tnrhnt Upper Augusta Zerbo Littlo Mahanby 1 per ceniaoe tilloned collec tors for '53 an. I previous, ' Treasurers tniminis.iinn on (iG3 Oi al 1 per cent, ;'bulnnce due County from Treasurer, 33 75 6 66 121 16 $2;937 77 Jdcob Yeunc;. Esq , in account with the same respecting Retuilers Licenses. Dn. To balance duo on said License as pir report of Auditors for 1852, " License received ftom Si mon Mart, in 1852 which $755 54 the Treasurer otnillcd to chatue himself wiih, 3 00 Bgirreoate Hinount of paid l.iconse fur 1853 hs per list furni-hed lo Treasurer by Mercantile appraiser, 880 75 $1,639 29 Cll. By cash paid to S:aie Treasurer as per his receipt dated July 20 1853 " exonerations of II. Wenck's License, '' do. Sophary Di'iire, " Treasurers commission on $702 75 for 1R52 c 5 do. do $872 25 for 1853 c 5 " cash paid 11. B Masser for publishing Retailers list lor 1853, iu English paper as per his receipt, " dn, do. in German paper, " do. do. U. B. Youiigman in English, 11 balance due County from Tteasnrcr, 8T62 73 3 5 38 43 50 00 14 61 24 00 24 00 11 00 727 29 $.1,639 29 Jacob l'oung, Esq., Treasurer, in account with the County respecting Tavern Licenses. Dr. To balance due on said Licence per lust report ol' Auditors, " am'l of said License untitled by Ihe Court fur 1S53, 8480 00 510 00 ' $990 00 ? Cu. By Slate Treasurers receipt da- lea July .'0 18J3, Tieasureis commission on Ihe above c 5 per cent, de 011 $510 00 granted lor 1853 o 5 per cent, balance due by County Treasurer, $480 24 25 459 $990 Jacob I'd u iie. Eta., Treasurer, in account with the Counti respecting Patent Medicine Liunse. Dr. To balance due as per last ro ptirl of Anditors, " aggregate amount of said License for 1853, as per lisl furnished by Mercan tile appraiser, 15 Ca. By Slale Treasnieis receipt dated July 26 1853, " Tieasureis rommissiun on $15 00 rot 1852 e 5 p. ot, do uu $15 01 fur '53 " " balance due by County ' Treasurer, I 18 00 ' $30 00 , $30 00 Jiitoo 1'oung, Etq , JVrasursr in account with the County retptttiHg liter llvuses and Oyster Shoi. Dm. Te balance due as per last ie- purl uf Auditors, tit 00 " bhi'I u( said Lieeussi as per lisl lumished fy 6Uivan Die appraiser, Cm. By blie Tieasureis iseeipl da ted July Ii3, 00 u Tieasuieit euiuiitlasion uu Ihe above e 8 per caul, 0 " do. en IDI00 loi llil I ja M bslauee due I mm County Tieesuier, 10 ll (K las Caie rofwr'iHn U'tiilUis, liiiuert 1 aaj ffritiAoi v rra'ly i.uM, in Uieute due pi last is swil ef Audita. 1, 1. is) I isssxiei III Year Cooaty Btsls Militia 1840 1846 1848 it it 1849 827 96 $34 00 16,00 1 85 48 07 4 02 11 48 " 65 02. 21 50 " 45 53 13 60 " 34 50 " . 31 43 1850 32 33 " 81 42 127 69 45 00 29 00 133 05 i 42 00 it 19 29 8 24 59 60 4 09 1851 44 78 23 59 1 11 50 " 13 115 " 44 00 " 38 00 " 46 50 " 6 00 " 159 67 179 73 41 00 32 50 11 109 89, 69 74 43 00 218 90 r 5! 46 64 53 78 17 00 150 30 45 33 27 50 62 10 51 27 26 00 " 26 80 37 61 16 50 " 4S9 00 296 33 51 00 " 8 35 , 548 30 345 02 68 00 11 80 53 84 54 39 50 " 70 75 59 60 343 09 172 76 8 00 ' 99 62 54 71 48 00 " 60 80 22 00 N 115 63 39 33 15 50 " 27 00 1853 197 22 S4 70 13 50 123 14i 21 50 465 03 127 34 75 00 " 396 611 311 70, 116 60 635 004 647 63 50 00 ' 96 42 12 50 624 26 & 619 94 59 50 84 954 58 80 42 00 650 31 244 94 26 00 " 299 784 130 62 85 00 " 476 324 116 38 69 50 141 45 73 95 35 00 563 124 265 99 56 50 " 300 36 140 14 39 00 278 064 83 20 113 00 ' 233 594 217 53 33 50 607 26 125 94 29 00 " 372 45 419 52 24 50 100 97 163 35 14 50 54 76 $9,427 70 85,829 65 $1,948 77 " am't of said License for '53 as per list furnished by Mercantile appraiser, 18 00 839 00 Cr; By State Treasurers receipt da led July 26 1853, " Treasurers commission on the above, " do. do. on 818 00 for 1853, " balance due from Couuty Treasurer, 821 1 16 05 839 00 Expenditures of Northumberland County. Road and Bridge views $116 00 Incidental Expenses 211 654 Commonwealth Costs 262 16 Constables for making returns advertising elections, &c., 243 73 . n fC Weaver for 1852 2 56 2 2! " 1853, 266 00 u3 C Albert J Nicely Public Buildings 1853, 74 00 1853, 75 00 417 56 289 07 Jurors wages 2,044 00 Clks wages, G. Martin 152, 103 174 1853, 389 71 492 834 C W Tharp 1850 9 00 " 1853 45 00 Chns Kntz 1853 20 00 74 00 Premiums 011 Fox Scalps 33 75 Assessors wages 372 91 Biidge building do , 2,680 40 Election expenses 592 01 Stationery 125 70 Refunding 216 88 Court criers' wages 84 00 Printing 157 75 Road taxes on unseated lands 416 78 County Attorney 30 00 Fuel 20 80 Prison expenses 28 00 Mercantile appraiser 46 724 School lax on unseated lands 150 00 Road damages 250 Coroners Inquests 120 48 J H Zimmerman 183Z vs uu .Wm L Cook " M J D Wiihington " Samuel John " W I Greenough " Saml D Jordan " Reuben Zartman " G M Yotks ' 13 00 28 00 64 00 64 00 23 00 38 00 25 00 6 75 289 75 S Thompson for attend. 00 80 50 $9,767 Amount of Court Fines and Jury Funds t whom paid. Plaintiffs Defeudents To whom paid Hugh Bellas R Fagely James Beard Com'wealth Dreisbucu " Same Jas Brass " Anton Raser not paid John King D Weidner " Same Samo " $4 00 60 00 5 00 4 00 4 00 70 00 Gea'hart ad'r Dunns adm'r " Lechner Com'weallb Kabel Seek leys F Wilbelm Beck Pursel Keeue Same Com'wealth Bound " John Walise Jas. Beard Bachman not paid Eekerla adm'rs " 00 H Wilhcltn WmBKipp4 Slitzel James Beard 4 Hibrer lint paid 4 Brosinus James Beard 4 Savage 11 4 John Gray Wm B kipp 9 Graham I Smith 15 00 1 1),,,,,,! I Masser 75 Com'wealth 5 I A Tiout I A Gehrig 13 50 cmly Hugh Bellas not paid 4 A C & T 11 Morris 4 Bellas James Beaid 4 K Shatters ex'r not paid 4 Jnn Masser Jas Beard 4 B Robins rot paid 4 kckerls adm'r Jaa Heard Hails Win B Kipp Fagely . Hellas $190 1K06 Young, JL'jij , 7'rramirrr of Sarthumber. land Cuunt'i iu urrount u'il the Common iteaitn of f'tiuuiliuuiu. Tx on Real and Personal F..UU fur JS33, Dn. ff regale am'l tf sai, tsx Te iiulsiauding loi 1852 and pie- Viuns yeats d,3ll aggieitaie am i m said lax as sessed (or 151 at per state ment filed by County Com'is Willi Mid lisurer 15167 " ain't ul oulslaiidiug en Denuia Buo)s duplicate aud untitled In ihe isporl lor U51 " siior i C. Kwiahiieit aeeouul K Kisfuhati " M U H (Xuuihellei " M " IL K'asiss duplicate t4 am't ef hiaie l uu uuseaieJ lauJs 131 ko I 00 4 lo V4 Cm. ! My auiwuul uf sai l l laiuaiui ' WHuilseiel lui l4 o4 at i.h'Si ) IVIK enor in Jacob Bingemans dn- pitcale lor 1851 10 00 Win Reeds do. 1861 0 94 it ii it ii t ,"' ,lo 1851 1 H Kaufman 1853 Iu D Rakers ism 2 7 10 75 00 sa " error in state tax assessed as sealed land lands and wilh which Ihe County Treasurer chaiged himself erroneously in 1852 as tax on unsealed lands " exonerations made to collec tors for 1853 and previous commissions, allowed eollee lois for 1853 " Stale Trearurers receipt dated 1 71 141 63 477 451 .. January 18 1853 498 00 I"1)' 26 " 10 938 09 . January 13 1854 2,699 04 5 per cent abatement on , ,0.938 09 . 575 68 Treasurers commission on 814,610 81 nt 1 percent 1 16 II balance due the Cum'weallh l.dfcs 99 822,334 344 Militia Fines. Da. To segregate; am'ts of said lax for 1852 and previous jests 51,759 47 " error in Juo Leisenrings accl not leported in 185a in 0o " atigrepate am't of said lax as. sessed for 1852 as per book in which said lax is entered 969 50 balance due County Treasurer 77 61 82.816 61 Cr. By amount of said tax remaining uncollected for 1853 and previous years J 943 77 " error in '52 chargine DS Drum- ' heller with 817 50 as out- standing which was fully p'd " eiror in Wm. Reeds duplicate for 1852 " cash paid Farmers and Me chanics Artillery as per order of Captain Marlz " do. Rush Greys Capt Huffman " do. Cadwalader Infantry Cap lain Frick " do. Shamokin Guards Captain Farrow ,; do. Washington Guards Cupt. . Huffa " do North'd Troop Capt Bryson , " do. Jackson Rille Company Captain Hoiiick " do. Dewart Guards Captain Zimmerman " North'd Troop Cupt Himsieker " cash paid J. H Zimmeiman services as Brigade Inspector " nssessors making lists of de linquent mtlitia men " exnnetntions allowed collec tor 1853 and previous years " per centage alloweij colle clors for 1853 and previous " Treasurers commission on $665 93 al 1 per com., 17 50 4 00 50 00 93 00 61 00 50 00 50 00 75 00 50 00 50 00 75 00 03 18 140 33 C 82,816 61 lictuucrs' L.tccnse. Dr. To im'l of said licence ree'd from S. Marlz with w hich the Treasurer omitted to charge himsell in 1852. $3,00 agirretrate am't of said li cense for 1853 as per list furnished Treasurer by the Mercantile appraiser. 880,79 $883,75 Cr. By cash paid H. B. Masser lor pulilietims Retailers list for 1853 in English as per receipt $21,00 21,00 11,00 3,50 3,00 43,61 772,64 $883,75 " cash paid H. B. Masser for same in trerman cash paid Geo. B. Young man in English " Exoneration oH Wenck's license 11 F.xonerations of Sophary Dence " Treasures Commissions on $872,25 a 5 per cent Balance due Common wealth Tavern items. Da. To aggregate am't of said li 374 cense drained by Court of Quarer Session lor '63 $510,00 Cr. By Treasurers Commissions cm $510,00 a 5 per cent " Balance due Common wealth Patent Medicines. Da. 284 To aggregate ain't oi said li and cense lor 1853 as per list lumished Tiessurer by Mercantile Appraiser $18,00 Ce. By Treasurers commission on $15,00 a 3 per cent " bal ance due Common wealth . 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 Beer Houses and Oyster Shops. Dr. To aggregate am'l of said li 4 00 00 cense lor 1853 as per list furnished Couuty Treasu rer by Mercantile apprai ser $66,00 Cll. By Treasurer commissions on $66 00 a 8 per cent. 83,30 11 balance due Com moil- iveal.h (2,70 $66,00 Distilleries, Brewers l( litetifyers of Whiskey. To augiegatu a.n'l of said li cense for 1853 as per list fiiriiixlied County Tieaati ler by Meicaulile appiai set IH,00 Cr. By Treaamer emu missions on $18,00 a 8 pel cenl S balance due Cutumou- w.ulih 17,11 H,0t) We ihe undeikiguvJ Andiieis of Nun hum berland ruunty, lu ihe Cemtrtonweslth ul Peons) Wains, du eeitily thai in i ti'siiaiiee el Ihe 4ill asluui ul Ihe ael enU'ied, 'an ael letinlallnt counties ad lo letups e., ps mkI ihe IVb day ul April Kit JVe me' sl ihe Cuimiiissinueis ellue in ihe l-uugh uf tnmbufV. uu Ihe I Tits day uf .nutiv, 164. and adpiumed fium lime lu lube, and Jil an In, adpisl an '.aMiile l, aeveial aeHieula ir pilisd uf us, SS'-.estly lu seseial Ulla ul Assenildy, l(,4 yipidemeuia lhe''i id'. g 10 ihe Ust el uui Judineul ai.4 awl- 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 4 00 4 00 $ 00 00 17 10 17 II II "W......-. MnJamJ er.t. ,l.eMid, lbn)i.hili ds) u !.,. lit 1 II tlUMIklllV. It ! .. ...... . II f Ik II IIIMi 111.1. I . L 25 03 00 75 66 $25,60 484,90 78 14,25 815,00