SUNBUllY 'AMEliiCAN AND SIIAMOK1N JOUHNAL. 7 :'. Iikmoval. 7" .miss'iaue finjtey INFORMS her friends, bo(h In town sad coun tTV, tlist she hns removed her, Fancy; Pry' Goods Store lo her former residence , corner of Chestnut and SJ street, opposite ih near Unman Reformed church, ind not unmindful of pant kindness, she solicits continuance of Iheir patronage. .She has just receive J an elegant assortment of , , , . Bottnett, Ribbons, J.acee, Kctdleivork of varioue kiiitra, lady gaiter boots and .andatt, stationery, mu.lins, lawns, ginghams, and ever variety of goads suitable lor the Kuatna, cheaper than ever for cash or country produce. Funbury, April 8, 1854. :' vr. iron, thiima. u'siiu., STOCKMAN & O'NEILL, ' , ; G K.N Ell A L ,., . . i tfommtaotou iUmljants , . 7" 35 2TORTH WHAU.VES, ' 11 ' ' Philadelphia. nnrtfnr. ncf.s. Tlioa. Kichaicinui A Co. Philadelphia. A. O. Cattrli fc Co. . , " . flutter & Patlcsnii, ' " Charles Ellis A. Co. ' " lliirgin cV form, " riiilii., April 8, 1851. ly. PRICES UK HORSE AXD CAKKIAGE HIRE. Horses, Carriago anil Driver, per day, $8,00 5,00 4,00 8,50 S,00 l,.r0 3,00 1.50 2,00 1,50 1,25 1,00 75 1,00 50 50 25 Buggy, Sulkey, , Saddle, and Harness, Two Horse Carriage, best, " " " " second best, One " Buggy, best, ' " " second best, " Sulkcy, ' " Double Harness, best, ' " " second best, " Single " best, ' " . 44 second best, " Terms cash in advance. THOMPSON !t EISELY. ' . JOHN DIEMER anbury, March 11, ISM GL 19 II AGS VAM i:i! TOEING extensively engnired in the manufac- M-w ture of paper, -we will pay to Country Merchants and others having Rugs for sale, more than tile present market prices Cash. JESSUP & MOORE, ' Paper Manufacturers. Philadelphia N'09. 24 and 2G North .St. 1st Street below Arch, between 5th t 0th. Phi la., March 18, 1854. 2m. NOTICE, '"JVtlE Stockholders of the Shamokin Stcnm :' Perry and Tow Boat Company, arc hereby i o i;.cil that an election to choose I'ivo Directors f '' e Company to serve fur the ensuing year ' if. le held ut the oifico of tho Company, in v-. -li.'ury, on Monday, the. 1st day of May next HENHV DONNEL, Secretary. ailmry, April 22. 1854.- St. . Valuable Property for Sale In the Borough of Sunbury ! " subscriber - ofl'crs for sale the following .X property in the Botough of Sunbury, viz: :. THE HOUSE r And two contigious Lots of Ground, - on the south west corner of Market Square, now occupied by the subsrnber as a store uud dwe.1 ling. Also: .. " . THE STEAM SAW MILL . on the river bank;" together with .one and a half acres of ground. Also: a double two story frume , . ' ' . Dwelling House and Lot of Ground, in Elderberry street. Also: six acres' of ground at the Point, adjoining the Susquehanna, on which are erected two frame houses wagon house, &c. Also: '( , A House and Lot of Ground in Cranberry street, near the river on which lot are also erected three lime kilns. . Also ; . . A House and half Lot of Ground, on the north east corner of River and Pewlwrry street, orcupiedby Augustus Clement. Also: Twenty-Three Vacant Lots " on Elderberry street. IRA T, CLEMENT. Sunbury, Jan- 14, 1854. tf. :r , - ;. , CIP.CXJLAE,. . : .. TIHE subscriber begs leavo respectfully to in JL form his friends and the public generally that he will continue the business of a Cabinet Makers' ,1'iniling Store, ' in all its various brandies at the old stand, No. 131 South Second St., below Dock st. Philadel phia, and respectfully solicits a continuance of thu very liberal patronage bestowed upon the late firm of T. & L. Thompson, assuring his friends that every exertion will be made by himself and those in his employ to merit, a continuance of their much esteemed favor. i - : r - THOMAS THOMPSON. Phila., March 4, 1854 Cm. '. . : ' SHAKOKIN Collegiate Institute. E. HILL, A. B., Principal. ' Rev. C. J. EHRENAkT, A. M. Teacher of Moral and Mental Science, Evi dences of Christianity. A-c. , Teacher of Primary Department. T iHb Orst setsioQ of this Institution, locale J at bhamokin. NorthnmlurU,..i n. - ... , i ., will commence on WussU4l ,il0 iUlu j y of Mat, 1s54. ' The year will be divided into three sessions of fourteen weeks each, thus allowing a vaeution of four weeks in spring and autumn, and one of two weeks during the hulidays. The Institution will comprise three department A Pbika, Academic and Colikbiatb. ' The course of iiiNtruetion in these will be full j-mI thorough, embracing all the braiu hrs usually 1 iur,bt in tliise resctive ileurlmciii. Katis or 'l inos i an iry Department, per session, $4,00 A'.lulllic 44 " $6.00 f.ilugiale 8,00 A birne and spacious room 31 Wen secured '. inn t:'ie uji:!s of the Institution, until the uecrjsary buildings are coiui'letej. Ltoariliii t cull be ubluim d ill plivals families .. I reasonalje rules. The Hoard of Trutrca v ill apsre no p.iius or 'abor. In io.i'ko hJllluklU ('oliii.,tn lu.tilute, winll'I lac patronags si. J roiilMi ik'S of the cwiu ;ty. r AT lu 'her purli ul.ns, sJ .Irrss Limber ('lea K -1., of hhamokiii, I'r, .!,!, Hi ut li. ii-l 1, 1 ti-4. or lis. ('. J. Khreharl of I'stiioM, r hiwtheiland K'luiiy. 1'a. v TiincVin, Msrcb 4, Hoi. i.Enr.i: I'HIusm:.'.. i, i ... in'., suj kit Uillll'lelD, J U.I melted, .. olsly U. il. slAdtlU i.l, iol.S I, H.'J. - X 'HAW'S ftil till ,MiV.".vnTrTi.' V ren.edjr f H rouln, rolJs. 'o mIs or'. , f. sinl w 4. 10.19.' I I NK IVubiuriil l'st ( .t and I Ui-k Miti4, liwuU, .sm nil. hi. nuiMia-it fe .,it. It. U lUn-Uli, uul At si X0. IsM. Ukiiiihiit: ( r. vr' i i:i i..i. i...t tiltill I' ' l tj.l 11 'w, .,!e jl i lit i '4 'w-'Treasurcrs- Sale.-" " A LIST of the unsoatrtl lahdi adTtfrtised for sale by Francis Bucher, Trenanrer ol Northumhcrliind County, ngreeabld to an aot of the Cenrrnr Assembly of Ihe Common wealth of Pennsylvania, passed lha 13ih ol Mtfrch 1815,-and tha iipplement thereto entitled, an act rlirectina the mode of selling nitsr-ati'd Lnmls for laxes and other purposes 'in be rxposeil ti public sale at innvw" llonsp, In the llorouuh of Sunbury, on the I Jill day of June, 1854, at 10 o'clock, A. St., the followins dpcribed tracts of land for arrearinrns of Tavpsdnaand the costs accrued on each tract respectively, postponed from day to day, unless previously discharged, to wit:' - . -No. kcrct. IVarmitters names. Ain't flue. . ". ', , Cod Township. 1 " 1 f ,t Ants Iti-nry . Ailnms 't'liomas Frtslwr TlMimna 1 174 Jonkins Jmnes Amis Kri'Orriek. Ailnnis Itubcrl ' ' llnT K.lirnnt " f ; , 1 , i ." liruer Jnnies Oreer 'I'liomas li79 t'ninpbim Itnlirt . t Cninplaia 1kiinti Mmrisiia Wiibaiu ?. .. , , I ienVint .. ' , ! Anns -' It Ail:uns 1 ; "1 Tli'iinus K"stcr ... irtU niehiiMKahiiuii ., liii'lmril M:int-ing '! " Kilwanl lluir J.'Hnrs tiieer - . . 'Jll-nilP5 Greer ' rt'tlHTl rmnphiiii r ' ('tiiiipliiia 1 " VVilli:inl .Murrlunn . PSo J.-lllies Src.ilifiis.itl M:iry IlfieMsun JnntfS (wsi;lt ' lsmie Nclf IS II Ml SS 4it 10 t-.!) mi 21(1 to 314 3itl K..J) I a is 11 B 0 wei 49 IHI 00 UK) 300 loo in Tn'i 411 2H:1 llnilv J-lnl N floycl Jolin llrosioiis Petrr Hriii'y (olie-liatf) liillinulnil Tllouias H.'llilS tll'Rh Dnwol Clirisiiaii Hatlou raii iftl llrmly .I11I111 ' llimlv John 11 ruety Win P Cleaver KIiiiUt Cleaver Kimlicr Clwivt'i Ivimber V Covettcii John - Kili"t William K'.'ans Jrste Kvnus Hiniih Knpely UeulMlll F;ij:elv Williniii ami "t'in'n ' T.niy itnVn.rt (Kiie-balO Ureen Wnlioin (.iiinit Tlininas flanhier ArrltiluM Oanlner ArehiUiUI - (iariliier Arebittakl ilersli IMulip lleplmin James Hunter Alexander , " ' llubley Hiinmrd lliiiiuielrieh Henry Ilrpliurn Jntnes Joritnn Itobeit - - Irwin Itolmrt t 3S 87 1(17 Ut 15 21 UU l I 'ill? II III 17 M 18 Hi W l 2t 31 Wl 5-J 6 SJ 3 : 1 V.UJ 7 ! 57 41 2.1 ell 4 50 SS 43 5 40 Kt 115 H 41 3 SO 3 Wl 11 711 1 31) 001 77 7H S3! as iw 117 40 do (It SIW 67 W7 Wl 18 nsi l;u si 4 44 4 SS ot 6311 y 50 B 7 at Or 3(14 2 00 3.-, 71) SO !1 8031 3S 74 S4 74 IS 13 4 00 f .10 4 04 0 7S 3s 101 3.1 41 17 3j 17 2 31 1. m- : so in 3300 7 09 .1 07 ! 2 OH " 210 1M eiti 3 s ; n H 7 00 nost , 10 03 so 03 II 5S III .18 45 10 yi li?3-tKemilvlMViil fti'lj Kroll .MieliM 0:i J jiTiiliert Willimu . ai. l.iiklns Aliiimil 1. likens Slnilli !2lin-4 liake liieleird Jti Miller licnic 31 S S:nmiel irA Mnurv I'rter ' Mnrli'n .1 i 1li3-i Stvers Mnry linl Miller John . ' loo !i-iyer i.eoriro l'anl Jeremina Prinee fieirgs Hersftirah ' KnS Dnniel Pees 'riiomns ir !W3 111 1(1. I6 31 III III Heel 177 llastoll 'I'Immii:is atlS-lltnslt.ii Mnry , . , SI If ltevn-l,ls.l..lin '."I'll Jtl . 401 Mill 1(1 ( I ant Sin'.j Ixiisttiii (. linrliiUe Itees Djniel hst'ls (ieiirjre bniith Peler , ; ; - Slair Mcriek ... , Slieeil 'iL:;n!M ' ' SusSniiuin l'eli-.r - . Heimlon Willunn , . t HirirUe J.ienli " . ' Pli:irl?e 'i!li:uii ' ' ' Shnr'lc 1 illiani .. : .' ii.153-1 Smith Mury 171 Seoll Alirnliim ' 4J Hcntrll'fter Tltllia Kirlrrit Tiicwoith J.ihu . . . . . . 'rvsn Joseph Tnhnd J hit : . . Vhtle J.'lnl Viltw.ii Vi!!:;!lil M'altcr Lewis Yoxtln-iiiKT liniry yieler lyinc ' Kiiuinerni 111 .Miittlnhs ' Cameron toieiifhip, n rlu l.uke Jlnlton S.iiuiitl llnrr J .hn JJulJ lm linn Miiry i)nrr IVier 1 l)uri l.uke 1'iU Luke , O'lTilan Jorrpli tjrmit Th.miiis (Jrunt Tii'iinni Il.:rriftini W'illinm 3IIJ 9J 2--7 "8 301 1 ' 21? .118 611 110, 3'JO 50 3! 204 210 50 . t-0 170 B 4 3 J ISO 2)0 50 1 w) 13 r 15 R0 1(1 24 0 70 1 00 3 12 3 00 '10 Ml ' 50 1 1 1600 , 1 00 X 30 1 no 1 53 12 40 7 00 ; ?tn) a no 33 ia eo ' s 72 4S 1 54 10 00 . 650 520 a so 5 so 5 so .140 12 ; 5J B20 ' 520 22 110 6 40 IP 14 7 Ml IS J 14 ie . 1 8(1 3 12 10 11 iO 440 . Hunter Alexander S'-i. Oa 7H p Mover Henry 50 Al-xilinir Jobs 111 Rees Tii'imas " " to 1I- Smith l.uke 1117 8nulh AImlioI , f9J t-nulh Evans , ShamoLtn. 100 Brnily JolnV 4S.5 Bellerertiin Beuiaiuin ' '"' IM) Hunter Alrsnuiter 2n; IdkaRiekiud 1o:J lwis James 171 feott Alnahnm 303 Tilswoub John . .. , c, . . . P0l'll. 100 Itertrsm Ak-xaoaer , . lii'J Harren John jr tO IlnvdJohll 111 J'Jey Andrew 300 (iardnel Ari'lillnild ISO Uaidner Was 1' . : . .'t 3-)! Irwin Robeit SO Kttilzinir Abraham ' ' son Kui KsokiHl . SOU Ijike Hirhard rtl Maitiu I'eler AO ' - Metzuer John t) Ulli Noddlliot Jatiu-S ' Ujfcr Mithunoy. 130 Did John 111!) l.M) Darr Marv Teter Darr Luke Hnriisoii William 11- iihiiI Ji'bn Irwiu UnlHrt ' Mrtllinii Johu Smith John If I loO 411 " 30(1 i" Sou Little Mulmnoy. 1071 S',o vs pa 300 4;.;) iu 5 Id 6 60 3 SO TM II ; 5 72 1 41 7 St IJoO 7WI OS T 10 37 i-J n I m : t-i llewurt John li.iiiln r ArrliiUiM liHIillief WlllHBI 1 lliiiiler J.iiii, Hull l'h-,rl.- HoUu AiHSander K1UU..I111 S-3 ,1, tl Liikelli.-hanl SI I .von J.uii h 115 I', ltr. IVter SriS-i It .- T. ius i l!-sTh,s t KiiMb J..I111 lit 7 hiiioh J.iiin ir iiielh tr r-iuolt 1) ni't . . 'l iie'.r i'liuilrt (i Lower .iu 'S'lita. I'wiil William II l-w.nt Jliu llilr Alttaklf (.'Mil, J if Lu. Luiira ! uilli J tin ), titii'li J 4. IN; Kiol'i I'.eerl ( J.'liU 111 ' 10 M J el SO ' 70 4 ir4 t IS I Irl IUI lJ SI I'I 77 'ii i 'i i t 1. .-.I ... ivi:uw r tl li Hi. iu.,.1 to I (.,n.V ( h M. .! 't 1,. k.i I'lvKles 11 4 144 I Ml I U faiiwiii;u. Jtl N .ll.u 4 J Jin. . 1 H AVCI mTIH H, Tisssuir" Tim ' I'. a, Alices i, 1x4. Ciiiio St'at, LAIN' AM) FANCY CHAIRS. Ana Chain, lUiiku Cbalrt, , , Cajia 8tt4M, Piuiiif 4 Charulor Clair, I all ihetsiitiue ufiulmssuj fssliiuiiabl i)Uxalti tl4in-4 1.14, Wauissti ssa K 1 .11, al N V. WlMlli'it, 41. 1 . 1 A ill NiK Sib hi., i, iu- I 1 . ..Iim kiu, r'li'lJti'h'. ' A.. . eat .h ik. J. aUA f-.?A CHERRY PECTORAL: ' far Ihe Care mt . oovons, COLDS, HOARSENESS, BROW OHITIS, CROUP, ABTHs XVTA, WHOOPIMO-OOUOH AUXJ OOlMSUIVirTION. TO CI'Rl! A COIJ), wirn nr.AnACs Aro sons'itss of (ho body, tnke ihs Ciisrrt PxcToaaL on going to bed, and wrap up warm, to sweat (Hiring llie night. Fob a Uu1.11 axii Cocr.ii, take il morning, ii'x'iinnu eve ning, ticcoiiliug to diteetions on Die b dtle, and Ihe dilfieul- will sihiii lie rmovett. ISone will hatg aufler fn-m Ibis trouble when they find it ean Imso readily cuied. J'sranna atflieted with a sealed cough, which lireaks theiu of tlioir rest at night, vein Kisl, bv inking the ClicnT Peelnnil on going ti bed, tlwy himV l sore, of sound, nntiioken sleep, and conseeiilly rufreshiug rest, r.renl rebel fr m Holler ing, snd nn nltimnte cure, is nir.irded to thousands who ure thus nilliered, hv this invaluatite renieitr. J ' " - From its agfeunkls elTeels in I bene discs, many find themselves unwilling to forego irs use when ill ilceessay for n has censrd Frun two eimneiil Pliysieians in Faykttevii.1 r, Tc'in , April 10, lft.1l. Pir : We have given your Cherry iYetornl mi extensive trial in our piaetii e, mid find 11 to surpass every olltei re medy we hava for eiuin nfl. rti.ais of Ihe resrimiory orgs""- lllir. IJIK.MKH ft HA.MI'TU.N. T(.SINGF;ntNl IM'ltl.lCMI'LAbXitr this remedy is iuvnkiable, as by Hsoetiounn thethnntniHl I11117S, when taken in smull giuiillties II reinoviall lioruseness in m few h-airs, and w iiulerfully luereuscs Ihe power und tlexibilily of Ihe voire. ' . ASTHMA is genernllv much relieved, and often wholly eured by C'lK-rry Pei lorsl. Uut there arc s line eases so ob stinate as to yii Id enlirrlv 1 1 110 meilirtue. Cherry Pecto ral will cure them, if llirv carl Iw cured. UKK.NCIUTIS, r Irritation 01 the throat mid npr-r portion ol the lungs, may I eureit bv taking Chery Pa 10 ral in small and fretpient doles. Tile uncomfortable op pression is soon relieved. Kiv. l),s t. l,.VN!l.(i, of Mrcs.kiyn.New York, states: o ha,ve seen the I'herrv rnie siiiih easi-s of AslluiiH mii'I Itntttf'hittA nx le'iiti iiie (vt htflit'Vu it etui rurvly fail to cutp thos- itiscnFeK , I'Olt t'ltOl'I'. liire nti riir-tir fr niitiiu:nv, Ut b foll.jWiMl by ;iri:! uvA fn int-nt ("" 3 m" Hip Cherry IVcttt ml, unlit i Rtilailufi the (J(8u:iic. Jf l;nV-u nibcuhmi, it will not fml t cum. WUOOPI.VO rot'till imv lm'kcn tip ami xu cu red ly the nn nf ("h-rry P-ci.rnl. Till-. I.M-'lsUKiNZA i8nptelil removrtl hy tins re mr cly. NumcrtMiB jusUiiKHfl Inve hrn n-tlioe I where wh Ho fiimilifii weie pr-'tt-ctoil from imv ft'tKum ciiini-tiurufW!, while their rn. wilh mt the Cltt-rry Pucttiral, wi-( iilTerinj; tim ihe liettu. Dr. J. C. Aycr:- - SaLkm.OIi.o, Itili Juhp, 1 writ? ti iufnrm vou of tlic tritlv ri-miirknlJe ertrcTa ol' your CIIKHHV lKi"l'OUAls in 'thin pliwn. nml in my own ftmiily. One vi my ilniiuliti'is wun atiuplettjy curt in thn-e il:iy nf n ilrfiiihul Whooping Codgiu ly takinji it. Dr. Men hp, onpofour vrry hent phynifinii tiorly dtntPi thm he consider it the best reiiifily" wo have piilin wry ilint'OBrf, nnd that Uv ha cure:, tuoie I'-tai n of Cstott with it limn any other nieiltcitie lie ever niiiuinisUywI. Out rleri?rniin of the H.ipt it Church wiyt ihnt Hnr'm? the run of Isfluksz here ihia atensMi, he )i:it cn cures from yniir tnetiiciue lie could carcdy have believed K'itli- Ollt Sepiti. Yours respectfully, J. B. SlXCLAin, Dt-ptty (''cimHsIer. From the Jilinuinhed Professor of Chemis try and Mctctia Merfjcc HoicJoin College. 1 havo found the CtiKitnv VtrToKAL, us its'iitH how, it owerful rciuimly for cukls, and caugtis, and pul- uioimry iliseuitrs. Paukkr Clki'ei-axd. M. D. Brcnwick. Me., Feb. .1. IM7. . 1) 1 1 . V A U : . T I Si: AT ( )TT. The irUehi ecU hratcd Proj$sot of Surzryy in the Medical Collcac, New York CVt, sois; U ci'f me pleypiire to rerlil'y tlit? vulue mid eitVucy of 'Avih'i Ciiekuv t'lccToUAi.,' which 1 coiiMiler peculi arly Pdripted tn cure dispar oi" (be Throul mul Luiif!." Cures of wvrir dirfn's npon Ihe I.untT havv been f feeted tiy CnnRnv Fkctohal iti J"tcli extrrnie cafesnt wnrmn! the belief that a remedy ha at length teeu found that rnii be b'pendul mi to euro lite Coughs, C iltlsiiud ConsuinptH'ii whieh fttrrv from our inidil ihoun-ii!s every year. Il is ind-ed n innlteine tit w hieh the fttflieted ran ItHilc With fur relief, and Uiey should nut fail to ovnil themselves of it. Prepared a,,,! sold 01 JAMES C. AYE It, Practical Chemist, Lowell, Mast. SoM in Suiilmry liy II MASSER, nml by Prup3its (rencrally throu-li'Mit the Slnte. July 30, li4.3. ccow lv..ov., 13. "32. ' ; 'AKIt, -BIB:aV Co., J?lcur, Graiu ani Lurater Cominisitm r.leichnnlsi, 23 unit 25 Sprar's Wharf, Baltimerc . ' . . i:Ki'Kiii:NrKs. John Clark, Ksi , rrcsiilent t'itirens' Tlaiik, 11 ill. A. 1. (iilcs, Km., Casliicr Dianklin liuii!;, " John Herl.ler'"Jr., Keq., l'lii!ailnl)iliia. Koitrrs fr'iiiiiickiwii A Co., " J. Tome, L's.j., I'rc.jJcnt Cecil llar.k, Tort Ve posltc. I. Wallowrr & t?on Harrislmrg. ("ol. H. C. Kvcr, iScliusRrovt'. J. H. App & Co.. " Kagle, WitiRatc V Co., MillAii. W, W, 4'ookc, Esq.. .Mulicy. Simon ISiliiiylcr, Esq., " ; , Gcorrro Iloiline, llusihsville, , V. Weaver & Co., Montoiirsvillo. Gen. Williaia F. Tucker, Williainsport. T. V. I.lovJ. EsqM Cashier, James H. Huling, ' ' " Lewis G. Hulinir, ' 1 ' ' M'Henry & llulib, Jersey Sliore. J. 1'. Hilling, Esq., Lock Jlavcn. . ; .. . : Carr, Gicsu & Co. havo tlic larceat wlinrf- room of any comuiiaion bouso in Baltimore, al way giving quick dispatch to boats In dujuliarg- nig ineir carjiocs. . 1'ebruury II, 18."il. Cm lilucksmithing. ''UE suliscrilicr licrcliy informs I lie cilixens of -Su Slllilinrv. itml llij. t, 11I. lit .....b.. tt .. ,!.... I . . ... , , .,. .uvflw Ij.llUIHII, UlttU lIC intends to carry 011 tlio - ., . M:i LmiiUIiIii:? IIiinIiick .. on liia-own account, ami that he has removed his shop from near Ctetuent's store, to a new shop on llie premises ot .Mark tSeupham, in Kuwn street, whete lie will lie happy to accommodate all his customers. .IIKMJV' PAHTOX. Suiilmry, March 5, ISiil. if, B. M. BASTHOLOW. O. Tiri AXt, JB. J. B. CIIABROX JJarlliolow, Till any .fj Co. ! lMPlim:!tSAl)lLl.FrC!IN roiin ami oititstic DSl!T GOODS, AND AGFNT5 FOR 1IIKSAI F. OF AMEEICANlIAIi'UFACTUIlES, jYo, 2i-.S Hullimore Street, Baltimore. If our Goods on ciaiuinution, are not as cheap as they can he louhl in any other uiaiktl they may he leluriieil fuilhwith al uur CApvuso. Lallioioie, .Nov. 'ZG, leioVly. MEXICAN CUAIJO. ' jIIC suhst'rila'ra nt'cr fur an!o Mexican Guano ol il.e U.l quality, well adapted to llie soils of I'eou.i Iwuu uud .New Jei.iy; aiials uf liu U, In a aril known chemist, is in our om-s non. 'J'hts 111 to-lii 14 s,iJ hi a 111 uil .mef pries Ijian ll IVrukiaii, ami uiil he found fully equal ill fertlluilig qualllies. 11. h. nntLiNo a ro. I'O Sorth Street, Philadelphia. I'hila.. Ktk S. HM.-lin, IMP0UTKII AM) DKAI.KR IN XIION C STUBL, l -Wu.Ll sr., Mom, nA, ,.,,, je l"lU.. Jam. SH, ts-,.y rni- Mur IT. w- '"U-1I" J" wtvssl, aii.l u - . M Sxtntnuf, J.u, , g j. Mll I'I Ml'ri.. K small auiui. ul iim. x nillrnl puoijiA is is Uss KOI..J ,J , tit led fur lv I f II. U. Mt;M. fliiltlH.IV, Juit i, lM, INK - ll.oi. u' i. In .1. 4 ii.,. an I &J.d I'iM.. ' ink l4 uk, aUvl.uls si.J 1.U1I Us . IktewUi ;-b, 11 ,a. u MMt'TTH RIW STUCK. WINDOW SIIAbCS HSW STSLCa G. I. . MILLER fit CO, MANUFACTURERS 18f ' WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS Jr. Window Shades, South-wet! torncr of Second and Arch Streets, PIIXI.A.XX!X.rHIA.. SUCH as (lottio's Landscapes, Holders, Vases, bcroles, lloqtiets, GOLD BORDERS, &o., Of the most beautiful designs and perfection of finish in this country, and at suoii ' LOW PRICES, As to challenge all competition. DulTaml White Hollands, Camhrics, Tassels, Cords, Drasscs, Vc, in every variety, for City or Country Trade. We invite an examination of-our stock, at tha Jlcpot, ftnuih-west corner of Second and Arch streets, Philadelphia. 1 January 2S, 1851. 6m. J)rus, Paints, Oil, Window Glass S Tos French zinc white. ' II) tuns Pure Whito Lead. 8000 Hoses Window Glass, all sires, Superior Pottish.Copal.Coach .Leath er ir Iron varnish, whiteyicmar varnish for China Gloss, with a gciK-ral assortment of fresh and pure D11UGS AND MEDICINES Also nil the Patent Mcdicinns in general use, warranted rrcmiinc. Colored and Enamlcd Glass, &c, Ac, for sale very low ot ALFRED WILTrEUr;ER"S Urn;? and Paint Stoic, Xo. 109 N. Slid Street, PHIl.ADELl'HIA. Phvsieiniis and Slorekccucrs supplicj Goods sent to anv of the Hotels or Depot free of charge. Phila., May 28, 1853. ly. " DAVSS & CULIN, Dealers in LAMPS, l,.tTI:lts St HIAM1FI.IKIM, aV. L". Cnrnvr Fourth and Cherry Streets, PEILAEEH-HIA. tTTA VIXG enlarged and improved their Hlorc, " mid having the largest assortment of Lamps in Philnilelpliiii city, tliev are now prepared to furnish l'l.M; OIL UA.MI'HKAE, BUIfNING FLUID, ETHEREAL OIL, Phosphcne Gas and Lard Oil, Lamps, Laiitemsof all pnlcrns, Fancy Hotel and Hall Liitnps, Chandeliers, Girandoles and Canticle alr, and Briilaniiia Lamps, nt Ihe Manufacturers' lowest prices. . Glass Lamps hy the package, nt a small advance over Auction prices. Ileitis laree MANUFACTURERS of Pine Oil, ljuriilnir Fluid, Ethrrcal Oil, Alcohol, ami (the only true) Phosgene Gas, thev can fur nish these aitirles at such prices that Merchants will find it lo their advantage to huy. Call licforc going elsewhere, if yon want bargains. Also, tha Safety Fl id Lamp for sale. Phi!a.,'Scpt. 81, 1353. Iy. Just Published and fop Sale hy . WM. McCARTl", Rookscller, Sunbury, Pa. The American rLEADKliS' ASSISTANT : Being a collection of approved declarations, writs, returns mid proceedings in the several actions now in use in the United States. Bv CdU.lXSON Ibkd, E?q., Ipsae legis viva vox With notes ami additions, together with a shor arstsiin ol convcyaneing. Hy A. Jordan. Pics ideut Judc of the Eighth Judicial district of Pa., .nml Win. M. Rockceier and M.. L. Shinilel, of the bar of Xoithuiuherlaiid county. Since the puhliculiun of the hook, the following letter has been received from JuJgo Pearson ol llarrisburg ; ' IlAnitisnrnc, June 30, 1S53. GhNTI.KM t:N 1 J After a catcful exnminn'.ion of your "Amer ican pleaders assistant," I take pleasure in ex pressing my entire approval of the selection 011J composition ol" Ihe precedents thus oll'ercd to the pulihc. 1 he leal prolcssiou ig renlisy Ivania stands in need of a correct system of pleading, udapteil to our habits of husitie;s, and the practice ol llie court. Your forms of declarations beinir. 0 a great extent, founded on tho acts of assembly. will be a saving of labor to the pleader, and con duce to salety and brevity 111 our ploadiugs. It should be in the hands of every practising lawyer in our state. , Yours, with great resiect, JXO.J. PEARSON. Hon. A. Jordan, Wm. M. Rockefeller and M. L. Shinucl, Lsquirrs. Hunbury, July 9 1853 iiOok to your Interests ! t Wexiilllry lo please!! , ' S. N. THOMPSON 3 ") Esl'EC TFULLY informs his friends and the publio generally that he has just re- reived at his store, in Market struct, Sunbury, neiuw vi caver a Jlolel on extensive stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, consisting in part of Dry floods, viz : . Cl(ithst Cassimcrcs. Catsinets, Jeans, Drillings, M'ttlins, res.'ings, Linens, iVe. LADIES DllESS AND FANCY GOODS, Calunrt, 'Muslin de Lnins, Latent, (i'tiioiins, tttrages, Uulies, ll'unlent, Flannels, fyc. v ;i(oci::iiKs, Sugar, Teas, Uollec, Rice, Molasses, Cheese, Spices, (Salt, Ac, &c, ic. KKardivnre, Kails, Screws, Files, Saws, Knives & Forks, &e. Queens and Glassware, of various si) les and patterns. SOOTS AND SHOD3. A large assortment of Hoots and Klines, for men, women anil children. IIts Cats, &c, of various sizes and styles. Resides a largo auJ general assortment of fashionable, goods. Call and examine for your selves. IV Country produce ol all kinds taken in richmgeat Ihs highest market prices. ounuury, 11 mo. '.(J lo.I.4 01. ou, S3. New Wall Paper Warehouse. BUIITON Sc LANIWG, M.WI I'AO l l KEitS IMI'olt n-.nn, 7 .Yi I Jl Anh Street, second door ubuvt Sixth. Philadelphia, Tliri:E muy U found Ihs Ureest and bund ' sonisat auoiiuieiil iu the ciiy. I'um '.i:i i. fiom the couiiliy will liiul il lo llu ir adxautAge local! at uur st irs, Mhristhry will I suilij UilU a Uerior arli.lesl the lowest pi ice. Ill IU UX A L V.MAI i. No. 141 Areli lr-ei, alio hulh, I'lills.hlplila. Phila., IV b. SV UJl.-3m. JEW I.I.IIY tij. s asMtiusiil f Gold and iltar l'tf-i. .UmiuI I'eus. lui sals eliosu Ltf U. tl.aUKiid V Co.. Mttkrl si IM I, ppoll Ul IW Ollio MuuLuiy, Oil. H, lX aJ1I.V:K W A Tl lILH.-A fc w duutla rasa k ' i:H4lua biKM WattUs, lui mIs al ' U iHk.s ly II, U. U.latit'U. .', A iitl It. sk .1 taw uiH.. UumilJ Ink. i'l "! kl.luiua l lit fuia t.m.m ut Ink.. I. tk .fl IILAINKS. Kl Ak rui) ik.tu uj M, U i W 1 2;5U0 Acres Timber Land FO? SALE. ' CEVERAL VALUABLE TRACTS OF TI.VIUER LAND, comprising abnut 8,500 acres, part of which is situated on Tolvyhanna Creek, and part on Muddy Creek, within three miles of Lehigh River, in Penn forest township. Carbon County, one of the great Coal Counties of Pennsylvania, can be hid at a bargain, if ap plication be mado soon. These lauds are thickly covered with the best timber of that region. While it ia believed that T5.000 feet of lumber to the acre, can be cut from a large portion of ihe land, the balance will aver age not much less than this figure. The kinds of timber found 011 the huul are Hemlock, Spruce or While Cedar, While Oak, While Pine and Chestnut but principally made up of White Pine and Hemlock. The Tobyhauna and Muddy Creeks are large and rapid streams, yielding a vast amount of water power, and are capable nf driving a large number of saw mills. They empty into the Lehigh, which stream, with llie Lehigh Canal aiToids an outlet to the most desirable lumber markets. There is, loo, under contemplation, a railway leading to the cities of New York and Philadelphia whieh runs within one mile and ihrei quarter of the land. Through these avenues lumber can be delivered in either of Ihe cities named, for about $7 per thousand feet iitia enabling persons en gaged in the trails to derive greater profits than attend investments generally. In addition to the timber, convertible into eve ry shape of lumber, there is much that will an swer for spars of vessels a sort of timber that snip builders have been obliged to purchase in Maine, or ut other distant points. Uiiiil.e most of the lanJs on the Lehigh there has, as yet, been no culling of the limber on this properly. It stands undisturbed by Ihe wood man's aic. It is, therefore, the mora valuable. The lumber trade of the Lehigh lias been carried on lo such an extent for years past, a scarcity of good timber is beginning to I e felt. Every season necessarily increases this diliicully. Tho consequence must he an eiielianienient of llie value of timber binds. Those un-cullcd tracts vtilli the advantage of avenues to r.urket, such as the lands offered for cale, possess, cannot fail to be Ihe sources of suj.jily hereafter. Llti the laud U not iilone valuable for the tim ber it contains. Il is of good quality for farming, nearly every aero being susceptible of a hjgh state of cultivation. Capitalist desiring to make investments, would lo ncll I i turn their attention to these lauds. For further information apply to CI IAS. M. HALL. Ol"e in "Milling Register'' building, Potts villc, P,i. August 0, 185.1. tf. Stone "Cutters nud Laborers WANTED ! 5TONE ciillcis ami laborers can have steady employ and a winters job, (and not work in the water.) at the Union and Susquehanna Bridge at Chapman, Union county. Pa., midway be tween Liverpool and Xorllnitnl erlaiid. To la borers !5I,S5 per dav will he civen. LEISEXRIXG & FISHER. Chapman, Sept. "l7, 1S53 If. Cheap Watches fyJewehy, yilOLESALE and Retail, at the "Philadel- phia Watch and Jewelry Store," No. 96 North Cccond Street, corner of tjuarry, GoM lrf-ver Wotehes. full jeweld, I H carat eases, 2Q,eO ("lil Lrpina Hk. 1 F ine Silver fpntaclcs. 1.50 Oliver i,i-i. inn irwaeil, fli.M l.l llrieelpts. 3.00 Silver Lever, lull juwlM l-J Svimetlor Qieollers. 7. ! allies' Oiilil Pencils, Silver Tea spoons, set, 1.00 5.00 O'llil S.uvtncli'.. 7.IK Oolrt r,'iis, Willi l'eiieil and Sliver Holder, 1,C0 Gold Finger Kings, 31 J cents to -fSO; Watch Glasses, plain, 1 i J cents; Patent, 18; l.unrt, i.i; oilier articles in proportion. All roods war ranted to be what they iiro Fold for.. S T A I i F F E R &. 1 1 A R L E Y, Successors to O. Conrad. On hand, some Gold and Silver Levers and Lc pines. Mill lower tlian die abovo prices. ' ffepU .It!, 1 S.i:J. ly. WATCHES. JEWELRY," &c! JAM 15. F i I)L EG, aVo. 13 SiVtt.'i Second Stree', rniLADEj.rniA. Gold Lever W atches full jewelled Silver Lever do Silver Lepiuo do " tiuarlier do Gold pens nml pencil and silver haldcrs Silver Tea and Table Spoons Bracelets. Breast pins Ear rings &c. All warranted and sold at prices as low as any in tho ciiy. November 87. IS.'iS. tf. A Farm fop Sale. fpHE subscriber offers for sale his farm, A CONTAINING 2S4 ACRES and allowances. It is situated about three miles from Nunlmry along the Khamnkiii creek, and is in a good state of cultivation. The Philadelphia and Sunbury Railroad passes through said farm. It will be ollered In parts or entire to suit pur chasers. It cau be divided lo make three small farms. The buildings are a FARM HOUSE, a good Rank Darn, and two tennnl houses. JOHN FARXsJWORT. Upper Augusla, Sept. 10, 1853. tf. l'orte iUoiiuities, POCKET BOOKS, AND FANCY GOODS. rjHE attention of lha Trade, and others, iu L want if Porte Mommies, Pocket JJooks, Rankers' Cases, Dressing Cases, Portable Wri ting Desks, ll.tckgamimin uud Chess Boards, Chessmen, Pearl, Midi, and Silver Cord Cases, Work lloxcs, Cabas, Needle Dooks, Money llclts. Cigar Cases, 1'ortfulim, Razors tind Razor Strops, Travelling Flasks, ami fine Cutlery, to gether with a largo variety of Fa set Guous which will bo sold at tho lowest rates. F. H. SMITH, Porte Monnaie and Pocket Hook Manufacturer 205 Arch St. below Sixth, Philadelphia. ' . Sept. 17, IS.V1 tf. ' .Important to Coal Dealers. rpiIE subscribers hereby inform the public, that - they have entered into partnership under tha firm of R ise, Reed oV Co., for the purpose of mining- shipping and selling c,oul, delivered at Sunbury, or at any other point along the Sua quebauna. They will lie ready lo deliver coal, well prepa. red. on cm tract or otherwic, at all times, on the shortest notice, and on Ihe most reasonable terms. Ordeis received at Hhnmokin by , t , , KAK, HEED it CQ. sunbury, June 4, lH.'i3 ly. CHATS A A U CAflWV splendid lot of fj B Silk. Wool ,iu j."ur j,Ui alxj Cl.lh. Fur, Oilcloth, Navy and Military Caps f sale low by o. r.i.snri:G4 cn. Market slirel, opposile h. J'osl Olliea. .iiuliorv. I lei. si, s."i l. '10LD PENS (.ul, ...J without csa, cJ . H .'iy Urior qu.hiy, jo., ,W.,,,,J. Al.o a f' supply el' tiin.u I I. u.l f.,t ,y II. 11. MAbSEK. Sunbury, IW. 1!7, I1. JVTKNT Ulill'TAMA TOPPKK4 Ui B MASSBJL Mr ttoitlrs (or aula by II. unbur. April, 1. MM 4 Uol.h V Kl I I Mi M i ni .H4 Ad.. e(u4nt'lfy itvy44 UiM .tu. AUs blsllikt. tl ll B)it.U vM 9Uatj Uiifl, MuUlurv. ( II. V.i CELEBRATED Family Metiicincn. IN offerint; tn rti polilie Ihe stsn-a invaluable prepfus. tloirs, the antMcruiei would sfnte that In eoimntmion wilh his fileisls suit aonisol Ihs most rstpecuMa ol Ihs Alealieal fneulty, it wna deemed Iviwlse Ivnller In ths public, a few arepnrntioua is" known celebrity, beiinr pre pared wilh ths (rentest enre, and on tlia most srienline 1nncipU-, as siilniiiutrs for Ihe numerous worthless sr liclca lhat arfliKsling the country in Ihs form of pnnaceas and curs atla, prepared liy th moat ifrnornnt and itieieena tj person., iiituided to curs all diseases snd good fur nuns, Rend and Rrjlect, Ttmt llit Medicine, Mnnfnrtnrd by W. M. Bkcklit. liicludiuiT hn Koto Peclornl for Coughi. Crenin hi Comnhnr, f.r Hheumatiain. Wnn Bvnip for Wonni. Tooth Vnh, for doenved teeth, dismatd (pima. Family Pilli or hkxHt I'urifyer, have been mor exteiwive- y 09e". Have given m rt mhitfurtion, than any other Mediriuea bifre the puutie, being prepured with record to their UBeruliieM are fully wOilhy the trial of lha aliiict- ed. ive them a trial. A few powfiful nttMiii why the above MHicinci are lirserving of univeranl putiounire. (In the firat place, thny are prepare.! hy a mem tor rtiyaiciuu, who uudentumli the apphciitinn of Aiedicinea,tn duaaca, and conrWjueutly ar norfi-ctly aafe u take. (Seromily.) they Imve lrn used with untvemil ancreM, and have Rivni more sat iW no tion t! inn any mher Meilicinia ofl?red belnre lire pulilio (Thirdly ) they nre Hie only mcd.nuea lhat havo gnmcd ttin pnii'innee nf I'livMicinna, where they hove been Uied ; ind (l-'t'iiiililv,) they are put up in brger (jimiHitiri fm the nine price, thnn any other Medici net offered to tha public (ti the ftnue kind. As lha aultcnber hna n numti?r of certificate in bin podcefisinn of the hichent auth'-rity. where Ihey huve li-cn ui d with the mat aaiiufnctory re a:ilt. tie will ptillih a lew of them, feelimr mtiMied lhat it tihd will inwiTB thir recouimeudation. Try thein and atiufy yourself of their miperinrily over all otheri. Rend and be Convinced. We the nnd'Tsipued having !crn made ncqnuintcd with the iiifjrndjrntej cntciin; iut the Compounds known ha Uicklcyi Family Medicines qIaq huving pniiLTdK'd and known thetu ti le unwl, with inoul inti(fn( tory reBnlts; trtkc pl'iimire in anying ihrtt we believe they fully meet Ihtt denign for which Ihev are rep mimended. JA. jT AWltltlUl-K, M.D. C. II. I'ltH'K. M. U Wl. McMAIitlN, M. TV vi;su;y IL I. i:IMir.AUT, M.D. J.V.M. H. M A 'MI,!., M D. JJ It. GFsAHUMAtaT, M. D. Curt of pain in tht sute and cough frotnprotetted Lirrr t omyftrtut. Mrs. Robert Adams. l.iK.rinff under Chronic I.iveT Com pluuit, acciiinpnnicd with o i-hort dry cnnh pain in tha ante and lrp;i1, ffcneml d'-lnhty, Ions ol nppetile, atier iry lug nil I hn usual remedies rcc 'inmciidrd fm conjrhs and iliaAmca of the cheat, who with iiobrucrit, alie waa recom mended to try the Ile Pectoral, frcin whicli, Bhe not only Urn veil (inmttliatc but perrnnnpnt rciii't. John Atlams, a in ol Mra. It bert Adams, was afflicted wilh a very severe cough, pain in the aide, nnd aorenesa prMbiced hy incessant coubhimr; h waa induced to try the Koe PiTtornl. To uau tna own laueingf, the lirnt dme piirthled him to enjoy a gncd night's rest, lit the iirrniug he expertomtrd nlxut half pint of niiitter. lie continued to improve until hia cough entirety left liim, :t ata thndthe cfirci f alrriirhenine his hrcaar. which was naturuily weak. He ntsnsnyi that he has lecomtuciided it to a number if hisfueuds fir similar complaints, und in every case it hna given sntisracticn. The nlnve persona Tcnidents of the town of DmivMle, feeling that they have derived grent benefits faotn the ne oftheRtMte Pectoml : nnthori the nlvwe statement, fir the benefit of those who mav be nfilicted in a s.milut num. ncr. tJUKAT CITUK. hoss nf Voice restored with one Icttte of Rose Pec torn!, MissS'.isnn Whitlock. of Hush township. Norlhnmbcr- Innd e i., a nunilwr of years nn ii valid, in the fall of l!-.jO. Iin the use of her voice fnmt n si vcfe cold she con traciM ; nfter tryipg n number of retried icit. with n bene fit, she was edirely rcst'red by taking onb 'tile of Kofb Peetond. nttcr whieh. alio l ist her voice, ngnm, m m a fresh cold she contraetetl, and was ng-iin lestmed hy the use, of nn lher boitlc : she then lo-;k four b itt'es m-'ic to alri'Miriheii h'T breast, from whieh she dnived the nr ft ; decided benefit, and has l.i"n in the enjoyment of excellent li- alih from that time to the prerrnt. ' J The nh ue statement is obtained frnm Dr Put sell, the 1 Physician who ntionded her; also her tn 'titer who thinks that she would nt be hvii g nt tins time if ii had mt I teen for the K.e Pectoml. 1) ni .l m. 85, IKX. rStit. another Mnrrd Citre lif rctcd, Mia Samuel Serhlcr, b-ine of n nuturd wik mil deli cnte constitution very tinweptible t c 'Ids, waa ntl'ietc l with ft very severe cough, iviin nnd aorcnsa of the rrp-is'." I es f nppfjtite ; niter usinc n number of lli usual reme dies from whicli, she derived in benefit, she wm cured by taking one b nth of Rost- Pectoral nnd ia inllie euji yment of better hcTlili than for yeart previous. Pnnvillf. Dec. 1 IK0. Dk. : Permit me to inform y.Mi lhat my wife, who is n delicate nnd wealJy w nmn, lab Ting under very severe Cough wilh pain nnd soreness f breit.t. w- 'S m-Tc qnieklv nnd etTectoally relieved wilh one b'ttle m your Hose Pectoral than any olhcr inrdiciiie shr had ever taken. A H Kit MMIItU))'.. Jan. IMi. Samuel R. WoihIs' Furnnce. Krt P"int. SrBOSO KVIDt.XC E IS FaVOR OF TUB UoSB PcCToHAL AND Family Pim.s. .T"hn Puluer t-ikcti Wt wen t'hristmas anJ Xtw Year with a vory IkuI crdd, which ended in it dry hard iiicws.-itt t'otigh, causing n great ileal of puin whenever he coughed, wrm relieved very much; by the time he hnd takeii one Pdrd of u Itittitc. hud by th. time it waa foiihod. win en tinty cured. If" also my that he baa taken aeveral dnjtvg of lh lle.-itih Kesior.itive or Fa uilv Pil!.i, nnd tint they are llie niiUest aad in sl tlTuctaal pmirativea he h isever taken. lVuiviile, Jm 1, l'.'i Dft UtrKLBT : During n visit to ntv brother, iu Pun ville, I took o very severe C 'Id, which ended inn Uiht hard Couh, wilh e irencss nnd pain of the breast, f..r which I used your Hose Pert Tal. and Family Pills, and trikn pl.aiui'e in recomrnciidhir them, ut the milde-t and most effectual remedy 1 Imve used. i-urs. rcspecttuitv. J A M FS MORGAN, Jan. Ir;Vi. Whit Haven. Luzerne cn. l)ear Sir : As n rccomincndalion f t your Rcse Peefo rat, permit nn to my, that I waa rtt'ecliMlly eurVd i f a very n-ven oiiueh with pain iu the brejist, with less than h ill it boiile, mal that 1 considei it invaluable. You aie ut liberty to make this puMic if von pli-sc SPKHKIXG', (Onarfr.) Danville, Pa. My son William tailoring under n sever conjih and imin in hia side, frrtm nu injurv rweived by n ltdl, wus euUrely relieved by a bo' tie of Rose Pectoral V Cream t f Cam phor. I have also used your Family Pills, nnd aliocatier 1 consider them the best inedeemea I have cer used. JOAN OVER DORK, Jan. IMS. Rush Tp., North'd co. Dr. liiekley : Sir: As ,my wif who wna Iroubled with dry, hard Cough, ntso snir Stomach, dependent upon debility, similar to Dtspepsia. wus entirely relieved bv using two IniUlrs of your Rose Pectoral, ),eriiiit me lo ray that 1 couaider it nn exee lent remclv. Yuuia, resp-tfui:y, RcV Mr. WlhTsARD. Pastor Lutheran Church, Danville. Pa. Having bcin curod of pain in my arm (similar to Hhcu inatiMin) which deprived me ofthe free use of it foruhout four months. Hy using one bottle of Creum cf Camuhur I would state that I consider il the best remedy Vi thu kind I have ever used in my futility, und 1 would freely recommend it to others with similar ntleelions. Yours, rtfcpecifully, JONAS WOLF. Rush tp., North'd co, -My wife being efflicted with a very severe pain in her arm nnd shoulder (t!ia ttfeels of cold) which diaiibh-d her from ustnir il. was euted with rubbing of Cream of Cnm phor, Mra. I'.lllin, my suier-in-lww, wus nis i cured of a severe puiu in the htmd nitd face by ukiug the Cienui of Camphor TllOM AS C. ELLIS, Danville, Jan. 'ri. My wife having Rheumatism of the urin for a numltt r of years, which prevent ad Itor from using il iu doing her woi k j ofler huving spent li gient ded ol mouey in ir nig diiferent rcmc.bes with no heneiit, waa entirely cumi by using only Piiebdtle of your Cream of Camphor. WILLIAM EVENS, Mm r, foi S. R. Wood, II. Point. Dr. liicklev I la viui' receivinl a very severs injury in my side bv filling olf a load of liav, from whicial was una ble to follow my work, waa recommended to try a b ills of Creuia of Camphor, which nifTd! immediate relief. G1UFFIT1I CARR. Rush tp . Norlh'd co. My wife, Bude-run: from ui 'St exerueiuiiiiff pniti, throutrhont hei general system, which prevented her from s!etping (iMing tvcanaitil by a I -ng and prut met e1 apell of aieknr;) for wlneli she ued u numlier of remedies without iK'uefil, wus entirely relieved by the use of Crruin of Camphor. f;EO. H. IJKOWX. Surgeon Dentibt, Dunville, Pa. Child cured of Bowel ComtUont, and Ague (of two years statu 1 1 ni;,) by Worm Syrup. My child being ailUdcd foi the hot two years, with tiowtd Com phi ml uml Ague until it was reduced to a mere ke let oil, I tiiHl a nuiidier of rciiKibt.s with no prrmauent benefit, until I gave il a bolilo of ymir Worm Syrup, since which lime it hits been well, uud got quite ilcny. I n I so luive recommended it to u nuuiU.r oi my friemls, and ut every cme it ha i given suti:a-tion. L. Ll' I. At L ii lsn.w: LMerduint. Danviilo, I h ive used your Worm Syrup in my family, and con sider it uot only effectual, bonk most plt-us.n it arm le 1 am acjinintcd with. jAi'Oll LStlKUS. Danviilo. liuviug ased your Woi m Smp in my fututlv, it helps my childieu m -re than any piejtrutiou ol the kind, und ia more deus:ml tu take. DAN MoiU.AN. M tfit mi Row. Dtnivilk. I have h td ticcuai ai tn use your Worm trrnii m my family, tuul prefer it to any VeiiuuuA; I have ufetd. I Ui:i IU ii, Fr sty Vily, MouiLiir co. Ir llie'ley : Having used your woim Sviup, and Cream oi CiiuiiiJn r nmi Flatly pnla m my fmudv, ltw gave g v-d avtliftlneltou, mih! I conmler them the moat rt fculu d asii uBtiiii lenicilif, we have Kiwi tu our f.muly, JollMI I it IUMH.L, lh.a..lia. Dir Str : We ihe utnlvrsigiied Inrin in the employ m MeMrs tlrovee A C miiIv, art who st are, m Imv an Aiii iM-y for the aiie m your Family Mctiu-oua, ue tht U il t had nil oiittortiAilllV Ol klat.VVUIII tlia nnlni uib ul immTooe ittxli 'tifiL.ii who trive usett idem, aut lti4t thev give g -rHral .ttiintiiHm. W e hove kl grvrtl ananv of A-iur wltk-itetie ho m vaU) nkt, U uif vtv unkl m lilfir oj"r;iloi. W II Isl'.S ltl(,i ifcnv.IV, Attest, W M KH'I Kit, li.ivi S ftfttrvr of mv usuiti verv laut, I was IimIim ed l try a l 4ik of your Mil Waih, win haeiad live u etmi in, tMOlt'ltlO Iliy Jill US. illld I-'OIOI l-ilt Mil d . IMH. JtiSA flMN it IIIMIMi, nnvi!lo Dr. Ho Vrf ; II i .in wh.l wn r iiM uUraU-d a -re. Ma u4ll( (as WllSl, I II ll ta Itllrtltaff t IVtltrdirS WHk U Uitafjll I Wt Mi T IUOl UMlag MP 4(te 4 4af ' WMall M ) Vs iltj 1 . li lting Itff tStnil.tajinrtit, IA' llionlleiml Will' S liiroaUt, ll4H. I.J log Jl.tvK fiVlllrtl If wbat b eli Haul ilia Cicaoioi Can,!. , M ktr4t siititr' si il, i4(ll.f ikllll(g lrr lrt.VS It XH SDllavrillM . . d. A MltlUN. Ur Hmi I a fa iria, t'v.i, I j. Mi. kWv H i (it m Of4 f I y laf Baling aa, AMi ileufiauiis T 4 V h Ma..! iu aoiV vMV mvmtmtm- artaOtry M Ul gtaUU. I aNtUl 4U .j.-. tum ... mt i-fcsuilyt l.l o ii H1US . T 'V luti'i" ... y 1.4 ttiU WtkM.a 4UJ fetaw tut w !J HMhl.LV.M D.l'. ,, IWs, r1 b -i ... N,4.uh.i... kotl ii tin, g 4 un, ul ( w 4 f.Mj J...4 P.:a .. II.,., ....... . .....J." JV"a ' M,- ' . J U iNa-iii-.a, --. .A.4Mi( A 4m It' . I 4 VV. as, StW- .a., i t .,,. JtjjU U.Lws J.i.aa tr "MD AND COMrOET," To Your Otvn Itlcchnnics. GE011GE EENN." - MANUFACTURER OF ' FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of the most Fashionable Style. 'THE subscriber respectfully calls the attention of tlia public to his large and splenJid assort ment of every quality and price of CAniffl2T-WARI3. which cannot fail to rcommend itself toercry ona who will examine it", on account of its durable workmanship and splendid finish, made up of tha best stock to lS hnd in the city. No effort is spared in the mnnufneture of his ware, and the siiliscrilier is determined to keep up with the ninny improvements which are ronstmitlv bcinv hindc. His stock consists of Mahogany ont, lOvnnx and Lounge, Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards, SOFA, BREAKFAST AXD D1XI.G TABLES, and also VENETIAN BUNDS, equal to Phila- ucipnia manulncture. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and pricey CUPBOARDS, WORK AND CANDLE STANDS, TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, In short, every nrtii le in this line of his business. He also manufactures all kinds and qualities of CIIAI11S, including varieties never before to be had ir. . Sunbury, such ns MnnGASt, Black AValbot ami Criii.r.ii MAPLBlinr.ciAx; and Wiam CHAIKS, ami r akct Piaxo Htoiii.s, which are of the latest styles, nnd warranted to lie excelled by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere. The subscriber is determined that there shall be no excuse for persons to purchsHe furniture in the cities, as every confidence can lie entertained about the quulily and finish of his ware and C'liuirs, His articles will be disposed of on as good terms ns they enn be purchased elsewhere. Coun try Produce tiiken in pnvment for work. lT L'N.DEIJTA KIN li. Having provided himself with a handsome Hkaiisk, he is now prepared for Undertaking, mid attending funer als, iu this vicinity, or at any convenient dis tance from this place. CiT" The Ware Koom.ia in Market Street, below Thompson's Store and Weaver's Tavern. liEORUE 15ENN. Sunbury, Jnn. 10, 1852 tf. not rou voi Hsi.i.t i THE POCKET AESCULAPIUS : OR, EVERY ONE IHS OWN H1YSIC1AN. rjMlE EOUTIET1I Edi lion, with One Hundred Engravings, showing Dis- t V l . . I . i cimm nun iii'iiiuruiniions o J tlic Human System in every SI s!., !,. nl.,1 fnrm '!' i! :.. ...II .1 . !'.. .: '., yi (r Diseases t f IVmules, I cing ;ij JJyi ol llie liiibcst iiiiportance lo I i m.u. u u .1 it illt.'-t! Ull IIIB married pioiile. those ' coniempiaiing ninrria"e.- '--- Hj Sr Hi. Young Let nn fathcr!e nshmneil to iresent a copyvo the -i:sCi;LAl'H,'Stii his child. It niny save him from nn early crave. Let no young man or wo.iiiiii ciilcr into the secret obligations of mnr linl lil'e without reading tlic POCKET -HSCU-LAI'15'fj. Let no ono sulUring from haekniep (lough. Pain in the Wile, rcnllcss nighls, nervous ' ficiiiis, und till' whule train of Dyspeptic sensa-( ! tiniis, and piven up by their pliysiciiin, be another i liuuiu-nl without consulting the "LLA PIL'f. Have the niarrietl, or those ubout to be married any impediment, read this truly useful bonk, ss . it has been the means of saving thousands of un I fortunate creatines fiom !ho very j.uvs of death. t"&" Any pcraini sending TV I',NTV-F1 V H I CENTS, encliMcd in a Idler will receive one j copy nl'this book, bv mail, or five copies will le sent fur one dollar. Address, l)n. W. VOLNO, j No. I.W M'KL'CE Street, P11ILADKI.P11IA." Pout paid. June IS, 1S33. ly. " A VALUAELE HOUSE And Tin oe Ac its o 1' 11 r o i y id PGR SALE. r"SHE subscriber nirers ut private sale, his house I -"- mid l!m-e ai ies nl'grouiul, on tho river Hank wiilnii llie limns of the Iiorounh of Sunbury, now in the. occupnncy of John Shissler and orig inally ow ned by Clias. Gussler while engaged in boat building. The improvements aie a TWO STORY FEAME HOUSE, Wilh a Well of good Wuter, and a good frame stable. There are a number ol excellent fruit trees on the premises. The prop, erty is handsomely located nnd will be sold st a reasonable price and possession given in April next. Apply to Vco- C Welker, Esq., of Sun bury, or to the subscriber at Sclinsgrove. pe'u:r keklin. July 2n, 1953 tf. Lumber Yard. npiIE subscrilicr would respectfully inform the - citizens of Sunbury, and Northunil erland and adjoining counties, lhat ha has opened a I.iuiilicr Yard . in the lot fronting ou Cranberry St., a short dis tance East of the Steam Saw Mill, where he ha now a larc umnunt of Seasvued J'anuel J'aui, al.-o J'aniirl liuurds, and all other Boards and BriLUisa Matmiial, such as will be wauled for building purpives. Also a largo amount of Miinglcson hand, which will be soiJ from 6 up to according to quality und size.' Please give us a call nnd i van. me our price, and quality. N. B. Farmers who are in want of Shinglea will please call as wo will sell to von low. J. E. LEI IS, Sup. Sunbury, May 28, 1653 ly. "Eureka, Eureka." WE HAVE FOUND IT AT LAST. TOW fur tho little ones. hy will parents waste hours and days in fruitless endeavors to gel perfect pictures of' their children and after all get nothing but a poor, miserable caricature ! We would say, come to our I1XCELS01U GALLERV snd w w ill guarantee ta make you a perfect picture, by our Ei.kitro Cuiauu process, that woiks in from ) to i seconds. We defy any Duguerresu iu Philadelphia of elsewhere, lo compete wilh us, as we are the iiivento-s, and the process is used only in our dif- ii reni riiiiiii.liiiiens Iu iew tJngland and Ilia Middle Slates, l or pictures of4lulu, lha ailvrr maiLila we luva received fiom the American Institute, New Vork ami franklin, Philadulph,, together w 1 1 Is the numerous pieiniums County Kaiis. issullkieul proof Uial llxy aie lha -V. Plui I'.'iru uf peificlion. wouiu run pariieulur atlfiitio.i lo I ahmiii pi s iJuuerr, ,. -t in Oil. V. I . CuLiiss A I a., uo Chestnut Mirel l' auin air,T, i .,i,n, i, to leu II niw. hjisii,.J 1Ul I'ull,,,,' )jun,(u wirt. ld. Mu- N. M. - Our r-l.. i.hiiieii I illuminate,! 'r ll. luilliAu.-y f our Pi. tur.s l y Div, an.l I. "C.una ami are." 1'i.i!., M 'i ldi:.-l, WM. li'CAHTY, Bkwller, EPi:C I M I.I.Y H.I.mbi. ih luli.l 0 loan anJ rouniiv, ll.. l.s I... .uy ir, v.Jfu.,,, I t,il4..pMl , ,,, ,,!,lu u hl,' .lo. u HK,k., in .tnv In, ..h v( I il,,m, ,4 m a aivl .i,.i) u( Hindu.,, rirssa ,,,4 Mm lli.iu, bvuLuiji. I'sji. T. OJ3... OH. II v4 '.. 11 ititirn. s) imj, f,,f t.l, ami i I n,.i,.i, din l 4 .1...1.1. fit SXX Te . J . , . 1 '1 II -v... . I' hia l.'a.'.l. ui i., i.,J (, i. t 11. M M rn u ., J... I , 1 . I ' II, I - I,