Mew Advertisements. To tha Votetf of Northumberland County. Fllow CiTtitngTEncouragcd by many friend, I announce1 myself at a candidate for the office of COUNTY COMMISSIONER ; ' at the approaching election. ' Should I be elected; I pledge myself to discharge the dutiea thereo With punctuality and impartiality. ; - . t . GEORGE BRIGHT. ( Sunbury, April 8, 1854 , . , NOTICE. fpHE annual meeting of "the Stockholder of .-the Ureen Ridge Improvement Companj v will be held . at their office, Carpenter court. . Philadelphia, on Tuesday, the 9th day of Ma '.1854, at 13 o'clock, M. . ? The election of Five Director will be held at . the tame tiro and place. - . ,y i - WILLIAM VVISTElt, Secretary and Treasurer. Phile., April 22, 1854 8t. Daguerreotypes! .... GEORGE W. COBLE, 1JE8PECTFULI.Y announce tn the citizen - of Sunbury and vicinity, that he ha again opened a Dagucrrean Room, and 1 prepared to take likenesses. Ho warrant uis picture to bo , satisfactory to all wishing true representation of I themselves and mentis. Special attention is paid to children. . Uopies taken with accurncy. In atruction given oi reasonable terms. His room is at the old place, in the Grand Jury Room, . (county buildings,) operating hour from 8 A. M. until 5 P. M., without regaid to the state of I the weather. Copies should be sont in on cloudy day. Sunbury, April 22, 1854. tf. . ORPHANS COURT SALE. U N pursuance of an order of the Orphan Court a of Northumberland county, will bo exposed to public sale, on SATURDAY, the 20th day of MAY, next, on the premise the following Real Estate, to wit: . A Certain Piece or Parcel of Land, situate in Lower Mahanoy township, county aforesaid, adjoining lands of Isaac Dreibelbeis, ' Samuel Trego and others, containing one hn 1 dred anil twenty acres, and one hundred and four perches and marked purpart No. 1, in the return of the Tnqucst. Late the estate of Daltzcr Uorrincr, dee'd' Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M., of snid day, when the terms of sulc will be made known by GEORGE N. BORDNER, one of the Administrators. By order of the Court, he Court, f SEL, Clk. O. C. V ril 22, 1854. ) JNO. P. PURSE Sunbury, Apr Centre Turnpike ttoad. THE stockholders are hereby notified hat an Election for Officers to serve for the ensu ing year will bo held at the house of William (Hi cater, in Northumberland on MONDAY, the fifth day of JUNK next, between the hours of 10 o'clock A. M. and 8 o'clock P. M. J. R. PRIESTLEY, Prcs't. North'd. April 29, 1854. 4t FA1RBJUWOS PATKNT SCALES, Sold at their WAREHOUSE, No. 240 Market Street, PHILADELPHIA. Railroad, Hay, Coal, and Farmers' SCALES, set in any part of the country, by experienced workmen, and at short notice. " Phila., April 8, 1854. Om. Door, 11 1 i n d , Shutter, SASH DEPOT, East Side of Broad Street, below Wood, Philadelphia. WHERE may be found, constantly on hand, an extensive assortment of Doors, Snsli, Blinds, Shutters and Mouldings, warranted crjiiu-1 to any that can he made. Also, Sash ready glazed, ahvuys on hand I Jrders bv mail or despatch will receive prompt attention. Phila., March 25, 1854. Sm. "GUANO ! GUANO! " " rflfMIE subscriber, sole agent for the sale of Peruvian Guano in Philadelphia, is now unloading the following vessels, direct from the Chincha Islands : Ship fjorocco, ... 1500 tons. ! Ship Burlington, 750 tons. " Ship Hornet, S00 tons. Ship Topai, - - - 200 tons. which will be sold in lots to suit purchasers, at the lowest cash prices. 8. J. CHRIS! IAN, (Formerly Gladivg &. Christian.") No. 48 North Wharves, and (7 North Watbr Btreet, Philadelphia. April 22, 1854 3m. " GEORGE EARL, JR., GENERAL Commission 31ercliant, FOR the sale of English and Americai pig lead. Scotch and American pig Iron, Block ' tin. Sheet lead, Lead and Iron Vater and Gas pipe. Liberal advance made on consignment of Pig, Bloom, Billrtt or Sliorce Iron. x No. 56 North Wharves, Philadelphia. April 32, 1854.- 2m. ZINC PAINTS. Due third cheaper than while lead, and free frtm all poisonous qualities. The New Jeraej Zinc Company TT A VINO rrsai f counted iheir works, and iiaproved 11 Ihs quality iA mu pc jiiacu, are prepared to execute ottieis lor nieir SUPERIOR PAINTS. T)ry, and ground in oil, ta umxuA paek&f c uf from So 10 auu pouitui ; also Dry, in IwrrcU, of too p"uida m:. Their wliit smc, whteb is sold dry or ground in oil. warranted Pure sad uusurpusul lot U)y and luuloria whiteness. . A method of preparation has recently been diwnvereri, whiuh enables the Ompmly to warraul llieir rmiiiu m keep freib and soft in the kft tor any teas .uatk time. lu this respect their paints will be superior to any oilier iu lue market Their brown xine paint, which is sold at a kw price, and can only be made from the l&iuc ores from New Jer sey, is now well known Tor its protective qualities wbuo nnlied to innt or Olher metalie surlttrt-s Their sum eolar point possesses ell the properties of tba tlrown, and is of an agreeable color for poiutmg Cottages, JJeDOlS. WUl OUlKlince, Irmnr. nm. wepv,., b FRENCH k RICHARDS, Wholesale Paint Dealers and imnorters. N. W. eof. of imh A Market Bis., Philadelphia. Philadelphia, April 8, 1854. em. 1. Wi TUN 12 It A: CO , SUNBURY, PA., IrTAVE Suit received a froi upply of new Spring Good. Their friend and the pub lie r respectfully requested to call and inspect them. They will be sold cheap. "Quick salea and itnall profit" i still their motto. Sunbury, Pa., April 82, 1854. CARPETING. Floor oil cloth, Table oil eov. V an, Carpet chain, and Door mat, just recei. vei and for tale by April 23, 1854: I.W.TENER&CO, Tiiufl. Dried Beef, Mackerel, Codfish. JIX Cheese, Raisin, Fig, Lemons Orange .. received and for aal by Ant. 184. I. W. TENER & CO. i .dv nnnDS. Cloths. Catiimer, Battinett, IJ Veatingi, Tweed. Bummer eloth, VeUet unbdrv. AprU . i Orphans Court Sale. ; FN puriunnc of an order of the Orphan' Court of Northumberland county, will be exposed to public sale, On SATURDAY, the 6th day of MAY, next, on the premises, the following described Real Estate, la wit : Thirty acre olT of the north cast corner of a , , ( Certain Tract of LanJ, I situate in Shamokin township, county aforesaid, bounded on the north by lands of Daniel Miller, on the east by lands of JNancy W olverton, on tht south by lands of said Nancy and Michael Z-inv mermnn, and on the west by land of said Mi chaet and Philip Persing, contalnfng in afl about Two hundred and Forty acre. Late the estate of William Pcrsirijr. dee'd. Sale to commence Kt 16 o'clock, A. M. of said day, when the term of sale will be made known by , , rETER PERSING,' . .. One of the Executor. ! By order of the Court, ) . J. P..PURSEL, Clk. O. C. i . Sunbury, April 8, 1854. ) ' . REMOVAL. MISS JANE FINNEY INFORMS her friends, both in town ami coun- try, that she has removed her Fancy Dry Goods Store to Iter former residence, corner of Chestnut and 2d street, opposite the- new German Reformed church, and not unmindful of past kindness, she solicits a continuance of their patronage. She has just received an elegant assortment of Bonnets, Ribbons, Laces, Needlework of various kinds, Indv' itttiter boots and sandulu, stationery, mutlins, lawns, gingham, anu every variety of roods suitable for the season, cheaper than over for csii or country produce. Sunbury, April 8, 1854, W. S. STOCIMAK. THOMAS 0'lSJH.L. STOCKMAN & O'NEILL, GENERAL Commission ilkvcljants 351 KORTH WHARVES, Philadelphia. REFERENCES. Trios. Richardson & Co. Philadelphia. A. G. Caltell & Co. " Rutlcr & Pntftson, "" Charles Ellis & Co. ' I'uvgin & Sons, " Phila., April 8, 1 834. ly. PRICES OF HORSE AND CARRIAGE HIRE. 4 Horses, Carriage and Driver, per day, $8,00 Buggy, 4,00 2,50 2,00 1,50 3,00 1,50 Sulkey, Saddle, and Harness, Two Horse Carriage, best, " 2,00 1,50 1,25 1,00 75 1,00 50 50 25 ' second best, " One " ' Buigy, best, " " " econd best, " Sulkey, Double Harness, best, " ' " second best, " Single " . best, " " second best, " Terms cash in advance. THOMPSON & EfSELY. JOHN DIEMER Sunbury, March 11, 1854. Gt. 18 HAGS WAHiTKBI BEING extensively cngafted in the manufac ture of paper, we will pay to Country Merchants and others having Rags for sale, more than the present market prices Cash. JESSUP fc MOORE, ' ' Paper Manufacturer. PHilAiir.i.riu Nos. 24 and 20 North St. ' 1st Street bcTow Arch, between 5th fc Gth. Phila., March 18, 1854 2m. C. P. KNIGHT & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, and Dealers in Fish, Cheese tSj Provisions Generally, Nos. 23 if 30 S. Wharves, Philadelphia. HAVE constantly on hand a supply of Mack erel, Codfish, Shad, Salmon, Herrings, Blue Fish, White FUh, Haddock, Hams, Sides, Shoul ders, Lard, Beef, Pork, Cheese, Beans, Dried Apples, Dried Peaches, Cranberries, dec. Phila., March 15, 1851. 3m. SPEING MILLINERY GOODS. joii stovk &sos, No. 45 Sou(t Second St., Philadelphia, J AVE now in Store, of their own importation, a large and handsome assortment or Ribbons, Silks, Flowers, Crapes, and every article suitable to the Millinery Trade, to which constant addition will be made through out the season, thereby enabling them to offer the largest and most desirable selection of articles in their line to be found in the city. Philada., March 18, 1854. 2ra. NOTICE. T 1HE Stockholders or the Shamokin the Shi Steam Ferry and Tow Boat Company, are hereby notified that an election to choose Five Dircctora of the-Company to aerie for the ensuing year, will be held at the office of the Company, in Sunbury, oil Monday, the 1st day of May next, llE.MU UU.MVbU, Secretary Sunbury, April 32. 1854. 2t. ltosehdalc Hydraulic Cement. An excellent article for Lining Cisterns, Vaults, Spring-houses and Cellars, AND for keeping dainpnes from wot and exposed walla. For sale by CHAKEES 8H E PAR D SMITH, Corner of Front and Willow St. Railroad. Philadelphia, April 23, 1854. ly. N OTIC 15. K'OTICE is hereby given, that the notes, book and account of Samuel Thompson, dee'd., late of Sunbury, are now in the hand of U. M. Yorks, Esq., for collection. All pemon knowing themselves indeUed to said deceased, are request ed to call and Mttle immediately if they desire to save cost. MARIA THOMPSON, Adm'rix of said deceased. Sunbury, March 18, 6t. DOCTOR JOSEPH W. CAMEE0N, ESPECTFUI,1.Y inform the citizen of tne Borough or Sunbury and vicinity, that ha ha permanently located himself in said Borougn 1 and oner his professional service to those who may wish to employ him. For the present he can be found at W eavers Hoteku Bunbnry, March 11, 1854 If. INDIAN CHOLAGOGUE An excellent arllcl for the Cure of Fever and Ague, Bib lious Fever, Intermittent or Remittent Fever, Just received and for aal by April 22, 1854. I. W. TEKEH & CO. PARASOLS, in plain and fanov figured Silk and Gingham Cotton and Gingham Um brella Trunks atod Carpet B airs, Just received and for sale by 1. W. fENER & CO Sunbury, April 29, 1854. ' ROCERIES Sugar, Coffee, Tea, Mola. es, luce, Salt, ere, Just received and ale by I. W. TXIVEK ex CO, euabury, April J. UM SU jNBUKY AMERICAN AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. Treasurers Sale. : A LIST of the unseated" land advertised for ale by Franci Bucher, Treasurer of ivormumberland County, agreeable to an ac of the General Assembly of the Common wealth of Pennsylvania, passed tba 18tb o March 1845, and the supplement thereto entitled, an lot directing the mode of selling unseated Lands for taxes and other purpose win pe exposal to puono sate at tne wmn House, in the Borntmh of Sunbury, on the I in clay of June, 1854, at 10 o'clock, A. M the following described tracts of land for arrearages of Taxes due and the costs accrued on each traot respectively, postponed from day to day, unless previously discharged, to No. acres. Warrantees raunes. Ami das. Coal Township. , AntiaHr-nry Adams Thomas . Foster Thomas . '' 10.4 Jenkins Jnmes Amis Frederick Adams Robert ' Huff Edward Greer JiimcS Greer ThnmnB 1779 Camplntn Rnbort Complain TkomsS Mmrlsnn William MISt Mi M J Jenkia . F Ami R Adams Tbomaa Foster 17W Rirhnrd Snlmsn Richard Mnnrilig Ktlwnrd Huff Jnmes Urecf Greer RnlM-rt Cnmplolrt Th ,mns Cnmplnm William Morrison , 065 JnmeftSlephensott Mnry Dovidson Junrs Cowseit Isaac NrfT 454 10 Mi S3 Si 97 107 01 15 81 HO 54 12 07 V 10 17 W 18 08 24 38 60 5 J 6 24 3 ft) 8 01 72114 S7 41 23 (M 4 00 22 23 6 46 63 05 34 S5 S20 3 U0 11 70 1 30 C64 77 78 .134 24 W K7 49 S 01 2 93 57 97 HO 18 35 St 131 51 4 44 428 61 63 41 30 30 55 7 21 9 P8 3 04 200 35 79 20 01 20 31 38 71 21 74 12 13 4 60 830 4 04 72 8 3b 104 35 41 17 3r8 17 23 30 53 36 01 3309 7 69 5 67 208 940 7 50 60 92 3 03 8 18 700 60 22 19 63 90 03 II 58 1958 tS 10 ISA 4471 DO 214) ' ffl 314 348 HWJ 45 an -it 8 e 3fl'3J 3.W 4-W Wl 2S1 siri SMI GO 100 300 1110 1 20!) 20i 101 411 2U3J 7J 247J Bnily John N B.n-d John Hnisinus Peter Drsilv John (one-half) Rilliiigmn Thomas Helios 11 Mali Uowsi Cliristisn HmioM tfnr.iuel Kraily John Uiudy John Urody Wm P Cleaver Kimher Cleaver Kimber Clejivei Kimber Cowdon John Elh it William Kvaus Jesse Evans kinitll Fajrely Reuben Faprelv William anil Sulomou Gray Itnbert (one-balQ tirenn William Oranl Th'rnns Onnhi'-r Archibald Gardner Arnhibald Gardner Art'hitmld Hi-rsh Philip Hepburn .lumea Hunter Alexander Ilnbley Barnard Himmelrich Henry Hepburn James Jiirdau Robcit Irwin Robert 447 3-t Kenneily David 220j Kroll Miclmcl 0)1 Ijnnbeit William ;l.i l.nkins Abigail 3'J7 I. likens Smith '2113-4 Lake Richard 2!HJ Miller Isaac 311 M. iraan Samuel t.r)0 Moury Peter 20J Martin J U 1PU3-4 Mvers Mary 14(1 Miller Jhn 100 ninyer ueorpe Paul Jeremiah Prince George Rets Sarah Rees Daniel Rees Thomas ir 2-1) 111 101 208 104 3-4 Rees Thomas iat Huston Thomas 231 3-4 Huston Mary 211 2rtJ Reynolds John Ronton Charlo'.te Rees Dnniel Phee's George Smith Peter Starr Mericlc Sheed William Snssatnan Peter t!ianiion William Sharlle Jrt.."b Phart'e Willium Slmr'.le Willium :ia 401 100 18 bfl 1RSS aoo SU 7K 23"i3-t Smith Mnry 171 Scolt Abraham 421 Scott Hester Tunis Hichnrd Titsworth John Tvsnn Jocpk T'lland John White J 'hn Wilson William Walter Lewis Yojtheinier Henry eiirler issue Ximtnenuan Motthins Cnmcron township 31 1 J 00:1 2!7 3S8 304 218 319 01 liol 300 50 Boyle I.nke 3 If) Uuttnn Samuel 309 Dnrr John 2li4 Did John SAO Dari Mary 00 Dnrr Peler PQ Darr Luke 170 Fill Luke 2S Gorduu J.tfceph 4.'o J Grant Tlnmius q 120 Grant Tiiomas 850 Harrison William SO Hunter Alexander 1 00 13. M IS 60 10 23 9 70 1 90 3 12 3 00 10 92 60 11 15 60 9 70 190 30 1 90 1 53 12 40 700 S 83 Oa 78 p Mover Henry DO rtiuiina jona 14 Rees Thomas 43 Smith Luke 107 Smith Abigail Smith Lvani Shamokin. 100 Brady John 4'i5 Bettererton Benjsinin 100 Hunter Alexander 207 I-ake Richard 103 lswis Juun-s 171 Scott Abraham 303 Titswurih John Point. 26 00 33 10 too 8 74 5 42 1 64 10 90 6 90 620 620 620 620 620 12 70 52 620 6 20 0 22 90 S4 100 Bertram Aleiaiider 1GU Ifcureu Juhu jr eu Hoyd J.lui 115. Kley Andrew . 300 liuriluer A rvlilliakt Yl'l Gaiduer Win P 3-'t Irwin Robert 20 Kiotsinfr Abrsliam aoo King Kzxkial 1M0 lAkc Uirhard 316 Martin IVter , 60 Meizoer John D till Noddiuot James Upper Mahanoy. ino Dia John IliO liurr Mary 1.19 Darr Peter 181 Darr l.uke 100 Hams m William in lliMalJihn 3u0 Irwin K"lert . 1llj Mi-ctling J'lhu ' 300 Smith John Ltttle Mahanoy. 107, Dewort William 250 Dewsrt John 200 Guraner Archiliald 300 Gardner William P 4'0l Hunter James 819 HallCliurles 67 Ilntru AlexaiulM 2f Kiddjihil 2l3-4 Kidd Jotia 300 Lake Iticlmrd B0 l.viii Joseph IIS IMrrey I'eier 3133-4 lleeae 'llionus S:iU Kees i'lioinus 8 rmilh J.ihu l)r 77 Hinith J"hn Dr 4'J tinilh John Dr 1471 "Plinth Daniel UOjJ Trickle Chsrles O Lower Augusta. lftSj Dcwart William 14 wait John 1H71 Hunter Aleiandsr lilb Hull Charles f4 Jordan James 77 Hruith John l)r 4'J Rmiih Johu Ur 1471 Smith Daniel 34 Smith John Dr Jackson. 1003-1 Gardner William F 1081 Luke Richard 1UD Heens Thomas 10 U 7 F 13 3S 14 ie t eo 9 14 1130 8 70 640 15 IS 8 50 6 20 7 80 11 3D 6 74 1 44 f 54 16 US 7 W) 108 7 W 37 09 19 88 63 138 74 183 8 10 241 768 t 60 . 70 4 M 4 78 163 13 1 00 IS 141 80 180 (03 Trickier Charles O Chilisqutqut. Ill NivMiul limn (40 r iAnJio ouman, sismsiuer. Treararais1 O files, Maicb U, lb64.-r - Cane Seat PLAIN AND FANCY CHAIRS. Arm Chairs, t Booking Chain, tvj a. 4 . Cane Settee, Dining it Chamber Chain, IN all the vrarietie of colore and Ftrhionebl rtylea, at the ehtapert rate, Waon.n.i a Retui., at ,,, w. r. wood's, WarerooM. No. 19 6c m Notth eUi ; ;. f Pff TnaUin tijuare, Phildhbja. " March 15, 18S4. ot , , V for AUDITORS' REPORT. Rtpoat or h Auditor ot No.thombr land County rort this Yh 1853. , Jacob Yourigf Esq., Treasurer, in ccouni , ttniA tat tamt. Dr. To fimount of outstandlne; lu, for 1852, and pretiou year " aggregate amount of taxa - lesaed for 1853, " amount of County, School and Road tax reo'd for 1852 antl previous year ' ' ' , " am'tof cash borrowed from Northumberland Bank " " arn't cash from Christian -1 Albert for old bridge mate. ; rials aold, ' -" am'l cash 'we'd from Lodge - No. 92 for Room rent " am'l cash ree'd from Centre 1 -county Court expenie, ' ' " am't of error in John Ven nyl duplicate' for 1858, " amount overpaid by David , Wilson on hi duplicate fur ,1851, - (8,883 97 j 10,739 751 15 46i' ' . i 083 00 I .. " 36 00 19 00 ' 183 30 79 13 40 3,274 62 To Balance due Treasurer. a A . $24,120 30 Ck. By amount of oulctanding laxe tor 1833 & preioua y. ara, iv " am't of error in report for , 1852 of outstanding laxe agninsl Martin Drumheller, . 9 00 " am'l of error in GooKunlz' duplicate for 1850, ' 10 40 " am't do in Willinm Reed' for 1851, 11 90 " am't county school and road taxes dFgesseil as fea'ed lands & with which ihe Tieiurer ehargpd himself erroneously as unseated lurid In 1852, 143 93 " am't exoneration allowed collectors for 1853 and Pre vious, HI 89 " am't per eeniaae ullowrd collectors for '53 6 previnu, 297 29 J " balance due county Treasu rer as per last report of Au ditors, t 1,300 75 " cash paid out on Commis sioner orders, 11,019 08 " ensh paid Northumberland Bank, monev borrowed to- Tre1""' with interest, 1,020 871 " am'l cash nsiii Eastern Pen- ileiitiary for keeping con viols, 62 70 " am't of J. B. Mnssers note and interest returned to Commissioners 277 34 " Treasurers expense and tolls going to Northumberland at various limes, 4 80 " Treasurers commission on SI2.102 CO at 2i per cent., 302 58 i $24,120 30 Jacob Young, Esq., Treasurer of .Mori hum berland county, tn account with the tame, respecting State tax on real &. personal. Da. To am't of ouisiandins tux for 1852 and previous years, $6,318 374 " am't of outstanding tax on Dennis Buoys' duplicate omitted in report for '52, 339 97 ' aggregate am'l of said tax assessed for 1853, 15 667 10 " am'l of error in Conrad Keishnera accl., 51 " do. do. Klias Eisenharls, 80 " do. do. D S. Drunrihellern, 1 00 " error in Geo. Kunlz' dupli- - cate for 1851, . . 1 19 " cash overpaid by Sulomou Marlz on duplicate for '51, 65 08 " cash oveipaid by Jus. Van- kirk on his duplicate fur 1851, 83 80 " cash overpaid by Jacob R. Claik on his duplicate lor 1852, 1 76 " cash overpaid by P. Pnrsel on his duplicate for 1852, 19 03 " cash overpaid by J. Wensyl on his duplicate for 1852, 8 21 " am't of stale tax ree'd on unseated lands, 4 90 " balance duo by County Treasurer a pur last re port of Auditors, 3.494 32 I To interest on slate tax, 35 26 826,041 804 Cn. By amount of outstanding taxes for 1853 and previous, " errnr in Jacob Bingeman' duplicate fnr 1851, 85 829 54 . 10 00 9 94 " do. in Wm. Reed's for '51, " do. in Jno Wens) Is for '52, " do. in J. H Kaufman's '53, ' do. in E D Raker's for '53, 11 error in State tax assessed as sealed Innds, ar.d with which Ihe Treasurer char- ' ged himself erroneously as tax on unsealed lands, " abatement on Slate tax oniltej to be credited in 1852, " Slate Treasurers rereipt da ted January 18, 1853, " do. do. July 26, 1853, " do. do. January 13 1851, " exonerations made to col lectors for '53 previous, . " commissions allowed col lectors for '53 & previous, Treasnreia commission on $14,610 81 at 1 per cent, " balance due County by Treasurer, 2 7 10 75 00 39 52 73 " 90 76 498 00 11,513 77 2,599 04 141 63 477 454 146 11 4,652 69 826,041 804 Jacob 1'ounp, Esq , Treasurer of Northumber. land County tn account Willi tne same re- spec ting Militia Fines. Da. To aggregate amount of nut standine taxes for 1852 ' and previous, 81,739 47 " aggtegate am't of said tax assessed for 1853, 969 60 " error in John Leisenring's acct not reported In 1852, 10 00 balance due fmin County Treasure! per last repoit, 198 80 4 ' 2,937 77 Cr." . By amount of outstanding taxes for 1853 and previous, $1,946 77 !' error in 1S52 in charging D S. Drumheller with $17,90 outstanding tax when it was fully paid, 17 60 error irv Wm. Reed'l dupli' cale for 1852j 4 00 " cash paid Treasurer 6f Far mere b Mechanics Artil lery for 1852; 60 00 do. Rush Grev for '49 tY '50, 93 00 ii do. Cailwa ader Intatitrv 8 1. Ol uu ii db. Shamokin Guards 1851. 50 00 ii do. Washington Guard '51( 60 00 ii do. Nortb'iand Troop 1850, 75 00 do. Jackson Rifle Com p. '50, 60 00 ii do. Dewart Guard I860, 60 00 i cash naid J H Zimmerman Bria. Inspector service. 93 35 cash Daid Treasurer of Nor thumberland Troop 1853. 75 00 n cash paid assessor for ma . kino list of deliiiauent ' . i . militia men. , Jl .'i exoceration allowed ool!ec ten for '88 and previous, . - 140 00 Townships . August: ' ; Norlhurobetland Coal Delaware Lewis ' Coal . t Delaware ; Northomboiland fiiinbury ' Delaware - ' Chilisnujnue ' Coal , "' Rush -Turbnt ! i Sunbury Upper Augusta CaineroD . . Coal Chilisquaqua Delaware Lowi Lower Mahanoy Northumbeiland Point ' Rush Lewis Lower Mahanoy Rush Coal Cameron Chilisquaqiie Lower Augusta Delaware Lewis Milton Northumberland Shamokin Sunbury Turbut . Point Upper Mahanoy Jordan Lower Mahansy Coal Chilisquaqua Cameron Delaware Jackson Lewis Lower Augusta Milton Northumberland Point Rush Shamokin Sunbury Turbut Upper Augusta Zerbe Little Mahanoy Name of Collector Samuel Awl 1 Michael Evert ' ' John Leisenring ,' -' John Leibig ' David Stahlneekef Thomas D Barr John I-eibig 1 ' , David Stahlneekef -John Leisenring , Jacob Heok -. '. , Charles Fox " .'"s.'.v Dennis Buoy ,. ,',,-, I John Leibirr " 'r ' , " Henry R Johnson ;' George Kunts - : '' . Conrad Kersliner i Jacob Eckman Joha Mine ' l..' Solomon Marls. Jacob Kline Dftnlel Care John Klapp Jacob Bingematl Peter Rncu Joseph VaiiRiik Henry R Johnson David Wilson Jacob Bingeman Andrew Runyau Eliiis Eiseuhart John Mine Jacob Kline Jacob R Clark Daniel Cares Jacob Hunsicker James Buoy Peler Ruch Samuel Hales Puter Pnrsel Abraham Kissinger . Joseph Viinkirk Jacob H Kaufman Daniel D Buhner Martin Buchmnu Elias Eisenhart D P Caul John Boyer William B Irwin William Deppin J Hunsicker Daniel P Conrad James Buoy C B Smith Joseph Vankiik Henry R Johnson Samuel'Males Peler Hiloman Abraham Kissinger Michael Keefer Jeieminh Pennypacker Enoch D Raker I pdi ctmi.ta itiioAcu i:,.n,-i " tors for '53 and previous, 33 75 ' Treasurers commission on SfGbo H-l al I cent, 6 68 'balance due County from Treasurer, 121 10 82.937 77 Jacob 1'eung, Esq , in account with the same respecting Relmlers Licenses. Dr. To balance duo on said License as per report ol Auditors for 1852, ' License received from Si mon Martz in 1852 which the Treasurer omitted to charge himself with, " aczregate amount of said License for 1853 as per list furnished to Treasurer by Metcnntile appraiser, 8755 54 3 00 880 75 $1,639 29 Cn. By cash paid to Slate Treasurer a per his reueipt dated Jul v 26 1853 exonerations of H. Wenck's License, " do. Sophary Dence, " Treasurers commission on $762 75 for 1852 c 5 i do. do $872 25 for 1853 c 5 ' cash paid H. B. Masser for $762 75 3 5 38 43 puDlisning iieiauer nsi for 1853, in English paper as per h.s receipt, 24 00 24 00 11 00 727 29 " do. do. in German paper, ' " do. do. G. B. Yoiiugman in knglish, . " balance due County fiom Treasurer, $1,639 29 Jacoli Voting, Esq., Treasurer, in account with the Lounty respecting iavirn Db. To balance due on said Licence $480 00 g. 510 00 1 ' $990 00 ? $480 00 pur lust report of Auditors, am'l of said License granted by the Court for 1853, Cr. By Stale Trea6re.r reueipt da ted juiy o iooj, ' Treasurer commission on the above c 5 per cent, do on S510 00 granted for 1853 0 5 per cent, balance duo by County Treasurer, 24 80 25 50 459 $990 forofc Vounr. Eta.. Treasurer, tn account with (A Countu t-fjurcrfiic raiem meaicmt License. To balance due as per last re port of Auiiitor, "gregale amount of said "License for 1853, a per list furnihedby Mercan tile appraiser, 15 15 $30 Cfl. By Slate Treasurers receipt 15 13 uaieu juiy o i, Trien"r commission on $15 00 for 1852 c 5 p. ot, do 011 $15 00 for '53 " i' balance due by County Treasurer, $30 Jacob Young, Esq., Treasurer in account the County respecting veer nouses Oyster Skops. Da. To balance dua as per last re $22 port Of Auditor, am't of said License a per list furnished by Mercan tile appraiser, .. 86 $86 Cr. By Stale Tieaorers receipt da ted July 26 1853, 11 Treasurers commission Cn the above 0 9 per cent, 11 do. on $66 00 for 1851 i balance due from County Treaurer, $23 00 i 10 I 30 ol 60 $88 00 Jacob Voung, Esq., Trtdsurer, M account vttk Z Coun rispectin Disti ltrt, Brtvtrt and Rectifiers of Wubj license. D. To balance due a par last . .r -auditor from ' Treasurer, ' ytart on tht list of Detember 1853. Year. County Stat Militia ' 1840 " J7 98 ' 148 , $34 00 ' 1848 48 07 " ' ' ' - 18,00 ' - 1 99 1849 1 4 02 It 48 " 65 02 21 50 " , 45 53 13 80 . " 34 60 " 31 43 1850 32 31 . " 81 42 127 59 45 00 " 29 00 ' 133 051 42 00 i 19 29 " 8 24 59 50 ' ' 4 09 1851 44 78 23 59 11 SO " ' 13 95 " ' 44 00 38 00 46 50 , " . 6 00 ' " 159 67 179 73 41 00 " 32 60 " 109 89 1 69 74 43 00 213 90 1852 46 64 53 78 17 00 150 30 45 33 27 50 62 10 fil' 27 26 00 26 80 37 61 16 50 n ' 489 00 296 33 51 00 8 35 ' 548 30 345 02 S8 00 " 80 53 84 54 39 50 70 75 59 50 343 09 172 76 8 00 99 62 54 71 48 00 " . 60 80 22 00 i " 115 63 39 33 15 50 " 27 00 1853 197 22 84 70 13 50 123 141 21 50 465 03 127 34 75 00 396 611 311 704 116 50 635 004 647 63 50 00 ii 96 42 12 50 624 261 619 94 59 50 ii 84 95tj 58 80 42 00 ii 650 31 244 94 26 00 ii ' 299 78 i 130 62 85 00 ii 476 324 116 38 69 50 ii 141 45 73 95 35 00 i 563 124 265 99 56 50 ii 300 36 140 14 39 00 ii 278 0G4 83 20 113 00 i 283 94 217 63 33 50 ii 607 26 125 94 29 00 ii 372 45 419 62 24 .10 ii 100 9? 163 35 14 50 i 64 76 $9,427 70 85,829 65 S1.948 77 11 am't of said 'License for '53 as per list furnished by Mercantile appraiser, 13 00 839 00 Ct. By Slate Treasurers receipt da ted July 26 1833, " Treasurers commission on the above, ii do. do. on $18 00 for 1853, ii balance due from County Treasurer, $21 00 1 05 90 16 05 339 00 Expenditures of Northumberland County. Road and Bridge views 8116 00 Incidental Expenses 211 554 Commonwealth Costs 262 16 Constable for making returns advertising elections, Sec, 243 73 o fC Weaver for 1852 2 50 I " 1853, 266 00 "4 1 C A berl 1853, 74 00 '. V. AIUC1 I I J Nicely 1853, 75 00 4 17 56 289 071 2,044 00 Public Buildings Jurors wages Clks wages, G.Murtin 152, 103 174 " 1853, 3S 71 492 R84 Ii: CWTharpl850 9 00 " 180 43 OO iqui on nn fA nn rremiums on rox acaips o Assessors wages 372 91 Bridge building C , 2,680 40 Eleciion expenses 592 01 Stationery 125 70 Refunding 216 88 Court criers' wages 84 00 Printing 157 75 Road taxes on unseated lands 418 78 County Attorney 30 00 Fuel 20 80 Prison expenses . 28 00 Mercantile appraiser 46 724 School tax on unseated lands 150 00 Road damnge 25.0 374 Coroners Inquests 120 48 J li Zimmerman- laox 28 00 13 00 28 00 64 00 64 00 23 00 38 00 25 00 Wm L Cook M J D Withington Samuel John W I Greenough Saml D Jordan Reuben Zartman G M York STh ompson for attend. 6 75 2S9 75 $9,767 Amount of Court Fines and Jury Funds to whom paid. PUuntirTs Hugh Bellas Com'weallh Same Auton -John King Same Defeiidents To whom paid RFagelv James Beard $4 Dreisbach " 60 Jas Brass ' 5 Raser not paid 4 D Weidner " 4 70 00 Same " 4 Gea'hart ad'r Dunns adm'f ii 4 Lechuer Com'weallh Kabel Berkleys F Wilbelra Beck Pnrsel Keen Same Com'weallh 'Graham Bound . " 4 John Walise Jas. BearJ 4 Hachman not Daid 4 00 Eckerts adm'rs " 4d0 H Wiluelm Wm BKipp4 00 Stitxel James Beard 4 00 (libler . not paid Brosious James Beard 00 Savage " John Gray Wm B Kipp Hugh Bellas not paid ACkTG Morria Bellas James Beard B Shaffers ex'r not paid Jno Masser Jas Beard B Robins rot paid Eckerls adin'r Ja Beard Hattz Wm B Kipp Fagely " 00 9 4 Smith 00 75 75 50 Donnel Masser Com'weallh A Trout A Gehrig Comly -Bellas 00 teith $130 anu Jacob Voungj JJjrj., Treasurer of Northumber land County in account with tht Common' wealth of Pennsylvania, Tax on Real and Personal Estate for JS53 00 Da. To aggregate am'l of said lit iiutdanding for 1852 and pre vious years $8,818 87 00 " aggregate am't of said lax as sessed for 1853 as per state ment filed by County Com'rs . wlih said Treasurer 15,667 10 11 am'l of outstanding on Deuni 00 Budys duplicate and oinllled in the report for 1852 error In C. Kershner aocount 11 i E Eisenharls " 11 D S Drumheller " 11 ii O. Kuntu duplicate am't of State tai on unseated land 339 1 122,334 Ck. By amount efaaid tax rsmainln I unooiieeted tor IB5S an freviens years $sr$ft 68' error la Jacob Bingeman du plicate fdr 1161 " " Win Reeds do. 1851 ' " J Wensyl. do. t8sa " " J H Kaufman " 1853 M " ED Raker SS3 " error In state tax nsfiesscd a Heated land Ism' and with whioh the County Treasurer charaed himself erroneously in 1852 as lax on unsealed lands " exonerations mad to collect tors for 1853 and previous commissions allowed collee lors for 1853 " Slate Trearurera receipt dated Janiiavti iH ttifti 10 00 a 04 9. 78 i fto 10 !9 hi 73 , 141 63 477 45 418 00 "t " July 26 ii ' " January 13 1854 5 per cent abatement on 810,938 09 Treasurer commission on 814,610 81 at 1 percent balance due the Com'ivealih 10.938 OfJ 1,539 04 675 68 146 11 1,036 99 822,834 344 Mihtia. Fine'ti Dii.. To apgreaie am'ls of said tax for 1852 and previous years i,7S? 4? error in Jno LeUenring ucct not reported in 1853 io orj " Bggrerate am't of said tax a, sessed for 1852 as per book in which snid lax is entered 969 50 " balance duo County Treasurer 77 64 2,816 6i Cn. By amonnt of said tax remaining; uncollected for 1853 and previous years $j 949 7f "errorin'52charcineDSDinrfi- ' heller with 817 50 ns on! standing which wss fully p'J 17 $8 " eiror in Wm. Reeds duplicate for 1852 4 oo " cash paid Farmers and Me chanics Artillery as per order of Captain Martz DO 00 " do. Rush .Greys Capt Hoffman 93 U0 " do. Cadwalader Infantry Cap- tain Frick 61 Oo " do. Shamokin Guards Captain Farrow 50 CO '' do. Washington Guards Capt. HotTa 60 09 " do North'd Trnnp Cspl Bryson 75 CO 'J' do. Jackson Rifle Company Captain lletrick 50 00 " do. Dewart Guards Captain Zimmerman ' 50 00 " NorthMTrnop Capt Hunsicker 75 00 " cash paid J. II Zimmeiman services as Brigade Inspector 93 25 ""sessors making lists of de linquent militia men IS 63 exnneiations allowed collec tor 1853 and previnns years 140 00 " per centage allowed collectors far 1853 and previous 33 75 " Treasurers commission On 8665 93 at 1 per cent , 6 66 $.2,816 Cl Retailers' License. " ' Dr. To am't of said licence tee'd from S. Martz with which the Treasurer omiiied to charge himself in 1852. $3,00 " aggregate am't of said li cense, for 1853 as per lift furnished Treasurer by the Mercantile appraiser. 880,75 $883,79 Lai By cash paid H. B. Masser for publishing Retailers list (or 1853 in Englishes per , recei pi " cash paid H.B. Masser for same in German " cash paid Geo. B. Voting ntan in English 1 Exoneration of H Wenck's license " Exonerations of Sophary Donee Treasures Commissions on $872,25 a 5 per cent i' Balance due Common wealth ' $24, 0() 24,0d 11,00 3,50 5,00 43,61 772,64 $883,78 Tavern License. Dr. o aggregate am't of said li cense granted by Court of Quarer Session for '63 $510,00 C&. By Tieasnrers Commissions on 551U.UU a o percent $25,56 484,50 " Balance due Common wealth $51000 Patent Medicines; Dr. To aggregate am't of said li 281 cense lor 1853 as per list luniished Treasurer by Mercantile Appraiser $15,od Cr. and 00 By Treasurer commission on 00 00 00 00 513, uu a 0 per cent " bal ance due Common: weullh 00 00 Beer Houses and Oyster Shops Dr. 00 00 00 To aggregate ani't of said li cense tor 1803 11 per list furnished County Treasu rer by Mercantile apprai ser $66,00 Cr. 4 00 4 00 4 00 By Treasurer commissions on Sou uuig per cent. balance due Common wealth 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 Distilleries, Brewtri !t Rectifitert of Whiskey, 4 00 4 00 8 00 To aggregate a.ti't of said li cense lor 1H3J as per list furnished County Tieasn ir by Mercantile appiai sc $18,00 Cri 00 By Treasurer com missions on is, uu a 3 per cent ( 90 1 balance due Common' wealth 17,10 $18,00 VVe the Undersigned Auditors of Northum berland county, in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, do certify that in puitoance of the 4ib section of the act entitled, "an aot regulating counties asid townships &o ," pas' ed the 15th day of April 1834. We met at the Coinmissionets office in the borough of Sunbury, ou Ihe I7lh day of January, 1854, and adjourned fiom time to lime, and did audit, adjust and settle the several accounts required of us, agreeably to the several aote of Assembly, and supplement therein, ao cording to the beat of our judgment andabil- WilneMOur hand and eeal at the offioe aforesaid, this eighth day of ftb'j, A. lM J. H. tlMMERMANj,- ffJJ M J D. W1THINGTW, f- Jl J09. HOOVER. fV ' 90 34 U 7S ' 14,23 $15.00 $3,30 62,70 $66.00 t