Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, April 29, 1854, Image 4

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Collegiate Institute.'
. Hilt, A. B , Principal. ,' , 1
e. C. J. EHREHART, A. M. ;
Tracker of Moral -and Mentnl Science,
v tfrriMl (? ChriiUaniUj, $c,
Tcr of Primary Department..
TIE firnt session of this TnlUulion, located at
fcbaniokin, Worth umborletid county, Pa.,
will commence on WanxasoAt, Uia 10th day ol
M IT, 1854. .
The year will be divided into three sessions ol
fourteen wwki each, time sUowing vacation ol
four week, in spring and nulunin, and one 01
two weeks during the holiday.
The IiHtitution will comprise three departmcnte,
A Paiwiar, Acaiicmic and Collbiatc.
The course of inirtnirtion in theae will we "ill
and thorough, embracing all tho branchca usually
taught in these rcsective departments.
Riti.1 or Tufios : ; .' '
Primary Department, per session, $4,00 ,
Academic " " $"0
Collegiate ' " 8,00
A large and epacioti room Has been secured
to meet the want of thu Institution, until the
necessary buildinga are completed.
Boarding can be obtained in private families
at reasonable rate.
The Board of Trustees will sparo no pains or
labor, to make Shamokin C'ollcgialo Institute,
worthy the patronage and confidence of the community.
For further particulars, address Kimber Clea
ver, Esq., of Shamokin, President of ,Uoard of
Trustees, or Her. C. J. Ehrchart of Faxincs,
Northumberland county. Pa.
Shamokin, March 4, 1851.
Great' Ban
i i
IN order to make room for our spring suppli rs
" we hare commenced from to-day to sell off
our Stock of ready made Winter Clothing, at or
iginal cost and invite our customers and the pub
lic in general who are in want of warm clothing,
to favor us with a call. ' -'Old Boreas" has not
quit us yet for this winter, and in consequence
we will probably have some cold weather yet,
whereat thick Overcoat will do us signal service.
Even if not needed at tho moment people will
find it advantageous to supply themselves before
hand, aa we hold out a good oppertunity now to
all. Cold blustering spring is long yet and even
through summer a thick Overcoat will come han
dy sometimes. We have a choice lot on hand
yet and respectfully invite our patrons to call at
Cheap Clothing Store,
Muriel Street, opposite the Post Office.
N. B. We will continue as heretofore to sell
all goods in our line as reasonable as possible
sun adhering to our old motto :
Sunbury, Feb. 18, 1851.
Canal Boats for Sale.
rTIHE subscribers having retired from tho
Boating and carrying business, offer for sale
Ten First Class Pennsylvaaia
All in complete order, having been thoroughly
repaired, and are. now ready for use. The Boats
can be aocn by calling on John Ziegler, Columbia,
juancaster co., 1'a.
S76 Market street, Philadelphia.
Phila., March 4, 1834. 2m.
riiHE subscribers offer for sale Mexican Guano
of the best quality, well adapted to the soils
of Pennsylvania and New Jersey ; anolsya of
which, by a well known chemist, is in our posses
sion. This article is sold it a much loner price
than the Peruvian, and will bo found fully equal
in fertilizing qualities.
B. 8. BURLING At CO. '
101 North Front Street, Philadelphia.
Phila., Feb. 25, 1854. 3in. ,
henry w. overman,
No. 6 South Third Street, beloio Market,
yHE attention of country buyers is called to
A the extensive assortment of all kinds of
Finis '.led Leather,
Sheep Skin, Are.,
constantly on hand and for sale at reduced
N. B. All kinds of country leather taken in
exchange for goods.
Phila., Feb. 4, 1 854- 3m.
rtlHE subscriber hereby informs the citizens of
buiibury, and the public generally, that he
intends to carry on the
BiacKsmlthlng Business
on hi own account, and that he has removed
hi shop from near Clement's store, to a new
shop on the premise of Mark Scupham, in Fuwn
street, where he will bo happy to accommodate
all hi customer.
Sunbury, March 5, 1854. tf.
Bartholow, Tiffany 6j Co.
Foreign nnd Domestic
No, 208 Baltimore Street,
If our Goods on examination, are not as cheap
a they can be bought in any other market they
may be returned forthwith at our cxpenso.
Baltimore, Nov. 26, 1853. ly.
CA it it, .ii;m; x, rjo.,
Flour, Grain and lumber
Commision Merchants,
23 and 25 Spear't Wharf,
J.01 b 9rk' PriJent CiiuW Bank. Bait.
A. r. Giles, bsq., Cashier Bruuklin Bank. "
John Hertiler' Jr., Esq., Philadelphia. '
Kogers, Binniuksou &. Co., "
poJu""' K"H'' l'rciJtnt Ccil a" Port De
J. Wallower &. Son Harrisburg.
Col. H. C. Eyer, Sclinsgrove.
J. H. App 4 Co.,
W. W.Cooke, Esq.. Muucy.
Bunon Schuyler, Esq.,
George Bodine, Hughsville,
W. Weaver & Co., MontoursviUa.
William K. Packer. WillUmaport. -1
. W. Lloyd, Esq., Cashier, .
James H. Huling, , ,
Lewis Q, Huling, .
M'Henry cV Bubb, Jersey Shore.
J-P-Huli'ig, Esq., Lock H.ven. - '
VT Carr.Giese ft Co. havo the largest wharf
room of any eoiUB1ii0 houi i BaUi.e .1
way. givmg quick dispatch to boat. Ui JScU
ing their cargoes. uMKUarg-
lniry II, 1851 6m.
T th. dozw,. UlU 0lB "' -
I TU , Mlb''' and al.. Con-
4- ire. ink for sale. wholal. ,d ,uil by
Look to your '".Interests !
, ' fa r ill iry to pleas If "
SD ESPECTFULLY inform hia friend anc!
tlie public generally that he ba Just re-,
eeiverf at hs aldro, irt Market street,! Prinbiify,
bolovV Weaver' Hotel art estcrmiv Wrk or "
consisting in part of ; , -. !'
r - jjry Goods, viz: '
Cloths, Cassimeris. Cassinels, Jeans, Di riling,
. jUMsJin., y tilings, Aniens, rc. .
Calicoes, Muslin de Lnins, Laisns,
' Gincliams, Iterates, Robes, '
Woolent, Flannels, lt.
Sugar, Teas, Codec, Hire, Molasses, Cheese,
Spices, fait, Ac, &c, etc
Nails, Screws, Files, Saws, Knives & Forks, Ate.
Queens and Glassware,
of various styles and patterns.
A large assortment of Boots and Shoes, fur
men, women and children.
Hats Caps, Ac, of various size and styles.
Besides & large and general assortment ol
fashionable goods. Coll and examine for your
selves. Country produce of all' kinds taken in
exchange nt the highest market prices.
Sunbury, 1 1 mo. 20 1853. 4 m. 30, '53. .
, Represented by Lewis, Jngies cV Co.,
; 135 South Front Street,
Orders tbankfnllv rroi rpff nn net nn I! v ttml
ed to, guaranteed to give satisfaction, and offered
for sale on the most liberal terms. '-
For samples and particulars, please address as
Phila., Jan. 21, 1854. 3m.
Front Street "Wiro Manufactory.
Sieved Riddle, Screen and Wire Clolh
No, 40 North Front St , Corner of Coomb
Alley, between Market end Mulberry
Arch) Streets. PHILADELPHIA.
O.N'ITM l"E to manufacture of superior qnal-
ity , 13 rass nnd Iron Wire Sieves or ail kinds ;
Brass and Copper Wiro Cloth for Paper Makers,
AC. cylinders and litiiuly Hons covered in the
best manner.
. Heavy Twilled Wiro for Spark Catchers,
Sieves for Braes nnd Iron Founders, .Screen
Wire, Window Wire, .Safes, Traps, Dish Covers,
Coal and sand screens, ic, Fancy M ire Work
of everv description.
Phila., Feb. 4, 1S51. 3m.
Spring and Summer Goods.
J. Z , & I. F. KLINX?,
KSl'KCTFL IiliY announce tu their friends
' and the public in peneral, that thev have
received at their Old Stand, in Upper Autumn
township, Northumberland county. Pa., their
Spring mil Summer Goods, and opened to the
public a full assortment of
Consisting in part of Cloths, Mack and fancy
Cassimers, Sattinntts, Flannels, .Checks, and
a'l kinds of fprinj and Summer Wear.
Also a splendid assortment of
ladies Dress Goods, :
Calicoes, Gingham, Muslin de I,ninen, Plaid
( as'.uneres, Do begej, Merinos, Ac,
Also a Ircih supply of Groceries) of ull
kinds, '
Hardware nnd Queensware, a fresh supply
of Drugs and Medicines.
Wooden Ware.
Also a largo assortment of Boots and
Shoes, suitable for Men, Women and
Children. Hals and Caps, such
as Silk, Panama, and other
Hats. Salt, Cheese, Sic.
Call and he.
Cheaper than the Cheapest,
All of which will be sold for cash, or in ex
change for country produce, at thu highest market
Upper Augusta, April 25, 1831 ly Al 30.
.New Wall Paper Warehouse.
MAM FACTi nia:s & i.Mi'oiu'Erjs,
No. 124 Arch Street, second door above Sixth.
TV"IIFRE may lie found the lurcst and hand-
" somest assortment in the eiiy.
Purchasers from tho country will find it to Ihcir
advantage to call at our store, where they will be
suited with a superior article at the lowest prices.
No. 124 Arch Street, above bixtli,
rhila., Feb. S5. 1851 3in.
111 North Third Street, Mow Uacit,'
Manufacturers k Ylloll.,sale Dealers in
Corn Ilrnoins, I.noUnGlntses, Cned-iee,
Pointed llnckets, Clucks,' . AVieW., 'rine
Will iw liaskels. Window Rhndes, Mstehes,
C'lar Wure, Hi l.lle pruiiies, Utukuig,
Wood and Willow Ware of all kind, at the
Manufacturer' lowest cash prices.
Jamks Kl-stov, Jnu. M. Roivi.
Phila., Jan. 21, 1SW. tin.
461 Market street, below itk, north tide,
Phila., Jan. 38, 1854. ly.
I EWELRV A nice asaortmcnl of Gold and
bilver Pencil, and Pens, for sale cheap by
(J, KLSBEiiGi CO.,
Market street, opposita the Post Office
Sunbury, Oct. 8, 185J
GER. a fresh sunnlv inl neiei.1 n.l r...
Mle h II. 1). MASSER.
riuuliury, Jau. 10, 1S5S.
JILVER WATCHES, A few double case
" Kilih Silver Watches, for sale at very low
pri' by H. U. MASHER.
Bunbury, April 13. 1851
IH.ANK Purchmcut Paper Deeds and blank
Mort(ragca, Qonda, Executions, Summon
ic, fu tale by H. V. MASSER.
Kunbury ,Auri 26.1851.
(-JIIAIN PIMPS.- A small number of these
excellent pumps have beea received and are
offered fur sole by .' " ' i ;
u , H. . MASSER.
Hunburv, Jun 4, 1853..
fJlffILEy'S COLGi CASVY. An exc-
T lent remedy for eoughs, colds. For salt
t this ollic. . .... j
' December. US. ,..,,.. j
books, ink, and ,i eompleu. just valis,
audlorwUVv ., H.U, MASSER.
eunoury, June 4, IS63.-' . . ...
Ww Cure f
TO fl'lll.: A ml IV nn niininiil AKO nnil
of Hie body, tnke the Lherri Pictoa1. on going to bed,
and wrnp up w irm, to iwnt ilnriup the if lit.
Ko a U01.U ari Covoa, take it moniitig, n-Mjnnnil eve
uinir, ncc'itding in riiicciiuus m thtr battle, and lit! diirieul
ry will sihiii be removed. None will l -ng shUt from this
lriiille whea lhy ttiid it enn liesr nwnhly ciHfil.. 1'erS'His
nlttioltd wuh a srutrd cough, which lirciiks llirm of ihrir
rest at nlulit, vill Hint, inking the Choriy I'eiUirnl '
gsiiug ti bid, they may lie sure of sound, unblokcli sleep,
una coiiHqitenliy relrethlng nt. t.reiil tuiici inm huiiui
tng, and on ultnmite cure, is nfl.ndtd t thousands who are
LlniA alllielL'd. by tliil iiivn!unblc remedy.
Krnui Its aremblo effceu iu these enit-Sj msiy find
themselves unwilling to lurcgo us use when tn nevcuity
for h htis ceased
Kroiotwoeuunent Pliysieises In
1' atkttbvillb. Tetin April 18, 1831.
Sir We have given your Cherry Pectuml sn extensive
trial in our pmelicc, nnd fiml it M surpiss everr other re
medy we have fur eutinr nftertiinir of the rsspimmry or
rUliMjLH AIU I'll IJIjIU nils renin, j
is invnlllnlile. na liv lis ni.ti.ui on tin) llirdlll and lUIIC". VfhMI
taken in mall liliinlllirs, itreinovesnll hnntsenesi' III n few
h urs, nnd wmidcrfully incrcancS the power nnd flexibility
of the v.ilrr.
A'I'll.MA is generally mneh relieveil, ami often wholly
nred by Cherry Pectoral. But there are autne essso ol
stiunle ns to yield entirely''! no ineilieiue. Cherry Peoto
ral will enre them, if ihey enn le enred.
UltONCIIITIS, or irrilnthni M' the thr'wt and upper
piirtina of lite lunijF, inny l cured by InVing Cherry Pe t'
ral in stntill nnd Irruuent doses. The uucmlortHble iih
rireHsion is soon relieved.
Itcv. Dnet. LANSING, of I1rook1yn,New York, slates:
"I have seen Ihe Cherry Prciorut curs tncii eases of
Asthma and llronehilis as leads ine to believe it can rarely
fail to cure those diseases." .
FOIl Cltol'P. Cive nn eroetie of antimony, to be
followed l.y large and freqaent doseS of the Cherry I'ecto-
nl, mil 1 1 i sullucs the disease. If taken ill stason, it will
n il fail lo cure.
WHOOPING COVOn may he broken up and soon cu
red by the wo of CherrF Peetornl.
Till-; INKI.LKNZA is speudily removed by thisrem--dv.
Numerous instance liuve been noticed where whole
fnmHies weie irutected from any serious cimseqaenees,
while Ihrir neiphlmrs, without the Cherry Pectoral, were
sufTerini: from tlie disease.. .
in. J. c. Aver: alkm, inuo, i mi juh, ii
1 write to i'nform von of lha truly remarlinlile efl-ts "I
yoor CHKKIIY rKOTDRAI, in this ilmv, anil in my
own family. One ol niv dnuijliters was completely cured
in llirce days of s drendiiil Wiioorwn, hy takinl it.
Ur. Menus, one of oar very lie physicians freely stales
that he considers it the hest remedy we have pulmonary
diseases, and that he has cured in"r enses of Cnour Willi
il thnn nnv olher medicine he ever administered.
Oui clerirvnirn of Ihe HapUm Church snys that during
the ran ol lNrr.usx!i here this sens n. ho lias seen cares
from your medicine he could scarcely have believed willi-
""Yours'rcsnectfiillr, ' J. I. WNCI.Ain,
Ucpity Poslinasler.
From Ihe distinczttished Professor of Chemis
try and Mctcria Mcdicc, Mow Join College.
I have fomtd the Cuckrv 1'kctohal, as its intsreilieiifa
show, a powerful remedy for culd, and caughs,'aud pul-
luounry diseases.
I'ahker Clkvelaxd, M. D.
nacX'Wic, Me., Feh. S. lt-17.
D 1 1 . V A LP. S TI N K MOTTV
77ie widely celebrated Professor of Sursery in
the Medical College, New York City, snijs :
. "Il tives nie pleasure to certify the value suit cnVncy
of 'AvEK'e Ciisnnr Pectoral,' wliieh 1 consider peculi
arly udapteil to cure discuses of the Thniut and Lungs."
Caiea i,f severe disfnses upon Ihe l.nntrs have been ef-fi-eted
by CliEKnv PecroRAt. in such extreme cuses ns
warrant the lielief thai a rcmiMv hns at length heea I'oaud
that can he depended oil to euro the Couyhs. CiiHsiiud
Consumption which carry from our midst thousands every
year. It is indeed a meiiicine to which the afflicted can
look with confidence for relief, and tlicy shoald nol fad to
ovnil themselves of It.
Prepared and sold by JAMES C. 4YER,
Practical Chemist, Lowell, Mass.
Sold in Sunbury by H MASSER, and by
Drogrrixts TrcncraHy throughout the Ptate.
July 30, 1853. ccow lv-Kov. 13. '53. .
" WayTThisWay iTThiTWaylir
Spring and Summer Goods.
TJ ESPECTFUI.IiY inform their customers
and the public, thus they have just receiv
ed and oyned the best and cheapest stock of ,
Tall and Winter Goods, .
j. at their store in Market squorc, Sunbury.
j Their stuck consists of every variety of
' 1 Dry Goods, viz : ,
Cloths, Cassimeres. Sultinets, Vesting,
Flannels, Wvllens, ijc.,
And all kinds of Fall & Winter Wear.
Also a splendid variety of
Calicoes, Ginghams, Chintzes, De Maine's,
And every variety of goods snilalle fur La
dies wear.
Also a large asvortment of
J7ish, Salt and Plaster. .
Also nit extensive assortment of
Hats and Caps rpu Mux and liovs.
Also a large assortment of C;lOt'iUHIi;S,
Sugar, Teas, Coflee, Molasses, Spices
of all kinds.
Also a trcsli supply of :
Desides lha IhiijhsI and most iji'iieral assort
ment of all kinds of goods to ba bad in this
place. .
Vtf Country produce of all kinds taken in ex
chauge at the highest market price.
Sunburv.Kov. 12, IS53.
--- : YoorT tons "ifoTT"
Siipor IMiosplmtc of Lime,
warranted of superior quality, the cheapest
manure in me world, farmers and dealers mujv
plied at low prices.'' '
5000 barrels Extra Quality Land Piaster, select
ed eipicssly for ita fertilizing quality.
10,00 bushels of same in, bulk. 1,000 barrels
Calcined 1'laster. 500 barrels Casting Plaster.
100 barrels Dentist Platter.
This article we offer in confidence to our cus
tomers, as equal to any imported, and far superior
to most in the market.
5,000 bags of thia superior Guano, for sale at
the lowest market rates. Also, Pnlagnnian
Guano, J'uudiclte, Ground Charcoal, 4c, &c.
''' O.FRENCH &.CO.
At the Steam Plaster Mil's, junction York
Avenue, Crown and Callowhill Streets, Phila
delphia. Phila., Feb. 4, 1854. 3m.
' G-. Ii. rrllLLBIl 8c CO.
In Window Shades,
South-west corner of Second and Arch Streets,
tJUCH aa Gotho'a Landscapes, Holders, Vases,
Heroics, UoqueU,
Of the most beautiful de.igns and perfection of
uiiwu in mis country, ami at aoch '
Aatoeballengaallcompatition. BuOTand While
Hollands, Cambric, Tassels, Cards, Brasses,
&c., in avery variety, CirCily or Country Trade.
W invite an exaniination of ou stock, at th
Depot, South-west corner of Second and Arch
streets, Philadelphia.'
January 88, 18o4. 6m. . , ' :
HATS AND CAPS A splendid lot i of
fashionable Bilk, ' Wool aud Fur Hats,
aU CIsHh, Fer, Oiklulh, fi.vj end Military
Caps (u MWloouy , ,. . .. J
. . . , .?, ELfcOERGsV CO., I
. Market sir sat, opposite the Jwa Otlise,
Sunbury, I M. , iH.Vi, , J
2,500 ' Acres' Timber Land
i v FOP. OALErf
TIMBER I.AXD, comprising about S.BOO
acres, part of which it situated on .Tobyhanna
Creek, and part on Muddy Creek, within three
miloe of Lehigh Uivor, ' Penn forest township,
Carbon County, one of the, great Coal Counties
of Pennsylvania, can ba had at a bargain, if ap
plication be made soon.
These lands are thickly covered with Hie best
timber of that region. ' 'While it is brlieved that
75,000 feet of lumber to the acre, can be cut from
a laree Dorlion of the hind, the balance will aver.
aie not much less than this figure. The kinds of
timber found on the land are Hemlock, Spruce or
While Cedar. Whito. Oak. White Pine and
Chestnut but principally made, up of White
Pine and Hemlock.
The Tobvhanna and Muddv Creek are large
and ranid streams. Yielding a vast amount of
water power, and are copalde of driving a large
number oi saw mills. 1 hey empty Into ttie i.enign,
which stream, with the Lehigh Canal affoids an
outlet to the most desirable lumber markets.
There is. loo. under contemplation, a railway
leading to the cities of New York and Philadelphia
which runs within mis and three quarttri of
the land. Through these avenues lumber ean b
delivered in either of the cities named, for about
7 per thousand feet thus enabling persona en
gaged in the trade to derive greater profits than
attend investments generally.
In addition to the timber, convertible into eve
ry shape of lumber, there is much that will an
swer for spars of vessels a sort of limber that
snip-builders have been obliged to purchase in
Maine, or at other distant points.
Unlike most of the landt on the Lehigh there
has, as yet, been no culling of the timber on this
rroperty. It stands undisturbed by the wood
man's ac. It is, therefore, the more valuable.
The lumber trade of the Lehigh has been carried
on to such an extent for years past, tlmta scarcity
of good Umber is beginning to be lelU i.very
season necessarily Increases this dilliculty. Tho
consequence muxt be an enchancement of the
value of timber lands. Those un-cullcd tracts
with the advantage of avenues to market, such
as the lands offered for sale, possess, cannot fail
to be the sources of snpply hereafter. " 1
But the land is not ulone valuable for the tim
ber it contains. It is of good quality for farming,
nearly every acre being susceptible of a high
state of cultivation.
Capitalists desiring to make investments, would
do well to turn theirnttention lo these lauds. For
further information apply to
Office in "Mining Register" building, Potts
villc, l'a.
August 0, 185.1. tf.
Paints, Oil, AVindow
Glass, c.
6 Toss French zinc white.
10 tons Pure While Lead.
5000 Ilexes Window Glass, oil sizes.
Superior Potash, Copal, Coach, Leath
er iV iron varnish, white Demar varnish for China
Gloss, with agcueral assortment of fresh and pure
Also all Ihe Patent Medicine in general use,
warranted genuine.
Colored and Luamled Glass, etc., &.C., for sale
very low at '
Druj mid Taint Store, No. 1C9 N.2nd Street,
Phvuiciatisand Storekeepers supplied Goods
sent to any of the Hotels or Depots free of charge.
Phila., May 23, 1853. ly.
I'ortc Monnaies,
riHE attention of Ihe Trade, and others, in
M. want if Porte Monnaies, Pocket Hooks,
Ilanlrers' Cases, Dressing Cases, Portable Wri
ting Desks, lijekgaihmon and Chess Hoards,
t'he men, Pearl, Sboll, aud Silver Cord Cases,
Work IJii-.cs, Cabas. IS'ecd.'e Books, Money
Belts, Cizar Cases, Portfolios, Razors and Rai.or
Strops, Travelling Fbjski, and fine Cllileryk to
gether, villi a. large variety of rA.vcir tiuons
which will he sold at the lowest rales," '' .
....rP. Ha SMITH,.
Porte Monnate and Pocket Book Manufacturer,
, 205 Arch St. below Stxth, Phdudelphia.
Sept. 17, 1S53 tf. - ' j. .
Iiujioi'tant to Coal Dealers.
rjlHE suhgeribers hereby inform the public, that
-- they have entered into partnership under the
firm of Kane, Reed & Co., for the purpose of
mining,' shipping and selling coal, delivered at
Sunbury, or at any other point along the Sus
quehanna. They will he ready to deliver coal, well prepa
red, on coi tract or otherwise, at all times, on the
shortest notice, and on tho most reasonable terms.
Orders received at Shamokin by
' Sunbury, June 4, 1853. ly.
Dealers in
. N. E, Corner Fourth and Cherry Streets,
TTAVING enlarged and improved their Store.
und having the largest assortment of Lamps
in Philadelphia city, thev are now prepared to
ETHEREAL OIL, Phosphene Gas and Lard
Oil, Lamps, Lunternsof all paterns, Fancy Hotel
and Hall Lamps, Chandeliers, Girandulcs aud
Caiidelcabras, and Britlannia Lamps, nt the
Manufacturers' lowest prices. Glass Lamps by
the package, at a small advance over Auction
prices. Being largo MANUFACTURERS of
Pine Oil, Burning Fluid, Ethereal Oil, Alcohol,
and (the only true) Phosgene tlas, thev can fur-
null these articles et such prices that Merchants
will find it lo tlieir advantage to buy. Call before
going elsewhere, if you want bargains. Also,
lha Safety I'J .id Lamp for sale.
Philui.Sept. Si, 1853. ly.
Just Published and for Sale
by7 . , WM. McOARTY, Bookseller, .
Sunbury, Pa.
" The American
Bring a collection of approved declarations, writa,
return am proceedings In the several actions
now in use in the l anted States.
Bt Collixson Rrrn, Eiq.
Ipsae rgij viva vox
With notes and additions, together with a shor
system of conveyancing, by A. Jordan Pres
ident Judge of the Eighth judicial district of
l'a., and U rn. M. luaLelVlior and M. L.
Shiudel, of the bar of Northumberland county,
Since the publication of the book, the following
U tter has Ueu received from Judge Pearson of
lUrruburg ;
HiBuiiBvao, June 30, 1653,
After a careful exaruinatton of your "Amer
ican (.leader assiatant1 I take pleasure in ex
pressing my entire approval i4th selection and
composition of the precedenta lliua oirered lo the
public- The legal profession in Pennsylvania
stands In heed of a correct avslem of pleading,
adapted to our habits of businow. and the practice
of the courts. 1 Your forms of declarations beinff,
to a great extent, founded on th acts of asaemhly,
will be a saving of labor to the pleader, and con
duce Wifoty aud brevity in our pleading.
It should be in the handa of every fractiaing
lawyer in our state. 1 " ' ! ' : ..
y. . Youra, with great respect, :
Hon. A. Jordan, Wm. M. Kockoieller ana M.
I.. Shindel, Require. '
Sunbury, July 1833 ' ' ' 'r
BLANKS of every description oa be baj Vy
applying at tb oftica of tka Aoi.naB. j
A!.P HUEBU AT E D 'i t.O
Fa in i 1 y -M odicines
IN oflormf to lti Jubfio the nVtte tnYnliiablA pirpnra
Ihmti, the tiihacnbAr wnaid fttM thnt In frnmUntinn
with hia fhendaattd atom of th moat retvcctnl.l Oi ti
Medical faculty, It wna deemed advim.)! tu oflrr lo th
pulilin, a tew piepnrntioin oT known celebrity, twina: prr
pared will) Ota greats rare, and oh the moat arieutifiq
priiioiplea, n aitliMitutea for tlt'a numermie vrtwtblcaa ar
I idea that are flooding tlie country in tlie form of pntmcenl
and cure alii, prfpiired by the most Ignorant and niercenn
ry perauna, Intended to curt att 4 iseoaea and food fat mmet
Read aud Rrfltd.
That the Mmliclne, MaTiaftirtorrd hy W. M.Bicslit,
InHn.liiw his Koae Perioral for Coughs. '
Cream ft Camphor, fur Kheuinalisin.
Worm fynip fitt Worm.
TntHli Wnnti, fur devnyetl teeth, diensed gnmt. '
Family Pills, or bkxnl Piirlfyer, have been more exlsnaive-
ly uneil, mid have given more antiit'nctioti, than uny other
Mndicines bef fire the pul.tic, rwliifr prepared with rcrd
to their HSKfiHiiessnte fatly woithy Uie trial of the aiihet-
ed. Give them a trial. "
A few powetful reaarms why the alKive Medicines are
deserving of unlversnl potumnee, (In the first plaef,
they arc prtMirl liv a rcarilnr Phyaichui, whoanderauiwls
the application of, to disaiae, and conseqaeiitlr
are oerfeetly aufe to tnko. (Secondly.) they have been
used wilh universal anrrcse, a no n:ive given moro wnsiuc
tinn tlmu any other Medicine ofi'eretl before the public.
(Thirdly ) tliey nra the only nml.cnirs tlwt have gnmed
the iintrnnniTf of Plivsirinnii. where thev hove been uacd :
and (Fomthlv,) they aro put tip hi Uirper qimntilirs for
the snrne price, than any other Medicines offered to the
public of the same- kind. As the subsc riber hns s number
of cert ifiwles in his pmerasiiwi cf the hiclifst auth-Tity,
where thev hnve been evl with ihe most entisfarrnry ro
aultn. He will publish i few ol them, fccliiisr sntisfied Hint
a ttinl will iitxurc their recnrntriendaiitm. Try them and
sntisfy yonrself of their superiority over all others.
Read and 6 Convinced.
We the ttiidondfnied having becjt made acqaninted with
the fiurrndjnnts enteritis: iuM the Compounds known as
liickluy's Family Medicines iilno hivins; prescribed nnd
known them tn fe used, with most sntisfnetory results;
take idemir in saying that we believe they fully meet
Uie dosign for which Ihny are recommended.
r - ' C .11. FRICK, M.X
WM. II MAOU.I.. M. 1).
Curt of pain in the tide and eongk from protesttd
f LAVtr Vomptatnt.
Mrs. Robert A. In ma. lulMriiia utuler Chronic Liver Com
plaint, nccoinnatiii-d with a siiori dry cijuuh pain in the
side and breait, ireiienil debility. Iis of appetite, niter try-
lnf all the nnial remedies rei;ummeiidnd fm courIis otiu
diseaerja of the elicit, who with no benefit, she wus recom-
mt mteil to try the Kosc I'eclnrul, from wincli, sue ntnouiy
derivnt iinuieriinte but prrnnn!nt relief.
Jon Atftims, aoiioi mrs. i union Aimma, win nunnru
with a very same Rough, pniti in tho side, mid s.ireness
prod iced by incessunt ctUjihnig ; he vos induced to try
liie Kose fectorni. to use in a own aniguugt mo ursi
doso eunMed liim to enjoy a good night's rest, hi the
morning ho expectorated iibout half pint of mutter. Jle
continucil to improve until biscouah entirely left him, it
also hud the effect of renuhminff " his hicitl, which wns
naturuliy weak. He nl s;tys thnt he has lecommeuded
it to a ii'iuiberof hitfiicuds fr nimibr compUiiuis, and
in every ruse it has given sniisfni-tb-n.
Theab ve pernis resident of the town rf Pnnville,
filling thnt they have derived preut benefits from the use
of the Rt we Peetornl ; authorize the rhove suilement, for
the benefit of those whomnv be nlliicted in a similai milli
ner, v Gil HAT CtKIS,
2osg of Voice rcstorSl with one bottle of Hose Pec
MiKflSiini Whitltirk. of Hush towiifliin. Northumber-
lnnd c i., for a nunsbrr of years an h valid, in the full uf
IK), 1 Pt the use tif hat v-ntr from a seveie ckl she con
tracted ; after irying a nuinter of remedie, witli no bene
fit, she wus entirely restoretl by Liking one b"ttle of Rosa
Peetornl. nfter which, she lost her voice ngnin, from a
fresh cold she eoutrnoteil, nnd wns ugniu rea;oreJ by the
use of another bottle she then to ik four littles mure to
strengthen htr brcnFt, front which the derived lbs mot-1
decided benefit, and hns been in Llie enjoyment of excellent
hen It o ftom that tiinu to the prtaent.
The nb ne sfatemeiit is obtained from Dr. Pnrar!!, the
Physician who nttendM her ; nlso h-r ni 'ther who thinks
thnt she would not be living al thin lime if it had not been
lor tne ie I'ectorul. umvtue, jaii xo. inv,
Stiil ancthtr Mar&ed Ctrre Effected.
Mts Humuel 14echter, being of n iratiirrl weak s-id deli
cnte conititution, very susceptible to coM. whs albtcted
with a very seveie cough, puiu und soreness of the breiftt,
I '83 of oppetite ; niter lining u monber of the usual reme
dies from which, she derived n benefit, ahe wus cured by
taking one h itle of ItoSi' Pectoral ami is in the enjoyment
ol belter IilmhIi thnn tor yeare pruvuus.
Danville. Dec. 1 tS.,11.
Dr. HirKt.Ev Permit me to inform you thnt my wife,
who is n delicate mi'l weakly woman, luboriug under a
very severe Cmigli with pou unit s.irtmerfi of inenni. v
more nutcktv on-1 efleciiiallv relieved with one bottlu
your Uue Pectoral than niiy other medicine she hnd ever
to Ken. Aii.MMi .i riitiu.
J in. 1853. Samuel R. Woods' Fnmuco, Hod Point.
Familt Pitx.
John Fulaer taken 1H ween Chrirlmas and New Year
with s very had c tld, which euiliM in a dry burd ineewjut
Cough, causing a grrnt deal of pain whenever he coughed,
win tetievt-d very mneli ; hy the lime lie had taken one
tn in i ol a bJtiiu, and by Uvx tuno il was unifiieo, win en
tirely cuied. . tie also kiys that he In taken several doses
of the Il':.ltli Restorative or Kaim!v Pills, and that they
nre tiiemildent U;id iu st nTfotur.l purpntives he has ever
tnkeii. , l.uivUtt, Juii 1, lJo'J.
Dp. Bu:kx.ey Duriny a visit t inv bmilicr, in Duu
Viik". I took a veiy sevre CoM, which ended in a tight
hiird u;;ii, with virruers and pain of the br? nl, fur
winch I itft-d y iur Roce Pecl-tiai. and Faintly 1'dla, nnd
ta'te p!eu,ir iu recommeiidiu? ihem, r.j tho mildest mid
m tat effectual reinudv 1 have used. 'Yonrs. reKnrtrttullv.
Jan. 'Jfi, 1353. AVhite llaveu. I.uzerne co.
Dear Sir : As o reo-nrimendatton for your Koae Pecto
ral, pennit tnc to eny, thai 1 wus cucetcrolly cured of n
verv unvote couch wit li pain in tiie breast, with b-rs than
half a b title, nnd that 1 e'-neidei it invnlu iLle. You are
at liberty to make this pultlic if you please.
JO I I.N rji'KURING, (tiroccr.) Danville, Pa.
My son William laboring uudr a severe cough and vain
in his side, from nn hiturv revived bra fait, waseutiiely
relieve I by ab ittlu of Roe Peclond V Crvuin of Csm-
rhoi. 1 havo alg'i used your Fuiudy Pills, and altogether
CJiisider then tho bca malcein' I hnve e'er o.d.
Jan. Rush Tp., North'd on.
Dr. llirkley : Sir: As my wife who was troubled
with dry, haul Cough, uls-.t s mr St'tnach, dependent ap.n
debility, wmilnr to DupepshL waa entirely relieved by
Uiing two IxSLloa of your Kisc Peetornl, permit uie to say
that! coiiHtdei it nn ex'-e lent remedy.
Yours, respectfnlly, UeV Mr. WIIJ.ARD.
Pustfir hull i ci nn Church, Danville. Ph.
Having been cured of a puiu in my mm (similar lo Rheu
matism) which deprived me of the free iih of it for about
four mon t ha. By using oneboMleof C ream of .'amphor
1 would state tnut 1 e.-mnder it the bert remedy uf ttia
kind 1 have aver used in my family, and f would freely
reoommend it toothers with similar affect bms.
Yours, rrapectluliy, JOXAS WOT.F.
Rush tp., North'd oo.
My wife lieiitir culicted with a very seveie rmin in her
arm mid shoatfer (lie eftccis o wld) which disabled hr
from using it, was cured with rubbing of Cream uf Cam-Duo-,
Mm. Kulin, my fcuter-in-law, wus also cured of u
severe puiu in the head mid face hy using the Cream of
Camphor TilOMArt C. KLLISI, Danville, Juu. till, M.
My wife having li ito m Uie arm lor a nunilwr
of years, which prevented her from nsine it in d dug hi-r
w uk ; after httvrig spent a grerit deal of money in tr iug
didere:it remediea with n buueht, was entirely cured by
liim? oaly one Inttle. of voi:r Cre i:n of Camphor.
WIM.UM KVENi, Minor, l-n 8. R. Wornl, R. Point.
Dr. Ricklev Iiuviitg receiveil a veiy severe injury in
my side by falluig oU ai.ud of hay, from which 1 wax uuu
hle tu follow my work, wa recommended to try a little
o( C renin of Camphor, which affunled iminedinte relief.
, GRIFFITH (?ARU. Rush tp., NorlUM co."
My wife, sutfuring from inoat vxeruciuliug piiiu,
throughout hei general system, which prevented her from
slrefung (being ocensioned by a long and protracted Sh-
ol sickness;) fur whw i she usetl u Humlor of remedies
without benefit, was eu i.e.) relieved by the use of Creuin
of Cainphor. OIH). 13. HitOWN.
burgeon Dentist, Duuville, Pa.
Child cured of Bowel Complaint, aud Ague (nt two years
atandiitg.) tiy Worm Syrup.
My eliitd being nihu-ted lor the hint two yenrs, with
UoweJ Complaint and Ague unul it wus reduc ed lo a mere
skeleton, I tiied a number of remedies wiUi u pcrnument
benefit, until I gave it a bottle of your Worm Svrup,
Since which time u hsa lieen well, and got quite fleshy.
1 uliw liave reconmeiidcfi it tut a number U my fritnida,
and iu every case it hasuiven sutisfuclion. 1.. t.KVI.
At I.muis Isfliuis1 TMcrchnnt.l Door' In
1 have used your Worm Hyrup m my famil al con-
sider it uutonly ctructuul, but tlie in -st n lea mint urticlo 1
omacnuniuted with. JACOB HilKl-S, Danville.
Having used your Wnin Syrup tu ray family, it helps
my CBikircii ut h thanmy pieuoration til the kind, aad is
Mont u r Row. Daiivilta
1 hnve had occasion to tis your Worm ISyrup iu my
iawilr, suilliielfr II li any Veiinu'uce I liave ust-d.
FltCt). 1)1 li. Fr.istv Valley. M:mlnur co.
Dr. Bieklry: Having usttl yimr worm vrup,- and
aavo KHn s.his;uciuii, mm ouismcr mem ui inoai ei
letiluul, a4 ile&amit remedies, we have hait in our family,
JOIIMITII AN R. HII1KI.. Iksiiville. Sir : AV'a Ihe un lcrsijiued being in tha eiuplo)- of
.Messrs. l, roves At C.mly, ut wnoee si-ire, you n.ivo
Aenev for it,. L f ,,ir Pnmilr Melirilies. Slat, that
we have had an opportunity ol" kwiwing the opinions of
hinnen'US ludivirtiiuls wlo hnve usen mem, uu mu, n.r,
give g enerul sntislucli.m. We have sold grene many nt
'our Villa, which are universally liked, hema very luikl lu
lh?l!,!Z?ua- a,.W lf' r
llavui. ieurvy of my mouth very bad, I wi.e induced lo
try a b-rtile ut y.iirToelh Wash. whiohaotedlllt.chaiiu,
mdaiuu my uma, .iM reiimnua an u..--.
" J()ATHAN K. ItlSHia, DanvilU.
Dl. Biekley: Having what was eelled ulrerale.1 eore,
moulh, or which, I Wi.t "umer ! remedies with no
tiHit . I was k.rt cured hy .ing on. h.t.1. of you.
Tooth, woah.- My wile also during her oonfinemeiil, was
tbreutened with we BreaaUJ. lumps having .Ireadv f.irmed,
f, which alu- used th. Cream of Caudior, whK-Ji .ratter.
l them, thereby preventing bjrsufn hsfiia,.
AV Near Iaithera. Ch 4ri, Paiiviue, Pa.
lit Biekley lluviiw an Oportuuity of seeing your
A...wi,iiie To ah Wash Daal iu ne very seveie ra
se, of sourvw nt sh. aum, I eouauier it ui neelleiil reme
dy Voura, rca,evUully, OKO. B. BROWN.
Th. abov. mMtieuiea ar. for sale Wholesale aiul Ba
bul by W M Jl'CKl.KV, M. D , Proprietor, Danville
Also Pot enle by the following Agents In Norfli umber.
laud county. Prtling UraiU, Buliburvf W A. Knobb,
Auruatal W. Krniw, BnydertoWB l uggart, t'urnuiaA
Baruw. 1'uxiuosi Kinatiue dt bt reuse, fuino.: John
VaiiAaut, Pasinne; Hugh Vsatilie, Paxiiai. ; Ammerman,
Rieaa.1 It Co , Bhainokm; Mrs. Jim. Thomu, Shamakuil
Wus. Fagelv, HliajsVHiull Campbell AV KIBa. Auauala:
Sajuuol A BergaUceser, Peieraburg; Jauoh Leiaciiruig,
Heal ban; Uuiirad iveuea, l'rUiuiuWrlaiaj I Jewniah
Crouae. BVIIna(irove j Josiah Baker, Lawiabuig j. Juiiu P,
Coahiwaald Junelhan Zeliera, Milloii. - '
O.U ou Ua Acuta, awl aei a rucha aontalniiur .full
akMeriptinsi of Um auaueruu. cute perfuiuied by tk diffor-
ant m eaioiuee. ,
June It, IW . , i
7 o Your Own Mechanics.
Of the most Fashionable Style.
THE aulnorilier respectfully calls the attention
of the public to his large and splemlid assort.
menl ol every quality and price of
which cannot fail to reiommcnd itself tn every one
who will examine it, on account of its durable
workmanship andnplendiil finish, made tip of the
host stock to be bail in the city. No effort ia
spared in the manufacture of his waro, and tlie
eubscriher Is determined to keep up with the
many improvements which are constantly being
made. ills stuck consists ol Mahogany
Sofas, Divans and Iounarcs,
Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards,
and also VENETIAN BLINDS, enuol to Phila-
uclplna manulucturo.
BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and price,
In short, every nrticle in this line of his business.
lie also manufactures all kinds and qualities or
including varieties never before to be had ir
Sunbury, such asMuonABT, Black Walsut
ad tt ntrn M.pls Chieciax ; and v ixiisoii
CHAIRS, a!:i rxyct PiaVo Stools, which are
of the latent styles, and warranted to be excelled
by none manufactured in the Cities Or elsewhere.
The subscriber is determined that there shult
be no excuse for persons to purchase furniture in
the cities, as every Confidence call be entertained
about the quality and finish of his ware and
His articles will be disposed of on aa good
terms as they can be purchased elsewhere. Coun
try Produce taken in payment for work.
UNDERTAKING. Having provided
himself with a handsome IIkaiisk, he is now
prepared for Undertaking, and attending funer
als, in this vicinity, or at any convenient dis
tance from this place.
ty The Ware Room is in Market Street,
below Thompson's Store and Weaver's Tavern.
Sunbury, Jan. 10, 1852. tf.
Hobby Horses, Children's Fropellors,
Gi";3. Coaches, Barouches, &c.
Mnniifuotured wlio'esule and retail by
No. 64 DOCK Street,
Orders through the mail promptly executed1
Phila., April 'J, 1S53. lv.
WII.VEK W A It 13, Wholesale and Itetuil nt No.
O fKCOXD Mt opposite the Ml. Vernon Ilousr
L'N. I
ipposile the Alt. Vernon llousi r a. Mil
I.ever Vutehe. iull ieweleil. 1H k. cases, t?'2?,OU; Silver
Levers, lull jtwel.Ml, $I2.WI; Silver lt'iut'S.ievven'il, j
tut all wnrninfed to keep uood time. fi -M Pens mul Sil
ver tiise, tfl.OU; Gold l'enells. SSI.UO; Ijukl 1'iueils find I
Pen fjuiu-s with g mkI Golil l'ensns low ns o."2o. Sec.
A'so, nlvvuvsotl nnd a tT'HMI niwiortniriil ol line
T.,...i... iL.Lt i'.i. ..I I lv.i. im u f:..i.l
ine gold
Chain. lilies' O..I.I, Chains ind Belt Pin's. (reasonable p; tee and posse.mon given in April
Silver Tnble Hp-ams from islt u SIS. litmrt, 89 to next. Apply to Cieo- L. clker, Euq., of Sttn
t?ai,mul Tea, Hl,75-t.i HU..A) per set, unrruiitul eipiul to j bury, or lo the subscriber t ISolinsgrove.
coin, ah friMMiu warraiueii to oc Winn niey are biiiii iur.
lr Wnl.liesniul Jewelrv rennireil nml lmrrnllleil.
t All orders sent by mail or otherwise, wiil be punc
tually attended to.
M. AVIfK. Al-'-hi.
No. rj North SECOND Ptreet, opposite the.Mt. Vern m
1'liilt., April Bt, mi. ly.
JAMES 15. FIDLlfilli
No. 12 South Second St ree',
Cold Lever Watches full jewelled
Silver Lever i'j
Silver Lepino do
" (Uiirlier do
Cold pens and pencil and silver hnlders
filver Tea and Table Mpoons
liraeelcts, liieast pins Ear rings &c
All warranted and sold at prices as low as any
in the city.
November 27. 1852. tf.
A Farm i'dr Sule.
"flIIE subscriber olTors for sale his firm,
and allowances. It is situated about three miles
from Sunbury Hlong the Hhamokin creek, and is
iu a good state of cultivation. The Philadelphia
aud Suubury Railroad passes through said farm.
It will be olVcrcl iu parts or entire to suit pur
chasers. It can be divided to make three small
farms. The buildings are a PA KM HOUSE, a
gooj Bank Dam, and two tenant hnures.
Upper Auguala, Sept. 10, 1853. tf.
Cheap Watches j Jewelry,
"SirHOLEfcALE and Retail, ot the 'Philadcl
" ' pbia Watch, and Jewelry Store," No. 96
INorlli M'cond fctreet, corner of Quarry,
Oold Lever Y utehes, full jeweled, 1H enrnt cases, ffi.OO
Hold l-epina IMt. swum Fine Silver Siietuicles, I
B.lver lalp. luH JrwlMl, n.llj,kl llracelets. 8,110
bilver lrfver, full jewl'd 1st ! adies' Uold Pencils, 1.00
Snin-iior Quartieis, 7.bilver Tea siwons, sot, 5,00
uoin t-pccmeiea, 7,isi
Uold fens, with Pencil and t-ilver Ilokler, 1,00
Gold Finger Rings, 3VJ cents to $80 ; Watch
Classes, plain, 12 J cent ; Patent, ISj; I.unet,
zo ( other articles tn proportion. All goods war
ranted to be what they are sold for.
Successors to O. Conrad.
On hand, some Gold and Silver Levers and
Lepines, still loner than the above prices.
Sept 10, 1853. ly.
IJooL Agents Wanted..
4 GENTS WANTED in .very
J.M. county in the I'nited Stales, tost
town and
ill the most
popular and aaloable book published, many of
them beiutilully illuslrateu wtiu colored eutjra
vines : also Ilia tnosi popular wonts oi l . a. fl it.
'i'HL'R, incliidintr "AriAur't Cultug Libraru''
Intcllieeiit and enterprising men will find this
a pleasant and prafitable busines. ,
For particulars auuress (post-pain,) .
J. W. URAULEY, Publisher,
. No. 48 North Fourth Ktrect,
Philadelphia, Pa.
October 1, 1653 7m.
Stone Cutters nnd Laborers
QJTONE cuttera and laborer can hav. steady
emulov and a winters iob. fund not work in
the water,) at Ihe Union and Susquehanna Bridge
at Chapman, Union county, Pa., midway be
tween Liverpool and Northumberland. To la
borers $1,25 per day will be given.
Chapman, Sept. 17, 1853. If. - . . .
FOR sale at thia office, Superior Black Ink,
CcttU Medicine) at 25 cU. Pure Essence of
Gins:. 25 cent
7EE BILLS. Justioea and Constable Tt
1 Rill. nrlnl.; e.n T,..r fi
at this oftic. ,
rir- a mi. . -
u. B. Usui not,. lAdis
suivmi banks . , p.i
AH sxhrmt hmiia
Bunk ft rimmlwrsburg 1 dis
....... v .i. w, nnr
Bunk of Del. Co. Chester mr
Bank of Onrmantown psr
in xnrrni Mnks jij
....... .,, ycusijurg J (
Uonk of lwiBlown -
HnuKnTMidriktimn 1 Jis
AH solvents banks ' I
niMiiiguinrry to HunK pur
Bunk of NorthomberPnd tm,
Hank of Hittslmrg , 1 dis
(.ommercisl llonk 1 h I
ohus ni mnvillQ . pai
warnsl. Hunk t dn
Columlu. B'k k tl'je Co par
ri.::' :. ..' '-"''il r
i'yriniown IJUnK nnr
Knaton Bank . nnr
K.rie Bunk dis
F.xcliaiijre n'kPitlsborR 1 dis
Meeh. Bk of rinrl'S
Morris Co Bank ""i'rt'I
r.xrhnmrr H'k. llrnnoh i HiilOmn.. u ?
nlL'a." Co Idi.
Farmers' B'k, BurkaCo pnrll'eople's Bk Pallet.
Fnrmers' Bk, lanrnsler pnr'PrineHon Brink
Farmers' Bk. Itendmg pnr'Snlem Bankini Co '
ETnr.'1'! ,Co P"'!""" Co Bak'
i di.
... . . nrun m 1 1 ins riuic Hill lie nt riimrlsiH
Frankl n Bk. Wa.1,', iU,nU. Ilk mIXT
Hnrrislnirp Hnnk
1 dis
Ilmiesdnle Bunk 1 ilia Slat. h. M i, " .. . 1
liUneastnr Hunk
nar.fuseii Kank. N " .1'
l,rluoi Hnnk
Mereh. A Mnn. Banlr
pnrl't'rrnti.n Bunking Co
dis I'nion Bunk. Dove- iVL
Miners' B'k, Pottsvill.
. Di" CT '''BclDrfJofsdi,
t dis ty-Bk notes under 5 idi.
M dis DI-I.AWAI1K 1 "
niononcnhelii Hnnk
Ttiylortv'e Del Hv Co
est Hruneh Bank nnr Bank of Delnw...
Wyoming Ilk, Wilkesb'e nai
Bnnk of SWrn,
ork Bank, i dis
ly-Kclief notes 1 dis1
Delnwnr. Citv HanV
n "umg n BraiKlrw k..
p artners' Ilk St Delaware par
Bank Wilmington St
VT Under thVt i V,l
Bank or Wheilia k Sdis1
Mercnutile Bk, Bnngor 10. lis
All SMlveut hnnks dis
All solvent lanika
All solvent hnnks dis
WBk notes under S'i d a
Rmk nfgt Allnns Sdis'
All S'llvent banks Odi.
nruiKiers-,, jja;;
All solvent banks j dis
x lion, with One Hundred
EngrawnRS, sbnning Jjj,.
eases and Malformations
tha Human System in every
shape and form. To which
is added a Treatise on the
Diseases of Females, being
of lite highest importance lo
mnrried people, or those
contemplating marriage.
f.V Or Vt in. Yoiiiic
Let no father be ashamed to present copy e
tho .fISCL'LAPIUS to his child.. It may aava
him from an early crave. I,et no young man or
woman enter jnto the secret ohtiirntiotia of mnr.
ricd life without reading the POCKET -tSC'U- 1
J. A PIUS. l,et no one suffering from hackniep
Cough, Pain in the -Side, reslless nights, nervous
feelings, and the whole train of Dyspeptic sensa
tions, and given up by their physician, be another
moment without consulting the" JE.f.'L'l.A PICS.
Have the married, or those about to be married
any .impediment, read tli truly useful book, as
it lias been the means of saving; thousands of un
fortunate creatures from the very jaws of death.
t s?" Any person sending TWKKTV-l'TVB
CEVfS, enclosed in a letter will receiv. on.
copy of this book, by muil, or five copies will be
sent for one dollar. Address, Dh. W. YOUiN'U,
No. 152 SPrvt'CE Street, PHILADELPHIA."'
Post paid.
June 18, 1853. ly,
And Three Acres ol' Ground
HpH E subscriber ofTers at private sale., his house
! and three acres of ground, on the river IJank
within the limits of the Borough of Sunbury,
now in tlie occupancy of John Sbissler ond one-
nially owned by C'lias. Uusolcr while engaged in
1 !..!! i:.. ,1,1
uoai. ouiiuiiig. i no improvements ate a
a Well of (rood Water,
and a good frame stable. There are a number of
, cxee.ieiu lrtiti trees on tlie urcnnses. The nron.
erty is hnndsoinely located and will lie sold at a
j reasonable p;iee and possession triven in A
PP'ITMi i,o,,v
. . r " 1 IViihlitA.
July 2.1, 1853 tf.
Luinhcr Yard.
'MIIE subscriber would respectfully inform the
citizen of Sunbury, and Norlhunil erlantl
and uiljaiiiin; counties, that ha has opened a
' Lu iubcr Yard
in the lot fronting on Cranberry St., a short dis
tance East of the Steam 8 aw Mill, where he has
now a hiro amount of Scaxontti l'autl l'lanl,
oho l'anuei liuardi, and all other Hoards and
Ui-iliiinc Matkkial, such as will be wanted for
building purpeves. Also a large amount of
Miinqles on hand, which wilt be sold from f 6 up
to tit, according to quality and siie. Please give
us ocall and examine our prices' and quality.
N. 11. FurmersV-ho nre in want of fhingles
will please call as we will sell to vou low.
J. E. LEI n, Sup.
Sunbury, May 28, 1S53. ly.
"Eureka, Eureka."
TWOW for tho little ones. Why will parents
waste hours and days in fruitless endeavors
to get perfect pictures of, their children and after
all get nothing but a poor, miserable caricature 1
Wo would say, come to our
and we will guarantee to make you a perfect
picture, by our EticTtto Ciikmical process,
that works in from 4 to 2 seconds.
We defy any Uuguerreau in Philadelphia or
elsewhere, to compete wilh us, as we are the
iuventois, and the process is used only in our dif
ferent establishments iu New England and tha
Middle States. For picture of adults, the silver
medats we have received from the American
Institute, New York and Franklin, Philadelphia,
together with the numerous premiums from
County Fairs, is sullicient proof that they are
the -Ys Tim Ultra of perfection.
Wo would cull -particular attention to our
Tulbotvpes Daguerreotypes in Oil.
D. C. Cullis & Co., 100 Chestnut Street
Philadelphia. Main street, opposite site Hamp
den House, Springfield and Collin' Iluilding,
Westrleld, Mass.
N. D. Our establishment is illuminated by
the brilliancy of our Pictures by Day, and by
Proftttor Itortrford'l Safely Ijrmpt by Kight
"Come and see."
Phila., May 28,
WM. M'CAETY, Bookseller,
n ESPECTFL'LLY inform, th inhabitanta ol
town and country, that he has latchr ree.i
ved from Philadelphia, a large addition to hi.'
stock of books, in every branch of Literature. an,l
in a great variety of Binding. Please call and
see them. -'
Sunbury,' Dept. 17, 1853. '
fill. H. H.HK3 BEE'Semedy'for Roughs,
colds, and pulmonary disease. A supply of
Ihi valuable medicine just received and for sal.
b,D , : 1 ' U.B. MASSER.
.. Sunbury, Junei , 1853- . ,
GOLD PENS with and without caw, of
very npenor sjuality, ju received, i
AUo a fresh aupply of Writing Fluid, for aal
by ' , H. B. MASSER.
Sunbury, Dec. 87, 1851. ',
JL bar bolUe for aal by
Sunbury, April, 18, 1851
aiv. and legal envelope, for ale by
il. o. MASSER. .
Sunbury, Jan 10, 185a. ' , , ,
IjAND BILLS neatly printed on new typo
Promptly executed at' thia offioo. ilis
blanks, of U kind, en superior paper, "
nuiiDury, tto. , . ... i