Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, April 29, 1854, Image 2

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    i .
Arrival of;the Asia. ,
Decline in Breadstuff.
Ntw Yoax, April S(T 12 M. ThsCunard
steamship Alia hrujjusr arrived it this yirirt.
Flour bad declined two hilling." Indian
Com bad Im declined sixpence."
Wheal hit declined ihiee-penve.
, ,Tba Asia brings no tidings of lbs missing
Steamship City of Glasgow. , ' 1
y - . ' - .
The Czar had submitted peaceful proposi
lion to the combined powers, but ihey were
of such nature that Ihey were rejected.
.The negotiations betweea Austiia ami
Prussia, are not yet closed, but Piussia has
joined in a protocal, tinned at Vienna, be
ilweerl England, France and Austria.
The allied fleet were about to blockade
the port of Odessa in the Black Sea. -
tTlie Russians have evacuated Aland, an
island at the entrance of the Gulf of Bothnia,
well fortified, and considered one of iho mol
. important points in the Baltic. Jtisgener
ally the station of a large portion of the
. Baltio fleet. This evacoaliou indicates thai
. the Russiaua diead to meet the allied Uoel in
, the Baltic.
The expulsion of tho Gieeks by. Turkey
has been resolved on.
A very v iolect eartbuaake has occuried at
Tha combined fleet was still at Kioge
The Duchy of Holstein was greatly agiia-
The reporte of the recent Russian succes
ses on the Danube are doubled.
The' Paris Palrie slates that an account of
an advantage having been gained by the
Turks on the Lower Danube is confirmed.
The Russian General, afler the passage of
his troop into the Dobrudscha, considered
bis position so critical that he demanded re-"
inforcerncnls fiom Bessarabia, Odessa and
The Turkish Geneial Mustapha Pusha; was
advancing his troops in tbreu lines towards
Trajan' Wall.
A portioa of Lord Raglan's staff left Purls
mouth oa Friday, the 27th, for the seat of
Eir Charles Napier made an address to the
tailors in the fleet, which staled that since
war was declared, all they had to do was to
pitch into the enemy and thrash them.
The English cavalry destined for the war
will not pass through France, ns v report
ed, but will be conveyed to Iho East by a
England has issued instructions regarding
Russian merchant vessels in Her Majesty's
Indian territories, which are quilo liberal.
Vessels with cargoes are nofallowed to enlct
the Black Sea. .
Revolution in Barcelona.
The advices from Spain are important.
A revolution had broken out iu Barcelona,
and several lives had been lost in'n conflict
between Ibe insurgents and tha government
troops. - ,
Pxogress or tub Insurrection.
Accounts from Athens state that tho Min
isters of Finance and Justice have resigned.
The port of Prevcsa has been declared in
a slate of blockade.
Suli, a strong fotlressiu Epirus, is reported
to have been taken by the Turks.
It was expected that tho Greek Govern
ment had bought three Russian ships of war,
wilh all the materials on board.
The assassin of the Duke of Parma bas
been arrested.
Thero has bean no battle of any kind yet
between tha Russians and the allies.
The Russians were dismantling the for
tresses of tha island of Oland, preparatory to
evacuating it, as the combined fl-'et is ex
pected to proceed there immediately on the
opening of navigation.
Navigation was open from Revel to St. Pe
tersburg. One million pounds sterling have Ken re
moved from tha fortress to St. Petersburg,
supposed for war purposes.
Hostilities will soon be commenced on the
Austria, it is reported, will shortly issue a
manifesto explaining her position.
. The Sultan has sent additional troops to
Albania, what there is much fi;;hiiiij going
The Russian Empress and her Cinirt, have
left St. Petersburg and removed to Moscow.
It is rumored that Austria will make Ihu
passage of tha Bulkau Mountains a causj of
Tha British Government has seUod t
Russian seraw; tteami)Is buUi:.e at North
Washington, Amil 21,
An oiT.rl ;il k. I . . '
.... ..-.. u ,, m-niuumv to miro.
nuee a new ;Nabial;a till m n ,.
when, the States are calWd f.r i.-..,li,.. '
Tha friends or the measure will pi,clli x t
B naw proposition, but it will ba an old ue.
nuaiuunoa wi.h a new face, aud ev,ci14,!y
tha same as Mr. Diu-U1 bill. The .hmhu,
ol members abieut iiuy iUot lh scheme
auouessful, at lat tin imt .ticueuus ...
Iiona will b ir. U m rend, r it The ..p.
r-nents of the Nbu,U bill are appuh-,,.
ae of the tvtult.
Ni. Bo.ilou has piepired a 1 n ,u
inj speeen in, mtA Mill i,y ( (,.
Uiil tha IU,. t ,J gj,, ,CUM tJij i
af tha Whingioit ULbo,
t Hi iru.t, J J. h4sbrfit leei heio of
Uinbia im At S.giiuw, M.. 1,; ,.
! allinniil.'BV"''
...4 k.. hi. uuu ... , '
Taa Uotuoaiati Com.t,iw i Sw.tU Ci.
h.ia .t t m, u,.(k)t.
Mt4 lUaaua .., ( SikH, U
r-. -sy-i tjtx. .-.
' " SUXHVRf.
ra Pinnytvn'.
Of Clearfield County.
Of Somerset Omoji.
Qf Tde Co !'lJ. .
KDirOR'S TAltf.E.
Oa.inr. Kollces. ,,
Codm's Lift's Booa. The Mav No. has
twen received, and is in every way worthy of Its
predecessors. The LaJies will value this mim
lr on account of the teHaWt fashion plates 5t
coniains. Tho trailing matter U insUuctive and
interesting. . tJodey i Jctcrniincd to please. '
Mr. B. HclThef, at his ni.w store in l.owcr
Augusta, has just receivedjiis Spring and Sum
mer Goods, anJ inxjtci the public to examine the
same. Advertisement next week. '
Niw Gooi's. J. F. Ac I. F. Kline, have just
opened at their store in Upper Augusta township,
a splendid assortment of Spring and Summer
Goods Advertisement next week.
We direct the attention of our readers to new
advertisements, which will be found on ths third
IL7 REMOVAL. The office of the
''Sunbury lmtrican" has been removed
into the second story of the large brick
building on the corner ol Centre alley
and Market street, lately occupied as
a store by Henry Masser, dee'd., a few
doors west ot our lormer location. ve
shall be pleased to see our friends in our
new quarters, which are much more
commodious. Entrance on Market street,
second door from the corner.
C7 Howard's Concert. Alf Howard,
the "American Ole. Dull" gave a musical
entertainment in this place on last Wed
nesday evening, to a large and respectable
audience, giving the highest salisraclion and
escilinir the wildest enthusiasm. As a vio
linist lie lias few equals. In bis. comic per
onr.ance he is alto at -home. He is on the
whole a musical wonder.
5" The Auditor's report of the finances
cf our county, has taken up a great portion
of todays paper, consequently, we are un
able to give the usual variety if news.
fry Our limited rpace will not allow as
to publish the communication from our
Washington friend, C. F. J., this week, we
will, however, publish it next week.
DIF" AutucixTcrut. Society. The
Committee ot Arrangements appointed to
fix the time and place of the Agricultural
Fair, and the premium list, will meet a'
Strealer's hotel, at Northumberland, to-day,
the 29 hist., lor that purpose.
7 The Susquehanna rose very rapidly
on Saturday night and Sunday last, owing
to the melting of the great quantity of snow
which had so lately fallen.' Fears were
entertained that much damage would re
sult, but the waters ceased rising on Mon
day and we heard ol none.
The new wharves ol the Railroad Com
pany ajong Kroadway, being iu a very un
finished and exposed situation, aud verv
unfit to meet such a freshet, bore the force
of the waters admirably.
"(t7 A canal boat, ioided wilh lumber,
broke its moorings ot the West liramh
Eridje and went adrift, with all hands, on
Thursday afternoon. The current was
very s .vift and the water tou deep (or k!c
tj be of atiy use. lathis situation they
wire discovered by the rrew of the Steam
boat S;i"knrliuu:rJ, who immediately ran to
ita-ir aMt.a.ce and safely lauded (he boat
at the inlet. lor this timely aid, the
boat rnu.t have gone over the dain utid
crew on J car;o been hut.
CT"A man named Vanclccs was severely
injured by !a!liii,j from burden train on
Ihe Philadelphia nj Embury railroad, on
lues.ljy. iKin-j riiipinvt'il oil the road
Hid wishing U save tha labor of Working
luu.l car U Stuiiiokin, be placed it on
t'i (Jf t' t'J .-aUU hilMV-l upgll il.
Iba cvulrilugal fc in muu.Iiu curve
otrrcame the inertia ol Ihe hand car and it
u'w,4l!inw. u..m Vanclrvi: U lurruw
ly ccaj.i J uilh hit life,
:" The Nw Yxik l'ry.UI PaUce, now
; u.Hlrr the u.aiu.'-mvi.t of l liarnum, aa
I fxljeut uf the board ct direitiun. u 1,-
I-h.Ji, Tl.mly, thai.).
1 1,1 U " AwMi ..l'l
0 A uir. iuj t tli 'adtiii(imt and
t a4 lulvbi I u t'jiupamttUl b bU
OH Monday VvtU, Mel, at UHI
IE""" The road between Shamokin and
Mt. cVrmel is lb most irillanously bad one
in any civilized CouDlry, and bas been in
Ihia condition for two years, without any
ittempi or the Supervisor to improve it.
When one it aware Ihat the road taxes iu
that township are enormously high and the
hiffhwari in this condition, the question
refy naturally occurs," what becomes of the
money I V . understand that legal means
have been taken to bring the Supervisors
to a sense ol their duty.
While on the nibiect ol roads, we would
remark that no information has yet been
made against any ol the parties who made
Ilia man above town almost impassible.
0 Arrival or Arabia. This Steam
ship arrived at Halifax on the 2oth mst.
Her news from the Eat are interesting,
On the 30th of March an important sally
was made from Kalafat, and a sanguinary
encounter ensued, which Wat continued
for four hours.' The Russians were at last
routed and pursued for a considerable dis
The Turks having purposely left free
the passage for the Russians to Hisorva,
then attacked them in the rear, and half
of the Russian troops were cut to pieces.
The remainder retired across the Danube.
Sir Charlea Napier's fleet suddenly put
to sea, as the ice has broken up in the Bal
tic. ' ' '
It is also reported that threo American
ships were somewhere in the Baltic, wilh
stores for the Russians, and an Ensrlish
steamer was despatched on the search ol
No news from the missing steamer, City
of Glasgow. .
Mr. Soule bad received instructions from
his Government to demand reparations for
the Black Warrior affair, from the Spanish
Government. ' A needful apology wag
?iven, with a pecuniary recompense and
the Captain-General censured.
Cv" A large quantity of lumber has al
ready gone down. The wjater is loo high
at present 'for safe running. In a day or
two, the river will be in fine order for raft-
Hakrisburc, April 22, 1S54.
The legislature is now drawing to a close, 1
a resolution having been passed to adjuum (
on the 2d of May. This, however, was only
done after the passage of the law authorising I
the salo of the public woiks, some of the I
members thought that tho Governor, might, !
pei haps put the bill in his puckel, and not
sign it, but hold it over fur the next session.
They therefore determined not io adjourn for i
ten days after the bill was presented to him,
in which time,' the bill will become a law
without his signature, if not vetoed. But I
do not think the Governor 'had any idea of
holding the bill over. ' He no doubt had
made up his mind long since.
There ao many impoitaut bills yet on the
files that have not been acted on, and the
members will have to work late and early,
tu dispose of all on tho culendnr.
I'erhaps the subject that has most engrossed
the attention of Ihe legislature ihia winter, is
tho Lake Shore railroad, or what has been j
called tho Franklin Canal rail road. This is
the road which 'has caused Iho' troubles at j
Erie, "the charter of which was repealed in
the early part of the session. There are J
several Companies that would like to get the i
forfeited toad or the franchises, into lheir j
hands. Among these oro Ihe Cleavelnnd i
Paincsville Ashtabula rail road, they being in j
fact, the old Franklin Canal Company under
another name. The Suubuiy and Eiie Com
pany hrd also made a bid fur the load, but
on Thursday the former Company seemed to
have the ascendency, and were certain they
had all things ananged to suit themselves.
They had offered a bnnes of f250,Ono for
the toad. The friends of Iho Suiibury and
F.rie, then offered 350,000 for the road, but
the Senate lefused to consider tho prnposi.
lion, and w hen the bill allowing Ihe Cleave
land Puitiesville and Ashtabula Company to
extend their road to Erie came up, there was
but tittle hopes of its defeat by the friends of
Ihe Suiibury and Erie. It seemed strange
that so many members should so suddenly
become nttuched to this foreign corporation,
which had bni!t'this road in violation of law
and without a charter, but Mumpe move,
uients of this character have ro! been nt.
common at llariiburr, for some years pul.
When the bill camu up fur final passu", Mr.
Piico of Philadelphia, mailt a strong and
elaborate speech in opposition. Mr. Hneka
lew, who had charge of the bill, defended it,
in a speech thai was well ennnuh consider.
iu the cause ha advueated. The Senator
from our district, Mr. Kuukvl, replied Io Mr.
Ituekalew in a masterly speech in opp';iioii to
tho bill. It was a most el.Muei: apieal to ilia
Hietubera lo stand by their owa iulerecls an I
lb iu'erestauf the people el tlii Pta'e, iu
prf. I noa In those of other Stale, who came
hsrs wilh unclean liurow, beting BO what
thr-y had once deiermiued lo lake by force
an I Iran i. Mr Kuukel, is unquestionably the
most flixiiient until In ihe Senate, He is on
if nal'Ji4 orators and spoakt with ureal forue
and clearneaa. His speech on this occasion
miis said lo hav been tha ablest ol Ihe ses.
inn, and nu dobl hd its allvcl in defeating
iti bill. A piuposiimu baa siuon beu mad
by Ihe fi lands uf the Cleavelsitd mad ta com
piumiMi the matter tieii iheniselvea and
ihtf buiibmy auJ t ie toad, and 1 would iiol
ba uijiri I la llul road iiiouiuuialn-l as
a pail of the ureal duubuty aud trie 10a I
aud ii isbiiib II wiil pievi uf iusaitalable
An Urosttsr La tlvtsna HniTitD,
l b tUmvlaiy olllt Iwioiiui, Us ourlunad
taa deaiaiuii uf iha l oiumiMsuiuir uf tha Uea
ul UmJ ydlwa, laal suUm unUei tit pa.
Iltwl.1 Ifl lb ltiua) 4aalMa Ul of ia&o,
bi m iwbt la Uhi ibaii ! U4
4Hni i iu ur lb atiaa of iWJ
luwas. "I . iar lbt f lb
iiaaaial d lamwt, ill aul ili
ilia a.wuui at tul we4MaWtt psilaia.
Rcroat or ths AoDiToaser NoarnoMBaa-
land LooHtr roa th t853.
Jacob Young, Esq., Trtnntrrr, in account
ti'UA tnt $amt. ,
Da."' : . , j :"
To amount of outstanding tax -
lor 1852, and previous yeara
" aggregate amount of lax as
sessed for 1853, . .
" amount of County, School --
and Road lax res'd for 1858 .
and previous years ,
ain't of cash borrowed from
Northumberland Bank
" am't rash .from Christian
Albert for old bridge mate-
- tints solil,-
" am't cash reo'd from Lodge
No. 22 for Room renl
" am't ensh ree.'d from Centra
' county Court expenses,
" am't of erior in John Wen
ay la duplicate for 1C32,
S8,883 87
10,735 .75,
. 15 461
985 00
- 30 00
: 19 00
183 30
" amount overpaid by David
Wilson on his duplicate for
' 1851, . 13 40
To Balance due Treasurer, . - 3,274 62
$24,120 30
By amonhl nf nntslanding taxes
for I8S3 St previous years, ,
" am't of error in report for
1852 of outstanding taxes
against Martin Drumheller,
" am't of error in Geo Kuntz's
implicate for 18S0,
" am't do in William Reed's
for 1851,
" am't county school and road
$9,437 70
9 00
10 40
11 80
taxes assessed as seated lands
& w i h which the Tra.isuier
charged himself erroneously
as unseated lands in 1852, , 183 93
" am't exonerations allowed
. ' collectors for 1853 aud pre-
vions, 181 89
" am't per centase allowed
collectors for '53 f)-previous, 297 29 J
" balance due rounty Treasu
rer as per last report of Au
ditors, ' 1,300 75
" cash paid out on Cominis-.
sioners orders, 11,019 08
" cash paid Norlhiimberlnud '
Bank, money borrowed to
frelh'T with interest, 1,020 874
" am't cash p li.i Eislern Pen
ilentiiry lor keeping con
victs, 62 70
ain't of J. B. Massers notes
and interest relumed to
Commissioners, ,. 277 34
" Treasurers expensoand tolls
going to Noithumbciland at
various limes, 4 80
" Treasurers commission on
$12,102 C6 ot 24 per cent., 302 58
$24,120 30
Jacob Formr, Esq., Treasurer of Jforthvm
beiiund county, in account uilh the samr,,
respecting State tax on real & personal,
' Drt.
To am't of outstanding lax for
1852 and previous years, $6,318 874
" arn't of outstanding tax on
Dennis Buoys' duplicate
oinilled in report for '52, S39 97
; aggregate nm'l of said tax
assessed fur 1853, 15 667 10
" am't of error in Cunrad
Keislmer sect., 51
" do. do. Elias Eisenharts, 80
' do. do. D S. Diurrrhellers, 1 00
" error in Geo. Kuntz's dupli
cate fur 1851, 1 19
" cash overpaid by Solomon
Mart on duplicate for '51, -' 65 08
" cash overpaid by Jos. Van
kirk on his duplicate for
1851, 83 80
" cash overpaid by Jacob R.
Claik on his duplicate for
1852, - '1 76
" overpaid by P. Pursel
on Ins duplicate Tor 1852, . 19 03
" cash overpaid by J. Wensvl
on his duplicate for 1852, 8 21
" nm'l of dale lax reo'd on
unsealed lands, 4 90
" balance duu by County
Treasurer as per last re
port of Auditors,
To interest on stale tax,
$26,011 804
By amount of outstanding taxes
lor 1S53 and previous, $5 829 54
" error in Jacob Biugeinan'a
duplicate for 135 1, 10 00
" do. in Wm. Reed's for '51, 9 91
" do. in Juo Wensyls for '52, 2 75
" do. in .1 II Kaufman's '53, 7 00
do. in E D Raker' for '53, 10 39
" error iu Stale lax assessed
as seated lands, ai d with
which the Treasurer char
ged himself erroneously
us tax on unseated lands, 52 73
" abatement nn Slate tax
omuted to be credited in
1852, . 90 76
" State Tieasurers receipt da-
. ted January 18, 1353, 498 00
' do. do. Juiv 26, 1853, 11,513 77
do. do. January 13 1854, 2,599 04
" exonerations made lo col
lectors for '53 r)- previous, 141 63
" commissions allowed col
lector for '53 & previous, 477 454
' Treasureis commission on
$14,610 81 al 1 per cent, 116 11
" balance duo County by
Treasurer, . 4,652 69
$26,041 804
, Treasurer o) Northumhur.
Jacob Von,
lu i'l tu.i.Wi in
account with the same re.
Militia Fines.
Tu ablegate amount of out.
Standing taxes for 152
and previous,
$1,759 47
969 60
10 00
198 80
I 937 77
I1.94S 77
a'.jgieai mil I hi sain isv,
assessed for 1853,
erroi in John Lei.enring's
. r i .
nee I not i sported in IHiJ,
ibilanit) due front County
Tieaturei per lal repoit,
By amount uf outstanding taxe
loi 1U53 and pieviuus,
I- vrior in l5J in cliamniil
D S. Diuniheller with
17,63 OutHanillng UX
when it wm fully paid, IT 60
" tnur in Win. Hand's dupli
cate for 1132, 4 00
cash paid Tieasurer of Fai
nisi k Mechanic Anil-
ry lor lat, 60 00
da. Ku.h Gray lur '4 '50, Od
Oil t adla.lf li.Uiiliy l, l 00
do. riiiaiui.kiu Uuaid INS I, 60 00
da. Wa.hitiiioiiGuarJ SI, 60 00
' do. NuribUud Tiuop I sail, 7 imi
" da. Javksun iiiila lu.up 'an, 6U 00
" da. tttil Guaidt l)i), 6 00
fssli paid i II Xiiuinsiniau
ling iiilo svi'c, tl 16
M sH pal l TiaMieial Nui
. IhumaaiUud iiuup 76 (Ht
M fs ihwwiii lue
iii'H li ( tllluu(t
utiliiia Ulan, UN
M tMalaalkillla
, , toil fa o4 (n !, 144 0)
Oufifanding Taxei for 1851 end frtvioui year on the list of December 1853
NamM of Oollactors
Samuel Awl
Michael vert
John Leiseuring
John Leibig
David Stahlneoker
Thomas D Barr
John Leibig
. David Stahlneeker
John Leisenring
" Jacob Beck
Charles Fox
Dennis Buoy
John Leibift . ;
Henry R Johnson
Geoiga Kuntx
Conrad Kershner
Jacob Eukman -
John Hine
Solomon Marti
Jacob Kline
Daniel Cares
John Klupp -
Jacob Biiigemaii
Peter Ruch
Joseph Vunkirk
Henry R Johnson
David Wilson
Jacob Bingemnn ' '
Andrew Runyan
Eliaa Eisenhart
John Hins
Jacob Kline i
Jacob R Clark ,
Daniel Cares
Jacob Hunsicker '
Jarjics Buoy
Peter Rueli
Samuel Hales
Peter Pursel
Abraham Kissinger.
Ju-eph Vankirk
Jacob H Kaiirmun
Daniel D Bolmer
Martin Burhman
Elins Eisenhart
DP Can!
John Buyer
William B Irwin
William Deppin
J Hnnsieker
Diniol P Conrad
James Buoy
C B Smith
Joseph Yankiik
Henry R Johnson
Samuel Hales
Paler Hilemau ,
Abraham Kissinger
Michael Keefor
Jeieminh Pennypaeker
Enoch D Raker
Augusta '
ii . '
Coal .
Coal . j
Upper Augusta .
Lower Mahanoy
Lower Mahanoy
Lower Augusta
Upper Mahanoy
Lower Mahaney
Coal .
Lmver Augusta
Rush ;
Upper Aususta
Little Mahanoy
"per centime allowed collec
tors for '53 and previous, 33 75
" Treasurers commission on
$665 93 at 1 per cent, 6 66
"balance, due County from
Treasurer, , . 121 16
Jacob Voiing, Esq., in at count with the same
lespectin Retuilcrs Licenses.
Dn. '
Tu balance duo on said License
ns per report of Auditors
for 1852,
" License received from Si
mon Marts in 1852 which
the Treasurer omitted to
charge himself with,
$755 54
3 00
" aun'eante amount of said
. Licuuse fui 1853 as per
list furnished tu Teapni'er
by Mercantile appraiser, . 880 75
$1,639 29
' - ' Cr..
By cash paid to Slate Treasurer
as per his receipt dated
. July 26 1853
" exonerations of 11. Wentk's
$7ti2 75
'' dn. Sophary Dence,
" Treasurers commission on
$702 75 for 1852 r 5
do. do $872 S5 for 1853 c 5
" cash paid 11. B. Masser for
publishing Itelrtileis list
lor 1S53, in English paper
as per h.s receipt,
" dn. do. in German paper,
" do. dotG. B. Youugmaii in
" balance due Cumrty from
24 00
24 00
It 00
727 29
$1,639 29
Jacob Young, Esq., Treamrcrf in atcount with
the County respecting Tavern Licenses.
To balance due on said Licence
per lust report of Auditor, $480 00
" am'iof saiil License uranted
by the Court for ISM, 510 00
$990 00
$180 00
24 80
25 50
459 70
By Slate Treasureis receipt la
- ted July 26 1S53,
" Treasurers commission on
Ihe above c 5 pur cent, '
11 do on $510 00 grunted for
1853 o 5 per cent,
" balance due by County
$990 00
Jacob Voting, Esq , Treasurer, in account with
the Cotint respecting Putcnt Medicine
To balance due a per last re-
(Kilt ol Auditors, 13 QU
" aggregate arnonnl of said
License for 1S53, us per
list fiituihed by Mercan
tile sppruiser, 15 00
$30 00
By Stat Treasiuers receipt
dated July 36 1853,
" Treasurers cnnmiirs'iin on
$15 00 for 1852 e 5 p. tt,
do on $15 00 for '53 "
" balance due by County
Tieasurer, ,
13 00
13 50
30 00
Jacob Fining, Efj , Treasurer in nctouat with
Ihe Cuuuiy rtipccting Bar ILustt and
Oyster Shus.
Tu balance due as per lust re
port of Auditors, $23 00
" ain't id said License a per
list luinistied by Mercan
tile appiir,
By Stat Tieasurei iwoeipt da
ted July t r!53,
" Tieastiivi commission on
Ihe abova 3 per iot,
i da. on $64 00 fur 111
bsUuo due I ruin
18 00
111 00
Itl 00
I 10
I so u
l oo 1
Iks ('uuh.'v it'p'i'-l liuitllei, Brewer
h4 H'il'.i'lt j M huity LtumtS.
Ta balsas a p s
rwt at Ao4iiw tun
iawii, Itl M
: it
. . ii t ,
-' !
' '
127 98
$34 00
i ? 48 07 ' ,
t ! , 18,00
- 1 95
4 02 11 48
65 024 SI 60
45 53 13 50
... 34 50
- ' ' It 43
32 33
81 42 127 59 45 00
. - 29 00
133 054 ' 42 00
19 29
8 24 59 50
4 09
44 78 23 59 11 50
13 95
44 00
33 00
46 50
6 00
159 67 179 73 41 00
32 50
109 894 69 74 43 00
218 90
46 64 53 78 17 00 .
150 30 45 33 27 50
62 10 51 27 " 20 00
26 80 . 37 61 16 60
439 00 296 33 . 51 00 ,
8 35 i
548 30 345 02 68 00
80 63 84 51 . 39 50
70 75 59 50
343 09 172 76 8 00
99 52 54 71 48 00
60 80 22 00 i
115 63 39 33 15 60
27 00
197 W 34 70 13 50 :
123 144 21 50
465 03 127 34 75 00
396 614 311 704 116 50
63.1 004 617 63 50 00
96 42 12 60
624 264 619 94 59 50
84 P54 58 80 42 00
650 31 244 94 26 00
299 784 130 62 85 00
478 324 116 38 69 50
141 45 73 95 35 00
563 124 265 99 56 50
300 36 140 14 39 00
278 064 83 20 113 00
283 504 217 53 33 50
607 26 125 94 29 00
372 45 419 62 24 50
100 97 163 35 11 50
54 76
9,427 70 85,820 65 $1,948 77
" am't of said License for '53
as per list furnished by
Mercantile appraiser,
By State Trensmers receipt da
ted July 26 1853,
,! Treasurer commission nn
the above,
do. do. on $18 00 for 1853,
" balance due from County
Treasurer, .
18 00
$39 00
$21 00
1 05
16 05
$39 00
Expenditures of Northumberland County.
Uoad and Bridco views $110 00
Incidental Expenses "211 55(
Comroouwealih Costs 262 16
Constables for making returns
advertising elections, &e.., 243 73
. O f V Weaver for 1852 2 50
2 j 1853, 266 00 "
;13 C Albert " 1853, 74 00
I J Nicely 1H53, 75 00 417 56
Public Buildings 289 07j
Jurors wages 2,044 00
Clkswaes, G. Martin 152, 103 174
' 1853. 389 71 492 884
C W Tharp 1850 9 00
' " 1853 45 00
Chas Kmz 1853 20 00 74 00
Premiums nn Fox Scalps ' 33 75
Asses-ors wni;es 372 91
B.idsi building yo , 2,680 40
Election expense 692 01
Stationery " 125 70
Refunding 216 88
Court criers' wage 84 00
Printing 157 75
Road taxes nn unseated lands 416 78
County Attorney 30 00
Fuel 20 80
Prison expenses 28 00
I Mercantile appraiser t 46 724
! School tax on unsealed hinds 150 00
Road damages 250 374
I Coroners Inquest 120 48
J 11 Zimmerman i- - "
Wm L Cook
M J D Withington
Samnel John
13 00
28 00
64 00
64 00
23 00 .
38 00
25 00
6 75 289 75
IV I Greenough
arnt v jonian
Reuben Zartnian
G M Yoiks
S Thompson for attend
$9,767 28
Amount of Court Fines and Jury Funds and
to whom paid.
Hugh Bellas
Com 'wealth
John King
Darendeiit To whom paid
R Fagnly James Bjaril
DieUbach "
Jas Bias "
Baser riot paid
D Weidnor "
Same "
$4 00
60 00
5 00
4 00
4 On
4 00
(JrtH-hart ad'r Dunns adm'r
4 00
Com' wealth
F Wilhelm
Com' wealth
D 'iinel
A Trnul
A Gehrig
n.mml II
4 on
4 00
John Walisa Jas. Beard
Burhman not paid
Eekerts adm'rs "
4 00
4 00
H Wilhelm WmBKipp4 00
Stiixol James Beard 4 00
Hibler not paid
Brosiou Jamet Beard
Savatie "
John Gray Wm B Kipp
Hitch Bfllits not paid
ACicTli lorri "
Bx'las Janus Beard
B ShafTersex'r nel paid
Jnn Masser Jas Beard
B Robin rot paid
Kekerl adm'r Jas Beard
ltitx Wm B Kipp
Fajjely "
4 00
4 00
4 00
y oo
4 00
4 00
4 00
4 00
4 00
4 00
4 00
4 00
8 00
$190 00
uoft Vuun?, t'J , Treasurer of Nvrthumber
laid County m account with the Common
wea'lh of t'ennsitlv anta.
Til on Ileal and Personal Estate for 1853.
To aggregate am't f sai l lax
' niiuianilii'ii (or 1452 and pra-
viu.i yrai 16,616
" aggieuaia am'l of said lax a.
std lur IH53 a, per li.
iiieni tiled by County Com' i
wiih said Tieasiuer 13,667 10
Buoy iliiplieat and oiuiitsd
in ih lor l5'4
nut in ('. koihis suuauiil
1 t k:.eiilu.l "
M I) It tKunirtall' u
t), Kunis duplies!
I3 67
I 00
I Itt
4 60
f aatsual af Mid 141 maiuii.C
aa tJ tme aaJ
4a4 yeaia
error in Jacob Bingnmans dn
. i " JpNcat fOf 1R51
' Wm Reeds do 1851
' '! J. Wensyls do. 1852
10 (
9 t
2 7
7 0
10 3
7 " in Kaufman
I II r W TJ ll.ll.f. n
f error in state tax assessed as
'- seated land lands ftnd with
which Ihe County .Treasurer
charged himself erroneously
in 1852 as tax on unsealed
, J lands f . , i , ;
" exonerations made to colleo
tors for 1853 and previous
" commissions allowed collec
tors for 1853
" State Trearurers receipt dated
477 4
January 18 1853 498 C
" . " July 26 10,938 C
January 13 1854 1.599 t
" 5 per cent abatement on
S10.938 09 - 575 6
Treasurers commission on
14,610 81 at 1 percent 146 1
" balance due the ConVwealth 1,035 t
Militia Fines.
To aggregate am'ts of said tax for
1852 and previous years 11,759
error in Jno Leisenrings acct
not reported in 1853
' aggregate am't of said tax as
sessed for 1852 as per book
in which said lax is entered
" balance due County Treasurer
10 I
969 I
77 I
By amount of said lux remaining
uncollected for 1353 and '
previous years - v $1948 '
. " error in '52 charging DS Drum- '
heller with $17 50 as out
standing whicb,was fully p'd 17 i
" eiror in Wm. Reeds duplicate
for 1852 4 C
" cash paid Farmer and Me
chanic Artillery as per order
of Captain Martz 60 (
" do. Rush Greys Capt Hoffman 93 t
" do. Cadwalader Infantry Cap-
lain Friek
" do. Shamokin Guards Captain
'' do. Washington Guards dipt.
" do Nnrlh'd Troop Capt Br) son
" do. Jackson Hide Company
Captain Helriek
" do. Dewart Guards Captain
61 (
50 (
50 I
75 (
50 (
Zimmerman 50 (
" North'd Troop Cupt Hmiaicker 75 (
" cash paid J. II Zimmerman
services as Brigade Inspector 93 !
" assessors making lists of de
linquent militia men 18 (
" exoneialinns allowed collec- '
tor 1S53 and previous years 140 (
" ppr eeniage allowed collectors
fur 1853 and previous 33 '
" Treasurers commission on
$665 93 at 1 per cent., 6 I
$2,816 (
Retailers' License.
To am't of said licence icc'd
from S. Martz with which
tho Treasurer omitted to
charge himsell in 1852.
" ngreuate am't of said li
cense for 1853 ns per list
luriiisned l reasnrpr tiy the
Mercantile appraiser.
By cash paid II. B. Masser
lor piiblishinc Ketailers list
for 1853 iu Enylit-hm per
cash paid II. B. Masser for
same in German
. 43,
" cash paid Geo! B Young-
man in Knolish
:' Exoneration of II Wenck'
" Exonerations of Sopbary
" Treasures Commissions on
$872,25 a 5 per cent
" Balance due Common
wealth Tavern License.
To aggregate am't of eaid li
cense granted by Court
of Quarer Session for '53 $510,00
- Cn.
By Treasurer Commissions
on 3510,00 a 3 per cent
Balance due Common
wealth $25,;
Patent Medicines.
To aggregate am't of said li
cense for 1853 as per list
furnished Treasurer by .
Mercantile Appraiser $15,00
' Cr.
By Treasurers commission on
$13,00 a 5 per cent
" bal lined duu Common
wealth 14,'.
$15 (
Beer Houses and Oyster Shops.
To aggregate am't of said Ii-
cense lor 1453 as Iter list
furnikhed County Treasu
rer by Mercantile apprai
ser $66,00
By Treasurers commissions
on $66 00 a 5 per cent. $3,t
" balance due Common.
veuhh 62,7
Distilleries, Brewers 4; Reetifyers of U'kiikei
To aggregate a.n'l of said Ii-
eeuaa for 1853 a per list
furnished County Tieasu-
ter by Mercantile appiai-
ser $13,00
By Treasurer commission on
$18,00 a 5 per rent 9
" baUnra dua Common1
asal h 17,1
We tha uudetslgued Auditors uf Noithuiu
boiUiid county, in tha Cumiiiunwvalth o
Pennsylvania, do ceillly that in i.uuau u
Uia 4ib sociiou uf lb act miiiileJ, ''an a
leiiuUlinn oouiilieaaud lowusliip 6.4 ," P"
sod ihe 5tb day uf A pill 134 W ml a
ihe CoiuuiiMiuii! ollica in ilia boiou.'
Kunbuiy, ei i ha I7ih day of January, Ii4
and adjouiiied fiwui Inn I lima, aad '
audit, adjust and ul Iba soveial ecwuidi ! us, aciavably lo tna aovaial "
I Assembly, and upplvMieiHt ikai.s
etMdiuy 10 lb b4 o war ludgnielil aud abd
ilia Willi aur bands and U 'b "'". a
afuiMi.(, iUuj ihih dy el rvb'y, A. 1
67 4
M J II WIIHIMjruN. ft. ff
Ji. trV-M. It.'