Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, April 22, 1854, Image 4

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'Who hath Ihten Ihe cornel."
TltXTt. Snow storms In April.
Moving for new tril-Coa.iinC Tor e
cpnd, m(e,,-.K.(
Puncb wyi thai tb. turest w.y la ensure
full trap,, it lo feed Ihe poultry we.l.
The "port that a scboolmasier cheriiecil a
boy with a railroad .witch, I doubled.
Dr. G. W. Gav, of Quincy, Mass., ' ,a
tcJ. is to enter Ihe Russian "Vice In Way.
At St. Louia, lately, fifty d.J";
U of good fed wheat were sum
Timothy Kearney, aged 70 years, was ac-ci-Lntally
killed -ear Dnnv.lle, Pa., on the
27lh till.
Ilnlian proverb, often possess much point
Take Iho following a. an example: .lie
.mile", of beauty aro the tear, of the purse."
The New York Tribune has raised the
price of advertising in its weekly, to fifty
ients per line for every iuserlion.
A number of beautiful I Swans have been
lately shot on th Bay of Toledo and are
hu.ifi up as ornaments in tho meat market.
The Empire of the Ocean Nicholas rules
Ihe serf; Brittannia rules the waves; but
Columbia Ihe ocean.
Hamlet's Advice to Uotcs.-'Tut jour
bonnet to the right uee; 'lis for the head, and
not for tho neck."
They have cot a very benevolent old gen
.i :.. t... nn rhiiiffmas he boiled a
iiemaii in a
dishcloth, and gave the biolh to Ihe poor.
A Fact for Legislators. Of aboul 27,
000 arrests before Mayor Gilpin since Octo
ber, 1850, Ihe number of 22,000 were attri
butable lo the use of intoxicating drinks.
A Queer Mincliss A San Francisco
paper closes an account of a firemen's cele
bration as follows: "After three cheers had
been civen for Mrs. Sinclair (late Mrs. For-
rest) Bishop Kip pronounced tho benediction.
There is only one paper in Egypt a small
monthly sheel in Arabic, language, al four
dollars a year. It is mainly devoted to "Ihe
powers that be," and every one in the em
ploy of Ihe Pacha is obliged to subscribe
to it.
The Know Nothing have been very busy
in all ihe township elections in the vicinity
uf Newark. N. J., and they have mado a ten
strike in every direction. They certainly
promise lo become a power in New Jersey
We once saw a young man bravely turning
up his glass; he was a Irue-hearted glorious
fellow, nd was, he said, sowing his wild
oats. We afterwards saw a policeman haul
ing a miserable drunkard from the gutter lo
Ihe watch-house." The wiid oats were being
It is astonishing how "toddy" promotes in
dependence. An old "brick," who wus ly
ing a day or two aince, in a very spiritual
manner, was advised in a friendly way lo
economise as "flour was going up." "Let it
go up," said old botile-nose. 1 1 kin get as
'high' as flour kin any day."
Mr. Choate is said to have once described
the boundary line between Rhode Island and
Massachusetts, in this language: "Why,"
said ho, "il is like starting al a .bash, from
ihence to a blue jay, from I hence to a hive of
bees in swarming time, from ihence lo three
hundred foxes with fire brands at their tails "
Tub ladies of Steuben, Me., incensed at
Ihe backwardness and stupidity of their lords,
lately got up a ball on iheir own account.
Three female managers hired the hall, fur
nished refreshments, sent cards of invitation
10 about forty gentlemen, had a regular share
down, or dance, with them, waited upon their
male psil nets to supper, and paid tho bills!
They were unable, to procure a female yio
linist, but got orerthe difficulty by dressing
up a man in petticoats.
A New GoLP Com. Sonalor Gwinn, of
California, baa introduced a lather novel but
national idea relative to a larger denomina
tion of gold coin. Ha proposes, by a bill in
troduced in ihe United Stale Senate by him,
to authorize the coinage of $100,S50and $25
pieces, the first to be culled Ihe Union, the
aecomla Half Union, aud the third a Quar
ter Union His object is to furnish a ciicu
lalion medium which will supply ihe wauls
of the people in California, where they have
no bunks for piper currency.
A Great Mine. The CJiir mine, on Lake
Superior, is said lo be Ihe nches! copper
mine in tho world. No less I nun 1351 Ions
of copper were shipped from Ihe mine last
year, and the Luke Super inr Journal stales
"lliul the mine has produced, iun aveiagi,
one huudrej Ions per month Uuiing the p.tal
year, aud it is as rich in mass copper as at
any live heielofore. A bundled per cent.,
we presume, will be returned yearly, as a
dividend en the amount of ouinal invest
nieut, for many yeais to come."
Cua BaaaD. A Se0 Ktij. Ever) bo
dy tsbo hat been at the Mansion llou, at
HulLilu, New Yuik, ha Warned like luxury of
the Coin birad there pint ided. 1 he cleik is
often Used lo wnte tliiet'tinu foi hoina man
UUolme, and I thus procured ivi-uipi in,
doinvsUo use, which I tiopy lor you to ihei
those hu) wth in)' lij piece of bread
from lliu aUiiiiiiit, It it a fiilloi On
iuil ut utu milk, lt Ubl spooufull ol
(tour, this eg., aud cuia nival surli. iei.i t
make a s'lil bailer.
A Nt. Vt or Niaoist The Ohio
AiU Journal iclls tiuiy ut lusbiuau ui
lu telUi vUm lw ihuusUlbtiu4eoiloiiu
U lb Ushiookbl iiii tu p)U'g sieil le
ihe fall e( Subtil, fU Biilied al lb
VoJU, kuJ Ukibg luuk i tk seriiMuJiu
WiMtdeia, UieeJ hiwsH le a inilBiM :
"Au4 u tin Ni,i !!, I" "W," dm
Ibeieplv" "A 1.4 tkl'lhibeilo)ike
ath a b"'h. sb-glV 'Wt)," MJ lh
j-ttiluisa, )i,4 kul the MUghl) liter,
U iu abtse, lb ivl slev! ui walef pom.
... J SMOU " l, kek.ll. t It, w!!, I
I,... i.u i)( " I 4 ..til, , , i '
Spring and Summer Goods.
RESPECTFULLY announce lo therr friends
and Its puhlio in general, that they have
received al their Old Stand, in Upper AosTist
township. Northumberland county, Ta., their
Spring an Summer, and opened lo the
public a full assortment of
Consisting In part tif Cloths, Mack and fancy
Csssimers, Saltinctts, Flannels, Checks, and
nil kinds of Winter Wear.
Also splendid assortment of
ladies Dress Goods,
Calicoes, Gingham, Mulin da Laincs, Plaid
Cashmeres, De begca, Merino. Dav state
Long tihswla, Af.
Aim a fresh supply of Groceries of all
Hardware and Qticensware, a fresh supply
of Drugs and Medicine.
Wooden Ware.
Also larno assortment of Boots and
fchoc, suitable for Men, Women and
Children. Hots and Cups, such
as Pilk, Panama, and other
Hals. Salt, Cheese, X-c.
Call anil See.
Chenpor than the Cheapest,
All of which will be sold for rnsh, or in ex
change for country produce, nllhc highest market
Upper Augusta, April
55, 1884. 1y Al 30.
" Vl. P. P0TT3,
461 Market street, hclute 2'h, north fide,
rhila., Jan. 28, 1851 ly.
2Tew "Wall Taper Warehouse.
No 124 Arch Street, second door above Sixth.
WHERE may be found the largest and hand
somest assortment in the city.
Purchasers from the country will find it to their
advantage to call at our store, where they will be
suited with a superior article ut t list lowest prices.
No. 124 Arch Street, above Sixth,
riiila., Feb. 25. 1854 3m.
1 1 1 North Third Street, below Race,
Manufacturers & AVholesalo Dealers in
Corn Brooms, Looking Glasses, Cordage,
Fainted Buckets, Clocks, Wicks, Twines,
Will w Uuskcta, Window Shades, Mulches,
CoilurWure, Jti ialle llruiilics, . itlueking,
Wood and Willow Ware of all kinds, at the
Manufacturers' lowest cosh prices.
Jmi.i Evktox, J o. M. Row.
1'hila., Jan. 31, lsll- 1m.
100O TONS No. 1
Super Phosphate of Lime,
warranted of superior quality, tho cheapest
manure, in the world, i'anncrs and dealers sup
plied nt low prices.
5000 barrels Extra Quality Land Plaster, select
ed cxpicssly for its I'ertMiiing quality.
10,00 bushels of sumo in bulk. 1,006 barrels
Ouleined Plaster. 600 barrels Casting Plaster.
100 burrcls Dentist Plaster.
This article we oiler in confidence lo our cus
tomers, as equal to any imported, and far superior
to most in the market.
5,000 bags of this superior Guano, for tale at
tho lowest market rates. .Also, Patagnuian
Guano, i'uiidrette, Ground Charcoal, Arc, cVc.
At the Steam Plaster Mills, junction York
Avenue, Crown and Callowhill Streets, Phila
delphia. Phila., Feb. 4, 1654.-3m. ''
Miv.roci. WINDOW SlIADES.awsrrL.
In Window Shades,
South-west corner of Second and Arch Streets,
SUCH a Ciothv's Landscapes, Uoiders, Vases,
Bcroles, Boqnels,
Of the mosf beautiful designs and perfection of
finish in this country, and at such
As to challenge all competition. Biifl'an.l White
Hollands, Cambrics, Tnitsela, ('ards, Brasses,
Ac, in every variety, fur City or Country Trade.
We invite an examination of our stock, at the
Depot, South-west corner of Second and Arch
streets, Philadelphia.
January 88, 1854. 5tn. ' ' '
This Way ! Thia Way ! J This Way J J !
Spring untl Summer Goods.
1 ESPECTFrLLY inform their cuatometa
and the public, that they have juxt receiv
ed and opened the best and cheapest stock ot
Pall aud Winter Goods,
at their store in Market square, Kuiihory.
Thrir stock consist of every varic'y of
Dry Goods, viz : ;
Cloths, Cussimeres, Satlinett, Vcstai's,
I'tunntls, Wuttent, lc.t
AuJbll kinds of Fall it WtnU-r Wear.
Also a splendid variety of
Calicoes, Ginghams, Chinttes, V Lai mi,
And every variety of goods suitable for La
die tr.
Also a lr$ assortment af
I'inh, Salt and Flatter.
Alo au iteuie axuitiueiil uf
lltt mti I'sr ro Mm sao Kus.
Ua Uig aitiuil of (jUOl latlLS,
till At
Sn;ur, Teas, Cufti-e, Molars, Spices
uf all kinds.
Ala a i wU supply s(
liHH, a.NU wriuriviM
Uctide the UruoM an.l muai a.u.ral
nieut ul all kind of (jooj, i b ,4J , ,1,,,
IV Country picdur f til kind Uksu U .
man Bl lit Ulu Ulis.ll pit,
r.ui.l.ui,.No, ', I ail.
rjCAT;i AM) I AI'i.- .i,!,..44 u
H M l-l.i-i'sU. ssilb. u.. ud Pur Mts
i ion, tm, l ik loth, . auj Milii
i . .. .... . i.. I... '
V , IV O) VJ
l. Kl fUHitri ro.
lUlist aiiscl, M. ..w U l't Oibt.
Iui,kuiy, Ikl, , I J .
PilM.r. iut 4. l.
Mi-k-i f mi iu
t'4UV. A 4..
lxl. Cal HHJ
it Ii.i. t,tU.t.
I.....JI-.I t. Ittl.
i ' ' ' r tim Cmr "''.' '
TOCimR A COI.D, with Miea ass sois
ol trie Body, tan Ilia uutaiiY I kCToBM. on roiiis, 10 neo,
and wriln mi wHnn. tu au-nuL ilurini llir llisht.
Fob a Golu and Couch, take it morning:, nonri and eve
ning, according to ilitectlona on the liottre, untl the dilficul
Iry will soon lie removed. None will huts; sutler from this
trouble when (hey linil il ran be so readily cnml. Persons
alllirled Willi a e:ited cough, which breaks them of their
rest at night, will And, hy taking the Cherry Sectoral on
going t bed, they may he sure of sound, uuhioken Bleep,
and consequently tc-f resiling rest, (treat rcllel from aurter
ing, and an ultimate cure, is ufT-iriled to luousmda who ore
thus nrflicted, hy this iitvaluahle remedy.
Kroin its aerreah'.e t-fiiM-ts in these cares, many Hint
themselves unwilling lo forego its ua whim tii iuxcsity I
n iiib ci'um u ,
From two eminent Physicians in
I'avsttsvii.le, Tcnn , April 16, l&SI.
f ir We have eiven vour Cherry l'vctoral an extensive
triul in our piaetice, uml fintl it to surpass every other re
medy wo have for cuiiug nfTections of the r:pirntnry or
gans, lilt. DIKMKR A HAMi'TON.
TOaiNGl'.KS AN D l'UHMO ril'I'.AKF.HS this remedy
is invaluuhlc, us hy us action on the throat and luiif:, when
taken in small ipianritirs, it removcsoll hoarseness in n frw
h niiB, and woudci l'ully lucraiscs the power ami flexibility
of the voire.
ASTHMA is fenernlly much relieved, and often wholly
iMircd by Cherry Pectoral. Hut there are some cases so ol
stinate as to yield entirely lo no medicine.. Cherry Pecto
ral will cure Ihem, if ihcy can be cured.
HltON'ClllTIS, or irritation of the thrxvt sihI npper
portion of llio ltmj, may tie enrol hv biking Cherry Pe to.
rat in small and irwpicul doses. The uucoliuoruible op
nreKsijn is soon relieved.
Rev. loet. LANSING, ofltroiklyn,New York, states:
'l have seen the i;iierry I'ecioral cure suca vamvm i
Asthma nn.l llroiiehilis as liwlo me to believe it can rarely
fall to cure thMe disenses."
FOR CHOL'P. (iive an emetic of onlimony, to lie
followed by kirge and frequent doa,-3 of tho Cherry Pecto
i ul, until i- sulidues the disise. It taken ui sousoii, it will
ll-fl fail to cure.
WHOOPING COUGH may be broken up anil sxm cu
red hv the use of Cherry Pectoral.
TliK INFIX' l'.NZ A is speedily removed hy this reme
dy. Numerous instaners have Iwen noticed where whole
rnmilies wrie protected from any serious consequences,
while their niugkSi'irs. wilhout the Cherry PecUirui, wrie
sufTering fr oni the disease. . , .
Dr. J. C. Aycr: Salum, Ohio, 1 llh June, 1851.
I write to inform yon ol the truly remarkable effects of
your CHF.II.nV PKCTOItAI. in this pluce, and iu my
own family. One of mv ilnnghters was completely cured
la three days of a dreadful WmioFixo, hy taking it.
l)r. Means, one of our very best phyaiciuns lieely slates
that he considers it the best remedy we have pulmonary
diseases, and that he has cured more cases of CaoKF with
it than any inner medicine ne ever BomuuBieiwi. i
Out clerpymen of Ihe Uaptist Church s.i s thul during
the run of Inixuesza here this, he lias seen cures .
from your medicine he could scarcely have believed sith-
out seeing.
Yours respectfully. J. D. SINCLAIR,
. . Deptty Postmaster.
From the distinguished Professor of Chemis
try and Materia Mcdicc, Jioicdoiu Cotleee.
1 have found the Chiriiv PscTonsL, as its ingredients
show, a powerful remedy for colds, and cnugliB,inil pul
monary discuses. -
I AUhlr ll.BVEl.Aau, v.
i DatnnwicK. Me., Feb. 5, 1817.
The widch) calibrated Professor of Surgery in
the Medical Cutlesc, Neiv York City, says
"It give me pleasure I" certify the value" awl eflicney
of 'Avail'. Cnanav Pwtorai.,' which 1 eoniiler peculi
ai lv to cure diseases of Hie Thneil and lyings.'
Cures of seveie diseases upon ihe l.nncs have been ef
fected by CliBKRV Pectoral in such extreme roses as
warrant Ihe Iwlief that n reinedv has at length hern found
that can be depended on to care the Couahs, Col.lo and
Consumlioii which carrv from our midst thousands every
year. It is indeed a medicine to which the afflicted can
look with confidence for relief, and they should not fnil to
avail themselves of it.
Prepared and sold by JAMES C. A ER,
Practical Chemist, Lowell, Mass.
Sold in Sunhtiry by II MASSER, and by
DrngrrisU Rcncrally throughout the State.
July 30, 1853. ecow lv..
J. 73. GOULD,
(Successor to A. FIOT.)
No. 161 Ches-nul Street; Siraim's Duilding.
Dealer in Musical Instruments of every de
scription. Exclusive At'ent for the sale of Hullet, Dawn
& Co's (Boston) Patkxt Sisi't.vsio.'s Buiiica
'hot tan and other
L. Cilliert's Boudoir Pianos, Melodeons, Martin's
Guitars, Harps, Violins, Siikit Ml sic, Misic
JjoOKS, Ac., cvc.
ReaidenU of the country will be supplied by
rrMiV or otherwise with any music they mav
wish, at as low rates as if purchased in person.
Having one of Ilia largest stixka ill the I tilted
estates, I foci confident of satisfying all who may
fevor me with a call or order.
Dealers in Music supplied on the moat liberal
terms. Pianos to let, Second hand Pian s for sale.
Philadelphia, April 14, 1853. ly.
Dealers in
N. E. Corner Fourth and Cherry Streets,
HAVING enlarged and unproved llieir Store,
ml having the larireat aasorlmeiit of Lamps
in Philadelphia city, Ihcv are now prepared to
ETHEREAL OIL, Phospheno Uas ami l.ard
Oil, J. amps, Lanterns of all patent, fancy Hotel
slid H-i'.l Lamp,, Chaudelii rs, Girandole and
Candclrabras. and Britlanuia Lamps, at the
Manufacturers' lowest prices. Claa Lumps by
the prkat;e, at a smiill advance over Aut lion
price. Itiiiig larue .tl..t lAt i uitcu.i oi
Pin Oil. Bun.ine Fluid, Ethereal Oil, Alcohol,
and (the only true) I'linsgeii Gas, Ihcv cn fur
nish Uie'O articles ut Mtcli prices mat nierrnauia
ill Cud it lo their advantage to buy. Cull be lore
Boiiia lheliere, il you want bargain. Also,
thu Safely FI id Lamp for sale.
Phil.. Npt. 24. IH.VJ. ly.
Just I'uMislifd nnd Tor Sale
by WM. McCARTV, Bookseller,
ouunury, I .
The American
Dring a collet lion of approved declaration, writs,
istuina ami pnwmliii't In In il acliou
now in us IU lh l ulled Ctlale.
Uf Cm lissom IUs.n, E4 ,
isus iVii vim for
V iih noU and addition, loaether with a hor
ytiu ul eon vn slicing. By A. Jrdau, I ir
i.leul Ju.U uf lb Liiihlh Jodu inl dlalriU uf
Pa., ud Win. M. H.krlrlrr nd M. L.
hlitndil, uf lh Ul of .ViithumUiUnd county,
tiiii III pul.lo alioiiol the bui k, tli sulluwuif
killer ba Ul l.crlitj liuiii J4.I1; Pvroil vl
llaiiutuig I
II taiitat , Jun , l"-"-
lin I llk 1
All4 taJalwl uillou f )oul " AuiX-
Uu pi. l, l a-'l4il," I lak plraui 144
pit in,' in) rolu w4l ui W sUllou Uttl
Cuuapuaili.Ml ul lb ,. Il ill iblM llkuj lu II.
jjy jLaas
public. 1 h t fi 4"'ot-l Ul 'Miui;ltl4
stands lu J of ,onv. I oialai ul plva.liu.
.UpuJ U uul baUl ul uuits. si, J lit pia,lu
ul lb VUUIU. JtU ! ut d4WUlU Ml U M,
to Uul, (uutMaaJuN lbUul aluU),
ill lw Ntuif ul UUm w IU pla, u4 .
Ju, iu K4M.I au4 bloillf IM U4 ub.bai.
It SSWUU 114 U LtJ ! IS jrflUMUg
U( Ul lK .
k uatf. Slll ll laxtaKii. '
. JMI I. I'tilUMli
Ha. A. i !. SSm. U Ku.b.ilbi U M.
.. ium.I, I.W4I.II.
uht.u;, iJf 11)1...
2,500 Acres Timber Land ,
TIMBER LAND, comprising about 9,600
acres, part of which is situated on Tobyhanna
Creek, and part en Muddy Creek, oilhin three
mih-s af Lehigh Kivcr, In Penn forest township,
r- I ... - r . 1. r n 1 O-iinlia.
Carbon County, one of the (treat Coal Counties I
of, can be had at a bargain, u ap
plication be made soon. .
These lamia are thickly covered with the best
timber of that rrfion. While it U believed that
75,000 fret of lumber lo the acre, can be cut from
a large portion of the hind, the balance will aver
Jo not much less than this figure. The kinds of
limber found on the land are Hemleck, Spruce or
VVhila Cedar, Whito Oak, While Pine and
Chestnut hut principally made up of White
Tine and Hemlock.
The Tobyhanna and Muddy Creeks are large
and rapid streams, yielding; a vast amount of
water power, and are capable of driving a large
number of saw mills. They empty into the Lehigh,
which stream, witli the I-high Canal alibi ds an
outlet to the most desirable lumber markets.
There is, too, under contemplation, a railway
leading to the cities uf New York and Philadelphia
which runs within milt and threi quartert of
the land. Through these avenues lumber can be
delivered in cither of Ihe cities named, for about
7 per thousand feet thus enabling persona en
gaged in the Iradc to derive greater profits than
atlend investments generally.
In addition to the tiniler, convertible into eve
ry shape of lunilier, there is much that will an
swer for spurs of vessels a sort of timber that
snip-builders have been obliged to purchase in
Maine, or at other distant points.
Unlike most of the lands on the Lch'gh there
has, as yet, been no culling of the timber on this
properly. It stands undisturbed by the wood
man's axe. It is, therefore, the more valuable.
The lumlier trade of Ihe Lehigh has been carried
on to such an extent for years past, that a scarcity
of good limber is liegiiiuiiig to be felt. Every
season necessarily increases this dilTicttlty. Tho
consequence must be an enchancement of the
value of timber lands. Those un-culled tracts
with the advantage of avenues to r.arket, such
as the lands cllcred for sale, posseia, cannot fail
to he the sources of supply hereafter.
But the hind is not alone valuable for the tim
ber it contains. Il is of good quality for farming,
nearly every aero bring susceptible of a high
state of cultivation.
Capitalists desiring to make investments, would
do well to turn their attention to these lands. For
further information apply to
Office in "Mining negister" building, Potts
villc, Pa.
August fi, 1S53. tf.
Drugs, IVntts, Oil, AVindow
Glass, off.
B Toss French zinc white.'
10 Ions Turc White Lead.
5001) Boxes Window Class, all
Superior Potnsh.Copnl, Coach, Leath
er iV Iron varnish, whito Demur varnish for China
Gloss, with a general assortment of fresh and pure
Also all the Patent Medicines in general use,
warranted genuine.
Colored aud Unaniled Glass, &c, iVc, forsalo
very low at
Dm 4 and Taint Stoic, Xo. 109 N. 2nd Street,
Physicians and Storekeepers supplied Goods
sent to anv of the Hotels or Depots free of charge.
Phila., May 28, I8o3. ly.
Forte Mommies,
MHE attention of the Trade, and others, in
1 want tf Porte Monnuics, Pocket Books,
Bankers' Cases, Dressing Casus, Portable Wri
ting Desks, Backgammon and Chess Boards,
Chessmen, Pcurl, .Shell, and Silver Cord Cases,
Woik Boxes, Cabas, Needle, Books, Money
Belts, Cigar Cases, Portfolios, Razors and Razor
Strops, Travelling Fhsks, and Cue Cutlery, to
gether with a largo variety of Finer Goods
which will lie sold at the lowest rates.
' P. H. SMITH,
Portn Monnaie and Pocket Book Manufacturer,
20S Arch St. belme Sixth, Philadelphia.
Sept. 17, 1355. tf.
Mann's Establishment
25 SoA Sixth Street,
For the Manufacture and sale of
l'iitciit Lfld-r Copying lrescs,
Oil Tapers, Blotting Boards, Copying Ink, ice.
Patent Parchment Paper,
Superior to all others, and each page printed
A mot valuable invention for keeping in a
nook-like form, Letters received, Original Invoi
ces, &c.
Phila., April U, IS33 ly.
A'o. 1C9 North 3d si , S. A' Cor. of Vine,
npil E aubtcrilier take this mclliod of informing
Country Merchants and the public generally,
Ihut he has re-moved from l&H to the Inrge and
commodious store 109 Xoutii Third street, and
replenished il with uu extensiv and well selected
slock of Confectionary, Fruits, Ac., which he ia
confident be can oiler to purchasers, wholesale
and retail, al satisfactory rales.
WM. 8. 8TILKH.
Thilada., Dec. IT, 1SS J 3m.
Important to Coal Dealers.
rilllE sulwcribcrs hereby inform the public, that
they have entered into purlucrshiu uutbw lh
firm of Kaae, Reed & Co.,
lor the purpose
mining, shipping and selling coal,
i, delivered at
Huiihury, or at any other point along tu Sus
I hey will lie ready to deliver coal, well prepa
rrd. on em tract or otherwise, at all lime, on the
ahorleat notice, and 011 the most reasonable terms.
Orders received at Shatnokin by
S'uiibury, June 4, 1H5J. ly.
1 KWEI.RV. A nic aasortmenl of Gold and
' biltsr Pencil and pro, for sal cheap by
Muiki I atit, oppesil lh Poat Otllc
Kunbury, Oct. , IH.VJ.
Otll, licsaU supply jnat rweivrd, ami fu(
ul by U. U. UAnn tilt,
Minibur', Jau, 10. I1A1-
SII.VFIl WATCH EH A few duubl eas
Fu ;luh riiUr W'aU-he, fur sal at vaiv Uiw
pticc by II. U. MAUst'U.
Muuburv. Apd If, lM
Itt.NNk Pu bm. P IWa.U and blank
Maitiaar. Bunds, l.r ullohs, Huniniuii
11 by
11. M.Hr.K.
Siniil.urv An) ft.
a,N's l.i:ni:il PIII..ii:j(. wiik
Uu.ka, Ink, ud ll sotupts, uM taaaMtnl,
udlusMktby 11. U. H A. !. K., J uu 4, 111.
H m "'4 " W AwinMt,
I I MHOl4 Uu sj4U. 4U, K li. U4-
J C E Lfi BR At fib,. 7
F amily Medicines.
IN offering to th ipntHo the bnr invdlmMA prspHT.
iWhib, the mbmnbssr wraild tutft tlmt in ctmmillatinn
with hit I'll emit and nmo uf the tmm TrnptmtnAe of th
Mmlicnl fnculty, it wni fWmcft dviiwhio to olfft fco the
public. few Droparutiime cf know evlsjtiritv. bein n.-t
pared with tke ftrnateM rare, aim) on the inoat ieutifie, eitltslitulea for the nnmerone worthies ar-
ueles that are flooding the country in the form of vnnarme
ik) cure nils, pmmroil try the nvt icnurnnt mid mereeiie-
rf pcreuiu. uiLeiuicd cure all diseuai-fl and good fur rwMia.
, JUnd and Reflect, t
Thnt the Medicine, Mnnufactured by W. M.BicckLKT.
iiM-iuMiiiB nis it ub i-ecuirai icir vuuiina.
t rfuam ol Ciimnhor
r 11 r i 1 1 rui win an 11.
i f.
tn fit Worn.
Tth Wnsh. (or draiyetl Ireth, dincn
Funily Pill. or lilood iuiif'er, hnve bren inure xtimii,ve
ty uaod, and hovp given mure Imfuciion, limn any other
Medicine! before the pnMic, beiup pre im red with rrvtiri)
10 uieir UBciuinesa ate luiijr woitiiy ihe trial ul thaanucL
e.l. (.ive them a trial.
A few noweifnl rcfinona whv lue fl1nve Medieinet are
deaervinijr nf niiiverml pottotmp?. (In Ihe flnt plart-,
mey nrc prepnreu nv a rrguinr rnyticuin, wim uiKieraiuttna
the Mpnlimti'm o( Medieiues, tn ditctiKen, nnd cnniwqueMtl7
are oerieruy ftiie to tnke. (rwomiiy.j mey nave wen
owed wilh uuivermd aneceM, and Imve hi veil more wtistac
timi thnn any Mtht'T Mrtlieinea nlTered before the public.
( I inroiy ) Itiey ore the only mol.rinea that have (ruined
the imtnitmee of Pliviieinua. where they have been uacd :
and (Komllilv.) thev are nut tin tn Inreer qniitititiea I'oi
ine idiiii price, initii any enner nienicines oncrcu uj m
public f the anme kind. Am Ihe suhscriber hn a mmiber
of certifieutet in his pwmiwiim of the hichest authority,
where thev have been uei-d with the in t Baiiatfnrtnrv re
miltii. He will publitth a few of tbnm, feeling Kitifified tlmt
a trim will insure their reennimilatMHi. I ry Lhcin tura
atiwy yourtelf ol their superiority over ull otliera.
licafl anri be Convinced. ,
We the Hiidergipnrd linving been made Rcrn:ninted with
ttia iiiGrredicnta enti'riiig intu the Compntiiidi known at
Hick ley Kamily Medi nines nlsu hnvinp preierilied and
known tliein to be used, wilh niimt ntisOictorj rt?nta;
tnke plenBtire in ativiiur Hint we bHirve they hilly mett
tho d!nigu fur whirh thoy nra wm mended.
, .IAH. (t'ntAWIlllllJ(;K, M. D'.
- WM. MrMAIION, M. I).
WM. II. MAOH.I.. M. .).
Cart of pain in t?te suh and cough f rom protected
lAver UomvftttU
Mrs. Robert Ad;iina. hdmrinz under Chronic Liver Com
plntnt, nccoinpiuiittl wilb a thorl dry touch Mkiu Ul the
ide and brear, cenernl delniity, ! o'f appetite, alter try
ing nil the uminl remeilira rwnimeitdeti for coupha and
disensca of the chert, who wilh an Bciiebt, lte waa recom
menrletl to try the Itoac lectmil, from which, the iiolouly
derived immediute but permanent relief.
John Admm. a n of Mia. Hubert Adnmn. wna afliieted
with very severe cough, pnin in the aide, and anrenena
prodaoed by iiiceoannt couching he woi intluce to try
tho Hose Pectoral. Tn use his own liinguuge, the firet
doae en; 1 l.led -him to cniov n erwxl nifthl'a ret. In the
m orniiiir he ex oi?etorn1 ed nhout hnlf Hint of flintier. M
Conttniied to imnrove until his coush entirely left him, it
also hnd the effect of tmialicninsr his hicnei, which wna
notuniliy wenk . lie nln Siiys llmt he hia iwominended
it ton number of his fi irnda for similar cuniptuiiita, ami
111 evcrv case it hnaciven ciililai-ti"ii.
Theubive nersnm resiilents of the town of Danville.
feeling ihnt they have derived grent twnefits from the ne
l" the Rose Peclonil ; nuihonzo the ab-nre sthtemcnt for
the benefit ot those win mav be uttiieted iu n sinnlur man
ner. URKA T CIH li
Loss of Voice restored ict'th one lottle of Rose Pec
Miss So win Whiilnek, of Itiish tnwmliin. NH-tliomber-
laud coM for a number tif years nn ii valid, in the fall of
lost the use of her voice from a seveie cold ahe con
tracted ; after trying a uninN'r of remedies, with im Wue
fit, she wus entirely- restnreil by t.iKiiic one bottle of Rose
I'ectonil, ul'ter which, she lost her voice apiin. from a
fresh cold she contracted, and wus npain iestired by the
use of nii'lhcr bottle : she then toik four bottles more to
strcnlhen hr brciist, from which slie tleiivetl the most
decided henrtit, and bus been in the cujytucut uf excellent
health I'toin tlmt time to the present.
Thenbore stnteiiienl is obtained from Dr Piita!!, the
Physician who attended her; nl her nrlher wlm thinks
thiit she woul.l not be liviiitt ut this lime if it lmd imi W'en
for the Ruse Pectorul. Umvillc. Jn SM, 1603.
Stili another Marled Cure Effected.
Mrs Simuel Sechler, being of n imturvl wenk and deli
ctite constitution, very snuecptihle Ia c ikl, wms ntHicled
with n vcrv severe conli. psiiit and sorenemi tif tlte breast,
loBaof oppetite; after using a number of the usunl rrine
dies from which, slie derived it j hcucfil, fci cured by
tnkinp one b ittlc of Itse Peel oral mid iaiulhc enjoyment
of heller health limn fr yr.rt previous.
J)ouville, Uec. I IMft. !
Uu. IJickley Permit nic to infirm you ihnt my wife.
; who is a delicate and weakly woman, tab rinff under a
: v?rv severe Clinch with n-iin ai" s.Tfliefs of brcrist. was
more quickly and effectually r !u veil Willi oi:a Untie of
your Rose Pectoral thnn uny otiicr inVirme she had ever
taken. AHNKR M'l.KlDK.
Jan. 1M2. Smnnel R.WmkV Pnruarr. Red Point.
Stroke kviqench in favor of the Ross Pectoral ajid
Family Pill.
John Fulner tnk'n between Christimis end New Year
with a Very bad cold, which ended in ft dry hard inccssunt
Cough, enusiiur n grent deal of pum whenever he coughed,
wus relieved rmy inneh; bv the time be bnd tnkeu one
third of a b itllc, nnd hy tha'timn it vs Huishril, wns en
tirely cured, lie nls i B.1V8 thnt he has tnkeit acvernl dosna
of the lle.ilih Restorative or Family Pills, and tlmt they
are the mildest and in ist efiectmil piifsativet he hnsever
ink en. Danville, Jin 1, r-5i-'
Dn. Ditrintr n visit to my brother, in Dan
ville,! to-ik a vofy severe Cold, which ended in a tight
haid Cough, with s rciirja and pnin of Ihe brmisl, for
which I iitil your Rose Pictonil. aud Family I'tll, aud
tuko ptt-asure in recotnineiulms thetn, hs the inildent uud
most effectual remedy 1 have used. Yours, respectfully.
Jan. U6, IS5"J. White Haven. Luzerne co.
Dear hir : As a rroummeudation for your lione I'ecln- ,
ral, penult me tn any, that J was edVctinlly cured of a
Very severe couch with pnin in the breast, with less than
half n bottle, and that 1 cmsider it invaluable. Ycu are
at liberty to imke this public if vou nlense.
JOHN SPFRR1NO, ftinccr.) Danville, Pa.
My son William lalxiriug uikW u s-vcre onigh aud nain
his side, from an iniurv revived bv a fall, was ciltielv
relieved by a bottle of Rose Pectoral V Creiim of Cnm-
nlmi. I have als'i used your Fumiiv fins, anu aitoLiuer
OJiisider them the best inedeciues I hive ccr used. .
Jan. Rnih Tp., North'd eo.
Dr. Uicklev Sir: As mv wile who waa troubled
wilh dry, haul Counh, also s ur St nnaeli, dependent upon
debility, similar to Dispepsiu. was entirely relieve! by
uwiiv two ootuea oi yur nose reei ithi, permic mo w say
that 1 cimsidei it un cx'e lut reiticdy.
ours, reapeciiuiiy, Itev wr. ii.i.ku.
Pnsior laiihertin Church, Ihiuville. Pa.
Unvin? been cured of a nam in mv aim (iniilarto Rheu
matism) which deprived ino d" tho free use of it for about
ur months, llv uviiitr one b .tile ol C ream of I utiinnor
w nld state that I consider it the best remedy ul tha
kind I have everustnl in mv family, and I would freely
recoiomnid it to others with similar affect -ns.
Yours. rtxptvuutly, JONAS woi.r.
Hush lp., NtHlh'd co.
Mv wife belne emiriid with a vcrv severe pain in her
arm and ahnuM (Die ed etna of nUl) which dinbled her
from itmn it. was cured wun rutting oi i renin oi i ntn
ph r. Mrs. KRIin, my sister-in-hw, wus ulao cured of a
navere pain in lh hv ad mid face by usinp the Crenm of
Cr.mph. r TiH)M AS C. HUMS, IWiiiviUe, Ja. Vil, 'ja.
My wife bavin); Rheumatism of the arm for a uunilter
nf years, which prevented b"f from using il in doing her
wik ; Niter navinpt spmi a gieni neut monvy in irjinn
llerent remaiues wiui no txiictit, was entiraiy cureu uy
urn n:r only one ln.ttlf of your Cren:n of Ciiiphnr.
WILLIAM KVFNi, Miwv.fof fe. R. Wcaal, R. Point.
Dr. Uicklev llaviiur rceivei a vety aerure injury in
my side bv falHnt; 'ft a t ad of hay, from whn-h I wus una-
Uie to lullow my work, waa recommciHteu to try a uottie
( Creaia of Camnhor, which nlf rdiil tuiinedi'ite relief.
GltlFKI TU CAR It. Rush tp., Nj-rthd co.
My wife, suircrmir from tn t exeruciutiua puiu.
throinrhoiit hei nern1 sv-Hrm. which prevented her from
sli eoing (uemg oecanontd by a k'Ug uud pfotructed oimpU
ol ktckiiMi,) lor she used a number v( remniies
without benefit, was entire!)- relieved by the use ot Ciouru
of Camphor. .'LO R BltOWN,
f4irgm Detitial, i oii voir, ra.
Child cured of Rowel Conintinoi. no I Ague (ol two ycr
ainnoing,; ny iv nrin rtyrup.
My child being atl.uied f a the kit two years, with
II iwel CiMapbiiiK aud Ague until it was reiluced U a aiere
skeleton, I liitvl uunil cr of rnuclis with it permanent
Iteuefit, until I gave it a K fie ol your Wmtn Hvrup,
since whudi lima it has lu well, aud got quite fleahy
I ulao tiuva reeiiuiiitiitrd it to a miiuUr U Miy ituihis.
and ui every case il husgiven satisfaction- I.r.vl.
Al l.ouiS IJilivIS' licrt-nani,) uanvuiD.
I hava uaed vou W'.um hvian m bit family, and con
sider it u-H only eiTwlua't but (he m t (tloeiuiit aritvla I
m ae)iiiiiled with. JATOU l.AMli:iJ, Dunvill.
ll4Viug umu yiHir wmmsvrup in my laiuur, u
my children iu fv Hum any piejuiation of the kind, and is
tu u plooauiit to luks. VAH MoROA.N.
have had orensini lo use whw S hyrua iu my
fannl), oudprrlcr il U any V riuiilnf I lutve uud.
F i.r.M- in l, r raf i " Ti
pr. H.ekU-y : lluving usl yair woim Ly'upi
CiMia U Cuinishof and raimty pitls in my family, they
rive fiftsd auiisjeciuii, aid 1 t4salcr llWui lite uasi
faeliwJ, aul piinl r litJ- W tiave mi im hi laumy
JllllVII 'I-II.4.V It HIMII.I.. loWliVOK.
IImu ft Ws u.a un tvrajwl bUis ui the empky uf
MaMa. ffr.wre 4 lii. y. al km awe, yov h.vsaa
Amuv l.sf lha ol .iwl FaiuilV Mt-JM'loca. Ule IUt
we luva had an "Oi-artniiilr of k of the iioiMis u(
uuuMfotH Midivulaais who have ed ihani, mttd ittat lliry
fiwa xmuuiiI MiiiiMiku. We La ! a sis au-u oi
vsuf 1'iias. wbuk aia auivin uim. this iu i
ik.s.w.iu. Au.M.W Xi ki HI.I.K.
llavuiR lurvy if my aftiili vtty Wd, I wa iwltwed to
Uy a amis a oui r -mk wui h-ij uas aiusiiu,
hrtideuuoa wt iuijm. r-i t uiK ii
Ill li.. kUv; Hi t-.te4 aViud ia,
lUs'-ilk. to, I IlirJ a l Utub 44 IsMlMliiS Mrllh OO
l mtsm i I wu l iatv4 i mimJ by ow4 ksmta 4
t ..iM wsk Mv is " nis i 4m i Ml W Mifciiwmil. i
lhi4'Mll WIM Hi !. IUVU)j ' i.-nwa
list um a ia t iMM '-I ami , ww a
ml tt4. MSMlki UosaiS ' ISMMig.
ill J 4 HK" S,
Am I uihcraa lh tirk. I'aiiMiW, P
IM lkkf' a- iMMaif as rio tif
Auu m4i 'f V mV a- u e-sue y m-
iai .uii. ssi ILm sliasl I tTtttk O BM l' - '
fha Mwhr mm ae t a-1 H W4rita 4 Mo-
a4bf W M ui.iVV,U U i h laa
Atatswm aW (st te m w
VV isvuw aw. , Ji . 'PssJit r'-J
l.a4 P va -.. A iiafma
It sksi a f . i ' W- ' .
. a..- kos. t -u-j -4 4 4 4-e
Sj.i. 4 akaiM.
l. . ... . . i. a.
ti.tji.ii.i.'iii ....
t . M A.A. ''" S hlH
A. .... .4 Ua ... l w wsaa) ta
sm4 al a
Jt II. l-M -Is
i , maid;and comfoet,"
To Your Own Itlechonlcs.
Of the most Fashionable Style.
THE uWrilr respectfully enlls lh sttention
of the public to his Urge and splendid assort
ment ot every qunlity Slid price or
which rannot fail to recommend itself to every on
who will examine it, on account of iu durable
workmanship nnd splendid finish, made up of th
host stock to lie had in the city. No elTort is
spared in the manufacture of his ware, and tli
uliscrilier is determined to keep up with the
msny improvements which are constantly being
matlc liis stock consists ot Mahogany ,
Sofa, DlvniiM and Lounges,
Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards,
and also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to Phila
delphia manufacture.
BEDSTEADS, of every jisttem and price,
In short, every article ia this line of his business.
He also manufactures all kinds and qualities of
Including varieties never before to lie had ir
Sunhury, such as Mjiiiobaxy, Black Walnut
ami CunLKii MArLX GinctA ; asm Wixns'in
CHAIK3, io rAscr Pi 110 S-roni.a, which are
of the latest styles, aud warranted to lie excelled
by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere.
The subscriber is determined that there shall
be no excuse for persons to purchane furniture in
the cities, as every confidence can lie entertained
aliout. tho quality and finish of his ware and
His articles will be disposed of on a good
terms as they can be purchased elsewhere. Coun
try Produce taken in payment for work.
13T. UNDERTAKING. Having provided
himself with a handsome Hkarsk, lie is now
prepared for Undertaking, and attending funer
als, in this vicinity, or at any convenient dis
tance from this place.
C5" The Ware Room is in Market Street,
below Thompson's Store and Weaver's Tavern.
8unbury, Jan. 10, 1852 tf.
Hobby Horses, Cliildren's Propellors,
Gig?. Coaches, Barouches, &e.
iMamifactured wholesale and retail by
No. 64 DOCK Street,
Ordera through the mail promptly esccutcd'
- l'hila., April 9, 1833. lv.
CMt.vnn WARE. Wholesale and Retail nt No. ?ll N.
O tSt:i.'t)Nl) !t., 0iyito the Mt. Veoion House, Unkl
Lever Wutehes. full jeweled. 18 k. casiV SJf.lH) : Silver
Levers, full jewelij, SID,00 ; Silver Lepiues, jeweled, Ml,
(HI till iviirninted to keen Hood time. Gi'kl Pens Dlld Hit
verCnae, ei,(KI; Gold Pencils. 81, ejl ; fjokt p. neils mid
IVn Hniu-a with ffihid GoM Pensua low ns &:.j3. &0.
Also, alwovsim bund a cod nssorimeni of line gold
Jewelry, liolJ Curb, Ijimid mid Fob Clinins, Cold Vest
Chnina, Lndies' (Jolii Fob Chnins and Bolt Pins.
Silver Tulilo Sjuhiiis from 614 t. glH. UenH-rt. S-!) to
8J1, oiKt Tea, tHl.i 'i to Sa,M per set, warrinitid equnl to
coin. All g-MHla wariiiiilnl to be wluit lliey lire s 'Id lor.
l"" Wiiu-hes Olid Jewolrv roioire4 and w arraiiled.
IV All (inters sent by inuil or otherwise, will be punc
tually attcudi-d
M. AVISF.. Acent,
No. TJ North f?i:COND Street, o;ipoaile the Mt. Vernon
Plulo., April 3, t33. ly.
No. 2SouthSccond Stree',
Gold IiCvcr Watchos full jewelled
Silver Lever do
Silver I.cpine do
" tjuartier ilo
Gold pens and pencil and silver huldors
Silver Tea and Titble Spoons
Bracelets, llremt pina Ear rings Ac
All warranted and sold at prices as low as ary
in the ciiy. -
November 27. 18."3. tf. .
A Farm for Sale.
THE aubfcrilier oilers for sale his farm,
and allowances. It is siluutej about three miles
front Sunbury alond tho Shamokin creek, anil ia
in a good stale ol cultivation, i lie rniiuiieipiiia
and Sunbury Kailroad passes through said farm.
II will be ollcred ift parts or entire lo suit pur
chasers. It can be divided lo make three small
farms. The buildings are a FAKM HOL'SE, a
good Bunk Hum, and two tenant houses.
Upper Augusta, 6'epU 10, 1453. tf.
Cheap Watehes 45 Jewelry,
"I YrHOLESAI.E and Retail, at the "rhilaJel-
phia Watch and. Jewelry Store," No. 1)6
North Second Street, corner of tjuarry,
Oold Irfiver Wuleliia, full jeweled. I earnl eaaea. S'-- "I
Uokl l.iiie lr-A. SJ-Jt bo' Fine Silver ieitaclcs. I .Ml
ttilver lxi. full irwlled, S. Goal UiiH-elels. 3.IW
Hllver Lever, lull Jewl'd W ! ailoa' liold Pelieila, I ,l
rtuiH-HK qaorlicia, T r-ilvi Ten spam, sal, S,lal
Uold fM'UH-le, ai .
Gold I'ela, Wllk Penoikund ttilver Holder, 1,U4
Gold' Finger Rings, 87J rents to frtO j Watch
Glasacs, plum, I'.'J ctU; fali'tit. lil l.uuol,
25; other ailu lis in proportion. All (rood war
ranted la be whut they are sIJ for.
Hucresacrs to O. t'olildd. -On
hand, soma Gold and Siltrr Levers and
Lepines, atill lower tluu tlie abu prices.
Jwpl. 10, 133. ly.
Dook Agents Wanted.
VliKNT-l WANTED in ery town snJ
county In the l uiti J Cult's, loaell the moat
popular Slid alesble books piiMi.brd, many of
lliem Miutilully llluatralaa Willi colored aiigia
vinytt alio the utoot papular works el I , M. An
Tilt K. including "Atihttr't Co4luf Uktmry."
Inlvlliseiil a ad snUitpriaun men wi.l Bud tins
Iraaaul and pralllal'U kuaiiunu.
For uarticulais tuldreaa (pual iwid,
J. W. ilKAUl.El, I'ubliJi.r,
No. Is Noitli Fouith xiioet, I's.
Htime C'uttrr and I.aliortTH
STONE culioia aud UUii rau liss alJ
sii'.. and tsmlsis l"!, (sud uwl Wtfik iu
Ihe ! ,) si lite I'utuu and Wo.ubiMS UitliS
l l li.i wait, I iuv ruuuly, la. awiJa las
a)( .ipm4 au4 .Siiuum"(Ui. Tn
iw fl.ti w
.HtlU ristllKR.
i ( b.pmsn, U4. II. IA.-.
: l-f li.lU f lUws, littJ llwf,
t !. Kaiaios ai.J I ". by
uukmt, Jt. , I. H.TfcKR ru
4I H lilLlH. JaMHaas SiiJ I' F.
llille taa)ilailan fcnaiWaal SSMll ft
All anlrent banks I a,
U. S. Bank mil -a is rlial
All sutvrat banks
All a-.lTrut hanki .
Tlsnk of Chaiiibemrmrg 1 ft in
hi t1ui"'.CTICUT.
All Solvent banks I Jia
MiW YOrtK. '
. . c,Tr.
All aotrnif bank. I A:.
... uiirBin Mr
Bwk of Del. Co. Chester par
" "rrinaniowil par
Bank of Gettysburg 1 dls
Honk of liawiEtiTwn
Bank of MiiWWinvn I ci
lyBknoiea ulKler $j dj.
All a.v-ni, hank, - , d '
Belvidere Bank I Jit
Omimnreinl Bank 1 dia
IT . ; """""moarrmi. imi
Bonkof l'iitsburf id,.
ana oi uanvillo par
Loriisie iinnk
Columbia B'k ft B'ge Conor
Dnyelstown Bank inr
Knston Honk mt
rar. uauk Mont Hnllr par
F. A M., Middletown Pi. por
Moehu,,,,... Bk, Newark pr
f " ofllorlinrton par
Meeh.ft Man. Bk Trent
Morns Co Itank ij.
hrle Iinnk J ,,
F.xehanpro B'k Pitlabur 1 (lis
r.x.ianga H'k, Mronrli J liilUrsii(e Bank
i. "r" Slns. Col dis
P.""'. K'l ' lwk'c parlTle's Bk Patterson
Farmers' Bk, lAiiiniater por Princeton Bank
Farmers' Bk. Itwrti,,,, pnr'.HHlein Banking Co,
t"rV.,,i ,.",,kl" Co porlHemerm Co flunk'
Franklin Hk. Wnsli'n ijili.'stnte Ilk Klicnbethmn
I dis
Hnrrialmrt; Rank
1 ilia 'Stale Bank Newark
1 dis
Hmirsrliile Bunk
Iineaater Bunk
1 dis Stole Bk. N. Biunswick par
nnr.Sltnex Bonk. Wivl.u. iA.m
... ...... pnri ii'iii'tn HHiiailiff uo rjar
Mrrrh. Man. Bin 1 dis Tnion Bank. Durer I (ba
Miners' B'k. IMtlsvill. . per Vanll-rv'lf DelDrCol5ti,
M..ii.irHlifla Bonk I dia L7Bk n-.te. Dn,l-r a, i .
rny..rv Del lt Co 15 ilia DKl-AWAItK.
oat Brnneh Bonk por Bnnk if Ddnwora n.r
lrf.hj.nnti II.... I. : p ....
Wyoming Ilk, Wilketh'e nor
York Bnuk, di,
tyilelief notes 1 dis
Bmikof Whntlnck grlis
Mereoniile Hk, Bungor India
All solvent bnnks I dis
All solvent bunks . j dis
Bnnk of 8 Alb.ins 1 dis
All solvent bnnks dis
iiniiK oi rmTrn par
IVhiTire (,'iiy Hank par
Bk Wilms;'!! Brandy w. pal
Farmrm' Bk ft Delawars par
I'nicin Bonk, Wilmington par
CT" t'nder W's I dis
All solvent bunks tdis
LyBk notes nnder S's i dis
All anlveril banks Sdia
(VUnderS's, S) dis
lion, with One Hundred
EngTavings, showing Uis-
enses and Malformations o
O H,,mn System in every
I3I shape and form. 'J'o whieb
ia added a J realise on the
Diseases of Females, beino;
ol the highest importunes to
married people, or those
contemplnling marriage.
Irj- Ir W in, Young'
Let no father lie ashamed to present a copy o
Ihe jKSCL'I.APIUS to his child. It may save
him from an early Brave. Let no young man or
woman enter into Hie secret obliirntions of mar
ried life without reading the POCKET .ESCU-
LAPIfS. Let no one sultonng from hHchmrp
Cough, Pain in the Sido, restless nights, nervous
feelings, anil the whole train of Dyspeptic sensa
tions, and given up by their physician, l another
moment without consulting the lOSCUI.APIUS.
Have the married, or those aboul to lie married
any impediment, read this truly useful bonk, ns
it lias been the menus ol saving tlioumnus ol un
fortunate creatures from the very jawa of denth.
IT Any person sending lWLNiV-FIVf.
CENTS, enclosed in a letter will receive on
copy of this booh, by mail, or five copies will bo
sent for one dollar. Address, Un. V. YOUNG,
No'. IA2 Si;iaCE Street, PHILADELPHIA."
Post paid.
June 13, 1853 ly.
And Three Acres ol" (.round.
rep.. satjE.
rffMIE subscrilicr oilers nt private su!e, his house
nnd three acres of ground, on Ihe river Dunk
within the limits of the lloroui;h of Snul.iirv,
now in tlio occupancy of John Shiftier and orig
inally owned by Chas. Giiscr while engaged in
boat building. Tho improvement aie a
With a WM of f ood Water,
and a good frame stable. There are a number of
excellent fruit trees on the premises. . The prop-
erly is handsomely located and will be sold ut 11
ren.ioniilile ptice and possession given in April
next. Apply to Geo- C. Welkcr, F.., of Sun
bury, or to the subscriber nt Scliusgrnte.
July 23, 1853 tf.
Lumber Yard.
rTpIlI' subscriber would respectfully inform the
-S- citizen of Sunbury, and Northunil crlanil
and adjoining counties, that he has opened a
Lumber Yard
in the lot fronting on Cranberry St., a short dis"
tanco East of the Steam Saw Al ill. where lie hs
now a larjjo amount of Utaioucrl Punuel 1'lmii,
also l'atiurl Ilouri.i, and all other Hoards uud
Hi IL1UNU Matkiiial, such B will bowuntcd for
building purposes. Also a lurgc amount of
Shingles on hand, which t. ill be sold from rli up
to i8, according to (juality and size. Please jive
us a call and examine our price' and quality.
N. 1). Farmers who are in want of Shingle
will please call aa we will sell to vou low.
J. E. LEI R, Sup.
Suubury, May 28, 1653. ly.
'Kuiekii, Kurekii."
"JOW for tho little ones. Why will parent
unite hours uud duvs in fruitless endeavor
to get perfect pictures of their children and after
all get nothing but a poor, miserable curiualuro ?
W e would say, come to our
and we will guarantee ta make you s perfect
picture, by our I.i.k tho ( himical process,
that worl.s in from J to 'i seconds.
. We defy any Dnguerreaii in Philadelphia or
else here, ta compete with us, as we are the
inventus, and the process i ued only in our dif
ferent establishments in New England and th
Middle Stales. For pictures of adults, the .titer
medal we have received from the American
Institute, New York aud Fraukliu, Philadelphia,
together wilh the numerous premiums from
County ruira, is stillicieiit proof thul tliry ar
Ihe N rim Ultra ol perfection.
e would call particular attention to our
TllHtyie -Duguerieotve in Oil.
U.t. t iiLLiii a to., 100 t he.tnut wtreet
Philadelphia. Main street, opposite site Hamp
den lloua. Springfield and Collins' Duilding,
W rallicld, Mu.s.
N. U. Cur eMabli.hmeut ia illuminated by
th brilliancy of our Picture by Day, and by
Prmftttor lloffortfl t"rif Imjti ly Mgkt
"Come and aoc."
Phila,, .May 2S, 1853. ly.
WM. M CARTY, BooktcUer.
RESPECTFULLY informs the inhabitants ol
town and country, thai lie has lately meet
vd fiout I'hiltdt'lphas, Urge addiuou to his
stock ol bouks, III sverv brAiiclt of l.iktralure, and
in s treat vaticiy of Binding. Plcsw call and
a iImiii.
Kuubury, llept. IT, 1153.
UH. II. H. IIK1BKE S remedy fur roughs,
rulda. aud aulmauarv JiMaar. A uppl of
Ibis valuabl uirdulli jual leieiwd aud Icr sal
by II. U. M.CK.
Kuvbmri Jun .
til. I) FFNH with and without rawas, f
sujamor eualiiy, jual iMied.
Ala (lali euppl Ml '" IIumI, Im a:
by II. U. M ABSEK.
Haubury, IW. IT, Itil.
CIIUMlKllKII'X, IIiuuhJ .ut. AlmoM.fs
yi'..a Nula, W aH uU,Cui .ta. fiesat
.y. Fill'. Ksuiiw. ! l'H. UM
('nJtr snJ T), Jos ileJ sJ
law. U. J. I H I I . M il 4 10
Ml Mtiw tut Mat PI
65' J.i
.kwi. IV M
V" hNol.!1 Ultimo Mill J J'"'
uJ ll MUl. ! Sal bl
i t
'.Ui 1 , Jam 0, I I
at 1 tbta Witt .