Old Fishioki Revived. While Ex-Fresi. nt Fi)more(wg in Louis-jlle, be attended adiea-fair, and was regaled with kisse m the damsela--genuine Kentucky emacks. is said that the ladies of Louhmlle literally ey the Divine Injunction "Whatsoever ye tilil that men should da unto you, even 10 il ye do unto .them." Ex-Bishop lyes' new work it announced m the presa of Mr. Donahoe, Boston, to be ued in a week or two, imultaneouly with publication in London, tti title is, "The ialsoTaMinri in iu Progress to Catholicism, a Letter lo hi Old Friends." t is said, that upon the' average, sixteen n in every troop of English army destined Tuikey were married, consequently the 000 men would leave behind 2500 wires, 1 between 6000 and 6U00 children. , '. ' PRIXG is supposed to have fairly commen ced. .The trees are beginning to prepare for ind so are the ladici and gentlemen all get j their spring finery ready. The gentlemen r at least all tlioee who know anything about iladclpbia are getting their outfit of spring mentsfrom Rockiiill & Wilson's cheap and lionable ' clothing store, No. 1 1 1 Chestnut et, corner of Franklin Place, Philadelphia. Jhila.. Jan. 28, 1854. cw. M A R II 1 E D. Dn the 18th inst., by the Rev. P. Born, Mr. in A. Bi'cher, to Miss Jane Harrison, all this place. )n the 12th inst., by G. M. Votks, Esq., . Alkxandkr Mantz, to Miss Marcaret rison, both of Sunbury. 3n the 6th inst , by the Rev. A. J. Collins, William J. McWilliams, to Miss Mart ambrrlain, all of Shaniokin township . Dn the 6ih inst., by the Rev. R. A. Fisher, r. John Martin, to Mis Barbara Long, tb of Lower Auunta. On the 16'h inst., by the same Mr. Henry tmmei., of Point, lo Miss Sarah Lantz, ju nijesl daughter of Samuel Laniz,) of Au sta. In I hi plane, cm the 1 0 h AGDELENA, wife of Mr lust , Geo. MARY Young, ed about 60 years. In this place, on the 14th inst , REBECCA, lighter ol 'Mr. Paul Ainnierman, aged 10 iirs and 10 mouths. 1)C itkvkct Philadelphia Market. April 19, 1854. Flour and Meal The Floor market is ii-t, nnd only ahoul 200 barrels have been" d nl SS,50 pur barrel for standitrd super e. Sales of Rye Flour at 5,50. Penn Ivania Corn Meal sold nt S3. 75 per bid. Grain. Whi-atisin demand nt an nd nce. Sties of 1000 bushels of white $2 05, il S2 for red. Rye is scarce and in de ind, at 90i-.. Corn is held higher; sales nt c. for yellow, afloat. Oats are scarce and demand. Sales of Southern at 48c. and UHsylvania at 55.I.16 cts. Whiskey Sales of hhds. at 2Ci26, cents, d lbls. at 27 cents. Baltimore Market April 18, 1854. FLOUR. Tho Flour maikel is hardly as m to-day as or. Sulurdoy, iiotwilhsianding e advice received this morning by the Arc which note a fodher advance of 6d. per A. on the other sido. This morning on ear 'Chiuine there were sales of 950 bbls owaid street, for immediate delivery, and 30 bbls. do for delivery on tho 1st and 15th : Mnv. at 88.25. GRAIN. There were sales 'his morning f some 200 bushels of Wheat which Ilie rico obtained for it, ami we are consequent- without a quotation. About 4509 bushels f Corn were at maiket. Theie were, how vor, no sales made that we could hear of, ivtj a email lot of inferior yellow at 75 cl , nyers and sellers not beina able to agree pon terms. Th- hiuhest figures we heard anied weie "8 cts for yellow, and 75 cts. nr while. There was a sale of while Corn n Saturday nt 77 els. A small lot of Penn ylvania Rv was olfered at 100 cts. WHISKEY. The market is still unsettled, .nd holders are undetermined as to what rice to name. We hear of a sale of a small ot of bbls. on Saturday at 28 cts. No snrs if hhds have been made for a day or to, uul we have no quotation fur them SUNHURY l'UICK CUKllKNT WjISAT. Rit. Coax. Oats. PoTATOt", ISukswax - llieKLKii Flax. llt'TTna. F.aus. PoBK. Klaissau. Tailuw, 150 00 75 45 50 15 85 ?1 12 8 185 10 New Advertisements. To the Voters of Northumberland County. FsiKiw Citizlms: Encouraged by many friends. I announce myself as a candtdato. for the 1 ollire of COl'X TV COMMISSION EU at the approaching election, hhould I be elected I pledge luysrlt to disiharge ti.e duties thereof Willi punctuality nJ iiupsrimlitv. tiEoiiux: u nit; nr. 8iubury, April A, IH54. ZINC PAINTS. On (in J eheuuer (Ann wUile lead, fim ul I poisonous uuulitiei. Tbe .tv J tiir Zinc uuiiaiiy 1AVIUi(..iynUislhK w.Mks, ih4 tSH.iMvi-d 1 I ius Hoam ul lk.11 p..iu. u, s..suW lo imwi i tut ts.ll I SL'l'KUtOU TAIMS. lry. eul fiiHtni in utt, ui mHi4 ymrkmf 4 Ifm J S U fcUU WSMtsi . lt), m Utile, (k-sUlkvU W'i k Tuti i n itu'. tt li 1 ..UJ uiy gro.mti in oil, U jjftu,U4 'ut ti4 IMMUJ )us4.4 IW UjJ) aViavl tultria1 1 M 4UtMt I A ltMtUv4 '4 MtystflsfM W lawsMttrV teu tllM'tlt IftOet, ' Watts4 aj najt -HH ttVsr i- Utfy m WaMIAUl Ulsvl lisl4) !' k'H lltMil Mssi l IM iUm k' $ AJ) .. r4a 4S-I k 4tUm 1m (ssll 4-sk4 iWlf ymU.i9 Wat. U tii4titasf u U) vitut U sm4 tut u-i is H4ss ii 44. ti ti'satf 4ita iivm Saw 4c uisitsMl btliatsl tMiasN MtsvsVeuta mtm 1 U4MJ lawata -htf Wtsj ? m mift a afnaa;U M Hf'Ma, tV.4 iM 4. m4,'sm .aj h,MM1 I "44- r.llMU.Yk'S VAts t S 4 4 la tr! I , kOJ al lU if IrlllLaMlCirUlaV, aliiaali. II. I. 1-aL e4 ri.' Cilf. set M s ' 4 taaiaMSttti, t ttm'i w.aaOH, tti ' slMt Htflata. ifit of. betters . REM AIMING IN THE TOST OFFICE AT SUSRlRY, March 31, 1854. John Lefler Wm Adams ! Tl John Long Alex Lache Kredk Lanker Henry Batcher Joseph Bound Jacob Briuht Tiluhman Lower B Jacob Lanker s1 Mrs Matilda Brown Christian Bower ' Rev Chas Mahee Nra C Mverlv C Joseph Chiist or Dan'l Miss Catherine Marl Rice 1 Mrs Henrietta Mart Mrs Mnry Campbell Miss Catherine Miller Caleb Chamberiin . ' Ben' C Moyer ' Hiram Cooper Loreno Do Mettler Joseph Cook Wm Mantz Mrs llannnh Crnmbley Jf r i - t l a- i - ' Geo Conrad jusepil i iceiy D Abraham Deppin Chas Dolfus ' John Dnnkelbercer F B Day j , Adolph Dnrlacher F Benj D Frost Jno Furman Wm Feester Adam Fisher ' o Wm. Gass Henry Gass Hannah Glenn ' -hv Gen Gilbert Patrick Gieen w Emanuel Peter , .. .... R , , Hon Jno B Rente '' ' Elizabeth Richer ' , Dr. Jno Raker Jacob Richey Peter Rice Alex Ross 8 ' John Sollman John Speece ; David Shine ' GeoShlpe ; ' Mary Ann Shipe Pam'l Sober ' Master Nicholas Ship- man ' Peter Shaffer Dr Sam'l Smith Lucretta Siars T Jeremiah Travis t Abner Thnrp TJ Jno S Haas Dan'l Hoffman Jno Hummel ' Levi Himo K Henrv Reiser WmKerlin ' Miss Mar;'t Reefer 2 Mary Ann Ummel Wm P Kuntz W Peter Kniss Mrses Welclier L Heirs of Michael Wal- John Long User II. li. I'AChfcK. r. iYI. 11EMOVAL. MISS JANE FINNEY JNFORMS her friends, both in town and coun trr. lliut film linn rnmovcil her Fancy Dry Goods Store to her former residence, corner of Chestnut and 2d street, opposite the new German Reformed church, and not unmindful of past kindness, she solicits a continuance of their patronage. She has just received an elegant assortment of Bonnets, Ribbons, Laces, Needlework of various kinds, lady's gaiter boots anil sandala, stationery, muslins, lawns, ginghams, and every variety of goods suitulde fur the season, cheaper lliun ever for emu or country produce. Sunbury, April 8, 1854. W. B. STOUfXAN. THOMAS o'SKILL. STOCKMAN & O'NEILL, GENERAL Commission illcvdjants 051 KORTK WHARVES, Philadelphia. , ' REFERENCES. - ' . This. Richardson & Co. Philadelphia. A. G. Cattell & Co. . " Kutter & Patteson, ' ' " Charles Ellis & Co. " Burgin & Sons, ' ' " Thila., April 8, 1854. ly. Orphans Court Sale. TN rnrsnaneo of an order of the Orphans' Court - of Northumberland county, will be exposed to public sale, On SATURDAY, the 6th day of MAY, neit, on tho premises, the following described Real Estate, to wit : Thirty acres off of the north east corner of a Certain Tra?t of Land, situate in Shamokin township, county aforesaid, bounded on the nortli I'V lauds of Daniel Miller, on the east by lauds of Nancy Wolverton, on the south by lands of said Nancy and Michael Zim merman, and on tho west by lands of said Mi chael and Philip Persiug, containfng in all about Two hundred and Forty acres. Late the estate of William Pcrsing, dee'd. Sale to commenco at 10 o'clock, A. M. of said day, when the terms of sale will be made known !v PETER PERSINO, ' One of the Executors. I5y order of the Court, J. P. PUR.SEL, Clk. O. C. Sunbury, April 8, 1854.- fjircnt Arrival ol' SFRING GOODS! WW T. CLEMENT N FORMS his friends and customers that he just received an elegant assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS At his Store in Marsct Street, Sunbury, which he oners to the public at the lowest prices. . His stock consists of a general assortment el Dry Goods, viz : Cloths, Cassimrrs, CassinHs, Jeans, Drillings, Mastitis, Lineus, Calicoes, Muslin di Lains, Laiens, Ginghams, Iterates. Also a large assortment of CLOTH I.NG. A large assortment of Boots and Shoes, for Men, Women and Children. Silk Hats. Panama, Palm leaf and oilier Summer Hats. IMnilei. GROCERIES of every variety. Sugar, Tea, Coffee, Molasses, Cheese, Spices, Fish, Salt, 4 c. HARDWARE, Via : Iron and Steel, Nails, Files, Saws, eVe. QUEENS WAKE, Tea Setts, tlults, Vishet, Cups, Saucers, ft LIQUORS, Wine. Brsutly, Gin, Bam, Wbiskrj, it. I F Couulry urudure of all kinds Uksu in si- Is ..si. I. K Door, WOUTU A, CO., Ulinil, Shutter, SASU DEPOT, y.uil Sidt uf Uruud Start, httuw HVJ, Philadelphisv. W'lltltH any U (uuihl, roast ml y aa UnJ, aa eiteMsite sMsiuriHMal u liuitra, ata.a, Ulluda, MaullMS sud klmikiiugs, wasrsuled iiutl U any lll r.u be laada. AImi, U Jy autssj. always un baud JttUis l tuaU ul VpU'U still in piwiupl alivolwu, fads., MW t4. ai4.-3i. i I MILITARY. lluuae lu Mubbuiy, im hsluiJsv, Ike kls Ml Apiil. Iil. al lUw'tUk. A. M.. Uh lhepuipMe f luio4iu alUii-wt.l et tlati.luu.si auj .Imi W bi.utlu.Ul JlJaU Iu4 U.S Hlla4.ie txl satutl tt I lluia, ta W SkSMlauial lbs suiuj siMllusi. l.yt. UWIU X- I. a til ibe kkM.uia) tirsja, au4 WU, It. MA Hit, L.S f.lHMI. Uall.KS tltilUMtei M.U alltNlJtL ' hi ibai la a. all CjuAjJaV Uul. . J4V MIUtM t au tawiti UwatsW Aljt, U- I4sv MNbOKY AMERICAN AND SIlAMOiaN - i m DaIa Cane Scat, . PLAIN AND FANCY CHAIRS. Arm Chain,' ' 1 " " : Rooking Chairs, Cane Settees, Dining; & Chamber Chairs, , IN all the varieties of colors and Faahlonoble styles, at the cheapest rates, WaoLtSAia ard KETAIL, at N. P. WOOD'S, Wsrerooms, No. 129 & 131 North 6th 8t, , Opposite Franklin Bquara, Philadelphia. March 85, 1854 8m Wall Tapers ! Wall Papers ! fJHE subscribers have now in store their com i plcte spring stock of Paper Hanging, Curtains, &c, which they ofler at very low prices, 'WHOLESALE AND RFTAIL. Our assortment is very complete, comprising all the qualities, both French and American. We manufacture a large proportion of our goods and can sell nt the lowest rates. Ily Taper Hanging done in tho country at city prices. TARKISH ft HUl-Ull, No. 4 North FIFTH street, Philadelphia. Phila., March 85, 1854 3m FLOOR OIL CLOTH. C. M. IUILEY, HAUL FACT unKS OS FLOOR OIL- CLOTH, all widths, rnoai ' 0-9, 3-4, -8, 4-4, -4, 0-4, -4, 8-4. JfiircioHse, UOJVoifA Third St., second Jloor, PIIILADKI.rlHA. AUSTIN BnOWN, Agent Just received. 313 cases. Constantly on hand, the best assortment in Philadelphia. March 85, 1854, 1 in NOTICE. rI1HE appeals for the several townships and X boroughs in thn county ol Aorinumucnunu, will be held by the Hoard of Commissioners of said county, at their oflicc in Sunbury, on the following days, to wit : C uihsquaqiio township, Apri. U. Milton borough. ' " . Turbut towimliip, " " Delaware " " " Lewis " " Lower Mahanny " 8t Jackson . " " I'pper Mahauoy " " Little " " " Coat township '' " Cameron township " Shamoliin " ... Lower Augusta " Upper " 23 Sunbury borough " " Rush township " Point " . " " Northumlicrland borough " " Jordan township " " Zerbe ", " " CHAS. AVHAVER, ) JOS. NICELY, i Com'srs. SIMON SNYDER. ) Sunbury, March 85, 1854. 4t 7 PEICES " OF HORSE AND CARRIAGE HIRE. 8 . ii 5,00 8 Buggy, " 4,00 I " 3,50 1 Bulkey, " 8,00 1 ' Saddle, " 1,50 3 and Harness, " 3,00 1 " 1,50 Two Horso Cnrringe, best, " 2,00 " " second best, " 1,S0 One " Bugg)-, best, ' 1,25 second best, " 1,00 Sutkey, " t Double Harness, best, ' 1,00 " second best, " 50 Single " licet. " 50 " " second best, 85 Terms cash in advance. THOMPSON ft EISELY. JOHN DIE.MER Sunbury, March 11, 1834. Ct. 18 NOTICE. "aJOTICE is horeby given, that the notes, bool.s -' and accounts of Samuel Thompson, dae'd., late of Sunbury, sro now in the hands of U. M. Yorka, Esq., for collection. A II persons knowing themselves indebted to said deceased, arc request ed to call and settle immediately if they desire to save costs. MARIA THOMPSON, Adm'rix of said deceased. Sunbury, Mareh IP, 1S51 Ct. hags a.mi:i! BEING extensively engaged in the manufac ture of paper, we will pay to Country Merchants and others having Hags for sale, more than the present market prices Cash. JENSL'P At MOORE. Paper Manufacturers. PiiiiAUKiriiiA Nos. 24 aud SO North St. 1st Street below Arch, between Stli & 6lb. Phils., March 1, 1854. 2m. C. P. KNIGHT & CO COMMISSION MERCHANTS, and Dealers in Fish, Cheese iSf Provisions fieri rrallu. Nos. S9.lt 30 S. Wharves, Philadelphia. HAVE constantly 011 hands supply or Mack- erel.Codlish, Chad, Salmon, Herrings, Iilua Fish. White r'Uh. Haddock, Hams, hides, Shoul- ders, Lard, lleef, I'orli, Cheese, Deans, Dried Apples, Dried reaches, ranUrrirs, Ac. I'hila., March 15, lull 3m. DOCTOR JOSEPH W. CAMERON, OESPEC1TI I.I.Y informs the eiliiens uf I- Ilia Dorougli of 8uubury and vicinity, that he has perinsnsnily located himself in said Dorough ; and oirers his professional services to those who may vi.h tit einnluy him. Vol the present he ran be found at Weavers Hotel. Muutuiiy, March II, 1854. if. ' GREAT EXCITEMENT IN EUROPE I The It ustsiun Miuintcrt iupe lejl h'iMnte and England, and the (oiut(juenc will no doubt be u terium war, jhJ gnul rise tt the pne of grain, Ac, but S. KCUNUKMAX ('(., rilAKU pUasuie in infoimim the cilisms uf 1 Huiilwry, asl suiuiiy, slial it has got, him ill ars) ttterl the low price uf their rircttvut inlrr a4wt uf cl ttliiiig, but llial Ibey aie UoM arlliug off ll at ib.l ruat. 'I Ui is no buiabua, nj iIm only aisy lo Bud wul the truth uf it, I to is as a rail. heu .! p.ui. atlU be Uksa iu d.si al luie ire sad unlaw lorv lo susluut.rs. la aibliiiua la a food stwk ul ilatuiutf, pstauns Ul ttad al uul saiuiUi .butsul a "S sMuitauaut ef WtUliei, Jewtlry, 4c, bkli we fUtiu lit ngnl uf selluia tbssuer lltsa 4U) ullwf sluie ul Ilia km J, iu titts svcluw ul lbs uaj4s, ii.su t uig4 Ibe asute siui kssasa, as, akuus)iH A it, M.ikel ttm, kuubuiy as.li kpuusila Juba Tvuua I rMuia. Vs e aid ia a sbuit luaaa man uul hujuaa u4 kaiMsuei eiu4, tsba-h m turn bvWad W sail iba asuaj ihiwhUs miwi etx sU asu4ia. 1 Akll, k) be auu u, aul stiU suhnf u a. I M iajy Iba at tlt avwst un. Iwtaaie kciiM iixiif a ru IIP 'buuousal 4 kse Ssaku.td lb, lWe awtbbttM, Mm Uu .M W Uhmi u4 ssu4, stbe st ul I u.l 4V I s. Vv tut spuuatia Job I uua is. u.sia4 Usb Sn'"i lk . Uo4.-Ua-M A CARD. nAVINOemlwrlisa in the mercantile business ... . .... iw In on my account, I taae mo j thank the ftiends of the late firm, and the rubhc in general, for the lilieral patronage extendeJ to me heretofore, end would he most happy to sea them at my old stand (at Einerick's Tavern) In Lower Augusts, where they csn 41nd me at all times administering to their wanla on the most liberal terms. ' ' ;' " . ' . ,' J, , ... i .. WM. A.KNABB. 'Augusta twsp., March 18, 1864. tf " ' TSPRINO MiLLINERYOODS. -: JOIIS STOK &8XS, ' JVo. 45 South Second St., " Philadelphia, IF AVE now in Store, of llieir owh importation, a large and handsome assortment ol Ribbons, ' ' 1 : . Silks, ' . " : Flowers, ' . Crapos, and etsry article suitable to the Millinery Trade, to which constant addition will be mads through out the season, thereby enabling them to oJUir the largest and most desirable selection or articles in their line to be found in the city. ' Philada., March 18, 1854. 8m. New and Fashionable Goods 1 1 JOHN V. MARTIN, rsifcliloiiabl Tailor, Deer Street, one door north of C. J. Brunei I.axe UJJice, aunnury. HAS just received fVom Philadelphia, the best and most desirable stock of fioods that has ever been brought to Sunbury, such as CLOTHS, Consisting in part of black, brown, green, ohve and blue. A splendid assortment of such ns satin, velvet. Grenadine silks, plush vel vets, rashmere, Valencia, and a splendid article of white Grenadine for wedding vests. Also all descriptions of cloth for OVERCOATS. An extensive variety of plain and fancy cassi mcrs for pantaloons. Common goods for costs, pants and vests, coat bindings and cerdings ; a superior urtirlc of NECK TIES AND STOCK?, of the latest style, plain and fancy Muck cravats, hosiery, suspenders, shirt collars, silk undersleils, drawers, men's drah buck-lined chamois and other gloves, and trimmings of every description. Also on hand a few articles of READY-MADE CLCTHING, warranted lo he equal to his customer work and su'ienor to Philadelphia manufacture. All per sons buying ready made eloihinir of me can have them rcapaucd gratis m case of ripping or giving out. as I warrant all mv articles I return my thanks to the puhlie for their pre vious patronage and respoclfully solicit a contin uance of the same. As I am determined not to be undersold, rny goods will bf dispjscd of on the most rcnsnnal'lo terms for cash. Sunbury, Nov. 2(i, 1853. Clock "Watchmakers. IIIRSCH & CO. nAVE just opened a Clock and Watchmaker shop in the building lately occupied by J. M. Simpson, near 1 cner & Co s Store, in Market Street, Sunbury, Pa., Where they have opened, and will keep constantly on hand, ' Silver & Gold Watches, etc Also, Jewelry j '"V Consisting f Gold Breast-pins, Far and Finger Kings, Medallions, CuiV-iins. Ladies A: Gentle mans' gold and silver pens and pencils. Also, Silver and plated Tea nnd Table spoons, salt spoons, butter knives. Arc, SPECTACLES, Of all si7.es, suiting every age. Spy Glasses, l'oiket Books, of all sixes. Knznrs, Hair Oil, Jic volvers, aud other pistols, liruhcs, Combs, Soap, Ace, ficc. Also, a large stock of Musical IiiKtriiiitcnts I amongst which are Accordeons, Violins, Flutius, Fifes, Flutes. CARFET, BAGS, Trunks umbrellas, suspenders. All sizes of rea dy made Shirts and Collars ; all of which will bo sold cheaper than has ever been heretofore sold in Sunburv. ft?" Clocks, Watches, Ear and Finger Kings repaired in the best manner and at the shortest notice. Munburv, Oct. 15, 1853. 3m. Valuable Property for Sale In the Borough of Sunbury I riP HE subscriber oilers for sale the following J. properly in the llarouirh of .Sunbury, viz: THEIIOUSB And two coutiious Lots of (irouuJ, on the south west corner of Market Sipjarr, now ociupicd by the subscriber as a store and dwel ling. Also: THE STEAM SAV7 KILL on the river Lank, together with one and a half acres of y.ouud. Also: a doublii two story triune Dwi-lliui! lloitsoatnl Lot of Cirouuil, 111 t lilerU-rrv street. Also: six acres 01 0,4 Bl tue Point, sdjoiniuti the Busiiiichsnna, I,, wujlK BtB erected Iwofiaiue houses wagon house, c.c; AUo : A House tutil Lot of (iiouml iu Cratiberry street, near the liver, on which lot are also erected three Inne kilns. Also 1 A House ami lialf Lot of Ground, on the north east corner of I.'iver aud Dewberry street, orcupied by Auguslu. I'lciuent. Also: Twt'nly-Tlirt'O Vucant Lola on Eldeiuerry street Hi A I . t, l.t il t.. I . Kunbury, Jan- 1 1, ISii. if. " " ' CIFSTJLA?.i fl'HK sulH.crit.rr Ih'h Uava (sueclfully lo in. I form his friends and the public guuuraliy that he will continue the bunn aa of a Catintt Makers' Fiutliug Btoie, in all ila vaiious biaiirhss at the old stand. No. 131 Mouth Heion.l si.. Uluw Dork sL r"hilUrl iliu, sii'l rvst'U'ully will, iu a ouiiiiuuaiwe uf the H lllaM.l patroiiatfs bealuosd up-m ihs late Hi a uf 'I'. A Iu '1 bomu.ua, asaurmg bis (ih-h.Is that eey ii,in will U, m i, Is by bnuHili' i,J iIi.imi in his siuplov Ij aiuiil a rMtliuene uf llv. ir much e.termeil lavors. THtiMAH 'IHMl'l). fbila., March , Isi4 -m. . Estate' oFMARTHA O00C1IART. deo d. VD l'K K U Uirbv aiu thai U Ib i uf Ad. v Hiiia.liatl.ili un Ue .ll ul Mai lbs (baud. bail, Ule ul ll.s Ditfouiib of Huulitiy, dw-'d, bate brsugisnled tu lb unbsiMgii.b Tb.itluie all 1WIM1US IU.U 1.1.4 lU Mki aUl. lll Ulatb.la li M', aud lituM bolllH tlfUJUsUs .aajbl Uisut bsi Mlususeui. V. Ut I'll til, A4ui'l-, kuf'-uiy, lUuh 4, Uil.-st aNoiifi:. UMIK I'kUl Hait.e i.qus.U utte u-tifv U -1 iwiswus be tuWuifUuj tissitue kuiKhuas I ui biuJ e lbs hue ul auy eil m " s4 Ibu) fluiuuyb, lbl tbtf isuuii.J la spulf U kius l"t a hwilJiua Hiutt, auJ sia) W b tbe tue al iba buuJtua b-u4 by tbe iui-. Qyaatisase us U.M) hUuaaaj a U be ttiauty m, b.ssai. kuia, Vl,. I. U4 . ii xreasureio otwci A LIST of the unlisted lends advertised for if. by Prenci. Bocher Treasurer o Northumberland County, agreeable to en c of the Geneial Assembly of th. wealth of Pennsylvania, ped th March 1846, end the supplement the elo entitled, an act dlrectinR the mode of M6 unseated Landi for taxes and other porno w will be epossd lo. publlo sala at lha Court House, in the Borouah ef Sunbury, on the 12th day of June, 1854, at lo o'clock. A M., the followintf described Itacu of land lo arrearaaes of Taxes dnd nd the costs "cerned on each trftel rispeeileely, postponed .rOHt day to day, wnlew f reVio&sIy diecbatgedio wit: . ' c'tV'i. . 4'--- No. seres. WarrsnteM narrws. , m' d0"- ' Coal Torcnship: ,- Antis tlrwry Attsin. Tliomss Fosl.r Tlionis. 1074 Jank ins Jhiovs Amis t'r.'terick Adiuns H.Urt HiifTlvilvrsnl Oreer .Inines Orif!r Th.uiws 1779 Cninplnis H'lliert rnmplnin 'r. ninl M'srlm William 1 Jenkins K Anns . . It A f tu in TU '"ins Foster ITUl Hiclinrd jinlnsin Kirlianl Mmr Inf . ' I'.ilwanl llulT Jninc. (jreer Thomas Gir Ttolirrt CiiinplsMi Th .inns rmnpliiiii William Morrtann SH5 James !-iiihciis.iii M:iry Duvi'lsoii JrlHK'S4'iVsell . imao N.(T SIS 31 mi m 494 1 0 . iot Unity J"ha N 4I7J UTtlJ"hn SO llrtisions Peter 214 Itraily John (one-hnlf) 805 Biltinaron Tlrsiius 411 H.-llt tl"ch r Hit Jlowei Cluistinn ' AIS liultoii ninuel IG3J Unnljr Ji'hs 41 Hinily Jolin SI5 HradyWmP It Clenver Kimher 8 deliver Klmlicr 0 Clenvet Knnber 31ii r.ivcdi n J"lin 3m Kttiot Wiilinm 4-'i Kvsns Jeimn Kvnns bmilll fill I'spely Kenhen SO Pagelv William mill ft ilnmoa SI Oray ItiWrrt (onc-h.'llQ 9.VlJ Green William SO lirant Th-mns lliO Oarilner Arehilmlit 3il (inrrliKT Arrhitnlil 1IK) finrilner Areliilmld ID llfrsh I'l.llip llt'Plumt James 20TJ Hauler Alexmsler . 101 lltihlev Unniard 4 111 lliininelrich llrnrjr Jt'l lleplnini Jnmci 7j J irdjn tti.bett 317 Irwm (l.tlwrt 417 .1-1 Kent,e:lv Unviil AiJ KmII Ml'. lrl.'l fl .1 Iiilicit Wil!is:n III-, I.n!uns Al.icail H'27 I. likens Siuilli JO H-1 Iike llirhard J!IJ Miller Isreic 311 Morgan Ssinnel 1 r.rs Monrv leler i'H Mnrtiil J i l!Ki:l-l Mvrs Mnry ltn Miller J.'hn 100 .M.tyer licorpo S.'-1I l'niil Jereiiiiuli 1141 Prinee (ie'irjje 1iA ItKS S imh Kees lliuii.-l Soil Kees Tli.unnsjr 104 3-4 Uee. Tli.mi.s l'JTj It uston TlHimss 2:11:1-4 Itnslrn Mnry 211) Hernil.'f J..hn 81 57 lor nl till W 51 14 07 II 10 17 (US 1H ISI W l S4 3S (Ml Si 0 5J 3 61 9 01 7S M T 41 MHO 4 5 2JM 6 40 fn .i 84 91 S 40 S SO 11 70 1 no ot 77 TH rl.-U 99 OH W40 mm 9PH Mil? Nl IS M .11 131 31 4 41 4 2 01 on 1 1 (I i M Si 7 91 It Hi 3114 4 6(1 35 79 an li I 90 31 3S 71 91 74 14 13 4 60 836 4 01 a 79 S3S MM 41 17 ' nm 17 98 3i se na nt xiuo 7 0!) " 6 07 4 OS 9 4A 7 So 6A!4 3 OS H 18 7 00 ' no III 03 40 irl 1 1 .'.1 l!l M Si 10 -I 21:1 ll I!1 in 11 .tni atalj i:iiKtr.n iviinrlolle Itee. In,iiel Wier's (icorge Sniiili filer Stair Ntrielc rl.n-il Willmui Kismman Peter Kiniimn Willuua !li.-irUe J.ieoli Plinrik Willimn ' f li.-ir'le Wllliuni . iT, 2.1S 3-4 Smith Mry 171 .iit Alirslmin 4-' I 3111 21131 2!7 3TI! 21-J itlti Sit II ol 31 a fe.ll Itenter Tunis tti.-tmnl Titswoilh John Tvson Joseph Tolniul J .ho While John Wilson William Walter lvis -Yoxilirinirr tleury ifflt-r Isnne -Zimmerman Matthias Cameron tuicnshio SO Il.ivle Lake - aiPJ llaiton Samuel 3'9 DarrJ.ihu vi Did J hit Dan Mary 60 llarr t'elr.r HI Dun l.uk. . . 170 Fill l.llke 2 Itorilini Joseph . . 4 :!) Ciont 'I li 'ni.i. I'JIi Orant Thoinss 2.'iO Ilariison Wiihnin I IM 1TIM . 15 0 ' 10 0 in 1 ne 3 I rxsj In ii-j Oil it ' is GO 9 70 1 110 no 1 no I M li III brJ SfiOO 'M to ami 9 J 6 44 I SI IU VU 31 . vU 5 Al 4 SO A M fio Hunter Alrisiider On tS p M.n-er llrnry 9U m"uuiiK a.'ua 111 Ke.es Tii'inm 4:1) Smith l.nke III) fin. Hi Atiigu.l b9 Huiith bvuns Sliamolm. 100 Ilrmtjr Jcliil 4-X, Helleiert'iii Uenjsiiiiu 1110 Hunter A lexniider Ml Ijiks Itielmrd H3 ln;vi J.nn.'s 171 Heotl Alillilmill JU3 Titau oilli Jutiu Puiut. 100 Tlertraot Alesaad.r 100 ILiirrn J huh if SO D .yd John IIS Kpley Aialcew :UHJ lijrd.ier Arebllauit I'la (tatilner Will I il lrwiti Hora-it JO Kintaiiiia: Ahraiiaiu Vtsi Ktns lUekuil tfiNI l.nkv Ittel.ar.l 1110 Milllill I'rwt 60 Mi-iiiur John 11 Hit J NotUiiiut Jninrs I'pper Mahunoy. im Hid J.:. IHO Dim M.iry l.'y lurr 1'cler S VI) lite All 3 -JO SO a-.M t 3 IS 10 II 7 HI l-J an il 16 T HI :i ui IS jn TU 310 ll Isirr l.uke ino lliirn. .11 WilHmn 40 II uuil John rani Irwin K'.la-rt lit) M.illiiis John UUU Hoilib Join, Little Mahanny. I0TJ l.VI SI, :i via il Pewan W ilium lievmrl J.sNit li.itSiHir Art-hilaikl liaiiluel Willioii, I1 llmilel Jaim. Ilulllhoka ll-ala tU-Taislw ki.U J 4u 3 IN a .mi 61 7 II M Ti I 41 I St II HI Ml V IM t as 37 laj IS 4 I :M 71 W ilSa) 4 K ..lit Joha l j,ka IU I.ir.1 Sit l.M'H J.o.'r.W lit Vwv Tel.V 3 1 a 1-1 Iter- 'III. ullM u;iu IIvm. I'I.im... HolMh M ..iiiiih J im lr huiiih lolm li ftllillfc. Ik. i.u I Ti" km t UaiicH LoiC.T .IlolfiJ. R-ayajll WilluNM isrw-nt J.SM 1I.I..I.-I Aa-saiaia-f II .11 I La.U. Jm..u JaMaa. Km. IS J 4i lr StaiiS I- ha lit wtta LtaauMa Ifu.Ul Jvk.14 l Jmktwt. 11 4 J ii lis IWI SI.) m i; 4J ir 1 U too 3 tu 4 wt ' I M f e I. M H lianla., WillMM f lor j l-k.. l I Utt MNM rh'.a. ajaj TlkkM.1 I aaarf. ti CailiKjoeu'. (Ill Nura.ll.k4 ii' ' rttsSrtaNI ( illH.fi 4 14 tl TlVMJa..' IHSsas, Malik W, ISa4 CUITTENDSII Commercial Institute, III, iktsiuut ill ft. uibADsirttu '1 111 ti UaiHliM tavsai tiea Vskll lMi. soil t m M.I tat i UL (UIC( l.4TIO Oaa lail, au4 u TixUay. lit4i fiiatipai r.U., J. 4 tt, !,..-1. SHAMOKIN I Collegiate Institute. I ' R. HILt, A. B., rrincipal. I Rv, C. J. EHREIIART, A. M. Teacher of Moral and Mentnl Science, Evi- ) . denees of Christianity, (ft. : reatAir of Primary Department. rpHE first session of this Institution, located at rJhamOkin, Nnrthuniberlanil ri,hi. n. will corlmeiice on Wanstsost, the 10th day of MT, 1854. 1 The year will be divided Into three sessions of fourteen weeks each, thus allowing a vacation of four weeks in spring and autumn, ami one of two Weeks during the holidays. ;The Institution will comprise three depart manls. a i aiMAST, ACAor.mc and LollkoiaTi. i 1 he course of instruction in thrse will be full and thorough, embracing all the branches usually lougm in iircs rs)eciive uepartmrnts. ! Ratks or Tt-Tiox l Primary Department, per session, 54.00 i Aesdcinie ' !?0.00 , Oolleaiate . -i .(ifl A lorgo anil spacious room has bean secured to meet the wants of the Institution, until the necessary buildings are completed. Hoarding can lie obtained in private families at reasonable rates. 1 lie Hoard of Trustees will spare no pains or labor, to make hamokiti Collegiate Institute, ,c jiairouage nnu commence oi the com munity. For further particulars, address Kimber n. ver, Esq., of Shauiokin, rrcsideut of Hoard of i rosiecs, or Kev. C. J. Ehrchart of Taxinos, iNorthumbeiland county. I'n. Shamokin, March 4,'l831. CLOTHUTG AT COS?! (Ircnt Bargains ! ! TN order to make room for our spring supplies we have comnicnecd from to-day to sell olT our Stock of ready made Winter Clothing, ot or iginal cost and invite our customers and the pub lic in general who are iu want of warm clothing, to favor us with a call. "Old Dorcas" has not quit us yet for this winter, and in consequence we will probably have o,no coj Wealher yet, whereat thick Overcoats will do us signal service. Even if not needed at the moment people will find it advantageous lo supply themselves before hand, as we hold out a good opperlnnily now to all. Cold blusterit.g spring is loiii vet and even through suinnicr a thick Overcoat will conic han dy sometimes. W'c have a choice lot on hand vol llnd respectfully invito our p:trons to call at g: elsberg et co s. Cheap Clothing Store, Market Street, opposite the Pest Office. N. D. We will continue as heretofore lo sell nil goods in our line as reasonable as possible still adhering to our old motto: CHEAP FUR CASlt G.EI.SCEHG i Co. Puhbury, Feb. 18, 1851. Canal IJoats lor Sale. ''T'HE subscribers havinu retired from the Hooting and currying business, offer for sale Jen if im Class Pennsytvauia CANAL BOATS, All m complete order, havinr been thoroughly repaired, and are now ready for use. The Boat's ran be seen by calling on John Zic jler, Columbia, Lancaster co., l"a. EIXGHAM DOCK. 270 Market street, Philadelphia, rhila., March 4, 1851 2m. : MEXICAN GU.4H0. r'F'HE subscribers ofTer for sale Mexican Guano nf the best quality, well ailapted to tho soils ot 1 ennsylvanio and Acw Jurscy; analsys of wuien, ny a wen Known chemist, is in our posses sion, r ins article is sold t a much lower price than the Peruvian, and will bo found fully equal in fertilizing qualities. Tt. S.BURMXO& CO. 101 North Front Street,'Philadclphia. i una., rcu. -,, lHoi.- -3m. LEATHER. HENRY W. OVERMAN. No. 6 South Third Street, below Market, PHILADELPniA. flllE attention of country buyers ts railed to aV the extensive assortment of all kinds of finished Leather, Moroccos, Cnlf Skh.s, Sheep skills, ic, constantly on hand and for salo at reduced prices. . Hfc-O A.MJUAK. M)Lr; bbAlllblt. N. B. All kinds of country lrhlhcr taken in exchange for goo.ls. Phia., l'cb. 4, 1834- 3m, ' Estate of J. C. PERKINS, deo'J. iX'OTICE is he'eby given, that letter of admin istralion havo been rai.ted to tlic raibscriber. upon the estate of J. C. Perkins, deceased, late of Trcvorion. All those knowinff themselves in debted to said estate, ore requested to make pay ment, and those having claims, to present tlicul, July authenticated, for settlement. P. II. MASSEIt, Adui'f. Sunhnry, March 4, 1851 Ct. IHaeksmilliiu;. rpttlE subscriber hereby informs the citizens of -sl Htmburv, and tlie publte geiierally, that lie intends to carry on the itlat'Ksiitltlilii Itiisilness on his own account, and that he bus removed his slnui from near Clement's store. In a new linn on the premises ol Mark fecutiham, in I awn street, whcie he will be happy to accommodate all his customers. HENRV PAHTOX, Runbury, March 5, I8&4 tf. t. aaaiuoLOw. o. nmxv, ja. J.a. cuaaaos llartholow, TilVany Co. IMP.tRTV.Ilts AND DK.W.KItB IN rorcitfu mid Ifonimlic DRV GOODS, irt AUKNTt FOR TIIK SALE Or AMERICAN MANUFACTURES, A n, 50 Haltiuutrt Street, Baltimore. If our (iiKhla oil etauiinatioii, are uul ss cheap as tliey can ne iutni in any oilier nuiket lliey UiaV H ltUIIIC4 IUIIUWII1I at one tipenso. lUlUinoia, .Nov. Xli, ISO I. ly. VALUABLE HOUSE AND LOT For Salo ! ! fl'HK si.U.-lila-l ulU'isal private wla his Iioum .in M el ftouml. silomle In lha llo.j.i W Munliury, oil the n.Mih ts-l roiuar of I'au,, , Ula. kU'iiy .lirris, now in Uit ot'm.siiiry al' Br.ia, r... I he bouw t. Iwasiary lIltlCK 1VKI-1.1N(I & KITl'llKX, iu ao4 uidrr and ron.liiioii, f.u I, im. Iw lbs subMiilvi, t t,a 'oik.ol ilia I'luin t i. aud Tulpuhuektu Itad. i ACOll W iUMI. ll. Janu.iy T, t am. laUIT AND CONFCCTIOSAEY. BriiiNn.M4sn.j.:Hs, II Jow'l MWfluw$ an I l,alttt 14 I'onlVc tionury of nil KlmU, a. 114 vai.4 , a. We ', rhilajtllf.. t 1IK atuiuiua ui li.aiai.u J u aa) E lliiWal.a 4 lii.il Slk. ajUbll Will la feauMai l Ua SWal W Sl'f Ml It.M k.'". I Ml. la) Yubs "I all ktaiJ. Im m. S, at iit-Wie ay sil f a-i La i a (iauiil ttaviajaal tu. I I kUa, I'.a. II, lit THE EEK0WKED REMEDY r Hollo wa j V O i n t in c n 1 1 ' TbU Mtrnnrdirmty fnj.iant i. enrnroarff of the most fiwh Hi Hnlmiiis, .,) y,hrn Sard In r-BlMotie. witk th "locii.jn. w in. I, mc.np.inr weh pot, will ilillir. cnirS jvrien nil talwr mean. l.il. Cm. "f tin miat grst)r.t fcsln res.lily yield to It. eff,eeT. Il is fsfnout 'V """" Hhenmsti.m. Cntitr.elad It , rjiniTiS; cx" " wm a noatn ,f ll.CKKS,-A CANi: OI'll'MFIKD llY TltK MAOft i OK ItOSTON, ENGLAND. i Copy nfa letter from J, Koblt, Esq, Mauot of. Button, Lincolnshire. Te Pr.fessru lloiwwAT,- -. ,,...V'hnr.f'.'irraMre;'J,h.Vi s-'ViorarawJ llr. fio. 1 .'".""''sy ll--U t l.ii m that Tor . cm.ider.lil4 ?T V" """""h- ntflu ted with ep.fi.leu. .mt i,il Ih, a.hr,":rm".' "srs-sarl otli.r port, of he, b. ,i infill i if tuirwnn!, but irailnnlly trrw wmn Hmna rt-.nnieiirle.Wtiy a frle:,d to t,y r,t Oietttichl, s. e.inlmir . Die ilircelu,,,,, mi. nr elly idherli to v"u lute, ns toihet, Ac.. s, ttu perfe,,,;. Curl ,d , enjoys the Ik ttol health. 1 ' ' . , , , , .k .' reiim':n, Denr Pir, youts Ualrr Pateil Aif-nlsl Iftlh, (Signnl) J. Ktfni.ti KRtll'KI.ASil.N TUT. I.F.IJ, AFTKli MKUlCAIaAllJ ilAU KAH.llD: Cnpu of a litter from Mrs Elizabeth'Yeaic. of Un Pot Offcc, Aldu kk Road, near uvcni-.r, Sussex, dated Jan. 12th 13D.1, ' T i rrnfuor IIohowat, , "'a'cr, f" a e-atsiCcrahls peri-i from , -mM tI. ,1 ;'",r"b,'-,'"'-1' leostl. itled i,ny ..f,rKj M.H.C1 B I nirdienl trestinent. .My ...iig t'tiI v-iv ?riut, nn.1 I qie drs,auet of nny permanent smeilm,t', H ?, a ' "'I"" '".tt.itdth.y. "arl sr.i happy to si, Ihs result wis einmemly asa..rl, f.,r Ihev eliVeled e u r,.,rI,,f.mr rfs",r"t in. lo the Cnj-ment of Seslih. I shall ever fc.-,k With the ulinnut cniitiileiiec ef ynnr mei hemes, nnri Imne recnminen.Ir:! Ihcm to nlliers in b'neft"'8 siaiilarly nlHictcd, who dciived qul 1 am, Sir, your obliged snd inilliful Prrvnnt. (Sig.icd) RMXAUKTII YKATIiS. irW.,r'l'B.'1'T'd ht.mri cnjoimly with th. OibWumI ... ('". ... in a iiiiii.viii,r enRe.s Had Lens, Chie.i.fisit, Hurl Ilicasls, (-liill luiio.. Ji'irn., Clia,i.l n.inds, llntiioiia, Cr.rns (oll) Bite r( Moy.-hr.. Cnnee;. Gout, (ilsndular Iw.Uinf l.imiiiugo toe. t-jnd-rlics, Cnntnietcil and riles Hhenmstism .irir-unv, S.,f Jh,, Kl!pl:niiln,.i!,, g.,re Ni. pl,.. Hkin-disejisct, Seurvy Tinnouis, I; leers, Vans realds, Snre-lhrimts, Fre-heads, Woumls, S .Id at thr Kslnlilishment nf rrofessnr ltot.t.nwT, Oil Plrmtd, (nesr Temple H,ir, tmdim,) .ml Ism nt his HoaU "a Miv.: rdei for Meilicmesm tli. SUntes. nddreK S"1 ' 1 . Iiollnwnv New York.' will i..-iv- S ilil nls'i hy ah rerrooli.hlf )i ntriiiita .ml nmbn in Ma.lj lemel thriiiisho.il llic t'niled Slates, in Hojesnl J17.1 eonlSi s rents, mid l.5(i cents eneh To Ire had Wholcsals uf the ptiueipul Drug Houses in the Virion. ...i There Is a consideralils saving try tut in g tha lsr'grf V i' rlreetion4 for m,;.u.. r .- i.. m 0 ' n.i i nr. u.Iixixl to .aeii Uix. ueeeinlier il, I-i3, ly. Louk to your interests ! We win try to phase ! ! g N. THOIrSPSON ri y tM't.oi t UJ.L.V inlorins Ins rrtemls and Jjj the public generally that he has just re ceived at his store, in Maiket street, Sunbury, I i.i. v ir ... .ii ... . e u.v,. ...j,ii b iioiii un eieiisive BLOCK, Ul FALL AND WINTER GOODS, crnisistinj in part of lii'y (Joocls, viz : Cloths, Ctirsimercs, Cassinets, Jeans, Drilling, ,u "suns, i ts:ings, Linens, rjc. LADIES Ur.ESS AND fANCY GOODS, Calicors, Muslin de Lnins, Later s, CiHiJ.tims, iicrc.gcs, Rvbes, Woolens, Flannels, fyc. GtiOCDRIES, Sugar, Teas, Codce, Rice, Slolasses, Chcoie, tfjiicce, Salt, &c., &c, etc. CSardwarc, Nails, Screws, Files, Saws, Knives & Forks, ctci Queens and Glassware of various styles and patterns. BOOTS AND EHOUS. A large assortment of Hoots and Shoes, for men, women and children. H its Caps, &c.. of various sizes and styles. Besides a lartro and ecneral assortment of fashionable goods. Call und examine for your selves. ITT Country nroduee of nil kinds taken irl exchange at tlio higbost market prices. ounuury, 1 1 mo. so 4 m. 30, '53. IRO PA1XT, OIL AND COLORS, KAKt'TArTTTliED ET FRANCIS S. LEWIS & C0-, Represented by Lewis, James $ Co., 3S South Front Street, PHILADELPHIA. . Orders thankfullv received punctually attend' ed to, guaranteed to give-satisfaction, and olliired for sale on too most liberal terms. For samples and particulars, please address a above. I'liila., Jan. 21, 1S54. 3,u. . Front Street Wire Manufactory. WATSON k COX, Sieve, Riddle, Screen and Wire Cloth MANUFACTURERS, .Vo. 4(5 North I ront St , Corner of Coomb's Alley, between Market end Mullierry (Ar-ch) Strtds, PHILADELPHIA. "'OVl'INTE to manufacture of superior qitala itv. llrass anil Iron YV Ira Hieresol nil kiiuts. Hrass and Copper Wire Cloth for Paper Makers, dec. Cylindiis aud IlanJy Hoils covered in the best manner. Heavy Twilled Wire for Rpark Catchers, Sieves for Una and Iron Konmlers, Screen Wire, Window Wire, fafes, Trans, Dish CVers, Coal ami sand screens, etc., Fauev Wire Work of every description. Pbila., feb. 4, 1854. Sin. ( v icu, ;ii:m: x o, Flcu Grain and Lumber C'onuiiisioii IMcrcIiuutK, S3 and 23 -' Wharf, Zaltimoro. UIHltllM 14 John Claik. F. , I'reanli nl Citiien.' ttank, U.lt. A. P. lilies, Ka.p, I'a.lm r lliaiiklin Uauk, J.ilill It. rl;b r' jr., l'.,., I'lilUJelpUia. K.'i;. l, hinnii laon t 'o., " J. Tome, l'.a.p, I'ifaidsul Cviil Uai.k. Port I's pts'te. J, N sllouer A Sn H.ml.bti'f. I'ul. II. C i;rr N;liii.roe. J. II. Alu.V Co.. t .Naiile, inj'4le. Co., V.hon. W . . CoA, K Mm.ey. 2iitioa HiiliotUir, i li. .Ilil llodllia. Iluub.lillas W, iVmil V t o, M .iiioui. kills, li.n. ll.U.n I', I'aikir. Villi.ui. oil P. W. I.l...l. H , Ca.o r, Jauui II. Illiloiu, " ., la (I. Ilol.ii -, M lleniV A lli.litl. J.i' .iOI, J. I'. Ii..luia, I '4., l-xk llakiii. I t'a'i. Iio'mi ii, t a. Itatii lb. laifa i4,f. riMiiu of soy I'ooiitiiaio.i hoaaa la Ualinoi'i. el s aiiM4 4uuk slwpskll I) katsl la tiu-Kua,-ma iumi 1 i t.ilvai) II, SU - lay. jus. AUstlM.r: aSiwi.4 a UV Iks llaWS, IMk.U.aW. W ).' J Utk. aa.1 a'a IVw i Ink lu sala, .l 4aaU .oJ hU (t.a.U, a. I a a. 11 11 x 1 ' .1" ntu t.v UI4 I II. lel-.ii St auk tal -