SUNBURY AMEIUCAN AND S1IAMQKIN JOTIKNAL. Sox cign JJcws, Arrival oft h e. A m c r i c n. - i J la riton El HOPE. . - I . I COTTON DECLINED. y BREAD3TUFFS ADVANCED. British and French Fumls Improve. Us. IlIGHLY 1MP0UTANT, LNTELLIGENCE. The rijtk comience6 ' i - ; - - ' ' RUKMAN St'CCMSKSi Btoodjr llattles mn the Drninbe. Thm Wf.l.wliitt Klfiu"ciiptnrrJ. , ( KUPTUBE BETWKKN GRKF.CE "aND TURKEY- REVIVAL OF THE INSURRECTION., ' Preparations for the Vefence.of the Baltic and St. Petershurg Sir Charles Napier ordered to Commence Hostilities -Capture oj a Bus sian Fort by the Circassians. . , Halifax, April 14. ; The Royal Mail steamer America, Capt. Lanjj, arrived heta ibil morninsr, at 3 o'clock, wil Liverpool date of Saturday, 1st Inst., being three days later than the advices pet Hermann at New York. ENGLAND. In the house of Commons the Attorney General sMted thut Great Britain cannot, and does not, forego the right to search neutral vessels for articles contraband of War.' The bill to double the income tax passed the House of Commons. It was rumored that Lord Aberdeen would resign, but the London Globo contradicts the report.- ' The London papers are full of proclama tions regulating the details of the war. Admiral Napier's fleet, at the last accounts. was again under way to seize the Island or of Akland. Rioge Bay was named as a ren dezvous for the fleet. The British Minister had telegraphed from Berlin to N'apiei's fleet the declaration of war, ties. ' FRANCE. The French government has made a simi lar announcement to that made by England respecting the commerce of neutrals, and that the government will not at present issue letters of marque. RUSSIA. ' Great Preparations for the War. The Russians were making great and ex' traordtnary preparations for the war, espe cially with regard to the commencement of hostilities on the Baltic At Cronstad;, the great naval station com manding the appioach to St. Petersburg, all the houses incapable of serving as a defence, were being pulled down and new batteries were every where erecting. Two hundred additional gun boats hud been ordered. The Czar and bis son were personally su perintending the preparations. AUSTRIA AND PRUSSIA. Austria and Prussia had not committed themselves by any evert act on either side. GREECE. Accounts from Greece are unfavorable. The Turkish minister had left Athens, and the insurrectionary movement in Greece con tinued, but the Turks hold the fortifications, and have 8000 troops in Epirus Envoys were daily expected at Athens with the final commands of the English and French governments. In was reported that several Greek nobles hid joined the insurgents. ' THE ALLIED ATU1Y. The whole ' French army of 65,000 men will be in Turkey by the 1st of May. It was reported that the British land forces will be increased to 30,000 men. The first division of the expeditionary force was being rapidly forwarded fiom Malta to Constanti nople. THE LATEST. - Vienna,' March 31. A despatch has just been received, an nouncing that on the 29th, the Russians at tacked Kalaf.t and captured three of the Re doubts. The rupture between Otho, King of Greece, and the Sultan, is complete. ENGLAND. London, April 1. The debate in Parliament, yesterday, on the address to the Queen was very long. War was formal'y declared yesterday at the Royal Exchange, in presence of the civic authorities. THE TRIPARTITE TREATY. The five articles of the tieaty agreed upon, between England, France and Turkey, are; First England and France engage to sup port Tuikey by force of arms until the con elusion of peace, that shall secure the hide, pendence and integrity of the Sultan's do minions. Second The Pone shall not conclude a peace without the consent of the allies. Third The allies shall evacuate the Tuik isb territories after the war. Fourth This treaty to remain open for the uunesion ui ins) other powers ol Eurone Fiflh-Tuikey guarantees to all the sub jects uf the Poitc, without di.lietioii uf creed, period equality in law. M aaa n u- li 11.. 1 1. .. .. 1 , , taHipaigii nas begun in earnest, it is c ihrnml Hut the Russians have crossed the Danube in ureal fuioa. order to strike a deci.iva blow befuie Ilia ar rival ol the Anylo-Fitfuc'i fo Pogsna. The plan of the battle had brc prepared, and tho entire force put 'ldor marching orders. The force were lo have y-een commanded by Col. prew, , ,Fr',cn officer., The Russian movements, however, in olhe'r quarters disconcerted the plah. -J, f The Russians were abandoning b.r forts oil the east cessl of the Bine sea. " Sarkum Kale had been plundered ami burnt by the Circassians. If was rumored that lhrfTaYk were pre paring to attack Sebaslopol. ' T ... , - WHtAi Prices ere" considerably higher, advance' is toMUJ." The market is firm; white wheat 10 9d to lis 9d red 9s d to Messrs Richardson quote aft IZs. '.."Arrival of the Arctic. . . i LATER FROM EUROPE., i . ' . , , . i ., ,. Nkw Yo'bx, April 16. The steamship Arctic, from Liverpool! arrived at hei ' J. I .'XT-'-.t; r :'.:,- " ...vr.' "A .1 SUNBURY. ATURDAT , APRIL 9, 1S. II. B. MASSER, Edltnr Proprietor. To Advkti.-.The circulation of His Bunburjr Amsriran nnxmg tho different towns on the 8ntquhm Is not-sce-de irsquolfcd liy nT paper pulilishod in North em Pcnnaytvanis. ' : 1 m;..!'.' . j .i.' ii'..'""" . hjii i with dates to the 15th inst , beriu ac 8 o'clock this Sunday ) morning, and has consequently made her run in ten days and eighteen hourr. , She loft Liverpool at two o'clock on the afternoon of the 6ih inst. The Arctic passed at 10 o'clock on the morn ing of the 7th, w hen 150 miles fioin Cape Clear, s steamer, supposed tu be the Arabia, from New Ypik. The Arctic biings no iuti'lligeiico of tho missing steamship City ol Glasgow. FROM THE SEAT OK WAR. Ilirsova has been captured by the Russians, but no dotails have been received. The Russians have ali-o taken the strong position of Babadiigh, and ate thus masters of the Upper Dabrudja, the country lying be tween lht Danube and tho Blrark Sea. It i also reported that lsaktcbi was taken by 1 tie Russians on the 2?ili. Five steamers are reported to have left Sebastopol with 4000 Russians to aid in Gurt shakoft's operations beyond the Danube. The capture of Babadagh will enable theso troops to be landed without diflicully, if no1 iuteicepted by the allied licet. The Turks are throwing reinforcements into Varna, on the Black Sen, which will pro bably bo the next point assailed by the Rus sians. The allied fleet are reported to be cruising off the coast, near Varna Tho rapidity of the Russian movements and their successes have changed the entire plan of the campign. There is nothing of interest from the scene of operations on the Bal'ic. Sir Charles Napier, with 22 ships, is an choied off Moen Island, on the Baltic. A portion of the Russian fleet is frozen in at Revel. The shipment of troops by France and Great Britain cocs on rapidly. France has already shipped 20,000 and England 10,000. A telegraphic despatch stales thai the Czai has sent a letter to tho King of Prussia, say ing contemptuously that when the allies have emancipated the Christians, and evacuated the Tuikish waters, ho will evacuate the Principalities. The Graud Mufii and Refuat Pacha are dismissed by the Sultan and successors ap pointed more favorable to the allies. The advices from OJesa to the 25th ult says that the entire Russian fleet had left Sepaslopol, and the design, it is believed was to attack Varna. Kumers are afloat imputing treachery to the commanders of the different fortres.seses tbat have fallen into the bands of the Rus. vians. Omar Pacha has marched with 20,000 Turks lo strengthen the , different position. between Rutschuk and the Balkan Moun tains. . , , It is said that Ilirsova stood tho assault three days before capitulating. General I'askiewitch left Warsaw on the 15th for the seat of war. The Russian Emperor, fearing that Oesel island would be the first point of Napier's at lack, has placed there a garriison of 20,000 men. Advices from Trebizonde repoit that lh Russians are concentrating forces at Askal zick, and that opeiations are to be commen ced aguinBt tho Kars., Seventy thousand Turks are concentrating at Siva. All Russian subjects have been ordered to Icavp Constantinople within twenty days. AUSTRIA. A despatch from Vienna, dated March 31st, states that when luron Hess returns from Berlin, an imperial manifesto may be expected, stating that although Austria dis approves of the movements of Russia, she is resolved to remain neutral with the rest of Germany. An army of 400,000 Germans will make that neutrality respected. Baron Mezendorf has been informed that Russia exj-ects nothing fiom Austria except iug neutrality. . Democratic Stats Nomination!. L "' FOR GOVERNOR ... ' ' WILLIAM BIGLEE, -. . Of Clearfield County. FOR JUDGE OF THE SUPREME COURT. JEREMIAH S. BLACK,' . Of Somerset County. , . FOR CANAL COMMISSIONER. HENRY S.M0TT, , ' Of Tile Comity. I l)ITOtf tauli:. OtT There is no Packet running between Northumberland and Harrisburg on Sunday night, anil hence there is no way or getting lo Harrisburg on Monday, by that route, as the boat does not leave Northumberland till Monday night. We trust (bat this bit of information, which we acquired by sit ting a whoK night in a chair, at the terry, opposite this place, will prove more inter esting to our readers than id acquisition waslo us. The aversion which this Com pany seem to have in giving the public any information in regard to travelling on their line, seems almost incredible, in this age of progress and civilization. We therelore give it as a mailer of news to many. We had heard rumors, it is truy tbat there would be no travelling on Sunday, but we had no idea that Monday was included, which seems to account also for the delay of Ihe mails on that route. tiring the energy with which operations on "'aio oi me Locust Mountain Company re pushed forward, and over whkih as we ,d Ihe road of the Coal Run Compa nv niH.. L- . .... . , r... r its extensive coineiics are in a very forward state. From three of them a oonsiderable quantity of coal will be mined, . r i . " a,l,,n! lhB present year, and all of ihem it is expected will beresdfor a .. uusiness uunno t, year of 1855. The nay, has-passed when any jcalousiea need "Ami ucivreen the ill Inrpi.i .nik..:.. i fields. Indeed ll is nnw m.n;r... .v... .u- "Pplv of anihracile coal will -hover full overtake the demand, ami ih..i h.. ..i..l wants of the mnrkel will coniir.n. f,nm to year to wide, it,, are- of consumptiori for our lnexhnn1ihlo r.l.i. ,.r i.:. ' ullla v, unuminous coal. ltiikliieMt iVoticrs. New Goous. 1. W. Tener fc Co. have jul poned a new and splendid assortment of Spring I nd .Summer Goods. Sec their advertisements. OnpHAXH' Coun-r tAi.E. The Administrator of nordiict, dee'd., lute of Lower Malis. noy tpwniliip, advertises In to-dnys paper, an excellent tract of land for sale. Rosen da lk Htuiiaclic Ckmixt V cull the attention of our readers to this advertisement, which will' be found in another column. Household Giamwahw. E. F. Corficld, of Philadelphia, advertises his stock in another column. His stock is complete. Guako. See the card of 8. J. Christian, oj Philadelphia, in another column. Commission MmcnAfT. Geo. Earl, jr., of Philadelphia, pubtUhes his card in to-days paper. DAGCEnnEoriFES. Geo- W. Coblo is sgain in tonni prepared to take likenesses. Fay Ins gallery a visit. , Hats, &c. Those in want of Hats, &c, are referred to the advertisement of Foster cV Grtliard in another column. The Laiiiks Kkepsakr am! Home Library for April has been received. "Tho wedding" at well as the Tulip are handsome engravings The reading matter is always interesting. Pulv lished by John S. Taylor. No. 7 Ann St., New Nork, at 5I per annum. IT" Thk Snow Storm. The recent snow storm which commenced on Salur riay last and continued 'for three days, is probably the most remarkable, considering the season, that has occurred for many years. The snow, at this place, was about 15 inches deep, much ol it sleet and all heavy and toinpnct. I. W. THIVHK &, CO-t 4. SUNBURY, PA.,,- . HAVE Just received a fresa supply or new 8prtnj Goodsl Their friends and the pub lic are respectfully Requested to call and Inspect them. They will be sold cheap. "HulCK sales tnd small profits" is still thoir motto. V Bunliury, l'a., April 33, 18S4. w. . . MIY GOOUS. Cloths, Cassimers, Sattinett, y Veslinas. Tweed. Summer cloth. Velvet cord, Tickings, Chsck, Muslins, Ae., just recei ved ai.a Tor sale by : I. W. TEA EK A UU. Sunhurv. April 28. 18S4. '."ini" UF tOUNrll.-l vni nv w EHIA HA1LROAD atlUSCRlrTIOK Mr. Smith moved that ShI thirty minutes jecess, on the ground that an mpuiuini suujuci was coming up, and it,... uo uiiviriiiMu mr ineinours lo have a little private talk. After a spirited discus sion, in which the words "caucus," "done in a corner,'''before the public," ''clandestine inaninuvce," Sw., frequently occurred, the inotiou pruvnilrd. - Alter reees, the Chair presented a com munication (mm rresuleiil Conner, ol the NDIAN CHOLAGOGUE An excsllent article for the rnn nf Fvr n,l Aim Ril. lious Fever, Intermittenlor Remittent Fever, just citi.iu Bno lor sale by April 22, 1854. I. W. TENER At CO. 1JARASOL8, in plain amUsncv 6gured Silk - and GiliBham-CoUon ami Ointrl,.m ITm. brcllas Trunks and Carpet Bairs, ust received uiui ior snie ry ' , I. W. TENER & CO SunUury, April 22, 1854. QARTETING, Floor oil elolh, fable oil cov ers, Carpet chain, and Door mats, just recei ved and for sale by ' April E2, 185i. I. W. TENER Ar. CO. , EF" Land Wahcants. Persons having Land Warrants for sale, can dispose ol them (or cash, by applying at this oQice. REMOVAL. The office of the "Sunburv .Imerican" lias been removed into the second story of the large brick building on the corner of Centre alley and Market street, lately occupied as a store by Henry Master, dee'd., a few doors west of our present location. We shall be pleased to see our friends in our new quarters, which will be much more commodious. Entrance on Market street, second door from the comer. 2C7 SuNBUttY and Erie Rail Road. The subscription of Two Million, by the council, has at length been completed, as will be seen by the proceedings of councils in another column. The route of the road is to be determined by three engineers. The road is lo be let in sections of not more than a mile, and one fourth of the first million is to be expended west of Ridge way. These are among the most import ant -conditions imposed by the councils. There is nothing more to prevent the early and rapid progress of the road. SutstiviiHANJiA Kail Rad. We are pleased to slate the supplementary bill of this road, passed both houses of the legisla ture, with a clause repeating the tonnage tax on the transportation of coal. This will ensure the early completion of the road. For this, the friends of this great improvement are mostly indebted lo the energy and influence of Gen. Cameron, the able President ol the Company. rXF""Tlie Philadelphia LeJger as well as the Bulletin make their appearance in a new diess ol type. These type are copper faced, and supposed lo wear better than the old fashioned type. The Ledger is printed on paper made of straw, whether all or part straw it does not sav. The pa per appears solid and substantial. O" Mr. Everett's claim to the author' ship of Webster's famous letter,to Chevalier Hulseman, Ihe Austrian Minuter, created considerable excitement amongst the friends of Mr. Webster, who say the doctrines and I sentiment laid down in that letter are i purely Mr. Webster's own, though clothed I in Mr. Everett's language. A Coxcbot. We are requested lo slate lhat Alf. Howard, the "American Ole Bull," will shortly visit our Borough and give a concert. lie is said to be the best iolinist living, and comic operatic vocalist. C7" We are authorized to say that a general attendance of the Odd Fellows of Sunbury Lodge, No. 203," is requested at their hall this evening, Saturday 22J, as Important business will be transacted. C7" It gives us pleasure to announce the arrival of our Iriend, Major Dewart, and family, from a six months tour in Europe, on Wednesday evening last. The Majors well at his family, find themselves in ex cellent health and ispirilf-. On the 831 .NUrch tJorlilwkoircroswd tU Danube, above Tul.ka, cupluiinji eUveu ana two uuiulre.l prisoners. J oreurnud tuisia nj N)rt torts on Ihe nuhi bunk. Gtiiienl f.uders cr..d iir Ihe body from CaUts without much lots, and fu 60,000 UusMn liuvps now occupy ihe riUi bank of Ihe Danube. Ott the 13.1, Coiiuul I.uJuij oiiiiiisnct.) the repuUm foi the srie ut hUUItiru, ai an the Mine tUy lbs Rumii, nipiJ te eioss the lXub sl O'.i.i.ii hM a J. fiiiaie tMliU .u.u.,1, U wLivsj the Uumium were fepulwJ, The tn.( , lIlMdful. Till lUuMW'l U'ltelu.t I ill-J, s4 the Ttt'st m UJlv ui uu ibi by baJ le laiiie to ilea Kli.iitiiiiii. The UuMiAiit, huMe'i siUfctsJ a pMe f the ! at lUiea fviui. Ut ibe very dy Kjm' MisiMie4 eiii. ihe UauwI,, I , fs44 UJ u.skJ. 4 le !'. I-HSSIAU td t,il PE.N1L AM i LLOIkLATlRE, IUhiusl'U(i, A pnl 15, 1834. Schatc The fullowius bills were passed Uill to iucniiHiiate the Middle Coal frV'ld Tunnel and Railroad Company, in Schuylkill and IMoilhuiiiueimiid counties. liiit lo eulhurue V ui. L. Ilelfenstein te Iraui'poil cuul over IIih public woiks fur the poor, lion UI loll rai-seti ieeoiul icailll'. Aupplemeiil ta ma tiroa oiouiiuiu Itn PMvuinenl Conipnr. A usU I'oiu the Governor was received and ie.l, vuiomn I ho bl I koppluinuiilury lo Hi cl lui'iii iMiiaimu Ilia I oik luuul) ImiiK II .i.k tho tilt relative lo Aoi'iai J u ! u lepoilej fi otii ini Com nir.eo of C'M.iuiuime, si.d MSvted llliwlly. Il h-i l0 intMOtl Hia honale, and Uil svnl lit the Cio " ' 'l hort Assov iale Jodxes m Iiumi at- Ivud.'iice at I' dues mil rxeeo.l n wvvks lu Ihe year aro lu isurive $130 por aeuuiii; ihoAe imi or Iwentjr, H5 ; those ui over Ihlily, .'uo; lliu.ewtedUiiit, l.'bj Thvse pi ll! Jo liol, cl vuui.a, j,py U PluUdl phis. A it-wdution, eaPiiie for infoimstion, iU- hvo u ibe pt.t,lioiiwH uf Ihe I1114I tiuloji4l ,i.irvy iii i-ii.i., .i ajuoia.1 tiill lu sl Die buwiurlisuna knJ N'uiih U1411. h l'au4l, m il the U ., Uxi.t h leuJ wi pivxniiii. Ihe bill iumuIiii4 lite CumiMtii tckual uW suUUs Hs U biod aui4liy, Mod I4 liioiiu., lu in i,'.u (uimuiiia til Iha """"i " v,i4ii, iuuiu Iiviii lite t! J ''l M..uUwmi.. I 4 s,.J '4lIU. .i LZ. ! til it. 7.::.r' "'. -m . A4 1 - t?" Another new Locomotive of the largest class, called the Green Ridge" was placed on the Philadelphia and Sunhury Railroad, on' Saturday last. This is the third locomotive placed on Ihe road.- Another new one will be added next month. (v-The Steam Tow and Ferry boat Susquehanna, which made her first and trial trip 011 Saturday, the 8th inst., with several hundred persons on board, is now regularly lunuing, towinjf boats, &c, across the river and to Northumberland. Some floating docks riubI be built before the boat can do anything at Ferrying, except car, rying passenger! Northumberland where he now lands at the mouth of the lock. Mr. Juhn Dwuiitf i die Lninn r and Henry Ductur the Steeronan, both carrful and skiiiui nanus. j"Tlirt ' l' ''ra M'Hik'i new map o( North Aneiica unite 11) pronoun cinf it the Ust t vvr publislird. The map prs snU on convvnifiit scale the whole uf North America howin all Ihe new territories of Ihe I'liileJ Stalei with all th new Klllfinriits, kc, in Cslif.iruis. Nothing ol this k in J lus beea brfire pub IDhfil, A p'Kt who purvbssvi Ibis mp is curd iiuU baviiig It purclmae n thrr oor 1 Cuba, &iura, Mvsillt vsU Iry and ewrylhini likvly lobeaiin!' ej within the filly Jirs, treiccufAle ly UiJ down. Tbo. K. .North, 1,'Hl, i now (iniiiij Ibis (uwuly (uf the mI ol Ihe p. T 5 "T The aV4l v( the I'l.ilrJ kutrs, vu aluds I .!, lut4 le iiify ti ti'y iii Utnia, ksgvtisit., Lr iUe, 0T7" Thk Kua ding Gazettb. Our friend Getz the editor and publisher of this ex cellent paper, lias procured a power pres?, a new invention by a Yankee printer, that works of S00 impressions per hour. The co't of the Prew is $850; and Mr. Getz speaks well of its operations. "Old Berks," and the city ol Reading, particularly, should, and no doubt do, appreciate these eUorts on the part of Mr. Getz. (7 Any suggestions which may be in duced by an examination of the tables of the United Stales Census (or this County should be lorwarded at an early day, to Mr. DeBow, Superintendent of the Census Office at Washington, with a view to the correctness of other- publications from that office. O" Mr. Hiram A. Childs has been ap pointed Prothonolary of Montour county until the first day of December next, in place of Win. S. Davis, dee'd. f7" Coal Ru.n Impuoveme.nt Cumtanv. The following article which we .copy fiom the l'ottsville Register, states some interesting facts in relation to the progress ol this Company. The Company is com posed of able and energetic men. Their improvements when completed will be among the mod extensive and valuable in Ihe coal region. TIIK 10 AL 111 IMPIlOVKUEVr df (I4IL- HO.VUtO.MFAW. We notice lit . I C- A. U'Ai.aoaK, K(., has launed lu pol at piesnK'i.l ul this Coui liy, and lhat 1I10 lion. Joiix M. liu kt.1. lit been elceied In hit stead ; aln, llul (ioli'.KV, V.'( , has been i hneii as itiieelor In Hie p'ce of Mr. U11 XtU, elecied piridiil. I he ellivienuy suit business lalem ol (ivneral Hit kt.L l uetl u lo yuannletf lhl Ihe ie imio i ul Ihu I'oinpauy will be developed n i.tinlly a piueiii'urile. We !iarn Ihn Ihe UaihiMil liom Ml. t'4iiin'l lo Ibe l'4itHwi4a road (III tl 1 4 1 b I I lllli-) i btfintf pu.hfd wuh unemy- .M.i Kiliv iiohn ii.ivo a siioi.j force of min luo I he line, the uruding and masonry, and buli 11 le ucld will Ut eouiplvied ivady lur the luiU by Ibe lil o btfpiiiibir nol Tins 101 J eoiiiitfi'is erittl Ihe I'hiUd'a & rniutniiy ml 44d al Mi'Unl I timet, hll.l MWi. ti.ct di I int-e uf iii'a'ty ti tiulra ui the eoaie of trie Luuiul M.J1111I4111 Cos I il I'uii Cuinp4uy, dvsoviids fiom Ihe kUlunoy H imi lu 1.1. He with lli J 't 4lt4 i4 l l. 'I lia ( "1 li'.ll load will Ihxu 1'iiui the only oullul fiom llie Uiid 1 10m ibe .SUrunny t4io KiskamkI, kud uill U'U.j 1I1 Undk ui dial HJii.ny miiIi l i llvi itiilvs ol I'onli AhiU, k.'.i lo bo Ike t'4l shippo'tf l"l l" I'1 ol . I ik Il ! r ouli loi.ily um.lii'ik.1 llikl 1ll1.11 a slmil imiiu.1 aliei lis oioplxiioa, 1I14I a U if a mil- liuu ui loos ul iuaiuii.iiaieliy hunrt'i idle 104.1. I he Ui'hu) ti4ie 4U..u ,oO nivs kl i'C4l I411.I ul III ipishiy, li l Ik a) U4 the milium tt4m a ium ul stui lour iwil.e ue Me iilt uj Oij-s u Iha sukutiuuili I I 4 uuii4iui uka U'ki e in a' Sunbury mid tirie Bailroad ; also a o.ny of te leitraphio illvpateli from ilia President of the Vfiiauuo lioad In Uen. Uiaw ley ; aUo a copy of the ciintiacl betw een I lie Venango and Su.ibmy and Ci UoadA. Mr. Cooper's letter uted tin) benelits of 1 Via coutiBcl snorily, but expressed his vviiliutiiess tu rescind, if Council wished The leh.'i'iapliiu uerat'li atinotinred a williupiii'ss on the pa I of lliVcuaii:) Huad tn rexeiiid also. air. 3U1IUI innvB'i 10 111K13 up ;iio report or thu llailioad Coinpunv, which had been printed and was in the bunds of member. Afjieed lo. Mr. Nnnh said Unit tlm Dulinance rd Jan uary 7, 1S54 uulhorized I ho Mayor lo sub- wit scuhn to the capital stock of thu Sunbuiy oud lirii) Kailroad on sueh terms and condi tion as tho Railroad ComiuilU-e of Councils and the Manners of ihe road miplil sa'ee upon. The Committee, on the Oth uf March, had received a coiiiiiiuiiiimUoii nwn Mr. Cooper, statin" that I he conditions were fnl- (illcd by Ihe actual subscription ol E l.uou.uiii), and Ihe payment of S 100, 000 n I lie li'M instalment, ami asUnig lor inu subscriptiou made by Councils. The only tiling lor the Committee to da was to ajjree u iihltifl Conipmiy on iheerms. They snbriiitled condilions, which, niter some discission and modihei-.tinii, wme finally agreed lo and submitted in tho report for the approval of ConnriU. Mr. Smith moved, therelore, lhat these condition be taken up singly and considered. Agreed to. Tho 1 -t condition was rood, viz : That in letting the road for construction, bids should b! invited foi seelious 110I ex ceeding one mile each. After a long discussion, in which Messrs. Perkins, Hinnihii and Smiih tool; pait, this condition was, approved. Second condition That thu main lino should have its noilli-uetslei n terminus at llm haib'ir of 11: io. Mr. Smith moved to substitute fliall for should. Agreed to. On lh approval of this condition, the yeas nnd nays were called, and tha vote stoo l yeas, Mossis Dnliee, Perkins, Smith. Snowdfii, Thomas, Wnle-i man, Watt and llaaert, President 8 Nays, .Me-srs. lliiuriui', Lenuig, and Poulson 3. Approved. 3d Condition That the roulo of tho rood should be finally decided by three enyiiiceis ; 0110 lo be appointed by tlui Company, onu by Ihe Council of tho cily, nn I thu third, by tho two so selecled. Approved. till Condition That nl least oiie-l'ourlli of a millioy of ilollais, now lo bo subscribed, shall be expended between Lrie nnd Iu. lee way. The yens and nays li"ir called, I he vole stood : Yeas Messrs. DnfleP, Smith, Suowdou, Waterman. Watt, nnd llaatil, Pnnident, 6. Nays Mess s Iliuman, Lei nir, Peikins, Poulson, and Thomas, 6. Ap proved. Oth condition That the. Suiilniry and Kiie Railroad Company shall mak no eon ti act with any other incorporated Hailioad Com pany, unless thu same shall have been fust approved by tho Council of Philadelphia, so lout! as thoy ow n one million uf dollars of stocks. Mr. Suowden moved to amend by append ing, 'anu l lie contract oeiween inn Venango and Sunbuiy and Erie Kailroad Companies be so modified as lo prevent discrimination either on freight or passengers against Phil adelphia. Agreed 10. A amended, the condition was npprove.l. The sixth and seventh conditions were ap proved without discussion. Mr. Smith odeied a resolution, That Ihe appiovul ol the Select and Common Councils is hereby ctven 10 I tin teun ami conditions agreed upon by Ihe Committee on Itailioads, and the President and Managers of the Sim bury nnd Kiie Kailroad Company, and modi tied' by Select Council ; ami the Mayor is hereby reipiesled lo subscribe or. said terms and conditions for 10,(i00 shaies o ihe capi tal stock of thu Siinbui y and Krio Kaihoad Company, as niuhoiized by tho ordinance of Januaiy 7, The yea and nays beina called, lha vote stood: Yeas Jl' ssi. Putlee, s-nniti, snow den, Watuiman, Wall nod ll.ige.rt, Prekideul 6. .Nay Jies-i., L.eiiiug, i er kin. Poni-.oii.aud 5 There being no further business, Select Coi.ui'il ndjo'Hiu d. CoVMrtN COl'STII When litis body w is iiairi culled lo order, iho repot of die C'oiiun loo 011 Kalliuads wail loceivec! 110111 reieci v.ouni'11, coiilliillig Ihe conditions ol llm uucriitioii lo the stock 01 the rMiiilini y ami r.rid lUilroud lompany lh romlitious were reail. The yeas ami nays being called for on the acceptance of Ih.i condition, they stood yen lb, na none llie ie.diil.Mi ot approval OS recrlvetl from Ihe Seleet Council wn then moved The yeas and nays upon this question stood teas le, iiav none. I he resolution was, therefore, adopted Mr. Irwin then preneuvd Ihe application of Samuel II. Knoass lo be llie engineer of Ilia Sunbury k . l K m Itailioud Company O.i motion, ii lj.iiiiitr.1. TAMS, Pried Uecf, Mackerel, Codfish, Cheese, Raisins, Figs, Lemons & Oranges, just received ond for sale by April B2, 1854. I. V. TEJiElt i CO. PI UOCEniES-Surrar. f.'nfTo.. T, Ml.. H."FT sea, Kicc, Salt, &c, jut rercived and for Ba'e 'y I. W. TEiNEK 6c CO. biiiihury, April 52, 1851 N pursuance of an order of the Orphans Court of JS'oithumlicrland county, will be exDosed iuunc Btiie. oil SATURDAY, the 30th day of MAY, next, on tho premises the following Real Estate, to A Certain Piece or Parcel of Land, snunio in i.owc.r r.iaiianoy townslup, county Bioretu:i, mijoiiiinfr lanus ot Isaac ilrcibelhcU, Samuel 1 reoo and others, containing ore Imn. drcd ami twenty acres, and one hundred and four perches and marked purpart No. t, in the return of the Inquest. I.atc the estate of Ualtzcr bordncr, dec d- alc to commence at 10 o'clock A. M., of said day, when the terms of sale "will be made known bv GliOIJGE N. BOnnNEIt. one of llie AdministritotB. T!v order of the Court, JNO. V. PUKSEL, Clk. O. C Sunbury, April 22, 1851. -" Fcny and Tow Uoat Compauv, arc hereby notified that an clecliou to ehoouc I'ivo Directors of the Company lo serrc for the ensuing year, wiil l e held at the ofliro of the .Company, in fcuubury, on Momlav, the lstdnv of Mav next. IiE.NKY DO.SEL, Secretary. Putibury, April C2. 1S34. 2t. NOTICE. rililE annual meeting of the Stockholders of the Green liii!nc Improviinent Conipimv will be hel l at their oflice. Carpenters court, Philadelphia, on Tuesday, the Oth day of Mav 1351. t 12 o'clock, M. The election of Five Directors will lie held at the taiut lime and place. WILLIAM WISTER. Secretary and Treasuier. Phila., April 22, 1S51 St. lloscmlale Hydraulic Cement. An excellent article for Lining Cisterns, Vaults, Spring-htntses and Cellars, ilS'D for keeping dampness from wet and exposed wsiis. For sale bv Cll K UI.ES SHE PARI) SMITH, Corner of Front and Willow hits. Railroad. Philadelphia, April 22, 1851. ly. ORPHANS1 COURT SALi PURSUANT lo a decree of the Orpt. Court of Northumberland county, P sylvan in, made on the third day of A 1851, the undersigned William H. Mars Gusrdian of Laura Viel, a minor child ol rephine Bouequet Viel, late of Bordeaux frande, deo'cl., win expose to sale by pn vrndiici, and will sell, on Friday the twi sixth day of May, 1854, at to o'clock in forenoon, at the house of William M. W ver. Innkeeper in Ihe town of Shamo Northumberland county afotesaid, Ihe o vided interns! of the said Laura Viel, a mi whatever Ihe same may be (being one ec undivided twenty-fourth pari or spare, n or less,) in Twenty Five certain .1 Tracts of Land, to wit ; in all lhat part of Ihe lands embra within the said twenty five tracts, whicl situate in the county of Norlhumberla Being twenty five certain tracts ol 1 which were patented lo one Richard Sod troni, by twenty five several lelter pat. dated respectively the nineteenth and tw uetn najsot March, 1795. enrolled in Fat Book No. 23 nnd 24, nnd were by Ihe 1 Richard Snderstrom, by deed dated ' twenty second day of April 1795, recon in iionmimDP.riaml county in Deed Book yage aaa, sio., granted and conveyed u ames Oilier. Augustus Boiisnuet. John Bo quel, and Henry Lewis Dupasquier, tt heirs and assigns, as tenants in common, 1 hot a joint tenants, and were then situate iMaiianoy township, Northumberland coun now parny. in Northumberland county, 1 partly in Schuylkill county. Pennsylvar and were surveyed on warrants granted Ihe following named perpons, and contain . cording lo 'the official survey thereof, resp. lively, as follows, to wit ; John Darr 3 acres ami allowance ; John Did 444 ac and allowance; Mary Darr 382 acres a allowance ; Peier Darr 400 acres and alio ance ; Luke Darr 3fl5 acres and thiee qui terr. and allowance; Smith Evans 390 aci and allowance ; Luke File 336 ncies and 1 lowance; William Harrison 414 acres a: allowance; John Hnglin 202 acres and a hi and allowance ; Luke Hoglin 406 acres at a quarter and allowance ; Robert Irwin 4 acres and allowance ; Luke Boyle 407 ami half acres and allowance ; Abiyal Lukins 4. ames and threo quarters and allowanc Robert Poor 393 acres and allowance ; Jol Smith 4 10 acres end a quarter and allowanci Luko Smith 4rt8 acres and a half nnd allov mice ; Robert Smoke 398 acres anil a quart' nnd allowance ; Abtgal Smith 347 acres at allowance; Robert Tid 375 acres and thn qtiaiters nnd allowance ; Luke Fidlrr 45 acres ami a quarter and allowance; Srnil Lukens-ISl acres and a quarter and allov nnce ; John Honscl 345 acres nnd three qua ter ami allowance ; John Meadling 376 acrt and allowance ; JerPminh J.irkson 390 acrf and allowance and Mary Smith 4 1 1 acres on a quarter and allowance and containing i thu whole, ni:io thousand eight hundred an t wenty nine unit a half acres, nnd allowanci The sale lo be for llie best price tbat can b had for the same, and for cash, to be paid a tin confirmation of the sale. WILLIAM II. MARSHALL. Guardian. T!v order of ibe Court, J. P. PURSEL. Cik. .Sunbury, April Court, ) Cik. O. c. 2-:, ism. S Hail I'otid Letting OROPOSAI.S will be received at the Railroad ofiice at Williamsport until 6 o'clock, P. M.,of Thursday. Ihe 18th of May next, for the Grading and Uriduing of the Koad-lwd from Williamsport to Lockhavcn. Alto from Milton to Sunbury, in all a distance of 3S miles. Plans, speciucatinus, cVe. may be seen tor a week previous to the day of letting, at Williamsport. j. w. u. Munr.nbAu, Contractors. Williamsport, April 52. 1851 3t. Mis. Stoue, it is ai I, ht.s made a dona- 1 1 n 0! intKi 11 ui I ol a scho l eUui.s:iel ul Waahiuion, by Miss Miner, fur iha educa tion uf c I d vlii'dien. New Advertisement. tfagueireotypes! (i 1:0 Itti 1: W. toll I, K, I r.PI:('Tr'l '1.1. V sin ouiii' l ihe rillu w ul stuiibe'V sod i lolly, llut be has sksIii uiifd a latusi rtii'iu, siui Is urMi4 Ut Uk lusiuitits. tU 4ri4iiU b I'lduu U be Mlulii luiy u all tiliiu,t Into itu. mt4lwii el liwioMiUt l.unj. i-jj. ul siUnlivii w pid lu hil.liru. t.'l.ts UWmi nkiili sivuitv. In Ull'll Bit VII Ull Klulilliln lflit. Ilu I. Ill I 4 Ibe uU pis". In ll liisuJ Juif M mmu, ('uukI buiUiuss.) vinini Immiis Mv A. M ui.ul t', M , w nliawi ia.4 U tlw dsie ul lite tUtr. t " JUS shwulj U ssul 1 1 IMI iIuimIj (!. ual.iiij, A(ot tl, t'.l. If. IAl'ILa l G .i.--iu.e sad A ei.sals. llk i.4 Liu. diss ftik, "o l,Tius, I I , iiij. l..i.4l.w.t m4 Cli (Ui iimI iuiy, ul i...i. I t4 ) k t H . Kr:H4 I is. iH, A -id . - HOUSEHOLD GLASSWAKE From the Principal Factories and late Auction Snles. , COMPIUSINCJ a full nnd dcsirablo assort ment at '-5 rsB itst helow i sl-al hatch. Dealers and others wilt do well to call before purchasing elsewhere 1,000 Packages now on hand EDWARD F. CORFIELD, 152 Soulll fecund btreet, (above Spruce,) PHILADELPHIA. Apiil 22, 1854. Sm. " " GUANOT GUANO f rFTIHK suberilr, solo spent for the sale of Ll .. .. f u I eruviau liuuiiu 111 J miuurii'iiin, huw unloading the following vessels, direct from the Chincha Mauds : Fhip Soroceo, ... 15(10 tons. Ship Purlins-ton, 750 tens. Ship Hornet, ... 500 Ions. Shin Tnpsr, ... 200 Ions. which will be sold in lots to suit purchasers, at lha lowest prices. N. J. L II KIN I (Formerly (fadinir cV CAri'.Wi'uu.) .No. 48 North Wharves, and 07 North Water Street, Philadelphia. April as, 1X54 3m. GEOIUIK EARL, JR., GENERAL Commission -Merchant, .V)R the sale of Kmiliih and Aniertesn piff lead. rcoU.'!i and American pm Iron, llloek l lt-HV.-- I.'. tin, rlievl KSJ, aim iron 1. airr aim vi Of I IWS- l.i' rrul advances made oil conii iiineul Pit', liloom, Hilb'U or Shurca Iron. No. 50 North Wharves, Philadelphia. April ft. lM.-m. List of I.cIUth n m iimvi 11 thk roT orrit r at Notihumberlaud, Merch 31, J 834. II Meniman N ThiiniHS K North Mi K U Nouie P Etnnul I'viir IL Ul) 'Hoi R J 'hit P UuM M. Ma.v Uo.l S Win M Si. 41 1 S.t hi. ie I huioii J,c. b H rv-.liull Mn (' fcievl heniiu'kso .ii h Jiiil ft.tinuieie T Ur4 Tlo U nim-'ui I.M IkisH Ws'l '. v 1st nb I I r. ' M Jonalh'tn bovreu ll.'SIM lUiion ii -OllI lirtlllll-ll Nl,- Eiia'ih liH-kUr l;. J U li .tu i Mix 1.....1.4 Uulio U M It .it v Miss Jan fljimell c Col J. .ha It I leiiiei.l Jliu I luiniil 1) II -v A'b- H li IWle lia.iige Ui A'tiialuiu D itelbett L An J ret l.iuiee ( has Augiuie .ukis b-U i a.li4Ulrl I .ins) J.:,l. M I.IIX'H Mi II41.1..U M iU. i.k Juki ORPHANS' COURT SALE. TJU IISUANT to a decree of the Orphan -" Court of Norlhiimberlaiid counly, Penn sylvania, made on the third day or April 1S54, thu umlersizucd Wiilium II. Marshall Giiaidian of Cecile Viel, a minor child o Josephine Uutisqiiet Viel, lale of Bordeaux in France dee'd., w ill expose In sale by pub' lie vendue, Hnd will sell on Friday the iwenl) sixlh day of May, 1854, nt 10 o'clock in tin forenoon, at Iho house of William M. Wea ver, Innkeeper, in Ibe town of Shurriokin. .Nortiiumbei Inud county aforesaid, the undi vided interest of the said Cecile Viel, a mi nor whatever tho same may be (being one equal undivided twenty fourth part or share, more or le?.) in twenty five ccitaiu Tracts oi Land. to wit : in all lhat part of the lands embn.ced within Ihe said twenty five tracts, which ie situate in Ihe County of Northumberland, Being twenty five certain Tracts of land which were patented to one Richard Soder' -strom, by twenty live several letters patent, dated respectively the ninteenth and twen tieth days ot march 17U5, enrolled in l atent Books No S3 and 24, and were by the sai.l Richard Sodemlrom, by Deed dated Ihe ' twenty second day of April 1795, recorded lu Iorlhn Tibeilaml county, in Deed Hook K, yage 359 Sec, granted and conveyed nolo anio Odier, Augustine Bousquel, John Bous quct und Ilcniy Lewis Dupesquier, their heirs ami noins, as tenants (n common, ami not as joint tenant, and were then situate in M.ihanoy township, Noithtimberland counly, now partly in Northumberland county, and partly in Schuylkill county, Pennsylvania, and were surveyed on warrents pruuted lo Ihe following named persons, and contains, according lo the oflicidl siuvey thereof re- . speulively, as follows, to wit i John Darr 399 acres and allowance ; John Did 444 acres and allowance ; Mary Darr 392 acres and allowance ; Peter Darr 400 acres and allow ance ; Luke Darr 385 seres and three quar tets and allowance ; Smith Even 390 acres and allowance ; Luke File 336 acres and al lowance ; William llanisori 414 acre and allowance; John Moulin 202 acres and a half And allowance ; Luke liofiliu 406 acres and a quarter and allowance; Robert Irwin 414 acr.'S ami allowance ; Luke Boyle 407 aeres and a half and allowance; Abigail l.ukeni 430 aeres and lliree quarters and allowance; Robert Poor 393 ncii'S and allowance; John Smith 410 acres and a quarter and allowance ; Luke Nniih 431 acres snj a hall anil allow ance; UoDerl Mnut.i jvs acres ami a quar ter and allowance ; Abipad Smith 347 acres and allowance; Robert Tid 375 acres ami Ihree quarters ami allowance, Luke Fidler 450 seres and a quarter and allowance ; Smith Lukeii 4NI ueies ami a quarter anil allow anue; Jonu ll.msei acres anil inrre quar- lei and allowance; John Meadling 378 acre and allowance ; JwreinUh Jackson 3U0 seres ami alio ance and Mary Smith 4 1 1 acres and a qi. after and allowance and eontamu'C in the whole nine Ihmisand right hundred and Iwenlv nine and a hull sores and allowance. T lit- Sale to be for thu best price lhat cjn be had lor the sure a1 d lor lo be paid at Ibe fOiitiiniai'"i ol Ihe .ili. WILLIAM II MARSH ALL, CosiJiin. Rv order nf the (', J. V. ITKsKI . Clk. . C S.uil.uiv. Aprd 91 Bprirg; and Summer ityla iH-.N Tl.KM UN 'S HATS, ffc FOSTER & CLBHARD. si ifiulh Thud Stmt, bel-itCkittnul, I'lltl. tns l i ts t, HWK ui.uul Mini" Hon in tulliii alt ..U . 11,1 l I.I.U SIlJ 4llJ l k 4 M-- klMllish, lr,HUI, t'UiU4, uj 4inl u SII4W J "'l lUlS. liiiillm.rii't .uiiiiiiei l' "f H Ji..ii'ii-i Ci.iidi. ii's r'.m v PoiIi-m Ui.) 'iJ V, ! I IT i'iluuUl ileil I .I''l I V'"' sd iu.h F.U II. I. iJ-nf e) pniiiiii pki.4. 4pi'' M snv u.r, m. i Ac u JTZ kilo. lia I (-. i VU ). U U. I . I. I U-k ..4 , ul ... ..v.. i S4 SM 4 I VV , I M.II 4 ' v.i-i(, Ai-ni i, UM. -