Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, April 08, 1854, Image 2

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    Jo reign Nctuc .
; ' BrtmhU'fi Lower. .
The official and final refusal of lh Cr
Nicholas ashnarly1 looked lo Ii-itrttal-rrmly
known thnl he rrnse. When iho of
ficio! refusal anives ii will b communicated
to bolh Houses of Parliament and war b
formally proclaimed
. ....Sir CharhM NiipitV fleet arrived at Wingo
Sound, in the Baltic, on the 15th.
Th allied flifis remained at Bcycos Bay
but would won reenterthe OlackSea. .Two
"Austiiao ship were also anchored in Bcycea
Bay. 1 '
. No onsngement has been reported in Eu.
rope either by land or sea. On lh Dumbs
the position of nfT.iira remain unch.nsed.
A report of the capture of a Ruiati Irea
tiro convoy at Kms had reached Constanti
nople. Nothing lse of interest was reported
from A in.
ThH Pu r is correspondence says that tho
Czar' refusal aa telegraphed from Berlin
on the lS:h March, to the French Govern
ment, and that so soon as known, thrt Biitii-h
Minuter sent a notification of the fart over
land lo Sir John Napier, who had ariived at
Copenhagen on the 20ih.
The Aiifterlii, of 100 imif, and three
Fieni-h ships, have sailed lo the Baltic lo
j jin the Enuli.-h feet-
Fund ElTiindi hail reached Janila, and was
empowered lo settle ihe recent Greek insnr
tecliomiry dilfieolties. The insurrection is
now believed in bo over.
The Danish Mi'ii-lry are to retain office.
Russia continues lo urge Piussia to pie
trve pci feci neutrality.
Thro wa rnntinued activity in England in
preparing fur the war.
Uu-iijainin E.kin & Son, of London, have
Thfl New Brunswick and Novr Scotia Rail
road Bill was neea lived in tho House of Com'
mons on the second leading.
Tha fiist division of the French trops, nn"
iler Central Cauioberl, had sailed from Mar
seilles, for Tin key.
The new French loan had all been taken
Baron M.nilenflel made a communication
to Ihe 1'iusi.iaii Chambers, strongly insisting
on Prussian neutrality
Austria pives no further indication of he
p-ilicy. She is still in appeatanco with the
Western poweis.
Tp to tho 10:h of March, Ru ssia had not
recognized Sweeden's neutrality.
It was reporleJ that tha export of gold
irom ltussni was prohibited.
KitEAnsTcrrs, March 22. Flour is runted
ii iiu.ii, : (.lino. iSDs: unrii;
while, 41s. Tha circulars issued on Toes
day say thai Flour is in limited demand
without any material chaiie in prirns
Wheal was doll nl C I, decline, and Indian
Lorn shows a decline of 3 a A.
The Paris correspondent of tho Londn"
limes says thai 3000 Uiiiish troop, were to
piss inrouyn fmnce lo embark ai Toulon oi
Marsilles, and i,0 filM .leliuhmeiit wag ex.
JiecleJ in I'm is m a week or leu days.
".ie oi t lie most e.vper! cases of svindlioi
everi-omius lo our know led- oecoire.l i
ina city or Albany on S.uurday evening
The circumstances nre i.s follow : Two gen
IaM m a . !.... .
- t " " "l IHIU llo ViVflf llurf
of Messrs. Williams & C-i , on SmtH Mreet,
1 1. . t i -
nnu mier miming at somo valuable walche
Hiamoml ring-, btaceh-ts, &t-, , ,,,, uf ,
proprielois ihey purposed making p,o
tents of two of ih w niches mi.l a iliamuii.
ring to some ladies visiting h! Governor Sey
moor , and asked him if he would not sent
mne one with ihem up theie, und ink ,
watches and ring i,i,.,g. This wa leadil)
nswnled irij ii. I tht son of one. nf ihe pui
piielors was railed. They all (.( j ,
riagrt in which Ihe .nen came, and whirl,
was standing n he ,U,ur, mid ilrove up i0 J
V. L I'iiim.'k residence inslt ad of Gov. .Sei.
irmur's. ThHUio men gr, out, rung Ida bell,
mid on the door being rpene.l, walked i,.,
hung their on the rack, and walked into
r. o n. They uon often-ailed in the yoonj.
man and mid him they had concluded t"
take Ihe diamond bracelet Ihey weie luoking
a'.a-.d requeued him lo go U it c, jllg lh'.
watches. Tl. he.liil, and o,. reluming tl,w
men l.n.l U.. N0 iuuw ,ht.m a
for Mr. P , s. taart a. ihey fuunj hl)
7 - """ ") IlieV e II n 1. 1. 1..
M horn
as nut
'""-"" wint lUua.AB This
ro-id is now f.mly Uu. Coul,,! , t.
kn in lU4dn.Kl Ui week, to cnmn.em-e
u J.k at thai end cf too hue. Ii ist'ouiiaeted
t tfude Ihe ail hy the ml belrteen
lU ulnigniid Lebanon, in i, jrr f,, ,
tl ty; bul iho rtoiiipleiio,, f it liH u
Ihe!l liver will delay llie opening ol
t.lii line fur tome inn ll.euif. , j.
b"il rpeeie. lhl Ihe lu, tltonfcho.ii
wil be itudy fui luvel ty lh l.iof Apul,
ISJd. 1
r.. .. f .. . .
lira lisi'atc..Th Csibon Pimotrat
Ofhaiuida) la.i, iajih4l W. Mamek
4Vllt . .!. K')Slol,ll M.,Ul . f l.iWil.n,
Comp ,,,,,,,.,., ,(. lo ,!,
.f J, Ouve, CUatr, i4 ih,,,.ii. su, ,j,
! JolUi., be o il, illu, tf , r., y u,
l4AiUi.e ,... piu,i u ii,, l.f ( m, t-)rt
l,, ,i, UiuU, Ul. la viaiii,
jiv4 ..!) i.u. ,i,ulll ,q,(uj ,,t j,4lj
j.u... W. i.,1,1.,, .. iJ.uull)
k.Uv. M u,Uti l(
f4 tVis 14.1, t L j) bl Soul,.., uu
utt, He .. wl I.miiij-i,,,,, a
f ' S'iJ I... "i vi,
THE A10:?,ICA1T.'
tATUnDAV, APIIIL 8, 186.
II. It. MA.rtt. Rilllarnnil I'roprlrlop.
To ADViRTislm.Tlit eirciiimloii of lh tfunhuiy
ArariM mkinf lh difiWmrt towns un lh Baitthnns
s not if equalled lijr an)- paper publnheil in .Nuitk
cm I'eiiinvlraiiia.
Dkmocratio State No.minatioxs.
Of Clearfield Connr;.
Of Somerset County.
Of Pile County.
Duslurts Notleet.
II m r tits' AGiiixt for Iho present month
has been received. The illustrated ortielcn aru
Inciilents of Travel in New Mexico, by G. D.
Drewertoni Abbott's Napoleon; Sights ami
Principles Abroad, and four new chnutcrs of
Thackeray's Ncwcomc Tho entire letter press
is excellent, and tho number khows that the
publishers have overcome all the disarrangements
ol the fiic, and arc j rcpared to push ahead vig
orously. PourtiAirs or Emuist Amthicass sow
Lirixo ; Including President Pierce and his
Cabinet: with liingrn hical mid Historical Me
moirs of their Lives and Actions. By John
Livingston, of the New York Bar. Complete in
one volumo. This volume contains 50 pages,
Jctavo, with SO fiuo steel portraits made from
laguerreoty pes, expressly for tho work. The
engravings alone have cost over five thousand
Jollurs. The portraits 8 to all engraved from
daguerreotypes, in the finott stylo of the art, and
are undoubtedly correct. The likenesses of
diosc persons with whose faces we are familiar
are excellent. Thin work is creditable to the
ability and enterprise, of Mr. Livingston, nod
should adorn every public and private library in
the country. His plan is confined to no creed
or class, hut embraces clergymen, lawyers, doc
tors, soldiers, statesmen, financiers, merchants,
manufacturers, and farmers in short, distin
guished representatives of every department of
American soi icty. Such a work must commend
itself to universal favor.
The SKcncTiiit or Circumstantial Evidence
is the title of a new novel published by Uewitt &
Davcnuort, New York. We have not had time
to examine the work ourselves, but eco that it is
lighly recommended.
Faxct Dur Goons asd Miuikert. Miss
Jano Finney, as will be seen by her advertise
ment, has removed from her old stand in Market
trcct, to the south-cast corner of Second and
Chestnut street", nearlv opposite the (lerman
Reformed church, where she will lie happy to see
all her old friends and. customers, to examine a
lew stock of joiids just received from Pbiladel
ihia. Miss Finney has had considerable expe-
rienco ill the business, which, with good taste,
will enablo her to satiafv the most fastidious.
New Ganrs Ira T. Clement informs l is
friends and customers llnil he h.i just received a
"mo assortment of new from t'le city. For
further particulars sec bis adveiti-emci.t.
Faiiuiank's S?i Wo refer our readers
to the advertisement of I uirhauk s cell bran d
-"cales. These scales are iupcri.c;'ins every other
OariiAss' CoriiT Sals. re'er Fersinjr, one
of the executors of W. Porsing, deo'd., olTers for
salu a tract of laud in SUaniokin town&hip, on
die Cth day of May next.
Zmc Paists Those in want of Zinc Paints
would do well to looi at the advertisement of
r'icnch 4 Richards.
liEUOlot NuTICP.. The Piev. J. J Rei.
ne,,sMler, ill Milinii, u ill deliver an 11. Id. ess
lieloi Iho 111111. lu-rs nf inn Feirmle Hilde So
. lely of Ibis plurt in the Cliou h,
ill iiiulny eveiiiiiu. die ),, j,'1K Tha pub
lie ttitf. respeelliilly invited lo iiliend.
St. MnlihowV Chinch w ill be opened for
Div.iih Seiviee lo niurrow (juudjy) Lveninj'
.ii 7 o'clock.
Cy" Land Wachants. IVrsoiu havinj:
Land Warrants for sale, cju dispose ol
them for caali, by applying at this olfice.
IT" REMOVAL. The ollice of the
Sunbury jjustricm will be removed next
week iulo Ihe ueronJ gtory of the large
hrick building on Ihe corner ol LVntr
alley end Maiket slreet, lately iiCC'iji.-d
i store by I lent y Mjm t, decM., a few
il ort wis! ol o'ir pre., nt luotioii. We
hl be pli a'ed la ee our liiemli in our
new cjnarlen, which will be much more
eiimmodi.iin, Hiitiance oti .Mai Let sltcel,
icon! door from Ihe turner.
CT-In cj:int ieiic 1 1 the removal ol
our idlke, we miy nnl Le a! U I., pimll.h
pjper next week, but if any thing impor
tant should occur we mi l i,4, mrxtu.
t oiBT.-The Apnl term cf
o ir C'ouit ron.mi ncej o t Monday lt,
There it plenty of tuinrM on hand, ami
. i S a a
WIS loilll .-eme. atlehde.l. Oil
MumUy aKeriiooii la.l IheCouil adj niin.J
ratly jf Ihe hiio v( tovrrm ih floor
iUa l.rty miilo;, uluch w.ll be
.'ful inpiowmri,!, aid will enable llio
Cuuit IuIuiimh.1 bore nea Miilioul ihe noie
ud coiilo..uii Incident to , studllni anj
soaping tin H e tare II u.r,
U1lie Niri.t oU 4'hl Its! si
Jiodlti w(r, tMti,4Uw4 ami chriry
riHis f44iHi HH it Mlilrt M H
I tHOXtiMf (.
The Nebraska and Kansas territorial bills
arc unquestionably- shelved fort longtime,
rnoit probably not to be reached during
this aeasion This result was brought about
by referring the bill to the commitlea of
the whole on the slate of the Union, instead
of refering it to the committee on territo
iie, aa Ihe friendi of the bill wished.
The frlenda of the bill are, of courts highly
indignant with all the democrati who voted
lor lhi relerence. "The whole New York
delegation, with the exception of Mike
Walsh voted for this reference. A majori
ty nf the memberi of the Pennsylvania
delegation Votd the same way. Among
the Jailer we observe the names of our
member, Hon. C. M. Slrattb, and also our
former member, Hon. Jamea Gamble, now
a member of the Lycoming district.
That Messrs. Straub and Gamble have.acted
in accoidance wiih the wishes of their
constituents, there ian be no question.
The agitation of this exciting question was
premature and uncalled for, and if those
who thus brought it forward, for selfish or
sinister purposes, aufler, they will have to
learn to bear the cons, quences.
IT" SnaQtniiANNA Railroad. The act
consolidating the different rail loads be
tween Baltimore and Sunbury into one,
under the title of the Susquehanna rail
road, is a most important movement. The
Baltimore and York rail road is f3 miles
long. The York and Cumberland to
Bridgeport opposite Hariisburg 26 miles.
The Susquehanna from Bridgeport to Sun
bury Si miles, making in all a road 133
miles long from Baltimore to Sunbury.
At this place the mad will connect with
the Sunbury and Erie, and also the Phila
delphia and Sunbury rail road, now in
operalion to the coal region, as well as the
numerous branch roads, between this place
and Hiirrisburg, leading into the different
coal regions. The roid is destined to be
one of the most profitable in the country.
On the 1st inst. the Senate passed finally
bills to consolidate the York, Baltimore
and Cumberland, and Susquehanna P.ail
Road ; to consolidate the Columbia and
Pennsylvania Building Association ; sup
plement to act incorporating Ihe Philadel
phia and Baltimore Central Railroad
Senator Crabb presented a petition from
citiz-ns ol Philadelphia, for a Prohibitory
Tobacco Law, which wa referred to the
Committee on Vice and Immorality.
In the House the following among oth
er?, were passed : Supplement to the act
incorporating Ihe Farmers' Hay and Straw
Market Association of Philadelphia; sup
plement to Ihe act incorp ira'ing the Phila
delphia and Sunbury and Railroad Compa
ny ; to incorporate the the Delaware
Canal Company : to extend the charter ol
the Bank ol Northumberland, 51 lo 21 : to
extend the charier of Ihe Bank ol .Middle
town, -18 to 29; to extend '.he charter of
tho Bank of Gettysburg, 4-3 lo 30.
CC7"Bedixi, the Pope's lale envoy lo this
country, and who was mobbed at Cincin
nati, has written a letter to the Archbish
op of Baltimore which is published in the
New York Freemans Journal. Bedim, il
will be remembered, denied the charge of
cruelly alleged against him, while Bishop
of Boloj'iie, By the following extract
from the letter above referred lo, it will be
seen that Bedini certifies to Ihe truth ol
the story ol that miraculous painting, Ihe
Blessed Virgin ol Rimini, the eyes of which
are raid lo have moved. After this, wp
think, that Bedini' statement ought lo ptss
current every where for any thing he
might choose to say :
' I l-ae a number of pictures of iho Bles
si'il V 1 i 1 ol Itimuii, which I caused to be
theie evpri i.!y el jji.ive.l, the fiii'iavm" be
if doim from 11 sla.ii"iieolt pe taken limn
Iho on.lei !ul pieturu ii-ell, lind "iven ine by
h pious Mini zealous Kishnp nf lhal cilv
TIihi moi'iiii of the pupils ihai
i, of llie ees of Hie p.iioieil pieui'e ) look lueei-ly ilnriiio 111 v civil jiiri-ilielinii.
ir;ir i priSiacn over ine uoi'ernment of JSo-
rr7" A New Tiiadh The Miners Jorr
nnl says that the D.iuphin ami Susquehanna
Coal Company, whose mines are westward
from Hamburg, lal week sent lo Philadel.
piiia over thirteen hundred Ions of roal,
via Auburn and the Philadelphia and
Reading Railroad.
07" Lackawanna k Hi.noisnrio Rati.
HoAn. Subscriptions lo the slock nf Ihis
road, it is said, have heen obtained s ilficient
to tec ure id completion. This road will
connect Scrinton with nioomsbur,?, from
whence it will be, uf course, j,) due lime,
exi.itle.l I) this pUce, to tor in a Conner
lion wiih ihe Su;.Lury and Eiie and So.
quel. anna rail roads.
IE" All. Howaid, Ihe "Amrriran 01
Bull," we tie rcqiieud to jy, uill mi
this pUie sliorily lo "iv,-us intuit" on
histiolin. Koni uf our vsjiriangvi speak
highly ui his execution at violinist,
5P Nnv YottTtMrviANta Bat. The
(Jiirriior of N'W Voik hat (. J in
Tern pert nee bill fcnlly 4ud by ihe
lei.Uiure. Anatlempt wat maJe in lb
S. lisle li pawi il by lo third ot, bul, ihe vol biinj i)s IS nayt 12, m,l
wa ibiidtof Ihe HumUn boing rvtii,
sps l ite Lis sk ill lb Hjs.pirhiwi dii
lion ul lh rtiul Metr Iho jimttiuu bMbeen
rrpttiirJ. A iio'ibi ul xl ft I Ins place
IUI Ullift) dsUintJ it Iht trk kt
Them teems to be a factiou opposition
in the Select Council of Philadelphia to th
ubrcriplion to the Sunbury tnd Erie road.
Thia hat grown out of 1 jealousy nr.3 dissat
isfaction on the election ol Mr. Cooper for
President. The Council! agreed to make
the subscription of two millions, on certain
conditions. These conditions have been
complied with. - A special meeting wat
called for the purpose Thursday of last
week, when postponement was had till
Monday. On Monday there was no quo
rum and on Tuesday the tame, as will be
seen by the following from the Philadelphia
Ledger." This is lactious opposition is most
strange and unacotintable, when it is known
that the people are almost unanimously in
favor of the measure.
Meeting of tub Coowctt.s A mother k An adjourned meeting of Council
wns held Inst iiiiilit, (or Ihe purpose nt con-
deiinti the subscription lo the Sunbury and
Eiie RuilroHil.
In Select Council no qnnrnm could be ob
tained, there beinc but five members present,
vist: Messrs. Insert, War, Dnffee, Smith
mid Waterman. The absent members were
Mers. Hinman. Snnn-den, LnnninB, Thomas,
Perkins, I'oulsnn ami Cattell. Alter waiting
one h"nr Iho members dispersed.
In C itnmon Council. All the members were
present except one. After calling Ihe roll,
Council look a recess, In await Ihe action of
Ihe select branch. At tho expiration of one
hour, Mr I.Hpsley moved thnl Council ad
journ until Friday evenins at 71 o'clock.
Mr. Riiudnll moved to amend bv insetting
Wednesday evening, and gave his reasons
lor so tloiiip.
Mr. Griscom was in favor of an adjourn
ment from day to duv, until! the matlter be
fore them was settled. 1
Mr Wajborn also explained hirr.elf favor
able lo nn adjournment daily until the four
absent members of aelect Council ahnnhi
cease Iheir dictions opposition and the sob
sciipiion to ihe Sunbury and Erie Railroad be
" Council then adjourned lo meet again this
evening nl 74 o'clock.
OCT" The Steam Ferry and Tow boat was
fired up on Wednesday, at the wharf, for
the purpose of trying her machinery. The
Engine was kept in motion several hours
in the afternoon, and proved to work ad
mirably. The boat will try her speed on
the river on Saturday. She is the best built
and most substantial craft that has ever
been in our waters. The Engine is of 80
horse power, made at Providence, R. I., at
the works of Mr. Fiske, the superintendant
ol the Philadelphia and Sunbury rail road,
under whose directions the boat has been
built. The boat is 80 feet long and 32
led wide.
(E7 Congress is not disposed to grant any
public lands lor rail rood purposes, out ol
the state in which the lands are located.
This will prevent the passage of the bill
introduced by Mr. Straub, our member of
Congress, for a grant of land in favor ol
the Sunbury and Erie rail road. Mr. Straub
did all that could be done in the matter.
Our neighbors in Union county are now
in the midst of another excitement, viz:
the division ol the county and the formation
ol a new county to be called Snyder coun
ty, with Selinsgrove for the seat ol Justice.
The other division of the county will retain
its old name, but Ihe teat of Justice is to
be al Lewisburg. The bii! has already
passed the Senate, and a few days since it
was reported in the (louse after a hearing
before the committee Irom the friends and
opponents of the bill. The division men
have, they say, the names of 3,203 citizens
fur division, while the anti-division party
have not more than one third that number.
fhe fight is growing fierce and furious, and
our New Berlin friends are considerably
down in the mouth, as Ihe saving is.
Their only hope is in their member, Mr.
Simonton, who persists against division in
the face of the large majority ol petitioners,
and without whose assistance ihey would
stand but a sorry chance, not that Mr.
Simonton has so strong an influence, but
t.ecatise the legislature does not like to pass
a local measure, in opposition to the mem
ber t l the county. This is a courtesy thai
should, perhaps, always be shown, unless
where the member ads clearly in opposi
tion lo the majority. In that case, we
think, he hat no right to claim any such
opERtTinw or Tin mit ron the
mum 11 UF aiAlttll, 1SJ4.
Dimmiiul'ini. No. of Pieoet. Value.
DouUs Kvi'.n, 113.013 fi,W -
l'.A!r, il,IHJ HIOIJO
I Ml' ! in ei3,:u
(i.ioiit-i K'e, Sl,(3 VOI.IC4
ID? t.t.vuo
T.l, ll,lvt tVW.eW
ILII P. tors, 1 11100 llt.OOt
(Jaarur tX,Ul, t.'Ml.ftO SHOOK)
(lium, isu.iwo IS.0.0
T S.U,d,wiO 7.l.u0
Csii's, t?3.l tV3t
Tin expense! of Ihe Mi ll for Ihe pal
y.i.-, us we leant lium a taienienl leewold
..u 11 mil t' C4l In."! Ihts Ktcial.iiy ul
lie Ties.iii) Ii it hevii moia 1 U tit vuveiei by
ill pioliil ul the Mm! ep-miioo.
T 4"! 'IIH T -J ltr.J-
is. twi.MH ! Sims it
Is av? at i?i,Tt 11
', !! U lVl It
I I'l 1 H Sim.u 'i
" i.sia tdM,. m
F lbs flial tit ) meiiiiMi.! in lb
t 'neot namely, lo 114 f I bor
W -ilia avikal tip ttat aij
wtt4gt amoviixstl luflualii ao-t.i,
'- tui u ili Vu4 ,itiiiu
t. I r.wJ,vl Ml I, ttully. Umi.rf
llM 4i ), 4 u IbM,!,
al -ike iiu i riii4i..Ulj.liu,TiJ
i- I.-, Ut tHien ftvw ie tubM ,
inn Mimu! IIW4, M hu ai
HtMi.m, ai.4 it) ilt i.i.
Hakrisbpso, Match 31, 1854.
SRNATt. Mr. Slifer, from the Committee
on Vice and Immorality, reported an act to
prevent and punish wanton cruelty lo animal.
Thit It an important bill, and one which will
be productive of much good along Ihe line ol
the city railroad.
Mr. M'Cliniock, from the Select Commit
tee instructed to inquire into the alleged
mismanagement of the Slate Lunatic Asluin.
made a detailed report, which wat ordered
In be printed. The repoil it favorable lo the
management of the Institution. ' "
Mr. Iliester reported a bill proposing an
amendment to Ihe Constitution, limiting the
Stale deb, prohibiting the subscription of
stock by the Commonwealth or Municipal
Corporations to joint stock Companies, and
erealing a Sinking Fund for the final liquida
tion of the Stale debt.
Mr. Piatt also presented an act proposit g
similar amendments tp the Constitution
bolh of which bills were refeied lo the Judi
ciary Committee. .
A resolution, fixing Tuesday, Iho 18 h of
April, as the day of adjournment of the Lg
isluliiie, was passed. Mr. Crabb opposed the
resolution at length.
The consideration of the bill relating to
Public Executions, was resumed. It was de
bated ably and eloquently by Messrs. Bucka
lew, Kunkle, Crabb, Hamilton, Evans, and
The bill was amended by Mr. Kniikel,
makinrr ihe Sheriff, Ihe Coroner, or their 1
principal deputy, the executioner, and pro.
hibiting the employment of n hangman
The amendment vraa agreed to by a vote of
year 21, nays 8.
After several ineffectual efforts lo amend
by Mr. Ciubb, the bill passed almost unani
mously. The Senate oidered the bill, making per
manent the sessions of the Supreme Court at
H.irrisburg, to be transcribed for a third read
ing by a vote of 14 yeas to 12 nays.
Ilot'SE The Mouse then took, up on sec
ond rending ihe bill for the sale of the Public
Mr. Cook, of Westmoreland, remarked
thai it would bo admitted, he presumed, ilia1
he was in favor of selling the Public Works;
he therefore designed introducing a resolu
tion to postpone Ihe bill in regard to the sale
of lbs Main Linn until Wednesday next, fur
various considerations: one simple reason
was, without going 10 txtenso into detailed
statements, lhal this hull was crowded w ith
excited and interested boiers. lie did not
mean lo say they had not a right to come
here: they havo certainly throw 11 members
into excitement and turmoil i:i leference to
the sale of the Public Woiks.
Mr. Johnson, of Northampton, said that he
was opposod lo disposing of ihe bill lor Ihe
sale of the Main Line until we have also
considered ihe bill (or the sale of Ihe other
divisions of tho public improvements. He
thought it would be wrong to push the sale
of lie Main Line in Ihe Market alone. Ho
could not sen why members were in favor of
selling Ihe Main Line, and yet : ol disposed
lo sell ihe rest.
This Pioneer Furnace, in Pottsville, after
undergoing (borough repairs indeed, almost
entiie. le-buildiug at the hands of Ihe pres
ent proprietor, Mr. C M. Atkins, is now
ready lor operalion. Ihe winks and ma
chinery being completed and in uidei, the
process of "lilliug"' was begun jeslerday
aud the furnace w ill probably be put in blasi
Idle to-night. Some fuilher iiifoimaliuu re
specting Ihe capacity of the works, &c, in
tended for publication this week, we are
obliged, I'ioiii Iho lateness of Iho hour at
whioh we write, lo defer till next Minei
Journal, 1st inst.
Cost of Pudlic Wokks. The expenses
for relaying, sliaiyhtorinir and otherwise
impioving the Columbia Urilioad has been
8835 853 07 ; 'lie amount paid lor locomo.
lives i642 042 11 on I hi road and 155 591.
42 on ihe Puiluge, making a total of S I, 033,
186 60.
KcMcnr roa the Bite of a Mad Doc
As Ihe cry of mud iloy has been raised, Ihe
following which we clip fiom uu exchange.
may bo worth a perusal :
"A Saxon foicsler, named G.islell, now of
the veueiuble age of eighty-two, unwilling to
take 10 the grave with-him n secret of such
import, has made public in tin Leipisic Jour
nal Ihe means which he has used for fifty
years, and wheiewilh, he affirms, ho has
ii'M'tied many hum 111 beiiiL's and cattle fiom
1 he feaiful death of hydrophobia. Take im
mediately warm vinegar or lepid w ater, wash
he wound clean therewith, and then dry it;
1 lieu pour upon Ihe wound a few diops of
iriiun.t'0 acid, because mim ml acids deMroy
he poison of the saliva, by w hich meant Ihe
evil effects of tho tatter is neutialiiied."
A Tniao P.ustNGra Tain We under
stand that Iho Company will rhoitly put on
the Beading It m J another Passenger train
to lun ltirou;h daily leaving Philadelphia
and I In place al 11 about 10 o'clock, A M
This will make three Passenger liaius a day
between 11s and h co 1 gnod sign of lb
limes, Ihis. Mmt'$ Jourual.
A I tcAL Srtiiis The legal gentlemen of
Cavington, Ohio, 011 a sink. They ie
uonlly mel in oleum conclave, ami agieed
lu ilemaiul five dolhiis lot counsel, flf'Jf Job
lai foi divo'C, and on ban l'J dol'au tor
ejeilmeut. Slilket having lh tancliut -f
in .)', lhy Miwl "o b consiJeieJ
1th I1" HrPtoi-iiotu Th wife of
Ml. Jal WlH.iid, ol Uull .lo. dld, last Tu-
di),ali bydiep'iobia. 8lt w b.ttu by
cai about iw muiiiiis o. N" )M'!umt
uf hldiophob.4 uiai.lld lUeil.l Vit'll
lb of luui d4)t t.". 111 tuUulli.i dui-
mg III Uti twe d4)s ti niivMs.
It It (lihUi b) a Pan Uiui iii", '''
tliikt ai.J p"t sioi., by bm dipped m
uol i', fui a l b"ui, ao.i '4l d.
' el I.i.!ii, an I ihk imUi-t
IMHglt IMUI awlwl loi l4)l"J l"U iliutt S'-J
l suutMaeiHMi uf ali.
Al Ptiukautj 1 teay hsit 'a trnJuiutt's,
in kwl '
A Parisian, correspondent of a New Yoik
paper, writing under date of March 9th, says
that one of the most extraordinary events of
the day is Ihe fact mentioned by the Madrid
correspondents of London journals, that Mr.
Soule, the United Slates Minister, has been
in great favor al the Spanish Court, since his
affair of honor. I said that after ihe duels
the Queen Mother had expressed lo Mr. Soule
Ihe interest the look in his troubles. But in
a ball given by her on the 24th of February
she manifested more openly her sympathy
for Mr. and Mrs. Soule and their son. Next
day a concert was given, at which the Court
wat present. In an interlude, Queen Isabel
la, ihe King, and Ihe Queen Mother, Marie
Christine, bestowed upon the Soule family,
each in iheir turn, the most gracious alien,
lions. The Kins conversed half an hour
with the United Slates Minister ; he alluded
frequently to the lamentable incidents which
filluwed ihe French Ambassador't ball
Each lime he assured Mr. Soule of hit sym
pathy. Il is said that on being aware of
these facts, ihe Marquis de Turgol (w-hose
health is not entirely restored) showed a
great deal of vexation.
The London Times correspondent gives in
explanation of these unwonted civiliies, Ihe
iucieasiug coldness between France and
Spain, fur the government of the former has
shown itself little disposed to sustain the
throne of the Bourbons in Spain had the in
surreclionary attempts at Saragossa proved
successful. To this political reason a private
one is added, and it is the antipathy fell by
the two Qi.eeus and Ihe King, as Bourbons,
towards the Uouapurtes, and also by the two
former, as women, towards Ihe Empress of
the tiench, w ho wag not long ago Iheir vas
sal, but is now more than their equal. But
these are mere suppositious, and 1 give you
Ihem for what they are worth.
It is certain, however, that for some cause
or another Mr. Soule in in great favor at Ihe
Spanish Court, and that causes which might
have embarrassed his mission, have, on the
coutiary, opened ihe road lo its success.
Some months ago, iho Madrid Court, alarmed
by rumors about Soule and his incendiary
projects, somjhl protection in an alliance
with tho Cubineis of Loudon and Paris.
Now Ihe case is reversed, and the Spanish
government is honoring the man who was
represented as its most formidable adveisary.
An Albany paper says: 'A German in
that city pmbably experienced a greater va
riety of important events in one niubt, last
week, than ar.y other man ihut evur lived.
He was coerced into maliimony, presented
with a son four months old, had tho delirium
IremeiiF, a 1 ul paid ihe great debt of nature,
between eiyhl o'clock at night and live in
the inoniing."
Dr. G. B Smith, of Baltimore, reports in
the Boston Medical Journal two cases of pu
erperal fever cured by the administration of
brewer's yeast, internally. He gave the
yeast, diluted with an equal quantity of wa
ter, mid sweetened w ithtugar, a table-spoonful
eveiy two hours.
Mrs. Seymour, a lady of 53 years, was
aboard lhj steamer J. L. Avery, at the time
of her sinking, uud states lhal she had nine
thousand dulltirs in a pocket book, under her
pillow, which was lost; also a manuscript
writing, for w hicli she e. peeled one thousand
lollars from her publisher. She has been
for tome time nn authoress, and was on her
way to Philadelphia.
The passengers arrived at New Voik last
month number 5771, viz ; British, 2204;
Herman, 1R!; Fieuch, 1272 ; West Indies,
139; China, 13; United Stale, 1949.
Lieut. Jernmo Napoleon Bonaparte U. S.
Rifles, is in New Oilcans, and is about resort
ing to Ihe theatre of war, in Europe.
The Know Nothings have formed an asso
ciation at Georgetown, and, il is said, nuinbei
several hiiudieds.
Bird's II ilel in Pittsburgh, Pa , wat de.
stroked by fire on Sunday lust.
Mrs. Willar I died of hydrophobia, in Buf
falo, from the bile uf a cat.
Al an election for o (lice is of the Washius-
ion Fire Company, held Monday evening,
April 3, 1S54, the following persona weie
elected lor the ensiieiny )ear, viz.
President John P. Pca-KL
l ice PrtsiJtnl Ma lm E. Bucher.
Secretary iiihn S. Uiighl.
Treasurer llobeit A 111 met man.
Directors Tliuinat M. Puitel, Solomon
Enpincers John E Smick, John I. Fisher,
Win. oruuer, J. JU li.isiian.
Appointments ly the President,
Trough men Aib.i B C. Fisher, George
1 Olllll.
Httyctmen'l Oyster, P. Weiser.
.rmcu lleniy Bol der, Samuel J Fry.
Ilonkmen -Samuel Snider, Aniiiew Hildv
Lu fdrwrn J. siah SliMifer, Philip Kenn,
t. G. Ua.liao, Pillwoilh le wees.
New Advertisements.
INFOliM her fiinuls, bolh in town tnd coun
try. Ilut alia has liiiued lir
lu my Dry (IoihU Store
to her I'oiuirr rruilrnre, roinsr of t'liinul taJ
Vd rcl, u.oii llie Lew (iiifiiwii KlufuiU
ihiiii li, and not uuuiinJlul of i.l kiiiJiiaa, !.
ulii lis a roiiliiiusnx ul ilisif 4iruuai. Mis
ha io.I re.iJ uun'.tHi oilmiil vl
UoiiihIi, A'lti&oiu, LiMt, SteUlewoik
al niwui kinda, UJ' llrl IhhMs tnd MHdak,, suutlm. Uim, iiiialiaiii. and
niy wl (uu.1 auiUliW ! ll.a , thMl
IImu If vuuiiuy piujat'e.
oubuiy, Aptil . lt.H
w tiiviiu. .. u aa-M.
SaCommioDioi. iUcvdiantj
fttiU liphit
T!,.. H,Uuh A l PtiladlrIU4.
. I,, t K.l t
KwlUI tv l'.iM4,
( bail. H l. as I "
Uv'ih 4 .., '
Kii. . H a. I lit 1
t$t of fetters
1 MS nm Y, Mrch 81, 1SS
1 A John Lefler
Wm Adams . John Long
B Alex Lache
Henry Batcher Fredk Lanker ,
Joseph Bound Tilghman Lowt
Jacob Bright 2 Jacob Lanker
Mrs Matilda Brown M
Christian Bower 1 Rev Chas Mahe
C ' ' ' Nrs C Myerly
Jo-eph Chiint or Dau'l Mia Catherine
flicrf Mrs Henrietta
Mrs Mary Campbell Miss Catherine
Caleb Chambeilin Benj C Moyer
Hiram Cooper - . Lorenro Dow M
Joseph Cook ' Wm Mant
iMrt Hannah Crnmbley H
Geo Conrad . -, - Joseph Nicely
Abraham Deppin
Chat Dolfiii
John Dunkelberger
. Emanuel Peters
Hon Jno B Kent
Elixabeih Riche
Dr. Jno Raker
Jacob Ru hey
Peter Rice
Alex Ross
John Sollman
John Speece . '
David Shipe
Geo Shipe
Mary Ann Shipe
Sam'l Sober
Master Nicholaa
Peter Shaffer
Dr Sam'l Smith
Lucretta S-ars
Jeremiah Travit
2 Abner Tharp
r H Day
Adolph Dorlacher
Benj D Frost
Jno Forms 11
Wm Feeder
Adam Fisher
Wm. Gass
Henry Gass
Hannah G'enn
ftev Gen Gilbert
Patrick Gieen
Jno S Haas
Dan'l Hoffman
Jno Hummel
Levi Hime
Henrv Keiser
Mi.s Marjj'1 Keefer 2 Mary Ann Umme
Wm P Kuntz W
Peter Kniss Moses Welcher
L Heirs of Michael
John Long liser
To the Voters of Northumberland C01
Fkliow Citizens : Encouraged by :
friends, I announce myself as a candidate (
olfice of
at the approaching election. Should I bech
I (.ledge myself to dischargo the duties 11:
with punctuality and impartiality.
Sunbury, April 8, 1854.
Orphans Court Sale.
N pursuance of an order of the Orphans' (
of Northumberland county, will be expos
puldic sale.
On SATUKDAY, the 6th day of MAY,
on tho premises, the following described
Ertatc, to wil : Thirty acres off of the north
corner of a
Certain Tract of Lund,
situate in Shnmokin township, county a for p.
bounded on the north by lands of Daniel M
on the cast by lands of Nancy Wolverton, 01
south by lands of said Nancy and Michael
merman, and nn the west by lands of said .
chad and Philip Persing, containing in all a
Two hundred and Forty acres. Lata the t
of William Persing, dee'd. Sale to comnn
wt 10 o'clock, A. M. of said day, w hen the tt
of sale will be made known bv
Une of the Executor
By order of the Court,
Court, )
lk. O. C.
S, 1854 )
J. I . rURSEI., Clk.
Sunbury, April 8,
Vrcut Arrival ol'
NFORMS his friends and customers that
just received an elegant assortment of
At his Klore in MarSet Street, Sunbury, wh
be oflcrs to the public nt the lowest prices.
His stock consists of a general assortment
Dry Goods, viz :
Cloths. Cassimers, Cassinets, Jeans, Drillin,
Muslins, Linens, Calicoes, Muslin dt
Lams, Lawns, Ginghams, Bcragcs.
Also a large assortment of CLOTHING.
A large nssortmeut of Boots and Shoes, for
Men, Women and Children.
Silk Hats.
Panama, Talm leaf and other Summer Hats.
GROCERIES of every variety.
Sugar, Tea, CoftVe, Molnsura, Cheese, fipici
r ih, salt, &c.
Viz : Iron and Steel, Nails, Files, Saws, Ac
Tea Setts, Plates, Dishes, Cups, Saucers, i
Wine. Brandy, Gin, limn, Whiskey, te.
tTS?" Country produce of all kinds taken in e:
change at the highest maiket pries.
April S, ISS4 ly.
One third cheaper than white lead, and frt
frtm all poisonous qualities.
1 lie .t v Jersey Zinc lompuny
UA VINO (jraul y tnUlKnl iheir works, and improy
Uitt tinilitY ol llieir jirutlucuj, are prqiaicd lu cxreut
unlcik lor ilirir
Pry, iikl K'ouirti in oil! m njsmrtci pocWuf c of from t
lo Mtt) juiiti ; aist
l)ry, 111 ituiii ltj, i'f tf"0 puiMt mck.
'i'ticir w hite sntc, wbuti w kl ary or (trouitd in oil, i
wurituitesj 1'urtt mtl uiurjkw4 tot UJ)- aiiti multci
A ouili."tJ f prtftwimUt-ii baa rrlly ttMit diafovtfad
whua eiiut'lei ihr uifuiuy U wttmul lAir aaiuia inker
lic4i aiul t-t m Ui kriti uiy ieut.ul.l tiiii. lutki
1 1 tUrif puiuift will t tjuiMiitatr lu auy ubw in lit
um kel
Tltrir blown JUs? nsiul, which U told at bw prica
and run iitly l nuula irm lb JlEiita or frM Ntw Jm
y, m ww wH kifwa ff ua w4rti( quasi UtM Hbat
MM,I' M '" ttiff UM-toiHT aunarrt
TUii ai o-'iai a4titt fstwaitra all Ifea pr-ptmia of ih
Urt'trit. aittl ta ! mm artMubav futj pmimittof V"1lrgft
liiuU, tnV tMiibiiitga, ktitttf-a.
HLilla HlCHARlm,
WavrJiitj Pm ul l)ratcrg and im,urtt7ftj,
N V ati 01 Kitt. MaihctBia.rh.kulciuaia
Hold II llnir
.Vo. JI0 Muriel Strut.
Railroad. lUy, Coil, aud rarmaia' I'l ALf
ael in any art ut ilia couutiy, by ttiiwut'J
oik man, auj at Lji noiu.
I'tiila.. A pui , Itll hi.
'I ll B ihiuumuu4 usn.vitisf the VwIuuImi
t'ouipiuMa uf .NiMlliuiulilawJ ouiflj ft
paxUully lt.vii.a Ui tnaat at Iht I a
liooae lit u.ubuiy, ua, ttatuiilav, Ike ttib Jay ul
al luU. A. M., Iw ue uiMa
w uitui MiUMui w Uaiuluuiai aud aU
l uM.i4Mi cauUiM Un iae Ui i0e v4 aitxt
iUI4 UiMie, atWskkkJ l Uu muih alaluM.
t.p. ilAHU V Lit,..
itt lit fltaiMtftMi Giatt.
left Mi M. k. MIHIs,
af Ike I'aiuuwa a Utiitt Amllsii.
l-lU. k. U till I utU,
ml Um Isaaxii IttMiaW
Isfst. I. Jt Mltl ttl
ot iht whtm Jim lli I.
rsii un . iMi