SUNBURY 'AMERICAN AN I)7SHAMOKlN JOUKNALj V '. sttkluiiy, rA; lllfpoW!c rr'nEtnl tcriltcr respectfully '''r" w .lwvc .1; u...t.i.c niii coiHiniiM ;iatcnBgfIi . i i.i:.. i..lun. mid in.'. '. J If. Weiser ,, received a H Pho lift. Honor and win". """" ...... viril Iter nbl. la five tiW" " hou. : ' MAUIA TlIOMrfJO.V. Sunbarr March i'r'f JOHN V. MAUT1N, ranlilonnfol Tnllor, V Law Office, Smibury. HAS 1iit received from Philadelphia, llio and most desirable. tock of tlouilt that lia ever been troua-ht to Smibury, ucli as . CS.OTKS, Consisting in j-art of black, brown, crctn, olive ami Hue.-- . -j - A splendid ast-orttncut of such ns tntin, viLel, CJrennilinc silk., plush vel vt, c.aliincro, vnlencin, and a splendid article of white (irenadino lor weddum vests. AI.o- nll descriptions nfebHli for . OVERCOATS. An extensive variety nf plain and fancy casai iners for pantaloons. Common trnnds for ennts. pants and vests, mat Iiimlin ji and eot'din-; ", a superior artii In of NECK TIKS AND STOCKS, of llie latest nt vie, plain and fancy "'lack cravats, hosiery, fii)ci I r. kIi i I collars, silk undelsliiils, drawers, men's drub buck-lined chamois nnd other gloves, and triintninss of every description. Also tin h ind n few niliclca of HEADY-HADE CLOTHING, warrjintr'l to ho to liin duti-mr f work v.n nfu-rinr to Pliilni.flplr.i rnimit'itt itrp. All -vr- BOn9 Inivinj; ro.nW nrnlo rd-tlii:.- of met fan hnc lliem rtvtpniroil raiit hi co nl'-rippiu;; or giving out. ti I warrant nil tnv nrtiilrs I return my IliiiiiUt to I lit pt!iic for t!irir prc iiMis p.itrnitT an., respr-ttfi.tly Ralicit a contin ti:iivc of llio imp. An I nm tlrtrTminril tint to be I. mv uil.- will hi iIiuacJ of ou the mmt rrtMoimMi lci in tor cxslu Wunlmrv, Nov. 20. !R.i:i. L T1IS I' A HK1 V A L OF Fall aiul Winter Goods. 3. T. I. I?. SSLINS, O !'"3PK(JTKl."I.T.Y announce to their fiicniU and tl e ptiWIir in general, that they Inne leii'ived at tln ir Old Stand, in 1,'pprr Augusta Inwii.-hin. Nm I'.iuint'crli'.nd ronntv, P.i their l'ull an I Winter (i.iods, and opened to the pub.ic tt full udurtnieitl of MERCHANDIZE, &c, Consisting in pnrt nf (.'tolhs. Mack nnd fancy Cassimers, Saltinetts. Flannels, (JheeUs, and nil kinds of Winter Wear. A Is j a aplviidid assoitnicut of , Ltidie3 Dres3 Goods, Calicoes, Ginghams, Muslin do 1,-iincs. Tlaid Cashnicres, l'c Ifaei. Merinos, Dav state I.oiip Slmwls. & e. Also a fresh supply of Groceries of nil kinds, , Urihvart nnd Quprnsworc, a fresh supjly ofDrmrs iiiul Mrliciiics. Wooden Ware. Also a lnrco nssortine.nt of Roots and Shoes, suitable for Men, Women and Children. HaH and Cups, such as Silk, Panama, and other ifaln. Salt, Ciierae, &c. ('all und fcee. , . Cheaper than the 'Ilieaiiest, All of which will be sold for, or in ex thanrjc for country produce, ol the highest market price. I'pper Aupusta, Nov. 5, IMS. 1v Al HO. Clock W.ttelnnalvt'rs. HZHSCH & CO. WE just opened a Clock and Watchmaker shop in the b"ih!in lately occupied by J. M. feiintisnn, near 'l'ener & Co' Store. in Market Street, Siinbiinj, l'a., Where they have opened, and will Kc-j) constantly on li.uul, - Silver fi: Goli Vetches, eta. Also, Jewelry, l.'onsifline; t fiold Breast-pins, ICar and Finger Hum. Medallions, Cult-pins. Ladies cc Gentle mine' gold and silver pens and pencils. Also. Silver and pljicd. Tea and Table snouns, ult spoons, butter knives, &e., BPEOTiaCLSS, Of all sizes, Miilinrj every- ae. Spy Olasra, J'orket Houks, ol ull .ize, Itarom, li.iir Uil, lie volvi rs, and other pitols. Brushes, C'.i.nbi, Soap, &e., dc. Also, a largo stock of SZ".ilc;0 laiNli'iiiiietitx ! amongst which tre AccoiJeons, Viol.'ns, Flulins. Files, Flutes. CARPET CAG3, Trunks nmbrflliis, suspenders. All fcir.ea of re.a. K- nia.le M,t, an.l l.-.illars; nil ol which will l. fol.1 rbc . er llun has ever been heretoloie so d i.. iSuniMirv, ty Clocks, W,.e1,e., Tor and Finder This repaired lu th. l ,, ttli , ,he .,-.rt J., no n e. Kui.bury, Oct. 15. 8:o.3,B. PENNSYLVANIA CClilECTIONAEY & IEUIT BTCr Aa. lCUAW,UiJ',.S K tor.rn,,; ' rjt'.IF. ub.,il.ert.i,i:i,. ,,,!,....,:. r t imntry Mrrelunl- - , i-i.i.i... . II...I I.. I... .-. .. Kvr.i hs ...... n. ..Ii,.,,.i ii ,t n i;i, c i .i-e rii.ti 4'iniiliMIiiis sto:c I ti J , re;.iei.i!.c.l i' illi an :, k of I'nlitl'Clhlli iv, I'l con li.lf. it l.e c i.i ,;V r l ami i cl.ii1, at iti-f ii t, v i ''I'lloul om-.c ii, a w, i .(l.;ti. ii'. .'.r . v.!.; , i. , I '.I. -h.icrs, v h...c .ilea. WM. 1. am f. TIl.LK. IViiU' Tc." I 7, I CHUri.ND Commercial Ia;tilutc, 1 IU I'd: .l. St,tit. run w ;: i'itia. ' II I', brsin I.i . i.,i, .,i U:iK-KIH lt;, U hi I IMi, ol Ml.ia i.M. (..l'l.'LVn JNs, 0, ii I'ailv. mid in. 'I'. .,! ", e :,.c. ml fil I iy I", v.-iii.i j , a' bi.k II. . C'LM 'i i:.M!" I'iii.i.ul. "'. .. ' , t i. ma.. .null tiuoilwf ul l... Hsnl iiu.iius ha Uca ivincj and e AiicJ luf a.U by ii. o. M.sf m. Fkiihur. Jun 4. Is' J . i... . . . i i . . , , ANU I. II. I. H ii.slly pul.l.d un urw It irmnplly ts.ulr-a l Un. dllus. At LI '! ., ..f ll sin.l. at, .i.,if p.jHi. 'iiil.urv, i. , Is.'ij yi t ri'i:u.-A in,, ,u.i .,u.M.r77T ' '' l W.i. I-,,,, t. ,M . 4ul Ud l,,. )u- j li ( U l. U'it. U'. Ir It A t .1 Constiincr- look hero 1 1 . , r. IJENJAM1X 11HFFNKH r5ESI'EC.rn;i.liV infJrma the eiti7na of Kunlmrr and ieinity, that he.liaa iuat re eeived nnd ninl at Ida now atom, in Market street, Sunbury, a hnndaninn aaraitiueut of Fall ami "Winter (loods conaiuting in ni t of . . Cloth, Cnssimer?, Cnsjincts. . of all kiuda, or linen, cotton and worsted. . Al.'-Ot Cnllrofs, CJiiS!!tnm?i, I.aum, SIotiN!ti:i;;r B.aftics and all kindn of Lnuirs l)rc.j UooiV (iliOCEKIE of every varioty. AIa an aosortinent i f E3ailvai'C. Iron nnd Steel, IJaili, &c. A Is J an excellrnt ussorlnicrit of (TJEEITSWAFvE, tf vnrimn styles onJ llUltiM!'. AUoan ai;ortinent of tilXJTS & EIOi:S. ' ' HA'l'ij fc CATS, n (jood sclccliun. Hrtlt. Fish, iTo. And a !rre:'.t vuriety of oilier nrlti les biicIi as arc auit'il'le to the trade, all of which will be aold at the tov. est prire. t."i' (.'oiniti-j- prodiiec t;ikcn in cichsrtju a the highest prirea. Hr!mry, Nov. 12, 16.r3. ly. , . DA v7XS u curr-j, Dealers i.i .!!, LAMt njti s t iiAui.i.ti:i:i, N, E. Corner Fourth iui.I Cherry S'.rccli, p T.V VI.NG enlarged and improved their Ktotc, mill b.avinj t':e largest assortment ofl.unips in roiladi.ioiii. ctiv, 1'iev am now preimied to furnish l l::U Oil". C A M I'l! PM',, ! RTtlEE.M. OIL. Pho.phine ;, nnd T.ard Oil. Lamps, I.avtf ifs of all patcrns. l'un.v Hotel nnd M ill Lamps-, (' hand, iiers, (Hiandoici nnd f'lindeleahf.w, mid 11 riinnni.i Lani;., ct the MnntifjeliirciV loel piin s. Uiass l.ani s hv the package, at n f mall iit' over Ai'ct;on prices. 1 1 -t 1 1 at l.irce M. ("I'ACTl.'IJKUS of Pine Oil. lininlncr Fluid, I'.il eienl (!il, Abohol, and (tho only true) l'lioscno (, thev can fur-ni-!i ! e e articles a' mrli prices that Merchants will find it to their advantage to buy. Call before fioiu clscu here, if you want bargains. Alio, tha Safety Fl id l.n np lof tale. ; Pliiln., Sept. 1, 1S.V5. ly. Th3 Way ! TMi Way ! Tf MVayTiT Fall and Wiuler (loods. PSILSSG & GRANT. r'SPlX'TFULLY inform tlicir customers nnd too public, that they liae just reeciv. cJ and opened tha bt st and cheapest stock of at their store in Market square, fc iuibrjiy. Tiieir block eousi-jts of every varie'y of Dry (ioods, viz : - Cloths, Cns'iinrrer. Sallincts, I'esftn, Flannels, IVolliim. , Ami till kinds of Fall & Winter Wear. Also n fplfinlul vnrii'iy of LADIES DIIKSS & FANCY GOODS, Cuiicoc. Ginghams, Cliintzes, Dt Laine.i. j Derates, j Ami every vmiely of goods seiltible for L: i dies wear. j Also a large assortment of ! nASLYJtS aai QXVXTiZXT LIZ,, rh. Salt pni Waster. Als'i ;t;i I'xieusivo asuiunent of Hats anu Cavh yom Mi:n and Hois. I AU-j a la'gc asjTlii,eiit of CliiOClr.iCfl, j sven as j Suar, Teas. Ccfli'f, Molars, Spices I of r.!! kinds, j Also a UrsU supply of I HcmiIVa llu InmcM aiiJ iitul ueunral assort- uiHiil ul all kimU of oolU Im IiuU in Us tnve. t'f Country produce of all kinds taken in f x clmnfift at tlie highest market price. Suiihurv, Xop. 12, IfiS'X CHEAP INDOW SHADE Dopct and Manufactory W CiJr" G. I?. MILLffiS. a CO., S. Y. corner Arch lulit betoiul btii-els, EVERY V A Til 1ST V OF S1IADE3, Wholo sale and Iictail, aacll as Scroll, Flower, Gothic, Vijnetto, Oil ami Dry Landscapes, are to be had at the lowest prices lot quality ol' Orders lor Gilt, Plain Sioic, Lettered and other Shades executed at ehort notice. Mcicluints and othera a.o invilcd to give us a trial., lis tcill liy to j?c i:e. Dijsscs. Tii'iimiiis, dr., a!vav on hand. . llemcinbrr K. 'W. corner SECOXV & AllCIJ Streets, I'liilndeliihia ' Aitsust 13, 1S53.- Cm. Just Putdished and for fink WM. .VcUATiTY, Dookse er. S iin'uirv . l'a. ullbur - The Aiiicricaa TLEADERS' ASSISTANT : Ci'ing a collection ofaipiovo I declarations wrt returns and proceedings in ilia sociu! action wow i.i ii in tho I'.iitcJ State. lit CraumoN r.firri. V. n , Ipxus teal's vim vox With l:c.'.. s and aduiiiiiiH, t.jcther v.':h a ahnr sr.:cin ul i o;r-ry Jnc!i:!. Vf A- -I., 1 n. Vio ido'il Jinlj-e ef t'ho Lihlh jodviil dii-tii. I I'.i., nod Win. M. l:-..-:,ifeli'er and M. . Pliiinli l, cl" the b ir ef ,'nrlh"ni!.ril.i;i. . nint . tS,iM-e the public .itiuu of the 1' vik. the fu.l.iwiiiL b iter h. is I ecu u .iivtJ licnil J.:ilo l'c.' . va u ilat.i '..uij ; Ilitiatsacao, Jj:ic '0, 1 V j". Gi.s r. rMr.x : Alter a c.ref.d r ro'-riii .u el" ' ra.r '"Aicer lein -M l R '-4 V..l,t 1 I . C4 U' ..c ..!; .,y , l,rf .jip, C""M" .I'ii.ll of l'. e, ii I' t c si Y ".I" I. la t!-.l:a t l.iiej i 1 I I'll ill... T!,,, 1,. .,) ' ".d' in reel i t . r. jiion :' I'euiivU iri,i I a stem of n'.-.i 'i t(; ires. and 'he l.-raclu r ' p i' l I our b ! ,u..r t.c 'V i. nm. oir f.i mi ,i Irv'Hr.ill nil Ik! to s r. ,1 .., i . , . ... . " H r i ..a ins u is I a tte.i. .1 I . .- l-l HV . ftVlli., nl i .i.. . - . I .1 . l . ilu . , ' 1 ! cr. i ion- :civ IH..I i. . , I, , , , ' "or i i i. .ui : . I alnu i 1 a i . i. . i ... 1 !'; cr m uui taie. - . 11.1:1114 a. .idr, iv, I.. .... Vnun. will, ....., JNO.J. 'l', It so V. II. i on. A I.I . I i a . ' ' ' M. KiciV-iUr und M. Kuftl.ur-,. July U IgSl, SELLING OFF AT'cb?T t rt..o..i...,. vwj4 , lav.J l lUll.H. slo.k, to::...,!!,; w ' r u'. (rorvriei, Hiirdw. tie, ji'i:i:x.sVAt;i:, ln l' u'l .l I l l.i.ivlUI Sil l IU4. ili.y I.. i. ai i , , , ,,, s,,u,,. i . rl i, I. 1.11.I11111 I, li.uul ii i t l t .liwltf l iMiim, I., .1 .. S .lull ' ' '"' Si 1(1 I, I,, , Ii. u.lil. I,, I ,, un. ... I UI-I.C IM v.,,. , , H ,1., - , . 'ita. I It Mil, I.I s, illi. sua "4 lll Ulll, l Ul. !,.... ...!! ..... :r . rArr.4.! - .CHERRY PSCTOML: . Pr Ihe Core f 00TJO1I3, COLDS, nOAR3EITi:33, XJIXOTI OHITI3, CROUP, A 3 Til- vnoopiwo-oouoa AU OOIJSUr.IPTIOK. TO CrKU A C(M.O, W4TU HE DACtiK AD iul K'Ki tf !!) b kIv, tuLe lite C'imuHT I'tLTuR.-t 'it goinjj to !k0, ml wrap up v.irnif Ui iwral diiring tl'P mnt. Kur a UoUi axd I tm.H, Uikc it iiKirni ii j , ii Hnandrv iiin, iKc .niiny t i tin vctiuii in iliv l t tl- m' Hie iliiui-ul-ty wiil .hv(i i,v retn ivtsi. N"nc wilt l-'iiji inJ':r Irmi Hut trnible w1km Jiinl it na tki rcnlil cnu-tl. I'ers am uiitiru-d willi ti BCiitkiJ cmlN wliich brraka iiiem "i ti't'ir rcul tit uil.L, wiil iiuil. i' uthinjt tlie Cm-ny t'e lnl g 'liifi t i l-cit, Ihfty in iy l-e sure oi enuml, itnt'H.keti ilet'p, Mii'J c.iiat''.tntty riftvtiuiifi rrst. Urtnt reln.'i fr 'in Kitil.-r-iiiy, mnl nn ullna iic cure, m nil' i licit t llti.iiH.uiu8 who nre tint lulhrit'tl. l.y Huh uiViitn..l'ii- reiiifily. i:a uaWt :;i1lo iffc'ls in ih rnH- r'. mimy fiml thcniMlvra nnwilnitg to in-i-gj its usa wi.m tuu lieecMtty f r y bun ecu -d I'f -tii tVii;uiii''!it rhypicipiii i:i F a vRTTEVif.i.Ki Tnn , A uril Ift, IK I. Fir We Vive (iivcti vmir l.'hcn pwi'-inil n e.iriirii'c trial in our p?:irJne, nnd firul it t.. lurpnss iv rv " th-T re li.Cfiy va invc i -r i:tuii; ivm .'uw. .- th-: rcS ir;t iv 'r 1!4. 1NKVKU ft HMfT4. TOtlXrKnSANl) 1'l lti.U si MAULU'S llu rtmrt'y is n viUualjlcs, n by iu ui iiuium t!i' itir-nt uA !ii:-.. hn t in flulli)imii'llMrf, ilirmcvincili iHviWeiit-M in n ft w h n.!, atid w )u-i;'n'uli .- incrc.tstja ilw i.vrer und fi xilnliiy ni'lV v 'ice. AS rtfM A 1b v. MK-r.-i'ilv uin;-li t:Vk Cot, rn.t rfirn w'ii:y ';irjJ ! y t'iuTfy Pi tM'trii. I?at tfturr lite s mvt cjikiki - b s:ni:ite ;is t- yiHU ef(.iu ly inn imwii'ine. Lln-ny P'-tto-r.i! wii: :irr ti.t-;!, ( t ln-y c:m be eurvd. Il.tUXCllt'riiS, or irninlioii u" tiie I'tr nnl nppr pofiioii til tlie liut ;'. limy cufc.t hv I il.ins Cicrry Pl t-. i:il I'l !' iltil nit, in.ju-'Ut i--.. 'ino lli;c.mtt"r'ut.0 l( prts-nt"ii i.i Kfn.iii r.liL't it. ' K- v. Ij.rt. LANSIMJ, nf rp.o,yn.N' v.- Y.irk. stntc: j h.n't: s"fn pjM rii-Miy l' i'tiiii'i-uni nw i vut-u i ! I'm i a.ifi 1J," :,. liii!,; :is ''.jilsj me ) j bviit'VC il f ul r:ilfiy j I. ul t mif lit .v I Lt(Jl i l, t'ctil i ftu,i i', 'ivo n. emetic if 0".'i;miv, It mi I tit 7,11ml i! i' i "l':ii' l"iu-fi IVt-vi-it a ue ilu '.no. It tUtacn hin.'Jtt h. h v. ul II I l;.tl t ' rtir4'. I Wll ui'!.i.i I'vv I'.: h: va ami n ni- ! r.'il h. !... lH.( fivnv V.-l"-.-;:i. Till. l.M'l.r ;:: V i rwAW rem.w..l l.y tlsi retsi-- i N'uinvri':t.i i:i?: i'irr-(t Ii ivu ItCJil H ii'-'' I lufl Wii ! ; iiuil.- n vio .r('rjctt if m any -:r:-i;i (i intti'.'tP. ; w IiiV-l!(fir u-.-i-: 'tlj i s. v,:i ml i:ic Cucrry Feci irul, wu :Mi'.;fin2 if ni tliei!'.;ic. Ir. J. 0. A f r : ?ALr.::.c:i: 1"!' -'-w-c, V:"T. . hv K'l i ;".M. r.:i V 'l "I '..3 l- f 'v rt H...l.le c;itjcU ol , y.'iir CUKiMlV Pili.'TOit 1. m i.c-s ''d s '' Wt I'.l IMly. Out ' l l-.'i!..".l',';,:t'!-r! v:i: :t.Vtc!" c.trt.t i tM i ( tli.Vs -fa U(v'.tli ul liiinr'NW orr.i;, i.y if '. l)r. ,Mri:tt, iin' nf' n;tr vt'tv l-Ltl p!iifi.iita Itci-!.' .:.:" . l!i:it lie c;iifi.!- is ii'hf h.-sl rmi.-.!y vvi' Inve piiim-MMiv j ili.vjfts, n t id liidt lie h:is mm I in -ru cn'R 'I Cn.:iii Wit u ' it inan iitiy i'i!n r Mi''uris'e I't? r; r ndiiliiii?it-roi. O'ti I'lVViryin.-it of t'n H iptr Cluiri'li p:.yi tnut tMrio; tit? run tl Intlccnzx l:ere l:i(t n.ns n. hu li;' cii: IV nn y.itr hieJiciac lie c-'utJ scarcdy liavt- believed with tjtii ffiit?. ! Ycara repcc;.i:iy. J. P. lr!-.Vin, j re;:Uy P ?tii.aHer. From the ul iii trti.i.'hiit iVrV. -or " Chemis 'V G'k M tct iii FJ-ihrc, liomiaiu CnllfjC. i I lnrafiMMnl liie Chshwy Pt.CToitAL, nn its inumtit-nts riinw. ii powerful rwacdy f r clili, owl emigltS, mid put- i n..i:mry Ui-ems. i pATscn Cl.CVELAM, M I. 1 UM-.N.-wir.-;. M".. F. Tv .1. j Hit. vaij-:nti.kmott. 77t? vih ttt ctUhrattd Professor vf Sitrerry in the Mr.thcnl Cnllrnc. A'tt" Yarn Ci; fa S'lii: 'It jjiri'9 iim pt('.nre t rrtiiy tin vl'u: m'd f.fici'f i f 'AYKIi' L'HKHHY PkC'TkUaL,' wliif'll 1 f. t!i ' t T prf'tli- orly n-laptrd t.mro liMan:- m iht I hm:il aiul t-ininf.'' Ottifs ni' f (lis-tiri'S upon the I .imcn tinvr lnm cf fi.eU'd In' Ciikbuv Pr.t iHiiil. in buc!i rirmie c " w.uratii llio li'-lii t H' tt a r.-m-dv h f at l"i.:rt!i h'n i"'Kind tMt ran (h'-i'inlitl on 1'M-urn thr (' mjiis. C t-' and C Miii:iiMTi"ti wln'di t;-trrv from our nr lvt il-ti - rul y vi-r. It is itid.'!i rt mi'.lu'tnn l i vhi li tl.. niliiried nn I i wilt R 'M'i Ii:m-h i",.r r'll;cl", nnd they :ru!d U 't l":iti t nv:-il lliclitc' !vt,i ''I U. Pi-fipavnt and fM ht; JAMES C. JVJ, Pac!iral Chemist Lowi-li PoM in Sitnlinry liy II MA?sSKU, and ly Priiijtri-ts rncrii!ly tlirmlmnl llio Stntr. Jr.!v "0, rrow lv. Nov. 1:5. TjJ, VI u... .a,.j . (-r'liccijs.'r to A. I i'M'.'j '.' .! Sir::!, 5t?tini's i?tn7.:.i T. .Yo. 10 : s jL-'ii.iC'Si.rriv. ifXTKNSiVi: Ml.'siO l'L:iI.l.-?liElv. r.i,l "-- D.'aler ill Musical lmtruincutb cl ciery i!c a.'nptton. Lsclf.-ive Ajent fir the sale of Iluilct, Da is &. Co' (.U-it 111) l'llENV fcill'l.NslO. iiiuri.E .Lu!ian ami other PI AII0S, I,. Gilbert's TJihi bar riauo i, Mel. deims, Martin's (Hilars, Uarin, Violins. Siii:r.T Mt'Mi, Miaic il'XIUS, &c, uC, Ke.idcnts ef the eiuntry will be supplied hv mail ur otherwise with nnv music the mav wi!i, at as low rates as if purclia.-ed in person. Ilavin; one of tha l.iret sMcls i,i Ibc l.'niir.l Stat-s, I h cl cor.tiitctit ul jatt.ih in; all who .may lev or lue with a cull or order. Dealers in Mn ie suppliel cn th" most li'.x-rat terms. Fianosto let. Secondhand Fian s Lr sale. Philadelphia, April 14, ly. I opie jioMiaies, " POCKET BOOMS, AND FANCY COODS. ' 'QMIE aitcni'nm ef lite 'i'rade, and others, iti ' L want tf i'o'to .Mannaies, Pockit Puol,.!, Janki rs' Cise-i. Lre.-sin Cases. Fit'tattl W'n- ilia; Lle.'.-.l,".'. limncli "and Clu'-s Uoaids, 'lic-itiiiiii. Pturl. lcU, and t'tlver I'oid l-ascs, .Voik Uo.vea, Cabas. Mecelo Pojs ', Money lolls Ciar Cases, Po'tf.dios, Pai.'is and I'.jut ilrops, 'l'r.ivelliin; I'lis'.s, :. I lino Cutlery, lis. .ct'ncr wi,h a l i,;;u vai.i ly uf I'lM I Guuiis vUicU will b u!J al tlie IjAC. t ralca. r. ii. giii'ih, ,'oiie iTnnni'e a'l I I occt"; M.'.i ri.ictur. r, 20.1 Aah Si. Lhic Sulk, FkiUvhl;:Ua. ?e; t. 1 7. 'JJJZ"" 1 i'istilllliillUlL-lit una a Si 0 .'.'i 5a;.. 5;i"j.-., II.tUiY-.. Ti r t!:s M n.iir..ctiire and sale of i'ult til l.rJIfi' C'i'i.vl'ilT I'lCvai'H, .'uteot METALLIC mMPlMNER. l.:si.e J.lP.ipci.. li i'tiin ; I! ..iija, tiiiiij li k, tVc. i'aieiit Paubru'iit 1'jpei, L?'.T IEU ( 0PYlN(i HOOK?, -'u .e:!or ti nil ctb'ia. sol r ! h p.i"e p.;.U J PA l UN V l.Pl'l F. 15 HINDER, A i!..i:i lulu I le iiiveniinii I'm" keeping ii a :.'.- I lu'lil, Lett, is ICillllJ, Oiijmal Iliui- 1 v.. Ac. PI..U-, Apid 'J, I jJ ly. Iiapoptitut to ('oal Dealei'M. '1!ll'. sii'n-.ileii be. el y infirm ll.s ll.ev la.. v at e iieicd laii.s partner. hip uinlir lb t'n 111 vf K'-e. Lii- I iV I'", Im liie puiHiw ul uui, in (. .li. ' i"m ... I M-lliti : 1 .... I, atilivrir I nt '..i.l u' . u( stanlayilo r J j.i.I o'ui.J lb tw. p eliaian l. 'I'll. V will I It a ly t 1 il. ti.O i.vil, wcl1 plcpl ir.l, o.. i.u I' nl mi .-I'. . n i.-, u I all ". on tt e allu'.el li.itl. ... si-.l I'll l-i III''-I lcaao,,.,t e'.ir.ll. Oiili 1. ir.iin.l ut Mi .11. "I. -n l v K -P, PPtM) CO. 9uiiliinv, Ian I, l a-N i. I . t K V 111 II V V one Jslili,'ll ul l,.i I .-J ili I',. ml. .1..I I'.i. a, l..r a. v li'-ii bf li, I.I.-.IU i.U HI, Mn!,it .1., 1 v ii..i in. I',, 1 1 '.li, ""l . l. I. .... 1 1 KNINti Ill III. I ail. ll.e im. .1 sod I'.I. U.I. l l..i I ...I I .......I li,i IV,. , 1 I Hue, l .kll, ,U4 .,. .u.l ,,,i .. ,, I , I V . I A. I tl. """v. Pi.-, la, i.j. W if c f2,50Q : Acres Tiinlicr Land v ' FOB, GALE. SEVERAL VALUABLE TRACTS' OF TI.MUKR LAND, comprising about S.SOO flcrot, pat t of which U situated on Tobylmnna Urcffk, nnd part on Muddy Creek, williin thrro nitlr of Lchiali Kiver, in Penn forest townhhip, Carlton Couiily one of ihn grout Coal Counties of Pi'ntipylviii.iii, enu be had at a baiguin. if ep plirntiorl bo niHtir annn. 'J'lirro Kinds me lliullv eovered with the lest timber of that region. M'hile it is behoved that 73,000 fret of lumlxT to the acre, can leeut from ft larjje portion of the Lmd, the balance will avcr a:o not mucli let than thin figure. The kinds of ti'rtbcr found onlhn land arc Hemlock, Hprucc or Whito Cedar, VVhito Oak, White Tine and Chestnut but principally made up of White Tine and Hemlock The Tolhanna and Muddy Creeks are lare and rnpid filicann, yuhlintf a vnst amount ol water power, und aie eupnble of driving a large number of auw niilU. They empty intolho Lehigh, which atreiuu, vi:h the Lchih Canal nfV.ndd nn outlet to tho inoKt Jr&irahlu luniber inurkutH. 'J'hera is, too, under contemplation, a railway leading tolhcciiicaof New York and Philadelphia which rnna within out mile air.l three i.v nttyxoi the laud. Through the.c avenues lumber can be delivered in cither of Ihe citSt'i named, for about 67 per thoiHai'.d feet thus enablui pcrsonx cn gaed in ihe trad to derive greilcr piofits than attend tnveMinenU generally. In nd.lilio.1 to the timber, convertible into eve ry nh'ioc ui luinl or, there ii murh that wi!l nn nwer tor rpHps nf e-seU it sort of timber tliat snip builders have bern obliged to piipmatfo in Mttiue, or nt other dlslaut "oiiiin. Vtiii!;a nn.: ot the In Oa on tT,.o Lehigh th're ! ha yet, licrti no enliimy of the timber oti 1;a I'i'ojK'ity. It ataiiu'-i unditiirhed by, the wood ! inau'H awe. t U, the more valuable, j 'i'hc lumlitr ticda d the Lehigh has licen carried ; on to Mit h an c ';tfM lor ycnr.- past, tha' a eca 'citv j of good timber U heiuuiii' to be felt, livery i'.iMiii tiCit-isaiiY iuriciiCH thin clitTifiilty. The cjuH'tiiicm e imi.-t be an em ham ernent r.f ti e j Viilp m' ti-iiber land:-.. Thoso un-eulled tract ; with the adva;ita-fl cl acir.icii to n.arliet, nuch ' as Tie biti'ln itiiTcd l".r k pos-ic cannot fail ! to bn Ibu mtirccA uf Mippty hciraltrr. Put t!:c land is it t alone valuable for the t'm ber il cotl.iitt3. I: of ipiality f.r farmin:. , nca.K every rt -te b.-Iny nueeptible of a high jstato of ci:!tivatian. I Capit;!li;:- de-;rih'T to tne iuvcplin'int-'!. w;inM i'o we. I to turn :;.ir a'Uu:ioa to these laudf. Por ; lrt!i?r information apply to (.'IT AS. M. HALL, PiVu-e in 'r'i:ii:i Kegioter" buildintj, Pottii !e, Pa. Dviv Paiaf-j, Ciluss Oil, Vindow 5 Tuss l'riMnll zinc white. 10 tuns I'nro v liiio flOlill HiXci WillJoiv (i(.n.r.;:ll si.P4. 8n))0i i.r i'ut;lMi,C)p.i!,( 'o;n.'il,L ntlli- er A- Iron varnii ii. wlnt.' bi nmr vnrnitli fjr Cliina Cilos-j, willi n iMii'ii'.l u.uitincntwf frosb and nnro DRUGS AND MEDICINES. Alan all the Patent leuichiea in general use, i Warranted ticiiutr.e. Colored and Knauijcd Glaa', Cxi , for sale very low at A LF R E I) W I IrKKKn E KS U.-iis? Hid Paint Stoic, .No. 169 2nd Street, PHlLAuLPHI . Physicians anj S'(t'liectorfi Kunplicd CIood-4 ncttt to nny of the ItoU or DcpnU fice of charge. I'hita., .May t Od. I v. Hook A-r-euls Wanted. t gi:n V.'AN'ITi) i:i every town and in the I'll iti dSiatei. to sell the most - CCllIitV ' popular and banks pulilishcl. many of them be mtilully illnstralcii im;1i ei'lore.l eiiia- i vines ; als j the tniist '.vor'ai. oi' T. S. A li- j 'i'll L'll, inchiJiiir; "Anirr'a Cult ? I ii'rm ij." I Intelligent and niicrprisiii:? una wi.l lir.d this ! a plcitsatit and pralit ibla busiiie.-.s. i Fur particulars a hire s (post-paid.) I J. W. IIKAIjIXV, Publisher, i I'u. 18 Noith Fourth street, PuiljJelphia, Pa. I Octolicr 1, Tin. Cisoup Waifiies ej Jewelry, II iLl'r.AI.E and Tictail, ut the "I'hiladel- pl.ia Watch nd Joweirv More, No. au j North Second .Sti.-e corner cf Quarry, 0. .1.1 Lever Watclica, i., ; ji-weletl, Is i-iimt, Sijea ! Ci .!.! l.i'piip: lsi. -cl oa l"me Silver Siietticlva. 1,60 j ilvn l.ea. liiil ii-ivili.Hl, tf-i, ill, ilil liracelela. y.cil truvrr l.evcr, lull jewi'J I'J I',' liulil 1'eiieila, 1.011 tiilei nr 1'aniii.ia, li .1.1 Snc.-l... I.-... Toa ajs li i..t ivu, willi X'cnt'il and Silver II. .IJer, 1,00 Gold Pin-jet Pinqs, S cents lo .$30 ; Watch Glass,, plain, l'J J cents; Piitent. 1SJ; I. unci, 'J.i ; iili':i' articles in pruportijn. All floods war ranted 1 1 las what thev aie sold for. fiJ'ALTFER cc IIARLUY, Succpssois to O. Conrad. On hand, fonin Gold and Silver Levers and l.epines, stili lower than tlie ahoie priuvs. Kept. 10, I .'.:. ly. The Avins of how the War Di'lvi-ei'ti the 7W.'"j; n:nl Jlussi'ins OE: on is not of so much interest to the iiibiunli ol Sunbury and il vkinity us t.'.e f,:rl l.-i" I. VT, TENER & CO. h.i' C brutilo up this v.ce't from riiiivhphia a le'e. be.'.utiJal ai.d varied stoc'i of, wliiah llii v will scli caeap in hoictnlure. 'i'hey ic;icet-. fu:lv iv pi: -I thetr lUen.l.i and t!:e pu'ali; toi sll un. I i.'. o iliem. tsiiribni v, l':i., 1) n, i.nt. 1 i;i:nvai;e.-pei.ntiiid u ,.f t.- ; ware, i:i t'l.t vi. S'o-m Cbinn end U. It', 1'is'iiM cl" u'l kinds, Ti ud ' Scl.i, cnvere l I i i t Cbin i Fruit Ba-keH ;io.l ' OriiT'isats. Fbu I L i'iiaa, l.unterui, Gluasaarc in ..arie'v, mi I J'nuilih ri fi j.ii ti cents upMurJ, 1 j.t received s-nl Iji sale by I Dc. i;i. I-ili. I. w. tenkr ,v ro. I ) W A R ' Table II md . Cullei-v, Tiniuri', 'i vi, Wood .a h ir l.coks an I IJ in .... 1 l'.i-' fl Knives. i i li im. a. Am s. 'Ituela, I) II uui Delia, Wallers, Ac , jnt rc. 'ic, and , r a-!.' by I. V.- lDNF-ii i i ll tui.eury, lie.". 13. l"t ". 1 A V l.rl I'.im be, 'l Uil.. I ai,J Wo.-l.-ii in 1 . hi... i. . i . k . .. . .ii . w mi w.i.i i a uca Ull s. Sli'i. Ik la.e, i'el and olin-r Tilliiuiliia, WnrLid r.a'.-ev, sliiinarrtle, curia, ju.t r. e.'Hara, ion' i ti" tied iii.d I ir tlie by 1. W TtAtK A CO ISniib iiy. Vac. 10. ISMI Mi ril ei Kvs..CF. OF JAMAICA li I . liFIt, it tieali supply Jut le.rive.1, .Ml (f al by U. U. MAbiUlt. r-'.nibiirv, tin. Id. I a J. lOll.VI.U " V l l'tt.s.- 1 ka liubl 1 ess ' ' diiim sUlii a, . .at ul e, y ,iM i... by II. U. M.N&Ntfi:. I Mi.iihi.iv. i.i l PI. IM P. ll.l.CIII Paper llt-eds tiul blank tlvretilins, ra sjiiit 1 M...I. I A.".. I I I v ! ,.l..l, a,. I II. II. MAVt;il, I'M vt. Vl A.N.N M I. Il I t Kit ' aauli IV (l l'.'.i. lu'a. '.J all ia"U(-lvl., ,i I in ai. ad, l.lil U'l aalv Ly It. U 1I.V.1.1UU. roiiiiinv, Jin I, H'iJ in 4i 1 ' a a . l.AKl . ! daaaiiplou r1 U bJ I ,'j.i.4 .1 la. 1 .ill. 4 II AiiMHiaaia. I a, i l e . i,'u l U.u wi'.-, Kuj-riij til 44 till 'it i.i J C R L E U II A T K D . Family 51 c d I c i n es IN otTerniir t the pitMift the fitove invnluntilr "prepnra ti nn, ihe BiiliperH'fi would ttuie tint in c nmltiiUtni with hn lileiuta oihl 'nir rt' the m-wt r'nptftnt.!e nl the U-ilicnt ImMilty, it Wat iteumttl mlviKiblo to -flV r to thti ptniti(, n li-w proWtruth'iit ol known rdmriiy, Immm pro parrtl wild the gnviu'sl eare, ami on the moit wicnftic priimiplpM, ni miliBiituH't for the mitncroiot worlliknt nt lielet that nre flHitliiig the country in the form of puiini'i-ni imt cure nils, prepnrfd by the mmt ifiiiormit Mtid ir.eret'im ry person, iuteiulcd to cure &H diente and gxd for none. r -. Rend and Reflect. Thrt ttitj Medicine Minntfucturcd by W. M. TJlcxlet, liH'liitling his Huso Peeionil lor Uoultt. ric-iin h Cmnph ir, f .r liheumutitii. ' 1 ' ' ' ; 1 Worm rnip f Worm. ; Tooth V(ili. for decnyrtil Ipeth, dirensetl nnis. Kumily Piilt, orlilo-d Pmityer, hnvebi-cn more extensive ly uett, nml Kuve given m re Wrtmfarttiai, thnn any oth MitliniirR In-fore tlie pulilie, beinij prf prr(l with rfvartl to thtir uhciuImccr me fully Woithy lilt Irial uf the uiiliel eJ. Give them n trial. A few powettul rtufons why the nkive Moilieinei ore deserving pi umi'finil pnlo nnce. (In the ftrrt plm-e thtty are prepared by n reaalur Phywrian. who rtiiderfUiiK i the Hppltt tf Alfdh-inm, to die:ii!. nml conwqiifMtly are oerleelly pafi; to i'il:o. (ifomlly ,) liivy ha hern used with iniiverxyl a "weoi. antl have i;ivrn nmre wi'ilhe ti"n th in nny otliir Mrdirii.t B oftVTcd before the pablie. ( Tliirdit ) they nm tttt only meu etmm that have p:.ined till p'lttimiMie nf plivnu'iam, whuic tti'-y Imvi ln.-t-n intcd ; mid (b'ouillilv.) llicy ute put up la l-irer (pvintiiit-ji t r tlie fcniie prk-f, tlntii nv.y ihIht M-iticim i lt'ored to the public i f tlw taiiiR kiiul A the Piilmrnbtr har a imiitU r of cvrtitifutrs in hii jvif-p.-iisiin of liie Inula-Mt nuiln rity, where thry Irive hren us d with iha in s iiiflfnr'nry re putts. !Tp will pKh'tph o ftwf thnn, fwlin? tcitisfird ih-i .ittinlwOl Inmre their rw inuieiKlaii n. Try llicin itud satisfy yaurni'tf of iln ir mpni imiiy ovit H ottu-r j. Rwd nnd be Convinced We the niid.Mjiiu-iicd tinvio Imi inade iicfpiaiiiti d" with the i liTt M:;o ciIimim int t t!ie fti'inp'.iiinl known i Mi 'k!fy l-ainiiy Mfliinn ntt hivtos prewiibt! nnd Icivwii thcai bn ii-d, with in. M aii-fat ! try rtrstt'is; lake olaminj in n i nij: tluit w Iwlicvi1 lin y fully meet the d :a:gii t..r wlii.-li htv ?re r iii"ei ','d JAS. ' '. VP!MIi.):, M. U. r. if. fkiur. M. ti '-"!. V,M. Mti AImiN, M. T XVtl.i.V It f.KMM'UARTjM.D. W'M. (I ?.1 V'-lt.l,. I If - n it. oi:a:ij:ai;t, m. n. . Clod of Kiln in the in-fr tuut cwrjt from protested hirer Cor)irliitt. . Mn. X l'.Tt A-1 mi.''. I .! ! "titr uii.!-r O.ii-m-U: biver C hi-' pl.iint. U'-r inipnnird viihn t-'u it ivy CM''jh paia hi tlio sidif it'ul linvi-t, K-ni-ral d- li!;:y, Iimsh ol s;piait. tiltw try iiiff all tin- iiMt;.i imif.lii;: r. r nim ,t,l'il I I t aijilii and dic;iSf .-f 111'- It's1, wh- witii n h'-avfu. fche wna ritMiti m -nitnt tfi try t .;o t: Piii'ral. f. 'in wh'.Hi. sh iiitton'y tt'.rivt'it i.u ii.ih.itt- hMt ii ririiiiM' iii:'-t' J .lia A.loiir.-" n - t il-.h-:i Ail;tm, waa nfllieled with n vtv wi-'ir c trc't, yiin in i.u t!c, 8 reium nr wl'Mid t'V im-Td ot v uuiiii'T! ; l w.' tooaeed tiry the Uit Prct i .iv tort twa lt'i:',n:!i;f, the ftn-l il.w orii.lf.l loin t t t-i.i-.y a d lrjila't ut. In t! o in ritinif la? i x pft't'-rnti-d tttK-ut h iniit .1 nnufr. He I r -at at n-:t in i-;ff.if until Ir r r-h r ii ii .t i's i Irrl tlo. rii'.vt "i rt-MrMifiiMiif It IiIimM. iiirli ;j ii'iltirdly w-k . Ilea's i niil 'nit tf ii a ifMiiit!'H tvtrd it ton na.ii!.T "i I.i ii t-n-N f v pup'!. a- c 'uilaiii:, unit ia rvcrv r.i -c it ' i'-.'i: ii - f r-r : - n. Tn';i'v i'T iin r-;pik'i:i ( I'm lnvii f Daiivi1!. fn-iint: ibat t f : v huve t!'riol frn-m tnciiR ilic iiu 'if llii !;-; Pet ,t:il : ;i:,lii.irj.M l1i-' t; fc'atpni-n!, f.r t!ii- l-'jatfit of tli '.it- v,-!i n iv In ' Itltftnl in a birtiilai imai w r. t;t:i-; T Cl I. K. Loss of Voice restored wit'i one iolth: of Pec- Mi!F-,ini Whitl tck, ..f tterh tiwtitldn, X trllminher taiiil c for n nit t.h -r of voir - an i: vi!.:. in Hir fall of nVI, I si tlif ut -a ii.-r v-'ire ft :u a wi-Wie rtid f'u chii. iriL!t' d ; afti-r trvt ir i ninnbi r of r"!iliri, with ti Iwiie fi'. was "tirrlv T'nt. ri by taimr "m; h 'Ute i f Huc Vei l ri.l, niter woirii. I )M ht-r v 'i'-e nuin. fr-'tn a frt.-cii c tid tt'.iu r la'r.ii-ii-!, au'l w I'.jriiu rr-"ireft by the ne nf tih tHir Ii itt!f ; n,ir ilirn took I'.mr b 'Uli s mure to nrreny'Jieii lor bri-rM, frnn which !io dtttived the in nt itt'iil-il liptiftir. unit Ii:ib Loon in I'.i 4-ii'imv nitat jf l-xcl!!' til lu-t''h ffin that i mi,, to the imp, at Tne ati ni' fHatemrHt i i.t.tioin-d fr- m VT PlotiM. the Plid'cian who atirii.tpd i-i ; n'n l-- r m ili-r who that hiu w "ltd not It living at Mat- tf V lr ! tar l-.-en J f i the M"b- P.-.-t -I- it. V "i V:", .1 n 0.. I St' nimthrr 7: Tn ,?.,.? ( ' , r TPrctr.t Mts SmViil Sechler. hi-ip ofmumrM weiU o-.H tU-li- ! cafe Cins!li lit i in. Vtry fuscci ul.l t r l.!.- , Wj'R .'llielul wna n very i'vere e.tnfta, )vta nn-t rvtri'n mi hip i re in, . 1 mn of appetite ; niter ntanu n iiiiiii'mt of I tie un.iiii r niu- ! die fnmt whieh, nUc derived n leiie!r. a!.. wm fiin-it by I takinc ''lie l tlllr of Uo?n p.i..,ral an I is in the cuj ntci.t of belter health than f T ye;:r previom. Danville, l)ec. 1 K-O. j Dh. Micklky : Permit ire to iiif -r:ii yo i ilia my wife, I who i(i diicitft mil weakiy x' an m. lib rmj niitti-r a ! very evere C mi:'i witti'p-iin tlorl h 'rcrien f breasf. vvt m ire pitr'kv nad rfTermmiv i.bved with ore tiiiie ( ! v "ir litis" Pee; than nay ofier pniUi-ine h;al ever 1 ttken. A".Ni:! M"lt!IS"t J ut 1-.::. H.un'i.'l P.U,-.' Kiarnee. fe t P i''t. 1 1 E iDJNCli IX rw nt; I'K 111S Losii 1 1IC Iiil:.L AND , j .1 a,;, Fain.,- t .ta-n !, -'..v.-.-a n.-i-ii vis nnJ New Year ' ! Wi:!i a eny tn:l c I.t, wVelt .-m'-I tan i1- lii'll inc. aa. at rT2 ' I Ihit I tit ti Ii -till-, . I hv Ii; Mia:" it e. ! lini-!.f.t. War- Cl- lif-lv t-ir.; I U" nit . sv lint he l"' t -It it a. vera I doses if the ll.'Vih ti-V"i.ttie nr r.-on;iv Pi'.U, I. .;d t'aitl they j I .ire die mi Lieu I uitJ ni lit eirtii-l paj; iiivea lie htsc.'eri taW lM'i .:t .?-m. 1. i-Z I On Hf-Ktsv D irt'i n vi tl ! ivr 1 r. thT. in IVn- ; j vi'!-, I to.!; a v't v r-V'-m C '.iva rated hi U tV't t j (roil C ai::'t. wi'h s r'-tir-tv imi p :t,i ';'t':r !:r:.ft, fir W'ise!l I Ilk. -I V -ill- P. we P."' :ir:dP:i:TllI Pt !!.. mid j r-i'if pl'-'i-ann- ia i iv i;,'!-, '' tl;'i'T r1 'tii tail Uv t avA : ni 'tt e:lVeu'il iciao Iv 1 h i.'e u;c 1. n.-:,':,f 1 ti j i ' .t m;:s io;:.a, I J "I. 'Jo. MZ'i. W; it..- ti u, l, i en. : iK-ar ir : V:, a rc - ,vne". t ::ion f r vnr 1 Pi m - 1 j n', priori nif f mv. ) I v.-n ttiVr'uni'v etirrd t f ;t I l vwv fVeie e n i willi nam iu hie luc;t-t, witi. IrS.i ilian ill li t. :.u t ri H I e .:i:.'.. it luv.-i'u ibic. Yua uie at !l:,crtv t'i ia 1 i.- '-ii'.'!,- if v"! pie- a... lilM -,' SI'ltUIMi, ((ii -e-l.) D aiville, Pa. Mv a ill I II, ami? iimli-i a 8 'Vrr'.' e iilf;ti il:i,l -oil ill liis si le. li im :i:i : rv ir.- -i; cl v .1 t'-ll. was ,-itiieiy i!ie..-c! I'V at. Cilij ni' It ...: V:-l-nl ,v Cream uf C-iia-pli a. I Iwvo a!M na -1 v.t'r I-' .mull I'll!', met nit.'uliivr I C.'lisaiur tllc'lll Ltlv 1j;s: IiU lc-cine" I I. v.- -. r Jl) W llVI'.DDUIt F, J in . 1VJ. Ums'i 'Pp.. NonliM e. Dr. liick'cv : fvr: ,a rav w.tis va w..a triiulilcd with dry, hard I.' mh. nU n mr ISt iin u h. dep.'iirlent up n to Iiiji..'Piri. win eatirely relieved by uauu ivv.i ttottli of vmr Uoir Peer oral, pcniiit in tu -y I but 1 t"ii8i let it a. 1 r-. tci;t Vuursjre.-nefla'!.-, Hrr Mr. WII.T.ARD. V..'. T l.-iili-nii'i Chur.-h, Duityilie. Pa. Hiving Iwentiire-I o'a in my nun (stinilar t -t Ilheu niili.n) winc'i iii in ivid in "f ihe'ffe nsf of it for aluvit in nit tin. Hi- ii-i'i" .nf li tU rf "reniii t'i (nniith r I w ''it 1 Mate tvi' J c ine.lrr it !!;e l.-t rrtiady ( fie ! Win (I ;iav u.'nrti-'. t p.y i in My, :y . W freely' rec Haai-ii I it toolii- wi.ii tiin.l.r ; . t l i'f. Kn.!iai v. JON Vrt Wl'I.K. ! HniH ',t., N .ith'd ef. My w.i'tt hA-T vm.':t v;ih i v."v S"'"? p"'' hi h; r nrrtl tit! t h ai. (1 "ti? i-:.- of i ) wlih'lorl lier fr ant tii"ir it, watt eiiT'- I i U t ithuit .; Cretin .'fiiia p-l t. Ai -,. i;:,,,n, in. n-'ct-i.i-i.' w, was ii'.. t rnrv'.l 'f a v.-ei e :):iin i i I I :t ( 1 f u-.- tn- u'tei Cretin l' j Ci-n-.h r VO. KI.US. I) uwii:u Jmi. t, I My wifu hi.i.ia !-Ihu.ii i. iai f uui ara, t r n tum-lur j of jean, winch i'r i .i: .- J I. r ir'-ui iii!'i tt in -I -i.-ft hi r wnl,; Mi'i-r Ik.v" t-A i.-ent a iim- t -i-d f iir'iti'V in tr.ii't t trT'- it r'ii!'lirK rii!i if Itt-'ia'it, wa oal i ':.)" vuti it l y jjjhtj onl mi-1, t'tli- iv-irf p i.n m i..ii ,'li r. n'n.'.i m hVc:s :.i u -r. to. j.. ii. vfd. n. p.-i.n lf. P-.'Vit-e I o iMf reef ivr.l a vrrv :f'f iMlltry in mv (! hr f 'I 'l'i? ti 1 ad f h:i. frtm wtncli I nn;i W t f ii"W tnv w 'tit. f.'c -limit.!. utl i ity w It Ciet-m vl 'a ' ilt U tV r I d i :mdi tf rrthl" OillPITPI rtU P h tr , N-irilPiJ v - Sir w: -n, 'ft -itt't f.-...!! in it c.y i to "til, hr nt'iii.'l it-u (imrnl '.. i, w 'ut !i ri". t-uicj t i-i fr.ati t .ii uf ('! Lf i-e t'i. i:i h a I j. n-i1 pr -f' iefl :m-1I of ';,..) ;i r r wSr 1 rt 1 entii'ter t" rei'fi'-i witli'iiit item 'it, Mm mAU lelie 'l lv tin tie i lejui m' Caui;iit i. i.l'O II li::'.. P r -.v.,i p . I, it ll.i iviMe, pn. ('MM eir.d ef ft nvl C uiMafit. toi-t A-'i t- i.'a ui.'i ) hv W. mi H. iu,. . My e'oll .-..if an it. d i tli h.l tw "T9, with M -v r! t; mi ! t ,.n X ,. n , ' J , i ? .4 n-.lo 't. -.1 I I a in. It ' -k a, I tc'ii n'.in:..i .i" r to.-oi' i v Lli ip porrn'mnt 1 v-i.rilt Uitil I f n il ii- !i US- t j. uf W-Tm r rap, ti w'tieli li.ta j ii li., I - il1,. t',i I - X tMU'p tl''V I iil. i h.iVM n in.): n ' .1 il t ' h m. i.t ef t.f inr t ici'iW, ii id lit w cj" y t'jc r 4 i t 1 1 t-.i'tet .M i ii, I. l.r.VI. At I. nul.-sa Ml.rt.i.if.'e. f li itr nv I f V. '. a -:. oo in my fniiit, , un I eo 'Vr tt I1 't "ii'v r --X.--V i'. t .t' ,, ' ia rifc'ot tif'if'j nnv jo ii'iuii w nil j At tin i.a?:iki i, li'M.vt II'u n 1 1 . t-r i i a H rui. la mv I m l I ''nt v rhttti. mi m 'i'I'ihi a ,r pt . purstii- M f'. '" m i;! 1 1 uUc. . I V lHi. . M ' ' I U -W. l :IVll -. I tcw r a n it vftt NV i tfn' in aiy I :..'., mul i'l-" .1 "V tiilM"'- I ha u ' 'rl.t' Ct j). h in Voltev. M i'- r r Ir Tt -V1-, -1 . - '? w 401 t.i, nnJ t'rrH im '.mi,4i r nml nt'.v i't-.t. in my hi.m.a. Hit-v r I l fttiXM.irii ki d e ni'.li r li . n. Hi in -l leo uat, a.jl pU.1- mi r.-t- w I v- in " l.-.t. Ji'HXM I'll S It SMHP.I., IfcuwiU. Tstar lit iW ilt mi kfMii.ed lwin lu ruti t...t. (.rot.aA i: i,, , m iii .f t , y u li .4"'v I i the il4i t f v ttr I i oidv M li. t t, nml Wh ti.i. hn.t ii. i t'tiaiitiiHV "I kkit v oti Uik 'i i'l ttDitia-fi'Ut Ki'l'V.'lu la h K t h'tvo natsd l't.l ' H rt 'l' V III r-fi., .tii.M-ll tl V ! '", '" tlita .hi p.i a. umvriai'U '" i hoLI ut it..f f.ttt n w tr.i. :Hitw, Ihv A W l K I I '. II. a n .-'ie i i mv m '"IH . t,d m n. l i II V It I .4 I'i'ii i. i. H Wtt ft A a,C U .- ili, UiliSitiii ut) a J''" " 9m h "" " JilS iTII i ai U'M .1, Ilw. U t U" 4Wv l ' ui ur.ttiiJ ui-nik..l . fts.iti, i.i m , it, liM'.t 4 t.-iiil f unit ttf I.. .'.! i 4i it feta rnir.1 tiv umr mm b 4t 4 V" I" 4(4 Alv (ft '! ttt lt.ltt lC ! la, 4 - ll)tr .1 k ''I. aft Htn. lMI4f U o mi -- I. 1 nln. " sVtt Jt l .U 'l ( t am 4. k !. t ' Cf al li.a.o, lh. f . i laiaalti' a tf t H-.ft. g UK 4 Mt(l . , l-a I tl'.,'lH tl 4-'tl. I a M -t' - Il- V'1.1 rfl Dia,. 4-Uolt at. tf Uf 4 ,1. a yiuni. T"-'a SV4.1I ! n. iaan wmi4 l- - U " vI44V atMt lltlMll a t ' If W't. liUM t , i.ll U l! ' T .4. ti. t- m i. a. H'tl i- M.avl U- u.t i.f W M m al k. ,l.l , fi..t..a4P - !... H A.t.r'o4 l4 14 4 -ttt4 AiaMi t V'4t' ' . .ai 4 4 I" . ..; 'i. . W A tn.'-ti. V e H ''ll'ili V-Vf-i. Vufa4 l a -.a, I' - i '- 4 '. I1- i i I l'a U 4 (' 1 . , .4..., 14 l tt I ' , ... - t l I I'V .'. aa, 4. .4 .... h.i l.ila.4 4 t- A .. 4 attac-M 4 lta . tS"al, i 4 -aa..4 (aW4 '- (V Mi til - S l-4 '.' -a. 1 , t ... - I I I I W ( .V . I 1 . . ...1 I w. . M U.-. 4 'tar 4 . 4W4 . a I JM 44. .. ' i il wmi m yM yw -a t 1-4 afl." tVaft 'Ul'l"t II, m4 I "All) AUD COMFORT," . To Yotie' Oivii rTIecltnnics. , GKOIHiK lUCNN. i , MANtTACTCREtl (JP FURNITURE, AND CIUIRS Of tho most Fashionalle Style. HHn suliscrllier renprctfnlly tails the attrntinn of tho puhid to hi large and iilpndiil assort ment pf every qllily and price of :)..( c:AKiiirr-wARK;' which rnniiot fail to rei ommenil itsclftoeverr one who will amirii it, on aocomit of iu ilnralile workmanahip and aplcndiil finish, made up of the lt slock to be hail in the rity. JVo clnirt ia sjmroil in the ninnnliu tnro of his wuro, anil the snliscrilicr ia ilrtvrinincil to keep up with the ninny improvement vhich are constantly being made. His stuck consists of Mahogany SoT.ts, IMvtiiiN n ml lwmip:es, I Bureaus, Secretaries, Eicleboards, SOFA, I'ltliAKFAST AM) UI.MNQ TABLES,' and also VEA'ETIAN UUNUS, -equal to 1'hila- ilrljiliia inniiulacture, BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and price, CUPBOARDS, WO UK AND CANDLE STANDS, TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, In short, every article in this line of his business. He also iiianuliiclures all kinds and qualities uf CHAINS, including vmi, ties never before to I had ir fcunlniry, sin II a M uinmsv, Ui.ack Whmt JMI Cl IH.KII Ml'I.K CillKI IAK ; AMI WlXIIS'MI CHAIKS, ami rsi r I'iimi Stools, which are i if the latest styles, ond warranted to lie excelled by none nianiiinctured in the t.'ities or elsevvherni The subscriber is determined that there shall be nneictise for persons to purchase furniture in the citieii, as evciy confidence can lie entertained about tho qiiulity and finish of his wuro and Chairs. . His articles will be dirposed of on as good terms as they con be purchased elsewhere. Coun try l'roduce taken in pnvmcnt for work. "Li1 l.Nm:iiT AKiNt:. Having provided himself with a h.iudsnins Huaiisk, he in now ).repanl for I nJcrtaUitiK, and attending funer als, hi this vicinity, or at nny convenient dis tjnc.i from this place. IV The Ware l!oom is in Market Strcei below 'i'hninpii.ui'ii lore. and Weaver's 'J'averu. oi:oi;ce IlKNN. Sunbury, Jan. 10, Sr,'l if. mm iii i IIcLcy lioise;-, Children's lropcilcrs, Gijs. Coaches, Barouches, (zc. alu-.iiil.u'turcil wholesale and retail by jYo. 04 DOCK Street, ILiiadelphla. Orders tbrnur;h the mail promptly executed" Phila., April 0. lS.V.b lv. CHEAP 7AT jXIES, JST7ELRY AND ll.VliU W.illt; WiKileaale mul Ititall nt X". 7J X i1'. i' I . l M .. opi.-itite I in: Ml. Venn ill ll.mBe. li iltl Levc- U'.il.-li.-.. li II jew I.-.I. t k. eaaea, e-J-i.l.ll : Silver a. inil jL-vv-.-!t -t. .J,'(I ; S'K'it I ,eiiin-a. ieivi-leil. : I,, tiil w;ti i-t:iii'tl 'a k..;i .i ill liim4. Il ilil Pens mill Sil ver I 'ii", ffl.Mli (i ilil I'eael'S. l.MI; 'i 1.1 t'eiii-ils ami IVai C..:. H wait ; .tl ,;-.!. I Pi-:i3;is t -Y nn .S:l.'J, Ve. A'.i iilwn- .ina Ii mil a i;' aaaorilneiit nl i.i:c e Oil Jew. lie. ti-'MCl li, lillllil nml Fi.ti i;iiaim, Unlit Vest Cl..ii :f'. li 'ie.'' l Fi 1. Cl'inns mat Hell l'ina, Sil.-.r T:illsSp...-s Iran Ml to t-lf. llesseit, -!! to f"i',:iiil 'IV-1, s-l.T.i t- sr'.l ici' M-t. viirnii,t.i c;t:il I.i C -in Ai' e "Is w trr:t.,tiil tu lie. wliat tltev are a -ill I r tV" W-m-'.es a i l J-welry n-.i-iire,! nml wnl:T:ml,'il. t', A'l -.i.i- -s sent ly i.iail ur ullieiiviai', wili li? pane-tiial!,- otiviuleil l-i. M. AYISF.. Aeeat. N '. "'J Xon'i Si:t'0.D Street, oppiitc ti lit. era : a n..-.,- I'lnla., April til, 1f.'.J ty. WATCHES, JEWEIEY, d-c. J ii. FIDLK1I, '. OnM lifvor Walclios lull jcvrellrd Silver l.evcr tii Silver Lcpii.e Uj ' (iuurtit'r ilo Gold mmim u iltl pencil ami silver Iialticf tilxiT Tea nml Tuhlc Spoons liriueltts. Dn'iist I'tiiH Ear rititrs At.. All warr.ii.teU atul eufti at prices as low in the c-itv. '.veml:cr 27. Ift.VJ. tf. as cry A I'p.i'in fop Sale. r"i"tJin fctih-criber nfiers for sale his f irm, -E- CO.M'AI.MMJ ACKF..-S mid nll.nvauces. It is situate! ub'til three mile a fioin itiilu.r.v iiliiinx the Sliauiokin cree'i, and i.a in a bo.ii! btate nf eiiltivation. The Philadelphia nnd Niiiibtiry M.nlro.i.l p i-scs tl.r.iuli ".ii.1 farm. It will Im nlli'icd in :uia or otilim In suit pur chasers. It can be divided In male t! re small farms. The bnildln-s are a FA KM HOl..E,a good llatik Uarn, and two tenant hoii.ea. J')ii. FA I! WORT. I'pper Au joi'a. .vi . I. 10, IHud. tl. "l'aiicka, Knpckii." WS HAVE POUND II AT LAST. !e'UW fir the liulcnms. Why v ill patents a- w ale hoi. rs und dav h in frunle-s riiilcnvois to pl penect pit tun . ol their eliildieu mid slier all :;ct iii.ilnii but a po ir, iniaeiublv caiicaluiv 1 U ll Uuldd b-il', li'ltie to our i;.ci:i.soinc.Lt.r:iY and we ii il ij 1 1. will i. I inuka you a pcrfccl bv i.ur Frii iso Cuaxu il proce... woi v. ri ii un J to ..'.'.amis. H e ih I, any ll.n'iiei lean in Philadclphiii or elaeia he.e, to ivnin to i ilii us, a u -ii ibe i .iciiloi., uu I the pio.-r.. is used only in mr diC liient, ni ii-vy Ui:-iaud and (1 Mnlil'tt tMatea. Fin- pn lure, ul tluti. .he ailti r me. '.I wo l.a.r rcie ved fuvn tbe A inciii uu liiKlitute, New Vml. and Fisnl.lio, l'liila.lcl bla, loi'ihet willi tin- n iineiau. preiiiiuuis limn Couiilv F in.. I. tuihi'.tfiit pr.iuf lliul they s.r the AV I'liu I'.'tt.t nl Hrl..i ii.iu. would cull paiiiciibir alleiiiiuu 10 uui ' pes llj.-iierici'li ne. in I 111. 1 1. I'. A I'h..' I I'll Cl.e.iuiil Nirril PliiU l, Ipln. M nn tiitel, u p Kile ..i. Ilanii. ill il II .uaa'. lapriiilivld slid l ollilia' lla.blln. r lth Id. Ma. a. N. II. - I'll r.ijl 'i i illniiui.'l ly th liiilli.ii. i 1. 1 1'iir I'leinic. l y )uy, an t lv I' lh, ie,.'j XJtlj Ljl If .V.j .I "I '.ur siul mc " I'lul... Muv LS I. -ly, Sliiac Callcii nnd I.;it)Pi'l' WANTED ! ll'O.Nt! OlU .:ld UU.HU .H h.l ' auib.) and tainii K (aafl m4 una I.i 1m aval. I ) l llm I'nt.iU and M li.u... II, l '.r .1 1'U.l'lusU, I I. I.U I Unl), P , II i il a . V Is,. .Mat II laotf-aal an.) ilm uUilau I. I' la taa.tit l.'.M pal d ill l tl.ail. U lUMilMi 4 t lalieu. I ba-M.ln, k.-a. II, liX--U. Dla-I' I-., l lt'M, l 4 l-l "I H. a. P'-aJ U..I. liaiui au4 I lii-uii.. I', m BANK KOTE TAHI rr.NNSYLVANU. MAS!ACAi:F city or eiiiLAOELrnit. All solvent Unit,. V. . llniik niitrs .1 1(1 dn H1IUDK Ht,A All siilvtiit tmnka poi All Irnit Imnki ' , eooarat. 0O.iNKCTIC1 llnnlt nf riuuilrnliurg J . sulvcnt Innk. Hank ofCliiwer C.p. rmr KKW VURI Hnnk i.rUiil.C'o. Chester par . citt Hnnkof llrnsautuvva - pir All 0Wft uu,u't H.llk of peuyslmru 1 Ui. IP Uk l..trt ud..r llnnk nf UniiMvn ciibxtst Msnk of MUktl'.tnwn 1 All snlrrats kniika ' M"iitPHTHrr Tn Hank par 'NKWJK1I8F Kinik cif Nrtliuiiiln;rl'nit.piii Uelvuln. Hnnk Itiuiknf l'ittInHr 1 ilm C.snin.rrlsi Hank ' Hunk t Unnvllle : pnr Far. Uunk Mcsit Hi, " 1 m r Al.iAlnlilleiowi Cfliimlns Ilk ft lt'Be Co r;Mi-lmnici' Uk. N l'yrft"wa Hank pnr'.Mcek. fk nfBiirlim liti,n D ink , nnr'Mech. ft Mnll. m, I'.rir llnnk 9 ids Morris C.i Uunk Kxchniige IJ'k riltaliorg I rtia'Ncwnrk Dk'g ft nl l-'xelwngp H'k. Itrnnch I Uia.rnim llnnk 'nrmfrB, fl'k, HuckaCo ttnr'l'n'iptc'a Uk PsUerr Farmers' Uk, Ijnirnstrr pur I'rinrntim Hunk Farmers' lik, Itnulinf jitir Hulcm llankinc Co, Furin. Ilk t-linvlkill "Co vtr,W''nerrpt Co Itnnk ' F ft D. Bk WimiMl.'g UMia Hlam Dank SI Oimli Franklin Uk. Vnli',i l J.lia linl Ilk Klinibrihiu n.irrialMiri; Hank 1 ilis rlatt: Hank Newark llmifNlnle Hnnk ' 1 ilis State Itk, N. nuiniv Ijaieaater Hank pnr n-wi-x Bank, ewtn !,! nnoii Hank p-r TnaitHii Hanking rjo Mireii. ,V .Man. Hunk I ilia rniiai II ink. t..vcr Miaiaa' ll'k. P illavills r Ynrilleyv'leftDelDr. M-ai'iienhela Hnnk I ilia fjp ilk n- n-s nnu'-r T-ivl 'rav'e Pel Ifs Co 13 ilia1 DI'.I.A VAHI West Hnneh Hank pitr H;'Hk ol lleluware Wraninir Uk, Wilkesli'e par Y-'rV Hnnlr. I il: C7'ltelirf antes 1 ilia MAIXE. B inlc "f Wlietl.ick .tilia Hank of Hfnvnin t)elantre Citv Hank Ilk Wilinir'n Hraml Farmers" Hk SI llelav t'nit n Hank. Wilmiii) Merestitile Hk. Ilanenr HI .lis (V t uner H's Alia I vent Iniiika j ilis. CIIIO. NF.VV IIAMPSIIinE. AMailveiit lainUa All solvent lianka I dia t' Hk ll'.les ntider ,1 YFKMflNT. NOIt't'H CAIlUt. Rnnk of St A Hums ilialAII a 'Iveiit Isinks All a .heal Wnka J ili,!7 UinlvrS's, '' ' Tnr.MFNtious ExciTRatrNT ! .' i Cash, Stcsiin, ! 1 .' 7'hc Aerial and all other lines out-done I I.I", lit ml up; Klite of Il A T. CLEMENT Tril'), hnvinr; preat faith ill rapid sulci sinull profits, has just received ana o a larue assortment of FALL AN'I) WJMER GOODS At his Store in Mar.tet Street, Poldairy, i he offers ti the pul.iitc nt the lowest prices. Ills bio -U consists nl a general as.'ortinr Dry (sooils, viz : Cloth. Cifsiin'rs. Carsinrls. Jeans. Drill MikIiiis, Linens. Calicoes, Jihislin i Lains, Lawns. Ginahnms, Bcrages. Sii.k Hats. A large vnrtmciit nf Hoots and Shoes, Men, Women nnd Children. CrororlPM, Sitjar, Tea. CifT.. MoLisfi, Cheese, ces, Fish Sail, Plaster. HARDWARE, Viz : Iron and Steel. Nails. Files, Puwb, QUCRNSWA RC, Tea Setts, Flutes, Dishes, Cups, Suncer LIQUORS, Whir. B.r.ntly, tin, limn. Wliisliiy, ic IV Country produeo of ail kinds taken ii Il a live at tho hin,liest tiuiiket prices. Jan. 13, lr.5;i. ly. IX.CHOll Yt.i.'ftSlXF! THE POCKET AESCULAPIL'S : on, i:xrtY oxr. ins ows hiv?ician. rpilE EOP.T1ETH nun, iviti. , ino i, un I'nrjiaiiiia, hhowin e-is. s and Mahonualioi A7 i -i ha ilulliau fc? , slcitl iu C 4i -Hi: p' aitil iiirm. 1 o w 1 is niiilcil u 1 realise on ,'-; Diseasea "I V. uiales. In : ,i oi t i,o iin-iiest nupurlaiii V: iii-ii i a u jj uiv , nr ii content i. lai iii -r ,iiarriaui l ..... I . .1 . -'-- ' y Ei- V iti. Voui Let no father be ashamed to present a ci.p the -i'tsCl'LAI'It'S to his ihilil. It may a hiui from an early crave. Let no young ur,i woniau enter into the secret obli-ialions of n ried lilt" without readinff the POCKET .'Eft LA PI I. S. Let no one sulii-ring from haeki Consh, in tho fc-iilp, restless nilits. nerv fceliii-ss, nnd the whole train of Dyspeptic set lions, und uivei! up by their physician, be annt nioiucut without coiisuitiir the .ILSCTLAPII Have the married, or those about to bs man any impediment, read this truly useful bonk, it has been the means ofaaiiug thousands of i fortunate creatures from !ho erv jaws of den !v"Any person ncuilin-: TW FNTV-FM CK.VJ'S, enclosed in a letter will receiie i copy of this book, bv mail, or live copies w ill sent for one dollar. Address, l)n. W. Vtll .N No. 1.13 SPRUCE Street, PillLADDLPlIIA Post paid. June 18, 1S.V3 Iy. A VALUAELE HOUSE And Three' Acres ol' Groan FOIl SAI.I3. 'HUE stibaci iber oilers t private sale, his hoi and three mica of (-round, on the river ll.i within the limits t.f tho llorocuh of ui.lun now in Ihe iM'cupancy of John Miiseitr and on iually oivued by ( tlusaler while enua-'ed boat biublitn;. The improvement aie a TWO STOHY FHAHE HOUSE, II';i a Will vf ijooJ IPutrr, .-nd a Roml frame -.table. There area number eacelb tit ft oil tici s uu tbe premises. The pio rrty is handsnnielv locsted and will be sold at rea-onalile ii mid poasrssiou giien ill Apt next. Apply to t.eo- C. Wriker, F.sq., uf iu b.irv, or ta the auhocriher at Nciins-inne. Pij 1 UK KLKI.IN. July S:t, la".',3 If. liiiinlier Yard. rJMlE subairils r would respectfully iuforni tl J. citi"!'!!. of i-.iiiibury, and Northuml erUn and alj 'iiilii ; mantles, thai lis ha. opencj lainibrr Vaial iu the lot frontiur; on CranUiry M., a .hort di. tain t' F i t ol Ihe "team r-.ivv Mill. uUit lie hs now u lari-e umounl ol ' f'tttouct i'HM J'liui a.' ta I'jiinrt l:.jr U, and all other an II ri mum. M a i -. in il. audi as will be wanted lo lii.ii.ltii pin p.ii-rs. Al.a a lai,; aimiuut fiuiijlfa mi band, winch iiii b. "old from 0 u I to as, I . uu inly ami muc. I u-iie uii, u a .-..11 4 .nl examine our pint" and ipialiiy. . 11. Fanner. lio are lu waul pf Muni-ln wiil plcu.e tail as ts will sell lo ou ... J. P. LCIH, up. Sui lury. May ".M, li.' l.-ly. WII. M CAraTY, EtokteUer, Uipi:cth i.i.v iuii.ibi.aiii. .own nJ ciiiiliy, that l. lias lately leni ve.l fi una Pl.ilJ.lel In., lai;e s.lililtiiu lu In. lo. '. ul I o.i'", lu i irri I rum li ol I. Ucratl. re. .i. I in U'at ito4 ttl lliudni PllU' ts.l und ay llirni, Wuiilnaiy. ('., I. IT, ItSJ Uu. II, li. liic:;t:K'M t,-a.t.'y ru .0.1,,. rn'ila, and 1 ul 1101..H i)i..-. Aupl f llu l.luatil uudiiiii ja raarni4 kik-l h 1 aula by li. U. M i:ii. Huuliiiiy, J uul . .'.3 C- IOLU l'LN atitli ai.4 anihwul raa, .1 4 M nj tunw iiiaina, uat Al-s 4 4upl J W 11UU4 I Ui-I. fi !. t.)! II. U. fc unl. -nt, Iw. IT, UM. i J !' 'i -N la aa sl S t.ta, I'u, S gl., I 11.4 N I II: ellr, ri.n.n., Ilja. I l.rula. I iism I I'.i. Jut 4.l I' t, j.M lie..,.l at -I fcJ I .e. lu. 'fi I. I W. 1 lf.M-.ll -tt I il i-. .Mat Ii.. Wl. 'I'U . uJ iut .,1. J l. 14. ii la.. j... I, Vi ,T 4 I a I". I u' a . yitNoi li a , liijiM, u ui ...I i ll.. 11. W until. 4..t.4.,, J. ia, 1111 .. vn r taii i4M4 ftiorrtvu i 11 UaMll.. 14 .! l-f . l" I.O . j M 111 rl LMI I M... ju-4-.. .il I -.Ual.'.Ut It. . (ai p. l Ivl I a. ..I. ,1 .,4.,M , .j.i.4 Im . I II M.lfla .-,.Au.., , l.ll t 'Ui vlR 4