Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, April 01, 1854, Image 1

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in V
i. :.
3-iFamUy jletospapfr-Dnofiij to JjolfUcs, a.mnturc, iiovai,.i, jfoit7flT antr ijpiiicsUc'jictosj "science ano iVc arts, (Hovfcultuvr, ittamts, amusements, vc
: OLD SER1KS VOL. 14, K0."f.i
I AMKlllCA.N' I. puhli.iiett every rAiituriluy nl
Oin.l.A SI per ionium In lie iiiitl li;ilf jenrly ii
e. - Nit p iper diseontiiMjetl amil all urreurage. wr
ni mniinircli'iii. nr letter, mi Imniitert netting In
ee, iiiaur .ueull.Hi, mutt In i'ofc i' I'AIU.
C'pie to tine ittklre.., 03 ,IU
i - Lis Do i , U'llU
, l)i 1m IHKl
i il .ilnr. in mlvniicn will pay for three ye-at' aul
iiii to the American. ...
lumc ol IS lines, 3 liuiM,
tullissjiieitt inseiltun,
ipiare, 3 month,
nil lis, .
ear. - ' '
c Cunt, of Five lines, per annum,
null other., nilverlisinst ! the
r, with Hi" privilene of inserting - w
Trent nilveriisriTieiil. weekly.
I.nri-Bi AiWertmememe. n per sgreeinent.
f I no
3' II
10 (Ml
t M.W ot j
'uaiuess attended to in the Couutio of Nor
nhcrlatul, Union, Lycoming and Columbia.
,', ' ' Refer lot
. j P.; iV A. KOVOIUII, ' .
Lower &. Unrron,
Somen & Suoilgrnss,
Reynolds, Mc.Earhin.1 & Co..
Sprring, IjoinAV Co..
V Phil ad.
-. Ujftct opposite Ihe Court House,
Ivmbury, Northumberland County, Ta.
I'imnpt utlenlioii to bnsi'ie.-'S in B.ljninin"
ii nl it a.
JHU.B58!S5V, E.i.
Pro. 13. lfiSl. If.
Dcccmlicr 4, 152. If.
)()0TOli I. W. HUGHES,;
"XFTICE on BrnaiHvay, near the Ejiiscoi al
church. Smi'.inrv.
Sunliury, May I t, lSSH. tf. 1
''N. M. New limit's
Uculty't Row, Norwegian -street, I'ullsville,
-7 . i'cui.a.
ilV of all b'ju'ii of ' IiCa.1 Plic. tflifet Lead,
r:i..L 'Tin tt il'i Tii!i. Ktlonrer H.itll. H MirH its.
Hose. Uonlile and sinurltf A, tin? Pump, and Wa-
tor Cloisoti; also, all kinds of braes Cocks fur
..... i t: I 1 til .1... '
wni'T anu sicaiu. uia wu u, .
f-,r Eiitfincs. All kind, of Copper Work and ,
Pluiiitung done in llie ncnicsl manner at the
shortest notire.
N.'lJ. Cash paid for old Brans and Lead.
1'altsville, Auj. 27, 185;l. 1 y
; tile spots ul We.trrn ir"inia. Jo the
IMPORTANT TO PHYSICIANS AND location of their infant seitlement they gave
LADIES. name of Fisher's Hollow, evidently
CiONKlDKNC K cm i piTenl. i the futi.-st exieni. in ! suggested by the appearance'6f the place.
Oie iiae ..f the serr..Br..Mi. litrr. m flnii- Jt ay ; a jma valley, surrounded on eve
ddnliui. 8a tu:iny UmiibiiikI ruji. are knfiwn nl entire i r,. ,i."..n L.i
iclirl H Liilie. noin tin: luiwt inlcine viin of !ily mid ' ry Side by Undulating llllljl, Upon Which
anxli-ty of iniml, luiaiiiK me une of oilier iippliiiilim. -rMB u n.;,r, hempen the cleat inr which the
c4-u reimtntiim whatever. ne-nr uf mruii, ,rini already nuiii oeseen ine cieai ing men ine
of atl kimts. nml eliiitlCireMinuioiw( tlietemleiiey of wlneh ' aXe ol Ihe Settler had be'in to make, Slid
t-i iioure llie imlieiil, i. hut too Weil known In iu-.inv BUI- , e ,, " i- . .i
fere., an.l pUvmeiaii. nil (' .nnterfirt.. npplv ' " moKe Ol til COttage Curling above tile
per. mnlly or l.y letier to Mr. II . No. l WuHiiit Sireel ; faft r,n trees. A swift brook, deSCend-
exaiiiniQ her niiinlure ml eaeti Snjipirter, sunt her I'ntlett . .... .
St.ib'. Copyright lulH'ts on cneli Ux. Her Supu liter, tire lllg rapidly IrOin Its mountain SOIirCe, guf-
.iiicO'iml hy a Mumliiir nf ia year, ami ill. lr llie I'neill. ,l an.l -'nl ivheil nr ilu.lnnv hull nml
t. e i,5i.ll,li o. the name, in the I'mluJ tilale.- S1''1 a"" fplacU 0V er Its tOII De, ailtl
Vvk.m t mail ism. . I'mcn m miv.te. Aii.treM, the dark summits of the Ciiinhei'nd inoun-
wh'ilexile or relnil onler. t J AS. UKTI'S, Agent, No ; , , , j , , ' ji ,l, ,
3-ji Waimu re.t, I'hii iiieipto. ... . tains in the dutance, added all that was
riiiia.,o.'i'iiirr i, i&3 if. .wanting to make the scene romantic and
The band of hardy itifn, who had made
B o i) K s 1. 1. l h k , ,
M-trkft Street,
TirST received and for sale,
frcsh supplr of
'V 4.;r.: 41. ItlOIt:
far Singing Schools. He is also opening at
this time, a large nKHorlnirnt of Hooks, in every
branch of Literature, riiiitinir of
Poetry. History. No.eU, Uoioancc. . Seienlirjo
AVoike, Lav., School and Chiljicn a
Hooks, bill. s; Sehool, PocUl . l Family. lth '
with ami Kiisraxiinzs. ami every of vari-
ctv o) liinding. Prayer l)nok. of all kind.
AIJ jti't rereied and for salo. Pardon. Ui.
xt of the law. ol Pennsylvania, edition ol 1801,
price only fti.OO.
Judge liead rdilioii of Blarktour: Cinimin. I
lanes, in 9 vol.. 8 vo. formerly .old at I,Hu,
and uow ollered in ImiJini;) ut llie low
ricc of tii.OO.
A Treati on the laws of Pcnnnytrania rs-
si linS Ihe estates of liecedeiits, hy Thoinjs F.
liordoi, priie onlySI.Ot. A .
4 ravels, ovne and Ailventurea, all ol
which will I sold low, cither for ca.h. or coun-
try produce. j
Fchruary, SI, 1S52. tt. ' f
Shantokiii Town Lots.
rIII T suhsrrilicr is now prrpuiid to rvhihit and
iliH)M of Lois in llie new 'Town-Plat of
feharaukiii. Pvr.orts ik'.irous of puri ha'iii; run
ascertain the term and raiMhitoita ol' sale hv
Calling oil llie suhsi'rjlier, al Muiniokin.
W.f. ATWATliK, Agent,
fhamokin, Orl. 15, ln.'iS.-. if.
Fit IT 7. i II EN DKY,
Store. 29 N. 3J ttrret
. rKiL.Annt.vfii a
Maruerq M.nul.i luirr., I'uuii t., Inipoitrra,
Coiniui.iou e l (iennitl l.ratlier Itu-insu.
W 01. Htl.K HKTMI..
(TT Main.i. lory IS M.ijareits, Blrert.
Phil.. Au4u ?0. IUI. IV.
'lo ho lTiMitt'd.
au4 lllo SlouwiH M'.rl .lir.l, Hun-
Utiy. Iu.uii l II.
M.wh , last ai
lu.un i il.s uHiis wl ill Auii'ii'M.
JUtlt Vamila uf a .upvriui iB4lily
iwel uj (u, l. '. HUM iBK
1NKUMiMM'se.Wbi4te4 uk. "shJ al IW
(.a ink lot Mj KU1, h
(w.-amix a. l.-'o. MAi.sJH.
SIKtKal -Ah ki4 U HZU iU,',j
ms tul Mis by
- U.ikeS sliMt. rm lit fw Il4.,
' Msbttn.lM.a. IS),-. i
II. k MAa.tst
4Ml'WIS, 111 -
I . R K I .EOT VO KTllY. ' f
) -J W
. .
Sthain, lrnin ll;e eiiurr rye "
To Uoruli'n V.mlrhi erj!iI hii b lionndlIia
nuM ' i
Fiom Helm, far fpend, wl:aie Uuy wiih nilent
nivlil .
nrji)iim eternity.
in vain: no snil appi Hrs,
lluaiuiu, on yla.l.-uinu wing tiie
To love's loud gnzc; 'lis but ome reatleta
wave i ' : . .
Wlm li tlirra ita white crest reura. , ..
WluJe in the loin; left limn, ' u-
The niolluM, wife, and tliililien anxious wait,
Ult h llie limiJe i liair, oil utir the
rale, , .
A hi ul lait were come.
I'lerutred, lie bade lliem atnnd,
Ih.b.ii ihe uules ul Nij:li', ami Iti ihe hull
Wtirie cohl eleiiiul kill, leail line Blid U 11 -Thai
tloomi'il )et ilauntle(i bund.
. . ...
Douinvd, but uitlnint decay,
They'WM. ihiooyli D.a.h. yet ncvef reach
llie Ininb, ' hxed, I hey Ma 1 1 J ll O dOOIH
. Ol iheii' Hill lile bhu clay, v
Tilt ceMsnii roil.i.' n nd ' '
Lite K.-yjii'n k ms embalmed, they're real-
' ' Ina 'line, ,
Eu h in ln ii e-hi-n n aepiiichre,
And p) ramiil nl Mimv.
Vel Ocean lulU ilieir knell, ,
Fkiiii i-lime l'ii lime llie Milemn peal ncenl.,
Ami hhIi Hi Voice ul many wuleis blends
Tiic-u dire Imieiul. ,
And llie wimU wait for iliTn,
For iininy a bieexe winch loves iho seaman
. biave, . . .. .
Uy i-lielly bt-aeli. nr in ii c-hir-1ike cave,
Now Mny itieir leipiiein. '
The secrel nf llieii
Shall, when ihe i-e.i ti'1-'3 "P 'ls 'l"-'"1' be
And J...I n.r j.-.meut by hi great White
The woild sh.ill cunri'jale.
3. Select (Talc.
J7rom llie Ujtiim ire Literary Gizcite.
r.Y cnor.nB scott.
. MaiiV years aju, when the people bewail
gradually to move onward from the crowded
. . . . . . . . .
1-,(,t.!,) (,, (innrr tli0 cultivation some 01 uie
ln,oudlt,d ,or,.sl. and to iht.r desti-
. ' . . .
ii v in the commencement ol cultivating
i this vast continent, a band of hardy pioneers
settled themselves down in one of the fer-
(.:3 naCf. (heir home. were, nerlint)--. for
the uirtst part, i.i.sensiUle to the beauties
which would have thrown many a senti-
mental tourist into ec.-tacies of pleasure;
they had other things ol (ar greater im-
pmlance to Ihem to occupy their Otb n'ion.
Sorr.iunried hv trifles of savage, who lonk-
ed upon the encroachmenta ol Ihe whites
with disliU,., and whose friend.hip could
. . ' , ..
nul ,,e a moment at a
time ; and moreover cut Oil by distanc e
and of cod roads from a Irequent
intercourse with large town?, they bad to
by ,l(.1)S n,amif.ictiirers, fanner's, huiit-
its, and, ifnnv fighting was to be done,
tliev h i,l tu be soldi T ti). Such a state
' things n ni.l very lavornhle to the gen-
1 1 -r and more intellectual tendencies ol our
nalure j hut slill Ihe natural beauties nl
Kjdler'i 1 1 ,..w Were not without an infiV
ence upon (he rugge, men who resided
' ,
,h,r, i lllJ OTtong them Were to b- seen
forms, who, while in their physical d.-wl-
opinents they had no superiors, yet in their
tempers and dispositions were mild, brave
and gem rous tu a fault.
S'ich character was Ri!iert KlRnier.
To the cultivation of a few acres of lar.d.
he ad b'd the trade ul It'si kunith, and had
( a mini I limine will a workshop adj. lining.
I aitiuli il uun the banks uf ihe brook. Jt
j was here ihe ill,i;. rs had their most p-p.
liiar p'ji-e j result when they I. II an in
cliiialion to have a litlle giiipin rex.
lion, and to In ar anv foreign news, fur the
place wa fiirtuiiale in having no tavern at
this periol id lis hi.lury.
It wa' on a fi'i nviruin in tho mnnth
til May, when lh trees hyn to snnw their
lik ely reen, and Iho wild It iwers In (iriii
up aireni. ih thick and lanlmt under
wixid, that a ynmij man, in I tie homespun
dr.-s. of the lai kwiMMt tninter, sIimm! al Ihe
smithy. Finding lie wa uuitmte-rd, he
i rated his Kunda Himii lht karf! nl his lonff
I rill', with a o.kI ii at ti a Inuraiian nl the
Vutiiif WMikinan wiilun. And well he
miilil, f t, as il ri il-1 with lua la.k, and
r- jilt I nit HI liis kireiilli, the smitll (hfeW
in liltwnv riliaiiil, and mide Ihetpaiks
llr IfiMK the bested IfiHl Ifilh eVeiy tick
ol bis M.e,i. hsminef, and ecruied the
very efjn,Oiii.iH ul aihteiie !. .i
in inly atreiitfih. In four ui kis
lirti'ins, toVf'r, he nudeellhe Intro. 'if,
an I a i.i'' al (He inUtiluet id his uhs.
'in, ha siopprd Lis oia, ud 44frd
, uai hiuiisMtdly
ii-, au, ltd), al ywui ul4 liitki M usual,
tf t iha Kka Ut wast uul liiaw, ni
4 M)ikin Vut .tixH buU tj a h
yn" .'n ,0 8"" ''' dnv"' nA
i"-'cral)lci.,z,n likr h,vs-ll !" '
', ' '10 ' a'2hfd the hunt. r, f'sMtlc
flown mderd. Ha, hn, t low the fr.P
wood? too much for that ; it eiva me ti e
same pleasure to roam llierpand to exercise
my limhs, As it euidently givea yon to
throw your brawny arn.s about with thai
great ugly bamine,, and as lor being peace
able, yen are just as ready for a brush, as
the best ol os." . j
"Well,, well, yon ore abjtd right, I inns:
conlessjV but what do you say to coming
and lending me a helping hand sometime?
In a little while, I think I could make a
good smith nl you, and th;re is nlore woik
than the pair of us could do." -,!
"Thai's not a fad idea," said Charley
Hush, the l ilnter ; "but," he continued,
looking up the road, "what is Ihe matter
now ?" " f , r 1 ,
Rihert, with the heavy linmmr still in
his hand, came quickly lo Ihe door; and,
then the cause of hit companion's remark
was soon apparent, (or a young girl, in the
first bloom of womanhood, was running ra
pidly towards the place where they were
standing, JT ri her hands she held a slrinw
of flowers, hound together lor the purpose
of forming? a wreath, but her hair was (low
ing loosely and in disorder down her back,
and her whole appearance bore th" marks
of some strange and sudden fright. When
she came tip to them, at first she was too
much Hurried to spi-ak ; hn! niters little
while, gaining breath, she lotd lliem that.
enticed hy Ihe beauty of 'lie morning, she
nml heeii out into the woods to eather some
'if the earlv (lower?, and while thus rnga
g"tl, had been Stan led hy the appearance nl
three savages. JI was irn- Ihev had not
offered her any violence: indeed the words-
which one nf them addressed Pi her were
expressive, if admiral ion, if she might judge
, . i , , . '
n oin ii is iooks; nut she was too much dis
turbed tn was meant, and
Mriu.eriiateiy run away as fust a she rould.
To add weight and innfirn ation to her
statement, the jiiujertsol her f'.-nr were s-en
leisurely making towards Ihe spot where
the speaker stood.' ,
"Don't he afraid, S.uah said EiTingiT,
as he saw an expression of dread upon her
features; "they canned hint ynn here : and
lei us hear what they have to say for them
selves; they are from a -friendly tribe."
Yes," remarked Dush, "I "should just
like to see them do ynn any harm, bow
easy 1 could put a bullet tliraugh them:
but the best policy is to be as friendly to
them as possible."
The Indians!!y approach' d the
place where the three slooi!. Two f,f them
were ordinary looking men, as Irighlful as
paint could possibly make them, but the
other had a striking and even handsome
countenance, and a body of proportions
that evinced immense muscular s!ren''th.
"The daughter of the paleface," said
he, in a muscular tone of voice, "need nol
(lee from the sight of Attalba. Her form
is more beautiful lhan the voting (awn, or
ihe wild flowera that prow' by the stream.
Attalba is the hero of his tribe; there is
plenty in bis house. ; Cut is lodge is vacant,
and if Ihe daughter of the nale face will
consent jo be his wife, Attalba will be her
slave, and her life .hall be as happy as the
joyful song of summer birds." "
Sarah, at this sudden offer, crept closer
to Etlinger for protection, and he, coloring
with a feeling of jealousy, rather than an
ger, answeied :
. "Indians," said he, "the daughters of
the whites mingle not their blood with that
of ihe red men : our manners, our ha'ii's,
our lives are difli-reid. L-t each of us lol
luw the tribe in which he was born, let
each of us work out his destiny in peace."
The Indian's eyes, upon the reception
of this speech, shot forth some most re
vengeful eleauis, but with the seeming sto
ical indifference, fir which these people
have always been remarkable, he nntioned
to his companion, and together they im
mediately departed.
Sarah and Llliuger had for s-rivtim t.
been betrothed liters, and in the mutu il
happiness they ( It in each others society',
this ine. ling ami the L ars it was calculated
tq rtlgeiul. r. Were soon lorgotlen. Time
or lliem did not lly along iinou leaden
v n i. ! t wiih the richest iliri ei, a t1
surrounded hv a crowd ol the rosiest hoti s
Nut so did it speed along with the In
dian. Accustomed, as lie had heep, to the
ight of rude, caie.-ss women, tu at- d in
many instances almost wne than b.-as:. qI
hniden, Ihe beauty and grace of the white
ir! had hurst upon Irs presence like a
viMon Ironi srme hri?liler land. Th shaft
itt love had pierced deep'y into ,i. heart.
A feeling, winch (! rmil.i not a firt iit.
1 rst jiul, hjdUk. n p.i--e,i on of his nature.
Ihe woods, the streams, Ihe excitement of
the chase, Ihe deeds of war, in which lie
had famed an many scalp, and ri-n to h
the chi'-ltaiu nl In. luV, had lo-l .ir hu
their rharin. Thus ,ir h ni ti'i.e, he
IriMiped in liineliueM an.l xi'iln le ; l,ul si
length plan occurred In him Lv whii h
his fame udhl he iurrea.-'d, and hi. hi h
i'l hope r'ied. This ws, lii make a
iidil. n and Ireai herons initlangM iuni llie
ImI iiiI s -llleiiiriil, and lo lake Ihe while
fill pri-onrf,
In the recnli(,n (d th. projerl, hnil ev.
er, lie ha I more liilliriil' ies tn t-nemiiiles
lhan lie fir at ima lined, Inr Ihe Inlw. I,.
tilled Saiiiio tKaulaveshy hlll a e ae.
'iU aellleuuriil id liiduUlliMu) Men In ai
ih'in , ml then neiuisCy U.rewd n imlt
dij nn , llul any y foul. I he yarned
HV npell rupt'lle. H ie A Ha'l . I.eill.l
his linal inll n-ut e and rh.ipiei.r e id Ihe
r. stel " ami by -.. nj p"t ib rn-
lfolhltlrll ol thv wtiile. .S'i.1 li.iW, bl
sir ajtlli, they Vkritf Jiitin the red niei) In
ili.Unl hunlii yrrMin.l., h (i.luaMy imis
l lh . louy v' hisliihe, ami id p..
tiunt ol Ih'if Mis nature, sasily ni. J
U iwvor of (iuliy liJ Tha -fp
UleJns wtl a.4 ttsJv, IhJ rt thkH doner and udom, ' before -uig
out ..,, Buch rxp-Mlhions w.". pform
morn il)an a hun)ied warrior;., -ih flouvr
ol the trio. irrs.-d I'.irwaid oi thnr
pressed !
tnHich, ( carry death and destruction to
the homes that were resting in security and
pence.. , ,
Bit for nnp circumstance the annals of
Fisher's Hollow would have soon been
closed. Hush hat) been from home longer
lhan was his usual custom, and fortunately,
when thinking of returning, he came upon
the Indians; and with the usual caution of
Ihe backwoodsman, without being discover.
ed himsvlf, perceived that nil ol them were
hastening lo Ihe village .with a hostile in
tent. He waited to know no more, but,
made all Ihe haste he possibly, could, to in
furm his friends of their danger, 6 rind lo
prepare-for Ihe -encounter. The danger
was most unexpected ; hut, in a short time,
anonl twenty uu-u were soon ready' lor
sen ice; ami armed .with the deadly ti!e,
they pjsted lhomels in the wood bv,
which the settlement mi s'. fiist be apjiroach
ed. ' . .
The Indians advanced with the craly
stea thiiiess lor. which they have always
been renowned, ami the first sign tlv-y had
that tin ir designs Were discovered, Was
liom a well direrted volley ol the roncea'-'
ed rill.-nien, which laid many of their best
nu n iow. The hattle then commenced in
earnest. Hut the arrows of the savages
could do hut li'tle . Secnlioii, and in a short
time il was easy to p. re ive how the fight
would terminate. Analhu knew that the
lay was lost, but his j-alnus ev, discern
ing under Hie cowr of a tree, a form I tint
he had long hated, he (teteru.iued that one
ol the passions ol his nature should at least
be sati-li.-ii, or bis life should pay Ihe for
feit. To fulfil his purpose he, his com
panions to lake Ih.-ir chance, and cnuiouslv
made his wav Ihionjh the uuih rwood. ,
E;li nger had just discharged his piece :
when the saiacre soran r trom his
melit, and strut It at him with bis uplifted :
tomahawk. The blow was warded oil with ! then', she n es il in' justice and lo her fi iendly
the nlle, and then the men clung together, ; relations ith tbi" uoveiiimeni, tnumird i'th
Blid.jrrappled v. ith cai h other in an em- oreat vtuilaiice L'iiinst tint ant exer
biace which each felt (, hH deadly, liolh j ci-e of ihne pawei. nnd in case of ii.jmie
Wer-men of tail stature, large p oporlions , to p,ovidH rur prompt redress.' I have id"
and Well developed limhs : and a they i rMy lakeri measures In present In Ihe guv
swayed lo and fro with the inlentivs ol j eilllllH(, I)f s j .. iltj,lry (1f the
their struggle, ,t was difficult to see which Clllui alIlh, j.j,;, i , .u,,,,,,,;,,,, ,, H,.j
would be the -ainerin the strife. Etter f . llIi(ct Wjl,i(ir, ,, , demami
however,, proved to be the- weaker : and t . .. . , . . ... ,. ,
l .IK,.,. , .i i i -.u .i n- '. i 1 immediate indemnity lor tho injury which
tailing down, exhausted with the efiurls he , 1
had made, the Indian, with bis powerful h,s Xh'"A'S '' V11" "1 ,n 0,,r I"
knees, pinned ," to the ground. A nd : vlcvv r !,", r111"""' 'he island id Cuba, its
now the cxliulting pssk.r.s of the irtor i 1'ros.imity lo oar ecus', tins reU:imi hu h ii
seeti.ed to gain entire mastery of his nature. mnst ever baar on our commercial and other
Instead of taking immediale revenge upon j Interests,, it i in vain In ejkpi-cl ihal a series
his enemy, be began la lecount the d.uo.s (Jf m fuendlv nets inltiiijjii.a .ur cotiiinercial
lie l.uJ pe(orm.-d, the ictoi i. s he i,a l ,iuh!s, nnd Ihe adoption of n policy threaten
won, and to taiint hi-.n with cowardice, ;,: ,r , .,lll;iv f ihesp State
uuo wuu u e m-a-.n i.e woui.t sin die ;
I .t t . . i i ii '
il in out? uj ms? narns vstiiS ru
rage, when bis arms were thrown madly
about, and his eves were unturned towards
11,.. .1 .1. . .. -i 1 , . "1
llie oiy , won lot- tl-eoiill llliUe: soi III-
ennii ili-i P.l!.,.,e I .. : :.i.. f
' ' 'V " I " ' I-1" '
movement, released liis ti 'hl hand, and
with the quickness of li-ghtning, snatching
a knile from his De!t, plunged it into, the
Indian's heait, . Without a groan, (lie
painted warrior fell hack a lifeless corpse
among the withered leaves nf the forest.
A short 'time alter these occurrences,
Edinger and Saiah were married, and the
Indians, never recovering (mm their tis
comfilure, ilepaito.d to more riislant Jiiiriling
grounds, and left, the inhriStau's of Fisher's
Hollow in undisturbed jmsfessinn of their
lands. ,
., ; riU.Xk OF A EI.IMl ItODSE.
An accident of n singuJar thiracter hap.
pened op Wednesday i.iyht. la-l at a in
the Queen's ' Ci'eeiit. The Loose in qnes.
tion han"p-irl!y liiideigromiil kitchen, I'll
a sky'iaht over it, nnd a b ink nf a'een-.vvaid
lima up one side lo n level i h llie k I li:br.
A-i ul I hmse having been I. need nut (or the
night on the c.iMiinm', beino blind, l.y some
means got into ihe gulden and on in Ih' sal-1
slope. The lemptino 'l,ii.' lined the iiocou-m-ioii
ginzi'i In hi hiie( for pieseuily ihe liu
foiliuiaie animal fell light ilneiigh 'be sky
light head biremost i iiu Ihw kitchen Kdow.
cinyuig Ihe whole of Ihe skyhuht wi ll him
upon Ihelnble, ciu-hing , vei y i binu lo ulnnis
The seivants, who weie honing nl ihe lime'
had a iutil In.rioW- escape of Itn ir l.ves, ,'lr
the poor kicked i ut i i all din cimns.
tni -giiig down p'ale lack, dresser, dish cm
l'i. ke. The p.eir enU. almost ti.iutK', tans'
11. .1 of the ki'ch ui nnd (a ho- ill. u l.i c,
Unc)ii;: , il.cuixUeM inn pl.uu i.ol (I '"
llli'lit ,00 III 'l'.i po'll,',' I l.t sen billing 'iie ."
'.nuidei '.' ulliyvcs '.' Hi llie too id ih.-ii loi L",
ulid-l llie li-.l i.f the ii. tll.ill f.Cke.f lln I
doois M ieau.e.t for Itie p du e i.i.l of Itn i1
win tows The was ftenl ami
he cia.ll ni.d din n feailbl ihut i.n on colli
iini.iir Milli'iwnl pluck tu leiiiiirn tin Ihe
of ciioo. Al h i c'h a dieeuotii .
(MMied, Il ll llie HI), III luM 1" l"4 ll.lui ll
f ill ill, I so lliMUMK' l ll W,i,.l nol
nol MIIOMI4-I the heap id Stld mailer slieviu
nil aiblilul, 'l (on e II brrU, nnd t i ly '
The i mm htd .iit'alne I ur.-.l t'j"), i ll I
WU. ii .t.lill) kll'td --f-'nl,!.-! I'.ftr
lUutciio. ut P.'.rti.a 1 1 J.I .Mniwt i
We M mi housed In a) ll.e .ioa. lale
Ul p.ilaj U'iitei'll s. i.l I. el a. I I Nl I lellli-l'
en an) l lli' l pulld lt icpul'lie of L'l ''wi,
lutug tt en 1.. lure I loon 'J. II. lu I , I lie
wltoW pM.'j ooU'll.f. .III Ih, i d
hnle. lit kl irHt( ii! ) 'i.-mI f In 41
111 J III J Vrlll M-rM)ll.aii U UII.I a
H'4Aj4 avaliMtL
lUri.ta Trt-'A piui ef eii, and I U'lelU't la.lii..', IS ur, yutl'S b(
bi.iist (oui an I in.u'i U Vol.
$i ist'-yi.ia o skis 1 bi. to i , tul iU'( 4
iiWta'l It.ilii4 I' IH1 .'t,.M1 ax4 'UI4l
ft. It 4 a auj !. ttl
i niifi oLTii.von: Tut ni.tcic
...... , wanuiuu. ?. i m
The 6dl.w ,.S is. a f u.n p,,.s;d,;Ill
Pieice, on the sul ji-i I. of ihu Uiack W nmor l
OlitlHSJe :
To the Horse cf Hcjirescnttilivrs ; ,.
' In etmi l anee wilh the lesulutirin of the
House of Repre.-oiil.tivl-J rd Ihe 10 h inst, 1
herewith transmit a lepnrt of Ihe S.-eietiiry
of Slate, ro iliiining nil :hn iiifotniHti in re
ceived lit the D' pnrimout in lelation to the
seizure of the ll'iu-k Wairior, al llivain, mi
Ihe 2S Ii r.ll, , Then bus Leon in tic cmirse
nf u lew years p il many oilier ins'iinees id
nauressiim iipuu our cnniineiee, violations of
the lights of Ameiiciiu citizens, aiul bund a
to the iih i ioti.i I 'flap,' I v llie Fpanish Hiiihoij.
lies in Cuba, n ml nil ntleinp- to i.bliim re
diesS haviuy led to niotineled nml finiil.'ss
nemitiaiions. The ih cnmenls in these ea.en
have been rolilhintuiis, find when prepared
wilt lie scht'tii' 'Cnusre. These now Iran.,
milled lelate evcln-ivelv to the ei.n e id the
D'nck tVariior, nn.t preenl sn clear a cae of
wrniij thai it would be tens-nimble' in cvped
full mdeiiiuii v ; ihereTiire, oon as ihi- tin
justifiable and nflensive conduct shall ' be
'mule known in her Catholic. Majesty's iov
ernmen! ; but similar ep i-laiii". in othpr
case, have nut , been lealied. The (iffeml.
iug party i- at onr donr, wi h li'oe powers
for nsuressimi ; but' litiue,: il i iilleued, for
repirntiiio. The source nf redies is in
in. oilier he.nispheie, nnd the iinw ers to our
just complaii.ts ma do tu the home aovem
Ineiil aie but ihe ii'peliicni of .-.eiiseH reudei'
e,l by inferior oliii-ials, to their superiois in
leply in lepreseiila! ions of nit-condiii-l. The
peculiar ratiiiilinn of the pin ties has nudouhl-
e. ilj miia'Ii eujiavated tit am o ai.e s and
i juiii-H which oi r cili.ens h ac sinTeied
f. om the Ci.ban uu:hoiiiies, nod i .tin d us
iinl Ki-em tu nppieciate In its full extent hei
respouMhility lor the inn luet id the million.
Ui'i' 1:1 VIVI1 very cMiaindiuary poweis lo
r J
t.un wi,h r,.nt.(u leatinns.
.1.. -r. kt 1:.,-.
r 1 1 1 it nifri 1 -"s nini ii 1 1 tiinii iiuii; iiiij i7i
rneut of our difficulties with Spain should
foitimately fail. I shall nol hesilalo to U't
the authority
and means which Conaress
may faut to etisuio Ihe nbsui ranee of our
riuhis, lo obtain redress for .injuries, ic
eivi'd, and to vini'icaie the honor of our flag
In nuticip.iliou of ihul rouliiigeiicy, wlii. li I
earnestly hope may lint arie, I siiguesl In
Cnhgiess the piopiiety of adopl ina such pin
visional measures ns the exigency tiT the case
may seem In demand.
(SigiudJ FatsKi.tN PirncE.
Wushitigtoii, Slauli 6. 1851.
Bi lT:n As 1111 indn-aium of the bilter
hut red It-it by I ha Ciicuesi.u.s towards the
Husjiiaiis, it is s'.atod Ihal a few- years tieiij
slave sh j) sprung aleak mil to sea, just ns 11
Russian sleantei pusseil in the dislanc. The
Tuiki-h slave-dealer, wh i prufened tive i the'
chill blasis ot S. beiia, to u (giave . even in
deep water, mude signal- ul ill-Mess, and ill" cuine up 111 lime tu it'svue llio shii
uiid livi. g ca.go liuui ilei-liiictiou lint so
dci .ly in lulled impliinted in i-vciy Cneas
M.ui lieail lb it ihe sia.iluf iheiils levelled
al Ihe Ihiiughl. of becoii.o.g :.' help.natcs ol
the pay-co ile.l sol. lieM, i istea I of sh iriiij;
lint Sun; pliiutis coiich ot a Tinkish p.i-h.i
They had tiid adieu 10 iheii naiivtl noun
I.. Ins w i II Imle emiitiuu, but as Ihe linssiau
hip iippioached, lin y set 1 p a teruble mid
deep 111 ina sci in ill. Siiiiiii spiui.o lieHillnnu
illtU ihe sea, n. Iiei diovo then ki.ltc I. Ho
llicir he.n's J to lliese heioines do.lh
piefurublo lo Ih- !ni!..l tod of u delesieil
MiLi'in il... Tin- snititm. weie t..keu In
A, 1. 1 pi. and inn lied lo Co.jaik", or given lu
o.TiCCls ll i 1 van's.
''Cities C.ittwoop'' before h bt'ean
M s. L'l'ph coil seul tliv follow ij . jj on Val
u.iil.iu's liy
to stvtse rtvi.f.a.
I seiul iIiat I r 11 1 ml. eiisv'i .
I o..') S sli ILm ff . he.
' a ivu.Umg lia.le I et'iMt 11 ;
Civ. tJlitftt kel tt t,t. I )',
I1. a q.'i.i' 'a. r.ut in in) Uit I -Joy,
I I I.J '., T'l Iji, IU..I4 4.
Tilt E npeiur of Pnivi4'" Pe p')' ' lb En.
'i. P. .! ih pi.tvllol', ! j l..!l.ed hi Ih
p p. i. tu i It. .1 y Ihe la-l stljllicf. ,i l
hu dtsrhitn any Intel. lion i l runt'oetl in
lhi ings'e, mi . I piece, hi. 1 riM.oili.,y.iiV.
y ii..o i, I -4 mi. uioiuil d. filling liiHiM-lf
l in 11 I .i piulet i liltf liiatdi L'h. .4i. 4 j nii.t
r.i'ki.lnu j iiu 1, .y luaMiiitil I,. t, coin 111. mi
141IL'. Hu pud t ..e. hiili.clf i.i.rtt.le lo iiii.tuf .
t.i.l hit y iu. of 1' F. 'I'Uol ia
.kill'! Inn , a. L lut al4)l litalv l lh'(
n.iioil Midi,
A fioaa ra ina IV fm.i.ra Mai.
attar Ihe wuitmaii .i lh iu mf.mwi ) of
)Uln, uiitl evil, lu,n,.i,g ..ildi,
.IK lit'ln,! un it piep.lJ fn t W..l,l..rf.
ion ll.o ou vi I, i hs l.i a ul a hu It tb4 ir
sui..a til lMvavvti U ta ltihy
c biitt WI
Fr in the St. tHls ttepttMicaa, March 10th.
Tnc TW0' B,vs WITI ,1Kl F0Ufin'ANU
r.nro froM tiik camasciics.
1 FoBT Washita, Choctaw S'.i m, 1
Chickasaw D.s'.ncl, Feb. 1 1. 1S54. J
I read in your paper of 2 Lb nil , (icceived
hero la si mail,) a ilnilling nnd interesting
onrrnlive of ihe cap'uie und escape of M:8
J.iiib Adelaine WiUoii. by Ihe Ciinniicln.' In
ilian, last summer, by whom she nnd her
iv.o hi ol heid in-law (boys) weio taken off
The fact nnd ihe puiliculars of Mrs. Wi'
nn's capture, nnd the two boys, neat the
foil -Phantom Hill." Texas, are corroborated
by the same fact related lo ine heie, by the
discharjied so'dier nlluded In by her in hei
n. r'ative, (the soldier havinu pass-d this
way In Aiknnsa-.) nlsii i i relatm i to Ihe
Mexican d.ivei being scalped lied shut,
Mi- W. lefales.
The soldier stated here, fin his artival, 'ha'
he wan unable lo keep up to tho w ngon. with
Mis, Wi'srni nnd two boys, the Mexican
hiving, nnd as his horse was wor i down,
and mi tnniing up lo it he found the wnmati
and hntli bovs gone, ihe vvngnii robbed "fall
its coiileiits, iioiles auue nl-u ; and the Mex
ican driver l ii ir near the wagnu, inenib'e.
havii'B been shut nnd scalped. The sn'dier
enriied him, lo n small stream near b'f
wnhe.l his wnniids, nnd afterwards cariie.l
him for seveial dav on his back. They
were destitute nf food, the Indians having
stolen all four: ihe waami.
They lived for some days on the remains
uf a dead ox, found bv th road-side, uiiiu
nn old razor for a kniTe, being the only in
strnment the soldier had to cut.
After several daj'ow- Iravelius, they ar
rived nt 1 Phaiilorn Hill" post, where the sol 1
dier left the Mexican, recovering.
Nothing has been heaul on thi frontier of
he two hoys ul'iided lo in Mrs. Wils m's nnr.
rative, until leu days since, w lien, one about
l.telvu years old, calling himself Getuge
Wa-hiuu'ou Wilson, was briinahl in here, b
Aanei H own, an inlellig-'iil, educated Chick
as.iw Lidiau. who lives near this post, lie
had been out with some Sliawuees for the
last four niuuth', tiadino for mules widi C.t
inaticlii'S. They found ibis while boy, w hh the Ca-
manches, in a very des:iiiite condiiiou re-
peeling cloihina, having but a few rags on
his person.
Aaron Browm with the characteiistic no
bleness of heart peculiar lo his liibe, seeina
ihe while boy in captivity, mid badly used,
proposed . trading some goods for him. A
few days passed befoie thu IraJe vascon-
After giving several hundred dollars' worlh
of goods for the buy, the Cunani lies wanted
to iliaw bargain, thinking they could extort
moie, as l hey perceived Biowu manifested a
desiie lo havij Ihi) lad,
A few days since I lienid fiom Foit Ar-
buckle, situated sixty -live) miles wesi oi this
post, that a while boy had been brought in
here by some Irieu.ily l.nlUuds, wiioliad
bi ughl him fiom ihn Cauiam h-s lately.
This boy proves to be the oilier biother in
law- ol Mis. Wilson, show ing ilia' nil the cap
lives aie now sale. Sieps will be lukeu lu
icotuiu llum lo their fi lends.
Veiy le-pei iiiitly, ,
S AMI' EL C. llu.MEs, Sillier, U. S- .
TI.KD uiiesiiou K-liiive lo the duties ot
he (jeueial Govei nmeiit ul. live lo the ic
elainatioii of fugi'ive slaves, who lire among
'he I diaiis, ha- veiy la'cly been disposed of
by lint Allorney (eioirat, we hear. The
-laves, raping finiii Mi-Msippi, made their
way lo the, Clim-taw nation, ion! being nr.
-Hi d, Iho pietinn uioe rre the United
States ini'lioiilies, and those of the liibe
boliud to aid in Ih-ir rei Inmation t IliVli a
ieei suhiiiilleil In the Ailoiocy (jeneral, that
ullieer I said I" have delivered nn I l..biiniie
and vei y ii tile b giil opinion on the slit j -i t:
'lidding that II IS llie duly of Inilll 111 lljd the
iniiler in llieir icciiveiy, ibe filler milking
t,: claio; u Uli the prima facie, i t i ut
Ins lijhi In lle-lr m-ivicc., neeessai y tu enti
tle him to reclaim lliem, had Itl.t been hi
rested in a a uie ul thu Union. -lf'.'i(iig(cm
DasISII MoBM.iNS. About four hili.dre.t
men, women, and rlul Ireu hive jnt united
al Si. I.oum Iiuui D niiiaik. on their way t"
the Mm mini .Ml I lenient in I he Salt couu.
iv. Tin') aru accompanied by it umi iiuui
II.I-.IOIOH y or el ler, who siipeiinleuded their
emheika ion (a I u Danish poi', their p.lnue
aero, ihe Ailiintie, and then t oyuge up the
Mi..j.i,ip,i nver, and will t-oti li.tiea iii yhiilge
ol i lioin u i i i Ihi-it IiohI .elili'iiirnl in UikIi
itintuit. On Ihrir way up the nvct Iheie
H i iiiit-d aiiioi g lliem fuui de.ill. ai d ouu
CnMi'llii!t F..M Ti Met o I'sm. Ti e
Media al Tim. Ulld Li.scllu ll.l ill lot s 4 I'll-
in m hu h ilrliiiuui sps,iie. lo been in.
Ii ceil t) finer. I wti.liiieit. (iom I ba 'cu,
i.l ilu-ee.l lit ll, tu. il Ai.i.lh. l I
I'lliUl eolileiii u tteathsl i t a M u h
skull hd Iwrn liephine I on ari'mml uf fi.c
luie. auj is bn fMit-wtiiieiiily hecaina) li'U,
bn', k j ttllust ! In .ii"k'', fi soon re.
listed and Ispilly ItCuteird
A l.url, maike I atiidiul, L l. n
ll. abof ( altlia-ii, l'l on VaifU),
W ks N, t dlo.g, It a fi i U
4H'bl j tls. Ibl t.pMI.. II, lb de I
Out.' . 0'ii4lsJ I04U 04 Iw.oiJ. A to
t0rtli4ia t u .
LUUKBLrunK' ' .
A minister of one. of our oilhodox churches,
while on hi way tri pirrtch a funeTal Hermtns
in Ibis t'ornttry, ciilleit la see one of his ?rrin'
here, ah old widow iady mho lived nrar. th-vt
load he was travehog . The old lady ha I .
jus! been making sansnges, and she bHf
prond of them ihey were so plump- round
and sweet. Of roittse, she insisted on her.
minister taking some of the links home to
his family. Ha objected on account of not
having hl4 portmanteau aloi c- This objec
tion was sonn overruled, 'ami the old lady
after wrapping them in a rag, carefully
placed a bundle: in cither pocket , of iho
preacher's capacious great coat. Thnscqtiipj
ped ho slatted for ihe fitnetiil.
While attending to Ihe solemn
of the grave some hungry dogs scented ll;'
ausages, nnd were not long in tracking lliem
to ihe pockets of ihe pood man's overcnr.1 - ''
Of eotiise, this was a area! annoyance, as bow-as
severnl times under Ire necessity of
kicking these whelps nw-ay. The obsequies
at ihe grave being cornp'eied, the niinis'er
and the cnugieantion repaired lo the cbtirch,
where 1 lie finieial discoinse wns to be preach
ed. After the sermon was fnii-hed. the rrt'i"
ister balled In make some remtuks to his coa
greaati m, when n brother w ho desired to
have nn appointment pit-en out, aremlt d Iho
tpp of ihe pulpit, nnd gave ihe miiiisici'.s
coal a hitch, to e his nltenlion. The di
vine, thinking il a ding havii a design t.pou
hi. pocket, raised his font, cave a sudden
kick, nnd sent the good brother sprawling;
down the steps !
You will excuse me( bieihien and sisters, ''
siid llie minister, con I use, 1 1 v, and without
lookina at Ih- woik he had just done, "fur I
could not avoid it I have saussges in mv
pocket, ami ihal laiiuilioii dog has been tri
ina to arnb liic in ever since I came on tho
piemises !'
Your reader, may judge the effect such
an aniinimeemenl wnuM have nt n Iniicm'. s
Tear of so i row- were suddenly exi hunted
tot smiles of ineriinicnt." (Jcrii(in7om Em
porium .
A GonnSn it. The best repaitee weTiavo
lately seen, cinnf from Pieiilicey I he wag of
the Louisville Journal. The editor ol llie
Alabama Fag called il out, by ihe follow- i si
n,nih! Why is the editor of the I.indsvilln
Journal's career through life- like a eelelun,
brnted tune 1 Because it is the login-',
inarch." Prentice, who is a "dead shot."
loaded his piece, and taking Him, let the ling
man have it right in the teeih after thu fol- '
low ing manner, to wit : "Why w ill the edi
tor of the Fag, nt Ihe close of his enreer
through life, be like a tune of Pagntilui'sl
Because he will be executed on a single,
s-iing." i -::'V
Come Kiss Met This i the name that
should be given to Ihe fashionable modern
honnel which, Ijghlly resting on ihe lack of
the head( afToids no piutretion lu n piclty
face but on the contrary, increases the nt.
trariioi'S which, under any circumstances,
invite the stamp of kindness nnd i.fTeclion!
How difTeieiit from the odious 1 poke bon
net, used five nnd Iwipty years sgo,
which fnrmed a project iim line i f
lat'O'i iirnuiiil hew iU'liing fenliiies a (he
vaitxiie frise which the most aider! and pie
i)inp ll us ndiriiier i f hniiity wculd baldly
attempt to pa w hen eren ' 'i
To uinlert.nke llie p'onsin priiceti, '
i required an e;epiisut'ii proboeis. '
' ' ' i ' boston Journal.
BKxeriTS op An individu
al nut West tried advertising for wife. I
woi ked to a chann, ns usual. He says ho
h is received in answer to his advertisement,
TH Ictteis, 13 dayuerreolype likenenses of la
ilia". 2 go'd fmaer iliifj., 7 luck, of hair, I
eopv of Ik M ii vel' lleverie of a Bachelor,
t thiir hie. and 3 iloKen shirt bullous. He
ought lo be convinced. C-CAPE fmni houses on fire have
ecetulv been adopied hy ihe police of Loil
dn".' They hare .lout cunvss. sheets pre
paioif, hn h nie sin ti bed l lienlh the house
mi tiie. nnd into which ihe persons in tho
t iiildioj thiuw- themselves, and are cut ght.
ThetM'V i.. eseape hn. been tried and has
given ih- gieatesl satisfaetion a. lo iis utility
nml safety Poison u hn could col tie p.'r
ail.ide.l to descend a file ladder, have leaped
bitn the tiuvasa without hesitation. fhlif
'Six feet in hi txiot !" exclaimed Mi.
P.iitiiiytuii, "Wlntl will Ihn irnp-utaiice id
III., uo.ld mine lo, I wuiidei ? Wh) they
nnuht jii.t as lieaiinnbly nil nu that iho
man had sit heads in his hal '.'
'Cihi lue.. m !"rfle l 4 met' id I tho
other il j t , 1 II ihe wml I gin in an end next
)Ciir, what shall I do for snuff
Martin K ''('4 I. in t'hieaga, at Ih
rr.i.lri re of M'. Ke.l;je, a Uw is', lie ha
b 'en cif.'io I a i'a i in a in tho S a'a U-n.k uf
Uiil i ll).
Q A lam., who vn am ( I the
T.i.k.h camp, Iiuui '4ii, I a annul I be lata
It bi. U A tarns
Th l.'Mt4 of WiseuK.m b. Ui l ibaatili'.
N.'hia.k. lu-silulluuS oil lit I.He, by tlv
ridel toto.
Tho jv.p'ilaiiu.1 Ml Cm'iIimm, Ii i aai 1 1
mil IniitM.eJ lu n lo' tluii.lSi p-.
u lbs th-i.1 if oiff, l.ka lbs s Vi4tot
J,uV't' f s i i m lit