Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, March 04, 1854, Image 3

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    orvcoponfocncc. ,
t , For ths Sunbury American. .
1 '-: , Baltimore, Feb. St, 1854.
Sutquehanna Rail Road Great Snow Storm
' ' Markets, Ifc.
The recent publication of the elaborate,
interesting and satisfactory report of Gen'l
Packer, showing the condition, prospects
ko.f of the Susquehanna Rail Road, from
Bridgeport to Sunbury, has given very great
and general satisfaction. The citizens of
liallimore well appreciate the importance of
this "connecting link in the great chain,'1'' and
there is at the present time, a bill before the
City Council, proposing the consolidation of
the three roads, viz : the York and Cumber'
land, Baltimore and Susquehanna nnd Susque
hanna roads, which if effucled, will greatly
strOngthen the latter Company and further
its completion and at the same time make
out of the whole. one first-rate road, extend
ins from Baltimore to Sunbury. That this
is greatly to be desired all will admit, and
that it can be accomplished there is very
little doubt ; but your people should never
theless take prompt and eflective measures
to further this work independent of Bain
more, It is a great woik in which your par
ticular section of Pennsylvania is largely in
terested. We are fully aware of the advan
tages to accrue from this road to us as well
as to you, but BaUitnoio cannot do all. Shu
has other work to do besides. Though not
so great a place as some of her sifter cities,
she has not been idle, and as pioof of her
liberal policy in respect to Public improve
ments, it is only necessary to review a little
of her past history and consider what has
been dune.
The piincipal works to which our City has
largely contributed, irrespective of the .Sus
quehanna road, are as follows:
The Haltimoie it Ohio rtuilroml, length 3fl .Utiles
" Utiltlmoro h Hiisqneliaittn do. " 11 "
" York Cumberland do- " 28 "
" Washington Brum dh. " 40 "
" Ballon , riiilatlo, . V. do " 07 "
Cliespenke and Ohio Uatml, " 1:17 "
" Tide Wiit or do. " 45 "
None of these have as yet been long
enough in operation to compensato us for the
investments, but we look forward for a rich
leward, at no distant day.
The Tidewater Canal was not originally
designed to terminate at Havre Da Grace,
but to evlend till iho way to this City, by
means of a Slack-water Navigation crossing
the Gunpowder and Bush rivers, thereby
avoiding the "bay route," but tho temporal)
mode then adopted, of lowing boats around
from Havre Dj Grace, ha! since been adhe
red to; in part oxiii? to tho cheapness, but
mainly from the dilliuulty in rain'og a suffi
cient sum of money to finish the work. In
view of having a continuous lino of Bail
Road along the rich valley of the Susquehan
na, it is not probable that the resnmins of
the canal work will be entertained. The
superiority of Bail Boad over Canal transpor
tation is incalculable, and the most abundant
testimony abounds as proof positive, where
ever the two have been fairly testjd. Haiti
more docs not lack enterprise, but lack's the
means. It is but very recently that the. Cily
has lent substantial aid (5,000,000) to the
Baltimore and Ohio Rail Boad Company, for
the perfecting of this great work, and the
bent evidence of the extent to which we
havo bravely pushed these works forward, is
found in the readiness with which onr citi
r.ens meet ihe demands upon them in the
way of taxes. It is estimated that onr taxes
this year will bn quite if not over 2 per
cent , which is rather severe. So you must
give Ballimqre credit for all she deserves.
The Maine Liquor Law is very likely to
'be carried in this slate, it has passed the
"House" by a vote of 43 to 22, and will
loubtlc8s find a quick passage through the
Senate. The bill provides lhat tho law
shall not go into operation until the 1st ot
JSlay 18o6, subject nevertheless to a vole
of the people at the next election, and in the
event of its being negatived by the popular
voice, the Govoinor is empowered to suspend
its operation. There is, however, scarcely
the shallow of a probability of li is "Demo
cratio lvveeMency V bein troubled lo exer
cise this poroalive, as it is settled beyond
any doubt, that the mass of the people favor
the law, and that it will be approved by as
immense majority. So mote it be.
Yours. &c,
cf.i;:i.i. iiocinT iiimstrom;,
General Robert Armstrong, of thn Wn
inglon Union, whose death is announced,
was n native of East Tennessee; his npe
was about C5 yeais. Ild removed at on caily
day to Nashville, where he lived as Mer
chant and Postmaster until 1845, when Mr
Polk, the President elect, gave him enrfc
blanche to niako choice of any post of honor
3r profit in the gift of the new Administra
tion. As he had been his confidential conn
sellor while canvassing for Governor of the
Stain, nnd his most elficient and influential
friend in the hotly contested Presidential
compaign against Mr. Clay, in 1844, this
mark of gratitude was not undeserved, and
the result was the selection of the Cousulshi
at Liverpool, to which Gen. A. was ap
pointed. Few men enjoyed so long and constantly,
and so nearly, the confidence of General
Jackson, as this gentlemen. Ilis personal
influence over the Old Hero wag almost un
bounded, and, unlike the mere parasiteswho
'ollowed his fortunes for mere advancement
-hey promised, it may be said, in just praise
if his memory, lhat he never ubused k !o
;elfisli or wicked ends. The intimacy was
irst of the camp, and snbsequantly of the
learth-stone. Tho respect was entirely mu
ual. The political promotion lo which this
nviable position at the Hermitage might
are raised Gen. Armstrong, was uniformly
eclined. .
THr American Minister. In the House
f Commons on the 10th, Lord John Russoll
taled in answer lo Mr Roebuck, "that Ihe
ards sent by the Chamberlain for the admis
ion of the American Minister to tho opening
f Parliament by the Queen, were the lame
those tent to other diplomatic represenla
ivei ; and he did not think any difficulty was
,kely to arise out of the question as to the
cess in' which the American Minister was
3 appear on state occaeiont !"
The Connri.lsvilie Railroad. -The
Cumbnlaml (Md.,) Journal learns that the
President of tho Pittsburg and Connellsville
Railroad Company, Gen. William Larimon
has met with considerable success In dispo
sing of the bonds of the company, (which
are among Iho best in the market,) and will,
at an early period, put a large portion of the
road under contract.
A bioken bottle and a copy of tho Maine
Law were placed under tho corner slone of a
now court house at Belfast Me., which was
laid two weeks ago.
Certain Cure for Scorbutic Krui'tions,
Cntaneoiis Diseasos, Bad Legs, Ulcers and
Old Sores It is an undisputed fact that Hoi
jaway'g Ointment is ihe only one Which is in
its elfect infallible Cases that the most emi
nent medical p nclilioners have despaired ol
relieving, immediately yield to its curative
powers, and when used in accordance with
the printed 'directions which accompany each
pot, wilh Ilollowny's Pills. Iho two combined
thoroughly eradicate the most pestilential
diseases, and leave iho sufferer without a
T the French Boll, the other evening, a gon--
tlcman who has not been hitherto vcrv sue-
cessfu! in his aflairMif the heart, made a complete
conquest of tire belle of (he room. llowhoeame
to such good fortune could not ho understood,
until it was ascertained that he had that evening.
for the first lime in his life, worn n suit of clothes
just from RoiKiirtr, & AVu.snfcV elican nn.l
fashionable clothing store. No. 1 1 1 ' Chestnut
street, corner of l-'rariklin Placc.'liiladeliiliia.
Pl.;i I-.. e i ae. . ... 1
- una., jail. io.J1. CW,
M A ll 11 I E I.
On t In 15th inst.. bv the Rev. I.,
Mr. Thomas P. Guyer, to Miss Sarah Peiikni
hath of D.mvilli!. Montour co.
On Saint Valentine's Day, 1854 nl Chilis-
jiiarme. I.y lire Key. Daniel M. Uaiber. Mr.
Samukl Km.LKii. of Lancaster couniv. to Miss
Mahcabet Madden, youngest daughter of
Mr. James Madden of Montour county.
On January S7ih, bv iho Rev.. .1. R. M-
Muiray, Mr. Kenac-b 'Care, to Miss Cath
arine Root, both oi Tin but townsliin in this
On the S3J nit , bv the Rev. Mr. Hudson.
Mrr llnm-ntT Montuomerv, son of ihe Hon.
John Monliiornerv. of I'.tiailise Farm. Low-i
nwnship, jo Miss Kmzahetii. ilatiohter ,f
Isaac Vincent, Kij , of Delaware townthip,
Nnrih'd Co.
it-" jiijgaaaaa
In Danville, on Tuesday morning last, very
uddenly, Mrs. KMILY F. wifo of Dr. .lames
1. Stiawbridgt, and daughter of Mr. Wil
liam Agnew, merchant, ol Philadelphia, nged
t years.
In l'."iii!'!(k township. Columbia county, on
ho ltiih iual , D.VMEL'PUBSKL.agedu'bout
In Milton, on tha 23d nit., Mrs. CATilA
UNIi L! El!, v. itiow ol 'Joseph Lieb, deo'd,
:ieU .J years 4 months nnd 10 days.
l)c iltflvkcts
Philadelphia Market.
March ?, 1854.
Fi.ofR and Mi'.ai.. There is little demand
Flour for expoil; holdeisare asking S3, while
less is ollered. A sale fur March delivery
was made al $7,75. Sales fore.ilycomsumi)-
tion within Ihe ranue of 8aSS50, for com
mon and extra brainls. Rye Flour and Coin
Meal are dull. Lust sales of country Meal
was made at $4.
Grain. Wheat is in limited sunnly nnd
quite dull sales at SI 85 for red, and SI 05
for w hite. Bye is dull at SI 03 per bushel.
Com is dull small sales al 85 cents, mostly
fur Pennsylvania yellow in store. Oats are
inactive. Lust sales of Southern lit 45 cents,
and Pennsylvania at 4S.,50 its.
Whiskey. Sales of t-bls. al 31 els., hhds.
no sale.
Ktb. ...
lii.i ki.eii Flax.
Tallo vv.
12 i
BTcet Advertisenicnts.
To the Honorable the Judges of the Court of
(luarter sessions for the county of Northum
berland. The uu'lfYjisiR' 1 r.ciiii wiit rrsjirrtf ullr solicits llic Hon.
Pouii 11 p:ii. lion 11 license to keep im Inn or tavern nt
li.iril M:i ! 111 Uiek-irttowu, Lower Maliau-iy t 'Wli.-hip.
, 1. I,,.:! ciiiwnn nf 1,-nver jUnlianny town- j
SMip, Iwm.i iici,iniiii,: v.-uli ihu Pelitioner, d 1 i fitify ilea !
hu in 1 1 ii-.l n-imte tor li nies'v uml ti-,oiiri,i-.. 11.-.1 ;
' ik wc I ) rovi.-lril wilh Ikiusl- ro.iu und other C 'livciiicn- ,
I UlC i..-. Uaill-Hlill U ,,f .!;,,,r..rH ,,i1( t rn ,-W I
1M..11111 I, mi , i unci 11 mere imu-eKsuiy for the iicooimuo
d:i!i"ii ol iilr.iiiu'i-rs mill inivticis.
.Mirli-t.-l K.UI.-I. Jolin li,K-kcy, Sr., Attain Binsemnn
1. 'r.aicr. Ab.-ulriiu Lenkcr, Cunrles Kuwious. jul
Hums. l;,vnl ilnin, Mirlwel Leaker, l;n., Klijali Uvertv,
W llliulll rlmel.'rr, J0I111 liiiifreilllili. '
Lower Mulianoy lp., l'cb. li.,, lf;51. 3t.
To the Honorable the Judges of the Court of
Quarter sessions for the county of Northum
berland. The umk-rsiieri petitioner respectfully solicits lliellon
Court to (,-nint lorn s licenee I 1 keep 1111 Inn or tavern at
hu olil siuacl 111 the Uorouji u of .N'orliiunilieriund.
W'V. the imderfipncrt cilizcc.s of the r)oron;h ol North
umuurlmsl, Imniji ueiinainlitl with the Petitioner, do
cerliiy Unit ho 11, of gond repute for hourly und temper.
unee, und lhal he ii well prov tiled wuh lumkb 10, 111 und
nlher conveniences lor the uccomuiMiluliou of siruu-cii
snd truvrlers, nnd tliut an Inn or tvem there ii necessary
for Ihe ueeominodulion of lruiitrem nnd toicelerB.
Win. II. Wnnh'S. .Iiiutea Vnii,K-l. M u i';...o-..
Wm. I'.l!i..ll, W. T. Korsyih. Jehn Cake.' c'. K Lint;-'
John Heck . Joseph J'rimtley, Uuvid Ililkcrt. James
Tii'-'imrl. jr., Alex. Colt. '
Nolllrd., l-'eb.M, 1U3 3m.
To the Honorable the Judges oj Jhe Court of
Quarter sessions for the county of Northum
berland. The Diulcmigiieil petitioner rrspectfully solicitstlie H-m
Cour 10 Kn,n: Inn, n h, ene to keen u llm ur tuvern at
Ins old ttuud 111 the Burouph of Sunbury.
WE theBoroush orn,iirv
beam ucounMitcd will, the I'eimoner, do certify that he is
of sinxl repine for honesty und lempermiee, and that lie s
wet provided with house r.,, und other convenience;
foi lhe,.ei,oinnvlut,on of strange,. u.,d traveller" ud
l ist un Inn or lavern there i. -essury . the c." tJ!u
dsnon 01 slrangira und Imveilors. "ccoiiuuo-
is. M. j i k . Jame. Uer, Fred. LnMrl c,,, ,
Irune, I'ete H, Masser, M L Shindel, W , r Tlarlz
o lE'J'U We,'a'V' Muslcr
Jotin Hans.
Suuhury Feb. 8S ld04 31.
'To the Honoralle the Judges of the Court of
Quurter sessions for the county of Northum
berland :
The uiHlenisned petit inner resneclfully solicits the Hon
Comt 10 point m , .,nse to keep au liui or tuvern ut
his old auna iu liwer Augusta.
WE Die nuileraigiied citizens of tho townthip of
l-wer Augusta, being .uequuiuted wilh tha l'elillioner,
doeertily tliut ho is of good repute lor hauesty and
lemporance, and that ha is well provided with h use room
and oilier conveniences for the uoornrnodation of strangers
n,Ki iiuvciicit, uiiu ohm mn inn or utveiu inere is uecessury
w. ... .... .. ., ,., m laiijiin unit iruveovrs.
Abm. fhipiuan, Jacob H. Clark, Christopher T. M,
Niwumn. Win. A. Kiiulih. John Sterner. liunieJ n r..,,n.a
1'liihp Uotm-hull, Christiuii Vordy, tsnuuel rhiva, Jului
Y'rtrdv, John S.uniek.
Lower Aupina, lib 15.
: Estate of LYDIA II0USEL, deo'd.
NOTICE is hereby given that letters of Ad
ministration have been granted to tho un
dersigned upon the estRte of Lydia Houscl, late
of Kush township, Northumberland county,
dec d. All persons having claims against said
est.ito are requested to present them, duly au
thenticated, for settlement j and those knowing
themselves indebted to mnko payment without
Charles housel, AJm'r.
Rush (p., Feb. S3, 1853. Ct.
IS hereby given that the subscriber has sold lo
Adam Clsyberger, Iho folloWiiifj property,
which, after it is paid for, shall belong to tho
sold Adum C'laybergcr, iz : One horse, n orio
horse wagon, two setts humcss.'one log chain,
one teamsters saddle.
Mt. Carmel, Feb. 55, 1804. at.
1,000 IJoolc Agents Wnutcd,
To Sell Pidorial and Useful Works
for (he Year 1S3I.
TTSTAIVTED in every section of tho United
states, active, and enterprising men, lo
engage in the snlo of suino of the best Hooks
published in lire Country. To men of good ad
dress, possessiiifx a small cnpilrd of from to
$100, such inducements will bo oll'ered us to
enable them lo make from $3 to $5 a day profit.
The Hooks published by us aro nil rseful
in their character, extremely populur, and com
mand lurijo sales wherever they are ollered.
For farther particulars, address, (postage paid,
KOBKKT EARS, 1 hi.isiii;ii.
181 William Street, Aew-York.
New York, Feb. 25, 18S-1. lit.
New Wall Tapor Warehouse.
No 124 Arch Street, second door above Sixth, j
rilKRE may be f mud Ihe largest and hand- !
sorriest assortment in the fit v.
Purchasers fnmi the country will find it to their !
odvantugii Jn call at onr st ire, where tlicy will be j
sailed with a supirior crii-!e nt the l-iwest prirfs.
EI;RT0 & I.A.MXt!, J
No. 1-1 Arch Street, above Sixth, j
Philadelphia. j
riiila., Feb. 3 lo.r)4. Sin. I
IILZICAJ; (iVA2S07 ' j
JtJIE subscribers ol ci l'.,r sule Mevican (.tuuno i
-"- of tlie l'Ct ina!i(y, well ai'iipled to the soils
of I'eiinsylvania and New Jersey; analsys of!
w hich, by a well known rhcinist, is in our posses- !
sion. 'J'bis urticle is sold -iL a lnnc'i louer price
than the Peruvian, and v.i.l he found fully ennui !
in fertilizing qualities. j
IS. IS. 1! 1 Kl.l.Mi & t.-U. j
101 North l'i cut Sired. Philadelphia..
Phila., Feb. '5, 1S5! "in.' 1 I
An A ppriMilict; Wiiiiteil.
AN iudnstrioiis boy. between 10 and IS years
of oc, desirous of lcanung tire S.idulcry
and Harness iiidking business, on find a good
situation by nppl unj to the subscriber.
Alices Account'.
is hereby given J. Woods
Drown, Fsii., ossiirnic of Cornelius McCin-
ley has lileil his account in the Prothoiiotary's
ollice, and the same will he presented lo the Court
for coulirmation at April icrm next.
. Prothonolary's Ofiice,
Sunbury, Feb. 25, 16-V1.-
1TN order to make room for our spring supplie
we have commenced from to-day to sell o"
our S.lcck of ready made Winter Clothing, e.t or
iginal cost and invite our customers cud the pub
lic in general who ure irr want of warm clothing,
to favor us wilh a cull. "Old Uoreas"' has not
cpait us yet for this winter, nnd in consequence
we will probably hove some c dd weather yet,
whereat thick Overcoats will do us signal service.
Even if not needed nt the moment people will
find it advantageous lo supply themselves before
liauu, as we iioiu oui a eoou opperiunuy now iu
all. Cold bluslerir 5 sjirin is long yet nnd evui
through summer a thick Overcoat will come han-
oy sometimes. e liavu a enoice lot on nnno
yet and respectfully invite our patrons to call nt
G. EISBEiia & CO S.
Cheap Clothing; Store,
Marlct Street, opposite the Pout Of ice.
N. U. A'e v.i,l continue as heretofore to sell
all f'oods iu our line ns reasonable as nosahlo
still adhering to our old moi'.o:
Sunbury, Feb. 18, If 5-1.
ct Co.
CABBE;, 61351 Ei & Co.,
Ilcui1, Gi'Jiiii and Lumber
Comtiisiou M crcliiinls,
23 00: ?5 Spear's Wharf,
John Clark, Ivq , Prcsiilcnt Cilizons' Bank.
A. 1'. fiilcp, Ksi., Collier Briinklin Itank, '
John lloruler' Jr., Philaduljihia.
J!oirer, Siiinickson v. Co., "
J. Tome, Es.j., I'lCii-lent Cecil l!:ink, Port Do-
J. Wullowcr ii. Por, Il.irrishurij.
Col. II. C. V.) er. Selins jio.'c.
J. II. App & Co., "
Ifatrls, Viiipnte iV Co.. Millon.
W. W. Cool.c, K.j.. Munry.
Hiinon Schuyler, Ki-i , "
(3corr;o ltoiline, 1 1 uahhvillc,
W". Weaver & Co., Moiilotirsvilte.
Cien. William I'. Pucker, Williamsporl.
T. W. Moyd. :!., Casliier, "
James I. linliin.', "
Lewis (i. Itulii.:', "
M'Henry & Itulili, Jersey Shore.'
J. P. lluliug, Ksij., I.oi k Haven.
IV ("ai r, Cieso & Co. havo the largest wharf
room of any cotitinision house in Ualliinore, "al
ways giving quick di -l atih to oouli In ducliari;
ins their caiftotn.
Keliruary II, 18.r)l 6111.
Valuable Properly for Salo
la tie Eoi'ough of Sunbury !
rt'IIE sulisciilicr o.'l'ers for sale the following
ii property in ihe liorouyh of t-'tinliury, viz:
And two ccutigious Lots of Ground,
on the south west corner of Market Hquaro, now
occupied hy the subsrriher as a store and dwel
ling. Also:
011 the river hank, together wilh one and 1 half
acres of ground. AUo: a double two story
Dwelling House and Lot of Ground,
in Elderberry street. AUo: six seres of
ground at the Point, adjoining the BuMiucliunna,
on which are erected two frame houses wagon
house, &c. A Uo :
A House and Lot of Ground
in Cranberry street, near the river, on which lot
aro also erected three lime kilns. AUo;
A House and half Lot of Ground,
on the north east corner of River and Dewberry
street, occupied hy Augustus Clement, Also:
Twent j-Threo Vacant Lota
on Elderberry street.
Sunbury, Jan- 14, 1861 tf,
Front Street Wire Manufactory.
Sieve, Riddle, Screen and Wire Cloth
No. 46 North Front St , Corner tf Coomb's
Alley, between Market end Mulberry
Arch) Streets, PHILADELPHIA,
f jONTINL'E to manufnctuio of superior qual
lly, llnis.i and Iron Wire Sieves of nil kinds ;
Brass and Copper Wire Chilli for Paper Makers,
etc. Cylinders and landy Rolls covered in tha
best manner.
Heavy Twilled Wire for Npnrk Catchers,
Sieves for Drass and Iron Founders, Screen
Wire, Window Wire, Safes, Trnps, Dish Covers,
Coal and sand screens, &c., Fancy Wire Work
of everv description.
Phila., Feb. 4, 1S54. 3m.
No. 6 South Third Street, below Market,
rSMIE attention of country buyers is called to
IL the cxtcusivc assortment of all kinds of
Finished Leather,
Calf Skir.s.
f-'hecu Skins,
constantly on hand und for sale at reduced
N. D. All kinds of country Jcather taken in
exchange for goods.
Phila., Feb. 4, 1S54- 3m.
-"- 'J EA-M, on sections 1H and 10 of tbu Cat
tawissa, Williainsport &. Kriu Railrnad, 8 miles
west from Danville, ( miles east from Millon,
and 7 miles from Northumberland. Ulendy
euidoviiicnt and Ilic highest u aijes will I c "iven
Cntlawissa, Feb. 18. ISoJ. 'll.
111 North Third Street, b'hnc Hkc, -
MnnunicUtrcra & Wholesale Dealers in
Corn l?r.iin. Looking Ctl:iiix, '.,nl ,e',
I'.iiMlnd lloc!c.'!s, Cl..ckl. M'i.-ks, Twill-f,
Will Hnskcla. Wind Slin.l. , Mulct, i-i).
I'ninr M'are, Diisile Hruslw, H'liekinf,
WeivA and 'Willow Ware of all kinds, at the
Manufacturers' lowest cush prices.
J AMIS ill -stun, J.o. .M. Kowk.
I'hila., Jan. SI, 1 fi.'i-l 3;n.
! (',.:tli:0,Ml,!o Kill, W,,,1 n,,,1 P.,,
also Cloth, Fur, Oilcloth, Navy and Military
Caps for sale low by
a. Ki.suinic; ,5- co.
Market sired, opposite tho 1'ost Office,
f-'unbiiry, Oct. 8, t.,J.
List oi Caiif-ca.
"P'OH trial in the Court of Common Picas of
NoitliumberUinJ county nt Adjourned
Court, eo. 1st Monday of Mari'.i, und Anil
Term, 18ol
, Ji'.col) Zartmnn's
Henry Klai'.e V Lve his wift
Christian Cobol vs
John llunler
John I, Vcnper vs
liachnian it Marklc
.lohn lljij
tieerge Plight
vs Susanna Held
i John Kosser Co
H I) Cuinimiigs
Christ fc MeFudden
Kinibeii Fairely i.y Co '
Samuel K 1115 vs
P K Fisher vs Fisher $ Zarlman
Morris I. Hallowed vs James Keed Garnishee
Scull & Thompson vs Same
Piurr.ctt Saxton c eo vs Same
Kichard IJ Uritten iV co vs Same
,Sams vs Same
Jesse liousyl vs (ieorge W Starlcl
Jjc.jj!) lilinc vs Joseph line adm'r
'i'm F Wagans.iller vs Kipp Adams iV li.iilinau
Flick Sc Vanillin vs Y'andlinp; ei. Vandlinu'
Jeremiah Wclzcl vs Otor;;e linrninn et nl
Peter Shcddy vs Win August & li Krincr
I Wm L Cook v
' t'omnionweahh
' John C Meloy v
j Henry Willulm v.
' Samuel Neidig vi
j A Ion Idderd v
j Meplien Ellis ndm'r.
Suimiel Johnson
Ceorge l.'ckert adm'r
John Weddecomh
Frederick Wilhelm
CJeoi-RC Conrad
Win 11 Chnmberlin
V. L Piper
Wilson Hutchinson
Henry Keader
Jacob Koub
David lioiihl
J homas M V. illnims
j (;l.vt., Kekerts adm'r
j 'j'llllmlg 'Walls
! j.1(., stitzid
1 Daniel Schront vs D II Dreisbach e
1 Lewis Dcwitrl's exr vs R V l'npely
I Solomon Fnftely vs (.eorc Ftigp-ly el nl
Cuse for .Sweeny ("ulilwcll vsifnntl A J.ciily
M'ni Fftriiiini vs ( 'lun'es I lossler
Win 'ainriilit vs U IS Tn-yo it- co
j U.iviJ Hcrlist s (! W Krreso
, t'.olonion Knoiise va Isunc liridlespnch
! David llolilen A wife vs (ten VonkiiiB a.linr et nl
i W'm 'l'rnry vs Robins .V. Wilhelm
Win V Marr vs John Haily
David Waller vs same
W liito rt- Menine vs Howe rs (!oh j r0
W 111 H l'rviniro vs John Miller.
licnj.iniiii I'arnhart vs .1 1' Sbolly.
F . Ionian & ro va I'ei j IJriilev
Abrm lirosiotis mhnr vs Jacob Kabel
same same
John TnRsart et al vs James D liarr
DaviJ Walter va David Wablron
Hank ol' Norlb'il vs John M NV'agoner
llaibara Rower's gtianliali vs (.'has A Kntz
Catharine Voris va lluniinel V Vuntlling
Jacob Kline vs MolJian .V Dairy
K Hays ct al for Fiyinire vs John Miller
Jonas Weaver vs " Eve Weaver
James Cameron vs Ch is A Knlz
Jam en Covert vs Jainrs Tharp's adnir
Heasholtz for Renn vs Abm .Sarviset nl
Daniel Druchcroiller vs
James 11 iniilh vs
John Folimer's exrs vs
Jacob Sv-ashultz
James Cameron
Jacob lleeler's Exrs
Jaeoli Wherhint & co vs J F GraiiRor et nl
1! D Cnmmini; vs Henry Wolsry et al
Hannah Zchnclcr & co vs James Grvsoii
Ji m-iiIi L0113 vs (icoC McKce
Lcvi.Mulin vs E V Cruhuin
Win F Millie vs mine
Ceo P Cmnp vs John Chriftophcl
Joseph Lona vs Geo C McKce
II ulcheson for Kotz & RoiinJ vs J 1" bhullz
Ceo P Camp vs Sainl S '.ah! tin ker et ill
Hen lluiiinul vs John S Snyder
Sul DuriUeUiertrer vs John Dowcn
Farley Fisher vs Wm D (.'earburt
ProthoiK tary's Office. )
Simburv, February 11, 1851.
List of Jurors,
For Adjourned Court, Maioh Clh. 1S54.
NoHTiii'MBKitiaND Henry J. Ileiiniiigi-r,
William Wilaon, James V.tiuUkt', A. F..
i.owEii At'puaTA Peter Iloey, George
Point Charles Morgan, Peter Still, John
Coal Jonas Unnimul, Sicphcn Eisen
Ltwis David Slahlneeker, Amos T. Beis
sel. TuBDUT-i-Atiihony Armstrong, John M. Ire
land. Milton John R. Eok, Fretloiick Wilhelm,
B.ulrarn Galbrailh, Samuel Hepburn. '
Ui'i'KR Mahanov Abraham Geist, Roily
Baslain, Sdtnuel Ressler.
CHiLisiiUAui James Rend, Jacob S.
t?uNBURY Elias. Biosious, Ednard W.
Kubii Abraham Brewer, Wm. D. Gear
hart Delaware James Looney, Cornelius
Rhinorann, Joseph Irw in, Abraham Sieruor.
Shamokin Jessn Hensyl, Jacob Noecker.
Zekby Daniel Bockloy.
jACXios Jacob Hilbioli,
The British Quarterlies
LEONARD SCOTT A CO , New York, conlinua to
Ha-puhlish the following tiiitiah periodicals, viz :
The prwGni cri'.icnl slain
f Knronpjii t.lfiiirs will render
OM'! IMlliaumiona
le-ii. ih.-v in .v.,
1 ... .- i, uMii'.tii- Kn.nilU iiciwecn 1 1 iu
, ".'"."'".'"'"'"iltu"'' vruili- seccnbllolO', und llyinK
ru. in... .r iht daily J, niini.l, Mi.d th,..,.iiil;roi.s Tomo of
oiu iitnrc liiM i,i, wrilh i, i.iier tin: living iiiloriwt and
LXi;llcllu-ill ,i ll,,. ,,..,, ,.,1,, 7, i ...!
swny. ll i.-, u, n,r. I'l-n,,,!,..,,';.,!,.., ,.',., i,,k k.r
only iui,lly oil, Ih-.ihU- , rc,;,i,,. ,ii,,iV ot current
evciilii. Hml
literary, acieimii,..
"el-, in inllitu.n to t In ir ivl l.-nl nlilinlii-tl
oi l tli.-ii! -Jiciil elu.rncL'i. we nifiu llnin
upon II
Amnin-niciii nr.- Ii, ,.r. ...... r.'.. r
t I'l.-iii the llntM. i..,-..i:.'i.'... . ...i...,i 1'.
nhii to pl-i.-j all our liei,h,ia in ihr li-m.h 1 I' tnhserilicrs,
uUoutns ...on e:m ho I u r isl.i-,1 will, the foreign
copius. Ahhoiu-h il,i, win ,,v.,lvc n vcrv l-ugu onllny on
lir port , woslndl Miilinue to t', tho l'trlodicals ril
lliu mini: low rotes ns heret loie. 11.: .
li-r fl-in.
,-r nny one i.l llm four tirvunvs - . - Ml
h"l un; lv.i.,ri'lef,,,rl.-vics - . - HI)
. -, .,, .until 01 Hit- I. .or i;! jews
lor nil I 10 ,. i,.. It, .!,..,,
lor lll:icl,UM.-ir .MfK.ii.i,:,,
l;"r III nkw-i.-il 0, i;,e ;niavl
I )
- r1 Oil
11 110
II on
e or inuc.wMi u uii-1 the 1 -or K
Mews - IU OJ
ayineuts tube mode in nil eases in advance.
M'jne, current in the Side u-hcrc issued will
be received at j ar.
A il" -ii.' ,,f t-,v.'.ily-S v,. per cent, fiv'll the iih Vi) pil
cp?i will he nlli.vci-,1 to 1. !.t:. onr-rin I'.-nr or in-,re e pi?
ol nay 1, ni- ,,r moru ,, ilic nl. .ve works. Thus: Four
c 'pu-s of l:lie liv.- ,.l. or . l one Hrvliv. will h a- nt to
oilu iiil.lrcx r.r W; i'.,el copi.-n i f the four Kcviuwa anil
Hlackw.K.-d for ; nt..' vi on.
Ill nil ill-- riiii.-ljnl Ciilrsaii'! Tt'vnn. iher vvirVs y
he .Iruvci'f.l, inou-j-li AifJiilrt, Kiil-:K W l'i 'i'Alii;,
When suit ity m.iil, tlie IVstHpe in finy jiiirt -l the lnitc.
Stiit will hn .ml i vr nt y . I'.n r ' I n t h a yenr (ur
'Mltica v d," uuj lint Iwtlvti Ccnlfl n ytnr fur carl,
nf ihu Kcvi' U tj.
H r-m i tlriiicL'S ni: I c 'lninmiifiitir-tis shouUl u'.wavs be
Uri, HiUl-jjUlO, t tlltf I'jiitlKllitrf:,
&i (jii.i) KTitKKT. yv.w vons.
N. I. I,. S. .V Co. Imo-c ri"-iill.' .,,,!i,hid. Med leu-n
now lor v,,-. the -lWltMI'.irS Ol'lliK," hv Henry ftv '
pl.t tin. 01' I'Minhiiri-;:, l'rol . rorti-n. of Yale (..- li.-ce, I
.New tlav.-n, e .nip1, !!- in I'.vo v!, r ,al'-ct:iV'. c ,vlninii'j I
IIJI'O p'!i;cs. 1 I sVel on-.l OcJ engraviiTS. rricc ill
iun!i ,1 lenttoi". u.
CiT'J'loH w-irk I vt t!i old "11 ,.-'t of Ihe Farm,"
ly '-'' l(l:-lsei .T Ml ami ' In own up. ll llm Alio hit.
New Yor!., J in. -J". ISM j
fcJOTlCE Is ht'ii-by !ivi-ti lhal ,1 Special
Court of Com 1 1 1 mi l'li-n.-. in ami fur iho
County of Xrn llitiii.Di-i iuiiil, lo coirnm-nce al 1
llio Con 1 1 ll-jtis", 111 llm homitoj! of Sniilinrv, I
at 10 o i-locl;, A. M., on M011. lay th.s Clh ;
.!v of Manii next, uiul will coiiiii, tie O.N K i
wr.r.i;. j
Jurors nrf rpijnot.icj to hn ptincttnil in i
iinnr niii'iiiiiiiiro. r.l Hie lunu iipiv.niiioil
Krecnlilti In ihcir iioliocs.
(iivcn mi, lor my h.-nul lit iinloii y, ihe -llh
(lay of l'obi 11.11 y, i:t tho year nf 11111 Lord
one llionsaiiil fiylit hnii.t r i-.l hii.I liflvfoin,
uml ilr.; I'idi'p.'iiiloni'j of iho L'.'.iuM flairs
of AtrioriiM tin' 7S:h.
Vi II.LIAM 15. KIPP, Sheriff.
Super Phos plr.itc f Li mo,
UEUL"i:c 'S OliKilNAl. AM)UE.11.M;,
-' warranted of superior tialily, the eheajiesl
inniinrc in the world, 'armors nnd dealers sup
plied at low prices.
oOllO barrels Kxlra (-Jnality Land Pluster, select
ed expie.-v-ly fir iib'i .juiility.
10.(1(1 bushels of ramo in bulk. 1,000 barrels
Calcined Plnster. '-00 I nrrels Casting Plaster.
100 bands l-'ei.tist I'lunler.
i'LKi vi :- ur.No.
Thii article we olicr in coiilbleiicc lo onr cus
tomers, us cipial lo any imported, and far superior
to tiiOMl in the market.
S.OOt) ba'4 of this superior fiitano, for sale at
the lowest market rate. Also, 'Patairoiiiaii
f.iuauo, Voiidieltc, CroiMid Charcoal. Ar., Ac
At thr) Rlcatn P!n!cr Mills, junction or'
Avenue, Crown and Caiiowhiil Streets, Phila
delphia. Phila., Feb. 4, 1851. 3m.
" "li E A B, Z INC,
MAMTf'TV Willi I'V
Repres nhd by Lcivh, Jutnei !' Co.,
1.15 South Front Street,
Orders tin
ally received punctually attend
ed to. i;uaraiilced to irive satUlarlioii, anil ollered
for title on llm must liberal lerrns.
For samples and particulavs, plcafti at!. hens os
Phila., Jan. 21, loot. 3m.
Ci. rXf.IsSR 6: CO.
' .MANUFACTl'KF.KS iw-t.
In Window Slr.ith'.i.
South-west corner of Second and Arch Streets,
CJFCtll as C.nlhe's Landscapes, liotdcru, Vajes,
5 Scroles, liO!p.ictr,
Of the most beautiful ilcsijns and perfection of
finish in lhi coiiritry, and ut such
As to cballcnae u!i eouii.etilioii. Dulfand White
Hollands, Cuiiibrics, i'aela, Cards, Jlrasses,
t'.c, in every varitty, for City or Countiy 'J'rade.
W e inwlc an examinntion of our stack, at tha
L'cpol, 8oiiih-we,t coiner of f-'civnd and Alch
streets, Philadelphia.
January i'S, 1S.')1. Sni.
Commercial Institute,
HO Chestnut Sticit,
rflHF branches lauubt arc
Wlii ri-Mi. and
Open Daily, and en Tuesday, WtduesJuy
and Friday F.vci:int,s of rach week1
Phila., Jan. ??, 1B5-L 3iu.
Wholesale Manufacturers and Dealers m
Contc'ctioutiry of :t!l Kinds,
So. 113 Worth Third St , In low Race,
rfllIE attention of Dealers is rejuesleJ to an
JL examination of their stock, which will be
found at least eipiul to any in this eity. Foreign
Frui.B of all kiuds in seaain.
U. Orders by matt or otherwise promptly
attended to.
Phila., Fob. 11, 1851 3m.
1I A WI.8 Broehe, Thibet and Woolen in
k great variety Ulack aod Faney Dress Silk,
Silk lacf , velvet and other Triininintrs, Worked
collars, uuder-clreves, ahiinuollc, cnlla, just 're
ceived and for sale by 1. W. TENEB & OO.
Sunbury. Dee. 10, 18T3.
JOHN BUYERS &. Co., will sell, during the
lfrintop al f,nst fur f",d, ,,p roimlrv to'u.lorn.
their extensive stock, eousistin of
CJ rocerics, 1 ! a nl wa it,
and Ihe other nunterons nnd valuable articles
they hare nt their slorc in Snnbnry. Intending
lo termitiste their mercnutile businens ir the
spring, they lire rcsdy lo areommnuulu till that
time the public in general with lirnt-ruto goods nt
cites) prices. The winter will soon be over, uml
spring will shortly bo here, Iherof ore call as soon
hs possible, nnd iroeuro "rood barcains Co"nlry
produco taken in exchaiurc, anil "It ash" not re
fused. ,j
Sunbury, Dcr. 31, IR53 tf.
Look to Yom Interests !
We will irij tx please ! !
2 ESPECTFUI.I.Y iufonus his fiieiuls and
.Stl l'ie public gem rally, that he has just re
ceived at his slorc, in Maikct street, Sunlmry,
Lelow Weaver's Hotel' uti e:.teiiiv uti.cli ol
coniislin; in part of
lvy Oootis, vis
Cloths. Cassimens. Carsinets, Jtuas, i)filltnSt
Muslins, Vesting, Linens, frc.
Calicoes, Muslin, dc Lninf, Latent,
Gnmutois, ilrrues, P.u!"-s,
U'oeicus, Flannels, f c.
Su;ar, Teas, Coli'ce, Uice, Molasses, Cheese,
Spices, Sail, &c, &c., tic.
EI:i niwnri',
Nails, Screws, Piles, Sawn, Kuivcai; Folks, etc.
G'.iecns and C!ais'.v?.re,
, . , 1 ..
of various styles and patterns.
300T3 XLT'Ti EZZO,f:T7,
A large ossortment of Moots nod i-liocs, for
men, women and children.
Hats Csrs, &c, ofvaiions sizes nnd sty leu.
t. , . . , . r
Pcsidea a large and rer.nral asiairtmrul of
fashionable good3. Call and examine for your
selves. fjr" ("ountry :roi'ucii of all kin.hi talten in
cxch'inr;e at thy hio'nel mail.ct p'i'C.
Sunlmry, 11 t,u. s lu.ia 4 m. 8U, '03.
Fall and inter Good.
is Si. iVu J. t u.4.-J.a.'J
B"5 L.PKC'l'l'l'LLY unnouueo to their friends
and ti c public in relief
pul-lic 111 relit. ral, taat llicv nac
tecctved at their Old Nlnntl in Cprer Augusta'
township Aorlhunilcriaiid, Pa., thc.r
r all un.t inter Cocdi, and opened to Hit I'lii'lit
a full assortment of
Consisting in ) a;t of Cloths, black and fancy
Cuaaimers. fs.ittinctl-t. riatiiK'ls, Cheeks, anil
nil binds of Winter Wear.
Also a sr.-teiii'iil assortment of
Ip.caes ifi'ess G00J3,
Calicoes. fiilKrballls. Miulin lift 1. nines. T'hii.l
Cashuiercs, Do feces, Merinos, Uav ctato
Lou;; bhuwls, A r. I
Also a fresh supjilv of ffJrcfCrK'S of all !
kinds. I
Hardware am! Qneenswnre, a fresh
of Drills ami McihciiH?.
. . ii
Voodcn AVaie.
Also a laro as-.or!meiit of Hoots and
Itliocs, suilal,!-.'. for Men, V't-tucti mid
Children. Hats and Chips, such
ns Silk, Panama, and other
IIuU. Sail, Cheese, &c.
Call nnd See.
Cheaper than too Cheapest,
All of which will he told for cash, or in ex-
change for country produce, at the highest nnirktt
Upper Augusta, Nov. fl, 1553. 1v Al .10.
' - " - -
New 8n.fl Fashionable Goods!!
J- ii v - ii a a
"JliN x I 1 J i .
Fii!t!ojial!e Tuflor,
Deer Street, one door north of C. J. Brunei's
Law Of'.e, Sur.bitrt).
T ' AS just received from Philadelphia, tho best
und most desirable slock of Gootla that has
ever been brouehl to isuiibnrv, such as
(louaWiiug in part of blac'.:, brown, creen, olive
and blue.
A splendid u' lortioent of
.... ,rl -r-t ' ,
J ,U -,J ti ti J U ;J J
such as salin, velvet, Grenadine silks, lush vol -
vets, casji mere, Valencia, and a splendid article
of 0.iite (.'renadino for weddiut; vests. Also- -
all dese, iptioar. ol clotn lor
I An extensive variely of plain and fancy enssi -
I mors for pantaloons. Counnrn go.ijs for coals, and vcs.,, coat Mu-nnj, u.ut cor,l,nSs ; a
superior uitn lo ot
v..,,,, .,ro ,vn cTiT'-s
of the latest style, plain and fancy black cravata,
laoaiery. suspenders, shirt collars, silk nndershiits.
drawe.s, meu-s drab hut Wined chamois ud
other iWves, and ti iiiitmnis of i vra y tloocriptioii.
Also on baud a lew ..nicies of
,. .. , , .
warranted to be eaual to bis ciiftonicr work and
su-ierior lo Philadelphia nianufa.' AU per-
sons lmyins ready mode cbuhintr of me enn have
then. r. apaircd Sralis m esse of rippuij or civuif
out. as-l warrant nil my at licit "
I return my thanks to the public for their pre-
i latin im 1 1 onii::w itnu i .-!e t 11 it . 1 oi.iu .. a voiiitii- i p (, j : , ppe( , i c-i
nance of ihe same. A s I inn determined not to be st ,,,urv Nov 1? lc."3.
und as il I, my yoo U will bo dipiiiej of on the 1 ... '
iiio-t reasonable terms for ca-h.
slnrlholow. Tifl'tinv C.n.
I'ovtiaii and Ktotiicisltc
Dlljf GOODS,
No, 2G3 Valtimorc Strert,
Knlf imnvia.
If our Goods on examination, aro not as ehtap
as tney con lie lament iu any other niaiket lliey j
luay be returned forthwith nl our expoufe. I
Ualiimore, Nov, Sii, 19o3. 1
For Sule ! !
'fi'MIE subaciiber vfleri at private sale his house ;
and lot of ground, situate m th Unioush of
Sunbury, on Ihe i:oilh ve-t corner of Fawn und
11' . I.e. ....... ..... .,. i ...
ijini'ttot-i(y Mttxis, riiiw in tue o. ui jua.
Heard. F.sii. The boite is a tivoalorv
lPTf'lv FlAVI'T T 1 Vf ! K I Ti M I PY
. .
tu outi ururr anu i-oitotuoo. i ot ir,n, yV ,T
to the subacriber, ut tho Forks of the Plum Creek
anu i uipoiiuceu rtuu.
January 7, iaf4. 3m.
L'EE.NSWAKE.-lienulilul sets of Tea
ware, ill China, Humo China ami Licit,
Dituter and Supper Dishes of ail kiuda. Toilet
Sals, covered Dishes, China Fruit l'askots and
Ornaments, Fluid Lamps, Lanterns, (ilarxwars
in variety, and 1 umblois from li cents upwards,
iust receivad nnd for sale bv
Dec. 1, 1?VJ. I. W.TF..NEW CO.
nfSf, Pfff fi
Tlieae Tilln In-iiisr eotnp 'S'-il c, tirelj-1 f trifdiritnl hail.s r
of a Inunlcss natjrc, whi e W f.ttru. itiinsry rir
tns Ihoy poults huvn inidirul t hem miivarmlly .o . Uif
in neaii uyeiy pmt i.f tho world. 'I'hs oSalmf su-.-efsS
Ihcy hoc mot wilh thrtuli nit llio Stuln if ill'! utra
onlamry, owinir, ll is !recuimd, lo their wondtilnl
e:Tii-iie'la iht cure of liilious e nridaints and disordcis
ol' liiu l.iver nnd Elirnnli. I'trs.-ts who .wsrveii.i
unin.; lin-ni in nee. .rdan.ic with Iho dirtciiciis, soldoia
l ol in heing ffrtored t-i hrrllh.
Wi:.K.l3 AMI EKltl f JTY,-Ki:sT01 ATlf N TO
iu;ai.tii of a gi;.ti.i;ma.n' aucsm, wiu:n
Copy of a Letter from the Rev. Charles Smith,
tintcl Norton, St. Philips, near Bath, Sumcr
sitfhiie, nth August, ISiJ.
To Professor Iloi.t.owAT,
JSir. A Mr. J.-ci,li l'nxtc-ii, formr.r: n r'iVjit . f II. .a '
pl ice, hsd Leen in ii ,l'.c lining slitla ol lii-i.lii I ir uf '. s
- I Ihreo ypnrs, gioii.rdly waMieg awny to, pi'.ii'iiv U
i.iflillv prrs.irull ii.i. mid v. wot of utM'C.'.ile, which rtoisfad
1 1 ut iiM-asiiipss to his fiin-Jp, as he 1..-I ci suiied various
medical nl-n in ll-illi without attwt. II tit in .1 m. I yonr
pilhi. nnd under provi.'.eni.-e. ri res'i red to h;.th hy thr r
tins, i. He l.itrly cmin-.led t-i New oik. list, -ost
wi c.t.-n lo say, tlo-t ho wii nect r l-,-ln:r in httoidi. ra il
Miu.l tin; lo ni-iiimint i'"i vi:h theciieimi oi.-r-f. 1 i-i:!.ht
nisi 1 i nirnti-at, 111 c. n,v wi:u lud Ct. ivtJ gver.l
from Ihe use ol' y ir I'iofl. m
1, fir. v-.tirs respnctfnllv,
fllAI: l-.MITII. l;isssnti'na Mieislcr.
r.'K MANY YKAHS' Lil.'HA'lloW.
Con;; of a Letter from Mr. Gum is, Chemist,
" Ymvil, to P, ofesior llullouvij.
Tli- irir. In thii .!rh-'. vo n- P.: a e , i a ' a m-'ra
rvnei, i- silo loan m.v ol.' j,r-,r.ri.-lai y iii -.lieine hi-;'
the paliile. Ana pu'rl ol tin ii '. c c;;i ia t.n r ninl lolio'..
Coaiahonts 1 lino. In' nl n I if f. .'. . i. rr .ae A I.H-..I
i t as l '-.,-n wilh vvh"t!! 1 run i-i't-- T-.". . i.e. 'oa no c.l. loi vaurs
,T:'. ?.,-'.o'" Vli' .'. -." i ,t ';.,'.
eaa! I do a ithirir lo o :v. c la r 1.1 r." in: . imkI i v.-,;n u.'t
lik--'v k.'io mill 11. aiy 1.1 .al. r;.:r. aim an.fraient
ti 1I11; j'!y c -a.---.' trr. ".t i.l.'tim nHa-ojj I0.1 hain't 1.1 cl r in
I ti in. in'i'l taey inihe l h-.-i I - 1 l . . U a It il . y nr Vi-is,
I whi'-a s , in. -lov. -l !n i cmi.-o-.I 1 1 r-: -1- h ;.!,e v-:,s ind--;'-,.d
I 1.1 co ainiir llu-iu nal.l c'i -i. -. i-. 1 1:1 j -,r-..-; t-ar... Tats
j i. lvv.lco III -lit lis i-;i". uad i.h-1 ha i 1: ,t rsa-TUaeed Snv
sv iiplani "f r .- la j ''I-"1,-, 1. 1 1' I i 1 1 . . 1 u.--'''.n.s ' year l'rhs
' have h.aal tiic u:-j n ' of MVi: liTr
i 1 luaiain. I?..arr:,r von--:; tnitv.
I JalyS-JI. lc."1. l-igiid) '" J.liAt'-.i.
i These telcbiT.iul Pills are n-nnuafuUi cjjlca
I co'.rs t.i th fjlbneini.' complaints.
; Aran Jlr-.j-sy
; A t: him I ' s aaarv
i allainoiullOn
j i:i'i.cicmni-iintsi:iyi;-c:!,s
I lit itcliea on the Vat -do lrrv-(jt.
i yi,,,, laities
j H 'wr,.l Coirplainls l'l-v.-'Hoi all
(-o!.":.,ni:..n ,.f l'i':-) ''
! the B weh O rt
I ''-;";' i;.d.-.eii
: t-iclu.av In h.:- !1'! -a
l.ivir t'r.-.n-
Da ain-di-iTl
r.( 1 tition ci"
L riae
c ';a"a;rt. "r
k i .- sr.vii
" ,rc Tnr ;'. f n'.-.-aaj (i.-vd peeoie'irr
i'ic ll ,a!aa;-cax 'i'a-aeais Svae loats
VciR-n a 1 A:l'-r:i r.s AN ,'ia.Sv.f u.l Willi's
i:,.ii-v?. fro
.-.r cause ir., ,lc.
f; .1.1 nt Ihe TVaMisaineiv! "i VrcifcCT V llol l.'.wT, '.Ml
'o f,-.-iir 'renipl j Uar. l- .t: I .1..) eai.l a.-.', nt iu II euta
la . 'v v.'il;. ( lr ' Td !--r ie lieia.-s 111 :1a; aia't?. n-lilr. A.
s -d 1 P. 1! .ii nvay ."st-iv V'a::,' v, ;U 1 . c i . e .ale :IU a! i. n
j S ,11 , he n'l reaeer-il-le f.aii'uiMs and ien'.ers in Med
, i.-iaia- t '. r. o-o-re -u I llie l.'t.ile.l Hlul.a:, la 11 xesai oie--als,
I r";.fl l .'Heentf ..-.Ii T.I-- had Wh desalt ol
1 the iiaci, a! oiij ia ihe Tia a.
. T'ai.c is n 1 his. dir.-.: I? savier; by U-.'siar ll:e lnrgrr
I V c-.fn . (or t'te t-nalaacn of palicntn in cvary
1. .a urr -i.rix-:,l I', ta -h aojt.
! IVr err ' er V!, l- .;a.,-.
CiiK'X. r '.it'jl'. VliakePS.
Zi. CO.
; R S A VI! ja e; .MleJ a. Clock anl Wa'.-hinaVer
j --N. ill t!ie ..ii.'.ins !a'-:!v o-:,-,ii ;ei by J.
' M. fciini .ois, near ra .- Co's Store,
i 1,1 MueL .t Sh ett, Suntmni, Pa.,
! ... , ' , .., ,' . ,,
i her." I:.ev have ' eiu i!, ur.J v. ::l Sicc'i coii-.lanlly
j t,n i..-u. 1, "
' r- . --. - .r- .. t? -
Oil, or Ci Ccl;l 7r.!o!es, etc.
Also, Jeuelrv,
! ,!"s'ti' "f i.i'-t-pin, l:jra,li! ri"r
i1Mr(c ...i., i ;,... i',,ir..,.t. I ...l,;. .a 1 1,.., I ...
iiiniiH' jjld and silver ens and pencils. Also,
Silver and plated Tea and Table spoons salt
spoons, buller l.nives, tic,
PSt;T"r1 A f 1tl
f- J :i vf u. : w a
(If i,',l eicj, i.-ai!i;:r every ;oc. Spy d'la'ses,
l'.-. i.ct llooi , 1 1 ail size?. Razors, li.Jr I'.h l
volvers, and other pi-tola, llrnshcs, Comln, f'oap,
tc, etc. Also, a lar.-'o slock of
; ut.-.VAl aiiisU'ftmru.K
j anion jrl which are" Arcordcor.s, Violins, Flutius,
i Flits, Flutes.
I Trunks timbrellas auspenders. Allsiesof tea-
! dy! Shiila and Collars ; oil of which will bo
j fold ciicupci Ibati has ever been heretofore sold iu
I suui ur
repaired in tho best manner and at the uhoitest
notice. .
Sunbury, Oct. 15, ls.,3. Sin.
Consumers, lcolc here ! !
V. ? A 31 1 IS iiEFFN VAX
F 5 E.-.-i LCFl'ULLY iufornis the citizens of
Sunbury and viiinity, that he has just re-
ceivcil tiii'l o'teiiCit ni i new ttoie, in muiitct
street, Sunbury, a ssjortuient cf
I I'Hll ' ""- ut"'5
j comiatiug in part of
i r -, Cssill'l'S CaSiiilt'S
1 ()f of ;ilicn c,,.; aIlJ worked.
; t':;;! Of ?it::',hitlL!fj, J ilWJIS,
M'JWINCHtte Bo lfslUCs)
. of ra!,;,., t;00t,fc
,pi, r .
i Ci:0CLKIK tf cvji y vuiiety.
: A'.o an u -"i li.ici.l il kilHutluK, llOil
j -lu gjcc1 nil-;, c;c.
; Also an excellcut assoi Uncut of
, Qr r fl-J S W ARE of various 11) lo and
I ' ' '
i jMtltrrns.
l '" ? !i"l'S'
11 A I IS Jt CAPS, n food kc.eclsun.
j kMilt. t'lhill.t'C.
; A;jJ Eri,at' cf other 'iirl'.cles such as era
! ,a ,raif .j f whi.-'i will It sold st
,, 0 ,we,, .ni,.0i,
Cl,1,h,,v ,.r,-,aoee iu c:eUsnj k
; T'WSi'I V NI
. JYt. 1 0 i .Voj'.'Jj 2 1 St , S . H Cof. of t'l.l!,
I r::xi.A.-irn:.
rCAU E subsci ibcr this i.u liiod of in form in;
Conntiy Merehoiila and the public generally,
that he h.u ic-inovc I fr.-i.i to the a:-e mid
coinmo iloiis sloie 1C.1 .Noirrit 'I'itirJ slu-.-t, slid
lcplciii-.'1'etl il villi an evleio ive and well i-elrclcd
i.r of Coafcclionai v. l'riiin. e: c. whit-li ho is
' CJI. he ran ilbr t. pnr. .-ha..fri, whalf.alo
I i.iui lctall. t-1 sal.-i'.i.luiV la'.
i ' WM. . STILES
! ' 0.1 h.. 1 t-. .17, 1
. ., 7 t-r, f-. U f SI
i m p o n t i: ;i a n d j k a i. u i: 1 n
HiOK" & STSE1,
1(51 Market street, b(lo;c 13';, north side,
Phila., Jan. liSol, ly.
, " , .r
!The Xews ot how Ui War
, , , it
. till V. r, ,i ii.u - - -
I fT OI'S on is not of so mucli interest to rna
1 .'3 i -tli.ibit.iiiU pftiunl.ury and Us vicmily
, ' y 'I'J.'jH ('Q
havo brouijht up litis week ft.-rn Philatlt Iphia
ui oe, bouiiu.1 and v nia sru. k of k-'-hIs, which
ihey will tell ehes ns heiet jfore. Tncy respect,
fully ri tiocst '.hwir liicnds und tho jtublic to call
and si c
fcutilmrv, Pa., Dee. 3, lei"3.
flT.) IA', t'. The house on ErosdiTiiy nowr
A occtioicd l y fciinon Jlsiis. A lo
lnnbury. Pec. 1. f-