Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, March 04, 1854, Image 2

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fox tx cnrN c iu o .
E UK dp A.
LATER I ROM Uinol'E. 1
A bettor feeling prevailed in tho Liverpool
Cotton miukct; breadstuff, were becoming
cheaper. Money was comptirilively eaey
and Ihe Biiilsh funds steady, notwithstanding
the warlike aspect of affairs.
From thu seal of war thera is an neeount
of a severe battle at Giurvego, in whioli the
Turks are said to have the advantage.
Russian intrigue had suueeudud in exciting
soma of tho people of Grecco to insurrection.
Omar Pacha, this Turkish C omitiaiidet-in-Chief,
has recovered his health.
The combined fleet was cnmparutivdly
inaotive. Great Ciitain and France weie
proceeding with great activity in pre paration
for war. The contingent of ten thousand
troops lo bo supplied by 'England was to bo
immediately despatched j and several of the
large steamers of the Peninsular and Oriental
Company had been claimed for tho service
of carrying the hoops. Tho paiticulars of
the intelligence are subjoined.
Russia and tcrkky:
Bucharest, January 56. We have here
29 Russian general", 19 of whom belong lo
the corps or Ceneral Osten-S.iuksii. Tho
Greco-SIavonio 'Legion already numbers
3000 volunteers. Piince Milosch wiil com
mand this corps.
Vakna, January 20. 0;ner I'.ieha is en
tirely restored to health. A Wall
general, two or throe American ofliceis, and
everal French and Swedish officers, li ne
arrived nt head-quarters to take service in
the Ottoman army. Considerable reinforce
menlsure on march from Sophia to Kulafal,
where there is ulready assembled an army
of 25,000 men, provided with u numerous
and excellent train of artillery. li. foie tho
entry of the fleets into the I!!acU Sea, tlio
Russian cruisers were constantly in observa
tion upon the coast. They havo since en
tirely disappeared,-and the Turks have com
plete possession of the Eu.vine.
Vienna, Feb. 7. Tho Corrcspomtcnz
announces that, while Russia and Tuikey
were fighting in Great Walinehia, Austria
saw no reason for placing n corps on the
Turkish. frotier; but now that Lesser Walla
chia has become the theatre of rvar, :!:e
government has resolved to station 23,000
men in the Woywodiim for ihc security of
the frontier.
Vienna, Feb. 0. We lean: by telegraphic
advices from Constantinople, that the Tuik"
ish cabinet has been dismissed, and that one
In favor of a compromise with Russia has
been formed.
Vienna, Feb. 7. On tho 5lh, a smart affair
took place near Giurgevo, between tho Tuiks
and huisians. The loss on either side was
considerable. It Appears that 3000 TuiU
crossed the Danube, routed the Russian out
posts, and attacked tho town, after which
they retired. '
"Widdis, Feb. 3. Omar Pacha is suffer
ing from typhus fever." A despatch from
Vienna, in reference to Omar Pacha, slates
thai be had had the ague, but had recovered.
Tho London Times says: We have au
Ihoritfr for saying that there is no foundation
for tho statement that the Cnnard steamers
ff -?C
Eftjr " - . - '. . - - '
si?.ruii '' ' '
II. It. MASSi:K, r.itit'jr ami Pruprieler.
St. Matthew's Church will be opened for
Divine Service lo-moriou (Sunday) Evening
nl 6J o clock.
( We are indebted to Judge Douglas,
(Jen. Cass, Hon. Wm. 11. Seward and Sen
ulnr Chase of the Senate, and the Hon. C
M. Stratib and lion. Mr.- Dawson ol the
House of Kepresentalives, for public docu
ments. .
VTJ" J. W. Qoigi!!"', &q- ot t!u" Sna''1.
will accept our thanks lor several impor
tant public documents.
Tir-sso! new advertisements this
wee!: hxi crowded o-it a tium'j'T ol editori
al and oirn-r attic!--?.
C j" Lati:t rr. vi Kinon:.- The Sleam
ship Andes arrived at Boston on Tuesday.
The British government lias chat tered thir
teen steamships to convey troops to Malta.
Schamyl the Circassian lender is marrhinj
against the Russians with 10,000 men.
Mr. Buchanan's absence from the open
Ceremonies of Parliament, because he re
fused to appear in the gold lace and em
broidered cotitt dress, ha9 caused some sen
sation among the London Journals. Mr.
Buchanan deserves credit for the manly
stand he lias taken. There could be noth
ing more humiliating, we think, to a
true American, than being compelled to
appear in the gaudy trappings ol royally
We wish we could speak approvingly of
tho course of Mr. Mason, our Minister to
France, who in violation of his instruc
tions, appeared at the court of Louts Napo
leon, in livery, lo please some hair brained
American ladies, who were anxious to ex.
hi'uit their laug trains and shallow brain"
under the auspices of our Minister. We
can well imagine how old Marcy prowled,
when he heard ol this violation of his circu
lar. We should be pleased, and not at nil
surprised, if Mr. Marcy should issue a
circular requiring foreign representatives al
Wa.-diingtuii, to appear nl the Presidents
levees in plain clothes. If foreign courts
have the riht to regulate the dress ol the
Minis'.ei's resident at their court., we have
the Fame right to dictate plain clothes at
our tc;??. What a hue and cry it would
raise among the Jack-daw representatives
of foreign governments, at Washington, lo
be deprived of their tights, gold lace,
feather.', stars, orders and other tinsel dec
orations. I hey would dm without their
finery. . We say to Mr. Marcy give us re
ciprocity! give us another circular ! Lib
erty and independence, one and ins-operable,
now ami forever !
Washington, Feb. 25, 1854.
Mr Cass read from Earl Clarendon'
speech, intimating that the Anglo-French al.
liauee extends to western a well a. eastern
afTairs. Mr. Cass said that this clearly meana
an alliance designated to check out national
aggrandisement by the acquisition of cuba.
He hoped that he Committee on Foreign Re
lations would be prepared to recommena
some aulion declaratory of our determination
not to permit such an interference.
Mr. Mason said that we had notice in me
Tripartita treaty correspondence that Eng
land and Franc designed to prevent our ac
quisition of Cuba.
Mr. Bell How have we profiled by the
Mr. Mason By keeping perfectly quiet,
as we should. Ha thought that there was
nothing for us lo do until the interference ac
tually occurs. What would the Senator from
Michigan d !
Mr. Cass read Mr. Churchwell's non-intervention
resolutions olfered in the House some
weeks ago, and said thai he would ws them,
and declare our rights in the family of nations
to stand by them in all extremities.
The Senate then resumed ihe consideration
of the Nebraska bill.
Mr. Duller having tho floor, concludej his
Messrs. Brown' and Dodge, of Iowa, lol
loped on llio same side.
Mr Dodjo was fierce in his denunciation
of Sciiatois Seward, Sumner, and ihe Aboli
tionists. Washington, Feb. 28. 1S51.
Shnati: The Nebraska bill was taken
Mr. Cass took the floor, and spoke, unti
q7"Taver. Lich.nsi:?. Tavern keepers
who have not s-nt in their licenses lor pub
lication, will be too late after lo day,
They may however he published in our
German pan r which comes out cn
Wednesday next.
Olt.s!xvi:. We contemplate, be.
Prolong, making decided improvements1
in the appearance of our paper. We in
tend that the American shall be second to
no piper published in Northern Pennsyl
vania. $3 The address of David Taggr.rt, "&f.t
before the N. Y. State Poultry Society, at
Albany, is in every way worthy of the
reputation of the author. It is loo long a
document for republication, especially as
those who feel most interest in these matters
have, doubtless, already perused it.
Qp A Special Court commences nt
this place on Monday next. A large num
ber of capes are down on th list. Judge
Jordan will preside.
7" A correspondent semi? us some ver
ses entitled "Asking a Quaker girl" for
publication, which he says he "does not
think are worth much," but that he "writes
lor improvement." "Practice makes per
led" is an o!d giving, tho' it is not always
advisable lo publish, but we make room lor
the r-Ensio frauds in Lancaster
cot' n nr.
The Philadelphia Ledger says ' that since
the alleged extensive frauds on the United
States Government have been feireted out,
the city of Lancaster has lost two of its most
prominent citizens. The parties referred to,
are Judge D. P. Vondersmilh and Geneial
George Ford, men of wealth and of the high
est standing in society heieloforo. The
ebargos against t-liese two men have already
been mentioned, but the amount of Ihe frauds
which it is alleged, have been carried on for
a period of nine years, has not beon staled
The sum total of which the Government, it
ia alleged, has been deftanded, is said to be
upwards of 870,000, of which Judge Von
dersmilh is alleged to have been the ptinci
pal receiver his supposed share being full
two-third. The names of the females used
to pprpetinto the frauds in lbs cases which
havo thus far been investigated, are : Mis
Susan Long, Margaret Ly lei, Magdalena
Hnssel, l'ebecea llniley, Eva Callaghan
Muicarrt llartinan, Mai ia Gray, Juliana Par
ker, Christiana Watson, and Winuere.
On one of tho claim, thai of Mis. Lylh
over S 10 000 was paid on fraudulent pension
papers. In the eases yiven, the most careful
search lias been made for the pirties or their
relatives, mid in several of ll.em no traces
can be found that they ever cxiste I. In Ihe
case of Mrs. Susan Long, the reputed claim
ant for a pension, which claim was issued in
1811 and presented lo Judge Vondersmilh
for a period of 13 year.-, il is alleged, was
paid to that peir-on, as appears from I ho offi
cial record?, and regularly from that time lip
to 1854, when frt-ml was suspected. The
amount paid on this claim was about SS,000'
The husband, Aiidrutv Loup, moved from
Lancaster comity lo Virginia, in 1801, where
To Ihe Hovtratils the Judge of the tnurt of
warier sessions jor ifte county 0 JVormum-
venana, .
TliS undcrtivtird nfltitfrner Ter.neptruUv aulicitn lliellmi
Cuurl to grant him a licence to k-?p mi Inn or tnvcni at
ui uiu uaim 111 lyjiver Angnita township.
AVF. th irnVraigii'MiMtlr-MS of Fiwer Anciiatti town
liip, bfing acqiminlrfl wild Hip I'p'itinnrr. tie cortify tlmt
lie ib 01 frond repute lur henraty auu tcmprnmcc. mm liuit
he in wHI nrnviilril with hoii.e mom nmi other eenveniPii-
erg t'nr the iirfinitmofliittoil ol' Htrmifii-ra nml travwIfrB, tinfl
ttiatnn hin or tiivrin there ia nrrearuy lur the ntcuriune
diitHMt of mmneera nml tiavelera.
Jehu Khriffht. John IVUtren. ItolH-rt I. Pi-crs, Tmvlil
Phipman. I'eter Yocom, wm fMrRtriPrt, Morrin I . Junes,
John L.OIHT, immn rnynt-r, Jereuiuiii mciuii, relet ti
Moore, iinmei wt;ioir.
Lower AnguKtn, rtlnrcll 4, l' -il. -it.
To the llouorahle the JiuJccs of the (.'ottrt of
(luarler sessions Jor Ike county of Aorthum
- berland.
The iinderaicitPu prtitienor rpeclfulty 8- ttcltH Ihe Hon.
Court to jryiit him ti license lo W-fp on lun er tuvetu ut
hie old siund ill the n T- uh of Pnuhiirv.
ciiAni.r.s WKAVEit.
W'p. the tnvlrrRipied citizens of the Ilrronsh of fnnliurv,
bring nruiuiiutt'l wild the rctitinn.T, tlo ct-rtil'y Unit lie ib
of ko repute for honesty nrwl lemm-m-ice, nun Unit he. is
Wei! provrk-.l Willi house rouin mi'l other p"nvi,tii-n',ei! f.T
the lu'e-nninotrili.iu of elrii!igir nn-1 traveh-rit. aixl Ihnl nit
tun or luvern there In neeeiry fer ttie aeeomTnoihitioii i f
Btrntiuern nii'l tno'i-icm.
II. H. lam-', It . .1 WVlvarton, J. n. M-nttr, J ieoh
Cal-te. fiei. M.-irtiu. I'rril l.nznrus. Teter fl Mustier, llol-t.
II. Awl, Jue'.'b oung, J.unta I'.niid, Juo. 1". l'unel, llun'l.
V. Wiiwlel.
fuiibuiy, Mnreti, 4. ISM.
To the Honorable tin Jailers vf the court of
Qnurlrr sextons Jor thr. county oj northum
berlard. Theun-b-filiie'l petitioner leajieetfully aelir ita the Hon.
Court tfi (rrnut ini n lii-enae to lieep un lull or tavern ut
his ulit atuiul ill Hium-pl.ul towimhip.
SAMl'Mt, IinoftOI'St.
WT. the li'hh niTiieit eitizena n.1 Shnrnokin township,
1ieiuiucitaielti Willi ttie PelinomT, do ecrlilv he i
of !!',-l repute for lionesly nii't teuipf-uuire. niifl tlmt he is
well provided willi house loom on I oilier couveiiienceB
for the aeetlnmiK!:ill,'ii of atlninrera mi l tmvelera. ami Hint
nu Inn ortfiveni there in neeeesnry for the aeeoiuinndation
of .lanirerB nml tmvelera.
David -:i-!ey, John l.ehr, Jacob TreiWrv, f-'!orno:i
Fne-elev. . I' . l.creli. Jntni iiouuer, inniei r. i me
j, hn Ili-puer. Jae-ib llroniouv, Jaeob 11. LiMer, Kl.os Uru-eiou-,
John I-'.i.sO-f .
Siutmokin tp.. Mnreli 4. 1S.11. 3t.
near three o'clock, tlefiiinig his position on j no unci nis wile soon alter died, without
Ihe subject ueiiorally. lie declared that ho j leaving any descendants at least such is the
would vote for ihe bill. j statement of tho offieeis who have not been
Mr. Cooper said he would necessarily be ublo lo learn of heir whereabouts, if there
absent for some days, and was compelled to ate any living. Tuoor three other casea
avail himself of this late hour lo express his lire similar in their character,
views. This was a measure fraught w'uh i The mode of operatino, in those alleged
evil. Its piv?e would revive all the nita- . frauds, is said 10 he the most ingenious mid
lion and incitement before experienced on , deceptive. For instance, ihero is filed in
theslaveiy question. Its passage mii'lil not the Pension finreau tit WiiMiingtoj, letters
be followed at the north by violent outbreak ' fiom several distinijnielied Pennsylvanians
a few verses as a sample, that our corres- I or resistance to laws, but It woulil, uevorino- recommending tho consideration tf tho
less, produce a deeper auU more unncrs.ii claims on l he L'nvBrnment, at the solicitation
reprobation than any other net could possibly . of the persons implicated in llio frauds, in
do. Sudden violence would be tho sooner whoso integrity thu parties pievailed upon to
nnieted. ask tlio aid of jrovpriimenl for r.!!e"nd servi-
JOTIfJE 1. herrl,, gi,c to . I.
V . . , VTh -,Clr ,M,n,"" in,teu in il,.
E-itiitca of tlic following named persons, ll,at t
"""""'""""! and Ounrdians of
aai.1 Lalates havo fi( ll their urcounls with tU
Krgistcr of Korlhunilrrlniid Cminlv, and that
the .nine will l.o prracntcj to tha Orphana' Court
f a ,7"!,'! 'lw'h'r. th 4th day of
April, A. 1)., ltj.',4, m ,hc forenoon, for coiif,rina.
lion nnd a.lowanec.
Nathan Irwin, ilrod., settled by hi. Ad,,,'!,,,
1 liotnna l'ollock. '
Frederick Tsrhopp, ,lccM.. Final Acct. aeltlcd
by his Adni'ra, Phili,, fc Andrew Tacliopp.
Adam Daniel, dec d., aeltlej by hi. AdmW
Jolin Adam Daniel.
Benj. L. VnHtine, dec'tl., aettled by his Ex'lor
Lewis V. ostine. . '
Henry I.nntz. dee'd., rinul Acct. settled by
his Kx'r, Sinioii Lanlz.
John bclilrppy, dcc'il., actlted by his AJin'rs,
Conrad Sehlrppy & Chan. A. Kill.
Ball7ii-r Hordner, dee'd., fetiled by his Adm'rs,
Jonnllian c Ceorgc hordtier. '
Mary hears, dee'd., BrtilcJ ,T her Ex'rs, Tlioa.
fnydcr Ilobert S. r?eers.
Antltony Voder, dn-M.. Fettled by his Ex'ra,
Peter Voder iV Daniel llerncr.
V.'ilson Price, dee'd., Bellied by his Executor,
W illiam II. .Miieorh.
y.ichnel Koidia, dee'd., settled by his Adm'r,
Siiinnel H. Wagner.
Daniel I.atlia. dee'd., sealed by his Adm'tors,
John .& Henry Latsha.
Juliu EnKle, dee'd., settled by his Adm'r, de
bonis non, Philip W'eiser.
rhili)i Helrii h, dre'd., settled bv lilts Ex'tors,
Michael, Sniiiuel & Nicholas 'llelrieh.
John Kistcr, dee'd.. Reeled by his Adm'rs. John
II. & Jacob II. Eister.
Vwllintn Irian,!, dee'd., oettled by his
Adm'r. D. I.. Hand.
Hii-hard H inlay, dee'd., settled by hisEx'lura,
'1 lies. hUrawliridyo Sc Ilolwrt A. Ciill'en.
Jane Ki.sliel, settled by her Uuurdian, Martin
Caroline Troxel, scttlej by her Guardian,
(.icort'C ISioilh.
John Eistci, jr., (Guardian Aect.) ssttlcd by
John Eister, sr., Adtn'tor.
Simon Fullmer, dee'd., settled by his Adm'lor,
Philip nml Keberea Follmer.
JOICV P. Pi;i;EL, negister.
llefi: lei-'s Ofllrc,
Puiihury, March 4, lRjt.- J
Tlic lii ilish 3Iinisteps
To the UononMc the Jmlgcs of the Court of
Qunrtcr sessions jor the county of isortltum
berland' Th" unuVrsi'-ip-.l 'ee! ill., per re.neeffully s-tlioils the llou-
Conn to yrnnt, her a liciifte to Ueepun Inn or tavern ut
her old D-uiid in Hie Ij.Tongu ol iMiiioury.
mari.v T;ioMr?nx.
Wl O.e ,iiider;"tlf d ci!i7CU3 of rltHlhlirr, lieillT ac-
otiaiim-d Willi Ilia Petitioner, do certify that siie is of iiood )
repute fir honeis:v und teniperenee, uud lint she is we.l I
provided with ho'-re loom nnd other c inveiii'-nees for Ihe
nee MeinoiUi'.ion i t atrniiKr.m a-.iu iraveiern, lino in.ii nn imi ,f .
or I aveni lie-re la neeelaary K-r tlio neeonniio i:ui. u oi ; unie u-i riiuive nnl l;nrima, atil T1C
7" vV Yor'UXrJhrii... jueni, y...!. J,.o p. r..iaeU I consf.juence ici!l no doubt be a serious
Fred Uiftrua, Irn T. Clc ii .-il. W. T. lo-nut. .T.ihu II;eiv.
J. In, 15 .lime, .1. tin Duvrrs, '.Viu. Jl. UockeuUi-r. II. U.
rtuuti-jrv. M:ii(1i I. 1.",l.-f)t.
pmideiit may see himself in print.
A quilling there had been that day ;
lint then, tint nilit we had a "play,"
A Hisit:r finlic" too ;
To march, lo piny, to sin"; and kiss;
Knell uitl n boy; each boy a miss;
Then kisses were not few.
Thor, wore ladies rich and fair;
Utit M to, the fnirot ol all there
Was a small Quaker Miss.
Often I took her in the play,
t-lie was so kind ; so mtii-h would say,
And sweetlv would she kiss.
Mr. r.rodhead said, that six ycats ago he rPi,, had the fullest cotifideiice.
made a speech on tins subject, 111 w tneh lie ,niono- th-j
. .i ! . r .1... l.ltl II.. '
iulvocate lite vi-iy pi incipu-s m mo em,
inioh', lliorifoie,
with a si'eut vote; but as his colleone had Slitdnu-
itlemen tlio.s viiljuiotisly and
seamefully cmtraoeit and in; nosed ur.oii. nru
have contented himself James, Pimou C;inieion, and John
well nnd f.vo.e.Llv known
oppo-ed the liill, he felt il somewhat obiiija- throughout the State and country. Amoii
lory on him to express his views, lie was the names forced nru Iho-e of Judge Schuef-
' sony thai he and his colleitne differed, lie for, Post Master, Alderiiitui Musser,
We ib not wonder that our correspon- j intended to show that the etfect nnd inlen- j and other lespeclahlu citizens of Lancaster,
dent became luetic under s ich iii(!uences. '' of ''' Compromise of 1RS0 was lo ahro- , as has appeared since the delemleuls were
It recalls to mind some youthful rcminis
cetices of our own, in that line. Althou
! rzalo llu Missouri Compromise. Mo had laken into custody. It was before Jud"o
Ldii-j lliey were taken on a wiil of hulras
, ! hoped, and was sorry lo bo disappointed,
I .i . . I . V .l 1111,1 I !,..
inat ni least one i'. . 1 1 n i 1 1 1 uiy ..uum o.i.a
C!7 Si'Ri.NO is now, almost, upon us.
In a few weeks more the "moving time"
will commence, aniens, and o'.her prepa
rations, for the sea?on, will be made. A
little month later, I-.I.iy, the loveliest
j month ol the yenr, will be upon its, qntl
have been engaged by j7overnmetit lo con- a!tT10ft t''"''' w'"
aware ot it, the
. i j . . a i , i :
tnese ae.flcriM are loie.i as not e.Mic.iy , m A W . W0)j
I the Ion, the hnpresfom left are not always ! yon,.,,,,,..
unpleasant. The Senate then, at 5 o'clock, adjourned.
In conclusion, it is perhaps proper to J -u.iiTi'anV'i'v "kowis.
inform the reader, that after ail '.!aS:' , The fl,11(nvillJ, is an e.vtract fom a ellor
refused to go home with the Laid. , fr()m a VilMii pemleman of New York., to
1 the Freeman's Journal, dated
Romk, Jan. 12, 1854.
A few evenings since, I attend a soiree at
A;r. i i i.TciiAL i.::cti iti:.
Our friends in Siiamokin are waking up
on tue Ktihiect ol Agriculture. e rt - lriB lesiJeiito t.f Mr. Cass, our Charge d'af-
Tho r,.k,. r t -,- i . , , . . . . . . ., ceivcu i: e 10 lowui'r commuuicaiiuu irom i i.incs. i im pariy was purely nmericun,
1 ha number of liutish trooni to be des- aim with the SiritU' lime of life." Willi , . . , , i .... t ..; ...,; !....; i.,..
patched at once is 10 00(1 mllo i .., ! ,. . , , . , . a col resporuiei,!, at anamoKin, wno, speaKs , "u f:ie.i " "'i"u' -'"
but as manv more will 1, liot.i i ,. i; I 1 1 in flaittering terms of a lecture on that sub-
vey troops to Turkey.
' "Spring Season" I. -it prtr.-.. .!. Thus il
leers and inee. all its iovs. its hi-diiiles nnd it:; car, s.
bu held in readiness !
should they be required. If possible, the j r-V ?,.,-,,.1vV, iVu, ,.',n "-TI. C.Uv j". Jl'!ivi'ri'J bv'Samuel John, Eq.,
thlToMf' Pr0rC0Cj 7 '!'U 18!h f 19lU I Co'uncils ol JJakimore have pa,sed the or- i Siu.mok.n, Feb. 22, 185-1.
and 79,h t"Z " f'l0 dinance which i, lo secure ai, for the com- I "' F.-it-A few evenings since
ana 7lli regiments of foot ; second ballaliun ! j wo were hihlv yratitied in healing an ab.e
'of rifles, and four companies of urti" -n- ' P1,r,ion of l,,u Susquehanna P.ailroad, which U-cture piven by Samuel John i:-q., of Sha-
. , ... - ' I ...:ll . . L I. . .. r ... : ; 1 I . . .l inl-in Inu-i-.tliie n nn noriotill m f lit! il A
xne oiners will lotlow as soon as tho inmn vvl" "ol "owe" 1 ln -"'l"l- ":'in i.-isia- i . -i , - : ,.' ' '-, '.
. . , . . . , , , n , .1 mum Olilt.n, n-ivmuit eiL-ujiii niiono uioi
tion is had Iroin hie slates ol Pennsylvania . ...M ,... i : , !,.!, ,:.i ,.,.i.:, ini.
ordinance cliaives ! in niecept nnd nraetiee, o"elher wilh tho
the title of the load which is to he called i i'liT-!'te f" l,ri foilh and con-
... . . Hast he between sio:l and lunl laim-
rixuAsu ia:isLTi:nE. j the "Jorl.'rn Centra! llu,!,' extend- ,o (.:i:lt tail to bo iniereMin-r. 1 under-
stand lie is invited to addie.- the farmers ill
i soon as Iho Iroons
can be ?ot ready. Ii j, u;60 iuian, lo
send out at least three regiments of cavalry.
HABRisnuRc, Feb. 20, 1S5-1.
House A bill appropriating 430,000 to
the North Branch Canal waH passed.
A bill to rnuko thesessiona of the Supreme
Court permanent at Harti'shur?, passed ihe
Commilleo of the Whole.
The House refused to proceed lo Ihe sec
ond reading of the resolutions relative lo ihe
soldiers in the Mexican war, nud, afier some
debate, referred them to the Committee on
Teii'ioos und Gratuities.
Harrisecro, Feb. 25.
mi m ...
lue Speaker laid before the Senate on in- I
vitatiun fiom Ihe Consolidation Committee of I
ing IVotii Ualliir.ore to Sur.hury.
We call the attention of our readers to the
advertisement of the tnanaerj of this in.
slitution, which is about to be opened this
spring at Shamoliin, under the supervision
of the Susquehanna Cia-i:; of the Lutheran
I'repuratioiij are innUin for t!:e erection
of a tomn-.odious Lricl; Luiliiiii,T, which
wiil bo commenced this spring. In the
meantime a spacious nnd comfortable room
t. i .. .a i- .. i. . .
pun I i i .... . I uas uet-ti t-iii; a i-u ioi uio tirer.araiorv
1 tiilaJelpliia, luviiinnr iho memLeis of the I , , f.. '.. , - . , , , ' .
. I I ...
ii li.jii-es 10 visit the city, und pailicipa'e
1 1 ihc I, viviijej i honor of the cousolida.
li'J-i of tin- city and districts of Philadelphia
p-'.j uiie n.unicipal govetnnieut.
heie; s, a wanton iiul ig u i ty was perpe
liate.l in this body of the Legislature, by
"'cii-j? lo be laid on ihe dtsks of Senators,
nl li e tqienhig 0f ye.-lorday's ti f-ion a ciieii.
lar troiu reilain oliicers lepresentini! a Pro
luhiloiy Liquor Law n-.oeti.-15 recently held in
Philadelphia, containing chaises of dishones
ty and had taiih aguiust one of the member,
of this body: And wheren., iho Senate U in
disposed lo allow, (u jihout notice,) imjublifl
tble attacks upon its tnumbers; theitfore.
Kesolved, that the spenker is hereby re
lented to direct the Seiyciuii-al.Arma lo re
move from the desks of Senatuis, Ihe circu
lar in question.
Mr. fcvans and Mr. Kunkel mipporled the
ti (.lion, and il was nppo.ed by Mr. Piatt nnd
Mr. Unukalew
ted debate.
giving rise 10 a veiy anima-
Ihe base of l lie mountains, with pure air and
good water. The iiiaiiai'iiit nt of the In
stitute is in g.ioJ hand:-, n.-iil will, uj doubt,
be productive of goud results.
OTP" The news from Curope continues
to be of a warlike character, and a general
war sei almo'd inevilahle. There is
nothing iiDwlhat can prevent a waratnonj
the ditrerent power;;, unle.-s ihe Cu.peior of
Knss'a hacks oat, which I14 caunu'. well do
williout iii;.!!onor to bin. self and Ihe arms
of llus.-ia.
Njtwilhs!ainli-.i thwe evidences of a Eu
ropean war, the price of grain has declin
ed. This, we think, ia a pretty sure evi
dence, that the great and sudJcn rise of
"rain was owing tJ unJue (peculation. If
peace measures should be adopted, there ia
no doubt the decline in the price of bread-
d.U.-u-nt places in thi portion of the county,
and there is 110 doubt but what he will re
spond lo their call, us tut appears lo lako a
Kreat interest in the advancement of the
furmiii community.
F. S.
M1111.K ncciiLsr.
The Will of Kiliott Cressu;i, Fsip, who
died on '.lie .nth instant, was admitted to
n coid yestif l.iy inoriiiui.', nnd i's it-ms aie
livi.-oj evidence of hi oiuceri'y and ardent
pliil.iulhmpy. Few ai:iti:"J 113 who will 1 6
miss-.ul intuli; forever ready and active
in ,i:ij woiks, Il J .-alonsly urgej iho i-.tme
conisu 0:1 others, after settino the example in
iluil Mi. Ciesson was but in the fifiy-eih'h
year of his noe, bein;; born in Cheuy stieel,
above Fifth? Philadelphia, Match 2, 17Pfi.
Tlio are iho beipiusts his Will
contains :
Ani-Tiraii S S, l.'nvn. f,0.ln)U
Pliih..!, t. luaSklijol i f lltrirju, 10,000
l-eiavi i!il-liealSn;iel, foi euretmsc of Peuu'a
M nun. n, ia!H-,a.!tit,
-,,r ,;-.n enenl lo Wiitiani Peiin, in,t;T0
V., iseoii-il .MiR-ui us und Sc!i.,ii!b ut Part Uiefceii,
lal enu,, 10 000
iVuna. 11, , Hal I. r the liisane, S.WJO
L'it) of l'h-U 'e lolili, I r I'lanting Trcta, S.unil
lnie;sey of I'enulj' U,!l!J, to Klld.iW Tr fef-
w-ri-top ,. 1 me Arts,
I'm l-Yundmrf a rx-liool of Mines,
1' usylvunta Arieiilturnl S 4-iely,
I'ioI. ICj-is. Seiuiitjry, Alexeiulrih, Va ,
AlliciKi-unl, Phitudeij liiu,
M'idowB Atylum, Cherry street,
The molioii was finally disagieed lo by stuffs, would be considerable. As it is, vt
following vole : doubt if the present prices can be maintained",
V .
loaiaiessra. Uarsie. Evans. Fii. tr :,...
win, Kunkel, Menhir, Skinner, M'Cusliu,
t-jieuker 8. '
; Nayi-.Mei.rt. BucUtl.w, Cie.swoll,
Foulkrod, Fry, Haldemn,,, Hitter, lloe
M'Cliritock, Pialt, Wherry 10. '
The resolution wa. then po.ipan.d for ihe
present, by yea. 10, nay. l. , .
linn. Jas. Pearce, Whig, wit re-elected to
Ihe U. S. Senate, by the Legislature of Mary
laud, on the 15th int , ior six )far from the
4lh of March, 1356.
fry Coal Run and Rail
R-iad Company We have received the
fiist annual Report of the Directors and
of the Chief Engineer of this Company.
HIT" Coal in Califoiima. The follow
ing are the quotations: Lackawana and
Lhi;h coal, $3-1 per ton; Welsh coal,
30i Scotch, Liverpool. S31.50:
Wt Hartley, tTJ Cumhrlaud, 140,
and Vancouve r' Lland coal, '
Ilenfand Dmnh Atylum,
11 eiae of llcflige,
foln.-d d ...
fteiliee f t leey,l MereliHuti,
TeniM. Col 9 tie')-,
His Will bears date September 3, 1853
Jacob Cresson, Geoiye Vau Uacn:i and Wil
liam Coppinyer aro named as execulors.
P. T. Uarsim, Esq. it now engaged in
writinu his own life ahd adventures. Five
thousand dollars have already been offered
for I lm copywri"hl. Although Bainum (yt
the Norwalk Gazette) is one of the cleverest
fellow, in lbe land, il is intimated lhat he
will receive oceular demonstration lhat Ihere
are at least half a million of person. reaJy
to "tuke hi. life" lha firt opportunity that i.
given them. Ws don't doubt hi. courage,
but ihen, we miner reckon he'll foctrt the
insult. Ho dues jjcneially !
carpus, and were admitted lo bail in $0000,
ufler the strongest reuionsti ance had been
made by Marshal Wynkoop against taking
siih limited bail.
Several days after the defendants wcro
admitted lo bail in f 2,000 each, it was in
creased lo (5-3.000.
Nothing has been heard of either of ihem,
e.cp! a rumor in N'ew Yoik that Ford took
pasaae in the steamer B iliie. for Europe, on
the ISth iust , nnd lint Vondersmilh had ta
ken a steamer for a southern poll.
In a late Abolition speech iu New Voik,
Miss Lucy Stone s;iid :
'Hut 1 know so well Ihere is cotton in tho
ears of men, lei us look for hope in the bo-
sums of wonn-Ti."
Won't you find cotton iheu too, Miss Lu
cyl The Cloy Monument in Pottsville, will be
completed iu a month or two.
Ncv Advciticeiueuti.
Orphans Court Bale.
J X pursuance ol an order of Ihc Orphans' Court
ol Aoitliuiul.oiliu.l county, I u ill till at puo
lie sale, at liurr'ij Hotel in the Uorough of Nor-IhiinitK-rhtiKl,
On Kill DAY, the (SUt day of MAKCH, 1 R51,
at one o'clock, 1'. M.,
1st. .A Farm roljoin'uiij tlis Uorough of Norlh
iinihcrbnil, Pa., containing lV.f aires, wilh about
tia acre, clearid, with house, 1 am, cic, on ttie
'i'lie thovo f.n in ia bra'.aifuUv situated near
vir, J7til'grc".t rise in the price of grain,
iVc, but
S. fbCllNUiLMAX CO.,
garter session for the county oj nomum- fi ,,,,, 7: - u iV'..""""
will notetleit the low prico of their excellent
winter slock of clothing, hut that thev are now
scllinr oil" nil nt iirst cost. 'J'his id nu humlnifr,
and the only way to find out the ti ulh of it, is to
srivc. us u call, when every pains willl be taken
to deal at low friocs ami satilactnry to uustoniers.
In addition to a good stork of clolhinp, persons
will find at our establishment a line assortment
Watc&es, Jewelry, &c,
claim thcri.irht of selling che;
ato.o of the kind, in this sect
country. Don't forcct Ihe name nml nlnee s.
To the Ifonorahlc the Judrcs of the Court of ; -chnurnian & Co., ,.,rkct airect, Kunbury,
Ovr.rtcr sessions for the emtnly of Northum- ne",-v ori"1,e John Young', (store.
kcrhrtd i ",f W1" ln 8,lort ti""! recievc our Spriua
Theu,lerii.e,I1HilitK,er.e:Ip .etrully.oli,,.U.,n. "'"nicr Mock, which we also jntcm! lo
Coui-t lo ?rmit linn ii tieeti'o to keep mi lim or tuveru ut . l'i'e mo"' 'eiisoiinlile. iiehevinrr our old motto,
his u!ct in tiic t,!iij of stiaiiiokin. CASH, to lie n froad one, we wiil still adhere l,i
CH.MU.l'.ftW.SNVliKn. I it.' Tho ready John is ulwav, the inont com-
VI-,( tlie tlliilentiffi-eit eilizeus of lumiottiu towimlop. porlahlc.
Iieine. aeqiiaiiileil willi l lie- IVtuioni-r, do certify tliul lie is epHM'tiiriv r r,i
ofi-oil leptlte for lionewlv null leiuprnoe-e. Hint Unit he is - ltil K.IIAA & CO.
well proruleil wlili li iute room uiel other eouveuiiiueis for , Sunhr.i-y, March 4, lb.'!. OS tf
the iiefoiu,no.l;ili iu of (.iruueri! uuil travelers, ninl lint uh ' - . .
ism 01 tavern ttiere is ueeeps-ry lor Hie ueeotiiilieiUiti.-lt of ( .
a:r.Myei3iiu, traveteia j aAOllCC lO pfl V lip.
r'eirlea M at. II. II. Va.ti-ie, a tain Uiiimuz. ibvi.l LL ciaona iiulebtej to Fiilinrr A: (.rant aro
"b)" r"s"' I it zr?, :rr.rd;" vr
l o the Jloiioruble the Judys of the Court of
The iiii.lerslL'iierl ,c-t i' i. nor re -peelfY.Hy aolieita ttie Hon.
four! t i srrant liini n lieeine lo to ep uu tun or tuveru at
l,ii oiil elauii iu Ije , -.;i. 1-JWll. , i ritvi:n. J
VI?, ttie uM.ti-riivieit eiii.en of t ir rir--lowtt, h "our ne- !
ipi oiileil wilh ll,e li-n:i.oi--r. do e-.Tlu'v I' :-l lie is of
ii-;-u'e f r h ues! u,i I teru-.u r.-iuee. er.n tli.-il t-.e is well pro- ;
v i.l.l wi-.ti 1 us" ro-un ni,,l i-lhi r eetivetio-iii-' s ot the e.e- ,
eou.ul JaTfui ol ili-:iu-T,-rs!iii!l travelet". umi 1 ! : a t ail I mi or !
tuveru th.-re i.' nei-e:-iary for l!i-.- aiC'-inin,-i!iitioii of utrau '
i :oi.l Li-iV, lei S. I
I'iM'.ii i--.'l7.. IJ. ft. Weir-er. S-!.iion ItestVi. John I
e.-iler. I.eorL'e w . .- roereu-e, I'm ip It 'O.i, ' eoi puir. i ... , . ,
rhailes li,-ouici. I'et'-r it uvl, Jos-pli leufieruinier, j " 11.1..11 uu- riirui 01 fclinj cheaper tiiati
J.uyli Hi, s.pi 1.:. h Iire.'.-.;.i-. Atuln-w Uiity. , any other ato.o of the kind, in this section of tho
lieorii-ii, wu. ..iureu i, i-n
e.cil ikal tp , March 4.
Van I'm en, who has been residing in llomo
fur some lime. Among Ihe guests were
faces that 1 recognized us having teen in
America. 1 am told that iho ex-President
is inquring very earnestly into Iho Catholic
religion, lie has had several conferences
with Cardinal Wiseman, who is also hero
audit is not unlikely Mr. innl-men may
become a convert. There ate a great many
strangpi hero from all parts, but tho English
are in the ascendency, by five to o-ia of
every other nation.
Or. Ives and lady of North Carolina, and
Mr. Chandler Banian of New York, are here.
Messis. Ives and li.nrian, sre, as yon know,
convert.; Mrs. Ives not yet. Father Djvliu,
of thu Irish University, is also here, on a
. , e 1 1 . i . ii...
journey, redlining ins neann. i;e uas. i ut-
eve, mute recovercil, but is still a little tlim.
D, ii inn Holy Week last year, there were no
less ih iu 30,1)00 stianoets in P.ome ; how
ihov iveie uecom modal ed consideriuir lbe
inade.macy of the hotels ami ...doing ,.,..., ; ;-"'a,'' "--' '"' he nnl.ury tir.J t,w
1 ' ...7 ! liadioait, nr.d v.illuu five nuiiutea walk of the
ery ciear. mo lesnient ui ' .01iu,mt cdand. It is cxcellci.t (train
iici-oimts, on or before Ihe first of Anril nrt ,w
they must have cush to nnrrloin i'...;.
To the Honorable the .i-;vs of the Court cf .upplie. v '
!miri(r sessions Jor the county of 2Oi thm- i
Ttie uu-.tersi:'j!-'t petili uer ref pee: fully s- -liei:s l tie II hi. :
Coui; to ercul I a lie, ne t i l.i -p :iu luu r l iv- ru ut
I lie Slillll, l.ept tiV 'lii. ltl'l W, i'e-rl, ;.t 10,1.1-e.vii .
YVlt.l.I M l'Attttll'W, Jr. 1
N'K the ueil-r-:oe 1 ciocen i f 1ioiti ,k i:i t iwt.ehip, i
heue; m-;pi;oiiHil Wiih no- I'ctiti'-utr, u- eeilily line. 1 1 11
of e 'il ri-pulefor h im-rly :in,l teuipeouiee, tin, I thro he is
wll proviiteil l ilh h ll'4i room uuil i l!iel e"UViiieneeti for ,
Ihe uce-iouooihtti u "f lll.uuers eu.l Iruveiein, oil .
luu or tuveru Ihere is uecunsary lor Ihe accotiluioautiou of i
Rtruiuets null I r;i veli'l I
S'-hure i:ui II-niji tinor, I):oi!.l II. r-tvei't. Iiiiii-I Puiilli. I
M.-ihteii II iiieluier, John M 'ore. Ch-irles Marls, Ira J,iu,-s, I
Joliu f ;tr.ipl--,-!i, ticoi. J. A'i.aus, Clutries l.ueuiu-,
Ji.m-I!i r. Itol.iiis. Jneoli K, Mneneli. ' ;
Suv.lertMWC Muretl I, :lt. !
Vunht-ry, March I, ISol H,
Collegiate Institute.
E. KILL, A. B., Principal,
lie v. C. J . EH R El J A RT, A . M.
Teacher of Moral and Mental Science, Evi
diners of Christianity, Ire.
Teacher of Primary Department.
r"SHH: first session of this Institution, located at
HtautoUin, -Northumberland county, Pa.,
will cn VtiiNcsu r, the 10th dav of
i . . i -. i J
- .- . , .11 A . 1 OO't.
To Hi: Ihnoru'de the Ji(.? 'J the Court of The year will be divi.lcj into three eion of
Quori r session f.-r ihe'c-mnly of Xorlkum- fouiicin weei.s each, thus allowing a vacation of
..Wend. 1 '' ' and autumn, and one of
The liiu'erfici-eit r'"li: i -i:r-r ri fpcet'lilty E lieits ttie Hon ! two Uuilli!; lite holidays.
1 hi- itisLtt.iioii will comprise three departments,
A PuiMAHt, Acaiu:mic and 1'oi.i.tuiATK.
l ie: course of instruction iu these will be full
it tuveru
Iocs not seem
population of I'ic city is 12 001). Il has no , lam!, Biol bus upon it a alua! la sand stone.
less th in 330 chmeht's, nearly 7,000 priests,
3.000 fiiars, over 2,000 i nns, 72 cardinals
and any amount of students educated in every
language, fiom all parts of the earth. Of the
100 stinletits iu the Propaganda, there are 20
Ameiicatis, ok a Geological Sun vey. Three
years ago, the Legislature of Noilh Carolina
made a small appioprialion for it geological
survey of the State. The discoveries of the
first jear developed the existence of copper
and gold oies, diew lo them the attention of
capitalists, am! have already increased the
revenues of the Slate to five time, the cosl
of the whole survey. In the second year,
seams of Iho purest billuminous coal, some
of ihem fifteen feel in thickness, extending
through a region of foily-five square miles,
rewarded their investigations. It is estima
led lhat every thousand acies of these seams
w ill y ield Ihiity millions of ton. of bitumi
nous coal of the best quality.
. Death of Mr. Pownali.. Mo.e. Pow
nail, l'si , late Whig candidate for Canal Com
missioner, died at hi. residence in Lancaster
county, on thu 1 Ilh iusl. Mr. Pownali wa.
an excellent man, and hi. death i. much re
gretted in Lancaster county, where he wa.
bit appreciated, becau.a mors intimately
Tub Geological Survey of Ulii)oi, now in
progress, ha. developed Ihe fact that south
ern Illinois is i ich iu marbles of ihe moal
valuable varieties, both variegated and black.
Some of these depoail of marble are very
Al Deiroit, Mich., Flour tell, per barrel
wholesale, at 56,75; retail, t7.
ijuai ry.
Sd. Also, a Frame Uou-e nnd two lots on
lut-eu street, in the loirouh of .Nortliuniln rlauil
formerly or-cupied by ihe Hov. James Kay, dee'd.
3d. Also, Two Binl a half iti-res of land, lying
between the ratuil und the Wist ISraiu h of the
iHuriiuchumut, in tho liorough of IS'orthuniher
land. Terms onb Tiiinti down, nt the time of sale,
and the lial.iu.-c in three cnnul nunual payments,
with interest payuble yrarlv,
Actins Kxocutor of l!ev. Jane's Kay, dee'd.
Uy enter of the Court, i
J. P. PI KSEL, t'llc. O. C.
Suuhury, March 4, 1F51 )
FITIIK ul scriluT respectfully iuforins the public
J lhat she still continues to keep tho uhovo
namptl puhlic house, and that sho has engaged
Mr. Woiscr Zieglor lo auiicrin'cnd Ihe aanie.
bhe ha. also received a new supply of tood
liiUor. uud wines, and trusts that alio will be
able to give satisfaction to all who may visit her
Sonhury March i, lSS-l tf.
Estato "of "jTc. riijUNSrdeoU
OTIC'E U hc-cliy given, that Ictlcra ofadmiu
4 ii-tration have been nrai.liil to ttc aulisi-riber,
upon Ihe estate of J. ('. IVrkins, deeeaseil, late of
Truorton. All those knowing tlicuisehes in
drhlrd to said rst ile, are reiUi.ted to make pay
ment, and those having damn, lo present them,
duly authenticated, for settlement.
P. Ii. MASSER, Adm'r.
Sunbnry, March 4, 1851. Ot.
Estate of MARTHA O00DHART, deoU
NOTICE is hereby given that letter, of Ad
ministration on the .state of Murth Good
hart, late of the liorough of Huul ury, dee d,
have been granted to th. underii jneJ. Therefore
.11 persons inilehled to suid rstala will discharrre
lli same, and those having demand, will present
theiu for settlement.
T, DCCHER, AJia'tor.
Sunbury, March 4, ls54 tit. --
l I-, i iant li-r a lieuie to k'-'.-u uu li.u
lu-r i !1 sl.u. 1 iu t!,e IJ -r.-r-li oi Suul ui y. '
M 1-. t!.e iin'tersu.i :a euuleu. o tlie II iroiurh ol Mi.ihury. ! 1 ,l,.,r(,, -nit.r.,..; n .1 , ,,
Ihws :-.uioie.i-a ivuii l.i.: I vn-ieiier, .! 1 eerniy that he is . "" ' urancur. usually
il : 1 i.l re;i.ite l-T l;,'ue:y an. I te:ii.erailec. nil nut Hie is lauyn wrw iejieeuvo ucpartuirills.
liiTi.s ov 1 uriox :
Primary Department, per session, $4,00
ranpersaiiit iravrteis. aeai.emic ISu',00
iviur 11 M i-T, I'lioio 1 "urn. Jolin ti. ti'ieiit. mi unou ( L oncgiato " " nn
! A lai-e and spacious room ha. been ..cured
j..!mi I ion--" to mrct thf Wrfiiu oi tUti Institution, until the
Stii.l'ii.y, .l-:ch 1, l-M. nr. nct;arv huiUliuiis are coinplptetl.
... .,' j , r . liuaniin- inn be obtained in private fumilio
H.mtmiMc t!i J --'s ot the Court oj ... rriimmi.l.lo r:.w 1
,) r ;i.!if l" r !;i'iifiv ami lv:m.n:!i- jcul Hut is
well Mtu'ifi'ii wiiU li HIM- fiK'Tii ami tillicr ciuvejin-'Mfi-s fir
ihc iu'i-uiiiiii(i.iLi n i kir.ttL''-is iiiitl tr.a t lt-rt, nml that un
Inn t-v tTivt-iii tlit'ii- is uiTfsary for the a(V"nim..kLnnu of
To :
Ourtrtrr Jor the (0':ntyol Aoithum
b'rlnud Tlie ,l!iiter.j?ue.l prtltl -il'-r respeetluiiy srti-.uls lliell-iu.
r.nol I-. r,ni! Ioi;i a iu-eu e t-i i., en eu I.el n lav.raut
liia oUI t a:..l ia tlie II aoueh ol' .N' rl.iu.l.
AV1I.I.IAM tTltltATl'.lt.
WI-: tbe uiuleni;iu-.l eilizeiu llu- liorough ol Xorili
lllil!,. I i 111,1, UolllJ.-uciu Olili .l witii liie Pi-lili uer, ilo cert in
lliat lie ia ol ;.'il reieiie lor h uiesty mal leuipenoiee, sua lie II Well ;lovuiiil Willi llouie rooul uud other eou
veiiicuee. lor l!ie uivoitiui'iliilioii ol' tniuers alul Inivel-t-r.-i,
uml lliat uu luu or tavern there ia necessary I'd the
lice iiiiiio,:illoil il el: aioi rs uu l tniVe'eis.
J U lloiton, M. 'Lul-iir!, J. 11. l-'iiek, M. J P. llli
iniston. James Tun li.u :. Wui. WiUm, Joi.ali Chnpiiinn,
J..I111 ftirmer.. Jo.-,li Piicsltey, U. V. .1 -orsyiu, Jolm
Uli-t, lohil Wheulley
Noith'il., Mari-li I, IK3I. St.
10 the. Honorable the Judges of tha Cuurl
of Qh titer sessions for the county of
Ttieua-lewviiea petitiomf re s;-el fu'ty s .lieit.ttietl.Hl.
Court to;eiaiit liini n t keep mi tall ol tavern at
Ins stai-,.1 ill Hi--' tJll tl ol' !:-aiLuAill.
vm.m vi-.AVi-.n.
VK th.i iiiiJu.iiiiinl citi.ei's ol' the tm u "I" Sh.imokin,
.r inif ii'-l" iSn!eit with llie I'eli'iouer, ilo rartily lhat lie is
, f n."a re, uiie for h 'luily uml Icinp-rauee, niul tlmt lie is
we'l proi.ilel with hou.e r-iunnn,1 other e uivenieueei
uecoiniu shtion ol' ftruii.-ers nml tiaveeis, snl
tliul an too or tavern tin re is neei-ssary for the uceoiuiuo
ilmi n ol iti-aneeis unit travelers.
riiun Iti-x-nharl, Sleplieil liill'-lilieinler. K llovd, J.
11 II vim loisk.Mi..losiiili li eil. tiiilen S, llohiui,
John II. Uoulv, Joseph Hi.-.l, 1-laiiicl to fit, K. C. Ilaiam,
A. II KiA'.
ti'iumoUin, Mureti 4, l.'t- at.
rH'iHK subscriber hereby informs the citizens of
Sunhuiv, and tho public generally, that he
intend, lo curry on Ihe
n.'ackMiiti tiling ItiiKlnctis
on his own account, and that he bus removed
his shop from near Clement's store, to o new
shop on Ihe premises of .Mark Scuphain, in Fawn
street, wbeiu he will be happy to accommodate
all his customers.
Sunbury, March 5, 1851. tf.
The Hoard of Trustee w ill spure no pain, or
labor, to make rhamoliiti t'ollegiute Institute,
worthy ihc patronage and confidence of the com
lnunitv. Tor further particulars, addrpss lumber Clea
vcr, Ksq., of Shainokin, President of Board of
Trustees, or Ucv. C. J. Ehrehart of l'axino.
?ioilhuinheilaiid counly. Pa.
Shainokin, .March 4, 185-1.
VOTICE is hereby given that the partnership
' heretofore existing between th. subscritiers,
in the lilacksmilhiiig business in the liorough of
bunljury, was dissolved by mutual consent, on
the 1st of Februarv last. The accounts of tlio
late firm will be settled by John Clark.
Sunbury, March 4, !e'i4. 3t. .
Canal limits for Sale.
rTWE subscribers having retired from tho
Uoatiug and carr ing business, offer for Kile
J'cn First Class Pennsylvaaia
All in complete order, bavin; been thoroughly
repaired, and are now ready for use. The Boat ,
can be scon by culling on John Zioglcr, Columbia,
Lancaster Co., Pa.
276 Market street, Philadelphia.
Phils., March 4, 1851 Sm.
rpHE subscriber begs leave respectfully lo in.
i form his friends and tho public generally
that ho will continue the business of a
Cabinet Makers' riuding Store,
in ull its vaiious branches at the old stand, N i.
131 South Second St., below Dock st. Philatlel.
phia, and resclfuliy solicits a conliuuanc. of
the very liberal patronage bestowed upon the late
firm ol T. &, L. Thompson, assuring his friend,
that eery exertion will be made by himself and
those in his employ to merit . of
their much esteemed favors.
Phi'a., March 4, 1S51 6m.
Washington Fire Company.
A meeliiiir of tho Washington Kir. Company
will be held in the Grand Jury Room, on Mon
day evening next. Punctual oltendcnce i. re
quired. , By order of the President,
buiilury, March 4, 1851.
Good Intent Fire Company !
1 MEETING of the Good InUnt Fir. Conipa
ny will be held at tha Court House, on
Monday evening next. All person, deairou. of
joining thi. Company will ploas. attend.
Br Ounta or TBI PaisiotMT.
. Kunlury, March 4, 1S51,