Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, February 25, 1854, Image 4

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""close not le"ar wlhl reading It, nor
drink water without teeing it.
. Horace Grerdcy will lector in Readinf , on
tba evening of the 2JJ instant.
Lucy Stone realized one hundred dollare
per night above hei "expenses, t her lecture
at Louisville, Ky.
Blio'lT Of VU M ToUI.TFT.-Pi?" "d
.ra shinned at New Vo k for England,
In animer to order from that country.
, The' Parisian editors speak of a new
French dili recently come into fushiou
namely, fried ralilesnakea.
' Francis M. Shaw, for some lime iho gen
llemnnly sgont of the associated press in
Washington city, is lying veiy ill.
Moofe is saiJ to bo very plenty in Ilia i
oisity of Moosehead Lake, Maine, and large
quantities are killed for ihn Mnikn.
Raw flesh is still eaten in Abyssinia; nml
Wr.Farkyns, the most recent traveler in
eounlry pronounces it good when ealen
warm from tha animal.
Like nnlo a fiuitful vino is Mrs, of
Slack county, Ohio ; she has presented h.ei
husbana with six children within a year,
having achieved triplets twice.
An exchange paper undortook to announce
the arrival of Aichhislinp Hughes in llavanu,
Cuba, and pot it "Atrival of Archbishop
Hughes in Heaven V
Tub Chicago Journal givos tha names of
, ton railroads which centre in that city, and
over which seventy five trains daily leave
and arrive.
The American Express Company, says the
Albany Argus, have just expressed through
via the Canada road from Albany to N. York)
200 dozen live quails and one iivo prauie
CnHLEsTos, Fib. 10.- The Geoigi,,
House of Representatives have passed the
bill to remove the Seat of Govomment fiom
Miliotlgerille to Macon. The Speaker gave
rtie casting vote. '
The Millerites in Portland have renewed
their zeal of late, and confidently predict the
' end of the woild this year. Some fix the
time to be ou the ICili of May, when the
great eclipse occurs.
The Geneva Gazette says that no less than
sixteen arles of railroad cars were broken on
the Central road the week before last.
They became contracted by cold, and snap,
ped off like pipe stems.
Somb of -the papers look nt the election of
Fcssenden lo Ilia U. S. Senalo, from Maine,
as the result of the Nebraska agitation, uuil
the desertion of Democratic menibeis in
The Turkish commandant at Rahovn,
(Danube,) is Genge Aga, Iho same who led
the storming party at Missolonghi, nearly
thirty years 030, and. although now a grey
beard, retains his nanio of "Youthful Ayu."
A self-expanding petticoat has just been in
vented in Pur is, and is all the rago with the
'-fashion." It is filled with air through a
concealed pips by the wearer, and can be en
larged or reduced in size at pleasure.
Wood cut in February is better than that
cut in March, as there is less sap in it. The
quantity of water in the different kinds of
wood varies from 25 to 50 per cent. In a
cord of jjreen wood there is contained MOO
pounds of water.
Tat Central Ohio Railroad, which -connects
with the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad
at Wheeling, will, it is announced, certainly
be completed lo the Ohio river, sons to carry
freight and passengers through in the month
of August next.
Jons Wentworth, editor of the Chicago
Democrat, has just sold a lot in that city, 96
by 150 feel, for S30.000, making, according
to the Di-rmeralio Press, nUnut $100,000
worth of property ho has sold within n year
and he has more than as much still en hand.
O.f the thiid instant, the ice on Iho river
at St. Louis broke up with a crash, destroying
six steamboats lying at Iho wharves, besides
injuring other property to a consider.ibln
amount. Loss over $100,000. During the
appalling scene the excitement among the
people was intense.
It is positively staled, in a letter from one
111 her Majesty's ships, under command of
Admiral Dundas, at Constantinople, that after
the destruction of Sinopo numerous pieces of
eight y-ix poundei's shells were found there,
marked with the broad arrow of tho English
It is mentioned, in a Russian account of
the battle of Akliallyck, in Asia, that ihe
Russians gave no quarleis lo any but Turks.
One gun served by Poles, was charged by
Bagawouth's dragoons, and thn artillery
men, in despair, flung bullets with their
hands at the heads of ihu Rus.ians.
The caravan of pilgrims, which recently
relumed lo Damascus from Mecca, pretend
that they found or. the tomb of Muhammed
a letter addressed to the Sultan, in which Ihe
prophet promises liim .victory over the Rus
sians. The letter was, it is sari, immediately
forwarded to Conslaii;innpB. ip lost timk An tldetly lady
wiilc to a fiieu.l ; A widower wilh ten
u-.t.i i .. . ...
",c" "HS proposea ami 1 1HVe nccepled.
This ia about the number I should have been
eiuiliea lo il 1 had been mar ied at the pro
Per lime instead of beitio t-healed into i
ucneniiy!" Sensible lo iha und,
. o .
"ro is repoiled to have .ni.l to .
fiiwid, while conversing on Ihe Nebraska
question, Little Djug, (Dou8lue.).ir,i, dead,
sir; li'tla D11113 is poliiieally dead, sir.. If he
tail lo catry his bill ihe South will kick him
il lh rear, sir, and if he doea carry it the
' North will beat his brains out, air."
Thc Colerain Colliery, near Heaver Mea
dow, Carbon county, belonging te the estate
of JuUn O. Cleaver, deoeaaed, located on ibe
lands of Alter and S'.evensop, Pbilndulphla,
was told at ajminialrators sale, on Tuetdaji
Tthinst., the Tainaqua Osteite says, te Lewis
Auderiteid. Esrt , of Philadelphia, for
' sum of $7S,309.
Tfci. Way ! Thli Way 1 1 Thii Way 1 1 1
Foil mid Winter Goods.
RESPECTFULLY Inform their customers
and the public, that, they have just receiv
ed and opened the beet and cheapest stock of
. Fall and Winter Goods,
at their store in Market square, Sunbury.
Their fctnek consists of every variey of
Dry Goods, viz :
... Cloths, Cassimeret, Sattinet, Vesting, '
Flannels, li'olltns, fo.t
And all kinds of Fall & Winter Wear;
, Also n splendid variety of
Calicoes, Ginghams, Chintzes, Dt Laints,
And every vaiiely of goods Suitable for La
dies wear.
Also a large assortment of
Fish, Salt and Plaster.
Also an extensive assortment of
Hats and Cjlvs for Mum and Hots.
Alio a largo assortment of UKOCEItlES,
Sugar, Teas, Coffee, Molasses, Spices
of all kinds.
Also a tresh supply of
Resides the largest and most general assort
ment of all kinds of goods to be bad in this
tV Country produce of all kinds taken in ex
change st the highest market price.
Simburv.AOv. 12, 1853.
Dealers in
N. L Corner Fourth and Cherry Streets, ;
"ifl .WING enlarged and improved their Store
st--- and having the lartrost assortment of Lamps
in Philadelphia city, thev arc now prepared to
furnish rl.SE OIL JA.Mrrlt.iMi,
ETHEREAL OIL', rhosphene Gas and T.srd
Oil, Lamps, Lanterns of all paterns. Fancy Hotel
snd Hall Lamps, Chandeliers, Girandoles snd
Cam'clcabras, and Briltannia Lamps, at the
Manufacturer' lowest prices. Glass Lamps by
the pockaco, at a small advance over Auction
prices. Being large MANUFACTURERS of
I'ino Oil, Burning Fluid, Ethereal Oil, Alcohol,
and (the onlv true) Phosr-cno Gas, thev can fur-
nish these articles at such prices that Merchants
will find it to their advantage to liny. Call before
Boinij clsowhcrc, if you want bargains. Also,
lha Safety Fl .id Lamp for sale.
Thila., Sept. 24, 1853. ly.
Depot and Manufactory
G. L. LEILL3DS. k CO.,
S. YV. corner Arcli ond Second (tracts,
sale and Itetail, such as Scroll, Flower,
Gothic, Vignctto, Oil and Dry Landscapes, are
to lie had at tho lowest prices 1 01 quality of work
Orders for Gilt, Flain Store, Lettered and other
Shades executed at short notice.
Merchants and others aio invited to give us a
trial. II s will try to piease.
Brasses, Trimmings, &c, nlways on hand.
Remember 8. W. corner SKCOXJ) ,V ARCH
Streets, Philadelphia
August 13, 1S53.- Cm.
Important to Coal Dealers.
ripHE subscribers hereby inform the public, that
-- they have entered into partnership under the
firm of Kase, Heed & Co., for the purpose of
mining, shipping ami selling coal, delivered at
bunbury, or at any other point along the bus.
They will be ready to deliver coal, well prcpa.
red. on cm tract or otherwise, at all times, on the
shortest notice, and on the most reasonable terms.
.Orders received at Shamokin by
5unbury, June 4, 1S5U. ly.
Just Published and for Sale
by WM. McCARTV, Bookseller,
Sunbury, Pa.
The American
Being a collection of approved declarations, writs,
returns and proceedings in the several actions
now in use in the United States.
Bt Colmnsos Reed, Esq.,
Ipsae legis viva vox
With notes snd additions, together with a shor
system ol conveyancing. IJy A. Jordan, Pres
ident Judge of tho Eighth Judicial district of
Pa., and Wm. M. Rockefeller and M. L.
Sliindel, of the bar of Northumberland county.
Since the publication of the book, the followinjc
letter has been received from Judge Pearson of
HarrUburg :
IlmaisnL'Ra, June 30, 1S53.
Getiss: ,
After a careful examination of your "Amer
ican pleaders assistant," I take pleasure in ex
pressing my entire approval of the selection and
composition of the precedents thus offered to the
public Iho legal prolessmn 111 1 emuyivama
stands in need of a correct svslcm of pleading,
adapted to our habits of businew, and the practice
of thc courts. Vour forms of declarations being,
to a great extent, founded on the acts of astembly,
will bo a savins of labor to the pleader, and con
duce to safety and brevity in our pleadings.
It should be in the hands of every practising
lawyer in our state.
1 ours, with great respect,
Hon. A. Jordan, Wm. M. Rockefeller and M.
L. Miindcl, Esquires.
Sunbury. July 9 1833
Mann's Establishment
25 South Sixth Street,
For the Manufacture and sale of
I'atcnt Letter Copjins I'ressci,
Oil Pspers, Blotting Boards, Copying Ink, &e.
I'atcnt Parchment Paper,
Superior to all others, aud each page printed
A most valuable invention for keeping in t
cook-like form, Letters received, Original Invol
ce, ike.
Phila., April 9, 1353. ly.
(iER, a fiesh supply just teceived, and for
salo by tf. B. MASSGfi.
tSunbury, Jan. 10, 18.r2. ,
M7XK BILLS Justices and Constables Fee
Hills handsnmeW Drinted on car J uaner for
suls at thisolRce.
CJILVEU WATCHES A few double case
EngluU Silver V.'aUlies, for sale at very low
Pru:e y It. B. MASSt'R.
Bunbury, AprJ 18, 1,S1
CIRANBEHhlES, Ground Nuts. Almonds,
N JS'S W Coeo. Nuu. Creaw
C.r:''"J"?.''",' Fits. Citron, Lemons.
U ft ... . ''""ss soo lor mi p
US. 10. OS, I. W Tavon . '
.I.U . DTI. .'mt as. : J ,
ii.. .t i w "m
in. ii.ii n..r
1 tuubuty, Ju v,
- ..vniuiia, uy
ii4. LW.TEN8I14.CO
For she Cars nt
xttA, vnooriuo-couan
TO CURE A COM), wrnt ntncs asd snns"s
of til body, mki the trtRST Pectohai. on gii to Iki),
snd wrap up warm, to sweat during ilir night.
Kox a Com and Uouoa, tukeil nioriiuig, unonsnd eve.
nlng, ncoorilnig lo cliicciiona mi the bottle, anil the UillU'iil
y will sunn b renmved. Nona will long aufftr from thit
uoiiDie warn Ihry hntl it can ieeo readily cuieti. rers-wa
siHicted with a aruted c.wgh, which bruuke tiiein of their
real at niiiht, will find, hy inking the Cherry Feilorsl on
going t bud, they inuy be aura of a-mud, unbroken elf cp,
and conaequently rcfreahinK rt. Oreot relief from nuli'er-
ing, atm an ultimate cure, la aumutrtl to uioueanoa wno aio
thna nlllnMed. hv Ihia iiivnlnnhle rmnlv.
Fr.iin ita airrt-nble cITerta in thnae cnaca, innny find
theniaelvca unwilling to forego its use tvheu Ilia ueccaaily
lor 11 ana ceaacti
I- rora two eminent rhyaictana in
FAtSTTSviMX. Tenn , April 10, 1851
Pir We liars liven vour Chcriv Tei-toral an extensive
trial ui our piartlre, una mm It to aurpnaa evory tnnei iv
medy we have for enring affwtioiia the reapirnt'.ry or'
nn. 1)1 1) KM t HAMITUA.
ia iuvniiiHiilr. ita hy II action ou the Ihnntt nml lungs, when
tuken in sin'ill quuntitics it remuvoaiill honricm-M m a few
nourn, biiu wouueriuuy mcrcaaca uie pwi wiu uwmmj
of Ihe voice.
ASTHMA ia irncrnllv muuli rclicv-d, and often wnoiiy
cored by Cherry Pectoral. Hut there are iroe cneea to ob
atinnte aa to yield entirely to no medicine. Cherry Pecto
ral will cure I hem, it they cnu lie cured.
HKONCIIIT1S, or irritation of the throat ond upper
portion of the lung, maybe cured hv Hiking Cherry Pe to
nil in email and in qurnt d.iacs. The uncomfortable op
pression ia anon relievo.
Kev. uocr. i.AiNSlu, 01 nronmyn, ,eir iora.ic;
"1 have eccn the Cherrv cure enc'i c.iaa of
Aathma and linmchitis as leada me tu believe it can rarely
fiol to cure th.'Sa discasfa."
FOIl CROUP. Give an emetic of antimony, 10 in
followed by large and frequent doac.t of tho Cherry rect.
ml, until i auliduea ilie disease. If Uikeu m icnaou, it will
not fail to cure.
WHOOPING COUGH mnv be broken up ana soon cu
red by the use of Cherry Pectoral.
THE INFLUENZA ia speedily removed hy tins reme
dy. Numcroua instances liavo been notklxl where whole
lamuica were protected irom any a-riraia coiMcnucnra.,
while their neighbors, without the Cherry Pectoral, wrra
suffering from ihe disenae.
lir. J. c Aycri PALKSf.uiuo, utn junr, 13.11.
1 write to inform you ol tho truly renvokaliie enacts of
your CHKIlItY PECTOltAI. lji this place, and 111 my
own family. One of my daughters waa completely cured
in tnree nave Ol n ureaaiui i hoofiho Lncoii, i.y i..'"! w
Pr. Means, one of our very beat physicians freely amies
that he considers it the best remedy we have pulmonary
diseases, and that he has cured more cases of L'Ronr with
11 tnan any oilier meoicine ne ever Dnmmimciw.
Our olergvnien of the Baptist Church anrs that daring
the run of Inpivixza here thia season, he has seen euree
from your medicine he could scarcely have ueueveu w
out eeeing. m .
Yours respectfully, 1- ei.ui.iii,
- 1 : . lieptty Postmaster.
From the distinxuished Professor of Chemis
try and Metcria Medicc, Boicdom Lolltpe.
1 hove founrtAhe Cntoav PrcroRL, ns lis ingredients
show, powerful remedy for colds, and caujns, anu pui-
monary diseasca.
I .nnifi .i.B.u.nii
Bacsswica, Me., Feb. S. 1817. '
The wiJcln celebrated Professor of Surgery 111
the Medical College, New York City, says:
'It givea me pleasure to certify the value ami erfiVnoy
of 'Avsa'a ClllBRT Pectoiai.,' which I consider peculi
arly adapted to cure diaeases of the Throat and l.unga.o
Curt-sol seveie nist-osea upon rne .untrs nave oecu ci
fected by Chkrrt PrrrosAL in such extreme cases as
warrant the belief that a remedv has nl length been found
that can lie depended on to cure the Coughs. Colda and
Consumption winch carrv Irom our muni liiouwmns every
vcar. It is indeed a medicine to which the afflicted can
look with confidence for relief, and they aliould not fail to
avail themselves of it.
Prepared and sold by JJMES C. AYER,
PracLical Chemist, Lowell, Mass.
Sold in Sunbury by II MASSER, and by
DruBcists penerally throughout the f-tnte.
July 30, 18S3. ccow 1. Nov. 13. "55.
(Successor to A. FIOT.)
No. 1C4 Chestnut Street, Swaim's Building.
Dealer in Musical Instruments of every de
scription. Exclusive Agent for the sale of Hallet, Davis
Si. Co's (Boston) Patkst Sisvexsiox Bninns
JEoIian and other
L. Gilbert's Boudoir Pianos, ?lulodeons, Martin's
Guitars, Harps, Violins, Shlct Mcsic, Mcsic
Books, &c, &e.
Residents of the country will be supplied by
truul or otherwise with any music they may
wish, at as low rstes as if purchased in person.
Having ono of tha largest stocks in the United
States, I feel confident of satisfying all who may
fevor me with a call or order.
Dealers in Music supplied cn the most liberal
terms. Pianos to let. Second-hand Pian s fjr sale.
Philadelphia, April 11, 1853. ly.
Porte Monnaies,
IHE attention of the Trade, and others, in
want f Porta Monnaies, Pocket Cooks,
Bankers' Cases, Dressing Cases, Portable Wri
ting Desks, llackeainmon and Chess Boards,
Chessmen, Pearl, Shell, and silver Cord Cases,
01k Boies, Cabas, Needle Bonks, Money
Belts, Cigar Cases, Portfolios, Razors and Razor
Strops, Travelling I'lssks, and fine Cutlery, to-
getlicr Willi a large variety ot ft nci Goods
which will be sold at the lowest rates.
Porte Monnaic and Pocket Book Manufacturer,
205 Arch St. below Sixth, PhdaJelpIita.
Srrt. 17, IS53 tf.
Clicnp AVutchcs Jewelry,
'"TyilOLUSALE and Retail, at the "I'hiladt
v v pi,ia Wntch and Jewelry Store," J'o. (
Norih (Second Street, corner of Quarry,
0 iM Lever Watches, full jeweled, IS carat rasea, SKJS.OO
Gold lHle. (! Pine Silver tetaclf.. 1,0
Silver Irfp. full jewllrd, 9. OoW Bracpleta. 3.IKI
Silver Lever, lull jewl'd li I adiea' Gold Teiieila, 1,00
bupenor ((uuriiera, 7 IMlver Tea spoon., act, 5,00
Gold net'tai-les. T,01l
Gold rem, wilh Pencil and Silver Holder, 1 ,00
Gold Pinger Rings, 37J cents to $80 ; Wntch
Glasses, plain, 13 cents; Patent, 1 S J ; I.unet,
25; other articles in proportion. All goods war
ranted to be what thev are sold for.
Successors to O. Conrad.
On hand, some Gold and f-'ilvcr Levers and
Lepines, still lower than the above prices.
Sept. 10, 1853. ly.
nARDWA RE Tabfe Cutlery, Katrs,
Pocket Knives, Hand Saws, Wood flaws
in frames, Axes, Chisels, Door I.coks and Hinges
Hand Bells, Waiters, etc., just received snd for
salo by I. W. TENER A CO
Sunsury, Dec. 10, 1853.
CHI A IN PUMPS.- A small number of these
J excellent pumps have Irea received and are
offered for sale by
Runburv. June 4. 1SS3.
JEWELRV. A nice assortment of Gold and
Silver Pencils and Pens, for sale chesn by
Market street, opposite the Pest Office
Bunbury, Oct. 8. 1853
1UHNING FLUID, Camphene, Sperm and
Whale Oil, White Lead, Linseed Oil, Tur.
pentine, Candles and Boap, just received and for
sale by I. W. TENER dt CO.
Bunbury, Dse. 10, 1853.
f ARRIAOB CETIF1CATEt handsomely
,M- sx touted for ula i il.i. otIm vi.l.
Wy ths down. '
'- "Eureka, Eurekh." 'L
NOW for tlie little one. Why will parents
waste hours and days in fruitless endeavors
to get perfect pictures of their Children and after
all get nothing but a poor, miserable caricature 1
We would soy, come to our
and we will guarantee te make you a perfect
picture, by our Kt.r.crno Cnr.MrcAi process,
that worlisln from t.i S seconds.
We defy any Daguerre an in Philadelphia or
elsewhere, to compete with us, as we are the
invejitois, and tho process is used only in our dif
ferent' establishments in New England and the
Middle 8lotes. For pictures of adults, the silver
medals we have received from the American
Institute, New York and Franklin, Philadelphia,
together with (he numerous premiums from
County Fairs, is sufficient proof that they are
tins Ke Plus Ultra of perfection.
We would call particular attention lo our
Talbotvpes Daguerreotypes in Oil. ,
1). C. Utiiiiss & Co., 100 Chestnut Street
Philadelphia. Main street, opposite site Hamp
den H'MHP, Springfield and Collins' Building,
Wcstfield, Maa.
N. 13. Our establishment is illuminated by
the brilliancy of our Picturos by Day, and by
Pioesor Jlorsrford' Safety Lamps if Night
"Come and sec."
Phila., May S8, 1S53. ly.
Stone Cutters and Laborers
TONE cutters end laborers can have steady
employ and a winters job, (ond not work in
tho water,) at the Union and Susquehanna Bridge
at Llmpinan, union county, J a., midway be
tween Liverpool and Northumberland. To la
borers 1,25 per dav will be given.
Chapman, Sept, 17, 1853 tf.
Drugs, Paints, Oil,
' (llass. cV.
5 Toss French zinc white.
10 tons Pure While Lead.
5000 Ui'xes Window Glass. all sizes,
Stiueiior Potash,!-opnhCoach, Lea til
er Iron varnMi, white Dcinar varnun tor l lima
Gloss, with a genera! assortment of fresh and pure
Also all the Patent Medicines in general use.
warranted genuine.
Colored and Etiamled Glass, Ac, eVc, for sale
very low at
Dm and Puint Stoic, No. 163 N. Snd Street,
physicians and Storekeepers supplied Goods
sent to any of the Hotels or Depots free of charge.
Philo., May -S, 1S53. I v.
2.5110 Acres Timber Land
TIMBER I.AM), comprising about 8,500
seres, part of which is situated on Tobyharina
Creek, and part on Muddy Creek, wilhin three
miles of I.chigh River, in Penn forest township,
t-arnon Uuunty, one ol tho ;reat Coal Counties
of PcnnKvlvai.ia, can be had at a bargain, if ap
plication ue inn.'.o soon.
These lands are thickly covered with the best j
timber ot that region. While believed that
75,000 feet of lumber to the acrc,-can bo cut from
a large portion of the land, the balance will aver
age not much less thnn this figure. The kinds of j
timber found on the land are Hemlock, Spruce or
White Cedar, Whitd Oak, While Pine and
Chestnut but principally made up of White
Pine and Hemlock.
Tho Tobyhanna and Muddy Creeks are large
and rapid streams, yielding a vast amount of
water power, and are capable of driving a large
number of saw millH. They empty into Ihe Lehigh,
which stream, with thc Lehigh Canal aflouls an
outlet to the niot desirable lumber market".
Tbero is, too, under contemplation, a railway
leading to the cities of New York and Philadelphia
which runs within i milt and three quarters of I
the land. 1 hrou"!i these avenues lumber can be
delivered in cither of the cities named, for about
!S7 per tliou-inud feet thus enabling persons en-
guejeu in lue traue to uerive piouts man
attend investments generally.
In addition to the timber, convertible into eve
ry snapo oi lumuer, mere is mucn mat win oil-
swer for spars of vessels a sort of timber that
snin-builders have born obliged to purchase in
Maine, or at other distant points.
Unlike most of the lands on the Loliigh there
has, as yet, been no culling of the timbor on this
properly. It stands undisturbed by the wood
man's ae. It in, therefore, Ihe more valuable.
The lumber trade ol the Lehigh has been carried
on to such an extent for years past, lhata scarcity
of good timber ia beginning to be felt. Every
season necessarily increases tiiis difficulty. 'The
consequence must ' e an enchancement of the
value of timber lauds. Those un-cullcd tracts
with the advantage of avenues to market, such
as the lands ottered for sale, possess, cannot fail
to be thc sources of supply hereafter.
Hut the land U not alone valuable for the tim
ber it contains. Il ia of good quality for farming,
nearly every acre being susceptiblo of a hiijli
atate of cultivation.
Capitulistsdesiring to make investments, would
do well to turn their attention to theso lands. For
further information apply to
Oifics in "Mining Register" building, Potts
ville, Pa.
August 0, lS5i. If.
THE subscriber, widow of Samuel Thompson,
i'.cc'e., late of tho "Lawrence House," in
Sunbury, respectfully informs the friends of he;
lata husband, and Hie public generally, that she
continues to keep lha above Hotel, and is well
provided with all things necessary to accommo
date all who may favor her with their custom,
and therefore solicits their patronage.
Sunbury Oct. 29. 1853. lm.
Hook Agents Wanted.
A GENTS WANTED in every town and
county in the United States, to sell the most
popular and saleable books published, many of
them bciutilully illustrate J witli colored cngra
vings ; also the most popular works of T. S. A K
TIU'U, including "Arthur's Cottage Library."
Intelligent snd enterprising men will find this
a pleasant and profitable business.
I-'or particulars address (post-paid,
J. W. UKAIlI.EY, Publisher,
No. 48 North Fourth Street,
Philadelphia, Pa,
October 1, 18j3 7m.
I V lent remedy for coughs, colds. For sal
at this oilier.
PocnmW 4. 1S52."
1.1 AND B1L1.8 neatly printed on new type
promptly executed at this office. Also
blanks, of all kinds on superior paper.
piimbUi'V. l ab. 14, 1853.
imAM. rArfclt. A large and spliuiliil u.
v sortment of Wall Poper, Window Paper
ana uu iMiaoea, just reeeiveu antl lor sale by
Deo. 10, 1853. - I. W. TENER &. CO
OR sale at lliis ofuce, Buperior Black Ink,
- C attle Medicine at 9 cU, Pure Esaence of
Ginger. 25 cent
sive anil legal envelopes, for sale br
Sunbury. Jaa 10, lft
DR. II. H. HIGBEE'S remedy for coughs,
colds, and pulmonary diseases. A supply of
thia raluable uiedicine just roreivrd and for sale
by il. B. MASSER,
Sunbary, Juu's 4, US1
Fa m i 1 y Medicines.
IN nflenne; to the potilie the shorn taralnuMe prepara
tions, the enliBcriher would state that in conaultation
with his filends and some of the moat respeetahle of tha
MsVical fneultv, It wna deemeil adviaahln to offer to tha
public, a few preparatlona of known celebrity, beine; pre
pared with Ue greutcal caro. and on Um moat aeieutifis
princtplea, aa auhstiiutes for the numcroua wurthlcsa ar
ticles that are flooding Uie country in the form of panaceas
iiw cuie bus, prepareu ny ine miail iirnoraul and inerneiui.
ry perauns, intended to cure all discuses and food for none,
Head and llejlcci.
That the Medicine. Manufactured hy W. M. BtcUKY,
Including his Hon Pectoral for Coughs.
Cream ol Cumplior fur Rheumatism.
Worm Rvrup for Worms.
Tooth Wash, lor deenved teeth, diseased enais.
Family Pills, or blood Purifyer, have beea mora extensive
ly used, and have given mora aalisi'Hction, than any other
Medicines before (lie public, beinjr. prepared wilh recti rd
to their usefulness are fully worthy Hie trial of the aittict-
cu. i-iive incm a trial.
A few powctfuL reasons why the above Medicines ars
rieeerving of nniversul palionace. (In the first place,
they are prepared hv a regular Physician, who understands
the application uf Medicines, to disease, and consequent!?
aro perfectly site lo take. (Secondly,) they have been
used with univerkal success, nod have aiven more sutisfac
tion than any oilier Medicines offered before the public.
( Thirdly ) they nre the only mcd.ciues that hava gained
the pntronace of Physicians, where they have been used ;
and (Fourthly.) they are put up in larger qnnntitiea for
the same price, any other Medicmca oriered to the
public of the sinie kind. As the subscriber has a numler
of certificates in his possession of ihe highest authority,
where iey have been used wilh tho in 1st satisfactory re
aults He will publish ft few of Ilium, feelinc satisfied that
a trial will insure their recommendation. Try them and
satisfy yourself of their superiority over all others.
Jicail and be Convinced.
We the undersigned having been made acquainted with
tha ingredients entering into the Compounds known aa
Ulckley's Fumily Medicines nls having presvribed end
known them lobe nsed, with mist satisfactory remits ;
take pleasure in saving that we lielieve they fully meet
the design for which Ihey are recommended.
Jas. sritAwnmni;;, m. d.
c. 11. KRICH, m. B.
W.f. II. MAOII.I., M. 1).
B It. CiUAKUKAlU', M. D.
Cur of pain in the shif itnrt cough from protetted
lAver Complaint.
Mrs. Roliert Adams, lalKirin under Chronic Liver Com
plaint, accompanied wilh a short dryc uigh pain ill the
side and breajt. general debility, hiss of ni.paiiu, al'ler try
ing nil Ihe usual remedies recnunneudrd fut cougha and
diseases of the cliei-t, who wilh in benefit, she was recom
mended to tiy the Rose Perioral, from winch, she nutouly
denved iinnieihate but permanent relief.
John Adams, s al of Mrs. Hubert Adams, was afflicted
with vei v auvrrc colii(l pain in the side, and eorcneal
priHluced by iuccsaaiit eniglnin j he was induced to try
thc Rose Peetorid. To use his own language, the lint
dose enabled him M rnjv a go l niirht's rest. In the
ill truing he expeetoruled about half pint of matter. He
contiiiueil to improve until his couph cnlirely left him, it
als.ihadlhe cfleetof strenhenhig his breast, which wna
ivitumlly weak, lie also says that he Ins lecommeiided
it ua number nl hisfiiends for similar complainis, and
In rvrry case it has given satisfaction.
The ab:ve pers'N.s residents of the town r.f Panvi'.le.
feeling lliat they have derived great benefits from the use
of the Rose Hrcloral; authorize the above statement, for
tho benefit of those who may b nfflieted in a similar man
Loss of Vuiee restored with one bottle of Rose Pec
Miss Susan Wliiiloek. of Rush t jwethip, Xorlhumber- 1
land co., for a number of years an il valid, in the full of
IsM. List Ihe ue of her voice fr an a s-veie cold alio con-
tnicted; afler trying a number of remedies, with no bene- '
fit, she was entirely restored hy talriicr one boiile of Rosa !
Pectoral, niter which, she her voice 1." iin. from a
fresh cold she contracted, and was a-ain required by the
use of atit!icr bottle; she Ihen lurk four h-ttles more to !
strcncthsil her breast, foan which si n dciivetl Ihe most )
ilecided benefit, and has leu in the enjoyment of excellent '
health from llmt time to Ihe present. I
The abire sfitement is ohlained fn in Dr Purse!!, the '
riiysieian who attended Iter : uls-i her ucilicr who tltinks 1
that she would not be living ul Ibis time if it hid not been I
for Ihe Rose Pectoral. ll invdle. J in. 85, lt-6'J. i
5riV another RTnrXtd Cure KfftcttJ.
Mis Sjinuel Seehler, being of a tlfaturt:l weak and deli- j
cate constitution, very susceptible to c.-lds, was ad:ieted '
with a very severe con;h. ain and oorenecs of the hre-ist, i
loss of appetite ; alter using a mi'i'her of the usual reme- i
dies from which, she derived no she v;tt cured by j
taking one b utle of Rose Ih-ctoral nttd is in the enjoyment '
of belter health linn for yeare pruioua. " '
- pnnville. Her-. I ISiO. I
1k. BlcKt.Fjy : Permit me lo infortn vou t!mt mv wife, i
who is a dellealu and wenUly woman, lnboring under a
very severe Couch with pain and soreness of byeust, was
mire quickly ntiil cllccluuUy relieved with ono bottle of
y ur Rose Pectoral than any other medicine she had ever
ink-n. AIINKR .M'DRIliK.
Jan. b'v2. Samarl R. Wo ids' l-'uiuace. Hed Point.
Smjxa evipcm- in favor ok Tint Rost I'ectobal and
Family I'h.l.
John Tubier taken between Chiistmns nod New Year
with a very !id cnl.l, which eie'eil in a ihy hard iiicessjnt '
Couph, c:.uniii a grcMt ileal of p:un whenever he cooghed, relieved very lunch: by the tine he hed token one
third ot" a'lr. mid by the limn it whb fin if! ed. wa en-
tirft!)" cured. Iicnat ntyn that he 1;:m tjikcn aeverul duart
of the Ilivilth lttrnt.-ralive or I'rtniilv TilU, ami llmt they
nre the iniklfi,t uad m-st eficclnr-l ;itiri;iii'ia he hn ever
t:ikMi. iJaiiviit. Jmi 1, 153.
l)n Ricklht Pui iui a visit t.t tnv hr.lher.viii Dnn-
viile, I livk u vciy it-vie OnM, whicli i-nded in a tijrht
h:ud Coujrh, whh" icnts nml nniii ol the breast, fttr
wliich I used your K.. IVetoml. nod I-'nimly I'ilis, nod
tn!v plfriMire in ret'.immpitiiinar lliein, ns tlm mtldcct mid
nt mt t'llcotuu. rente ly I Inveme.l. N (tiirs. rpupecUuM,-.
Jmi. tfrt. 1S3J. AVhitn lltr.en. I,uztme co.
f;ir S.r Ar reo-mrn'-1t(:tti"ii f r your Itfse l'cct'
rnl, ptiniit uie t-i tn thnt ) hmi eiVcftn-'.lly rnrrd of R
very ev're c nicli with pnin hi ;iie hrMFt, with less thnn
li;,lf n h'tt(is. lM.fl tln.t I .ioiishU. it .his.
i;ui a it Mil
You nro
I "nt libcity to nvtke t!iit publte if yon pW:
joii.n SiMiltltINO ((ir.n-er.l Danville. Ta.
My son William la'iorinp undor a severe c h?li and jwia
111 iiie nlr, fi
iiiinrv rft-civcd hv n full, was e'lUiely
relieved hy n h i
ne of iim rct-tonii i ream 01 iiim-
nhoi. 1 hnve rio nnea yonr Funnly rills, mid altogether
1 coiiaiuor incm uie lies: mcaccnu-s i inve e'r nsrtt.
Jan. 1S.V3. Hush To., Norlh'd co.
lir. Hu-klev : ?ir: Aa rrr- wifa who waa troubled
ilh dry, hard Conch, ulso a mr St-miiu-li, dependent nrMni
ilobilily, sntlilnr to JJispepsio. wa. entirely relieved b
nstnt: two bottles of your Krae Peetonil, permit me to say
thut 1 consider it uu ext-e lent remedv.
i oura, reapevtl u!ly, Hev Mr. II.I.ARD.
Pastor Lutheran Chnreh, Dunvilte. Pa.
Huvin2 been cured of n pain in mv arm fsiniilar to Rheu
matism) whu-li depiived me of the free use of it for about
tour motiins. uy usiuir ono iMitie ol ureain oi i ampiior
1 would slat, that I c nisider it the best remedy of tli.
md I have evir usd in my fatnilv. and 1 would freely
recommend it to ojlirrs wilh similar nffertii;s.
oura, ro;ieemilly, JO.N AS WOLF.
Rush tp., Norlh'd eo.
My wifa beini evicted with a verv aevere pain in her
nil and sli .uliler (the elfet-ts if cold) wliti-h disabled her
out lisiufl II, waa cured won ruhhliii. nl I renin ol L nin-
plior. .Mis. Killin, my sister-in-law, inn nlso cured of a
severe pain in the head and f:ice by usinjr lha Cream of
nnipli-.r tiiu.m A9 c. r.l.l.l, Danville. Jan. vi,
Mv wife having Uheumatisin of the arm for a number
of years, which prevented her from usinst it ill doine; her
woik j aller lnivnnr spenl a cicut deal ol mney in trviug
ditferent remedies with no benefit, was entirely cured by
usins only one I. title of your Creuai ol Cnmphor.
Wl I.I.I AM i;Vi:X!, Minor, loi ti. n. WikiI, K. Point.
Dr. Hicklev: llavincr received a veiv aevere injury in
my side by I'nlliiin; olf a I-aid of h:w. from which I wus una
ble to follow my work, was recommended to try a botlla
of Cream of Camphor, which .Horded immediate relief.
lilill ri l'll CAItll. liush lp., Norlh'd co.
Mv wife, anlTerintr from most exrruciatine pain.
throuirlinut liar cenerul .yKtein, which prevented her from
cepniR flManir .icramotied bval'ins and orolracteU anell
of sicWntHa;) for which ah4 used a number of rrim-dle.
without lieiu-ul, was entirely relieved by the use of Cruam
oi lampnur.,. iiiiu...
Hnieeon lleniist. Uunvllle. ra
rhiUI cured of Itowel Complaint, and Ague (of two yeara
siaiiiiin?.) oy viormnytup.
Mv child hein-. atJ!ii-ted for the last two years, with
II iwel Couijirititl nnd Atftte until il was reduced to a niera
akelelou, I tiied a number of reinedtea with no permanent
benefit, until I irave it u h.'ttle of your Worm Syrup,
since wloeli lime il has been well, and got quite fiVehy.
1 ulso hava recommended it lo a number of my friends,
and lu every case ir has iriven s-itis.:iction. l.. l,l.l.
At uuiis l.-jnuts' .Mcrcl.ani.j uanvtue.
I have used vour Woim Svruri lu mv faiiulv, and con.
aider it not only cnVclual, but the most pleasant article 1
am acnuaiiited with. JAt llll I. Mil.L-i. uanville.
Having useu your vioiiunyrup in my luiuuy, it neipa
my children more than any- pieparuti'ui of the kind, and i.
more pleasant to luke. DAN' MORGAN.
aiont nil how, uauvilie.
have had occasion lo use your Worm Syrup in my
family, and prel'.:r it to any Veiniifii;re I liavo unl. lilitf, l-roaty auey, atoiuonr co.
Dr. Diekley : Having used your worm Syrup, and
Cream ol Cumnhor and ramilv Puis in my fumily, they
gave g'Vnt satisfaction, and I c.Hi.nider them the most ef-
lectual, ai.a remedies, we h-ive nna in nuriamily.
JUlt.Mi i 11A. 11. UlSUI-.i LIUJIVIIia.
Dear Sir : We the undersigned being in Ihe employ of
Messrs. Grove, k. Coinly, at whose st'irS, you have an
Agency for the rile of your Foinily Medirinea, state that
wa have had an opportunity of ku.iwiug th. opiniona of
numerous individuals who have used tlit-in, aud that they
five general aitiafacliou. Wa hava aild a great many of
your rilla, which aia univeraa'lv like.1. being very nuUl in
their operation. ' W. I.KISI'.XRING,
Danville. Attest, V M. KKI'l.F.H,
Itnviiig Scurvy if my minth very liad, I was induced to
try a bottle of your Tooth Wash, w'lich acteil like a cliurnl,
hardeaiog my gums, nnd removing all disease,
Dr. nickley; Having what wna culled ulcerated,
mouth, for which, I tned a numlicr of remedir. with no
benefit: I wa. at last ired by usms one bottle of your
Tooth wash. My wile also during her confinement, wa.
Ihreuteueil with fr ire. uieasls, lumjis uuving alrcadv fornutl,
lor wlnea .he used Ihe I ream ot camoaor, which acalter-
ed Uiem, thereby preventing her hreasta from gathering.
tii:i A. liltuWN,
Near Lutheran Ch irch, Danville, Pa.
Dr. IlicUley naviug an opportunity of seeing your
Anti-Soorbutic To ilh Wash uae.1 in soma very aavera oa
aea of acurvcv i tha gutn., I consider it an excellent reme
dy. Voura, respectfully, GKO. H. DKOW.".
The ahovs medieme. are for aale Wholeanhs arvt Ro-
UU by W M. HICKI.KY, M. D , ProprieUK, Daimlle
Also Pol ft.le by lh. following Agent, ill NorUiumher.
hnuf counrv, Friling A Grant, Sunbunr; W A. Knoub,
Auirualai W. Farrow. Snvderlowil : 1 aggnrt. Furmaa at
Baa, Paxiuoa ; Jinatioe & Islrausa, Piisiim Johu
Vanzant, Paxiuoa; Hugh Vsatine, Ptixim; Ammennan,
Roasei 4 Co , Shitmokiu ; Sir.. Jne 1 nomas, Mianioaia;
Win. Faetv, Shain.4ui; Campball Kbiw, Augusta
Hamuel A. Peterahura : Jacob l,eieeurmg
Btair Gup ; Conrad WVuck, Northuinberlaud ; Jeremiah
crouae. HHinagrove; iosian n-ocar, i.awtaburgt jouu r.
Caahiwand Joiialaaa Cellars. Milloii.
thill o. Uia Ageois, aud get a circular eojitaiuiiif a full
deacriraioai of th. numerous euros ft ft'iaS by the iliaTr
OMl MuduMiHia.
. tiutt U,. IMS 1.
To Your Oirtt 'iricchnnics.
Of the most Fashionable Style.
rT,HE subscriber respectfully calls the attention
- of the public to his large and splendid assort
ment of every quality and price of
which cannot fail to recommend itself toevery one
who will examine it, on account of its durable
workmanship and splendid finish, made up of tha
best stock to be bad in the city. No effort is
spared in the manufacture of his ware, and the
subscriber Is determined to keep up with th
many improvements which are constantly being
made. Ilia stock consists of Mahogany
. ' Sofas, Divans and Lounges,
Bnreaus, Secretaries, Sideboards,
and also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to Phila
delphia manufacture.
BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and price,
In short, every article in this line of his business.
He also manufactures all kinds and qualities of
including varieties never before to be had ir
Sunbury, such as Mahooahi, Black Waibvt
sun Ciblf.o Maf-lb Caucus ( sru Wnnioi
CHAIRS, axo'fatcct Fiavo Stools, which are
of the latest styles, and warranted to be excelled
by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere.
, Tho subscrilier is determined that there shall
be no excuse for persons to purchase furniture in
the cilies, as every confidence can bo entertained
about the quality and finish of his ware and
Chairs. "
His articles will be disponed of on as good
terms as they can be purchased elsewhere. Coun
try Produce taken in payment for work.
rT UNDERTAKING. Havinff provided
himself with a handsome Ht.tnsr., he is now
prepared for Undertaking, and attending funer
als, in this vicinity, or at any convenient dis
tance from this place.
IS" The Ware Room is in Market Street,
below Thompson's Store and Weaver's Tavern.
Sunbury, Jan. 10, 1852 tf.
Hobby Horses,
Children's rropallors. I
Gin's. Coaches, Barouches, &o,
Manufactured wholesale and retail by
No. 64 VUVK Street,
Orders through the mail promptly executed
Phila., April 9, 1853. lv.
ClI.VI-.R H'AltK Wholesale anil Remil nt No. 72 -
O SKi oXD St.. opposite the Mt. Vernon House, (iold
I ,tVer XValelies, full jeweled. 18 k. cases, t?!,Cn j Silver
Levers, lull iewrli-il. S l'J.00 ; Silver lupines, jeweleil. SW,.
1)0 nil warranted to keep gol time. Ool'l 1'ens nml Sll
' v.r Cnse, 151.011; C.iU Pviieils, 81,00; Hold Peneil. and
i Pen CjSvs Willi good (Jold Pens us low ns M.3, e.
A!s, alnvsini hand a ;)od nssortmcnt of line roUI
J Jewelry, (iold Curb, Guaid and Fob Chains, Gold Vest
Chainsi Lndies' Gold Kotl Chains and Belt I'lns.
I Silver Table Snoona from SH to 8IH. Dessert, SO to
(Ml, and Ten, I,7S to SB, per set, warranted to
coin. All h.kmI warranted lo lie v.-lint the)- are a nd for.
( ir Wau lies and Jewelrv repaired and wnrrnnlcd.
IV All orders aeut by mail or otherwise, will be punc
tually attended to.
M. AVISK, Aent,
Nj. 74 North Sl'-COND Street, oiuiosile tlie.Mt. Vernon
Phila., April S3,18W ly.
No. 2 South Second Street,
Gold Lever Watches full jewelled
Silver Lever do
Silver Lepin.0 do
" Quurticr do
Gold pens and pencil and silver halders
Silver Tea and Table Spoons
Bracelets, breast pins Ear rings cVc
All warranted and sold at prices as low aa any
in the city.
Kevcmbcr 57. 1855 tf.
Roscndalc Hydraulic Cement.
AN excellent article for lining Cisterns, Vaults,
Suiting houses and Cellars, and for keepinz
dampness from wet and exposed walls.
1 or salo by
of, and successor to, the lato firm of Evi Smith 4
N. E. Corner of Front and Willow street
Philadelphia, Feb. 19, 1853. ly.
And Three Aeres of Ground
rTMlE subscriber offers at private sale, his house
and three acres of ground, on the river Bank
within the limits of the Borough of Sunbury,
now in the occupancy of John Shissler and orig
inally owned by Chas. Gussler while engaged in
boat building. Tho improvements aie a
If'iU a .felt of good U'uter,
and a good frame stable. There are a number of
excellent fruit trees on the premises. The prop
erty is handsomely located and will be sold at a
reasonable puce and possession given in April
next. Apply to Geo- C. Welker, Esq., of Sun
bury, or to the subscriber at Selinsgrove.
July 23, 1853 tf.
A Farm lor Sule.
THE subscriber offers for sale his farm,
nd allowances. It is situated about three miles
from Sunbury along the Shamokin creek, and is
in a good state of cultivation. The Philadelphia
and Sunbury Railroad passes through said farm
It will bo ottered in parts or enure to suit pur
chasers. It can be divided to make three small
firms. The buildings are a KaK.M HOUSE, a
good Bank Barn, end two tenant houses.
Upper Augusta, Sept. 10, 1853. tf.
' WM. M'CARTY, Bookseller,
1ESPECTFULLY informs ths inhabitants ol
town and country, that he has Istely recci
ved from Philadelphia, a large addition to hii
stock of books, in every branch of Literature, and
in a great variety of Binding. Please call and
see them.
Bunbury, Dept. 17, 1853.
1 ) LANK Parchment Paper Deeds and blank
XJ Mortgages, Bonds, Elocutions, Summons
&e.. for sale by H. B. MASSER.
Bunbury, Apr it. UM , ,
books, ink; and all complete, just r reived,
nd forsale ky y. B.MAfSER.
Bunbury, June i, ieo.-
All solvent tanks , 'a
AH solvent tank. 4.
All solvent hnnks j ji.
U. B. Bank notes 16 dls
aii vuiTeni Dense mi
Bank of Chambersburi 1 die
Bank of Chester Cn. nan
...... vnemer par
BankofGermantown n.r
nana 01 ucttvelrarg
Hank of Iwiatown
Bank of Middletowa
Montiromerv Co H...I,
1 dis tyilk notes 1"
aiii www.-" "
Alllv.n..h. ,to iit
1 dis
Bank of Norlhumlwl'iid.,
Bank of l'itt.hor iji-I
ComirwetaiB.,, IJ
Bank of Panvilli nail Far Bni . I
Carlisl.Bank iKT'lM.'tMW"""-.'
l-olumln. B'k h TJ-e, C. rjarlMechan c.- I."J"SW" H P"!
Doyeletovrn ulk
1. l ... f -i "ewarll ul
Weston unjik
l-.rie nank
Exe.hanne B'k Pittabura I dis
F.lchanee B-k, Branch 1 dis
I flit'
Farmers' B;k,BuckaCo par Paopr.'.,-,. I i'-'
Farmers' Ilk. U,,,.,., S.JPrin'l., "",r,0 1 .
n wi ." w 1 Sia
ueaiinw nar H
Farm, nv i,...n..n V.. I'm
Fsnners' Bk, Re.,li, L,, Helen, ll.l."."V.
h i n iii ' 1 L V Tnierrer co Usnk j
F D. Bk Wavnesk' 11,1,. Imi.i. , I dl
Franklin Uk. Vl'uh'11
FH, UL- u- : lo. ' .7""' 'MSI nar
Will. e!Bie KK I ihkuL.
lAfnTisimrfr tinnk
nonewial. Hunk
, .
J V " par hii 01
.. ,....,,, S v iiarc9l'e par
Bank of Pmvrna t.l
rorunaiiK, 1 jj,
Delaware City Bank Zm
Hk Wilnwr'n Brandvw. ear
Farmer.' Bk St Delaware par
Union Bank, Wilmington nar
tr Under .V. 1 Vh,
. OHIO. .
All solvent hanks a:.
w iieuei nntea 1 A.,
RankofVVhetlock Sdi.
Mereantils Bk, Bangor 10 dis
ah solvent hanks di.
"ov JI1.1I rSIIirtE.
All Mvent hunk. i di.
Bank-of Sf A loans 9 dis
All aolveut bonks . . di.
rT"Dk note, nnder S's 4 dis
A II solvent tanka
tyUnderfi's, J dn
Tremendous ExcrrEStrNT .' '.
Cash, Steam, Electricity ! !
ri Aerial and nil other lines out-don by th
Lightning: Mne of
TTHO, having great faith in rapid a.le. tni
small proGts, has Just received ana opened
a large assortment of
At his Store in MarXct Street, Sunbury, which
he offers to the public at the lowest prices.
His stock consists of a general assortment s
Dry Goods, viz :
Cloths, Cassi mers, Cassinets, Jeans, Drillings
Muslins, Linens, Calicoes, Muslin dt '
iains, Lairns, Ginghams, Berages.
Silk Hats. '
A large assortment of Boots and Shoes, far
Men, Women and Children.
Sugar, Tea, Coffee, Molasses, Cheese, Sps-
tes, r isn sail, naster.
Via : Iron ond Steel, Kails, Files, 6ws, V.
Tea Setts, Plates, Dishes, Cvps, Saucers, fc
Wine. Brnndf, Gin, Enm, Whisk jr, If.
CP" Country produccof all kinds taken in i.
I rbnnrrA nt !. lntiA.I nn.1.n
, .Y Jbm v
, ...
- tion, with On Hundred
Enirravinga, showing Di.
cases and Malformations e
the Human System in every
shape ailTl form. To which
is added a .Treatise on the
Diseaai-s of Females, being
of the highest importance to
married peaple, or thoss
contemplaling niarrioge
Hy tr Win. Youa'
Let no father be ashamed to present a copv a
tho .ESCUL ATIUS to his child. It may s'ave
him from an early cruve. Let no young man or
woman enter into the secret obligations of mar
ried life without reading the POCKET jESCU
I.APU S. Let no one suflirring from haekniep
Cough, Pnin in the Side, restless nights, nervous
feelings, and tho whole train of Dyspeptic sensa
tions, and given up by their physician, be another
moment without consulting the -ESCULAP1US.
Have the married, or those about to be married
any impediment, read this truly useful bonk, as
it has been the means of saving thousands of un
fortunate creatures from the very jaws of death.
r" Any person sending TWENTY-FIVE
CEISTS, enclosed in a letter will receive one
copy of this book, by mail, or five copies will be
sent for one dollar. Address, Dn. W. YOUNG,
Post paid.
June 18, 1853. ly.
More JVosy Goods!!
I ESPECiTFL'LLY iuforma his friends and
the public generally, that hs has just received
and opened a large and splendid stock of
at his Store in Lower Augusta township. His
stock consists ef every variety of
Dry Goods, viz.
Cloths, Cassimers, Sattinetts, Vtstings, Flan
nels, Muslin, fye.
A splendid stock of
Such as'Silks, Berages, De Laines, Mcrinoes,
Lawns, Umgnams, Lalicoes, Ijc.
l fine assortment for Men, Women & Children.
A large assortment of GUOC'CIUES,
Sugar, Coffee, Tea, Molasses, Spicei, fcc.
Hardware and Gueensware.
Fish, Salt ant! Liquor,
Gin, Brandy, Ram and Whiskey,
Besides the lamest and most general assort
ment of all kind of Goods to be had in the country.
All the above mentioned goods will be ssld at
such reduced prices as tbey can not bs get far
Country produccof all kinds takes in exchange
at the highest market prices.
Augusta twsp., July 2, 1853. 8m;
Lumber Yard.
THE subscriber would respectfully inform the
citizens of Sunburv. and Northumlerl.nd
and adjoining- counties, that he has opened' a
Lumber Yard
in the lot fronting on Cranberry St., a short dis
tance East of the Steem Saw Mill, where hs bas
now a large amount at Seasoned Pgnntl Plant,
a! to PauneJ Boards, and alt other Boards and
Bcilbiho Matkbial, such aswill be wanted for
building purposes. Also a large amount ef
Shingles on hand, which will be .eld from ft up
to $8, according to quality and siie. Please give
us a call and examine our price' and quality.'
K. B. Farmers who are in want ef Shingles
will please call as we will sell to vou low.
r i. E. LE1B, .
uabury, Vsy 88, 1S53 ly.
OLD PENS with and without cases, ef
very superior quality, just received.
Also a fresh supply ef Writing Fluid, fer sale
by H. B. WAiSER.
Sunbury, Dee, T, 1851.
Dar comes ior saw vj
snfciirr. April. !, ! I
LANKS of every dearriptio eaa be kid ly
ajirVinj at ths office ef it. Arastieav.
1 ais.maia Hank N.w.rir I j :
1 di.!8t.teBk, N.Biun.wleJ:
Y icnsier nanic par Sussex Bank, N.wton I d7.
Letan Bank p,r Trenton Benkin. '5
DI 'rch- ?' "ank 1 di. Union Bank. Dover IT.
Miner.' B'k, Potl.vill. per Vanlleyv'leiDel Dr Co 7J I
M-monrahela Bank I 'dis IWBk note, under is il Z
Tnvlorsv'eI)elH'.r , j.. ni.-, I '
it rol