Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, February 25, 1854, Image 3

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O" We publish this week another of
Major Dewart' letters to G. B Youngman,
Esq., omitting a paragraph in the begin
ning and also one in conclusion,' complain
ing that "he understood that some of the
people in Sunbury disliked bis letters and
criticised them." We think, upon reflec
tion, that the Major himself would have
omitted the latter. We have not heard a
single individual eipresi any dislike ol
these letters, but the reverse. As regards
criticism, every man who appears in print,
must expect it, and the Major, we are sure,
is too much of a democrat to be willing to
restrain the "liberty ol speech, or tb
liberty of the Press." The correspondent
who communicated this idle gossip might
have been, we think, employed in convey
ing more agreeable and useful information.
But of Rome and ils lions. The greaiest
attraction now in a perleot slate of preserva
tion In this city is the Basilick or Church of
St. Peters. It is on the opposite side of the
Tiber to what is now the main city. You
approach the Church throuch the Piazza of
St. Peter which is 358 yards-long. The col
onnades on each side are half circles, with
the entrance in one centre and the Church
in the other. They are of the colossal Doric
order, formed by four rows of eolumns on
each side. The colonnades are fifty-si feet
wide and sixty-one high, and contain 284
columns supporting a balustrade on which
are placed 192 statues, eleven amt a half
feet high. In the centre of the area is a
high obelisk, sustaining a cross on ils top.
A fountain is situated on each sida of the
obelisk throwing water nine teel above ils
apex which falls into two granite basins filly
feel in circumference. Passing through the
Piazza you come to the Church, the founda
tion of which was laid in the year 1506, and
eighteen successive Popes were employed
in ils erection. Painting, sculpture, mosaics,
the art of melting bronze, gilding, carving,
and all the other arts have contributed to
embellish this Church, the most splendid
not only in Home but in the world. In ils
front aro eiyht cohims eight feet and a half
in diameter, and eighty-eight feet high, sup
polling a balustrade on which ate situated
thiiteen statues-each seventeen feet high, re
presenting our Saviour and the Apostles.
In the portico are several doors opening into
t he Church, ono of which has a bronze cross
upon it, and is opened only once in 25 years,
at the lime of the jubilee. The interior is
in the form of a Latin cros, and is divided
into three naves, and at the end of ihe mid
dle or great nave is the bronze statue of St.
Peter, wilh tho great toe of his riuht fot I i t
craly and truly kissed away by the laiihful.
I saw dozens kissing il during the shoil lime
I was looking at it.
The tomb of 5t. Peter is under the high
altar, and it is said contains parts of both his
and St. Paul's bovlies. It in surrounded by a
circular maible balustrade, on which 112
lamps are kepi continually burning. Tho al
tar over lha tomb is supported by four
columns of gilt bionze,, 3-1 feet high), and in
the centre is a globe supporting llto cross.
Tho total height of the aliar is 80 feet, and
at this aliar on Christmas day, t heard the
Pope himself, surrounded by his Cardinals
and Bishops and a guard of 500 soldiers, say
High Mass. Over this altar is the main
cupola ol Ihe church, which is 426 feet high
from the pavement. Above the cupola is
the ball, reached by an iron ladder, and very
difficult ol ascent. 1 was the only one of my
party that went up into it. The ball, it is
said will contain 16 persons, but I think they
would hjvo tu be tightly packed in. On the
roof of lha main chuich are the workshops of
the men who are kept constantly employed
in keeping the church in repair. They are
a row of one story buildings. If you desire
to look down from the cornices, you ascend
to the cupoia from the roof at two places.
The cornices have an iron railing aiour.d
them, and two person can walk on ihem
around the cupola abreast wilh perfect safe
ty From the dome you have a beautiful
view of the city and all the surround
ing country. This church contains II cupo
las, 96 marble columns, and 140 statues; is
575 feet long in the clear, and, under the
cross, is 417 (eet broad. The cost of build
ing is said to have been over 50 millions of
dollars. It is connected with the Vatican,
the Pope's private residence, by a grand hall
and stairway. The Vatican contains 4000
rooms and galleries, enough, one wouTd
think, for a man who can have neither wife
nor family. In one of the galleries the Pope
keeps a number of artists constantly employ
ej making large mosaics of the old Popes
from their portraits. These are intended
for the new church of St. Paul, outside the
city gates. Many of the Popes are already
there iu the niches, each of these mosaics
being about six feet high and four feet across,
It requires a year's time to make one, and
Ihe price is 500 scudi each. (A scudi is
103 of our cents ) The new church of St.
Paul has already been 150 years in building,
and it is supposed that it will take 150 years
more te complete it.
Rome has a newer and fresher aspect than
the other cities of Italy, and looks more like
Philadelphia than any city 1 have yet seen
This is Ihe case from Ihe (act that modern
Rome is built upon the side of the Tiber op
cosite mostf the old city, and what there
was of ancient Rome on this side of the Ti
ber is all filled up. The Forum which is in
the modern city, is thirty feel below the pre
eat surface, (il was excavated by Napoleon,
nd the Tarpean rock, behind Ihe Capitol,
is only about 70 feet high, whereas,
when Rome was in its glory, it was three
times that height, The only part of the
Campus that remains is the Carso, and even
that is lined with bouses.
We leu noma anu came io r lorence, mo
oapital of Tuscany, by the Sienna road, a
distance of about 200 miles, 150 of which
we posted, and Ihe balance, from Sienna to
... n i ri . 1
Florence, we came by rail, lorence is a ve
rv ancient walled oily of about seven miles in
circumference, situated at the foot of the Ap
penines, and is divided by the river Arno into
twe enuai nans, it is cancu .riuicncu me
Fair, and is the teat of the anoient family ol
the Medici. The streets are wide and well
paved, but without side walks. The river is
bridged at all the principal streets, and the
middle bridge possesses the great curiosity
of having a row of houses on each side of it
all the way across Ihe river. They are prin
cipal'y jewellers' stores, and extend out be
yond the bridge, hanging over the liver, sup
ported by heavy timbers underneath which
are placed slantwise against Ihe bridge.
Some of Ihe. houses are three stories high.
In the church of Santa Croce in this city are
the tombs of Mk-hnel Angelo, the poeli
Machievelli, and Gallileo.
On las'. Tuesday we went to Pisa to see
Ihe leaning lower, one of Ihe seven wonders
ofihiwoild. Pisa is numbered among the
twelve ancient cities of Etruria, and is built
on both sides of the Arno, as is Florence. It
now contsinS but about 20,000 inhabitants,
although a thousand years ago hundreds of
thousands lived within its walls. The lean
ing tower was finished in 1070, though com
menced some centuries previous. It is 170
feet high, and 12 feet out of the perpendic
ular. There is an outer and an inner wall,
between which is Ihe stairway to the top,
and about every 40 feet a balcony running
round tho outer wall,' supported by pillars
commencing on Ihe ground. There are two
hundred of theso pillars, and on the top is a
chime of seven bulls (one for each of Ihe
wonders of the world) that are rung every
Jay at 12 o'clock. Across Ihe slieet from ihe
lower is Ihe Cathedral, a fine church, con
taining the old iron lamp suspended from the
cupola, that gave Galileo the idea of the pen
dulum in clocks for thfl mensurmeiil of time.
Behind this church is the Campo Santo, or
buriiil place, smiotuuled by sixty-two arches,
all tho ground in the interior of which was
brought from the Holy Laud. From the top
of Ihe leaning tower you have a fine view of
Pisa and I ho Vajjey of l ho Arno. . It is some
what dillicult to ascend the tower, bnt we
all went np. But I must bring this desultory
epistle to n close.
Tub Washington Star says that "the Qua
ker Delegation" which camo here not long
since to remonstrate with the President rela
tive lo the proposed ungodly enmse of Ihe
Administialiuii with icference totheNebras.
ka bill are stilt with us. They havo proba
bly given up tho Executive ns a hard or
hardened case, and are now attending to the
moie ungodly, the Senate and House of Rep
resentatives, among whom ihpy are opera-
ing, as though born and bred in the lobby.
Their argument is against "disturbing the
Missouri Compromise."
Rise in Crock tuv. Among the many ar
ticles that have advanced in price in our mar
ket says the Boston Tiaveller, is thai of crock
ery ware, w hich, owing to the high price of
coals and other materials in the SiafToidshire
Potteries, England, they have been obliged
to raise their piices from twenty to thirty
per cent., and consequently, a riso here must
The sales of Holi.owat's Ointment and
Pii.i.s have wonderfully increased lately, we
presume, therelore, that the well known
virtues ihe medicines posses are becoming
universally appreciated, thousand of persons
of both sexes testify tliurnully that theii effect
is miraculous ; they act conjoint ly so directly
upon Ihe system, the one internally and oth
er externally, thai ths most serious cases
will readily yield In their wonderful power.
A 'V i1. ...i. in .1.- .i : -
u . uiu . ilii.ii u,iit, u.e unit:, c.CI.I.Jg, U grit-
tlcmun who has not been hitherto very suc
cessful in hi afl'uirsof the heart, made a complete
conquest of the belle of the room. How be came
to such gcod furtune ruuld nnt bo understood,
until it was ascertained that he had that evening,
for the first time in his life, worn a suit of clothes
just from IiocKiiiLL & V iisox s cheap and
fashionable clothing store, No. lit Chestnut
street, corner of Franklin Pines, Philadelphia.
I'lula., Jan. 8, 1H51. cw.
UillUlE u.
At WeideneaulV Lewisburs, 16lh inst., bv
the Rev. J. WinecolT, Daniel Bf.rustresskr
tn Miss Harriet Gingkrich both of Selins
grove. In Leuisburg, Mill 111st , by tkl wm.
ane, Ciiarlf.s Summers to Miss Lowisa
Surader, buth of Lewisbnrg.
On the 9'h inst., by Rev. A. B. Casper, Ja
cob Engi.e, of Union Tp. lo Miss Catharine
Wolfe, of Buffaloe valley.
In P. kin, III., by Rev. S. V E. Weslfall.
Jacob Hiblf.t, formerly of Selinsprove, Pa.,
to Miss Diana risiiER, both of 1'ekiu.
On th 9ih inst., by Ihe Rev, William Si"
motitnn, Mr. Benjamin Chambers to .Miss
KuzABrtTH F.. youngest tnn"iiler ol James
Simonton Esq., both of Buffaloe Valley Uni
on Lo.
In Aaronsbnrg, Cenler Co., 12lh inst., aged
31 years, Mrs CATHARINE, wifs of Rev. M.
J. Alleman, formeily of Sunbury. Her re
mains were taken to her fulheis's, Frederick,
Md., (or burial.
In Turtleville, Union Co , 1 lih inst., MAR.
GAUET, wife of Geo. M'Collom, in her 54th
InLewisbnrg, 15ih inst., WM. GUNDY
son of lsaan S. and Joanna Sterner, aged 64
j ears.
l)c iHaikcts.
Philadelphia Market.
Feb 23, 1854.
Flour and Meal. There is some demand
for Flour for export at $8, but holders ask
higher. A small sale is leporled at $8,85.
There is a limited demand for city consump
tion within the range of $8 25ail 75, for
onnmon and extra brands Rye Flour and
Corn Meal are dull. Last sales of Meal at
Grain. Wheat is in limited request.
SI 85 is offered for red, and tl 80 is asked.
Last sales of Rye at SI 05. Corn is dull
holders ask 00 els., while 87 is bid for yellow.
Oats are inactive. Last sales of Southern at
47 a 474 cents, and Pennsylvania at 46 a 50
Whiskey. Sales of both bbls.. and hhds.
at 33 cents.
Whsat. 10
Rti. 87
Cob. .
Oats. " , 0
Potatois, . 60
Hkcklid Flai. 25
BcTTta. . ... ?3
Less. ... 15
Pure. .
Flaisslu. 135
Tallow. '1 10
New Advertisements.
Great Bargains ! !
N order to make room for our spring supplifji
we have commenced from to-day to sell off
our Stock of ready made Winter Clothing, at or
iginal cost and invite our customers and the pub
lic in general who are in want of warm clothing,
to favor us with a call, Old Boreas" has not
quit us yet for this winter, and in consequence
we will probably have soma cold weather yet,
whereat thick Overcoats will do us signal service.
Even if not needed st the moment people will
find it advantageous to supply themselves before
hand, as we hold nut a food oppertunity now to
all. Cold blustering spring is long yet and even
through summer thick Overcoat will come han
dy sometimes. v We have a choice lot on hand
yet snd respectfully Invite our patrons lo call at
Cheap Clothing Store,
Market Street, opposite Ihe Post Office.
N. B. We Will continue as heretofore lo sell
all goods io our line as reasonable aa possiblo
still adhering to our old motto
Sunbury, Feb. 18, 1854.
To the Honorable ihe Judges of the Court of
Quarter sessions for the'eountv of Northum
berland :
The umlnraigncd petitioner respectfully solicits the Hon.
Court to grant him a license tu keep en Inn or tavern at
his ukl stand in Ixiwer Augusta.
tVR Hie undersigned cilirens of the tpwrohlp of
!over Auguittli, being acquainted wilh the Petitlioner,
do certify that he is of Rfit repute for h-ineaty ami
temperance, end thru he is well provided with h mac room
and other coitvcnicneee I'm- the aceommodntion of strangers
and traveller!, and that as Inn or uiveru there is necessary
or the accommodation of trnnpera nnd travellers,
Abin. SliipmaD, Jacob R. Clnrk, Christopher T. M.
N wnmn, Wm. A. Ktmbh, John Sterner, Daniel D. Connid,
Philip Ootschnll, Christian Yordy. Suinucl Sliive, John
Vordy, John Schmicli.
Ixiwer Auguita, Feb. IS. !?"t 3t.
TEAMS, on sections 18 and 10 of the Cat
tawissa, Williamsport & Erie Railroad, 8 miles
west from Danville, 6 miles cast from Milton,
and 7 miles from Northumberland. Steady
employment and the highest wages will be given.
Cattawissa, Feb. 18, 1854 4t.
7 , mm wv r
t vuii, .ii.m; x, Co-,
Flour, Gram end Lumber '
Commision Merchants,
23 niitl 15 Spear's Wharf,
John Clark, Esq , President Citizens' Bank, Bait.
. 1 . Giles, Lei., Cashier Urauklin liank, "
John Ilurtzlcr' Jr., Esq., Philadelphia.
Rogers, Sinuickson Cv Co., "
J. Tome, Esq., President Cecil Bank, Port Dc-
J. Wallowcr & Son Harrisburg.
Col. II. C. Eyer, Selinsgrove.
J. H. App & Co., "
Nagle, Wingate ft Co., Milton.
W. W. Cooke, Esq., Muncy.
Simon Schuyler, Esq., '
Georjo Bo'dine, Huglisviilc,
W. W'eaver Sc Co., Montoursvillc.
Gen. William F. Packer, Williamsport.
T. W. Lloyd, Esq., Cashier,
James H. Huting, "
Lewis G. Hulin;', "
M'Heury & Bubb, Jersey Shore.
J. P. Huling, Esq., Loci; Huvcu.
IS" Carr, Gicsc it Co. havo the largest, wharf
room of any cominUion house in Baltimore, al
ways giving quick dispatch to boats In discharg
ing their cargoes.
February 11, 1851. 6111.
Valuable Property for Sale
la the Eoronjh of Sunbury !
rS'HE subscriber oll'.-rs for sale the following
ii. property in the Borotit'Ii of Sunbury, viz :
And two contijrious Lots of Ground, 1
on me .uum west coiner o. mantel square, now
iL. . r f 1 . c i
occupied by the subscriber us a store and dwel- I
ling. Also:
on the river bank, together with one and a Ira If
acres of ground. Also: a double twe story
Dwelling House and Lot of Ground,
in Elderberry street. Also: six acres of
ground at tho Point, adjoining the Susquehanna,
on which are erected two frame houses wagon
house, &.c. Also:
A House and Lot of Ground
in Cranberry street, near the river, on which lot
are also erected three lime kilns. Also ;
A House and half Lot of Ground,
on the north east corner of Fiver snd Dewlrry
street, occupied by Augustus Clement Also:
Twenty-Three Vacant Lots
on Elderberry street.
Sunbury, Jon- 14, 1854 tf.
1 1 1 North Third Street, below Race,
Manufacturers & Yholesalo Dealers in
Corn Brooms, Looking Glasses, CnrrbiK-e,
Painted lluckets, Clocks, Wicks, Twiiws,
Willow Baskets, Window Similes, Matches,
Cellar Ware, Biiitle Uruihea, liluckiiig,
Wood and Willow Ware nf all kinds, at the
Manufacturers' lowest cash prices.
James Ei-stox, J .no. M. Rows.
Phila., Jan. 21, 1.')4 3m.
A. Farm for Sale,-
TVEAR Sunbury, containing HQ seres,
' which 00 are in cultivation.
Also, to RENT, a large storeroom, in Market
street, Sunbury, now occupied by Messrs Buyers.
Sunbury, Jan, 28, 1S54. 4w.
''IO LET. The house ou Broadway now
occupied by Simon Martz. Apply to
Sunbury, Dec. 31, 1S53. tf.
List of Jurors,
For Adjourned Court, March 6th, 1851.
NoaTHDMBEitLAND Henry J. Renninzer,
iviinam wiison, jatnes vanurke,
Lower Augusta Peter Hoey,
A. K.
Point Charles Morgan, Peter Still, John
Coal Jonas HummuJ, Stephen Eiaen
Lewis David Stahlnccker, Amos T. Beis
sel. Turbvt Anthony Armtr6ng, John M. Ire
land. Milton John IT. Eck, Fredeiick Wilhelm,
Bait ram Galbrailh, Samuel Hepburn.
Uppe Mahanoy- Abraham Geiat, Reily
Baalain, Samnel Ressler.
Chiumcaqve James Reed, Jacob S.
Sunbury Elias Bio.ious, Edward W.
Rusu Abraham Brewer, Wm. D. Gear
hart Delaware James Looney, Cornelius
Rhinerson, Joseph Invin, Abraham Sterner.
Shamokik Jesse Hensyl, Jacob Noecker.
Zisbt Daniel Beckley.
Jackson Jacob Hilbith. - -
Front Street Wire Manufactory.
Sieve, Riddle, Screen and Wire Cloth
No. 46 North Front St , Corner of Coomb's
Alley, between Market and Mulberry
(Arch) Streets, PHILADELPHIA.
ffONTIijUE to manufacture of superior qnal-
ity, I) rasa and Iron Wire Sieves of ail kinds;
Grass and Copper Wire Cloth for Paper Makers,
etc. Cylinders and Dandy Rolls covered in the
beat manner.
Heavy Twilled Wire for Spnrk Catchers,
Sieves for Brass and Iron Founders, Screen
Wire, Window Wire, Safes, Traps, Dish Covers,
Coal and sand screens, dec, Fancy Wire Work
of every description.
Phila., Feb. 4, 1854 3m.
Wholesale Manufacturers and Dealers m
Confectionary of all Kinds,
No. 113 North Third at , below Rare,
rfllE attention of Dealers is requested to an
A examination of their stock, which will be
found at least equal to any in this city. Foreign
Frtii.s of all kinds in season.
IV. 11. Orders by mail or otherwise promptly
attended lo.
Phila., Feb. 11, 1854 3m.
No. 6 South Third Street, below Market,
r"MIE attention of country buyers is cnlled to
JL the extensive assortment of all kinds of
Finished Leather,
Calf Skins,.
Sheep fkins, Ac.,'
constantly oil hand and for sale at reduced
N. B. All kinds of country leather taken in
exchange for Roods.
Phils., Feb. 4, 1851- 3m.
1000 TONS No. 1
Super 1'hosphutc of Lime,
warranted of superior quality, the cheapest
manure in the world. Kirmer and dealers sup
plied at low prices.
Snot) barrels Extra Qunlity Land Plaster, select
ed expicsrfly for its fertilizing quality.
10,110 bushels of same in bulk. 1,009 barrels
Calcined Plaster. 500 barrels Casting Plaster.
100 barrels Dentist Plaster.
This article we oiler in confidence to our cus
tomers, as equul to any imported, and fur superior
to most in the market.
S.000 bags of this superior Guano, for sale at
tho lowest nitirket rales. Also, PiilBgoniuu
Guano, J'oudicttc, Ground Charcoal, ir., &c.
At the Steam Plaster Mills, junction York
Avenue, Crown and Callowhill Streets, Phila
delphia. Phils., Feb. 4, 1S54. 3m.
VTOTICE is hereby aiven I lint a Special
Court of Common Pleas, in and lor the
County of Norlhtirnbfrlatid, 10 commence at
1 lie Court House, in (he borough of Stiuburv.
I Rt 10 o'clock, A. M., on Monday ihe (iili
1 day of Match next, and will continue ONE
Jurors nra requested to be punctual in
Iheir attendance, at the timu appointed
agreeable to their notices.
Given under my hand at Sunbury, the 4ih
day of February, in the year ol our Lord
one Ihoiisntnl ri"ht humlic.l und liflv-liiui,
and Ihe Independence of the L .tiled Stales
of America the 78th.
List of Causes.
; -s-,,,,, ;,. Cour. of Commn Vle f
Northumberland county at Adjourned
Court, on 1st Monday of March, and April
Term, 1651
Henry Khue & Eve his wife v, Jcob Zartmai.1.
Christian Cobcl vi
John Hunter
John L Venger
Christ & McPadden
Reuben Kagcly If Co
1 Bachinan & Markle
v John Haaj
vs Gecrge Bright
vs Susanna Reid
vs John Rosscr If Co
s Ii U Cumuiiugs
Samuel Ewing
P K Fisher vs FUhcr If Zartman
Morris L II allowell vs James Rccd Garnishee
Scull & Thompson vs Same
Bun.ctt Saxlon If 00 vs Hsine
Richard I) Ilritten & co vs Haino
iS'ams vs Same
Jesse Ileusyl vs George W Startze!
Jacob Kline vs Joseph Kline adiu'r
Wm F Wagansallcr vs Kipp Adams llartman
Frick & Vandling ts Yandliug & Vandiiug
Jeremiah Wetzel vs George Carman et al
Peter Kheddv vs Wm August & II Krincr
m I, Cook vs
Commonwealth vs
John C Mcloy vs
Henry Wilhelm vs
Samuel Keidig vs
Alcn Eldcrd vs
Mephen Ellis adm'r vs
Thomas M' Williams vs
George Eckerts adm'r vs
Thomas M Watts vs
Jacob Stitzcl vs
bamuti Jolinscn
George Kckert adm'r
Juhn Weddecomb
Frederick Wilhelm
George Conrad
Wm II Chambeilin
E L Piper
Wilson Hutchinson
Henry Reader
Jacob Rotib
David Gould
Daniel Sehroat vs D H Dreisbach e'. al
Lewis Dewarl's exr vs RiV W Fagcly
Solomon Fngely vs George Fagcly et al
Case for Sweeny & Caldwell vs Saml A Lridy
Wm Furnian vs Charles Gosslcr
Wm Wainright vs E S Trego If co
David Herbal vs O W Freese
Solomon Knouse vs Isaac Ucidlespach
David H olden & wife vs Geo Vonkins admr et al
Win Tracy vs Kobins cfc Wilhelm
Wm P Marr vs John Baily
David Walter vs same
White l( Mervine vs Bowers Goth co
Win H Frymire vs John Miller.
Benjamin Barnhart vs J PShultz
F Jordan & co vs Bcnj Grilfey
Abrm Brosious admr vs Jacob Kabcl
same same
John Taggart et al vs James D Barr
David Waller vs David Waldron
Bank of North' d vs John M Wagoner
Barbara Bower's guardian vs Chas A Kutz
Catharine Yoris vs " Hummel 4- Vandling
Jacob Kline vs McGran & Barry
R Hays et al for Frymire va John Miller
Jonas Weaver vs Eve Weaver
James Cameron vs Chas A Kutz
James Covert vs James Tharp's admr
Seatholiz for Renn vs Abm barvis et al
Daniel Druckemillcr va
James D Smith ts
John rollmer's exrs va
Jacob Seasholti
James Cameron
Jacob Deeler's Exts
Jacob Wbeeland St to vs J F Granger et al
R D Cumnitggs vs Henry Wolsey st al
Hannah Zehnder & co ts James Bryson
Joseph Long vs . Geo C McKee
LeviMalin vs E '.V Graham
Wm F N4gls . vs same
Geo P Camp vs John Christophel
Joseph Long vs Geo C McKee
Hulcheson for Kuts & Bound vs J P Shults
Geo P Camp vs Saml Stahlnccker et al
Beni Hummel ts John 8 Snyder
Sol Dunkelberger ts John Bowen
Farley Fisher ts Wm D Gcarhart
Prothont tary's Office. J
ISunburv, February II, 1831. (
The British Quarterlies
LKONAftD SCOTT ft CO , New York, continue to
Ke-huulith ths lollowtug BjHish periodicals, via:
. s . (Conservative.)
...... (Tory)
i H1" '"nT"' "i,1 "" of Kiuopwin alTnlrs will muter
i? pa'-'tnaii'sw niimmlly mrrrrMine. thirii.(t tUt yrar
i -J,Vi- . y ""'"I'V a ninlitie cmmul between the
hastily wriitMicws;liMn.,, nn.1 flying
'"' "f llwA.Hr Jonrnsl, m..l r(.e pomlero., Thiiie uT
ii ",nre,,"",r'". writt an the IMn Interest and
if.U . "(. " n ,l','ra'1 "" I""H !" mmed
ihT?.; !.. ,f" ''"'"d'-alslliat rmrlera must l .k lor
1 V i,"1t,,''l" "lid reliable hi.,iy ..f rnrrenl
i!'. I "." ',", I" "'lihtinn to the.r ,vell.cstal,li.lI
, iJl'"' '. "V"1 'l'-pic"l clnrnrtM. we urre them
upon lh.-c..,ilTO.t ,f I lie redinr public.
.,-Tr""''"?:" .IT '", I"'""" fr the receipt of early
IlHi?. ! "' l,,l,lrhl,'"'lll'cm.ivWl,h,l. we shall m
I m T . ' L ""mi"!" In Ihe Ir.n.H ..f aubn-nlien.,
n i" ,,!"r,""",,"'r' ' '"rni.he,l with the foreign
o, r rt A".T' Wi" i"v"lve vr" '"T" """"V
.... . .,, ...tea tie iiuruioiuri, VIZ t
For any one of Ihe four ltevle
For iiny livo ,.f ihe four HVriewa
For any three of Ihe four Reviews
for all f. ur ollhn Iteyirwa
For H!ai k-o.l' MncniiuK
For HbipkU'itri anil liiree Reviews
For lilackwooil and Uie four Uevieu-i
Prr sun.
M 00
S 110
7 un
s 00
it no
ti no
Payments In be made in o.' anna sTfs.n
10 00
JIoiie.i rnrrenl in the State uhere issued trill
vc rrcrn-rn or par.
e",Ti'C '"'e",5:;nve l"r ("" ' alva ,,ri
Z ' 10 C f "r .a- mora . , ,iea
of any one or more ,1,1 l ie almve works. Thus- Foiir
eo,.,e. of Hl,kw.-,l, or lieview will i ,.t
uliickwood lor f:M; anil , u,,.
Inallthe rrin.-;rnl Cities ai:H Towns, these work, will
lie ilchverrl, Irroui;!. Ai-.nHa, Fltl'.l-: OF I'US'l'ACiF.
hen sent hy mail, the I'.ntHgc t . uy purl of the l. nitet
Mates will lie but T elMy-Four li l.t a your fur
"lllnek wood," and hut lAttlve tents a year lor each
of the Reviews.
ItrmitUuees and c 'mnnmii alions should always lo
adilreswd,, t-. the Publishers,
N. H. 1. S. tic Co. I mVe rcpfntlv publinhed. mid bnv
IMW foF ile. Ilia 'KAHAli:it,i 01iK,;, Lv llmry tn.
iWitiiri, o lliulitirgti, uii'l Pro.. Noricn, of Yale Collr-pt),
New Hnvn,0'miielc in two vuIf, roynlot'tnvu, ctH'tunnnp
ItHrO pK', 1 1 ftiic nnd GOO Wtfd engraving. Trice in
mufllin tiniitiiig, f0.
IV This work in H(T the nh) Bmk of Ihe Fnrin,1
lately Kicuscitateo hih! thrown upon tho Market.
New York, Jan. lis, I54
Ii BAD, ZlWc
MAKCFArTl llltn T.V
Represented by Lewis, James Sf Co.,
133 South Front Street,
Orders thankfully rcceiveil punctually oliend
eil to, (Tuarunteed to fjive KatislHrtion, ami ottered
for sale 011 the most lihcral terms.
For samples nnd parlirulurs, please address as
Phila., Jan. 21, 185-1. 3in.
skw.iocs. WINDOW SHADES, n.w. tTix..
A 1 A N L' FACT Vli'. US
III AViiulow Sliiulfs,
Soitth-ucst corner of Second and Arch Streets,
(JJLX'II as (iotliu's LaiuUeapes, lSotdcrs, Vas.-.,
br rulcs, lioqucts,
Of the most beautiful designs and perfection of
finish in this eotinliy, nnd ut such
As tochallentre all rompetition. liufl unJ White Cambrics, Tnssels, t'aril.j, Brasses,
&cM in every variety, for L'ily or Country '1'rade.
We invito un examination of our stock, at the
Depot, South-west comer of Second atid Arch
streets, Philadelphia.
January 2S, 18ft 1. 5ni.
A Chance for Good Bargains ! !
JOHN BL'YEUS & Co., will eel!, during the
winter, at cost, for c?sh or country produce,
their extensive stock, consisting of
Groceries, Hardware,
and the other numerous nnd vuluaMe articles
they hate at their store in Sunhury. Intending
to tcminale their mercantile business in the
spring, they arc ready to accommodate till that
time tho public in general wilh tirst-rnte goods at
cheap prices. The winter will soon be over, and
spring will shortly be here, therefore call as soon
as possible, mid proeuro good bargains Country
produce taken in exchange, and "kash" not re
fused. Sunbury, Dec. 31, 1853 if.
Commercial Institute,
140 Chestnut Street,
riAHli branches taught are
Open Daily, and on Tuesday, Wednesday
and Kriduy Evenings of each work
Thila., Jan. VS, 1F5-1 3m.
New and Fashionable Ooods ! !
ranilitouablo Tailor,
Deer Street, one door north of C. J. Bruncr't
Law Office, Sunbury.
HAS just received from Philadelphia, the best
and most desirable stock of tiooda that has
ever bcru brought to Sunbury, such as
Consisting in part of black, brown, green, olive
and blue.
A splenJid assortment of
. v ID sj :L il a ii b a 9
such as satin, velvet, Gienadine silks, plu.h vcl
vets, cashmere, Valencia, and s splendid article
of white Grenadine for wedding vests. Also--all
descriptions of cloth for
An extensive variety of plain snd fancy cassi.
mors for pantalcons. Common goods for coats,
pants and vests, coat bindings and cordings ; a
superior article of
of the latent style, plain snd fancy black cravats,
hosiery, suspenders, shirt collsrs, silk undcrshiits,
drawers, men's drab buck-lined chamois and
other gloves, and trimmings of every description.
Also on hand a few articles of
warranted to be equal to his customer work and
su-ierior to Philadelphia manufacture. All per.
sons buying ready mads clothing of ma can havs
them reapaired gratis in case of ripping or giving
out. ss I warrsnt all my articles
I return my thanks to ths public for their pre.
vious patrunaga snd respectfully solicit s contin
uance of ths same. As I am ik tennirisd not to Is
undersold, my goods will ba disposed of on ths
moat reasonable terms for cash.
Smibury, 'ot. SB, 1H53.
Look to your Interests !
W will try to pleast If ,
Q"p E8PECTFULI.Y- informs his friends and
the public generally, that lis nas just re
ceived at his store, in Market street, Suiibnrr,
below Weaver s Hotel' an sxtenrivs stock of
. consisting in part nf
Dry Goods, riz :
Cloths, Cassimeres, Cassinets, Jeans, Drilling;
Muslins, Vestings, Linens, i'c.
Calicoes, Muslin it Lnins, Leyens,
Oinqhams, Beragcs, Rvhts,
. Woelent, Flannels, Ifc.
Sugar, Teas, Coffee, Rice, Molasses, Cheese,
Spices, Salt, ice., Ac, Ac.
Xaile, Screws Files, 8uws, Knives A Forks, Ac.
Queens and Glatsware,
of various styles and patterns.
BOOT3 AND 82X0X33.
A large assortment of IJonts and Short, for
men, women and children. '
IIsts Cats, Ac., of vsiious sizes and styles.
Itesiilrs a largo nnd gennral assortment of
fashionable goods. Call and examine for your
selves. t-3J" r . ,
country proutice 01 all kinds taken in
exchange at the highest market jinces.
Sunbury, 1 ljiio. 20 1851 4 m. 30, 'S3.
Fail and Winter Goods.
J. F. & I. r. KLINE,
1.W J-LI.I.Y announce to their friends
' and tie public in central, that tl,n. I,....
received at their Old Slund. in Upper Augusta
township, Northumberland countv, Pa., their
t all an J W inter Ooods, und opened" to the public
a full assortment of
Painaldl I nr. in ....- f ,., . 1 ... .
-...... rt ... p.,,, , , loins, tuacK and fanrv
I K .I'...mI. V1! , ., . .
, lunula, iuccks, and
all kinds of Winter Wear.
Also a splendid assortment of
Ladies Dress Goods.
Calicoes, Ginghams, Muslin de Laines. Plaid
Cashmeres, Do leges, Merinos, Bav atate
Long Shawls, Ac.
Also a fresh sunnlv of firnrerivi -r .11
Hardware and Quernsware, a fresh supply
of Drufrs and Medicines.
Wooden Ware.
Also a large assortment of Boots and
Shoes, suitable for Men, Women and
Children. Hats and Caps, such
as Silk, Panama, and other
Hats. Suit, Cheese, Ac.
Call and ticc.
Cheaper than the (.'hrancst.
f which will be sold for
or iu ex- j
change) for country produce, at the highest market '
Upper Augusta, Nov. 5, 18S3. ly Al 30.
Clothing Manufactory,
OF S. SHNURMAN & CO., TanviUe, Pa.
VT'E jespcctfully announce to the citizens of
" Kuiibury and vicinity, that we have a
complete stock of
of every style and quality, to which we invite t'uc
nttctjn of purchasers. Our asxortment con
sists, in part, of. Fancy over-coals, Main over.
coats. Dress coals, Frock mid Sack coals. Mon
key Jackets, Pants and Vests, plain and fancy!
Linen and Muslin Shirts, Under-shirts, Drawers,
and over-wholes.
Also, Gloves, Stockings, Neck and Pocket
Handkerchiefs, Woolen and Silk Hals, Cloth
and Oilcloth Caps, Shoes, Boots, tiailers, Slippers
and Carpet Bags and Trunks, L'inbrs.las-snd
very thing ponerall kept in a well supplied
clothing and gcntlcmans' furnishing store. We
keep also a good assortment of
Accordeons, Jewelry, Ear Rings,
Finger Rings, Gold and Silver Psncils,
Lockets, all warranted to be good.
We sell at the lowest cash prices 5 for our
motto in,
"Small Profits and Quick Sales."
We have but one priet and no abatement, so that
a person is sura to get tha worth of his moiiev.
whether he is a judge or tho goods or t. If
any article does not give satisfaction as to fit, we
will take back tho goods and refund the money,
provided they are returned on tho same day they
wcro purchased, when the purchaser resides in
town, and iu 0110 week, when he resides in the
country. Price the same as at the Danville
XV Call and accure the Bargains.
Sunbury, Oct. 8, 1853 tf
BiTtioi.ow. 0. tirriM-.ja. j. .cUAaoa
liartliolow, Tin any i$ Co.
Forcigsi ami Domeafic
No, 268 Baltimore Street,
If our Goods on examination, are not as cheap
as they can be bought in any other market they
may be returned forthwith at our expense.
Dallimoie, Nov. 2C, 1853. ly.
For Sale ! !
npiIE subtcriber oilers at private sale his house
and lot of ground, situate in ths Borough of
Sunbury, on the north wct corner of Fawn and
blackberry streets, now in the occupancy of Jas.
Ucard, Esq. The house is a two story .
iu good order snd condition. For terms apply
lo the subscriber, at tho Forks of the Plum Creek
and Tulpuhuckcn road.
January 7, 1854. 3m,
461 3fnr( street, below 13A, north side,
Phila., Jan.-28, 1S54. ly.
The News ol how the War
v Between the Turks and liutsims
Ci OES 011 is not of so much -interest to ihe
JS inhabitants of Sunbury and its vicinity as
lb tact that
I. W. TEN Ell k CO.
havo brought up this weak from Philadelphia a
large, beautiful and varied atock of goods, which
they will sell cheap as beu tufore. They respect
fully request their fiienda and ths public to rail
and see them.
Surrhury, P., Dec. 3, 1853.
a UEENSWARE.-Beautiful sets of Tea
war, iu China, 8toos China and Delf,
Dinner snd Supper Dishes of all kinds, Toilet
8sls, eovored Dishes, China Fruit liasksts snd
Ornaments, Fluid Lamps, Lanterns, Glassware
in varieiy, and Tumblers from 6) cents upwards,
just received and for sahi bv
Dee. 10, 134. I. V'. TENER V CO.
olio way's Ointment.
This extmorilinary L'tirntnt Is n rnposett of ths Smst hrl
ing ftahams, suit wlten aaed in aceorilaiiott wtlk las
directions which scctiinranv esi:h pot, will hisais cures
vvhuii all other iirsnns lull Csaar of !lif i't oVanarats
Skill disuaaea readily yirlil to its rfficary. It is laoiotis
wlimi usad in cities of Ooul, KhsiimatMin. Coittrsetsrl of
KtilT Joinis. tu Aslhinss it will do wouilsra it well rub.
bed iniotlie tkesl.
Copy of u letter from J. Noble, Esq , Mayor
0 Boston, Lincolnshire.
To 1'lolVssof HOLLOWAT,
Deitrrir. Mrs. flarsh Dixon nf Street,
tn, has this day depoasd hefoie rae that I'll ernidrr!4
pan t ahe was Mvirr l- afDiMad wilh Scrofaloss rVircs snd
L k-rs in her anna, frat, less, and otliar rts 01' her bod, 1
and although ths first of msdiral adrh-e was ohuinsd at
the coat or a bres tnm of money, she obtained so abata
ment of mitTrrinf , but rudaallv grtw worse.
Urine rerommenileil hv a friend to trv vonr fllnlment.
lie procured a small not, and a box of the f'illa. ami hefnee
that Whs all used, symptoms ol snirndTirnl sp)eartl Df
narsrveriiiir with Ihe medicines for a short time lower.
accord inn to the directions, and strictly adhering- to nur
Mile na to diet, AVc., sho was perfectly cared, anil now
enjoys the best ol hiilth.
I remain, IJeor ?r. yours trnir.
Dsteil Angiut I-Jth, 1803 (Signed) J. sliDLL.
Knvsn-iii.As in Tin: 1,1.0, aftku medical aid
had faii.i:u.
Cfipu of a letter from Mrs Elizabeth Yaies.
of the Post Office, Aldwick Road, near Bognar,
Susicx, dated Jan. 12l. 1853.
To Trfifessor Hoixowai,
Sir. I suffered for a considerable period from a serrra
attiick- in KitaliKlaa, which al lenjlli selllnj in my lee, and
rami' ml all medical treatment. Aly siilTarinrs were very
sriut, and I quite deamoed m any pi-rnianent aniendment,
when I was advised to hnve iwiihh to mr ninimMii
I and t'-lla. I did a 1 without dehv. and am lunnv to aav
thatesnlt was eminently stircrasful, f ir Ihey effected a
radical cure nt mv lex and restored me to the eujoynient of
heslih. I shall ever speak with the utmost confidence of
your medicines, and haue reniinmeuiled Ihem to others iu
this nrighlmrhoud snnilurly slUlctcd, who deiivsd enual
1 am. Sir. your obliged and fsitl.ful Pervnnl.
iH" !''' f1,0"'d u"e, m"j 'inily with Ihe
l mpil of the fullowmx cases :
Ban ir,, CI.ii-xo.foot,
H-.d, Chilblains,
Burns, Chopped bands,
Bmuoni corn. (Soft)
Bile 01 Moeclie- Camnjia
toes Sn,,d. Flies, Cnotrncted and
C icikbav, ,, in,,.
Gtnuiiutar Iwelhnf ,
hlephsntlssis, Sire Nipples,
fin-diieases, S-urvy,
ruinou.s, fleers,
S ld at the EsuUiahmeut of rrofeir Hoiuv
S raw, (,,,,, I ample Bur, lndon,) and also at
WT, t4l
V. . , T
ard it It, ,11. ......7 oi" aiatea, sfldras-
" c I t' .
.. 11 .1 1 v. ' " ' "r"' win leceive due attention
ti n ! .? r "! ' r'C"'"'l," "'?!i "d Dealer? in M ed.
icnei llironthout the United States, in Boxes nt 374 cent!
R. cents, d 81 ..) cent, each To h, had Whiles.'! '
the prinei.l Drug llous. in the Unhui. nam
rzX. Tll"e 0"'ucr"l)1 aaviiif by taking the Urges
Decemlier ii4, lt-5a, ly.
Clock Watch makers.
BTAVE just opened a Clock and Watchmaker
Jl-B shop iu the building lately occupied by J.
M. Simii-ion, near Tener i Co's Store,
111 Market Street, Sunbury, Pa.,
'herc they have opened, and will keep constantly
0,1 ,1"n',
GLZ3 l!LaB SC3 BTIi 9
Silver & Gold Watches, etc.
AU.o, Jewelry,
ConsLting -f Gold Breast-pins, Ear and Finger
Rings. Medallions, CulT-pins. Ladies ic Gentle
mans' gold and silver pens nnd pencils. Also,
Silver and pluicd Tea and Table spcons, salt
spoons, butter knives. Sic.,
Of all siiea, suiting every age. Spy Glasses,
Pocket Hooks, of all sizes. Razors, Hair Uil, Re
vulers, und other pistols, Brushes, Combs, Soap,
i!Lc., Sic. Also, a large stock of
Musical Iiiati timenl I
amongst wh'uh are Accordeons, Violins, Flutius,
Fifes, Flutes.
Trunks umbrellas, suspenders. All sizes of rea
dy made bhirts and Collars ; all of which will Is
sold cheaper than has ever been heretoforo sold in
Clocks, Watches, Ear and Finger r.ings
repaired in the best manner and cf tha shortest
buubury, Oct. 15, 1853. Sra.
Consumers, look here ! !
UESPECFFl'M.Y informs the citizens of
Sunbury and vicinity, that he has just re
ceived and opened at his new store, in Market
street, Sunbury, a handsome, assortment of
Fall and Winter Good
consisting in part of
Cloths, Cassiincrs, Cassinets.
of all kinds, of linen, cotton and worsted.
C&llcoct, GingliaiMS, I.awtis,
Mousscliiic Do Lalnei
and all kinds of Ladies Dress Goods.
GROCEr.lES or every variety.
Also au assortment of Hardware. Iron
and Steel, Nails, &o.
Also an excellent assortment of
QUEENSWARE, of vaiious styles and
Also an assortment of HOOTS & SHOES.
HATS k CAPS, a good selection.
Salt, Fish, cNc.
AnJ a great variety of other articles such as sra
suitable to the trade, all of which will be sold st
ths lowet prices.
IV Country produce taken in exihaiiS a
the highest pri-s.
Sunbury, Nov. 12, 1863 ly.
R. JOHN CLARK respectfully iuforinshis
friendu and customers that he has taken
into nartnershiu. Mr. Henry
Parton, and that the business 0.
will, hereafter, be conducted un
der the firm of Clark & Parton.
at the old atand, west of Ira T. Clement's Store,
in Market street, Sunburv.
N. B. Persons indebted to the subscriber sis
informed that his books sra in ths hands of G.
M. Yoiks, Esq., for settlement.
Sunbury. Dec 3. 1853. tT
No. ie -Yoi (A U st,S.E Cor. of Vine,
11 E aubscritwr takes this method of informin;
Country Merchants and til public ?ctioriUjf.
that bo has re moved from 158 to Ilia latj and
commodious stoic 1150 Nonm Third sticet,anl
replenished it wilh an extensive and wull seiecled
slock of Confectionary, Fruits, tie-, which be is
coufidcut ha can olfur U purchases, wholesale
and retail, nt satisfactory rates.
PhiUda., Deo. 17. 1853. 3m.
ATS AND CAPS A splendid lot of
tUshionablo Silk. Wool and Fur Hats,
also CUth, Fur, Oilcloth, Navy and Military
Caii for sale low by
Market street, oppaeils lha Post OfHc.
Sunbury, OcU 8, ISM
SCHAWLS Broche, Thiissl and Woolen In
J grsl variety Blank and Fancy Dress ilk,
Siik lacs, velvet and otl.r Trimruiinrs, Worked
collars. unJ.r-slcevs. ahiruasetw, cufls. just rt.
etived ...J for sal. by I. W. TENEK 4
Sunburv. Xee. 10, Ii".