Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, February 25, 1854, Image 1

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SI jFiimtty iirtospnpcv-Dc)0tc5 to DolMcs, flftcrnturr, stwamjj, iforuun aim Domcstfc iicus, ScTcnce aim the outs, ftflrfeulturr, fliarltets, eimuscmcnts, Set
EW SERIES, VOL. 6, NO. 49.
OLl SERIES, VO'L. 14, NO. 23.
dlK AMERICAN I. published every Batunlar nl
VU DOLLARS per nnum to be paid half yearly in
arte. No paper discontinued until all arrwragta are
til communications or lettera on business relating to
"nice, to insure attention, mast Be ro l r Aiu.
ree ooplel to one address, ff S 00
ea Do Do 10 00
Uen Do Do SO 00
ive dollars in advance will pay for three year's aub-
puoii to ine American.
e Snunre of 10 lines, 9 tiinea,
ry subsequent inaertion,
e &riiare, 3 months,
imefls Cards of Five lines, per annum,
Tenants and olhera, advertising by the
ear, with the privilege of inserting
iflfcreut advertisementa weekly.
f larger Advertisements, as per agreement.
B usiness attended torn tlie Counties of Nor
unUcrlund, Union, Lycoming and Columbia.
Refer tot
P. & A. Kovoudt,
Lower & Barron,
ISomcrs & 8tiodgrass, ' Philad.
Keynotus, jucrarianu oc jo.,
Spcrmg, Good &, Co:,
Office opposite the Court House,
iuntrary, Northumberland County, Ta.
?rompt ultenlion to business in adjoining
SUxBl!!tY, PA.
Dec. IS. 1851 tf.
December 4, 1S52. tf.
FFICE on Broadway, near the Episcopal
Church, Sunbiiry.
Sunbury, May 14, 1S3.L tf.
N. M. Xcwnam's
alttfs Roic, Norwegian street, rultsville,
Piiiiiibiiig Mioj),
ply of all sizes of Lead Pipe, Sheet Lead,
)ck Tin, Bath Tubs, Shower Baths, Hydrants,
se, Double and Single Acting Pumps and Wa
Closets; also, all kinds of Brass Cocks for
t.-r and steam. Brass Oil Cups, and Globes
Engines. All kinds of Copper Work and
milting dune in the neatest manner at the
rtcst notice.
V. B. Cash paid for old Brass and Lead.
ioltsvilc, Aug. 27, 1853. ly
v ONF1DEXCE can be plnrud, to the fullrst extent, in
the uto ttf tlie Sitpportkb nf Mil. IJett nf Pliila
rlelphifi. 8-j inrniy tliousund cuflea arc known of entire
H oi Lnfiic from the most intense patn nt' boily und
tiety of mind, arising from tne use f other applicati on
t reputation whatever. He ware oiiiiUi!, glass nprinps
ill kinds, and eluatic preparations, the tendency of which
injure the patient, is hut too well known to mnny euf
era and physicians To nvid hII Counter nets, apply
a mally or by letter to Mrs. It , No. 30! Walnut Street ;
imine her Signature on euch Supporter, and her United
tea Copyright labels on rach 1kx. Her Stippoitera are
icli-meit by a afandinp of ') yenra and nlf by tlie FacuU
conatstiut; oa the highest nn.nes in the United Sutei.
kixd by Mail vrf.e. Pkices modehhte. Address,
iokile or retail orders, to JAS. UKTTS, Agent, No
Walnut Street, Philadelphia.
?hiln., October 1, U&3. tlY
.Market Slrect,
fl'ST received and for sale, a fresh supply of
8iiiKinR Schools. He is also opening at
is time, a large assortment of" Hooks, in every
inch of Literature, consisting of
Poetry, History, Novels, Komances, Scientific
'orks, Law, Medicine, School and Children's
oks, Bibles; School, Pocket and Family, both
til and without Engravings, and every of vari
I of Binding. Prayer Books, of all kinds.
Also just received and for sale, Purdons Di
pt of the laws of Pennsylvania, edition of 1851,
ice only $r,00.
Judge Heads edition of Blackstones Common
'ics, in 3 vols. 8 vo. formerly sold at 910,00,
d now ofl'ered (iu fresh binding) ut the low
ire of 86,00.
A Treatise on the laws of Pennsylvania re
ecting the estates of Decedents, by Thomas F.
irdon, price only $1,00.
Travels, Voyagea and Adventures, all ol
uch will be sold low, either for cash, or coun
' produce.
February, 31, 1853 tt.
Shamokin Town Lots.
nilF subscriber is now nrepaied to exhibit and
- dispose of Lots in the new Town-Plat of
hamokm. Persons desirous of purchasing can
irertain the terms and conditions of sale by
tiling on the subscriber, at Shamokin.
Shamokin, Oct. 15, 1853. tf.
Store, 29 N. 3d street
Morocco Manufacturers, Curriers, Importers,
ommision and General Leather Business.
(7" Manufactory 15 Margaretta Street.
Ph'la., August 20. 1853 ly.
tf It'll ACL. TRACY, Wholesale Deal
YH. er in Confectionary, Fruits and Groceries,
o. 204 MARKET Street, a bova sixth, south
de, next door to Red Lion Hotel, Philadelphia
Phils., Oct. 29, 1853 3m.
HESH Vanilla Bean of a superior quality
- just received and for aala by
Juue. 1854 H. B. MA8SER. '
NK Boureau'a celebrated ink, and also Con
. gres ink for sale, wholesale and retail by
December 28. 18S0. H B- MA8SBR.
JJIIOES All kindi of Boots Sheet and slip.
5 pers for Ml by
Market attest, opposite the Post OrEoa.
Bburv.Oct (, 1853.-.
ffuubury, 1881-''
Although we do not rank ourselves with
those tvho mako an interminable clatter
about the importance and potency of Ihe
presv, we must confess that the sentiments
embodied in the annexed stanzas copied
from ihe Fall Hiver .MontYor, elicM our hearty
admiration. They remind us of en old bal
lad wriilen upwards of eighty years ago, by
Sir Lorell O'Neil. The author of the poem
we copy from the Fall Itiver Monitor, is a
man of unquestionable talent.
the pmisTisa mess. .
The Printing Pre??, there is mighty power
In the flap of its iron wing;
It finds its way to the peasant's bower,
And the palaces of the king.
It scatters the germs of death, or life;
Like dew drops over the land ;
And sooths to peace or wakes to strife,
As with a Inlismamc wand.
Wlint glorious things achieved have been,
By a Iree and glorious press,
Telling earth's crushed ones how and when,
For their wrones to seek redress
Iiirh treasure from minpsof my mystio lore,
'Mori" the nations hath it spread ;
And tomes of science, scaled of yore,
To the million open made.
What a waking up of slumbering mind,
Fiotn Ihe glimmering dreamy pasl,
Has the press achieved, to bless mankind,
Since Ihe twilight days of Fanstl
The flashings of mind on mind have thro'
Its opening portals rushed,
Till powers nnparnllel'd and new
Like floods o'er lh world have gtish'd.
It shakes the. cnrlain of olden lime,
Behind which the. Genii hide,
And the imps away to a darker clime,
Like snow in n sunshine slide.
With usages old, and gray, and stalk,
I? Grapple and down they fall,
As D.icon fell down before the Ark
Or the God of Israel.
O, the Pre.s hn'.h its sweet and bitter rills,
For missions of good or ill
It warms to life or it blights and kills,
At the operator's will.
It stamps the leaves with words, whose
Like a burning lava flows
Or, a henlih. reviving, balmy breath,
Thrs' ihe'leiUuM page it flows.
The Printing Press bnth a potent power,
To judgement tho Judge it brings:
It scorns nnd rebuked, and triumphs o'er,
The prido and the pomp of kings,
The. tytant shrinks from the withering ire,
Of its thousand, thousand tongues;
As it pours the volumes of its scorching fire,
From its tireless iron lung.
The sword to which tottering despots cling,
Shall be shivered by the press,
That ways in its royal robes Ihe king,
The boor in hi homespun dress.
Thero is might to loosethere is might to
In the touch of its magio rod
And it moves on the mess of the human
With the powers of a demi-god.
The lady fairthro' lh stilly liouis
Of the softly waning night,
Is tranced by the fascinating powers
In i's tales of love, and liiilil.
The studious youth the midnight oil,
Spends o'er its lessons sage ;
And the hoary man, tho' bowed with toil,
Cons ovet the mystic page.
O, the mammoth modern Printing Press,
It can bend a nation's will;
Awaken 1o ire, or rnge suppress,
With the trickling of a quill.
Commissioned with burning, truthful words,
From a powerful, caustic pen ;
'Twill turn ihe.edge ol a thousand swords
Beard the lion in his den.
Then it battles bravely to seeure
Man's equal rights to man ;
It scares the oppressors of the poor,
With its fearless, withering ban.
O, sno:i may its undivided powers,
With. resistless moral might,
Shed o i the thirsty nations, showers
Of tinih, and love, and light.
That wur, with blood red fangs may gloat,
O'er heaps of slain ho more ;
Nor through Ihe cannon's sulphurous throat
Send forth its thundering roar.
That hushed, clash of arms may cease,
Around a Dlond-staineU world;
That mon may everywhere in peace,
see freedom a nag untuned.
O, the Printing Piess, when men of worth
shall all its powers control ;
Like streams in desert shall break forth,
' Men's notilest power of soul ;
And vice with all her haggard train,
Ashamed shall hide the head,
And Elen-like o'er eaith again,
Primeval bliss wilt spread.
Then ho ! lor a free, unshackled Press,
With its thunderbolts to bear,
On the bulwark of umighteousuess
And oppression everywhere.
Till men shall freely fraternize;
And hollowed offerings brine,
To welcome from the upper skies,
Their everlasting king.
"Tell me," was the" language of the an
cienls," tell me not how a man live but
how he Jim before 1 canjudge of him."
Beleiving there i much practical wisdom
in this saying, and that a powerful antidote
for infidelity may be hart in an exhibition
of it legitimate fruit, we take from the
U. S. Catholic Magazine the following ex
tract from a letter of Bishop Fenwick to
hi brother at Georgetown College
A short time before Paine died, 1 va
tent for by him. He wa prompted to thi
by a poor Catholic woman, who went to
tee him io hi tick new ; and who told him
among otber things, that, in hi wretched
condition, if any body could do hire pood
it would be a Roman Catholic priest. Thi
woman waan American convert, (former
ly a Shaking Quakereie) whom I bad re
ceived into the church but a few week
before. She was the bearer of the messaze
to me from Paine. I slated this circum
stance to F. Kohlmann, at breakfast, and
requested hi in to accompany me. After
some tolicitation on' my part, he agreed to
Uo so ; at which I was greatly rejoiced,
because 1 wai at the time quite young and
inexperienced in the ministry, and was glad
to have his assistance, as I knew, from the
great reputation of Paine, that I should
have to do with one ol the most impious as
well a inlamou ol men.
We shortly alter rl out for the house,
at Greenwich, where Paine lodged, and on
our way agreed upom a mode of proceeding
witn mm.
We arrived at the house ; a decent look
ing elderly woman (probably his house
keeper) came to the door, and inquired
whether we were Catholic priests; "for,"
said the, "Mr. Paine ha been so much
annoyed of late by minister of other de
nomination calling upon him, that he ha
left express orders with me to admit no one
to-day but the clergymen of the Catholic
church." Upon assuring her that we
were Catholic Clergymen, she opened the
door and showed us into the parlor. She
then left Ihe room, and shortly alter re
turned to inform us that Paine was asleep.
and at the same time expressed a wish that
we would not oisturb him : for." said she
"he is always in a bad humor when roused
out of his sleep : 'tis belter to wait a little
till he awake." Wo accordingly sat doWn,
ana resolved lo await a more lavorable
moment. "Gentlemen," said the ladv. af
ter having taken her seat also. I reallv
wish you may succeed with Mr. Paine, for
he is' laboring under frreat distress of mind
eyer since he was informed by his physi- j
cians that he cannot possibly live and must
die shortly. He sent fjr you to-day, be
cause he was told that if any one could do
him good, you might. Possibly he may
think you know of some remedy which his
pnystcians are ignorant nf. Me is truly to
be.pitied. His cries, when he is left alone.
are heart-rending. "O Lord help me '." he
will exclaim during his paroxysms of dis
tress; "God help me! Jesiis'Christ heln
me !" repealing the same expression with
out any, the least variation, in a tone of
voice IhaPwould alarm the house. Some
times he will say, "OGod: what have I
done to suffer so much !" then sho.tly after,
"But there is no God :" And again, a little
after "Yet if there should be, what will
become of me heroalter?" Thus he will
continue for some time, when on a sudden
he will scream as if in terror and agony,
and call out for me by nami. On one of
these occasions, which are very frequent, 1
went to mm and inquired what he wanted.
"Stay with me," he replied, "for God'
sake, for I cannot bear to be alone." I
then observed that I could not alwaya be
with him, as 1 had much to attend to in
the house. "Then" said he, "send even a
child to slay with me, for it is a hell to be
a'one." "I never saw," she concluded, "a
more unhappy, a more forsaken man ; it
seems he cannot reconcile himself to die."
Such was the conversation of the woman
who had received us, and who probably
had been employed to nurse and take care
of him during his illness. She was a prot
e3tant, yet eemed very desirous that we
should afford him some relief in his state of
abandonment, bordering on complete des
pair. Having remained thus some time in
the parlor, we at length heard a noise in
the adjoining room, across the passageway,
which induced us to believe that Mr.
Paine, who was sick in that room, had
awok'e. We accordingly proposed to pro
ceed thither, which was assented to by Ihe
woman ; and she opened Ihe door for us.
On entering we found him just getting out
of his'slumber. A more wretched being
in appearance I never bpfore beheld. He
was lying in a bed, sufficiently decent in
itself, but at present besmeared with filth ;
his look was that of a man greatly tortured
in mind ; hi eyes haggard, his countenance
forbidding, anal his whole appearance that
of one whose belter day had been one
continued scene of debauch. Hi only
nourishment at this time we are informed,
wa nothing more than milk punch, in
which he indulged to the full extent of hi
weak state. He had partaken undoubtedly
but very recently of it, a the side and
corners of hi mouth exhibited very une
quivocal trace ol it, a well a of blood,
which had also flowed in the track, and
left it mark on the pillow. His face, to a
certain extent, had also been besmeared
with iU The head of hi bed was against
the side of the room through which the
door opened : F. Kohlmann having enter
ed first, took his seat on the side near the
foot of his bed. I took my seat on the
ame ide nearer the head. Thus, in the
posture in which Paine lay, his eye could
easily bear on F. Kohlmann, but not on
me easily, without turning hi head.
A toon a we had seated ourselve, F.
Kohlmann, in a very mild tone of voiee,
informed him that we were Catholic
priests, and were come, on hi invitation,
to .ee him. Paine made no reply. After
a short pause, F. Kohlmann proceeded
ihus, addressing himself to Paine, in the
rrencn language, thinking that, as Paine
had been to France, he was probably ac
quainted with that .language, (which wa
jui me lact,) and might understand better
What he saio. a he had at that time a trraf.
er facility, and could express hi thought
ueuer in u man in English.-
"Mons. Paine, j'ai Iu votre Pvre intitule
agt de la Raison, on voue ave altaque
1 ecriture sainte avec una violence, tan
borae. et d'autret d vo ecritt publiea en
r ranee; et je tui persuade vue" Paine
here inteirupted him abruptly, and in a
sharp tone or Tolce ordering him to t'peak
Engl,.h, thu.: "Speal, EngV)lh- ,,, ,'pe.k'
English " F Kohlmann wither .hoirinj
tht least embarrasment, returned hi di
couw, and expressed him.elf near fol
,Iowi after bn interruption, in Englith :
I "Mr. Paine, I have redd your book entilled
!he Ase of Kcast ti. as well as all vonr other
writing against the christian religion, and
am at a loss to imagine how a man of your
good sense could have employed hi talents
in attempting' to undermine what, to say
nothing of its divine establishment, Ihe
wisdom of ages has deemed most conducive
to'llie happiness of man. The christian
religion, sir "
"That' enough, sir, that's enough," taid
Paine, again interrupting him : I sen what
you would be about ; 1 wish to hear no
more from you sir. My mind is made up
on that subject. I look upon Ihe whole ol
the Christian scheme to be a tissue of ab
surdities and lies, and Jesus Christ to be
nothing more than a cunning knave and an
t. Kohlmann here altempled to speak
again, when Paine with a lowering coun
tenance, ordered him instantly to be silent,
and trouble him no mofe. ' I have told
you already that I wish to hear nothing
inuic iroru you."
"The Bible, sir," said F. Kohlmann. still
attempting to speak, "is a sacred and divine
book, winch has stood the test and the
criticisms of abler pens than yours ; pens
which nave mate at least some show of ar
gument, and"
"Your Biblp," returned Taine. "contains
nothing but fables ; yes fables ; and I have
proved it to a demonstration."
All this time I looked on the monster
w ith pity, mingled with indirxnation at his
blasphemies. I felt a decree ci horror at
thinking (hat a very short time he would
be cited to appear before the tribunal of
his God whom he so shockingly blasphemed,
with all his sins upon him. Seeing that
Kohlmann had completely failed in
making any impression upon him, and thai
Pa ine would listen lo nothing that came
from him, nor would even suffer him to
peak, I finally concluded totrv what effect
I might have. I accordingly commenced
with observing: "Mr. Paine, you will
certainly allow that there exists a God,
and this God cannot be indifl'erent to Ihe
conduct and actions of his crratules.'.' 1
will allow nothing, sir," he hastily replied ;
"I shall mako no concessions." "Well,
sir, if you will listen calmly for one mo
ment," said I, "1 will prove to you that
there L such a being ; and I will demon
strate from His very nature that He cannot
be an idle spectator of our conduct." "Sir,
I wish to hear nothing you have to say : I
see your object, gentlemen, is to trouble
me ; I wish you to leave the room." This
he spoke in an exceeding angry tone, so
much to that he foamed at the mouih.
"Mr. Paine," 1 continued, "I assure you
that our object in comins hither was pure,
ly to do you good. We had no other
motive. We have been given to under
stand that you wished to see in, and we
are come accordingly ; because it is a prin
ciple wilh us never to refuse our services
to a dying man aking forlliem. But for
this we should not have come, for we in-v-obtrude
upon any individual."
Paine on hearing this seemed to relax a
little; in a milder tone of voice than he
had hitherto used, he replied ; "You can
do me no good now it is too late. I have
tried diflvrent physicians, and their r nn
dies have all failed. I have nothing now
to expect," (this he spoke with a sigh )
'but a steady dissolution. My physicians
have, indeed, told me as much." "You
have misunderstood me," said I immediate
ly to him. "We are not come to prescribe
any remedies for pour bodily complaints;
we only come to make you an oner of our
ministry for Ihe good of your immoital
eouI, which is in great danger of being for
ever cast olfbv the Almighty, on account
of your sins; and especially for the crime
nf haying vilified and rejected His Son.
raine, on hearing this, was roused into a
fury ; he gritted hi teeth, twisted and
turned himself several time in his bed, ut
tering all the while, the bitterest impreca
tions. I firmly believe such was the rage
in which he was at this time, that ii he had
had a pistol, he would have shot one of ut ;
for he conducted himself more like a mad
man than a rational creature. "Besonp,"
sayt he "and trouble me no more. I was
in peace," he continued, ."til! you came."
"We know .better than that," replied F.
Kohlmann ; we know you cannot be in
peace, there can be no peace lor the wick
ed. God' hat said 1t." "Away with you,
and your God too ; leave the room instant
ly," be exclaimed, "all that you have ut
tered are lies filthy lie ; and if I had a
little more time I would prove it, as I did
about your imposter, Jesus Christ." "Mon
ster," exclaimed F. Kohlmadn, in a burst
of zeal, "you will have no more time.
Your hour has arrived. Ihiuk rather ol
the awful account you have already lo
render, and ask pardon of God, and provoke
no longer bis just indignation upon your
head." Paine here ordered us tgaiti to
retire, in the highest pitch of his voice,
and seemed a very maniac, wilh rage and
madness. "Let us go," said I to I. Kohl
mann ; "we have nothing more to be done.
He leem to be entirely abandoned by
God : further words are lost upon him."
Upon tin wo both withdrew from the
rco.-n and left the unfortunate man to his
thoughts. I never, before or since,' beheld
a more hardened wretch.
Thi you may fely upon it, is a faithful
and correct account of the transaction. -I
remain your affectionate brother.
(Signed) Benedict, Pp. of Boston.
SevcaiL of the leading capitalist of New
York, with Mers. Corcoran, of Washington,
Mr. Vinton, of Ohio, Mr. MoLane, of Bdlti.
more, and other distinguished capitalists, are
making application to the Wisconsin Legit
latura for the charter of the Atlantlo and
Paeifio Railroad Company, who a capital of
fifty millions, to build a railroad from any
point en lha valley of the lakes, Mississippi
or Gulf of Mtiico, to the Ptcifie ocean.
I.HPHHTA?! ! t ilt lUil STATfstttS.
From ihe returns nf the Into census, Her.
Dt. Curbiu tins condensed tin; followine facts
relating to tin; nmi.beruf Chinches, aggregate
accommodating, vuluo of church property,
nnd averiisje valim nf church properly, which
wn copy from the National Magazine:
I lis!
i 8iu,tui,.a si,2i7
9l.'yH' l,(l
7,1173.0m i.t.BI
4;0,730 liJ.flM
ii,eoi,i7u o.mio
Si2.4S.'i U3
I, tim. for p.riM
WVSW) 2.M.1
?iO7.0M) u no-
il,t(!7.-;0 8.3)
4 .SI". e:.fl
I M,'.0.67l 1,174
4l3:)i: 1
14 .TOT 80 3.131
,(?.'!' fc.OliO
lliw.llil 7,210
40.liSi fej
9'W.fWi 1,1 H
!I,2;),I22 1M40
1,707,015 3..170
7-1 1, 160 .Wt
PutHi Hcii'i-tnid
Kpicrojl '
Herman rii'fil
I mhtran
tlonwn C'lhni,
Minor Srfts
1, W-'l,
i:,6 o-i
l! 5,uin.1ti
si5 m
li'- J-TOII J,,!QJl0.n25j?O(l;133
It will bo sren from Ihe above that the
Methodifts are the most numerous and mom
wealthy of all ihe number. Thu Baptist, in
point of numbers, are the next, ami ihe Pies-
hjterians next in wealth, anil very near the
same as the Meihoilists. lint if nil hn
claim to be Prenhylerians, mich as Orthodox
Conaragationalists, Otman Reformed, &c.,b-
ndded, as havo who a re classed as
Methodist, ilioti ihe I'resbytei ian order will
foot up seroml in number, making 3,17-1, 1 1 1
and first in wealth, making $27,3SG,-!C2,
neatly donMn ihe ninnutit nf the Methodist,
nnd alnnift nno ihiiil of Ihe. BL'iireL'Hte of nil
the deiiomii.'atiotis named iri thu eataliMiIn
riiK rrttr.E fiuiitkrs.
Hkrmc Cuvdi-ct or tiis Sheriff. On
Fii.lny last, MierilT HefTellinuftr, of Chester
county, p-oeeeded to Baltimore with a requi
sition from Governor Bigler, for, the
piize figfcier, who had previously buennrres.
ted in that city. Ho took possession of his
prisoner, haml-eufied him, ami look Ihe riant
Itain for that city. When they arrived ut
Havre le dace, the prisoner begyed lo have
tlie irons taken off. As the can were gning
at a rapid rate the Sheiilf filially complied
wilh his ipq'ie'. When about three miles
this side of Chester, a "gentleman" un
doubtedly the ncetimp'icc cut the bell rope
that ran thmtigh ihe cars, atntslepppil lo the
door rwnl thieiv it open Sloan evidently
knew his man and tho movement, for ho
to the door the instant it was opened. The
Sheriir sprang nfier him, but a man sit.
ting by the door had nearly closed it before
he could reach it.
He, however, was on the platform in an
instant, but only to see his prisoner spritie
from the cars, while they were rnmiing lit
the rate of ftom twenty-five lo ihiny niiies
an hour. He saw him sttike the gioinid and
ru!I upon it like a ball, and supposed bis legs
were cut oil by the cars. l:i an instant tho
intrepid tlierir followed, striking t'po'n liii
face nnd cutting his lip thiougti. Hj arose
and found that his upper lip was xh? only
wound ol cuhsrqtieiice. His prisoner gather
ed himself and slatted for n run, cvi.-lut.t!y
crippled by his fall. The Sheriff followed
nnd gained on llin culprit, calling upon him
to suriender, who seeing he was about lo be
overtaken, turned and squared himself for n
fight. The SheriiT ilrew his revolver and at
tempted to (iie, but fortunately for the pris-.
oner it missed fire. Ha was about to try
another, when the pngilial surrendered and
begged lor quarter.
The SherifT held the pistol to his breast,
and to!d him lo hold out his hands for the
irons, which ho submissively did. After se
curing him, the Sherilf put his prisoner be
fore him, and started towards the city on foot!
At ilm next stopping place the conductor!
who had remained ignorant of w hat bad hap
pened, was informed of the circnmstanCi",
and was persnaded to run buck, expecting to
find the Shei iff and pui-oner both dead, or
b:id'y injured. Instead of this, they weie
found on tho iail, tho victor inarching his
prisoner before him. They were taken on
board, and bionght here, and ihe Sheriff pro
ceeded to West Chester in triumph.
Before slatting foi Baltimore, the poSple
of West Cheater told the Sheriff thai he could
Viot b Ing S onne thrnuli, but the segue) pia-
ved him lo be equal to the emergency. When
it is considered that Sloaue is a nuled psgilist,
much hi-avier than Sheriff Heflelfinger, ami
the fearful rato it which the cars were go
ing, this is one of I ha boldest atiempts to
escape, and the most determined ps'seve
ranee i i tho rccaptui that we bare ever
Api'Lcs Without Situs or Cosrs. A cor
respondent of the Memphis irAtg gives the
the fullowing recipe lor obtaining apples
without seeds and cotes:
Take the ends of the limbs cf an apple
tree, w here they hang low, so as lo reach the
ground, dig.a small hole fur each end under
ihe tree, bend it down and bury it in (be hole,
confining it dowrr so that it will remain. Do
this in the winter, or the beginning of spiing.
The end of the limb Thus buried will take
root and put up sprouts of fciotiSjWhich, when
they become sufficiently large to "set out,"
dig up at the proper season, and transplant
them in the oiehard where you wish them to
remain. When they get large enough to
bear, they will bear applet as above.
CesT or Livimo m Pais. The Paris cor
respondent of the New Yerk Expiett taysj
"1 begin t understand, why people are ceo
aomical here :tby would be ruined if thoy
were not. Why, butter is SO cents a pour i
and coffee 49, and beef 49, and suarSO
and every thing else in proportion, '
.foreign jN'cwc.
Arrival of the Canada.
oi'ENixcf oFpaTuament.
The (tuvrn'a Nprtcli.
no-rase of the Army litummendtj Russian
Ambassadors ' About Leaving I.andrm and
Paris-Rumored Recall of ihe French and
English Ministers at St. Kfrslurf .
M 1 T li K R A ifATTd FjE coii bT e d fleets.
Rumored Destruction uf the liuaslan Firsts'
Rfinforcemknts from Egyft!
77ic Vice Commander of Sebastnpol CaMercd
for Permitting an English Frigate to En
ter the Harbor !
Hii-irix, Feb. 16.
The Canard muil stentnship Canada, from
Liverpool, wilh dates to the 4th inst., arrived
hero this evening, having made an uncom
monly short passage for this season of the
year, only twelve days.
The Btitish army and nnvy are to be im
mediately increased, and the Queen's procla
mation was shortly mil, opening the
enrolment for the navy.
The answer of England and France to the
Czar's inquiries, respecting the entry of the
allied fleets into the Clack Sea, was deliver
ed the 1st of February to the Russian Minis
ters in London and Puris.
The reply was unfavorable to the demands
of the Car, and the departure of the Russian
Ministers from London and Paris was hourly
looked for.
It is reported that o-ders have been sent to
the French and British Ambassadors at St
Petersburg to withdraw.
France is to send 80,000 men to Turkey,
-while England will contribute as her quota
10,000 men, and pay half the total expenses
of tho combined forces'.
The funds are quiet and not much depres
sed. The crisis is evidently close at hand, and
everything now depends upon the position
taken by Russir..
It is reported that Austria and Russia will
co-opt'rate wilh France and England, but the
rumor is doubted.
Piince Napoleon has been sent lo Belgium
to impress upon the King the necessity of
ncting firmly wilh the allies of Turkey, as
Belgium cannot maintain neutialiiy without
incurring the displeasure of Fiance. The
Prince also goes upon similar missions to
tho various German Courts.
The Council of French Cabinet, held at
tho Tuileiirs, on the 30th till , decided so
the report goes to send 80,000 troops in
four sepcrate bodies, into Tutkey, under
tho .command of Generals Canvobut, Ma
cruahorn, l'clissier and Botisqiiet.
' Great uneasiness exists throughout Nor
thern Italy and an outbreak is thought to be
very probable.
Tho Pontifical deciee has been issued, ex
tending the permission to the free import of
bioadstufTs to April. Tho same decree also
gives a forced currency lo the Roman trea
sury bonds,
Commodore Quessado, has buen appointed
Naval Commander at Havana.
Revolutionary handbills had been publish
ed throughout Spain, and the popular feeling
against the Queen is gtowiug intenso.
Count Oi luffs mission id Vienna, is said lo
be for the purpose of asking pennission fur
a Russian force lo pass through Hungary. It
is reported that if OrlofT fails to obtain this
Consent, the Czar will visit Vienna in person.
Count Orlofl's interview with the Emperor
of Anstria was brief and unsatisfactory .
The people favor a Western alliance. It is
said that Count Oiloff is dissalifieil with hi
reception at Vicuna, and it is further report
ed, that the Emperor uf Ausdia will regard
the crossing of the Danube by Ihe Russian
troops, as equivalent hr.i declaration of war.
A Russian rigerne'ni of guaida have been
ordered lo tho Cull io piovinces by the 1st of
The Russian Vice Commander of Sebasto
pol has been cashiered for not preventing the
English frigate Retribution from eri'.eiiug
that port.
Mr. Coll the EnglUh' engineer', who was
captured in the battle of Sinnpe, oil board a
Tu kish war steamer and imprisoned at Sa
bastapol has been released.
The Russian Chambers have promptly
gtanted the supplies neossary to put the
country in a complete slate of defence.
No change has taken place in the condition
of affairs al Kalafat, and Ihe report of a se
vers balile is not confirmed.
All Ihe allied fleets have' returned lo iheii
former anchoisge in Besika Bay, causing
much astonishment whatever ji has bean
made known.
Col. Dein, who was sent by the French
Government te report tj the condition of the
Turkish army on the Danube, proneunces it
capable of keeping the Russians in cheek for
long time, but tyt the Turks ate deficient
in oartl.-y.
Two French officers have also been tent
to repoit upon ihe general condition and
strength of the Turkish Asiatic force.
There were current several rtirh'oft of a
naval engagements in Ihe Black Sea, in
which the Russian fleets was deslroyed.
This, however, needed confirmation.
A portion of the Turkish fleet had gone tp
t-'JF'i ff 'he purpose of shipping 11,000
wtdl trsined troops, including a regiment of
heavy artillery, and a regiment of riflemen.'
The temper of the Swedidi people against
Russia is increasing.
Tho latest accounts from Persia state (hat
the influence of England preponderates.
The steamer Star of the West, from San
Jitac, arrived at J?eiv Yoik on Thursday, at
! 2 o'clock, with 400 passengers, and 4750,000
In gold. She brings intelligence from Cali
fornia to the afternoon of the I8ih.
The latest advices frotn Lower California
state that when Col. Watkins arrived w ith
reinrorcernents for the Filibusters un-Jer
Col. Walker, he found the latter closely be
sieged at Encinada. The besiegers were'
afterwards repulsed, but in the conflict, Lieut '
McKibbcn, and a private named McCnrmack,'
were killed. Fivo others were wounded.
Col. Vatkins had been made Yico Presi
dent or the New Republic' Col. Walker was
encamped at Encinada, and was in peaceful
possession of ihe country. All the Mexirarv
neighborhood had submitted" and a'sk'ijrf
Walker's protection, promising neuiialiiy.
Col. Fremont's claim for Tamnulipus, in
volving millions (.f dollars, has been rejected
by the District Court.'
Mining business has been depressed by
ihe dry weather, but heavy rains wcro be
ginning to fall.
A bill has been introduced lo grant to the'
United Slates a sito for theTustom House in Francisco'. This site is worth about
500 000.
lead la .or i.vro ti:.iiptatio..
There is a sad text in the following para-'
raph, which we find in the Washington
.S'for :
Watch Retuiins. Ovid F. Johnson, ly
ing drunk in the street ; workhouse thirty
days. D.tnnis McCurdy, vagrant ; do.
As the Sliir remarks, Ovid F. Johnson is
well known as being a,t one time an influeu.
tial number of the Democratio parly, and
Attorney General of the State of Pennsylva
nia. He is a man of acknowledged ability,
a good lawyer, eloquent speaker, and finished
writer. Uenms McCurdy, for a number of
years taught school in Washington city ; is a
man of learning, has written seveial works
on Mathematics, and is considered one of the
beet arithmeticians ol the age. Alas! for
poor, frail humanity! Shall we not have
a Pit hibitory Law to remove the dreadful
temptation from the weak and erring 1
Almost everybody has listened wilh tsd
ness to the plantive strains and saddening
words of the old song. "Mistletoe Bough,'
in which the story is fold of a young bride;
who in playful humor, on her wedding day,
ran to hide Irotn lier spouse,, and was found
years afterward, tnooldering to ashes fn a'
chest with a spring-lock. It is a sorrowful,"
rnmanlio tale, and has oflen brought tears
into the eyes of romantic lovers, t sadder
late, howevei, and one which adds to its'
own horror by its reality, has been devel
oped in this city. A few duys since we call-'
e I attention to an advertisement of the los,'
of a little Spanish girl, answering (he name
of Ventura, whose agonized mother was
s -arching throughout the city for her. After
looking for her jn vain for several days, and'
coming to tho conclusion that the child was
dead, she went to a large trunk in her house
on Thursday, foMhe purpose of prncuiing
some mourning apparel, when, upon opening
it, what was the mother's fiorror to sea ly"
irg there tho decaying remnant or her once
beautiful child. The trunk had been left
open on the day the child was lost, and it is
supposed that the inquisitive little one, hav
I' g seen the dresses Inside, had taken a fan
cy to them, and, upon attempting to procure
therr, had fallen into the trunk. The lid
closed with a spring, and ihe little child died
with suffocation. The tales of romance fall
far short in depicting the agony which the
pot r mother fell upon: this tad discovery
and the whole ttory is one which tends to
prove Ihe ofl-repeated saying, that, '!ruih is
stiangerthan fiction." Alt a Cat , Nov 15.
Jesnt tViin-W.s p.,..eMcd, at the cj-iior
of the N. Y. Musical Wo. Id hat been t. li,b!V
informed, of about 8250,000 before leaving
this country. $100,000 of this ,0'
establ.thing pubtio schools in Swedii.r
150,000 more went to various ohritis'. The
8100,000 remaining-' are so invested at to
yield her no but tbnul 84,000 a year. She
it living in D.esdenj hi a lo'nhous anal
a eountiy.hnnse, with eqorpagr., plenty of
servants, See., all or which, 84 C00 in GermaV
liy can well fuuiieh. But the geneiout'
Swede has given away too much. Some
young nightingales are in the musics! fu.'
lure; they must be eared for. The parent'
linger, therefore, appears ngnfn before the
publio in concerts, and will shortly ting In'
E igland. Her advent hi ibis country, before
Ung, is not at all improbable. Perhaps she4
still eome and live wilh os, making btr resi'
dence on Sietea Island :he mni fsverrV
teot, lo her, io America.'