SUNBURY AMERICAN AND SHAM0K1N JOURNAL. PHILADELPHIA, dc READING Rail. rtOAD From the annual report of the Company we glean the following items, which may prove of interest to many of our readers : coal yt. WOOD. The I t&l expense of a round tiip to Rich mond and back, 190 miles, including repair, carrying 392 tun, with Coal na fuel, is put down at $127 35, or 32-49 cents per Ion. Train carrying 372 tons with wood as fuel, $144 97, or 38-97 cents per ton. The average quantity of Coat transported by each train during the year was 384 Ions The actual expense of running a Passenger train on the road is $39 50, or 62,9 cents for each passenger. The expence of a Freight train is S80 98, or 76. 9 cents per ton. The total expense of transporting a ton of Coal in 1853 was 53 56-100 els. pel ton Merchandize, 1,05 50-100 " " " Passenger, 1,02 71-100 " each. NUMBER AND CAUSE OF ACCIDENTS IN 1853. Broken axles, Broken wheels, Broken springs and peileslal, Broken Bumpers, Bent axles, Loose Wheels, Collisions, Wood falling of tanks, Brake lever catching silis, Bottom of cur dropping, llmming over Cattle, Switch vviong, Roping cars, Engine pushing, Running ofl track, Merchandize falling ofTcars, Stopping too suddently. Unknown, Total number of Accidents, ii ii cars broken, Number of Persons killed, Injured, Cows killed, 219 49 12 4 21 16 116 9 10 4 42 6 14 4 1 1 5 165 541 24 9 5-1 Of the 24 persons killed 15 were stranger?, and 5 of the injured were also strangers. Accidents in 1852, 185, making a dociease of 20 accidents in 1853. In 1S52, 3534 tons of Coal wero carried for each car broken ; and in1853, 2875 tons of coal were carried for every car bioken. In 1852 one bar of lion was removed for every 225 tons of Coal earned, und in 1853. one bir for every 1U3 tons carried. The Company saved SjO,S"! 57 in 1853i by manufacluiing their machinery &c , in their own woikshnps. rASfF.KCER TRAVEL. In 1351, 127,500 eipial to thioiigh .57,593 In 1852. 155 164 " " 09.579 In 1853,' 211,819 " " 92,657 Showing nn e.tiaordiuary incie. s.! of pas sengers within the last two years. COAL AND WOOD. Coal cons'md in '52 in locoin. 15,903 tons, n ii ii '.13 " " 24.971 " Wood " " '52 " " 52,999 cords ii ii ii '53 38,576 " Total receipts from all sour ces in 1S53, S2,6SS,237 59 Total expenditures from all sources in 1852, 1,222.537 52 Profits, S 1,405,750 07 As the lonr.nge on this road is probably giealer than thai of any oilier road of similar L-ngth in the world, and wielding as it does an immense captial, the items gleaned above w ill, no doubt, prove interesting to such of our readers who have not access to the Re port. TIIKLAJSCASTER FORGERY CASES. We stated a day or two since, that U. S. Marshal Wynkoop, assisted by certain of his deputies, had proceeded to Lancaster, and arrested Gen. Geeorge Ford, and Judge Von ilersmith, of that place, en the charge of per petrating frauds upon the Geneial Govern ment, through the Pension Bureau; and that the said accused had beeu held to bail by Judge Long, the President Judge of the Quarter Sessions of Lancaster county. The Marshal protested against the prisoners being t .ken out of his custody, but he had to sub init. On Fiiday afternoon, the same oflicer proceeded again to Lancaster, accompanied by his deputies, Juhu Jenkins and George Wynkoop, and artested General Ford, Judge Vondersmith, and Alderman Waller G. Evans on a similar chaige. They wero ull taken before Judgo Long on a habeas corpus, and admitted to bail in tho sum of J5000 each, making S7000 in the cases of Ford and Von dersmiih. Befoie the Judga could lake bui', t'io defenders had to waive their light to a bearing and admit that there was a prima facia case against them. Vondersmith is an Associate Judge of the Court over which Judge Long piesides. and Ford is a member of the Lancaster Bar. Alderman Evans is et present in commission, and when arrested was in his magisterial chair. The frauds alleged to be perpetrated by these men, cover a space, it is said, of twelve or thirteen years, and a very heavy amount is charged as having been obtained. Dady Aftcs t. Diamond R'uiu. which Moneignor Bedini is said to have presented to the May- or's Clerk, of New York, is to be put up and kuocked down to the highest bidder the j proceed to be devoted to the Protestant Orphan Asylum. llm i nwAv's Ointment and Pills the most Effectual Remedial ever known, for Gout and Rheumatism. Exliact of a letter from Mr. Thomas Wvborn, druusUt, Eton, dated April 20, 1853. "To Piefessor Holloway. Sir, A case lately came under my notice, which i think should be publicly known. It is that of a poor man who suffered so dreadfully from chronic rheumatism that be lost the use of one side of his body, and enJuied inces rant pain. Ha was under different medical treatment, and at Westminster Hospital the faculty pronounced him incurable ; however, lacuiiy jii uiiuuiivcu ii . , uuwever, h tba use oi your uintment anu rills, he . . been teslorea to Dealin and strengtU " ' A T the French Ball, the other evening, a sen. i- tleman who bas not been hitherto very suc cessful in bis aifairs of the heart, inade a complete ,,inuest of the belle of the room. How he came ta ueh leod fortune could lint be understood, ..niil it was ascertained that bs bad that evanini. for the first lime in bis life, worn a suit of clothe from RolKBlLI. A. Wnsoi'a cheap and fashionable clothing store. No. Ill Che.tnut it reel, comer oi r rannuii riacv, rnuaueipiua. Phils , Jail, ''i tos cw. M A II 111 ED. On the 7th inst., by the Rba. P. Born, Mr Jeremiah Hileman, to Miss Mart Reitz, both of Lower Augusta Iwsp. In Christ Church, Newbern, N. Carol ina, on the 2tih ult., by Rev. Mr. Green, John noons, ,q., Ally, at Law, or I'ottsvilie, lor merly of Newbern, to Miss Jamb G. Daves, daughter of the late Mr. John P. Daves. On the llthult.,'at the Church of the As- CRiisinn, by the Hev. Dr. J. 1. Brooue, n W. Millar to Fannt C. Buchanan, daugh ter of James Buchanan, Baltimore. I K D. In this place, on Sunday last, Miss ELLEN JENKINS, aged about 56 years. - Philadelphia Market. Feb 15, 1854. Flour and Meal. The news by the Afii- ca has depressed llm prices of Flour full 25 rents per barrel. Holdeis nsk 83 50 per bhl., without iimlina buyers, mere is asicany limatul for city consumption willnn tne rung of S8 75 n 9, for common and extra brands Sales of Rye Flour at 85 01 per barrel.'nnd Corn Meal at $4 12 per bid. Chain. WiipiiI is also ilnll ami lower Lat sales of whim at $2 Last sales of Rye al 51 05. Corn is firm ivil h sales nt IMalMit fir new yellow. O.its nro scarce. Last silis for Southern at 47a47l els. and Pennn svlvanin at 46a50 rents. Whiskey. Sales of bids, at 35c; and hhds. al 31 cents. SUNDl'IlY PRICE CUKHE.NT Wheat. - Htk. Cons. Oats. Potatoes, Ukkxwax Hkcklkii Flax. UlTTKH. Enus. - PoitK. ... Flaxskkh. ... Tallow. 150 87 62 40 50 12 25 ?" 15 8 125 10 New Advertisements. Kxcculors' Sale. fHIllj subscribers. V.xccutors of the estate of Henry Manner, ilea'd., will expose to public Rale, on Saturday, the 18lh of February inst., at liie late residence ut' the deceased, all the HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND PERSONAL EFFECTS of said estate, connieting in part of Tables, Chuirs, Looking-glasses, Beds und Bedding, Carpet, Sloven, Boohs, Tubs, Barrels, and a variety of Kitchen furniture. Also the balance of a stock of store Roods, eon Msiiil nl' IJneciisware, Hardware, Sadlery, l'aint, me, brandy, &c. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock of said day Terms made known on the day of sale. IT. It. MASSF.K, 1 JOHN MASSER, P. 11. MASSLH. F. 13CCHEK, Sunburv, Fell. 11, 1S5L r.x tors. CAKES, SEISE A: Co ncur, Grain and Lumber Cnminision Merchants, 23 and 25 Spear's Wharf, Baltimore. KKI-'KltUXCKS. John Clark, Esq , President Citizens' Bank, Bait A. P. Giles, Esq., Cashier Branklin Bank, " John llertzler' Jr., Esq., Philadelphia. Roncrs, Sinuicksun et Co., " J. Tome, Esq., President Cecil Bank, Port Dc nosite. J. Walliiwer & Son Harrisburg. Col. H. C. Eyer, Sclinsgrove. J. H. App & Co., " Naglc, Wingatc 4- Co., Milton. W. W. Cooke, Esq.. Munry. Simon Schuyler, Esq., ' George Bodine, Hiighsvillc, W. Weaver fc Co., Montoursvillc. Gen. William F. Packer, Williamsport. T. W. Lloyd, Esq., Cashier, " James H. Huling, " Lewis G. lluling, " M'Henry & liubb, Jersey Shore. J. 1. Huling. Esq., Lock Haven. Carr, Giese ft Co. havo the largest wharf room of any cnminision houso in Ballimore, al ways giving quick dispalih to boats In discharge in? their cargoes. February II, 1351. 6m. ATTENTION, FARMERS' J1F.U1AMCS' AiniLliltlSTS!! TOU are hereby commanded to meet at the Armory on WEDNKSDAY, the S2d of Fcb'y. rent, at 10 o'clock, A. M., fully erit!iipeJ for drill. Each member In 1c nrriiarcd w ilh 10 rounds of blank cartridgee Hy order of the Captain, as SOLOMON feTROH. O. N. B A Court of Appeals will be held on said day Sunburv. Feb. tl. isa ATTENTION, DE1VAUT GI AKDS!! TOlI are hereby commanded to meet a- in Market square, Sunbury, on WEDNESDAY, FEB. 22, 16M, at 9 o clock, A. M., fully equiped for drill. Each member to be provided with 10 rounds of blank cartridge. By order of the Captain. GEO. OLIPHANT. O. 8. Sunbury, Feb. 11, 1H51. List of Jurors, For Adjourned Court, Match 6lh, 1854 North umiebl and Henry J. Renuinger, William Wilson, James Vandyke, A. K. Kapp. Augusta Peter Hoey, George Loweii k'nil.-r. Puint Charles Morgan, Peler Mill, John Hammer. Coal Jonas Hummel, Mephen Eisen hurt Lewis David StatilnecKer, Amoi i. Deis el. . ....... Tubbi'T Anthony Armstrong, jsnn jti. its land. Milton John R. Eck, Fredeiink Wilhelm, Rm HRnhurn. bas oaiirani uiuii.ii, . r------ I t ft 1 .... , ..ii . t hrnha m laPlftl. ItRIIV 1 uppep. aini.i "" - 1 i . ..' n i.,.,.. Bastain. Samuel Ressler Reed, Jacob CHiLUO.t)Aqur james Ul.holl IIIDIIDII. , ... S.,..,,.. V Warn KioaioUS. E-UWaiU Biigbt Hush Abraham Brewer, Wm. D. Gear hurl Delaware .James Looney, Cornelius Rhinerson, Joseph Irwin, Abtabam Sterner. iiamokin JessH tlensyl, Jacoo ivoecser. aebbv uaniel Ueckiey, Jackson Jacob llilbnh, i Front Street Wire Manufactory. WATSON & COX, Sieve, Riddle, Screen and Wire Cloth MANUFACTURERS, No. 46 North Front St , Corner of Coomb's Alley, between Market end Mulberry (Arch) Streets, PHILADELPHIA. fTJONTINUE to manufacture of superior qiisl- iy. Brans and Iron Wirs Sieves of ail kinds; Brass and Copper Wire Cloth for Paper Makers, &c- Cylinders and Dandy Rolls covered in the best manner. Heavy Twilled Wire for Spark Catchers. BraM ,ron Founders, Screen Wlr. Window Wire, Safes, Traps, l)ih Covera, Coal and sand serrom. A-i. . P.. vfi w.b of every description. i-iiilo., teb. 4, 1854 3m. FRUIT AND C0NFECTI0NAKY. RUBINCAM& SELLERS, Wholesale Manufacturers and Dealers in Confectionary of all Kinds, No. 113 North TIHnl t , brlow Itacr, Philadelphia. r IHIE attention of Dealers is requeued to an J. examination of their stock, which will l.e found at least equal to any in this city. Foreign rrni.s of nil kinds in season. IV. B. Orders bv mail or otherwise nrnmnitv attended to. ' Piiilu., l'cb. 11, 1851. 3m. LEATHER. HENRY W. OVERMAN, No. G i'oiil7t Third Street, brlow Market, PHILADELPHIA. FJHE attention of country buyers is enllcd to X the extensive assortment of all kinds of Finished Leather, Moroccos,, Sheep iSkins, Ac, constamly on hand and for salo at reduced prices. KKU AM) OAK FOLK LKATUER. N. B. All kinds of country leather taken in cxcliimgo Tor goods. Phila.. Feb. -I, I851- 3m. 1000 TONS No. 1 Stiier IMtosplittte of Lime, -E15l."i:G'S OKKil.N'A I. AM) CEM LNE. - warranted or superior qualitv, llie chcaiiesl : manure in the world, i'ariners and dealers sup plied at low prices. Kl liA tJUAI.l l I.AM) PI.ASTEH. fiOOO barrels Extra (Jnality Land Pla.-ter, select- I ed espicssly for it fertilizing quality. I 10,(10 bushels of same in bulk. I, CCS barrels Calcined Plaster. 5;)0 barrels Casliir' Plaster. 1 100 barrels Dentist l'l.islcr. PEKt I N Gl'ANO. j J Ins article we oiler in coiillileuce to our cus tomers, as equal to any imported, mid far superior to most in I lie market. 5,(1(10 hagi! of this superior Guano, lor sale at the lowest market rales. Also, PatHgouiaii Guano, J'oudrette, Ground Charcoal, &c, &c. C. FiiENCH & CO. At the Steam Plaster J.Iills, junction York Avenue, Crown and Callowhill t-'trects, Phila delphia. Phila., Feb. 4, 185-1. 3m. ADJOURNED SPECIAL COURT PROCLAMATION. TJOTICE is hereby civen that a Special ' Court of Common. Pleas, in and for the County of Noilhumbfi laud, to commence at the Court House, in the boronsh of Sunbnry, at 10 o'clock, A. M., on Monday the 6th day of Match next, and will continue UN E WEEK. Jurors nro requested to be punctual in their attendance, at the timu appointed agreeable to their notices. Given under my hand at Sunbnry, the 4th day of February, in the year of our Lord one thousand eiylit hundred and fifty-foni, and the Independence of the United Slates of America the 7RtIi. WILLIAM B. KIPP, Sheriff. liist of Causes. OU trial in the Court of Common I'lens of i iNorllliimlienuiiii couuiv ai .luiournru Court, on 1st Monday of March, mid Apul Tena, 1851 PLAINTIFFS. DKfKNDANTS. , , . ., Jacob Zartinun' Henry Klaze & Lve h.s wife v. Bjlnilliralor Christian Cohel vi John lltitilcr John 1. Ycagcr Christ & McFudJcn Reuben Fngcly Co Bacliman & Markle v John llaug la Gccrgo Ilright va Susanna Re id v John Kosher 4' Co Samuel l.witig 1! U ( uniniings P K Fisher vs I ilier iV .arlnuin Morris I. llallowell vs James KceJ uarmshco Scull Si Thotnpsoii vs Same Ituri.ett Saxlon iV co vs Saino Richard U Biiltcn cV ct v Same 'ani8 v Same Jesse Ilensyl vs- Ceotge Starticl Jacob Kline v Joseph Kline adm'r Win F Wagaiisaller vs Kipp Adams 4- llarlman Frick & Vamlliiig vs Vandling & Vandliug Jeremiah Wetzel v George (iarmau et al Titer Sheddy v Win August & II Kriner Win L Cook Commonwealth Samuel Johnson George Erkert adm'r John Weddecotnb Frederick Wilhehn George Conrad Win II Chiiiiibciliu K I. Piper Wilson Hutchinson Henry Header Jacob Koub David Gould John C Mcloy Henry Wilhehn vs Samuel Ncidig vi Alen Elderd v leiihen Iullis adm'r 'riiouios M'Williauis Georse Eckerts adm'r vs vs vs vs 'l'houias M Watts Jacob Stilzel Daniel Schroat vs D II Dreisbach t'. al Lewis Dewart's exr vs R A W Fngely Solomon Fagcly v George r agcly et al Case for Sweeny & Caldwell vs tea ml A Leidy m r urmnn vs I. hailes Liosslcr Wm Wainright vs E S Trego 4- eo David llcibst s G W Frrrse Molomon Knouse vs Isaac Beidlesnacli David Holden & w ife vs Geo Voukins adiur et al Win Tracy vs Kobins &. Wilhehn m P Marr vs John Bully David Walter vs same White V Merviue vs Bowers Gosh 4' co Wm H Frvmiro vs John Miller. Benjamin Bamhart vs J P Shultz r Jordan & eo vs Bcni Grille v A bun Brosious adiur va Jacob Kabcl same same John TagRart et al vs James D Barr David alter vs David Waldron Bank of North'd vs John M Wagoner Barbara Bower's cuardian vs Chas A Kutz Catharine Voris vs Hummel A Vandlintr 'filcb K,ine v. McGran &. Barry . iu ... t lur i iyinire vs jonn antler Jonas Weaver vs Eve Weaver James Cameron vs Chas A Kuti James Covert vs James Tharu's admr Heasholtz for Kenn vs Abm tarvi et al Daniel Druckcmiller va James B Smith va Jacob ScasholU Jamet Cameron John Folhner's eirs vs Jacob Deeter's Ens same same Jacob Whceland A co vs J F Granger et al K v Cummigga i.ry "owe, ai ii .ti -i -, naunan anuuti co vs James liryson I . tV . josepn ueoc McKee i i . . . i I.savi Mill in vn V. A7 i S. Wm F Nsgle vs same Geo P Camp vs John Christnphel Joseph Long vs Geo C McKee llutclieson tor ivutz ot Uound vs J P fchults - Geo P Camp vs Bawl Btahlnecker et al Benj Hummel vs John8 8nyder Sol Dunkelberger vs John Uowen Farley Fisher vs WmDGearhart JAMES BEARD, Protb'y. Prothon tary's Ottic. i $unburv, February 11, 18Jt. The British Quarterlies BLACKWOOD'S MAGA2INE. LKONAnn8COTT It CO., NewYotk. rontimi to lie-publish ih following Biiliih periodicals, vis i THE LONDON QUARTERLY REVIEW (Conservative.) THE EDINBURGH REVIEW (Whig.) THE NORTH BRITISH REVIEW (Free C'h.) THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW (Liberal.) BLACKWOOD'S EDINBURGH MAGAZINE (Tory.) The present eriiirnl slnto of Rnropnin nfTiirs will rrudi-r tliMo iwliliuitluni iiinimlly inlerralinir UurinK the ur Itol. Tbny will iKfnpy a nn.l.lle or..ini.l Iwlwrin Ihe luistilv wrillni news-itt'ins. fruili iim-mIiiiiii. I Hvint. riliii'ira nf tlie cluily Jonnuil, iniil tin: txiiiili nuis Toliiuin' lliu lutiirc wrillen nl'lcr the livin" inlcrnsl nisi I'Xeitvineiit of the itioal p..liti,.u rrcnls sii.ilt luive mvny. h n to th,.,r Pcrindiculs tliai nnilns innsl t. . .k i,t tlio only lunlly iiihI liisti.iv of current, events, unil ussm li, in t,,r,r wrll-rilalilisln il lilerarv. aciuitini-, anj tlieol.yiciil r-li iruelri. we un:.: tliclll "I"' I her iilmiti..n of llie nmlniK public. Arnni! lire In pr. yiess for llio rcrcipt if enrty s iccis Ir.nn lh Ihilifh inl.lisl,ers. Iiv wliii h we shrill lie n lie In plucc AIX nur Itrpiinls ii, thr IhiikIx uf FHlwrihiTS, nunilt o s m as they van lio I'liniishcil wilh Ihe foreign e.ipirs AlilLnnh il, ,V1 jiv,,v. H yrrv ,M),.1V our part wc slmll continue , frih tiic ftrio.lci.isst me ui5 low rules ua licrelufore, viz : For nnv fine of ths llm-i...... Per ami. (ill I HI Ii IK) 1 00 - 8 in 3 cm tl INI Kor nny two of tin. four Kcvicws iiy nirpn in in i.iur tteviewa For nil f. nr of ihe Iivieivs K"r lltuikwomfs Mucuzine .... Vr I'hckwoml nnd tlirei. Krvicwi For Ulai'kwisHl ami tlir four Reviews t ... l . . i i. 10 00 i ...linens rnut mime in an cases ta aacaiue. Maacy current in the State irhcre issued vill be received tit par. CLUBBING. A tir.iunt Vf Iwciitv-five per cent, from t'ne ulfvn pri-ei-s will hrullownl to l'lnl oi.lcru,,, f..,,r or mote e ipics of nny one or mure . ihc nUive works. Thus: four copies of Utai'kwmsl. or ol our Krvtew. will li s-nl t.. one mlilrrss l..r Oil j l .ur . of the i,.Ur hcwuws uml lot Ssjo ; uml o on. POSTAGE. In nllllic prin. ipul Cities ami Towns, these works will Ii" ilelivereil. Irtonii!! An Mils. l-'ItKH (!' I'CSTAliU When sent by muil, the PoUuj-c to uuv mrl i f the I'uiteil States will be but IMinly. I'ouc ' , m, ,, j.iirlor "llhii liw.nsJ," nnil bul Twelve ( ruts n your for of the Keviews. Ileuiittnnccs uml e 'miininiruiioiis hIuiuM nlwuys be niKIres.icil, post-puul, l-i the Publlilit-rF, LKONAIiDSrOTT k CO., I M U(i.u stui:i;t, xkw voiik. j N. 11.!. ii. fc Co. Imvo rcrt'iiMv j-ulilitliotl, nml hnvc ! ii-iw lur Kill, thu -rAltMKIl's (Jl'IDK," t.y llf-nry Stu. plit im. of Ktlinhiirli. nrnl l'rof. nrton. of S ('lU-i', ! New :ivt-ii,viili?U' in Iwnvtili. roniioiiivo, t'oiittiiniiiK lU'rCi pntiif. II !rcl nnil (Kll u'tK-J n yi:t ij;g. in i muslin iiii(lni. MI. !i?'Tliii wttrk in n-'T tlieoM "llok of t)n rnrni," ' liih-lv KrciTTriiniil itirowu ivkv iln- .WmkH. 1 Nun V.-rk, J:m. H IIU RIFF HALE. "BJV Virtue of eert iin writs of Yrn, y.'. ;i. to tne ' D3 JirecteJ will tm solil hy jjul'ltc Vend tie, or outery at Ihe puliiic- house of .1. II . lti-lihert, in the borough of Milton, on Mot. day. llio il'lh il.iv of Peliruury, lN.'il, ut 10 o'eloeli, A. M., the ioi lowing rent estate, to wit: A Certain Lot or piece of La nil, situ.ile in Delnw.ire township, Northumberland county, hounded north by lands of Oil, eust bv hinds of Pnrnh l!ied, south ami west by binds of Sosnunn Kird, nil of which is cleared, cent.iiiimtr. 10 oeres more or less. t-'eized, tnken in exeeutioti and to be sol.l as the lirotiertv of Jacob WVickc. WILLIAM 11. KIPP, Sheriir. SherilV's Oliiro Sunburv. Jan. "S, 18S1.- NKW.TOCK. WINDOW SHADES. MW.IL. G. Ii. nXIIiIiEXl&CO. iss. MAN LI KACTL'ii EKS AND WIIOLCSALE AM) RET A Hi DKALKK8 In "Vindw Shades, South-iccst corner of Second and Arch Streets PKILADSLrHIA. JTCH as (iutlu'a LnnilscrHt UoiJcr, "afc, j Of the most beautiful ilrsina und jioifci tion uf ; finish in this country, nml nt such ! J.OW PKICES, An tochallrntre all -iiiictition. Btitl'anJ White ; Holland!!. Cainurtcs. J usbCIH, t.iirdfi. liritiWH. ! Ac, in every variety, for City or Country Trnile. We invite an examination of our stook, at l!t Depot, fouth-vcst enrnrr of Serum! and Arch streets, l'hiludel,hia. January 2S, 1854. 5ni. E0WE & ETJST0N, 111 North Third Slreet, bcloxc llace, I PHILADELPHIA. ! Manufiicttircra & Wholosalc Dealers in Corn Ilronmii, Limkilig Ultisli:, Piiiuted Hurkt'ta, ('lurks, Willow Itnukcu. WiikI'iw Slimlra, Cellar Ware, Itiislte tlru.lics, Wickn. Twinra. Mairli.a, Wood and Willow Ware of all kinds, al th Manufacturers' lowest cash prices. J m k Et sriix, Jxo. M. Kowr.. I'hila., Jan. 21, IsM 3m. POTTS, j IMPORT Kit AND DEALER IN i - IRON Sl ETHEL, 161 .lnri-ji street, behie 13i, north side, Phila., Jan. 58, 1604. ly. Valuable Property for Sale In the Lorongh of Sunbury ! ri'IIE subscriber oft'ers for sale the following 1 property in tho Borough of Sunbury, viz: THE HOUSE Ami two eontigious Lots of (jrouml, on the eoulh west corner of .Market .Square, now occupied by the subscriber as a store and dwel ling. Also: THE STEAM SAW KILL on the river bank, together with one and a half acres of ground. Also: a double two story frame Dwelling Housunml Lot of Ground, in Elderberry street. Also: six acres of ground at the Point, adjoining the Susquehanna, on which are erected two liaine nouses wagon house, &c. Also : A House nml Lot of G round in Cranberry street, near the river, on which lot are also erected three lime kilns. Also ; A House and half Lot of G round, on the north east corner of Kiver and Dewberry street, occupied by Augustus Clement. Also: Twenty-Three Vacant Lots on Elderberry street IRA T. CLEMENT. Sunbury, Jan- 14, 1854. tf. LEA D, Z lTf C, IKOX PA I XT, OIL AND COLOltS, MtKVr.CTCHKD BV FRANCIS S. LEWIS & CO., Represented by Lewis, James & Co., 135 South Front Street, riZZZ.ASBZ.VHZA. Orders thankfully received punctually attend ed to, guaranteed to give satisfaction, and ollered for sale on the most liberal terms. For samples and particulars, please address as aoove. Phila, Jan. 21. 1854. 3m. Settlement Notice. ALL Persons indebted to the subscriber, either on Note or Book account, are herebv noti fied to call and settle the same befoie Ihe 1st of March next. 8. N. THOMPSON Sunbury, Jan. 38, 1851. at. SELLING OFF AT COST! A Chance for Good Bargains ! ! JOHN BUYERS & Co., will sell, during the " winter, at cost, for cash or country produce, their extensive stock, consisting of DRV GOODS. (jroceries, Ilaruw.ive, QUEENSWARE, and the other numerous and valuable articles they htire at their atore in Bntihnry. Intending to terminnto Iheif mereantilo business in tho spring, they arc ready to aeeommodnto till Ihnt lime the public in general with first-rate Roods at cheap prices. The winter will soon be over, and spring will shortly bo here, therefore call ns soon as possible, ami procure Rood bargain Country produce taken in exchange, and "kash" not re fused. Sunbnry, Pee. 31, lRSo tf. Orphans Court Sale. N pursiianeo of nil order of t!ie Orphans' Court of Northumberland county, will be exposed to public s.iie, on SATUKUAY, the lsthilay of FF.13 RUAKY next, on the premises, the followimj described Keul istale, to wit : A Certain Piece or Tract oT Lam!, situate in Lower Augusta township, county aforesaid, adjoining lands of riamucl Suvaee, Xnruh Knu and Michael llurnhart, contnitiiiifj twenty acres, on hu h is erected a two story WEATIIER-B0A11DED HOUSE, I fuul ii to.f Klililn. T.!il t'o. T'l .In r.C L Abraham Urosious. dee'd, Hale to commence at 10 o'clock, A.M., of said day, when Ihc terms will be made known bv KI.IAM MtOtSlOL's, Adni'r. l)y order of the L'ourt, J. p. pi i;si;i nu. o. c. Jan. 21 ISj.l. ts S ?utr.uiry CRITTENDEN'S Commercial Institute, 1 10 Vhcfttiul Street, PXIILkDELrillA. I'l'' branches luuuhl are BOOK-KEKPINCi, IllTI.Vti, nrnl CO.MMKKCIAL CALCCLATIONS, 0ien Daily, and nil Tuesday, Wednesday und I'rid.iy Kvenings jf each week- II. s.fRITTKXnKX. Principal. Phila., Ian. ?S, IK.Y1. -3m. I'sinn lor Salt. P, P. X T ON S II A It K S , o i; ri:.i Siinbnrv, containing 210 aires, of ' ' which 'Jll.ure in cultivation. Also, to tilLNT, a larse Mure room, in AlarUct ! strert, unlnirv, now occupied bv Messrs liuveis. i U. IIEI.I.AS. ! Sutihurv. Jiin.CS. I SSI. 1'. IIoumc iitul JiOtl'or Sale. d '-lllj sidiscri'.ier oilers for sale his house and A lot of ground, situate in lilackhcrry street, ill tiunbuiy. bitwecu Faun street und Itright'a Foundrv. 'i'hc iinprovemcnts are uu ecilli-ut two story log 'wEATHEU-r.OAUDKD HOUSE, .ki-i- 20 by "0 feet, containing seven rooms tlirough'mt. There is excelle nt fruit of all kinds on the premises. Apply to JACOB CAULK. Siiuburv, Jan. 28, 183-1 3t. Kew and Fa?hior.aUc Goods ! ! JO UN V. J1AWT1X, 'aiwSiio'.ui'.do Tailur, Deer Street, one door north of C. J. limner's Law OJjiee, Sunbnry. 1 1 AS just received fr.)in I'll il tl i-1 il i i r . the hest uml most ill 'sirulilc etoi'k of (iamU that has ever hern liroutihl to tSnnlmry, mich a CLOTHS, t-'onisilinj in part of liluc!;, lirown green, olive j and blue. A sjlotiJiil asnrtmriit of : f. .-j ri tyj r , rj I 'j Ji) :J Jj 't- LJr vji j such as latin, velvet. Grenadine silks, plush vel- I vet, rashmore, Valencia, and a spleinlid arliclo I of white Grenadine for wedding veals. Also--I all description of cloth for ! OVERCOATS. I An evlensiva variety of plain and fanry rassi ! iners fur paulali ons. Coinmon goods for costs, ' pantH ninl vetn, coat l,iinlin.;s and cording ; a i superior urtii le of I N KC'IC Tl KS AND STOCKS, 0f tip Iutest style, Iain and fanrv liirk rravnts, , ir.i . ..... r , , i ilia wen, inni'd tlral. Inu-k-Iinctl tlnintois and I other t?!i)t, nml himuiins of every clt'scrijitHin. A No on Itatnl a lew artirles of keaby-iiade clothing, warranted In be einml to his customer work and i,i I...1..I. . i,:. r. mi LV'l-IH'l l" 1 lll.lliili.numi -sis unil rpmltf 111 : tit! rlnttihnr of 1)10 CUII till VC ' thru. rt:ii;uud ur.itU in cawi uf riuug or giiis f out. a. I warrant a 1 my articles 1 """" 1 ' uiui.rte i ..v ..v, ( ! vious patronage und respecttully solicit a contin uance ol Hie same. As 1 am ili leriuiiieu noito ue i undcr...)l.l, my ti ioJi will be disposed of on tho moit reasonable terms lur eaH. .Sunburv, .No. 28, 1S5J. VALUABLE HOUSE AND LOT For Sale!! TPHE suhfcriber oilers at private sale his house -"- and lot of ground, situate in tho Unrough of Sunbury, on the north vet corner of Fawn and blackberry streets, now in the oecapancy of Jas. Heard, Is. The house is a two ttory DUICK DWELLING &, KITCHEN, in good order and condition. For terms apply to the subscriber, at the Forks of the 1'luni Creek and Tulpii'iuicl.eii road. JACOll YVl'.lMLK. January 7, 1S.VI. 3in. l'he News ol' how tho War Between the Turks and Iitiasiuns Ci OV'S on is not of so mucli interest to tne Tf inhabitants of Sunbury and its vicinity as the fact that I. V. JEN Ell & to. have broufht up this week from Philadelphia a large, beautiful and varied stock of goods, which ihev will sell cheap as heretofore. They respect- .r ... .-..i...i.i. ir. -.---ii fullv request llicir menus auu iu piuuie 10 can and see them. Sunbury, l'a., Dee. 3, 1S.VJ. "Ik VEF.NSVVAKE.-Heautifiil sets of Tea ware, in China, biloue China and l'clf, Dinner and Supper Dishes of all kinds, Toilet Sets, covered Dishes, China Fruit lljskeU and Ornaments, r luiJ Lamps, Lanterns, lilassware in vaiictv, and Tumblers lioni CI cents upwards, iuat received and fur sale by Dec. 1, lo:i. i. w. i oc i.u, II A WI.S Urorbe, Thibet and Woolen in great variety Ulack and Fancy Dress Silk Silk lace, velvet and other Trimmings, Worked collars, umler-sleeves, slmnaxelte, cutis, just re ceived and for sale by I. W. TKNEK & CO, Sunbury, Dec. 10, 18"3. ipiRANBEKKIES, (Wound Nuts, Almonds, Pecan N uta, W all W uu, (joeoa rv uta, . rr.w Nuts, Filberts, Raisins, figs. Citron, Lemons, Candies and Toys, just received and lor sale o Doe. 10. 'S3. I. W. '1'gNEIt 6i IO I.i:T. The house on Broadway now X occupied by Simon Maria. Apply i WM. M'CARTY. Sunbury, Dec. 31, IS63. tf. PENNSYLVANIA CONFECTIONARY & FHUIT STORE, No. 109 Northed st , S. K Cor. of Viae, riiiLAncLrniA. 'IHE suhscrilier takes (his method of informing Country Merchants and the public generally, that ho has rc-moved from 15M to tho large and commodious atore 1B9 IS'onTit Third atreet, nnd replenished it with an extensive and well selected aloek of Confectionary, Fruits, &c, which ho Is confident ho can oiler to purchasers, wholesale and retail, at satisfactory rates. WM. fit. STILLS. Philada., Dec. 17, 18S3. 3m. PARTNERKSir. K.JOHN CLAP.K respectfully informs his fricndu and customers that he bus taken into partnership, Mr. Henry Pnrton, and thut tho business of lilacksmitliin will, hereafter, be conducted un der the firm of Chirk A' Pnrton, nt the old s'nnd, west of Ira T. Clement's t'lorc, in Market street, tSunbury. JOHN' CLAPK, 1II3.MIV PARTON. X. I). Persons indebted to the aubscril er arc informed that his books are ill Ihc hands of G. M. Yorks, tsq., for selllement. JOHN CLAHIv. Sunbury, Dec. 3, lfiol!. tf. JiOok to your Interosts ! He will try to please ! ! s. W. TIIOSSSPSOKT ' EPKOTFULLY informs his friends and the public generally, thut he bus just re- I ceived nt his store, in Market slreet, Sunbury, below Weaver's Hotel' an extensive stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, consisting in part of i Dry tioo'.l, Va : j C'lvlhs, Cassimeres. Cassinets, Jctins, Di iliitijs. i Muslins, Vesting, Linens, iVc. ' LADIES DRESS AND FANCY GOODS, j Calicoes, Muslin dc Lains, Lntrns, , O'inciunis, linages, ltulvs, li'ov'.ens, Flannels, A'c. Sugar, Teus, Collie, Rice, Molasses, Cheese, i Sjiices, Salt, &.C., V.c. Amis. rurcws, Files, Saws, Knives A: Forks, Ac. Uueons and Glassware, of various sty li s and patterns. ZOOT5 -MTD SIIC223. A lare assortment of Hoots nnd tSlioes, for men, women and children. II its C e i, Ac., olMiiiotis si.cs and slvles. liesi.les a large nnd general assortment of fashionable goods, (.'all and examine for your selves. Pi" Country produce ot nil kinds taken in exchange ut tho highest m arket p-i-.-es. Siiiibury, 1 1 mui 20 IXM. 1 in. 30, '33. LATEST ARRIVAL OF Fall and Winter (loods. J. F. & S. P. KLINE, n EsrF.(;TFl"I.I.Y annotnicc to their friends and li e public in general, that they have received at their Old Stand, in I'pprr Augusta township, Northumberland county, l'a., Iheir Fall an J Winter Goods, nnd opened to Ihc public a full assortment of MERCHANDIZE, &c, Consisting in part nf Cloths, black and fancy Cai iiimcrs, Sattinetta, Flannels, t 'hecks, ntul sill kinds of Winter Wear. Also a splendid assortment of ladies Tress Goods, Calicoes, Ginghams, Muslin do I. nines. Plaid Cashmeres, Do leges, Merinos, Uav state Long Shawls, &e. Also a fresh supply of CirotCI'Ic of ull kinds, ' Hardware and Quernsware, a fresh stipjily of Dru?s and Medicines. Wooden Ware. Al'O a largo assortment of Hoots and Wioes, suitable for Men, Women and Children. Hats and Caps, such as Silk, Panama, and other Hats. Salt, Cheese, &c. Coll and See. Cheaper than the Cheapest, All of which will be sold for cash, or in ex change for country produce, at the highcsttnarkct price. Upper Augusta, Nov. 5, 1853. ly Al 30. KEW CLOTIIIXG KTUICI2. A an ANCII OF THR - "lot lil Miiniifnctorv. OP G. SIINTJUMAn & CO., Banviile, Pa. ' u f Mmbury an . tv w i . .. t r. . 1 1 . . lly announco to the citizens ol nbury and vicinity, that wo havo ,l..i .mL- f HEADY-MADE CLOTH I X0 , of every blvlc and quality, to which we invito the ; ntU'iilimi ot uurchusers. Uur iuartment con-! j sists, in part, of Fancy over-coats, Plain over- ( I coats. Dress coals. Frock and Sack coats. Moil- ; key Jackets, Pauls and Vests, plain and fancy t ; Linen and Muslin Shirts, L'nJer-shirts, Drawers, and ovcr-wiiolcs. Also, Cloves, Stocking, Neck and Pocket Handkerchiefs, Woolen and .Silk Hats, Cloth and Oilcloth Caps, Shoe, Li.iols, U.iilers, S!iipers and Carpet Uas and 'i'ruuks, Luibre.las and everything generally kept in a well supplied clothing and gentleman' furnishing store. Wc keep also a good assortment of AccorJeons, Jewelry, Ear Einjs, Finger liins, Gold and Silver Pencils, Lockets, all warranted to bt good. We sell nt tho lowest eath prices ; for our motto is, ! 'S'mull Froits and Quid: Sales." We have bul one in ice and no abatement, so that ' a person is sure to get tho worth of his money, ' whether he is a judge or the goods or Rot. If any article doea not give satisfaction us to, we i will take back the goods and refund the money, provided they arc returned on tho same day they ' were purchased, when tho purchater reaides in i town, and in ono week, when he resiJes in the j country. Price the sumo as at the Danville j Manulactory 1 IV Call and secure the llargaius. Sunbury, Oct. 8, 1833 tf K M. BiamoLow. o. iurir, . j. . cuttim. liiirtliolow, TilVany 5 Co. IMl'dllTKUS AND Dr.Al.liliS IN foreign nml llomefttic DIlT GOODS, At) AliKNTt IO TUB SALE or AMERICAN MANUFACTURES, No, 2CS llallimnre Street, Baltimore. If our Goods oil examination, are not as cheap as they can lie bought in any other market thry may be relumed forthwith ot our eipeuec. Ualliuiore, Nov. SO, 1853. ly. ATS AND CAPS splendid lot of fashionable fcilk. Wool and Fur llata, alio Clalh, Fur, Oilcloth, .-Navy and l Hilary Cans for sale low by 1 C. ELSDERG 4- CO. Market atreet, opposite the Post OlUee. . Sunbury, Oct. 8, 1858 JCST received a lot of llama, Dried Uvcf, Cheese, Raisins and Lemons, by Bunbury, Jau. 8, 151, j W, TSJiER i CO. THEFAR-FAMED MEDICINE I HOLLO WAY'S PILLS. Th etc Pill be in eompneeil iitirelr of mHiciiio! htrbt tu ot a m'tti hannlena iMiure. wliile the rxtrttoriliirary vir tual they portACM Jin rfinJertd llitm uiuverMtly popular in ncnrly cvrry pnrt ff the world, 'l ite iumif-uie turceu thry hnvc tut with thrunghtHit Iho tetra ft moil extra unlinury owirur, it il prntuinatt, to tliair wt iidcnul eilic.'icf in tlie cure uf lliliuut ciuilimi and dtaorUetl of the Liver and tttmnach. I'fraut wliu fcraivcte m luiitg ihcin in acmnUni'e with Ihe ctirecti ui, aaldimi luil in iK'ing realoritl u health. WK A K.N I'.fH A XI) DKB1I JTY, UKSTOR ATION TO IJKALTII OK A GKNTI.LMAN AGKD45, W1IK.N AT PKATU 8 DOOR. Cop) of a Ltittr from the Rev. Charles Smith , anted NortontSt, Philips near lSaihi Somer siUhire, 17th Auust 1S53. T'l HrofrMnf IIoli.owat, SHir. A Mr. J okepti 1'uxMn, fr-rmerlr a reeidf;t uf tliie placp. hail been in a deulinint; atate of houlth fur opwara of three, years, gradually wnHmtj ") to a ahaduw by nifiitly prraptrati'-ttt and want oi appida, wlttcb rauel ient une:iniiiraa t hit ftieiufi, n he had e ntniitd rariuus iiM-dii'dl iuf-n in flat It with mt effort. Ho at takt utt d yuur Fill, nnd nmlcr prnvidrn:i, was ratlured to health by their tnfnns. Ilel.-.tclv ciiii LTiitctl t .Nev Yoik. and haa juat written 1 1 any, tf-ul he'wna never lrttef in hoohh, and t-iivii me to arsinnint yn wilh the ein umstnnr. J ti,lrt n:ot' iiientittn. tht nv wife huU den ed great hci.cbt fit tn lUv us j w yur l'i!i. 1 reinnin, Sir, n art reaprff(i!lr, MAIMai; SMITH, iJi-ieniing Mlniaier. A PKilM NMNT CL'RK OP A DIUJASKD UVER OF MANY YI:ai!S' DCHATIO.N. I Copy cf a Letter from Mr. Gainis, Chemtstt I Yeovil, to Psofessor Holloicay. lieri Sir. 1 u this d'ntrict your Tilta c:mn;Bnd ,a more ; 'Jiein-ive aalc tiiun nny other proprietary i.n-dicme leiore j t'.e piiiiiic. Aa a prunf of their -!in-;-y in Liver nnd Dihout f C'aiiii.iitmta I idjv mention tue fnil"vins -u a 1m,v uf ttiiBi-twpi with wiioml uin per9oi::il!viir.ti:iiiitpd. fnryenra 'Amuji sttVtre aull':rer from dia-:i of tlm Liver mid dtgea tivu orr ina; her tn' uticndfi'it amun-d litr tiiat he ('tiiiUio notliitiif to relieve lit-r auflennpf, find itgWus not likely alt; e tultl mirvive tnu.iiy nfnitht. 'IT.t ami-.Miticniirnt t.iiUi.uliy fiiut-ed fi;cl nlau.i hiim-i g l,er fi inula art re!a ti'in, nnd tliey in0icr-d her to ttitku a trial of v ur Villa, w.iifh j itniitved t.ei ejancrul lierdih thut alip w'tta indmeU to continue them unlit the received a perft-rt rure Tina is tw.'lve inomiia mo, and aha lina n.-t cxperivncrd anr aynij.toina of relapae, and ti.-n der-inrrt thut your JMie hn bt-ni the mitia i.f avinc her ino. 1 rcnw'm. lift? Sir, vourt trnlr, July -JW, t.gei') ' J.OAMF.S. These celebrated Pills are wwdn fully effica- ifims lit tt? juuowing complaints. A Tie Umns' Inflainrnation JiiKidice Liver Coin piiiinla LttlTltxigO Piles U hfuinfitium JU'truiiuu of I'rina Pe orfuln. or Kmc 'a KvU Secondary aOvur-nUiry litlioua 0mpl:iints l;rvai-eia aUintcliua u Hit 1-Viiinie Irret-it- ln brititf H .wrl Ct'tiipliiints I-Vvrraofail L'ohes kin-lt L'onRtip-iiion of Vi'n the IS w!a (iout l (Miiuinptiii Oelulify S ire Tli Hints Tii- Douliitirciix lle:id-aciie linlij;fstiou Stone ninj Ciruvcl Tiiiuoura Pyiiijifonia kert I-.!!!.-, iroiu w nnieviT cause c, Ac. S Id ;it the lt:tlilislnneiit cf Profcwor ITou.ovrT, Wl , Nrriud, (near Tt-Hiple Itnr, f,nmon.) mid also tit Ina I1iisa in Vv ork. Ordera for Medicinea ut Ihe Statca. nddrea I ' I . Ili'lliiwny .'v York, will tt'cri e due alien! ion i!il n.a hy till reapM'tnlilr Diueciata nnd Denier in Med-i-t;i, s tllMimh.nt ih. rhitedStntea, ni Dcxfs ;it 37i cents, j p . ci'ut.i. nnil I .St i rents prir-fi. To he hud WlMleauIe of . thr .iincitial Drug L'otist s in the Lni-'ii. - . , - ""iiu.)tiuiiino . ... ' fhore t3 a ennsiifrrnMe a;ivin by taking Ihe larger Lireeti m for thr puitlanca of patieuti in every t :ire jtixt d to c-H'h box. ' i'tluT -J, l-.Vl.-lv. d .- Tlu3 Way ! Thh Vay ! ! This Way I ! ! Fall iirnl W iukT (Joods. FEIXLXNG & GRANT. B KSl'KCTFl'I.LY inrorm their customers -BQ' and tlie public, that thry Into just receiv ed and opened the best and cheapest stock of Fill and Winter Goods, at their store in Market sipiarc, Sunbury. Their stock consists of every varie'.y of Dry (loo tls, viz : Cloths, Cassimeres, Sutlinets, Vesting, Flannels, Wollens, 5'c, And all kinds of Fall Jc Winter Wear. Also n spUutlid variety of LADIES DIIKSS & FANCY GOODS, Calicoes, Ginghams, Chintzes, De Laines, linages, Ami every vnricty of goods mitaUla for I.a iliirs oar. Also a largo assortment of HARDWARE and Q.TJEENSWARE, Tish, Salt and Plaster. Also an extensive assortment of Hats and Caps Fon Mkn and Bovf. Also a large assortment of U ItOCKKI DS, SUCH AS Sugar, Teas, Cofl'ee, Molasses, Spices of all kinds. Also a trcsh supply of DRl'OS AND MKD1C1NR9. Besides the largest and most general aisort meut of ull kinds of goods to be bad in ibis plaeo. IV Country product of all kinds taksn In x change at the highest market pries. Suiibury.Nov. 12, 1853. NEW Clock 5j AVatclimakcrs. iimscH &. co. I 1 Ift , m. siinnson, near Tener & Co's .Store. a: . . , c,r... ct,,. n " . Vberc they have opened, and will keep constantly on hand, G2 Z5 MSJBeS 9 Silver & Gold Watches, etc. Also, Jewelry, Coii.ialiiH; ' f Gold Ereast-pins, Ear and Finger nii:;, Medallions, CulT-pum, Ladies Si Gentle mans' gold and silver pens and pencils. Also, Silver and plated Tea and Table spoons, salt spoons, bu'.ter knives, &c., SPECTACLES, Of all sizes, suiliti? every nge. Spy Glasses, Pokct Dooks, of ull size.. Razors, Hair Oil, Re volvers, and other pistoU, brushes, Combs, Soap, Cxc, ir. Also, a large stock of IHM"!cal Iiislrtiuicnti ! amongst which are Aecordeons, Yiclins, Flutins, Filia, Flutes. i CARPET HAGS, Trunks umbrellas, tuhpeuder. All of rea dy made Sliiils and Collars ; all of which will be sold cheaper than has ever been heretofore so'd in Sunburv. Clocks, Watches, Ear and Finger Rings repaired in Ihe best manner and at lha shoile.t notice. Sunbury. Oct. 15, 1S53. 3m. Consumers, look here ! I KKNJAMIN HKlTNKll iJtESPl'.CFFL'LI.Y Informs Ihe citizens of - Sunbury and .icinily, that he has just re ceived and opened at hu new stoic, in .Marktt slieel, Sun! ury, a hanilsomo assortment of Fall Mid Winter tiootls coiiMsliug in part of Cloths, Cassimcrs, CastincU of all kinds, of liueu, eotimi and worsted. ALSO: C'al!o. Gliicliams, L.a, and all kinds of Ladies Dress Goods. GROCERIES of every variety. Also su assortment of llaidlVUir. Irois. and Steel, Nails, &c. Also an excellent assortment of QUEENS WARE, of vaiiout uyles ami paiteins. Also en awortment of HOOTS K ijHOCS. HATS Sl CAPS, a good selection, Salt, Fish, fte. And a great variety of other articles such a are suitable to the trade, ell of which will be sold sl the lowest prices. tV Country produce taken iu s;bau. a I the highest price. Banhurv ,ov. !. 1853. ly. 4.