SUNBUll V AMKMCATS AND SHAMOK1N J OUHNAL. 1 ftrXBURY AMERICA r n r it v i m t u n it i At m a V 1 " . I I jJlllSlllilsH 2 ?ll?SIJkli !lVO,i: ' ii.l-.ns . (.ion Win ii ir. s?;ai3i -W 51 S5 50S7 .(' hrf I" .! -, i 9' .11 4 1 1 n in Hi Sr. n n H IV 10 17 l" In II U'lB m i 7! 29,30 31 I i, . it. !"&. 22 9 90 ; Ars. Hi 4 ' ' ,;ort. A,nl'l4 t.VfJ I.' I ? n ' .1 - ... lit 'i?.'ii!ei !! . n w w ' a? 3U I''' ' J... 1! SI a' .! "! "'. ivvv ito n il I""1 I fll 4 fl l rl tin iii-j'm ill'"' " tlT H 10l'1,VMSS 94 S-vi'-ll 17 S-1 iW 911 mi I t l ' I A STRING OF ITKMS. "l'o ilocootl, i Ilia nylil wy lo finJ g'o.l. Vcnwon is (telling al five cent pet r"d in Cincinnnli. Palaware h i SSficotntnon srho(.l, nnd ex pcmls 5-19,463 a year in their tnppoil.- A TiofeKKorfihlp of Chinpe i lo be mKled lo ll.eOxforJ Ui.ivrrsily, Ei.slBt.d. The .IcM of Btik county is Sf!)8,242,20 $21,2(59 le.-a than it was a yuur ago. TeniiB8.-ffl ha a pnblio fclxml lur.d cl nearly a million and a half of dollar. MittiafirP' nn 1,0 n,l'f0,m public school system. Archbishop Ilimhen, is recovoring from bronchitis in Cuba. 'Land spociitalion." ay Horace Greeley' is tho scourge of the West." Solon Robinson, of "Hot Corn'- notoriety, is in the "1st year of his nge. Madame Sontag is so successful in Cincin nati, that she advertises two concerts a day. Tun Dublin Exhibition building is now co enpied as a winter garden. Rhode Island boasts of 335 public- schools, which are maintained at an annual cost of $215,160. Ohio snendi somewhat more than $300.. 000 a year in 6chonls. maintaining her 9010 public Pennsylvania maintains 0G99 public schools i nt a cost of a little more than a million uoiutrs j a year. ' i Maine taxes Iter Banks to tho amount of twenty thousand dollars a year, for the sup port of common schools. Massachusetts expends very nearly the ex act sum of a million dollars a year in the support of her 4050 public schools. Rev. John W. Richard, D. D , died sud denly, iti Reading, on Tuesday, aged 51 years. At Cinrini-.aii, on they had ruin, hail, ni:.''. Friday, tho 20:h nil., and thunder li"hi- Thb Pitiladi lihi ptinlois are of opinion i lhat '-ilit erafi ouoht to erect art t7nposing stone lo the memory of Benjamin Frunkliii." Mr H.irrisnu Giay Olis, it is said, is ihe B isioii l.idy who will s-liorily appear as a uov elisl in ' Barclays of Bui'oii," A man who went up in a balloon from Ma drid, n f-hort time since, came down two hours ufler, frozen lo dual it. The Prussian Piayer Book enjoins lhat the whole of the divine service, including the sermon shall not exceed on hour in duration. The missionaries say that the Chinese boys take to the English language with the ut' most facility, preferring it to the study of their own. Connecticut has 1642 public schools, a Norman school, a Reform school, and 408 private sohools,. The school-fund alone yields a revenue of 113,693. A late visitor to Cuba divided the inhabi tants into two classes one of which makes a living by manufacturing cigars, -and the other by smoking them. An eminent physician has recently dis covered that the nightmare, in nine cases out of ten, is produced "from owing tho nows papci man." How simple the cure. A "National" Poultry Show is to be held al Barnnm's Museum, in New York a proper place to exhibit the great curiosily of anything truly national oiigimling in lhat city. An English paper mentions a conscien tious clergyman who preached a sermon against the use of American threshing ma chines, on the ground lhat it was an inven tion of the devil, used by slave o-.vuuis lo punish their negroes 1 Bequests to PtiiLADtLinu Societies. Judah Touro, the wealthy Hebrew of Neiv Orleans, among his other bequests lo cilies, made the following: lo the Foniale Hebrew Benevolent Sociely of Philadelphia, S3,0f0; J ine Hebrew fc-Jueational Society of PliiU. delphia, $20,000 ; to Ihe United Hebrew Bo. nevolent Society of Philadelphia S3U00. Licensing Taverns. Judge Potter, in hie charge lo the Grand Juy of Cuban county, lust week, ueclaroti aslollows: 'we will noPrenew Ihe licence lifasinale tavern keeper who, we hive reason lo be lieve, permits gambling or habitual intem perance about his house. These evils are sapping Ihe morals of the community, and they must be cxtticated." The Cheat Exhibition or S55. The most extensive preparations are making for Iho great exhibition in Paris to take place licxl year. The Prince Napoleon, by the im perial decree ius'.iiulin; I ho exhibition, is the 1'repi. lent of ihe Commission, under Ibe di reeiijii of which the exhibition will be held. By lite lerms of ih'e decree, Ihe Commission is composed of I wo seciiotis the fine arts, and licuUme arid muiufa(iiit'S 1 l.t' 111 13, IV ' ' I" , I in in 1 i! V in I? 1 i 1 ln.iAi n. (ll fl' t.'l.. , -. I t: m. ill 1 1 IK i.i l 1.1 in1 17,1" IC'M'i' I A .1 7 Vll ,i i-.'i.t nil', i" 1; Iff. trv'.'i 21 -JiS'lfll , pu U s: as so ,v . .1 II W 1111 111 ' ! Povlo Monnnie, H : POCKET TOOKS, AND FANCY COOD. . 'HIE Mi.nU.n-r ih. kA,hSS,ki ling li,kt.mmon . 4rc,w R'nrk II oxen. Lnln. ' . .. whirl, will l.eoll l ll" lwo" u", , F. II. SMITHY Iorl lfnnnn!.- mul Portal ftooti Mii'ii.r.irliirrr, aia .frc Sf. hrhw Sixth, I'hiMt'll'hia. . Soi. IT. IC ; " DAVIS Si CULIN, Drtilern in LMI., l.wrKRKK -iMSM-rl.lP.n, S.. E, Cornrr Four h and Cherry Streets, fHItftDSLfHIA. 1T. VI.; cnlnrr;ril nml impravril their Sloro. mul h vn3 tiie largibt a.-orlnn'iit ol Lamps in TVi'l iili'lnliia rilv. Ilirv ori- now prepared to furni,h l'l.MO Olli (TAMPIIRNR, BTJilNIIJO FLUID, RTIiniKAli Oil., riirKphnie Clns nnd I.nnl Oil, I.i.niv", I.nntornsof nll pnlcrns. Fam-y Hotel nnd Hull I.nnijw, Cliandilicrs, Rirnndnles snd Cuni'rlenliMs. mid Hrillsnnia T.nmps, nt the Manufacturers' lowest prices. Glass Lamps by llm nni lise. at a small ndvrmce over Auction prices, n.-iusr larpe MANtTACTrRERs of l'ine Oil, Rutnins Fluid, Ktliereal Oil, Alcohol, nitil (Ihe only true) Phosseus (ias. tliev can fur nish t'leie articles at such prices Hint Merel.nnls will find it to their ntlvautaire to huv. Call before coins elsewhere, if von want bargains. Also, tha SafctV Fl id I.nmp for sale. . Phila.,'!?ept. SI, 1S53. ly. 0 JI 1) A V ! WINDOW SHADE Depot tivl IiTanrfactory OF G.L.lILL33?,.aeCO.s . . W. cornor Arch nml iecuiiil Slrerts, rniLABELrHXA., VERY VAKIKTY OF SUA DCS, Whole sale nnd Retail, such as Scroll, Flower, tiolhie. Vignette, Oil and Dry Landscapes, are to be had at the, lowest prices foi quality of work. Orders lor Ciilt, Plain Store, Lclteied and oilier Shades executed ut short notice. Merchants and others are invited to give, us a trial. I! -.7 try lo phase. Drasacs, Trimmings, etc., always on hand. Remember S. W. comer SKCOXD & AliCIl St.eels. Philadelphia August 13, IS.'iU.- Gin. Important to Coal Dealers. T1IK Kubs-.-riiicrs hereby inform the public, lhat thev have entered into uarlnerfihiu under the firm of' Kase, Reed & Co., for the purpose of mining, shipping and selling coal, delivered at Sunliury. or at any other point olonj the Sua quehanna. They will be ready to deliver coal, well prepa red, on cm 'tract or otherwise, at all times, on tho -t.A.-ini ..a;,.., mwl nn the rnnt reasonable terms. 0rilctg received at Sbainokin by Sunbuiy, Juno i, 1653. ly. Cheap Watches j Jewelry, WHOLESALE and Retail, at the "Philadel phia Watch and Jewelry Store," No. 90 North Second Street, corner of Quarry, PHIIADELrHIil. Gold l.over Wati-hi-s, fall ji-wplcrt. In enmt cnPs. S2e.0(l Gold Lepuia 1st. Sf-Jt.mi, l ine filler Siiettacles. 1,50 Silver lp. full jewlle.1, Pil.llioM lirucelets, 3.110 Silver I.ever, full jewl'd 12 l! adics' Gold Pencils, 1.W1 Supcii'T ((uartters, 7 Silver Tea spoons, set, 5,011 tiolil Spectacles, r.Otll Gold Pens, Willi Pencil and Silver Holder, 1,00 Gold Finyer Rins, 3V J cents to $60 5 Wutch Glasses, plain, 12J cents; Ralent, 1SJ; Lunet, 25; other articles in proportion. All goods war ranted lo ho what tbev nre cold for. KTAI'KIXU & 1IARLEY, Successors to O. Conrad. On hand, some Gold and Silver Levers and Lepines, still lower than the above prices. Sept. 10, 1853. ly. Just I'uhlished and for by WM. McCARTV, Bookseller, Muubury, Pa. The American PLEADERS' ASSISTANT : Being a collection of approved declarations, writs, returns and proceedings in the several actions now iu use in the I'niled states. Br CoLMSstis PiEed, Esq., Ipsae Irgis viva vox Willi notes and additions, together with a sbor syttcm ol conveyancing. By A. Jordan. 1 res ident Judge of the Eighth Judicial district of Pa., nnd Win. M. Uocl.efclcr and M. L. Shiiidcl, of the bar of Northumberland county. Since the publication of the hook, tbe following letter hns been received from Judge Pearson of llarrisburg : 1 . Jl AuiUKiii-na, June 30, 1353. GhXTLEMKN t After a careful examination of your "Amer ican pleaders assistant," I take pleasure in ex pressing my entire approval of the selection and composition of tlio precedents thus ollered lo the public. J he legal proletsion in J ennsylvania stands in need of a correct svstem of pleading, adapted to our habits of business, and the practice of the courts. Your forms of declarations being, to a great extent, founded on the acts of aooiuUy, will be a saving ol labor to the pleader, and con duce to safety and brevity in our pleadings. It should te m tho hands ol every practising lawyer in our state. Yours, with great respect, J.N O.J. PEAKSON. Hon. A. Jordan, Vru. M. Jtockefeller and M. L. Miindel, Esquires. tSunbury, July 0 1833 .Mann's Establishment 25 South Sixth Street, Philadelphia. For ihe .Manufacture and sale of E'atr nt I.cllcr Copying 1'itsncn, Patent METALLIC DAMi'ENEIC, Brushes" Oil Papers, Ulotling Dourds, Copying Ink, &c. Patent Parchment Poper, LETTER COPY1NU COOKS, Superior to all others, and each page panted PATENT LETTER lil.N'DElt, A moat valuable invcnlinn for keeping in a Dook-like farm, Letters received, Original Invui ces, 4 c. Phila., April 9, 16.-) IjARDWAKn Table Cutlerv. ai rocket Knives. 11 nr. riaws in frames, Axea, Chisels, Door Lcoksan.l Hinges uanu uells. Waiters, 4e., ju.t received and lor " " n I- W.TENEK & CO Punbury, Dec. 10, 1853. S'J-iJ'8 ''K OF JAMaTcAGIN GLH, a fresh supply just received, nnd for " "J 1J. MASSER. hunbury, Jau. 10, 1853. BTEE BILLS Justice and L'onstaMes Fee Hills liandsonu'ly printed on cari paper for aa.iv ai inij omee. OILVEU WATCHES A few double esse ' English Kilvcr Wati hes, fur sale at very low prices by H. U. MASSER. Sunbury, April IS. 151 BURMXQ FLUID, Camphene, Kpenu and Whale Oil, White Lead, Linseed Oil, Tur pentine, Candles and oap, just received and for sals l.y I. W . TEN CK & CO Sunbury, pec. 10, 1n;53. A. - I CHERRY PECTORAL: ir the Cure of COUGHS, COLDS, noAnsnrTESs, unou oihtis, choup, asth. ma, veoopiijg-cough i AU33 OOTJSUrflPTION-. (TO CliRK A CUt.l), VTlfll HKADACHK S SBIlt'lM nt Hie I, iily, mke llm I iisb Ckl-khal fi'ing m-i nfi 1 wrnji up warm, to wtat during llie niirht. Ken a OuLU An Cm.-GH, take it inomiu;, ivnn ami I "e nina, aci4il-" in iiruemins on tlic U"Ule, mul the oiflieol if will iii Iir ri'inornl. Niiim will hmg sullVr from tins Inmlile wliea llicj- fiml it una Iwsn readily enieil. I'ersnHS nnilrti-il w.lh a uniicd eminh. which hrenks th'm nl t.i'-ir ropt it niuht. will tlnd, li mkiaji tin Cltuity feiturnl in jriiinu 1 1 li.-d, they luav l0 sure of inaiiil, unl'inkwi li-i), Mini e.ii.aiMiiiil!v r.frri-liiiin rcjt. Gwit iclu-l fi.imjuiK-r-lap, nml nu ultnnntc care, ii n inli d t ihnnsaiiils wlw thus nltlieltd, l- this iiivuli.iilil reimily. . . I'r.aa lis nKn-rcil.l t-nv-c-is la tliee c:nc, many sua Ihvinirlvra unwilling to iVrcgo ill una wlica tin necessity lor it hits ccai-il l'ruin two tminenl Plivsipians 111 ' 1-'ai rK-.-iit-r., Tenn , April 1", ii".- fir AVf hnva given vnur Cherry iVi-tnral nn exloniivs trial in nar piarticp, mul 'find it tn nrpn ev.-rv "the rc tiirdy wo baco fur caiiu iilTpi ti. ns of the r,!l''r"!;,"..''r' ff.,M. I K 1) -.1 .11 II l.'H ....... roSIVniMiS AN II I'l 'lll.ll'M'KAKf.llSlhiiir.-inilly is invaluable, n l.y lt actinium the throat and lunCJ, when taken iu nmalliimut.liir, it rrinori-auH hmnnni'm n few h airs, mul w.itidprlully lltcrcii the power nuil fleitlily of Ihe vice. , , AS TIIM A i irpticrnllf tnat-li reliovcd, nnd often wholly eurpil hv tJliem- Pectoral, itut there arc onie ciiiu-iiljo ol stinalc ii to yield entirely to nn medicine. I hcrry I'eclo ...ill Min.ihi.m -li..' pnn hp cured. HIUINrillTIp?, of irrilation m the thront nnd npper ooiiion ol the lime- mnv he cured hv Uikius t.herry I'd lo- ml ill sun-ill lual lines. Tiie uuu uuforuibls op. is R'.i, r.lir,etl ii,. n.-t t.iv4ii: tlc itro.-iVlvn.Xeu- York, statcii : I hive s.'Pii the Cheilv CHIP SlU-'l Cni' of At hma and Hr.ineliilis as loads tnc to believe It caa rarely C..I I.i !)..... ai.M.n II I.-I1II t 'II I " 1 nn ruulicof nnlimony, lo lie -. .11 ,-erl to- hrn. tl O-iviuenl ll-iSifl of tlie l.'llprrv t'Cfto. ml. until i' suhilues tho diseiso. Ii taken in tsoii, it will II it fail to pure. WIIODI'INt; rorcil may he Lraicu up and :pii cu- ri-il hv tin- u-e f i'h':rrv lVctond. Tiit: li.'l l l.'7.l tt sMeedili- removed PVlnisrcine. ilv. Nnmenius instnipes have hecu noticed whpre whole riiili..a -,p nroieierl from airv serious enaseqaeiicefl, while their nciuliiiors. without the Cimrry I'eetoiul, v.-tto s iH.-ruiy iroin Hie ilisease. ,t , llr 1 f A,-..r- S.11.KM. Ohio. Hill .lane, I' ll i,. I..' f..t'.,rm tv,n nt thi, tiultf remarkal-le elli-'-ts of ....... .mi i.-ii ii v in ;i -ci ii: -v I. in iliis i'::i,-p. and in my own family. One of my daughters was complelt-ly t a.eJ iu three dan of a dreadful Wiioonsti Counll, ly UikniK it. llr M..nn one, .four Vilv best phvsit'ians fieelv sVltes that ho considers it tllP best remedy we havp pnlinoiorv diseases, nnd that be has cured mora nases of riioue Willi il than nuv other medicine he ever nihainis-.ered. Out fh-'rirvnien of the Uapiist Church says licit duriurr the run of Infutsnza here this scns-. he has sent cures from vtur medieiac he could scarcely nave uciiv.i-ii n on ""yoius respectfully. J D. SIXCLAIH, UeiiLtv Postmaster. From the dir.'innifhcd Profcs-or of Chcmis Irv ami M tcrut Mctlirr, limcilom tuliece. I have found the. PkctohaL, ns its ingredients show, n powerlal remedy lor coins, nutt eaugns, nun pui nuuiury iliseama. Paskkr Cleveland, M II lillUSJWICK, Ate. Fell. ", l;-l". nn VAl.r.STIXK MOTT. '77te n-idrh, cclrl-ralcd I'rofrnor of Sureery in the Mcdietd Cut'.ece, Zcw InrkLttii, snis: ;lt eives me nhasare lo eertifv the Tilue and elueaey of 'Avkr's I'HKr.nv Pfctohai.,' which 1 consider pecuii 1 i 1 .......... ilin,a..a of the Thront mid IjUiiph." Cinea of si-veie disetist-s uliou the l.umrs have bt:en cf- feeled by Ciikkrv I'KcroltAi. iu such extreme cases ns -wnrrunl the helief that . n remedy has nt lenirlh been found iu..! ,. he dem-nih-d on to cure the Conu'hs. Colds nnd r'........itn,i whieh e-.irrv from our miiKt tliousands every ver. It is indeed a medicine to which Ihe nfllicted can look with cjufideiiee lor relief, and lliey s!iou!d not fail ti avail themselves of it. .,. Prepared and sold by JJMES C. ALR, Practical Cfccm.i, Lowell, Mta&. Sold in Sunbnrv by II MASSER, and by Drutjirists penernlly thrntighntit the Slnte. July 30, 1853. eeow 1'. Nov. 13. '52. A 4.4 (atl (Successor to A. FIO'P.) No. 161 Chestnut Street, Sieaim's Building. "HT'XTF.NSIVE MUSIC PUBLISHER, nnd Dealer in Musii al Instruments of every de j scriptiou. Exclusive Afeiit fi r Ibe fu'c of llnllct, l)ats iV Co's (Boston) Patbnt Kl-si'K.nsion Buiuuk -ho,'i,H uiul oilier PIANOS, L. Gilbert's Buiubiir rimius, Mclodeons, Martin's Guitars, Harps, Violins, Siiklt Mi sic, Mt'str B oiks, c., ccc. Kcstdeuts of the country wlil be supplied .by ii7 or otherwise with any mu.-ic they may wish, ut as low rates as if purchased iu person. Having one of tha lurgcut stocks in the United Slates, I feel confident of satisfying all who may fuvor me with a call or order. Dealers in Music supplied r.n Ihe most liberal terms. Pianos to let. Second-hand Pian is fr sale. Philadelphia, April 14, lS.i3.-ly. -Eureka, Eureka." WE HAVE FOUND IT AT LAST. oVfOW for the little ones. Why wi!4 parents waste hours uud ilays ill fruitless endeavors to get perfect pictures of their children and after all get nothing hut a poor, miserable caricature 1 We would say, come to our EXCELSOIR GALLERY ami we will cmuiintoe to mtiko you a i?ffort picture, liy our Elkitieo Chemical iiroec, that works in frui J to 2 secomln. e dety any Daguerreau m riuladchihia or eUewhere, to compete with us, os wo are the invcnto.s, and the proevus is used only in our dif ferent rstalilUimieu't. in New England and tho Middle Whites. Tor pieturoi of adults, the silver medaU we ha e received from the A meriean Institute, IS'cw Vurk and Franklin. Philadelphia, together with tho numerous premiums from County Fair-, is stilTioieut proof that they are the Xe Plus Ultra of perfectiun. We would cull particular uttentiou lo our Talhjtypen Daguerreotypes in Oil. D. 0. Culm & Co., 100 Chestnut Street Philadelphia. Main street, opposite ite Hamp den ll'iuw, Springfield mul Collins1 building, Weallield, Muss. N. H. Our estiih'.ihment is illuminated by the brilliancy of our Pictures by Day, and by Vtoftssor lluv&efunC s FttJ'eti Iatnps by Sight '( -ome and pee." IMiila., May S8, 153. ly. Hook Agents Wanted. AUIZaXTS V ANTED in every town and county iu the I 'liitedSuies, to sell the most popuUrsud suUahle hook puhliultcd, mmiyof thrui it mtifully illuntiated with colored cnra vingH i aUo the most popular works of T. H. A K 'J'il L'R, iueludinff "wlrlkuft Cottage Library" Intelligent and enterprising men wi l lind this a pleasant and prafiiable tuiHinpun. For pariieulars addre (pont-paid,) J. W. UKADI.EV, Publisher, No. 48 North Kourth .street, Philadelphia, Pa. October 1, 1S53 7m. IJUAIN PUMPS.. A small number of these excellent pumps luv beeo received and are ofl'ercd for sale by , II. D. MA5SEU. Runburv, June 4, 1853.- 1 KWEI.RY. A nice asuortment of tiold and Silver Pencils and Pens, for sale cheap by O, ELSBKRG& CO., Market street, opposite the Post Office Sunbury, Oct. 8. lft.Vi Tn. II. H. HKiHEE'S remeily for coughs, -"colds, and pulmonary diseases. A supply of Ibis valuable medicine just received and for sale by H. U. MASSEK. Sunbury, June 4, 1853, r8" is a s-s-" J. r. GOULD, ! !t C 5 L K B A T E D . . ! F a in i 1 y M o d i c i n c s . 1J4 olTerin to Ihe pnhlio the aliCTe inrnlunlils prp)im lions, the sulispribpf wmikt slate llrat in consultation will, his fi lends nnd some of the most respeelulde ol the Mcdicnl fneulty, It wss ireempil ndvisnble to ofler to the public, a few piupnrutious of known oelnhrUy, beina; pre pnreil with the g-reuli-sl care, nnd on the must ific principles, ns euhsliiulea for the numerous worthless ar ticles thnt nro n fHling the country iu the form of pannceas ruid cure alls, prr,ied by Ihe most IsiukaiU ami meieenn ry persons, iuU-udvd to cure all discuses and good for suae, . , Head and lirjlecl. That the Medit iop. 'onnufliitureil by W. M, Int-ludiiiK his Hose Pi elorul lor Coughs. tlrentn (i Ciiniihnr, f"f lllleulnatisilli Worn. Svrnp for Worms. . . Tooth Wash, for ricenred teclli. rlisenrerl gums. . l-'nnnlv Pills, or blood i'uhlver. have been more extensive. I ii.i.-d. luiep aiveu m re SMtlsftiction. than any either Medie.ues la-lore the public, prepiire.l with n-gnrd to their iisetainrFS me luiiy woiiuy ine irini oi me niuicc ...I l.itfa tl..n m triul A few poweifnl r.iisnna why the nhovn Merlieines sra tlrsprcimr nl" loiil'nrsnl mitlounep. tin Ihe first place, iney are prepartu nv n n'Kiimt 1-111 mciuii, iviio hhvci.ibh... thn'npplicati ni ol' Airdiciiics, to discuses, anil consequently are oerfeclly sale lo take. (Spcoudly.) they hnve hen iisid wttb uaiv-al suci--se. nnd have civen more satisl ac tion lliatl anv other Metliciiies offered before the public (Thirdly ) they nre the onlv lueil.cinea that nare en.nen the pntioii ice of I'livsieinuai where they huve been used ; mi l ironilhlv.l ihn- nre nut 1111 In rnvcer nirintitlea fm llie siiine iiriee, iiiuii nny inner .iicnunt. ,.riv.. ... ... nnblie t, the same kind. As the aul'serihcr has a number ! eerrtnciiies in n.s possession oi me iobhpbi loiun-io,, hero I lev lave been used Willi me mosi snlisineiorv re- ills. lie will publish a few of ll.i ni, feelinc aulislied tlut iii:,t ivlll Insure their recrtumendnti"ti. Try Ihem uud rjtisfy yourself ol their superiority over all others. Head unit be Lonvmceu. We the nndcrflifruud havinff ticca made acquainted with the ingredients euteinia: into the Componnds known ns lll'-kley a r ami:)' .noihcmes also having presennett anti known llieui to be used, with most aatufuetorv rcsvlts i hike pleasure in saying that we belipve Ihpy fully meet the design lor winch they are repomniPntieii. JAr. M I(A1 IIKIWlii., M. LI. C II. I KICK, M. I) W.M. JMUIKIN. M. T). XVI.SI.I-.Y (I IIKAItlll-'ArtT, M. D. WM. II MAi;l. ,M. 1. II it. (iliAlitlllAlt'l', M. D. Ci of fain inllit tide and rough f mm protttted lAver Cumjitttit. Mrs. rtobert Adams, lalmrins under Chronic I.iver Com- plnint, nccoinpnnied wilh a sliurt dry cough pain in the side nnd hreri.t. general debility, loss of appetite, alter Irv ine all the usual reniedit-s recommended foi coughs nnd disincaof the chest, who wilh llobcuelil. she was recom mended to try the Kosc Peetorul, from which, she notoniy del ived iuinieilinte but permanent relief. John Adams, s u ol .Mrs. ifoa-trl Ailams, was niaieieu wilh n very severe conah, pain in the side, nnd soreness produced by inecihaiil couching; lie was induced to try t lie llose Pi-etornl. To use liis own laiieu.'ifre, Ihe tirst ilosa ennlilcU him to enjoy n b.hI night's rest, la II' 111 'ruing he expectorated nb-iut half pint 01 inaltnr. lie HLlinm-lto immovr-nnlil l.U much entirely Irft n!s j ttrid tli eticrt t BtrcntTiifniiiir hit. brtsim, whit-h w.ia iviturally weak, lit.' nl.-'Kiv tli:it iit-hii8tuc.miiienii-.l 1 tc t" n iit.iniuT nl ins i Kiit:n i'T nin:.:ir coiiii iJiiiii. aim in n-erv case it Imn trn-on w,iiMnrtt..n. i Tiie nlfive vwt nm resi'lmt of tiie tnwti of PmivilK ' ftlinjr lhat thry li-ivtr derivcil pri'Ht benefits from lh use j "f ihe 1 1 1 me lVct'irnl ; mwluni;: llm aImvp Htiitrment, for I the huiiefit nl lIijko wlio ni.iv l"1 ntiiiritil in n innlni aunt- t 'if t'ltl'AT (Mi. I.. Ttoss nf Voi? rMtorrti with our, hoi tie of Rose Pec- , lomi. ! "Iis Si'on liitt-rTc, (tl Km!) t'.wnhip, NorthurnN-r- kiwi c.,f..r n nmnl.-r nf yr.n8I.M i. vnliJ, m the mil of lfl, l.iJtt ihe uo( her vt ucfnHn a beveie eold she eim- tniL-ifd; ii ft it toit.ji ;i niunher nt rmulicn, with w brut- - fit. sin w:ts entirciv rfstrr.l hy tnUiii": ohm h l(lc tT Kr-se ref.r;.l. nl'ter whili. hnr voica nin, Mfc -..r.... m..,. t.,1.1 y, , a., main ay i-c-frcsli e-ihl lm rniHniclii!. nnd w.ia iig-iin nstureil by thu : twecn liivrrpool mi.l !Sortnumber!.ul(l. To la nsu of niMtlier UjiiIi- j slio ilim tot-k fmir Iwitilca nutre to : borers i$ 1,"5 icr tlav will he civen, airviullicn lnr br frtnu which 6he dciivrd llm im bt 1 t'tr;-i;'-nivi- lntrnn dtseiiM tiMicfit. nml hu Wax in tlic enjoyment of ciclN-iit I ....... ' 1 he;mii In 'in uuxi time to the prrreiu. ; 'l'!ir iilv.'ie stntriiient i ol'tnint-tl fr-TO Pr. PuiscH! the rh-0ii'i.iii vhi ntirmlnl ht r : ids' ln-r inflnT who tlunks Hint alto wpuMii-'I Ira living ul this (iii if it hid mi been lt ine it-se ivcttu. 1 tut.-, .inn. . S7(7 another TtTttrXert Cfre f 'trted. Mrs S.tmnel Serliler, heiiij; of :i o jtnr;:! weak nnd (Ml- cute c'iialitiiti'i(i. very 8tiwe UMe tn ecldfi, wns ntl'ieti-d with a very srvrTO cn;h. pain unil flurcncKS of the I.twi.1, loss of nppetite ; alter using n number of the tisunl rcnie dirs from whiHi, nliv derived iin benefit, she was eared by tnkniir i.iir h uttr ut Untie, l'cetoml mid it ill the cm-n mcut of better he-dth thnn f.-r yearr prt-viuiis. I 1 .....ill.. 11..,. 1 It 'A Ph. !1:ckt.rv : lVnn.t me to mf.rm you tliatniy wife, i wliii ii a deltc:n nml wwiUv W"m ui, Inlkinnii uniltr a very severe dmli wilh p:in and HMTrnm of hrcnn. was more quicklv nnd ctirctu.-iUy relieved witli one Ir title nt" yniir llose Pect irni than aiiy ntlirr mnlienie she lunl ever tatteu. AltM'.R M'HUIlii;. Jan. !tf.V2. Srnnnet R. WcuMtii l'linmee. Rt-tl Puint. STR 'Ni EVIDENCE IK Pui Oft OF TUB Kost PEC TUBAL AD Pa.milv TlLLS- J tltn Fulnrr t:iVoi lit'twven Clniinns nnd New Ycnr with ii very Ivid e lt, winch cii'lnl in n dry Iwrt ineewant Couch, enusins a grt :it U-nl ri" imi whenever he c(.URhcd, wim ifiu vrd viy iimt h ; by the tinm lie hud taken one til in! ol h I.tttl.'. und hy the timt- it v:i fimi-tml, was en tirely eared, tie nlwi iviyr. tlint he Ibis Utkmi sewcil of tlit! Ufalth lt:ftii:itive or L'utnily Pills, untl that lliey nre the mildfsjt and most eflctnril pnrcatives he tins aver takca. Danv liii, Juti 1, h HienLKv V.irlri? n vinit to mv brother, in Prtrv- vii:-, I t "U a vciy s'-vwe lld, wiiieii emled in a tm'.it liiird C'Hiph, wiiti s trot !(.? and in nl' the bril, f r which I nsril y tir Kim IVct r;il. nnd f-'iimily umt tali pleasure in rei"niiiit-ndnij; lhe:n, ns the in.ldr-! nnd m 8t t Jectiail reuiedy I huve used. re.peeif"ti:Jv. .i Mi:sM(Ht(.i., i . M'h'Hn Htiven. Luzerne en. tJenr r : A a if m t""r your It ; Pf.-t-"-rai, ptimit mo t nay, that I was eilectually ctiml nf a vvtv severe ci-i?1i vit!i pnin in the hrenft, wilh 1'h thnn huh n Ii lfle, i:iid ih it I rounder it invnlu il.le. You oio t al liberty lo m ine this pVMic if ynu pluutu. JOHN SPKKKINli. (Umcer.) Dunville, Pa. M v s mi William Inlioriinr under n nevfre eouh Hnd pa m in Ins side. fi-tn an ininrv Teceived by a fall, was entirely relieved hv n htl!e t.t" l peel nnd A ("rtaui of Ceni- 1 phoi. Ihae uUo uid your family fills, and nluether I ensiOcr t:ie:ii 1 ! i u tc-i inr Ui-iues 1 hnve i-ct ii!rt I. JOAN OVKRDOKF, bin. 1S.VJ. liufcli 'i'p., NorthM i-o. 1 r. Itickle Sir: As my wife who was tronhlod i wilh dry. haid C tiiph. nisi s nir St uiaeh. depeutlenl up'n, . debility. i to Lns;epsia. was entirely relieved by usiti? two b.ittleit of yjnr K-ye Per ft nil, permit me to lay ! that i c ufi:dn it an eve lent lemedv. I Ynuis,ref.peefu!!y, RcV Mr. WIM.ARD. t 1; i Kt T laittiemn Chnreh. Diuiviile. Pa. liavinc !een rured of a pain iu mv unn (mm liar to Hhen- mitiiu) wiiich deprived iue nt t he ft re use of il for uboul Itiur mitnthB. Uy uiu one h ttle of Cteuin of Cuiuplior I w aikl iftaln trtnt 1 e 'nsider it (he best remedy nf the 1 kind 1 have ever need in my family, nid I would I reel) , rec tiiiuii-ii'l it ii Hihrttj wilh ftimUur iiif- -ti.'i.8. Your, ref;-vuu:!y, JtA WOT.F. Unsh (p., Nnrth'd en. .My wife brin" eflheted with a very seveie pom in her arm nnd sh nittler (lae etleets ut e U) wliieh disjbhtl her Ir nu uriir it, waieareu w ith riilbiiiir, nl C rutin nl luin ph r Mrs. EUiin, my it!ter-in-l.iw, was uls i enred of a severe puiu in theheud and Uce by usiup the Crcain of Camphor THOMAS C. I'ddsIS, Danville, Jan. W. My wife having IMietimativm of the urin for a number nf years, which prevented hr from usiiir il iu d"itnr her wtik ; after havris spent a nient deal of in ney in trm? durerent remetlies wilh in benefit, was entirely cured by tisinir only one l.itil- nf vnur C'reaui t' Cat:ipitr. WILLIAM KVKNS, .Minor, l i S. H. Wood, K. Piiit. l)r. Uiekley : flavins rec.Mvet! a very severe injury in my ikIs by falling nff a lixid of hay, from which I was una ble to follow my work, was rec. mmitindetl to try a t alls nf Cream of (.'amphtir, wlueli nlf.irded nmnctliate relief. UIUKPITII CAR (I. Uusli tp., Nnrlird co. My wife, siitreriiiij I'nun HV'st cxeiiictiiiiu: pain, tiirouahont her pnenil system, which prevented her frorti hlcepuirf (liein tK'eHsitined by a 1"U uud protnicied spell ot meluietui;) fur which she used a number of reinwJies without iMiiiefit. was entirely relicV'-d bv the use of Cream of Cumphor. GKIV B I1ROWN. tuit:e;i.. Dentist, Danville, Pa. Child cured of Howe! Conuil;onl. mid Aue (of two years staiiiiiu;,) l.y orni pymp. My child beinn nrilieted f'f the l ist tv years, with 13 iwel Coiiipl tiul n lit t Aftue until it was reduceii to a mere tkttl'-tnu, I hied u number of remedies with no penuaitent bein?ht, until I jpve it a li .ttte nf your Woini Kyrup, since- which lima it has been well, and (rot quite fl-shy. I ids i hitvu reromm-iiiled it to a number nf my friends, and iu every ease il hasiven fciiia:aeinm. 1. LKY1. At Lnuis UiiL'i' (Merehant.) Ianvi:le. I have used yi ur Worm yrup in my family, and ci'ii niitrr it ntrtojilv effeelUHl, but the mst pleannnt iirticte J urn ncniminttd with. JACOB EAHHKI.K, Dnnville. Huviiis, used your Wnim Srup iu my fumily, it helps iny eliiniieii ui 'ie irum nny nieparutiou tu tne hiti i, nnu is iu re pleasant to late. U.W MOllG V Mtsit Hit How, Dunvilie. have had otxasi u to uso ymir Worm piyrupiu my family, mi l prefer it to nny Vermifuge I hnve usrd. FHKD. Ml It, Frosty Valley, Montour co. Dr. Bicldey Haviiifr usi'd yur woim lvrup, and Cream uf (iuipht.r und Family Pills in tuy family, they truvo to id s;itiBiacli.iu, und I consider tlinu the in t ef fectual, od plenMiit remedies, we have had in our family. JollMlTll AN K. UISHIIL, Danville. Dear Sir We the undersigned being in the employ of Mesrs. iroVes Jk C 'tnlv, at wlioee, you Iiavt an Asjency f r the sale of your Fsuiiry Mciiiciuta. state that wo nave nan nn npiMiiiumiy vi ii,wim tun iiinei m numerous individuals win hnve used thein, and thnt they givs tteneral sttisiaciiou. We linve sokl a great many (if jour piiln, which aie umversully liked, beinjr very uiUil in their operation. W. LKlSKN'ItlXO, Ikmville, Attest, W M. KI'I'I.FK, HuviiiK Ecurvy of my innith very kid, I was induced to try a b a tie of your Tooth Wash, whiehnetedlikaacuuriu, hurdeiiinc my cuius, nnd removing u It disease. JONATHAN It. HIMU.I.. DanviUe Di. Bickley: Huving whut wis ex. led uleerutad ira, iiuxith, ftf which, I tried a number of rvniedies with no benefit : I whs ut lust eured tiy using oue b-aiks of your TtKith wish. My wife mk during her e idtnemeut, was threutrned wtth'r.UrMSis, lumps buying alrrndv luraint, for which she used Uis Cream m Cuumhor, which stratttx ed them, thereby preventing her breasts from eatheriug-tiKO- A. HROWN, Nenr Lulhenia Cturch, Duuvilla, Pu. Pr. Hirllry. Havtiuc su nip.riuuity of seeing your Atiti-Acorhuiie To Mh Wash used in some very severe ea ses of scurvev of the amns. I tsnisider it an rscellmt reme dy Yours, respectfully, OFO li. DROWN. Tho nKiv nictieinessre for sale Whole sule and Ra Uil tiy W M. UICKI.KY, M D , Proprietor, Danville Also Foi sal by the following Agwils in Nurlhuiulier luuri county, Friling 4t tirant, buubury j W A. Kno.b, Aagusia; W. Farrow, ftnydertuwii i Tuggurt, Funiutu Utirtntt, Pn-tiiios ; II ins tine it 8t rouse, luxinos; J.iha Vsnsant, Psiiii'ts; Hugh VtsAine, Phxiihs; Animennmt, Rommji k, Co , ISaaiaukiA j Mrs. Jus. Th'Hnua, blutinukia Win. Fugcly, tStwin .Wiu; Campbell k Kline, Augusta ; fainuel A. Her,fitremer, Petersburp; Jae4i Leiseurmg, Bear Gmp ( Cmiraa" WeiM k, NurthuiaUerhiiid ) Jervminli Cnaisa. Selincarovs; Josmh fiukar, Lvwisburgj Jolut F. Caslnwand Junathau ellers. Milton. Call on the Agents, and fet a circular eonrnlnfng a full deseriptioa uf ths auiuviuus cures psrfvruterl by Iht diifsr eat Medicmss. , Jaite 11, lKV)lv . "AID AND COMFORT," To Your Own GEOKGK ItENN. , MANUFACT'UB.En, OF FURNITURE AND CHAIRS ui me most FashionaM Stvln. 'T' HE subscriber respectfully calls Ihe attention - or mo pumic to ins large mid sptondid assort ment 01 every quality ana price of CAIHiMlT.AVAttU. which cannot fail to reiommcnd Itnelf toeverv nn who win examine 11, on account or tts durable workmanship and splendid finih, made up of the l?st slock to be bad in the city. No effort Is spared in the manufacture of bis ware, and the subscriber is determined, lo keep up wilh tho many improvement which are constantly being made. His stuck consists of Mahogany - 8if;ii, OliaiiM und I.uuiir;ci, Bm-eatm, Secretaries, Sideboards, SOFA, BREAKFAST A?.D IllXlNQ TABLES,' and ahuj VENETIAN BI.LNUS, equal to Phila- ' delpbin manufacture. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and price, CUPBOARDS, WORK AND CANDLE STANDS, TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, In short, every arliilo in this line of his business. He also manufactures all kinds and qualities of cimiis, includinc varieties never before to be bad ir Sunhury, smh as .Mauuda!!, Black Walsjut ami Cfni.Kti M it-LK (ini:t tAi : am) Wtxnson CHAIRS, A?tri i-Ai r Piano Stools, which are of the latest stjlcs, and warranted to be excelled l.y none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere. Flic subscriber is determined that there shall be no excuse fur persons to purchase furniture in tho cities, bh every confidence- can be entertained about Ihe quality and finish of bis ware and Chairs. His articles will be disposed of nn ss good terms as they can be purchased elsewhere. Coun try Produce talien in payment for work. lifT UN DEHTAKLNti. Having provided himself with a handsome Hkahsk, he is now prepared foisl.'iidcrtakinir. and ntlendimr fitner- , ,. . . . ,. hIh in tlllH VK-UHlV, or Ut any convenient dis- taiire Irom tin i place. lT The Vv'-.tre Konm is in Market Street. i.,.t, -pl , i . , , , .r , n, M I hompsin s Mre ami Weavers Invern. uhtlUliL KLN. Sunhurv, Jn. 10 tf. . ' "" " " " rMtllU; l,lllflMaK n!lfl I ,t lfirpVft -.a. . WANTED! f--4'i'vt' i ii t . t. fV " n na.e Krnt.y eniiuy nnu n w iniera jou, (and not work ill tlio WHtiir.) ut the Vniori und SiimtmliAnnn Htidcc t m,, ,,.,., t . ... ,... 11 1 . , i.i.iou uivj cx 1 ion r!.-.. C? . 1 -v ic. o .f --uuMjiiiii, 01; jn. 11, ir,io. 11. . . "".,llf- . f".i,f . tflill W'Z 1 - ' U 1 tllll l? " I J ? M IlKlOW S Tons Frcitelt ?.inp whitp. HI tons Pure liite Lend. 5000 Ilexes Window Glasn.till fcujiciior P.K.-.sli.Coinil.Coaili.Lcatli- rr Iron varni.-li. wliilf IJi-mar varntuli fur China I (.SIosH.wilh apencial assortment of troll nnd uuro DRUGS AND MEDICINES. AU .11 th. P,.t.,,.. I ,..l .... -' ' ' " - ... wnrrantcd genuine. .' Colored und lhiamlid Glass, &c, &c., forsale , , very low Ut ALFRr.l) WILTUURfnil'S Pritrt ami Paint Stoie, "o. 100 I. Und Street, lIIIT MH'T liltll I II ll,.lJl.l 11 1 . 1'tiYsiciatis and Stoii'kccpcrs supplied Goods sent to anv of the llolrl or Uenoti free of charue. Phila., Muv SS, 1833. ly. . . . 2.5d0 Acres Timber Land cu:vi:n.L vallable tracts OF TIMUKlv LAM), comprising tilmut S.ftOO acres, part of which is pitttatcj on Toliyhanna l. reck, and part on Muddv (.reek, within three l'i-k. , itiiiii ill i i-t; mile, of l,rhh;h Iliver, in Penn u forest township ,t (,! (:,; . I Carlioa Counlv, one of tho great of, i-ati he had at a bnrgtin, if ap plieutioit he made sonn. These lands are covered with the bet timber of that rei ni. While it is believed thnt 7.VIH1U feet of lumber to the acre, can be cut from a large portion of tin- land, the balance will aver age not much less Minn this figure. The kinds of limber found on ths laud arc Hemlock, Spruce or While Cedar, White Oak, While Pine and Chestnut but principally made up of White Pine and Hemlock. The Tobvhanna and Muddy Creeks are large and rapid btrcams, yielding a vast unrnint of water power, and are capable of driving a large ' number ot saw nulls. I hex empty into the Lehigh, which stream, with the Lehigh Cannl nflbttls an outlet lo the most ih suable lumber markets. There is, loo, under contemplation, a railway leading to the cities of New York and Philadelphia which runs wtllun one milt and thret qnarltrs ot the land. Through these avenues lumber can be delivered iu cither of Ihe cities named, fjr about $7 per thousand feet thus enabling persons en gaged in the trade to derive greilcr profit, than attend investments generally. Ill addition to the timber, convertible into eve ry shape nf lumber, there la much that will an swer for spars of vessels a sort of limber that snip-builders have been obliged to purchase in Maine, or ut other distant points. l.'niike most of the lauds on the Lehigh there j lias, as yet, been no culling of the timber on this properly. It stands undistiiilitd by the wood man's axe. Il is, then Tore, Ihe more valuable. The lumber trade of Ihel.ehigh lias been carried on to such an extent for years past, thai a scarcity of good timber is beginning lo be felt. Every season necessarily increases this diHieully. The consequence must be an enchamenient ef the value of timber lauds. Those un-eulled tract, with the advantage uf avenuea to ptarkct, such as the lands ollered fur sule, possess, cannot fail to be Ihe source of supply hereafter. liul the laud is uot alone valuable for the tim ber it contains. Il is of good quality for farming, nearly every act. being susceptible of a lugh state uf cultivation. Capitalists desiring to make investments, would do well to turn their attention to these lauds. For further information applv to t'HAS. M. HALL. Office in "Mining Register" building, Potts ville, Pa. August C, 185.1. tf. " laSvk enceIiouse, SILNBURY, PA- rJIE subscriber, widow of Samuel Thompson, -- (Ji-c'e., late of tho "Lawrence House,'' in Sunbury, respectfully inform the friend vf her late husband, uud tho public generally, that she continues to keep the ubove Hotel, and is well providvd with- all things necessary to accommo date ull who may liivor her with their custom, and therefore solicits their patronage. MARIA THOMPSON. Sunbury Oct. 29. 1863 m. T-mLEY'S COVUIl CXDV. An excel. y lent remedy for coughs, cold. For aula at tins olTice. December 4. 1852 IAXU 1IILL8 neatly printed ou new type Ai promptly executed at this offica. Also blanks, of all kinds on auperior aper. Sunbury, Feb. 14, 1S52. lirALL I'APEU. A Urge and lendid .orlmeut of Wall Paper, Window Pupor, ..... v.. u,i,ujW, jecsiveu oud lot ale by Dec. 10, 1853. -1. W. TEX ER & CO. IT'OR .ale at this office. Superior Black Ink. C atlle Modiein. at SS eta, Pure Easence of (iuiger, 85 rent A CALL TO H0USEKEEPEE.3 1 Al llic Cabinet Wore Itoom of SE1VN IIOUPT & CO. Market Bquaro, A Iso at (be corner of Fawn ttreet It the Railroad , SUiNBUUY, PA. i Tbsnkful for tbe patronage ol bis friends and customers during the 17 years he has been in bust ness In this, he solicits from the piihlic a con tinuance of their favors. Durintr this ccrloil he hns endeavored lo keep up with the improvements oi m ony, anu lias accordingly extenilcd his busi ness In every branch and variety. Tits public are uioipiopo inviieu to tn etUnUon of the urescni ., L. r 1 ui i - ' . . , CA1HNBT WAKE AND CHAlItS, AlANIJFACTl'REn BT SEBASTIAN HOXTPT & CO. At the Old Stanti, Where in addition to their former stock of tV establislinicnt lliey now manufacture Mahogany,. Walnut & Cane-Seat Chairs. Isirve. Spring Sent Rocking Chairs, i Dressing Burttiva, Centre Tables, Marble Top Wanh Stands, and a variety of other new style nnd V:yiomhc Fii.'iiilurv. Having secured a Hearse and made the neces sary arrangements for the purpoe, they are now prepared for Undertaking in all its branches, in Ibis vicinity or at any convenient distance. Ye mnlilssud mistreraes, and hnshnnrls too, Here's furniture of every styla and hue, Trom side boards down to kitchen tables, From rocking cbnirs to locking cradles Flionld you not have the ready John to pay, ( YV1I wait awhile for a brighter better duyf Or take potatoes, oats, com, whcnl and rye ; Ilnik, hoop p- 'n.siuves, or lumber wet nnd dry, Or nny thing hut yokes and threshing flails, I-'totn pitcn and turkirs down tu little quails. Coaic on then friends, coma one and all, Keep trade a moving, so "goes on the twill. H l""r? ' Orders from a distanco promptly attended to nnd work of all kinds delivered with dispatch. Sunbury, Mar.-h , 18r0 tf Hobty Horses, Children's Propellors, Gis. Coaches, Barouches, &c. Maiiufactured wholesale and retail by 3"J0:-:iTELL Its TTJLLS No. 61 DUCK Street, t Philadelphia. Onlrrs tlirour!li tlio nniil promptly executed- ; l'liilj., 1). lSja. lv. CHEAP WATCHES. JEWELRY AHD ' yil.VKH W.tllH, Wlinl.-silr mid Hi-tail nt No. T4. j O Mii;ill Sl., tipjKisittf tin, Mt. Vermin 11 aise. ti M l.nver v titclicfi, lull ,iewK-d. 13 K. cast's, tf.uw; nr ! Ivera, I all jeu-eleil, 812,110 ; filver lpie,ie-elcil, ,ju all wnrrilnred tfi hrt-p R'"'il llin. li'.Kl I rns nun ii- , vrr Ciiae. M.ihij (uilil IVm-ila. 1.00 ; 'i"lil lvncila and j l' t-'"-l K-""' IV""" !"' e3., 4c. Al.-:., akvava nil li-.uil a ir '.al iir.irtiiicut il tine sola , jc.,rv. (i,,H r-rh, (l-i-iul mul l-'..l CLnuia. GolU Vt , Uluii.i.: I.idiel' I'.ih Clmliia ami Hill Tins. ! Sll"' ,:'!r s "" i"n.iii SU to tu. lir!.rt. tjoto : P-J I , an.l 'lVa, l,7.i l i jl..o ji-r s.'l, w.irniiitt-cl e.tnil to c .in. All pi-nla u-arianUillu lie wliut tiiey are sjIJ Inf. (T '.it-ln-s nml J -w-flrv rfii:tin-d nml w.irnmu-i!. c A" ""h" h' njail or otlicrwiae, will I i.unc- iuti v nrifiii cii t.i. T. AVISR. Acrn!, N't. 2 Nurili SECOND Street, cpn.witc the Mt. Vernnii IlilltSll. I'hil.i.. April 83, 1S53. 1)-. I WET. M'CARTY, Bookseller, TJEriPEOTFULLY informa the inhabitants ol town and country, that lie fins lately recei veil from Philadelphia, a large, addition to his t ... . . i , I . 01 " 01 "00k"'. "' c-v 01 ''""aIure nml 1 111 a crcat V1,"0ly of b"ulll,8- PI"3 call and see then. Punbtiry, f-'ept. 17, 1?3S. WATCHES, JEWELRY, &o. .1 A Al KS P,. F i DIKR, .Vo. 12 South Second Street, ri.iLADZZ.rniA. Oold Lever Watches full jewelled Silver Lever !o Silver Lepino do " Quartier do Gold pens nnd pencil and silver lmldcrs Silver Tea and Table Spootia lLacelctB. lircast pins Ear tings Ac. All warrant-d und sold ut prices as low as aey in the city. November 57. 1 S.n. tf. I'oseiuliiK' Hydraulic Cement. X excellent article for lining Cistern., Vaults, Spring houses and Cellars, and for keeping dampness from wet and exposed wulla. For sale bv CHARLES S1IEPARD SMITH, of, and successor to, the late firm of Evi Smith & Son. X. E. Corner of I'rent and Willow street Railroad. Philadelphia, Feb. 19, 18.13. ly. A VALUABLE HOUSE And Three Acres ul'C round FOR SALE. rTMIE subscriber oilers at private sale, his house and three acres of ground, on the river Hank within the limits of the llorouglt of Sunbury, now in the occupancy of John Shissler and orig inally owned by Cilas. Uussler while engaged in boat building, i uo improvements aie a TWO GT0EY FEAME HOUSE, ll'iU a Well of pood Water, and a good frame stable. There are a number of excellent fruit trees on the premise. The prop erty is handsomely located and will lie sold at a reasonable price and possession given in April next. Apply lo l,eo- tj. i elker, Esq., of Sun bury, or to tho subscriber at Selinsgrove. I'ETER KERLIX. July 83, 1853 tf. A Farm for Sale. nPU'E subscriber ofTi-rs for sal. his farm, A CO.NTAI.M.NU I ACRES and allowances. It is situated about three mile, from .Sunbury along the shautnkin creek, and is in a good slate of cultivation. The Philadelphia and Sunbury Railroad passes through said farm. it will lie o.u-red ut p uts or entire to auit pur ciiasers. It can he divided lo inako three small farms. The buildings nre a FARM HOl.'SEy a good Bank Burn, and two tenant houses. JOHN FARXSWORTH I ppor Augusta, Sept. 10, 1853. tf. T1LAXK Parchment Paper Deeds and blank AJ Mortgage., Douds, Executions, Summon. &.C., forauleby IL 13. MASSER. - Sunbury Auri SG. 1851. AX.V8 LETTER PRESSE'. with books, ink, ami all complete, just rreeived, andloraal. ky il. U. MASSER. Sunbury, Jun. 18S3. VliXOlSD'K WRITIXG I I. I ID and Adhe aiv. uud legal .uvrlopea, for aula bv . H. U. MASSER. Sunbury. Jan 10. 18a2. T ARRIAGE CETIFICATES handsomely 1 I executed for tale at ihia office, .ingle or by Ih. doicn. m JUNK-NOTE TABLE." PENNSYLVANIA. I CITT OS 1-RELADIU.PttlA. MAP?ACAt;8KTTl. All solvent bunks I ill lillODK ISLAND. All aolveut banks f dis tONNKC'IICUT. All Solvent banks ' I 'is . NliW YORK. I'. H. Hank notna ' Mill All solernt bonka nui COUSTHT. tlnnk of C'hambershurrf 1 din Hank of Chester Co. pur Honk ol Del. Co. Chester pari eitr. llHiikol tjerinioilowii - par! All sotyenl banks I dis nans ni upttyahurg 1 dis.UT Uk notes under ti I die Hank nf Uwikokh eonsrar. llank or.Middletnwn I Ji All Solrmts banks 1 4is MnntRomery Co Hank pnr NKWJEK8ET. linns nl .orltiumlrarrilU. pni llelviuere Hank I Sia nenaoi ,-iii.nurg 1 uin woinmereinl Hank 1 dis llankef Danville j pnil Kar. Hank Mont llolly per Caihsle Hnnk 1 dis K Jk M., Middletown Pi nar I oiumhin H'k H'ge C par Merlinnli-s' Hk. Newark par j, -vru uuua ... par .w .. ii ni Burlni.toa par Kaaton Hnnk par Met h. A Man. Ilk iWl imr ".'""""h., di.lMorrisCn Hiluk K l""t .xehnnten-kr-itlaburgl dis'Naivark Hk'tAI,,, p I j. P.selamge H'k, Hraneh I di.lOranpe Bank 1 J ! Farmers' H'k, HnekaCo tnrll'aople't l!k Pattersor. 1 J I Farmer.' Ilk, Lanenster pu, Prinpetn,, H.nk t.1 Fprmrra' Mk. Hpnding pr Salem llanking Co, P Til ' m .-t"-""" r" par'Semerret Co tank' PrJui in rii, U'"? ' ,lri" U""U " c'mi'a par Franklin Ilk Was,',, ltd,. Slate Hk KliMl.ihi.. 'Jl narrisnurg Hank t , Slate H.iuk Newaik 1 d a Wdnle ltk I di, itc Hk. K n, 1 J "i! -nneaater l)ak nnr.S.w, ;L m " :",l.P" ..!....... li. .... ' Mereh ftMan. Hk Id",. Miners' H k. Pott,vil. per Trent. ,, nankin Co Union l.ank. Ilorer I die A nr'llevv'lp.t. lii ii. p.. .J. . par nana Ol llelawar. York Hank. . . , naesire I J par Hank of Smvrna tVItelief nntet MAIM! 1 (1i 1 dis Delaware City Hank Mr n ume u uraudyw. nar Farmers' Hk St Helawar. ! Rank of WhPtkiPB.' i:. I'nion Hank. Wilmi...,C Mpreaiiiilt Hk, Hpgr lOdis'tT" Lnder ir m- i-.... ;i-" """"r" I'l'aks i ,ii,, riinn Si. am . h . ",AV'limK. A'lsi'venttank.- di. VltiZ&n. " ''If -!' ?.. "!I Bank i I St Allan. 9 ill. All solvent tanka oil. All s-ilveiit banks i diaiT'L'nderS's, (di. Tnt-MENUOt'S ExciTEiSENT I .' Cash, Steam, Electricity ! ! The Aerial and nil other lines out-done by the lM?l)tn(npr Miie or UlA 7. CLEMENT. "lIIO, Inn-hill great faith in rnpi.1 .ale. and mall profits, liu. just received sua a InrRC assortment of FALL AND WI.NTER GOODS. At lits Storo in Market Street, Punbtiry, wltli-U lie oflera to the public ut the lowest prices. lli stock consist of a general assortment ol Dry Goods, viz : Cloths, Cassimrrs, Catsinets, Jeans, Drillings, Illiisliiis, Linens. Calicoes, Muslin dt Laws, Lawns, Ginghams, Eerages. Silk Hats. A larje assortment nf Hoots and Shoe., for Men, Women and Children. (Jrorrrlrn, Sugar, Ten, CofiW, Molasses, Chees., Spi CPJ, Fish Sail, Plaster. 1 1. MID WARE, Viz : Iron and Steel, Xai's, File.,, Saws, tkc. QUEENS WARE, Tea Sells, Plctes, Dishes, Cups, Saucers, le LIQUORS, Wine LVtKuIy, Giii, Rum, Whirry, tc. fir" Country produi-o of all kinds taken in x chntitie at the highest lnutkct prices. . Jan. 15, 18!i:j lv. THE POCKET AEECULAFIUS : on, rv;:ny om: iih own riiYsicux. SV - TUE FORTIETH Edi rr (1i" Hundred . ; . Ir jt. ':'r:lvl"S'' ahnwinj Di. yl e ises and .Mniformaliona fcjj the Human Kstem in every i .."' ,liatlC Hlill l'.irin. Ti, Mrlii.ti '.;;.-". . V' ni'i"' 'r realise on th. l '.'rJrr.-r I M Diseases nf hVmale,. b.injr 'k:;-J pW ol the hijhest importane. to niarricd people, or those contemplating marriage Let no father be ashnnied In present a copy e Hie .1..-1. l I. A I ii,. lo las riuiu. it may snv. him from an eaily crave. Lei no young man r woman enter into the secret obligation of mar j ricd life w ithout leading the TOCKET .I'.SCU , LA PI I S. Let no ru e suffering from haokniep Cough, Pain iu tho Side, re.--tlepB nights, nervous -o--!- feelings, and tbe whole train of Dvspeptic .ensa- tiori-,. ami Liven i n bv their physician, be another moment withtitit cciHulliiig the J'St'fLAPIL'S. Have the inarm, J. or those about to b. married any impediment, Ibis truly useful book, a. il baa been the means o! saving thousands of un fortunate creatures from the very jaws cf death. It." Anv person sending IWEXlt-FlVK C'EXTS, enclosed iu a letter will receive ou. copy of this l ook, by mail, or fiv. copies will b. sent for one dollar. Address. I'll. W. YOL'XU, Xq. 1.12 SPRUCE Street, PHILADELPHIA." Post paid. June 18, 1R53. ly. More eT CSood.iJ! WILLIAM A. KOHB, rSESTECTFL'LLY iiifurins his friend, and the public gi'iieiallv, that he has just received . and opened a huge and splendid stock of FALL AND WI.NTER GOODS, at his Store iu Lower Augusta towaship. His stock consists of every variety of Dry Cood. viz : Cloths, Cassiiners, Saltinttls, Testings, Flan nels, Muslin, A'e, A splendid stock of LADIES PRESS AXD FANCY GC0DS, Such as Silks,, De Laines, Merinoes, Lawns, (i iu churns, Calicoes, Ifc. D03TS ASO SHOES, A fine assortment for Men, Women & Children. A large assortment of CaKttC'ERlES, SUCH AS Sugar, Coffee, Tea, Molasses, Spicr-a, &.C. Hardware and Queensare. Fih, a Kami Liquors. Sl t'll .3 Ciu, Brand)', Ruin nnd WbiskfT, Beside, the laraest and most general assort ment of all kind of Goods to b. had in the country. All the ahov. mentioned goods w ill be sold at uelt reduced price, as they can not b. got lor elsewhere. Country produce of all kind. tu!:e in f xeherig. at the highest market prices. Augusta twsp., July 2, 1851.- -St. Liunher Yard. TxIIE subscriber would respectfully inform th. X tilirens of Sunbury, and Xorthuml erlani and adjoining ce-vmtie-,' the.: ho ha. opened L umber Yard the lot fronting on Cranberry St., a short (liar in lance Fist of the Steam faw .inn, wnere ne m ." r p.. .,..; now a large amount . ...-v-.. - . - aso P,i""l Po.-irds, and nil other Boards and Biiiiuisa MiTKittAt, such as will be wanted for building purpose. Also a large amount of Shingles on hand, which . ill be sold from ft up lo M, according to quality nnd size. Please giv. us o call and examine mir price and quality. X. B. Farmer. vho ure in want of Shingle, will please cull us we will cll lo you low. 1 J. E. LEIB, Sup. Bunbury, May 28, lSf3. ly. OLD PEXS with and without of ai aniierior no a itv. lust received. Arso a fresh supply of Writing Fluid, for ! I,. ii. u. siAosta. Sunbury, Dee. 87, 1S51. ' UATEXT URITTAXIA 8TOPPERS f par twines ior vsiiv vy II. B 'MASSES. Sunbury, April, 13, 1851 1JLANKS. LAX ICS of every description can b. had j ap King at llir ollii-e of ibe Ainrtiieal),