foreign News. ARRIVAL OF THE All AT, I A. ' LATER FROM EUROPE. Collin Declined Breadstuff) Advanced The ' Battle of Citale Brilliant Victory of the 'Turks 4000 Russians killed -Retreat of the Russian Res rve. ' Halifax, Feb. 4 The Royal Mail steamship Arabia, Capi, Jutlkins, from Liverpool, at noon, Saturday, the 2M Jan., arriroJ here) at quarter past 12 o'clock, this P. M., bringing 79 through passengers. :. ; THE TURKISH WAR. We bate further accounts of the battle of Cilale, confirming the Turkish successes. It appeara that the Russians were oonoBn trating a force at Citale, in order to attack Kalafat, en the 13th, but on the 6ih, fifteen thousand Turks marched out of Kulafat, at. tacked and Stormed Citale, had a conflict with the Russians, in the field on the 7th, and resumed the battle on the 8th ending, in the evening, with' the total discomfiture ef the Russians, who confess to 4,000 killed, and their generals, Anrep and Tuinout, wounded. , , On the 9th, the Turks having remained over night on the field beyond Citale, attack ed the reserve of Russians, drove them back upon Krajova, with the loss of cannon, and immense slaughter on both sides On the 10th the Turks, having razed the Russian fortifications, returned to Kalafut. The Turks were commanded in this action by Selian Pacha. Zedlissky, and Mehemed Pacha, one of whom probably Mehemed is reported killed. The above victories were officially announ ced to the French and British Embassies. There is very little news from Asia. Letters Piom Trebizonde, of the 6th December, say that Sohamyl had organized a Polish rifle regiment, 1200 strong. He has plenty of provisions and ammunition, and is organizing an army at Daghnston. The Abasiansare in alliance with dim. The Hungarians arid Poles, who had been waiting at Constantinople for employment, were shipped on the 2d of January, for the army in Asia. Klapka declined an Asian command, but offers to serve in Europe. On the 5'.h of January the whole of the al lied fleets were in the Black Sea. Two ships had been sent with the follow ing to the Russian government, Rt Sebastopol conformably with the orders ef the British and French govurmeuts. "The British squadron, in concert with that of France, is on the point or appearing in the Black Sea. The object of this move- ment is to protect ihe Ottoman territory from aggiession or hostile acts. We apprize you thereof with n view to prevent all col lision lending to disturb the amicable rela tions existing between our gov'ermeuts, which .wo are dedircusol preserving, and which, no floubt, you are ecpialy anxious to mantnin. To Jhis end w e should feel happy to learn that you, anim;Ue l by these intentions, had deem ed it expedient to give the requisite instruc tions to the Admiral commanding the Rus sian forces in the Black Sea, so as to obviate uny occurrence calculated to endanger peace. (Signed) Redcliffe. Bahaguav P'hii.mehs." Around Sebastcipol and the Coast of Crim ea the Russians are erecting batteries, and have extinguished all the light houses. On the 3 lit of December the Porte made ihe following 'modifications to I he note of tin) four powers: First Instead of evacu ation of the Principalities as soon as possible, say within fifteen to twenty days after the acceptance by Russia. Second The renew al of treaties to be with special referent to iha integrity and independence of Turkey. The Porte will ameliorate her administrative system alone and spontaneously. On the raceipt of this at Vienna, the Eng lish. French, Austrian and Piusian represen tatives met, and drew up a protocol, stating ihat the Porte's terms were good and satis factory. They wete immediately sent off by coiui.-r to St. IVtersburgh, where they would arrive about Ihe 19ih. Th( Poile's demand that the note shall be definitely accepted or rejected within forty days from January the 2d, and the Princi. parities evacuated within from twenty to thirty days of the date of the Czar's letter of accpplaiice. This demand is on the way to St. Petersburgh. On thn 12th January, the British and French Ministers at St. PetersbiUL-h also communicated to the Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs the entry ot Ihe allied fleets into the Sea. The Char's reply was not known when the Arabia sailed, arid all Eu. rope was anxiously awaiting it, as indication had already transpired that he would at once withdraw his ambassadors from France mid England, and formally declare war. Noth ing else is looked for. GREAT BRITAIN. England is actively recruiting her coast Volunteer Artillery and coast defence guaid : ten thousand .men are wanted. Exertions are also' making to man the Navy, and two more ships are fitting out, but apparenlly fo land forces. The governer has agreed to send out two steamers,' under Captain higletield, to renew fne Aictie searchi FRANCE The greate1. activity prevails in the French navy yards.' The operatives are ordered to Vork on Sundays, and every ship is to be fitted for sea immediately. A levy had also been made of all seamen between twenty add ferty years old, and all the Newfound land fisheimen are drafted into the fleet. Stores for forty thousand soldiers, are ready for shipment at Toulon. Mrs. Swissholm's Pittsburg Saturday Visi ter bat been discontinued, as it "was a losing concern." It has been merged in the Jam Hy Journal, throngh which we shall hear from Mrs, S. Oregon is so much increased in population, that the subject of admission ints the Union is alreadv talked of, CAHE Or IDIQESTION. Dio or Wieting when lecturing at the Brooklyn Institute, lately, described tits man ner in which persons destroy their stomachs, and produce indigestion and dyspepsia. A gentlemen sits down to dinner, and partakes of a multitude of dishes, each seemingly pre pared to coax the stomach to accept more than it can digest. Being completely loaded it sets to woik to agiiale the heap, and put it through the process of digistion. The gentleman then starts for home, and sees some seductive looking apples on a stand, which he thinks he should like In eat. -Ho purchases a few, and commences to gulp them down. "Hillool" says the stomauh," looking tip in alarm." what are you about there t I have more work than J san attend to already." However, remonstrance is in vain, and, with a gripe or two, the stomach goes to work as before. Iha gentleman next meets with a friend ; a glass of winei a brandy smash, or some other liquid com pound, is gulped down, aided by some to bacco fumes. Supplies are lowerrd it to the stomach like bales of cotton into the hold of a Mississippi steamer, until the organ, wea ried and overburdened, gives up in clisgnst, and leaves ihe mass to indigestion, dyspepsia, and its train of accompanying evils. Thus the haimony of the system is destroyed, which might have been prevented by a little prudence and self-denial ! ' EFITATH OS A KITTEN Here lies, by death .mitten, A hapless young Kitten, To moulder away in the dnit ; Oh, had it lived longer. It might hnve Iwen stronger, And died somewhat older we trust. Hud it grown up to cat-hwd, Then many a rut would Have mourned in the deepest of wo; Let the curtuin ! drawn to, We hope it ha gone to That land where artl other cat. go. The amount subscribed in the four cities of Now York. Boston, Philadelphia and Balti more, to present to the rescuers of the San Francisco sufferers, is 884,470. Hoi.loway's Ointment and Pills a Cer tain Remedy for Erysipelas. Copy of a let ter from Mr. Yeales, Post-office, Aldwiek toad, Bngnor, Sussex, dated October 4, 1852 "To Professor Holloway. Sir, This is to certify that, flaring suffered from severe ery sipelas in the leg for upwards nf three months, wnicn lesisieu un meilical aid 1 wasailvised to try your Pills and Ointment, and to follow the rules fordid, as prescribed in vour bonk ol directions. The treatment was perfectly snucessini. aim completely cured me. 1 have recommended mem to others similarly alilie ted, and with equal success. AT the French Ball, the other evening, a gen-ta- tlenian who lias not been hitherto very suc cessful in his affairs of the heart, made a complete conquest of the belle of the room. How he came te such good fortune could not lia understood, until it was ascertained that he had that evening, lor the first lime in his life, worn a suit of clothes just from Hpi KiiiLL & Wilson's cheap and fashionable clothing store. No. Ill Chestnut street, comer of Franklin Place, Philadelphia. J'lnla., Jan. 28, 1851. cw. i) i i: s. In Cameron twn., on the 311 nil., Mr GIDEON KRAMER, aged about 40 years. In Upper Mahanny, on the 2il inst., Mr. PETE It HKOCIOUS, aged about 50 years. In East Buffalo, 29ih nil , SUSAN JACK SON, ol Sunbuiy, aged about 21 years. ijc ittavkcts. Philadelphia Market. Fob 8, 1854. FlovkJani) Meal. Thomaiket for Flour is firmer, wiih pales of 2P0O bbls. extia brands at 9 per bbl. Sales of fair mixed brands at S8 624 ; holders asking $8 75. There is asteady demand for city consump tion within Ihe range of SS 75 a 9 50, for coxuron and extra brands. Rye Flour is held at S5 75a6, and Corn Meal at $4 25 per barre " Grain. Wheal is in demand. Sales of Pennsylvania red at 92. Last sales of white at $2 13. Last sales of Rye at SI 05. Corn is firm with i-ah's at 95 cents, for new yellow, to arrive. Oats are scarce. PeumiM Wania is worth 48a50 cents. Whiskey. Sales of bbls. at 35c; and hhds. at 34 cents. SUNBURY PRICE CURRENT WllIAT. IjpO Rir.. . .87 Conx, G2 Oats. - 40 Potatoks, . 50 Bkkswax 13 HtH KLKii Flat. 25 lH'TTKH. - . ?1 EG8. ... 15 I'd it a. ... g Flaxskkii. .... 25 Tallow. . 10 New Advertisements- LEATHER. HENRY W. OVERMAN, No. C SokA Third Street, below Market, PHILADELPHIA. riMIE attention of country buyers is called to JL the extensive assortment of all kinds of Finished Leather, Moroccos, . Calfskins, - . . . . Sheen ISkins, &c, constantly on hand and for sale at reduced prices. KEIl AND OAK SOLE LEATHER. N. B. All kinds of country leather taken in exchange for goods. Phils., Feb. 4, 1854- 3m. 1000 TONS No. 1 Supcv Phosphate of Lime, TkEBtfRG'S. ORIGINAL AND GENUINE, warranted of superior quality, the cheapest manare in the world; .Farmers ami dealera sup plied at low prices. E.tTliA QUALITY LAND PLASTER. 5000 barrels Extra Quality Land Plaster', select ed expiessly for its fertilizing quality. 10,00 bushels or same in bulk. 1,001 barrels Calcined Plaster.- 500 barrels Casting Plaster. 100 barrels Dentist Plaster. PERUVIAN GUANO: This article we oflcr in confidence to our cus tomers, as equal to any imjorted, and far superior to most in the market. 5,000 baga of this superior Guano, for rale at the lowest market rate. Also, Patagonian Uuano, .Poudrette, Ground Charcoal, Ac, dee. C. FRENCH dfc CO. At the Steam Plaster Mills, junction York Avenue, Crown and Callowblll Streets, Pbila- uelpnia. Phila., Feb, 4, mi 3ny SUNBUitY AMEMCAN, AN1) SHAM0K1N JOURNAL. ADJOURNED SPECIAL COURT PROCLAMATION 1WDTICE is hereby given that a Special Court of Common Pleas, in and for the County of Northumberland, to commence at the Court House, in Ihe borough of Sunbury, at 10 o'clock, A. M , on Monday Ihe 6ih day of Maich. next, and will continue ONE WEEK. . Jurors are requested to be punctual In their attendance, at Iha time appointed agreeable to their notices. Given under my hand at Sunbury, the 4th day of February, in Ihe year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifly-foni, and Ihe Independence of the United Stales of America the 78th. WILLIAM D. KIPP, Sheriff. The British Quarterlies AND BLACKWOOD'S MAGAZINE. LF.ONAUD SCOTT A CO., New York, continue to Re-puhti.h the following Uiitiih peiiodicalr, vis : THE LONDON QUARTERLY REVIEW (Conservative.) THE EDINBURGH REVIEW (Whig.) THE NORTH BRITISH REVIEW (Free C'h.) THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW (Liberal.) BLACKWOOD'S EDINBURGH MAGAZINE (Tory.) Tho pnmnt critirul 8fnt of Karnprnn nfliitr will renrtef tlirne liultlit'iitcns inifuully interfiling daring the yetjr They will occupy a muKlte ground letweii the linntily written newn-llmm, crude ncculutini, and flying r union of the daily Journal, nml the ponderous Tome m the future histormn. written after the living interest and excitement of the gictit political event! ahull have pnngrd nwiiy. It is to these Periodicals tlrtt renders must look for the only iwilly intelligible and reliable histoi y of enrrrnt events, and as such, in addition to their wrll-cstabliMit-d literury, scientific, Jnd thcologicHl oln rooter, we urge tliein upon thrconsidiTntioji of the reading public. Arnin?eineiits nre In progieps for the receipt of enrtr sheets from the Hi ilinh publisher, by which we aim II be nble io nL-ice all our ltcntints in the linntls of subscribers, ubout ns soon as thf v enn be furnished with the foreign copies. Although this will involve n very large wit lay on our )r.uty weslutll continue to furnish the Perliilicula (it the same low rates an heretofore, viz : I'cr nnn. For any one of the four Review - - ?3 C0 For uny two of the four Kevtewa fi M Ior nny three of the f.ur Uevicwa ? (" For nil font of the Reviews - - P 0t) For Blackwood's Magazine . - - - 3 00 For Jllnckwood and three Reviews 900 For D luck wood und the four Keviewi 10 00 Payments tube made in alt caacs in. advance. Money current in the State where issued will be received at par CLUBBING. A discount of twentv-five per cent, from tlte nlmve nri- crs will lw allowed to Clubs oidcring four or more copies of any one or more of the n)xve works. Thus: Four copies nf Blackwood, or of one Review, w'" " ent " one nuiiress lor tt: ; tour copies ot the lour ne views iiiki jiiucKWoou lor iiv: nun soon. POSTAGE. Cities and Towns, these works will te delivered, trrough Agents, FKF.K OF l'OSTACiK When sent by mail, the Fostnge to uny pnrtof the Tniied States will le but Twi nt y-l'our teiita a year for "Blackwood," audlmt Twelve tenia a year for eueh of the Reviews. Keniittnnces and communications should always be addrcsst-d, post-p:m1. to the Publishers, LEONARD RCOTT & CO., 51 GOLD PTRKl'.T, NEW YORK. N B. T. S. & Co. hnve reeeutlv published, mid hnve now for piiIc. the FAKAI F.R;S tU-'lDK," by Henry Stc phtns, of Kdinhurph. and Prof. Noiton, of Yule College, New Haven, complrtc in two voW. roynl-K'tuvo, continuing 16(i0 mures. 14 siecl und 8(H) wotV cngruvihts. Price in muRliu binding, $0. IV This work Is not the old "Honk of trie Farm," lately bksusoitated and thrown upon the .Waiket. It!W orK, Jan. as, iwi AUDITORS' NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby givm tlmt tlie unilerBigncJ Auditor, appointed liy tlio Orphan Court of Northumberland county, to make distribution ol the assets in the hnnds of Thoma. Snyder and Adam Snyder, Lxrcntora of the last will an J testament of John Snyder,, dee'd., to and among the deviKes of said deceased, w ill attend to the duties of his appointment, on Saturday, the 11th duy of IVI runry, 1854, at 10 o'clock, A M. of said day, at his office in Sunbury, when all interested may attend if they think proper. M.I.. SHINDKL, Auditor. Sunburv. Jan. 29, IS5-1. 3t. SHERIFF SALE. BY Virtue of cerliin writs of Veu. 2rp. tome directed will be sold by public Vendue, or outcry at tho pubiic house of J. II. Eckbcrt, in the borough of Milton, on Monday, the iJOth day of February, 1854, at 10 oVlock.A. M., tho fol lowing real estate, to wit : A CtTtain Lot or piece of Land, situate in Delaware township, IVorthnmborlar.d county, bounded north by lando ol Utt, catt by lands of Sarah Kied, south and west by lands of Susanna Ried, all of which is cleared, centaiuing 10 acres more or Ices. Seized, taken in execution and to bo sold as tin property of Jacob Weicke. WILLIAM H. KIPP, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office Sunburv. Jan. 2S, 1854.- J HEW.TOCX. WINDOW SHADES.WWSTTLES. G. L. MILLER & CO. isa. MANUFACTl'liERS lh5- AND WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS Jn "Window Shades, South-west corner of 'Second and Arch Streets, PHILADELPHIA. SUCH as Ootho's Landscapes, Bolder., Vases, Seniles. lSoaucts. GOLD BORDERS, &c, Of the most beautiful designs and perfection of finish m this country, ami ai sucn i,uw rim; As to challenge all competition. Buffand White Hollands, Uambncs, Tassels, lurils, t)rasse.s, &c, in every variety, for City or Country Trade. We invite an examination ot our stock, ai ma Depot, South-west comer of Second and Arch streets, Philadelphia. January 28, 1854. 5m. Settlement Notice. ALL Persons indebted to the subscriber, either on Note or Book account, are hereby noti fied to call and settle fire serine befoie the 1st of March next. 8. N. THOMPSON. Sunburv, Jan. 29, 1854. 3U House ami Lot for Sale. rjHE- subscriber offers for sale' his house end 1 lot of ground, situate in Blackberry , street, in Sunbury, between Fuwn street and Britjht'a Foundry. The improvements are an excellent twe story log -H W E ATH Ert-B'O A R DED' HOUS E, 50 by 30 feet, containing seven rooms throughout There is excellent fruit of all kinds chtbe premises. Apply to JACOB CABLE. Sunbury, Jan. 29, 1854 at. R0WE & ETTST0N, 1 1 1 North Third Street, below Race, rHXI.ABEZ.PHIA. Manufacturers k Wholcsalo Dealers in Corn Brooms,' Looking Glasses, Coritage, Painted Hiirkets; Clocks, Wicks, Twines, Willow Baskets, Window Bhailes, Mulches, Cedar Wars, BrisUe Brashes, Blacking, Wood and" WilTew Ware of all kinds, at the Manufacturers' lowest cash prices. Jaks F.cstox, Jso. M. Rowi. Phila., Jam 21, ltM tf. M, P.-POTTS, IMPORTER' AND' DEALER IN IRON & STEEL, 461 Market street, below 13(A, north side, PHILADELPHIA Phila., JaB. 2, 180L ly. LEAD, ZINC, . IRON TAINT, OIL AND COLORS, WAKWACTtHKO ST FRANCIS S. LEWIS & CO-, Represented by Lewis, Jamts Co.j 1S3 South Front Street, Orders thankfully received punctually attend ed to, gunrautecd to give satisfaction, and nflcred for sale on the most liberal terms. For samples and particulars, please address a above. Phila., Jan. 21, 1854. 3m. Orphans Court Sale TN pursuance of an order of the Orphana' Coiirt of Northumberland county, will bo exposed to public sale, on SATURDAY, the 18th day of FEBRUARY next, on the premises, tho following daacribed Real Estate, to wit : A Certain Piece or Tract of Land, situate In Lower Augusta township, cotlnty aforesaid, adjoining lands of Samuel Snvag;, Sarah Kean and Michael Barnhart, containing twenty ncres, on which is erected a two story WEATHER-BOARDED HOUSE, and n Ion stublo. Late tho Estutc of Abraham Ilrosious, dee'd. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M., of said day, when the terms will be mado known by LI.IAS BROSIOLS, Adni'r. By order of the Court, ) J. I PUK8EL, Clk. O. C. S Sunbury, Jan. 31 1854. Is) Valuable Property for Sale In tho Borough of Sunbury ! npHE subscriber offers for sale the following; Jl property in tho Borough of Sunbury, vix: THE HOUSE And two contigious Lots of Ground, on the south west corner of Market Square, now ociupied by the subscriber as a store and dwel ling. Also: THE STEAM SAW MILL on the river bank, together with one and a half acres of ground. Also: a double two story frame Dwelling House find Lot of Ground, in Elderberry street. Also: six acres of ground at the Point, adjoining the Husqiiehannn, on wlm li are erected two liame house wagon house, &c. Also : A House and Lot of Ground in Cranberry street, near the river, on which lot are also erected three lime kilns. Also : A House nnd half Lot of Ground, on the north east corner of Kiver and Dewberry street, occupied by Augustus Clement Also: .Twenty-Three Vacant Lots on Elderberry rtrcet. IRA T. CLEMENT. Sunbury, Jan- 11, 1854.-tf. CRITTENDEN'S Commercial Institute, 140 Chestnut Street, PEILADEirHIA. rilHE branches taught arc 1 BOOK-KEEriNG. WRITING, and COMMERCIAL CALCULATIONS, Open Daily, and on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday Evenings of each week' 11. S. CRITTENDEN, Principal. Tliila., Jan. ?8, 1R54 3m. A. Farm lor Sale, OR RENT ON SHARES, TV'EAR Sunbury, containing 240 acres, of 1 which 00 are m cultivation. Also, to KENT, a large store room, in Market street, Sunbury, now occupied by Messrs Buyers. II. BELLAS. Sunbury, Jan, 28, 1854. 4v. Now is the time for cheap Clothing! Tiik Great CLOTHING STORE OF G. ELSBEltG & CO., Market Street, opposite tho Post Office. UK stock has recently been largely replen ished, and now shows an extent, value and variety IcTcr before Equalled, in order to give all an opportunity to supply themselves wiih good and cheap cbithiiig before the approaching ilolidavi. Among our cheap and choice Assortment can lie found tho foil. mini; : Fine black, blue, olive and brown rrock, Dress and Sack coats of cloth Peter Sham, casscnicre, sattinct, beaver, felt, whitney and blanket. Also, monkey Jackets, all styles, colors aim stuns. TANTALOOXS, An endless variety of black and fancy Casscmero, sattinctt, velvet and oilier Pants. VESTS, A very large and choice Assortment, such as black and embroidered, satin, fancy silk, castc- more, cloth, worsted, velvet, &c. &c. BOb' CLOTHING A nice assortment of coals, vests and pants. BOOTS AND SHOES. A variety of calf-skin, kip and other boots, slip pers and shoes. 1, 1J1LS SSHUES. Morocco, enamelled, Jen ny Lind, gum and other boots, bootees, gaiter and slippers. HATS AND CAPS. A variety or silk, wool and fur hats, black and blue cloth, plush ana! oil-silk caps, mens' and hoys' sizes. Also, all kinds of underclothing, white and fancy shirts and collars, suspenders, gloves, socks, handkerchiefs, Ac. UMBRELLAS, TRUNKS, VALICES Carpet Bags and a great many other articles too numerous to mention. JEWELRY. Watches breostpins, ear and finger rings, gold pens, with or without cases, gold pencils, &e. of all kinds and at bargains Also REVOLVING, double e-nd single Barrel'd pistols. Our clothing is made of the best arid sound est material, and its workmanship equal, if not su perior to the best custom'w'ork of city or country tailors; We are still continuing 5rt our former motto, CHEAP FOR CASH And are trying to deserve still more our rapid ly spreading- reputation of having the cheapest store in Sunbiify. Remember G. EUberg AV Co's Now clothing store, Market Street, opposite the Post Office. Sunbury, Uec. S4, iboj. SELLING OFF AT COST I A Chance for Good Bargains ! ! JOHN BUYERS fe Co., will sell, during the wiiitnr nt met. for cash or countrV orndnrn their fx tensive stock, consisting of DRir GOODS, Groceries, Hardware, QUEENS'WARE, and tlio other numerous and valuable articles they hare' at their atore in' Sunbury. Intending to terminate their' mercantile business in the spring, they are ready to accommodate till that time the public in general with first-rate goods at cheap prices. The winter will soon be over, and spring will shortly be here, therefore call as soon as possible, and procure good bargains. Country product taken in exchange, and "kasb." not re fused. , Sunbury, Dec SI, 1859. tf. VALUABLE HOUSE AND LOT For Sale!! HPIIE subscriber offers at private aale his house and lot of ground, situate In the Borough of Sunbury, on the north west corner or fawn anu Blackberry atrects, now In the occapancy of Jae. Beard, Esq. The house la two story ERICK DWELLING & KITCHEN, in good order and conditirn; For terma apply to the subscriber, at the Forks of the Plum Creek and Tulpohucken read. . JACOBvVEIMER. Jnnusry 7, 1854. 3m. SUNBURY AND EBIE RAIL ROAD COMPANY. THE ANNUAL MEETING of the BtocUliot. den of this Coftipnny will be held at their Office, No. SO, South Third Street, Philadelphia, on MONDAY, tho 13lh of February, 1854, at 10 o'clock A. M. At this Meeting an Election for a President and twclvo Managers ol the Company, to servo for one year, will bo held. Tho Polls will close at 3 o clock, P. M. PHILIP M. PRICE, Sec'y. Jan. 14, 18.PH. to. Now and Fashionable Goods 1 1 JOHN V. MA I? TIN, l'UKhlounbio Tailor, Deer Street, nue door north of C. J. Brunei 's Law O ffice, Sunbury. MAS just received from Philadelphia, the best and most desirable stock of Goods that has ever been brought to Sunbury, such as CLOTHS, Consisting in part of black, brown, green, olivo and blue, A Kplendid assortment of such as rutin, velvet. Grenadine silks, plush vel vets, cashmere, Valencia, and a splendid article of w hite Grenadine for wedding vests. AIbo-. all descriptions ot cloth lor OVERCOATS. An extensive variety of idain and fancr cassi- inera for pantaloons. Common ponds for routs. pants and vests, coat bindings and cordings ; a superior urtii le of NECK TIES AND STOCK?. of tho latest style, plain und fancy black cravats, hosiery, suspenders, shM collars, silk undershirts, drawtfrs, men's drub buck-lined chamois and other glovos, and trimmings of every description. Also on Hand a lew articles of READY-MADE CLOTHING. warranted to be equal to his customer work and aunerior to Philadolnhia manufacture. All ner. sons buying ready made clothing of me can have them rca paired gratis in case of ripping or (jiving our. as l wnrrant alt iny articles I return my thanks to the public for their pre vious patrunnge and respectfully solicit a contiu uance of the same. As I nm determined not to be undersold, my go ids will be disused of on the mosi lemoiinhle icrms tor cash. Sunburv, Nov. IS'i'J. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. WN pursuance, of nil order of the Orphans Court J- ot Northtunlcrlnud county, will be exposed to public sale on tho premises on SATUKUAV, the. 1 lib. of FEBRUARY" next, Thirty orrea o.Tof the north east corner of the following described tract of land, to wit : A Certain tract of Land, situate in bliamokin township county aforesuid, bounded on tho north by lunds of Daniel Miller, on the east by lands of iNaiicy olverton, on the south by lands of said Nancy and Michael Zimmerman, and on tho west by, lands of said Michael ami lump t'ersing, containing two hundred and furty acres. Lato the cslnto of William l'ersing, dee'd. Sale to commence nt 10 o'clock, A. M. of said duv, w l.en the terms of rale will lie made known. PETEK PEKSING, One of the Executors of said dee'd. By order of the Court, J J.P. FUKSEL, Clk.O. C. tSunbury, Jan. 14, 1S14 ) P AKTNERHSiP. TViL JOHN CLA1IK respectfully informs hi friends end customers llmt ho has tuken into partnership, Mr. Henry Paiton, and thut the business of Blacksmitliing will, hrroaflcr, be ftinductcd un- iler the firm of (,'lark Sc. Parton, nt the old stnnd, webl of Ira T. Clement's Store, in Market street, Sunbury. JOHN CLARK, HF.N15 V PARTON. N. B. Persons indebted to the subscriber nre informed that his books nro in the bands of G. M. Yorks, Esq., for settlement. JOHN CLARK. Sunbury, Dec. n, 1S53. tf. An Elegant and Durable Hat TOR $3.00, Equal, if not superior io ivy now offered. FOSTER & GLJ3IIARD, Third St., below Chestnut, FHILADH FHIA. OFFER at very reduced prices tho following; LADIES' Riding Hats and Bonnets, . CHILDREN'S fancy hats, of all colors. Cloth, l'lu-h, nnd Glared Caps, of every varie ty of style. GENTLEMEN'S Driving und Travelling Cups. Soft Hats of every style and finish, at prices to suit all. Also, Vouny Cents lints. fy A general assortment of Ladies' Fancy Furs. Phila., Nov. 5, 1853. 3in, The News of how the War BetweYii the Turks and Russians GOES on is not of so much interest to the inhabitants of Sunbury and its vicinity as the fact that i. W. TENEIl & CO. have brought up this week from Philadelphia a large, beautiful and varied stock of goods, which they will sell cheap as heretofore. They respect fully reipiest their (riends and the public to call and see theirr. Sunbury, Pa., Dec. 3, 18.') 3. VX UEENSWARE Beautifirl sets of Tea ware, in China, Stone China and Delf, Dinner and Supper Dishes of all kinds, Toilet Sets, covered Dishes, China Fruit Baskets and Ornaments, Fluid Lamps', Lanterns, Glassware in variety, and Tumblers from 6 j cents upwards, just received and for sale by D. 10, 1853. I. W.TENER & CO. SHAWLS Broelie, Thibet aud Woolen in great variety Ulaek and Pancy Dress Silk, Silk lace, velvet and other Trimming; Worked collars, under-sleeves, ahimazette, cuflj, just re ceived and for aale by I. W, TESTER A, CO. Sunbury, Dec. 10, 1S53. . PKNNSVLVANrA CONFECTIONARY & FRUIT STORE, No. 1G9 North 3d st , S. E Cor. of Vine, PHILADELPHIA. rTtHE subscriber takes this method of informing -- Country Merchants and the public generally, that he has re-moved frain 158 to the large and commodious store 109 North Third street, and replenished it with an extensive and well selected stock of Confectionary, Fruits, ote., which lie ia confident he ean otr to purchasers, wholesale and retail, at satisfactory rates. WW. 8. 8TILE8. Thilada., Dec. 17, 1853. 3ra. LKT. The house on broailway nevr - occupied by Simon Maris.. Apply to WM MCAKTY, j Sunbury, Dae. 31, lSt3 . Look to your Interests ! Wt will try U pteast ! t S. N. THOMPSON RESPECTFULLY Informs his friends and tho,ptiblio generally, that lie has Just re ceived at hit atort, in Market street, Bunbury, below Weaver's Hotel' an extensive stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, consisting In part of Dry Goods, viz : Cloths, Cassimeres. Cassinets, ns, Drilling, Miulins, Veslins, Linens, (ft. LADIES DRESS AND FANCY GOODS, Calicoes, Muslin de Lnins, Ltntns, Ginghams, Deragcs. Rolms, IVoelens, Flannels, Ift. GROCERIES, Sugar, Teas, Coffee, Rice, Molasses, Clicooc, Spices, Salt, &c, etc., &c. Hardware, Nails, Screws, Files, Sa'vs, Knives & Forks, &o. Queens and G!awarc, of various styles and patterns. BOOTS AND SHOES. A large assortment of Boots and Shoes, for men, women and children. Hats Cats, Slc, of various sizes and styles. Besides a large and general assortment of fashionable goods. Call and examine- for your selves. t3r" Country produce ol all kinds taken in exchange at the highest market prices. Sunbury, 1 1 mo. 6 1853. 4 m. 30, '63. LVtesFaTrTvaTof Fall nnd Winter Goods. J. f. &. i."t7seline, T ESPECTFL'LLY announce to their friends and tl-c public in peneral, that they have received at their Old Stand, in Upper Auqusta township, Northumberland county, Pa., their Fall an i Winter Goods, and opened to the public a full assortment of MERCHANDIZE, &o Consisting in part of Cloths, black and fancy Cassimcrs, Sultinetts, Flannels, Checks, and all kinds of Winter Wear. Also a splendid assortment of. Ladies Dress Goods, Calicoes, Ginghams, Muslin de Laines, Plaid Cashmeres, Do beges, Merinos, Bav stato Long Shawls, A c. Also a fresh supply of Groceries of all j kinds, Hardware and Quecnswarp, a fresh supply of Drugs and Medicines. Wooden Ware. Also a large assortment of Boots and fc'hoes, suitable for Men, Women and Children. Hats nnd Cops, such as Silk, Panama, and other Hats. Salt, Cheese, Src. Call and Sec. Cheaper than the Cheapest, All of which will be so!d for cash, or in ex change fur country produce, at the highestmarket price. . Upper Augusta, Nov. 5, 1SB3. 1y AI 30. 1'EW CLOTMIXti STOKE. A BRANCH OF TIIK Clothing M a n u lac to ry, OF S. SHKURMAN & CO., Danville, Pa. "lTE jcspcctfully announce to tho citizens of ' Sunbury and vicinity, that we have a complete stock of HEADY-MADE CLOTHING, of every style and quality, to which we invite the attention of purchasers. Our assortment con sists, in part, of Fancy over-coats, Plain over coats, Dress coats, Frock and Sack coats, Mon key Jackets, Pouts nnd Vests, plain and funcy! Linen and Muslin Shirts, Under-shirts, Drawers, and over-wholes. Also, Gloves, Stockings, Keck nnd Pocket Handkerchiefs, Woolen and Silk Hats, Cloth nnd Oilcloth Caps, Shoes, Boots, Onltcfs, Slippers and Carpet Bags and Trunks, Umbre.las and everything generally kept in a well supplied clothing and gentlemans' furnishing store. We keep also a good assortment of Aceordeons, Jewelry, Ear Pwinjs, Finder Rings, Gold and Silver Pencils, Lockets, all warranted to bt good. . We sell nt the lowest cash prices ; for our motto is, "Small Profits and Qnhk Saks." We have but owe price mid no abatement so that a person is sure to get tho worth of his money, whether he is a judge or tho good's or not. If any article does not give satisfaction as io Jit, we will take back tho goods and refund the money, provided they are returned on the same day they were purchased, when the purchaser resides in town, and in ono week, when he resides in the country. Price the came as at the Danville ManflfaefeVy Call ami secure the Bargains.' Sunbury, Oct. 8, 1853 tf C. 91. StUTllOLOW. O. IIFKAXV, ja. I. B. CITASBOJI Hartholow, TilViuiy Co. IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN ForeisEi . nntl l$oinc(ic GOODS, AND ACICNT5 FOR THK SALE Ot AMERICAN MANUFACTURES, No, 2G8 Baltimore Street, Baltimore. If o'Ar Goods on examinationore not as cheap as they can be bought in any other market they inny lie returned forthwith at our expense. llattimore, Nov. SO, 1833. ly. No. 99 North 2J Street, two doors cbovt !h Jit. Vernon House, P&Uadelpbia. illimufacturcr 6T Pino Oil ?r Campheue, FluiJ, Lard, and Oil LAMPS Chandcteirs and Candelubras, fur Church en, Stores, Parlors, be riMlE tabscriber would most respectfully invite the attention of storekeepers and tho public ill general, to his large slot'k of (roods, consisting of the above named ai tides, which will be d is nosed of at the lowest manufacturer's prices Whole sale and Retail. Also, best quality of Durninr;' PluM, Tins O or Camphilie, Globes, Shadaa, Wicks, cVc. N. IJ, Newell's patent safety Lamps, a n articlo for sale. Phila., Nov. 5, I8333ia. Platform Scales?, ljif! I if vii Stvtri.'i lestiii Aluwys rix The AMnou, gtd Ftandarit. Jfailroad, Hay, Coal, and rar mm' SCALES. lm J" of the couutrv, at short notic. IGEN TS. GEO. W. COMY. 240 Market st., riiUadelphl., E. Y. Uriffhi, 5unburv. October 29', 1953 3rrr aWTniTTaF-A splendid lot of fashionable Silk. Woof nod Fur .. also Cloth. Fur, Oilcloth, Nsvy a.;d Military Cap. .r aale low by q jrsHERG ir CO. Market rtreet, opposite ihe Post 0c.. Sunbury, OcL 8, 18S. . iir; Heef. JUST received a lot ol nam., " Ch.e Rawias and VlV'Tr a!r R i CO. unbu.y. Jan 88, ISM. L TEI.ER W THE RENOWNED REMEDY I Holloway'a Ointment. Tliis extraordinary trnfiiwtt is e itnpnfl of tin most keel in Bnlssrns, and when ustd In accordsnce with Ilia directions wlii' h uccoinpsny esfh r"'i will insure cures when nil otliei munns fail. Cases of !!it most desperate Skin disonsesreivliljr yield to its efficacy. It is famous when used in cases of Gout, Kheiiinnlism, Cootisetnl i f S"iir Joints, tn Ailsmus it will do wonders If well rub bed inio the Cliest. . , A MOST ASTOMMI'ND CVRT, OF SCftOFfr.Dt:!! Vl.Cr.K5, A CASH (lilt TIF I I'D BY THK MAYOR OF ByTON, ENGLAND.- Copy of aletter from J. Noble, Esq , Mayot of Boston, Lincolnshire. To Pr"fscr HotiX)WiT, . . ., Doer Sir. Mrs. Gnrnh Dixon of IJe.aernnna Slreot, B". tin, lies this dny deposed before me thnt fur a eiinsirteralilo rrt Hi s!:e -me severe! yefliicted wlin rVrofnhms Sores sml Ulcere In her arms, Teet, lops, and other puns of her body : and the first of medical crivlce was HWeihed at lltccortof lunre sum of money, she obtntned noahaMr rnrnt -f infl'iiring, but g-mduallv Brew worse. flciiig recommended hy a fric-wl to try your Olrtment, she piocured a small pot, and a h.ix of the Mils, and Uf' tlial was Oil usefl. symptoms oi amena-urm "lyraiw parsevernif with the medicines f ir a short tune kjinrcr, ccordinir to the directions, and strictly adhering In V"ur lules as to diet, e.. she was perfwtljr cured and now enjoys tlie best of hcillli. ... I remain, Dear r-ir, yours truly. Dated August 12lli, 1853. (Signed) 1. KOBLli. , AN EXTRAORDINARY AND BAPID CURE OP ERYSIPELAS IS THE LEG, AFTER MEDICAL AID HAD FAILED. Copy of a letter from Mrs. ElUabttK Yeaies, of the Post OJJlci, Aldmick Road, near Bcgnar, Sussex, dated Jan. I2!h, 1853. To Professor IIollowat, , Sir I tuMered for a ennsiAerable period frtirti a lever's attnek oi En sioubi, which at lenRlli sealed in my lig, end renisted all rnedictil treatment, my enlTcrintni ere vet y rnet, nnd I qsite despuiled of ony permanent amendment, when 1 was advised to have reci'Urw fo yoar Ointment nnd Pills. I did s without daisy, aud am happy to say Hie result wise eminently successful, they effected a radical cure of mr leg and restored me tnthe enjuytnent of healtrr. I slial I ever speak with the utmost eon Science of your medicines, and haue recommended llieni to others in this neighborhood similarly afflicted, who deiived equal benefit. I sin. Sir, your r&l.ged and faithful PerWiit. (Signed) ELIZABETH YEATES. f The Pills should be used conjointly with the Ointment in most of the following enses : Bad Legs, Chieo-foot, FiftatrtS, Hud Breasts, Cbilbininn, flout, Burns, Chapped hands, Glandular we.'ing,' Bunion, Corns (Soft) Lumbago ilite of Mottle- Ceneers Piles toes ft tand-Flics, Contracted and Rheumatism Coc'i-bav, Stiff Joints, Scalds. Klpplmntiaiis, Sore Nipils, Sore-tnroals, kiu.diHe;iees, JVurvy, S-jre-heads, Tumours, Vlsers, Wounds, Yaw . Sold at the EFtaMishment of Trnfessor ITollowat, 44, Strain!, (near Temple Bur, London.) and also at his House in New Vork. Orders for Medicines in the States, addres "d 'T. Holloway New Yotk, will leceive due attention Sld nlao l,y till reneetfihle Di upcasts nnd Dealers in Med icines throughout the United Slate, in Boxes nt 37J tents, C7 eenis, nnd SI. 50 cents each. To be hud Wholesale of the princiinl Drug Houses in the Union. ' v Tliere is a considerable saving by taking tlie larger '-. -. l' - llirectioiiM f,,r Itie irniftiie nf natienta in evere' d S'idrrnre affiled to each box. eceialarS4, US3, ly. This Way ! This Way ! I This Way 1 1 1 Fall and Winter Goods FRXXiING St GRANT. RESPECTFULLY inform their customers; and the public, that they Iutb just Teceit' ed and opened the host and cheapest stock of F?tll and Winter Goods, at t'.ieir store in Market square, Sunbury. Their stock consists of every variety of Ttvy Goods, viz i Cloths, Cassimeres, Sattnic'J, Vestingt, Flannels, Wolleni, Ifc., Ami all kinds of Fpll & Winter Wear. Also. a splendid variety of LADIES DKESSt &., FANCY GOODS, Calicoes, Ginghams, Chinttes, De Laines Serages, And sjvsry var'io'y of goods suitable for La die wear. ...... ,. ... Also a large assortment of EARDWAHE and QUEENSWAEE," Fish, Salt and Plaster. Also nn extensive assortment of Hats and' Caps tor Men and Bots. Also a laro assortment of GROCERIES SUCH AS Sugar, Teas, CofTee, Molasses, Spicet of all kinds. Also a tresh supply of .. .. DRUGS AND MEDICINES. Bosi.les the largest arid most general assort ment of all kinds of goods to be had in this' placo. fST Country produce of all kinds taken in ex change at the highest market price, riunbury, Nov. 12, 1853. new" " Clock Watclintivkcrs. MA'E just opened a Clock and Watchmaker shop in the building lately occupied by J. M. Shnpfon, near Tencr & Co's Stored tn Market Street, Sunbury, Pa., Where they have oj-ened, and will keep constantly on baud, Silver & Gold Watches, etc. Also, Jewelry, Consisting ( Gold Breast-pins, Ear and Finger Kings, Medallions, CulT-pins, Ladies & Gentle mans' gold and silver pens and pencils. Also.' Silver and plaled Tea and Table spoons, salt spoons, butter knives, Ac, Of all sirrs, suiting every nge. Ppy Glaasea,' Pocket Books, of alt sizes. Razors, Hair Uil, Re volvers, and other pistols, Urusl.cs, Combs, Soap, &c, &c. Also, a large slock of MUKfcal lujitriimciits I amongst which ere Aceordeons, Violins, Flutinsy Fifes, Flute. CAIirET BAGS, Trunks umbrellas, suspenders. All sixes of rea dy made Shirta and Collars ; all of w hich will be sold cheaper than ha ever been heretofore aoM in Sunburv. Clocks, Watches, and Finger Rings repaired in the bmf man-ier and at the shortesl notice. Sunbury, Oct. 1j, 13o3. Sin, Cnnsumen, look here!! RKXJAMIX 11KFFXKB R1 ESPKCFFUI.LY informs the citizens of Sunburv and vicinity, that be nas j" reived und opened at his new store, in fliarae street, Sunbury, a handsome assortment 61 Fall and Winter Goods cone-sling in r"rt of Cloths, Caseimers, Cassinets. of .11 kinds, of linei.,ot.on. nd worsted. niuuiNcIiiio Ie lvalue ad all kimls of Ladies Dress (i.joJrV (iKOC'EKIli-S of vvery rariely.' , i-o au assoitu-.eiit u larlvMc, Iron Also in excellent assortment or QVEEifS WARE, "f various style. tVJ paitrirns. . . Also an assortment of HOOTS A SHOES. H ATS & CA PS, pood selection. Salt, Fislr, c. And a ureal "' ot o(h" r,iclM uf n suitable t the trade, all of which will be sold at the lowest prices. Country produce taken lu exchange at tlie highest prices. Sunbury, Nov. IS, 1868. ly. C rTnBERRIES, Ground Nuts. Almonds, Pecan Nu, Wall Nuta, Cocoa Nuta, Cream ' Nuts, Filberts, Kaisina, Figs, Citron, Lemons, Candies and Tovs, just received end for sale bv Pee. 10, 'S3, ' I. W. TCNEK i CO.