Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, January 28, 1854, Image 4

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fFr m the ltarlf 'rd Conrent.
Onep wandcriiiff ihrntiijh t he laiul of ilrrnnis,
In search of ximcthii'a new,
A chinch !iivii8 on n Sabbath morn
Mv rnridiid notice? drew ;
And ihiiiliii! I should snr ihe mode
Of Cliiislian worship there,
I enlnre.l just in lime to henr
Ttio closing hymn and prayer.
The rhurtli was lich, without display ;
From corgi-oiis colors f'pe,
Thronah un!tniiud glass the liyht of heaven
Was shiniiifr thfiei fully.
Anil rich nnd pnnr pal f-i.lo by fide ;
t Haw no cushioned pews,
Whose door the meanest of the fleck
An entrance might refuse.
And when tho hymn win given out,
With what nslonishi'd face
I watched a lady claj in silk
Bend forward from her placp,
To nh are her book with one whose robes
So scanty were and menn,
No maiden formed of earthly mould
To greet ber would be seen.
And yet I saw not the deed
Lessened, a single grace,
But rather that a sweeter look
Beamed 011 ihe maiden's face,
Anil while I pondered in my mind,
How such a thing could be,
The w hole assembly joined to sing
Some time-worn melody.
Tainly I strove with modern air
To ratcli ihe organ's tone ;
These Fimple Christians swell the praise
Of God by voice alone.
And here no fashionable airs, .
The tedium to beguile,
Are set to solemn hymns of praise,
And sung in opera style.
And yet the music of that choir
Right pleasant was to hear,
Though nothing in the strain 1 found
To please a critic's ear;
But childhood joined its ringing tones
With those of faltering age,
And rich, and poor, and old, and young
In the blest work eng?ge.
I listened, nnd my thoughts recurred '
To many a boasted choir
In city church, who weekly meet
To praise tho Lord for hire;
And well, thought I, the church of God
This mockery miht spare,
ceased for every head was bowed
In reverential piayer.
And all in spirit seemed to join,
Nor could I well forbear,
Tor Christ, and not the minister,
Was most apparent there.
Its words of charity and love
Did the whole world embrace,
Unfettered by the lore of sect,
That modern Christian grace.
And little did I care to know
II Old the School or New,
Front whence the soul of such a man
lis rich instruction drew.
His teacher'none could well mistake,
One only can imparl,
Lessons of wisdom that can guide
A siniut 11 u man Heart.
Too soon that fetvent prayer was o'er,
Tha benediction askud,
And slowly down the spacious aisles
The congregation passed.
Slowly, as one might lum bis back
Upon the gates of heaven,
After a taste of angel's food,
Unto his soul was given.
And now kind greetings were exchanged'
With many a friendly word,
And Christians met, as Chiistains shoultl,
Who serve one common Lord, heart, one mind, one earnest will
Seemed lo inspire I lie whole,
A liiend to friend with freedom told
The wellaie of his soul.
Siranpe, though it seem, no single word
Tlfsu cuiiouk folks did say,
Of ,;polilics," of rise in stocks,
Or assip of ihe day.
Not only did they "shut up shop,"
And lock Ihe office door,
Thru turned Ihe key on worldly thoughts.
Till holy lime was o'er.
The sermon, while a group discussed,
I listened in amaze,
And marvelled at ihe words they used,
When speaking in its praise.
They did not call it "great" or "deep,"
"Ingenious," "witty," "email,"
Or "thank their stars iliey had a man
After ihe people's heait."
But whispered low, with moistened eyes,
1 How precious was tho word;
How lull of hope Ihe piomises
Their strengthened souls had heard ;"
And murium ed blessings on hi head,
Who labmi'ig by their eiJ
III all simplidty of truth,
Preached Christ tho ciucified.
1! heard, and could not silence keep;
'Thrice happy souls!" (cried,
"Am 1 in heaven 1" Willi eujdcu etait'
Aly eyes 1 opened wide
Looked round a moment in amaze
Saw my mistake wiih pain,
And never since have duied tu take
A nap in church ogam. M. W.
Thb eduur of tha Buffalo Rough Notes has
the p.ivuVge of hearing Sonlag si.ip, at
,hy"0,roo, "PMtJiiure of of one dMar
Art ? "'!" "the ladie. er.
muse, II ti verv ,. .
elVBSun for aiiB.i; . ' '
. , . concctls.
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PoUrig aiitk dak
b"g f Ihe cask Dn i ' rm "iB
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13114 1.1 18
Dealers in
N. E. Corner Fourth and Cherry Street),
PHItADIJl-rillA. '
OA VINO enlarged nnd Improved their Store,
nnd hnving the largest sMorlment of Lsmps
in Philadelphia citv. thov nr now prepared to
furnish I'LN'E Oil. CAMPHENK,
ETHEREAL OIL, I'liosplifne Un nn1 Lord
Oil, Lumps, Lanterns of nil puterns, Fancy Hotel
nnd Hull Lamps, Clisndeliers, Girsndtde mul
Cnmlelentiras, nnd Ilrittnunia Lamp", at the
Manufacturers lowest prices. Class Lamps by
the. parka-re, at small ndvnnre over Anrlion
prices. Heing lar,:e M A NIJFA OTLKER.S of
Pine Oil, Burnliijj Fluid, Elhereal Oil, Aleoliol,
and (the onlv true) Plioen (!s. lliev enn fur
ni!i l'ie arlielrs at lucli prices that Merelinnts
will find iltolhcirn,lviil?elolui.V. L'all hefore
Boinff risen here, if yon wnnl tin gains. Also,
thn Safely Fl iJ Lamp for sale.
I'hi!a.,faept. 24, ISM. ly.
Depot and Manufactory
S. W. earner Arch nn:l Secmiil Streelt,
- salo nnd Ketnil. surh s Scroll, Flower,
Gothic, Vignette, Oil nnd Dry Landscapes, are
to he hud at tho lowest prices fm quality of woik.
Orders for.Gilt, Plain Ktoie, Lettered and oilier
Sliadea executed nt fliort notice.
Meielir.uts nnd others are initcd to give us a
tri ll. II V trill try to y.lrasc.
I'rasses, Trimmings, &.C., always on hand.
Lemomlier S. W. comer ZUCOXD & AltCU
Etrcets, I'hlliKlelplii.i
August 13, 1853.- fini. lo Coal Dealers.
THE subscriorrs hereby .inform the public, that
lliey have entered into partnership under the
firm of Knse, HecJ oc Co., for the purpose of
1 niinina, shipping and sciling coal, delivered at
j Sunluiry, or at any other point along the Sua
( quehanna.
I They will be ready to deliver coal, well prepa
I red. on cm 'tract or otherwise, at all limes, on tho
shortest notice, and on the mod reasonable terms.
Orders received at fcMiamokin by
KAssK, HEED it CO.
5imbury, June 4, 1653. ly.
Cheap "Watches Jewelry,
TV HOLER ALE and Retail, at the "Philadel.
phia Watch and Jewelry f-Jtore," No. 90
Isortli e'econd Street, comer ol ijuarry,
Golil 1 .evrr Watches, full jKwetrd. 1" enrat c ti-t. Ci" 00
G"lil I.cniua If It. t'Jl.OOiFine Silver Sicclac!es. I-'iO
Silver I.cp. fall j.-wll.-'l, SI'.'OoM Ilr.ici-lris. 3.110
Silver Lever, fall jewl'd 12 ! n,lit8' OoW Pencils. l."0
Firn-'ii'ir (laarlieri. 7.1iiver Tea sp nis, set, 6.U0
fi.,l.l Snei Hide?. 7.0
GnUl Peas, with Pencil suJ Silver H.ililer, 1 ,00
Gold Finirer Lines. STh cents to !?S0 : Watch
Glasses, plain, 124 cents; Patent, 1 Si ; Luuct,
25; other articles in proportion. All goods war
ranted to bo what tbev are cold for.
Successors to O. Conrad.
On hand, some Gold and Silver Levors and
Lepines, still lower than the above prices.
Sept. 10, 1853. ly.
Just Published and for Sale
by WM. McCABTV, Bookseller,
Sunbury, Pa.
Tlic American
Being a collection of approved declarations, writs,
returns and procccdinss in the several actions
now in vse in tho United States.
Br Com.insos Br.KD, I-'q.,
Ipsa; tegis viva vox
Willi notes and additions, together with a shor
system ot conveyancing. By A. Jordan, Pres
ident Judge of the Eighth Judicial district of
Pa., and XV in. M. Rockefeller nnj M. L.
Kliindi l, of the bar of Aoithnniherland county,
biuce the publication of tiiu book, the fullowiiijj
letter has been received from Judgo I'earson of
llarrisburg :
IlAnnisat'ac, June SO, 1S53.
Gkmtlkmes :
After a careful examination of your "Amer- '
ican pleaders assistant," I l ike pleasure in ex
pressing my entire approval of Ihe selection and
composition of Ihe precedents thus oii'crcd to the
puhlic. The irofession in Pennsylvania
stands in need ol a correct system of pleading,
adapted to our habits of business, and the practice
of Ihe courts. Your forms of declarations being,
to a great extent, founded on the acts of astcmhly,
will he a saving of labor to tho pleader, and con
duce to safety and brevity in our pleadings.
It should be in the bands of every practising
lawyer in our state.
Yours, great respect,
Hon. A. Jordan, Win. M. Rockefeller and M.
L. fhindcl, Esquires.
Sunluiry, July fl 1853.
Hook Agents Wanted.
A GENTS WA.NTED in every town and
county in the United States, toscll Ihe most
popular and saleable books published, many of
them bcuitifully illvislralcd with colored cngra
vinns: also the most popular works of T. S. AR
THUR, including "Arthur's Cottage Library."
Intelligent nnd enterprising men wi.l find this
a pleasant and prafitable business.
For particulars address (post-paid,)
J. W. BRADLEY, Publisher,
No. 48 North Fourth eitrect,
Philadelphia, Pa.
October 1, 1853. 7m.
Mann's Establishment
25 Soiifi Sixth Street,
For the Manufacture and sale of
I'alcnt Letter Copy ins I'i rssr,
Oil Papers, Blotting Boards, Copying Ink, &c.
Patent Parchment Paper,
Superior to all others, and each page printed1
A most valuable invention for keeping in a
oook-like form, Letters received, Original Invoi
ces, Ac.
Phila., April 9. 1853. ly.
ARDWAKE Table Cutlcrv, Razors,
oeket Knives, Hand Saws, Wood Saws
iu frames, Axes, C'liiifrls, Door I.cuks and Hinges
Hand Dolls, Waiters, 4'c- jnsl received and for
sale by I. W. 'IlIMJiJ A CO
Ruii'.urjr, Pec. 16,
OK It, a fresh sujiply just received, and for
sale by U- D- MASTER.
Kunbury, Js:i. 10. I8.'i2.
".AEE liILI.8. Justices and Onnsta'tles Fee
' Hills liandsoiusly printed uneaii paper for
sals at this office.
lOU sale at this office, 8tierior ISlack Ink,
V attle Medicine tt S5 cts, Pure Essence of
Ginccr. SS cent
"I TALL PAPEI! A large and splendid ss-
sortmenl nf Wall Parier, Window Paper,
and Oil fchade, just received and for sale by
Dec 10, 1853. 1: W. TENEK 6c CO.
CMI.VEK WAT( IIES.A few double case
English Silver Watches, for safe at very low
prices by II. B. MASSE It.
, unbury, April 12, l5l
far Ike Care f .
MA, wnoopinoaouoH
TO CI'HK A C'dl.n, wnn iikadachk ANB soiia'a"
,f tho body, lake ihe Iiikkut Sectoral on froiog to licit,
oicl wrap up wiirtn, tn sweat daring liir night.
I'on a lii'LU asd Cough, take it ui'tiiihii, ivvinnnn eve
iiln.r. n,.eiiili,,iT l, tit r ..1 .. .tn thr. I. .,!',.. unfl Hie ,llTlalll-
y will s w it bv rriii'ivcil. None will I 'i'g tufl'T fr an llni
trouble when Ihi-v fnut it enn be so renihiy iaie,l. Veie-'i'S
nllhctrd llh o e.iti il c.wrIi, which Ltniks tliem ol their
renin nitht. will fiii'l. hi lnkiiiir the I'herry lV'-himl on
F.nnil I bed, ll.ev nviy he sure of round, unlM,,ken 'erp,
rttut C''iiscr,.ieiilty'i, fri:sliii,ir rest. Grwil rebel friinsul1er
ine, ond mi iilll umle cure, is nil' ' t ' Ihuuctlidswyho ure
Huts iililictcd, hv II, is luvnlnahle remeily.
l'n in hs nrjri-eiihle iflVcts in IIicko esses, many B id
themselves unwilling lo f-fcgo in um htu lbs uecv-Miljr
I' ,r I bus
Fr nn two eminent I'livsieisns In
l-'AVITTEVILI.B, TlMlll , April 10, t 't;
Pir We have given vour Cherry Peet.'rat an estensivs
Iri.d in our nine-ice. nnd find ll In surplus every otliel re-
J inedy we have l'.,r curinfr nCeclii-m f Hie 'esritrynr.
TiftN'.i:RSAND rrDI.IC tsl'I'-VKKItMlhisreiiie-.U-Is
iiirnliMhle, ns by iisnetiniinii thclbr'al and buies, when
tut: tn in Biiiall qtum'itirt, ltiemoveall h.Mrt-nes- in n f'W
li ur, nnd wju,hn'ul!y increases llic juiwcr mid lirxihilily
of ihe v.iiee. , , ,
A-s 1I1.M A is generally in n h relieved, nnd ofl'n wlml y
nrtil bv ( licrrv Put 'ml. UUI mere 1're s iue ensee-u
inale as I ) yield entirely t ' in medicine, cnerry i evie-
nl will '-are them, iflhey enn be cured.
IlltONCIIl US, nr irritnlion "I Hie inr m ran rr"
nullum nl Ihe !urs, mav l cared nv MKlniJ nerr in
ml in snnll nnd frequent it.'ses. The uiic'Jinioiiahlt op
prcMitni is soon riilieved. t ,
'I hive seen the cherrv I'eemrul em snc'i eases ,'i
Asthma and tin nehilis n le-icls me to tichevs U can rarely to care lh"se cliRe:lles.,
roll CUfll.l'. Hive on emetic ol nnumony. m no
f. l! iwcd liy Inr -e en I freT-ieiit d e.1 -I" Ihe Cherry rtcto-
ln!, natil r riib.lues 1 lie ttiseasc. 11 in sw, u, t. ...
II t fail ti care.
WIltlOl'INu C(ll nil may be iimkcii u,i nnu vu-
re.t by ti n me i f ( herry Teet'iral. .
T11K INI' I.I, KN. isipeeilily remivi-o nr inn icm-
dv. Numerous instances have been n 'Heed where wn ic
famines v.-eio protected from nay semms enasc-taeaces,
while their neij-lilnrs, willinul lac tni-rry vviuiu,,
siilt'eriitt- I'r an the disease. .
J)r. J. C. Aver: ALKM,lll", iiuijuu"-,
I wri'e n i'lii'onn yon nf the truly ri nvukalile ureets "f
vour CIll'.IUtY PP.CTfiKAI. in llus place, ami in my
own family, tine of mv daiiahlers was f.ulip.eleiy emeu
m three nays nl -i urcJUiiiii iioiirii v .. i-j
l)r Means, r.nenfnur very best nhvsiei ins fiee! slates
thai he considers it Ihe lie'st remedy wc h ive pulmonary
diseases, and that lie has eared more cases of CnolP with
it than any other medicine he ever niliniiiisleren.
Oat eierey n "f the Kan'isi l liureli siysinar riinns
the run of iN-rt.rPNZA here mis seas ai. he lias seen cares
i'r an your medicine he could scarcely n.ive uc:ie iu ii"
d'.tt seeinq.
Yours respectfully. J. T. SINCLAIR,
Depity Postmaster.
From the rlislinzuithcJ Professor of Clicmis-Ii-y
nti'il Mi-lcrin M.'dirc, Botedoin Cnllcpc.
I have found Hie Cittaav I'Ecronsi.. as its insriiliimta
show, n powerful remedy I'.'I colds, and c.i'Js'.is, and pal-
moinry iliseasis.
Pahscs Cle -eljmi, M I.
DaoxiWicK. Me.. P.-.. .1. IBtr.
The wildii flthratcd Professor f Surctry in
Ihe Medical Cnllcgc, Xeir York City, ?. :
'It Rives me pleas ie to certify t!ie value and emency
nf 'AvKV.'s Cuniav l'l-CTC.HAl..' which I consider pee lli-
orlv adapted to care dise'ts. s of the Thro.a and t.unes."
C'uies of svete dise-ises upon the t,uni:i have h-.ea ef
fected by Cnr.nav I'r.croM U. in aiu-li nie eases as
wnrrnnt'tlie bi'lief that a n tnedv basal en:-:li been found
tiinl can be depended on to cure, the Cou 'lis, C 'Ms and
(J msumptioii which earrv from our mMst Ihoiis-uids every
year, ll is indeed a melieine pi which the, ntllieled can
io tU with c uifidenee I ',r relief, ond they should not fail to
Prepared and soil by JAMES C. AY Kit,
Practical Chrmist, Loircll. il'iss.
Sold in Sunimry l.y II MASSEH, n'i.l Iy
Drntrcists generally tliroiiglimit the Slate.
July 30, 1S33. ccow 1'. Nov. Ki. "32.
il themselves ol It.
J. Ti. GS-QUL9,
(Successor to A. FIO'l'.)
161 Chts'nnt Street, Swaim's fiuildiiig.
7!XTr.:;?ivn musio I'uui.isiiEn, nnd
Dealer in Musical Instriiments of every de
scription. Exclusive Ayent ft.r the sa!e of Ilallct,
&. (Jil's (HoitOll) 1' lYHNT Sl'SI'ENSIO.X llailK. t
.Kul ian and other
L. fj.lborta T3ouloir Pianos, McloJpons, MarlinV
(Juttars, llui-p, 'ii)Iiii3, Music, Misic
UdOKft. &r.( &LC.
liosu!ot.t of t!ie country will be supplictl by
mail or utlieruise Avith any music tluy may
wish, at os low rates us if purchased in person.
H living one of tlia lareat storks in the L'n i tod
Slates, I feel confident of satisfying nil who may
fevor me with a call or order.
Dealers in Music supplied en tho most liberal
terms. Pinnos to let. St'eoiid hand li:,n w Lr Aiile.
Philadelphia, April 11, U353. Jy.
'Kuiekn, Eureka."
TV'OW for the little ones. Why will patents
waste hours and days in fruitless endeavors
to get perfect pictures of their children and ufter
all get nothing but a poor, miserable caricature !
Wc would say, come to our
and we will guarantee te make you a perfect
picture, by our Liicrno Chi.mic.ii process,
that works in from J to 2 seconds.
We defy any Daguerrean in Philadelphia or
elsewhere, to compete wilh us, as we are the
iuvenlois, and the process is used only in our dif
ferent establishments iu New England and the
Middle Slates. For pictures of adults, the silver
medals we have received fiom tlio American
Institute, New York and Franklin, Philadelphia,
together with the numerous premiums Iroia
County Fairs, is sufficient proof that they are
the A Plus Ultra of perfection.
We would rail particular attention to our
Tallutvpes Daguerreotypes in Oil..
D. C. Collins &. Co., 100 Chestnut Street
Philadelphia. Main street, opposite site Hamp
den House, Springfield and Collins' Duilding,
Westficld, Mass.
N. 11. Our establishment is illuminated by
the brilliancy of our Pictures by Day, and by
Professor llorscford't Safety Lamps ly Night
"Come and sue."
Phila., May !3, 1853. ly.
' jIIE subscriber, widow of Samuel Thompson,
- dee'e., late nf ihe "Lawrence House," in
Sunbury, rcset-Ifi.lly informs the friends of her
lato husband, ar.d the public generally, that she
continues to keep the aboe Hotel, and is well
provided with oil things necessary to accommo
date all who may ftivnr her with their custom,
and therefore solicits their patronage.
Sunbury Oct. 20. 1S53. 4m.
S COLO; CMNDY. n excel
lent remedy for couuhs, colds. For sale
al this ollice,
December 4. 1W2.
HAND lilLLS neatly printed on new type
promptly ex ecu tod at this office. AUo
blanks, of all kinds on superior paper.
Sunburv. Feb. 1 4, lh!si.
DR. II. H. IIIGBEE'3 remedy for coughs,
colds, end pulmonary diseases. A supply of
this valuable medicine ju.t received and lor saic
Sunbury, Juae 4. 1853.
AltniAGE CETIFICATE8 Undsomcly
exeouted fir saU at this ollice, siagla or
by the dorn.
'iL "e- . MVK-
I.Wt JT t43A
F ix in i 1 y M c d i t i n c s .
IS nlTerin to Uio tiublio the nbovo mvnlunltln prrpnni.
tluno, the tiihucrilim wmilrt mute tUnt i cmwulutimi
with lnu tiicmlM ami rnm l" iho mort rcspt'i tnUt ol tlio
MHIchI rncultv, it wiii il-iMiK(l aitviwible to oIltr to the
public n low prfiinntlit-iiidf known retcbrliy, In-ifi P"'
pnrrtl wilh the greate euro, mid " Uio inut wiuittiho
principle, n milmlituttMi ftir the numnrmw wttrililr-M r
tide ih:it arc fl.xxling Hie .unlrT in the f.wtn of punncwti
nil cure oils, pnimrrd ly Ihe tnt iffii rnnt mid iiieicrim
ry peimtiii, iiitviM tocuieull dipenst-a anil fooil fur n?ut,
Read and Rrjlcct.
Thnl the Mftlii Ine. MnMufiirtiinwl by.W. M HocKLtT.
Iticltirliug Ins Hi we fr Coughi.
Orpnin nf L'uiiinh'ir, f r Hlieuinatitm.
Wnrrn Pvrnn Votitis.
t.-.h. v'n.i. r..r riswMt-svl t pr tit. diKfn(fd ffumf.
Family I'llla' or blood i'ui ii yer, have bran inure exteut; v-
't - ;.!. . ir.. -itiafHrttion. t inn anv other
McHlinura Itofore the nuMir, Iwing prepnrert with rrnra
tothwir iirviuliiCFB eie tuny wouny mo inn. ui u .iv,.
u fiiit. n trii.l
A fiw powlmIiiI retifotia why Hi above Medicines nro
.(..nriiurr nf imiirrmil iiitiiiintre. (In the timt pluce.
they nraprrpurctl bv n rcenlnr l'hyciriuii, who uinlerMiiiult
tha npphrati mi if i lirimn, t 'ipeiipe, and fonsrqucutl?
are pLrf.vily tife tn Hike. (Hrmndly.) they bnve brm
lined Wltn tnnvprsni stM-crni", nnu itnve pivni in--i k r n?iw.
timi thin nitv Alnlit nun (.ftWrd bel'Te Urn public.
(Thirdly ) they nre the i nly inrj.nma I hat Inve giiinrd
the t-ntftin me nl l'lirii-i:itit. wnerr tiif y tmve neen ;
nnd f Fowtlblv.) th-v aru put up hi Inrirer qiviiitiiKft f.u
the nfime pfirc, tlmu nny otln-r Mflifinr I'lfrrcd li tlie
imbltc nl the kind " As the anhserihi'r h,i a rminbrr
of ccrlilifiitt H in bis pussrasirui of the hi(:lust nutb'irity,
where they ii;ne ih'pii uv'i whii the m"Pt aunhict.try re-
tid's. lie' wiirpiiblish n lew of them, fceliinysutisfiriflhut ;
a n "ml will injure their n-fiHiiinrnditti -n. Try tlieni and
at mfy yuuri'if of th:ir mtperinrity over nil oihcn.
Read nnd be Convinced
We tlie nutlf rsi'-ned b:ivi:ip been i:nle arrjuainted with
the ttijt cdi':n's puifiiup inti the CiMiiponmin knttwit
Hickic'ii I'amity .Mcdicinrs also biiving pres. nbtd nnd
kti wn ibetn t he nrd, with iirt sitiifjirtnry results;
t:ifce pUnsure i:i s lying tlint we brlipve they fully meet
the d:f::git ir whit-h l!n v wrn rrc ini'
J.. STKAWimil'M:, AI. D.
WM. Mr-M AII7. Af. T.
Cure ot ttin in side aud cough from rotated
Jjver C ompfertHt,
Mr. K-rbcrt Ad uns, I iluing under Chronic Liver Com
plaint. i'i.-'Hiii!hfd wiih it fcicrt dry tmiyli rm in the
aide uii'.l brr:t.t, gnifrul debility, bps of pp;ictite. nvr try
ini; till ihe iwni-il rcnirtties re inin-,nibd f i c -nha nnd
dist-as-s if the client, wii with no henelit. site was reenn..
in ii'ifd tit try the I'tctora!, from winch, she n t only
denveil itmni'diatc but re Tninnrnt relief.
J-tbii Att iai". a n ol .Mrs. Ruber! Ad-iw, was offi'ttH
Wiih very RiHivu C Miph, ( ainin t!te suie, and a tr.'ii-M
pr l'K-iil by iin-(iut c 'tiinii:; ; be was induertl t Ity
the Rose iVftoral. T une bis wn tin: liri-t
diiso cnnl'ifd him ! t n.i y n pivd night's rest, In ihe
ID tii iiiaJ Iio ("cprr-turtlfd :i!hii li ill' pint t mutter. He
fojiiiniicd to ijiiprnve until liii conph entirely left him, it
rt!s.) had the rftirt of sirenftheuimr his bteasi. which was
naturally weak. lit uls s-iys tint he hm lecnmiiiendetl
tt ton naniber of bis fi ioiuts sntitiur cmipUiuii, and
iu every cose it has civm aatisiarti n.
Tne ab ve persons residents of the town of "Danville,
feeliitpr that they bnve denvd great beurliis from the use
of the Hose IVeloral, authorize the ah tve stutemenf. f t
the boncfit of those who rtviv be urTliricd in n Kiiniiai man
ner. ;i:kat ci kk.
Jjssof Voire re, it or J Vith one loft'? of Rose Tec
Miss uvin WliiW teli, ( IIurIi towa!iip. V irtluitnber
land n,. for a nnmhi-r of v ears tut ii v.tlnt. tn the lull n(
50, .st Iheitset-f lice voire fr mi n reveie roM she etm
traeted ; nfter ti ing n miniluT of n medief. wiih n ben'',
fit. she was entiu ly restore! by taKinir tiic b 'tile of
I'tet.oial, m'ler wiiirh, f!ie lot her v ive nain. from a
fffrRh ( lift 'ie oniraett il, mi l ':is hit. in irt inietl hv
nc tf mi. I'ter lio;; !e ; i -ie t lit-n k iur tt !cn m.iie to
flrcnp-Mie,! her lavapt, fri-m wlm-h 'ie dr iivetl i!ie m v.
ifftii( hcirar, m Imb 1-een in tin rnjuj meat df excellent
henlili trnin timt iitn to the prt-Frnt.
The rfalcmeirt cl tniitctl fr m Or PtscM. the
riiyfr-ian vh n!fenth--Ui r : n' lt r in -tin r wli:. th nl
that !'.e wni!l iul ! e living nl this 1 1 1 . l if ii hut u ! heeii
f ii the H.fie V mv .lie, .1 in. .. ?C2.
titl another Muled Cure E fleeted.
Mn. fcraaiuel Seeltler, ln ini nt" n n itnr l weak aa 1
rate fonsi i;uti n, very net .ti! Ir t c M;', wn aii.ietetl
wiih a veiy St-vrre e inh. prim nnl P.-reiM'm ui" Hie I rtast,
I iss nf appetite ; niter usirj? n iinmlrr of tlte tisaai reme
dies from which, she dcT t n h"ii''.";l, rli-j was euretl l y
tiiktrir one h title uf IVflornl nml is in llie ciijoyiucut
ff he'.ter henlih t!ian f'r yeare pievi-jus.
l:invilUs tie. 1 1S.-0.
i)K. Ukm.p.v pt iaiit me ti mfurin ymi Mist my wife,
who ian deheak. ami v.'e-il.iy w mutii, ring iin.h-r a
very 'vere Congl. wild pan itntl s 'reiiers i.f hrtjaFt. was
m re qiiiel:!y ontl cffeetn;tl!y relievcJ with m:e iMtle of
y uir lioe Pectoral lh;in any otiier mliiiie slie liail ever
taken. BNi;it MHI(llK.
Jan. 1S.V2. Samuel R. WikkIs' rpnutee, Iltii IVjut.
I'4MiI. 1'lf.M.
J th ii Fishier t:1on hrstweeu ll.iitnms nnd New Year
wiih a very h u! e till, which eii'Ic.l in it dry hard inee&jiit
C-'Uh, eanrtiitj u creat dcnl uf p:nn whenever his fouglied,
wan idifved vt-ry mneh ; by I'te lime he hnd taken ono
tliirl nf n h tttV. and hv lh lime it was i'uiiplicd. w:w m.
tirely enre b Ho nls i mys that h has t-ken several do;--es
of ihe Ileiihh lies: -rative or lirr;;!v Pill.-, and that ihi'y
nre the mildest au.l m ist eir:e:i:;d pntfrativi-s ho lnever
taken. P.diviIIc. Jan 1, SV.
I n rley rarir. rt v i i t lo my hr'thrr, in 1:mi.
Vl'i", I UvA n i-e:y st Vt re C !', which e'ilr.1 inn li?lit
hn.t C v.";h, wi'h 'fntt im;! p'tiu cM'the tr iFt. ". r
wiiich I tut'd y air l!rtie Pe't nil. taul I'aimlv IM!., ond
ta!;e plftsnre in rce innn-iidini; t 'cn. as the im'-ie-l r.nd
mist eiT-eluil reaiely 1 Ir.veim-d. Y.-urt.. r--. nin !v.
.nti. V!i, ij-j. h:tc 11
nv-ei', l,n;eriie co.
Hear Sir : Asa ree -m-iieeduhi.n f T yiair Cose 1'eet.w
ral. iH'inul mc l i say, tint I w;., c-ll'ectiially eiired nt' a
very seceie c .until wiih pain in tin- Ure.iyl, with 1,-ra l!i:ui
hail' a lolile, and llri! I c aiMiiei il invaln.ihle. Viu rue
at l.bertv lo ci'ike I Ins puhlic if voa pie He.
.lilll.M SI'llKUl.Ni;'. (lii, eer.) llanville. Pa.
My Sll ViJli.iin labia inrt under a severe c lajlh and pain
ill his side, l'i mi an imurv reeeived liv a lull, was ealnelv
relieved liy ab i'llo i,i" lt.ue I'eelnrai ft Cream of dun
lin. 1 have nlso ns.l your 1 amily I ills, nnd altopetlier
c-insider tlieni the best inedi cincs l' have e-er nseil.
Jan la5-. liush Tp., Norlh'cl co.
Iir. lliekley Pir: As mv wife, who was Inailleil
wilh dry, li.nd Cough, als , s mr Suanacli, tlepeiulent noon
ihaility, similar to Itisaepsia. win entirely relieved hv
usini; Ivi'ii Isittles of your Knsc. l'eetnrnl, permit mc to say
that I cinsidei it an cee Kul remedy.
Yuurs, respeetially, Itev Mr. WII.LARD.
Part ,r l.utlieran Church, Danville. I'a.
Having heea cured ul'a pain in my aria (similar to It hen.
mall&m) which deprived me of the free usant'il furnliout
four lll iallis. liy iisia one Inllle of Cicniii ef t amph ,r
1 w uil.l slate taat I e 'nsider it the remedy ul the
kind 1 have ever used in my t'aanly, in:d I w.iuld freely
recJimnend it r oiiieis wilh siaiilar idiVelirrs.
Yours, resjiicluil'.j, JONAS WfH.F.
r. uih tp., N"rl!i'd r.
. My wife l.eia efniet-d wi:h n veiv s.-veie pain in h-r
nrin unit sli-.ui.!..-r (llie etl'ee's a e. 1.1) wlaeli , isahled her
fr.mi uin it. was cured with ml,!, iu4 ,,i Cream il Cam
pll'T. .Mrs. Kliliil, lay sis!er-in-l.iw, was u's cured nl ll
severe pain in the h-i,l iindficehv nsinp the Ci,-:ni !' ,r THOMAS C. KI.I.1S,' ll.,iiville. Jan. -JD, '.,-.".
My wife liavnij. Itheuinalisui of the arm f,r a nuiiii r
of years, which prevented her iroin nsiii); il iud,iiiit her
w ak ; nfier havi'ig spenl a (rieal deal ul lu'iney in li ving
dilf-rent remedies with no lieiielit, was entirely cured by
usinir onlv one leiltle ' Vour Cream ol Cai 'ph i'r.
WII.I.IA.M IIVI NI. Minor, i'.i S. It. V,s,d. I!. I'.iiat.
ilr. Uieklev : ll-ivinir ice -ived a veiy seveie injuiy iu
my side hy f.djiuir i.d'n 1.411I nt' hay, I'r.illi which 1 was una
ble to f-ili-iw my w ai;, wis recommended l,t try o li alle
of Cream of Caui .h r. whi.-h sfi" .rdeil initucdiate relief.
liltli'KI'I'll CAKIt. liush tp., Niirth'd t-o.
My wile, siofi-i in;r. frmn in -sr exeruciaiin:: pain,
thrinjt!i(,ut hel general system, which prevented her I'r, in
sleepiutf (lieiep oecisi.'iwt l,y n 1 'Hit and pri'traeled spi ll
ot' Fiekii-ss ;) i'.,r whirli site used ii uuuiher of r,.medti s
vviiliout iHiuefit, wasenlire!)- relieved ly ihe nseoi Cicuiu
of Cainphor. (illti.ll. r.uoWN.
. SiirRSon Dentist, Danville, Pil.
Child cured of Dowel Complaint, nnd A;ue (ol two years
standout.) liy V,irm Syruji.
My child being ulllieled fnlhe lust two vears, wilh
B iwel Compl iiul and Ague until it was reduced t" o mere
skeleton, I liieil a number of remedies wilh no permanent
benefit, until I guvs it a lullle ui your Worm S rap,
since winch lime it has been well, and gt quite fl.siiv.
I ulsn huva rvcauiincu.lcd it to n numlier nl my fneiids,
and in eveiy cose it has L'lven Kitisinetn.ii. I,. l.KVI.
Al l. e.iis Lam:' Merchnnt, Danville.
I havsased your Worm Svrup la my faimlv. ond eon
sider it ll,t only elTeclunl, but the ui 'H pleasi'mt article I
am ncqn liuli-d wilh. JAf'llli 1.ASI1KI. Danville.
Iluvuie used your Wonn Syrup in mv fuinilv, it help,
my children m ire than any piejurali-ai of the kind, and is
in ire pleasant to take. DAN MOIIGAN.
,, ' M "lit 'ul How. Dnuville.
I hove Ind occasion to ae your Worm Sirup iu my
family, and preier il lo any Vermifuge 1 have used.
l'HKI). Bt'H, Frosty Vnllev, Montour co.
Dr. Biekley Having used vonr worm Svrup, and
Creuin ol Cumpli. r mid Family Pill, in my faniilv, lliey
Java givsl sitKliieti and 1 eouiider Ihem Ihe most ef
eclual, aul pleasint renie lies, we have had in our family.
JOIIMII'IIAN It. HlSIIi:,. Danville.
Dear Sir: We the undersigned lieing in the employ of
Messrs. Groves Cnily. at whose store, y.m have an
Agency for the sale of your Family Mixliemes, stale that
we have had an oppoituaiiv of ku iwiug the ojiimon, of
nimierou, Individ aals u In, have used them, and licit Ihey
give general s itisfaeli ni. Ve have a -I.I a great manv of
your IMIs, which are universally liked, being very mi.d in
Iheirop-iatiiai. W. l.l:iSlTHIG,
Danville. Attest, W M. KKI'I.F.H.
Having Scr.rvy i f my month very had, I was induced to
try a bottle of yourTisith Wash, which neted like a cliann,
hardening my uuis, and removing nil disease.
Dr. Biekley: Having what was called ulcerated s 're,
mouth, for which, I tried a numlier of remedies with no
l-nefii : I was at lust cured by using one h tile of your
T sith wash. My wife uls- daring tier eouritiemeiit, was
threatened with s 're.llieasts, luin;ai having alrendy formed,
for wlnck she used the Cream of Camnlior, which s-alter-ei
llicm, thereby preventing her hrensfs fmni r ilhenng
Ninr I ul!ieran Ch-jreh, Danville, I'a.
Dr. nieMey.Hai ing an opp'rtuuity of seeing your
A'lti-fVerbulic Ti ,tli Wash used in sane very seveie ca
se, of seurvev of the gams. I consider it an excellent remo
dy Yours, respectfully, UKO. U. BHOWN.
The above medicines -e for sale Wholesale and Its
tail by W M JtlCKI.F.Y, M. D , Proprietor, Danville
Alsi Pot sale by the following Agents in Northumber
land eoiintv. Friiing Jr. (iraut, Huiibarvi W A. Kaobb,
Augusta; W. Farrow, S-nydertown ; Tnggart, Furinnii
llarl..ii, Paxiaosj Kiiishue htrouse, t'ajliiiii,; Johu
Vauzant. laixinos; Hugh V'ftstiue, Paxiiii s j Amineiman,
llowei k Co , tShain'ikiai Mr,. Ja,. Ttiomas, Shumokia j
Win. Fugelv, Hhamokm; Camptiell h kliue, AligusU
Ba.nael A. Ilcrgstresser, Petersburg; Jacob Leiseurmg,
lt'tir Gari ; Conrad Wenek, Northumberlsurl ; Jeiemiah
CriNiM.rVlingrov.; Jmiah Baker, Lewisburgf Joha F.
Callow and Jonathan Zellers. Milton.
Cull on Ui. Agent,, and get a circular Containing a full
dctcriptinu of the uuincrou, cures actfuuiHsd by the differ
ent htedieinca.
Jsus 11, li9-lr
i'o Your Cra iVIccIiausc.
Of the Tuost rashiouallo Style.
rPHn subscriber respectfully enlls tlio attention
of Ibe public to bis Urge anil splemlid sssort.
nient of every quality end price of
which cannot fail to reiommenil itself toevery one
who will examine it, on account of its durable
workmanship and splendid linish, made up of the
best stock to be hnd in the city. No cflbrt is
spared in the manufacture of his ware, and the
subscriber is determined to keep lip with the
many improvements which arc constantly being
made. Ills stock consists ol Mahogany
Sofa, IMvnit1 nw.l I. utiles,
Bureaus, Eccrctaiici, Cidebcar.'a,
and also VENETIAN BI.IMJS, equal lo I'liils-
dc!,liiu inamtfucturc.
BEDSTEADS, of every i.atlern and price,
In short, every article in line of his business,
lie also manufactures all kinds and qualities of
including varieties never before lo be had ir
fninluiry, such as Miitorusi, i; AV.ii.xi t
mi Ct iiLi:ii Mifi.E liitM id ; axii Vv'isnsoii
CIIAIKS, A n l Aii r li so .-Sroin.s, which are
of the latest styles, and warranted t- be excelled
by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere.
Tlic subscriber is determined that there shall
be no excuse for persons to purchase furniture in
the cities, as eicrv confidence can be entertained
shout the quality and finish of his ware and
His articles will be disposed of on as pood
terms as they can be purchased elsewhere. Coun
try Produce taken in avn:ent for worli.
CT i:M)i:i!l'Aia.'(;. Having provided
himself with a bandsoiiio Ukaiisk, be is now
propurrd for Undertaking, and attending funer
ols, in this vicinity, or at any convenient
lance from this place.
t1" The Ware Room is in Market Street,
below Thompson's !?tore and Weaver's Tavern.
Sunbury, Jan. 10, 1852 If.
Stone Cutters and laborers
jJTONE cuMcis and laborers can have steady
employ and a n-iuteis j .b. ( in.l not work hi
the water.) at the Union mid ii!'.in har.i:a K.idiC
nt Chaiinan, Union county, I'a . midway 1 e-
tiveen Liverpool and No:i'uun'icil.ui,. To l.
orers 1,-5 jcr d iv "ill be riven.
Li:ir..i;i.(; &. risiiui;.
Chapman, Sept. 17, tf.
JJi'ti-s, Taints, Oil, Vi'i:itics
fi Tom rrcncii vine uliite.
HI tuns Pure While Lead.
fiUOt) l"p;;es Win. low (il.iss.t.'.l bize3.
8iij.eri,)r i'ot:if,!i,( 'i.ial,(.'oa, li, Leath
er iV Iron vnnii -li, wliite l'emnr varnis'.i for Cliir.a
(.Jloss. illi n pencral assortment nf fresh nnd l ure
i Also nil the Patent Medicines in general use,
: warranted genniue.
Colored nnd Ununited Class, ,5Lc., A.C., forsalc
. very low at
Dru nnd Taint i-Uoie, -o. lG'J K. 2nd Street,
! Physicians and ,Sl jiekeejicrs sui'iilicl (ioo.lj
PCtit to any of t!i
j Phila Mav
. ' '
lintels or Dcjioti live of charj.
2,5U0 Acres Timhcr Land
rvpp M V I ! f T ',
, lV;.V.:C,. .J',
iI.iILIjK TsAaI), ioii;pti
OF ;
'1'I.MUER I. AND, i-oinini on ' nSmit S.f.tlO
acres, part of which is situated on Toly!ian;,a i
Creek, and I' art on Muddy Oeek, i'.!iin llirec !
miles of l.ehi-'i! Kivcr, in IVnn fore t township,
Carbon l.'ounly, uuc of lht rcat Coal ( 'utilities 1
ol 1 enr.-ylvai.ia, can had ut a balsam, it oju
plication lie made soon.
'J'beso lauds are thickly covered w ilh tho best
timber of that region. While it is believed thnl
75.001) feet of luinl-cr to the acre, can be cut from
a large portion of the land, the balance will aver
age not much less than this (i -.ure. The kinds of
timber found on Ihe land are Hemlock, ISpruce or
White Cedar, White Oak, While Pine and
Chestnut but principally made up of White
Pino and Hemlock.
The Tohyhanna and Muddy Creeks ate lane
and rapid slriami, jic!din;r a vast ainnuit of
water power, and arc c ipaMu of diiviug a lar;rc
number of saw mills. They empty into the I. chilli,
which stream, with tl.c .chi'i"C:iti..l ufioids an
outlet to the mo.-t desirable lumber markets
Thorp is, too, under eoiitcnij laliou. a railway
lcadingtotheciticsof New Yoik and i'liiladciphia
which runs within our mile tsu.l three ijiti'itn t of j
the land. Tlirou;h these avenues lumber can be I
delivered in either of Ihe cities named, for about
'i'7 per thousand f ct thus enabling persons eu
Cised in Ihe trade to derive -jreitcr profits than
atlend iuvestmclits generally.
In addition to the limber, convertible into eve
ry shape of lumber, there is much lhaPwill an
swer fir spars of vessels a sort of limber that
snip builders have been obliged lo purchase in
Maine, or at oilier distant points.
L'niike most of the lands on Ihe I.ehih there
has, as yet, been no cullin? of the limber on this
properly. It stands uudiMuilicd by Ihe wood
man's axe. It is, therefore, Ihe more valuable.
The lumber trade of the l.ehigh has hren carried
on lo such an extent for years past, that a scarcity
of good timber is beoitmiuj to) be felt. Every
season necessarily increases lhis ditriculiy. The
ronscijneiice must be an enchain cincut of Ihe
value of timber lands. Those un-eiilled tracts
with Ihe advantage of avemies to P'.iitkct, such
as the lands offered for sale, possess, cannot fail
to be the sources of supply hereafter.
lint the. land is not alone valuable for the tim
ber it contains. It is of good quality for furniiiifr.
nearly every acre being susceptibio of a hih
statu of ciiltivalinn.
Capitalists desiring to make investments, weuld
do well to turn their attention lo these land. For
further information apply to
Office in "Mining Register" building, Potts
ville, Pa.
August 0, 185.1 tf.
A Ksirm for Sale.
npiIE subscriber offers for sale his firm,
and allowances. It is sinnteJ about three miles
from Sunbury nlonir the Khamokin creek, and is
in a good state of cultivation. The Philadelphia
and IS on bury Railroad passes through said farm.
It will be oifered in parts or entire to suit pur
chasers. It can be diided lo make three small
farms. The buildings are a FARM HOLdE, a
good Bank Earn, and two tenant houses.
Upper Augusta, iSept. 10, 1353. if.
FNASML'CII as there has been at sundry limes,
obstructions placed and confined upon the
track of tho Philadelphia and Sunbury llailroud,
do hereby oiler the above reward for tho dctcc
ion and conviction of any person or persons
guilty of such offence.
Ji'.Yn lcpt,24, 1S53 3m.
sive and legal envelopes, for sale by
H. li. MASTER.
Runl ury, Jjn 10, 1852.
At iltv nblui t tYm ' Itootn r
Knrkct Buare,
Also tl the comer of Fmni street It the llailroud
Thankful for tho pntronape ol his friends and
customers during the 17 years he has been in busi
ness in this place, he solicits from the public s con
tinusnee of tlieir favors. Durint this neriod h
has endeavored to keep up with Die improvements
of the day, and has accordingly extended his liusi
ncss in every branch and vsriety. The public are
inereiore lnvueu io tho attention of the present
stock of
iMANijFACTtrnr.n t
At the Old Stand,
v liere in silUition to tlieir former stock of th
esiniilisinneiil tliey now manufacture
Mahescny, Walnut & Croic-Seat Chairs.
Ancre bpriinr Sent nocking Chairs,
Drestiiiifr Bttrrtws, Centre Tables,
Xttrble Top Wash Stun J a,
and a variety of other
new ulijle and
.FavlKGnaMc I'uriii.ure.
llavinjr secured a Hearse, and made the neres
rary srraniremcnls for the purpose, they are now
prepared for Uiiderlnkin; in nil its branches, in
this vicinity or at any convenient distance.
Ye maids anl mistresses, ami huslinnits too,
Here's furniture nf every stylt nnd line,
I'roin side lymnls down to kitchen tst,!es,
From rocking chairs to locking cra.tles
Fli ailrl you not have the leaily Jonx to pay,
We'll wuit awhile for a lirigliter Letter ilsy,
fir lake polatoes, oats, corn, wlicot onri rye ;
IJark, houp p '.(.slaves, or l imber n et and dry,
(Ir nny thing tail y.'ki'l and threshing flails,
l lom pis anil turkies down to lillle quails,
f ia:c on then fricaitf . come one sad till.
Keep tiaile a movii;ir, so '-goes on tiie hall."
t if' Orders from a distance promptly attended
lo and work of all kinds delivered with dispatch.
Stiiiliurv, Msreh !), 1830. tf
Ilctly .llcr&os, Cli'-lilixn's Propcllor
Giss. Co?.che3, Earoucke, &c. .
Mautifacturcd v. Iiole.-alo and retail l;v
Ao. C t DUCK Street, -riiiladelpliia.
Orders through tho mail nomj'.Iy executed
Phila., April U, IS33. lv.
tllAFIJ H'.Mii;. Wlmlesate nnd I'.etail nt No. ?a.N.
I.J Si'.rtiNl) St.. op.i mite I'm Ml. Vernon li aise, f
Irfvvr WnlelKt. I'u:l jeweleil. IS k, eases, (ffrMti hltver
l.rvers, lull jeve!-il, Ria.du ; Silver l.ei'im-s. jewclcil. V!l,.
Oil ail w-niitnt'-d l keep r, ,l time. II ,!l l'ens anil Sil
ver I'nse, VMS); G M reneils. gl.lKlj O 'M Pencils null
l'en t; with gaml lell l'ens as I iv as .-.-J), Ae.
A!s ', h ni I a 5 ul iissortiaent of line p"!d
Jewelry. (I ,J Cii'li, (inn, I and I'nl, t l-iins. Gold Vest
t'liaias, I." lies' lint I I-'.. I, l lnins and Melt I'ins.
Silver Till!.- S'..s if. 111 (il 1 to SIS. Ucsert, B'J to
5'il, aii'lT-'a. t.'l,T.- l-i PiI.'iO per set, warianteil e.pial to
c mm. -VI f ''Is warr.Mil'-.l 10 l,e wool l!'-y are s Id I
tu t .l-vi !rv repniieil tuiil waininled.
t s" A
rs seat liy iiiU or oilierwi.-e, w;il oe cimc-
t.l.ii.v illt,'li:Ult t
,M. AVISi'. .'.-ent.
?2 N" ir:!i Sr.COXD r
il , April CH. f .VI -1
;: s:.;e ti:e M:. Ve.ii a
K'CATtTY, BooIisa'Jir,
TraESPECTrn.I.V inf., ins ihe inhabitants ol
- town nod country, that he has lately reci i
ved IVom Phil.idclphi i, a l.ire addilioii to his
stuck of books, iu every branch of l.ileratiue. and
in a ere. it variety of lliudinj. Plea.e call and
fc"C tlicin.
Hunbury. f-'ept. 17. lc53.
So 12 South Second St, ee,
(lold l.ever Watches full jewelled
Si! r l.ever do
Silwr l.epino do
" (iu.irlier do
Cold pens and pencil and .silver halders
S'ihcr 'Pea and Table f-poons
lira: elcls, I'n-ast pins Ear rings Ac..
AI! warranted atul sold at prices as low as aty
in I'.ie citv.
November 2 7. tSo?. tr.
lioseiulalo Ilvtlnmlic Ccniont.
k N excellent article for lining Cisterns, Vaults,
Spring houses and Cellars, nnd for keeping
dampness from wet and cposed walls.
For sain bv
of, nnd successor lo, Ihe late linn of Evi Smith &
N. E. Corner of Front and Willow street
Philadelphia:, Feb. 19, 1 853. ly.
And Throe Acres cl" llrouud
fRlIE subscriber offers nt private sale, hishouse
-- and three acics of ground, on the river Dank
within the limits of tho Eorough of Sunbury,
now in tiie occupancy of John Shissler and orig
inally owned by (ias. Oussler while engaged in
boat buildin.T. The improvements aie a
IVilh a Well of good ll'uter,
end a good frame stable. There are a number of
excellent fruit trees on the premises. The prop
erty is handsomely located and will be sold at a
reasonable p:ice and possession given ill April
next. Apply to Ceo- C. Wclker, Esq., of Sun
bury, or to the subscriber at Solinsgrove.
July Srt, 1 855- If.
rfTTIIE above reward will be paid for informa
tl lion thnl will had lo the discovery and
conviction of the person or pei voni w ho w ere guilty
of tilling Ihe axel boxes of Ibe passenger and coal
cars of tho Philadelphia and Sunbury Railroad,
with sand and dut.
1). LONG EN EC ICE R, Prest.
Sunbury, All;. 27, ISo'J.
)I.AN1C Parchment Taper Deeds and blank
Mortgages, lionds, Lxccutions, Summons
&e., for sale by II. D. MASTER.
Sunbury Awl 26. 1S51.
IV U books, ink, and all complete, just rreeived,
and lorsalo by li. 11. MA.VSER.
Sunbury, Juno 4, 1853.
rUAIN PUMPS.- A small number W these
- excellent pumps hove been received and are
oflbred for sale by
Sunliurv, June 4, 1853.
f EWELRY. A nice asaortmant of Gold and
" Silver Pencils and Pens, for sale cheap by
G. ELSltEUG & CO.,
Market street, opposite the Tost Oflio
Sunbury, Oct. , l5d
citv or I'lui.Aum.rnu.
V. H. llaiik n a, t I,-,
All solvent hni.ks Id,
All solvent mnt
niPN tu.
pill All solvent lainks I d,
Hank nf Chiniihersliiire 1 ilii
Hank ,,f Chester Co. i,srl
ii... .l. 1, -l . ... 1
All Sulvent lank, j,.
......n ... urn..,, i iirstcr par
........ ... ... , H!I,WII
par All solvent l.nL.
Ifank ol f
1 dislVlik nates ud., . j
Hank of
eon.... " "
Knnk of MiililleMivn
1 Jii
All solvent, iMnic. ' ,t-t
Commercisl Usnk 1 dis
I- St. ll.lnk M. . tl-,.-
"' Ii 'T i o uanK par
Bnnk of NortlnimlwrrnH pal
lliiakof Hitttlmrn l di
..-..n ... uimvnie ikii
('rl.-la 11... .U . .
u ;'. """T Pr
. ,i K u je,0 jir,-,' yk ,.,.;, .
Ooyelslown ll.k rarMeeh. n nf li,h"? k p"
Kaslon Hank Lr Meeh i M. nl' ?,on
Ksehange IPk Pitt,hr 1 ,li.!W.rk Uk nl c. I A,.
Kxehante M k, Hr.neh 1 dislOrsng, Bank 1 J !
Psnner.' H'lf ll,...i,w 1 is r. .... , i OlS
Fsrmers' I k.' 1', " L '. JJ!." "1" I i
Psrmers' Hk, Uneasler far, Princeton n.nk
F.rmers' Ilk , n,li,.j par,Salem Hsnkin, Co
fsrm. Hk Sehiiiltoi 1 . ft
1, l. . .
F D. Ilk Wuyne.l.-g lldi, SlHIe Itnnk SI c"m,l,
Fi.nklm Hk. Wssh'i, 11,1,. Sis. Ilk Klinw,? , "
llsrrisliiirf Ilnnk
I tlis'iiitc Hunk .Newark
llraiesilale M:,nk
Iflaeaster Hiink
1 dis Slate Ilk, . Ilrnn.nielt n.r
rnr,l;issex l.unk, Newton a disT
l.eliann,, H,i,(
Mereh. ft M. I,0,llt , , ( jB,, Jfr,ru .ft
Miners' I k l'llM lll. per Yeplleyv'l, 4 Del D, Co 15d .
MonmiKilie ii tank I .lijl-will. -1 ..-A. ir" ia".
y...r.vIWBvcolSHi;r D K I , A V A R K? 1 "
" est llnmeli n,,i, ni, f
: '"'TZ Wilkcsl.V pailllank of Smyrn.
lyiteiief note, 1 ,,; lik Wilm,',, Brsndyw. JII
n , '-lK. ""ner.'HkStDel.w.r.B..
All ,lve I l.k. Hi. tMk noie. nader 5'. J.
fc. 1, '"Hill IAIIUU.1,
IStAlln, 8 dis AIIS'.lveiitlMiiks a a:.
All solvent bank.
I dis1tyi;iider3's, f J dis
Tni-MKNtiora Exciti-ment .' .'
Casli, Steam, Klectricity ! !
27ie Aerial and nil other lines out-don ly th
IlhOiliiar MllO of
II' 'IO' havuiR great faith iu rapid isle, end
small profits, has just received (no onensd
a large assortment of
At his Store in Mar.iet Street, Sunbury, which
lie offers to Ihe puldic at the lowest prices.
His stock consists of a general assortment ol
Dry (ioods, viz :
?','. Cassiiwrs. Cassinets. Jeans, Drillings,
Muslins, Linens. Calicoes, Muslin dl
jams, L.awns, (rinphams, Berages.
Sii.k Hats.
A large sssortment of Hoots and Shoes, for
Men, Women and Children.
Sugar, Tea, CofT.-p, Molasses, Cheese, Spi
ces, Fish Salt, Plaster.
Vi : Iron and Steel, Nails, Files, Savrs, dec.
Q U E E N S W A R E ,
Tea Setts, Plates, DUhcs, Cups, Saucers, Ift
V. ir,,. ErniaTy, Gin, Rom, Wliisktj, ic.
IV C' produco of all kinds taken in sx-
chnu jc nt tlio liiho.-.t matket prices.
Jan. 15, IS.',). Iv.
on, i;vnr.v o.nb ins own nirsicuft.
lion, with One Hundred, sbowiiiji Dis-
O' S'l.oi ati.l .T..!f-... .
V5I the Human S stein in tery
; shape and forai. 'J'o which
is added a '.Cieatise on the
L'israses ui i' email's, being
ol'ihe highest impoitancs to
mm n'ed people, or those
v.,', C' cotileuiplating msrriaes.
t y tii- Vui;ns
l et tin father ! ahiinicl to present s cor-v e
ihe .iL'I l.Al'K sto his il.ild. It may 'ae
him from an early itrae. Let 1:0 youne man or
woman cuter into the secret r.lilintiaiis of mar
ried life i itlu. ut leading li e POCKET ."ESCL".
LM'll.'s. Let no oi e suiiering from huekuiep
Cough, Pain iu the S'ii'c. restless nigliis, nervous
fcelinos. aiid ihe wliole t'.iiii of Dysj eplir srnss
lious, nnd given up by their .h sii ian, be anothsr
moment ithiu.t consulting the .-Est.' I'LAI'Il'S.
IL.'.e the married, or those about lo be married
nny impediment, read this truly useful book, as
it lias been the means ol sawng thousands of un
fortunate creatures from the very jsw of death.
t lr' Any person sending TWENTY-FIVE
CENTS, enclosed in a letter will receive one
copy of this book, bv mail, or five copies will ba
sent for one dollar. Address, Dn. W. YOUNG,
Post paid.
Juno 18, 1S53 lv.
JUore cw Good!!
RESPECTFULLY isSbrms his friends and
the public gene allv, that ha has just received
and opened a laige and splendid tock of
at his Store in Lower Augusta towaahip. His
stock consists of every variety of
Drv (loodj, viz :
Cloths, Cassimers, Suttinetts, Keslinjs, Fian
iifi'j, Muslin, i'f.
A S)dendiil stock of
.S'fcAt as Sil,';f, Berates, De Laines, Merinoes,
Lawns, (Unchains, Calico, be.
A fine assortment for Men, Women Jr. Children.
A large assoittnent of GltOCGRIES,
si r it as .
Sugar, Coffee, Tea, Molasses, Spices, fee.
Hardware and Queenswarc.
E'"is!s, $wilt .trtil Isiquurs.
ft I'll AS
Gin, Era :u! y, Rum and AVhiskfy,
Besides the largest and most general assort
nient nf all kind of Goods to be had in the country
All the above mentioned goods will be said a
such reduced prices as they can not be got fe
Country produce of all kinds taken inexchang
at the highest market prices.
Augusta twsp.. July 2, I853. 6m.
Lumber Yard.
'ilE subscriber would respectfully inform tb
citizens of Sunbury, and Northuml erlan
and adjoining counties, that he has opened
Iitiiii(cr T'avri
in the lot fronting on Cranberry St., a short di
tance East of the Steam Saw Mill, where he Ii
now a large amount of Fe itousd Panne Plan
also Paiiuel Hoards, and sll other Boards ai
Ui-iLiu.Mi, inch as will be wanted I
building purposes. AUo a large amount
Shingles on hand, which r. ili be sold from f8
to 1 8, according to rpialily and size. Please gi
us a call and examine our price' and quality
N. B. Farmers who are in want of Ohing
wiil please call as we will sell to vou low.
J. E. LEIH, 8up.
Suubury, May 28, fs53. ly.
OLD PENS wiih and without cases, e
75 ry superior quality, just reeeived.
Also a fresh supply of ritin? r luid, lor s
by . II. I). MASSER
Sunbury, Dec 27, 1651." '
bsr bottles for sale by
Sunbury, April, 12, 1851
LANK.' of every description can be had
I j Mug at theolliee of Ihe Ainericsor