JTo reign Nciue. ARRIVAL OF THE N I A G A It A , At Halifax. LATER FROM EtROTE. Turkish Affair mor Complkattd A Gener al War Inevitable Instructions ft) the Com bined Fitett to force Russia to abandon lies' tillitics in the Black Sea The Czar ttfuses the Intervention cf Frame and England New Warlike Movements Disturbances at Constantinople France dissatisfied with Austrial and threatening to aid the Hunga rians and Italians Popular Excitement against Prince Albert in England The Prince Accused of Betraying the Secrets of the Cabinet to Austria and Russia Heavy Snow Storm in England, France and Belgi um Floods Expected. Halifax, January 23. "The British Mail steamship Niagara, arri ved this morning with Liverpool dates to the 7lh instant, which is one week later than ie eired by the Europa. She left Liverpool al 2 o'clock on the afternoon of the 7th, and ar. rived here between 9 and 10 o'clock this morning The steamship Atlantic, Captain West, ar rived out on Thursday, January 5th at noon. The weather has been very severe, and a deep snow fell, which caused a stoppage of the mails throughout Great Britain, France, and Buluium. It is feared that destructive floods will ensue upon the melting of the snow. It was the heaviest snow storm that had occurred for many yents. Turkish affairs are becoming more and more complicated, and a general European war is considered almost inevitable ENGLAND. The weather has been very scveie in Eng land and in the north of Europe. The rail loads were blocked by snow for two days In Belgium, it wus several feet derp on the railways .There was slso thick ice at Ma drill, and the Baltic, at the last accounts, was packed with floating ice. There is much indignation against Prince Albert, particularly in the independent pa pers, and the public voice protests that he is .a tool of Russia ; ami Lord Aberdeen is under his influence. The Prince, it is stated, be trays all the Cabinet seciets to Russia, Aus tria ami Germany. The matter it was ex pected, would come before Parliament. FRANCE. The Palis correspondent of the London Times report 70,000 Frenchmen as ready for the Tuikish camp whenever required. The War Pt-partmeiit stales that ihu number of men available to bear aims in the event of a general war, is 1,250.000 for the land service. It is the current tumor in political circles that the Czar continues to tempt Napoleon In desert his English alliance, and offers In con sent to the annexation by France, of Belgi um and Egypt. The C.ar also promises to abandon the Bouibnn cause II was reported several limes during the week, upon tho Paris Bourse, that the Czar nad received and rejected the Tnikish pro position, but the rumor was prernahne. SPAIN. The reported second duel between Mr oule and Lord Howden, has been deferred, u consequence of a death in the family of he latter. THE EASTERN QUESTION. The French papeis state authentically that he French Government is dissatisfied with he evasive conduct of Austria, and has ad Iressed a strong remonstrance, intimatin; hat a further secession from the proceedings f the other powers will be taken as medita d hostilities on the part of Austria, the re nit of w l.ich she must be prepared to abide, nd that France will extend aid to Hungary, :aly, fcc. The Paris papers report that the Czar lias iven oiders for the immediate preparations ir crossing the Danube, which foibids the ape of his acceptance of the last note agreed by the Western powers. The latest advices from Constantinople ex ess but little hope that the negotiations ill lead to any satisfactory result. Trieste has been mentioned as a neiitrnl ice for the meeting ol the Congress of the lied Powers. Authentic intelligence confirms the previ s reports that the Porte had accepted the le from the four powers. The offieiul ac ptance of the Porte says that he does not ject, under certain conditions, to an armis. , o, but insists upon the evacuation of the ncipalities and the maintenance of the rkish soveieignty. He consents to the ding of a Congress in a neutral city, for purpose of revising existing treaties, and ) to consider the propriety of further ame alions in the condition of his Christian ljects. definite intelligence relative to the action he Czai was daily expected at Landon. ntrligence from St. Petersburg to the 20ih es that the Emperor had formally reject the Vienna Protocol and the note of the : but he consented to examine the Tur propositions of tha 20vb, although ha re s to recognize the right of European in enfion in Russian and Turkish affairs. u the 25th, tha Allied fleets bad not yet ired the Black Sea, in consequence of the pesluous weather. ha instructions to the Commanders of the bined fleets, are, that in the event of ting Russian ships of war, they will in name of their respective Governments est lha Russian Commander to return to stopol, where he will find further tnstrue from the Russian Gevernrnenf. Should equrst to return ba refused, force wHl ci. ia Russian statements affect net to feel lightest alarm about lha movements of lllied fleets, and say that their entrance a Black Sea will ba the signal forsimul iuf oolbraaki in India, Algeria, Greece" Greek insurrection throughout Turkey being organized by tha agents of lha RUSSIA. Inordinary military aotivity prevails all Russia. Tha Cxar baa gat a suply o' 0,000 rublsi from the ChtKclw The London Observer says that agents ara on their way to the United Statel to purchase ships and ammunition privately for Russia. AUSTRIA. Advices confirm tha report of a loan of $13,000 000 aving been effected by Aus tria. Liverpool, Jar.. 7. Breadstuffs. A large business is doing in all descriptions of Breadstuff, al advancing prioes, with much speculative demand. The advance for the week on Flour is equal to 3s a 3s 6d. All quallitiea of Wheat have improved from 10,1 to Is Id, and in Corn the advance has been about 2s. The hog stock on the farms of Ohio, Indi ann, Kentucky, Missouri,!llinois and Iowa, is estimated to amount to nine million of hogs. WASHINGTON FinE COMPANY Pursuant to notice given, tho members of this Company met at the State House, in Sunbnry, on Wednesday evening last, for the purpose of re-organizing said Company. The Committee, appointed al a former meeting to draft a Constitution, reported, and tho same was adopted. The Company then proceeded to an elec tion of officers, to serve until the first Mon- lay in April next. hereupon John r. l'ursol was elected frcsieent ; Al. Buclier, Vice Piesidcnt ; C. O. Bachman. Secretary ; Robert Ammwrtnan, Treasurer. hncineeis. Win. H. Martin, 1st, John V.. Smirk, 2d, William Yonngman, 3d, John I. Fiher, 4th. Directors. George Lyon, Tho. M. Purse I Tionghmrn. Gen. Bastian, Henry llaupt. Blockmen Jer'h Oberdotf, Geo Reeser. Axmen. Charles Beck, Henry BuchiT Honkmen. Solomon Stroh. Solomon Bro- cious. Dilworth Djwcps, Benjamin F. Krohn. Samuel Manlz, Wm. Teats. LaddormPn.-Jno. Arnold, Francis Polbow, George Dii'hl, Charles Reeser, John Buclier, fchpiiezer if.isiian. Resolved, That the pioceedingsof the Com pany be published in the papers of the bo ronub. Af:er the Iransaclion cif other business, Ihe Company adjourned until tho first Monday evening of February next. C. O BACHMAN, Sec'y. Jan. 28, 1854. ILh.i.oway's Pii.i.s for the Cure of Bile and isordered Stomach. Extiacl ofa letter from Mr. D. E. Erans, commercial traveller, Ches ter, dated Sep'rmbor 7th, 1853 'To Pio fessor Hollowny. Sir, Fur a considerable pe- loil l sintered ilrcadlnily from bile, indiges tion, itud a disordered stomach. In the hope of obtaining relief 1 took a great variety of medicines, but all proved of no avail ; I was, however, recommended, by Mr. Hughes, of Harlech, to trv your Pills, and with pleasure I have to iufotm you thai titer soon restored my appetite; and I now eniov the very best of health. (Signed) D. E. Evans. OERSONAL. The lady in blue, who met " the gentleman in gray yesterday, in Market street, apologizes for not speaking to hm. She could not think ot noticing a person in so public a street so shabbily dressed, ftlia therefore advi ses liim, and all other gentlemen of her acquaint ance, to go immediately and get handsome new suits from Kockiiill & Wn.soVs cheap and fashionable clothing store. No. 1 1 1 Chestnut street, corner of Franklin Plrce, Philadelphia. i tula , Jan. 8, 18oI. cw. II A R It I B If. On the 12ihiiist., by the Rev. A. J. Collins, Mr. S Mem. Gt'LitK. to Miss Amy Mettlkr, I ol Uuslt township, iNorth U co On the 1 9th inst, by Rev. R. A. Fisher, Mr. Daniel I.akk, to M:ss Eiizabkth Yost, both of Shumokin. Gn the 5lh ins!., by the Rev. S. R. Boyer Mr. Abraham Sterner, of Delaware twsp i North'd co., to Miss Rebecca Beebeu of Ly coming county. Oh the 12th inst., by the same, Mr Geo N. Oyster, of Delaware township, North'd county, to Miss Mary E. Catner, of Muu- tour county. On the same day, by the same, Mr. Jamss II Dye, to Miss A.ina M. Wagner, both of Montour county. Oj tho same day, by the same, Mr. Jacob Wagner, of Montour county, to Miss Sarah Walter, of Lewis tewnship, North'd co. i i i: u. In lliik place, on the 24 1 h inst , REUBEN FjlGELY, infant son of the lute Samuel Thompson, aged about II months. In White Peer township, Union county, on Ihe 13th inst., widow NANCY MARSHALL. aged 84 years. In Bloomsburg, on ihe 6:h inst., Mrs. MA RY RUPERT, aged 73 yeais. In Tuibutvill on the 12th inst , an infant daughter of Georg Kamp, ljc itliulicts. Philadelphia Market. Jan. 25, 1854 Flour and Meal. Breadstuff under the influence of the late news from Europe have advanced wonderTully, Superfine Hour is held at SS 50a$8 S. There(is a steady de mand for city consumption w ithin ihe racce of $8 fi2,i9, for common and eMra brands. liye flour i scarce and is held at S5 50 per ddi.. lorn iMeai is in uemanil at 84 V3. Grain Wheat in demand. Salesof 7000 bus. red at SI 88 $1 90, and for white $2. Last sales of Rye at 98c. Corn is scarce and Grm at 90 cents, for new yellow, and 87 for white. Uats are also scarce and have an up ward tendency. Whiskey. bales of bbls. at 33c: and hhds. at 32 cents. SUiNBUKY -PRICE CUUKENT Wheat. ; 150 Kie. . . N . g7 Coax. . . .62 Oats. 40 Potatofs, - 60 Bef.swax -12 Hr.riiLr.il Flas. 25 Bitteb. - . . ?3 Ends. ... 5 Poke. ... g Flaxseed. .... Tallow. . .10 New Advertisement!. LEAD, ZINC. IRON PAIXT, OIL AND COLORS, HAKCTACTVatB ST FRANCIS S. LEWIS & CO.. Represented by Lewis, James Sr Co., (35 South Front Street, PHILASIILPinA. Orders thankfully received-ponctusfly attend ed to, guaranteed to give satisfaction, and offered for sale on tha most liberal terms. For samples and particulars, pleas sddress as above. Phils., Jan. SI, 1851. 3m. SUNBOitY AMEHTgAN AND SHAMOK1N JOURNAL. Orphans Court Sale. N pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of Northumberland county, will be exposed to public sale, on 8ATURDAY( the 18th day of FEBRUARY next, on the premises, the following described Real Estate, to wit i A Certain Piece cf Tract of Land, situate In Lower Augusta township, county sforesnid, adjoining lands of Samuel Savage, Sarah Kean and Michael Barnhart, containing twenty acres, on which is erected a two story M WEATHER-BOARDED HOUSE, and a log stable. Late the Estate of Abraham Brosious, dee'd. 8ale to commence at to o'clock, A. M., of said day, when the terms will be niado known by EL! AS BROSIUU8, Adm'r. By order of the Court, ) J. P. rURSEL, Clk. O. O. i Sunbury.Jsn. 81 1854. ts) R0WE & EUST0N, 1 f 1 North Third Street, below Race, PHILADELPHIA. Manufacturers & Wholesale Dealers in Cent Ilrnnins, IxK.kii.g Clinton, Cnribfe, Pninlfd Buckets, Cluck, Wicks, Twines, Willow llnnkels. Wiiiil.iw Rlinrts, Mntches, Ccilar Var, lirinlle Urualies, lllncking, WonJ and Willow Ware of all kinds, at the Manufacturers' lowest cash prices. JtMKS r.i'STnx, Jso. M. hows. Phila., Jan. 8 b, laMlf. NOTICE. pHiLAnEtrHiA, Jan. 18, 1654. rilHE Stockholders of Ihe Big Mountain Tin L provemcnt Company are hereby notified that on election for Five Directors to serve one year, will be held at No. G Carpenters' Court, (Ud Stairs.) on Monday, the 6th day of Februa ry 1854, between the hours of 7 and 9, P. M., ngreeal ly to the provisions of the Charter. JOHN STONES, Sec'ry. Phils., Jan SI, 1R54. 3t. NOTICE. Office of the Coal Huu Improvement and Railroad Company. .Philadelphia Jan. 10, 1854. fJHE Stockholders of the Coal Run Improve meiit and Railroad Compsny arc hereby notified that an election fur Five Directors to serve one year, will be held at Ihe Company's office. No. 88 south 4th st., on Monday, the filh dav of February, 18M, between the hours of 10 and 13 A. M. " SAMUEL T. AI.TF.MI'S, Seercturv. January It, 1854. 4 1. Valuable Property for Sale In the Borough of Sunbury ! flHE subscrilier offers for sale the following 1 property in the Borough of Sunbnry, viz: THE HOUSE And two contigions Lots of Ground, on the south west corner of Market Squsre, now occupied hy the subscriber as a store and dwel ling. Also: THE STEAM SAW MILL on the river bank, together with one and a half acres of ground. Also: a double two story frame Dwelling House and Lot of Ground, in Elderberry street. Also: six acres of ground at the Point, adjoiniiiR the Susquehanna, on which are erected two frame houses wagon house, &c. Also: ' A House and Lot of Ground in Cranberry street, near the river, on which lot arc also erected three lime kilns. Also ; A House and half Lot of Ground, on the north east corner of Rivefand Dcwherry street, occupied by Augustus Clement. Also: Twenty-Three Vacant Lots V on Elderberry street. IRA T. CLEMENT. Sunbury, Jan- 14, 1854 tf. ORPHANS COURT SALeT N pursuance of an order of the Orphans Court of Northumberland county, will be exposed to public sale, on THURSDAY, the Oth of FEBRUARY next, on the premises, the following described real estate, to wit : two certain pieces or Tracts of Land, adjoining each other, situate in Point tawnshiji, Northumberland county, the first whereof is bounded by the North Branch of the river Sus quehanna, lands late of Thomas Lemon, Wm. Lemon and others, containing one hundred and twenty three acres and three quarters, more or less, with the allowance ; the second is bound' d by tho above tract, land of John Nixon and tho North Branch of the river Susquehanna, contain ing forty one and one fourth acres more or less, strict measure. About one half of said tracts is cleared, and a two story fraiuo dwelling house erected upon them. ALSO : On Friday, the lOih day of February next, on tho premises, a CERTAIN OTHER TRACT OF LAND, or a lot, Situate partly in Franklin township, formerly Columbia, now Montour county, and partly in Rush township, Northumberland coun ty, measuring on Ihe northern line one hundred and thirty-three feet, on t'ie eastern side 159 feet, on the south side 1 20 feet, and on the west side 121 feet, which is all cleared, and on which are erected a two story frame dwelling house and shops. Late the estate of Zil.i Bird, dee'd. bale to commence at 10 o'clock. A. M. of said day, when the terms will he made known by ' JOSEPH BIRD. P ., SAMUEL READER, J r's ,0"- By order of the Court, ) J. P. PL'KSEL, Clk. O. C. Sunbury, Jan. 14, 1854 ts ) VALUABLE HOUSE AND LOT For Sale ! ! rTH E subscriber oilers at private sale his house snd lot of ground, situate in th Borough f Sunbury, on Ihe north west corner of Fawn and Blackberry streets, now in the occapancy of Jas. Beard, Esq. The house is a two story BRICK DWELLING k KITCHEN, in good order and condition. For terms apply to the subscriber, at the Forks of the Plum Creek and Tulpohocken road. JACOB WEIMER. . January 7, 1054. "3m. 8UNBURyAlvRIE RAIL ROAD COMPANY. THE ANNUAL MEETING of the 8tockhob ders of this Company will be held st thsir Office, No. 50. South Third Street, Philadelphia, on MONDAY, tha 13th of February, 1854, at 16 o'clock A. M. At this Meeting an Election for President snd twelve Managers ol the Company, to serve for one year, will be held. Th Polls will close st 3 o'clock, P. M. PHILIK M. PRICE, Sec'y. Jan. 14. 185 to. NOTICE AN adjonrned meeting of th Stockholder of th Trevcrton. Mshsnov and Susuuehanna Railroad Company, will h held at th office of in company, .Trinity Building, Hew York, on Thursday, February Id, fr th election of otficsr or in emuing your. Bv Order, F. L. JOHN80N. 8c'y. January 14, 1854. St JUST received slot of Hams, Dried Bf, Crises, Raiains snd Lsrnous, by bimbury, Jan. SS, 151. L W.TENER Sl CO, iet of ctUv0 REMAIMINO til THE rttttT OFFICE AT Btmni'RY, December 31, 1RS3. A .. . L Millon Ashbnn Henry Aurund Sen Samuel Anspach fi Martin Burher J B Barheldcr C Bower 4 ' C Jacob Conrad Amos Colp Charlotte Cook Patrick Corbitt John Cormell Joserh M Cook D Michael Deer 2 F p II but Tilman Lower Lewis Lenhart Jonathan Lodge M A C McDonald Henry H Malick Daniel Malick Solomon Malick Renin Mosea N George Keidiff 0 Richard O Conner P Emanuel IVtera James T Poyef R Casper Rieger S Miss Catharine Snyder A Stevens Abraham Sarvis T Wm W Taylor W Wm C Wilson Michael Wary Wilson B. PACKER. P. Al. Theodore Ford George Fox llpnry reaster W B Fuhnestock H Michael Hain Aaron Howell Jonathan J Hannan David J Hubbs X Jacob Kern Bill v R List of Letters RF.MAI.NIXi IX THE POST OFFK K at Northumberland, December 31, 1853, A M J Andrews Jehinl Mckean 3 B LAD Bradway T G Brown Robert Brown Samuel Belman Levre Barrett c Edward Carney O G Gamer William Clupp Henry Colman D George D..vis F Bernard Fostock Dr Saml B Soster H J W Hiester Elias Haw lew Moses Hubler Patrick Huulis Isaac L Monroe Isaac .Miller, (millei ) P H W Patrick John I'ieison Emanuel Peters Henry Paul Robett Pinn R James Riddle S Rrs Rovinia Simmons Mis Thos Shoemaker I) L Smiih G P Swart. Emery Stickels Miron Stevens T L D Taylor w Ward Wairen Geo B Wilcox .1 din Winkrlm.ni B J Williams J, din M Warner Williams & Waldreu Ar'her Yates. JACOB ULP. T.M. Judson llolcome K Geo M Keiser L Jane Lions L Lambskin ORPHANS' COURT SALE. N pursuance of an order of the Orphans Court ol Northumberland county, will be exposed to public sale on the premises on SATURDAY, the 11th of FEBRUARY next, Thirty acres oil' of the north east corner of the following described tract of laud, to wit : A Certain tract of Land, situate in Shamokin township county aforesaid, bounded on the north by lands of Daniel Miller, on the east by lauds of Nancy Wolverton, on the south by lands of said Nancy and Michael Zimmerman, and on the west by lands of said Michael and Philip Pcrsing, containing two hundred and forty acres. I. ate the estate of William Persing, dee'd. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M. of said day, when the terms of sale will he made known. PETER PEKSING. One of the Executors of said dee'd. By order of the Court, "i . P. PURSEL, Clk. O. C. Sunbury, Jan. 14, 1S54. ) J Now is the time for cheap Clothing! The Great CLOTHING STORE OF G. ELSBERG & CO., ltfarket Street, opposite tho Post Office. UR stock has recently licen largely replcn" ished, and now shows an extent, value and 1 variety IVcvcr before Equalicd, j in order to give all an opportunity to supply themselves with good and cheap clothing before the approaching Holiduyt. Among our cheap and choice Assortment can be found the following : Fine black, blue, olive and brown Frock, Dress and Sack coats of cloth, Peter Sham, cassemere, sattinct, beaver, felt, whitney and blanket. Also, monkey Jackets, all stvles, colors and slulls. PANTALOONS, An endless variety of black and fancy Cassemero, sattinctt, velvet and other Pants. VESTS, A very large and choico Assortment, such as black and embroidered, satin, fancy silk, casse mere, cloth, worsted, velvet, Ac. &c. BOYS' CLOTHING A nico assortment of coats, vests snd pants. BOOTS AND SHOES. A variety of calf-skin, kip and other boots, slip pers and shoes. H DIES SHOES Morocco, enamelled, Jen- ny Lind, gum and other boots, bootees, gaiters and slippers. HATS AND CAPS A variety of-silk. wool and fur hats, black and blue cloth, iilu.h and oil-silk caps, mens' and (toys' sizes. Also, all kinds of underclothing, white and fancv shirts and collars, suspenders, gloves, socks, handkerchiefs, Ac. UMBRELLAS, TRUNKS, VALICES, Carpet Bags and a great many other articles too numerous to mention. JEWELRY. Watches breastpins, ear and finger rings, gold pens, with or without cases, gold pencils, &i: of all kinds and at bargains. Also REVOLVING, double and srnle barrel'd pistols. VST Our clothing is made of Ihe best and sound est material, and its workmanship equal, if not su perior to the best cuatomwork of city or country tailors. We are still continuing on our former motto, CHEAP FUR CASH And aro trying to deserve still more our rapid ly spreading reputation of huvinz the cheapest store m Buuburv. Remember G. Elslerg Sl Co'a New clothing stflTe, Market Street, opposite the Vest OlVii-e. Sunbury, Dec 24, 1853. PENNSYLVANIA CONFECTIONARY & FRUIT STORE, N. 169 North 3d st , S. E Cor. of Vine, PHILADELPHIA. THE subscriber takes this mcthod-of informing Country Merchants and the public generally, that he has re-moved frui 158 to rh large arid coinmodiou stor 109 Noara Third streef, and replenished it with an extensive and well selected slock of Confectionary, Fruits, &e., which b ia confident ha can olfi-r to purchasers, wholesale and retell, ct satisfactory rates. WM. B. BilLba,' PbiUda., Dee. IT. 1883 3m. T mVICIIAF.L. Tit ACT, Wholesale Dat 1 JL in Confectionary, Fruits and Groceries, fro.XCH MARKET Wtreet, aboV sixth, south aid, next door to Hed Lion Hotsl, Philadelphia rail., OcU S3, lBS8.Sm. WO E.ET. Th bona on A occupied bv Bimon Marti. Broadway now Apply lo WM. M'CABTY. Sunbury, Dec. 31, 1853 tf. I I New and Fashionable' Goods f I JOHN. V. MARTIN, Faitiloimblo Tailor, Veer Street, mi door north of C. J. Bruner's Lad) Office, Sunbury. MAS just received from Philadelphia, the best ' and most desirable stock of Goods that has ever been brought to Snnbiiry, such as OLOTIIS, Consisting in part of black, brown, greSft, blivs and blue. A splehdid RssOrtmcnt of such as satin, velvet. Grenadine silks, plush vel vets, cashmere, Valencia, ami a splendid article of white Grenadine lor wedding; vests: Also all descriptions of cloth for OVERCOATS, An extensive Variety of plain and fancy cassi mcrs for pnntnlcons. Common goods for coats, psnts and vests, coat bindings and cordings ; n supcriof drlii le of NF.CR TIF.S AND STOCK?, of the latest style, plain and fancy black cravots, hosiery, sus endrrs, shirt cellars, Silk undershirts, drawers, men's df.ili Mick-'Iihtd chhmois rind other gloves, and trirnimnF,s of every description; Also on hand rt few articles of READY-MADE CLOTHING, warranted to bo equal to bis customer work and suncrior to Philadelphia inanofrfctnrS. All per sons buying ready lunda clothing of me can have them reapuired grotis in case of ripping or giving out. as I warrant all uvy articles I return my thanks la tho public for their pre vious patronage and resprclfiilly solicit a contin uance of the same. As I am determined not to be undersold, my goads will he disposed of on the inot reasonable terms for cash. Sunbury, Nov. 20, 1853. SELLING OFF AT COST! A Chance for Good Bargains ! ! JOHN BUYERS &. Co., will sell, during the winter, at cost, for c-ssh or country produce, their extensive stock, consisting of DR3T GOODS, Groceries, Hardware, QUEENS WARE, and the other numerous and valuable articles they have at their store in Sunbury. Intending to terminate their mercantile business in the spring, they are ready to accommodate till that timthe public in general with first-rate goods at cheap prices. The winter u ill soon be over, and spring will shortly be here, therefore call as soon as possible, am! procure good bargains Country produce taken in exchange, and "ka-U" not re fused. Sunbury, Dec. SI, ISo.'!.- tl". PARTNSRHSIi?. IR. JOHN CLARK respectfully informs hi ! fricudt and customers that he has taken I into partnership, Mr. Henry I Partou, i,nd that the business of lilacksinilhing will, hereafter, he conducted un der the firm of Clark A: Parton, nt the old stand, wcttof Ira T. Clement's Store, in Market street, Sunbury. JOHN CLARK. HENRY PARTON. N. B. Persons indebted to the subscriber arc informed that his books 'are in Ihe hands of G. M. Yorks, Eit., for settlement. JOHN CLARK. Sunbury. Dec. 3, 195.1. tf. All Elegant and Durable Hat FOR $3.00, Equal, if not superior to tny now offered. a FOSTER & GLBHARD.ft JViird St., below Chestnut, PHILADE PHI A. OFFER at very reduced prices the following ; LADIES' Riding Hats and Bonnets, CHILDREN'S fancy hats, of all colors, Cloth, Plush, and Glazed Caps, of every varie ty of slvle. GENTLEMEN'S Driving and Travelling Caps. Soft Hats of every style and finish, at prices to suit all. Also, Young Cents Hats. xT A general assortment of Ladies' Fancy Furs. Phila., Nov. 5, 1 853. 3m, Vim, W. HAM BR, No. 99 North 2nd Street, tiro doors above Ml. Vernal House, Philadelphia.. Manufacturer of l'ine Oil or Campheue, Fluid, Lard, and Oil LAMPS Chandelcirs and Candclahras, for Church es. Stores, Parlors, A-c-PTUIE subscriber Would most respectfully invito the attention of storekeepers and the public in general, to his large slock of goods, consisting of the above named articles, which will he disposed of at the lowest manufacturer's prices Whole sale and Retail. Also, best quality of Burning Fluid, Pins P or Camphine, Glolies, Shades. Wicks, Ac. N. B. Newcll's patent safety Lamps, a n article for sale. Phila., Nov. 5, 1853. 3m. The News of how the War Between the Turks and Russians OES on is not of so much interest to the inhabitants of Sunbury and its vicinity a the fact that J. W. TEXEIl k CO. have brought up this week from Philadelphia a large, Iveauliful and varied stock of goods, which they will sell cheap as heretofore. They respect fully request their friends and the public to call and see them. Sunbury, Pa., Dec. 3, IS."3. Estate of R0SANNA NEIDIO, dee'd. NOTICE H hereby given that letters testa mentary have been granted to the snbsnrilier on tho estate of Itoaanna Neidig, late ot Lower Augusta township, dee'd. AH those knowing themselves indebted to, or having claims against said estate, are requested to make settlement without delay. DAVID ItEESEIt, Ex'r. Lower Augusta, Dec. 31, 1851). Ct. Notice. riMlE board of Directors of th Pennsylvania- -- I raining fcrhool lor Idiotic and feeble Minded children, incorporated bv the Legislature of Pennsylvania, April IS 'ill, civ notico that they will now receive a few additional pupils un- l der I ' years of o;c, into their Institution. Ear- ly application will be necessary to secure admis sion as with their present accommodations their number most be oidie limited. A ppiication may he made to Hon. fieorge M. Stroud, Philip S. Justice. M. Morris Wain. . Committee cf Reception, Philadelphia, Ot lo th principal of th Institution, ' JAS. B. KICHAKDH. Dec H 1853. Germanlown, Pa. aLEN'SWAttE.- Beautiful ats' of T war, in China, 8ton Chin and Del f, Dinner ud oupper Dishes' of all kinds', Toilet Bet, covered Dishe. China Prurt Daskt and n.lmmf. Fluid Lamps, Lanterns, (ilaaswar m varieiy. and' Tumblers from 6J cant upwards, - . .1 tf - as I. k. iUSl veleo nu ii j Dc 10. r8S3. I. W.TENER & CO, gHAWLS Brooh, Thibet and Woolen' in area variety-Black and Fancy Dress Silk, Silk lac, Velvet and other Trimmings, Worktd collar. under4Wevest shimazett, cuns, just r eeived and for sale hy I. TENER de CO. I Sunbury, Dec. 10, m. Look to your Interests ! Wt Kill try to pleas 1 1 S. jM. THOMPSON RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and th public generally, that ho has just re ceived at hi store, In Market street, Snnbury, below Weaver's Hotel' sn extensiv stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, consisting In part of . Dry Gootls, viz Clotllt, Cassimerts, Casfinets, frans, Drilling, MaslinS, Vcsiiitgi, Linens, Ifc. Ladies dress and fancy good?, Calicoes, Muslin de Lnins, Luiens, Oiwrhami, Deragts. JfoMj Woolens, Flannels, it. " cmociutiu, Ssgar, Teas, CofW, Rice, Molassos, Chceso, Spices, Salt, A:c;, &c.; cVa, Ban rl ware, Nails, Screws, Files, Saws, Knives & Forks, &c. Queens and Glassware, of various styles and patterns. BOOT3 AND SHOES. A larg assortment of Boots and Shoes, for men, women nnd children. Hats Caps, dec, of various sizes and styles. Besides a lartre and general assortment of fashionablb go'odg. Call and examine for your selves. VS" Country produce ol all kinds taken in exchange at th highest market prices. Sunbury, 11 mo. 6 1S.:1. 4 m. 30, '53. LATEST ARM VA L OF Fall and Winter Goods. J. T. & lr!" JSL2NI3, RESPECTFULLY announce to their friends and ti e public in general, that they have received at their Old Slam!, in Upper Augusta township, Northumberland county, Pa., their Fall anj Winter Goods, and opined to the public a full assortment of MERCHANDIZE, &d.,- Consisting in part of Cloths, black and fancy Cassimers. Sattinctts, Flannels, Checks, and all kind of Winter Wear. Also a splendid assortment of Ladies Dress Goctb, Calicoes, Ginghams, Mu.ilin dc Laincs, Plaid Cashmeres, De beges, Merinos, L'av state Long Shawls. Ac. Also a fresh supply of Groceries, of all kinds, Hardware and Quecnsware, a fresh supply of Drugs and Medicines. Wooden Ware. Also a large assortment of Boots and boes, suitable for Men, Women and Children. Hats and Caps, such as Silk, Panama, and other Hats. Salt, Cheese, A.C. . Call and See. Cheaper than tho Cheapest, All cf which will be sold for cush, or in ex change for country produce, at the highest market price. Upper Augusta, Nov. 5, 1S53. 1y Al 30. ftKW LTfllXCS TO HK. A BRANCH OF THE Clothing Manufactory, OF S. SIINTJRMAN & CO., Danville, Pa. TE jespcetfully announce to the citizens of Sunbury and vicinity, that we have a complete slock of READY-MADE CLOTHING, of every style and quality, to which we invits tlio attention of purchasers. Our assortment con sists, in part, of Fancy over-coats, Plain over coats. Dress coals, Frock and ack coats, Mon key Jacjtcts, Punts and Yests, plain and fancy! Linen and Muslin Shirts, I'uder-shirts, Drawers, and over-wholes. Also, Gloves, Stockings, Neck and Tockct Handkerchiefs, Woolen und .Silk Hals, Cloth and Oilcloth Caps, Shoes, Donts, Ciaitcrs, Slippers and Carpet lla,'s and Trunks, Umbrc.las and everything generally kept in a well supplied clothing and geutlcmans' furnishing store. Wo keep also a good assortment of Accordeons, Jewelry, Ear Rinj3, Finger Rings, Gold and Silver Pencils, Lockets, all warranted to be good. We sell at the lowest cash prices j for our motto is. "Small Profits and Quid: Sales." We have but one price nnd no abatement, so that a person is sure to get the worth of his niouev. whether he is a judge or the goods or not. If any article does not give satisfaction as to Jit, we will take back the goods and refund the money, provided they arc returned on tho same day they were purchased, when the purchaser resides in town, and in ono week, when ho resides in tho country. Trice th same as at th Danville Manufactory I v Call and secure the Eary;uinsi Sunbury, Oct. 8, 1853 tf Forte Mommies, POCKET BOOKS, AND FANCY GOODS. riIIC attention of tho Trade, an.l crthers, in L want f l'orte Monnait-s, l'ocket Books, Hankers' Cases, Dressing Cases, Portahle Wri ting Desks, Uackgainnion 11114 ( hess Hoards. ( hessmen, 1 earl, &hll, and fMv'r Cord taws, U ork lioxes, Cabas, Needle Hooks, Money Dells, Cigar Cases, Torlfolios, Rizoia and IUzor ritrons, Travelling Flasks, and fine Cutlery, to. gether will) a large variety of Fsxct Cioous which nil! be sold at the lowot rales. F. H. SMITH, Porte Monnaie and Packet Book Manufacturer, SOS Arch St. below .V.rl,V Philadelphia. Sept. 17, 1S53. tf. M. BAHT1IOLOW. O. TIVfAXV, JS. I. B. CIUSROS Bartholow, Tiflany Co. l.YtPOIliKltS AND IiEALUItS IN Fort is it and Domeslic GOODS, AK1 AGENTS roll TtlR SAI K Of AMERICAN MANUFACTURES, No, 208 Haltiin ne Sincf, Baltimore. If our (ioodsoiieianiiiiatiun, are not as rheap as they can be bought in any oilier market tltfy may be returned forthwith k' our expense. Dallimore, Nov. 20, IS33. ly. IMattbrni Resiles, Long ImevHSrferttit ttslt.t--AU-uyt right TUt JciueuitJ gad Slattrd. tv :i . 1. ....i Fjr- Z:6At mera" SCaLKS, set 1.1 env f " of the country, ct short notice. jtUEN TH tJEO. t. COLBY. 240 Market st.. Pliiladclphis, E. Y. Bright, uubury. October S9, 1 853 3m BCRNINQ FI.CID, Csnipbone, Ppsrm snd Whale Oil, White Lead, l inseed Oil, Tur pentine, Candles and Soip, juet received and for sale by I. W. TENER Jt CO. Sunoury, Dec. 10, 1853. 19 ATS AND CAPS. splendid lot of fashionable Silk. Wont and Fur Hals, also Clelh, Fur, Oilcloth, Navy end Military Caps for sale low by O. EI.SBFK0 4 CO. Market ttrsst, opposite the Test Office. Snnbury, Oct. 8, THE RENOWNED REMEDY ! Hollo way's Ointment Thi c!riidMitrtf y t'h(fnnt i r inpoo .f nwt HmI Inft ftnlmiti'4, ant) wnm utfwl in ci!.r.lis witii the ctir:Littii whieli nrrSvtncnjr wkJi pm, witl Wiir curt when nil it! her frK-flnt foil. Cfta- "f the nrt d. i;rwt Skin litntct readily yMd hi in eff.rnt r. Jt it lamntt when tineti in rasan'of Oi-'m, RhrfumMiiin. CuirnctMl "f AtilT sMut. tn AsHknui it '.Till 1j juier If well tab bed into the Chttl. A MOST ASTONIPIHN'O CT'ftfi OF $rftOF t'?.Ot I'LCKKtV-A CASK CI.HTlFtFU BY THUMAVuR OF BOP I ON, KNOI.A.VP. Ct.f.y of tdrtUr from J. Suite t C.'J', May of Boston, Lincoln-shirt. f IWrtVr flbl.loWAT. DenrSir. Mm. fWh Dixon nf .luffnid trei, IV t ton, hoi ilny dfiv'tftl hfnre me thM rr n coinMershm' prri'. the wnirtvcMy Afflict?' triih ffftnfuioul' SV.ren 1; leers in h-r nrnrf, fi'Ct, tegi. And othrr (mrti nf hr wy i nnd nlihouli tlir firrt of inediotl mlvlf wk obtnuicl nt the enst uf n fnrpn wnm of ni'ne , h thtiinel nn nLatr inent 'f hunVniHT, but f mdnnllv grew worw. He i lift rectuntriciKlfil hy fitend f try vnr Otntinem' pinciirfd u ntiitill p"t, aiitt n x of th (iM, nnd hftin that wan oil uifd, nyntpicifn t nnii-iul-nnil flirrrd Hy iwrufvorii g with h tiriHifcinen f-'i n filinrt Unm Innei, d'Tortlina to thr diicr'ttoi')!, ntid Atrictly nilhcflfig tiMunr itilfs tis to dirt, Ac, rIir whI ntrfeitfy curi:dt und iiimt tnj"j the heat ol limlth. I reinnln, Tenr yoin tmlv. tnlrx Atlguitt 12ih, ier.a. (SigncJJ J.NOHt.F.. KxTitAonniNAnY and r. Arrt rrrn of F.KYHirKLASlN THF. KFi, AFTF.K MKUICA1 Alii HAD KAU.Cl). Copy if a Utter from Mrs Elizabeth Yeaieti of the Pout Ojicet Aldrrick Road, near Bonar) ysfcr, dated Jan. 12th, 1853. T t Fr jf.r.nor Hut-Low", Sir. I cnflVrpd r n f?"iiiiiilrroK!! prriucl from a Aevre nltwri; m' I'i;, iipi!;n. which Bt Ifnc'h Fctiltvl inrny hf, nnd ri;i;' nil niciiirul trcuiinMtt. My pi nVrinps wcie vciy crut t. uml I q ite ilrspniird of any prrniinenl amrin'inciit, vh- I wm arlvit:d in hnve rc(itirne t ynur Ointnifiit ntnl lilnlai with-ml d'lny, mid ani hnppr t- any tlic trxn'X v.'A eminently iifcttfiil, f-T, they tuVvptf a rmlirnl cure of mv Irg and revurrd ntt It ilir enj vuieiit rf ln;ilth. I ahnll ever apeak with the utih'-'at conhtleiire ff ynr iueiliciiict, and Imne re(nnniPiided thnff to nthera in. ihia iie'jjhlwihoiid ainnlurly olf.iLtct!, who dciived equal brncrit. Inm. 9't. yjur oLIicft1 nnd faithful Perrant. irri) m.iaii;tu yeates. T.-e p;j!a -honM tn need ennjointW with the Ointmei ?n nmul t the lolMviiia: cn' B.id 1?, Chi !. fotrtj FtSiln.ru, Hid Iircaia, CliilMains. C nt. lJirni Chappctl htmls, fi!aiii!ahr f welht'g,- Uit'ii-nit. C'-rna (Soft) Enmhrg.3 Jiilp of Mfische- Cnnccia PiIpi t-ia Pttiifl-Miea, ContmrtM ami IlhMinntim Cio-bav, tttT Jointn. Sroldn, Klepliaiiiing:!, VtU ln-iii-if.ttjva, Turiiuufti, 8-)ro Nipple. rirp-throatFf fV'.irvy, S re-henrta, 1'luera, TiYcTJnda, awa R-!d nt tlin Fshihlixhmcnt f TrnfesT Hot.r.owv, tU . Stnuid, (n'ir 'IVfnpIe Ihir, Ecndcti.) und it nt Inn H"iita in Nrw Ytr!c. ()rdr for Midictnes tn Ihe Pintt-a. mtdn-i-l'"il T. ri'lliwnja iVcw York,' will rwrive I'm: oltenlin S-ild nla't hy all fenpeclfthle Di itpeistft nnd Denlrra in Mint iim;s thrni'ihi'iit the Fniled Slntea, in Hoxen nt 37 cent.' S7 ceiitA, nnd 5?l ,o renin eorh T" he lmtl Whf.'loal U tin princij-iil Uvur Houses in the l:nin. There ia n eoiiFitlcrnble saving by taking the large i - I'iroc'if.i-,1 fr tii Rindoiicfl of patient in every i s -it! i are n.Tixul to ca.'h Ci'X. December SI, c&, ly. This Way ! Thia Way ! ! This Way ! ! ! Full and Winter Goods." PRIE.SNG U GRANT. J" E.Sl'KC"rFlI.I.Y infirm llicir customsrs' - nml tlic pu!lie, til n t tliey litire just receiv-' oJ and (j cm. J t i 10 licst nnj chc:iiicst slock of Fs.ll and Vintcr Goods, at llieir store in Market square, Sunbury. Their slock consists of every variety of Drr Goods, viz J Clolhn, Cusfiinrrcf, S'Mincls, Vesting!, Flannels, H'ollens, 4c, Au.l all kinds of Fall & Winter Wear. Also a fplmulid varioly of LADIF.S DRESS & FANCY GOODS, Calicoes, Cinghams, Chintzes, De Laincs,' -Bcragcs, A ml every varieiy of goods snitabla for I.a.- dies u car. Also a large assortment of HARDWARE nnd GUEENSWARE,' Fish, Ealt and Plaster. ALu an exlensive afsoiiinent of Hats and Cats fob Mks and Boy. Also a large assortment of CJKOCEKIKS,' SUCH AS Sugar, TYas, Coffee, Molasses, Spices uf all kinds. Alsa a fresh supply of IHtrcSi AND MEDICINE. Bcsi.lt'S Ihe laiyest and most general assort ment of all Liinls of goods lo bJ hud in this place. tZF Country produca of all kinds taken in cx- chnnee at the. highest market price. Suiibury, Nov. 12, 1653. NEW Clock fj Watchmakers. KIRSCH & CO. HAVE just opened a Clock and Watchmaker' shop in tho building lately occupied by J. M. Simpson, near Tener ct Co's Store, in Market Street, Sunbury, I'd-, Where they have opened, and will keep constantly 011 hand, : ML. CI B 14. !? 9 Silver & Gold Watches, etc. Also, Jewelry, ConsUtinrr "f Oold Urcast-pinX Far and Fiuser Kings, Medallions, Cull-pins, Ladies A. Cicntle mans' gold and silver pens and pencils. Also,1 Silver and piaicd Tea and Tablo spoons, salt spoons, butler knives, &c. Of nil .siies, suilin; every aue. ipy Classes,' l'ocket Books, of nil sites. Kazors, Hair tlil, Hc volvrrs, and oilier pistols, Urushes, Combs, Soap, Sec, Also, a largo stock of !r!H'Mcal IiiSIruiMonlsl ammgt which are Accordf or.a, Yiolins, Flutius. Files, Iules. CARPET BAGS, Trunks und.rellas, suspenders. Alt sizes of rea dy made fr-hiits and Collars i all of which will be sold cheaper lh.ii! has ever been heretolore so.d m Sunhurv. . tV CkH-V. Watches, Ear and Fm-er Rings repaired in tha W inanncr and nt the tnorttst notice. ISuiibury, Oct. 1 o, 15. 3m. Ccaimncra, lo?k- here ! ! 1WNJAM1X TIKI'TNER rersPrrFFFILY inf-rms the eitircns or IV to )l rv and vicinity, that be h J"" -c-ivod and opened' ul hi. r, store, ... Market Knee., Su,l.ury, a handsome .....rtmei.t of I-'all and Winter Coons ciMfislins in P31t c' Cloth?. Cassimers, Ca3sinr.', of all kii ds, i,f lim-n. "" and v,oriieJ. ALSO: C'RlIref". Isnni9 LaiTMsr,- and all kU'U of '..aJics IVsss Co.vls. liR'ICEKIES of every variety. Alr. sn ..sorlinei.t of Oiy 1 unit Steel, N?il?, c. AUo an eicellent assurtmeot of QUEENSfrARE, of vaiioui rjles nd pattern. Ah-an sssorftr.'cnt of IJOOT8 ft, fillOFJt. TI AT & CAPS, good selection. Salt, Fish, And s great variety of other articles such as ar suitable lo Ilia trade, a'l of which witl be sold at the lowest prices. Ly Country produce tukop in eschange at the hi ghost prfcea. Sunbury, Nov. II, 1833. ly. (lltAN BERRIES, Ground Nuts. Almonds, ypecan Nuts, Well Nut, Cocoa Nuts, Cream? Nuts, (Mberts, Raisins, Fi;s, Citron, Lemons, Ctndiis an3 Tovs, j-it receivsd snd for sa!o le. I'?. 'iX ' I. W. lENtR 4 CO.