Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, January 21, 1854, Image 4

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Vainly, inly, memory .eek
Round our father' kiico,
Lnnuhing eycoand rosy clioekt
Where Ihey used In bo
Of th circlo one o wide,
Ther nre wanderer, thero nitTO died.
Golden haired, and dey eyed,
Prattling all tha dny,
Was the baby firot that died )
Oh ! 'twas hard In luy
Pimpled hand and chuek of novf
In the grave so dark and low.
Smiling back on all who smilleil,
Nu'cr by sorrow thralled
Half a woman, half a child,
Was the next una called ;
Thn a grave more deep and wide
Made they by the baby's side.
When or where the other died
Only heaven can tell,
Treading ma'ihoiid's path of piido
Was he vrhen he fell ;
Happy thistles, blue and red,
liloom ubout his lonely bed.
1 am for the living three
Only left to piay ;
Two are on the slurmy sea,
Farther still than they,
Wanders one his young heart dim,
Oltunest, mJst I pray for him.
Whatsoe'er they do or dare,
Whereso'er I roam,
Have them, Father, in thy care,
Guide them stilly home !
Home, oh ! Father, in the sky,
Wlvero none wander and none die.
The Winter in England thus far has been
rather colder than usual.
Virtue is little wont to look back after her
shadow, Reputation.
The consolidation of rottsville, Port Car
bon, Palo Alto, and St. Carbon is talked or.
When is a sleigh like a man with a cold in
his head 1 When it's a tunning in its snows-
A little son of Mr. Sprotid was accidentally
drowned at Pittsburg on Wednesday.
Miss Lucy Stone attracts crowded audien
ces in Pittsburg.
California is only nineteen days distant
from us.
A bridae over the Ohio at Cincinnati, to
cost &6T)0,000 is talked of.
There arrived at Philadelphia during last
year 17,790 emigrants.
When does a man rob his wife 1 w hen he
houks her dress to bo sure.
Counterfeit Post Office envelopes are m
circulation at Albany, N. Y.
There are 1915- licensed taverns in . Phila
There is no- denying the truth that the
rimes are hard, in other words, money Is
The N. Y. Commercial Advertiser warmly
delends Prince Albert's character andprin
eiple. Tho health of Allen's great American wa"
tor lilly, at Salem, Mass., has been seriously
impaired by tho severity of tho season.
William Cameron, Esq., of Le.wisburg, is
appointed Revenue Commissioner for the
Union and Milllin Judicial District.
The man who "couldn't contain himself,"
was found, upon inquiry, to contain about a
quart of the fluid extract of corn!
Men aro sometimes accused of pride,
merely because their accusers would be
proud themselves wre they in their places.
There are now, at the lowest calculation,
Ave' hundred houses in process of erection in
the city of San Francisco.
A mammoth hotel, capable of accomtnoda
ting one thousand gueslf, is to be erected
in. Washington city by the Messrs. Willard.
A man- residing in Pottsville, while labor
ing under a fit of intoxication, on Wednesday,
the 11th inst., deliberately cut otT the nose
of his little daughter.
Arrangements aro in progress by the
countryman of the poet Burn?r Rochester, N.
Y., to celebrate tho anniversary of his birth
tho 25ih instant.
F.v-Marshal Kevscr, of Philadelphia, has
charge of lh $1,000,000 in silver shipped
from New Orleans for Philadelphia on the
4ih inst., by Adams' Express.
Congress has been but a short time in ses
;..n nd vet within that brief period death
1 - j -
has twice invaded their precincts, and snatch
o.i i.n nfilinlr members-from the scene of
earthly distinction and usefulness.
Visit to Mm. Polk. The members of
the Tennessee Legislature, on tho 2d inst
at li o'clock, made a New Yeai'a call upon
Mrs. James K Polk, at her residence, in
Nashville, and weie received with that cour
tesy, grace, and hospitality for which this
xcellent lady is so distinguished.
Death of tiic Marchhone's Wei.lss.ev
-The Marchioness Wellesley died on the 17th
ult., tit Hampton Court, London, after
hoit Tines.. Hi 9 was a daughter o! the lata
Richard Caton, Esq., of Maryland, and grand
daughter of the celebrated Charles CaH oil, of
tarroltni), one of the signers of the Declara
tion of Independence. Lady WellesVy's
5; si husband was Robert Pattison, E qr. In
1825 she married the late Lord We Irsley,
the uldasi brother nflhe Dake of Wtllinr
IIolloway's Pti.Ls aie the best medicine
now on said in the United Slate", the ingredi
ents of which they are composed are so uiin
jurious, that they cannot harm the most del
icate constitution To valetudinarians tiiejr
cannot fail to b of the utmost service, being
oomposed ei.t of medical boils, tho pro
duction f a person who has made it his stu
dy to alleviate the ills to w hich Ihe human
family art subject; they must, therefore, te
hailed with delight, as supplying, want ong
tU W this country. .
Blifllinbtirg Academy.
MlfHliiliunr, t'liloist'oiinlyt rcntm
REV. J. O. ANSPACH, ) Curalori. ,
REV. E. KEIFFKR, . J un" .
A. 0. FISHER, Principal.
of Female Department.
EDWIN FISH EH, Teacher of Mathematics
and Vocal Muste.
on 1'hemhtry, Physiology, tfc.
Tho Summer Term of this fluurishinst Inti
tule will commence on MoxnAt, Ji-tT S5, 18!.1.
The rourso of instruction will bo thorough and
practical. Mathematics and the Ancient Lan-
euntres. as wet its oilier branches, win no iiiuiiih,
a fur as practicable, on tiro analytic method.
Daily liso will lie made ol the IilacKlioarn.
Orthography, Readme;, English Composition,
and Declamation will receive their full shaio or
Draiu'litine, Construction of Mans, I so of
Compass, Ac, will lie taught to students in Sur
veying arrd (ivil Lngirrcering.
Lessons in Music, Drawing, Oil Pnintinfr,
Water Color, Ac, Ornamental Needle, Work,
French r.rrd liolany will he Riven by tho Precep
tress, who is a graduate of Castleton Female
Seminary, Vermont, arril comes recommended
by tire Principal of thai Institution, as "a young
It'uly of agreeable manners and high literary ut
Young ladies and crnl'.emen who design to
beeomo teachers, will I'md this Institution an efli
eient school for preparation, since there will be
1 with it. ilnrini the irreat part of lire
year, a t i-..cni:its ivstiti ti., vi
i.-lii.-tt will li.-ive tho ininorluiiilv of uii
1! veil in it Cornsc of Lectures on School Ti aching,
nrrd acquiring a practical knowledge of the art,
under the siipcrvi.-inu of the Principals.
1 he government ol mo senooi is naseu upon
the law of universal love, which enjoins upon nil
to do to others nt they would think It right that
others should do to them. Hence trie rules will
bo mildly, though strictly enforced ; and parents
and guardians may rest assured, that the morals,
habits of study, arrd general deportment of tho
student wilj be carefully attended to.
i ho building is now undergoing n complete
renovation. It will bo painted, lurmshcil with
new desks, a bell, convenient recitation rooms, cc.
MiHiinlnng is a thriving nud healthy borough.
Its inhabitants aro moral, intelligent and enter
prising. Its streets have been recently graded
arrd paved. It is, in everv respect, a pleasant
and desirable retreat for slriJcnls. We, therefore,
trust that the friends of education will deem the
Academy worthy of their liberal support.'' The price of board, in tho best of private
families, does not exceed !ji 1,50 per week.
A. U. Students may enter the Academy at
any time during the term ; yet it is desirable
that they bo present, if possible, on tho first day,
Milllinliurg, July 10, 1853. Orn.
Just l'ulilishoil mid for Sale
by YVM. MeCAKTV, Bookseller,
Sunbury, l'a.
The American
Ueing a co'ilection of approved declarations, w rits,
returns and proceedings in the several actions
now in use in the I'nited Stales.
Bv Coi.mxson IiKF.n, Ksii.,
Ipsae Irgis viva vox
Willi notes and Additions, together with a shor
FVKtem ol conveyancing, liy A. Jordan, Pres
ident Judge of Ihe. Kiirhth Judicial district of
l'a., and Wm. M. liocl.ef'clcr and M. I..
Shindel, of the bar of Nortbtiinberliiud coutrty.
Siirce the publication of the book, tho following
letter has been received from Judge Pearson of
Mariidburg :
n.iunisiirno. June 30, 1853.
Gkntlemes :
After a. careful examination of your "Amer
ican pleaders assistant," I take pleasure in ex
pressing my entire approval of the selection and
conrposilion of the precedents thus ollercd to the
public. The legal profession in Pennsylvania
stands in need of a correct system of pleading,
adapted to our habits of busineis, nnd the practice
of the courts. Your forms of declarations being,
to a great extent, founded on the netsof astembly,
will be a saving of labor to Ihe pleader, and con
duce to safety and brevity in our pleadings.
It should be in the hands ol every practising
lawyer in our slate.
i ours, with great respect,
JN'O. J. PlSMisON.
Ifon. A. Jordan, Wm. M. Rockefeller and M.
I.. Shindel, Ksipiires.
Sunbury, July 9 I HSU.
ook Agents Wanted.
A CJENTS WAN'l'l'.U in every town ond
county in the United States, to sell the must
popular and saleable books published, marry of
them ticiutilully illustrated wall colored engra
vings ; also tho iiiokI popular works of T. S. All-
Tlll'K, iucbiding "Arthur t Cuttngt Libmru."
Intelligent nnd enterprising men wi.l find this
pleasant and pralitable business.
For particulars address (post-paid,1)
J. W. IIKAHLEV, Publisher,
No. 48 North Fourth Street,
Philadelphia, Pa.
Urtolier 1, 1803. 7m.
8500 REWARD!!
N ASM ITCH as there has been at sundry times,
obstructions placed and confined upon the
track of the Philadelphia und Simbury liailroud,
do hereby ofler tins above reward for the detec
ion and conviction of tiny person or persons
guilty of such oll'ence.
S u.'7YT Jept. 21, 1S33. 3m.
Mann's Establishment
-25 South Sixth Street,
For Iho Manufacture and sale of
I'nlc'iit I.cltir Copying PrcKscs,
Oil Pnpirs, Clotting BoaMs, Copying Ink, &c.
Patent Parchment Paper,
Superior to all others, and each page printed
A most valuable invention for keeping in a
nook-lik form, Letter received, Original Invoi
ces, &e.
Phila., April , ie:)3. ly.
A Farm for Sale.
rIin subscriber nITor for ale his farm,
and allowancrs. It is situated about three miles
from Sunbury along the Sbaiuokin cn-ek, and is
in a good state of cultivation. The Philadelphia
and Sunbury Kuilroad passes through said farm.
It will bo ollercd ia parts or entire to- suit pur
chaser. It can bo divided to make thre small
farms. The buildings are a FARM HOUSE, a
good 11 J ilk Darn, und two tenant houses.
I'pper Augusta, Sept. 10, 1353. tf.
1VA1.I, PAPEI!. A large and splendid as-
" ' sortnielit of Wall Patter. Window l'aner.
and Oil Shades, just received and for sale by
Dec. Id, 18j3. I. W. TENEIl & CO.
executed for sale at this olliee, siagle or
by the
SILVER WATCHES. A few double case
English Silver Watchea, for sale at very low
price by
Sunbury, April 12, 151
sive and Irtd envelopes, for sale by
, Sunbury, Jau 10, 1832,
For the Care af
TO rri?V A I'fll.fl mtii tiif.nirkt AS1 lOKKWRBB
or llm IkkIv, lake Ilia UIKRRT I'm I ORAL on g'linj 10
mii.I H'r.m mi i.'t.rni ,i Wfiif iluriiiv llip llicllt.
niiiir, iicoiiuling to iliifctuan on tlin I, ullf, nail the diilieiil
tf will In renioveil. None will long- miflir from tins
trouMe wlicn iliev fiiul it enn Iwsn rwiilily cntcil. Persons
I- a.n a i.itf .1. . mi I .11 fin. uike ii iiiiiriniiB. ii'n'iiu.i.. -.
nflllfl.-il ...itli n aiilMl eiillifli. wliii'll lirraks t!irm of their
rr.l n it. w I lim . hv lilklllir 1 IS i: icrrv -C('l',riu "n
f 'ins t licil, they ni:iv lie saro of sound, unlankcll sleep,
ml eonscqnenlly t.frcshinR rest. Grent relief fnnn sailer-
ln(j, nail nn altnnnie care, is n!inni 10 laonsjuun
thus iiltlieliil, hy rhis invnlnnlilc remnly.
l.'r.., n. i lln-iii hi these rrires, many nna
tlicmw.'lvc unwilling U) forego its use when the neucssily
ror n li:is eeasi'ir two eminent rhysicinns la
Katrttiivii.i.s, Tom , April 10, Vi-:
fiir We have given vonr Cherry Pectoral an exteni-ivs
trial in oar niacin e, nml fiiul it to sarpiss every othei re
ineily ws have for cajim nlTeeiions of Ihe respirnjory or
T ) SI NC.I'.rtS AN D PI' HI .1 0 tPK A K Kltf this rcmivly
is iavahmlilciisliy itsnctioncm the llir.'ill nail lungs, when
taken in small iuaatities, it removes nil hoarseness in n few
h"iirs, anil wonderfully increases the owcr anil flexibility
of the v. .ice.
AS THAI is pnerally rnueh relieved, nd often wholly
eanil hy i'larrry Pect'mt. Hut there are s ane eases so oh
slinate as to yield entirely 1 1 no medicine. Cherry Pecto
ral will eare theni. if ihev catr be cured.
IIIlO.Vl'IH'I'lS. or iriitatt ai ol Rail upper
pnitinn ol" Ihe lunc, may lie cured bv Uiking Cherry Pe t
ral ia Ptanil Had frcfUeltl closes. '1'hc une unlorUible op
(iression is s.nn rehevi d.
Dev. Doet I.ANSIVC. of tlnviklvn. New YorV. slntes:
' I have seen the Cherry Pccmral cum saeh eases of
Asllaaa and limm-hitis as leads me to believe it can rarely
fail ro cure Ihose li!enfles.,,
1'UH CHOI P. Hive an einelie of nnlinmny, lobe
followed by large mid frequent d is. CJ of the Cherry Perto
ml, until i' sahdues the disease. If Uiken in season, it will
n-it fail to cure.
WillMU'INn rot'CHmnybe broken up sun soon cu
retl bv the me of I'herrv Pectoral.
Till'. INM'l.Ur.NZA is speedily removed by this reme
dy. Numerous instances have lieen notieol where whole
families weie protected from any serious consequences,
while Ibeir neighli.irs, without the Cherry Pectoral, wire
saiferintf frian the disease. .
Vt. .1. C. Aver: PAlKM.Ohio, llllt .lane, IS.,1.
I wiile lo inform yon n( the truly reinarkalile clleels ol
vonr Clll'.ltllV PlioTdltAl. in this place, nail ill my
;u-,i finilv ( in., of me d nmlilers was completely cured
in rhree days of n drendf'ul Wnooriso i'oiir.ii, by laklneil.
Dr. Means, one of our verv l t pliysieiiiiis lieely slut
thai he considers it Ihe best remedy we have pulmonary
hsensev. nail that he has cured more rise of Croup with
it than nny other medicine he ever ndniinislercd.
Hill clergymen of Ihe Haplist Church says that during
the run of Im mii!. here this tens at. he has seen cures
from vonr medic ine he could scarcely have believed Vali
um seems.
Yours respectfully,
Denitv Postmaster.
From the t!istinsihrd Professor of Chemis
try and Materia Mcdirc, Hoicdoin College.
I have found the OiimiRV 1'RcToiiAr., ns ils ingredients
show, n powerful remedy fjr colds, raid caughs, nud pul
monary diseases.
Varum Cleveland, M D.
PllCNswrcE. Me.. Fell. 5. HI7.
The iriiMi, cclcliraltd Protestor of Surgery m
the Medical Collcce, New York City, says :
It gives tue pleasure lo certify the value i nail ctfieaey
of 'Avni' CiiKuny Pectoral.' wliieh 1 coasi ler peculi
arly adapted to cure diseases of the Throat and Lungs."
Cures of seyeie diseases upon the Iain's have icea ef-fceli-d
by CtiKRnv Prrriiltu. in such exlreute eases as
warrant the h"lief thai n remedy has al length been found
that can be depended on lo cure the Coiuihs, Colds nnd
C-insuinpti-m which carry from our nudsl thousands every
vear. It is indeed a medicine to wliieh the nfllietcd can
look with caifideiiee for relief, and Ihcy should not fail to
nvnil Ihemselves if It.
Prepared and sold by JAMES C. AYER,
Practical Chemist, Lowell, Mass.
Sold in Simbury by H MASSEll, and by
Druggist gerrcrully throughout the S'tute.
July 30, 1S53. ceow lv. rvov. 13. '52.
J. 11. GOULD,
(Mtecessor to A. r iui .)
No. 161 Cltcs ivit Street, Sivainvs Building.
TXTF.NSU P. Ml slC PtJlil.ISHER, ond
Healer in Musical Instruments of every de
scription. hxelusivc Agent lor the sale ol llallet, Davis
cV: I'u's (Iloston) Patkxt Siii'i:ssiox lJitiiii.u
jEulinu and oilier
I,, fiilbcrt's Eoudoir l'iauos, Mclodeons, Martin's
lluiiars, Harps, Violins, Siii.kt Misic, Misic
Hooks, fie., iVc.
Kesideiils of the country will bo supplied by
mnil or utherwirio wilh nny music ihey may
wish, ut as low rates as if purchased in person.
Having one of tha largest stocks in the. I'niled
Slates, I feel eonlident of satisfying all who may
fevor me with a call or order.
Dealer in Music supplied cn tho most liberal
terms. Pianos to let. Second-hand Piuii is for sale.
Philadelphia, April li, 1853. ly.
"Eureka, Eureka." .
VOW for the liltle ones. Why will parents
' waste hofcrs and days in fruitless endeavors
to get perfect picture of their children and after
ull get nothing but a poor, miserable curicaturc 1
We would say, come to our
and wo will guarantee to make you a perfect
picture, by our Er.KCTao Chemical process,
that works in from i to 2 second.
We defy anv Hnguerrean in Philadelphia or
elsewhere, to compete wilh us, a wo are Ihe
iiiventois, and the process is used only in our dif
ferent establishment in New England and the
Middle Stales. For pictures of adults, tho silver
medals we have received from the American
Institute, New York and pruuMiu, Philadelphia,
together with the numerous premiums t'roia
County Fairs, is sufficient proof that they are
Hie .vr J'iis I lira ol perfection.
We would call particular attention to our
"alhotvpes Daguerreotypes in Oil.
1). C. Collins & Co., 100 Chestnut Street
Philadelphia. ' Main street, oppoaite silo Hamp
den House, r-ipringlield and Collin' Building
Westlield, Mas.
N. li. Our establishment is illuminuted by
the brilliancy of our Picture liy Day, and by
Piofessor Hursc'oiU's Safety Lumpi by Night
"Coiiie and see."
Phila., May 23, 1853. ly.
rrMIE subscriber, widow of Samuel Thompson
"- uec e., lale oi Hie "Lawrence House, in
Sunbury, respectfully informs the friend of her
lute uusuHnu, ui:u mo jiuoiic generally, inai sue
continues to keep the above Hotel, and is well
provided w ith all things necessary to accomrno
dalo ull who may favor her with their custom,
and tberelorc solicits their patronage.
Sunbury Oct. 29. 1853 4m.
ft t7ILEYS-COl Mil CMNDY. n excel
V V lent remedy lor coughs, colds. For sal
at this olliee.
Ilccemher 4. 1852.
HAND HILLS neatly printed on new type
promptly executed at this olliee. Also
blank, of all kinds on sii)ierior paper.
Sunburv, Feb. 14. 1852.
DR. H. JI. HIGBEE'8 remedy for Roughs,
colds, and pulmonary diseases. A supply of
this valuable medicine just received and for sal
Sunbury, June 4. 1853
! of every description ci
B BLANKS of every description can b hail Vy
applying at the oflico of Ike American.
Family M c U i c i n c s
IN olTerm? to Uie nubile the elKire tntalunli prepem
tions, the uliscnlier would slate Unit in consuluition
with Ins rtiends and olilfl ol the mom respeemine oi oi
Medical fncully, it win cleeinod advisnblo to oiler to the
public, n few preparations of known celebrity, licine; pre
pared with the grentcel. care, nnd on the most scientific
principle, as ulistiiules for the numerous worthless ar
ticles that are Hooding ihe country in the form of panaceas
and cure alls, prepnred by the most ignorant nnd mercena
ry persona, intended to cure all disease and good for none,
Read and Reflect.
That the Medicine, Manufactured by VT. M. Bichlit,
Including his Itose Pectoral for Coughs.
Cream of Cuniphor, for Khelimatism.
Worm Jyrup for Worms.
T..n,l W'n.l. fur HmniMl lonll, di.eased ruffll.
Family Pills, or blood I'urifyer, have been more extrusive-'
ly nstd, unit have given more saiisiaciion, uibh an nuui
.Mralieines l f a the public, being prepared Willi regard
to their useiulness nre fully woithy the trial of the nflliet
cd. tiive lliem n Iriul. . .
A few powerful reasons why the almva Medicines are
d,-.irvi,iff ,,f miiveriuil natlonnire. rill the first pluee.
they are prepared by a regulnr Physician, who undersluuds
the applicnlion ol Medicines, to diseases, ami coiineiinrnu,
re ncrfectly aafe lo lake. (Secondly,) Ihey luive been
n.i'd with universal Slieerss. and have oiveil more ButislllC-
tiou thiol onv other Medicines offered before the public.
(Thirdly ) they are the only med.cmes that have gained
lite (Slirouage oi raisieiaus, wuerc uns) iivw,"i, m-v.. ,
mid I Ihev are nut un in larger quantities for
the same price, thnn any other Medicines ollercd to the
public of Ihe same kind. ' As tho subscriber has a number
of certificates in his oossession of the highest nuthority,
when, Ihev have been used will, Ihe most satisfactory re-
Sails He will publish a few of rbem, feeling satisfied that
atiial will insure their recommendation. Try litem and
satisfy yourself of their snpenoi ity over ull others.
Read and be Convinced.
We the undersigned buying been made acquainted with
I lie ingredients eiiteiiug into the Compounds known ss
llickley's Knmily Medicines also having prescribed nnd
knowai thciutolie used, with m-isl snrisfarrorv results;
take pleasure in saying lluit we believe they fully meet
tue design lor which they tire ree'tiuiuenuro.
jas. PTitAWUiunt;):, M l).
C II. I'lllCK. M. 1).
WM. Mc.MAllUiN', M.D.
WM. II. M Anil. I., M. V.
Citrtof paiitinlit sxilf and cough from protested
lArer Cotnvt'rntt.
Mrs. Hubert Adams, laboring under Chronic Liver Com
plaint, accompanied with a short dry coagli pain in Ihu
side nud brenjt. ccnenrl debititv. loss of anoelite. after try-
me all Ihe usual remedies rec. immended foi Calebs nud
discuses of the chest, wlrTwilh no beneht. She was recom
mended to try the Itoyc Pectornl, fr.'in which, she uolonly
derived immediate but permanent relief.
John Ailitns. s ni of Mrs. Iloberl Adams, was nfllietcd
with a very seveie cough, pain in Ihe side, nnd soreness
pr.slneed by iueessiiiit coughing ; ho was induced to Iry
the Hose Fcelorul. To use his own Uayuage, the foul
dora euabkl bim to enjoy a good niirld's rest. In the
m irtiing he cxpeet-irnled about half pint of matter, lie
continued to improve until his cough entirely left him, it
nlso had thu rflect of sticiigliening his laeast. which was
naturally weak . lie also says that he Ins lecominendni
it ion uumiier oi ins menus lor similar eniupiaiuis, nun
in every care it has piv'ca salislaetinu.
The above pers ais resideuts of the town of Dnuville.
feeling that they have derived great benefits from the use
of the Hose Pectoral ; authorise Ihe nhove statement, for
the licuelil of th se who may be adlieleil ill a similal inau
ncr. (IHHAT flfltli.
Loj. of Voice restored with one bottle of Hose Pec
toral. Mir-sSe.mi Wbitlock, of Hash townhip, Northumber
land co., lor n numlHrr of vearsna li voltil, lit tue lull
"0, tt the use nf Ijt;r vnici frmi n cokl the con-
trucied: after 1 r-inr n mnnluT nf remedies, witli wt Iiciip-
lit, !ie eiitiitify rcsL'trnl by t:iktii; one h.iltle nf Ucpe
rcctnraL iiHit wlm li. siic vm lir voice ouain, irmnu
frettli mli! ftiu cnntrat'icii. nml v;t npriin resiured ly the
use of nnotlipr iMittlr ! nh thru !wk lour iH-ttlin nntre tn
strciigllicu lirr hrfHM, from which she deiU'ed lh nn9t
drciilcd hciicfit, nnd lt;is Isccn hi the cnjoynieiitnf excellent
hcnlih from that time to f Tie pr tcnt.
Tlir iilun- (tfinriLt i iitiiiiincd from Pr. FiurrM, the
Diysicinn who iiUemh(l ln-r ; ni. her nrther thinks
Hint slie wmil't nut he living ut this time if it had imt hcen
fur the H.sBr IVetnrnl. D niville, Jan. 'J j,
Stiff another $Trrlc(f Cine Kffeetcd,
Mm. SaimiH Sechler, Iwinir ?f n natuntl weak n-i'l dli
ratu t"ii)iti;utioii, very ntclil)le lt c lli, wits htLieul
witti a very severe eni'i. uiiu antl oreiw-J's oi' the hrenst.
(ss of Hppetttc ; niter usipi; n nmnlir of the usual rrmo
dii'S front which, i?!ie derived n- Iwuefit, she wan ruretl hy
taking one lv title of Kom: recttmil nml is in the enjoyment
of licttt-r IwiHli tliati for yrart" previous.
Dnuville. Dee. 1 Vr.W.
)h. Bii' IVinut me to inform voii (hat my wife,
who if u del.e.'tte mi l weakly w-imnn, lab-Tilt under a
very aevere (Jimeh with pain nud orener of hreait. was
m're rgtiiekly mid eflt'etually relieved with one tvMtle of
y uir lioe l'eetnral than nny other inrilieuie she had ever
taken. A UN Kit M'HllllK.
.Ian. Samuel H. WoimIs I'urnaee. Ieii I'nint.
Family i'lr.i..
Jnljii Fulner taken hetweeu t hrij-tmn nnd Xw Vear
with a very had cold, which ended in a dry hard inepi'iit
Con." It, eati.iinjr a great deal of pain whenever he euughed,
wm relieved vcryinneli; hy ln lime lie had taken one
third of a buttle, and hy the time it wna tiniitlied. wiia en
tirely cured. He alsi saya that tie has taUeu nrvcrul doses
of the Health H1'rative or Kamilv I'dlfl. nud tint thy
nre the inikkut ouJ in clicclual pmcatives he has ever
taken. Danville, Jau 1, Ir-j'i-
Dr Mwkixx : tnriii?r n viit tn my hrothtr, in Dan
ville, I took o very neveie C ld, which emled in a 1 1: lit
haul Coui!h, withs irehena and jviiu of the hrenrt, for
whicti I URe t your linpe l'eet trui, una t-aiuuy I'ltia, nnd
takn pleasure in r-.'e iiuinendiiij them, as the iiii.ikvt mid
most eircctutil remedy 1 have used. Yours, rejeettiillv.
Jan. 0ft, 16 '2. "W" 1 1 i t o Haven. I.nzente eo.
Dear Sir : As a reeiimiuendatiou for your Kobo I'eel'i-
ral, pei mil me ti s:iv, tlial I was effectually cured of a
levers CWUll Willi imiiii In llie l.reni l, with lefa t li:m
b.inle, ninl rliat 1 ciHitjiilcr it nivala ilile. Vou aie
nt liberty to m ike thi nnl.lie if yon i lese.
JOHN' SlM:itt(IN(j. (Cr.irer.) Danville, Pn.
y sin Willi.-uu lalhiring under a Heverieoiif;!! and jtnin
in his side, fioiti un injurs received liy a full. w;is citnrly
relieved by a bollie of Jo'ko ltoral V Cream rf rnm
ph ii. I have nl-ii used your l'nintty l'llls, nnd ultoi;ethcr
1 c msider them tiie bent iiiedeemen I have rwr used.
Jan. 1;.j2. ltiu.U Tp., North'd eo.
Dr. I'iekley : Sir: As my wife who was troubled
with dry, haid Coil;:li, nit, i u uir St nnaeh, dependent upon
ilelnliiy, sitnil'ir to DiijepMa. was entirely relieved by
iiiiiiir two bottles of your itotr Pectoral, permit nie to say
tliut 1 e Misidei it uti exee lent reined v.
Yours, reaper-tinny, Kev Mr. AVII.l.AHU.
I'utt t Lutheran t'lmreli, Dnuville. Pi,
!fnvin lieen cnrel of a pain in my nun (simitar to Kheu
in .IiKiii) which deprived me oi the free mse of it for nlnntt
four uionths. Hv utiu one b ttle of Creuui of Camphor
1 w-uild slate that I v. msider it tho hetU remedy of tlie i
i i : -,.....!.. n...i t t.i r-..-i..
iiiu ii.ivo rci imru ill ill) luiimy. iinu 4 tvumu liwcijr
recomniend it to others with similar Httertions.
lours, respectfully, J()NA!i W Ol.p.
r.usii (p., Ntirlh'd co.
Mv wifa beinar eflliete1 with a verv seveie pain in her
arm ami shuuldnr (iSe eiferta of cold) which disabled Iter
troui using it, was cured w ith rui-bnig ol urcuin ol l iun
phor. Mts. J-.lhiu, my sitcriu-lnv, was nln cured of a
neve re pain ill the head and faee bv tisinfr the C renin of
Camphor TIIO.M AS c. KIJ.IS, Danville. Jan. tfy, 'o-J.
My witc mm it-.? Kiieunntieiii oi tiie arm tor a iuidiImt
ol years, wliieh prevented her from uti nit it in .loin? her
w ik : after liavri! s;ient a "iciit deal 01 nemrv in trviii"
dnTerent reiuetlies with n benelit, was entirely curtd by
uuiiir only our bottle of your Cream of Catuphnr.
WII.I.IAM J:VKNS, MiiMr, lot 8. 11. Wood, K. Point.
Dr. Hicklev : llnwii!! received n very severe injury in
my sitle bv falhui; "li a I md of hay, from which I was una
ble to fillow my w.trk, was rom in Hided to try n Imttle
of Cream of Camnhor. which niT irdt-d iuiiuedtute relief.
Glill'Ki ril CAIIit. Ituidi tp.( Noiih d ct.
My wife. snfT'-rmir from m st exerucinliuir nain.
tliroujjhoiil hui general system, which prevented Iter from
rieepiniv flic i ns oecasi uctl hv u nun protracteu sncu
of iekii)H ;) fur which she used u number of remedies
without bent-tit, wns entirely relieved bv th use ot I ream
of Camphor. tiKO. li. IlltOWX. Dcnmi, Danviue, rn.
Cliild cured of Dowrl Coiiiplanir. unit Ague (of two years
uiuuui.j ny urm ryni.
Mv child hems nfllietctl fir the !:nst twn vears. with
Ii wel Coiuplainl and Atrue until it was reduced to a mere
skeleton, dmi u iiuiiukt of rcineilies wilh n permanent
benefit, until I gave it u bjUle of your Wdiiii Mm up,
since which lime ii lias lecu welt, and ffot tpiite fl'-fiiy.
I nlso have rucouuneiHitd it to n number ol my iriemiF,
auu in evciy ease ii uus eiven au,aeuoii. i.. t.r. i
At I.0UIS liuuh' (.Merchant. J Danville
I have used your AVorni yrun in my family, und c
aider it not only effectual, but the intat pleatiiiut uriiele 1
am aeiiuainted wilh. JA OH l.AMH.i.S, Dnuville.
Ha vim; used your Wofiu Syrup in my family, it helps
my child mi mure tlmu any iicparatioi. of the kind, nnd is
in .re pleas uit to Uke. DA!S .MMUiA.
Mnntnnr ltnv, DuuviUe.
i nnve n:i(i ocenston in use ywur worm hyrup m my
lainiiy, uuupieier u to any veriuiiupc i nave used.
I'HKD. IH'll, Froaiy Yallev, Monlour co.
Dr. Tlickluy : Uavmr used your worm Syrup, niitl
creuui oi t iiinniicr and taiuilv Pills in mv fumilv. tliev
pave pid nnlisfaction, and I consider than the iitont ef-
lectaul, un ptenftint reinlips, we hnve had in our tuiuily
JullMl THAN U. HlSUI Ji. D.u.ville.
Dear Sir We the undersigned beinji in the employ of
aiefur. itrorea t i.omiy, ut whose st ire, you imve nn
A-reney for the sale of your Family .Medicines, stale that
w have had nu opportunity of knowing the opinions ol
iiuuirnua iinuvmiirtis wim mve usen mem. nnJ Itiat ttiev
give ' tieral aitisi-Atiou. W'a have S'lld a iiuiny of
ynur i iiis, which aie universally Ukeu. nemc very imw in
Iheiropcrulioii. V. IJ.lSKMtlNU.
Hanville. Attest, W M. Kl'IM.KH.
Ilavuitf Scurvy of my mouth very bad, 1 wns induced to
uy n ti itue ut your l oolli asii, winch acted like acliuriu,
hardening tuy gums, nnd removing uil disease.
JONATHAN It. HISHK1 , Danvilte
Vi. Hicklev: Ijuviiur what was called u Ire rated s-re,
niouili, for which, I tried a number m' remedies wilh no
benefit; 1 was ut last cured bv usinir one bottle of vour
Totilh uiish. My wile bUj during her onlinement, wns
threatened withare.Mieasti, lumps havinv already fomnrd,
Iit wiuei sue used the i:reum oi i nmnnor, which sciiuer-
ed I hem, thereby preventing her breasts irom ratheriutr,
ilKO A. IliluWN, Lutheran Clrirt-h, Danville, Pa.
)r. Hicklev- Itavuur au opportunity of teeing- vur
Anti-Seorbutic l o itli W usii used in ainie very seveie ea
si a of scurvev f the (rums. I consider it an excel!, ut reme
dy oura; reKpevtruiiy, uku u. UKO..
The a1nve med.Mnes are for aale Wholesale and Ite-
tml by W M. HU.'KI.I'.y, M. D , Proprietor, Danville
Alid Foi fr-de by the followunr Aiieiils in orthumber
laud c unit v. Frdinii & Grunt, Sunburv; W A. Knobb.
A u trust a; V. Farmw, Rnydertown i TsirvHrC FurninnA
liartou, Ph linos : Kinstine k Strouse, l'uxiuoa: Johu
Vanzoit, Paxil)'; HukIi Vastiue, Fnxiuos ; Ainmennnn,
Koawir k Co , ShHinokiS ; Mrs. Jus. Thomas, Shnmnktn;
wm. ru-ieiv, EiiainiiKiu : ainnrten Mine, Augusta:
Samuel A. Berftstrmser, Petersburff; Jacob Ieiseurinir,
Hear uup : uouraa w enex, iortiiuintkeriuiul : Jeremiah
C rouse. Selinigrive j Josiah Haker, Lewuburg; JuJm F.
i-axiowana jonuinnn .enera. niuion.
t:ll on Ute A sen Is, and net a circular eontaininr a full
description ol the uumerous eurea aeifoimed by the differ
cm .MHimiwi.
"Co Your Own JTIcchanlcs.
Of the most Fasliionable Style.
"PHE subscriber respectfully calle the eflcntion
of the public to hi large and splendid assort
ment of every quality and price of
which cannot fail to recommend itself toevery one
who will examine it, on account of Us durable
workmanship and splendid finish, made up of the
best stock to be trad in the city. io cllori is
spared in tho manufacture of hi ware, and th
ubacribcr is determined to keep up with the
many improvements wliieh ere constantly being
made. Ilia stock consist of Mahogany
Sofun, IHvnu nnd Lounge,
Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards,
and also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to Phila-
uclplua manufacture.
BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and price,
In short, every article in this line of his business,
lie also manufactures ull kinds and qualities of
including varieties never before to be had ir
Simbury, such as MnmjiXT, linen Wai.kvt
ami CfntKii Mipr.x (in net ax : Arr YVixnsnn
CHAIItS, ami vasct I'iio Stools, which ara
of the latest at vies, and warranted to be excelled
by none manufactured in the Cities or el.ewhcre..
The subscriber is determined that there shall
be no excuse for persons to purchase furniture in
the cities, as every confidence can be entertained
nboui. the quality and finish of his ware and
Ilia articles will be disposed of on as pood
terms as Ihey can be purchased elsewhere. Coun
try Produce taken in pavnient for work.
l- UNDEKTAKINti. Having provided
himself with a handsome Hkaiisk, be is now
prepared for Undertaking, and attending funer
als, in this vicinity, or at any convenient dis
tance from this place.
I If" The Ware Room is in Market Street,
below Thompson's Store nnd Weaver's Tavern.
Sunbury, Jan. 10, 1S55. tf.
Slone Cullers and Laborers
JTOXK cuttrrs nnd lutmrors ran liavc Klraily
rinploy and a vvintrr jnli, (unJ not work in
the wilier,) nt lln 1'nion ami Suiirlinnna Briilc
at ("liiiiman, Union counly. iniJivny lie-
twreri l.ivcriool nml NorlliuinlicilanJ. To la
borers $1,25 per ilav w ill 1 given.
Chapmnn, Srpt. 17, If tf.
Pitinls, Oil, Window
(llilSP, fjc.
8 Tons I'rein'li wliitc.
10 tons Pure V'liilc I.cinl.
5000 Ucxcs W indow (i'l;is3,nll
Superior I'olnsli.C opul,(.'oai'li, I, c-.illi-
rr A- Iron varni.-li, wliita L'ern ir varnish fur ("liina
tiloss, wilh a general atvortiiii iit of fre.-li and pure
Also nil the Patent Mcilkinrm in general use,
warranted genuine.
Colored und Enar.rled Glass, tie., ..c., forsala
very low at
A r. n ay n.Tii e Rf ; i: irs
l")ru,j nnd Paint Store, No. 1CJ N. 2nd Mreet,
Physician and Storekeeper supplied Good
sent to anv of the Hotels or Depots tree of charyc.
Phila., May 2S, 1S.')3. ly.
2,500 Acres Timber Land
TLMliER I.AM), comprisiiii,- ahout 2,SH0
aerex, part of hu ll is FituuteJ on I ohyhanna
Creek, and part on Muddy Creek, within threo
mill's of l.oli'uli ltiver. in l'enn forest towiisliin. '
I ,!, I'nimlv. nnn .if llm rent f.n.A t'nniiti.-. '
e p . -i . . i r i t. -. i
... . . , ..... ..u.b.,.,,, ,,-
pliealion ho made soon.
These land are thickly eovered with tho hest '
lirrrlier of that rejinrr. While it i lielteved that
73,(100 feet of luuilu r to the ai re, ran be cut from
a large portion of ihr land, the halanre will over
ride not niu. il lcsi than thin figure. The kinds of
liuiher found onllic land are llemloek, Spruec or
While Cedar, While Ouk, W hile Pino arrd
Chestnut hut principally inado up of White.
Pino and Hemlock. .
The Tohyhanna and Muddy Creek arc large
and rapid stream, yielding a vust amount of
water power, and aro cnpuMc of driving a largo
number ol wv nulla. 1 hey empty into the l.ehrglr,
which Klrcarn, with tho l.ehigh Canal atl'oid an
outlet to tho moat desirable lumber murkrls.
There i', too, under contemplation, a railway
lending to the cities of New Vorknnd Philadelphia
which runs within on utile and three quarters of
the land. I hrough these avenues lumber can be
delivered in either of the cities named, for about
$7 per thousand feet thu enabling person en
gaged in the trade to derive greater profit than
attend investment generally.
In addition to the timber, convertible inlo eve
ry shape of lumber, there ia much that will an
swer for spara of vessels a sort of limber that
Kirip liuilderi have been oblrged to purchase ill
Maine, or at other distant point.
t 'nliko most of the laud on tho I.ehigli there
has, aK yet, been no culling of the timber on this
properly. It stands undisturbed by the wood,
man's axe. It is, therefore, the more valuable.
The lumber trade of the l.t-liigh has been carried
on to such an extent for years past, that a scarcity
of good timber is beginning to be felt. Every
season necessarily increase this dillicully. The
consequence must be an enchancement of the
valuo of timber lands. Those un-culled tracts
with tho advantage of avenues to market, aueli
a tho laud offered for ia!, posies, cannot fail
to be the sources of supply hereafter.
Hut the laud iaiiot alone valuable for the tim
ber it contains. It is of good quality for farming.
nearly every acre being susceptible of a lii"li
state of cultivation.
Capitalist desiring to make investments, would
do well to turn their attention to these lands. For
further information apply to
( HAS. M. HAM..
Office in "Mining F.egistcr" buildirrj, Potts
ville, Pa.
August C, 185.1 tr.
Lumber Yard.
r"rMIE subscriber would respectfully inform th
A citizen of Sunlmry, and Northumterland
and adjoining counties, that he ha opened a
Lumber Yard
in the lot fronting on Cranberry St., a abort dis
tance East of the Sleam Saw Mill, w here ha ha
now a largo amount of Seasoned Panuel Plaul,
also Panuel liourds, and all other Hoard and
li ri LiiiKG jruTKKitL, Hum oiniii ue wanicu lor
building purpose. Also a largo amount of
Khingle on hand, which .ill be sold from 6 up
to fS, according to quality and size. Please giva
us a call and examine our pricer nj quality.
IS'. 1). Farmers who are in want of Shingles
will please cull a we will sell to vou low.
J. E. LEIlt, Sup.
Suubury, My 28, 1S53. ly.
3 GER, a fresh upply just received, and for
ale by li. B. MASSER.
Sunbury, Jail. 18, 1852.
EE BILl.S Justice and Constable Fee
Bill lindaomly printed on cart paper for
al at thia office.
TOR sale at thi ofUc, Buperior Black Ink,
V attla MeJicin at 25 cU, Pur Eswctt of
.Ginger, 25 ieul
At the Cabinet tTnro Hnoiti of
Market Square,
Also at the comer of Fawn street It th Railroad
Thankful for the patronage of his friends ami
customers during the 17 years he has been in busi
ness in this place, he solicits from tho public a con
tinuance of their favors. Dnring this period he
ha endeavored to keep up wilh the improvements
of th day, and has accordingly extended his busi
ness in every branch and variety. Th public ar
therefore invited to tho attention of the present
lock of
Manufactured bt
At the Old Stand,
Where in addition to their former slock of th
establishment they now manufacture
Mahogany, Walnut & Cane-Seat Chairs.
Large Spring Scat Rocking Chairs,
Dressing Bureaus, Centre Tables,
Mtrble Top Wash Stands,
and a variety of other
new style and
FasIiiotiaMc f tii'iiilurc.
Having secured a Henrsc and made Hit neces
sary arrangements for the purpose, they ore now
prepared for Undertaking in all ils branches, in
(his vicinity or at any convenient distance.
Ye muiilsnm! mistresses, nml lmslmmtn too,
Here's furniture of every style nml hue,
From side boards ihm-u to kitchen tahtes,
From rocking chairs to rocking cradles
FhotiM yon lint have the ready Jons to pay,
We'll wait nwhile f(,r a brighter hrtter day,
Or lake potatoes, oats, com, wheat and rye ;
Hark, lmop jt '.tj.iiavcs, or lumber wet and dry,
Or any thins: l.ul yokes nnd threshing flails,
Viom pii;s und turkirs flown to little quuils.
Come on then fi ieuils, come one and all,
Keep tiude a inovinjr, so "g'lcs on the ball.'
IxT Orders from a distnnco promptly attended
to nnd work of all kinds delivered with dinputch.
Sunbury, Man-h 0, 1850. tf
Hobby Horse, Children's Propellors,
Gifjs. Coaches, Baroiclie3, &c.
Manufactured wholesale and retail by
No. CI DOCK Street,
Orders through the mail promptly executed-
Piiil.i., April U, lyjJ. lv.
8ll. r.l YV.AIti; Wli .l. s.ile iiii.I ttflailnr No. TliN.
SHCOXU t.. i.ii:vMi:e the .Ml. Vcrnii II him.
I.rver W: it I .. f. lull I. wcl. il. I k. filv
l.ver.. full j' Weletl. :n ; Sili'i r l.epim . .toweled.
OH nil warrimlLiI In Keep k-hiiI lime. ' Linlil Pens "nil Sil
ver L'nse, SI. Mli II lil IVneiis. (l. nil : 'I 'I'I I'eiM-ils ami
Pell I'llSlS Willi !I if tl li M 1. UilH I .W iiS il.2l. Af.
! A'tt JiluvvKuii h'iii.l n k khI :is..i'iiu ii1 ii' line c .1.1
t Jewell v. li.l rurh. liii-ntl ami I '.'li CIitiiiip, UnM Vest
' Cliiiin..'. li be:,' liiilil IVh r'h:iill5 ami Hell I'm?.
' Cilv.-r 'I'.il.l- Sivtons I'rt.rn Sll lii PI, licrwl, f D la
j 9-.' I, nn ITeii, PI.7 I" P-.l.-ill per set, wiirnuiteil rttml tn
1 c iin. AH v i"tl wiinaiileil t.i l wluil lli'-y lire ! I Inr.
I (r" Wutelies ami J-we!ry repniieil n-ul warriiiileil.
i tl?" AH "rilers sent by null or otlierwihe, will 1-e pun-.'-i
taaily attended t-.
M. AVISf.. Aera',
) N-. "3 Nnrrli StiCOXD Street, opi;iire the .Ml.
I lb-, I.e.
I'lnla., April 23, IbW. I-.
VII. II'CARTY, BookseUer,
! "5K.-51'r.CTrri.I.Y informs the iuhahit-iul ol
j town nnd country, that lie has lately rreei
; ved from Philadelphia, a larse addition to his
slock of books, in every branch of Literature, and
in a great variety of Piudiuj
Please call and
see llietn.
Burrhury, Cept. 17, 18.r)3.
J AMKS J$. F f J) L K 11 ,
No. 12 South Sicond Si ree',
(iohl l.cver Watches full jewelled
Silver I. ever do
.Silver I.epino do
" tjuartier do
(!old pens nml pencil and silver lialders
Silver Tea and Table Spoons
Prncclets, Ureast ins Kar rings tic..
All warranted and sold al prices a low a Hi y
in the city.
.November 27. 1S52 tf.
Ilosendalc Hydraulic Cement.
N excellent arliclo for lining Cistern, Vaults,
Spring houses and Cellars, nnd for keening
dampness from wet and exposed wall.
1' or sale bv SUBPART) SMITH,
of, n n J successor lo, the lale firm of Iivi Smith &
X. E. Corner of Front and Willow street
Philadelphia, Feb. 19, ISM. ly.
And Three Acres of (. round
rHE subscriber oilers at private sale, hishouse
and acres of ground, oir the rivejr Hank
wiihiu tho limits of the Doroiigh of Sunbury,
now in the occupancy of John Shissler and orig
inally owned by Oaas. li ussier while engaged in
boat building. The improvements aie a
With a Vi'ell of good ll'ater,
ml a gooil Irainc slahle. 1 here arc a number ol
excellent fruit trees on the premises. Tho prop,
erly is handsomely located and will be sold nt a
reasonable price and possession given in April
next. Apply to lleo- C. Welker, Esq., of Sun
bury, or to the subscriber at Selinsgrove.
July 23, 1853. if.
HE above reward will be paid for iuforma
. lion that will lead to the discovery and
conviction of the person or persons whq were fruilty
oi lilliuy the axel boxes ot the passenger and coal
car of the Philadelphia and bunbury Kailroad,
w ilh sand and dirt.
Sunbury, Au.'. SJ, 1853
T3LAXK Parchment Papor Deed and blank
- Mortgages, Uouds, Executions, Summon
&.C., tor sale by
Suubury Ai-ri S6.
18S1 ,
ANN'S LETT Ell PR ESSE."?, witli
books, ink. and all complete, just rr.ceivcd,
and lor saU hy II. V. Al A ?SE It.
Sunbury, Jun4 1, 1S53.
rHAIN PUMPS.- small number of these
excellent pump have been received and are
ottereil lor aale by
Sunburv. June 4, 1853.
EVELKY A nice assortment of Gold and
Silver Pencil and Pens, for aale cheap by
Market slreet, opposito the Post Oflice
Sunbury, Oct. 8, 1U5J.
CltV rY I'MlLADlLmiA.
All solvent hanks i Al
If. o. Hnnk nolee ludis
All S'llsent Isiuks m
All Solrent banks j.
new Yonn. 1
aii solvent nsnts pi
Blink of Chnuiberslmn 1 ills'
Hunk of Chester Co. purl
Bank ol Del. Co. Chester pari
r.nmu, uermamown
Hank of Uellysliurt;
Hank of l.ewntnwn
narlAII snlrent banka s
1 Uls iy IJk note, ta u"t''
enPMTB 1
llsnk of Malillelown 1
Montennn-ry Co Hank par'
llsnk of Norlhnnilicrl'iiil pat
All solvents Bi., ' .
iiiv J13K8KY.
Ilelvulere Rsuk I ,j.
Commercial Hank I a.m
Hank of I'ltttlmrg 1 dis
MSIIKOI llauyille p:
Carlisle Hank 1 l
pa, I Far. llsnk Mont Holly 'oar
uis; . M.,MiUetowa Pt. bar
rmr 1 ll M'tlnoi..-, iT. k . .
Columbia Jl'k ITgeCopni
lfciyelstnwn Hank
ik, Nswsrk pst
"""i"" I "( ""injrton
r.ustou Hank
l .rie Hank
9 dis Morris Co Hank
1 . .. V inan- k Ar
rant par
.xchancte lt'kPillsbur8 1 tlislNewark Hk' t, Cb I 5 '
F.selians- H'k. Ilranel, 1 .lislOrniiRe Hsu k 1 5 !
1 armers' H'k, llu. ks Co par1 People's II K Palt.rswt 1 ,
l armers Hk, jn,rater par'Prineeloi, Hank
Fsrmeis-lilt. Ilri,ie par falem Hsnknij Co, S
rrnii. ii, i-a-nnyiKtii i: par einrrret Co Dank I dis
Y. i1!: ,'Jtw"Vaesli'g 1 litis Plate Hank at Camden par
I-rank liu Ilk. Wash',, I .lis.ftute Hk F.linshelhton Idis
llarrisbnra; Hank I ilis Slate Hank Newark i
Ilonrsriale Hank I ilis State Hk. N H, ,,
Ifliiensler Hank pnr.fursrz liank. Newtna iha'
elmuoii Hank .,r Trenton Ha,, kb.. rv. "
Merch. ft Man. Hunk 1 dis t'nion Hsuk. Doser W
Miners' H k, Pottsvilla per Ysrdlevv'le DelDr Co IMis"
!Moiioti!ahela Hank 1 ilis rp'Hk notes under S3 I dis'
luvlorav'e DelKVCn 1.1 ilia DI-.I.AWABrc "
11 par liranrli llauk nar natm o lie lawara
.j."iiiiiH in., ii iihesn e par
York Hank,
tyiiehcf notes i dis
it-.. t.
...Tin m iiuvrim rur
Delaware I'iiv Flank par1
Ilk Wilma'n A Brindyw. ftf
Ksrinrrs- Ilk Sl Delawars par
I 'nic. n Hank. Wilmington pit
ITT Umlt-r .'' I dia
All s ilvenl bnnks t dia
Hank of t'hel lock d!s
Mercanlila Ilk, Hnugor lOdis
All s ilyeitt banks I (i
M.V It lliiiaiitntl
All s-'lvnt Kiiil,-.
1 tlis t "Hk unit's under i t 4 dis
3 ilia All solvent hnnk S dia
J di. ITT L' ruler S-s, j dis
VI-: t.MO.VT.
ll.nilt "f SI All.nm
All rilvent luniks
, Tni'MicNDous Excitement I '.
Cnsli, Sleam, Kloctricity ! !
The Atrial and till other lines out-dont by th
I.I;;Jilitliip, I.lcic or
Vll''. having great failh in rapid aale and
small prnhts, has just received ana otifnad
a larrra assortment of
At his Store in MarSet Street, Sunbury, which
he ofler to the pul lie nt the lowest price.
Jlr stock consists ot a general assortment ol
Vtvy (iooils, viz :
Cloth. Cnsfiniers, Cossinets. Jeans, Drilling.
sf.-l.. . : -..I-'. . 1- 1 '
lili'stittr., Ijtntn. wicoes, JUUSlin a
Luins, Lawns, Ginghams, Iierages.
Silk Hats.
A large assort incut of Boots and Shoe, for
Men, Women and Children.
Sngnr, Tea, CoflVe, Molasses, Cherio, SpW
cos, t ish ball, Plaster.
Viz : Iron nnd Steel, PCuils, File", aw, Jco.
Tea Selts, Plato. Dishes, Cups, Saucers, )
Winr. Brantly, Gin, Gum, Whiskey, te-
rE' ("ountry produce of all kinds taken in ex
change r.t the lii-.'iiesl market prices.
Jan. l.'i, lSo'J lv.
UJ54:'Si Vlit'USIiLFl
OR, r. lU'.Y ONE 111-5 OWN rilVSICIAN.
-"- lion, wilh Ono II undred
!, .boHing Dis.
'iff, eases and Malformation
ji i;ie num. n .atein in every
. l shape and firm. To which
i ti Til . .. , , i , ,
; - ,:J is uddrd a 1 realise on th
7 I:iie-.srs of Fenitlp, being
of the highest iinporUnc to
J -i. v- marriru ceopic, or inos
?''Qr coiitonipljliiig marrisg.
fi- I y r S'iu, Vounf
Let no fi,lirr be a-li;imed to present a copy o
Iho .'V.sCUIiAl'iKS lo his. child. It may s
him from on early crave. Let no young rnsn or
woman enlfr into the secret obligations of mar
ried life without reading iho POCKE'f A1SCU
LM'll S. Let no one sulVeiiug from Imekniep
I'ouh, Pain in tho Sido, restless uightt, nervous
feelings, nnd the whole train of Dyspeptic senia-
! lions, and given up by llicir physician, L another
j rrioincnt without consulting llie .I'.Sl'L'LAPIt'S.
1 Have the married, or those about to be married
any impediment, read this truly useful book, a
j it has been Ihe means of saving thousands of un
fortunate creatures Irom llie very jaw of death.
CI?" Any person sending TWENTY-FIVE
C'KNTS. enclosed in a letter will receive en
copy of this book, by mail, or five copies will be
sent for one dollar. Address, P. W. YOL'NU,
Post paid.
June 18, 1653 ly.
More M'cvr Goods!!
IJT'.sPECTFl'I.LY informs bis friend and
- Ihe public Kcueially, that he ha just received
and opened a large and splendid stock of
at his Slore in Lower Augusta lowaahip. Hit
stoik consists of every variety of
Dry (iood-j, viz .
Cloths, Carbiniers, Saltiuctts, Vesting, Flan
nels, Muslin, ie.
A splendid slock of
Such as llcrazrs, De Laines, Mcrinoes,
Luicns, Ginghams, Culicocs, 'c.
A fine assortment for Men, Women & Children.
A large assortment of t.KOC'URlES,
srcn as
Snar, CoiTe-, Tea, Molasses, Spices, kc.
Hardtrare tied Queensware.
'nltnnil Liquors.
ti cn A3
din, lifii'iiily, Fium nnd Whiskty,
Pesides tho laicest and most (;enrrl suort
inent of all kind of Goods to lie had in the country.
All the above mentioned good will be sold rf
such reduced prices as they can not b gel fr
elsewhere. v
Country produce of all kinds taken in exchange
at the highest market prices.
. Augusta twsp.. July 8, 1853. 6m.
1.000 31en Wimteil.
UOAl) U-twecii Lridyeport (opposite Hr-'
riKbnr.') und Sunbury, in llie Stale of Pennsylva.
nia. 'i'his road is fifty four mile in length' run
through u hijthlv improved country, and wilf
furnish employment for stone mason, carpenter
and laborers "for the next twelve- months. A
larie portion of the lino is heavy rock excavation,'
laborers that are familiar will therefor find cer'
tain cinph'-vinciit and lilierul wages.
February 19, 1S53.
Laborers Wanted.
rilllF. subscriber want immediately on the
J- Kailroad and llaHn, rt Chapman, Union'
countv, seven miles below Selinsjrove, from
to wlum one dollar per dav will pe paid.
Chapman, Union Counly, Feb. 13,1853tf!
ff OLD PENS wilh and without case, of
very strierior quality, just received.
A lso a i'resli uiply of Writing Fluid, for al
by II. li. MASSES.
Sunbury, Dee. S7, 1851. .
oar bottle tor sale by
Suubury, April, 12, ISM-
-. Vr ... -.;
Vv ..'-' Ay