. - Correspondence of Ins Tubllo ledger. .1 LttiEa rnoM washingto . Washington, Jan. 14, 1854. At tbt beginning of this Congress, hopos "ur cnierlained that tbii session would be errninatel on or about the 30th of Jane; but to judge from present appearances,, this is .ui ,1Keiy io be the case. The amount of ousineis now before both houses, will alane suffice to spread out the session till Anirnsi. ml enough will be superadded to require a vui..p o, njontns more. Let mo try to ro yievr the case. We have now the following M.uriniii measures before Concress. . i.i. uur entiul American relations, Iho fcebate on which, may lust (he Semite some mree or four weeks. O 1 n.. . . iexican reunions, including the JSinmus of Tehnunlcpec. " 3d. The fisheiios and reciprocity with wuiaaa, wnich require an act of Congress. .4th. A revision of tha Tariff. . Din. A revision of ilia Tatetit laws of the United Slates. 6lh. The settlement of the question wheth er ttie privilege of levying a tonnage only shall be granted to the several stales, in lieu of direct appropriations for livers and harbors. 7th. The French spoliations. 8ih. The Texas debt bill. 9lh. The Pacifio Railroad bills, (for (here win Da at least two or three, perhaps six or seven of the kind.) lthh. The Homestead bills. . 1 Ilh.. Tha various bills, (now already amounting Io 107,) for gran!inS alternate sections of publio lands in uid of Railroads. 12:h. The Nebraska Territorial bill, with all its important collateral issues. 13ih. The bills for increasing the material and personale of the Navy. 14th. The bill lor creating u lelired list in the army. Finally, last, not least, Mr. Riving' mo tion lo alter the Constitution of the United Stales so as to abolish I tie Electoral College, and make the vote for President of the Uni te! States direct, by Congressional districts, Mr. Ewing has already been before the Committee on the Judiciary, to whom his Inotion has been referred, and the Committee will probably report in favor of the appoint tiienl of a joint Committeo of both Houses, lo report a bill. Whether the measure is likely to be successful or not, I cannot al this moment determine. I rather think it will be voted down ; but strung arguments can be ! made in favor of it, and it is certain thai those arguments and the pressing of opposite views will consume lime. Allowing lo each of tlto above measures bul a foitnijilil'a discussion and some i:f them will be disrusscd for more than a month we are alteady backed for thirty weeks or more, or about seven months and upwards without allowing any time for iho regular appropriation bills. Alluwing but a month fr all these, and we have the session ex tended till the middlo of Ssptembcr; I can t.co nothing but the cholera that can possibly pnl an end to the long debates betcte that time. Observer; The Hon. Wm. Meilill has been installed is Governor of the Slate of Ohio, an office which, as I.i;'ti!. Governor, he litis filled for some time past, in consequence of the Gov rirnor having been appointed lo a foreign mission by the present Administration. An exchange says that, down in New Or. en it requires luiee per suns lo start a inisiness firm : one lo din with yellow fever, one to get killed in a duel, and the third to wind up the partnership business. It is said that one of Ihe most distinguish .', physicians of New England asciibes the fearful increase of cases of paralysis to the jse of stoves in close rooms, parlicuUnly in sleeping apailmcnts. Tub man who attempted to do business without advertising, was last seen sculling a canal bdat fib'm Sun Francisco lo India. One is just as easy as the other. Original Poetry. KF" The following lines were sent to us or publication. Original poetry is some .vhal scarce now a days. We therefore nake room for this effusion, especially as t may prove highly interesting to the ladies. For tlie S'.uiliury American. THE DISAPPOINTMENT. I courted Caro long and well, How much 1 lov'd, no tongue can tell ; I thought on all thiseailh, there bo None half as line, or fair as she. I also though!, thai I could see, That lovely Caro, loo, lov'd mu. She ahvayssmil'd when e'er we'd meet ; Embrace so fondly ; kiss so sweet. , 1 thought, lo take her for my wife; To cheer ine through the walks ol' life. Before I'd wed, I wished to jio, The world to see ; its ways lo know. I went to see my Caro dear, Who to my heart was always near; And told her I must go away, But would return again, sjme day. She charged me lo her, to be true; Then kissed me sweetly ; sighed adieu. 1 went away ; no matter where ; And what 1 did, no ono need caro. Ten months 0 so, I stayed away ; - When I returned again, lo pay My address lo my own sweel heart ; And thought from her, I ne'er would part, But marry her, and live a life Of happiness; wilh her my wife. But to my sorrow i soon found, That I too long was running round ; Neglectigg her she thought ; so she Concluded not to wait for me ; Hut, accepted another beau, And married him, some lime ago. Who he is, and what the name ' Of him who has my loving darue ; Now is not known as yel to me, And perhaps it shall never be. They now indeed are man and wife, Oh ! may they have a happy lifc ; But still, I wish that I could be, Rut io bis place ; she'd married me. Hut now, I'll rove the wide world e'er , Ami see perhaps Caro once more. I'll ce'er forget, though Tar away, The words of or 1 heard her say. I'll ne'er forget the time, when too, She kissed me sweetly, ,iejjyUU' December 23, 1853. MAUK1GD, On the 12th Itwt., b7lhe Rev7r."no"rii7M7. Jamks W. Lyn, to Miss Susanna Harrison, both vf Sunbury. On the S5th ult., by the Rev. C. J. Ehre hs.it, Mr. Wm. F. Lack, of Shamokin, lo Miss Mary A AIalich, of Jackson township. On the 29th ult., by the Rev. David Hull, Mr. John Russki,, to Miss Mart Jane Tweed, both of Lewis twsp. On the 2d inst., by ihe Ray. James Clark, D. D , Gko A Prick, Esq., and Miss Roset ta Urier, daughter of Dr. Jos. F. Grier, both of Lewisbmg, Al Hattleion, on Ihe 26:h nil., by Ihe Rev. Thos. Barnhn, Mr. Thadeus Morgan, and Miss Jane Eckebt, both ofNorihumberland. On the 3d inst., by the Rev. P. B. Reese, Mr. G. L. Cakk, of Schuylkill couuly, 10 Mies Charlotte A. Luwdkn, of Jersey Shore. On ihe IRlh nil., by Ihe Rev. C. J. Eh e hail, of Paxiuos, Mr. Andrew Reinhart, lo Miss Maria Ahter, all of Shamokin town ship. In Selinsnrovp, on Ihe lllli inst., by the Rev. S. L. M. Conser. Ui'v. Franklin fJnu. iiaiit, of Baltimore, to Miss Mary E. daugh ter of Dr. J. Wtigenseller, dee'd. In Selinsprove, on the 5th inst., by Rev. Mr. Biltle, Thomas Walter, ol Buffalo twsp. to Mis Mary Ann, daughter of Leonard App, Esq. In Jersey Shore, on the 8th nil, by Rev. John II. Giicr, Mr M. C. Pkoi'sts to Miss Rebecca McMcruay, both of the former place. On ihe COih of September, by Rev. J. J. Rsimsnyder, Dr. Ciiaiu.es Rhodes, to Miss Rr.BixcA E. Hl'i.lihan, both of Milton. Suddenly,. in Blonmfield. on the 5th inst.. GEORGE STUOOP, Editor of the Perry Co. uemocial, ami an Associate Judge, aged 52 ) ears. At Ihe residence of Samuel Weiiick Ksn., in New Berlin, lit inst , Miss CATHARINE WEIRICK, in her 21st year. In San Francisco, 27ih Nov. last, JOSHUA BOWMAN, hue of Berwick, in his 27lh year. In Milton, nn iho Ifilh nit , Mrs. CATHA RINE BUYERS, ugtnl uloul 32 yeais. Z;I)C iHiuiicte. rhiladelpMa Market. Jan. 18, 1854. Fi-ourt and Meal. The Flour market is firmer, and good is held at $7 75. There" ii a steady demand for city consumption within the raiie of 7 75aSS 50 for common and extra brands. Ryu Floor is inactive : mi I is held at S5aS.r 12J per'bbl , and Corn .ieai is in tiematm. Dales ol I'cnnsj tvatiia at $3 C2i. Grain. Wheal in demand. Sales of 4000 bus. red at 51 70 St 75, and for whim S1S5. Last sales of 'Rye at f)Gc. Com is hold (irm ly at C2 J, a 80e. fr dry new yellow. 0,U. Lasl sales Southern at 42a42Lc., and Pennsyl vania al 43al k SUNRUKY ritlCE CURRENT WllEAT. II Y K. Cnhxi Oats. potatoks, IIkkswax 1Tkcklf.ii Flax. 15 ctti; ii . Eons. 150 87 G2 40 50 12 J5 : I 15 New Advertisements. Valuable Property for Sale In fh.o Borough cf Sunbury ! r?'IIE suhscriher pliers for sale the. following L properly in the Borough of Sunbury, viz: THE HOUSE And two conligious Lots of Ground, on the south west corner of Market Square, how occupied hy the eubsi rihcr us a store and dwel ling. Also: THE STEAM SAW MILL on the river hank, together with ono and a half acres of ground. Also: a double two story frunio Dwelling House and Lot of Ground, in Elderberry street. Also: six acres of ground ul the Point, adjoining the (Susquehanna, on which are erected two frame houses wagon house, &c. Also : A House and Lot of Ground in Cranberry street, near the river, on which lot arc also erected three lime kilns. Alto; A llou.sc and half Lot of Ground, on the north ehst corner of River and Dewberry street, occupied by Augustus Clement. Also: Twenty-Three Vacant Lots on Elderberry street. IRA T. CLEMENT. Sunbury, Jan- 14, 185-1 tf. Cilice cf the Coal Run Improvement and Railroad Company. Philadelphia Jan. 10, 1851. THE Stockholders of the Coal Jiun Improve ment and KailroaJ Company arc hereby uotilied that an election for l'ivo Directors to servo ono year, will be held at ihe Company's oliice, No. SiO soulh 4lh St., on Monday, the (itli day of February, 16.M, between Ihe hours of 10 and I'i A. M. SAMUEL T. ALTEMUS, Secretary. January 11, 1851. it. ORPHANS COURT SALE. I X pursuance of on order of the Orphans Court of Northumberland county, will be exposed to public sale, on I'HUiSDAY, the 9th of FEBRUARY next, on the premises, the following described real csiatc, to wit : two certain pieces or Tracts of I.uul, adjoining each other, siluate in Point townahip, Northumberland countv. the first wheraol' ia hounded by the North branch uf Ihe river Sus quoliauna, lauds late of Thomas Lemon, Wm. Lemon and others, containing oue hundred and twenty three acres and three quarters, more or leas, with the allowance j the second is bounded by the above tract, land nt John Niion and the North Branch of the river Susquehanna, contain ing forty one and one fourth acres more or lea, strict measure. About ono half of said traeta ii cleared, and a two story franio dwelling house erected upon them. ALSO : On Friday, the 10th day of February next, on tne premises, a C'EliTAlN OTHER TRACT OF LAND, or a lot, situate partly in Franklin township, formerly Columbia, now Montour county, and partly in Rush township, Norlhumbarland coun ty, measuring on the northern line one hundred and thirty-three feet, on the eastern side 159 feet, on the south side 120 feet, and on the west aide 121 feet, w hich is ell cleared, and on which are erected a two story frame dwelling house and shops. Lute the estate of Ziba Bird, dee'd. Kale to commence at 10 o'clock. A. M. of said day, when the terms will be made known by JOSEPH BIRD. ) P ... SAMUEL READER, J By order of the Court, ) J. P. PUKSEL. Clk. O. C. tiunbury, Jan. 11, 1851 It) SUNBOHY AMERICAN AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. FN pursuance of sn order of the Orphans Court of Northumberland county, will be exposed to public sale on the premises on SATURDAY, the 11th of FEBRUARY next, Thirty acres off of the north csst corner of the following described tract of land, to wit : A Certain tract of Land, situate in Shamokin township county aforesaid, hounded on Ihe north by lands of Daniel Miller, on the east by lands of Nancy W olverton, on the south by lands of said Nancy and Michael Zimmerman, end on the west by lands of said Michael and Philip Persing, containing two hundred and forty acres. Late the estato of William Persinir, dee'd. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A . M. of said dav, when the terms of sale will be made known PETER PERSINO, One of the Executors of said dee'd. By order of tha Court, ) J.P. PURSEL, Clk. O. C. V Sunbury, Jan. 14, 1854. ) SUNBURY AND ERIE RAIL ROAD COMPANY. npHE ANNUAL MEETING of the 8toc.kbol I. tiers of this Company will he held nt their Office, No. 50. South Third Street, Philadelphia, nn MUAIMY, the 13th of February, 1854, at 10 o'clock A.M. At this Meeting an Election for a President and twelve Managers ol the Company, to serve for one year, will be held. The Polls will close nt 3 o'clock, P. M. PHILIP M. PRICE, Sec'y. Jan. 11, 1854. tc. NOTICE A N adjonrucd meeting of the Stockholders of the 'J'reverton, Mnhanoy and Susquehanna Railroad Company, will be held at the allies of the Company, Trinity Building, New York, on Thursday, February Sd, for iho election of officers lor tlie cniuing year. By Order, F. L. JOHNSON, Scc'y. January 14, 1854. Dt. List of Letters it r:. malm .no in the tost orncK at Northumberland, December 31, 1853. A M J Andrews Jehial MeKenn 3 B Isaac L Monroe LAI) Bradwny T G Brown Robert Brown Samuel Uelmnti Levre Barrett c Edward Carney O G Cramer William Ciapp Henry Colmau D George Dovis F Isaac JUiller, (miller) P H W Patrick John 1'ierMin Emanuel Peters Henry Paul R.ibeit Pinn R James Riddle Rrs Rovinia Simmons Mrs Thos Shoemaker D L Smith GPSwaitz Emery Slickels Miron Stevens T L D Taylor w ard Warren (Jeo II Wilcox John Winkelman I? J Williams John M Wassner Williams Jc Waldreu A rther Yales. JACOB LLP. T.M. Bernard Fos'.ock Dr Saml B Soster H J W Hiester Elias Hawlew Moses Hnbler Patrick Huj;hs JihIsoii Iloleoino K Geo M Keiser L Jano Lions L Lambskin Cist of fetters IIEMAIMNCS Ix'tIIK Pokt OFFICE AT KSJ.IIS'ltY, Iiccembcr 31, A L Milton Ashbun D II LuU Henry Aiirund Sen Tilman Lower Samuel Anspach Lewis Lenhart B Jonathan Lodge Martin Uucher - M J B Bachehler A C McDonald C Bower 2 Henry H Malick C Daniel Malick Jacob Conrad Solomon Malick Amos Colp llrgia Mosea Chailolte Cook N Patrick Corbiit George Neidig John Cormell 0 Joseph M Cook Richard O'Conner D P Miohael Deer 2 Emanuel Peters F James T Poyer Theodore Ford R, George Fox Casper Rieger Henry Feasler S W B Fahnestock Miss Catharine Snyder H A Stevens Michael Haiti Abiaham Sarvis Aaron Howell T Jonathan J Harman Wm W Tftvlor David J Huhbs W K Wm C Wilson Jacob Kern Michael Wary Billv Wilson H B PACKER. P. M. VALUABLE HOUSE AND LOT For Sale ! ! HTMIE subscriber oilers at private sale his house uud lot off;rou4id, situate in the Borough of Sunbury, on the north went corner of lawn and Blackberry streets, now in the oceapancy of Jas. Ueanl, bsii. 1 he house is a two story B1UCK DWELLING & KITCHEN, in good order and condition. For terms applv to the subscrilier, at the I' orks of the Plum Crerk and Tulpuhoeken raud. JACOUWEIMER. Jnnuary 7, 1854. 3m. Notice. rAHE board of Directors of the Pennsylvania Training School for Idiotic and Feeble Minded children, incorraled hy the Legislature of Pennsylvania, April 1853, givo notieo that they will now receive a few additional pupils un der IS years of age, into their Institution. Ear ly application will be necessary to secure admis sion as with their present accommodations their number must bo quite limited. Application may he made to Hon. Georqe M. Stroud, Philip S. Justice. K. Morris Wain, Committee of Reception, Philadelphia. Or to the principal of the Institution, JAS. B. RICHARDS, Dec. 14 1853. Gormantown, Pa. PENNSYLVANIA CONFECTIONARY & FETJIT STORE, No. 109 North 3d tt ., S. E Cor. of Vine, PHILADELPHIA. rpHE suhscriber takes this method of informing - Country Merchants and the public generally, that he has re-moved from 158 to the large and commodious storo 109. Nobtu Third street, and replenished it with an extensive aud well selected sloeK ol Uonttctionary, f ruits, cue., which uo confident he can offer to purchasers, wholesale and retail, at satisfactory rates. 1 t hose purchasing for the llolliuays wouiu da well to call and examine the stock. WM. 8. STILUS, rhilada., Dec. 17, 1853. 3m. M Rlt II ALL, THACY. Wholesale Deal IV A cr in ('onl'ectionary, Fruits and Groceries, iia. xu Al AlvKC. i Street, above six 111, souin aide, next door to Red Liou Hotel, rhiUdsljhia TUila., Oct 29, 1863 8m. SHAWLS Uroche, Thibet and Woolen in great variety Black and Fancy DreasBilk, Silk lace, velvet and other Trimmings, Worked collars, under-sleeves, shimaelte, cull's, just re ceived and for sale by 1. W. TENER ct CO. Sunbury, Dec. 10, 18j3. "J iiiiimiiin New and Fashionable Oooda ! I JOHN V. MARTIN, Fashionable Tailor, Deer Street, one door north of C. J. Bruner's Law Office, Sun busy. jT.11 AS just received from Philadelphia, the best BI and most desirable stock of Goods that has ever la-en brought to Sunbury, such as CLOTHS, Consisting in part of black, brown, grsen, olive and blue. A splendid assortment of such as sstin, velvet, Grenadine silks, plush vel vets, cnshinere, Valencia, and a sprrndid article of white Grenadine for wedding vests. Also- all descriptions of cloth for OVERCOATS. An extensive variety nf plain and fanry cassi mers for pantalcnns. Common goods for coats, pants and vct, coat bindings and cordiugs j a superior article of NECK TIES AND STOCKS, of the latest style, plain and fntiry black cravats, hosiery, suspenders, shirt collars, silk undersells, drawers, men's drab buck-lined chamois snd other gloves, and trimmings of every description. Also on hand a few articles of READY-MADE CLOTHING, warranted to be equal lo his customer work and su-icrior to Philadelphia manufacture. All per sons buying ready made clothing of mo can hsve them reapaircd gratis in case of ripping or giving out. as I warrant all my articles I return my thanks to the public for their pre vious p.itronage and respectfully solicit a contin uance of the same. As I am determined not to be undersold, my goods will be disposed of on tlio most reasonable terms for cash. Sunbury, Nov. 20, 1853. Estate of R0S ANNA WEIDIG, dco'd. TVTOTICE ii hereby given that letters testn L mentary havo been granted to the subscriber on tbu estuto of itosanua Neidig, late of Lower Augusta township, dee'd. All thoo knowing themselves indebted to, or having claims nrfainst said cxtule, arc 'requested to make settlement without delay. DAVID ItEESER, Ex'r. Lower Augusta, Dec. .11, 1853 Cu SELLING OFF AT COST! A Chance for Good Bargains ! ! JOHN BUYERS & Co., will sell, during tha ' winter, at cost, for cosh or country produce, their extensive stock, consisting of Diur GOODS, G roceriea, 1 ard ware, QUEENSWARE, and the other numerous and valuable articles they have at their store in Sunbury. Intending to terminate their mercantile business in the spring, they are ready to accommodate till thut time the public in general wilh first-rate goods at cheap prices. The winter will soon be over, and spring will shortly b here, therefore call as soon as possible, and procure good bargains Country produce taken in exchange, and "kafh'' not re fused. Sunbury, Dec. 31, 1S53. tf. Now is the time fcr cheap Clothing! Tun Great CLOTHING STORE OF G. ELSBERG & CO., Market Street, opposite the Post Oface. Lit stock has recently been largely replen ished, and now shows an extent, value and variety IVcVcr before Bquaiiet!, in order to give all an opportunity to supjily Iheinsclvrs with good and cheap clothing before the approaching Holidayi. Among our cheap and choice Assortment can bo found the following: Fine black, blue, olive and brown Brock, Dress and Sack coats of cloth. Peter Sham, casscmerc, sattinet, beaver, felt, whitney and blanket. Also, monkey Jackets, all stvles, colors and stuff's. PANTALOONS, An endless variety of black and fancy Cassenierc, sattiuctt, velvet and other Punts. VESTS, A very large and choico Assortment, such as black and embroidered, satin, fancy wit;, cassc mere, clolh, worsted, velvet, &c. &c. BOYS' CLOTHING. A i.ico assortment of coats, vests and pants. BOOTS AND SHOES. A variety of calf-skin, kip and other boots, slip pers and shoes. I. DIES SHOES. Morocco, enamelled, Jen. n y I.ind, gum and other boots, bootees, gaiters anil slippers. ' HATS AND CAPS A variety of silk, wool and fur hats, black and blue cloth, plush anc oil-sun caps, mens and hoys sizes. Also, all kinds of underclothing, white and fancv shirU and collars, suspenders, gluves, socks, namlkerclncls, & e. UMBRELLAS, TRUNKS, VALICKS. Carpet Bags and a great many oilier articles too numerous to ineulo.n. JEWELRY. Watches breastpins, ear and linger rings, gold pens, witn or wiiliout cases, gold pencils, A-e. of all kinds and at bargains Also REVOLVING, double and single barrel'd pistols. Our clothing is made of the best and sound est material, and ils workmanship equal, it' nut su perior to the l est customwork of city or country tailors. We aro still continuing on our former motto, cheap roil CASH And are trying to deserve still more our rapid ly spreading reputation of having the cheapest store in Sunbury. Remember G. Elshcrg A. Co's New clothing store, Market Street, opposite the Post Office. Sunbury, Dec. 24, 185j PAHTNERSISIP. MR. JOHN CLARK respectfully informs his friends and customers that he has taken into partnership, Mr. Henry Partou, and that the business of lilacksmithing will, hereafter, he conducted un der the firm of Clark & I'arton, at the old stand, wcttof Ira T. Clement's Store, ill Market street, Sunbury. JOHN CLARK, HENRY FARTON. N. B. Persons indebted to the suhscriber are informed that his books are in iM hands of It. M. Yorks, Esq., for settlement. JOHN CLARK. Sunbury, Dec. 3, 1853 tf. ' An Elegant and Durable Hat FOR $3.00, Equal, if not tuperior io my now offered. riiFOSTER & GLBHARD, SL Third St., below Chestnut, PHILADB FIIZA. OFFER at very reduced prices the following; LADIES' Riding Hats and Uonnets, CHILDREN'S fancy hats, of all colors. Cloth, riush, and Glazed Caps, of every vario. tv of style. GENTLEMEN'S Driving and Travelling Cans. Soft Hats of every style and finish, at prices to suit all. Also, Young Gents Hats. 7 A general assortment of Ladies I ancy Furs. Phila., Nov. 5, 1853. 3m, rrn l.KT. The house on Broadway now -I occupied by Simou MarU. Apply to Apply to M'OAHTY. WM fcunbury, Dec. 31, 1S&3 ti. LATEST ARRIVAL OF Fall and "Winter Goods. J. F. & irT KLINE, RESPECTFULLY announce to their friends and the public in general, that they hava received at their Old Stand, in Upper Augusta tawnship, Northumberland county, Pa., their Pall nn 1 Winter Goods, and opened to the public a full assortment of MERCHANDIZE, &o., Consisting in part nf Cloths, black and fanry Cassiniers, Sattinelts, Flannels, Checks, and all kinds of Winter Wear. Also a splendid assortment of Ladies Dres? Goods, Calicoes, Ginghams, Muslin do Lsines, Plaid Cashmeres, l'e beges, Merinos, Rav stats Long Shawls, &c. ; Also a fresh supply of Ot'OCCf'icil of oil kinds, Hardware and Qucenswore, a fresh supply of Drills and Medicines. Wooden Ware. Also a large assortment of Hoots and Hioch, suitable for Men, Women mid Children. Hats and Caps, such as Silk, Panama, and other Hals. Salt, Cheese, Ac. Call and See. Cheaper than the Cheapest, All of which will be sold for cash, or in ex change for country produce, at the highest market price. Upper Augusta, Nov. 3, 18i3. 1y Al 30. A lir.A.NCII OF THE Clothing M ami factory, OF S. SHKUHMAN & CO., Danville, Pa. VTE jospcctfully annoiinco to the citizens of ' Sunbury nnd vicinity, that we havo a complete stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING, of every style and ipiality, to which we invito tho attention of purclrnscrs. Our assortment con sists, in part, of Fancy over-coats, I'lain over coats, Dress couts, Frock and Sack coats. Mon key Jackets, Hants and Vests, plain and fancy t Linen and Muslin Shirts, Under-shirts, Drawers, and over-wholes. Also, Gloves, Stockings, Neck and Pocket Handkerchiefs, .Woolen and .S'ilk Hats, Uloth I and Oilcloth Gnps, Shoes, Uoots, Gailers, Slippers and Uarpet Uags and 1 ranks, Lmbre.las ami everything generally kept in a well snpplird clothing and gontlemans' furnishing store. We keep also a good assortment of WASHES, Acccrdcons, Jewelry, Ear Rings, Finger Rings, Gold and Silver Pencils, Lockets, all warranted to be good. We sell at the lowest cash prices; for our motto is, "Small Profits and Qnkk Sues." We have but one price and no abatement so that a person is sure to get Iho worth of his money, whether he is a judge or tho goods or aot. If any article docs not give satisfaction as to ft, we will take back the goods and refund the money, provided tlioy arc returned on tho same day they were purchased, when the purchaser resides in town, and in ono week, when he resides in the country. Price tho same as at the Danvillo Mauulaclory Etf Call and secure the Bargains. Sunbury, Oct. 8, 1S.03 tf iT l'lnH'orni Scales, ' I ' s Ln'ig known Revert! j tested Always right TUt AciiwulmJ- i'sf.JTvrr Standard. lSi'ti Bailroad, Hay, Coal, and Far f mors' SCALES, set in any part of the countrv, at short notice. AQVXrs.iiY.O. W. COLBY, 210 Market st., J'hiladeli.hia, K. Y. llright, Sunhury. Octoher S9, 1853. 3m k. M. PAnrnoLow. o. UFr.NV, jr. j. d. ciiaskos Uurtliolow, Tiffiiny f)' Co. IMI'OKTUHS AND 11 KALI '.US IN Foreign :tud Dotnesiic DRI' GOODS, XI) ACKNTS Kill THE SALE OF AMERICAN HANUFACTUEES, No, 2CS Uttllimore Street, Baltimore. If our (lochia on examination, sre not as cheap as they can l'e lioutjlit in any othor market they may he returned forthwith al our expense. Baltimore, Nov. 2Ut 1833. ly. No. 99 North 2nd Street, two doors above '.he Alt. tcrucn House, Philadelphia. Mil uui'ac turcr of lMne Oil or Cu?)i;jifii, Fluid, Lard, and Oil LAMPS tnanilclars and Laudclubrus, for Church es. Stores, Parlors, iyc npiIE subscriber would most respectfully invite the attention of storekeepers and the public in general, to his lare stock of goods, consisting of the alien e named artirles, which will be disposed of at the lowest manufacturer's prices W hole sale and Retail. Also, best quality of ilurninz Fluid, Fino C or Campliine, Globes, Shades, Wicks, Ac. N. 11. Newell s patent safetv Lamps, a n arti.-le fur s ilc. riiila., Nov. 5, 1833. 3m. The News of liow the War Between the Turks and Russians OES on is not of so much interest to the ft inhabitants of Sunbury aud its vicinity as tho fact that I. AY. TEN'Ell k CO. have brought up this week from Philadelphia a large, beautiful and varied stock of i?oods, which lliey will sell cheap ns heretofore. They respect fully request their friends and the public to call aud sec them. Sunburv, l'a., Dec. 3, 1S53. All Apprentice Wanted. A N itiilnuti-imia bul nf nboot 1A or 16 vnnra of age, who wishes to learn tho Ttiloriug bu siness, can find a good situation by applying im mediately to the subscriber, in Sunbury. A boy from the country would be preferred. JONATHAN M. BUST1A.N, Sunburv. Dec. 17, 1853. 3t. FOR CHRISTMAS AND THE HOLIDAYS. T HIE subscriber respectfully informs the public that he has on hand, large supply or all kinds of WATCHES k JEWELRY, Silver and Plated Ware, At his Store. No. H South Second Street, Phila delphia, which he will sell at the lowest prices. JAMES 11. FIDLER. Phila. Dec. 10, 1853. HARDWARE Table Cutlery, Kasors, Pocket Knives, Hand Saws, Wood Saws in frames, Axes, Chisels, Door Lcoks and Hinges Hand Hells, Waiters, ic just received and for aula by 0 I. W. TENER cV CO Sunaury, Dec. 10, 1853. AT8 AND CAPS A splendid lot of fashionable Silk, Wool and Fur Hals, also Clath, Fur, Oilcloth, Navy and Military Caps for sale low by G. ELSBERG 4- CO. Market street, opposite th Fot Office, iuubury, Oct. 8, 1853 This "Way ! This Way I ! This Way I ! ! Fall and Winter Goods. miLING 8c GRANT. I ESPECTFULLY inform their customers and tha public, that they have just receiv. d and opened the best and cheapest stock of Fall and Winter Goods, at their stors in Msrket square, Sunbury. Their stock consists of every variety of Dry Goods, viz : Cloths, CatiimtreXy Sattincts, Vesting!, Flannels, U'ollens, fyc.,' And all kinds of Fall it Winter Wear. Also a splendid variety of LADIES DRESS St FANCY GOODS, Calicoes, Ginghams, Chintzes, De Luines, Mirages, And every variety of goods snilablo for La dies u ear. Also a large assortment of HARDWARE and QUEENSWARE, Fish, Salt and Plaster. Also an extensive assortment of . Hats and Cacs for Mkk and Boys. Also a targe assortment of CiitOL'tlutir.;-', SUCH AS Sugar, Teas, Coffee, Molasses, Spices of all kinds. Also a trcsli supply cf Diil'CS AND Mi:ilniNF.3. Besides the largest nnd most General assrnt ment uf all kinds of goods to be had in tiiia pliu-o. lfT Country produce of all kinds taken in ex change at the highest market price. Snnbui'Y.Nov. 13, JS53. Clock 65. Watchmakers. HXRSCXX & CO. JTA V'E just opened a Clock and Watchmaker shop in tho building lately occupied by J. M. Simpson, near Tcner & Co's Storo, in Market Street, Sunbury, Pa., Where they have opened, and will keep constantly on hand, ' Silver & Gold Watches, eta. Also, Jewelry, Consisting f Gold Breast-pins, Ear and Finger Piings, Medallions, Cuff-pins, Ladies cV Gentle mans' gold and silver pens and pencils. Also, Silver and plaied Tea and 'Pablo spoons, salt spoons, butter knives, &c, SPECTACLES. Of all sizes, suiting every age. Spy Glasses, Pocket Hooks, cf all sizes. Razors, Hair Oil. l!c- volvcrs, and other pistols, Urushca, Combs, Soap, ace, occ. Also, a largo slock ol Musical Instrument ! amongst which are Accordeons, Violins, Flulins, riles, riulcs. CAHPET BAGS, .Trunks umbrellas, suspenders. All size? of rea dy made Shuts and Collars; all of which will ho sold cheaper than has ever been heretofore sold in Sunburv. Li? Clocks, Watches, Ear and Finger Ilinm repaired in the best manner and at the shortest notice. Sunbury, Oct. 15, 1S53. 3m. Consumers, look here ! ! BEX.T A MI jV 1KFFN Kll OESPECFFULLY informs the citizens of - Sunbury and vicinity, that he Ins just re ceived nnd opened at his new store, in Market street, Sunbury, a handsome assortment of Fall and Winter CJoods consisting in part of Cloth", Cassimcrs, Cassinets. of all kinds, of linen, cotton and worsted. ALSO: Calicoes, Ginghams, Latins, niouNgelliie Io LnlucA nnd all kinds of Ladies Dress Goods. . GROCERIES of every variety. Also an assortment of Hardware, Iron and Eteel, Nails, &c. Also an excellent assortment of QUEENSWAIIE, of vaiious styles and patterns. Also an assortment of HOOTS & SHOTS. HATS & CATS, a good selection. Salt, Fish, ic. And a preat variety of othor urticles such as are suitable to the trade, all of which will bo sold at the lowest prices. 13 Country produce taken in exchange at the highest pri?es. Sunbury, Nov. 10, 18.13. ly. Look to your Interests ! We will try io phase ! ! .MVS Mi hrib iw v "3 "2 ESl'ECTFL'LLY informs his fiiends and the public generally, that ho has just re ceived ut Ins store, it) market street, fnmliury, below Weaver's Hotel' an extensive stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, consisting in part of Dry Goods, via : Cloths. Castimercs. Cassinets, Jcu.ts, Drillings, Muslins, Vesting, Linens, 4c. LADIES DRESS AND FANCY GOODS, Calicoes, Muslin de L-u'iis, Laiens, Uinnhams, perukes, lluLes, Woolens, Flauittts, ic. Ciiiottiii:, Sugar, Tt as, Codec, Rice, Molasses, Cheese, Spices, Salt, &c, &c, dec. I2artl.warc, Nails, Screws, Files, Saws, Knives & Forks, ic. Queens and Glassware, f various styles and patterns. BOOTS AND SHOE?. A large assortment of Doots and Shoes, for men, women aud children. Hts Cift, ic, of various sizes and styles. Uesides a large and general assortment of fashionable goods. Cull aud examine for your selves. l"V Country produce of nil kinds taken in cxclmnre at tha highest market p'ieei. Sunbury, 1 1 mo. SG 1853. 4 in. 30, 'S3. l'orte Monnaies, rOCKET BOOKS, AND FANCY GOODS. flMlE attention of tha Irade, and others, in L want f l'orte Monuaies, 1'wket llooks, Bankers' Cases, Dressing Cases, Portable Wri ting Deks, Dackgaminon and Chess Hoards, Chessmen, Pearl, .S'liell, and Silver Cord Cases, Work Hoxes, Cabas, Needle Rooks, Money Belts, Cigar Cases, Portfolios, Kzoia and Razor Strops, Travelling Flasks, and fine Cutlery, t j. getber with a largo variety of Fa set (Jouijj which will be sold at the lowest rates. F. H. SMITH, Porte Monnaie and Pocket Book Manufacturer 205 Arch St. below Sixth. Philadelphia. ' Sept. 17, 1853 tf. OURNING FLUID, Campheno, Sry.rm nnJ Whale Oil, White Lead, Linseed Oil, Tur pentine, Candles and Soap, just received and for "by I-W. TUNER & CO. Sunbury, Dec. 10, 1853, CRANBERRIES, Ground Nut.. Almonds, Pecan Nuts, Wall Nuta, Cocoa Nuts. Cream Nuts. Filberts, Raisis, Figs, Citron, Lemons, Candiea and Toys, just received and for sale by Dec. 10, '53, I. W. TENER A: CO. THE FAR-FAMED MEDICINE I HOI.LO WAY'S TILLS. Thews rill 'twine (mrnpi.Hud entirely metfirfiin. httbt artf nf tnosl luiriulepn nature, wliiie Ui t'JiirM'.nlinnry vir tue Uiey poratu hw rendered them rim vert illy popiilnr in nwirly every part nf the world, 'J he iinrmnw ucee they have met with thruUtflrotH the ftuiea ii moil extra uulmnry, mviiitf, it in irentrirfl, to their wjuderfut eificiiCT iii the cure uf liiliwui c .urrplninii mid chwmleii ol tho Liver and Htmnnrh. Ptw-ua w hn r -erieve r nv luting them in nceondmca with tl directum, teWni fail in being restored U health. WKAiiXKSSAND DEWIJTY, RtfSTOJlATION TO IiHALTH OK A GENTLLM AN AGED 43, WHEN AT DEATH'S DOOH. Cupy of a Letter from the Rev. Charlet Smith p dutrd Norton) St. Philips, near Baih) Sotutf Sf.hhtte, nth August) ISOJ. To l'nftniT Hm.rowAT, Hir. A Mr. Joicph l'uxtfn, formerly a reaMenf nf (him plu't. hud lircti in a UecJn ing at it: of hajKh for upw;ira of three yearn, Rradtifflly wnsling away ti a !wd nv hy nisjlilly pn npirftli.tns nn1 wont of nj H'lfle, which cauarf eicMt mienfinet;fi toltin ftien, tin Ins fiPt) consulted vnrfiuia me fii'.'tl men in Hath without u fleet. He at (nut tiawi ynur 1NII. nnd under providence, wnt rcsKrrd tn linallii by their iifans. Ho htely em i if ruled to Nuw YVik. and )iiajiat i-rit1fii to s;iy, I tint lieM'nn neer Prtter in hwUh. ami do cited me 1 1 actpmint you wilh the eire unitinnce. J ought Ulan to mention, tint my wife hud derived greot benefit fii.nthe line nj'y.mr lih. 1 rctrriin, Sir, v -nrs reiprrtful!v, ( HAUL!:? SMI TH, lJiKveHliuir Miniver. A rJaii.MANKNT CVUK OK A DISK ASF'.D IJVKIl OF MANY YKAU8 DL'ITATIUN. Copy of a Letter from Mr. ft'umis, Chirm at, Yeovil to Projcmor 2lolloway. tt'.vi Sir In t!ii. diwtr ret y-ur Pilla cormmutd amor exi..-nr,r. waif tlitin nny 01 her pr-iprirtry medicine leinivt -itf.;;.:, An a pi- tif 01" their e'miioy u Liveraud Uilhum t' uiiIriiiitfi tuny nienti -n tlie l"ll..wii;ir enve A lady vf tliisi.iwn wilh wkoml tun pivR limlly fietiifiinted, for yeiira w.is u K".v:re MiiTerer iVom d'aa.i of thn Liver and iliires li niutiH ; her mi'tlieil ottcmlmit r.sttired her that he foiiM il 1 not!iiii4r to rrlk-vt: h:r aiMiVriiip. and it wus not lik ly liltecoul-J survive rn;iny mnnihs. This nun uiH:cnit'nt lusUiiiilly eruifrd crent ahtriri rtrnorg lir trienda nrd tela ti-im, nnd th''y indneed her to m,-ik- n r in I m" y ur 1'ilta, wiiich a i improved hci pencral lioilih lint she wm induced to cotilimie tlitrm until irhe reecivrd a perfwt cure. This in tweh o in Mitlij uo, end elm hi not expeniMieer any tyniploius nf iflttpiie, nnd ii'ii-ii deelaiea that your liha htva been the tncuna id' living her life. 1 remain, lumr fi r, youri tridr, Jtya3J, J 833. (Signed) J . GAMES. Tlicst celebrated Pilh are iconda fully efhta-- -j j i. . r m . . .. i r noa in te yytiutruig compiainis. Ague Diopav luilatnm&lioa An: Intm Dypentory BiHous Ooinplainta Krysipelaa " BMcIiim ou tha Fenmle Jrregu- Skin Iniitiea Bowel Cuinpluiiita Fevers of all Jnundic I.iver Coia- )UlilUS T.itnlMlo Piles lUinnmMism Jtrlnition ol I'rinn Borfula. or liiiiir's Kvii Btoontlnrv Coliel kinds. Constipation of Ihr Rnvela Consumption DeMlity H ra Thrnatu Tic Duul-jurcux Fin Omit lletul.fir-ks liiitigenlion Htono and b ravel 1 utnotirt Symptoms 1'k-eri Venereal Aflri-tioKS Wonnsof all kiatW Weakness, from wlliitevar ennsf Ac . iVilil nt the Kstalilishmeiit of Proi'enur Houmht, Slniiul. (Hir Templo linr, l.on,l,m.) niul tilsn ul Ins llnusn "' iV'rw V"rlt- f rdera for Mritielnrl III tlie 8tn!es. nriJres scd fT. ITnlluwuv New York,' will lercive due Qtlentinn Sild uls!i by nil respeetnMe lliuiiists nnd Dealer in Metl irines tlirouirlimit the I'niteil Plnles. in nct nt :irj cents, A cents, ami SI .50 rents i h. To lie and Wholesale of tlie prineiul Drug Houses in the l.'uion. I Tlicre is a eonsiderablo saving by hiking tha larger V ' - r-ireetiiuia for the gnitlaueo of iiallcnts in every o i'V.i'1 nre aPixed to cnv.h bcx. eeeiiiln.-ral, laiJ, ly. Dealers in I-t'll'S, LilMKUXS & rilADELICRK, A. Conwr Fourth and Cherry Streets, rail, ATEr,r2iriL . TTJA VIX(r culiirged ami improved their Storo. u4 nod hiviuj ll-.e largest assortment of Lamps in Philadelphia eitv, tliev nro now prepared to furni-h PIM-2 Olf. CAMPHENE, BTHlimiG FLUID, ETiiKUIL'.L OIL, Phoppheno G'us nnd Lard Oil, Lamps, Lanterns uf nil patcrns. I-'aney Hotel snd Hall Lamps, Chandeliers, Girandoles and Cnndelcabras, nnd Drittannia Lamps, nt the Manufacturers' lowest prices. Glass Lamps by the pakae, Rt a sinail advance over Auction prices. D.-inj large MANUFACTURERS of Pine Oil, Utiiiting Fluid, Ethereal Oil, Alcohol, nnd (the only true) Phosgene Gas, thev can fur nish these articles at such prices that Merchants will find it to their ndvnntage to buy. Cull before itoing elsewhere, if you want bargains. Also, thn jf!y I'l id Lamp for salo. Phila., Sept. 54, 1853. ly. Important to Coal Dealers. npHE subscribers hereby inform the public, that they have entered into partnership under the firm of Ksse, Uced & Co., for tho purpose of mining, shipping and selling coal, delivered at Sunbury, or ut iiny other point along the Sus quehanna. They will he ready to deliver coal, well prepa red, on ciii 'lract or otherwise, at all times, on the shortest notice, and on the most reasonable terms. Orders received at Shamokin by KASB, REED & CO. Sunbury, Juno 4, 1633. ly. Cheap Watches Jewelry, rVIIOLESALE ttnii Kptai at tlle i,ji!el- phia Watch and Jewelry 8tore," No. 99 North Second Street, corner of Quarry, Ith'iI l.ovftr utclus. lull jeweled, tM eurnt enses, 62S,0O (i.lil l.e;iino J. .no'. 1-' ine Silver Siectaties. 1,50 Silver i.ei. fall jewlletl, fcB. (ioiJ Hiwelels. 3.00 Silver l.ev-r, ml! jcw.'U 12 l sdies' (inld l'eneils, l.ud Hn;i.ii..r tinarlii ta, T.lsilver Tea srioons, sot, 6,00 11'. Id Spi-cUM'le:, O.iIlI Irjirf, vi;li rcm-il mid Silver Holder, 1,00 Gold Finger Kings, C7 J cents to SSO ; Watch Glasses, plain, 12j cents; Patent, lSj ; Lunet, 21; ollu r articles in proportion. All goods war ranted to bo what thev are sold for. KTAUFFER & 1IARLEY, Successors lo O. Conrad. On h:ind. some Gold and Silver Levers and Li-pines, still lower than tho above prices, r-ept. 10, 1833. ly. I. in iifovt'iiicH.s Ahead!! IILIAS BllOCIOUS S i'EUEUY informs his friends and the public - geueially, that he has just received al hia old stand, i.l Market street, opposite Weaver' hotel, An excellent arioilment of ICOP.CCCO, FRENCH CALF SKINS, French Lastings, And all Luids of linings and Shoe findings, which he offers to the trade at reasonable prices. He slso informs his customers ane other, that he still continues the Shoemaking business, and is prepared to do all kinds of work, in a good and fashionable style, and on rensonabls terms. Suiiburj, June 11, 1853. ly. CHEAT WINDOW SHADE, Depot and Ma'tifaei-r o- 4 &. CO., " ' C0fUcf Vch ami ecna h-.,u, ' E., A AUIETY OF SHAM'., Who! r .1 Kt'lnir. "'! s Scroll, Flower, Goih.3, A IS,lcUCi Oil and Dry Landscapes, are to Jehad at the lowest price foi quality of work. Orders lar (iilt, VWux Stove, Lettered icd other haoes executed a( short notice. Merchanta nn.'. others aro iuvil.d to five ui trial. II t v.U try ta plra,,. llras,, Trimmings. Vc, alwavs o: hand. Kemcmher K. W. comer SVCOXjy cc AXCH T'ets, Philadelphia August 13, 1S53.- 6in. rfLEENSWARE.-Ilecutilul sets of Te tTg, ware, in China. Stone China and Dill Dinner aud Supper Dishes of nil kid., Toilet beta, covered DUhes, China Fruit B.WeU and Ornaments, Fluid Lamp., Lanterns, Gla,,w,re in variety, and Tumbler, from CJ cent, upwaids just received and tor aale bv ' Dee, to, taaa. I.w.tener 4 co. a SKUNKS, Carpet Bag. uud Valicw , a:TuT lot of da.v1 r ,1. . 1 . . Tec. 10, ISi - V V ,U, k ,r ,alB , l.eBU ,, 1 L W. '1 E'.'EH fV CO,