SUNBUItY AMERICAN AND SHAlTOKIN JOURNAL. EXTRACTS FTOM GOVERNOR'S MESSAGE. The operations on the public works for the Var just closed do not present a very flatter ing picture, so Tar as relates to net revenue. The aggregate amount of business was larger by twenty per cent, than that of any former year, arid trie gross receipts amounted to the som ef $i,34,495 33, being an excess of but $35,683 91 orer the receipts of 1853. This increase of tonnage without a corresponding increase of receipts is the oonseqUrnoe of a very great reduction in the rate of toll", a mea sure, in the opinion of the Canal Commission ers, demanded by publio policy; and it may be said that whatever has been lost to the treasury was giren to extend commerce and trade. The expenditures for the year accord ing to the report of I ho Canal Commissioners, amounted to the sum of 81,177,742 75, leav ing a net balance of $754,752 68 ; but as Shis sum does not include any portion of the cost of new locomotive engines and the erec tion oi farm bridges, the deduction of the proper proportion of these will leave the sum of $704,752 58 as tho actual net balance. The receipts and expenditures and gener al operations of the Columbia railroads exhi bit an encouraging state of affairs, as ihey nUo do on the North Branch canal and Dela ware division ; on the other divisions of the canal they are tolerable ; but on the Alleghe ny Portage railroad, the condition of affairs is entirely unsatisfactory. Tho system of man agement bertofore practiced on that compli cated and difficult work, would seem to de mand a speedy and radical change. Cut the Executive, under the laws as they now are, having no contiol or direction over the publio works, it is right and proper that I should leave the explanation of the details of their workings and management to the people's agents, who have charge tf the whole sub ject. I am, however, still entirely sanguine that with the necessary change in the system of management, the publio improvements can be made to yield a very handsome revenue to the treasury ; indeed, even for the lusi year, had the expenses on the mountain di vision been confined to a reasonable sum, (lie nett revenues would have reached near one million of dollars. Relieved liom these absorbing demands by the construction of the new road, or in some other way, and we shall realize, by the year, a net profit equal to the interest on twenty-two millions or more of the public debt. The work on the rniltoad to avoid the in clined planes on the Allegheny mountains, has net progressed as rapidly as had been anticipated. It is the opinion of the engineer, however, as will appear on reference to his report, that should the necessary means be promptly furnished, the entire line could be completed during the coming year. The grading for a double track is finished with the exception of four miles, and the cost of this balance, together with the expenses of laying down a single track, is estimated at six hundred and five thousand dollars, in ad dition to the value of the old track. The engineer ulso estimates the anual saving, as (compared with the expenditures on the old road, on a business eqttnl to that of 1852, at two hundred and ninety thousand dollars. I Is also slates that the road between plane No. 4 and Hollidaysburg, with a double traok, will cost about eight hundred thousand dol lars less than the Pennsylvania road, for a like distance. Viewed in every aspect, it must be con fessed that this branch of the publio affairs presents an embarrasing alternative The prompt completion of the new woik will in srolve the expenditure of more capital than the state can command without resorting to farther temporary loans ; whilst, on the other hand, maintenance of the old road, at a cost bf four hundred and fifty thousand dollars per annum, is quite out of the question. Its exhausting demands on the treasury must be Speedily obviated, and for my part I can see no mode of doing this except by the comple tion of the new road. At the time 1 assumed the duties of my present station, 1 found this work in progress ( construction ; the western slope up to the summit having been placed under contract during the summer of 1851. On referring to i he reports of the Canal Commissioners and the engineer, . the only data which I could properly consult as to the policy of the mea sure, 1 found that the total cost of a single track was estimated at $1,015,000. The materials on the old rnad were valued at $248,650, which together with the appropria tions previously made,- reduced the amount in be provided to complete the work to the rneagre sum of $591,350. With these cal, culations before me, and even adding a largo amount for errors in the estimates, and the enormous expenditures of the old road in full view, I could not doubt the expediency and economy of the measure. But the usual ad vance in the price of labor, material and sub' sistence,' added to the obvious errors in the es (mates, has changed the entire aspect of this enterprise. The sum of $650,000 has been appropriated Sioce that time, and over six hundied thousand dollars is still required With the value of the old road, to bring the tine into use. The estimated cost .of completing the North Branch canal, at the period already narnea, Was $772,000. One million of dol. fars has since been paid, and sum exceed ing one hundred and fifty thousand dollars is till required to pay for its completion. With Such unexpected demands upon the treasury vrilhin the short space of two years, it would not be unreasonable to expect an increase of the liabilities of. the State : but it is alike gratifying and astonishing to know, that this has not occurred. The Junction canaf, extending from the New York line to Elmirr, will be ready for business during the present month, and the Stare work from Pitiaton to the dam of Athens, a distance of ninety-three miles, has been completed. The enly unfinished part of the work lies between Athens and the Slate line, a space of about two and a half miles, the eonstruction of which was delay, ed by an effort of the Canal Commiasionsra and the Governor, under and aol of Assem bly, to negotiste with the Junction eanal company ,or completion. But even this sec tion, 1 am assured, will be ready in ample -jtm for the spring trade. These woiks will complete the last link in a continuous water communication between the Chesapeake bay and the northern lakes. The struggle forehis achievement has been long anJ arduoas, covering nearly a quarter of a century, But the triumph is still a brilliant one, and must because of gratification to the people of the entire State. At the date of my last annual message, proceedings were pending in the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, to test the right of the Franklin canal company to con struct a railroad from the city of Erie to the Ohio Stale line. The decision of the Cuurt was against the company on the main point, and the opinion ol Chief Justice Black shows moat clearly that the construction of their road was without authority of law, but the preliminary injunction prayed for by the complainant was refused, on the ground that the Commonwealth could not, under the law, eive security for costs. The effect of this decision was to place the privileges claimed by the company within the control of the Legislature. In anticipation of this result, I had suggested to the General Assembly the propriety of taking charge of these valuable rights, and so fur as might be practicable, without the exercise of an illiberal piinciple, render this important lino of communication) between the sea-board and the great west, subservient to the interests of the people of Pennsylvania. The subject was considered, but not fiuully disposed of. It is my duty to inform you that $528,351 of the relief issue of May, 1841, are still in ex istence, and continue to pollute the channels of circulation, Under the piovisions of the act of April last $121,812 of these notes of a less denomination than five dollars, have been can celled, and the whole amount can, undei this law, be ultimately extinguished. But the process has not been so rapid as was antici pated, nor is it sulTici?nt!y so to meet the de mands of the publio weal. I respectfully suggest, therefore, that the law be so nmend ed as to make it the duty of the State Trea surer to retain fiom time to time, as near as piacticable, the amount in relief notes, neces sary to meet then entire den-rands of the sink ing fund. 1 also recommend the repeal of the act of April 10, 1849, authorizing the re-is sue of this currency. iet of betters REMAINING IN THE POST OFFICE AT gUNDUIlY, December 81, 1853. A Milton Ashbun Henry Aurund Sen Samuel AnspacU B Martin Becher J B Bachelder C Bower 2 C Jacob Conrad Amos Colp Charlotte Cook Patrick Corbitt John Cormell Joseph M Cook D Michael Deer 2 F Theodore Kurd Oeorge Fox Henry Feaster W B Fahnestock H Michael Hain Aaron Howell Jonathan J Harman David J Hnbbs K Jacob Kern Billy D H Luti Tilman Lower Lewis Lenhart Jonathan Lodge M A C McDonald Henry H Malick Daniel Malick Solomon Malick Recta Mosea N George Neidig O Richard O'Conner P Emanuel Peters James T Poyer R Casper Rieoer 8 Miss Catharine Snyder A Stevens Abraham Sarvis T Wm W Taylor W Wm C Wilson Michael Wury Wilson 11. B. PACKER. P. M. GOOD INTENT E.XC.ISE COMPANY. The Good Intent Engine Company met on Saturday evening last. The following persons were proposed for membership and unanimously elected:-' Messrs. James Cuvert, Wm. B. Kipp, G. M. Vorks, James Beard, John S. Killaly, C. D. Wharton, John W. Bucher, James P. Irwin, John S. Beard, A. J. Rockefeller, J. P. Shindel Gobin, A F. Clapp, -Thos. D. Grant, Jacob Shipman, W. A. Covert, Richard W. Druckemiller, Joseph R. Bright, Wilson Covert and Joseph McCarty. The following officers were chosen to serve until the next annual election : Presi. dent, Jas. Beard ; Secretary, Henry Donncl; Directors, G. M. Yorks, John G. Young, Wm. B. Kipp, James Covert J Treasurer, Wm. T Giant ; Engineers, C J. Brunur, A. F. Clapp, E. Wilvert ; Axe If Hookmen, J. W. Bucher) J. P. Irwir. ; Block if Troughmcn, J. P. Shinlel Gobin, T. D. Grant, John S. Beard. Company adjourned to meet on Monday evening, lG.h ins!. HENRY DONNEL, Secretary. Estate of EOS ANNA NEIDIG. deo'd, TV'OTICE is herein given that letters teats mcntary have been granted to the subscriber on tlio estate of Hosanna Neidig, late of Lower Augusta township, doe'd. All those knowing themselves indebted to, or having claims against said estate, are requested to make settlement without delay. DAVID REESER,.Ex'r. Lower Augusta, Dec. 31, 1853 6U SELLING OFF AT COST ! A Chance for' Good Bargains 1 ! JOHN BUYERS & Co., will sell, during the winter, at cost, for osh or country produce, their extensive stock, consisting of Diur GOODS. Groceries, Hardware, QUEEXSWARE, and the other numerous and valuable articles they have at their store in Sunbury. Intending to terminate their mercantile business in the spring, they are ready to accommodate till that time the public in general with first-rate poods at cheap prices. The winter will soon be over, and spring will shortly ba here, therefore call as soon as possible, and procure good bargains. Conntry produce taken in exchange, and "kah" not re fused. Sunbury, Dec. 31, 153. tf. New and Fashionable Goods ! ! JOHN V. MARTIN, Fnaiiloitablo Tnllor, Detr Street, onl door north of C. J. Bruner't Lav Office, Sunbury. HAS just received from Philadelphia, the bast and most desirabls stock of lioods that has ever been brought to Sunbury, such ss CLOTHS, Consisting In part of black, brown, green, olive and blue. A splendid assortment of VIBStf2HBS9 such as satin, velvet. Grenadine silks, plush vel vets, cashmere, Valencia, and a splendid article of white Grenadine for Wedding vests. Also all descriptions of tldtli for OVERCOATS. An extensive variety of plain and faric calai mars for pantalcone. Cmlitnon goods for costs, pants and vesta, coat bindings and cordirigt j a superior article of NECK TIES AND STOCKS, of the latest style, plain and fancy black fcrsvits, hosiery, suspenders, shirt collars, silk nnilersliiita. drawers, men's drab buck-lined chamois and other gloves, and trimniinga of every description. Also on Hand a lew articles of READY-MADE CLOTHING, warranted to be equal to his customer Work and eunerior to Philadelphia manufacture. All per sons buying ready made clothing of me can have them renpaired gratis in case of ripping or giving out. as I warrant all mv articles I return my thanks to the public for their pre vious patronage and respectfully solicit a contin uance of the same. As I am determined hot to be undersold, my goods will bo disposed of o'u the most reasonable terms for cash. Sunbury, Nov. 26, 1833. An Elegant and Durable Hat FOIl $3.00, Equal, if not superior io my now offered. FOSTER & GLJ3HARD, Third St., lelon Chestnut, PHILADD PIIIA. OFFER at very reduced prices the following; LADIES' Riding Hats and Bonnets, CHILDREN'S fancy hats, of all colors. Cloth, Plush, and Glazed Caps, of every varie tv of style. GENTLEMEN'S Driving and Travelling Caps. Soft Hats of every style and finish, at prices to suit all. Also, Young Gouts Hats. , YV A general assortment of Ladies' Fancy Furs. Tliila., Nov. 6, 1S53. 3m, LATEST ARRIVAL OF Fall and Winter Goods. J. r. & i.rTiELiNDj RESPECTFULLY Sntio'UHcs io' their friends slid the public in general, that they have received at their fJlS. Slafd. In Upper Augusta township, Northumberland county, Pa., their Fall an Winter Goods, snd opened to the p'iiblic s full siso'rtmenl bf MERCHANDIZE, &c., Consisting in part of Cloths, black and fancy Cassimers, Sattinetts, Flannels, Checks, and all kinds of Winter West. Also a splendid Sssfftrrietit of Ladies Dress Good".; CalicoeS, Ginghams, f.Iiislin de Lainea, Plaid Cashmeres, De beges, Merinos, Dsv stste LongPhawls, Sic. Also a fresh supply if tiioceiiea of all kinds, Hardware snd Queensware, a fresh supply of Drugs and Medicines. Woodon Ware. Also s Urge assortment of Boots snd. Shoes, suitable for Men, Women snd Children. Hats snd Caps, such as Silk, Panama, and other Hats. Salt, Cheese, &e. Call and See. C.licsip-r tha'rt the Cheapest, A II bf vliirli will be sold for cash, or iri ex change lor country produce, at the highest market prire. l'pper Augusta, Nov. 5, 1 863. ty Al 30. MARRIED, On the 7lh inst., by Daniel Beckley, Eso i Mr. Leonard Zxpiir, to Miss Frf.derica Shies, all of Zerbe twsp. On tho 27th ult., by Jacob II KanfTman, Esq., Mr. Micheal Schneider, from Miners vilie, Schuylkill county, to Miss Mary Drom heller, of Jackson twsp. On the 28th ult , by John Ware, Esq., Mr. Joseph Thatch eb, of Point twsp., to Miss Harriet Byerly; daughter ol Air. Jacob by erly, of Danville. In Lewis township, on the S9lh ult., by Rev. D Hull, Mr. John Russel, to Miss Mary Jane, (tanghtet ol W. lweed, Ksq. is i i: u. In this place, on the 9th inst., by injuries caused by bums, Airs, ft A TILDA GOOD HART, relict of Paler Goodheart deo'd aged about 78 years. On the same day, in this place, ELI son of Ueoige and IMizabelh bucher, aged about years. I)C ittavkcts. Philadelphia Market. Jan. 11, 1844. T- eeni vt. ri.oiR and ftiEAi.. Ilia flour market is inactive with small sales at $7 1217 25 per put lor good snd common extra, ihere is a steady demand for city consumption within the range of 37 50aS8 75 for common and extra brands. Rye Flour is inactive ; jast sales at $5 25 per bid , and Corn Meal is unchanged. Sales of Brandy wine at S3 50, lasi saiss oi rennsylvaina at S3 25. Grain. Wheal in demand. Salesof 2000 bus. red at 183c. per bus., and white at 175c Last sales ol Kye at S0c. Lorn is held firm Iv at 71c. fur drv new vellow. Oats Last sales Southern at 40 a41c.,'and Pennsylvania at 43a4o. WHi.Kcr. Sale of bbls. at 29e., and hhds. at 23 cents. N 3 w is the time for cheap Clothing! Tub Great CLOTHING- STORE OF G. ELSCERG k CO., Market Street, opposite the Post Office. OUR stock has recently beon largely rcplen" ished, and now shows an extent, valuo and variety IVcvcr before Equalled, in order to give all an opportunity to supply themselves with food and cheap clothing bel'oro the approaching Holidayt. Among our cheap and choice Assortment can be found the following : Fine black, blue, olive and brown Frock, Dross and Sack coats of cloth. Peter Sham, eassenicrc, sattmct, beaver, felt, whilucy and blanket. Also, monkey Juckets, all styles, colors and stuffs. ' PANTALOONS, An end'ess varictv of black and fancy Casscniere. satlinett, velvet and other Pants. VESTS, A very large and choice Assortment, such as black and embroidered, satin, fancy silk, easse nicrc, cloth, worsted, velvet, ac. die. HOYS' CLOTHING A nice assortment of coats, vests and pants. BOOTS AND SHOES. A variety of calf-skin, kip and other boots, slip pers and shoes. 1. VI ES SHUES. Morocco, enamelled, Jen ny Lind, gum and other boots, bootees, gaiters and slippers. HATS AND CAPS. A vsriety of silk, wool and fur hats, black and blue cloth, plush and oil-silk caps, mens' and boys' sizes. Also, all kinds of underclothing, white anil funcv shirts and collars, suspenders, gloves, socks, handkerchiefs, ecc. UMBRELLAS, TRUNKS, VALICES, Carpet Bags and a great many other articles too numerous to mention. JEWELRY. Watches breastpins, ear and finger rings, gold pens, with or without cases, gold pencils, &c. of all kinds and at bargains. Also REVOLVING, double and single barrel'd pistols. LP" Our clothing is made of the best and sound est material, and its workmanship equal, if not su perior to the best customwork of city or country tailors. We are still continuing on our former motto, CHEAP FOR CASH And are trying to deserve still more our rapid ly spreading reputation of having tho cheapest store in Sunbury. Remember U. EUbcrg & Co'a New clothing store, Market Street, opposite the Post Oince. Sunbury, Dec. S4, 1853. PARTNERHSIP. MR. JOHN CLARK respectfully informshis fricndi) and customers that he has taken into partnership, Mr. Henry Parton, and that the business of Klacksmithing will, hereafter, be conducted un der the firm of Clark & Parton, at the old stand, west of Ira T. Clement's Store, in Market street, Sunbury. JOHN CLARK, HENRY PARTON. N. B. Persons indebted to the subscriber are informed that his books are in the hand of G. M. Yorks, Esq., for settlement. JOHN CLARK. Sunbury, Dec. 3, IP 53 tf. NEW fJI,OTlIliU VI OKI,. X BRANCH OF THE Clothing Manufactory, OF S. SHNTJRMAN & CO., Danville, Pa. VVE jespectfully announcS to the citizens of v v Sunbury end vitlni'y, that we have a complete stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING, of every style and quality, to which we Invite the attention of purchasers. Our assortment Con sists, in part, of Fancy over-coats, I'lain over coats, Dress coats. Frock and Sack coats, Mon key Jaekets, Pants and Vests, plain ami fancy i Linen and Muslin Shirts, Under-shirts, Drawers, and over-wholes. Also, (iloves, Stockings, Neck and Pocket Handkerchiefs, W oolen and Silk Hats, Cloth and Oilcloth Caps, Shoes, Boots, Gaiters, Slippers and Carpet Bags and Trunks, Umbre.las and everything generally kept in a well supplied clothing snd gentlemans' furnishing store. ' Ws keep also a good assortment of Accordeons, Jewelry, Ear Rings, Finger Rings, Gold and Silver Pencils, Lockets, all warranted to be good. We sell at the lowest cash prices ; for our motto is. "Smull Profits and Quick Sales." We have but one priet and no abatement, so that a person is sure to get the worth of his money, whether he is a judge or the goods or not. If any article does not give satisfact: jn as to fit, we will take back the goods and refund the money, provided they are returned on tho same day they were purchased, when the purchaser resides in town, and in ono week, when he resides in the country. Price the same as at the Danville Manufactory V Call and secure the Bargains. Sunbury, Oct. 8, 1853 tf TiiisWyI ThiiWayll ThUWaytM Fall and Winter Goods. FIULING & GRANT. RESPECTFULLY, inform their customers and the public, that they have just receiv ed and Opened the best and cheapest stock of Fajl and Winter Goods; ft their store in Msrket square, Sunbiiry. Their stock consists of every tnrie'y Cf Dry Goods, viz : Cloths, Casiimeres, Sattinell, VestiHgi, Flannels, Wollens, ., iad alt kinds of Fait & Winter Vfctir. Also a splendid vatiety ot LADIES DRESS k FANCY GOODS, Calicoes, Ginghams, Chinttes, De L'aines, BtrdSe!, And every variety of goods suitable for La dies wesr. Also a larga assortment of HARDWARE and QUEENSWARE, Fish, Salt and Plaster. Also an extensive assortment of Hats and Caps ton Mrk and Rots. Also a large assortment of GROCEU1 fcS, SUCH A3 Sugar, Teas, CoiTee; Rlolasses, Spices of all kindl A lie a iresh supply of DIIUOS AND MF.DICINfcJ. . Besides the largest and most cenerat assort ment of all kinds of goods to be had in this place. B" Country ptodiice ef all kinds taken in ex change at the highest market price. 8unbury, Nov. 12, 1853. NEW Clock j Watchmakers. HXRSCH & CO. IA VE just opened a Clock and Watehmnker shop in the building lately occupied by J. M The News of how the War Between the Turks and Russians GOES on is not of so much interest to the inhabitants of Sunbury and its vicinity as the fact I. W. TENER k CO. have brought up this week from Philadelphia a large, beautiful and varied stock of goods, which they will sell cheap as heretofore. They respect fully request their friends and the public to call and see tliem. Sunbury, Pa., Dec. 3, lS.r)3. I. BiBTHOLOW. O. TIFFANY, JB. . a. CWABBOX Bartholow, Tiffany $ Co. IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN Fore is " and Domestic DRY GOODS, AND AGENTS FOR THE SALE OT AMERICAN MANUFACTURES, No, 268 Baltimore Street, Baltimore. If our Goods oo examination, are not as cheap ss they can be bought in any other market they may be returned forthwith at our expense. Ualtimore, Psov. lib, IBjJ. ly. Platform Scales, Long ? Stftrty ltttd Always right lht AetnouUd- L . I . A'ct, f Railroad, Hay, Coal, and Far ? mere' SCALES, set in any part of the country, at short notice. AGENTS. GEO. W. COLBV, 340 Market St., Philadelphia, E. V. Bright, Sunbury. October SO, 1853. 3m SUNBURY PRICE CURRENT Wbiat. ' Rn. Cobs. Oats. PoTATOSS, Bsxswax HsCKLtD Di'TTta. Kogs. Puaa. Flaiseeb. Tallow; 140 87 62 40 60 12 35 20 15 8 125 10 New Advertisements. VALUABLE HOUSE AND LOT For Sale ! ( THE tuWriber offer at private ul his house llll lot nf rrrminA I iU. UA..I. a """u, auuKiv an wm uuiuugu vi Stmbury, on the north west corner of Fswn arid macarjcrry streets, now in the occapancy of Jas. Beard, Esq. The bouse ta a twe story BRICK DWELLING & KITCIIEN, in good order and eondition. For terms anol "l"' "l-er, st the Forks of the Plum Creek snd Tulpohocken road. . . JACOB WEIMER. . January 7, 1864.- 3n. Notice. THE board of Directors of tlx Pennsylvania Training School for Idiotic and Feeble Minded children, incorporated by the Legislature of Pennsylvania, April 1853, give notice that they will now receive a few additional pupils un dcr IS years of age, into their Institution. Ear ly application will be necessary to secure admis ion as with their present accommodations their number must be quite limited. Application may be made to Hon. George M. Stroud, Philip K. Justice. 8. Morris Wain, Com'nilttee of Reception. Philadelphia Or to the principal of the Institution, JAS. 13. KICHAKDS, Vic. 14 1853. Germantown, Pa. PENNSYLVANIA CONFECTIONARY & FRUIT STORE, No. 169 North 3d st , S. E. Cor. of Vine, PHILADELPHIA. riMIE subscriber takes this method Of informing J- Country Merchsnts and the public generally, that he has re-moved from 158 to the large and commodious store 169 Noafu Third street, snd replenished It with sn extensive and well Selected stock of Confectionary, Fruits, &c, which he is confident he can offer to purchasers, wholesale and retail, at satisfactory rates. I3r J nose purchasing for the II olliUsyt would do well to call and examine the stock. WM. 8. STILES. Philada., Dec. 17, 1853 3m'. rpO LET. The house on Broadway now -B- occupied by oimon Marti. Apply to WM. M CARtr.' 8unbury, Dee. 81, 1853 tf. WRITING FLUID and self sealing Envs. v v lopsa, lust reoaived snd for sale by A orU 19. 1851 1L B. MA6SE1L l U8TICES FEE BILLS For sale by Sunbury. 1151 '8 H. B MA86ER. rpKUMK.8, Carpel Bags and V slices-, also -- lot ef good Clocks for sale cheap by , Use. 10, l&sa. 1. W. TENER & CO HAVLS Brocbe, Thibet and Woolen in great variety UlacK ana rancy uresssiiK, Silk lace, velvet and other Trimmings, Worked collars, under-slccves, shiinazettn, culls, just re ceived and for sale by I. W. TENEK dc CO. Sunbury, Dec. 10, 1853. PROCLAMATION. JVOTICE is hereby piven that a Special ' Cuurt nf Common Pleas, in and for the County of Northumberland, to commence at the Lourt House, in the borough ot sunbury, at 10 o'clock, A. M., on Monday the 16ih day ot Januaiy next, and will continue UAfc. WEEK.. Jurors are requested to be punctual in their attendance, at the time appointed airreeable to their notices. Given miller my hand at Sunbury, the 26th dav of November, in the year of our Lord one thontand ei"ht hundred and fifty-three, and the Independence of the United Stales of America the 78th. WILLIAM B. KIPP, Sheriff. Shamokiu Town Lots. TIIF subscriber is now prepared to exhibit and dispose of Lota in the new Town-Plat of Shamokin. Persons desirous of purchasing can ascertain the terms and conditions of sale by calling on the aubscriber, at Shamokiu. V M. A 1 WATER, Agent, Shamokiu, Oct. 15, 1653. tf. FOR CHRISTMAS AND THE HOLIDAYS. FTMIIE subscriber respectfully informs ths public JL that he has on hand, a large supply of all kinds of WATCHES & JEWELRY, Silver and Plated Ware, At his Store, No. 12 South Second Street, Phila delphia, which he will acll at ths lowest prices. JAMES B. FIDLER. Phita.Dec. 10, 1853. HARDWARE Tabla .Cutlery. JJaiors, Pocket Knivna. Hand Ra- Wnnd fim in frames. Axes, Chisels, Door Looks and Hinges (land Dells, waiters, &e.. just received and sale by 1. W. TENER A CO Sunbury,. Dee. 10, 18S3. CRANBERRIES, Ground Nuts, Almonds, Pecan Nuts, Well Nuts, Cocoa Nuts, Cream Nuta, Filberts,. Raisins, Fics, Citron. Lemons. Candies and Toys, just received and for sale. by Vcc 10. -63. I. W. TEFTER & CO. BURNING. FLUID, Cam'pheoe, Sperm' snd Whale Oil, White Lead, Linseed Oil, Tur pentine, Candles snd Soap, just received and for sale by I. W. TENER & CO. Sunbury, USC 10,' 1808. II AT8 AND CAPS A splendid lot of fashionable Bilk, Wool snd Tur Hats. also Cletb, r Mr, Oilcloth, Navy snd Military Csps for ssle low by O. ELSBERG 4- CO. Market strast, opposite the Post Office. Sunbury, Oct 8, 1853 An Apprentice Wanted. A N industrious Isd of about IS or 18 years of sge, who wishes to learn ths Tailoring bu siness, can find a good situation by applying ira mediately to ths subscriber, in Sunbury. A boy ii om ins country would oe prelerrsd. JONATHAN M. BOSTIA.V, Punburv. Tee. 17, 1853 St. THE RENOWNED REMEDY ! llolloway'fl Ointment: This extraordinary f nr ueut is composed eJT Ihe most hast ing UolMins, ana wnen ussa in im... directions which accompany each po', will l"sr "' when all other means fail. Cases of the in"t desperate Skin diseases readily yield to its efficacy. It Isnroua when used in eases of Gout, niieumali'ia, Contracted or Stiff Joints, tn Anknws it will do wouders if well rub- ImH turn thj. f'hrml. A MOST ASTONIRHIKO CURE OF SCP.OFCI.Otg I LCEiW, A CASE CKKTIFItUWX llisanw. Com of a letter from J. Noble, Esq , Mayor of Burton, Lincolnshire. 1J ITOIeSSOr IIOLLOW4T, ..' tb lieorisir. mrs arsn wxnn ni nquprwuw . - rnnni ion. hue tl.l. ,nv denueed befure me Ihst M eoiUUl.ernO'i pemd she was sevcrelrntdicted with ertofulmis Sorts tni Ulcers in her arms, feet, legs, and other pans of her and allhnush the Srst of medical advice was nntained as the cost of a larie sum of money, she onwiiiea mi mimiw ment nf suffering, but gradually geW vforsa. , . Bcins recommended by a friend to try your yinyncm. she procured a small pot, snd a bx of the Pill. that was ell used, sympionis oi smeixi'neui pi-. -w with fh medicines for a short time lonssr, accnrdiiia M the directions, and strictly ailherlnrj to your rules as to diet, Ac, sne was penwtiy eureu, m enjoys the best of health. , .... ,i remain, near sir. ,ui. Dated AutHiit ltfiH: 1353. (Slimed) J. sOBLK. , AN KXTRAOrtblKARt AND RAPID JCUR Of ERYSIPELAS IN THK LEG, AFTER MEDICAL AID v HAD r AILEU. Conn of a letter from Mrs. Elizabeth Ytaits; of ths Post Office, Aldwick Road, near Bognor, Miner, dated Jan. inn, iooj. To rnressor IIoLLOWat, . Hir T .iiffererf or r,mmi,t.rnitn ncr'od fTbtri f (fVcra attack of ErysipelCS, which at lenffih Settled in my J-f , and r.nnted all medicnl treatment. My sulUriligs were veiy sriict, and I q.ite deepuiicd of sny permanent amendment, when 1 vfm advised to have recourse to your Ointment unci Pills. I did so vVilhoUt delay, and am happy to soy the result yres eminently sutcessiul, for Uicy eiiecveo a radical cure of mv leg and restored ms to the enjoyment of health. slmll ever speak with the utmost confidence rl your medicines, aiid haue recommended them to oUitrs in this neighborhood similarly uthlcted, who derived equal benefit. lam, Sir. your obliccd and faithful Fervent. (Signal) " KLIZAIiETH YEATE9. The Pills should be used conjointly wilh His Ointrnsni fiilulas, (lout, Olnndulsr (welkng ,' Lumbago Piles H henmatiim Simpson, near Tcher &c Co'a Store. in Market Street, Sunlury, Pa., Where they have opened, snd will keep constantly on hand, GZ2 !SLsX QZ2 ?Lsm 9 Silver & Gold Watches, eto. Also, Jewelry, Consisting f Gold Breast-pins, Ear and Finger Kings, medallions, tJull-pins, Ladies 6c Gentle- tnana gold and silver pens and pencils. Also, Silver and plated lea and Table spoons, salt spoons, butter knives, dec, SPECTACLES, Of ml aiiittnir nv.rv nrrt.. Rnv r?tn.a v. ... . e w..j -o - i'j -i i Pocket Books, of alt sizes. Razors, Hair Oil, lie- I volvera, and other pistols, Brushes, Combs, Soap, dec, dec Also, a large stock of Musical Instruments! amongst which are Accordeons, Violins, Flutina, Ftfes, Flutes. CARPET BAGS, Trunk umbrellas, suspenders. All sizes of rea dy made Shirts and Collars ; all of which will be aold cheaper than has ever been heretofore sold in Sunbury. CP" Clocks, Watches, Ear and Finger Rings repaired in the best manner and at the shortest notice. Sunbury, Oct. 15, 1833 3m. in moit of Ihs follotvituT enses linn l.egn, Uhx-so-loot, lino Breasts, Chilhlnins, Burns, Chapped hnnds, rtnnions. Corns (Soft) Hite of Mosche- Cancers tore A; Sund-Flies. Conlmcted and Cncivuay, Stiff Joints, ir.lepliaiitiasis, Bora Nipples, Skin-diieuses, Scurvy, rumours, Uleeri , 11WI ... Sold at Uk- F.rtnblmhment of Profenior Hotlwtv, tU . akls, Sore-throata; flore-heads, Wounds Strand, (near Temple Itnr, tendon,) end nleo at his Itouia 1,1 j Tf w Or"1" (" Medicines in the Slates, addres sed ' T. Hollowny New York,' will receive due attention. Sold nleo by all reepectuhle Dniifii.u and Dealers ia Med icines .throughout tlia United State., in Boxrrc nt 374 cents ,: 67 eenti, a:ul f 1.50 cents euch. Tn he had Wholirrale of the principal Drug Houses in the Union. I There is a eonsiderab; saving by iiking the larger N. i! Direction. r,,r it. .,;.tfl.. r Mi:..,i. d idri are efnied lo each box. December 44, 1BS3, ly. E Kaufman et al Sam List of Causes. VTOR Special Court of Common Pleas of Northumberland t ounty to commence on Monday, the loth day of January next, A. V., 18S4. Edmund Winchester vs t)atld Watson. George Rhiley vs Ab'm Diinkelberger's sdmr'z Abiiatt oowen vs Wm II I hompson Com'th for Wm L Heiliemdh vsT.A Billington William McCarty vs Samuel Hunter Daniel Rhodes vs Jacob Wartman Isaac Hofia 4 Wife vs . Henry Lstsha Simon Snyder vs George Snyder Hit. for Reiner v. Moyer & Woy.r . U.r Washington Mutual In- surance Company State Mutual Fire Insu- . . ranee Company Albin Newberry vs Thomas Rasar Mahonoy and Shamokin . , , n .4 ?. va Abraham PanT Improvement co Oliver U Jlilliard John Hartman Jr John W Peal vs Joseph Dimmick, et. ah William Forsinan et si vs John Parks Jane Uogar vs George P. Buyers et al John Bush & ife vs ISalhsniel Saxtonaadnvr Jacob K Iilionils vs J fay & J Ltarmari Jordan Welker for I.odg No 2 vs .William . . Fagely JScob Ililbish vs AbraTiain' Reuhendahf Daniel P. Ililbish us George Apsley Robert Philies vs Zcr'hy Run and Shamokin Improvement Company Mary Vickery vs Daniel Latsha's heirs Henry A I,eehner vs Joseph Bound Wm. M. Rockefeller, vs Carbon Kun Imp Co JAMi.5 BEAHL), l'rtth'y. Prothonotary's Office, Sunbury, Nov. 26, 1S53. J Consumers, look here ! ! BENJAMIN 11EFFNE11 RESPECFFULLY inform the citizens of Sunbury and vicinity, that he has just re ceived and opened at his new store, in Market street, Sunbury, a handsome assortment 01 Fall and Winter Goods consisting in part of Cloths, Cassimers, Cassinets. of all kinds, of linen, cotton and worsted. ALSO : Calicoes, Ginghams, Lawns, , RIouNsclInc Do lvalues and all kinds of Ladies Dress Goods. GROCERIES of every variety. Also an assortment of Hardware, Iron and Steel, Nails, &c. Also an excellent assortment of ftTJEENSWAEE, of various styles and patterns. Also an assortment of BOOTS & SltOES. HATS k CAPS, a good selection. Salt, Fish, isc. And a great variety of other articles such as are suitable to the trade,' Sit of which will be aold at the lowest prices. EF" Country produci taken in exchange at the highest prices. . Sunbury, Nov. 12,' 1853. ly. DAVIS Sc. CULIN, Dealers in LAMPS, LANTtaMS fc CHANDELIERS, N. E. Corner Fourth and Cherry Streets; PHILADELPHIA. . A VING enlarged and iinpfo'vcd their Store.' and having the largest assortment of Lamps in Philadelphia cjtv thfcv are now prepared to furnish PINE OIL CAMPHENE, BUENIXO FLUID, ETHEREAL OIL, Phoaphene Gas and Lard, Oil, Lampa, Lanterns of all paterns, Fancy Hotel nil Hall Lamps, Chandeliers, Girandoles and Candclcabras, snd Brittannia Lamps, at the Manufacturers' lowest prices. Glasa Lamps by the package, at a small advance over Auction prices. Being large MANUFACTURERS of Pine Oil, Burning Fluid, Ethereal Oil, Alcohol, nd (tho only true) Phosgene Gas, thev can fur- tsh these articles at such prices that Merchants will find it to their advantage to buy. Call before going elaowhere, if you want bargains. Also,' tha Safety. Fluid Lamp for sale.' rhila., Sept. 24, 1853. ly; List of Jurors,- OF Northumrjerfand Count), for a Special Court, to commence on the 16th of Jan- uary, 1654 Sunbust. Frederic! Laiarot Isaao Sileri John A. Shiftier, Jared Brouioua George C. Welker, John Haas, Samuel J. Fry, At Clay Gearhart. , NoaTH umber land. John Hummel, Wm. Paravlh. Chaa. McGrrpor. , Milton. i. . Goodlander, Henry Fries:, Eliaa Walton. Delawasb William ti. Bryson. David Gould. Lewis Qeorps Dimm. Point John Mowser, James Scott," Joseph Nesbil. VrrtK AucusfA Gsorga Folff, William Kramer. , . . . . , Lowes' Augusta. Daniol Conrad, John Yordv. Shamoxin. Sarnoel B Gilger. Wm. Far row, John Everett, Obediah Ctnijibell, tphraim Zimmerman. RcsiT. Daniel Gnnserf. Caal Thomss Csldwsll, Joseph W . Dim- miek, Philip Siamhach. . . Camikon. Pater Weikel, Daniel Kramer' 1ft TICII AEL TRACT. Wholesale Deal JL er in Confectionary, Fruits and Groceries, No, Xt4 MARKET BUeet, above sixth, sout aids, nsxt door ta Red Lion Hetel, Pbl(sds!4ti Phils , Oo. lS3. m. Look to your Interests ! Wt will try to please ! ! g. N. THOMPSON JJ) ESPECTFULLY informs his friends snd QJ ths public generally, that he has just re ceived at his store, in Market street, Sunbury, below Weaver s Hotel an extensive stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, consisting in part of Dry Goods, via : tloths, Cassimeres, Cassinets, Jeans, Drilling, Muslins, resungs, linens, cfc. LADIES DRESS AND FANCY GOODS, Calicoes, Muslin de Liins, Lawns, Ginghams, Brrages, Rubts, Vi'oolent, Flannels, tc. GltOCERIES, Sugsr, Teas, Coffee, Rice, Molasses, Cheese, Spices, Salt, die, ice, die. Hardware, Nails, Screws, Files, Saws, Knives A. Fork's, &c. Queens and Glasswaf e, ef various styles snd patterns.' BOOTS AND SHOES. A large assortment of Soots and Shoes, for men,' women and children. Hats Care, &c., of various sizes and styles. Besides a large and general asaortment of fashionable goods. Call and examine lor your selves. E7 Country produce pi all kinds taken ir exchange at the highest market prices. 8unbavy, If rrto. S8 1853. 4 m. 80,"63. " wm7w7hamer, No. 99 North 2nd Street, ttft doors above '.he Mt. rsrnrn House, x hiladnlnhia iannfactitfcr of Tine (Til or Camphene, Fluid, , Lard, and Oil. LAMPS Lhandclers and Candelabra, for Church es. Stores, Parlors, etc VTMIE subscriber would moat respectfully invite the attention of storekeepers arid ths public iu general, to his large' stock of goods, eonaisting of the above named articles, which will be disposed of at the lowest martufacturer's prices Whole- 1 J r -. -, aiv anu jveiau. Also; best quality of Burning Fluid, Pins C or Csmphine, Globes, $hds. Wicks, dec N. B NeWell's patent safuty Lamps, a, . rtlclS m sals. " Pbila., Nov. S, 1853 3m, Important to Coal Dealers. THE subscribers hereby inform the public, that thev have entered into nartni.r.hin nmUr th rm of Kase, Reed it Co., for Ihe purpose of mining, shipping and selling con I, delivered at Sunbury, or at any other point along the 80.S- uchanna. They will be ready to deliver coril, well nrepa. red. on cmHract or otherwise, at all times,' on the shortest notice, and on the most reasonable terms. Orders received at Shamokin bv ,. , fc.VSK, REED & CO. 5unbt:ry, June 4; I853J ly. Che'ap Watches Jewelry,- WHOLESALE snd Retail, at the "Philadel phia Watch snd Jewelry Store," No. 96 North Second Street, corner of Quarry, FHILASELFHIA. Cold lver Watches, full jeweled, 18 carat easea, tA,00 Gold lupins IS'. S'J4 00' Fine Silver Spectaclts. 1,50 Silvsr lp. full jewlled, ta Ookt tfracalets,.. 3,00 Silver lver, full jewl il ii l adiea' Gold Peneita, 1,00. Bupeiior quartiers, - 7. euver lea spooua, set, s,00 Gokl SpecUli lei, 7,0 Gold Pens, With Pencil and SUrar Holder, 1,0 Gold Tweet Rings, 37 rents to $80 : Watch Glassca, plain, 12J cents; Patent,, 18J Lunat, 25; other articlea in proportion,. All goods war rJnte3 to' bs what they are sold for." . 8TALFFER 6t HAKLET, . Successors to O.Conrad. ' , Om hand, some Gold and Silver Levers aaa Lepines, still lower then the above prices. oepL 10, 1853 ly. k UEENS VVARE W.ufuT7ru7o7-T !Mt 10 Chinl Chin, .ndDelf. Dtnuer snd Supper StaW c( ,l kind,, Toilei Ssts, covered Dishes, China Fruit Basket, .d OrnamenU, Fluid Lampa, Lanterns, Glaaewer. in vsriety, and Tumblers from 61 csiits upwards just rscoivtd snd for sale hy ' rte.lVt-33. I V Tc.ner ft rr). Iiuprovciucnts Ahead!! eliAs brocious nEREBY informs his friends and the public generally, that he has just received at his' olj stand, in Market street, opposite Weaver's hoteI An excellent assortment of MOROCCfli F ii t C II C A L P S K I N ; French Lasting, And all kinds of linings and Shoe findings which he offers to tta trade at reasonable prices,' Hs alao informs his customers sne others, that' he atill continues the Shoemaking business', snd' is prepared to do all kinds of work, in a goo Cn J fashionable style, and on teaeonable term. Suuburj, Juu 11, 1853. ly. CHEAP window Shade Depot and Manufactory Oi L. l-lLLS?w & CO.,-. B. W eoruer Arch ana Srrand Stret'ta, . PHILADELPHIA. EVERY VARIETY OF SHADES', Wholei" sale snd Retail, such aa Scroll, Flower,' Gothic, Vignette, Oil and Drv Landscape,, era' to be had st the lowest prices fci quality ofjWo'.V, Orders (or Gilt, Plain Store, Lettered aid tther Shades executed st short notice. Merchanta and others ,a'rs invited t .rt ni 4 trial. Il' wilt try ti ft in. Brasses, Trimming's, dec, alwy, 0 KemomborK. W. comer 5 Z.CO .V;i a ewrti Street-, Philufelphis . J A C" August 13, 1853.- ,i . . , H AOrte Monnaies, TOCrj loOKS, AND FASCY GOODS. ''"HE uttentionof tha Trads. and oihara. la - Tnt f Ports Monnaies, Pocket Books, Bankers' Cases, Dressing Cases, Poftahle WrU ting Deaks, Ba'ckgammon sji4 CSfae Boards. Cheaamsn, PSarl, Shell, and Silver Cord Cases, Worg Boxes, Cabas, Needle Books, Money Bella, Cigar Cases, Portfolios, Rsiors and RexoY Strops, Traveling riisks, and fin Cutlery, to gether wfth UrgS variety of TAHcf O00BS which will bs sold at ths lowest rsUs, y. n. smith,, Porto Vf oriEsie snd Pocket Book Msnufirturw j:s reA St., s,Xi fleJ:lpkn rep. IT, issv-tf, r