SUNUUHY. AMERICAN AND BHAMOK1N JOUllNALr. DAVIS & OULIN, v tl)ir, L.a.lvTICRS'j & I IIANDM IKR. - iV. JS. Corner Fourth and Cherry Slrittr, " HtXiASBXiPItXAi n A VINO enlarged nml improved their fttoi ami having the largest assortment of Lampi In Philadelphia rily, thev are now prepared furnish PINE OIL CAMPHENE, buiuuivq fluid, PTITEREAL Olli. Pbewpbene t m1 T.r1 Oil, t.ntni, Lntitcttmof ollpatern. Fancy tlolr n,1 H!l Lamps, Chstidelier, Girandole am Ciinilcleitbra. aihCUriltnnniil Lamp. '. nt I n Manufacturers' lowest prices. Glase Lamp b tbo pickage. atamall advance over Aurtioi price.. Peine; lame MANUFACTURER .. linn Oil. Burning Kluid, Ethereal Oil, Alcohol, ami (the only true) Phosgene Ga. thrv can fur tiiiili tlir'i niliclc al such prior Hint Merchant, w ill fiiul it to their advantage to hny. Call liefon p.iin r elsewhere, if you want bargain. Alii Ihii Siifrlv I'l ill l.nmp fur sale. Phi acpt. 84, 1R43. ly. Important to Coal Dealers. mHK ii1i'ri(rrn hereby Inform the public. Ihnt J- thev have entered into partnership under 111 f rm of Kisc, Reed iV Co.. for the purpose til rnii.iivr. shipping and selling ronl. delivered at Sm-.hurv. or at any other point along the Sus que in una. Thev will he ready In deliver coat, wet' preptv 't(''. on rm Iriot or otherwise, at all times, on Ihe shortest notice, n nd on tlio nrnM reasonable terins. Orders rccrivcJ bt MiituoUiii hv KASK, RUED & CO. ruiihnry, June 4, 1633. ly. Cheap Watches 65 Jewelry, .1 VHOLF.SALE ami Retail, at the ''hitudel- " phia Watch and Jewelry Stoic," No. 00 North Second Street, corner of Quarry, Vlll CADS III A '. Cn'd 1.crrr Watches, full jeweled, I enrnt crises, J9,W C- i-i i-.iiiui lbs. Ml.tsi t-'iiie?ilrertineiiuclcs. 1 .40 i-:t l.e, full jewlled, eMMUohl Hracelets, 3.1W i vn Lever, full jcwl'd la l! sdiea' Until Henrils, 1.00 . ;n r (ti'triicia, 7.Silvr Tea spuous, act, t,W .: r-; .-el-i'-les, 7.11 j .1 P.-... wild Pencil and Silver Holder, l,f0 iIi'M Finder Ring. 37J cenla to $80 ; Watch i . sn.i, plain, I'-iJ cents; Patent,. 1 S3 j Luuet, S; n.'.-rr article in proportion. All goods wur l -oicd to Lc what ttiev are sold for. WTAUFEEU &. HARLEY, Successors to O. ConraJ. O-i t,nn1. ome ColJ and Silver Levari and ;.. vines, mill lower than the above prkea. S.-pt. 10, 18.r)3. Iv. ret p v o e hi c u t s Ahead!! SILIAS BXIOCIOUS P'.TTEHUHY inform hi friemls nnd the public urn.'ially, thitlio haa jiHt rercived at hi ol I ai.uid, in Market ctrvet, oppoiit Weaver' hotel, An txr.ellint assortment of MCP.OCiCO, FRENCH CALF SKINS, French Lasting, And all kinds cf linings and Shoe findings, which lie offer to the trade at reasonable pi ire. He alio inform his customer ane utln r. that he (till continue the Shoeinaking busiiu, and i prepared to do all kind of work, in a tood and fashionable slvle. and on reusonable tcru.s. Suubur), juuu II, 1853. ly CHEAP WINDOW SHADE Depot and Manufactory OF G. L. & CO., . r. corner Arch nud Second streets, FIIILADELriUA FTYERY VARIETY OF SHADES, Whole-"- sale and Retail, such as Scroll, Flower, Ontiiic, Vignette. Oil and Dry Landscapes, are to be li id at the lowest price foi quality of work. Order for (int. Plain Sto e. Lettered and ether Shades executed nt short notice. VeM',nnln nnd others are invited to give us a trial. II ipilt try to fhatt- lirames. 'J'riiniiiiiig. tc. nlwavs on hand. Remember W. comer SECOXD &. ARCH St.-rct, Pliiludeh'lii.i August 13, lso3.- Cm. Cms Fixtures 05 Lamps. HEIDrjCK, H0RNI N3 & BROTHER, No. '221 North Second Street, above Vine, PHILADELPHIA. HAVING had innny year experience in the bu-ine. and as all work ld by us ii mauiifirturi'd under our iinuicdiutcsupcrviMon, we nr. ciml'led to oiler to purchaser aiiierinr ar ti Ie, in every brunch of our trade, upon the most fuxoiab'e lor 1 UK. At our tor may be found, in rv. 'rv variety and style of finish, (ias and Lamp C'Miiil.'liers. Pendants. Hide HrarkeU. for Halls, f iur bes &e.. the IMPROVED I'INE OIL I.AM!'; Fluid. and Oil Lamps, (iir. a'utt'li's, 15 iq uto Iln.ler., Niirht and Re.uhu Lamps, On hand. Limp tilase r;i'.e. Wicks. Shades. &e. ALL WOIJK W Kit ANTED. OR NO SALE. Factory No. EC N. b e St., near 4ili. K uibrr store N. Id at., next door to J. Stewart Depuy'a carpel store. .cjneniher 10, 1853. 3m. orte JMonnaies, P V'KET BOCKS, AN 0 FANCY GOODS. rj'Uftf iiitrntum of the Trade, nnd others, ii 3 uunt f Porte Mounuie. Po,k't IJookt. ILink rs' Cases, Dressing Case. Porljole Wri tint,' !'c..s. I) ii'.kuaiiiiuoii und dies BoanU i -Mi -1 ni l, IVktI. iSbell, and Silver Cord Caseh V.. !; locs. Cabas, Needlo Rooks, Mone 1 e .. Ci'.'ttr Cases. Portfolios, Kazors and Iialo i-:r.,. Travelling Flasks, and fine Cutlery, In c . r wiib a lar'o variety of Fssi'l Goods, ivt.u Ii will bo -old at the lowest rate. F. II. SMITH, r.:-t Voiina;e and pocl;et Rnk Manufacturer, M.'i Arch St. Mow Sixth, Philadelphia. ! 17, tf. v :s n 1 1 's Establish in e nt 24 South Sixth Street, Thiladelpliia. ;'..T the Manufacture and sale of - l.t -Her opj ls Iice, li.'I'ALLIC UAMPENER4, Bruhe. . . 11 oltinir Boards, ('opyiug Ink, tc. I' Heiil Pan hniriit Paper, '.SITER COPYING BOOKS, '. . r to nil others, and each page printed patent letter hinder, A iin'ri vu!u,ilie iiiveiiiinu for keeping in a f "'-1! o lii iii, Lellera leccived, Original Invoice- &c. I'hiU., April 0, 1S53 ly. A V arm for Sale. nPIIE subscrilier offers for sale his farm, CONTAINING SH4 ACRES and llowaires. R i situate ) about three miles from SuuUury along the rihumnkiii creek, and is in a goad state of cultivation. The Philadelphia and Buubury Railroad passes through said farm. It will be on'era l in parts or entire to suit pur chasers. It can be divided to make three small fun. The buildiuga are a FARM HOUSE. 4 good Bank Barn, and two lensui hou-.. - L JOHN FA RXs WORTH. Lpper Augnsi. sn, o, J8S3 tf. - - ALL P'ER-A hug. ld , anJ l Oirik'T" ' W"" Window and Oil Shades. Jua ,.eiyril d lor . " r' Dec. 10, 1853. L W.TENtRTco. A U WAGE CETIFICATES handsel. .xteJ lor u Oii, ,ffi JV l3IiillinbUrg:At;fMleinri tlKUJiiliiirg, t"ili ouutr; Pennn ,REV. J. O. ANSPACU, Curllri REV. E. KF.IFKEU, - -f Lu," . A. C-FISHER,: rrinoipaLT i . , MISS ELIZA BE I H K. HOUGH, PrincijiJ " 1 ' of Ftmal Drjnrlmcnt. '"' EDIt'IS' FISHER, Teacher of Mathematics and Vocal Music - C1IESSELDEX FISHER; M. D , Lecturer Oi'Chemislry, Physivhtii, $c. The Summer Term of Ihia AourUhing InlU tule will coinmem-eou Mniinar, JcLt H5, 1853. The course of insti uoliou will be ihorougli and practical. Miilhemalica and the Ancient juaie, a wll a.totlier liraiirhea, will lie tnuglit, a fur a practirable, on the analytic method. Diiil v ue will bo made or the blackboard. Orthography, Reading, English Composition, ami Declamation will receive their full share ol attention. Draughting, ConMruction of Map, t'ae of Co:npass, Ac, will be taught to itudcuta in Bur vryinir and Civil Eui;iiireiiiie;. I.eesou in Music, Druwing, Oil Psintitip, Water (Colors, A.C., Ornaincntnl Neeille Work, French and Botany will be Riven by the Prrecp trpD. who is a graduate of Cnstleton' Female Sc ninary. Vermont, and rome recommcndid by the 1'iin ipol of that Iuttitution, a "a young lady of aarenible manner and high literary at taiiiments." Yumisr Indie and centlemen who desittn to becumo teachers, will find this Institution an effi cient Behind for preparation, aiuce there w ill be connected with it, during the (jreat part of the year a Tuchhis' Institute, tlio meinbcr of w hich w ill have the opportunity of attending an Evening Couise of Lecture on School Teaching, and acquiring a practical knowledge of the art, under the supervision of the Principal. J he government or the chool i oascil upon the taw of universal love, which enjoin upon all to uo to othris as llicy would Uiiiik it right that other should do to them. Hence tlio rulea will be mildly, thouir'u atrictly enforced ; and parent and guardiana may rest assured, that Ine moral, habit of study, and general deportment or tho Undents will be carefully attended to. The building is now undergoing a complete renovation. It will be painted, furnished with new desks, a bell, convenient reritation rooms, dC Midlinhuvg is a thriving and healthy borough. Its inhabitants are moral, intelligent and enter prising. Its street have been recently graded and paved. It is, in ever respect, a pleasant and desirable retreat for students. We, therefore, trust that the friends of education will deem the Academy worthy of their liberal support. li? 'i'ho price of hoard, in the best of private fainilie, does not exceed 1,50 per week. N. U. Student may enter the Academy at any time during the term ; yel it l desirable ! that they be present, if possible, on the first day, : Milllinburg, July 16, lSuo. Cm. Just Published anil for Sale by WM. McCARTY, Bookseller, Suuhury, Pa. The American rLEADERS' ASSISTANT : Being a collection of approved declarations, writs, returns and proceedings in the several actions now in use in the United State. Br CoLt.isao.N Rrkd, Esq., Ipsae irgis viva vox With note and additions, together with a slior syslcni ol conveyancing. By A. Jordan. Pres ident Judge of the Eighth Judicial district of Pa., and Wm. M. Rockefeller and M. L. Shiudcl, of the bar of Northumberland county. Since the publication of the book, the following letter has been receive J from Judge Pearson of Harrisburg : . Iliaaisavno, June 30, 1S53. GatTtiMtx : After a careful examination of your "Amer ican pleaders assistant." I take pleasure in ex pressing my entire approval "f the selection and composition of the precedents thus ordered tot le public. The legal profession ill Pennsylvania stands in need of a correct svstein of pleading, adaplcd to our habits of business, and the practice of the courts. Your forms of dec'aratiom being, to a great extent, founded on the act of assembly, will be a saving of labor tq the pleader, and con duce to safety and brevity in our pleading. It should be in the hand of every practising lawyer in our state. Yours, with great respect. JNO. J. PE K30X. Hon. A. Jordan. Wm. M. Rockefeller and M. L. Shiudcl, Esquires. Sunbury. July ! 1833. Book Agents Wanted. A GENTS WANTED in every town and county in the United St iles, losell the most popular and saleable booka published, many of them beiiuifully illustrated with colored eugra vinaa ; also the ino-l popular works of 'P. K. A It I'll t'U, Inclililiiii Arltur's CottagtLihrary." Intelligent and enterpriing men wi.l linj thia a pleasant and prafilabla busiuesa. For particular addre (post-paid,) J. W. BKALLEY, Publisher, No. 4S North Fourth Mrrct, Philadelphia, I'a. October 1, 1S53 7m. 8500 REWARD!! INASMUCH a there haa been at sui.dry limes, 1 obstructions placed and confined upon the r ick of the Philadelphia and Sunbury Railroad, do heteby offer the above reward for the detec on and ccnvii lion of any person or person ,uilty of such oHeiic. D.4V1D LOXGENECKER, President 8VfT lept. 81, 1PS3. 3m. notice! "fOTICE is hereby given by the undersigned ' citizen of the Commonwealth of Pennsyl vania, that application will be made to the next Legislature of said Commonwealth for the erec tion of a body corporate to be styled "Tm Sol Bra i SiViaua' IvaTiTUTa," to be located in the borough of Sunbury, Northumberland county, with discounting privileges, and with capital of One bundled thousand dollar. Rolwrl H. Awl, Geo. Bright, John Young, Adum Shissler. Thomas Robin. Daniel Drueke miller, FreJk. Lazarus, Geo. B. Youngman, Pe ter B Masser, J. W. Friling. Ira T. Clement, Uenj. Henilrick. Geo. C. Welker, J. W. Peal, riunburr. June S3, li-53. 6m. Lumber Yard. '""piIE ulicri!icr would respectfully inform th A citizen of Sunbury, and N'orthuml erland and adjoining counties, ilia he haa opened a IsiiiHlier Yard in the lot fronting on Cranberry St, abort dis tance East of the Steam Saw Si ill. where he has now a large amount of S'aoneJ Patmti Plant, alto Pa Html Hoard i, and all other Board and Ll ii Lin no Matkkial. auch a will be wanted for building purposes. Also a large amount pf Shinglraon hand, which will be sold from f0 up to iS, according tn quality nnd aize. Please give us a cull and examine our price and quality. N. B. Farmers who are in want of Shingles will please call a we will aell to vou low. J. E. LEI H, Sup. Sunbury, May S3, JSS3. ly. ARNOLD'S WRITING FLUID and Adhe sive aud legal envelope, for sal by H. D. MASSER. -Cunhunr, Jan 10. 1631 IOR aala at llii office. Superior Black toll. - C aula Medicine a.i S3 eU, Pur Essence of fiincer. St tenl T EWELRY A ni assortment of Gold aud Silver Pe icilaand Pens, for sale cheap by " G, EL8BERG A CO., " Market atreat, eppoaite in W Ole Sunbury, Oct. . IIS. - CHERRY PECTORAL: fair the Cairo of' -d .-'COUGHS, GOLDS, : ; 1 J ' HOARSENESS, BllOtf. OHXTXS, GROUP, AS Til. XVI a, wnoopiwo-oouoxx AHX oowrsuivrPTiorj. . , TO ctiKli A CUU), with usaiuckk suaa"" f I he b sly, take ill Ciltsnr PseruBAi, oa suing to bed, an t wrtrj, up warm, to sweat ituriiijf llie tti!I.V ' Koii a Uoi. and Cecaii, lake it ininiiu', m swaisl ve- iiina. ncc idi.ia to dutsMi .us ,ai tlw b 4l!e. suit the iliificut- y will an.i tiv reiu.ived isie wiii I ma sufbr fr m tins IpniMe when limy timl it eiin lso reudily rami. Prrs itS Hlietnl with a senlnl e.irh, wlilph tirruki tliein . iheir rest al iiiejit. will fiiul, b- luKing His Clieny prvlimil on gaiig i bed, they m:iy tie sure of s iuud, nilMi.ken Aicp, siiri C'ltisrqueiitly rirrsloiir irjt. Ortst rtliia fr misnn'-r- intf, and mi uliiiiiaie cure, is srT adKl I llioiiftjuds w ll i ar Ihus nlilicici. ty tins invntiMiuiu remeily. r' lis sizfi cnhltf edecis ill these c:iss, ninny find tlienisetves unwilling to forego us uso when ill necessity fir hitsrenst-d From two eminent Physicisns in KtTTviti.a, Tonn . April 19. ISil. Sir V hive given v nir Cherry Pt irnl nu eteii5ive triul in mir pinriier, snrl find it I sariwss cvrrr olhci re. inedy we havo fr cuiiinr nffiili ns if Ihe respirnfry or. g.tiis. Ultrt. DIKMKIt ft IIA.MI'TO.N. TilSINnr.ttfl AND PL Itl.H; SI'KAIiKHS this renwly is iiivalunlili'.irs by lis sell. m nil thelhrinl nnd tunas, wh,-n taken in stnall quii'u'ilies, itreinjvesnll h' isisciiew in a frw h airs, nun w uideilaily nicitsi-s ine jyiwer auu u,iu.oy of Ids V -ir-e. ASTHMA isgenrrnllr miifli relieve.!, and iWien wholly cared by th'-Try P:t rm. Ilul lllere sre s nne esses so id) snaatn us to yield entiri-ly 1 1 n medicine. Cheny Poclo tat will rare thrni, if ility esu he etirrd. Bltu.NCHI'i'iy, or irritation "t the Ihr l nttrl unpor ioHioii ol Ihe luns, may he eared hv biking Cheity Pe fi rst in small nnd ircqaent djscs. The uuc.iiniorVible op-prerst-si is sum relieved, llev. I) -el. 'LANSING, of BosiWIyn, New York, slsles: I have eeeu ihe Cherry Pecinral cure snc'i cues i f Asthma and tlrnui hilis ss leads ins to believe it con rarely f.lll t'l CUrr thus disesV'S.1 KOR crtotj'l. (five an sinetie of anrmiony, to lie fulliwrd bv Inrire on I frf.iueiil d.isetl "fibs Cherry Peelo- ml. until i' salidaes the disease. If l iken in seasill, it will not fli! t'l enre. WUOOI'INU COUGH may be broken up and aooii ca red hv the ue nf I herry rectonu. TltK INPl.lfl'NZA is sneedilv ffmnved bv this rem. ! ity. Xuinrrnus iiistanrrs have been il'.ticej where whole i fnmili.'S veie nr neelert from snv serinns eonseiiiienees, I while their neinlih-irs, without the Cherry Pectoral, wire - ..lT..ri hi I ha. .1 i,mi xr I n A,-r. Ut.rM.Ohin. tlth Jnne. 1F-51 1 wiile to i'nlitrm von of the truly reimrkshic etTects of your CilKRRV PKCTOHA1. in this place, and in my own falnllv. One ol mv daughters whs completely run-d In thrrn dues of s drenill'll Wnodpis Coogh, lV takine It lr. Menus, one of our very hest physicians ficely state that he coimd'r, ll lite lies! renimty we uavn punii 'iunr dlensrf, nnd that he tins cured mnre esns nf CRovr Witll l, Hi.,., .iii'inlii'T rnmliitis hs ever ndminlstered. Oill clergymen of the Haptist Church says that during the run if iNrutRNZv here this wa tt, he has seen cuits from your meiliciue lie could scarcely nave oeueveu sriui- Vours respectfully, J. T) flXCf.AlR, . i Trom the dittinsuisheJ Profes-or of Chcmis I tr- and Mctcria Medscc, Hotcdoin College. I I hive found the Ciiksrt 1'sctosal. ss its iugredieii'i show, a powerful remedy for colds, and caught, and pal' mm.nrtf .tl.ftSt S. rrma Cievelahv, M P. Eacs'WicB. Me.. Feb S. IW7. jjii. v Ai,r. 1 1. i'. i i . 77ie width, celebrated Professor of Surgery in the Medical Collece. Kev York- Cilu, snm : 'll civee me pleasure M certify Ihe value sod effincy of 'Avrhis Chebst I'f.ctor L. whnm I con-nter pec'iti-..W- ml ...,wl ti. nr di.:tita ol III Thrrvit nnd I. Hues " Cnics of srveie diseiisi'S np'.n Ihe l.nnes have btvn ef fect ed hv CUFSRT PrcroRAl, in such eslrnine cases ns w-arranl the lielief that a remedy has nt lenclh ben found that mil tin denended on to cure the C aishs. C 'Ids nnd C nsumpti',11 which enrrv from our midel ihous-m Is every vear. It is indeed a nieili'tine to wtiieh the afflicted can .vk wuli e nifl ten fir rhef, and they should not fail to avnlt themselves of It. Prepared nnd sold bu JAMES C. AY EH, Practical Chemist, Lowell, Mass. Sold in Sunbnrv hv H MASSER. and by Prugrrixt generally throughout the Slate. July 30. 1833. ccow 1. Nor. 13. '53. J. r. GOULD, (Successor to A. FIOT.) No. 16-1 Chcs nul Street, Stcaim's Building rnn.AD2i.Piiid. INTENSIVE MUSIC PUBLISHER, and -"-"V Di aler in Musical Instruments of every le cription. Exclusive Agent for the sale of Unllrt, Davis & (Jo (Boston) I .it est Slsci.isio.-i Biiiuuk JSiuliau aud oilier . - - ' PIANOS, : - L. Oilbert' Boudoir Pianos, Mclodeons, Martin' Guitars. Harps, Violins, Shcet Mi sic, Mi sit Bonk. Ac, Ac. Residents of the country will be supplied by moil or otherwise with any music tliey may with, at aa low ratea as if pun-bused in person. Having one of Ilia largest stock in the United State, I feel confident of satialying all who may fevnr ine with a call or order. Dealers in Music supplied cn the most liberal terms. Pianos to let. Second-hand Piim for sale, Philadelphia, April 14, 1-553 ly. "Eureka, Eureka." WE HAVE FOUND IT AT IAST. 7VOW for the little one. Why will patent s BlAsla boorM Slot (Ilia in fruillMcd , il. -., . a to get perfect pictures ol tlieir children and alter I all get nothing but a poor, inueruble caricatuio ! W e would say, coma to our . . EXCELSOIR GALLERY and we will guarantee to make you a perfect picture, by our Elkctmo Chkvicai process, that works in from 4 to 2 second. We defy any Dugueirean in Philadelphia or elsewhere, to comiete with us, a we are the invcntoia, and the proce.s is used only in our dif ferent establishment in New England and the Middle Slates. For pictures of adults, the silver medal we have received fiom the American Institute, New York aud Franklin, Philadelphia, together with the numerous premium from County Fairs. is sullicietit proof that they are the Ai Vim Ultra of perfection. We would call particular attention to our Talbotyprs Daguerreotype in Oil. D. C. Colli x A Co.,' 1UU Chestnut Street Philadelphia. Main street, opposite site Hamp den House, Springfield and Collins' Building, West field. Mas. . PL B. Cur establii-hment is illuminated by the brilliancy of our Piclurea by Day, and by Pioessor llatitfard't Safety Lamps ly Night "Come and see." Pbila., May 58, 1833 ly. laviu:nce house, ...a- SUNBURY, PA. THE subscriber, widow of Samuel Thompson, dec'., late of Ihe "Lawrence House,' in Sunbury, respectfully inform the friend cf her late husband, and the public generally, that site continue to keep the above. Hotel, and ia well provided with all tilings necessary to accommo date all who may favor her with their custom, aud therefore aolicita their patronage. MARIA THOMPSON. Sunbury Oct. 89. 163:1. 4 111. V nnLEY'S COUGW CNDY. n eirel. lent remedy for coughs, cold. For sale at thi office. ' IWmW 4. 15.- HAND BILLS neatly printed on new type promptly executed t thie -elfic.. AUo blanka, ef all kind on auperior paiwr. Rmibuxv. Fab. 14. IHSa. - . : - DR. H. II. Hin BEE S remedy for tough, colds, and pulmonary diseases, A supply of this valuable medicine just received and for sale by - U. B.-MAJiER. fiunbary, June 4. 153. . ' ; BLANKS. ULAXK5 of rci7 deKripiion cn U hat y phrmf tthoiRr of tb Am eric o, i rm r u r n t p n-r v tti v. J V . .-tr ... .c.W-VAk.V (qini ly: Medicines. Itt OTerlnrtoVhs piiDlie the alinr IrrYshMtiM prepsra tiOHs, On- subssrilNM wimsl srnts Uiel in ostsiHtsiim with his Ti lends suit some ol the nitsl resacuil,ltt ol ths Mclieul faculty, ll was deemed advlwihle to offer to the puhhc, a tuw aroparatlonir nr)vr. eeloarltv, Mug pre rwreil with she rmtesteara, ane) nn Ihe Aost seientitie priuoiples, as substitutes for the numerous wrihlt'ss ar ticeis ihst sre AiasiiinrHhe eoiunry is lh f.trm nr istuiieess nud rure alls, nrnsid h Ihs most i(iKrsnl and mercena ry psrsons, InUuiitut to our all disauses sail good for aim. Read and Reflect. : . 1 r Tliat tb Msillcine. Mnnafselinvd l,y XT. M., lueludinir hi Jtose I'eoiorul f -r ough. ' Ciwiin ol (,'unii h T. I r Itheuuvalisiu. , Worm Hyrup f.s Worms. Tenth Wiish, for deenveil ieth. dbrnserl (rums. ' t uiuily 1'ills. or hlo l I'unlyer, have torn in ire intensive ly, and have a. urea m ae aitisfncliou, thou any other .Mrrtirtiies bt -re the puli'ir, Ijeiric prcptred wilh rtCnrd to tlieir Bsetuinesa are futly wuithy iht trial of the staiei eJ. tiivethein a triul. -. .. . A trw poweiful reus'ins why the abire Mclieinrs nr deserving; if uuiverwd 4ili,'iiiire. (In (lie first pluce. they sre iircpnrcd hv n rcalur Ptiysieinn, who anderitnials ine aiiinc.nril ol .Mimicine, to iltsenses, nail ciisequtiity nrc ncrKTlly safe lo luke. (comlly.) ihey huie been iismI with uiiivetssl siees, enil have au'en More atitittm'. ti'in th in nnv other ,U-'bciies llre,l hef re the iiultlic. . ( fluid. y ) they nie ihe med eiiics that hale iiiiird rie tr. at ie 01 I'livwiniis, win-re they tmv hern fisid; and (l'iiUllhlvA Ihey uro Mlt up 111 lnr.rr qimillities f. I pnhiic ol' tlte s Hue kind As the stiliscrili-r h:is n nttnih, r urr .jiiir niive, intiu nny oincr iieiiirincs olirrcu to in ol ecrtlhiyitt s in his pii-sesi"n ot the htplasl Itiith rily, where lhy hive hoen iisurl with the in ! suisfiel.TV re- ills He will publish s lew of lln in. leelnicsnliiilied trml triul will insure t nor ree nnmrndall n. Trv llieiu and rut my yenrsett ol iheir superiority over all others, Ami und be lonmnred. We tho illtdnrsiuneil havina been tnsde scnHainted with ths nicmliPiit, ctiieiliiir ini I the CAiiiniui..-.lo known us Hiek!;y'B Vnmi!v Aleilii-iir 1m Invn ir or-(-ri.l nM nowii thfrn tr yc n-ii. with m itiMVtnrv fcRatllJii fctk? plnnr hi unyfuK (lint Xv liHve they iu!!y 1.101-t tlte dign lor wbielt ihcv wri ror miiWhiprl. i: 11. rmrji. M. d WW McMAlIOV. M T WKSt.V.V H OKAIUIKART. M P. WM. II MU.ll.L. M.-U. n n.tiKAUHKAUT.M.P. Ci'te of i:til in the suU aud cough. from prot$ttJ Mrf. nibfrt Ad.m, Itlr-irlae widor Clifonic l.irer Com- r'utiit. m-cumpniiied with a fch rt drv c-ouuh niiin in t lie aidi otwl hroct.Tt rnnil tlrbihtr. m tt' nnin-tite. nftrr tr- ms, nil itio raninlict rtMnimeyideti t'm eiufttia mtd dih-tittn if (lie cbftt, who with nu Irfnelit. c wu rt-ein- iiiendrd to tiy the limc rectoral, frmn wlueli, ilie 11 i only derived untn-'dnitc but prriii.iiient relief. joint AHiinit, m ni Men. iintwri Adrorn, wm minetru With a Vtry ci Vfr cmpli, pnin in tlir tide, niid v-reuBJi'icett hv iiicerpa. I LvuchiiiiT : he vvua imluccil t tiy the Rore Pteturnl. T-i use hia owu lnuau:iit', thi fntt 4oko ennhlnl him rtij'iy n goid nigbl'it rrot. In the in Tinnrj tio rjcpecl'Tuteu nMul nil! junior nmtior. iir cfttinuerl t inipr 'Yf uiilil his cviugb entirety left -hint, It nl. hid the fftVct of Jitrnmheniiip; hit hrotiat. which wim intiirn'ily wonk , Uc nl ity ihnt lie haa tecismnienileil it inn ti'tmtifr m man lenns tr aitnuur coui'ikiiiita, mtd in every rne it hns (riven Kitisfacti' ii. rnealvtvat ncra ma reanlenta of the town h PnnTnlr. fri'lim tlmt tliev Imve derivH crent bene fit a from the ae -fthe lime l'fi'toral; nnttiiriz-. the nb ve atiitrmeiit, for the benefit of thoaa wlm mnv !r ntllirtrd lit 0 similar man ucr. , UK MAT CL Kb.. tLoss of Voiet rtstot td with out lottU of Host rec toral MiHsSusnii Whitlock. if liuah townnlio. Nuithuml-rr- loud cn,,fT a number of yearprm ii vulnl, tn t'te fall of iW-wP, t't die ue i tier voice ir tm a aevete oold ahe oon- trurTeJ ; nfter trying a number of rmneiliea, with n ' benc lit, she whs entirelv reel' rc I by t ikiiif one b title if Unite lf -torul, inter which, a!ie 1 1 her vioe niniiii, frmn n freah cold slie cmtraete.l, nud V;i ajriin iraurtd by Ihe uac of nu ttlir l.ttl : ahe tiien tonk four l titea m ie to iipthen her hrenat. fr-'in wiiieli ahe deiiV4-d tltetn iat deeitleil liin'fit, nnH liaa hen in Uie eiijoyineiitof excellent j nennii irnn inni time th ine praeiu. The filnHc atntemettt i nhtaineil fr m Iir Pinr!l, the ) Phvaieitm wh- Htteiided her ; !a 1 her m llitT who ttimWa I lint a'ie whim it t t e Itvu g at Una tune i it hul it A i-eeu for the n pHPhtntl. 1) inville, J in 2. Ftil another Marled Ctrrf I jfeetcJ. Mil Snnnel Sechler, iH-ior of u natnr:l wek a-id d-Ii- eaie count i 1 uii m. very maoeolible 1 1 c d-, wa Mt icied ! wiih a very Revere c melt, jviin nnt aorent sa of the I rcist, 1 as of appetite ; after usitie n iitnohfr f the iiiinl rente- j diea from which, aite derived 11 hetielit, alie . enred 4iy 1 tHKinv'tne hti!cl it fe rcotor.i. ami it ui the ri.jtiient nf lie !-r fie thh t!i in f r yeara pruviuua. Dnnviiie, Dec. 1 ISr0. Htcict.ET Permit ire to ntfunn yon ihit mv wife. wli' ia a ilelieute and weakly w 'imni, Ub rim; under it I very severe O iult with rtiu uttd a ietica4 i f hrniat. wua j tn ire q-iir-kiv niul e!lt rtii;iilv rrht ved with "nr hit!c nfi v Mir Ui.)M Pcct rul than any other mdieuie ahe Ind ever , tfiken. AHNKIl M'HIUOK. J:ui. 1QV. Samuel R.Ww.!!' Knriiace. Iie( P int. I St 'Ni tcviDENcs :n Favuk ok the tvoaK Pecti kal and Family Ptt.L. J dm Fn'ner trtken ween t'liristirtna nnd New Yenr ( with a very In I v dd, whilt eudel in dry hard inreFavnt C mh. C'tii'i'ijr a rrrnt d'il f rnin whem-ver l.e eni;-ed, 1 Wiis irhrvcd vrry imieh ; by the lime lie hid tuken one third "f n t t;I. nnd hv the "time it wa Innahed, w.ia en- ! tirelv cured Menla he h;ti Liken aevertil d'irn nf the Iie.-ilth Kertorative or Funiilv I'illa, uibl that they nre the mihlettt and tu kl cfTtx-'tii'd purgatives ho haauver token. Uiinville, J tn 1, Itt.VJ Da BifKLRT Ptirinf a riait to mv hMther, in Dnn vi'le, I lii k o veiy aeveie C-'UI, which ended in a light Inrd Coiifih, with a tretirM und pain "fthe brenat, f r which I ward your It.MM Pert rnl, nnd Famdy Pilla, nnd take ptensitre in ret"inmeiMtm.r thun, its the mildest und m st effeclual remedy 1 have used. Yonm, respecii'iiily, JAMI'.S MC),(SA, Jan. 29. IBM. White Haven. I.nzerne ro. Hear Sir : As a recominendaiutn f t v ur Hnae 'ret -rnl. penult me 1 1 siv. that J w;s efft:ciiiii!lv cured of a very severe c uch with pain in tlte hreat, with lens than j hall a h itile, ntd tint 1 r inaider it inraUiabie.' Vou are i Jtt lilwrtv til ni iki ilnai nul.ti. if vmi r! slm JOHN KI' ((.r"cer.)Dniivilte, Pn. i Mv "n Wit'inin lurtoritt tinder severe ciih nml pain I in lita side, fnun an injorv reeetved tv n fdl, w;ia eniirrlv : reliered Uy alx'ile tf H ae Tret mil .V. Crenin of Cnm. 1 rh 'i. I have ni naed y nr i'amdv I'illa, and nlt teeiher t c nt!der them the teat nicdvcme 1 Inve e i-i titrd. ' I JtAN OV KRDOItF, J'in le'i. tPm ,irthd co. ' . J)r. Hick'ey : Sir: As my wife who was tmuhled wiih ihy, haul t'onh, tila a Mir St inach, dependent upon dehtlity, simihr to Uis.iepsin. w;is entirely relieved bv ii aunt tw b itrh ywir Kmc Pert will, permit ine lo aay that 1 c Miaidei it nn exee lent remedy. Yours, renpeetfnUy, llev Mr. WltXARD. Pant t Liitheraii Clmrrh, JJanvittu. h. Hit in(( been cured "In pit in in my aim (similar to Uhen tn itipni) which deprive) me t f ihe free use of it f r nh nit four ni'intha. fly nsiita? one b ttli f Cienm of Tumph r I w mid state th it I c naittnr it the bet remedy oi the kind I have ever u d in my f.riitiy, and I w uJ freely recjiiimen l it tolliera with aimilar ntfecii'iiia. Ytiurc. reapftctiully, J N AS V ).F. Isitsh (p.. N'-nhM co. My wif beiup etflipted with t Very seveie fitii tit hr nr. n nud ah wider (t'te elfeeta fe V) which t'is.iLted hi r fr mi tiaing n. wria cured with rnhhiuji of Crt-iiin of 4.'rnn ph r Ada. Dllliit, my nier-tu-l w, tnia'Ri rurnlt a "wvcre pain in t'i hmd and f.ce hv iiKeiin 'he t'rtv-tn of Camph t THOMAS c. KM. IS,'. J ni 4!, '.Vfc. My wife Irmitj? KhiMimitisiu of the mm t r n ini.nU r of, which jreveideil faer from uaiit it in d iti her w 'fk ; after li;iviig apent n cienl deal ol m ney in irviiiji ihiferent remedies wilJi no benefit, was entirely cured by uaiitsr only one h ntle of vur f'rea.n ttt t utnrti r. WIMslAM KVKNS. Minor, f S. H. V.Mrf, R. V int. lr. liicklev : llavtnc recviveil a very severe injury in my aide bv filling tTa i ml if hay. fr-iu winch I was una ble to foil iv my w rk. w ia ree tnniended 1 1 try u llle of Creum of t .'iirn'h r. w hi-h ff rded otimeiti tte relief. lilUFFITU CAWit. Itftli tp..Nortl.M en. My wife, a i tTero i? in nn in ! ex 'rucriiius pMin, throit)lioiit liet peneral aa'eiii, which prevented iicr from aleepintr (hei- y , ei-aai mrd ly a I nt: aud protracted ai U of meknen ;) for whieh t4ie(uiwtla amnlerf remedies wiihoiit U-iielit, wna entile!) rcltrved by the use o( t'icaia ofCutnphor. fiKO. U IIMOWN. Since hi Dentin, Uanviiie, ifa. Child cured of Dowel ronipliiiui. nnd Aue ( f two years t tntiint: ) by XV trm Syrup. Mr child being; nth let ed f rlh5 liot two vears, Willi I) twal Ciiu Lttnt and Aguo uuiil it wna ridueed ton mere keletoi, I hied n iiumUer 'f remediris with in permanent benefit, until I jmve it a b ttle of your Worm Syrup, since winch time it has been well, anil pot quite tl-ahy. 1 mU. Juv roe nniut't.drd it Vi a uuni'icr of my fiicuda, aud in every ciae i( baa uiveu s:itia hi-ii mi. I.. 1. 1 'VI. ' At l.'tis Mnini1 (Merchant J Danville. I have used y-mr Worm Syrup in my fntiuiy, aud ifii aider tt nit only ?iTclual, but the rn'at ulennnut article I am acquainted with. JAOU I.ASIIKI S. Unnville. llavius used your Wotm Syraa in my fiiinily, it helps my children nitre thnn any preparati on of the kind, and is mirenleaa-nittofce. . . DAN alOHOA.X. . " M mtoui R-w, Danville. I have hnd oe-enahia t aeytir Worm Syrup in my fauiily. aiul nretrr it to ntir VermilWe I hove used. , Fit I'D. HIT 11, Friity Valley, M 'lit our CO. Dr. Bickley : -Haviiri; used ymir wotm Svrnp, and Crenm of Cnmoh' r and Family Pills in my fatuity, thev rave gKHi iiiiaiactt'ni. and I i mauler tiieni tne niat el fectuul. ijl uleurint rerrn-'liei, we linve had lu our family .lOllMITIlAN It. ItlSILi'ls. Dsinville. Dear 8iri--W the uiiderstiied lieiiia; In the employ of 31 caws. I roves & L-aply, at wlmae store, you have an A c i ic v fr the stle of your Family Meilicines, state tlmt we have had an o,portiiiiiir f ku wins; the opinions of mimerms inuvuiuuis wiu nave usdi inetn, unti ihnt they Hire areaeral a-irifiictfin. We nave a ld a erent minv of your Pills, which ate uuiveraally Mket. Itetnar very mild iu t,urir ofie-iaawuit. . ti . i.cir. itt u, Danville, Attest, W M. KKPl.l'.it. Ilaviiisr Scurvy i f my mnith vety had. I win induced to try a b ttle 't your 1'ooth Wnin. Whirhneteri like a charm, IMIUUIHIg Uiia. mill inirn mu uil OiarTIISP, JOVATIIAN It. UIMIKU nnnvilli Dr. BieVley:Hnvili what wi en led uleersteil aire mo'ith, for winch, I oied a number nf ramedha with no tieueRi : J wusnt last careil by usius; im b -tile ui your Tsiihwnk. Mir wile sis .lunnar her e mfiiieinnii. . iiiriirnni viine ire, nien.ts. Illliln, nrivin R!r,-qlc furmeit'wlue'i she tue.l I lie Crenin f rsm. ,r, -hi-n scaller- u uieui, uiersny iiraveiiiina ner nrefisfs tr-et enUuiniif .t :; ' . gko a. Htiow.N, Ne-ir t iitbemn Th ireh. Dsuville. Pa " Dr. Hiiklev. Hiivin al .iisvielunitv ef see In ymr nno-rw Timim nn .viisn aswi in sum very seyels es ses of scurvev nf th sums. I nisuter ii ail ea.viu in ree- oy nurs, respKlfulty, GKO U. BRUWN, Th shire me-ti-mes sr rm sals Whnh aile awl Re tailhyW M HtrKt'.V. M. D , Prnsriarv. Tiam-ia Als Fm r.le by lb fn't iwina Acenls in N.l snilv. laiwl annatv. Friling 4c Grant. 8lliilinrrf W A. Kn'4h. Auiriuta; W. Fsnr -w, i'itert.,wn ; T-if"", FuniienA Hset nfc Psiiisiat- Mniatlne Srroiaw. I"uinii Jin Viirisunt. Pasiii-a; lluU Vnslhie. P-siir't Amaierrnnii, K-iasci C', Mr Jns. Th nuns. Shnov'kwi Wm. FauaUv Wiain kiii; Caan.heli Klnia. s"l "imarl-A. heeeatreaw, Petetstrs I J" lsearnis. Hear Gael C aa-ia Weark,. NrUisl-rlaal. Jmik Crmis. aVhnr.Tst J wish Hiker. iwisuarg i J'u r. Cast-iwsntl J mslhsii Kellers. hlill'Hi. ... Cull mi Ihs A sent., anil (el a cironlar erartsiiiliMj a ii 4sennta 4 las bubucms mim aarfarssW r tb ulr- nt Madwinaai 'HP, .-O h, -"AID AlTTi C0MFbaT,,k" 1 I Tn 'VAltipDwii ltllstaal " " - - v I'V .-..V ,t ... oil GEOliGE KENN -y. . il v i -MANUPACTCRER bt'-'- ' FURNITURE AND 'CHAIRS '" Of thd tabsf Fashionable Shle. T"HE auhscrilier respectfully rn!1 the attention i . of the public to hi larr and splendid assort ment of every quality and price of I. . which cannot fiill t rionimond itself toerry one who will eiamiite it, on account of it durable workmanship and splendid finish, made up of the best stock to be had in the city. No ell'nrt is spared iri the manufacture, of hi ware, and the subscriber i ilctrfininml to keep up with the many iinprevensMiU which are- tniwtnntly heinj made. Ilia stuck consist of Mahogany . . Kola-., DlvniiH : tint! Lounge, Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards, " SOFJ, UlitAKFAST AND DIMM! TABLES, and also Vli.NETIAN Dl.I.NDS, equal to 1'hila- dclphiit manufacture. DEDSTEADS, of every pattern and price, CUPBOARDS, WOIIK AN n CANDLE STANDS, TOII.KT TABI.KS AND EXTENSION TABLKS, In short, every article in thi line of hi business. He also manufacture a kinds and qualities of CIIAIllS, including varieties never, before lo he had ir Sunbury, such aa MAiineist, Ui.ack VAL?ri nn Ctni.i.ii M let i: Gun iai j ami Whmiok ("IIAIKS, Axn user 1'iaso fSroni, which are of the latest clles, nnd warranted to die excelled by none nmniifuctiired in the Cities or clncwherc. The stiliBcribfr is determined that there shall be no excuse fur persons to purchase furniture in the cities, as every confidence cnu be entertained about the quality and. finish of hi ware and C'hnir. , lit article will he disposed of on a good terins a they can be purchased elsewhere. Coun try Produce tuken in payment fur work. . , LNDIillTAKINU. Havina- ninvided , ir ... . . ? : inniscn witll a Handsome lltiusr, lie is now prepared fur I'ndcrtaking, and attending funer als, in this vicinity, or at any convenient di tanre from this place. ty The Ware Room is in Market Street, below Thompson' SIore aud Weaver'a Tavern. GEORGE UENN. Sunhurv, Jan. 10, 18S2 tf. A VALUABLE HOUSE And Three Acres of Ground FOR-SALS. TM1E subscriber offers ot nrivute sale, hi house and three acres of ground, on the river Bank within the limits uf the lioruugh of ciunbury, now in the occupancy of John Miisslcr and orig itially owned by V.ian. Gustier while engaged in boat buiblinij. 'J'lie improvement nio a TWO STORY FRAME HOUSE, H'liA n U'cll of pood Water, rtul a good frame stable. There arc a number of excellent fruit trees on the premises. The prop erty is handsomely located and will be sold nt a reasonable p ice and possession given in April j ncii. flppty lo i.eo- i;. iv elker, Ksq., of Sun bury, or to the subscriber at Sclinsgrnve. l'ETEK KEKI.IX. Julv 5.1, is:2 tf. Stone Cutters and Laborers WANTED! (JJJTOXE cullers and hi borers can havo steady employ nnd a winters job, (anil not work in the wnti-r.) nt the I'liion and Susquehanna Uiiiluc nt Clnipiuiiii, Union county. Pa, niidw.iv be tween Liverpool and No.-lhumlierlund. To la borer $ 1,25 per dnv ill be uiven. LElsi:xiil & FISHER. Chapman, Se.t. 17. 1853 tf. )ri)gs, Paints, Oil, Vi'indow fjlass, t-e. 5 Tu!9 rreuch zinc while. 10 tons Pure bite l.eud. 5000 Boxes W indow (iiasa.a!) sizes. Superior Piitiihh.l.'opal.fouch, Leath er if Iron vnrnidi, white Demur varnUh for China Gloss, with a general assortment of lre.-h and pure DRUGS AND MEDICINES. Also all the Patent Medicines in general use, warranted genuine. ' Colored and Enamled Glas, &c, Ac., for sale very low at ALFRED WILTliEROF-R'S Dnij nnd Paint Moie, .No. 109 N. 2nd (Street, PHILADELPHIA. . l'bysii ians and Slorekeepora supplied Goods scut to any of the lintels ur Depots lice of charge. : 1'lula., .May 2S, 1853. ly. 2,5U0 Acres Timber Land ?C?k GALE. CEVEItAL VALUABLE TRACTS OF ' TIMBER UND, comprising about S.SIU acres, part of which U situated on Tubybanna Creek, and part nn Minldy Creek, within three mile of l.cbigh liivrr, in Peuu forest towusbip. Carbon County, one uf the great Co il Counties of Peuusylv.ii.ia. can be bad at a bargain, if ap plication be made soon. . . These lands uic thickly covered with the best timber nf that rc;ion. While it is believed that 75,0110 feet of lumber lo the acre, can be rut from a Iurgv portion of the luitd.tlie ImUnce will aver age not much less Mian this figure. The kind of timlier found on the laiid are Hemlock, Mpruce or While Cedar, While Oak, While Pine and Chestnut but principally made up of White Pine -and Hemlock. 'The Tobyhahtia. and Muddy (,'rcekare Urge and rupid streams, ieldiug a vast aiu uut of water power, and nre capable of driving a targe number ul aaw mills. Thr empty into the Lehigh, winch atrexim, Willi the- Lehigh Canal ahtmla an outlet to the -most lcirnhle lumber markets. There is. too, under contemplation, a railway leading to the cities of New Yoikand Philadelnhia which run within oe isn'e mud thret quarter $ of in land. 1 lirough these avenuee lumla-rcan be delivered in either of Ihe cities named, for about ff per thousand Irct thu enabling persona en gaged in the trade to derive greater profit thau atiend investment generally. In addition lo the timber, convertible into eve ry shape of lumber, there i much tha will an swer for spars of vessel a sort of timlier that snip builders' have been obliued to purchase in Maine, or at other distant point. L'niike moat of the land on the Lehigh there has, a yet, been no culling of the timber on this properly. It stands undisturbed by the wood man's axe. It ia, therefore, the inure valuable. The lumlier trade of the Lehigh has been carried on to such an eatent for year paat, ihnla carcit of good timber is beginning to I felt. 1 Every season necessarily increase Ibis dihVul'y. The consequence must be an enchancement of the value of timlier lamia. Those un-culled tracts with tlie advantage of avenue to v.aikst. audi aa the land olli-red for eale. poes, cannot lail to he the enurcea of aupply hereafter. ' Hut Ihe land la not alone valuable for the tim ber it contain. It i of good quality lor nearly every . acre beinf suscepUbl of a liigli stale of cultivation. ' " . , L'apitaJisls.le-iringto snake investments wsnild do well to turn their attention to these land, r or -... lr... .linn artlilu to '." ,7. T CHA8. M. 1IALL. i Offie ia "Mining Regular" buUdiug, PeUs. villa. Pa. - - '. ; August a, isjj tr. ' " 1 . Lj'MITH'ii ESSEN pi! OF JAMAICA UlN. O GEU.'ft fresh uuplv just received, and foi ale by . - - I W M a ft A . l. n VI. B. MASSER. 8uiihurv. Jaifc 10. IR.M , SILVER WATCHES. A few double ease English Silver Watches, for sals at very low price, by IL B. MASSER. unoury, prn j, ioi 4 A CAU tb HOUsmtPEES it tlt C'nblnet Itni e ttoom of SEB'N -HOUPT & CO. ) ( t Market Square, i '; ' Al6 at tht totntr of Fawn nf reel ir rA Railroad ....,,., 4 !,,,SUNBUHY, PA. . ...- ; I . i i , . .. ,. .. . : Thankful for the patronage ol his friends and customer miring the 17 year he haa been in bust ne in this place, he ablrcit from the public a con tinuance of their favor, i During thi period he haa endeavored to keep up with tiie improvement uf the day, and bus accordingly extended hi bust nes in every hratirh and Variety.' "The public are Iherefnre invited to th attention of tht present stock of . .. - i .... i ,t . , 1 CAUINKT M ARK AX!) CIIA1US. MANOFACTl'tlRn tt SEEASTIAH. IaOUPT & CO. ' " At the Old Stand, Where hi addition to their former stork of tht establishment they now manufacture Mahogany, Walnut & Cane-Seat Chairs. Zrir Spring Sen! Rocking Chain, Dressing flureavs, Cenre Tables, Jllarlh. Top ll'anh Stands, and a varirJi o f other new sfy 'te nnd Fashionable ruriiitiire. " Having secured a llenrso and made the neces sary arrangement for the purpose, they aro now prepared for t'ndertaking in all it branches, in thia vicinity or at any convenient distance, . . , i Ye mniils and mistresses, and husbands toe, IIere"s furniture of every style and hue, Frmn side boards down to kitchen tahle, ' ' "' "' Frmn rocking chnira to locking (nadirs Should yrnl not have the ready Jom!I to psy, We'll wait awhile for a brighter better dsy, Or tske potatoes, oats, corn, wheat and rys ; Btirk, hoop pr 'ii.aiaves, or lumber wet snd dry, ' Or any thing hm yokes and threshing Hails, Fmm pigs and turkies down to little quails. Come on then friends, eorne one snd all, Keep trnde a moving, so "pne, on the ball.' VW Orders from a distance promptly attended to and work of all kinds delivered witll dispatch. Sunbury, March 0, 1850. tf WATCHES, JEWELRY, &c. JAMES iJ. FIDLEll, No. 12 South Second Strec', PHILADELPHIA. Oold I.cver Watches full jewelled Silver Lever do Silver I.epine do 1 ' " Quartier do Gold pens nnd pencil and silver halder Silver Tea and Table Spoon Bracelet. Breast pins Ear rings 4c. All warranted and sold at prices a low as ary in the city. November 87. 1852 tf. 1,000 Men Wanted. OX the li"e of the Sl'SQUEHANN A RAIL ROAD between Bridgeport (opposite Hur risburg) nnd Sunbury, in the State ol Peimsylva- I nia. I his road is (illy four miles in lengih- runa i through a highly improved country, and will furnish employment for stone masons, carpenters and laborers for the next twelve months. A large portion of the line is heavy rock excavation, laborers that are familiar will ihcrefura liud cer tain employment and liberal wages. DoVg HE RT V, LA UM A N & CO., ' Contractor. February 19, If 53. : itosendale II V(Ir;uilic Cement. 4 N excellent article for lining Cisterns, Vaults, Spring houses ami Cellars, and for keeping dampness from wet aud exposed walls. For sale bv CHARLES SHEPARD SMITH, of, and successor to, the late linn of Evi Smith dr. Son. X. E. Corner of Front and Willow street Railroad. Philadelphia. Feh. 19, 1853. ly. 2r Hobby liuiocj. tlx ioa en's Iropcllors, Gigs. Coaches, Barouches, &c. r . Muimfactured wholesale and retail by' ' S-JSH1TET.L TIILL, No. 61 DOCK Street, Philadelphia.1 1 -' r Orders through the mail promptly executed' Phila., April 9. IS53 Iv. CHEAP WATCHES, JEWELRY AND SJI.VP.K WAUU, Wholesale unit Rcmil St No. 7J N. O SKCONb M'.,oir.siiie Ihe .Ml. Vernon House, Hold Lever Wutclies. full jeweled. 1H k. eases, tr'JH.INI; Silver Levers, full jewek-d. KI.ISJ ; Silver ljiiues. luweled. V!', 00 ull warranted to keep a?-. I lime, ti ilil Pens nud ii ver I'Mse. H..KI; li .1.1 Pencils, sil.lsi; kl Pencils and Pen Case wilh g Md G-'hl Pinsaa I v as lf:).x'-'i, Ac. Alsi, nlvvuysoil haicl a it mm! nssortiueiit of line frold Jewelry, -UI Curk.liuaiil mnt l-' I'liiim. Uold Veal Chains, lttnes' Liohl ri'b t. Iiitnis an.l lletl I'lus. Silver T.ilue Shuis Ir an SJI1 lo Slf. Dessert, 80 tn Ml, and Tea, Ht,7S t M. iOp' r s-l, .1 niiml to com All g'SHls warraiiled In be what they are s hi mr.. : lv Wuu-hea uud Jewelry retired ntul warrniited. If All order scut by mail or otherwise, will he punc tually allcmkil i'i. M. A VISE. , No. 73 Nona SECOND Street, opp.vite the Ml. Vsr.ioii Ilousa I'lula , April 23, 1633 ly. WM. M'CARTY, Bookseller, RESPECTFULLY informs tho inhabitant ol town and country, lhal he has lately recei ved from Philadelphia, a large addition to hi tock of book, in every branch of Literature, and in a great variety of Binding. Pleaie call and ae them. Sunbury, fjepl. 17, 1 ?53 Laborers Wanted. THE ubscribers want immediately on the Railroad and Basin, al Chapman, Union county, seven mile below Kclinsgrove, from 60 TO 100 LABORERS, (, to whjnt one dollar er day will pe pid. 8AVIDUE. WJLVEKTON & CO, Chapman, Union County, Feb. la. 1853 tf. S-20 EEWAKD. THE abov reward will be paid for iaforma tion that will lead to the discovery and conviction ofthe person or person who were guilty ef filling the axel boxes of Ihe passenger and coal car of the Philadelphia and Sunbury Railroad, with aand and dirt' D. LOXGENECKER, Treat. ' Sunbury, Aug. S7, 1853 BLANK Parehinnt Paper Deeda and blank Mortgages, Bonds, Exeeutioiia, Summons &.O., for aale by H. U. MASSER. ! SuBkury Aurl 16, U.M. Mi ANN'S LETTER PRESSES, with books, ink. aud all complete, just received. snd ior nl. by 11. B. MASSER. f Kuooury, June 4, 18S3. ClIMN rUMPS-.- K small numtier of these - esi-ellenl pump have been received and are offered for sal by - . , , : . . - , : i II. B. MASSER. Kunhurv. June 4, 1853. PEE BILLS. Juaticea and ConetaMe Fee QUI kandaomalv printed on car' paper for ale ft thi office, i BANK NOTE TAliLE. PENNSYLVANIA. KASSAeilrseiwM ' cm o raii.ADsxraiA All solvem hanks I v. B. uank n.Ae . . Udis nu suivenl banks pai coo ray, All s ilrrni bsjiks A . CUMNKC'l'ICtlT. All iyeut banks lii NEW VOH. 1 Hnn of Chaiiilrrbur 1 di, .... ,., v.nrwer , .i . par Hmik nf liel. Co. Chester per ,u, .irrnaniiowH Bsnk of Hettvshura r ansotyerni,,,, ,. . di tWUk aole, under tt 1 Bnuk nf lwtsu-wii lunik of Miilillet.inn I lia All ,yents banks ' ' ' I a. ms - ..i niif iiiirr, part Usi.k of Norlhumlierl'iid pel Ksnknf I'itlthiirg naw JKitSEY. Helvnler. B,k , tl Commercial K.w I j. m.,1. .., i.nnTlll niir i.i r,r ...i. .. I Carlisle Hank Tui, y. A M .Jlii li-'"T. ? ) -yelsi wn Bank par Merh. fk of Mn,lM!.i Ksslon Hank nuriMech. A mV, ni! -if. . !f .ml hterliiim...' Iil v hn Hank , dis' Morris Co U.k ,'7, Kichaiiee B k Pittsburs I dis .Newark Hk'a A I... c I a .... iVc .. . . iTi.miri I ms .ewsrk Ilk a i l-.sehsuge B'k. Ilninrh I dislOrauce llsttk Fanners' H'k, Hnrk.O, irlFe file's Ilk Psl 1-srmers' Ilk, liiru.lrr pr Prinretnn Haul di 'sllarsua la ps ,5 i i nur I' I4...b ranuera- ns. Heading pnr lnlem Haiikiur Co. Jsrm Bk rVhuylkill Cn psr Xemerret Co flsnk Z H: B.k..n'.".V"p"l,'ir '"' "'' Camden t rsnk hi Ilk. Wasli'n llis Mmte Ilk Klizabeihion llsrrtshnrg Hank 1 ilia Sluts Hank Newsrk Id, llmiesrlnle Hunk , , Ktste Bk. N. Hru.,i.k' Mnen.ler Bank pnr.Su.sei Hank. Newton I di Ijehrnioil Hsnk par Trent.-n Banking Co pa Merrh. A Alan. Hank 1 dis I'lii.ui Bank. Hover I dl Miners' ll'k. Poiisville per Vsnll.vv'le A Del Ur C. ISdi Mon ingHhclu rimik I dis tT"llk n"tes under 3 I i rayl.rsv'e Del H ColJ dial DKI.AWARK. JJ yommg Bk, IVilkeab'e par "rk Hank, j dis tyitehef nnies I dis MAINE. Bank of Whelloek ti dia Mercsntile Bk, Hongor tfldis i iwi rant per Hank ol itelswsr es retnk ol eanrriia t,. Delaware Cilv Hsnk ' as Ilk Wilms'iiA Brandy w. pa Funners' Hk St DelBwsrs ps Union Hsnk. Wilmington n tr Under .Vs i di OHIO. Allnlventlainks I di All S'cent banks ' ? ilisi NCW HAMPSHIRE. Alt lvent lianks j dis I VKItMONT, i I fVBk notes nnder S' 4 di NORTH CAROUNA. Hank or St A Ihsti 8 dis All solvent bank 9 di All solvent banks I dm rT"Under', ' . Tremendous Excitement!! Caslt, Steam, Electricity ! ! The Aerial and ull other lines oul-dont by thi Lightning l ine of lii A T. CLEMENT. VyHO, having great faith in rapid sale and ' " unnll profits, ha just received ana opened a large assortment of .-.. SPRING AID SUMMER GOODS. At hi Store In MarSet Street, Sunbury, which he offers to the public at the lowest prices. . , Hi dock consist of a general assortment o Dry Goods, viz : Cloths. Cassim'rs, Casrinets, Jeans, Drillings, Muslins, Linens, Calicoes, Muslin dl Lams, Lawns, Ginghams, Berages. Sii.k Hats. A large assortment of Boots and Shoe, for Men, Women and Children. CroecrleJi, Sugar, Tea, Coffee, Molasses, Cheeie, Spi ces, Fish Salt, Plaster. HARDWARE, Viz. : Iron and Steel, Nails, Files, Sawa, ico. QUEENS WA RE, Tea Setts, Plates, Dishes. Cups, Saucers, ft LIQUORS, Winr. Brandy, Gin, Rnin, Whiskry, tt- tV Country produro of all kind taken in ex change at Ihe highest market price. Jan. 15, 1853 Iv. DOC TOn TOI KSKI.rt THE POCKET AESCULAPIUS : 011, EVERY" ONE HIS OWN rilVSICIAN. rV"U EORTIETH Edi- tion.wiih On, II,,,,, I, -,t Engravings, showing Dis-eai-es and Malformation e the Human Siem in every j shape and form. Tu which .31 '" aikleil a J on the -' tlima.,f I. I i t-tfj of the highest importance to 'jwai.; nianicn ura : e. Ar nn. ik-i'eW rontemplalinir msrria-re -a-"- I- Win. Voting- Let no futher be ashamed lo present a copy o the XSCL'LAPII'S In his child. It may save him from an early grave. Let no young mail ar woman enter into the secret obligations of mar rird life without reading the POCKET E.SCU LAPILSS. Let no one suffering from haekniep Cough, Puiu in the Side, restless nights, nervous feelings, and the whole train of Dyspeptic sensa tions, and given up by tlieir ph; si. ian, be another moment without consulting the .BSC I'L A PIUS. Have Ihe married,, or those about to be married any thin truly useful book, aa it haa lx-.en Ihe menus of saving thnuamls of un fortunate creatures from the Very jaws nf desth. ITT Any person sending TWENTY-FIVE CK.Vl'S, enclosed in a letter will receit on copy of this book, bv mail or five copies will be sent for one dollar. Address. Da. W. VOUXO, No. I.VI (SPRUCE Street, PHILA DEL PHI A." Post paid. June IS. 1853 ly. More Gooii!! W 1 1,1,1AM A. KNOBD, riExPECTFULLY iaforms his friend, and the public genrtally, that he has just received and opened a large and splendid stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, at his Store in Lower Augusta township. Hi tock consists of every variety of Dry Goods, viz : Cloths, Cassimers, Sutltiietts, Vesting!, Fltn nels, Muslin, ie. A splendid stock of LADiKS DRESS AND FANCY COODS, SkcA as Silks, Berates, De Laines, Merinoes, iitrcHs, uiiigioins, laticoe, efc. BOOTS AND SHOES, ' A fine assortment for Men, Women & Children. A large assortment of CIIOCUK1ES, " such as . . Sugar, Coffee, Tea, Molasses, Spices, &.C. Hardware and Queensware. Fish, Salt nnd Liquor). - srcii as Gin, Brandy, Ruin and WlihkrT, Besides the lamest and most general assort ment of all kind of Good to he had in ihe country. All the abov mentioned good will be .ld at auch reduced price they can net be .get far elsewhere. , Country produce of all kind takes ia sxebang at th highest market prices. - Augusta twp July 8, 1853. 6m. NOTICE. ' TOTICE ia hereby given, that application " will he made to the next Legislature of Pennsylvania, for the incorporation of company, with discounting privileges, to be located in tn borough of Sunbury, in the county of Northum berland, with a capital of One hundred thousand dollars, to be called the "Susguskaitna Savings' lustitiitt. i . , ' Sunbury, June S5, 153. Km, ' r NOTICE. V'OTICE ia hereby given that an application " will l made, at the next regular aessioa of the Legislature, tu charter company for bank ing and discounting purposes, with a capital of two hundred thousand dollar, with the privi lege of extending it te four hundred thousand dollar, to be located is) the borough of Sunbury, Northumberland county, Pa., aud to he called 'Tim Missus' Din ur Scattat." "July 8, 18.13 6 in, ' - ' - ' ' GOLD PENS with and without cae, of very sitverior qua'ily. just received. 'Also a fiesh supply of Writing Fluid, for sale by ... U. JJ. MASSE. Sunbury, Dec. 87. 183 L JATENT BRITTANIA srorrefs u . . - B MA8tBI .S.-lS aL bar beltKvt for sale by H dury. April, It, till
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers