.MJ;Iorrc0poiibciue.. " 113-Th following letter ihouM have appeared in our columni i month aince, kad it not beea mislaid, W trust lhat it it not ) t too late, and therefor lay it bfort our reader-: ' 1 ' . , ' Fiit tit Banbury American. ' llaghrsvillt. Potter Connty, . , Ooib.r 29 h, 1853. . ' Dix. Si As a piopoaaturof truth you rill no doubt admit soma of the following remark in vur esteemed paper, in order to ditpel the uncertainly, which apprait to pie- ail yet about our settlement. Most of you readers must hare heaid ot Ol Bull' or I be Norwegian Oulany; ihey probably rrcullt-ei too, (ta brilliant beijitiniiiir, and may have heard aomelhinsr abont il decease ! Il i true Ule Bulla colony, (in itself an improper niimei having produced arnonii a number of Norwe gian the opinion f lormiiia an iiulependnnl Norwegian Mate,) is no more. Olu Bull. ifieil that (in rnuld neither to hi own, nor other people' satisfaction nr heart rnnteni, gave up all hi claims to the few ihnnand acre of land, ha really possessed, ami to all hi personal properly there to be found, for the handsome nn of 17,000 dollar Bui it i a creat mistake to believe, that tlie lieaut iTuI land ha once owned, ami al; the other around them, are not worth rntiivatinir because the famous musician failed in et lling lhem. On the conliary, since he i nut any mora concernad in I lie undertaking, ev ery thing will on very nice anil practical. Thnueh many of Mr. Boll's followers and proteges have gone away fiom heie digitat ed and dissatisfied, because the) expected a little mure than every thins without; work' oral leat with only '.ha slightest degree of activity, there are Mill a number of excellent tnen here of Mr. Bull' importation, and con hUntly new comers make their appearance, and ask nothing better, than to fettle in n land of promise, like Kettle Creuk valley and neighborhood. Our soil i unsurpassed, our timber in all il varieties of the best kiiul our climate is charming and healthy like Arcadia, water- power i everywhere to be found, the same of game and excellent fish. Land is cheap at the average price of three dollar per acre, purchase con J ii ions accom modating and the deeds reliable. But besides all these advantage you will find some exquisite society, learning and ed ncation in all degrees, up to the very highest You will find settler from all pails of the globe living in perfeol harmony. Let nie give you but one example. At a late visit of a number of distinguished centleman, anions whom was ouramiuble and learned Atiorn-y General, Mr, Ilimhes, in our settlement, a Captain in the late Hungarian army was uni ted by universal request through the latter. 1o n young German girl. The functionary performed the office so ably and solemnly, that all tho numerous wituesses were deeply moved, and so highly pleased, that they agreed by unanimity to give tho name of Mr. Hughe to the villago where he so kind ly assisted to unite the happy ami handsome pair. The baptizing of ihe village went off in the most excellent style, and the chain paigtie sacrificed to ihe benefit of la Belle alliance (the prally match ) and in Imnur of the godfather, was certainly of ihe best from Eperuay. We all were know tug ones, but gave a verdict, that the i-h in puisne (and suppei) in the hotel ol Ilughesville, ueie ot the fiisl quality The next placea few miles Juun the creek is railed Walhalla, (tho par alise of the ancient Geimanr.) A Germnu physician residing there sjave that name, on account of the beauty of the scenery and be ing convinced that ihe location is one, n here any man niiht find and enjoy perfect hap fines. One of ihe inhabitant of your town, Mr. L ha heard, seen and lasted all mentioned in tho foregoing, and has been so much pleased with tho experiment, I lint be piomi sad to sea us soon again. 1 hope ho will, and may bring some ol his neiyhbtn along la look al our lauds, limber and imple ments, lhat Ihey may get ihe i-uuvictioii that the settlement of Keille-Cicek in Poller county, are not only not given up, bin in a beiler condition than rvei, and wi:li tuitr prospects than al uuy previous lime. Reepecllullr, mi is, John Smith. We take tha following from tho Star of January 2d : . nca j tar $ u ay in n asnmgwn. aii our r t t w Hf f m ah world's agog to-day, drinking, cutiug and nia king merry. From 11 A. M. until 3 P. !., according lo Ihe prevailing custom, Ihe bouse of hundred of persons, mostly in publio life, were thrown open lo all acquain tance who chose to call. Eg nogg and ap-ple-toddy were leady for Ihe guests in mod of them, though it is not customary on such an occasion to drink sufficient to have il "show" upon tba di inker. The day has been ono of great hilarity, indeed, with all round U The President (who doe not join in this Universal treating) was visited by, perhaps, Cv thousand people, comprising persons iu every walk of life. From 11 A. il. until 2 P. all part of the reception room of the Executive Mansion werecrowd d no other reception chamber iu this country ever re , The torpt diplomatique, and tba military nd nival men in Washington, weia there ni full costume, of course ; their gusrdy (rap pings oven casting iut the shade the flurry f tho ladies, bundled of w hoiu were most elegantly and eilravaganlly attired. The President received his guests with the Mar shal of the District of Columbia at hi side, who introduced all stranger to him, their lam being whispered in his" ear as they arrived immediately in juxia-posiiion with the Chief Magistral. It was impossible, ef course, for any ono to say mora to tho Piesi. dent than to "pas lb complimenia of the san ;" as Ibe pressure of arriving guest, coming in a packed lieara a reitle that of Niagara, apparently forced all bef ro t I push ahead and keep moving. k Bursa Tbif, at L Angelo, California, vas iitaneed to receive, la addition lo fit a and impriaoorooDi, fifty lb or tko bar back. COMPACT OHDSJR. . v ., Aauoaror thi DawtaT Goasds,",) Sunburj, Deo. list 185 J. ( . The Duartls have received wiih unfeigned sorrow the intelligence of the derease ,f the r late comrade GEORGE M. GRANT Many estimable qualities endeared him to us. Ha was a generous, kind, true fiiend j a sol dier always prompt active and efficient. We who have loat so dear a comrade, can well appreciate and sympathiso -wiih Ihe keen an guish q! bis sorrowing relative. ' His early death cautious us to be roidy to miitrh wheu the drum beat. In respect to his memory the member of this Corps will wear the usual badge of mourn ing and the color be craped, fnr ihity da). J H. Zimmerman, ( has J. BaoNKa, M L. Shindkl, Ht.sar Oonnc. At ihe recent session of the County Couit, in Annapidis, Passmore McCollnugh, Kq., was seutenceil to pay a fine of 100, accord ing to ihe verdict of the jury in Ihe rase, for an attempt to bribe a piosecnting witness to absent herself from Contl. In pronounr.inu o tenee, he Anna prilis Gnr.etle sa)s, the Judge did justice to ihe motives of Mr. Mrs llongh in the transaction.- who, jt n shown by the evidence, had not Viewed his act as violative either of justice or law, but as mutually advantageous to Ihe pnr lies con cerned. Tnr.ATTr.MrT to Assassinate Lol-is Na- poi.kon. A citizen of Ulica, now in I'aris, writes lo a friend in the former city, under late of the 7 1 h iust., as follows, in relation to ilia alliidjjcd attend to assassinate Luuii Napoleon : 'Napoleon was wounded slightly last week at Foutainblcau. 1 do not know whethcrynu w ill see an account of it in our papers, us it has not been published here. He was fired at three times, one ball passing w ithin a few inches of his head, another giazcd his side. The perpetrator was instantly killed and the affair is hushed up." Albany Argus, Hr.A vy Loss The Rondonl (N, Tf.) Courier sliitcs that eleven boats loaded with coal, and belonging to the Pennsylvania Coal Company, near that place, while on U.eir to New Yoik, in tow of the steamboat Indiana, were sunk near Nyack on Sunday, the I8 h nil. On ing lo the breaking of the rudder chain of the steamboat, they got in a trough of the sen, and there being a heavy swell, were all stamped, and sunk in water thirty feet deep, It is very doubtful whether any of them can be raised. A Ci.r.aiiVMAS. An old and valuable sub scriber has sent us a certificate fiom one o( his Parihiouers, which ho wishes published for the benefit o! hisueighbois, and the com uiuiiiiy at In rue. It slate on authority thai needs no cuntiimution, Ihn particulars of a remarkable cnie by Ayer's Cherry Pectoral: in article w.e have already taken occasion lo notice, and which we have reason lo believe is wmlh notice This sufferer had been ie dnred very iiw from the eflecls of a Cold Coimh, catii-ed by over exeiliou at a fiit neatly three )eaie since, ami from w hich il was evident tu his friends that he was fast hastening to a premature grave. Many of the remedies of the day and the ml vice f eminent Physicians bud all fasled to aflonl him relief, when he whs induced to try Ihe Cherry IVclniat, which soon cured him. The cio wiled Mate of our columns will not h.I in i I I ho full particulars, but we earnestly iuvjie the attention of our readeis to the ad. verlisemeiit in another part of our paper. Christian Chroniclt. ALMANAC FOR THE YEAR PltEt'ABt'.U FOR TUB Sunburn Vmcrtcan. 'S f H "i "J ii H 5 H .-..51 .V MONTHS. JANUARY, 2. 3 4 5i 6 7 I y,io ii I ti 7 IK I 12 1-i It) 2U 11 21 28 24 !i.V 6 27 J03I! I ,11 18 '25 ! FEBRUARY, 2 3 6 7 K 14 20 21 S7 28 9- IU1 I5I6 17 23 24 in nM r oiArvvU) 2 al 4 i!io:n 13'U M 21 IS 16 17j IS 22 23 24 2913(1 31 25 28 I APRIL, 2 3 9 10 16 i7 18.19 29156 ! 2i 3 9 i fi le, 17 30 MAY, 14 IH 19 21 22 23 '24 28. 2i(, 31) 31 JUNE, l! 2 3 6 81 9' 10 15 16 17 12 13 IS 19 20 22 S3 29.30 21 it6.2T JULY, 1 8 15 22 31 4 toln 6, 7 13 14 20 21 1 25 20 27 28 12!) AUGtrsT, 1 2 3 4 5 12 19 26 8 0.10 II 15.16 17 It. 21 U 23 24 25 SEPTEMBER, xa:29,30 311 I 2 9 51 n 14.15,16 ?l.t223 OCTOBER, a.v30 5 61 7 I IS 14 19120 21 2H 27 9 NOVEMBER, 8' 81 4 5. 6 9 10,11 1 13 lit 14' 16 17 I 19 20 tl 22l23.24.85 26 27 88 DECEMBEB, 3130 ,1 41 5 l 7 13 111 20 21 A 9 IS 16 11,12 I7;i,t 22 83 34 26 28,37 3 230 3,l I I I I I SUNBUltY AMEKICAN AND SKAMOK1W JOUHNAL. ttollovay's Pllti ojm'n Effmooa in Cv. ring Stvtrt Cum ef Rheumatism Extract of a letter from Mr. William Davlea, of S6 Regent-road, Sal ford, dated April 12lb, I86S To Piofessor Hollo ay Sii" I was trou. blod for soma mouth with ihuemalio pains hi all my limbs, and triad eveiyihing ( could hear or think of without any good effect; at last 1 was recommended 0 y j-our pn a few doses of which relieved me, and beforo I hud Giib-hed the aecund box I was quite well, and am still in the enjoyment of uund health. Mr. Whilaker, druggist, of this place, will Venfy this lutuinoiit." " 1 - i i ii 2Hjc iHarto. Philadelphia Market Jan. 4, ISM Flora and Meal. The maiket is oniel but linn. S.re-ol wins 500 bids, at 7 85 per hoi. lor g -od and common extra. Tlieie s a sicutly demand (in city consumption - ilhiit Ihe range of $7 60 a S8 lor common nil extra b a -ds live F.uur is inn- live ; lasi sales al St 5 25 pet'thl, and Com Meal i tichauued .Sale ol Brand w iov al $3 80, la-t sales of Pennsylvania al S3 29. GitAlN Wheal is in demand. Salea of prime led. Rye ut Otic. Com isjmore active, at 6970ii. for new )ellow in store. Oat Lanl sales Southern nl 40i4lu. Whi-kct. Sales ul bbl. al S9u., and hhds. at S3 cent. SUNHUKV WlltAT. Rtr. Onnx, Oats. Potatoi-.s, Dkcnwix II ti Ki.tn Flax. Bcttaii. Knn. PlIRK. Ftxsr.:n. T ALLOW. 1'RICE CURKKNT 140 87 0-J 40 50 It 25 20 15 8 125 10 New Advertisements- Estate of R0SANNA 1IEIDI0, dee'd. TOTICE is hereliy given that letters testa niculary havo bcenijranlel to the uWril'cr on tbo e.tat of Kosauna Ntidig, Inte ol Lower Augusta township, dee'd. All those knowing themselves indcliled to, or having claims against said eMuto, arc requested lo niuka sctlleuient without delay. DAVID KEESEH, Es'r. Lower Augutta, Dec. 31, 1S53. Ct. SUSaVEHANNA EAIL E0AD. A MEETING of Ihe Stockholders of the Sns cj noli h ii na Kail lioud Coniany will be held at llm Itailrond oflice, in IIairiliurr. on the second Monday of January, 1S51, lietwven the hours of ono and three o clock, P. M., for the purporc of electing one President slid Iwrlvo IJircctors to manage the alfairs of the said Com pany the ensuing year. K. S. IIOLLINS, SScc'y. December 31, ISS3. to. 'F'O HIT, The house on 15roa.l-.Tny now -"- occupied by Siiuou iMailz. Apply to VM. M CAUTV. Sunhury, Dec. 31, 1853 if. NOTICE rFMin annual Election for Directors of the -- Trcviirlon, Mahanoy and Sus:mehanua Hail Unad Compsuy, will be held at llirir o'iice, Trinity IJuiiding, New Vo.k,.on Monday, the Oth of January, 1 851. v Order F. L. JOHNSON, Scc'y December 31. 1P.VJ. St. List of Jurors, rF'N'cirlhumberlaiid Couut, for !-peci, Courl, to cumiiieuce on Uio 16ih ol Jan uaiy, 1 854 SuMttaT. Fiederick Lazarus tanc Siler, J-ihii A Shii-i-ler, Jaied Biochiii (Ji nrje C. Welker, John llaus, tiamuel J. Fiy, M Clay Go-1 In; it. iNoirnii'MDF.Ki.AND John Hummel, Win. Feii) ill. C'has McUiegor. Miltun J. V (Jooillander, Ileniy Frick, E'ih Wiiliiui. Tl'huut Thomas Ritter. Delaware William ti. Bryson, David Uollld. Lewis Georue Dimsn. Point John Mouscr, James Scott, Joseph Neslul. Ui'PKR Aur.i'STA Genige Folk, William Kiamer. Lovr.n tci'TA. Daniel Conrad, John Youl y. iiami'KIN Samuel B Giluer, Wm. Far roA, Joh'i Kvirelt, Obediah Campbell, F.phiiiim Z'n.meimnn. Ilt'sii. Daniel G'lnsert. Caai. Thomas Caldwell, Joseph W Dim miek, Philip Siambach. Cam ebon. Peter Weikel, Daniel Kiamer- . List ol Causes, ni? trii.l ii. (list f.Mirt nf Cnmmmi PIasm iif !jtrtltiiiit1trliliil l!ntisili ul lililiuru A. V., 1654. TLAINTIFFS. Dlil'ENDANTS. Henry Klaze &. Eve his wife vs Jacob Zartman'a aduiiiuslralor J B Masker v Dauiel li. Canpeld . v Juhii Hunter . vs Johu L Yeager vs 1) Hoats for M 8wcny vs Iteubeu t'agely Cornelias iMvCimley John Haag Coergo litight S Jenks with notice to tcrrelcnant Chrut A. McFadden eudcl L Kellur vs Susanna Kuid vs John 1'' Wo. linger J & A Miu.lcr , v Uauiel Glenn lieubcu Fagelv 4' v( John Kosaer it Co Daniel liibsun v Jacob Keuuert & Win Fabler J Utt Kockvfcllcr vs JeaClloiton Uugb Martin vs Keubeu i roxel Cieurue Put lot vs Harrison Hcnu Samuel Ewing va K D (.'uiuming David Mc.Mickea v tsauie John S tiood vs Xsili Morris L Hallowell v Jauica liccd Uarnishce bculi &. Tboiupsou va Kaiu Uun.ell rjiaxtou 4 CO vs Kama Kicliurd U Ui'iucii Si co v Kam aws vs Same Abraham Kissinger ea'rs v. John W Sismin Jess Ususyi v . . Cieoige W Mtarucl Jacob ti Mssser vs John H Purtly Jacob Kliu vs Joseph Kliue adm'r Wrn f Wagansoller vs Kipp Adamaq-hartutau Frick & V smiling vs Vandltng Sc Vandliug JercmisU Wctul - va Ceorg liaruiau ct al 1 eter bbeddy va Wm August fc II Kriner EUjali (Jrawlord M ot P Uiluiyre va .1 Abrabaui Marshall va , ' Desij Uulbualon va &ewue Johnson vs Ceorg iicktrt adm'r vs John Weddecomb vs Prodsiick Wiihehn v George Conrad vs Win H ChamlMilia a P I l: relet bilmyr H V tiimpson au Uook C'uaiuoiiweaUb John ii Mcloy . tleury Wilbelro Samuel Neidij am bltlerd . : Stephen Ellis adru'r GBA- - . '"-Wi'-'-Hulcbinn luw, WK.rlm f-homss M WtU . " - jlcob Roub Jacob htiwel . ij.vij Uould ... . . '-MK8 BEARD,' 1'iotb'j. PioUiom tarv' Olfice. , ' Sunburv. December III, 1S43. ( '.' . ' w wu luor Arre.b supply of Atuolds fluid just Ncstrvd and br sal al tbl cftica. SELLING OFF AT COST! A Chance for Good Iarjftin ! I TOIIN BUYERS A Co., will sail, during the winter, at tost, for csh or coautry produce, their xtniv stork, consisting of DRY GOODS. Groceries, Hardware, QUEENSWARK, and tha other numerous and valushls article they have at their ttors in 8unhury. tntendiiit lo terminate their merrtntiia business in thr spring Ihev srs ready ta arcommodsls till thai lima tha public in censrst with firat-rale goods t cheip price. The winter will oon 1 over, and spring will shortly b here, therefore call soon ss possible, and procure oo bsrgsins Country produce token in exchange, and "kash" not re fused. Sunbury, Dec. 81, 1H53. If. Kcw is the time for cheap Clothing! Tin Great CLOTHING STORE! OF O. ELSBERG k CO., Maiket Street, opposite the Fost Office. LK stock bss rccentlv been lurqi ly replen iahsd, and now shows an tiloot, alus and variety Jcvcr licfbi'C I'qnnlicd, In order to s;ive all n opportunity to supply themselves with Rood snd cheap ul-ilhicg bui'ors the approaching llolidsvi. Amouir our chesp and choice Assortment can be fouhd the rollowino j Fine black. Hoc. ohv and brown Frock, Dress snd Nsck coats of cloth. I eter Mism. cssenicre, saitinrt. beaver, full. wbilney and blanket. Also, monksv Jackets, all styles, colors and slulls. PANTALOONS, An endless variety of black and fancy Casscnirra. satlinett, velvet and other Pants. VESTS, A very largo snd choic Assortment, such as black snd embroidered, satin, fancy silk, cine mere, cloth, worsted, velvet, Ac. Ac. HOYS' CLOTIILXH A idea assortment of coats, vests and pants. BOOTS AND SHOES. A variety -of calf-skin, kip and olhcr boots, slip pers snd shoes. L DIES SHOES. Morocco, r nsmelled, Jen n y Lind, gum and other boots, bootees, gaiters and slii,ers. J HATS AND CAPS. A variety of silk, wool and fur hnU. black and bine cloth, plush and oil-silk raps, mens' and boys' sizes. Also, all kinds of miderclothiiiff. white and fancv shirts and collars, suspenders, cloves, socks, ! handkerchiefs, Ac. 1 . UMBRELLAS, TRUNK, V ALICES, Carpet Boss and a great many other articles too numerous to mention. JEWELRY. Watches brrasluins. ear snd finu'cr rings, gold pens, with or without cases, gold )iencits. Ac. of all kinds and at bargains. Also REVOLVING, double and single barrel'.! pistols. CUT Onr clothing is made of the best snd sound est material, am! its workmanship equal, if not su perior to the best custoinwotk of city or country tailors. Wo are still continuing on our former motto, CHEAP FUR CASH And sre Irving to deserve still more our rapid ly spreading reputation of having the cheapest store in Suuburv. Remember li. Elslierg Sc Co'a New clothing store, Market Street, opposite the Post OllU. Sunhury, Dec. Ct, 1803. Notice. 7 'HE board of Directors of th Pennsylvania - 'I raining, fccliool for Idiotic and Feeble Minded children, incorporated by the Legislature of Pennsylvania, April IA.3, give notice that they wi i now receive a few additional pupils un der 12 years of sge, into their Institution. Ear ly spplicstion will be urcessary Iu secure admis sion ns n il Ii their present accommodations their number must be quite limited. Application may be made to Hon. llcorpe M. Stroud, Philip H. Justice K. Morris Wain, Committee of Reception, Philadelphia. Ur to Ilia principal ol the Institution, JAS. U. RICHARDS. Dec. 14 1853. Cermautown, Pa. PENNSYLVANIA CONFECTIONARY & FRUIT STORE, aVo. 169 North 3d it , S E for. of Vine, PHILADELPHIA. riXHE subscrilier takes Ibis method of informing JL Country Merchants and the public generally, that he has re-moved from 1S3 to Ihe large and commodious store IC9 Noirr i Third street, snd replenished il with an extensive and well selected stock of Confectionary, I'ruiis, Ac. which he is cnnfi.lunt he cm otf-r t. urchatra, holcsalc and retail, at satisfactory rates. jr'Those purchasing for the Holliday would do well to call and examine the slock. WM. S. STILES. Philada., Dec. 17, 153. 3in. Ail Apprentice Wanted. A N industrious lad of about IS or 16 years of age, who wudics to learn the Tailoring bu siness, can find good situation by applying im mediately to th subscriber, in Suuburr. A boy from thr country would lie preferred. Jonathan m. uostiax, Ruuburv. Dec. 17, 1853. 3t. Estate of ROBERT M. 8EYDEL, Dco'd. Ts70 TICK is boreby given to all persons inter--v esled that Ihe undersigned has been appoint ed by the Orphans Court of Northumbrian! county, an auditor to distribute the assets of said estate in the bands of John F. Wolfunrer, Ad ministrator of said estate, to and among those en titled lo receive the ssiue. Hu ii) auditor will attend for said purpose at his office iu Buubury, on the Cist Monday of Janua ry iirtl, iu the evening. CHAKI.ES PLEASANTS, Auditor. Runhurv, Dec. 17, If 5b. 8U TOR CHRISTMAS AND THE HOLIDAYS. flHE subscriber rcsj eclfullv informs tha public JL tliul be baa 011 baud, a large supply of all WATCHES k JEWELUV, Silver and Plated Ware, At hi Store, No. 13 South Second Utrect, Phila delphia, which he will sell at lbs lowest price. JAMES 0. FIDLElt. Phil. Dee. 10, 1S8. CRANBERRIES, Ground Nuts. Almonds, Per an Nuts. Wall Nuts, Coco Nuts, (.'ream Nuts, Filberts, Raisins, fist. Citron, Lemons, Candies and Toys, just received and for sale by Dec. 10. 53. I. W. TB.MSIltCU, nUlt.MNQ FLUID, Campheue, Kperm and - Whale Oil, White Lead. Linseed Oil, Tur. pontine, Candles and Soap, just received and for al by I. W. TENER &. CO. : Kuubury, Dec 10, 183d. I AT AND CAPS. K splendid lot of I I fusbionable Bilk. Wool and Fur Hau. also Cloth, Fur. Oilcloth, Navy and Military Cap fr nil low by u. EI"UCKU fl- uu, Market street, opposite tU PoM Office. Sunbury, Oct 8, lJ3. WWTIN 0 FLUID aad aeir assliug Eav lops. tuat noivad and for sal by Anril I. IM H. II. MAKftKlt. J;e)Tgli,. res bills For u by . H- D XA9K. New and Fashionable Good It JOHN V. MARTIN, Faahlonablo Tnllor, 7 Dur Strut, tint dour north of C. t. Srvntr't t , Xato VJJiet, Sunbury. 0 A3 Just received from Philsdelpiiia. the best 1 JI and most desirable stock of Good that has evor been brought to Munbury, aucb as - ' CXaOTHS, Consisting in part of black, brown, gna, olive and blue. , , . . n . v j j A spltnulJ assortment of, .. . . suth B(i saitn. velvet, drensdine "ilk, plusli ! vets, rsshmer, Valencia, and a splendid artirle of whit Orensdhie for wedding vests. Also- all dearriptlons of cloth tor OVEIICOATS. . An c. tensive variety of plain snd fancy eassi. mers for pantaloon. Common goods fop coats, pants n rid costs, coat binding and crdiug( a superior sitiile of N Et'K Tl F.S AND STOCKS, of the latest style, plain and fancy Mack cravats, hosiery, suspenders, abiit collars, silk undershiils, ilrswers, metis ilrab liuek-lincd ehsmois and other gloves. snJ trimniines of every detcription. Ala on hand a few nrlieles of READY-MADE CLOTHING, warranted to be equal to his customer work snd su-ierior to Philadelphia manufacture. All per sons buying ready mado cloihina: of mo can have them renpuired cratis in case of ripping of giving our. as I warrant all my arm ies I return mv thanks to tba p italic fnr their pre vinos patronage and respectfully solicit contin uance of Ihe same. As I nm determined not to be undersold, my i;oj'i will ha disposed of on tho mot reasonable terms lor cash. Sunburv, Nov. 20, li?,"i3. An Elegant and Durable Hat .VOFa. S3.00, Eqvni, if not sitpti ior to iny now offered. rF0STER Cc GLBHARD, J hud of ., biiow Lhesluut, PHItiADU PHIA, OFFER at very reduced prices llic following; LA DIES' Riding Mais and Uonnets, CHILDREN'S fancy hats, of all colors. Cloth, Plush, snd Glnzi'd Caps, of every varie ty of stylo. (.ENTI.EMEiVS Driving and Travelling Caps. Soft Huts of every style and finish, at prices to suit all. Also, Young Cents Hats. tp" A general assortment of Ladies' Fancy Furs. Pbilo., Nov. C, 18A3. 3iu, PAllTIvERHSIP. Mil. JOHN CLARK respectfully informs his fricmlt and custoineia tliat be has taken .v- into partnerbhip, Mr. Henry r t? Parton, slid that the business of Trf llliicksniHIiiii:' will, hereafter, be conducted un der the firm of Clark A Parton, at the old stand, went of Ira T. Clement's Store, in Market street, Sunhury. JOHN CLARK, HENRY PARTON. N. B. Persons indebted to the subscrilier sre informed that his books are in the hands of G. M. Yorks, Ksq., for settlement. JOHN CLARK. fSuiibury. Dec. 3, 1853. tf. The News of ltow the War Relween the Turks and Ruasinns OES on Is not of so much interest to the inhabitants of Sunbury and its vicinity the fact that I. Vv TENER & CO. have brc'j!ht up t'lis w ek from Philadelphia a lare, beaulifnl and varied stock of goods, which ibey will sell cheap ns heretofore. They respect fully request their fiieiids and Ihe public to call and sec lhem. Sunbury, Pa.. Pec. 3. 1S53. a. x bkii:oljv. o. tirrA.vv. ja. j.a ciivaaos llai tliolow, TilViiny t$ Co. IMI'ORTlvKii AND UI-AI.F.ns IN rurcitfii :tiid Ittmicatic DRf GOODS, " Asn ai:ksts rmt the sale nr AMERICAN MANUFACTURES, . JVo, 2G8 Hultimm-t Street, . . . Baltimore. . . If our (ioods on eiainiu ntion, are not aa cheap as they can be bom;hl iu any other market they may be returned foilbwitli ui our cieusc. Uahimoro, Nov. '20, tub's. ly. . Shaiiit)kiii Town Lots. '11 F sub. criber is now prepared to exhibit and disoofl of Lots in Ihe new Town-Plat of iiam.'kin. Persons desirous of purchasing can asceitain the terms and conditions of sal by tallina; on the aubsciihcr, al Sli.un ,kin. WM. A TWA TEH, Agent. Phamokin, Oct. 15, Ie.'3. tf. WM. W. HAT.IER, iVo. 99 Sorth 2iJ Street, tiro doors above th Mt erum House, Philadelphia. Mnimfiu'tum' ot Pine Oil op CompArnr, Fluid. Lard and Oil LAMPS Chandelcirs and Caxdelabras.Jor Chare' , es. Stores, Parlors, Ifc- 'lIIE subscrilMr would most respectfully invito tbe atleulion of storekceiw-rfl and tbfl Uliblic in ueneral, to bis large slock of gooda. eonsisiintr of lbs above named articles, which will lie disposed j 01 si mo lowest manutacturcr prices vv noic aate and Retail. A I so, best quality of Doming Fluid, Pin C or ('amphiue. Globes, Similes. Wicks, iVe. N. U. Newell' patent safety Lamps, a n 1 artirle forsnle. Pbila., Nov. 5, 1851. 3rn. TlDT IMallorm Scules, Loi'g lnoirii Si verify ttxltil .V.xcayt right The Aeluoulid- Railroad. Ilav, Coal, and Far- 'gaWE? 11118' SCALK8, set iu any part of tha countrv, at short notice. UEN TS. GEO. W. COLI1Y, HO Market st., Philadelphia, I:. Y. llriibt, Suubury. r Ociobir '.9. issy. Uu l( II 'l it lt.V. Wholesale Deal er iu t'onlcciionsry, Fruilsand Groceries, No. .1)1 MARKET Miuet, above ill. south aide, uext door to Red Lion Hotel, PlnlndslpUia Phila..()et. 119. ItiS-l 3m. I.EtNsW AHE. L'euulilul cts of Tea ware, ill China, Sloue China and Delf, Dioir and etupiier Dishea of all kinds, 'J'uilcl Cets, covered Dishes, China rruit llakeU and Ornaments, Fluid Lamps, Lanterns, Glassware in variety, and Tumblers fioin 61 cent upwards, iust received awl for sale by - aHA VVL Uroebe, Tbilt and Woolen in v great variety Ulark and Fancy Dreas8ilk, Silk lace, velvet and ottier Trimmings, Worked eollara, under-sleevs, sbimsxclle, culls. us to. ecivsd and for aalc by I. W. TENER & CO. Sunbury. Dec. 1(1. 18 '3. - HARDWARE.. Table Cutlery. Jiaaors, Pocket Knives, Hand Saws, Wood Kws in frames. Axes, Chisels, Dupr Iokssnd Hiuyas Hand yii, Wit, Vi'.,j'.',":i-Vr?!,i K" Hilaby I. W. JENCR vX VO, ( yonkuiy, De. 10, . Look to your IntereatSi ! W will try toflvnt . ' S. M. THOMPSON fI"T) EtPECTFULLY Inform hi friend and Jr ilia public generally, that bo has Just rr reived al I.U store. In Market tti-oot. Sunbury, Lelow Wtsver'a Hotel' an exlenaiv stock tf, Fall and winter goods,' . .-, consisting in part of - :J)vy Goods, viz : - CUtths CntsimrrtH. Cusil, Jeans. Drilling; ' MuXlins. Vesimii. Lintns, Irt. ' LADlE.i DRES3 AND FANCY GOODS, Cvlitots, Muslin ill Ltins, Latent, k. 'J. : . (.'iaenama. llnuts. lluhs, , ., , , i ,. Wuvltns. Flan nits, tft. . , u .- .. ' in;l-:li-'.!i, . i,.,..- : 1 Swgtt, Tens, Cvfl'ee, Ric. Mobisses, Cheese. ( , i5iicc, iSalt, '&C, tcv., Ac. ' IJnrthvsii'c, ' .' ' Nails, Screws, Files, Saws, Kuives Folks, dec. Queens ftd Gia'gwnie, of various sijles and paliem. HOO VM J.im SHOE i. A larj assortment of Hoots sud r-boe. fur men, women sud chihlien. Hits Cats, A;r., of vaibnis sires and f-tyles. llesiilcs a largo and general assortment of fashiousblo goods. Coll and .ia,ninc loi'your selves. t . LIT Country produce ot all kiln!, taken in exchange at tha highest market p'i.i s. Sunbury, 11 mo. Sli laid. 4 in. 30, 'o3. LATEST ARRIVAL OF Villi nnd W inter Goods. 3. E. 6: I.lVKtaXHIJ, RKSPECTFCLLY o'tmounce to their friendu sud ti c public in general, that they' hn-.e received at llieir Old .Stand, in Upper Augusta township, ' Nortliumberhiiid county. Pa., their Full an j Winter Goods, and opened to the public a full assortment of HEPwCHAXDIZE, &c, Consisting in part of Cloths, black and fancy Casaimcrs, HuttincUs, Flannels, Checks, and all kinds of Winter Wear. Also I splendid assortment of ' ladiS3 Ercsj Goods, Calicoes, Ginghams, Muslin do I. nines. Plnid Cmlnuoic, De lego. Merinos, l.iv statu Long ! 1 1 n va. Is. Ac. AI.io a fresh supply uf (gl ut ei let of all kinds, Hardware and Qucensware, a fivsh supply ol DriK' and Mediciuea. Wooden Ware. Also a large ossortineiit of Coots and Shoes, suitable for Men, Women and Children, ll.ils nnd Caps, such as Silk, Panama, and other l.'ata. Suit, Chcos, Ac. Call and !?ee. Cheaper than th Cheapest, All of which wfll be sold for cash, or in ex change for country produce, al the : highest market price. Upper Augusta, Nov. 5. 18i3. 1v Al 30. ri:w ci.'i efi.s vioui:. a hp.ancu of tiik Clothing Maiml'tiC'tory, OF S. SHNUF.MAN & CO., Laurie, Fa. WE jc;ccllul!y announce to ihe citizens of r-unbury uud vicinity, that wo have a complete stock of HEADY-MADE CLOTHING, of every iitvlo and quality, to which we invite tho ulU-nti' ui of purchasers. Our a.viuiluiciit con sisis, io part, of I'aitfy o i-i-t.ojis, i Uiu ov, r co:i!s. Un-ss dais, l'r'ck ttiid SfaeU costs, Vim- key Jackets, 1'anU) and Vi -sts, lni and fancy '. l.iueu aufl Munlin KhuU,, Uudcr-ahirls, Diavveia. anil over-vvlioics. Also, (ilovcs, Stockings, Neck and Pocket Hjnu!,ei.!iicU, Woolen and i'Hk ll.ils. Cloth and Hilclotli t'ups. $hoc. liootx. (i.iilcrs, MiiiciS unvt Carpel Uas and Trunks, Uuitire las and vci')lhiui( uciicia iy kept iu a well ai.pplird clothing and i;ciilli in'uus' furnishing atore. V keep alto a good assortment of .. Accordeons, Jewelry, Ear Rinjs, Finor-r Rinos, (Johl and Silver Pencils, L'lt ki-ts, all warraul-'il tu be (.'ouil. We sell at Ilia lowest cash prices; for our mutta'ps, ;.' ''" - 1 i.'i 'Smiilt Profits and Quick Suits." . , We have but one prict and no abatement, so that a person is sine lo get thu woith of his money, wliclher he is a judije or the good or hot. 11 any article docs not ie siiliid'ariiou us tojil, we will take hack the X'uida inul refund the money, provided the:' arc returned on tho same day they were purchased, when the purchavcr teenies iu town, and in 0110 week, wbcu he resides in the country. Price the same aa at the Danville M .mutactory ty L'all aS!d secure the Murrains. ' fiuuburv, Oct. 8, IB51 tf - . i PKOCLAiWATIOX. "NOTICK is hereby uiveti lhat a Snecia tuurt if f.uinniuu Plea, in uud tor the viuiniy 111 iMiiiuuinui'iliinii, In i-iuinm-nce ill thu Court Hnll.se, in the hoi 011)1 id Sunburv. lit 10 o'clock, A. .M , 1111 Monday Ihe Hi ll dav 11I J.muaiy 'next, and will cuniinue ON K WEElv,..,.. r. .1 . 1 1 . Jliitus nr requested to be piinetunl in ineir iiiii-iiiiance. ul inn Hum a'ieeiible lo llieir iiutice. uppuiuleil Given muler my hand nl ?(ii lnii v. the 50 li day nl Nonii bei, in ihe eni nl 01,1 L,u,l one thimsiiiid eiobt hundred mi l lift 1 .ihn-M and tin liub-pou.leiu-n uf the United Slates of Ameiica the 78 h. WILLIAM Tt. KIPP, Pheriff. :. a jst o; C'ilUSCS. ' HTOIJ -PpoeinI Court of Common Plena ol ti Nurthuiubcrland Coiiuty to lommrneo Moiidav, Ute Ibih dav of January next, A D 1851. " ! ' - ., . ' I'HI mind Winchester va Dnvid Watson. -Gaorao C'hilcy . v Ab'ln Dunkcllr?er'a idmr'a Abijali lloweii - vs Wm II Thntnpspit Coiu'th for Wm I. lleiiiomau vT A Uillington William MeCurty v Samuel Hunter ' Daniel Ivhoik-s 1 Jjiolt Wertinan Isaac Holla fi. Wifo vs Ilcnrv Lnlsbs Simon Snyder Iliu for Ueiurr vs t; .it'erge Pnyde , Mover A; Mover's Ci r.ishea . - t asbiugton Mutunl In surance Company vs E Kaufman ct al Stale Mutual I'ire Insu rance Company vt 5amo ' APuiu Newleiry t MahollOV and Sll'lnnili.i I homas Rs.-k r liiipiovcuieul co v Al,rl'a'u Paul t 9'!M. 11 Hilliard vs John Ha.t....n J, John W Peal ys Joseph Dinimick, et. ul. W ilham Forsmun et ul John Paik Jan Dogar v Geoige P. lluyers et al John Hush A; Wil'o a Nathaniel Saxlouaadiu'i Jacob ly )vhads va J Fav J ilariiiau Jordan 4- Wclk for Lcsla No Wi v William Fugely Jacob llilbiah ; . va AWham Reu'viidahl Daniel HUlnslt us , Gierke A psly -Rolieit Philip . v Zerby Run and Miainokin ' Improvemriit Compouv Mary Vieieey iHintM Lntsha1 heirs Usury A Lerhner : vs ' Juseph lloond Wm. M. Rockefsller n Cirlmn Run Imp Co" JAMES BEARD, tWh'y." '.' Prothonotary's Oflicr, , ) . j . , Sunburv. Nov. id. 'SAX y - riMStMCiJ. (Jarpct On; A lot ef ccod Clocks f i an. Y W r';c . . ! v 1 10, 18:9. . V'.TEvJ. 4 CO. THE P ATM? AMID KZDiclKfil 110LLOWA S PILLS, Ttisss PUIS bsluf ooTfipoiw.1 , .a a m at hsr,Uio.s r. ... " i ... ....r..l.- rrt .l:-i., I . . to ihsv .. k. ....a.....:V ''"y a nsriuios imiura, lil neirly I II. uu I...... every pn Hi. .rlrt , rll,i mat wuli tlir uirl, mi ih. itn.M .... ...., ,, , :n.B,,iw ism-.m n,i. saViic. n il,. core , n,l,.,s e ,mii;. ,m, oi ihe l.lvw suH rf nasli. ! t. MttKvmS, Ubit llicin la sr-orl u.ca v.-ilb IU4 tiir.et, .,. fral In Isjing re.irl t i.e..Mi. , ' ""axm WK,KXK-9AD DKDIU I Y-rtr.STor.ATIOX TO HKALTU VK AOK.NTI.kMaN AGI.L4J, WIH N AT iiliATirS toon. Cojii of m Ltlttrfrum tht lUv. Charles fimiih, ilvled SorlOK, St Philips, near Uulh. Sinner' stttltue, !h.A)ivs', 1863. To PrifVi"r IIoilowav, fir. A .Ml. J. Xv.fi 1 iixl n, forirrrle s rtsiilnt , tliia lier. kail Ihium lit 11 orvlni ing swel l liuilili l. r upivirSt f tlires years, ssdu .11 w-ilinwiiy I n ,1ml .w ,. nlglitly pr. si iottt ussii-l wsntif si iille, whieh enn. l jieit ifiMnsimwsloliis fiinnls. i s Ik bisl c inuiinl rrrlous ine.ttv.il men in Cui'i wiflii'CI iOV-r. lie ul I.ti t:sel -,.ur Puis. snJ ioi.Ut pruviiR'iKie, ?s net r.-it In ln-.iij, in j heir minis. Ilr 1-itljf ..inirrnfMl to New Y ik. ni h'sinst written to siy, Hint lm wi ii'.r luer In hrsiih, tii;I o Mir;l iii I ir:i.-i;u!iii,t y.m v i' h tU- i-irren.rtTi'K r. I i.utrlrt js.1.1 ilisuii.,,,. il.it ,.,y w.fuj OcriveO cna IhikIu trjta Uis lis ol - '.ir 1'il.s. I r. iiiiini. iSt. V n-s rLi-rrif!!''!' WI.VltMM eMrril.iiiMn,nii Miliueer . rE.iM.EVT ct:i.r. of a ijI8i:asi:d uveh OF MANY VCAR' Atl'ltATK'N. C:p , a Letter J,om i;ar.m. Chemist, ) tovil, 1 1 I' nrsvir o.'oitr.i. re- t 3.r In il.i- ilistrirt y, nr Tilli t iniMiimt s nrnm -SU-il..' sal'- th 11 any ,nb-f n--,rn-l.,rv m.-Ji.-iue hrtoro iuv jj.if.-.'ic. As u pi (,!',, r th-iria mct iii l.ivi-rinrl llili,,Ul L nn).'ulni I tint 11. fill 11 lln- c II i mi!.' eiisn Allirlyof hist. nm Willi wlimnl umpi-rs ujUvne'ii.ui.it.tt. for ymrs 'Y. i n -Vi rc HilTi r. i- 1 il:s-w 1 1 tl-u Liver mill il'irtri- .ica iss'His; Ire,- ine.'.c.l ul:v,:.t i,.v.iii,.J 1,,:, ilmt hr --utt irn 11 .iomr 1 , n lii-n: in r imh. nml it vrus not lii:i ty sl'i'C jl I Mi; w.ve i,iu, in i.:!?-. Ti isinin -uiiceniriit K Olltiili C C-til .: Ill S'h III Mliiljti.ll Iiik-i's m rl ri'lu- Ii .1,1. i u.t ti,?y i...!.-!.l lie. l i in ik ii tri.l.f y ur fills, vi. iiii-l, 11 1 ,i,'i vi-t ii: f,-n,tn: l!i:'l hi,,- vv-is iiiHneeU lo e :.' iiiiiv II. cm ii;.!'.: ?! i1 mv i ,1 :i e-r er rure. This ivl'.i'c.re 111 iiililc . ii. il !:, i-i, .t 1 .-. .t-nris-etl miy .y':!,'! sl i 1' n ..i .c, ij.'i'I f t''! t,z t:i.: ynur Pils ti'.-t- liet.ii til-: ii:sms iv i .7 i ii . I ru inin. Li.-i r t-ir, yi.uis Irn V, J:H;. VM. 15 '3. (.:g..w) J.liA.MP. 7Vics: c '.thrilled Pills are u omlt) fully cica- tlyiij Li f ,o.(t.;ri! (omi'liitnls. Alt'ln I)i-iSv-Astlnnl IKsr-niiiry st 1 ti, .11 9 Cnmtitftints KrysijicJus Ui'"'cius nil Ilia 1- ciu-iiv Irrcgu-?-;.iii lifiliia Mrl'iinM'iiLinn JniiniHre l.iver i;, m- I hi, IIS l.iimliiiir 1 ',!.- ' !Ml'iI!"-tir-t l'f-Ir-nli II ill' L'rine ge 'tt'ii'ii -t Kiev's Hvil Pi- iirl-irv ti vv-rl Comiilsints Fi cms m aii r .I, ! km. :s C'Hisicmti'Mi i-f t'irs tlie B iwais Omit C'lii-iimpie'ii llcul-aehs Ocl.ililv )u li,-s!i ii ! -re Tlirvita f- llf: nct Omvcl Tie D ml lureus Tain nrs P;.Mi;it ins rieers Veiii'ren I AtViti es i-ruim l';i.l '. ,c Wivikni-ss. frun vvli.acver ennsn Ac . Ac. ! '1,1 Hi Hie Kstiitilislmieiit f l'r..'.s r llnl I. "V-a . Sirinil. tn'i.r 'IVmnli l!n r, l.',n,ln!i.) nml ii'h el ! i- !l .-s in Vi'w Vnrk. Ur'lt-rs Tor M, a-elios m ttii- le'i s. ' r.-S'-il lT. II 'll.ivvnv New Yori.-.' will nri-ivi" 1'1'r i '" . ,1 S i!il nls i be nil fei!ee,nltlr I ,lp?its inn' t'eiili" : ii-ines l.'ip'l'.cli nr llie 1 'hili-it Hluies, in It- x-s-i' P; " : . P7 ei-nlp. loirt 5l.r,ll i-i ins e.H.-ll T li5 liuj Wii : I - i.t; t!:if priiieiisil l)rti(rttoi,sis in the L'ni 'ti. TJicro is a e i;aiueraMe b;iMii2 ')' tukinj? Ot'- ..uei i. - t'lrer-tinn f r It,' ruiilaucG ef pstiei.ts in ' -err il . ,i:n nre sdiieft lo en"h b.'X. DccK.lier 01, lt."'0, I)'. This- Way ! Thii XTa? This to ! : ' Full nnd V itiicp Goctis. Bi ESPECTFl'I.LY infirm their customer snd the public, that they hive just re iv. ad and opened the best and cheapest stock of Fill and Winter Goods, at their store in Market square, Hunbury. Their stock consists of every varie'y of Dry Goods, y. : Cloths, Cnsrnerrs. Sallinrs. VestinyS Flannels Wullens. ic, And all kinds of F.ill & Winter Wear. AIo li spli'mliil varii'tv of LADIES 01! ESS & FANCY GOODS, Cuiiiocj, Giii.Vu.n.i, Chiutzts, De Lai:' es, 11 erases, ful every variety of j-o.nl.s sriinMe fur l. iies vve.tr. Also a lnr;e ntsurt merit of EAF.7)VARE rr.i Gt'r.r;rv.TAr", Fish, bait r.ud HasLr. Also an extensive u-i.';iu.eiii uf Hats and C'acs ru Mt:s a.vu liovi. . Alvj -a lure assji'tinei.l of ;Uc;t t.L'.IlS, still AS Suar, Teas, Ciii'i'i'i', MiiIumics, Spices ol all Uinib. AUw a tieih supply of DltL"G AND MKlilClNF.. Uesides the biioi-.i and nui-i general nsorl meiit ul all kinds of nonds to be had ill this placx. fs Country produce of all kinds taken in ex change, at tl ic highest market price. Sunbury.Nov. 15. ISO;). .Clock tSj .Watclnnakcrs. : HIHSCK & CJD. HAVE jiisteponcil a t'lrck and Watchmaker shop in the boi'iiiu; latei v occupied by J. M. Siui.son, near Tener A t-'o's Store, t'rt Market Sticrl, Snnliuru. 1'a.j Where they have opened, and will keep constantly on band, Silver & Gold 7atch23, etc. Also, Jewelry, Coiihibtim; uf Cold Bresst-ptna, Ear and Finger King". Medallions, Cnli-iuns, LaJics c li'cnl'e inaus goht and silver puns und pencils. Also, -'ilvcr and plaied Tea uud Tabid spoons, salt spoons, bultc knives, &c., Of all sires, snilini; every ore. f-'pv Olnsses, Pocket Hooks, ol ull siet. lvii.ors. Hal.- Oil, Re volvers, and oilier pistols. Urushcs, Combs, Soap, Ac, ice. Abo. a lirgj it.u k of 31tsilc;tl Iit:,:t'ii:nC3if! amongst which aje Accoidcons. Yiolius, riutins, files, riiitcs. CAR VET BAG?, I'runke umbrelias. susp'iidcis. All sve of r. -ly made Miiits and Collars; all ol' wl-i.-li vnln old i bciixr Ihaii h.;evir been beietoi-ro ' u' Sunburv. t ?" Clocki. Watches. Ear an 1 Fi-v.-e-repaired iu the licit in jnncr and al mi llotti-i-. ' Nuutiury, Oct. 15, ISS3. 3m. IjiESPECFFUI-LY nil-rn.s we u Wunbiirv and vicinity, tir.ii in - .:....! i ..,. I i. Li j new siore, ol 1. i ,Uel, Suiiliury, u bands. iate us..itiue..t Fall and Winter I loud.. conoisl'ms in psit of Clcth!, Cesiimers Catsiuf:.'! of all kimls, of linen, eolioo anJ wurs.ei. ALSO; CsiJUon. .it.,iia;it!t, L '.v .. MoHsst'lluc ti0 and all kinds of Ladies Dress Goods. CJIIOCKKIES of every vniicty. ' Also au assortuieiit of llililitt lllc, i. ami 8tccl. Kail', &c. Also an excellent asorlineut of ' ' QTJEIf SWABC of vaiiou i j le .v,d - pill"ll,S. Also an assortment ot lilrtk T A. UiV- H AT & CA PS, a food selecrturt, ' Salt. Fisti, ire. And a great variety of other ailicte s,,, I, suitable la the trailc, all r wbtch will It so:.J , th lonr.t piives, CT Country produce taken in ex. ha - i the behest i-ti s. - ... 1 o-ijnTarfi US.