SUN BURY AMERICAN AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. TUB MASSACRK. The St. LnnU Democrat hat A arlicV on the subject li.f bj massacre 'nf Captain Gmuin and h "jy, '' P'"" outrage perpetrated m l ,y ihe Indian,' '.v Mormmi fit lisniW The edi'lir : UV hive nti'"r"'l upon the n1jr with UPven,! old' mnmiiai'ieer. men who have epenl.a Jyk f r8'1'0" "f 'heir Rocky rMuuhtaina, and ' ir fami'lnr l h Ihe Indjan of thai -tesifm 5 urn ihey hare l.ifoimed ii thel the fiiciuitc.tcnminiice. a ile.l in the published nct'iimit nf the 'affair, ' iiMti" mi.l sirniiuU lhal it n luii ihewnrk nf I dian. In the first place, lht mnnler coul.l rot have hurt) committed lhi Parvai.t. Hie Iribf lnh ibiluis lh region of country in which it oecnireit ; because , Kern nmt thr of tin party were killed with fiie arms; and thn Indian h i m fine, and l.i ii nl inulf rstnnd their ne. The U'ah live remote from tlic spot where the :"oa-ily wa pei'nrmed; Hint lieide, the ne ni peace uiid H II while men, rxcept ih ..iimnn, " Beiile and. Ili,p paased thiuiiffh iM.iii ry of the U ... wiili, ui , of iiiij kii.! O.i the roniriiry, ih-y were kimily received. wa kille.l for them, mill Ihe Indian iiiforineil them thai the) made war only npim the Moinniti- who hul .taken away llieir hind.' Gunnison also hail passed Hi Hin til the country of tha Utah, nml lh--y mad no au.ick upon him, , Thne are other and still ttrnncer circnm stt'ices, which," aie concHi-Ove nf (he fact thn murder w-n not committed by them. Prntniiien: among these, t the fact that ihe slant were-lint scalped. The scalp is tho Lillian' trophy To the Indian wmtior it in mine valuable than booty. The account nay lhal the bodm were, muitlatn! ; thm bn'h of Gifni i-onJ- nrmn were i-tit ' ofT, nml 0;t of K-m'. Thi prove that the Hulhoi i.f th.i ili-r.l wen: not too mnrh hilrrieil to h ni-iiipeil llieir victim, if they hml rho. fit in .l.i i : for nn nfin i more ilifTu'iill lo r n,ve ih in H rnlp. Another i-irriiinslunrn . 'Ii n i't', .rvey an. I olhi'r puper of ihe pTty were Mr ifj tiway. P.ipeniire value So ''i mi 1'i'linii. Me never tikes Ihrm J.I.H1, 1 1 'in.il1y ciittcii them upon thu f i oi;. :i liSrV.!l . v ti i n limn, lhi ami alrn. .Mi ne rmnaiiilHil C.ipl. Giiiiiii.nin' 'pi.iv i-re in ihe miill of lh Moimon e- .i.' .l. ti l we ihink ihere i more ground f.,t iiapiM'lin.j the M'limon' of thn munlrr .ih i'i iheie i fur fuppnfinz it lo bit ihn win k of lii.lixn Their Hft in thi Slats ami Illi. imi h"iv them in be ntipily ilepraved ; thi'ir moraU are infi'iiiely nmr bad than any In iliao tribe. We know of no Imliaiit u ho iolernie iiilnltery and prnmiennn iuteronnrae 'between the Hfxea, Th Mormotis not only tolerate lln-ne thine'. Imt make Ihern a pan of their religion. When the mnraU nf a p.-ople are ihn wi'lnte.l at thn fountain head, theie ioioilepili of ilepravily into which that pxnple niay tint ninlt. Pei.tit 'C" Ti.KttTi'i in Ri'iA. The p-'pii!a'ini K' n.-.i i kIi iiiI i.iy miltmiK, n i!y ll.e.four:h of vh nn are me lib" of ihi i''.ih'iOi ' I (ireek Clinirh. 3 5 I 1 ) .1 1 ii i i Ct'h ilji: rei In within llw b a I .l.i n ii.i nl' Tlie I'lOK'Niiinu o( ihe A M-b ii'j rn ileni'i of Ihi;Ii a.ii.Hint 1 1 nil mi 2 (I I I it;i ), -v Ii il f- no Ien th mi 2 .SOU -0.111 Ii o j I i h M 'Ii meed. Their are 6 I.J U I ' , an l about hill ii many fn. vei of the (i .111 L.llllllil Thibet 17i) 010 .lie iii.-ii I iini, ami i:n le- itun i 10 001) ai aMii'lel i.t the iliinjin;! prno l.-e nf leMi-hi'!!. 'worshipping everv inn'iiuih p-riuieii of t nie. huh irpienviitaliva ol ihe D.i n'y nf heaven. pr:TiVLV.Mi cEXTittt. uiii.nnn. PBSnaTLTANf A LEOItLATTJIlE. rjllmtnto,-Pa., Jt: S 154 - 5k!at The Senai met a 3 nVlork. JTl' Srerrlary of lh Commoitwealih pre filled Ihe rredenliaUuf Ihe Snutoii elrul 13 were pieeiit. ", A nio'inn then prvvailed lo go into an elc lion ft r M Canlin iereivr IS rate, and Mr K-iwM 15. ' '.'?.' . "i '" The former epntleman brine cl'-Hared ilecled, ho conducted 0 thtt i hatr bj M'imik Kntikel and Dari, andthaeaih ml iiinii.t-red by Mr. K'H.kel. Th Srtnntora weic- then aworn In J after hirli, a molion waa mad to inform the Governor ami the H-iim af Ihe organization f lh Si-nale, for biuinein. Mr. Skinner, of Rii read a bill reculalinu he riilrinid utiMirea in roiinijr Mr GnoiUin. in plin-e, pie.ented a bill lo inrni pnrate a llmue for the FiifiidleM Or- ihana of Philadelphia Mr Il -utiT, in plnre, prenented a bill to i pnrpouit - the EvanRPlical Lulheran Mint erian of IVtniHlviiia. Mi. G'Mduiii, in place, preenlel a bill tm amend the acl for ihe incorporation of I'hila- ilelphin Mr. Crubh, in place, preaenteil a bill lo in. rnipmata the Pniladclphia Guaraatve Com. pany. Mr. Crane, in place, prenented a bill to in corporate the UjuchUIo CVmctcry A'icia linn. The 5enate then ailjonrneil. IIdC'K The pembeia of the llaumi of Repreaetilalivea aMembled in their H ill n II o'clock, when they were rnlln.t to nrdei by Witt, J.ick, ihe Cletk of the last Haitoa. The Secretary of lh Commonwealth, linn Chn. A Black, vraa then arinonnced, ami preiitrd the elect inn return, anil creden tial nf the member elect, u bich were open ed and read, Th toll wbi then called, when it appear el ihat 94 member were pieaenl. The ll(iue then proceeded in the election of a Speaker, with the following renll : E B. Cltane, 40 ; Geo. II Hail, 29 j B R Miller, 3; J It Simihcra, 1 ; J. P Abiaham, 1 J Jiiliua S. FIelcher, I. Hun E B. Chae. wan theielnre declared lecled, and wa cnmlucleil lo ihe Chair, by M 'sr. tl;irt and Sliuthers. He briefly nil liCMted the membem, relurnins Ihem hi thank for the honor conferred upon him. Mr. Jack wa reelected Clerk of ihn Hmip by a immeroii vote. VVm. S. Picking wa" elected nitant. II. II Adam, Wm. L. Gray, Charle Stock- ton and Wm. B. Gilli were elected Tianscri bina cleik. Mr. Ball, in place, presented an acl for ex lending the track of Ihe Erie Rai'roai'. to E i- harbor, preventing it from ahtie, and lo per mit it connection with the Buffalo and Slate Line Rnad The (louse ndj'iurned. A Watch Stolkm by a Rat. One niahl la-l week, ihe overicr of a farm near Hunt. ly, laid hi watch on a table in hi aleepine Mpailment, prcvinn 10 miina to bed. To ward miirtiiti?, he wa aiuued by ihe crah of iiinethiii; 1 hill had f-tlleo, and a railln j; 'THB'AICBRISAIT. SUNBURY. SATURDAT, JANUAnY 7, I8t. II. B. MAaacn. Eitller aae Pnarleler. To AmiiuiH.- .The rirruUtiliai iH" tha unlinr) Imtiiraii atn.nir tli difli-niit bwn hi tli eatf(iihiiiiii nn exn-ednl rfsquiillil bjr anv Mpr puhlnluHl in Nnitli m Ienniy1rania. . RDITUR'a TABLE. Bala-M Nllr. Tan 1'r.iri ' Jutratit fur J innnry ha lern receiveil. Thi In a lumlsomrlv illiilratcd Jonr ml, puWinhr-d monthly, at $1 per annum, by VllVfd K. Uracil, New York. Hoc Ar T,ot voa St. fee iHntie mput of Jacob Weimer, whn olTcrj for aalo lii hoime anil lot in Puubury. : Land WARitANTa. Person having Lanrl Warrant for a!e, cart disn,i.e nl them (or Cash, by applyina at thin ofliee. fJ3?-TltB tJoVKRNOR'a MoSARB We expected to receive Ihe Governor'i M saje in lime to lav it before mir readers entire this week, hut as it did not leach us until the day we go to presn, we can not give lo our readers more than an ab stract which, perhaps, to ihe most of Iherr, will be as welcome as Ihe mvssae entire. 0 It will be seen by Ihe published proceeding of the session business in Court, that J ud)ie Jordan has been obliged to inflict some pretty heavy fines upon those who transgress the laws. A GOOD CtMlMKftl'EMIttlfa President Tierce, Queen Victoria, En pcror of Russia, Kin? of Holland, President SanU Anna, Emperor of Austria, Pope rt Rome, Emperor nl China, Kin nf Den mark, Queen of Spain, Kinj of IVI 'ium. Sultan nl Turkey, Kin ol Prussia, Kin o' Sweden, Emperor of France, Kin of Sar dinia, and, in fact, portrait n' all the prin cipal rulers ol the world, af the present time, mar be (mind in "(Jleason's P:ctc rial" for the present Week, being nnn.b'-r one o a new volume. Ilemiies the shave, this beautiful weekly contains quite a num ber nf other fine enoravinj" such a New Year's festivals in German v, China, Algiers, and the West Indii-i. Alo a group of tin New York Police, in their new regulation uniform chief, captain privates, elr. A Fundi Reenter; Scenes in Tuikcy; A Turkish Lady tit Home ; A Turkinh Sid-di-r; A Turkish Fruit Vender; A Turki.h Policeman, etc. A numher of excellent stori'-s, poems, etc., by the best American authors, are also to be found in the a'-nv. number; and, to crown all, Ihe paper ha come out in an entire new dress bein much beautified throughout. Terms of lh "Pictorial," -one subscriber, one year. 3,00:' two suSscriher, one year, ?5,03 i lour, 9.00; eiU'lil, 516,003. Single co pie, a' six cent each, may he uMained i any of the periodical depots throughout the country. proceedings or totnT. Court commenced on Momlay lasliTThere was roMiderahle eiou biijnea which It run )t hi to town an uiiuaiial nuniber of per nn as uiiors, witnesae &c, f ij In Ihi Quarter Senintin nf Nnrthiimb'rlanti co. He for fun Alrinnder Jordan, President mnd on. J F. Drntler and Hon Ueo et Wtiter, AsKKtate Judges January, 1854 T Indictment, in lnuhl- Mini the hinse v. Jacob Eckcrt S.ime" V Imtic'ineiii for kerpii 1 ' ''V. ' f Tiplintf lliince. Tim Simon Muitx. J ht 1 II. D.-l.'' plead fiuili; fj The ice on the Susquehanna at this place is about eight inches thick. A num ber of vehicles have passed over it daily since Monday last, from Northumberland, and Irom the Union county shore. There will be no scarcity ol ice this year, il per sons do not neglect securing it in time. There are a number ol ice houses in town, but not as many as there should be. Ice, in warm weather, is now considered not only a luxury hut a necessity. If some one would put up a large ice house lor the sale of ice during the summer, the business would, we Ihink, not only prove profitable, but a great comlort and convenience to many, who are not provi ded with ice houses. fC7 IIkavy Blasting. The I ud report. equal lo 32 pounder, that are frequently heard in this place are occasioned by the blasting nf roi k, on IVely & IVs section C7"The Philadelphia Bulletin estimates the present population ol the incorporated and unincorporated district nl Philadel phia nt 500,1 f)0 persons, an increase of 91,000 since the luking ol the census in 180. Many thir.k this increase overra ted. . It is said that in no former year have so many elegant buildings been erected in Philadelphia. Among the public edifice erected have been 16 churches, 1 bank, 5 public halls, 27 factories and foundries, 3 school houses, 1 railroad depot, 1 market and 3 hotel. The whole number ol buildings of oil kinds, erected during the year, was about 2.")0D. This is about in the same proportion as the two previous years. According lo the census taken in the summer of 1830, there were 61,202 houses in the city and county. The num ber erected in the three and a hall years that have since elapsed has been about si750. This would make the present num ber of dwellings in Philadelphia cily and county about 70,000. miiiiiiI a ill iiiiiiieihiiin bejnji iliHsie.l alnni; of 'he Siitqin lianna R lilrna l, in the Mar ti. 11 II : . , . . I r 11 Mir 11 nir. ii-- innneiiiaiei oi up, ami iiinini hi Mn'ch L""ne. He ni no time in pnieii. ii 3 'he thief, tol'ow inn the .'iiection nf the mud, when h runts upon ihe a?ch ai the mini Ii o n iat' hole, into w lii.h 'he rat hid eiiteied, taking v i h linn 'lie whole nf th t'H ii.l-i h tin, and wa only prevented from t ilint in the watch bv the rae p.uiL'i e "pen from the fall uhn-h made it renuire ii-iee 100m tluii the hole would admit of. A il wa, Ihn 'at did not etn di-ped to A iiileme.. uf Ih- receiiil.tif thi load '"" I" "" kT' b.ll "'' " . . . . .... uuarii, w lien Ine owner tried to pull It from In 111 London jiaptr. Ut HjJ i- j.v a b th ( I'u.Udelpliid Ann rn'an, a inlln : rtwi:i f r :&j3, Kx.ic.isci, ai.a.'a.nn it ),-,M,ijjJ U3 Xot, K ei.u IB lncremeiiiririj .vcr 1S55, a)3l,iw; 0 Thu reeeiji a i l expeui:lnre lor the ni'iutn of D ceu.ber aie pailly eliinateil. bm ihj re-ult will not materially varj ftn n the ab iv. The A.neiiein i . The nvxt uratifioi poition nf the ehibil li Mleirieni of e uie, el)oili a ma' pi eenlane reduclion, of ;ouie a cm e.jiii:idnii iucieaae nf nel p nfii The ex pM-e nf 1SSJ aere $1 329 381 83, nn a bu ineri of il 'JIJ 8!I K, or 6 per eeul, ot til yin eamii.4. w hilo in JS53, the expeu secure Sl,7uua (pari e:iuiaieil) on a bn sine nf $3,816 il'i or 59 par tin Jim, e.tiniiij.. 'I'hu mil prnlilH fit ihe ea 1853 are tl 1IG 110 16. 'auaiixt G 1-1,442 96 slmwnij ,111 j.ioicawj uf S531X67 00, or 8b pel cent. A Faih Hit In a recent lerlnre in New Ymk, Mr. B nircieaiilt, a draniaiii, fiom l.ondo. , pokn dinpirinuly of w oman' ea- paci'y f r many iweupal ion. The Tiibuue 00k bun op ami hit hi in faiily, ajina : If a oinaii i conideied lit for a oereiin. n we piexiimo all loyal E 'uln-hrnen think Vic- nn i. il i haidly wnilh while lo be imlii- i i iiixly running ihrmigh the lonn iPi ol human -ii piny menu, carefully oi-cililiiiia'ins lor In h ehe i competent, and lor w hich she mil. Unless En:lihmen aie willineto hnke Vieioiia fium her throne in .leii-inn. 'I ihem say liiitliti'L' in ileioealion ol the ll'ipkeepiu and bluudlelliiij capacities ol iei sex. rows, two miles below Sunbuiy. STt'StNVII.Lr. AND IsniANA RAH.ROAO. Ve uudeilaiid. .iy the Piilrtmrs U.ielle, hat the Uuaid of Otieetoisnf ihe Pemi) Iv.i- ia Kiilioud Company, have ay reed, bv a t 1 tin mHj'iiitv, lo recommend to the ineetin!: I' Slockholders, l orlly to convene, to par resolution ainlioiiinc the Company to uuar- uitee the bond ol the Slenbenville ami In liana Railnmd Coin nan t lo ihe amoiim of ' "i-'.1e by ih- I'.i.le. lie Boe., I believe, sW0 000i Thu wi (.ura ,h(J , cm. plelioit of th it woik, aijd dotibile ulso lhal f the fnti-boro anil Sieubenville road. We lututider Ihat ilit movement uf the Pennsyl vania Railroad will aecure Ihe certain and Kmi'TII fi ilrt TO CnSSTAilTINnl'l.K Mr JSiiiihi4, Uie A iiierii-.m Consul l Lniiduii, il a Inter 10 ihe N. Y Herald a K u h at lal been invited 10 Con. Ii l ..liner of nevi week. S.-veial thi.ii t ll i'iiiun deerlei fioin tha Aunliiau v .it iibxMVatinii are alieady at Wi Min. .it'li inure will find all Ihe republi I..., 1.... ... L" 1.. n..,-. p ...1,' , , r 1 ii- . .. '"'ly compleiion of Ihe roule fiom thi city - 1 I (i.nvH t,, be pnweiful allies to Ihe I ,. . K . .,. ' ... . 1 iinu.ijiu oiruueiifiiw 10 l.olUiriDUl UIIU Will ' 7 ' " . r'7 " . ciiiua.i, beyond all conli,.8ecy ; 11., 1 Iih ftii.aiaii unil An rian ar. I ' ;v ..... 11... aey , ihey are ol I oles, Ma. Emerson's loiAor Poaa. Ralph -'" lialian. . Waldo Emeron, in his lecture at New Bed- i'i k 'u me tiMtement llial Nnuil . iC Ot?" Ni:w Town Lot A number of new low 11 luls have he,-n nut th- p,v lew months bv the h.ild.-rs nl pr.iin rty ad jacent to town. Mr. R-nj. I.-n.lii. ks Mid out a niiinVr id luls al the southern end ol the Borough, which lie (tijpiw on ey and lavorahle IrriiiS to those who dmiin building home !..r themselves. Mr. J iltn Yniiii; a week nr two since cut up a portion of his out In! into seven town l .tR, and disposed of all of them in a few cay. Mr. Geo. Conrad is now surveying into town lots, lhal portion of his land just out tide the Eastern limits ol the Borough, along Ihe line of Canal of ihe Suntmry Canal ami Wab r Power Company. We are plea-ed to hear thai these lots are all in (ieinund and will be speedily iuipiotefl. E7 Philadelphia $ Su.Naurtir Tele- crath. The wires are up between this place and Shamnkin, and will be mi! up .-Iween Shaniokiu and Pottsiille in a few a -l. e i L 1 . we ks. 1 ins win aii.iru cii'an ami prompt rlegraphic facilities between Ibis place mil Philadelphia, and form a preat conve nience to this and the neighboring towns. the Telegraph to Philadelphia liallnr- rUburg is almost as slow as the mails on ihat route. ' ' Q- Tilt! Storm. -The recent snow storm extended over a very wide extent nl country. Froip Portland, Maine, to Rich uwnd, Va., at Albany, Cleveland, Chicago, and Detroit, we already know it prevailed, ami the mails w ill probably inform us of utill wider extension. At Boston Ihe storm was very severe. Doth business and travel were almost entirely suspended. In many place Ihe streets were filled wilh mow f.oin lour to six feet deep. (7 The Democratic Uivon at Harris huig has been sold, il i said, hut lo whom 1 not so certain. A Liintaiti-r piip.-rsays George M. Laumati i the purchaser. The Lewisliurg D.-mocnl U f-arfulthalG ('aim r. in, or ratln r Simon as they will have il, has secured it, and thai it w ill be turned agii:it G.iv. Bigl r. The Demo crat thinks Sun n should be fully coinin ced by thi 4 li n- ol his utti-r nouentiiy and liltlene. Il is ralher surprising, w- con fess, thai the General has been aide losur. vive so long under the supreme displ.-as.ire ol such patriotic and disinter- .ted Journals a Ihe Pennsylvania!! and those who t'oll.iw in i's wake. And yet there is scarcely any movement of any note, in il Commonwealth v. Wm. K'ine, Ira Forrester, Hlii'lp F erestei, S.iml Sal via of ihe Prosecutor Uaan D. Fi'her, by iiditir pa! linn Ml 11 rapid pace verdict Jmy lind the D fie. not giui y mid the County lo y the cost. ' ... Same ..- -. Indictment for keeninir a Tiplmsf llini-e. . Tine Bill. D ll. plead SFii it' V and Suti'iiii. Sentence by the Court to pa) a tiuu nl $31) and 1 lie enst of prosecution. Same 1 ' Indictment, A 11 1 1 and jBiitetv- Not a Tine Hill B iMiiin Siepp (Jeoiue Enuel, the pinsecu lor, eeiitenceu lo pay ilin rust. a lie and submit- Senlen.-ed li Ih'- Court to py a line ol SIU In llieCom'th lor the Use ol ihe County and the cosi of pioseciniolin ' !ame ' J Indictment fur Ke"pins U Tilina lliinse. line Chas C.iringer. Bill-Dlt. submit, hell. eiiced by the Court In pay a line uf f-10 and ihe coM of prosecution. . Same . ) Indictment for keep- T- . inii a Tiplinit llmtae. Philip Bi) mire. ( , JTnie Bill D.:ll. plead g . Ilk a. nl Mitm'its. Sentenced by the Cm it 10 pay a fine of 1H0 to iheC'om'ih lor the ue ol the County an 1 the costs ot piesecuiion fane "j Chnce, malicious mis- ' ' ch el, K -coiiiiiseuce of bli nml s emxel u rKnedvud Stephen Bilten Louiad Coule, j bender, forleited for the nun itppcamnee ol aniuel Meutel. ) Indictment for mali- ' J chum mischief Bill re Charle. Larr. ) tinned ''iuuoramua." The 'uuseculor, V. J. l'lnlips, Sentenced by Ihe cuuit to pay the costs ol piosuculion . S.11110 0:i motion ol David v. j Tauyart, Ksq , Defl dis- (iituerl V .nulling 1 cliaicil Irom llieir hecoj; Jaines Nesbit. J iiiaauce. ""B 1 Indictment for .. v- , . iobMiuolintf the Cornelius & cnas. Kenedy. ro!lI, Defls "oiind for their appe.uance at the next se. fioiiB. Same ) Indictment, Assntilt and t- V tt ill..,,.- lit, Wm V.iiiiIi-L,! I v . 3 I A. C. Simpson. continued In April sessions oarne tmliciment for Riul v". I and Assault, on ihe oath Glwaid lldeman. J.,,1 Snnmi Mariz. Tine Win Biialit and i Ustl. " Verdict uiiilly Ocai Kn-lil- j Sentenced bv ihe. (.'nun to pay a fine of one dollar eat h and ihe coins nl prosi'Ciitlon an. I nii.teiyo nil imprisoniiivnl ol one caleuuer iiiunlli 111 l lit- County Jail. Saino ) For. & B v. S Uniind over lo appear ai Aaron Knute. 3 the next session. Same 1 vs. i John Leisenting, ) ADSTRAI T OF TUB GOVERNOR'S MESSAGE. ' 1 ; 'i, v. The message ol Ihe Governor opens wlthn detailed siaieiueiil of Ihe financial condition id the C'l.mrnoii wealth ', :, The reeeip's iil.the I easury for Ihe yeai 1853, exclo-ive ol loai a. ami iiicludmt ine actual balance in ihe treasury on ihe firl day of Decemhei, 1882. (b-ii'8 7 1.037 72,) amounted tn the sum nf $."1 951, 474 47. The pa menu lor iheeame peiiod, eiclu ive ol loan and other exiraordmary esprit" diiuie. make n total nm nf S4.I34 01S 47, beina $1 R18 326 10 le than the receipt. Ol thi exce, 505 057 5 was pid to the cmtiinis-iiiner it ih' sitkme runtt, ami f58D 000 lowaiil Ihe liavmenl of 1 Id debla ami the cotitrnctinn of new wmk on the North Brunch canal and Portage tailroad, be in it part nf the temporary loan a.ilhoiixed by Ihe act nf the nineteenth of Aprd last, wnien, tiiuellier with the balance lii the tiea- tiry applicable lo Ihe reden.pliou of out t.niilini; loans, redm-rs Ihe actual balaaceon the fjit iIhv of D-ceniber lat, lo Ihe sum of a' out six hm dred -n I twentfive iholi-anil lolltir. 10 tn- i.sed III the payment of Ihe feb- iihii inleresl.. The receint for the year. 1854. inclndinir ihe bahiucn in tiiu tieasuiy e i the first of Di'i1. mbi'f. 1K03, may, in inv nniiiiuu, be .une v. Cl.iotl. I nlictntetit for keeping 1 Tinli.iL limine. Tine Vrn. tl.iotl. V Bill-Dell, plead Giillil and siihrni' to 1 lj. Court. Senlenctf to pav a line ot i3 t o the Cmiimouweali II. lor the us- nf the C'.'in.lj nl N'..i ihiiiiibeilaud, and the enst ol pri'O-cnliiui &e. SlOKofTB Tints." At Kialer n.W. tendon, Ihe Ret Dr. Commlno 1... nited en Ihe "Sign of Ihe Timet " fs M;j that ihe Prophet Daniel had prophesied 1309 yean would be the duration of the Me hern inedan power but it did not fallow thai Rut i would plant Ihe ctos 011 Si. Sophie Oa the contrary, he thought that Ihe 11,000,000 of Mahnmmedant mitht become Chiislianst The evet'le the year 1848 had been clearly alluded loin prophesy, ami he calculated lhal 1864 would bring about Ihe fulfilment of the apocalyptic prophecies, and the commence ment of a better age the good lime com ing I Mtsstssirrt SrniTottsitir The Nalches Fiee Trader savs lhal three names are befoie Ihe Democrat of that Slate for the U.S. Sen atorship: Gov, A. G. Brown, Col. Jeff. Da vi, and Gen. Quitman. The latter appear te be the Free Trader's choice. Iron Trab or Pknnstlyakia. In test counties of Pennsylvania there are S63 iron works, and over Sit 000 000 ol fixed capital employed in Ihe manufacture, the i :icn cit lUArncn. 1 cjiiunl 'ell w he her I tiuti'ly knnw the A n. 'He. 111 elnnn'-lei ; but of this I am eei lam, Itl it I .In kiunv of it is innie In-lill lllol and mole uuilby lo he loved ill. in an) olll.-l I am acpi.iliited Willi Ml tile uni I.I Their tio-piiuli1 v ami w ai m-hearte.l-in-s-, when llieir In-ari. are once wanned, aie teall) ovei tluw 1111;, and know no hound. And us some tiaveller ee and make a muse Union, but wltal is charged upn-i G-nerjl ! "bonl t la. ir lailina. it is veiy well Ihat .here t aun-ron by these same papers. They persist mot p-rtiiiaciniisl v that he in dead politically dead, and upo t the principle that "a living dog is better than a dead lion," lliey never (ail to howl even al his shadow, should he chance to cross their th. 57' SrsguEiiANNA Railroad. Philip M. Price, E-q , Secretary ol th" Sunburv and Erie Railroad Company, cnniradirts lord, Ihe other eveninc, said "At iha We.i ''aminnpleMi the invitation of the pn,k j, the treat idea -ihere ihe piK pb,.-, ell U doubled. The SulliiH h. uncteous part. Think whal aildiim c.i me from the fust grape-stone, carried per hip by bird, ami sawed by Ihe banks nf ihe Rhine! Whal coal ha been to England, wheal to ihe Nile, or peach lo New Jeiey, pink has been to Ihe West. The large! owner of pigs is the hern of the prairie.", . .... II . . ....... i!,,,,, ,, .,,, ofr0IIVM ,0 An.- V i i, whom t 1 her policy i keep neutrul in the p'rx-ni war. Svi-i n ir Oi-r , . C . - .limn... dum a re . pii.,ia.....i nip. ot ,hM t.o1( rf 1. ..I I an "t,"""r"" "..eionoi Meainer. Ih. p M )ear, It pp a . ,hll, lU. BV.rage lime sd" the OdtliV line in ,,eif Wewi,d passage we II da), 18 hui.ra antl S3 niiu- CosTLT FaVIT. "Lady apple," univer sally employed for ihe adornment of refresh meol Jab'ea mi New ea' liy, aie exiia ile.J average m o. .e v.u.,ta - ,., . ,,., , ,, ,hi, ye. Tin-, or retail 1.1 rill per doxeu aimer, llemoU Ol ruuai.d Hiuoej, wu lake nonce c .... " aaeulli dear, ami poor, mo, ini j lay., 16l.u,,.orr,hr ( fa .Ur. it baisrrl, Colli..' line m, each paaae, J hou,. 38 374 ,.. , ,, a,l 31 .'en- mi.,..- Ave.ane lu,.e Of E...e, p..fcl. r !e -C'nll ' 'i."! d!sS9ii.l in,,. c,,h, aie line. I' '). l",",t 40 mi ,mr,,1B fever of 'he CoiwiJ hue ej a.U p.t.8e, ij The population of the Teriilory ef Orego keur, 43 tuiuutee- ...... I it staled to be 40,00" O Mexico. Letters roin our Minister, Mr. Gadsden, dated City of Mexico, D. cember 16, have been received at Wash ington. They confirm the intelligence that Santa Anna baa been made dictator lor life, with power to appoint his succes sor. Ihe peenle enthuciaaticallu rvr,. . . j ...... nun, and he rule with undisputed sway. aan'a Anna 11 endVavoriiiif to lollow ihe example ol Louis Napoleon, Emperor of the French, and will, no doubl, be crowned tmperor or eapelUd, befon auoiiier year. 53T A bill to regulate the gauge of rai roads in Erie county was introduced inane. liately after the legislature was organic, d tnJ wi I, no doubt, be passed. ' Ihe pa saje of such a till woulJ at ouce tvtlle at d.tfit.illiea at Erie. ... , . Iionld tie who, befure 1111) thiny ele, become acquainted wi h llieir viitue. And these lailiue ot theirs, as tar as I can see their national leelin!, may nil he attrib uted ptincipally In Ihe oullili.l life of Ihe p-oDle. In many cases, reimnise precise ly ihe fault nf in y own youth the asking of fpieiiniis, waul uf n ll.-rlion, want of ob servaliiui of themselves and other, a bnat fill .piril, and so nn. II iw free fiom Ihea frtilinss, and lion ciitically alive In ihem, are Ihe best people ill the cmuiiry. A neiica's il... i. c R .:!,... 1 I nel liiu-je arm i-eosnr 01 manner are ' 1 I . 1 ..t r...i... .1.- a , - . 1 A inei 11 ails iiitrinnaiTrs r i tivc i.,u iiirinir. 1 l:iail V lids iaK n leave UI iweii. ,- five year, f&m Ihe Sunburv and Erie Riiljoad Company, on that portion of llieir road between Suubury and Millon. ..l-je and censor of manner XT' Th- Philadelphia Xortk Jntrtcan comes to us in a new and handsome dress of new type, and ils weekly with a new head. The rialtinorertVri has also donned a new dress ai well as a new head. They are both leading and influential papers. Da Nott, according to an Albany report, has been makius the monstrous donation of $600 000 lolhe Tiustee of I'uiou College. The donation father stayijei. us, but it ap peal ihat the Hoard ol Tiustee of Union College met nu Wednesday, and they ripoit tha', on thai day -In pursuance of a determination fo'med and expre.sed more than twealy yeai ;. and the cfloctual accumplishmenl of which was many years ince seoureil by the proper eal papers le lake effect in eveul of bisnn expected decease, Dr. Null hat deliveied to this Board, in trust, for the use ef Ihe Col lege, money, securities, and property of ihe estimated value of more lhan six hundred thousand dollars." Where the immense ton) thus donated is . , ,. lo come liom Uoes not veiy ciear.y appear A marri.i ban just come off in Syracuse N V., w hich wa ihe result of uu a Iverlise meul inserted in the New Yeik Pajiei. The tidi-eriseuienl w replied lo by a Syr uciie lady, picture and tellers weie ex- cliauued, Imally a meeiiug look plane ir. suit, matrimony aud vindication of the ad- veilisiiij; system. Duck Hoi ween (he nfieinooii 011 Monday the SCtn, and eleveu o'clock in Ihe morning of Wednesday the 28. Il ult , two liunnei Iroui Aunapuiis, killed, in and near Wosl River, one hemtred and forty-three w lid ducks, musliy tiluckheadsaud Redheads. Sixteen CauVdkbucks completed the number- Gen. Houston hat anived in YVaali'mgfun, and taken his seal in ihe Senate When he passed ihronuh Cii.oinnati the other day, he ia ieried 10 have w orn a w ildcat skin vest and looked at fresh and vigorous at a otiili. instead of a veteran whose lock have been bleached by the enow of tome sweaty win ten. Geveraor Younir, of FJlah, orders men, wo mn and children 10 go into the field lo har el their iirai.i, lined wi h bncliei-kntve '4 r)ie r to defend ihemselve against ha t.idiun . He s t lhal alinosl eveiy gooil Hie in ihe Teinlory hat been traded tat) to the lediaet. TilC IUicht or Politncss. A robber in 4 hotel in llalilax, Ihe other day, was found kneeling at at a tun U in the room of a board er, and on being discovered, said he was at his prayers, begged not te be interupted lid was politely lelt to finish hit devotions uiid decamped with hit booty. , A Rascal has been caught and convicted of placing obsiruotiuns on the New-Yoik Central K.iilrd. . The name ol the mur- deirr is John Hile y, ofAmtietdani. .He hat been sent two years and five months to Ihe Penitentiary, The scoundrel tbould have been imprisoned for life. ' We understand Henry Reader, Esq., hat been re-appointed by the Supervisor, us one of hit assistants. This is at it should be, for no one ran be more active or attentive in the p-iformatice of his duli, than Mr. Reader. He ia au excellent officer. Milton Democrat. A rrvoread gentleman down South, being invited by youna friend to take a piivaie drink, agreed lo dispose of a lemonade. By some mistake he diank hie fiiend't whiskey punch, and the yoiiui man ii.fmmed liimlhal he had I. ken ihe w ieug hem. The minister smiled adably and remaiked, "Ah, my jouog .lend, 'ihe bom e( the ungodly tuall be put down."' . ' s.if. Iv estimated at $5 R4H.411 34. lite expeidnnres lor ihe ame period, in clndina $250,000 lor Ihe payment of Ihe old debts o 1 Ihe public ink, anil S300 0U0 lor the n kintf fund, sluiuld not, and if p oner ca.e be tnkeit, will not. exceed the sum of M 500 000, leaviuu a balance in the treasury 11 Ihe In si ol December, 1S5I. of SI. 340,417- 34. Dedtii'iiuK fium line 8625 000. ih :i 111011 11 1 ihat shiiiilil lermiiu in Ihe Ireasmy to meet the interest due febriuiry I, 1335, nml we have a tuiplii revenue of over $700 600 Keniirdmz t lie proposed sale of ihe public works, the message, while il piesent ihe ar- iftimenison both tide of the question, indicates 11 discliiiation 111' ihe mind of the Executive lo the, measure.' 'The system of legislation in the form of "omnibus bills" in very ;ioiily denounced ; and Ihe Governor, w hile e.ireiu.g his determinalinn lo co-operate with the Assembly in removing the evil, says he must be;; lo be indulged in claiming tho pi 1 vi lego oT cnnsideriii each subject ol li'gislnlioii separately, aud on lis own meiits, a contemplated by ihe spirit of ihe Coustilu- k;ii, nna thai, hniicelortli, bills conlaiiiiiig a variety ol subjects of legislation, (!i.similar lit their character and purposes, cannot re ceive the sanction of the present F.xecutive Tho practice of special and local legislation is also condemned, and il is said ihat the remedy lor this must bo found in the adop tion of n low more general laws, anil the ri gid admiuiiiislratiou uf Ihose already in ex istence. Special act, it is added, should in no instance be passed w here th.t object can be reached under general laws. Respecting ihe noublrs ut Erie, Ihe mes ase says thai the occunences which have taken place, and tho intensity of popuhir j fueling they have excited, indicate not only ihe prnpiiuty, but necessity, .fur prompt and decisive li'iii-laiive act inn, as lo ihe rights of the Franklin Canal Company. The Governor ileclaiea ihat it must be clear that ihe LciilaltnM never intended to aiithm ie the coustiiictioii of a railroad be tweeu the i-ity of Eiie and the Ohio Stale line; and he km, moreover, thai the uraul should hereaflei be made 011 such conditions only a will piole:.t and ud Vance Ihe interest nt Ihe people of Punn) Ivania. so far as they may be involved in the subject. The messaue disapprove of municipal siibsciiptinu to railioad stock, and expresses a hope ihat all Inline application Inr the pmpnsH nf lenalizini; such snbsci iptiunt may U rejected by ihe Leti-laiure. Reijaiding ihe it-liel note still in circula tion, I! is recommended lhal the law for iheii eMi.tun.shmeiit be ... amen. led as lo in. ike il 1 lie iluij ol tho Suit" Tre.Kiirer tn retain, limn lime lo lime, ns neurits pMCiicnble. Ihe siiiou il, in relief noie, uee siiv lo meet 1 lie entiie demandi. of 1 In' sinking fniiil. The uiesiie also recommend Ihe lepra! of he act ol April I0ii, lftl'l, iiulhoraiug the le-i'sninit ol this ei rn-m y. Re-perl mi! Ihe cm 11 in y, 'he Governor says I lull 1111) rseuiol bai.kmi; llial an bi.iii'.i. the i-mi-isioii ol small p. .per a a medium of 1-1 1 en l.i t iiiii , iniirt enl.iil evil cooseqiieiice iipiiu the coiintiy It ts believed, lln-refore, il la the hue p ilji-y of ihi and of all the S ate In re-tnut the p iper ciiciilnlimt lo note ol a Urged iiiiuiiu.itinii Tho-e of a small .Ii-iii. mn. anon hould he gradually wiihdiaw u fiom ciionlaiiou, in oidr-r to make nuiin for Ihe vast accession of the precious metal fium Lalilornia nml Aiis'ralia. The messaue lecouinieuds the appnintment of a Mate Am ictilluial I hertiiil. and Ihe es tablishment ol 1111 Ariciilluial Cnlleite, wilh a (arm attached, lo be ori;Hiiii!ed nudiir the State and Coitmy Auiii'iilinial Sticieiy The bill Inr ciinsoliilaliii!! the city and county of Philadelphia is recoiiimeudeil to tin piompl iind nuxi'iii cuiisi.luiaiiou of the Assembly. Tin npinimi i expressed ihat ihn loan nf the Slate khniild be eoiiSnlidated into three or four cla-e. and be under the direct control of 1 liei Treasury derailment nt llarii.buri! Il is pu.p.ieil, aim, liicinnmeni e lh li.-eal year ot ihe Stale lor all piupoaet 011 ihe 1st ol December. I lie I) Met Is expiessed lhal when the pinpei lime arrives, it will be wise 10 nmeinl ine lnnotiiiniitii sn a in require lhal each law shall b pased in a separate Dill, ami receive mil lo. lhan n mnjnrity ol tote 01 eacn limine on a call ol the eas an. ium ; to provide Ihat all laws of a public na lure shall bo eeneral 111 their chaiactei. tin apply lo the entire State ; lhal municipal corporation, vesleil with all ihe power the (.euislatnre could enufer, should not have ihe right to become subscriber tn, or holder of, Ihe slock of other corporation : to interdict Ihe creatiun ef debt for any purpose except war; In unite some oilier functionary with the Li iveruor, in tue exeiciss ol the pardon ing power. The passage nf mote specific laws for the prevention of railway Catnalilins is recom mended, and all edncational, charitable and reformatory' institution are commended to the special care of tho Legislature. Best lump Rutter retails in Albany al 16 20 cents per pound ; beef 5n6 cents; peik (a 7 cents ; mut'on 6116I cents j yeal 48 rente J cheese 8 ceats. A male slave, 34 years old, sold at Charle. bnrg Va., last week, for SI 50 2, and another a female, 18 years old, for $1030. The Asmt. A letter from Washington slateshat the House Military Committee will soon report a bill organizing the three new legiments asked for by the Secretary of War, and authorizing an increase of rank and file in any emergency te one hundred and twenly men per company. In Florence, Alabama, ihe town eonncil have raised the license for retailing spiritout liqourt to one thousand dollars, and on bil liard tables and leu pin alleys le five hun dred dultar. Gov an nor 1. Johnson term lo be the popular name for a Governor at the South, ns Joseph Johnson it Governor of Virginia, Andrew Johnson is Governor of Tennessee, and Herschell V. Johnson is Governor of Georgia. A California paper give the following as a bill of faie at a Chinese testauranl ia lhal city: "La', tulle!. 25 cents; Griddled Ret, cent; Dog Soup, 12 cents; Roast Dog. It cents; Dog Pie, 6 cents. There i now residing on the place ol J. Dudley Davis, E.-q., in Scott ruuuiy, Ky., a free woman of color, whose age, fiom relia ble sources, it 120 years. The Empeior of China is in hi S2d year the Emperor of Austria 20 ihe Sullan of Pe isia 20 Three )oong men tule one-third of the world. If you want to travel cheaply, rut up a '.lothes-liiie in ynur )aid; yeu can then go to your-rope whenever 5011 please, and cioss ihe line at a minute. unlive. Col. Andrew G. Curtin, of li.-llefnnte, is nr- Bed b) tne Wait cnuutj Whi'g a the Wl'',f, candidate (oi Governor. It i said I lie wage of the employers in he U. S. Revenue Set vice will be advanced on aud alter the IjI of January. Piinces Mary, of Cainbrid,'.; . it it repotted, is to bu married to a sou uf Jeinrne Bona parte, a 'nephew tu NapultMii. ..... A Follow eat seven sqniircls at Ihe Centr al I'eirce Exrhine", Cincinalti, on a wager altei he hud partaken of a hearty supper. II I 11 l. In Milton, an Saturday imiriiii'g last, Mr. CHlilSTOPHER ST INE, ajte.l 41 yean In Lock Haven, 011 lh 22 I ull . Col JOHN M OOllll K AD, aged abot.l 55 yeatt In Jersey Shore, on the llh ult., Mr GEO. W LECHLEK. In 0-lewaiHl.vsp.. D '0.231, Mr. JOSEPH EVEKETV, Sen. aged 71 yea is, 1 mouth aud 17 das New Advertisements. Good Intent Fire Company ! A MEETING of the Good Intent Pire I'ompi ny will be held at the Court House, ea Saturday evening uxt. Punctual altcudtace ia requested. Br Onnti or th. Pbisioist. Sunbury, Jin. 7, 1S54. VALUABLE HOUSE ASD 10T For Sale!! THE subscriber ufVersat private sale hi house and lot of ground, situate in the Uorouh ef Suubury, on the north west corner of Ftwu and Ulacklwrry streets, now in the occapancy ef Jae Lie id, Em). The house is a two story B1UCK DWELLING & KITCHEN, iu good order and rondilion. For terms apply to the subscriber, tt the Forks of the Plum Creek anil Tulpohucktn road. , JACOB WEIMER. " January 7, 18S4. 3in. Tiik late advices from .dawn (he river, say that a lar-kteper's association hat been forms ed in New Oi leans, the object of which is lo take care of the indigent and decripid pa. irons of ihe "bar" in old age, and furnish ihem nine drinks a day ctatit. That it an institution! Cincinnat Cni'ontsf. If every retailer of intoxicating liquors wat forced to support all of Ihe indigent and deciepid drunkmds he makes, ihe joke would be more pointed. --PAia. Sun. Donald McKay, Ihe preat shipbuilder of Boston, it 45 year of aye, and a Scn'rh man by birth. He lose from ihe humble slalinn of a day laborer lo his present posi tion, by theer iudusliy and energy. . ( A lillle colered giil was fiozen lo dealh on Friday nighl, near S.ilem, N. J. Nexl mom ing she wat found with iciclet down her cheeks Poor child ! her leart of sorrow and tuffering frox wilh her life-blood. Iris said lhal Btylor, Ripley & Brush have lest in ihe neighborhood of tlO,. 000. since they have commenced ihe publi oaiioa of ihe Baltimore Times, (w bich ie pot yet five oienlbs old.) . -. , ' Cist of betters I.t f HE roST OFFlCK At Sl'MIt ltV, UCiubr 81, 1853. , A s Millon A sli bun llemy Aurund Sen Samuel Anspach B llartin Becher J B Bachulder C Buwer Jacob Conrad Amos Colo Chailoiie Cook ' - ' Patrick CorbUl John Cormell , . Joseph M Cook V I Michael Deer i F Theodore Fori! George Foi lleniy r easier " W B F.huestock H Michael (lain Aaren Howell Jonathan J Harmaa David J K Jacob Kara 1 H Lot Ttlman Lower ' '" K Lew it Lenhart "' ' Jonathan Lodge A C Mc D..i.a Id Henry H Malick Daniel Malick Solomon Malick Regia Musea ' ' N George Neellg , 0 Richard O'Conner , ., P Emanuel Peter -Jasnea T Poyer & - -Casper Rieger ' 8 -Miee Cat ha 1 in Snyder a oievena Abraham Sarvia T. , Wm W Taylor W Wm C Wilton Michael Wary Billy WiUon - - ' R. B. PACKER, P. SI. I