Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, December 31, 1853, Image 4

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    I t.
V 'lllli
4 I ' ! '
gggpm- ' "
Improvement Ahead. t
E R E 8 V -Inform hi friend. nd the public
II ".lly, tint, b, ht. juMeecclved In.
clJ ...nJ, iu W-tUl ftrct, oppot,.. . caver
h"Cl' jn jnnf fl.'sorimrnf r v"
liOEOCCO,' '
French Iatbig,, '
And W oZi'i''"? S'o7!'gi '
Whirh he oTcr. to the trade at reason.!-! price..
lit also inform his customer tne ether, that
be Hill continue! the Slioemaking busimt.s, and
i, prepared to do nil kind of work, in good and
fashionable tvie. "! " reasonable term.
Sunbury, June l'i 1S53.-j-l
CUE A V ' . ,
Depot cud Manufactory
c-. l. LciLEma. fciCo., :.
ft. W. corner Arch mi l arcund Strpcls,
L J (ae and Retail, oiirh a" Scroll, Flower,
Gothic, Vignette, Oil ami Pry Landscapes, are
Jo he had at the lowest ricc lot quality of work.
Orders (or C!ilt, Plain Sto.e, Lettered ar.d other
Shade executed at short notice.
Merchnnts nnd other me invited to give u a.
trial. ' " ''.' 10 J'tratr.
Brasses, Trimminpt, Ac. nlwny on hnnd.
Remember 8. W. corner SECOND &. ARCH
Street", Philadelphia ......
Aug'tst 13, 1 fin.
(Jits' Fixtures ff Lamps.
Nu. 221 North Second Sired, above Vine,
j5 AVING had many experience
K ' in the bu.iuu, and na all work told by ns
i, ;niiul'artiircd tiudcrour immcJiate supervision,
r are enabled to ofilr to purchasers superior ar-
li in every branch of our trade, upon the most
r.ihle terina. At our loro may be found, in
rti rv variety and atvle of finish, Oas anil I, ami)
I ''.'umlelicM, l'endiiiit. Pnackcts, for Halls,
Churches, fee, the IMPROVED PINE OIL
LAMP; alio, Fluid, LarJ and Oil Lamps, Cir
8'iJoIcs, D)':iete Holders ( Parbr, Night and
Renting Lamps. On band, I, amp . tilasses.
Ri,bes. Wicks, Shades, tec. ALL WORK" '
W Pi It A NT ED, Oil NO SALE. Factory No.
66 Nohlc near Itl).,
Remember store 2il JV. Sd st., next dear to J.
Stewart Depuy's carpet store.
Scptcnibcr 10, 1603. Sni.
Torfl M(inil'lio
7 1
.'.'v-ivr-i iui.iu., A.u r.irtvi .ijw.
i'HG aitention of the Trails, and. oih-rs, in I
,' want tf Porte Monnnies, Pocket Books, i
I'Vc-s' Cases, Dressing Cases, Porlalilc Wri-
t Desks. Itaekeammon and Chess Boards,
I'Msmen. Pearl. iS'hcll. and Silver Cord Cases,
' ': k Roxe, Cabas, Needle Books, Money
its, Cmar Cases, PorllohoB, liazors and Kuzor
lops, Travelling FlisUs, and fine Cutlery, to-
her with a larc variety of riser Uoods, ;
- Iiih will be sold at the lowest rates.
T'.Tte Monnaie slid Pocket Book-Mauuuiiturcr,.
20f Arch St. Inline Sixth, Philadelphia.
Sept. 17, 1S53. If.
Mai.n's Establishment
25 South Sixth Sired,
Fur tlio Manufacture and sale of
K'ittrnl I-eller "iij ftsr I'l cmfK,
Patent METALLIC DAMPENED, 13 rushes,
Oil Papers, Blotting Boards, Copying Ink, &c.
Patent I'un hu. it. t Pupcr,
Superior to all others, and curb page printed
A mot.t valuable invention for keeping in a
oook-like foiui, Letters icccivtd, Original Livoi
cea, tc
PhP.i., April 0, IS33:-Mt. ' '
A Farm for Sale. -
THE tubsrriber oflTers for tale hit farm. T "'
nd allowances. It is situuiej ebsut three mile
from Sunlu.ry along the Sshamokiil ree!, and is
in a good stale of cultivation. The Philadelphia
and Smibury liailroad p:isses through said farm.
It will be oll'ered ir. parts or entire to' suit pur
chasers. It ran be divided I.) innke three small
f.rm. The buildings are a FARM HOUSE, a
t-'oJ Bank Bam, and two tennnt houses.
Epper Augusta, Sept. 10, 1S53. If.
Lumber Yard.
ubmribi r wonli! respectfully inform tlit
citixeus of ui.bury, and Northuml erland
and adjoining couutios, that he has opened a
Iitiint;?! Vnrd
in the lot fronting on CranWry Ct., n shoil ili. j
lame East of the Steam Saw Mill, where lie ha
How a large amount of Xfritoiix.l J'aiuit Flint, j
m!a ramie! Boards, and' all other Boards and )
HcitniNn MiTKuiiL, iich aswill be wanted for 1
bml.ling pmpo.-xs. Also a large amount of .
!".rnglesou bund, which ,ill be sold from 6 up
to H, riiTorJinr to qUailv aI pjcate give I
t a call and exaniino o;ir price and quality, i
B. Farmers who arc in want of Shingles ;
W' l please call as wc wil! se'l t,i yon b.w. I
fia,W. J. E. LElli, Sup.
VJOITCE is hcriby (;ive.i'.y l,
citi.cns of the (
ommor.wi -alili of Pennsjl-
.. uui application ui, Iw. ,.,.!, ,,. ,i .,
mature ot taid Counnonwcall!! for ll,e crec
"' J"1'')' cirporato to bo ttvled "'J'Mt
,,;;rr"T vn.M'ITin-r." to be located in
J ,c1,", l""-'. J with a capital o
r oundred thousand dollnrs.
. ''.Tt H. Awl. (Jen. Hrl.l., I.I...
a.i.M.l.. 'iu' ,.'."'" "" iO":
Daniel D.-ueke-
i, , rem, i.uxarus. c,n n
i U Maswr, J. W.
, Yoniij
mnn, Pe-
loMj. llendrieks, Geo. V. V .l'i ' . i .,l"1i
frimhury. June S5, 1853-Om.' '
liook Agents WtmtiMl.
ppular.nd:.letble books published f
vr,u be.utifully iUurateJ with! Xtd . J
lUSt W"ht w"rkof T. fs. AR.
. L 11, including -'Aniur Cultag lACrar,,."
...i-insriii tnu entcrpiwnis ,mu wi.l lii.J u,',,
suu piauiauie uiisincss-
1 particulars address (post-paid )
J. W. BRADLEY, Publisher,
No. in North Fourth Mitet,
, , Philadelphia, V
J.-tolier 1, 1833. 7m.
8500 REWARD!!.
f AbMUCII as there has been at .undrv (i,c,
.strUc.t.on. pld a,l confined upon tbt
"htit. -J ul", llailroad,
'W1 Jpt. 4, IS33.3m.
X V T. A nlc ttsortmenl .f Uoid and
H r .' neilt and Pn,, for sale ch-.p Uv '
O, EL6BERG tt Co.,
Vf t ttrttt, opposite in post Otllee
khabrt... leU i, U5J
"Eureka, Eureka.'!. . ,
NOW for tht littlo one. Why will parenl
, waste hourt and day in fruilles endcavoil
to get perfect picture or their children and after
til got nothing but poor, miserable caricature 1
We would lay, eome to our . . -
and we will guarantee te make yon a perfect,
picture, by our Elkctho Ciikmic.l process,
that works in from J to 2 seconds. '
We defy any Paguerrean in riiilailelphia or
elsewhere.,' to compete with ti we are the
inventoia. and the process it used only in our dif
ferent establishment in New England and the
Middle Stnte. For picture of adult, the ilver
medal we have received from the American
Institute, New York and Franklin, Philadelphia,
together with ' the numerou premium from
County Fair, is sufficient proof that they are
the TV 1'lns Ultra of perfection.
We -would call particular attention to our
Tulbotvpe Daguerreotypes in Oil.
D. 0. Cou.iss tc Co., 100 Chestnut Street
Philadelphia. Main street, opposite site Ilamp
dn II 'J use. ?uring!icld and Collin' Building,
Westlirhl, Mas.
N. 11. Cur establishment i illuminated by
the brilliancy of our Picture by Day, and by
Profnstar llortef'ord't Safety Lamy ly Right
"Coioe- and see.
Philn., May 23, 1853. ly.
MifiiinhurK Academv.
A. C. FISHER, Principal.
of Female Department.
EDWIN FISHER, Teacher of Mathtmalict
and Vocal Music.
o.'i Chemistry, Fhysioloy, fyc.
The Summer Term of this flourishing Insti-
I tuts will commence on Mosjiat, Jcli 25, lS.r3.
! The course of instruction will bo thorough and
'practical. Mathematics and the Ancient
cuases, as well as other branches, will be taught,
I uh lur as practicable, on ine anaiyuc ineuiou.
! Daily use will be made of the blackboard.
Orthography, Reading, English Composition,
1 and Declamation will receive their full share of
' attention.
Druuzhtinir. Construction of Man, t'se of
Compass, &e., will be taught to students in Sur-
vevinc and Civil Engincoting.
I Lessons in Music, Drawing, uu 1'aintmg,
Water Colors, &c, Ornamental Wcedlo Work,
French and Rotany will be given by the Precep
tress, who is a graduate of Castleton Female
Seminary, Vermont, and come recommended
''' tlic Pnndpal ol that Institution, as"ayoung
ladv of agrccablo luauuer and lug 11 literary at
Young ladies and gentlemen who design to
became teachers, will find this Institution an em.
cicnt school for preparation, since there will be
connected with it, during the great part of the
year, a Tescheii' In stitctk, the member of
which w ill have the opportunity of attending an
t, veiling Couiecol Lectures on school leaching,
and acquiring a practical knowledge of the art,
under the supervision of the Principals,
I ho government of the school is based upon
the law of universal love, which enjoins upon all
to do to others as they would Ihink it right. that
others should do to litem. Hence the rules will
be mildly, though strictly enforced ; and parents
a'ld guardians may rest assured, lhattho morals,
habits of sludy, and general deportment of the
students wnl be caiclullv attended to.
Tlio building is now undergoing a complete
renovation. It will bo painted, furnished with
new desks, a bell, convenient recitation rooms, $ c
Miliiiiibuvg is a thriving and healthy borough
lis inhabitants are moral, intelligent and enter
prising. Its streets have teen recently graded
and paved. Il is, in every respect, a pleasant
and de-arable retreat for stuJents. A e, therefore
trust that the friends of education will deem the
Academv worthy of their liberal support.
tT" The price of board, in the best of private
families, does not exceed IS 1,50 per week.
N. B. Students may enter the Academy at
any time during tlio term ; yet it it desirable
that they be present, if possible, on the firtt day,
Mililinburg, July 1C, 1853. Cm.
Just Published and for Sale
by WM. McCARTV, Bookseller,
' '; '' " ;" ftunbury, Pa.
! ' The American
Being a collection of npproved declaration, writs,
returns and proceedings in the several actions
now in use in th United States.
Br Collision Reed, Esq.,
Ipsae Irgis viva vox
With notes and addition, together with a hor
system ot conveyancing. By A. Jordan. Pres
ident Judge of the Eighth Judicial district of
Pa., and Wm. M. Rockefeller and M. L.
Shiudrl, of the bar of Northumberland county.
Since the publication of the hook, the following
letter has been received from Judge Pearson of
Harri'burj i
IliHutsnvr.o, June 80, 1853.
Gii TLtJits :
After a careful examination of your "Amer
ican pleaders assistant," I take pleasure in ex
pressing my entire approval of the selection and
composition of the precedents thus oll'ered lo the
public. The legal profession in Pennsylvania
stands in need of a correct svstcm of pleading,
adapted to our habits of husineui. and the practice
of the courts. Your forms of declarations being,
to a great extent, foumlc J on the acts of asiembly,
will I u a saving of labor to the pleader, and con
duce to safety and brevity in our pleadings.
It should be in the hand of every practising
l.i". vcr in our state.
Yours, with great respect,
Hon. A. Jordan, Wm. M. Rockefeller and M.
L. Miiudcl, Esquirrs.
Siuubury, July 9 1853.
Upholstery, Bedding 5j Fea
. ther Warehouse.
S. E Corner Second and Arch Streets,
SPRINO BEDS, Feather Beds, Hair Mats,
Husk, and iStraw Mattresses, Cushions, Cots,
Comfortable Counterpanes, Sackings, Blankets,
ic, 4c. Constantly on band or made to order
and sold Whclcsale slid Retail, on the most favor
able terms.
by tbt bul or pound. Orders respectively tolic-
. ic, promptly tiecuted, and warranted to cue
N. B.Maltressee tt-madt and Fealhert rt
PhUa..8ept. 10, 1853. 3ru.
TjfTi ;idowlof 8am-l Thompson,
e., Ule of tbt "Lawrence House" in
Sunbury respectfully irurm. ih. fri.n,,. ;f
lutt Uusban.1, ar.U Ilia public generally, ib.t.h.
continueu d keep iho above Hotel i.
provided with all tilings necessarv to
datt all who may favor her wilu their custom,
SiiMbury Oot.-Si), 1653. 4m.
)riLHV'ciOi;G CAXDY.Au icd
- lem remedy lor coughs, ooklt. t'ai u!
at thit ffir
ll-rmlMr 4. 1852.- .
Uu "ILLS neatly printed on new typ
V.Wn. 1 . " "t -OlUCt. - V it.,
I iuu an auutner c.nei.
"uabury, Ftb. t, 18i.
2,5U0 Acres iTimhcr Land
TIMBER LAND, comprising abont S.AO0
acres, part of which is riluate on Tobyhanna
Creek, and part on Muddy Creek, within three
mile of Lehigh River, in Penn forest township,
Carbon County, one of the great Coal Counties
of I', can bo had at a bsrguin, if ap
plies t ion be made toon. , "' " '
Thrte lands are thickly covered with tha best
timber of that region. While it it believed that
75,()(0 feet of lumber to the acre, can be rut from
a large portion of the land, tha balance will vet-
ago not much let than this figure. The kinds of
limber found on the land are Hemlock, Hpruee or
White Cedar, White Oak, While Pine and
Chestnut but principally made up of White
Pine and Hemlock.
The Tobyhanna and Muddy Creekt are large
and rapid streams, yielding o ast arn-mnt of
water power, and are capable of driving a lare
tiunilier of saw mill. They empty into the Lehigh,
which ttrcain, with the Lehigh Canal afloids an
outlet to the most dosirable lumber markets.
There is, too, under contemplation, a railway
leading lothe cities of New ork and Philadelphia
which runs within tue mi and three quarters of
the land. Through these avenues lumber can be
delivered in cither of Ike cities named, for about
$7 per thousand feel thus enabling persons en
gaged In the trade to derive greater profit! than
attend investments generally.
In addition to the limber, convertible into eve
ry shape of lumber, there is much that will an
swer for spars of vessel a sort of timber that
inip buildc,- have, been obliried to purci:-ti in
Alninr. or at other instant points.
I nuke most of the lauds on the Lehigh there
has, as yet, been no culling of the timlwr on Ihie
property. It stiind undisturbed by the wood
man s ee. It is, thereto, the more vnluanle.
The lumber trade of the Lehigh has been carried
on to such an extent lor yeara past, that a scarcity
of good timber is beginning to be felt. Every
season necessarily increases this ditliculty. The
conseqnence must bo an enchancement of the
value of timber lands. Those un-cullcd tracts
with the advantage of avenuet to market, uch
as the lauds nfi'rrcd for sale, possess, cannot fail
to be the tourer of supply hereafter.
But the land i not alone valuable for the tim
ber it contains. It is of good quality for farming,
nearly every aero being susceptible of a high
state of cultivation. .
Capitalists desiring to make investments, would
do well to turn their attention to those lands. For
further information apply to
Office in "Mining Register" building, Pott
villo, Pa. -
August C, 1851 tf.
. tr flae Cure of '
iiXA, wxioo?xiia-oouon
of tiie b !y, tne ihe Lhkkwy I'hctoRai. on jiuit.g to UcA,
an 1 wrap u vvurm, u Bvveut during il;e nil:t.
Ftn a tinLii ad Ci-UMI, tulip it in iriiinj, n Kinat.d eve
niiig, HcC44iini(( to tluecii ns oil the b Ltla, unil the Untu'ul
) wnl -"ii !e rt'in vnl. N"iiu will I-ng tuSr ft n this
iron hie wlu-n lh-y hud it f::m bttn mndiiy cmed. J'ers n
atilit'K'd wilh u ive.iitt roujth, which hreulti thciu ol" lln-ir
rert at nijrbt, will tint, by iriKinj; the Cherry Pc'jtorol on
ir-ting 1 1 lLvi, t!eyiiiiy he sure i4 viiii't, unbinli'rii irrp,
mid c.'iiscqtiently rttia'iirer tcr.i. Cn-nt relief fnimttiAer
nip, o:ul :in iTHiimrr rnrr. is aft 'itled t ttuniajiids whi ara
ihci A.ilieu-d, ly ihii iuimaht reni'tly. its ai:r't?iu! frfn-'s in these civ-a, tnairy fiiid
th-nist !vFi unwiluit'i to i' -ret;') Us uw when llic nr-tiif
t'o lum :j ttc
Fxvm two emiii M.t rii3it'iri:t in
FynrrViii.K, Tem , April 10, 13.1t .
Sir We li tve given your Cherry Perioral an eitrntiiva
trial in our piadic-e, mid find it w iurtr.Bs every itthrr ra
llied)' we have f.r curinrr ifr'ti u nf the repimt rv or-
guna. Diw. Dii:ir:u & hamhtom.
is iiivuUiiiblf, na by in oetinuon thuthrout and lunar, wiieu
tnkeii in im:i!l quuutitiff, it re i ivjv all hiaraciim iti n few
It tun, and w Miderlutly increasra tht power and llt-xil'ility
of (he v dee.
ASTII.MA it jr-nerillv much relieve!, and often wholly
tiured Ly CitrrrPat-t rul. But there are time eateao oh
atiimte as 1 1 pfkl antirrly t ik meslicina. Cherry Petto-
ml u th pnre !hfin. il" the cm ho cured.
UUONCIUT1S, i ir ir nut tii ii of the throat and npp-r
portion ol tne lutin, may he curen vy ttWing Cherry fa tv
rutin fnall And frequent de. Tha unc:mforuWa op
pretti'W it tfon relieved.
Rev. Doct. LANSINtt. of BrnMtlrn.Xew York, aUtee:
l have teen the Cherry Peciorul euie inch eatt-a of
Atthinft and Bronrhilit hi Inadt ma to believe it enn rarely
fail to cure thota diseaPi.
KOU CltOFP. ;iva nn emetic of antimony. tt ba
followed by larje wild froqurnt d t"3 of tha Cherry Peeto
i at, until i tubitdt the tlitmae. IT Liken in teat m, it will
not fnil to cure.
WHOOl'lN'l COCGH may ha broken op and txm cu
red by liw ur nf ( brry PbcI'TbI.
TH K INfl.l y.S'.K iaapvcdily removed by thit reme
dy. Nutnerotia inttnnrt t imva been noticed where wlvda
fuuiiliea weia protected from uny aertoua coutequeiieet,
while their ueiyhli'irt. without the Cherry Pcclorul,. wie
auuVring from the disratu.
lr. J. C. Arm SAf.KM.CHiiu, Ilih Jure, 1051.
1 write to i'ii'trtTi vim nt the truly remarkable efieeta of
your CHI-UinV PKCTORAI. in thit pluw, nnd in tny
own f;n'tiJy. Ono u my d.iuylitert wm eouiplctHy yurtil
j.i three oVv 'if a dieid:'ul W HoofiKo, 1 7 takhiL" tt
Dr. Meruit, 0119 of our v4 hot phytioiant liccly ai;ittt
thit hf ctviiiVm it tht Iniat reumly we have putminry
din-as'-s, :iu1 th:it he hat cocti tu re t-;iaea of Caoi'P with
it tl!:iii nnv 1 -ther ine.-'i-'ii-.e to eer nrt:nini1rre'!,
Oii efrrpyinHof the I-n1'1,"1 Ctinrch aivrlhal duriuy
Ihe fun l lNFi.ritz J:er i)i! t-n it. he h :t t-n vv.rt-
fr un your mcdieiue heeiuld teareciy have belli: ved K ith
out t'rina-
Vuura retpecli'u:ty, J. T SINCLAIR,
Deputy PoattriHiUer.
Ri'Oin the disthteuished Professor of Chemis
try find Algeria Mcdirr. lioivduitt College. ,
I Imve foiii.d the Cherry Pfi'Toral, aa irt iii-jretlieiim
tljow, a jwiwiful romtdy f-t e.'lJ, and caught, mid pul
monary diseases.
JlKL'.NJWICI. M., Feb. S, Ir 17.
The triMif celebrated I'rofmsor of Surgery in
the Medical Cotlcjc, New York City, iuvs:
"It givw me pleasure to certify the value and ei1iaey
of AvKhfj Ciiekbv PerToKAL, whi'-h I conl'1er eciU
arly ndapled to vure dittNisi- 01" the Thr.mi and Uiua.1'
Cum .f -veie diti'iifa-a uptntJha I.uuza have been ef
ferter! by CnrnitY I'ecroHAL in tuch extreme rateaaa
wnvraut the Ik-lief tint n remrdv haant ttnpth tieen fonnd
thil enu be depended on to ur tli Cousht, Cnklaund
Coiiauniptioii whith riirrv from wir thou-uvla every
year. It it iinteed a me1ieina t which th nniieird ean
I'tok with e Miii'Ienee for relief, aud they ahould not fail to
nvotl ihcuwelvt of it. . . m
Prepared and fold by JAMES C. AYEB,
Practical Chemist Lowell, Mast.
Sold in fcuuhnrT by H MASSER.-fnid by
DrupfrUts Ri-nrrally throughout the Rtatc.
July 30, 1S53. ceow lv. Nov. 13. 32. .
(Successvt to A. PIO'P.) (
No. 161 Ches'nut Street, Swrim't Building,
-1 Dealer in Mufical IiiMruiuents of every de-
acnnlion. : i
fcucliitut Agent lor tlia s.i;e ol lltllet, Uavit
& Co t ( Uontou) Patkxt bi-srsasiox Uamot
JLt4iai and oilier , ,i - .
L, GiUieft TiotuUiir riuiuiti, M!tJoons, Martin'
Guitars, ilurpe, Violine, ukkT Music, Mutic
Ke, &eM vc. .vi ;
KealdenUof the country will w tranpltcd bV
or other wia with anv muiia tiiev miv
wni M low rale m II I'uri'haaiU irai.
Having on of tha.largeat atoika) iu Uic t'niul
Ma ice, I feci contident of atttfj'ing all who uiiy
fevor mt with a rati or order. ' " - '
Dealrra iu Mutic aupplied on 'th moat literal
terme. PtanoaloleL Second hanj PiantaCjiaala.
xaeuud for aaW a4 Out offioa, aiagla or
7 wa
l.-f CELEBRATED,, ..
Fa m il y Mo dicine .
IN nrtVing InUis itablie lb W mvshnbl
tkwft, tite ubMriW wmifJ tViita h in otiulutiun
with hitftiendi and aonie of tb mjt rerctMe ol the
Medical fa witty, It wni deemed dviMihle to offer to th
public, Ttiw prennratttnia of known eelatirHr. beiii pro
pared with la praatntt rnrc. and on tlta moat acieiit.lie
principlea, aa nlmuutfi for the numrruua wonhlcaa ar
ttcle tlmt nra fltxiding tha oooirtry in tha fnni of panacea
nna cure ana, prepnred nf tha mott ignorant anil mftfeena
rjr poraoiu. iutaiidcU to cura aH diieoaea a4 f oud for Bona,
Rend and Reflect,
T!tt the Medici ne. Maiiafaetured by W. M. BactXBT.
Inrlndius; ata Koaa Peotoral for Cougha. (
Cream oi Camphor. fT Rhaumatuittt.
Worm fiyrtrp for Worma. ' 1
Tooth W anii. for decnyed teeth, diaenaed rutna.
Family Pilla, or blood Puniyer, have been more extensive
ly uaed, and have given mire aatiafectioit, than any til her
Medici nee before tha public, bcinfr prepared with reaard
to their uaefnlneae are fully wotthy the trail of tht amict-
ed. Ciive them a trial.
A ft-w powetful r en ton a why the above Medicinea ara
dcaerving of nnlverattl pationnge. (In tht flint pbtce,
they art prepared by a regular Pliyticiun, who tinderMumlt
tne nppiictiiiu nt iMedit-iuea, to maentet, and contrqnrmiv
are oorfrctly a:ife to ttke. (Soeoiidly,) they have been
uai.d with universal sneeeae, aitd have Kiveu more itttl no
tion thmi any other Mcda-i net nllered bcftre the public.
(Thirdly ) they nre tha only med.pinct that have (r.iined
t!io ntronfiffft of Phvtk-btie, where tlwy have been ived;
ami (Fourthly.) they are put up in Inrsrcr unnutniea foi
the ftimt price, tlnin any other Medic met otTcrcd to the
pebite of the anilie kind Aa the cubacrilvr hnt n number
of certificntet in hit potRrBRioTi of the hiirheat nullmritv
where thi'V have been used with the moat satiat'in-tory rn-
aiilta. He will publish a few tf them, feeliinrfttttancd that
attinl will insure their rernmrnettdntioii. Try them and
tntitiy you reel l ot their auperiortty over ail nthest,
Head and be Convinced .
We the undent. piled having been made acquainted with
Die initrcdienta entering into the Compottinla known aa
Birkley'a Family Mcilminca alto hivinff prewribrd nnd
known them to he uaed, with moat antiafnetorv reaalta;
take phmuii't in ai) ing that we belirve they fully meet I
the design for which they are recommended. !
C 11. FRICK, M 1)
WM. fl MOII,T M. I.
D K. OlCAltHKAllT, M. D.
Cur of pain in the tide ami cough from protttted
Liver Complaint,
Mrt. Robert Adamt, tailoring under Chronic Liver Com
plaint, accompanied with u thort dry couh uiin in the
tide and brea.t, general debility, toga of appetite, after try
msr, all the uauHl remediea rocomn tended for cnj:ht and
ditcntet of the chest, who with m bene lit, ahe wat recom-
tnentleti to try the It ore Pectoral, from which, tne not only
derived immeiliate but permanrnt relief.
John Admnt, in orMra. Robert A da me, wat afflicted
With a very aevere cough, pain iu Ihe aide, and toreneaa
prmbiced by incessant cunphing; he wat induced to try
the Uoae Pectoral. T.? ute hit own Imtauaee, the first
dote enabled him to enjoy a goix night't rest. In the
morning he expectorated hbout hnlf pint of matter. He
continued to improve until hit couph entirety left him, :l
alto had tha effect of atrcnpheuiiig hia bientt, which wua
naturally weak. Ilealaoanya thut he haa lecommruded
tt ton number of hit fi lends for aimitar compluiuia, and
in every case it haa iriven tatitOietioti.
The abnra paraona reaidenta of the town of DnuWUe,
feeling that they have derived great beiiefita from the nae
of the Rae Ptfctoral; authorize the alwtve ttatement, fr
the lieneJil of thnae who may be n mined in a timilar man
Lost of Voice restored with one lot tie of Rose Pec
toral Mitt Susan Whitlock, of Ruth townaliip, Northumber
land co.t for n number of yeara an li vnlid, 111 the full of
ol tha use of her voice frun a aeveie cold ahe con
tracted ; nfter irying n number of remeitiea, with no bene
fit, ehe was entirely restored by tnkinc one b tile of Rote
fresh e jll she enmraet'ed, siid vins sriiu ii-irrrt by ihe
Pc', nuer wiucli, ahe l?tt her voice n-rriin, from
u"c in nn uiri it'nicj me men i"' mur ihhim'r kioi b io
atreticihen hr hrewtt, frm which the deiivil them
riefidfd benefit, and hut Irern tn the enjoyment of escillritt
henhh from time in the preftfnt.
The aljoie tititrtnent it obtniurd f n m r VnincM, the
I'liv.ii.'um who nttended her ; itlai 1it m ther who thmL
th;it ahe would ii-it be ltvii;g at thit time if it had ti n been
f t the Kj IVctornl. U mvitlc. J.m IKU
frtifl another Marled Cure 'tijferted,
Mta. S.imuel ISeuhler, bci'ip of a nut mid we.-ik n-id d 'li
cute iHiiiklitulioit very tnaiTiiliblu to rot!( arl'icteil
with a very severe c:iur1i. .-iiti nnd aorfiieifH of the tTnt,
loss of appetite; after uafngu mtnilwr of the ustnl reme-di-n
fro.n wiiifh, t'ie derivml no benefit, the rt:reJ by
tnkins: one b title of Koac lftoral and is in the enjoyment
of he; or health thntt l'r yea re previous.
Ianvilte. Dec. 1 le.W.
IJm. Himt.KT : Pnniit nte U inform yon that my wife,
who is a delieute n l wenkly w m:m. hibi'ritu; tinder a
very fvere Couli with piiu and t'reneai of bnriar. waa
mire quit-My aiid efTtirttiaily relieved with one bittle nf
y nir Rote I'cct.irul thin any other mHiumehe had ever
taken. AHNKK MmtUK.
Jan. 195. Snmnel n.Vrtmlt1 Furnace, lied Point.
SrE'JNft KViDxxca v favor or rut Koaa 1'bctoBat. kvh
Family Pit.L.
J'lhn Fnlner t.nlren between Chriatmnt nnd New Venr
with a rery bd cdd, which ended in a dry hard inre.'iit j
(Joufh, cauaiiifr a great deal of nin wiienwer he cJ8;hcd, i
wot telievt-d very itnit'h ; by the time he had fiken one
thir l of a it'!, ai;d by 1'ie'time it w:a Cni?betl, wat ei I
iiroiye'irf. llrai aivt tint he hnt token arveml dosra '
ol the llrtaith Kt-tJ.'.iUne or I'aimlv IMlt. and thr.t they
are the miUt-tit m.itt ctrevtiril pm-'jiivit he lt.taeeri
taken. Iknnvilie, Jmi 1. iH.'i. I
Da BfKLST Durinr a visit to my brother, in Jfctn- j
ViUe, I took a veiy aevure C:ld, which endetl in a tiiiht :
hud Omcrh, with ireuena nnd p:iin tflhe bre.iaJ, f--r '
which I uaed your It oaa feet oral, mid romily fiMa. and
tnka ph'.ianre in rec imineiidin? tiiem, na the mildert aud
m 4t eUectu:it remoUy 1 have uaed. Voiira, reajectfully.
Jan. 21, ISj'J. White Haven. Luzerne eo.
liear Sir : Aa a recatnmendatioit for your Roae I'eeto
ral, permit me M any that I w;a erfeetuatiy cured of a
very aevera tmue'i with iain in the brenat, with tewi than
hall a battle, and th'it 1 consider it invalu-ible. Yoa ara I
at Utter ty tn mike thit ntioiie it yon plenae.
JOHN ftpKKlUNij, (tinwT.) Danville, Pa.
My ton 'iiiinm In boring under a aevere eouyh and pain
in hia aide, from an injur? received by a fall, wat entirely
relieved by a bo tie o( Roae Pectoral ft Cream nf Cam-
rhni. I have a Wo nard your Family Pi I la, and altogether
oontider them tha beat medecmea I have eer used!
Jna. 193t. Kaah Tp., North'd co.
Dr. Hickley : Sir: Aa my wife who waa troubled
with dry, tmrd Couh. alai a mr Stomach, dependent upon
debility, atmilar ti Diapepaix wna entirely relieved by
uatnr two bottlea of ytmr Rote Pet-torn I, Derm it me tu aav
that I coiiaidei it an eiie arnt remedy.
Youra, rcaptartfulljs Rev Mr. WITJ.ARD. 1
paat'ir Lutheran Church, Danville, pa. I
nvina; been cured of a pain iu my aim (a.milar to Rhen- ;
rrwtiam) which deprived me of Uia free tiae of it for u Ixm t
four mtntt:a. Hy iMiuit one li-tttle of Cieatu of Camphor '
1 w ul'l aute l'ut I e inaider it the hen remedy of th ;
kind I have ever u'-d. iu my family, and ( wjuhl freely '.
reo-immeinl it to a witn ainular mTectiona. j
Voute,rerpcctiuliy, JONAS WOI.r.
Rush tp., Ni'iilrd co.
My wife beitif efflieted with a verv aeveie pain in her
arm nnd alrmlder (the otleiMB of cklj wlitt h (Usabtetl hit
fi'-tm umnfc it. .aa cured with rubbinji of Cream it Cam
ph r Mm, l-'tilm, my airter-in-ln w, waa nK i cured of n
aevere paiii iu t!:e heid hihI f Ke bv usiiip the Crertru .f J
Camphor TUOM S C I'.LLIS. Dunviile. y.i, V,V.
My wife Ivivitie; Rheum itiam of the arm for a number
of yea rit, which prevent id her from uaina: it iu il'unjt lift j
ioik ; after hu,u:g apfjit a g'c:it dnl ol m uiry in irung '
d liferent reinedi wllh iij btinelit, wna eutirrly curetl by j
iitiiuT only one b dtle f vonr Crentn of Camphor. !
WJLL1AJ4 KV LNrt, Mi.w.r, foi S. It. IVo-wl, R. Pmm.
Dr. Hifklv ; Uiivin" received a veiv aeveie iniurv in i
mv tide bv fdlmi I'lfn I i J of h:n. from wliu-h I wtu mm- !
(u to full w mv wtM, waa re ;i:imnde to trv n h idle I
ri Cieum of C'Mii(i'i r, whi h ufrmled iaimtiliuta reli:f.
UliW'H li( CAtiR. HUth tp., N.iMh'd C.
My wife, atiflWrus from m tr eifrucmiiuff rrnia.
throiiphout bm pi tieral a.iitui, which prevented her from
aleopthjf (tumjr oe rai nivd ly a l-mf aud protracted. tprtl
of aickiieha ;) fur whirh tlie uard a immlr of rctnriliea
withtsttt hefn-6t. wat entirely relirveil bv the uae of Cream i
of CainpJior j CKO. B. BROWN. !
; ' ' i CMHffe hi in iititt, utfii Villa, Pa. -
Ciiild cured of It wel toiunlnint. ul A true (of two yeara
uNiiirif, iiy wivm Bvmp. i
Mv child Iwintf aiitu tcd f r the nH two venra. with
liowel C unpluint ini"l Aiiue until it wa reihtced to a i litre
tUeh'toa, 1 tiiJ n uumer of fcrmcihea will) no permanent
benefit, until I gave At a bade oi your Worm ISyrup,
lince which time it haa hr'i, well, oiut pot quite flhr.
1 also htve re(inirieiidml tt to a uiimlur of my fnemla,
and id every cae it Ima given utisinciin. L. I.KVI.
At iouta iJiin' i-iierurmni, twnviiie.
I have uaetl yoar W orm ISyrup ni mv lamilv and uu-
lider it uot only etTecluul, bat the imwt plewKint article 1
am nrqtiaiuted with. JACOH LASIIKIi. Danville.
Htvuwi uaed your Motai eyrup in my tamiiy, it helpa
my children mre lhauauy prepurutHm of the kind, and it
more plena nit tu Lake. , DAN MORtiAN.
m'nio'iir iow, uiiuviiie.
I hnva hsd oreaainn to uae your Worm Kvrun in my
family, and pu-tW it to any Vermifujre 1 auve uaed.
r n.r.u. hl ut rroaiy tuiey, niontMur co.
Dr. Bicklev lluvinir uaed vour woiin Svruj). aud
Cream of Camphor and Fufinly Pill in my family, they
fpiva g'Xid KitMlaotion, aud 1 eaitder them the moat ef
fectual, a4 plcaannt rrmr-diet, we hare had iu our family.
JOll.ll I II A. IV. IAsr-11 IMS, IHIiriMC.
1 Dear fir. We the underaicrned heinjr in the employ of
Meaara. Oriwea ft Comly, at whe et'tre, you have an
A tear y for (die nie of yar Family Mediciiea, time thut
we have had an oortortunitv of ku iwina the npiuioua of
numerou a iudividuala wh hive uaed them, and that they
give ftnueraj autibttction. We uavc a ld a treat mnuv of
your riua, winiliare umverauiiy iiKen. ieni very mud in
their operation. W. LF1SNR1N'G,
Dniiviile, Atteat, W M. KKPLKR, '
Having- Scurvy of my m mth verv bad, 1 wnt induced to
try abtuie of your Tooth Wath. which acted like a charm,
hardening my guma. and rttnovitie; alt diaenae.
Dr. Bicklev: Havina what waa called uherated fire.
mouth, for which, I tried a number of remedif-a wit a uo
beut-rit : I waa at latt cured by uaii one bottle of your
TiNita waB. My wit alto durintf her eMiifiiieineuf, wnt
threntened with a re.llrrtnaia. Iuiua having alrradv formed,
lor whic! ahe uaed the cream oi i umohir, wturn aeotter
ad thuu, Uu:rly preventing hr Itrenaia fami enthertiig.
fiKO A. It R OWN, fc
Near I nthernn Ch ireh, pnnvi'le. Pa.
Dr, Hu.'klev,--(Uviiitf an pp-rtuiity of aeeinf yonr
Auti-Ho'-rliutio To 4h Waali uaed in amna very aevete ca
tee of acurvev of the rum. I eonatder it an excellent reme
dy You re, reepectrulry, CKO B BROWN.
The abova raedieioea are fot aa!e Whofetnli and Re
tail by W M UiCKLLV. M. D , Proprietor, Danville
i Alt' Foi aula by the folkiwinjr Areuia in Nortanmber
Inivd couutv. Knlu.a ft Grant, ftuufcinr ; W A. Knobb.
Auruata; W. Farrow, nydertown ; Tnjreart, Furnumft
Bartoti, Paaiami Fmatine ft btrottta, Paxinoai Johe
Vaasaot, Pa&nmat Htih Vaetme, pNxin; Ammerimu,
Htteaei ft Co , hinoki ; Mra Jna Thwnaa, Hnmn-'km ;
Win. Fattetv. (Miam Aia ; CampbeU ft Khne, Aueuwa;
fin timet A. Ilenatnepua, INHnatmrar Jaa t om
Bvur tttttvp; Omnvt Weivk, N-irlbuiri-rtiind , Jmih
Crmtae. .v Joaiat, Btker. Lewiatmrgj Joha F.
Uw and Jonathan Bettera. Milfm.
CaU m Uut Ageaim. aad ft a rirrutw eontairibifi m fnU
acripti.ttt uf tbe autaatua euree perfurnieal by the diafer
aatt MtjMine.
im it. iaaa v.
1o Yotir Own JTIeclinnfcii.
Of the most Fashionable Style. ,
'"FHE subscriber respectfully call the attention
-- of the public to hi large and splendid assort,
merit of every quality and price of
which rannot fail to recommend1 itself toerery on
who will examine it, on account of it durable
workmanship nnd splendid finish, made bp of the
best stock to he had in the city. No eflbrt is
spared in the manufacture of hia ware, and tht
uhscrilior is determined to Veep up with the
many improvements which are constantly being
made. His stock consists of Mahogany '
Softta,' DlvniiM run! Lounges,
Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards,
and aUo VENETIAN RI.IMJS, equal lo Plu'la-
delphia Inonuf n'ltire.
CEDSTEADS, of every puttern and price,
In short, etery article in this line of his business.
He also manufactures nil kinds nnd qunlilirs of
including varieties never befnre to be had il
Sunbury, eueh as Mi mm tar, Buck WiLNfT
asd "fr.Rn Miplx Cinr.rnx yn AViKnsnn
CHAIhS, nii i-AStt Puso Sionts, which are
of the latest ttyles, and warranted to lie excelled
l,y none manufactured m tbe X 'ities or elscwlicro.
The subscriber is detennincd that there shall
be no excuse for persons to purchase furniture in
the cities, as every confidence can be entertained
alioul the quality and lini.-,!i nf his ware and
Hi article will be disposed of on a Rood
terms as tbey can he ptirebused clue where. Coun
try Produce taken in pavinent for work.
txT l-NDERTAKlMf. Having provided
himself with a handsome IIt:inr., he is now
prepared for t ndertuking, and attending funer
als, in Ibis vicinity, or at any convenient dis
tance from this place.
17 The Waro lloom is in Market Street,
below. Thompson's Store and Weaver's Tavern.
c;eokc;e kknn.
Sunbury, Jan. 10, 185": tf.
500 Agents Wanted.
01000 a Year.
TPSTANTED iu every county of the United
States, aelivo and enterprising men, to en
gnff in tile sale of nonie of the best Books, pub-
lisbej in the country. To men of good address.
powesfing a sm.ill capital of from !jiC5 to 100
Ktirli iiulufcincnts will bo ullcrcd aa lo enable
litem to ruaho froin li to 510 a day profit.
IV 'Jhe Ujoa ptildishvd ly usaro all useful
in tlicir chaiacti-r, Cxlremcly pojiular and com
mand Irtr;;? sales wlicrcvcr tliey arc ofTorcd.
For ftnIiLr patticulara, add res, (porta paid,)
MSAHV it til l A,
No. 13S North Second Street, riiiladelphia.
I'ubliahers of sulwrintiuii Books.
l'liilu., Aug.
SO I85J. 5m
Paints, Oil,
Glass, fjc.
S To French rinc white.
10 tons Pure White Lead.
5000 Hoses Window (Has. all aiies.
Superior Potash, Copal, Coach .Leath
er Iron vartiinh, white Demur viiruish for China
(loss, with a peiirrnl assortinciil of fresh and pure
Also all the Patent Mcduinio in general use,
wmriinted genuine.
Colored unJ Dnumled Cilass, ic, Z.C., for silo
very low at
Ai.rnr.r) wn.TKF.RPEK's
Dili and Point Stoic, .o. IbD Is. 2nd Street,
Pliyyiciaus anil Si ureLenpers supplied Goods
tent to any of the Hot,-! or Depots tree of charge.
Phila., Mav VP, IH.":1 ly.
bll.VKi: WAltK, Wl,..l,f;ilc mid at No. ?J ..
Bl'.rOXU !.. ,,...i:t- ihe Mu Vi'iiion II usr, G.ud
Lever Wutclies. lull jewoli-,1. t k. cji's, Si!,uil; Silver
Levers, f till ji-vveVd, 8IJ.00 ; Piler lpiues. ;eTled. ,.
00 all wiirrantrd to keep g,id time. (! ,!d I'ene anil Sil
ver Cnse, t!,U); G .kl lWils. KLOO; i -lit Pencils and
Pen Cans WHO g ,id Until I'cnsa. I ,w os Ac.
Als-t, atwnva on hand a g kmI nsrorliuenl of fine gMd
Jewelry, (iold Ciiih, G'imd and Fob Chains, tiokl Vest
Chain., Indies' Uold Fob Chums ami Bell 1'iiis.
Silver Table W)ne from 14 to 8I. Dessert, $9 tn
2t,und Tea, VI,4to $6.:0 per set, warranted equttl lo
coin. All gla warr.-u.l.-J . , he what they are Sidii lor.
l"i Wait-bra nnd Jewelry repairett und warranled.
IV All ordera srui by mail or otherwise, will be punc
tually attended to.
M. AVISE, Agenl,
No. '3 North SECOND Sireel, r.pp,ue the Ml. V cnioi
I'hila , April S3, 1n.-!y.
Three Acres of Ground
FJUE aubecrilwro.Tertat private tain, his house
- aud thice acres of ground, on the river Bunk
within the limits of the liorougU of Sunbury,
now in the occupancy of John Shiesler and orig
iiuilly owned by C.iat. Uussler while engaged iu
boat building. The improvement aie a
With a Well of good Water,
tnd a good frame stable. There are a number of
excellent fruit trees on the premises. The prop
erly is handsomely loeuted and will be sold at a
reasonable ptiee and poKvension given in April
next. Apply to Geo- C. Writer, Est., of Sun
bury, or to Ihe subscriber at Solinse-rove.
July 2.1, ia.-)3. If.
WM. M'CARTY, Eookscller,
IJESPECTFU1.LV inforinatbe iiilmbitanls ol
town anil country, that he hat lately rceei
ved from Philadelphia, a Urge addition to hit
slock of books, in i-very branch of Literature, tnd
in a great variety of P. hiding. Plcuje call and
see them,
Sunbury, Pej.t. 17,. 1853. . . ' T
Stone Cutters and Laborers
faTONE cutlers aud lubornr can have tteady
employ and a winters job, (und not work in
the water,) at the Union and Susquehanna li ridge
at Chapman, Union county, Pa,, midway be
tween Liverpool and Northumberland. To la
borers $1,95 per davwill lw given, -
Chapman, Sept. 17, lfj5a. tf.
DLAXIC3 of every description can be hai? Vy
19 applying at the ol Ike of the American. .
l"kU. 11.11. HIGHEE'8 remedy for concha,
'-'colds, and pulmonary di .eases. A supply of
tint valuable medicine just received and fr sal
by II. B. olAJM-U
Sunbary, Junt 4. 1053.
tivt and legal envelopes, for tal by
Sonlmry, Jan 10. 185S. .
YOR tale at thit office, Buptrior Black Ink
- O attl MeJicint at 23 cU, fur Eastaca as
Giriger. t!S cent -
SILVER WATCHES A few doubt eaa
EnRlisb bUver Watch, for sale at vtj low
prices by ' ' "
Sunbury, April IS, IM
f7iEE BILLS. JuaUeM aa vpo.".
Bill b an cUe nasty pruiud on ears' pp
tal at ihisofae.
. At 1fa Cabinet Wai ts Itoom of '
' ' ; " ' Market Square,
Also at the corner of Fawn street & the Railroad
: ThanVful for Hi patronage ol 1i friends ami
customers during th 17 years he ha henn In bui
nest in tliis place, he solicits from the public a con
tinnance of their farors. During tliis period hi
ha endeatoreJ to keep up wilh the improvements
of the day, and ha accordingly ettended hi busi
nes in every branch and variety. 'J'ht public ara
therefore invited te the attention of the present
tack of ": ' : ' 1 "
At the Old feVonif, .
Where in addition to their former stock of tin
establishment they now manufacture.
Kahogany, Walnut & Cane-Scat Cliaii'S.
Lstrzre Spriiig Seed Rocking Chairs, -Dressing
Bvrtnvs, Centre Tablfn,
.Marble Top Wash Sl'tnJs,
and a variety of ot her
new style tmtl
F.'ifehiGiinble uriiU.o'C.
Having secured a Hearse aud made Hi neces
sary nrraimemonts for tlio purpose, they are now
prepared for Undertaking in all its brandies, in
this vicinity or at any convenient distanrr.
Ye maids and mistresses, and husbands too,
Here's furniture of every st) is and haa.
From side board down to kitchen tables,
From rocking chairs to loeliirg cradles
PhonM yon not htn-r the ready J011.1 lo pay,
We'll wait uwhiic f.r a brighter teller day,
Or take potatoes, oats, eorvt, wheat ttnd rje ;
Ijurk, hoop p- i. staves, or lumljer wel snd dry,
Or any thinjf bul yofcrs and llireehhtg tlails,
From pigs and turkirs down to little quails.
Corns on tlicn friends, come one and all,'
Keep trails a moving, so "goet on ths baH."
t!' Orders from a distance promptly attended
to and work of all Kinds delivered with dispatch
Sunbury, March 9, 1850 tf
A'o. 12 South Second Street,
Gold I.ever Watches full jewelled
Silver Lever do
Silver Lepine do
" (itartier do
Gold pens and pencil and silver holders
Silver Tea and Table Spoon
Dracelt'tM, Ureast pins Ear riui's Ac..
All warranted and sold at prices as Ion at acy
in the city.
November 27. IS.'". tf.
1,000 Men Wanted.
rkN the li-e or the S'JSQVEHAXNA KAIL.
KOAU between l!rii!i:epiirt (oppocito llar-ris-hur!;')
and Sunbury, in the State ol Pennsylva
nia. This road is titty four miles in lenib' runs
through a highly improved country, and will
furnish employment for alone nnisuns, carpenters
nnd lubnierb for the twelve month. A
large portion of the line is heavy rock excavation,
luborers Hint arc familiar will therefore find ecr
tain employment and literal wages.
February 19, IP."3
Rosendnle Hyilraulic Cement.
4 X excellent article for lining Cislerna, Vaults,
Pprinc houses and Cellars, and for keeping
dampness from wet and expofed walls, .
For sale by
of, tmd sucecssor to, the lite linn of L'i Smith A
Son. j
X. E. Corner of Front aud Willow atreot i
Railroad. !
Philadelphia, Feb. 19, 1653, ly.
TVJ'OTICE is hereby , given, that application
will te made to Ihe next Legislature fit
Pennsylvania, for the incorporation of a company,
with discounting privileges, to be located in the
borough of Sunbury, in the county of Northum
berland, with a capital of One hundred thousand
dollars, tn be called Ihe "Susquehanna Savings'
Sunbury, June 55, 1653. Cm.
Hobby Hoises, Childreu's Propellora,
Oigs. Coaches, Barouches, &o.
Mauufaeluied wholesale and retail by
No. 4 DUCK Street,
Orders throuch Ihe mail promptly executed
Phila., April tt. Ksj:'. lv.
N'OTICE is hereby given thai an application
will be made, nt the next regular session of
ihe Legislature, to charter a company for bank
ing aud discounting purpose, with a capital of
two hundred thousand dollars, with the. privi
lege of extending it to four hundred thousand
dollars, to be located in the borough of Sunbury,
Northumberland county, Pa., end to be called
"Tuk Mixta' Bank or Si stisi."
JulyS, I a!) Gin. ..
, Lahorera Wanted, ' : '
THE subscribers want immediately en th
Railroad and Basin, at Chupman, Union
county, seven miles below elinsgrove, from
50 TO 100 LAUOKtiKM,
to whom one dollar per day will pe paid.
Chapman, Union County, Fen. 19.1853. tf.
S-20 liEAVAKD-.
HE above reward will be paid for informs
tion thai will lead to the discovery and
conviction of Ihe person or persons w ho were guilty
of filling the axel boxes of the pasetiger and coul
cart of tht Philadelphia and bunuury Kilroj
with sand tnd diit. j .
. ... U. LOXGENECKER, Prttt.
Sunbury, Aug. 27, 1853.. - L
BLANK Parchment Paper Deeda and blank
Mortcaaea, Uouds, Executions, Summon
Ac., fur kale by
tt. O. MAO.i.n,
8unbury Apri 88. 1851.
w mm A KJa
fl book., ink. all 'i'
and for aala Kv
. Banbury, June 4, 185S. .
MirilM Bl'UPfl.
A mall number of that
., oumps hv Ue) rKsved ad are
offered for sale by
H. B
l . .Ml ,.
flunhurv. Jnn ,
V UEK, a feash uppiy just received; and for;
Mla by at. u. ttAoocn.
tVonbury, Jan. 10, 1853.
SV-i -y '- ?iMl-
eirr or niLiDii.v.ii
All solvent Imnks fJI
V n. Bank m4ea lSdis
All t itvtni buiks I dit
Alt trHvnrt banks I tit
, NEW YORK. 1 J..
' ' err. v: 'rt
i soiTeni ranks pat
ftntk of Chamlwtshiirg 1 dis
wi , . i n -. t vo. pari
Hnak of Del. Co. Cherter pur
di,w m iserinnntuwil
Baak of Gettysburg ,
Bank of (.eiTUioara
rnr Atl solvent buka , 1 Sim
1 Jn.tTDk notes under tS I tur Cl
Bank ofMiddletown I js
Mmilgomery Co Bank-' pari
fimk nf Nortmnnbsrl'iid. pai
Bank of Fittshurg 1 di,
Bank of Danvill. " '.r. par
All solvents banks lit
Belvidere Bank I dit '
Commerei.1 Bank 1 ' 1 dtt "J
Far. Bank Mint Holly ear ...
Ctrlial Baiik 1 Sr. F. Jk M., Middletown Pi. per
Columlns B'k It B'ge Co parjMeehanies' Hk, Newark ear
Doyeumnvn Bank ; . . . par Meeli, Hk of Burliurtoa hi
Kaaton Bank
Hr Mw.k J. ST.. UL- v . " ant . , r , d,t Morna Co Bank late
Kaibange B'k Pittsburg I di. Newark Bk'g 4fnt.Ce 1 dis':M
F.xrhaiige B'k, Braneh I rhVOfange Hank -it n
r armers' H it, HuekaCo parlHwple't Bk Pstttrtua 1 die
. mi'Tiintcr par i rriceill IMItK ,
lrmers Ilk, Bending par'Salem Banking Ce,
Farm. Ilk rVhnvlkill i'n ,r R.,n.rr.t C.fc i
E P.- B wy"'l'g tldi.lstale Bank tl Camden par
! rankllll lik. Wnsli'u ljdis Slale lik Eli!betht,m Idis
liarrialjiirr Bank
i oi. .ibi. riswiri - ait
1 dis Bint. Bk. N. Hrunswiek par
iioiiesdnie Hunk
linraster tirink 1
pnr.Mussrx Hank, Newton I dit
.nation wihk . not
1 rnntisi llunking Co . par
Merrh. A Mnn. Rnn I di.
Union Hank. Dover ' f dit'
Minete' B'k, liitlsvilla per Yantieyv'leDeHrCi
3 fiid it
MoiionguheluBHiik I dis'taTUk notes under Sr. I
Taylor.v-erielB'cCrt 15 disl DELAWARE.
Vest Branch Bank t pur Bank of l)cla wars . , rnv
tVvomine Bk. Wllkebb'a nnr
Bank of Smyrna
York Bank, 1 dis!
tyilelief nntea 1 dis
Bank of YVhetlock ft ilia
Mercantile Bk, Haniror Wilis
Delnwtrt City Bank
Hk Wiling'ni Brattdyw. nar
Farmers' Ilk Ht Delawart nex I ...
t'nioli Bank, Wilmington par
nr Under fS'a dit '; 1
Alls-ilvent hnnks J dip.
All solvent Imnks J dis
All solvent Unks 9 dit
FrBk noiee under B'e 4 dis :
Alt solvent Innks 9dis "
Bank of Pt Albans 5 dis
All solvent banks di.,C"L'nir 5'a,
) s
Tremendous Excitement
Cash, Steam, Electricity!!.
The Aerial and til other lines out-done by th
; LlffUtnlnK I.lnc of
11 1 A : T. CLEMENT.
"f"5HO, having great faith in rapid tale anrl
' tnmll profits, hut just received ana opentrl
a large assortment of
At his Store in Market Street, Sunbury, whiih
he offers to the public at the lowest prices.
His stiii-k consists of a general assortment o '
Dry (Joods, viz: '
Cloths. Cassimers, Cassinets, Jeans, Drillings,
Milins, Linens, Calicoes, Muslin d t
I.ains, Lawns, Ginghams, Bereges. L '
Silk Hats.
A Inrgt assortment of Boot and Shoes, for ..
Men, Women and Children,
fiiocci lc,
Sugar, Tea, Cofl'ee, Molasses, Cheeia, Spi
ces, Fi-sh Salt, Plaster.
Yii : Iron and Steel, Nails, Files, Saws, Ac.
Tea Setts, Flutes, Dishes, Cups, Saucers, If
Winr. Brnmly, Gin, Rum, Whiskry, tf.
I V Country produeo of all kinds taken in ex
chnnge at the highest market prices.
Jan. 15, 1653 ly.
rpiiE EORTIET1I EJi---
lion, with Otto II undred
Engraxings, showinr Dit-
e.itirs aud M jifunnilions e
e Human System ill every
ihapp tnd form. To which
is added a Treatise on ll.t
emales, being
ighest imporlanct to
or tbost
plating marriage.
Let ns father be tshamrd to preset, t a copy 0
Iho .r.SCULAPIUS to his child. It may sirt
him from an early irruve. Let no young man or
woman enter into the secret oblirjttiious of msr
rird life without reading the POCKET iESCU.
LAl'Il f. Lei no one tuft'criiig from huekniep
Cough, Puin in the Sido, restless nights, nervous
feelings, and the whole train of Dyspeptic tenii
tiant, and given up by their physician, bt tnothtr
moment citiout consisting :!:e.$CULAFIU$. -Have
the married, or those about to be married
any impediment, read this truly useful bonk, aa
it has been the means of saving thousands of un
fortunate creatures from tht very jawt of death.
If Any person sending TWENTY-FIVE
CENTS, enclosed in a letter will receive en
copv of this bonk, bv mail, or five ropiet will ba
sent for one dollar. Address, D. W. YOUNG,
Post paid.
June 18, 1853. ly.
1Inmo!u(1oii of Partnership. .
riTHE Copartnership heretofore existing under
1 the Hume of lames H. Si Wm. B. Hart, it'
this day dUimlved ly the withdraw! of William
H. Jlort. The hmiuest of Ihe lata firm will ba
settled by cither of the undersigned, at No. 829,
North Sd street.
Philadelphia, Jan. I, 1S53..
l lie iiniiereined, nave this Onv formed a co
partnership nnd will continue the business unde
lete name of James II. & Thomas Hart. Thank
ful for past la vow, they respectfully ask tbe atr
tention of their friends and the public to their.
stock of GROCERIES,-which will be full aud
extensive, and which they will tell at th lowest
market rates, i - i u rr s.
' - . : i - . THOMAS HART,
Philadelphia, Jan. 1, 1853, J 8, tl. -v.
I Olore K,w Goods)! I - : :-
Wl LL1 A M A. KX01JT5,
Ti ESPECTf CLLY inform his friend anil
Ihe public geuerallv, that ha ba just received
and opened a laig and splendid atock of
at hi fStor in Lower Augusta towathip. fli
atock consist of every variety of ,., ,
Dry Goods, Viz: ( . .
Cloths, Cassimers, Sattinetts, Vrsiitiji, f(n-
tiris, JWusin, tft, i
A ajdendid stork of . -, . .- . ,
Such as Silks, BrragM, De Laines, Merintts,
Lawns, Ginghams, Calicoes, t(. , ,.; my
A fin assortment for Men, Watntn ek Child rtav
, A large assortment of GHOCER1E8, '
' ,'' . L' ' 0CH S '
Sugar, CvfTee. Tra, Molaae, Spice, te.'
Hard war and Quemw.r. . ,
l isli, Snltnnd Liqiiors. ' .
Cin, Brnndr, Earn and Whlskry,
asides lha largest and moat general atari'
went of all kind of Good to b bad in thtcountry.
. AM th above meutw.ied good will b tald at
tuch reduced pricet aa tbey can not ba (fr
Country produce of all kind take in tichanf
at lha highest market prices. - , j- i
,. August twsrp., July S, 1853. 6a
41 OLD PENS with and Without aaata,
M yy uperior quality, just received.
. i Alt) a fiaah tunnla ot VVriLin Fluid, far
by L..t,,.,. . i , M. B. MAfcSER.i t
oanuary, ute. 97,4851. - vt -
bar bottlea for salt by' ' i
Banbury, April, 13, 1851
ttRie-'-i t & Disease of F
Se T-r-':'"Vf rnarneii people.
.AiWf cecum