a- SliAMUiaiN JOURNAL. Communication. Cht utma$ AmutmtnltTht Children of :i i , Shamokin, ', ' ' . ' '..," '1 1 , ,' J SANTA CLAtlg. ifc I - 4Amotirtr Dec. 88, 1853 Chrisimae with it marry peals or laugl lar hai triViied ul ence mare, lit annual return never avil ta call forth a, loud shout o( wrl' coma. Old and young, atike'dn In the healrlff It greelinj. ' How many delifhtful recblleejiona eluaier around the very name ofCiuietmss and Santa Cluui. The heart leapt fondly forward to mingle among their tea Jhauiand aacred and glorious association. Hon ninny lo whom life has been a conitant and perhaps biller struggle, have here rested fro ai their honeit toil, to listen to the "song of The elden time," and fancy themselTes once again beneath the roof of the old home, on a Christmas eve, with the happy circle around the blazing fire, listening for the fiisl step of the mysterious but munificent bene factor, Santa Claua. We temember well his first knock at the door, and how we re retreated timidly to our mother's side, while othore older and mora courageous, helped themselTes to' the contents of the spacious bag, unmindful of the well directed blows; and when the last '-'good night" was said, and wo beard his footsteps retreating down the street ; how bold we became; and laughed at the idea of so good an old gentleman do ing his young friend any harm.. All liaili then, merry Christmas ! Come with' your good cheer ; Come with your joyous hearts, your smiling faces and your gloriojis memo ries. There is none but what will pause awhile to bid you hearty ivelcome. . Ait incident occurred in our little village, arising from the present advent of Chiistmas, that is worth recording and remembering, for it was one of those pleasing little episode that, is calculated to sullen the rough path of life, and touch all within its range with a happy and mellow inlluence. Jud;e Hel fenstieii, with, hi usual kind and liberal feeling, extended an invitation to the children of Shamokin to meet him on Saturday morn ing at the residence of Dr. - Atwater. The invitation was readily accepted by over two hundred boys and girls, ranging in age from three to fourteen years. They came with their laughing faces J which with their iienl appearance and good behavior wasa pleasant sight to see. This, I am sure, more than repaid the Judge for his efforts lo prepare the entertainment- The room in which the children were received contained a large Christmas tiee, full of Martzcbaums and oth erwise "done up" in the old Dutch fashion but looking us fresh and beautiful as if it had bean transferred (rem some fairy realm, and planted there by the Fairy Queen. An l o ir or more whs consumed in examining and admiring the tree, and then the doors of the large diuwing rooms connected with the Poi'toit mansion were thrown open and the children treated to some flue music on the Piano, Flute and Guitar. After this they were shown into an oilier :oom where was extended an immense table, on which were piles of books, cakes, candies, &o. Every boy and gill was presented with u book, and their pockets or handkerchiefs filled wi h food things. . Several ladies were present) who seemed to draw much delight in helping the children and directing their movements. A gentleman from curiosity kept a register of their' names, as each one received their bonk, also their age, and how many could read and write. It wasa gratifying fact, that af the two hundred, one hundred and thirty could read, and one hundred read and write.' This reflects great praiee on the common school system of our prosperous town, and promises for the future an intelli gent and viilnons community. Thus passed Christmas in Shamokin. The children will long remember it, and in the "gnoJ time cominjr," for Shamokin, may the Jud.'e long live lo wish his little friends a "merry Christmas." Navigation Closed. The North Branch Canal is now frozen over with iee, and navi gation baa ceased for the season. A very prosperous and heavy business has been done on it, and the revenue increased at the rate of 100 per cent. A Man came into a piinliug office to beg a paper, "Because" said he, "we like to read the newspapers very much, but our neighbors don't take none." Now ii the time for cheap Clothing I , The Great ' CLOTHING STOIUJ ! . OF O. ELSBEIiG & CO., Market Street, opposite the tost Office. OUR stuck has recently been largely replen ishsd, and now shows an extent, value and variety ' " 1 ' ' i JScrcr before Equalled, in 'order to givs all an opportunity to supply themselves with goad and cheap d rilling before the spprosching Hnlideyit ..;.! r i Among our cheap snd choice Assortment can be found the following I Fine black, Uun, olivs and brown Frock, Dress and Sack coats of cloth. Petnr Sham, cassemero, aattinct, . beaver, felt. Whitney snd blanket. Also, monkey Jackets, all styles, colors and stufl's. . i i : ' PANTALOONS, An endless vsriety of black and fancy Casseinere' suttinclt, velvet and other Pants. VESTS, A very large and choice Assortment, such as black and embroidered, satin, fancy silk, cs He- mere, cloth, worsted, velvet, c. &c. BOYS' CLOTHINO A nice assortment of coats, vests and pants. BOOTS AND SHOES. A variety of calf-akin, kip and other boots, slip pers and times. . . - . I. DIES SHOl.S.. Morocco, enamelled, Jen ny Kind, gum and other boots, bootees, gaiters anil slippers. HATS AND CAPS A variety of silk, wool and fur lints, black and blue cloth, plush am! oil-silk caps, mens' and boys' sizes. Also, all kinds of underclothing, white and fancv shirts and collar, suspenders, gloves, socks, handkerchiefs. Are. UMBRELLAS, T HUNKS, VALICES, Carpet flags and a great many other articles too numerous to mention. JEWELRY. Watches breastpins, car anil finger rings, gnlJ pens, with or without cases, gold pencils, 4c of all kinds snd at bargains. Also REVOLVING, doublo and single barrel'd pistols. tj?' Our clothing is made of the best anil sound est innterinl, anil ill workmanship equal, if not su perior to the best customwork of city or country tailora. We ore still continuing on our former motto, , ' CHEAP FUR CASH . Anil are trying lo deserve still more our rapid ly spreading reputation of having the cheapest store in Sunbury. Kemcnibcr G. Elsbcrg & Co' New clothing store, Market Street, opposite the Post OlhVs. Sunburv, Dec. 'ii, 1853. ORPHAN COURT SALE, j IN pursuance of an order of the Orphans Court ol Northumberland county, will be eipesed to public sale on the premises on '. SATURDAY, the 31st of DECEMBER, 1853, ths following described real estate, to wit ) i Thf Eastern half of Lot number 178 in the Borough of Sunbury, bounded by Blackherty street on the south, Lot No. 177 on the esst, Barberry alley on the north, ami wes- terrt hair of lot No. 178 on ths west, containing 30 feel niore or less on HlackWrv street,- and 230 feet more or less to Barberry alley. ' On this lot there is a large two story ,-.. M, BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, about 30 feet front by 38 feet deep, with a ono atory log kitchen back. There are sundry out-buildings un the premises, and a large num ber of Iruit trees of choice kinds. In connection with. ths said premises passes the Tiujlit loan allay three fuel and eleven inches wide, along the western wall of the dwelling house, extend ing tlio depth of the house, and 3 feet 1 1 inches beyond. At the same time and place will be sold with the above premises, all that part of the adjoining Lot No. 177, bounded by Barberry alley on tho north, River street on the cast. Part of same lot No. 177 belonging to the German Reformed Church on the south, and lot No. 178 on the west, containing 160 feet mora or less in length from noitli to south, and CO feet more or less in width from east to west. Sule to commence at 10 o'clock. A. Af. of said day, when the terms will be inadu known by , JOHN II. PURDY, , GuarJiau of Oakley I'urdy. By order of the Court, 1 J. P. PUKSEL, Clk. O. C. Sunbury, Dec. 3. 1853. ts. ) A n A p j re n ike Yu n te d . 4 N industrious hid of about 15 nr 10 years of age, vho wishes to learn the Tailoring bu siness, can find a goad situation by applying im mediately to the subscriber, in Sunbury. A boy fiom the country would be preferred. JONATHAN M.DOSTIAN, Sunburv. Dec. 17, 1853. 3t. "VlfALL 1MPE". A large ami splendid as v ' eortn ent of Wall Paper, Window Paper, a id Oil Shades, just received ond for sale by Dec. 10, 1853. I. W. TEN ER & CO. ATTENTION, FJES'ERS' 4 Ml Jir.CllAXICS' AISTILKUISTS!! rOU arc hereby commanded to meet in Market Sijuare, Sunbu rv, on SATURDAY, the 31st of December, next, at 0 o'clock, A. M.. fully equipped for drill. Ench member to be pn paied with 10 rounds of blank cartridges. By order of the Captain, SOLOMON STROII. O 3. A Court of Appeals will be held on ORPHANS COURT SALE. SN pursuance or on order ot tlio urptians oon of Northumberland county, will be exposed to public jsale, mi MONDAY, tho 2d day of JANUARY, ncjt, at the court houso in the borough of Sunbury, the following real estate, to wit i A Cerium tract of Land, sitnote in Zerbe township, about 1 J miles below Trevorton. the Trevorton Railroad pasting through the laud, containing two hundred and twenty one acres and allowance. ALSO: ANOTHER TRACT OF LAND, situate in Upper Augusta township, and county aforesaid, containing one hundred and scienly four acres, mid n hull', adjoining lauds of A. Jor dan, J. W. Smith, tieuruc Conrad and others To be s I J as the properly of Sarah A. Slmllrr and Isaac Shaffer, minor cliildicu of Jacob Shaf fer, uce'd., (each of said minors owning one fourth part.) lire remaining one nail part ol the above tracts will also be solJ at tho ubove time and place Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M. of said Jav, when the terms of sale will be made known. BENJAMIN HENDRICKS, Guardian. Tiv order of the Court, J. P.' PURSUL, Clk. O. C Sunbury, Dec. 10. 1S53 List ol' Causes, .TOR trial in the Court of Common Pleas ' of Norlhumlierland Comity, at January A. D., 1S54. ,. TLAlNTll'TS. N. B. said day. Sunbury, Dec. 21, 1S53. Joan Haag Gierge Linulit S Jeuks vviiii notice to ictrctuoaut ATTENTION, i e xv tiiTra'tiirtsi! "ITOU arc hereby commanded to meet J- in Market Square, Sunbury. on SATURDAY, DEC. 31, 1853. at 9 o clock, A. M., fully equied for drill. Each member to be provided with 10 rounds of blank cartridge. Punctual attendunco is required. By order of the Captain. GEO. OLIPIIANT, O. S. Sunburv, Dec 17, 1853 . New Advertisements. . Notice. THE board of Directors of the Pennsylvania Training School for Idiotic and Feeble Minded children, incorporated by the Legislature of Pennsylvania, April 153, give notice that they will now receive a few additional pupils un der IS years of aga, into their Institution. Ear ly application will be necessary to sacura admis sion as with their present accommodations their number must be quite limited. Application msy be made to Hon. George M. Stroud, Philip H. Justice , H. Morris Wain," ' ' "' Committee of Reception, Philadelphia. Or to the principal of the Institution, . . jJAS. B. RICHARDS, Dec 14 1853. Germantown, Pa. "ennsylvan iiT ' COUTECTIONARY 6c frRtTIT STORE, No. 169 North 3d st , S Jj for. of Vine, PHILADELPHIA. THE subscriber takes this method of informing Country MerchsnU and the public generally. that he baa re-iueved from 158 to lha lurge and commodious store t9 Nomtu Third street.aml tenleniehed it with an eilenaive and well selected stork of Confectionary, Fruits, tie., which he is confident be can olTUr to purcharersi wholesale end retail, ttt satisfactory ratce. ' .i Cy'J'bose purchasing fur ths Hollidaye would da wall to can ana eisiuine ine siock. ... WM. 8, STILES Philada., Dec. 17, 1853. 3rd. V To tkt ilonorabl tht Judges of the Cjurt af - Quarter sessions for In county 0 norihum ' Urlani r Ths oiKtosignsd peUlinuor rr MISS K St liullv solicits ths linn .oep au Ilia or lavera la ruatt u rrant him a Ikimi ths Bufouaa M nuiuwriimpni. V0""" PKTER HANFILMAN. WK Am andersicitsJ citizens of lha B orimgli i KMku,uhaluyi. heir muaiuiul with ths Prtittloner, a 4.M twnt mm m of Kflno raoais star hjmaatv mud mmnrM- and that hs is well nrovided with a wss ta aw) other dwreuiuiesa for Ihsaoeoroniodaiioo'irsiraniisra SM trSVlllSTS, ana IBM mm mm ur mnmwm m u.i.iy fOf In arSOOJllBSOaSHOU OS WinP. mum ww.si.vfa. Jaa Wtllis, S. M. Bntias. Alea. Cok, Kotert B. JICT.4ss-Tfrt, jr., S.roual I. Johraju, . UewH. teudla. lorn CM, GMUthuoil. Tsffark Jamas Trt, Fiamiiayji. Taiojat. Hsory Nsuar, Jr., isanisJ Ns. If, List of Jurors, V Northumberland County, for January Tenn, A. D., 1S54. 'i-aii(l Jurors'. Plnbuhv.-E. Y. Biijiht, Jacob Youngmun NoHTiifMBBiiLANU. Geoi"e Atisley. Milton. Win. Sliine, Jesse Dcirickson, John iMilicr. Ti bbut. Jacob Huffa. m. R. Krumer Dki.awark. Win. Knk, James Ouks, Henry Culp. I CIIILISIIUAQUE. Jolin Caul. Ul'l'KR Ai'GtsTA. Wm Heed SiiaMoKI!) Ct'ore i'o, Martin Cats. Coal Jonas L. Gilyer. Rush. Christopher C. Ryan. Low til Maiiasuv. John Bingeman, Philip Messner, lVler Burrul. UriT.u Mahanot. Wm. Berkhonse. Jacksus. Pniel Ki'niple. Juiidan. Jacob Uelltnuii. Zekbe. Anlhpny Gilhispio. TRAVERSE JURORS. Sunbl'RT. John Yonns, Peter W. Gray, C. O. Bachmnii. Acustus Cl"miil, Washing- Ion Smiih, Win. Mctariv, t-li Kessler. NllKTHl'MBKRLAND Wm . SIlCHlcr. Milton, trnuel K le. Tcbbut --Nailmnifl Briltaiu. ' ' Lewis Geo. P. Curn p. Peter Strause. Curnly Vincent, Jrimes U Barr, John 1 wee.l. Dei.AWAHK - Henry J. Ueaiier, jrtmrs Beard, John Bryson,. Chnrles Hagenbinjh, oliu M hintiey. ClllLlSQl'AQl'E Micnael t uee, a Dm nam Tr..xl. Point John Heikert, Geo. Lecher, sen. Lower Ai'Cf-TA. Solninoii Weiser, Jo seph Gas, S. H Ziinnri-rmnn, Jos. Weilzel. - Shamokin. win. niaenni, uiunuu Yoet, Charles MarU, Samuel A. Beigstresser, John Uiplrv. Bun Wm. LlarU, Isaae vt omirnir, Aimer I'lluer, Joseph Sharphss, Philip Hull, Bun ham R Kae, Garrel Vimzaul, John Colcotl. Coai.. Herman Snyder. i Lower MtiiANor John Spalz. George Bioi'ioiia.j Jackson John Buhner, Samuel Malii h. UppEh Mahanot. Felix Mowrer. Zeise. Benjamin Pa'.ton. ' ' Tctil Jurortj. SuauRT.J. W. Friliim, Charles Beck- NoUTHUMBKRLANO. Wm. Van Lear. Milton . Kdwartl Chapins, Wm. Nagle, i it u i i -i. II ... I . u lticii, 4unt-JII I1UI1IK1. Turbut Wm. Fiankenfield. Delaware. D. H. Wmiwih. Cvremnies Bomboy, John M. Smiih, John C. Hodman. Lewis.-J. Roan Barr. Chili.quaque. John Simpson. Point. Henry Watts, Edward Grady.' Ufpkr Augusta James Forrwster, Rsu ben Garrinurr, John KierTer. ' L'wer Augusta Wm Mallich. ' ; ,J--' Shamokin -Asa John, Leonhaid Rothsrmel Isaiah Morgan, John Fi-her. . . , Coal Michael Kerstelter, Richard Wol vertnn, Benj. Mart, Joseph Wnlverlon,' Rpsh Pler Campbell, Abraham Moore, Ira H ilt. Albiii Hnuhes, Thomas Vastiue, . Upper Mahanot. Jacob H Kanflman. DEKUNUAMS. Henry Klazc & h,c his wile vs .amillirttlor J D Mas.icr vs Ilcutieu 1- mfely Daniel U. Cunficld vs Coiuelus .McUiuley Johu lluuier vs Jolm L .Ycujjcr vs D Hoats lor M Swcny vs Christ & McFaddcii vs feusauiia held W'cndel 1. Keller vs John r' Wo.liuger J & A tlwlcr vs Daniel Liltnu Reuben Fagelv 5' to vs John Kost r V Co Daniel GiIisjii vs Jacob Ueuueil 6i VV'iu i alilcr Oil Kucketeher vs Jcse C Hoitou Hugh Martin vs Jicubeu i roxel (ieoryo Partot vs Huiubuii iic.iu Suruuel lowing vs R D Cbuiuiliii; Divid Xc.vliciten vs . Bjiiiu John S Good vs rame Morns L Hallowell vs James Reed Uaruuhue Scull & Thompson vs Suine Dun, ell iSaxloii co vs Sams Richard U briucn & co vs Same tfains vs Same Abraham Kissinger ex'rs vs John W Stsmm Jessa Heusyl vs George W Starizel Jacob 1) Masscr vs John H Purdy Jacob Kline vs Joseph Kline adiu'r Wm " Wagnnsoller vs Kipp Adam 4- Hariiuan Frick & Vaudling vs Ysndliug &. VanUhng In ths matter of the Estate of BALTZER B0RDNER, deo'd. The Commmiwralth of Pennsylvania to Jon.ihan, Philip, Peter, Joseph, Isaac ami Urmuy Bonlner, Maria intermarried to Paul Lahr, KlUrtbelh niarneil to John Dockey, Cmhaiine marrieil to Elijah Andeismi, Lmiir Ami maiiied to Daniel Mii hxel. Also to the lolloping Urnud rhiidien ol lialixer Buidiier, nhe uio the chtldien nf his eldest sou Ed ward, now deo'd., to wit! Genme, Augustus, Henry, William, Benjamin, S.nali and Mar Caret. The said Htliry, William and Benja min are minors and have for their Guardian Ad. litem Georue Biosious, and Sarah niairied to Arlhtir Hill. Tmeal (leseenilniita and heir of Ball iter Borduer, dee'd., and all others inter etted. Greetino. Norlhumlierland County, as. You ate hereby cited to be and appear before lha Judges of rur Orphans1 Court to be hehl nl Sin bury, on the fust Monday of January next, then nnd there lo accept or refuse totukn I hu real estate of said B.iltzcr Bonlner, dee'd , situate in Lower Mahaney township, county aforesaid, at lhe valuation made by an inquisition hehl on said real estate October 3d, A D 1853, and returned November. 7ih, A. D. 1853,' or show cans why the same should mil be sold according to l.w, and hereof fail not. Certified from the recoidsof our said Orphans' Cnuil of said Connlv at Sunbury, this 7 ill day of November, A D 1853 JNO. T. PURSEf., Register. . December 3, M53. REGISTERS' NOTICE. . - V OTICE is hereby given to all Legatees, ' Creditors and olhcr (rersons interested in the Estates of the following named persons, that tho Executors, A dmiiiilrnlors, and Guardians of said Estates have filed their accounts with tht Reyislcr of Northumlerhind County, and that the same will be presented to the Orphans' Court of sriid County, on Tuesday, the 3d day of Jniiuarv, A. D, 1854, in tho forenoon, for confir mation and a.lowanrc. Jacob Gesrlmrt, dec't!.. settled by bis Adm'rs., M. W. Jackson and Win. B. Kipp. Peter Swank, dee'd., settled by his Adm'tor, Daniel Swank. George Oyster, dee'd., settled by his Adm'tor, John N. O sler. Michael Kebmk. dee'd.. setlled bv his Ex'tors, Godfrey l!ehick and Peter Fersler William Dcrkheimer. dee'd., settled by his Adm'rs, Allen Shoemaker and Samuel lierkhcimer. David Faui. dee'd., settled by his Adm'tor, William II. Kase. Peter llrn-tons. e'ee'd., supplementary aect. settled by his Ex'rs, Peter Brosious and Godfrey Rahuck. Samuel It. Irwin, dee'd.. setlled by D. W. Ir- Innd, one of the Adm'rs of V. W. I. land, dee'd. Edoard Oyster, dee'd., settled by his Adm'tor John i 011115. Ccorjje Hanpt. sr., dee'd., settled by his Adm'rs George Haupt & Scbavlian Hatipt. John Wert, sr., dee'd., settled by his Adm'tor, John Wert. I.v.lra Herb and Judith Herb, settled by their Guardian, Felix M.mrer. Solomon Mnlick, settled by his Guardian, John Wolf. John O. Snyder, settled by his Guardian, George Snvder. JOHN P. rURsEL, Register. Rcjji-trr's Ollhe, ) Sunburv-. Dec. 3. 1853. New and Fashionable Goods 1 1 JOHN V. MA 11 TIN, 1 Fashionable Tailor, Deer Street, one door north of C. J. BrunerU ' - 1 Low UJfict, Sunbury. HAS just received from Philadelphia, the best ami most desirable slock or Goods that has ever been brought to Sunbury, such as CLOTHS, Consisting in part of black, brown, green, olive and blue. A apleudid assortment of such as satin, velvet. Grenadine silks, plush vel vels. cashmere, Valencia, and a splendid article of white Grenadine for wedding vests. Also-, . ' ' ir- .ell descriptions of cloth lor OVHHCOATS. An extensive variely-tf plain and fancy cassl niers for pantalcons. (.'ormnon goods for coats, pants end vcsls, coat bindings and cordings j a superior article of NECK TIKS AND STOCKS, of lhe latest style, plain and fiiney black cravats, hosiery, suspenders, shirt collais, silk undaishiils. drawers, men's drab buck-lined chamois and other gloves, and trimminqs of every description. Also on hand a few articles of READY-MADE CLOTHING, warranted to be equal to his customer work and sunerior to Philadelphia manufacture. All per sona buying ready made clothing of me can have them renpuired aralis in case of ripping or giving cut. as I warrant all my articles I return my lhaiiks to the public for their pre vious patronage and respecll'tilly solicit a contin uance ol' the same. As I am determined not to be undersold, my g3Js will bs dUpjsci of on ths nio.t reasoualile terms for cash. fcunbury, Nov. SO, 1853. Look to your Interests I t W vrill try to plotut ! f G. N. THOMPSON JJ EPECTFl I i.Y Informs his friends and In the putrlio gmierslly, that lie has Just re ceived at his store, in Msrket street. Sunbury, below Weaver's Hotel' an extensive stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, consisting in pirt of ; Dvy Goods, viz : Cloths. Cessimert. Cassinetf. Jans, Di Mings, ' Muslins. Vesting, Lin'iis, ij'C.' LADIES DUES.-' AND FANCY GOODS, Ctlicors, Muslin Ae Lnins, Lawns, (Jinthiims, Berates, lltib.s, ' Woslent, Flannels, (ft. CaiiocKnii, . Sugar, Teas, Cofiire, Rice, Molasses, Cheese, Kpicss, Salt, &c, &c, 5tc. KSardnnrc, Nails, Screws, Piles, Saws, Knives & Ferks, &c. Que .is and Glassware, of various styles and patterns. DOOT3 AH!) BHOB3. A large assortment of Roots and Shoes, for men, women and children. Hats Cats, &n., of various sixes and styles. Resides a large arid general assortment of fashiouablo goods. Cull and examine lor'your sclves. ff' Country produce of all kinds taken in exe.hunge at tho highest market price. Sunbury, 11 mo. 6 1S53. 4 in. 30, '13. Sjiicea DAVIS & CULIN, Dealers In I-tvipa. l.ANTin & 1 iiANni'l.ir.ns:, N. E. Corner Fourth and Cherru Streets, PHILADELPHIA, MTA VING eularRed anil improved their Store .,,,1 h ivin? tho larirest auorlmentof LaniLS in Philadelphia citv. thev are now prepared lo furnish PINE OIL CA.MPHENE, BURNING FLUID, ETHEREAL OIL. Phosphene Gas and Lard Oil, Lamp, Lanterns of all palerns. Fancy Hotel snd Hall Lamp, Chandeliers, Girandoles snd Candc Iciihras. and llrittnnnia Lamps, rt lhe Manufacturers' lowest prices. Glass Lamps by the package, at a small advance over Auction prices, ll.inir larse MA NI.'FA CTURERS of Pine Oil. Huiniiu; Fluid, Etb.ereal Oil, Alcohol, ami (the only true) Phosgene Gas, thev can fur nish lliese articles at such prices that Merchants will find it to their advantage to buy. Call before eoini; elsewhere, if you want bargains. Also, tha Safety Fl id Lamp for sale. Phila.,fept. SI, 1853. ly. Jeremiah Wetzel Peter Mieddy vs Elijah Crawford Peter Dilmyre II V Mimpson Wm D Cook C'oinnionweahh John C Meloy Henry Wilhclin Samuel iSeidig A leu Eldcrd tephen Ellis sdm'r Thomas M' Williams George Eckerts udin'r John W Peal Thomas M Watts Jacob iStitzel vs JAMES Prothonc lary's Otlice. Sunburv, Dcrenrber 10, 1850 vs Lieorgo uurn.un ei ai Win August & II Kriner vs M 6c P Uilmvre Abraham Marsnull licnj Uullinrjton f5snrue Johiisnn George Uckcrt adiu'r John Weddccomb Frederick Wilhehn George Conrad Win H C'hamlierliii E L Piper Wilson Hutchinson Henry Reader Peter Kerlni Jacob Roub David Gould BEARD, Proth'y. PUOCLAMATION. O'l'lCE is hercbv citen lli.it thn several Coiirlsof ('ommoii i'leas. General Ouarler Sessions of lhe peace, and Oprhuns' Court. Court of Oyer snd Tenniiier and General J.11I Delivery, in and for the county of Norlhiiin!eiland. to commence at the Court House, in the borough ol Sunbury, at 10 o'clock, A. M. on Monday, the 2nd d.iv ol J.inuury next, and will continue TWO EE ICS. The coroner, Juxtices of the Peace and consta bles in and t'orthe couutv of Northumberland, are requested to be then and there in their proper per sons, with their rolls, records, inquisitions, and other remembrances, to do those things to their several olliccs uiilrcrtuinine to he done. And all witnesses prosecuting in behalf of the Common wealth against auv prisoner are also requested and commanded to be then and there attending iu their proper persons to prosecute ai;ainst him, as shall be just and not to depart without leave at their peril. Jurors are requested to be punctual in their attendance, at the time appointed agreeable to their notices. Given under my hand at Sunbury, the !ld day of December, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and filly-three and the In dependence of Uit United States of America the ?7lh. WILLIAM B. KIPP. SherilT. Gad suve the Commonwealth. An Elegaat and Durable Hat FOR S3.00, Equal, if nof sipmor lo ttty note offered. a FOSTER & GLBHARD, Third St., Iclow Chestnut, PHILADH Till A.. OFFER at very reduced prices the following; LA HIES' Ruling Hats and bonnets, CHILDREN S fancy hats, ol oil colors. Cloth, Plush, and Gluzed Caps, ofeverv varie. iv of stvte. iiK.il.r.iu,. a uuviug onu TravclliiiK Caps. Soft Hats of every stvle and finish, at prices lo suit all. Also, ) ouug Gents Hats. Ir A general assortment of Ladies Fancy Furs. Phila., Nov. 5, 1S53. 3m, Estate of SAMUEL THOMPSON, dee'd. OTICE is hereby nivcii that letters of Ad ministration have been granted to the un dersigned upon the estate of Samuel Thompson, late of the Uoroneji of tSuuburv, dec d. All per sons bavins claims arraiiisl said estate ore icquest- ed lo present them, duu authenticated, for settlement ; and those knowing themselves in debted to make payment without delay. MAKIA 1 Jld.MPSO.N, Adm lix. Sunbury, Nov. 19, 1833. CI. Important to Coal Dealers. TH E subserllers hereby inform the public, that they have entered into partnership under the firm of Kase, Reed Sc. Co., for the purpose of mining, shipping and selling coal, delivered at Sunbury, or at any olhcr point along the Susquehanna. They will be ready to deliver coal, weP prepa red.. on cor 'tract or otherwise, at altatimes, on the shortest notice, and on the most reasonable terms. Orders-received at Shamokin bv . .... KASE, REED & CO. .. Sunbury, June 4, 1S33. ly. i;v . 1.0 nai.i sto.ck:. A BRANCH or TUG Clothing Mann factory, OF S. EIINURMAN & CO., Danville, Pa. E icspcctfutly announce to the citixens of ' Sunbury and vicinity, that wo have a complete slock of HEADY-MADE CLOTHING, of every stylo and quality, to which we Invite ths attention of purchsjers. Our assortment con sists, in part, of Fancy over-coats. Plain over coats. Dress coals, t roclt snd Sack coats, Mon keyJa'kcls. Pun is and Vrsis, plain ami fancy! I, men and .Muslin blurts, LinJcr-shirts, Uiaucrs and over-wholes. - Also, Gloves, Ptockings, Neck and Pocket Handkerchiefs, Woolen and Silk Hats, Cloth and Oilcloth Caps, (Shoes, Knots, Gaiiers, Slippers and Carpet Hags snd Trunks, L'mbre las and every thing genera. ) kept in a well supplied clothing and centlciuaus' furnishing store. We keep also a good assortment of w-y.r!.i VvlLy-wj , Accoidcons, Jewelry, Ear Rinjs, Finger Rinjjj, Gu!d and Silver i'enciit, Lockets, all warranted lo be onJ. We Bell at the lowe.it cash prices ; for our molto is, "Small Profits and Quick Sales." We have bul one price ui.d no abuteintii), so that a person is sure to gel the worth of his money, whether he is a judge or the goods or hot. It any urlicle does native saibducliou as to Jit, we will take back tho gools and refund the money, provided they are returned on the same day thev were purchase!, w hen the purchucr resides in town, and in 0110 week, when he resides in lhe country. Price the same us at the Danville Manulacto.-y LV Call ar.d secure the Bargains. Sunbury, Oct. 8, 1S53 If PROCLAMATION. IV'OTICE Is hereby aiven Hint n Special k" Conit of Common Pleas in ritnl lor the? County ol Northumberland, to commence at lh Court House, In the boionuh ol Suiitinry, nt 10 o'clock, A. M., nu Monday the 10 ti ila nf Jauinny in'M, and will continue ONE WEEK. Jurors nrn requested to le punctual in their nltt'tidance. at the time appointed ayrecabltt to their notices. Given urnli-r my hand at Sni.bnry, the S6ih day nl Novell. her, in the yeai of our Loid one thousand eiaht huniired ami (il'lv-lhreo, nud the Iiiilcpeiideiice of tho United States of America lhe 78ih. WILLIAM Ti. KIPP, SheritT. TW Way ! Thlt Way 1 1 Ihia Way 1 1 i " Full mid Wiiitt v GoihU. FRILING & GRANT. OESPECTFULI.V inform their rustomara and lhe public, Hint they have just reosiv ed and opened tire best and cheapest stock of Fall and "Whiter Gooda, at their store in Market squaic, Kunbury, Their slock eonsisU of every twrie'y of Dry Goods, viz j Cloths, Casfimeres. Suttinets, t'estings, Flannels. Wollrn. he , And all kinds or Fall & winter Wear. AUo n spiwuiliJ vnriclv "f LADIES DhliSS & FANCV GOODS, Calittrs, Cinhim. Chinttes, Dt Lahrrs, Deragcs, And every varicly of yoods suitable for L dies sar, Also a large assortment of HARDWARE en:l Wtt-MWAEK. Fish, Salt nnd Plaster. Also an eMensive nslllllllelt of II ATS A.NU C'AfS rB NIKS AND D'.iYi. Also a large assortment of ;KOt I.U1' SUCH A3 Sugar, Teas, Cnlt.-r, ftinransi1", ol all kiinta. Alsa a tresh supply of UltUOS A.NU MKUICI.K.. Besides the Urjiest anil iiios' ueneriil irfsorl int'iil of all kinds of pood to be h.nl in this place. EV Country produce ef all kinds tsken In ei change at tiie highest market price. Sunbury, Nov. 12, 1853. NEW Clock ? Watchmakers.. KIRSCII & CO. t jTAVE just opened a Clock and Watchmaker shop in the hniMiu& latrlv occupied by J. M. Simnson, near Tener it Co's Hlore, in Market Street, Sunhnry, Pa., Where they have opened, and will keep constantly on hand, Silver & Gold Watch 3s, etc. Also, Jewelry, Consisting "f Hold Greast-pins, Ear anil Fingee Ivings. Medallions, Cuff-niiis, Ladies A. Uciitls mans' gold and silver pens snd pencils. Also, silver and plaied Tea and Table spoons, sail, spoaus, butter knives, &c, mJm. Jit W m, X. wiJ JjrJ; Of all sizes, suiting every ai;e. fpy Classes, Pocket Uuoks, of all sire, liazors. Hair Oil, f! volvers, and olhcr pi-iols, Dru'hes, Combs, Soap, .Sec, &c. Also, a largo slock of !I'.t"l .tl liivi'tniivntN t amongt which are A cenrdeons, Violins, Flulius, Kites, Flutes. CARPET BAGS, Trunks umbrellas, vusociulerH. All ie of ren- dy made bhirls anil Collars j all of whi.-h w.llho sold cheaper than has ever been heretolovc so d in Sunlmrv. Cir Clocks, Watches. Ear and F'..-.--r Hiii?s repaired in the best manner and ol 'ii ni' t 11 mice. i,. n. is KM !in. A Estate of ROBERT M. SEYDEL, Leo'd. 'jV'OTICE is hereby given to all persons inter ested that the under gned has been appoint ed by the Orphans Court of Northumberland county, sn auditor to distribute the as-ls of said estate in the hand ol John I'. vV oJflugcr, Ad ministrator of said estate, to and among lliose en tilled lo receive the same. Said auditor will uttend for said purpose at his office in Hmihury, on lha Crsl Monday of Janua ry next, in the evening. CHAKI.ES PLEASANTS, Auditor. Sunburv, Dec. 17. 1H5: 3t. FOR CHRISTMAS AND THE HOLIDAYS. f IlIIE Hubscriber resj ecll'ully informs the public 1. that he has 011 hand, a large nupply of all ! WATCHES :& JEWELRY,' ' Silver and Plated Ware, At his Store, No. 13 South Second Mreet, Phila delphia, which he will sell at the lowest prices. JAMES B. FIDLEU Phila. Dec. 10, 1SS3. Lahore, s AYnnted. p 0 0 Laborers wanted in 5unbuy, constant f work all winter, waes 1,1V) per day. DO WEN & MASSER, Sunburv, Dee. 10, 185:1 tf. LKF.NnW AKE Beautilui aels of Tea ware, in China, tstoua China and Delf DnTTT-r and 8umrer Disbes of all kinds, 1 oilel Hels, covered Dishes, China Fruit l)akets and Ornaments. Fluid Lamps, Lanterns, tilasswaro in variety, and Tumbler from ccuu upward, just received and for sale try Dec. 10, 1803. 1. w. i r..-iiK en. l-u. Little MiBAHor. Wm. Rak r. Isiae SUA W 1.8 Droche, Thibet and Woolen in great variety lilack and Fancy Dress Silk, Silk lace, velvet and oilier Trimmings, Worked collars, under-sleevaa, shimazetuv culls, just re ceived and for sale by (. W. TENER & 'JO. Sunbury, Dec. 10, 18VJ. , , , , SHERIFF SALE. TJ Y Virtue of a certain writ of Ltv. Fa. to me directed, will he sold bv public vendue or outcry, oil Monday, lhe 2d day of January next, at the Court House, in the borough of Sunbury, at 1 o clock, P. M., a certain eijual undivided seventh part of A tract 01 Land, situate in Little Mahanov township, Northum berland county, surveyed in the name of Ma. bias Zimmerman, adjoining lands of John Uoyd. Mi chael t.'roll and Peter Mowrer, containing in the w hole four hundred and seventeen acres mors or less. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold us ths property of Wdlium Avers. WI1.MA.M 13. Mientl. Sheriff's Otlice ) 8unburr. Dec. 10, 1953.- $ t. II. SASTHOLOW. i. B. CHAI.SOS tifvasv, in BartholoM-, TilVany t$ Co. IMPORTKRS AND DKAI.EItS IN Foreign ami Doiiit'Kf ic DRY GOODS, AND ACKNTS FOR TUP. SAI.C OF AMERICAN MANTJF A CTURF.S, No, 26S Hnltimors Street, Baltimore. If our Goods on examination, are not as cheap as they can he bought in any other market they mav be returned lortliwim ' our expense. Baltimore, Nov. 2li, IHoX ly. List oi" Causes. JTOR Special Court of Common Tlcae of fe Norlhumlierland (-'ounty to commence on Monday, the ldhdsV of January next, A. D., 1S54. .' ' - Edmund Winchester vs David Watson. (Jeor(e Wiiley vs Ah'm DunkelberRer's admr'x Ahijah Dowe'n vs Win H Thompson Com'lh for Wm L Heineman vsT A Dillington William McCarty vs (Samuel Hunter Daniel Rhodes vs Jatoli Wertlnan Isaac Holfa At Wife vs Henry Laisha Simon Snvder vs George bnyder t Moyer iSr-Mojers Gar- jii'.uiuei1 , look here ! ! HEW! A M IN I S I EEStT.CFFri.LY ii.f.-ma the citirens of Sunbury ami vicinity, that he has ju.t re ceived and opened at hi t ew sioie. in Msiket street, Sunbury, a handsome assortment of Fall mid Winter (JoikU consisting in art of Cloths, Cassimcrs, Casslnets. of all kinds, of linen, coiioii and worsted. ALSO! IHoUksh'IIii !' I .s I m a and all kinds of Ladies Dress Goods, GROCERIES of every variety. Also an assortment of Hits slwai and Steel, Kails, &c. Also an excellent assortment of (ITJEENSWARE, d vaiioiu sile and paileuig. Also an assortment of IlltO I'si Si. MIOt ?. II ATS 4: CAPS, a good selection. Salt. Fisli, i,e. And a great variety of other urlieles sn -h n r. suitable to tho trails, all of which uiii be 1- .. : -' the lowest prices. Ltr Country proiluce tal.en 111 exc.iar the highost pri-es. Sunbury, Nov. 1?, 1853 ly. Hilz for Reintf Washington Mutual In- P ,lfn,.n Bl .1 vs Same Tho 'New s of how the War Between lhe Turks ami Russians ttfi OES on is not of so much interest lo the tll inhabitants of Sunbury ami its vicinity as the fact Hint I. W. TENER k CO. have brought up this week from Philadelphia a large, beautilul and varied stock of goods, which 1 hey will sell cheap a heretofore. They respect fully reqnesl their friends and the public to call and see lliem. Sunbury, Pa., Dee. 3, 1S53. Shamokin Town Lots. ("SMIF subscriber is now prepaied lo exhibit and JL dispose of Lot in the new Tnwu-Plat of Shamokin. Persons desirous of purchasing can I ascertain the terms and conditions of sale by calling on the subscrilr, at Shamokin. Shamokin, Oct. 15, lf53. tf. - ATS AND CAPS. , splendid lot of fahionslile Silk, Wool and I ur Hats. also Clulh, Fur, Odclotli, ."Vuvy and Military Caps fr sale low by Market street, opposite the Post Olfice. 5unliry, Oct. 8, lUr3. k. i Hand Saws, Wood ermss U i"ir;, C,'iM!l. U"or Lcokssud (Unges Hsnd Hell. W ji,., 4t. jHm weivw, .,, f salsb, LW.TENEK4CO tiwVury, Dee. f, ttM. 1, ; - - PARTNERIISIP. M It. JOHN CI.AIilC iescclfully informs his friends and customers Hist lie has taken lino partnership, Mr. Henry Partou, snd that the business of Ulat kbiuithin; will, hereafter, be conducted un- tier the firm of Clark & Parton, at the old stand, we.tof Ira T. Clement's Store, in Market street, Siliibury. JOHN CLARK. HENRY PAKTON. N. B. Persons Indebted to lhe subscrilier are informed that hie book are 111 the band of G. M. Yoiks. Eaa.. for settlement.- JOHN CLARK, Suidmry. Dec. 8. 1853 if. CRANBERRIES. Ground Sul. Almonds, Pecan Nuts. Wall Mui,l'oeoa Nuts. Cream Nuts, Fillrerts. Kalsir;, Fiiis, Citran, Lemons, Candies nd Tjys, just received and for sale by i'to. '.o. 'SS. I. W. TENER & CO. BURN IN O FLUID, Campliene, operm ami Whale Oil, White Lead, Linseed Oil, Tur penline. Candles and 6oap. just received and for laleby I. W. TENER & CO. , Sunbury. Pee. 10, 153.' Iron Eatato of J. P. SIIINDEL, dee'd. VO TICE is hereby given, that tellers testa- J ' mental v have lieen erauled lo the sulwei ibe s , on lhe estate of J.' P. Wiiudel, late of the Uoroujjh of Sunbury, dee'd. All lhoc kuowiua: lheneve imlehted lo or having claim against said estate; are reuueted lo make setllement without delay. J. G. L. sHI.VDEL, Sclin.grov, -.; M.L. SH1NLEL Sunbury. . Executors. Sunbury, Nov. 80, 1653. Ct. Estate of PETER 0BERD0RF, deo'd, jVOTICE is hereby givin that letter of Ad- y ministration on tho etate of Peter I .urdui f late of Upper Auiju.ta, Norlh';,,Ueilr. county, ilev'd. he Ih'i'U grr.tt J lo .' undeisiunrd. Therefore all t,on indebted lo said estiile will discharge lha siiine. and those having demands I will present them fur settlement. All persons indebted to lhe eslala on vendue notes are re quested to call for sell lenient. PETER OllERDORF. ) P . . GEO. OUERDOUF, t,x Upper Augusla twsp., Nov. 19, IS 53. CU . surance Company State Mutual Fire IusU' ranee Company Albiu Newliciry vs Thomas Rasrr Mahonoy and Shamokin yf Al)raliam PaIll Improvement co Oliver I! Hilliard v John Hartman Jr John V." Peal vs Joseph Diminick, ct. al William Forsinan el al vs John Parks Jane Donar v Georse P. Buyers el al Jolm Biinh & Vi!'e vs Nathaniel Saxtons adm'r Jacob K Uln.sd vs J Fay .V J Hamuli JurJau 4- i e ker fur I-odne .Nu Zi vs illiam Faprlv Jacob II ilhWi v Abraham Reubeudahl Daniel P Hilhish us Georce Apsley Robeit Philips vs Zcrby Run and Shamokin Improvement Lompiilij Mary Viekcry vs Daniel 1, alalia s lieir Henrv A I.echner 4 J rph Pound Win.'M. Rockefeller vs Carbon Run Imp Co JAMF.S BEARD, Pioih'y. Prnthonotary's OiTree, ) Funbury. Nov. iC, !sCi3. " WM." W." 22 AKEij , So. 99 Aror(.'i 2.i Street, tiro d iori above '.he Ml Veritni Lvi, I'liiladolphta. .Manufaetnrer ol Pine Oil or Camphrne, FluiJ, Lard, and Oil LAMPS CUaodtlcii s and Candelabra, for Ch'.ntk ts, tttures, i'arlor, ec r"HE ulierilKr would most rcspsit fully Invite -at the attcniion of storekeepers and the P''iiir in general, to his large slock of somls ;nfimine of lhe above named article, which ,r disposed of at the lowe.t uianufactur'.,- fiicM Whole sale and Retail. Als..best q'lal'-'.j, of 3uriiing Fluid, Pins C or v.anipuin-, i,:;,eji Shade. Wicks, &c. iiMl tiiey l:uv I pp' r AugiiKln ,1 iv. Pa., tl.c.r lo the public d faoi and ewell's patoiil safety Lamp, a n rpKUNKS, Carpel Bags and Valicesy also a A lot of aood Clocks for sale cheap by Pea. 19, 18M. I W. TENER C O. Estate of CHRISTOPHER WOODS, deo'd. lata of tht Borouq of Northumberland. IETTERS of Administration on tha above named estate having heeu granted to uie, debtors aud creditors of the samo are requested lo call at my oll'ne in Northuiul erlaud, to settle or ui-ke kituwu their claims. DAVID TACCART. rtV(J,Noy, l, JBC8, 9t. . article, tor sale. riiila., Nov. S, 1853. 3ni I'latiorin Jcales, L'ig iFr Serry triltJ Always right The Artnaufd- Railroad, Hay, Coal, and Far- fMV ''' SCALES, set In any pari of tha country, at short noiiee. .. 4UENT3 .E0. W. COLBY. 510 Market U fhilsdelplua, E. Y. Bright, Suubury. October . 8''3-3rtt mil l( 11 'IK f. Wbole.le Deal- ly a er in t-'onteclionary, Fruits snd tirocenea. No. 104 MARKET eiirret .lore sixth, "lb aide, rest door lo Re4 Lion Hetul, PhllaJsljU rWa-,Oe., lWyW. LATEST ARRIVAL OK Fall autl Winter Corn's. j. r. u 1, r. klxnu, TF.!1'ECTFL'LLV ammuiice t 1 ll.fir frirni. i- aud lie public in am. 1.. lecsived at llietr Old i.noi 1 lfljMihip. Noilouiiil-frland n 1 Pall an J Winter bonds, anil ujii.cr a full asr.urlrueut ul MERCIIANDIZ. i-v, Coniiistins in Milt ef lolls, bint. Cassimers, Sallinells. F.anuels. Check- all kiuris ol v inter W ear. Also a splendid assortment of Ladies Drca) Goods, Calicoes, Clinghanis, Muslin tie Lnitirs. Plaid Cashmeres, Da bcijes. Kleriuos, l!av klale Long Sl.awla, &c. AUs a fresh supply of Groccrlm of all kinds, Hardware and Quernswure, a fivsh supjdy cf Drtitrs ami Mrlu im s, M'ockIcu Ware. A lei) a la ee kssorluieut of Boots and, , ' ho;, suitable for Men, Women aud Children. Hats and Caps, such as Silk, Panama, and other Hals. .sll. Cheese, Ac. Cuil oud veox Cheaper t'.aii the :htaM .i, All of which will to i!d firah. or in ei-. ' .an ;o for country jjebJucc, at the higlicsiuiailefc price. Upper Augusta, Nov. S, le33. ly Al an. Cheap Watches Jewelry, n WHOLESALE and R.-rail, at ttie Philadel phia Walch and Jewelry Wore," No. t6 North Second Slreel, corner of Qnurrv-, PHItADELlrHI O .kl Layer Walehe, lull jnwiHeA I" "Oil esea. tJf ."i 1: u 1 Ihk. Ml Ml 1'ni.Mls Sl.ilactcS. I.4 Silver la et :.. f - U.mI uiaves-i. Silver Li ver, luil jrw.M. W I! miltrm' O 4.1 I ' Sniuri r tja illicit, T ISnvei 'IVa sp h li .III fiieela. Ie. t-is-t . . ii'M Vt4, wuli P'cil ui.l e-IVM ! r, 1 (iold Finger liuie a;-eu:u. Wuiih (.lasses, plirtii, f.'i cents; li.nwt D : Lm -', it i oilwr article in proportion. Ail a ' va,e rautsd lull wbal thev aie sold lo.. si J'ALFt'EK tIARi.E Y, bucce'ois lo O. Ci.nrad. Oa hand, some Cold end Silver Lever. anJr lupines, slill lower lln Ilia above prices. bept. 10, 185X .ly. irRITlNU FLUID and self eeaUi Euvsk v loiwa. lusl receive.! aud for ile lw ril IB. I'S-M H.W. MV-SKK 3 UO mils. l.l" IVa .mi, sol. ,OU JUtfTlCEia' FEE UJI.I.S sw ;., IL U unbtmr. IJ t Pijnkelbtrsr. t . . .. . , ' ' . - . . ... . w -j(fcs v. .' -