Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, December 24, 1853, Image 3

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    jftU.' 1 U-'- HI i-1 -'-L- HI
have ieceied, uvi th Nw York
Herald, th cfTioial record tf tho operation
r Cel. Walker' parly, . lha details of the
batll or La Paz, and ih clioic of a Presi
dent of the hew republio.
t. Head Quartert of thi Republic of
" ' , Lower California, Nov. 7, J853.
On the morning of the lTih of October, w e
ailed with the firei 'independent battalion
for Lower California. The command con
iited of forty-fiv men. Our oyag waa a
prosperous one to Cape St. Lhca ; we landed
on the 28ih of October; there we gained
otno Information of importance; and pro
ceeded on our way to La Pa. On the thiid
day of November our vessel cast lnchor op
poaile (he town. A party wua ordered by
Colonel Walker to land, take possession of
the town, and aeoure the peiaon of the Gov
ernorLieutenant Gillman commanding the
party. ,
In lea than thirty minutes the town waa
taken and the Governor secured. We haul
d down the Mexican (lag in front of the
Governor's house, pioclaimed the indepen
dence of Lower California, and onr indepen
dent flag fluated triumphantly where, but a
few momenta before, that of Mexico had
waved in supposed security. Our men, pro
visions, and munitions of war, were landed,
the town fortified, and Col. Walktr entered
upon hit duties as President of the Republic of
Lover California issuing such decrees as
were most congenial to the citizens, as well
as le the security and comfort of his com
mand. - Here we remained until Sunday,
November Cib, when the President determi
ned to remove the seat of government to St.
Luoas. In accordance with his determina
tion, we embarked, taking with us ex-Gov.
rner Epinoa and the public documents.
Shortly after our embarkation a vessel came
into port, having on board Col. Rebolleio,
who was sent by the government of Mexico
lo superseed ex-Governor Epino;a. A small
detachment wa despatched lo bring Colonel
Rtbolleio on board the vessel. This order
was promptly executed.
About an hour after this occurrence, a
party was sent on shore to procure wood.-
While in the act of reluming to Iheir boats,
they were fired upon by a large party of cit
izens; thus commenced the first action.
This party consisted of but six men, who re
turned lo ihe vessel under a heavy fire of
musketry, without losing a man. Meantime
a fire was opened upon the town with onr
ordinance, which was kept up until Colonel
Walker tended with thirty men, when the
fight became general. From- the time of
landing until the close of the action, (a signal
defeat of the enemy,) was about one and a
half hours. The enemy's loss waa six or
even kilted and several wounded. Our
men did not so much as receive a wound i
exoept from the Cactus, while pursuing tho
enemy through the chaparall in the rear of
the town.
Thus ended the battle of La Paz, crown
ing our-efforts with success, releasing Lower
California from the tyrannous yoke of Mexi
co, and the establishment of a new republio.
The commercial resources, the mineral and
egricultural wealth of the republic of Lower
California, destines herie compare favorably
with her sister republics. Onr men are all
in Mho health and spirits, and are as noble
and determined a body as were ever collect
ed together.
The officers who compose th government
are as follows, viz:
William Walker, President of the Republio
of Lower California.
Frederick Emory
John M. Jarnigan
Howard A Snow
Secretary o. Stale.
Secretary of War.
Secretary of Navy.
- . Major of Battalion.
John Chapman
Chas. H. Oilman
John McK'bber
Tirnolhy Crocker
Samuel RtilutieJ
Capt. of do.
lit Lieutenant..
2J do.
3J do.
William T. Maan
A Williams
John Granncl
Captain of Navy.
First Lieutenant
Second Lieutenant.
Our government
has been formed upon a
sure and firm basis. The civil code and
code of practice of Louisiana has been adopt
ed for the rule of decision in our courts, and
as the civil law of the land. We arrived at
Cape St. Lucas on Thursday, Nov. 8. On
th morning of the 9th, the Mexican culler
Geneva cruised off lh cape. Our Sppear
anc was so formidable she deemed prudence
the better part of vulor, heeled to and gave
us lha slip In the evening our troops again
mbarkad for Magdalen Bay, where the
President contemplated establishing the aeat
of government for the present.
Advices from Washington say that oders
for the arrest of Col Walker had been It
New Advertisements-
No. 169 North 3d sr., S. E Cor. of Vine,
TM1E subscriber takes this method of informing
JL Countrv Merchants and th Dublic eenerallv.
that ha has re-ineved from 168 to th large and
commodious atdre 109 Nobth Third street, and
replenished it with an extensive and well seleoted
stock of Confectionary, Fruits, &o., which be ia
coo fident be can offer to purchasers, wholesale
and retail, at satisfactory rates.
C7Thos purchasing for the Hollidays would
do well to call and examine the slock.
Philada Dee, 17, 1 853. 3m.
Estate 6f ROBERT M. 6EYDEL, Deo'd.
NOTICE is hereby given to all persons inter
ested that the undersigned has been appoint
ed by th Orphan Court of Northumlierland
county, n auditor la distribute the iwli of ssid
estate in the bands of Jhn F. Wol finger, Ad
ministrator of said estate, to sud among those en
titled to receive the same.
Said auditor will attend for said purpose at bis
offic irt 8unbury, on th first Monday of1 Janua
ry next, In th evening.
Sunbury, Dec. 17, 183'J3L
Aii Apprentice Wuntetl.
AN industrious lad bf about 15 or 16 years of
age, who wishes to lesrn the Tailoring bu
ins, can find a good situation by applying tin
iDdiately to th subscriber, in Sun'iury, A boy
from lh country would b preferrsd.
SijnburT, Dee. IT, 185X 8t. ?
IN pursuance of an order of th Orphans Court
of Northemberlenel wanly, will a "PJ
to public sale, o ' v's.-io -
MOMMY, the Sd day of JAMJAR x( "V
at tha court houa In ths borough of 8unbury,
the following real aslale, to whi
; i A Certain tract of Land,
situate in Zr!e township, about 1 miles below
'iwnrfnu. tha Trevorlon Kailroad , pin
through the land, contaiiiina; two hundred and
twenty one acres aud allowance. . :i.
f A L5U .
ituat in Upper Augusta township, and county
aforesaid, containing one hundred and seventy
four acres, and a half, adjoining lands of A. Jor
dan, J. W. Smi'Ji, George Conrad and other
To he Bold as the property of Sarah A. Shaffer
and Isaac Shaffer, minor children of Jacob Shaf
fer, uee'd., (each of said minors owning one
fourth part.) Tho remaining one hall' part of
the above tracts will also bo sold at th abov
time and place.
Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A M. of ssid
Any, when the terms of sale will be made known.
By order of the Court,
3ourt, )
k. O. C.
0, 1853. )
J. P. rLKSEl,, Clk,
Sunbury, Dec. 10,
THE subscriber respectfully Informs th public
that he has on hand, a large supply uf all
kinds of "
Silver and Plated Ware,
At his Store, No. 13 South Second Street, Phila
delphia, which he will sell at the lowest prices.
Phila. Dec. 10, 1853.
Laborers Wanted.
0 0 Laborers wanted in Sunbuiy, constant
9jP work all winter, wages 1, 12 J per day.
Sunbnry, Dec. 10, 1853. tf. , .
List of Causes,
OK trial in the Court of Common Pleas
of Northumberland County, at January
1., A. V., 1SS4.
Henry Klase & Eve hi. wife v. Jcob Zartman's
J D Masser vs lieuben Fagely
Duniol U. Canfictd vs Cornelias Meliinley
John Hunter vs John Haag
John L Ycagcr vs Gccrgo Dright
D Hoats for M Sweny v. Jf "k9 ,wi,n . olico
' to lerrotcnant
Christ & McFaddcn vs Suxanna lieid
Wendel L Keller vs John F Woilinner
J & A bhwsler .vs Daniel Glenn
lieuben Fagcly V Co vs John Kosser & Co
Dumel (iibson vs Jacob Kennert & Wm Kahle.r
Ull Rockefeller
Jcse C Horton
Reuben 'i'roxel
Harrison Heun
R D Cuminiugs .
James Reed Garnishee
's Same
-Same .
vs John W Stamm
Geoigo W Starlzcl
John H Purdy
. Joseph Kline adin'r
Hugh Martin
George Parfot
Samuel Ewiug
David AlcMickcn
Jolin $ (jood
Morris L Hailowcll v
Scull & Thompson vs
Uun.ett Saxtou If co vs
Richard U Uriucu & co '
6'nins vs
Abraham Kissinger ex'rs
Jesse Hensyl vs
Jacob 11 Masucr vs
Jacob Kline vs
Wm F Wagansaller vs Kipp Adams6 Harlmau
Prick & Vaudling vs Yaudliug & Vaudliug
Jcrciniuh Wetzel
vs Ueorgc Uarnian tt al
Wm August & H Kriuer
Peter Slicddy
klijuli Crawlord vs
M &. P B il my re
Peter liilmyr vs
Abraham Marshall
llenj Uullington
Sainue) Jobusoii
Georg ickert adm'r
John Weddccomb
Frederick Wilhclin
ticorge Conrad
Wm 11 Chuiuberlin
E I. Piper
Wilson Hutchinson
,.i Henry Reader
Peter Kerlin
Jacob Roub
David Gould
H V Simpson vs
m U Cook vs
Common wealth vs
John C Mcloy vs
Henry Willielm vs
Samuel Meidig vs
A leu Elderd vs
Stephen Ellis adin'r vs
Thomas M' Williams vs
George Eckerts adut'r vs
John W Peal vs
Thomas M Watts : . vs
Jacob Stilzel vs
Prothont lary's Ollice. )
Sunburv. December 10, 1853. (
List ot Jurors,
F Northumberland County, for January
Teim, A. D., 1853.
4si-aud Jtiroivs.
Sunburv.-E. Y. Biiht, Jacob Youngman.
NoKTiiUMBCiiLAND. Geuiye Apsley.
Milton. Win. bliiue, Jesse Dcirickson.
John Miller.
Tv i: but. Jacob Hofla, Wm. R. Kramer.
Dei.AWARE.Wra. Kiik. James Oaks.
Henry Cut p.
L HlUrQCAQUe. John Caul.
Uppkr Auousta. Wm Iteed '
Suamukin George Fox, Martin Gars.
Coal Jonas L. Gilger.
Rusu. Christopher C. Ryan. " '
Lower Mahanov. John Binceman. Philin
ijessuer, reier oorrei.
Upper Mahanov. Wm. Bsikhwise.
Jackson. Daniel Kemple.
Jordan. Jacob Hodman.
Ziciibil. Aulhony Gill.tspie.
dun bur v. John Youns, Peter W. Cray.
v. u. Dacamau. Asuvlus Llwment, Waslini"
ion onnin, wm. AicL.artv, til Kecsler.
Northumberland Wm. Slreeler.
Milton. Samuel Kylu.
Turbut. Nathaniel Brillain.
LEWIS. Geo. P. Camn. Puter Slraima
Comly Vincent, James I) Barr, John Tweed.
Delaware - Henry J. Reader, James
Beard, John Bryson, Charle Hagenbagh,
John M' Kinney.
Chilisquaque. Michael M'Gee, Abraham
Point. John lleckert, Geo. Lesher, sen.
Lower Avgvsta. Solomon Weiaer, Jo
seph Gass, S. H. Zimmerman, Jos.. Weitz!
Suamokin. Wm. II. Muench, Cuniad
Yoat, Charles Marti, Samuel A. Bereatresser.
John Ripley.
Hush. Wm. Clark, Isaac Wood run. Abner
Pitner, Joseph Sharpless, Philip Hull". Bon-
ham II. Kasa, Garret Vanzant, John Colcolt
loal. nermiin Snyder.
Lower Mahanov John Spatz, George
Jackson. John Buhner, Cainu) Malic h.
Upper Maiiahot. Felii Mowrr,
Zerbe. Benjamin Patlon.
lclit Juror.
Sunburt.-J. W Frilins, Charles Beck.
Nouthomberland. Wm. Van Lear.
Milton. K I ward Chapins, Wm. NasJle
j , u iieen, josepn notimi.
Turbut Win. Fiaiiknfield.
Dela ware. O. H. Waisoii, Cvreuniea
Bom boy, John M. Smith. John C. Hoflmaii
Lewis. J. Kosn Burr.
ChilikjuacJUE. John Simpson.
Point. Henry Walt, Edward Grady.
Uppeb Auuusta James Forrester, Ren
en Ltarrmiier, Jehu Kit-llsr.
Lower Augusta Wm Mallich.
Shahokiii.As John. Leonbaid Rolharm!
Isaiah Moriran. John Fi-her.
Coal Michael Kerstetler, Richard Wol
vertnn, Beni. Maria. Joseph Wolvsrlon.
Rush Peiar Campbell, Abraham-Moore,
ira nil, Airnn Hnttlies, 1 homas Vaaline,
Upper Mahanov Jamb H. Kauflman
Little MAuNoy.-Wm. Raker, lsral
sheriff, sale: -1
BY Virtue of tertaln writ of Lev. Fa. to m
directed, will be sold bv paldi vendu or
ontcry.on Monday, he Sd day Of Jannarjr next,
at the Court House, In th borough ef Sunbury,
at I o'clock, r. M. certain equal undivided
seventh part of ' ' '
I A Tract of Land,
slluste In Little Mahanov township, Northum
berland county, survoyrd in the nam of Ms. bias
Zimmerman, adjoining lands of John Doyd, Mi
chael Croll and Peter Mowrer, containing in the
whole four hundred and seventeen acres mors or
Seised, taken In evecution and to b sold as
th property of Wdlism Avers.
VV 11,1,1 A. M IS. Kirr, ehcnlt
Sheriff's Office , )
Sunburv. Pec. 10, 1853. )
Tho News of how the War
Between (he Turfct and Russians
Ci OES on is not of so much interest to Ihe
W inhabitants of Sunburv and its vicinity as
the fact that
have brought up this week from Philadelphia a
large, beautiful and varied stork of goods, which
they will sell cbesp as heretofore. 1 hev respect
fully request their friends and the public to call
and see them.
Sunbury, Pa., Dec. 3, 1853.
tf R. JOHN CLAUK repectfully informshis
friends and customers that he has taken
into partnership, Mr. Henry
Parton, sud that tho business of
will, hersafter, be conducted un
der the firm of Clark & Parton,
at the old stsnd, west of Ira T. Clement's Store,
in Msrket street, Sunbury.
N. B. Persons indebted to the subscriber aro
informed that his books are in the hands of G.
M. Yorks, Esq., for settlement.
Sunbury, Dec. 3, 1853. tf.
CJHA WI.S Crochc, Thibet and Woolen in
s great variety Black and Fancy Dress Silk,
Silk lac, velvet and other Trimmings, Worked
collars, under-slceves, ihiinazetle, cuffs, just re
ceived and for sale by I. W. TENER & CO.
Sunbury, Dec. 10, 18'3.
HARDWARE. Table Cutlery, .Razors,
Pocket Knives, Hand Saws, Wood Saws
in frames, Axes, Chisels, Door Lcoks and Hinges
Hand Bells, Waiters, Arc, jut received and for
sale by I. W. TENER 4 CO
Sunbury, Pec. 10, 1853.
WALL P PER. A large and splendid as-
" sortnient of Wall Paper, Window Paper,
and Ull ciliaiies, just received anil lor sale by
Dec. JO, 1853. I. W. TE.MSK 5c CO.
TRUNKS, Carpet Bags and Valices; also a
lot of good Clocks for sale cheap by
Dec. 10, 1853. I. W. TENER & CO.
N pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court
of Northumberland county, will be exposed to
public sale on
MONDAY, the 56th of DECEMBER, next,
at the public house of James Covert, in the Bor
ough of Suubuiy, at 10 o clock, A. M., of said
ilay, to wit:
:V Certain tract of Land,
sttuat in Lower Augusta township, in said
county, adjoining lands of John Halt, John Hen
dershoi's heirs, David Shipmsn, Peter Berlew
ud others, and mountain land containing about
fifty acres more or less. ALSO: at 1 o'clock,
M. ol said day, at the above named place,
A Certain Lot of Ground,
situate in the southern part of said Borough of
Sunbury, bounded and described as follows, to
it : on the east by lands of George V. eiser,
aimer,) on the snut'i by lands of the heirs of
ticorge llarriaon, dee'd., on th west by the Sus-
uehanna river or Broadway, and on the north
by out lot of John G. Youngman, containing one
nd three quarter acres more or less. Late the
eststo of illism K. Urown, dec d. Terms
made known on day of sale by
tiEOKliE EISER, Guardian
of the minor children of said deceased.
By order of the Court, )
P. PUKSEL, Clk. O. C.
Sunbury, Dee. 3 1853. ts. )
FN pursuance of an order of tho Orphans Court
ot Northumberland county, will b exposed to
public sale on the premises on
SATURDAY, the 31st of DECEMBER, 1853,
the following described real estate, to wit;
The Eastern half of Lot
number 178 in the Rorongh of Sunbury, bounded
by Iilackbeny atreet on Ihe south. Lot No, 177
on the east, Unrl.errv ullry on the north, and wes
tern hall of lot .o. 17a on ths went, containing
30 lect more or less on lilackberry street, and
230 fret moie or less to liarbrrry alley. On this
ot there is a mrpr two atory
about 30 feet front by 341 feet deep, with
a one story log kitchen back. There are sundry
out-buildings on the premises, and a large num
bet ot Iruit trees ot choice kinds. In connection
with, ths said premises passes the right to sn
alley three feel and elfven inches wide, along
Ihe western wall of the dwelling house, eiteud
ing the depth of the bouse, and 3 feet 1 1 inches
At the same time and place will be sold with
the above premises, alt that part ef the adjoining
Lot Is. 177, bounded by liarberry alley on the
north, River street on the caat. Part of same lot
No. 177 belonging to the German Reformed
Church on the south, and lot No. 178 on the
west, containing 160 feet more or less in length
from noith to south, and tiO leet more or less in
width Irom east to west. Sale lo commence at
10 o clock. A. M. of said dav. when the terina
win oe mius known by
Guardian of Oakley Purdy.
...1 I, v. VI
Court, )
:ik. O. C.
3, 1853 is.)
j j oruer oi lue Lourl,
r. rUKSEL, Clk.
Sunbury, Dec. 3,
IN pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court
of Northumberland county, will be exposed to
public Sale, on
SATURDAY, the 24th of DECEMBER next,
on the premises, the following described Real
Estate, to wit: Thirty acres off of the North East
corner of
situate in Shamokin township, county aforesaid.
bounded on the north bt land of Daniel Miller,
oh the east by land ot ."Nancy Wolverton, on the
saulh, by lauds of said ISancy and Michael .nil
merman, and on the west by lands of said All'
chael and Philip Persing, containing about two
hundrod and forty ares ia the whole. Late the
estate of William Persing, dee'd. Sale to com
roence at 10 o'clock, A. M. of said dav, when lb
terms of sal will b made known by
PETER PEK81NU, one ef th Ex'rs.
omu, .HI M
!oort, )
, Clk. O. O. S
S, 1853.-1.)
By order ef the Court,
Sunbury, Nov. tfl,
sfkUEENSWAREBesutiful sets of Tea
ware, in China, Stone China and Delf,
Dinner and Supper Dishes of all kinds. Toilet
Sets, -covered Dishes, Chins Fruit Daaksts and
Ornaments. Fluid Lamps, Lanterns, Ulassware
in variety, and TumbUrs from 6J; cant upwards.
just received and for aala by
D. 10, 1153. I. W.T&NEB 00.
In the" mattef of the Estate of BALTZER
BORDHEK, deo'd. '
Th Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to
Jonathan, Philip, l'elrrf Joseph, Itaao and
Ueftige Borduer, Maria luieriiiMi ried lo Paul
Lahr, Klizabeth married to Juhn D.iokey,
Caihariu married to Elijah Au'deison, Lou lha
Aim married to Daniel Mirhai-1. Also lo Ihe
following Grand children of Bahzer Boriluer,
who aro Ihe childien of his eldest south
ward, now ilmi'd., lo wit! Genrite, A uplift us,
Henry, William, Benjamin, Saruh an I Mar
garet. Th said Heniy, William and Benja
min are minois and have for iheir Guardian
Ad. littm George Biosiuus, ami Sarah mat ried
In Arthur Hill. Tiiieal dei-ci'tiilaula and heirs of
Bali iter Boiduer, dee'd., and all Oihers inter
ested. . GrectINO.
Northumberland County, .
! Yoo aie hereby cited o be Rnd appear
before ihe Jmliirs of nur OrpliHiis' Com I 10
he held at Sut'bury, on the liist Mnmlay of
Jauuary next, then and there to accept or
refuse to lake Iho teal estate of snid Baltzer
Boidner, deu'd , situate in Lawer Mahauey
township, county aforesaid, at Ihe valuation
made by an inquisition held on said real
estate October 3d, A D 1S63, ami relumed
November 7 ill, A. D 1S53, or show cause
why the same should not be sold according
lo kw, and hereof fail not.
Certified from Ihe records of our said Orphans'
Couit of said County al Sunbury, this 7lh
day of November, A. D 1853
December 3, H33.
Estate of SAMUEL THOMPSON, deo'd.
1JOTICE is hereby given that letters of Ad
JJ ministration have been granted to the un
dersigned upon the estate of Samuel Thompson,
late of the Borough of Sunbury, dee'd. All per
sons having claims against said estate are request
ed . to present them, dul authenticated, for
settlement) and those knowing themselves in
debted to make pavment without delav.
M A K I A TH O.M PSON , A dm'rix.
Sunbury, Nov. 19, 1853. Ct.
Important to Coal Dealers.
THE subscribers hereby inform the public, that
they have entered into partnership under the
firm of Kase, Reed & Co., for the purpose of
mining, shipping and selling coal, delivered at
Sunbury, or at any other point along the Sus
quehanna. They will be ready to deliver coal, well prepa
red, on cm 'tract or otherwise, at all times, on the
shortest notice, and on the most reasonable terms.
Orders received at Sliamokin by
Sunbury, June 4, 1853. ly.
Sliamokin Town Lots.
r H F subscriber is now prcpaied to exhibit and
dispose of Lots in the new Town-Plat of
Shamokin. Persons desirous of purchasing can
ascertain the terms and conditions of sale by
calling on the subscriber, al Shamokin.
WM. AT WATER, Agent.
Shamokin, Oct. 15, 1853. tf.
ATS AND CAPS A splendid lot of
fashionable Silk, Wool and Fur Hats,
also Cloth, Fur. Oilcloth, Navy and Military
Caps fr sale low by
Market street, opposite th Post Ollice.
Sunbury, Oct. 8. 1853.
I. sastholow. o. TirrARV, ja. . s. CHABaoS
lSartholovr, Tiffany j Co.
Foreign mid Ilomenlic
No, 268 Baltimore Street,
If our Goods on examinstion, sre not as cheap
ss they can l bought in any other market they
may be returned forthwith at our expense.
Ualiiinore, Iov. .u, ISoJ. ly.
CRANBERRIES, Ground Nuts, Almonds,
Peran Nut". Wall Nuta. Cocoa Nuts, Cream
Nula, Filberts, Raisins, Fiss. Citron, Lemons.
Candies and Toys, just received and for sale by
lec. 10. 'S3. I. W. TENEK A. CO.
OLKNING FLUID, Camplicne, Sperm and
Whale Oil, White Lead. Linaeed Oil. Tur-
pontine, Candles and Soap, just rereived and for
sal by I. W. TENER & CO.
Sunbury, Dee. 10, 1853.
jV OTICE is hereby given to all Legatees,
v reuiiors sou otner persons interested in tlie
Estate, of the following named persons, that the
Executors, Administrators, and Guardians of
said Estates have filed their accounts with ths
Register of Northumberland County, and that
the ssiii will be presented to the Orphans' Court
of said County, on Tticsdav, the 3d day of
anuary, A. D., 1854, in the forenoon, for confir
mation and a.lowance.
Jacob Gearhart, dee'd., settled by his Adm'rs.,
M. W. Jackson and Wm. B. Kipp.
Peter Swank, dee'd., settled by his Adm'tor,
Daniel Swank.
George Oyster, doe'd , settled by his Adm'tor,
John N. Oyster.
Michael Uebotk, dee'd., settled bv his Ex'tors,
Godfrey Kebock and Peter Ferster
William Berkhcimer, dee'd., settled by his
Adm'rs, Allen Shoemaker and Samuel
David Faux, dee'd., settled by Inn Adm'tor,
William H. Kasa.
Peter Urosious. dee'd., supplementary aect.
settled by bis Ex'rs, Peter Brosious and
Godfrey Rabock.
Samuel B. Irwin, dee'd., settled by X). W. Ir-
land, one of the Adm'r of W. W. I, land,
Edward Oyster, dee'd., settled by his Adm'tor
John Young.
George Haupt, sr., dee'd., settled by his Adm'rs
George Haupt & Sebaxian Haupt,
John Wert, sr., dee'd., settled by his Adm'tor,
John Wert.
Lydia Herb and Judith lUrb, settled by their
Guardian, Felix Maurer.
Solomon Malick, settled by his Guardian, John
John C. 6nyder, settled by his Guardian,
Georg Snyder.
JOHN P. PURSEL, Register.
Register' Ollice, i
Sunbury, Dee. 3, 1853
VOl'lCE is hereby gnen that th sevxral
' Courta of Common Pleas, General Quarter
Sessions of the peace, and Oprhans' Court. Court
of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery,
in and for th county of Northumlierland. to
commence at tha Court House, in the borough ol
Sunbury, at 10 o clock, A. M. on Mouday, the
2nd diTf of January next, and will continue
Tli coroner, Justices of the Pear and consta
bles in and for the county of Northumberland, are
requested to be then and there in their proper par
entis, with their rolls, records, inquisitions, and
other remembrances, to do those things to then-
several ollice apbertttining to b done. And all
witnesses prosecuting in behalf of the Common
wealth against any prisoner are also requested and
commanded to be then and titer attending in their
proper persons to prosecut against him, as shall
b just and not to depart without leave at their
peril. Juror arc requested to b punctual in tlieir
attendance, at the lioi appointed agreeable to
their notice.
Given under my hand at Sunbury, th Hd day of
AMcmbr, in tli year of our Lord one thousand
eight hundred and filly-three and the In
dependence of tli Lulled State of America
lu 771b.
. GJ sit th Cmmoowalth.
If ew and Fashionable Goods ! I
' FHtlilonable Tailor,
Deer Street, one door north of C. J. Drunrr't
Lav Office, Sunbury.
n AS just received from Phitsdelphi. th best
nd most desirable stock of Goods that ha
ever been brought to Sunhury, such as
Consisting In part of black, brown, green, olive
and blue.
A splendid assortment of
such as sstin, velvet. Grenadine silks, p!uh vel
vets, cashmere, Valencia, and a splendid article
of white Grenadine for wedding vests. Also
all descriptions of cloth fr
An extensive vsrlety of plain and fsnry cassi
mere for pantalrons. Common goods for coats,
psnts and vests, coat bindings and cordinga a
superior article of
of the latest style, plain and fancy black cravats,
hosiery, suspenders, shirt collars, silk underekiits,
drawers, men's drab buck-lined chamois and
other gloves, and trimmings of every description.
Also on hand a few articles of
warrsnted to he equal to his customer work and
suncrior to Philadelphia msnufacture. All per
sons buying ready made cloihinqr of mo can hav
them reapaircd gratis in case of ripping or giving
out. as I warrant all my articles
I return my llisuks to the publio for their pre
vious patronage and respectfully solicit a contin
uance of the same. As I am determined not to be
undersold, my goods will bo disposed of on the
moit reasonable terms for cash.
. Sunbury, Nov. 20, 1853.
An Elegant and Durable Hat
FOR S3.00,
Equal, if not superior to tny now offered,
Third St., below Chestnut,
OFKER at very reduced prices Ihe following;
LADIES' Riding Hals and Bonnets,
CHILDREN'.- fancy hats, of all colors.
Cloth, Plush, and Glazed Caps, of every vario
tv of style. GENTLEMEN'S Driving and
Travelling Caps, Soft Hats of every style and
finish, at prices to suit all. Also, Young Gent
t7 A general assortment of Ladies' Fancy
Phila., Nov. 6, 1853. 3m,
Dealers in
LAirs, laxti:rm it ciiaxdeliers,
N. E. Corner Fourth and Cherry Slreett,
TTAVING enlarged and improved their Store.
A nnd having the largest assortment of Lamps
in Philadelphia city, thev are now prepared to
ETHEREAL OIL, Phosphene Gas and Lard
Oil, Lumps, Lanterns of all p&tcrns. Fancy Hotel
and Hall Lamps, Chandeliers, Girandoles and
Candeleabras, and Urittsmiia Lamps, at the
Manufacturers' lowest prices. Glass Lsmps bv
the package, at a small advance over Auction
prices, lleing large MANUFACTURERS of
Pine Oil, Burning Fluid, Ethereal Oil, Alcohol,
and (the only true) Phosgene Gas, thev can fur
nish these articles at such prices that Merchants
will find it to their advantage to buy. Call before
going elsewhere, if you want bargains. Also,
tha Safety Fl id Lamp for sale.
Phila., Sept. 24, 1853 ly.
New Wall Paper Warehouse.
No. 124 Arch Street, secoud door above Sixth,
WHERE may be found the largest and hand
somest assortment in th City.
Purchasers from ths country wilt find it to
their advantage to call at our store, where they
will be suiiod with a suoerior article, at the low
est pricos.
No. 124 Arch Street, above Sixth.
Phila., 8epU 17, 1833 3m.
AV 9 South Fourth Street, five daort below
Market st. East side,
-w o r u .... ..,:., r
from 0 cents per piece upwards, including Fino
Satins, Gold snd Velvets, imitation Wood
Marble. &.C.
Also a great variety of new style of Curtain
Papers, Fine Board Prints, Borders, &c.
Dealers supplied at the lowest rate.
Phiia., Sept. 24, 1853. 3m.
Estate of J. P. SHINBEL, deo'd.
XTOTICU is hereby given, that letters testa-
v mcntary have been granted to the subscribers
on the estate of J, 1 . Siundel, late of the lsorough
of Sunbury, dee'd. All those knowing- themselves
indebted lo or having claims against said estate
are requested to make settlement without deloy,
J. G. L. SHIXDEL, Selinsgrova,
M. L. SHINDEL' Sunbury,
8uubury, Nov. 26, 1853. Ct.
Estate of PETER 0BERD0RF, deo'd,
VJOTICE is hereby given that letters of Ad-
a-' ministration on the estate of Peter Oberdc
late of Upper Augusta,. Northumlierland county,
dee'd, have been granted to the undersigned.
Therefore all persons indebted to said estate will
discharge the same, and those having demands
wifl present them for settlement. All persons
indebted to the eatste on vendue notes are re
quested to call for settlement.
Upper Augusta twap., Nov. 19, 1653 01.
Estate of CHRISTOPHER WOODS, deo'd.
lait of the Borough of JTorthumbeiiand.
TETTERS of Administration on Ihe above
A named estate having been granted to mi,
debtor and creditors of the same are requested
to call at my ollice in Northumberland, to settle
or make known their claims.
North'd, Nov. 19, 1853. 6U
No. 99 North 2nd Street, tint- doors above th1
Mt. Verntn House,
Manufacturer of Pine Oil or
Camphene, FluiJ, Lard, and Oil LAMPS
Ckandeleirs and Caudelabras, for Church
is. Stores, Parlors, iff
riMlE subscrilier would most renpectfully invite
the attention of storekeepers and the public
in general, to his largo slock of goods, consisting
of the above named articles, whirh will be disposed
of at the lowest manufacturer' prices W hole
sale and Retail.
Also, best quality of Burning Fluid, Pine C
or Camphine, Globes, Shades, Wicks, Ac.
N. B. Newell' patent safely Lamps, a n
articl for sale.
Phil., Nov. 5, 1853 3m.
lope lust received and for
Aling Envj
. by
Ann! 19. 1KM H
fl. MAKfiF.R.
Bunbufr, I Ml
For aol by
Look to j-our Interests 1
Wt wilt Uy to pleat tl
KEftPECTFULf.Y informs hi friend fmd
tli publio generally, that h ha jost re
ceived at his lor. In Msrket ftreet, Sunbury,
below Weaver's Hotel' an extensive tock of
' consisting In part of
Dry Goods, viz :
Cloths. Castimeret. Ce.sincf., JYan., Drillings,
Muslins, Vesting, Linrns, Ift.
Calicoes, Muslin de Lnins, Lawns,
Uin shams, Be rafts, Itobrt,
' H'oc'.tns, Flannels, tC.
riagar, Teas, Coffee, Rice, Molasses, Choose,
Spices, Salt, &c, &c, tie
Nsils, Screws, Files, Saws, Knives A Forks, Ac.
Queens and Glassware,
of various styles and pstterns.
A Isrge assortment of Boots and Shoes, for
men, women and children.
Hats Cafs, Ac, of various sizes and styles.
Besides a largo and general assortment of
fashionable goods. Call and examine for your
selves. VJf Country produce ol all kinds taken in
exchange at the highest market prices.
Sunbury, 1 1 mo. 26 1853. 4 m. 30, '53.
Clothing Manufactory,
OF S. SHNTJRMAW & CO., Danville, Fa.
jespectfully announce to the citizens of
' ' Sunbury and vicinity, that we bare a
complete stock of
of every style and quality, to which we invito the
attention of purchasers. Our sssortment con
sists, in part, of Fsnry over-coats, Plain over
coats, Dress coals, Frock and Sack coats. Mon
key Jackets, Pants and Vests, plain and fancy S
Linen and Muslin Shirts, Under-shirts, Drawers,
and over-wholes.
Also, Gloves, Stockings, Neck and Pocket
Handkerchiefs, Woolen and Silk Hats, Cloth
and Oilcloth Caps, Shoes, Boots, Gaiters, Slippers
and Carpet Bags and Trunks, Umbre.las and
everything generally kept in a well supplied
clothing and gcntlemans' furnishing stor. We
koep also a good assortment of
Accordeons, Jewelry, Ear Rings,
Finger Rings, Gold and Silver Pencils,
Lockets, all warranted to be good.
We sell at the lowest cash prices ; for our
motto is,
"Small Profits and Quick Sales."
We have but one price and no abatement, so that
a person is sure to get the worth of bis money,
whether he is a judge or the goods or not. If
any article does not give satisfaction as Xofit, we
will take back the goods and refund the money,
provided they are returned on the same day they
were purchased, when the purchaser resides in
town, and in ono week, when he resides in tho
country. Price the same as at the Danville
t s" Call and secure the Bargains.
Sunbury, Oct. 8, 1853 tf
TV'OTlCE ia hereby civen that a Special
Court of Common Pleas, in ami for the
County uf Northumberland, to commence al
the Court House, in ihe borouch of sunbury,
at 10 o'clock, A. M , on Monday Ihe 16 h
dav nl Januaiy next, and will continue UINt,
Jurors am requested to be punctual in
their attendance, al the lime appointed
agreeable lo their notices.
Given under my hand at Sunbnry, the ?6'h
day of November, in the year of our Lord
one thousand eiirht hundred and fifty-three,
nnd the Independence of the United Statea
of America the 78ih.
WILLIAM B. KirP, Sheriff.
List'of Causes.
FOR Special Court of Common Pleas of
Northumberland County to commence on
Monday, th lOih day of January next, A. D.,
Edmund Winchester vs David Watson.
George Shiley vs Ab'm Dunkelbcrser'e adinr'x
Abijah liowen vs v m 11 1 hompson
Com'th for Wm L Heinemsn vsT A Billington
William McCarty vs Samuel Hunter
Daniel Rhodes vs Jatob Wertman
Iaaac HolTa A Wife vs Henrv Lnttha
Simon Snyder vs Goorge Snyder
.... , . .Mover oc movers oar-
H.U for Reiner v.
Washington Mutual In- T E Wfflan e, .j
surance Company
State Mutual Fire Lisa
ranee Company
va Same
Albin Newberry vs Thomas Rastr
Mahonoy and Shamokin Tf Abr,,lBm ru,
Improvement co
Oliver B Hilliard vs John Hartman Jr
John W Peal vs Joseph Dimtniek, et, al.
William Foreman et al vs John Parks
Jane Bozar vs George P. Buyers et al
John Bush A Wife vs Nathaniel Saxtona adm'r
Jacob K Rhosds vs J lay i J Harman
Jordan 4 Welker for Lodge No 22 v W illiam
Jacob Hilbiali vs Abraham Reuliendahl
Daniel P Hilbish us George A usley
Robert Philips vs Zerby Ruu and Shamokin
Improvement Company
Mary Vickery va Daniel Latsha's heirs
Henry A Lechner vs Joseph Hound
Wm. M. Rockefeller vs Carbon Run Imp Co
Prothonotary's Office,
Sunbury, Nov. SB, 1653.
Cheap Watches Jewelry,
THOLE8ALE end Retail, at tha "Philadel-
phU Watch and JetvClry Store," No. 96
North c-econd Street, corner ol quarry,
O11W Lever Wali-hte, fntl jeweled, l curat rscn. ta.fO
Cfc-ld Leoina lh". v!4 00 Kuw Miliar 8.UclM. I SO
Silver U(. lull ivwllnl, ' Ui'ld Hiuoi li l, 3.00
riilver Lever, lull jewi'd 1 ! !"' I'eoeih. t.uO
biipaioir yuartien, 7.Milver Tea spooiis, sul, ,U0
Gobi ppecuu-kt, 7.M , ,
Gold Paw with Pencil and Silvar Holder, 1,00
Cold Fuicer Riinrs. 374 cents to $80 : Watch
(Jlasses, plain, 1-1 cents; Patent, ltj; Lunet,
25; other articles in proportion. All goods war
ranted to be what thoy are sold for.
Successors to U. Conrad.
On hsnd, some Cold and Silver Levers and
Lepines, still lower than the abov price.
Sept. 10, 1853. ly.
Platform Scales,
Long Inotvn-Stvirtly tttlul
Mwajt right 2 ActHeultd-
red Standard.
m"' SCaLHiS, st iu any part
of tho tountrv, at short notice.
HQ Market st., Philadelphia,
E. Y. Bright, Sunbury.
October t9, 1853 3m
11 Wit 11 IX i n IC Y. WholesaU Deal
1VM " in ;onlectionary. Fruits and Urocsries,
No'.iOl )IARKET Street, abot aintu, aoutU
aid. Bait door lo Rd Lien Htl, PluiaJalphla
I'hila .Oet. t9, U5 Int. r
Thl Way t This Way 1 1 This Way j 1 1
Fall nnd Winter Goods.
IlE.!E.bTFU,,;Lt1 Morm
.j .! .pl.u,,.l,c, ! Ju
sd and opned th bet snd cheapest stock of
Fall and Winter OoodV, .
at their .tor In Msrket suture, Sunbury, 1
Their stock Consists of every raTie'y of
Cloths, Ca'tlmera Saltintts, tuting '
Flannels. Wollens. ?e.,
And all kind of Full & VMitr-r Wear. "
Also a splendid Vailcty (,f
Calicoes, Ginghams, Chivtxts, De Lainet
Berages, '
And very variety of goods auitaLle for Li
die wear.
Also a large assortment of
Fish, Salt and Plaster.
Also an extensive asoi imenl of
Hats a.nd Caps tor Mkk ahd Rovs.
Also, a largo assortment of GIlUlXllJ CSf
sunn A
Sugar, Tcaa, Cofl'ee, Molasses, Spice
of all kind.
Also a tresh supply of
Besides Ihe largest and most ueneral nior.
ment of all kinds of yoojs lo bo Jmd in this
tV Country produce of all kinds taken in ox
change at the highest market price.
Sunburv, Nov. 12. 1853.
Clock 5 Watchmakers.
"1 AVE just opened a Clock snd WntehmaVrr
shop in the building lately occupied by J.
M. Simpson, near Tener & Co's Store,
in Market Street, Sunbnry. Pa ,
Where they h'ave opened, and will keep con is .''y
on hand,
GZ31C-.Cr2&Cn2E'5L Z2t
Silver & Gold Watches, etc.
Also, Jewelry,
Consisting f Gold Breast-pins, Kar and F njc r'
Rings, Medallions, Cuff-pins, Ladies 3l In m u
mans' gold and silver pens and pencils. A I
Silver and plaied Tea and Table epouns, salt
spoons, butter knives, &.C.,
Of alt sizes, suiting every nge. Ppy Clustery
Pocket Books, of all sizes. Kazors, Hair Oil. Re
volvers, and other pistols, Brushes, Combi, Soap,
&.C., &c. Also, a largo stock of
Musical Instruments!
amongst which are Accordeons, Violins, Flulius,
Fifes, Flutes.
Trunks umbrellas, suspenders. All sire of res
dy made Shirts and Collars ( all of which will he
sold cheaper than has ever been heretofore sold in
VST Clocks, Watches, Ear and Finger Rings
repaired in the best manner and at ths shortest
Sunhury, Oct. IS, 1853. 3m.
Consumers, look here ! !
RESPECFFULLY informs the citizens of
Sunbury and vicinity, that ho hue just re
ceived and opened at his new store, in Market
street, Sunbury, a handsome assortment of
Fall nnd Winter Goods
consisting in part of .
Cloths, Cassimers, Cassiflets.
f all kinds, of linen, cotton and worsted.
CallcrcK, Glitglianifl, Lawns,
MvunMrlliir He l.nlitca
nd all kinds of Ladies Dress Goods.
GUOCEIilES of every variety.
Also an assortment of Hrti llT!li'e. IrOM
and Steel, Nails, &c.
Also an excellent assortment of
QTJEENSWARE, "f various nylea and
Also an assortment of lttMVT At SHOES;
HATS & CAPS, a good selection.
Salt, Fish, ijc.
And a great variety of other articles such as are
suitable to the trad, all of which will be sold at
lh lowest prices.
I y Country produce taken In exchange at
the highest pri-a.
Sunbury, Iov. 12, 1853 ly.
VONEW 3l CO hAre rt mirtl frra 1M t IW Chesunt
Eii. .'hiliiflt-Libiti. where thev . cvuit new mA
he.iatiiul Store, with mi rltg uit uih) w-ii rtciei wf
800 piocet nf LuhSt I rent h Mjrm and Caalitnerct nil
f IH'Ill CI l- '"in,
100 M Taitmi Ptui'1 I r Ladies atnl Wuir,
lut) Fane nrintnt De Lmiiua mi i Unluittjice
200 " Uircut and plain bilk tii uti i r quality.
KH) 1'bid .J"ull tlie vi it-e jwitcni.
fi()0 dozen Couvtirtcr' les. l'rie Ktri Gl t.
300 Splrudtd ilntctie auti Chuiu 1. ng flhtwli nf
cn w puiierm.
CXI ffhawla or ihe rerr lettit fuLrie nd deftici t
v!(i0 BrisL-He aqtiarc iliuwi (if exqninite nt i nJ'J drtigit
3"0 French chUi Cl4ia;a, i'i. limit ami Mumillnt -f rt?vr
Pari pattern. 100 Lynns gtlk velvet Ctf aka i f th lei tr
nmkv yl and fimtli. A t 50 piece 4-4 iet Ly- t.1 tiik
velveta. varying in pi ice fnno 5 tu fcIO r yat J, himI ot
Vcm- cilitr unJ thmie, ftr Ijiitiea. i'i k t' lhrni't
cltoia Shades of lilue, Unwil. HI cf. Lrub, Olive, Hr v
cet, t'riMU fcj.'K) lu fcsi.OU per (.rd. Ala . a fino ai ck '(
Hibbont. LmliniiUeiica. iu Capea, CliUutaColtra, C ii .x;
hlfevea. Ac, &.
The wlntla uf the Viove fftodi nr 'lTrrn and w!l l.a
old Al eitrcnlely Uw price tr chiIi. Wa xrV nlm ri.
ceivinK by the wet kh- ttcmnvrr. fret-h lit-a f n v-i''e
from fria iki istid"n, which efiitbift u tttm i im- ia
have irean new eu let af Ue ah at ahiiifbir kvi t
ncr m iur cuN'Wier?,
i 100 Chemttrt af., nu door btsw Eighih, PluUd j-U.'a
Fall and Vinter Goods.
J. r. & i. r. xciaiNr.
J KSI'EC'l'FUI.LY annoonc to iln ir
"and tre rublrc hi general, ttmt t i .
received at their O Id Stand, in Ui'inr Aj, - .
township, NortliuiiibcrluuJ couiiiy. I'a.. i e .
Fall sill Winter CJooda, and opened la t'ue j.i b.;:
a full assortment of
Consisting in pait f 1'lollis, black and fancy
Latsuucra, baltiuelta, r launela. Checks, and
all kinda of Winter Wear.
AUo a splendid amorluitut of
Ladies Dress Goods,
Calicoes, Ginghams, Muslin 0 f.sines. Hail
Cashmeres, 1) leges. Merinos, llav atate Khawla. 5e.
Also a frcsli supply of lirocetick of all
Hardware arid Queensware, a frrsh upjlj
ofDniiisanrl Mndiciart.
Wooden War.
AUo a larg assortment of Boots and)
fcboes, suitable for Men, Womeu, and
Children. Hats and Cap, such,
as Hilk, I'snama, a4 ether
lists, italt, Cliee, & e.
Call and 6c.
Cbeaet than th Cheapest,
All of which will be sold lor t sli, or In ex
change fui country product, at th bijjheat market
lTrr' Aorst, Nov. . 15U ly Al 90.