SUNBURY AMERICAN AND SHAMOK1N JOURNAL. Conespflndeiice of the Public Ledger.) LETTER FROM WASHIMBTn. Wahi!otoi, Di'o. 17, 1853. The difficulty betweefi Senator Gviti and Secretary Giilhii ems pimply out nf breach of etiquette! which ike Senator,, from California wa rieterminrtj to resent.-; Mr. Cmliing acted a merlwlnrj K id Mr. Gulh I wrote a letter, (linolaimingt any intentional I irepeot.ThaL. explanation .. proved, of Dour, anlinfaclnry ; and accordingly, M Gwin honored the Secretary' reception lldt veiling, with her presence. file war between the VVashinieton organ of the government and the United SinlesSen ate -ie paing on- Senator are personally threarj-nedTUiihiejriosure, nJ c,,,',,, ! pursued towardt refractory Salois by Gen eral Jrk.on. Query-Whero id Gcuern Jackson t Echo answers, "Whar V! Another thrcAt i that uf making the oflicu of Senator elr-clivej by the pr-nplc, instead of the Legis lature. Such a step, however, is not easily taken. ' It is not by n aimpluact of Cunares, by an inctdcntal majority, that the Constilu tiort of this United Slates can be altered. It requires, the assent of three-fourths of the 8l;ils., v - There is ,indeeJ, no cause for the terrible hubbub that is made abont the public printer. Ec!i House electa its own officers, and the printer of each House is an officer of that timly.. Senators clearly esoicised a preroga tive, to which they were entitled by the Constitution, and are not responsible to a co in Jinate branch of the government for the exercise of that prerogative - , A very important piece of information has just reached me from England, ;in a shape which hardly admits of its being doubled. It is said that the mixed commission silting in London for the adjustment of claims of llie respective citizens and subjects of America and England on the governments of the two cojutiies have had before them, and allowed the claims of the Florida boudholders on the government of .the United States. Thcso bonds, to the amount of two million, vere jsmed under the territorial government of FiortJa, and are now nearly all held by Bri tish subjects, to which they have been trans-ft-iied.. It is added, by way of a joke, I renme, that a similai transfer is contempla ted of the Texas bonds ; but I am not certain that the Commissioners would dare "inter fere with the sovereignly of that Stale." General Cass will, early next veek, define his position, lie will exort the Democratic patly to harmony and unity, and act the peaca-maker ; but avow bis intention to vote azainst some of the nominations made by the President. The Homestead Bill, which miscarried last session, has already been revived by the Hon. John L. Dawson, Chairman of the Corn miltee on Agriculture, and reported to .the House. It is confidently believed that it wil' pass this session. Observer 'l.,,LaJ ,km ill ' " 1,1 TEE A3EPIC AIT. ' . SUNBURY. ;ATcnnA?, dcckmuer, us.Isas. . II. B. MASSrn, Editor unit Proprietor. To Arviaiucn.- .The circulatkw of the Sunbury Ameiicsn among the different towns on Itie Susquehanna 1 1 not exceeded if equullsd liy any rper published in North ern Pennsylvania. ruiTOR's TAnr.E, LATE AKO IMPORTANT FROM BUEX04 AYREA ANOTHER KI VULHIU.Ii ftlLlllC TED. Boston. Dec. 19. Br an artival at this port we hare received later advices from Buenos Ayres. Private letters repoil that great disaffection prevailed throughout the Province. The federal party, which was composed of a majority of ihe people, were decidedly opposed to the present govern ment, and it was predicted that another re volution would lake place in a few months. The British Packet nevertheless congratu lates the commuuity upon the charge from a provisional to a permanent government. Gent. Torrees and Paez both decline re ap pointments under the new administration. All kinds of provisions ate scarce and high. A revolution against Ihe government had ta ken place at Montevideo. Piesident Giro and his Minister took refngn on board of a French vessel of war. Gei:s. Fores,Pacheco, R;vera and Fiuctos, compose ihe'new govern ment.' It was" thought that' Gen. Flores would be nominated for the Presidency. Th mail steamer Prince Rin, bound to Montevideo, is several days over her passace, aiid is supposed to be lost. At Montevideo U. S. ships Relief, for Rio, and Jamestown, Buenos Ayres. B idda and VVaon, two noted assassins, having been publicly shot. Business Notices. M'e received the ?d No. of the Psopts's Joan. vu, a new periodical, ruiMisheJ monthly by Alfred E. Bench, No. 60 Nassau street, New York, at the low price of one dollar per annum, or fifty cents a volume The Journal is an illus trated record of agriculture, mechanics, science nnd useful knowledge, and is appropriately styled the "Peoples'," for its low price places it within the rcoch of every body. Farmers, mochanics, inventors and people of every profession will find in it a repository of useful knowledge pecu liarly filled to their wonts. The present number is illustrated with 72 engrsvings. , ttJ Land Warrants. Persons having Land Warrants for sale, can dispose ot them for cash, by applying at this office. Ihe admission. A graceful, dashing woman on skates is a most enchanting sight J and think ef gliding with the speed of the wind ever an icy lab with stich a creature of light and elegance at your aid. Dan't talk of dancing in a saloon hot with breaths of five hundred panting wallzrri ; think ol flying 'in 'mazy circles, in a bracing air that has been coquetting with a thousand icicles, over a sheet of transparent Jce, trying your 'speed with some blue eyed Atalanta on skates. Where are the strong minded women ? -. , f7 Sad Accident. On Tuesday alter noon, Mr. Daniel Glenn, who wis enga ged in quarrying slone on the "farm of Judge Welker, at the junction of the Tol prhocken road and Cenlre Turnpike, was crushed by the sudden falling ol the bank. He survived the accident about half an hour.. He leaves a wife and several children. . . KtSgverely Blesed. Mrs. Goidhart, j an aged lady residing alone on Whortleber ry street, in this Borotifh, was severely burned, on Monday night by her clothes taking fire. It is scarcely possible for her lo survive. Mrs. Cooilhart is one of our oldest inhabitants, having lived in her present residence, mere than sixty years. MANirET DKSTISY. In another ' column will be seen an ac count of Walker's conquest of Lower California. The histoiy is very brief and inasmuch as it wants the hair breadth escapes, and imminent perils, will not, probably possets that thrilling interest which Presco'.t's Conquest of Peru never fails to excite. Col. (we beg His Excellency's pardon) President Walker is evidently imbrued with the true progressive spirit and means to enlarge the srea of freedom more rapid ly than is consonant even with the views the national administration. Govern ment has, very incontinently, ordered his arrest, and he will probably sutler for usurping, individually, a national peroga-tivr. Ciiicaoo, Dee, lf. Fearful Riot among ft ail read Laborers Bloohhed and Lots of Life A fearful riot occurred at Lasalle yesterday, among the openUves on the Illinois Central Railroad, owing to a reduction of wages. One of the ri er was shot dead by the contractor, Al bert Siory Subsequently his uflice was at tacked by an infuriated mob. who pillaged '.Iih place and brutally murdered Mr. Story. Mis. Story was also flrcd upon, but escaped uninjured. It is reported that Mr. Dunn, the for-inan of Mr. Story, shot nine ef the rioters. The sheriff finally arrived lo quell the out break, and, meeting with resistance, shot one liUhman dead, wounded two others, and arreted thirty of the rioters. Mr. Story's body was horribly mutilated Pittsbukc, Deo. 17 Court Deciaiont-Tlie Erie Railroad Diffi cully In the United Stales District Court nn i in session in this city, Jndye Irvin pre. siding, to-day refused the injunction aked for in the case of the Cleveland, Painesville and Ashtabula Railioad Company, is. Th Ci'y of Erin anil others. In llui case of the Boff ilo Railroad Company, vs. Tim Ei ie and North Eastern Railroad Company, the City ol E ie and others, an injuctlon was giauted The opinion ol the Supreme Court of Ih Slate of Pennsylvania, in the same cases, has been made known. facMCH Ocean Steamers. The. Paris cor respondent ef ihe" Courier des Etatt Unis ays: "The Dieppe set ew steamer, whose Iislence has by some been deemed apocry phal, has just issued its prnspectna lo the public Their capital is lo be 17,400,000 fians, ($3,400,000 ) They intend to place en the route twelve steamer of 1200 tuns burden, and tSO horse power each, and la make two voyages each way' every month, between Dieppe and New Yoik, Boston, ihe Braiils, La Plata and Ihe West Indies." 7tt Secretary of the Navy has directed 'at U. S Rendezvous al Norfolk lo closed. (XT The U. S. Dtstrcl Court, at Pitts burg, have granted an injunction to restrain the authorities ol Erie from tearing tip the rails of the Erie and North East Railroad Company's road. . ,...- An estra from the' Erie Observer con- Sains a statement " from ; Ihe Mayor and Councils, of the whole difficulty at that placp, in relation to tearing up the railroad The whole object of that action was to pre serve the interests of the stale ol Pennsyl vania. This Railroad Company, alter having perpetrated a fraud upon the citi Zens cf the state in building a railroad under charier authorizing them to make canal, by an open and uotoriotts expenditure of S.i0,000 among our virtuous legislators obtained the passage of an art authorising them lo change the gauge of their road, and thus make use of the soil of Pennylva' nia to carry trade away Irom her cities and enrich those of other states. The railroad was made without the authority ol law and permitted to occupy the streets of Erie. By an ordinance ol the Councils, it was ordered to be removed whenever the Conv pany changed the gauge, as a public nui sance. This Was done bv lh anthnrltiix ol the city. There was no mob, no unlaw ful act. The citizens ol Erie deserve credit lor their patriotic action. A law which is obtained by bribery and corrupt lion snouid be resisted to the utmost at least until its repeal could be urged upon a legis'.a'.ure whose members have received no f art of (he $50,000 used to procure its passage, ICE AND SKATING. We were astonished on Tuesday morning 'o see a clear and mirror-like sheet of ice covering the Susquehanna at this place. On Monday not a particle of even floating ice was visible. This river very rarely closes in one night, and we never knew it to present so smooth and beautiful appear ance in its glacial stage. It usually rough and rugged, with huge cakes of ice raised up at every imaginable angle, caused y the shoving of the heavy masses bov upon those which have already been stop ped by congealing together in the basin A more excellent field lor skaters, thaa it presents could not easily be found. It is ireat shams that the men monopolize that rraceful and hralthlul exercise. The Hoi. .anders are far ahead of us io that branch ol women's rights, and we are sorry to make SNOW AND aLEIGIIINuV On Monday we were favored with a light touch from the icy hand of winter In the shape of a snow storm, which covered the ground to the deplh of three inches. In old times this would have been consid ered only a smart sprinkling, but we de generate mortals got out our dusty sleighs and made right goad use of the small favor. There are, after all, few pleasures of our sublimary existence which outshine the enjoyment ol a sleigh ride, especially when the first snow of the season covers dirty earth with a white wash coat of purity, and so strongly, with its hills, val leys and bending trees clothed with the virgin robe of lily's hue, recats the unsul lied brightness of this planet ere sin invaded its limits, and made man a thing that flour ishes, fades and dies like tbepoer grass and flowers that decorate his garden. Years have passed away since our youth, and a lew gray hairs and a wile and family ta ken the starch out of some of our aerial day dreams of romance, and more than once brought to our awakened vision the realities of life, but there is still something in the first deep tall of snow that memoiy will take hold of and revel in. How quietly and modestly the first flakes come down -a youthlul maiden, yielding to the ardor of love's first outbreak, sinking upon her lover's breast and touches the dark (ace ol earth only to be absorbed io its polluting mud. Unmindlul of its com panion's fate, each successive flake, still ke poor human nature, descends to the same unauspicious resting place, until, by successive accessions, the ground is cover ed, hill and dale are shrouded, and tree and shrub, like white haired old men, bow beneath ils weighf. "The clouds disperse, and the moon, doubly bright as it smiles on so pure a thing, looks dazzingly down and ighls the world with an unusual splendor. A horse and sleigh are at the door. The air is clear and bracing, the stars shine with a brilliancy that is not their wont, the crisp snow creaks and cracks under the feet of the fiery horse. Away we glide, a loved one and I, on the glistening track, over hill and valley, unmindful of distance and reckless of speed. . All the whiskey punch in Ireland could not exhilirate us more. The pines droop, wilh their weight ol snow, into a triumphal arch over our way. The merry bells jingle and a more musical voice and laugh from love-parted lips mingle with their melody. A warm heart is near uj ; a mutT large enough cost ly to admit a hand more than belongs to its owner. 1 he stars are dancing above us in indescribable mazes and a pair of them have lailen into the lurred hood at our boulder and look brightly,' loveingly and trustingly into our eyes We will go sleighing to-morrow, for the sake of old times. ' This lock, with pet haps, one exception, I Is the largest ever built in the United Slates." It Was constructed by Ira T, Clement and E. Y. Bright, of this Borough, under the superintendence and direction of Austin F. Clapp, Esq., the engineer In charge of this division of the railroad. In the performance of so novel, extensive and important an undertaking both the super intendent and contractors have distinguish ed their proficiency and energy, and white the work stands it will be a monument of their skill., .. "' TUB IKON LOCK, Of which we promised a description last week, is now completed, except the adjust1 mrnt of the balance beams. Kimber Clea ver, Esq., Chief Engineer ol the Sunbury and Philadelphia rail road, first lormed the design of building a lock wholly ol iron as a substitute for the solid masonry now generally in use. This idea suggested itself to him chiefly lioin the inability al ways to procure stone fitted for such pur poses, and partly from an opinion that iron was cheaper and more suitable. The foundation of this lock, which form the inlet to the railroad company's basin and the Canal Company's water power, is solid rock, found some ten feet below the surface of the water in the river at- low water. The dimensions are as follows: length 100 feet. Width, 32 leet. Height from the floor to the caps, 20 feet. ' Into trenches excavated from tlie rock are sunk longidudinally yellow pine sills, secured in their places by cement grouting. On these are laid transverse sills, on which are pla ced ninety columns of cast iron in the shape, the verticle side of which is on the inside of the lock. These columns are secured to both setts of sills, bv screw bolls, whose tensile strength is calculated lo sustain a much greater pressure than can in any event be thrust upon them. Against these coluras, forming the chamber of ih lock, rests a wall of 3 inch plank whose joints are broken by inch boards, both ot which are lasteoed to the columns by key bolts and cast iron clamps. These clamp are constructed wilh continuous projection). to guard the ends of the key bolts from in jury. Behind this wall of plank comes a layer of cement, rendering it imperviou, to leakage, . backed bj another wall oi plank of equal thickness. At the back oi this the whole space is securely puddled. The wings extend 25 (et on each side, front and back, and are constructed in tht same manner as Ihe chamber. . The gates are built ef solid ea!c and each contain four wickets, 5 It. .by 2J ft, .. Tl fates open and shut on bearings, theii great weight and size rendering it neces sary. ; , i . t LETTER FROM THE EDITOR, DATED St Nicholas Hotel, New York, Dec 1, 1353. J The New Yorkers are famous the world over for their enteiprise, and perhaps I mishl justly say, for their bold and daring charac ter. Their is no project too great or Hercu lean In its proportion for their undertaking, providing there is a prospect that it will pay Hence their canals and railroads their wa. ter works-lbeir magnificent iinesof steamers, and last, though not least, . their splendid Hotels,- not forgetting the Crystal Palace The St. Nicholas, w hich contains about 500 looms is peihaps the largest and best arrait ged and finished hotel in the woild. 1 have heard Europeans themselves admit this fact. The Metropolitan is not far behind Ihe St. Nicholas, in finish and style, and is said to be superior, as regards ihe table, always an important matter to travellers. Must of the large hotels, have sprung np within Ibe last few years, and the great rivalry to outvie each other, has resulted in the erection of a number of hotels that are not only making the fortunes ol Ihe proprietors, but attract a great many people lo ihe city. Having heard a good deeluf I ho splender of Ihe tuiilaj chambers in ihese hotels. I was curious to examine Ihe one in the St. Nicholas. An old gentleman, who constantly sits at the entrance of the Ladies Tailor, keeps the keys. lie opened the door, and as ho was showing me ihe splendid drapery and furni ture, he remarked that there was nothing in Europe to compare .with it, even Queen Victoria, he said, could not boast so mnsnili cent a bed chamber. He wa himself an Englishman and said he had travelled much and I have no doubt, was fully impresse with the truth uf what he said, though ' question, very much, whether Ihey would compare wilh tho goiceous chambers of Windsor Palace. The wall of the bridal chamber aro plaited with white satin. The bed seems to be made tip of ratio, the end cushioned and Infled, and the whole is sur rounded bv a white satin cushion on the floor. A beautiful Mechlin lace cover, is spread over the bed, w hich, itself cost six hundred dollars. It was elaborately werked by hand, and the needle woik was ceitainly beauti ful, and would, no doubt, have looked well in a lady's cupe or collar. There is an apti tude for nil things, and in my opinion, a andsome w hite Marseilles quilt, would have een not only mote appropriate and servicea ble, but would have looked much better. Tue bed and chamber is not designed for use, and has only been occupied one night. A California!! and his bride enjoyed Ihe rare luxury. His bill for this, nnd a few other et ceteras, was one hundred and fifty dollars. Taylor's International, hotel is anoihor o' those palatial structures, that strike the eye as you pnss up Broadway. The Saloon or first floor, in which he serve tip his ice 2ream and confectionary, is said lo exceed any thing in this or any other country. No etpance has been spared in the furniture and fin ir-h uf Ihe room. The whole establishment has cost Mr. Taylor, as he informed me, over four hundred thousand dollars. Mr. Taylor' business is immense. Ladies and gentle men are constantly visiting it and are served wilh eveiy variety of refreshment that the season a'lords. . I, of course, visited the Crystal Palace whioh alone has attracted so many strangeis lo New York. I spent utily three or four hours within its wulls of glass. There seem ed to be but a few in at the time, but five hundred or a thousa 1 1 persona make scarce ly any show within its numerous avenues. Theie is much to be seen, but it would re quire weeks lu examine all. Tho Painting gallery is peiliups the most attractive featuie in the exhibition, and compiises an immense uuiobei ol paintings. Disasters at Sea. Perilous Situation of Four Mm. The captain of the brig Emily, at Charleston, reports that on Ihe 9ih Instant, at 9 o'clock at niaht, in lat. 34 36, Ion; 76 10, during a northeast gale, he saw a vessel bottom up, wilh three or lour men clinging lo her. The Emily remained near her for three hours, for the purpose of relieving the men from Iheir perilous situation, but Ihe gale increasing and the weather becoming thick, the captain lost sight of the vessel A larte number of article were ftrtfltina; en ihe water, which the captain supposed was the eargo of Ihe capsized vessel. , ARtvrR Flowing under a City. Tho Newark (N. J.) Advertiser states that some persons who were engaged in giading Ihe street of lhal city on Saturday last, while working' at the corner of Nesbitt street, be tween High and Summit, came upon n larce hole, about twenty feet deep, two feet wide1 at the mouth, and seven at the bottom. A stream of water five feet de;ep running in a south-east direction, was found at the bot tom. The discovery has excited considera ble curiosity in Ihe Vicinity. '. . t An Important Bounty Land Question Set tled We understand thai Ihe Secretary of Ihe Interior, in a case recently submitted to him by the Commissioner of Pensions, has decided lhal the illegitimate sisters ef an illegitimate deceased soldier in the Mexicau war (the mother of iho three being dead) can draw ihe bounty land due tho soldier. Miss Permrma Dumas, daughter of J D. Duma, tavern keeper, nt Strykersville, Wy oming, county, recently ejected from the stomach a black snake some six nr seven In ches in length! It had a white ring around its neck, very distinctly marked. The scr. pent was aboiit the size of a common goose quill. Koszta, the Hungarian, who wns arrested by the Austrian, at Smyrna, has published in Ihe New Ycrk journals a brief address to the American public, in which he expresses the most unbounded gratitude to this nilion for its bold vindication of his rights,'. : A Vienna Paper asserts that Gortschakoff. whn is still nt Bucharest, lias sent off lo St. Peleisburg, loaded with chains, the son of a Wallachian Piince, one of whose letters, aivina information to. Onicr Pasha, had been intercepted. Six boyards had alsr been transposed lo Siberia, for relations with the Turkish chief. ' . The Aeronaut, M. Arban, who made an ascent from Barcelona, in Spain, more than two years ago, and had not since been heard of, and who was believed lo have fallen into the sea and been drowned, has mado his appearance auin. An Alicant letter says, that his balloon went over to Africa, nnd that ho was seized nnd made a slave, and continued in that stale for two years, when ho made his escape. M. da SanleyV discovery of Ihe sites or Sodom and Gomorrah is consideied one or Ihe most striking within Ihe whole ranee of Biblical antiquity. The disinterment of Nine veh Is, a a matter of feeling, a small matter compared wilh the discovery of Sodom and Gomoirah. In this place, on Tuesday Inst, aftsr a lin gerie lllaess, Miss MARY CATHARINE I'ETGRY, aged about S3 years. , . "Mother, mount not my loss, I have given my whole heatt unto Ihe Lord ; let these, ber dying words, be a consolation to the af. flicted family. In Lewi township, on Ihe l?th int.. ADAM HILLIARD, aged 33 yeats and 1 month. .... , , - , ..,... i tn St. Louis. Mo i (in ihe lflih lilt., of con sumption, LEWIS YOUNG, primer, aged 37 years The deseased was a native of Union co Pa., and was well known by the craft at Harrisburg and oilier places, enjoying lha confidence of his employers and the respect of his fellows. - ; In California, on tho 12th of August lust, Mr. LEMUEL C. FETTER, son of Capt. Samuel Fetter of this place, nged about 24 yenr. The deceased left some If) months since, with accompany of young men from William' port for California, robust and healthy,' full of hope and energy. But lha hand of death was soon upon him, and his body rest in a far off grave. We sympathise with his deeply olflictod parents and relatives, in this sudden and unexpected bereavement, and may He who ha so sorely afflicted them, not with hold the oil of consolation. The following nre the proceedings of Ly coming Lodge. No. 1 12, I O. ol O. F. adopt ed by lhal Lodije on hearing of the death of their late biother, Lemuel C. Fetter. lyibmino Loner, no. ii, i. o of o. r. We", the Committee appointed lo diaft res olutions expressive of the feelings cf this Lodge, and llie death ol roomer Lemuel ... Feller, in the discharge of the melancholy duty assigned us, present ihe lollowing resolutions: Resolved, that thn death of our fitend ond brother, in a land of stiangers, has deeply affected .is. He left lis full of hope and en eicy, lo belter his fortune, but found in the liilernrss a grave. In all our relations wnn him while he was a member of this Lodge, we always found him nil honest mid line hearted man. As an O.ld Fellow, devoted lo the benign principles T the outer. In his friendship, he was unobtrusive nnd cordial. Resolved, Thai this unexpected bereave ment, depriving us o! one who was in the prune ot ti.'e, loreibly speuks lo u ot llie un certainly of life, "thai Ihu places w hich now know u will soon know us no more forever,' hen nil lhal w ill be remenihoied of us w ill bn the good or evil that we havo done, arid adinonislies us to cultivate those virtues upon which on r oider is based, which w i'l tend to I'ghten life's I ordens, and, by God's blessing piepate lis for tho celestial lodt.e above. Resolved, That wo deeply sympathise with h ist B lilicled telatives, in this sudden be i cave merit. Resolved, That our sinceio thanks are ten dered In biother T. B. Styles, of Nodaway Loilne, No. 14, of the State of Mo., fur his kind attentions to our brother in bis lust ill ies, and Ihe in'oimalion sent us of his death. Resolved, That as a token of teg ird for our tier-eased brother, our Lod-ie loom be clothed in monrniiiB for thirty days, and his name he placed upon the mortality record. Resolvid, That a copy of these resolution be eut in Iho relatives of our late bmlher, and one lo brother T. B. Styles, and tlniy be published in Ihe Independent Piess. S W. Ham, 1 J. II BusKit, i Com. Wm. Updegraff, ; Now it the time for cheap Clothing;! The Great CLOTHING STORE I OF 0. ELSBERO 4, CO., Market Street, opposite the Post Office o t toc h" recently been largely replen W ishsd, abd now shows aa extent, valus am variety ' n Ncrer before Equalled, in order to give all an opportunity to supply themselves with good and cheap clothing before tha approaching Holiday!. . Among our cheap and choice Assortment can be found Hie following 1 Fine black, blue, olive and brown Frock, Dress and Sack cost of cloth, Peter Sham, cassemere, sattinet, braver, felt' whitney and blanket. Also, monkey Jackets, U styles, color and stuffs. , ' PANTALOONS, An endless variety of ''lock and fancy Cassemera, satlinctt, velvet and other Pants. VESTS, A very large and choice Assortment, such s black and embroidered, sslin, fanry silk, cisti" mere, cloth, worsted, velvet, 4c. &c BOYS' CLOTHING. A nice aisorlmcr.t f coats, ycil and pants. BOOTS AND SHOES. A variety of calf-skin, kip and ether boots, slip pers nnd shoes. L DIES SHOES. Morocco, enamelled, Jen ny Lind, gum and other boots, bootees, gaiters and slippers. If ATS AND CAPS. A variety of silk, wool and fur hats, black and blue cloth, plush and oil-silk caps, men' and bovs' sizes. Also, all kinds af underclothing, white anil fancv shirts and collars, suspenders, gloves, socks, handkerchiefs, Ac. UMBRELLAS, TRUNKS, VALICES, Carpet Bags and a great many other articles too numerous to mention. JEWELRY. Watches breastpins, car and finger rings, gold pros, with or without cases, gold penrils, Ar. of all kinds and at bargains. Also KK VOL VINO, double and single barrcl'd pistols. IjV Our clothing is made of the best and sound est material, nnd its workmanship equal, if not au- I e.ior to the best cuitomwork of city or country tailors. We arc still continuing on our former motto, CHEAP FOR CASH , And are trying to deserve still more our rapid ly spreading reputation of having th cheapest store in Sunbury. Remember C. Elsberg &. Co'a New clothing store, Market Street, opposite the Post Office. Sunbury, Dec. 24, 1S53. T'S Notice. HE board of Directors of the Pennsylvania raininff School for Idiotic and Feeble Minded children, incorporated by llie Legislature of Pennsylvania, April 18.13, give notice that tliey will now receive a few additional pupils un der IS years of age, into their Institution. Ear ly application wiii be necessary to secure admis sion as with their present accommodations their number must be quite limited. Application may be made t j Hon. Cienrge M. Stroud, Philip S. Justice. S. Morris Wain, .'oinmittee of Reception, Philadelphia. Ur to tho principal ol llie Institution, J AS. D. RICHARDS, Dec. 14 1SS3. Germantown, Pa. Col H J. B Cnmmings, formerly of the Schujlkill Haven Misrelany, was last week admitted to the bar of Lycemiug county. Pa. The Whiysof Pennsylvania are lo hold a State Convention, al Harrisburr, on Ihe 15tb of March, lo nominate a candidate for Gov ernor, Si. ..:!.. Horace Gar.ri.KV ha been prosecuted for libel by Mr Carson, chief of Ihe New York Fire Department, laving the damage at $20 000.- Horace says lhal considering tho tightness of the money market, he rnigh1 havo fixed the amount at $19,500. Benxett, of Ihe N. Yoik, Herald, ha to foot a bill of $10,000, and cost of prosecu lion, for libel lecovered by the manager of a Opera troups, named Fur. Philadelphia Market. Dee. 20, IS53 Flour axd Meat.. Flour is in fair de mand, al SO oOaO 62, per Ltd. Theie is a steady demand lor city consumption within Ihe rHiiiin ol 6 50a7 62 lor com mun and e.Min amis. Rye Flour is inactive, at S5 per bid. and Corn Meal al S3 5 per bid. fur Penna Chain There is a lair demand for Wheal, nt steady prices. Sales of 4.000 bushel of luteal SI 60, ami red al 51 16a 1 DU. Itye is wonh 60 ct. Coin is in ieiu?M. Sales of 10 000 bus. yellow at 7u70.t lor new, ac cording lu quality, and 75c. for old. Oat o.ileit new cmitlieru nt 4Uu. WinsKEY. Sa! of bhis al 27c. and bud at 2Gu. Skipwi tck of a British Ship, and Lost of Two Hundred and Fitly Lives. Wo have received accounts of the wreck of the British ship Lady Evelyn, Capt. M'Clennau, while on a voyage from Uoni? ICong lo San Francis co. N fewer than two hundred and fifty live weie li st. The previous mail furnished some brief intelligence of a serious loss hav ing occurred ou one of the Madjiscnsema group of islands, and Ihroueh Ihe repiesenta lions of Lloyd'e agent her Majety' (team ers Hermes and Salamander were dispatched to the acene of the reported catastrophe. It was Iken ascertained that ihe ill-fatad ship had gone upon a reef known as Richard Rocks, eff the South east end of Typuisan, one of the group previously named, situate in lat. 34 42 N J long. 125 25 E., and of lha number ef soul who were on beard only twenty escaped, w ho were taken off the is and by ihe steamera, after being there up ward of two months. Of Ihe wreck of ihe Lady Evelyn not vestige remained. It is iinile-stood that she wa insured, but nol lo Ihe extent stated. Nearly Ihe whole of ber crew were shipped in London, and many of them have left, fain. ilies. India Rcsaa ok Railway. On the N J Ceniial Railroad, they aie laying, for ihe space of two miles, India rubber sleeper under lha iion rail, expecting thus to relieve he train of those sodden jar which ruin ihe uniting gear o speedily, do away with very muoh of ihe noise, and communicate a spun ;(y, elaslie motion to the rider. Chiba. Dr. Bridgmau say that ihe las, uensns of China which be saw in print wa. or the year 1813, which made the popula lion of ihe Empire mere thai 171,000.000. He ie on (idem that the present populatiou cannot be less than 400,000.000. Isaac Diiilington was mulcted in twenty five dollars damages, and cots, in West Chcste', last week, for shooting lht dog of a pei son w ho was hunting on his premises Tamaqua, I'a , has just organized a town police force, headed by a Captain and three lieutenants, Ibe chief purpose being lo sup nresa riots, lo which Ihe town in the coal region appear veiy much subject.' Steamer Ashore. The steamer Hum boldt, of Ihe New York and Havre line, has been particularly unfortunate during her ca rem. While attempting lo put into Halifax for eoal on the 11th inst., went ashore north uf the harbor, w ith ninety passengers, and 450 Ions (if freight. Tho passenger were all lauded safely, but the steamer is fast ashore. and will be a total wreck, though the cargo will be saved, partially damaged. A despatch fiora Halifax, December 15th to Waller R. Jor:es, says that lha Humboldt is all broken to pieces, and nothing mote from her can be saved, except on salvage. Very little of the ma'terial will be aved. The eoverment ha sent down a revenue cut ler lo nroteol the floatili" properly. About half Ihe cargo is lauded, nearly all thorough. ty dumaged. , Hullowat's Pills, a Sat and Certain Cure for Coughs Colds, and Athmatical Com plaints. The Autumnal quarter ie the one when coughs, colds, and wheezing on the chest are most prevalent ; such are the pro parties of Holloway' Pills, that jf taken at Ihe commencement of ihe attack, and viru lance of ihe disease Is very much abated, so that the patient suffers little or no incenve nience, but if neglected, it frequently occurs lhal the foundation of inonrable disorder is laid; therefore -those who are liable ' lo at tack of this nature are particularly tecoai mended lo Iry these valuable PilU. , . 91 A n It 1 B D. On Sunday evening Ihe lftth inst., by David uace, E.q., air. tioacaT uuttok. io Mrs Eliza Joses, all of the town ef f ramekin tXIjc iUavlicts. Baltimore Market. Dec. 20, 1853. GRAIN. The offcrins! of Grain at tho Corn Exchange this rnornins were larcf, and Ihe demand very nclive. About 30 000 bus. uf Wheal were al market, niuM nt Inch was sold lormlleis and h,ppei nl 143 it 17 cenla for fair to pinue reits, niul lot lair lo ime whiles. 1 he ollurini! ul Cum were about 70,000 bushels, which is a larger quan tity than has been in maiket on any pievi- oils d-iv Ibis season. Th3 demand was an- live ami most of lha p.iicels were sold al 58a iJ cents for new yellow, and 64a57 cts. for new white, we quote Kyn at )2J3 cents for Pennsylvania, and 78..8 J cents for Mary- laad and liglui.i Sales of Oats at 45 cent for Poiius) Iv.iuiu, 40,43 cents for Maiylaud, and 3.t4 I reuu foi Virginia. WHISKEY. Ihe demand continues ac tive, and the advance in prices i fully sus tained. We nutH sales to-day of bbl. at 2Sia29 cts. Hhls. are held ul 27&a?8cenl Some parties are still selling bbi. al 23 cts. THE FAR-FAMED MEDICINE! HOLLO WAY'S 1'ILLS. These rills !hm cimp trtl entirely of medicinal herbs aro ot h in .m li-iritilcsi iiuture, wluie ttt extraordinary vir tuet Oh'y !( hve reiideml tliein timveraviUy popuiatr in ticirly every purl of the wrlil. The iininease ueceM IdVy lr.ive met Willi thr -upli ut the Outlet is must extra imliuarTt mvinir, it is rrmnu'(1, to lhir wonderful cilU'iit'v in llie cure uf ililintis cttmpluiata and disorders oi the l.iver Bint St. inath. IVrs ! who persevc.e in iiwiiir them in Hcetritunre with Ibe direetiuiis, seldom foil in being restored to heulih. vi:aknksani dkbimty, kkstoration to ILftALTil OF A (jKNTIXM A. A(.KD45, WIIKN AT PKATITS DOOR. Copt) cf a Letter from the Rev. Charlts Smith 9 dated A'oion, .S7. Philips, near Hath, Somcf' sttthiie, 7tk August, 1853. T Professor IIollowat, Sir. A .Mr. J-.ifli lMixi'm, formerly a resident of this pi. ice. had l ci i in a (lecliti iup stale of he lilt fur upward uf three year. rnlutilly wns ting nwuy to a barlow by nightly pri Hjiirali ins nnd waul of appetite, whieli caused: jjicnt uiieftimie to his t'tieiids, ns he hud consulted various lfi'ilit-til men in UuLti without ejluct. lie at Inst used your ti!!i. ond tn def providence, was rett"rcd to health by their utratis. lie l".tly einigntlrd to New Y'tk. and has just written tit ny, tlmt lie wits never belter in health, and de fiicd mo to uc((Utitit you with the circumstmic. I ought n!mi to mention, thut iny wile iiuu derived great betieiit from tho use u y ur Tills. 1 ntiKiiti, Sir, V'-ws respectfully, L1IAULKS bMlTU. Dissenting Minister. A PERMANENT CURE OF A DISEASED LIVER OF MANY YEARS DURATION. Copy of a Letter from Mr. Gamis, Chennstf Yeovtl, to P.ofcsior Hollotcaij. Pear Sir. In this district your Pills comma ml a mora extensive sale than any other proprietary medicine before the pulilic. A a urooi'of their etiirucy in Liver and Dilioua Complaints I muy mention the following case A lady of this town with whomi urn pers nullyaniiinhited, for years was a severe stiilVrer from dmenc of the Liver and diges tive ore;;tus; her medical attendnnt assured her that he could do ii'itlung to relieve her if s, and it wus not likely she c uld ourvive innny m nilhs This announcement nuinrully c:ius d pruot alarm among her friends and rehs ti 'im. nnd they induced her to mnke a trial of yHir Pills, which so nnpioved hvt f-tnvna hsaUh thut slw was induced! to continue them until the received a perfect cure. This is twelve mouths ,, and she has not experienced nny symptoms of rirluc, and often declare thut your PiUs buve been the mentis of savins; her life. 1 remain. Dear Sir, yemra truly, Jul) -2X1, 1SS3. (i.gned) J. GAMES. These celebrated Fills are cadc) fully ijfica. cwu$ tn ine joitoicing complaints. Dropsy liiftmnrniitiosj SUNBUHY l'ltlCE CUKKliNT Wuut. ,140 Rik. . 87 Coax. .62 0ts. 40 PoTATOIS, 50 Butv. 20 Earn. .16 Puna. - . .8 Fuiitii. . lib TtLLOW. .' . 10 Ariis JuuiHJtre Liver Com plaints I.iimbbgo run Hheumstum ltetetiUnii of Lriiia Boofiula. nr Kine's Evil Secniituirv 8ynitoiiis New Advertisements. ATTENTION, FARMERS' IND JirClIiXICS' AKTILKWSTSU "lTOU are lii ly commanded to -- nut t ill Market Squar , bunbu )v, on SATURDAY, the 31st of December, next, at 9 o'clock, A. M., fully fi)ui'jtd for drill. Earh nieuibrr lo be prt'ia'rcd with 10 round of blank cartridges. 13 y order of llie Captain, SOLOMON 8'1'KOlt, O. 8. N. B. A Court of Appeal will be held ou said da;. ... Sunbury, Pec X4, 1 353. EDUCATIONAL ASSOCIATION. THE Northern Pennsylvania Educational As sodlioii will bold its next stated meeting at Ltwisnurtf, oo Monday, til ttilh of tlerrmher. AddreMM will be delivered by the Prenidont and other member oi the Awooiatioii. to be followed by discourse upon various uitartaliu Educational topic. 1 ' , Teacher and frienJs of Education are invited to attend and prticiie in th proceeding. B Oaasa of th Esserwra CvaaiTTSE. ; December IT. 1S . Alml ilyacntary Hilioua CompWinli Kryfctpclua lllntrhue mi llie I-'emuia IrreffU- Mini lam in B iwel Couiplaiiilt Frvera uf all Cobra kiiuli Couitipation of Fill the Uowela Gout CoiiniuiiU, lleuu-nrlie Debility Indignation S-ire Throats fimia uid Gravel Tic Douloureux Tunioura I'lreis VenarralAOeetioiia Wurinauf ell kakl Wcakucaa, from wlimevor oauae lie, Ac. Sol, I at the F.sUbliahitieut of Profesaor IIollowit, S44 Slrouil, (neut Tempi Bur, .oihIoii,) aiul also ut hia Hua in New York. Onlera for Medicines in ttia States, addres sed T. Holloway, New York,' will leceive riueatlsiitlon. S lit also by all reanerUiMr Ui ukrihU and Dealers in Med-H-iiiea throughout the I'nited Stutea, in liojtea nt 37 cents, 87 cents, and lTjll cenla each Tone kad Wholeaals of the pitiiciial Drug Houaes iu the Union. There is a eamideraW aevuif by takutf the larger . i - riirections for the guidance of patients i every d r itiri are affixed to each bul. llecembef 4, l63, ly. To tht Honorable the Judges of the Court f Quarter itstiom for the courtly of Northum berland : The nuderaieneff petititllet respectfully eohcita the Hon. Court to grain him a license, to keep BR lu or tavern m the liufounk ol Noiiiiondierkiiid. , I'KTER HAXSJLMAN. WE the underlined citizens of the Borough of Northuiiihwlaiid, being acquamtod with ike Petiiticner, no certify thut he is of good repute for knueaty end temiierance, end that he ie well provided with h wse mom and other eonveuienees for theaccomiwodationiK strangeis end travellers, and that in Inn or tavern there is necessary for the accommodation si rang era snd travellers. Jos.Wsllis, D. M. BreulHram, Airs. Coh, Robert B. McCoy, Jus. Tnggart, )r.. Hsrouel I. iohnson, J. Ileuni inaiHhe, John Cuke, tirnnlhura I. Temntrt. Jurors Tncgart. J M. l'rieeltry, M. Taggart, Hcnrf Neuer, jr., Samuel Elliott. North'd , Dec. IT, 1653 31. ATTENTION, DEW ART CIaBDSII TOU ar hereby commanded lo meet A in Market Square, Kanbury. on SATURDAY, DEC. SI, 18M. at 9 o clock, A. M., fully equiped fer drill. Each member lo be provided wilh 10 roand of blank cartridge. I'uuclual attendance u'ecjuired. i By order of llie Captain. GEO. OUPIIA.NT. O. 9. , Sunliury, Dec IT, 143 A Preen supply of Arnold fluid just received -1 - and for .! at this ortto. V 1 Yr,