1 111 pro vein c n I A h ca tl ! ! ELIAS BX10CI0US HEltKUV informs Ms friends arid the public generally, th.it ho tins just received at his oU stand, in Market street, i opposite Weaver's hotel.," ;-. ?w '.' , .. ' ? otr-t :Jn trcrlttnt assortment of"? ''" ' ionodc;Oj'. . French Eastings, .. -AW all kinds of lining and Shoe finding, which heoITcrs Id the trade tit fon-mnahfr) prlers. Ho also inform hi customers nncVthers, llmt he still continue t)A $lirtefl)iiktn- business, slid i prepared te do .all kinds of work,, in t -jood and fashionable atvlp, mtd on reasouablc-teruis. , , , Sunbnrj, June II, 1853. 1y. ' ' ' ' c itfi a r WINDOW SUA 1)121. - Depot and Manufactory. - -,,- of, . , - -r r " . 'J O.- L; lILLSPw & CO., S. W, I'timer Arch mid fceeond Slrcrts pVRf.VAniKTy OK SHADES, WIiolo " asWand Retail, 'sttrh a Scroll, Flower, (iothic, Vignette, Oil Kiul Pry Landscapes, arc to be had at the lowest prices for quality of worth Orders for Cilt, Pluin ptdro, ; J.tercd and other Shade executed nt short notice. . .,, Merchant and others me iuvited to give ua a trial. IPs will try to jilmse, ,.,,..,.; M '' Brasses, Trimming-i, Ac, nlwavs nn hand- -"Remcmlror 8. W. comer ktiCdXji & I KCi Street, Philadelphia. . .,.. :,r n J 'August 13, 185?.-' Clill,, , f ,,'r. .",' ,.,',.' G ft s . V i x t u re s -$ ; 1 a i n p s . " . . ' HEIDRICK, KOEKINO & BEOTHER, JVo. North i'rcoHc Street, fibuet. Vine, rillLADEtPIIIA. HAVING had many years practical experience in the business, and ne all work sold, by la manufactured under onr,imiin;ditoaupeiviFion, we are ennhlcJ to otTt!r t purcliascra superior ar-; ticloa, in every lirunth ofourtimle,, ppoii the most favorable terms. At nur stTre nmy lie found, in evoTT -varietv and style of finiah. On and Ianip Chandelier, Pendant, Hide Uraehcla, for Hnlla, Churc.hea, &c.r the IjMI'HOVKU 1MNI3 OH, LAMP; nlm'.TIuid, I.aVJ and Oil tanips," Oir ndoles, Hoqliote Ho!ders-( Parlor, Ntfrhf and Reading Lamp.- On hand, s I,:im'p Ulassra, Globes. Wicks, Shades. At. A-I. WOHK WA PR ANTED, OR NO SALE. 'Factory No. 60 Noble St., near 4th.-' " ' ' ' Rememlier atore 221 N; Wet'., next ilaor to L Stewart Dopnv'a enrpct n'tttiA " "J,' L"" ' " September 10, 1853. 3rri: "; '.'! " , Porte 3Ioniiaics," " , POCKET BOOKS, AND FANCY GOODS. attention of the Trade, and other,' in JL want f l'orte Monnaies, Pocket I5ook, Bunkers' Cases, Drossinij Casca, PorUWo Wri ting Desks, Llackpaiumon and Cliots Boards. Chessmen, Pearl, .S'licll, and Silver Cord Gases, Work Boxes, Cabas,; Needle . Books, Money Belt, Ciuar Cases, Portl'olW, PaV.of and liaz.or Strop, .Travelling l'lak, and fine Cutlery, to gether with a large variety of Kauct Goon, which will be sold nt the lowest ratea.; -i' F. H. SMITH, - Torle Mounaie and Pocket Book Manufacturer, 205 Arch St. below Sixth, Philadelphia. Sept. 17, 1853 tf. ....... ..- . ,s . -. Claim's KstaMishmcnt 25 South Sixth Street,! ; , . ' Pliilaflelpliia. For the ManufhCturo and aalc of ' ' ' I'ulpiit Letter Copying PrcMsie, Patent METALLIC .DAMI'ENLK1?, Brushes, Oil Papers, BMtins Boards, Copying Ink, &c. ratent Parchment Paper,' LETTER COPYING BOOKS, Superior to all others, and each-papo printed PATENT LETTER BINDER, A most valuable invention for kecpinjf in a nook-like form, Letters received',' Original Invoi ces, &c. ;!.. I ...;.'..:' Phila., April 0, 1853.-Ty. .. A Fanu ibr Sale. THE aubscriber oflera for sale his farm, CONTAINING 831 ACRES . . and allowances. It is situated about three miles from Sunbury along the Shainokin ereek, and ia in a good state of cultivation. The Philadelphia and Sunbury Railroad pnssee through said farm. It will bo offered in part or entire to suit ' pur chaser. It can bo divided te ntsko three small farms. The building are a FA KM HOUSE, a good Bank Barn, and two tenant houses! '" ' . JOHN FA RN8 WORTH.'' I'pper Augusta, Sept. 10, 1353. tf. ' ': Lumber. Yard. : ; ' piIE subscriber would respectfully inform the -- citizens of Sunbury, and iWtuumterland and adjoining counties, thtiMie hair opened a iLtiiUibf r Varrt in the lot fronting on Cranberry St., o. short dis tance East, of the Steam Saw Mill, where ha has now a large amount ot Seasonal I'aitnel l'lanl; also Paiuinl Uoiirin, and all other Boards and Bciliiiso MtTr.KiAL, such a3 will lo wanted for building purposes. Also a large amount of Shingles on hand, which will be sold from If 8 up to is, according to quality and see. Please give us a call and examine our prices and quality. N. B. Farmer who are in want of Shingles will please call as we will sell to you low. J. E. LEIH, Sup. Sunbury, May SB, 1853. I y. NOTICE. "VO riCTi is hereby given ly' the utideisiicd citizens of the Coiuinanwvaltb. of Pt-iinsvl--ania. that application will be made ta the nest Legislature of said Commonwealth f"r the erec tion, of a bjdy corporate t Lo slylrd "Ths Slmbcst Sirivos' Ixstitvtb," to be located in the boroughorSuiibury.Northim.U'duud county, with discounting privileges, and with a capital ui One hundred thousand dollars. Robert II. Awl, Geo. Uright, Ju!m Young, Adam Sbislcr. TJiomas Kolins, Darnel Di ui kc miller, Kredk. Lazarus, Geo. B. Yonii"inau Pe ter B. Master, J. W. Frilins. Ira T." leracut, Benj. Hendricks, Geo. C. Welker, J. W. Peal. Sunbury, June 25, H53. Cm. .Cook Aleuts Wanted." A GENT3 WANTED in every town and 1 county in the United Stales, to sell the most popular and suleablo books puMishedmauy of them bemtifully illustraud wuh col.irnl cngra MMaBi.D m08t P"l'dar works o T. S. AR. - li t K, including "Arthur's Vvrtujt Ubrury." Intelligent and enterprising men wij find this pleasant and prafitable bukiness. For particulars address (post-paid) ' ' J. W. BUS DUE V, Publisher, No. 4S North Fourth Mrecl, n . . . i PhiUdoJphia, Pa. October 1, 18537m.,. i , . . . , ' , $500 REyARJ)!!. JJtASMUCII asthereiiaa leen 'at euulry times. fdo hf i lni'1d1ell'l'U..d Suubu.y Railroad, I do hereby 0ffur ,buv, tW4tj D- IU toxpESECKER.".' Sunbury. Septal l353.r''!Ut- ?- .x P,nciU nd Pena. for sole cheap by , O, ELSBEKG A CO., :; """" opposite tho Post OtW , ','JurckH,.Eureka'.V ..... , WE HAVE FOUND IT AT LAST. N 0V for the little one. VVhv will tmrenta waste houra and dnva In friritlesa endeavora to (jet perfect pictures of. their children and after all fcrt ttnfhing but a poor, miserable caricature j Ve would PByjeotrieio our " ' ' " .v 4 i '--t EXCELSOIR GALLERY' ''a.i" I , ' v -., - - k ---sV f ml -we . will guarantee te make you - perfect picture' by nur Ei.tctho' (Jtlr.itttit procesh, that worka in from' J to 3 feoond. ' I We defy any JJairuerrean tn Philadelphia or Isewhero, to rontpete With ti, as W8 are the (nvciiloi, and Urn precesa is uerl- only In lur tlif S rent entabiiiinienl4 in. Now JOn&land .hnd the Middle Slatea.y Foe jiotjims of adult, the silvdr itiedals wo lave reia-ived from rtho A merican IiiKtituti?, New Yorlc trSuf Friibklih; Philadelphia, Sogcthcr with' the hiimermia premiums from County Fairs, i slitllrient1 proof that they arc tlio At Pint i7f of perfection; H j We would call iwrticular , attrntion to our Talbotvpea .Jlui-iierveotype in Oil. ,-:' I 1. C. CiiLtixs & ('o.,.Jtl0, Chestnut Street fhiliidelphia. MnitiVtTetrt,'ilopposile site llamp den Houho. 'Springtiold and ''Collins' Building, Westlield, Mass.. , ,. -.0 i -N. 11. Our establi-hmen't is illuminated try the brilliancy of our Pictures by . D.ny, and by t'mfrtsar ItartrfVrif &"frf!t I.,rwp3 hj Sight "( Vine and see." ' ' " ' - ' Philn., May 89, 153. X$r '' . '..'..linjiuliurg iVcaticiiiy. .TJIJSIlHlmrsr, I'iiIimi roimty, I'cgma. REV," J. G'.-AXSPACli, I cnmton ' REV. E..KEIFFEII,.- V,um,ors' . A. C. FISHER, Trincipal. Ml.ELIZACETFl K.'. HO.DGH, Truicijint i : : .- -of F$mali -Dtpartmtnt. ED1V1N FISHER, Teacher of Mathematics ' and Vtual Music. ' CIIKSSELDKX FIS11BK. M. D.; Lecturer on Chemistry, Physiology, $c. The f ummer Tcrm' of this flourishing Insti tute will commence on Mjixiiat, Ji lt 25, 1S53. ' The course of instruction will be thorough and rirncticiil. Mathematics and tbo Ancient Lan guages, aavell as other braitchca, will be taught, a fur as practicable on the analytic method. Daily uso will lie mado ofthq blac.kboaid.. 1 Orthography, .Reading, English Coinpositinn, and . Declamation will receive their full share of attCUlioil. . '..It , (.; -, . praughtinu,. Construction vf ,Mups, Kse of Compass, &.C., will be taught to students ill Sur veying and Civil Engineering. r , T i - i ' Lesson iir Music,1 Drawing," Oil Painting, Wutor ColoT8, Sco.; Ornamental Nocdle Work, French, and Botany will be given by the Precept trcss,jw1io ia a giadunto of Castlcton Female Seminary, Vermont, and cornea rceommunded by the Principal of that Institution, as "a young lady of agreeable manner and high literary at tainmcnts." !!;.,. s : ,., ;. '.-... . ; . Young ladies end gentlemen who design to j hecome teachers, will bud this Institution an efl'i i eient school for preparation, since there will be j connected with U, during the great part of the (year, a Tsaciikrs' Ixbtitute, the moinbc-ra of winch will have the opportunity ot attcmiiriff an Evening Couise of Lectures on School Teaching, and acquiring a practical knowledge of the art, undtir the supervision of the Principals. - . . 'I ho government of the school is based upon the Jaw of universal love, which enjoins upon all to do to others as they would think it right that others should do to them. Home the rules will be mildly, though strictly enforced ; and parents and guardian may rest assured, that the morals, habits of study, and general deportment of the students will be carefully attended to. : The building is now undergoing a complete renovation. It will be painted, furnished with new desks, a hell, convenient recitation rooms, 4'C. 1 Mifflinburofis a thriving and healthy borough. Its inhabitants arc moral, intelligent and enter prising.' Its streets havo been recently graded and paved. It is, in every respect, a pleasant and desirable retreat for students. We, therefore, trust that the friends of education will deem, the Academy worthy of their liberal support. X'y The price of board, in the best of private families, does not exceed $1,50 per week. N. B. Students may enter tho Academy at any Uino during the term; yct.it is desirable that they bo present, if possible, on 'tho first day, MillHuburg, July 1G, 1853. Cm. Just Published and Tor Sale by WM. McCARTY, Bookseller, . , . ... . Sunbury, Pa. The American rLEAPEKS' ASSISTANT : Being a collection of approved declarations, writs, returns aiul proceedings in the several actions now in use in the United Sutes. 'Br CoLLiiisoif Rkkd, Esq.,' Jpsae legis viva vox With notes and additions, together with a short J system ot conveyancing. By A. Jordan. Pres ident Judge of the Eighth judicial district of Pa., and Wm. M. Rockefeller and M. L. Shindel, of the bar of Northumberland county. Since the publication of the hook, tho following letter has been received from Judge Pearson of llarrisburg ' i t j! ; ,' ; ' ' , . " : "' ' . U.inntanunn, June 30, 1853. Gr.iTunrv:' : ' After a careful examination of your "Amer ican pleaders assistant," I take pleasure in ex pressing my entire approval i.f the selection and composition of the precedents thus offered to the public. 'Tho legal profession in Pennsylvania stands in need of a correct svslein of pleading,, adapted to our habits of hut-'incs, and the practice of the courts.- Your forms of dce'aratl ius being, to a great extent, founded on the acts of astembly, will ho 8 saving of labor to the pleader, and con duce to siiletv and brevity in our pleadings. It should be in the hands of every practising fawyci ill our state. , Yours, w ilU great respect, JNO.J. PEMisoN. Hon. A. Jordan, Win. M: Rockefeller and M. L. shindel, Esquires. i Nunbury, July 0 1833. WILLIAM GE0VES & CO S Upholstery, Uedding 5 Fea ther Warehouse. S. E Corner Second and Arch Streets, PHILADELPHIA. tPRING BED, Feather Beds, Huir Mats, Huk, and Straw Mattresses, Cushions, Cuts, Comfortublo t Vuiiterpancs, Sackings, Blankets, Ar., Ac. Cwiiitaully ou baud or made to order and jid WUdcealu and Klail, on the most favor able lei ins. feathers' ii.v.u, husks, fee, by the bale or pound. Orders respectively solic- itcu, iMimiu:y v.ccmru, suiu warrauierr o give satisfaction. ' iN'. B. Mattresses re-mado and Feathers re renovated. , Phils., Sept. 10, 1853 3m. ' ' LAWitKNCE HOUSE; ... SUNBUEY, PA. 'JMIE suliacTiber. widow of Samuel Thompson, dec's., Ute of tho -"Lawrence Mouse,'- in Sunbury, respectfully informs th friends of bar lute husband, ar.d the public generally, that she continues ta keep the above Hotel, and is well prawdt d will) uii things necessary to accommo date atl who loay favor her wiUi their custom, and therefore solicits their patronage. . . . MARIA THOMPSON. Sunbury Oct. 29. 1853 4m. t- - WILEV'tf COLU CAMiY. An excel l lit remedy lor coughs, cold. For sale at this otlice. j . , Pecember 4. 1852. " . 1 1 AND BILLS neatly printed on new tvp promptly executed ,t )Uu, effica. . Also niiHiaa. oi an tmja m auin-riui i.ai.er. "' fmAtarr, Feb. 14, T85S.- " SUJSJiUi A.MK11ICAN AND SllAiMOKlN -j OUKN AL. i 2,5tK) Acres Timber Lund V. FOR OAliE. ; SEVERAL VALUABLE TRACTS OF .TIMBER LAND, comprising -almut 9,500 acre, part of which is ritunlri) .on -Tobylianna Creek, and rart on Muddy Creeswilbin , three mile of Lfhigh RiVvr, in Pcnn forest township. Carbon County, one of the' great t'o'at '"otiritie of Pennsylvania, can be fiad at a rrarg.-ilu, If ap plication be made seoni j " y T i These lands nre thiilfy covered wjth.lho best timber of that region. ' While it is 'believe (list 75,000 feet of lumber to the acre, cjn be cut from a large portion of the hind, the balance will aver aire not much less than this figure. Tim kinds of timber found on (ho bind are Hemlock, Spruce or Whilo Cedar, White -Oak; While Pine nnd Chestnut but principally mado up of. White Pino mid Hemlock.' 1 ' , Tho Tohyhnnnn and Muddy Crerk arc lanjc and rapid stream, yielding a. vtistl nmmint of water power, oud arc capable of driving a large number of saw milfs. They empty into the Lehigh, which stream, with the Lehigh Canal all'oida an outlet to the most desirabln lumber, markets Thero is, too, under contemplation, a railway leading to the eities-of New York and Philadelphia which run within out rnilr, ami l hrrt yuatters of the land. Through thcs meiiues IuitilicK-an be delivered in either of the citios named, for aliout $7 per thousand feet thus enabling person en gaged in tbrt trade to derive greiter pvoDls than attend invrstmrmt generally; ; - i In addition to the limber, convertible into, eve ry shape of lu'mlief, there Is much that will an swer for spars of vessels 'a sort of timber that ship huilders have been obliged to purchase in Maine, or ot other distant points. ' . Unlike most of.lhe lands on Ihci LoMgVtucro has, 'a jet, been no culling of the timber on this property. It stands undisturbed by the wood man's ave. It Is, therefore, the more valuable. The lumber' trade iif the Lchlgli has Ik'cii carried on to such an extent for years past, thata scarcity of good timber is bcinnliig to be felt.' Every season necessarily increases this dillii iilty. The consequence mn-t bn an enchant cment of the value of timber lands. ThriW ttn-ciilled tracts with the advantage of avenues to Hjinket, such a the lands offered for sale, possess, cannot fail to bo the source iif supply hereafter. ' ? But the land is not alone valuable for;the tinir her it contain. , U is of good quality for farming, nearly every "aero being susceptible of a high, state of cultivation. ... ' Capitalists desiring to make 'Investments, would do well to turn their attention lo these lauds. For furthsr information apply to . ' ' ; ;;."' . ,' ClKs. M. HALL. " Ofllce in "Miniiirj , Register" biiilding, Potts ville, Pa. ' : " ' - August C, JS.-3 tf. . CHERRY PECTORAL: k err ino viirc oi COUGHS, COLDS. HOAnSSIJESS, BRON CHITIS, CHOUP, ASTlI IA, WHOOPING-COUGH AUD COUSUMPTION-. Mil TO Critl-I A COLD, wt in UKin-trHR a Mi ittT.Ers "OLD. Wfllf nKAHHCHK AM) UttT i'f the !ii0v th!co tlic Chreby IVctohal on irninir to bed. and wrap up wunii. tn s wv.il ilunnn llie nit;lit. Ken a (.iiii.ii ami ('nct-iit.lii'rir il iiutrniii, n it m nnd p.vc nil. it, npc.vdit'(r u rfitwri'iun on the b -It!-, mid the dhhVul ty will M'i! btj rein -ved. Ntmr will 1 nig auiler fr m this tronlile when thty (iml it e;in Ik-so rundily cured, t'ersmit Qlliiftcd with u Be.itt-d etinli, which breaks them itl'lh' ir rest nt uitrlit, will (bid, by t.'diinjj the Cherry Pectoral 011 pntiiii t bed, they niny le Kru rf iunt, uubnikeii nh'ep, and tMjiscqm'Ufly T-'freshtiiT rest, (jrent relierfr.ini snflt-r-tti7, 11ml nn ultimate cure, is ;ttf itdi-d U" thuusaiidu vlit uro Llins Hlllicud, by ihbi inttdmibU; rcimly,. ... .. . 1 I'n m lis iijjjrt-fiitile effV-ets in these cnses, wm '" tbeu!f-cles unwilling to t -rcgw us usu uhi'ii th. iietcsaUy fur hits eeriJit-il , , . i'r.Mrt tw.5 cmni-'iit lbyeinn in ' ' Fayki rKVit-Mi, Trim , Apnl 10, ' Sir We liae gii-t-n yniir Clicny Peel irul an cxtcni-ive trinl in nur ptm-tiee, nnd find it t'i sin paf- evt-rv "tbci rc incdy we have for euriti: niri-eti'Mts nt" tltc respirnt'-rv or P'hn. 1K?. OfK.XI Mil A H AMPTON. TOSIX.JKRS AND 4'l.JilJC .Sl'KAliKltS this retnetly is iiiviili)iil)le, us by us uctii-HMni tlmilirmtund lun(;.', wh' it tna-un iniu;dl ipi.mitiirf, it rtuii 'Viatl htmisenesM in tv h airs, nnd wonderfully niMvarcs the power iuid tl- xihdily Of 1 ho Tuire. AffTU.M A 11 petiemlly iimHi relieval, and oi'ien whiJIy euretl hy t'lti-m IVct Hnt. iitt Hk-t nre s nne c.usch o ub si inure 11s to yieM enlin-ly l 11 1 inrliciue. Clieny Pecto ral will mre Ihf i il if lln-yenn lierarr-tl. JnttJN t:l i I Tit r in iiation nf the thn-nt mid upper portion of 1 be lungs, limy lo eured bv tiikinr Cheirv Pe tu nd in s'iiall and ir--.inr.it d The uuL-omuirtabld op- pre-uiioii is a mil ri'lirvMl. Hev. Doct. LANSING, of ..moktyn, New York, states: 4,l have si-Bii the Ch-iry Pei-joial cine such cases of Ami limn and Bronchitis ns lend mc to believe il cm rare! fail in cure Ibow disenses," . Foil ClttJLP. tiiio au .ernclie or antimoity, tn Ui followed by la rue and frf-pn'iit dost'.l of tie Ciwrry, IVeto tnl, mil il i-snbines the disease. Il'tikcn in sens ui, it will U't fail to mre. . . WllOOPlNli COrCTf may be bn.keii up and s hui cu red bv ihr in.fi i Chert y Puvt' r.d. , Till; IM'IJ'KNZ.V isspuctb.y removed by this reme dy, Nnnn rinis iiisiane.-i Uhvk b?ni iiotieetl where whole families M'citi protected fr nil pny s vions eonsequcuces, while thi'ir uei'ilibors, without the Ciierry Peetond, wtio SniTerimr from Itie disetiso. a Vr. J. C. Ayer: Palfm,C)1u.k J lib June, isji, I writt to inform V" of il,. truly remarkable elb rta of vonr CIIIMiftV PKCTfUtAf. in tbnt place, nnd in my own family. Han of my d'uibirs was completely cured in three days oft. druudiul W noopixo Cuo.il, by Lukin-; 11 Or. Means, one of our veiy best p! siei nm fieely s.utts thai h cousidi-rs it the bt t reiiiwiy wo mva pulmoiiary tlitcaBcs. 11 ad t hut be has c.n t in mc nttm of CuoVi' wit (1 il than any other iint'ifinp ne e-er ailiiiinfstered. - Oni clerrymeii of tlitt II iptist Clnn-cb s.tr.th;it dnriii'r the run of Isti.i.Kvzv here .hi w -sin. he li:-? se- n en-'t s fiom ytmr iTicdif ine he eoultl s.-.irccly huv e beUoed hilli otit seeiim. Yours respecti'uily, J. T SlXCLMR, " DepciypOMinactT. From fhe xfis!iii'jttitshf(J 'aiLs-ui of Chvmis: try a.tl Mrtrria Mtilia; B-ivdmtt dAlee. I have found ihf l iikukv Pi crouAi., ns its iiiirretheni -j dl.ow, n powi'i fa) ic.ui i!y ( r c.Idh, nnd emiylin, ami pn'. inonury distMRts. " 7 . PARKUK L'l.fcttLAM, .M l). DnuxjwiCK. MlVh. .1. I'!-?. 1)11. VALKVITNK MOT'P. The vi'h lif ctUhiatt d Professor of Surgery in the MtlcU ColU'29, New York City svs.w 4It (kjiv-s si ma plt-autiti to-euvufy 1ii value nnd t-uieuey of Akh' Cjiuhuv Pti4-ion.il,,1 wliieb 1 e.oijsi.U r pee-dimly ndrted to cure diseis.-s of Ihi Throat and fitis." Cuies ol seveie tb'-::es u;hi(i the 1jUhki have lieeti ef feeU'd by Cukhhv Prt riOtAL in sm-li extreme cn-es mj wan ant tlie belief tliit a rL-uudv 1. 1 iJ ljilli been fomi't that can be depended 0:1 to cure the Cmi,iS. Colds and C 'nsuinptiou w iin h enrrv from our mitlvt ibousTuils every year. It is indeed u medicine l which lite mlm-it-d can look wuh aoaiadeu-r for riwtriiul thuy should iiJi fail to ovail t!i4;Ult-!V(JIC-f M, " s, ; i . Prepared and sold by JAMES C. AYER, Practical Clfvust; Lcw'tll, Mans, SnM in tfunbury hy I( 'M.MsSi:R, nJ hy Di upuihU RiMirrulIy throughout thn rotate. July ao, v, iuv. 13. 'W, B S :i t.LS ' if , j. r; could, r (.Siucreiwur to A. FIO'J?,) ' No. 16 1 Chcsnmt Strict, Steuim'i Building. rillLADELPfllA. IXTEN.sJVI-l MLMC PUULWUBtt, and A IJealer in Musical Instruments of every de scription. '..... - llxclnsivo Agent for the sale or Ilallet, Davis A Co's (li.iston) I'.i r-.i r bt sesasiox Buiuuk Moliutt uJ other - . -....... . PIANOS , .. I., Gillvrl's Boudoir Piano, Melodeuna, Martin's Quilurs, Harps, Violiiis, tsiictT .Music, Music Books, eVe.( a-vi & .u: ' : ' IvesidunUof the country will be supplied by rruuV ur :othertiae with any musle they may wish, at as tow rates aa if purchased in person. Having one of tli largest stock in the .United States, I feci cunfuleiil of satisfying all who may fevor me with a call or aruW.? . .' i ' k r . Uealers ill Music supplied on the most liberul terms. Pianos to let. Second-hand Pian s for sale, i Philadelphia, April 14, 1653. ly, . - aIrRIAGE CKTLVieATEtr halidllo'im xeiHited for sate at this olKee, aiagle or I by the - - - L - - . ' J . .... i . : ; C R L E BR AT E D ',. . : j : F u in i 1 y M c d i c i n s , IN nil'ermtr t9 the public I be nVjOte Wfrtiluftbln prcpom I Ions, the siihseriLer wotlld stute that lit consultation with Iris friends find nrrnw or f!?p Mt tcnpH tnhi; of Ihe Altflionl h cully, it wrrs debmcil Kdvisuble t'iolf to. th pnbtic. ii h'v piejiarutiuiis of known celfibiitjj, being pro pared With Ihy ureutest c!irt nnd on the most si-ipiitific prinnptci. ss sulmiilritcs for the -ntimwiius won Mens Ar ticles UiHi nt HiMKbnff the couniry in Uie form of pfinnrcfis mid cure nils, pn-nred hy tho most fgnoruut und nicruciin ? pcrfciriN, bilentted to curs nil discuses nnd giKl for nunc, ';'.'.; 'r.'r , Head arid llejlcct. 'i''' 'nv- That tbc Mgilicine, MHiini'seiureJ by W, At, IbicRi.ST).,, Inclttdinqr Ins l(f.n Pcctomt for Coi.(.'bs. CifBtti oi CnrrtjdKTT. f.r KhOUtiiHtisltl. -. t' ' -' -fl ' Worm Hvmp for liVoTinti . , . - 'i ,n,.:A X ' Tooth V mrIi. for dceaved teeth, diseased punis.; . Fumilt Pills, or Wood I'urifyer, have bnt m-rt cxti'nsix't. ly used, nnd hsT ftirm more satisfaction, lbn miyiottiitr Me.ilienies betoie the public, lxhi prepared with r(ijod to their usefulness nie fully wotthy the trial of the afflict ed. ilv Ihmn n triul. A few poweiful reusons wby Iho-nboe Medicines nic dcrterviiii? i'f universal pnttonnrc, .(J tlie . ,tiiH plnee, they nrn iiei)nrcil by n rej-nlnr Phyttiflnn, who inHb'i'f lands tho iipplKKituin in Meilietiics, iilitascimtd ctMiscqirt-nitY uic uerft-ctly snlc lu tako, (SeeoiHilyi) tboy bac Irneu nseil with iiiiiverr-al Fiieenss, nml have uiyen uiore stili?fa,t;-, tiort llrm nuy othrT Medicirtr-s ollWeri heforc the pidilir. (Thirdly) they nre tim only imubcinta Hurt liuvo frnined the p t! roiinue of IMivsiciitns, where ilt-v laive Ikumi uw-1 ; nnd (FoiulMy.) 1hey life put lip In larcer tpftnlities I'm the s.unn prieev tlifiii nuy other Mftliein ot!Vrvd ti Hit pnblujtji tliu 'iiii. kind. vn.thc stiitscvtliei h;n- a nunibt-r of cei'tifieateR in Inn pomion of tti' hiliem anthovdyr wh'Trt lltcy hiw been itft-d Willi ilie rti 'M s-iiisfnctnrV re salts. Ho will ptihliph n few of ihi in, ft idinir s atistied thnt a tiial will insure, their rceummcTiJutinM. Try Utuui nit satisfy ytan relf of their snp'riui ity over alt otllcrH. . Rettd ttnd be Convince. " 1 Wj the nnder.iprned having been made ncquaintpd wttli the intircdients entoiiiitir into thn CoinpoiirtflN known ns Hiekeyn Kinuily Medici ntn altso liavinfr (resei'ilicd, nnd known them to used, with urns'i iOu iorv n-snltsf take pl'visure in Fmytnit llmt w". believe they fully meet thu design t'nr which they are recommenced. .1 AS. STft A Willi I DUK. hi. D ' ,. n C H. FHU'W. M. I) WM. MeMAIHiX, M. H. ' wksm;y h nKAi.rrv.AHT, m. d. AV.M. IT Mn!M,. M . I. H K. GKAItHKAHT, M. I). ' - Cure vf pftitt in the xvh ant! ton ah from prtttr,trd ' 7irr ContfJrtiiits " ' Mrs. U'diert Alining lnh irimr under Chronic Liver fVim-ptaiut-, iirc'-inpunicd wilh n thort Urycouli pain lu the side nnd hrc!u!, general debility, loM o'f nnpelite, nil er try in; nil th1 tisinl rcmedicB rec muieude(f foi coughs niitl diseases of the eiiffft, who. with no hcitcfit. sha was reconi meii'letl to tiy tan Hum: Pectoral, fr un winch, sire not only derive:! iminediatu but permanent relief. John Adams, wm of Mrs. Hubert Adatns, yits nfflietetl with o very severe ciifih, pain in th iidv, nnd soreness pr.wMccii by uicermaiit iMiilMiit ; liu u lnJu4:4l to try the Uote pectoral. To use Ui twa lanjru ttr'',, the liit iIokij rnnbled him to eujiy a voti night's re.-t. In is in Tivintr lie cipeetornte'l nbditl hall pint of matter, jle continued to improve) until bis tVtih entirely h fr Irim, :t nlso hud the elleet of' sirwnphf iiinjr ins breitsi. which w:w triturally weak. He nlso nays tint hy Ims ici-ouuncudfd it ton number of his friends for Ki'mitir cnmplaiuisj nnd in every ense it hns iriven sjiiinfneiii n. ' ' - Thu nbovo persons n siiU-iil! of tho tow'u nf Dnnvitlc, . feclinfi Hint they have, derived g'rent bcnelits fmiil the use if the'Hnso Pectoral; imthoiiZ'Mhe; sbivc stntemtni. for the benefit of those whom.iv be nfrlictcd in h nimilnT mmi- . li or. : (iKK-AT (;l'K, , ; ; Loss o f Voice restored with ont botth of Rose Pvc- . toml, . , ' Miss piitiiii Whitlock, of Hush township, Northumber land co., for n number of years nu h valid, m Hie fall of IfsjO, Uwi thfl use tf he.f voice friuu eeveio eold sh cvm- trueied ; after trying u nuinber (f reuietli.;H, with li t bent lit, sfio wus eutirtdy restoretl by takin? one liottle f lioso Peetond, alter which, she lost hur votco tijpiin, from it fresh cold g!m coiitractetl, and was again rewiorcd by tlie use of nn -ther bottle ; s!ie lin n took fonr b iiles more to strciiifthcti herbrtust, from which she tlefivcd thu most ilueiilt.il henelif, ami has been in the enjoyment of excellent heallh from (luit time to the pn sent. 'Hie nlcHP wtiitcmetit i oblainel frem Pr rnrsr'l. tlic Phyaieinn who nttciidwt her: nls her mother who thinks, that she would not be living nt this time if it had u t l-ceii for the ll.-se IVetoml. Unnville. J.ni ..-,, l.vj ttill fntn;hrr MnrZert Cine JJjfrrtrd. Mis. Samuel Sechler, bciut o( a n-itrircl weal; nad ileli caie ciiint itiKiOii, very rusceptible t roltls. was HI it-ted with n very severe cough, piiininul sorcueffs oj the i-reint, Ions vf appetite ; ader nsiii-i u iimuber of the usual reme dies from which, she derh cd n benefit, she v:n en red by taking me bHtle of 1 1 os.-' PiTtond a in I is in tlic ciijftyment cpf be'ter h'j d;h th in f t years pruviuus. Danville. 1-ec. 1 tf-:n. l)n. Ibt'Kt.Kv : Permit mc to inform yon ib.it my wife, who is n delicate mid weakly w -mau, lab--ring linder a very severe Couch wilh p-iin tmd itorencs of breast, was in ore quickly mid ciTeetually relieved with one lotile of y ur llosa Pectoral than ahy other mcilicmc she hail ever taken. AIIXI.H MMtlitUK. Jan. lw-li. Samm-I H.AVikkIs' Vim men. Kcil I'-int. STR-.jitt KVIUBNCK1X t'A'OR VY TUB HosK Pl.CToRAL AND I'AMlLV PlM.S. . John Fuhier taken Irftwceu Chrii-tmns nnd New Year with n very bail culd, which ended in n dry hard incessunt Couh, fattf-inp a great deal.nf pain when wr he ciMighctl, WHS relieved veryninrli; by the liuit; he had tuketi one third f n lit'e. nnd by the "lime it was fiid.hed, was ett tirely cured 1 Hemlsi s-.ys llutt he hns tnkeu several ilo?cs of Hie Ilcallh KestoDitivc or Vnuiilv Piili, ami (hat they urc the inildct und unal vilucLttal puiiraiives ho has ever taken. Pftm'ille, Jan 1, I-.VJ. Ih Htrm.KY TnriiHr a visit M my br ilhr, in Dan ville, I to k a veiy severe Cold, whieh cudeil in a, (JK'-t hinl t'onh, wiih is rcncss nnd pain of the breast, fur Which I u sc. I your Hore Pectoral, and Family Pills, mid take plintMire iu nt mimendiiiff them, ns the milde-t and m st L'ir-clii d remedy I have used. Yours, respect fudy. JAM KS MtiRHAN, Jan. Stt, 1sVi. AV'littsn ilaveii. I.uzohio ci. Dear Sir : As n recomiiK ndulntu, (v your It one I'ec lo rd, permilmeto s.iy, th-it wafc i-trechiatly en ml of a very severe c imh wilh pton w tlic brcst, with less lhan hall ' a b dlle, mi l that 1 eonnnlci it invaluable. V oil nre at bberlv t m ike t li ptil'iie if von please. .If MIX HPKrtlllXC (tli -ccr.) Danville. Pu. Ty son Wiliinm taborintr under a serr4 conyh mid pain in his side, fioui nn injury received by n fnM. was ciiiiely relieved by a bt'lle f 11, w Pectoral A: Cream of Cam. riior. I have it!ri ustl yonr Fnindy Pills, nml alt -pet her c insider lliein the best uiedccmcs I have eer used. ' J . JdAX (IVKKDOKF; ffi Jnn. 1C.VJ." Rush Tp., XorthM to. Dr. Hickley : Sir: As mv wify who was in ml led wilh dry, hard Couth, nls t s air Stinuneh, depcudeul upon del-Wiry, similar to Dispepsia. was entirely relieved by iiftni two botth-s of your liose Pectoral, penr.il uia to sity thut I e oiisitlri it mi e.n-e lent remedy. Vutus. respeetfidly, II ev Mr. Wfl.r.AHD. . Pastor isiitheran Church, Duuville. Pa. Jlnviuar been cured of a pain in my ni in (similar to iOiru in ilixui) whieh deprived me nf the I'rue use of it foru! ut four months, fly u-iiuj one b ittle of Cream of t'miiph r I w u!i! state that I c nsider it thu best remedy of the kind I h u e ever used in my family, and I woiud freely reeoinin-ud it to others with similar nlb'eii"iis. Yours, respectfully, .H'A$ WOl.F. . t Itiifdi tp., Noitli'il ei. M"y wife bcinff clliicted with n veiy sevnie pain in her nrui and sli aider (the cliVi-t x of e -1,1) which disabled her from iisiusr ji, w;i cured wiih rubbing tf Cream of Lum pier Mrs. Kitlin, my mster-iutlawt wasal.v rurt-tt of a severe pa iu in the h- -id and f ice bv iif;i:j; the Cri-am of t:aiaphor TIItJAf Art C. KUl.tS, Danville. Jan. 'i'J, 'oii. My wife m' H!c-iinnf i.-m of the ami for mn-il-t r of ytMrs. winch prevented her from union it iu d niiL' her woiis j uUr byvi.iif spent u tfmti ilal oi iit"tiey in irumf ibirt-rcnt le.ii' lify- vitil n i bcneiii, was vulire.y t'lirtd ).y Uifitr-r nnlv one b ii-le f vui' Crea:n of ( '.i:ti"i. . r. Wlld.l M KVKXi. Min .r. foi S. It. WivkI, I!. Point. Dr. Iliiikb-v ; Havirjr nx-'i' cd a vcj wvere injury in my fti'le bv Tilling "iT i l.ijd -f hay, from' which 1 W.i u.ci l.e to follow uty W'l'k, wis i'e lunt-'i.U .1 I i liy :i Ii ii!l uf Cream of Cain; h -r, wbi -h :'il" .i-l-l i-iuiie,h relief. ' (HllfVlTl! C AllJi. I!mh tp., Xor'h'd .o. My will, su rin from id ( c.:i iR'tuliiif . pain, throiiiihiinr ,i general syMeiu, which prevented her fmm ti"- in (being cceyrioucil l a i- Uii Und itftAiufleii spill i i lyiclvneK ;) f.ir wMcti s' e vm-i a number of remedies wit'toiii ln-iitiitj wuh entirely lelu-ved bv the use i Cieatu uf cnnipiior. m:c u m.uwx. Puipoon Uentisi, Diiiiville, pn. Child cured of Jbuvc! CompLdui. nnd A-.Mie (of two yers at-uidiujj.) by Worm Syrup. My child be.intf uiiiieied I 4 the lar-t two years, with It wiaI Cniiifslajm and Ague nut il it was reduced b a nn re skeleton, I tiiei.1 a uuiolx r of rciuctlics wiih no permanent betietit. until I f-avn U u h itile of ymir AVonn Syrup, since which time il his bueu well, und uH unite Ib'shv. I nlso nva ree-ainnejuh-tl it t u uumlitr 4)1 uiy friends, und iu cveiy ense it h;-s ffivn K;i,in''iieiion. ' K. f.KVl. , " At lmis I.HIUH (Merchant.! DHnville. I have used your Worm Syrup iu my fauuly, and con. shier it 't only ettVcUul, bui tite uiosjt plcusant article J am iic.jtiaiulcd with. ' J A roil 1.AS11V.I.S. Danville. ll.'tviur-r uted your Wotm Syrup in my family, it helps my children mare thy a uuy piepurolion v( Uie Wind, nml u uurc pleasant to take. DA' MHi(i., , M'tiit'tii How. Dituviltt. ' 1 have had oceasi-ni t'J use your Worm fcrup m my (umiiy, and prefer it to nny Vci mifuie 1 have uji d. FKI.rV RPH, 1 -t-ty Valley, M nt- urcr Dr. lliekh-y; Hiving used ynr wtnui Sviup, nnd Cream of Cuuiph. r iinri Fumdy Pills in my Inniily, (hey .ynve k h1 s'lti.'-fiiciiiui, inn) 1 uouhidcr ilu in the most ,.f fetJlualj a..d pleasinf reiu-'lies. we have had in our faiuijv . ' JOUH THAN It. HISilKI,, lnv.lle.' "T Deir Sir: Uiu uu ha stoned Iwiiikf iu the employ of Mesnrs. (Troves A Cnuly, ut whose store, fou have an Airetay forthe s-de of your Family Medinnes, state that we ha vy hail tm -ipoiltmit v of knowing the opbiiomi h numerous iuuivhltnils who have m,fjl them, ami that ihy aive freueral itiMacti m. We have .Id a' ireiU iiumv of your Pills, which aie uiiiveru-dly liked, heititr verv iniM in MioirnpcnukUi. W. I.KISK(u, IJllllVUle Alien, w At. iu:pj.i:it, )l;u i, ir !-,-arvy nf my in 'nth verv Iml. 1 wu indnerd lo Iry n h-mle of yiHir'fimlh Vi. vvhieluieleit like a c-liurm hardttning iuy guins. un.t remoi-ii- nit diwase. 1 JONATHAN li. Itl-illia., Daiivilto Birkley:Hivin( wltil was callcl ulcerated .ore, m silh, f ir which, I Hied a niiinhrr m' remedies wilh no henehl ! I va a! last cured l,y usini; cmo b.Jllo of your T mi h wash. ,My wiie uU i during her c uiiineinuut, uu. threaleiieil wuh e. Ilrea-li. luin; b ix'mj alMidv funned lor which she used Ihe l!ieunl ol C'nmnhor, wtiii fl seuller ft tlicin, thereby prevenliug ker liruiws frsu iralheriiiir , , , l'i: A. bROWS.' Near Lutheran rlrirell, llauville. Pu. Dr. Hu-kley lluviiiir i i viaioiluuity ( ,-ein .iur Alitl-Seorhulie To ilh Wa-Ji u:d iu touiu very K-yei ea ' of seurvev of the sains. 1 cnnnderit mi ex.-rllnt reuio. oy i . Yours, resjuH tfully, . tilio. H, KHdVVN. Tile sl ive liilieiues ars fin sale Wholc-ib) and llo tuil by W M. nif'Kt.KV. M. I), Pniivietor, Duuville AlsoFor rile by the follovt-ins Aen!s in Norlhionber. land eouolr. Vrilnu; 4; tiriuil, Hunburv ; Vf A. Kaubli, Aucinlai V . t iuuiw, Hnyilertuwu j T.uiiiiot, Furuuiu A llsruin, pminos ; Finsiine A Slioine, piuin...; John Vunznnt, l'a.viH'f ilin-h Vastuie, I'.xinc ; Amrfirrmsn, Hoswi sc ( , Htuuunkit ; Mia J . 'J'hoinnar Miiiniiikia ; Wui. Faitel)! SlMin kin: Cuiupbell a line, Ahimu Biiouel A. Ileritiitreiiser, lVlembtns ; Jiuvtb l.ei.euriuu', Hear Gap ! Osirud Wenck, Norlbunilierlsiid ; Jereausli I'tisiw. kMiiuft'ovst JiMiiUi linker, tjewnaiurg Jobs . Cuslawsiul JunalUnn JCelUirs, Aiiluui. Osll on th Asents, and fet a eireutnr sontaiiiini a nitl deicriaioa ia Ui numerous eures perf.UH4 by ths difter Mt -Metiijief. . 14 j .' , ...v.i . '. '- Juus II, laSS lv. . -V v ' ' i . ;maid and comfort, ; r f lloVotir (Inn Itleclinnics. ! (iKQHGE JJENN. .;:r ; j ,' f -i ' MANUFOTrRElt, OF f,,, FURNITURE AND' CHAIRS Of the most Fashionable Style'. ( T1IT3 siiliscriber respectfully calls tho attention , . . of tlie public to his larrre and splendid assort ment of every quality and price of ,'. wi f . ;"" -Altl!'CT-VA ItH.' ';';; wlilcfi cannot full to rciommend itsolf loeve.ry one who will, examine it, on aeeouut nf its Uurulde woiknuinshii nnd splendid finish, made up of the best stock to be had hi, the city, r No effort ia spnrcd in the manufacture of his .waro, and, tlis snhecriher is determined to keep .up with the nliiiiy huproveinunts, which arc constantly licing nndc-r-llis stock consists of Muhogany ,. . Sufut, IUvhiis tlll.l IOllllgCII, Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards, SDI'A, BREAKFAST- AND DIMM TABLES,': and also VENETIAN' UUXUS,. einia).. to rhilu ' ' j delphia liianufoctuie. . , !, ., - UF.DSTE.t)S, of every pattern and price, : CUPBOARDS, WORK AND CANDLE STANDS, TOII.KT TAW.RS-AND EXTENSION TABLES. . . 1 .-r In short, every article in this line of his-liusiiiess. He also manufactures all kinds and qualities of "i:v.;,.:ciiATiK.v:,.;; includinir Tnrietica never Itefore to W n"d ir 'i yunbtiry, such ns M a mm m, Dla'ck VAtT ! ax Oviir.itii Maplr (inm-n-; Atti Wixnsoii CHAIRS, A-rn rivrr l'inn S-ronr.s, which are of the lutest alylen, and warranted to he excelled by none inahuliietitred in the Cities or elsewhere. The subscriber is determined that there shall be no excuse for persons to purchase furniture in the cities, ns every confidence can be entertained about the ipjiility nnd finish of his ware and Chair. - Ilia articles will li disposed of on as (rood terms as they can be purchased elsewhere. Coun try l'roditee tnken in pnvnicnt foT work. - I'sf- CNLiKRTAKINO Havinir provided i hinisolf with a hniiilsoine Hkaiisk, lie is now 1 prepared for Cndcrtukinjj, and atlciidina; fuuer ) als, in this vicinity, or at any convenient dis ; tunco ftom this place, . ' . ... i YiT 'J'ho AViirc Room is in Mitrket Street, below i lioiiipson 'felD! and Weavers I nvrrn. i.... . v ; . tiKOKOIS KENiN. Simlmry, Jan. 10, 1854 tf. , . ! 500 Agents Wnnled. . $1000 a Year. TTTANTEI) in cery county of the United J States, active nnd enter luisiinjr men, to en- Riifre in the sulo of some of the best Books, pub lisiied in the country. To men of good address, iosscssina; a sm ill cnpitiil of Ironi V'i-i to 4100, ' such imlucciiicnla will bo oll'ered us to cnahlo , them to uiuke from Sij to 10 a day profit. . IS. The Hooks published by us uro all useful in their character, extremely popular and com mand largo sates wherever they are otl'crcd. For further particulars, address, (posture paid,) I.RAKy &. larrz, ' No. 1.14 North Second Street, Philadelphia. ; I'ubliliers of subscription Hooks, i l'hiiii., An?. SO Is"):. 5m Drugs, Taints, Oil, Window i! Class, etc. fr fSSfgjgb ft 'I oss French zinc white. YkS""7 10 t01is r'a White Lead. , fipbft 5000 Ilexes Window (ilass.all sizes. Sii,erior Potash, Copal, Conch .Leath er A Iron varnish, white Demur varnish for China Gloss, with ntretirral assortment of fresh and pure : DUUUS AND MEDICINES. Also uR the Patent McdieiuRS in general use, warranted genuine. , Colored and Eiuuulcd Class, iVc, &.C., for sale vorjr "low ut A lf u f. n avii.t n e ur; n r's l)ru- nnd Pniht ttoio, No. lfi'J N. 2nd Street, PHILADELPHIA. .. : , . :, r : .' Physicians nnd lorekeepors supplied floods sent to any of the Hotels or Depots free of charge. Phila., Slav Sift, 185J. ly. ; CHEAP WATCHES, JEW2LRY AND ! lll.Vlilt WAlUl, Wliolesnle mul llollil n! .No. N. I -J SKrtl.NU M., ojisiu.' tlw Alt. Vernon II aine, l.oLI , l.evrr Wiilchr... lull ji-vekil. IS li. cus,-, SJ.-.1XI ; Silver t.evcrs, flltl jewelt. r!i.'.(K!; Hilver l..-! ut-H. jeweltl. S!l, 00 u II WiiinniN ct to ki'i-p !!oo,l time. UoJt Pens nml Sll .itM'ijii.. (-1,0(1; liolit Pencils, jSI.UIlj liolu lVnrils lout ' Vcn Vufrn with goiw! Goltl IVnta, low as fict.do. Ac. i Also, always on liand a g-xxt tisruirllileiil ol' line oi .tt-welry, liold Cnrh. liuiiil unit Foil (.'limns, Uolil Vest j (.-liniiis, I,IMR.S, (iol,l J--oh Cliiiiiismid Jie.lt l'iufl. I t-ilver 'J'.-ihle Spoons fr 11 to SIS. Dessert, 8fl Is !-JI,aud 'I'e.-i, I,T. to rt."KI per sel, wnrriinted eijunl to j eoin. All co.mU wiiriitntet! to l- wlmt lliejr are sold I'or, ic nicin-s mm jewelry repniretl unil wamnileu. I't-.Atlorde-rs sent by limit or otherwise, will be pulle tlially iilteiided to. M. AVIf-K, Adcnt, No. '-2 Norili SF.CO.NUSUeet, opinsiie the .Ml. Vernon House. ... I'hiln., April U:l, If.',:). ly. . . A VALUABLE HOUSE And Three Acres ol' (j round FOR GALS. r3HE subscriber uffers at private sale, his house r-L and three iKres of ground, on the river Uank within tho limits nt the Koroueli of Suuhurv. now in the occupancy of John Khis4er and ori I i'lly owned by Ciias. Uussles whilo engaged ill uoai iniuiiiuo;, l lie liiiprovcmeuU aio a . TV0 STORY FBAME HOUSE, I . . Jl'it a Well vf icood U'utcr, ud a sood frame "table. There nre a number of excellent fruit trees on the premises. The prop erty is handsomely locatrd and will be sold ut a reasonable price nnd possession given in April next. Apply to Ceo- C. Wclkcr, Esip, if Sun bury, or to the siiliscriber nt Sclinsirrove. PETER KERLIN. July 23, IS5I1 tf. 1 WM. II'CAPiTY, Bookseller, OESPECTFULLY informs Ihe inhabitants ol town and country, that ho lias lately rurei veil from Philadelphia, a large addition to his slock of IWvS, in every brunch of I.iteruture, and in a 'reat variety of Binding. Please call and sre them. Sunbury, Sept. 17, 1853. Stone Cutters and ..Laborers WANTED! OTONE culleia and laborers can have steady k-' employ and a wiuleis job, (and not work in the water,) at the Union and Huequelianna l)rida.a at Chapman, Union county, Pa.',' midway be tween Liverpool and Northumberland. To la borers ijf 1,23 per dav will be piven. LELSENRINO 6x FISHER. , Chapman, Sept. 17, 1S53. tf. ' .: . BLANKS. -; v.; WttLANKS of every ileseriptiou can Jue had. Vy Hjf ap Jjlinr at theorliee of the American. ' ' R. H. H. Hl(M!EF.'si reme.lv for roo'ol,.. Colds, anil hilliiionnrv itS.fln A siiimlv nf . ( ' r j I I ; this valuable medicine just received and lor sale hy . If. 13. MASSER, ftunbary, June 4. 1853. . , , .. j i ; (. ARNOLD'S WRITING FLUID and Adhe sive and legul envelopes, for snlo by ' ' - -- IL U. MASSER.' $uuburytJao 10. 188 . , i . . . , 1, ', .,.,:,...!, .i , . IOK sale at tbis ollica, Hupsrior Black Ink, C atlla Me-iiciu at 25 cts, Purs Essence of Oincer. 85 tent ( . - - ILVEU WATCHES.A few double casa Euglish bilver Watches, fur sals at -wry luw pric4-s by - H. B. MASHER. , Suubury, April 13, 151 IlILLS.-Juslices and Constables Fes ; Dills handsomely printed oncaitf paper for sals at this vtlic, , ;;'. A CALL TO H0USEKEEPEES :, At llio CnMnct Ware Itwom of ' SEirx notirT k co. i ,,. . r. in Market Square,?',' "t ' Also at the tornefof Fnimi Vrvei 4- f he Itaiiroitd I SUNBURY. PA. ' ' "- ,;..,!; ''lit h Thankful for the pfllrrmnirb ol his friend and customers during the 17 year h has hrn Id liflsl ness In this plaeo, ha solicits from the public a eon tinusnee of their favors. Diiritio; tliin- period he has endeavored to keep up with the improvements of the day, and has accordingly extended his busi ness in every branch and varietyii Tlis public are therefore invited to the attention1 of the present stock of . ,!', A V !.' I i.l'.i : .V CADINPr WAItK AND CflAins, SEBASTIAN H0UPT & CO. t ol'At the Old Hldmf, Where in addition ti their, former, stock of tin Mtablisliniciil they now manufacture) , u .n ' Mahogany,' Walnut & Caiie-Seat Chairs, i barge Spring Seat Rocking Cirtinr,' 1 Dressing Jlureiltlr, V&nire Tnlilr.i, j , i ; Marble Top IVush Stunt, ' '' ' ' i i i - - and n virncty of olker "';' ;' : - Mho sty) fund ',';;;.,' ' Fa.Itioi.ablc l'Or-istnrt'c. ! Having secured a Hearse and tiiado Iris neces sary arrangements for the purpose, they are now prepared for Undertaking; in ixll its.iiranclies, in this vicinity or nt any convtMiient distance. , . Ye inniits htid intftlrcsmT.'.. ink tm-lmiul" loo, ' i? Here's ftirnirure of every style Hint line, '( v . . , Fnim siilt! bonnts itneii t'i ttu-lifii Ui1tcs, From rocfcinir etnirs to MrMi-.ir critics . . Phniitd yon nof tiive ihe renily -Toun U pnr, We'll wait awliilii for a briiilifer l.ettor u:iy, ' tlr take poiatoes, onts, coin, wtu-rtt jiiftt rj-e'j , Hmk, li'Wfl polrs, stnVes, or lumber wi-t and dry, Or nny thing 1ml yokes ami threshing fliiils,' From pips nml turkir-s ilova to Mills quails. Come nn ttien frienil, come rinenuil alt, Keep tnule a mm uig, fci ,"gois on lit. Uuli." ts?" Onlers from a instance prtvmptlv attended to and work, of all kinds delivered wilh dispatch. Sunbury Murch 9, 1850 If, i t WATCHES, JEWELItY,-&c. JA3IKS 15. Fl DLK j.Vo. 12 Smith Second Sli ce', riiltADBLCKSA. (iold Lever Watclirs fit 1 1 jcWrlled Silver Lever do . Silver Lepine ' ' do " Qiiurtier - ; do i Cold pens and pencil mid silver hnlders Silver Tea mid Tabje. Spoons , ,.; ;,.,'t UriKelets. Hreast pins Ear linua All warranted and sold at prices as low as any in the eny. -, . - -. , ., November 127. 1S52 tf. .,000 Men Wanted. .... the line of the SUSQUEHANNA RAIL- ROAD between lirhluoport (opposite Ilnr rislnire;) and Sunbury, iu the Stale of Pennsylva nia. This road is titty four miles in Uiuo-th' runs throuuh a hiihlv improved country, and will furnish employment for stono masons, carpenters and laborers for the next twelve months. A lari;o portion of the line, is heavy rock excavation, laborers that are fiimilinr will therefore find eer tain employment and liberal wup.es. , DOU0HERTV, LAUMAN & CO., Contractors. February 10, 1P53. Uoseiulale Hydraulic Cement. A N excellent article for lining Cisterns, Vaults, Sprin; bouses and Cellars, and for keepiiio, damiuess from wet and exposed walls. , ' For sale bv ... CH ARLES SIIEPARD SMITH, of, nnd successor to, the late linn of Evi Smith oV Sou. ' " N. E. Corner of Front nnd Willow street Railroad. - - ' Philadelphia, Feb. 10, 1 8.'n. ly. ZsOTJCb. NOTICE is hereby given, that npjiliratiou will le made to the next Lrgi'laturc of Pennsylvania, for the incorporation of a company, with discouiiliim privileges,' to be located in tlie borough of Siinbiiry, in the county of Nortliuin berland, with a capital of One hundred thousand dollars, to he called the "ifns iiichnniia Sutiiigt' j butt'titte." .... I Sunbury, June 25, I !.i.t. fun. I.' mm Holby Horse?, ChiMra.'s FropEllors,. Gigs. Coaches;: Barouches,- &o. , Miuiiifaclured wholesale and retail by No. 64 DUCK -Strut, . - , I'Liladelphid.- ' Orders through the mail promptly executed Phila., April y, ls53.-e-lv. : '. , XOTKMC. T0T1CE is hereby given that nn application - will Ik made, at the next regular session of Uie Legislature, to charier a company for bank ing and discountim purposes, with n capital of two hundred thousand dollars, w ith tho privi lege of extending it to four hundred thousand dollars, to bo located in the borough of Sunbury, Noilhumlierland county,' Pa-, and to ha called ''I'iik M in tits' Hank ur Scs s rur,1 - July 8, 1853. fiui. : Lahorers Wanted. 'IHIE subscribers want ..immediately pu tho - Railroad and Il v-in, at Chapman, Union county, seven miles below Selinsgrove, from 50 TO 100 I. ADORERS, to whom one dollnr per dav will pe paid, BAVIIK7E. WJI'.V EATON & CO, Chapman, Union County, Feb. 19,1853 tf. rB"1HE above reward will be paid for informa fl. tion that will lead to the discovery and conviction of the person or persons wlw were iruilty nf mil.,.. !,. ..-,! l,ov. ol llie rassenaer and coal cars of the Philadelphia and Sunbury Railroad, wilh sand and dirt. ' ' . - D. I.ONfiENECKER, Prest. Sunbury, Auj. 87. l..3. 1 BLANK Parchment Paper Deeds and blank Mortirages, llonds, Executions, Summons &c.t for sale by II. Id. MASSER. , Sunbury Aurr 20. 18M. , - ANN'S LETTER hKESSJiS. with books, ink. and all conilto, just -i, and lor l. by ... ' . Al.-- t Bunbury, Juns 4, 1853. : .1 . i -' HA IN PUMPS.-' A .small numlier of these excellent pumps Have ueea reccucu sou are Offered for sals by. . t , , SMITH'S ESSENCE ur M.wum, UER, fresh supply just iccviiied, ansi for sal by , ' - ' ftrlimiJ Buubury, Jan. iu, m... -,j ; A. -4saUsW-- UANK.'NOTE TAULE Jt ; PENNSYLVANIA. ! CITT fit I'ltlf.AftBl.tilllA ' MAfSACA;SETT9. AU solveiil brinks 1 dis tT. H. Hnnk iifiti Jfl (tli IIHDDK ISLAND. AN olVeiit baukM . ' i pai All solvent Imtiks dis CONNIKJTICLT. ; t.nnk r-rChnirtlsr-rflMirf 1 di Itnnk otTlicRter Co, ; f"ir All Solvent laiitk - i dis NKW YORK. ,: ' riTT. .. . , i-ihiik ot Dci.;n. cticittcr pur Ibinlr of OcrmnntnwH jt-ftf It rink nf HfTttvntmra: ' ' 1 ilis Hank ttf Isewintown , Hunk of Middletnwn ! Mn Mdnlfrnpft Cw Hrmk ' pur Hunk nf Nu'rtbumborl'nd. pm Inuk nf PiMftburg . 1 dii lank of Dnnvtllts ' narl Alt solvent bunks ' ' I di I3T11I1 notes smler t8 dis I . COV.fTRT. :.' !; . All solvents banks Id is N'KVv JMItSEV. TlelvKtere Hank l- I disi Coiiuneteinl Itnulr - j di Curlisle Ifenk 1 dis'F. ft M.. Middletown PI. fmf r' fftlmtUwa ll lr M. It'-i. T' H,.rl1..r1iiMii.si' Illkf Moumrlt nut T r ar. Hunk niont iiony jmr Dovelttnwn Hunk narlMeclt. lik of HurlinaUm par Kas-trm Hnnk J ' wir IMef h. ft Mnn. Bk Treuk par di -dis ! dis Kri Hnnk g dig Morrit Co Honk ' Kxchmijre B'kPittsbitr; I di Newark Hk'gftlnt.Co Kxehiiujre H'k. Hrnttcb 1 riisjOiaiiv Bank rnrmera' B'k, Bnekr-Co pnrlHeinile'i Hk PatreriOU Firmeri' Hk, lrfinrn)ter prrHrinceb.ii Hank rarmer' Hk, r?efMiinir par tulein Usnkiiig Co, ., . Fnrm. Hk Sehuytlrifl 'Co pnrjemerret Co Hnnk F t- I). Ilk Vnvllell'ff liilis flute Hiuik si Cninden Franklin Uk. H'usli'ii IJdis Slate Hk Fliwiliethton (Inrri-hilrir Hunk 1 dis Stute Hunk Newark par par i dis . par I 11 tt I dis Hrmrsdulc Hnnk ! 1 dis'Piate Hk. -X. Riunawiek n Ijincn-ter Hunk par,Snses Iinnk. Newton j di l.elianuit Wfink 1 . i pur Trenton Hnukins Co par Mrreh. A Mnn. Hunk . 1 dil Miners' H'k. I'oftsrills per Al'minignbelo Hnnk t dis Tnylnrsv'a DrIH'kCo 15 ilis 'est Itrnneh Hunk par Tnion Hnnk. Dorer- - , f dis Ynnllevv'le AUrt Or Co t.Wis ryilk noies under SS J di IJI'.I.A Allb, . Hank of felnware . pnr Hank of Smyrna ' ' par ' Helnwars City Hunk - par ; Hk Wilnig'n A Drandyw. par Farmers' Hk Si Delaware par Union Runk, Wilmington par ; CT Under Ws . . i dis ; , OHIO. All solvent hanks ' t dis , nrnk notes muter S's A dis NOHTII CAH01JNA. At! aolvenl lianks dis i yominjr lis, Wllkeili'e par York Hunk, . , dis LVKelief notes 1 dis MA INK.'' tlriukof Whetlnek Sdis Mereniitile tlk. Hangor 1(1 dis iin -'.ivent nniiKB J dl NKW ItAMfSIIlRII. All solvent Imiiks 1 di VKH.MONT. tlTiiiknf St Albans 2 ilis All solvent l-mks disrT"t:nHerS,s, (J dis - : Tkemkndous Excitement ! .' Cash, "Steam, lilcclricity ! ! The Aerial and all other lines out-done by tht IJftiilntnpr f.lne of, TPvA T. CLEjMENT. w 7HO, having (Trent faith in rapid sales slid smnll profits, hns just received ano opened a liirco assortment of '' '' ' SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. :' At his Store in JIar.tot Street, Sunbury, which . he oilers to tho public nt the lowest prices, v Ilis stmj; consists of a general assortment o , J)py (loods, yiz : Cloth. Cntsimers, Cassinets", Jeans, ' Drillings, Muslins, Linens, Calicoes, Muslin d Luins, Latnif. Ginghams, Btmg.s. '' "; - Sti.K Hats. " ; A large assortment of Roots and Shoes, for Men, Women and Children.' j iTsi'ororlcH, ' , Sugar, IVa, CofTep, -Muld'ssrs, Chfogo, Spi-' -: ci', Fish Salt, Plaster. ' 1 " . HARDWARE, Viz : Iron and Steel, Nails, Files, Saws, Ac. QUEENS WARE, Tea Setts, Plates, Dishes, Cups, Saucers. Ire LIQUORS, Wine. Brandy, Uiu, Bum, Whiskey, &e. IV Country produco of all kinds taken in ex change at the highest inaiket prices. Jan. 15, le453. lv. iMK'ron Yoi;asi;rr! THE POCKET AESCULAPIUS : OH, "EVIiltY ONE IltS OW.V rilYSlCIAN. ' 11!E EORTIETH Edi- lion, with Ono Hundred Engravings, showing Dis. eases and Mulfuriuations of 1 ?- i?,'' '.-JV M tl'e Human System in every i l3 hnV and fori ' 'AU IpS is u.l.leil a V 'J'o wliich realise on the Diseases of Females, being of ihe liiyliest iuiportancs to married people, or thoso contenipliiting marriage. . I"S Or VI in. Votiiiff Let no father be ashamed to present a copy a lite -ESCULAl'ILS to his .child. It may save , him from nn early irravc. Let no young man or woman enter into tlic secret obligations of mar ried life without reading the POCKET -iiSCU LAPIL'S. Let no one suffering from huekniep Cough, Pain in the Side, restless nights, nervous . feelings, mid the whole train of Dyspeptic sensu tions, and nivcii up by their physician, be another moment without coiisnltiiii; the .ESCULAPIU8. Have the married, or those about to lie married any impediment, read this truly useful book, as it has been the means of saving thousunds of un fortunate creatures from the very juws of death. tV Any person sondiiifi T ENTV-FIVE CENTS, em-losed in a letier will receive one copy of this book, hy mail, Or five copies will bs sent fur one dollar. Address. Da. W. VOCNti No. 152 SPRUCE Street, PHILADELPHIA,"' Post paid. , . . June 18, 1853 ly. DlKKoliiUoii of I'.irlnomlilp. fl'tHE Copartnership heretofore existing under 1. the name of James H. & Wm. 15, Hart, ia this day dissolved by the withdrawel of William R. Hart. The business of tho late firm will bs settled by cither of the undersigned, at No. 239, North 3d street. JAMES H. HART, WILLIAM H. HARP, THOMAS HART. Philadelphia, Jan. I, 1853. - The undersigned, have this day formed a ee partnershipand will rontinue the business tmde thc nameof James H. A Thomas Hart. Thank ful for past favor, tbey respectfully ask -the atr tentiou uf their friends and Ihe public to their stock of OROCER1ES, which will be lull and extensive, and which they w ill sell at the lowest market rates. JAMES II. HART, THOMAS II ART, Philadelphia, Jan. I, 1S33 JS, tt. illOI'O "'VV UuotUll WILLI A 31 A. KNOHO, 1JES.PECTFULLY iaforms lis friends 'snd the iublio generally, that he has just received and opened a laiire and splendid slock of TALL AND WINTER GOODS, at his Store in Lower Augusta township. His stock consists of every variety of - Dry Goods, yiz: Cloths, Cassimtrs, Snttinctti, Vestings, FUn nets, Muslin, e. A splendid stock of LADIES DRESS AND FANCY GOODS, . . Such as SiUs, Berag-s, De Laines, Mtrinoes, Lawns, Giii'iams, Calicoes, fyc. BOOTS AND SHOES, A fins assortment for Men, Women A. Children. A large assortment of OKOCtKRl liS, SUCH AS Sugar, CofTee, Tea, Molasses, Spices, &C. . Hardware and Queeusware. . Fisli, Salt and Isiquors. SUCH AS Ciu, Brandy, Bum and Whiskey, Desides the lamest and most general assort ment of all kind of Coods to be had in the eountrr. ' All Ihe above mentioned goods will bs sold at such reduced prices ss they can not bs got for elsewhere. . ' '- t .. Country produce of all kinds taken in txctiang at lb niphest market prices. ' - - . Augusta tsrsp., July a, 1853 6m, '- '' v GOLD PEN with and without casss, of " very surmior (jualitr, just received. 1 -:- ' - Also a fresh supply of Writinjf Fluid, for sat T by' - ' U. R. MA88ER. 1 ' fiinhury, Dec. 97, 1851. ' ' - . i'-.'. I I Latent bkittania btoppekh m1 , ls bottles for sals bjr ,; i ' . II-a MAw3Ea, .--. I n 'uiibury, April. 15, JtSI "! - ., .n i ts : . c "-e-.